Meet the sector relationship managers

e-newsletter of quality assurance of tertiary education
June 2011
Meet the sector
reviews underway
New contact
details? Remember
TEO Online
QAD on the web
Meet the sector relationship managers
Back row left to right: Andre Colbert, Gill McLean, Kim Crosland, Kolose Lagavale
and Leigh Milmine
Front row left to right: Joshua Phillips, Kris Dahl (Team Leader), Raewyn Te Tau,
Bev Mitchell, Seini Nai and Tim Fowler (Deputy Chief Executive, Quality Assurance)
QAD Website
Contact Us
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Course approvals
Student fee protection
0800 697 296
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The nine sector relationship managers (SRMs) within the Quality Assurance
Division are dedicated to providing tailored support to tertiary education
organisations across New Zealand.
They have been getting in touch with PTEs to gauge support for workshops
to be held on selected topics over the next couple of months.
The SRM role is to provide timely, quality information and support to TEOs
Continued on page 2
eQuate is the newsletter from the Quality Assurance Division (QAD) of the New Zealand
Qualifications Authority. QAD is responsible for quality assurance of private training
establishments (PTEs), government training establishments (GTEs, wānanga and institutes
of technology and polytechnics (ITPs).
Continued from page 1
on a variety of subjects ranging from registration, accreditation, evaluation, self-assessment, to
review of qualifications, financial returns and other across-NZQA business.
Contact details for the SRMs, as well as a map showing geographical areas of responsibility, can
be found on the Sector Relationship Management web page:
Qualifications reviews underway
Reviews of 524 certificate and diploma-level qualifications in seven sectors are now underway.
Close to another 600 will be triggered before the end of 2011.
The sectors include food and hospitality, English for Speakers of Other Languages, pharmacy,
drilling, religious studies, hairdressing and energy and chemical plant.
Qualifications are being reviewed in clusters of similar qualifications to enable qualification
developers to take a strategic look at the workforce requirements of their sector or industry and
the qualifications required to meet those needs.
The 2011 Qualifications Review Schedule is available on the NZQA website, along with
provisional schedules for reviews over 2012-2014.
Christchurch update
In early June, 111 of the 123 PTEs closed as a result of the Christchurch earthquake had reopened.
Three PTEs were intending to close before the earthquake, and two more do not intend to re-open
in Christchurch. So it is not expected that all 123 PTEs will re-open in the long-term.
Of the seven remaining PTEs (Cathedral City Academy, English Express, Garden City English
School, In Education Limited, King’s Education Limited, Natcoll Design Technology, and New
Zealand Language Centres Limited), at least one (Natcoll Design Technology) is expected to reopen by the end of the year.
All Christchurch polytechnics and institutes of technology are now open for business. Te
Wānanga o Aotearoa remains closed until further notice.
See Christchurch earthquake campus information for more details.
New contact details? Remember TEO Online
Next time your organisation changes a key contact person, phone, email etc, remember to update
the details on your dedicated web page at NZQA’s TEO Online Services.
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Login (needs user ID) can be found at:
To apply for user ID, register at:
TEO Online Services also enables you to upload documents such as accountant attestations and
annual returns, and make applications for accreditation, courses, significant changes etc.
QAD on the web
Listing qualifications on the NZQF
Guidelines for listing qualifications on the NZQF and qualification applications information have
been updated.
Reviews of qualifications
A questions and answers page on qualifications reviews has been added to the NZQA website.
The page contains background information and tips on getting the best out of the review process.
Student Fee Protection
PTEs with a 31 March financial year-end and that do not have a Student Fee Protection
exemption to use trust accounts or bank bonds need to have their audit documents submitted to
NZQA by 5 August 2011 (90 working days from the financial year-end).
For Public Trust clients, the auditor completes the document: Trust Deed Audit Opinion – PTE.
For PTEs that use an accountant or lawyer as their trustee, the auditor completes both documents:
Trust Deed Audit Opinion – PTE and Trust Deed Audit Opinion – Trustee.
Any queries, contact Vaughan Oates, 04 463 3260,, or Stuart
Plester, 04 463 4241,, or call free phone 0800 697 296
Incentives and sanctions
Guidance Information on the recently finalised incentives and sanctions package has been
published on the NZQA website. The package of measures is designed to reward high-quality
organisations and apply sanctions to poorer performers. The package became affective from April
2011 for PTEs, institutes of technology and polytechnics, wānanga and government training
Qualification level descriptors
New level descriptors and qualification type definitions are available for the ten-level New
Zealand Qualifications Framework. The new definitions and descriptors are contained in an
updated version of Requirements for listing and maintaining qualifications on the NZQF.
People wanting to develop new qualifications should first check the Qualifications Review
Schedule to see when qualifications in that field are being reviewed.
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