Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements CHEM-1411-86007 General Chemistry I (Lec/Lab) Instructor: Dollar, David Office: SE ESEE 2308A Phone: 817-515-3374 E-mail: david.dollar@my.tccd.edu Term: Fall 2016 Last Day to Drop: 11/17/16 Office Hours Day Start End Mon 09:10 AM 11:40 AM Wed 09:10 AM 11:40 AM Thu 01:25 PM 05:25 PM Fri 07:25 AM 08:25 AM Start End Start End Tue Sat Sun Comments: Fall 2016 District Course Requirements Books Student Accessibility Resources Any student with a documented disability needing academic accommodations is required to contact the Student Accessibility Resources (SAR) Office located on each campus to schedule an appointment with the Coordinator of SAR. All discussions are confidential. Because SAR accommodations may require early planning and are not provided retroactively, students are encouraged to contact SAR as early in the semester as possible. SAR is responsible for approving and coordinating all disability-related services. TCC professors will honor requests for accommodation when they are issued by SAR. Text(s): Lecture: This course will be using an open source textbook from OpenStax College that is free of charge. This textbook will be made available in the course shell and is also available at https://openstaxcollege.org/textbooks/chemistry. A hard copy of the textbook can be ordered from www.amazon.com. Laboratory: Segal, Ranjana. (2012). Chemistry lab manual I. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 9781269232470) Purchase from SE Campus Bookstore ONLY! Special Materials: Scientific calculator with scientific notation but NO GRAPHING capabilities and Safety Goggles (mandatory) for laboratory. Page 1 of 5 Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements Focus: A thorough introduction to the fundamental facts, laws, principles, theories and concepts of chemistry which are needed for further study in science or science related fields. A variety of instructional methods will be utilized to assure that students complete the required course objectives. The instruction for CHEM 1411 will be provided in the online format, providing flexibility and convenience for distance learning students. Email, discussion boards, lessons, online electronic homework, on-campus exams, and oncampus laboratories will all be used during the course. Course Goals and Learning Outcomes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the basic terms, laws and measurements fundamental to chemistry. The student will make use of chemical formulas and composition stoichiometry. The student will analyze chemical reactions while incorporating reaction stoichiometry. The student will apply gas laws and the kinetic molecular theory of gases. The student will evaluate atomic structure and periodicity. The student will demonstrate an understanding of chemical bonding theories. The student will utilize the application of thermochemistry in thermodynamics. The student will compare the properties of gases, liquids and solids. The student will apply physical and chemical techniques in the laboratory that reinforce the fundamentals of general inorganic chemistry. Requirements: myTCC Email Accounts: Correspondence from the instructor will be sent to myTCC Email accounts. Students are advised to check this email account on a regular basis throughout the course. Please keep all written communication professional and courteous. Messages that directly relate to this chemistry course are the only ones that should be sent to the instructor. Messages will be answered Monday through Friday within 24 hours. Emails received on the weekend will be responded to on Monday. myTCC Alerts: TCC faculty, staff and students are automatically registered to receive voice and TCC email messages at https://tccd.bbcportal.com/, the College's emergency notification system. This Web-based service sends high-priority messages during urgent situations. Class Assignments and Homework: Students are expected to complete all assignments. Completed assignments are necessary in order to be successful in chemistry. Science Tutoring on Campus: Assistance with course material is available to students in all science classes in the Science Learning Center ESCT 3205. Work areas for studying, professional tutoring, computers with Internet access and printers, molecular models, etc. are available on first come basis. SLC hours are Monday-Thursday 7:00 am – 9:00 pm, Friday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm, Saturday 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm, and Sunday closed. Grading Criteria: 89.5 – 100 A 79.5 – 89 B 69.5 – 79 C 59.5 – 69 D Below 59.5 F Major Exams 60% Orientation Assignments 1% Page 2 of 5 Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements Quizzes 14% (drop lowest) Laboratory Grade 25% Major Exams and Comprehensive Final Exam (60%): Major Exams 1-3 will be administered in the testing centers of any TCCD campus (NE, SE, S, TR or NW). The Final Exam (comprehensive and mandatory) will be administered online. Three lecture exams, two lab exams and a comprehensive final exam are scheduled for this semester. All exams are worth 100 points each. The format of the exams will be multiple choice and/or short answer. A periodic table with conversion factors and answer sheet will be provided for all exams. At the testing centers, all students are required to present: · Current Copy of Course Schedule · Valid Photo ID · All exams must be returned by 8:45pm Testing Center Information Campus Location South SMTC Campus Hours Phone 8:30 am – 8:45 pm 817-515-1066 NTSU 1800A 8:30 – 8:45 pm 817-515-6868 WCTS 1132 8:30 – 8:45 pm 817-515-7444 EMOD 1105 8:30 – 8:45 pm 817-515-3155 TRTR 1430D 8:30 – 8:45 pm 817-515-1066 1001-1002 Northeast Campus Northwest Campus Southeast Campus Trinity River Campus Page 3 of 5 Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements Testing hours on the days of exams will be 9 am - 8:45 pm with the last test handed out at 8 pm. All tests must be completed and turned in by 8:45 pm. You must put your name and Colleague ID number on exam cover page (be sure you know your Colleague ID number). You will be required to use the basic function calculators provided in the test center. You may NOT use your own calculator. Tests are not timed. Major exams will be multiple choice and/or short answer, and you will answer directly on the exam. You will not need a scantron form. Work must be shown on the exam to support answer to receive credit for the question. The final exam is mandatory, comprehensive, and must be taken when scheduled. Make-up exams are strongly discouraged. If you cannot attend the on campus testing for Major Exams 1-3, you must contact the instructor before 8 am on the Monday of the exam by email or phone with a valid explanation. You will have only one week to reschedule and take the exam that will be scheduled on the SE campus ONLY. Make-up exams will be administered in the Southeast Campus Math Testing Center located at ESEE1311. This center is located in the east wing on the first floor of the main building and is a different location than the regular SE campus testing center. The Math Testing Center phone number is 817-515-3339. The hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 7:30am-10:00pm, Friday 7:30am – 6 pm, and Saturday 9am – 5 pm. Only one Major Exam can be made up for the semester. Any additional missed exams will result in a grade of zero. Moreover, major exams that are not taken will result in a grade of zero (0). The Final Exam must be taken when scheduled online. Orientation Assignments (1 %): These assignments include the following: 1) Laboratory Email and 2) Orientation Assessment. Quizzes (14 %): Chapter quizzes will be given each week in the MyTCC course shell. Two attempts are allowed for each quiz. L ate submissions will not be accepted. Any quiz not taken will receive a grade of zero (0). CAUTION: DO NOT wait until the last minute to take a quiz as technology issues can and do occur; however, these issues will not be acceptable excuses for missing a quiz. NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES WILL BE ALLOWED. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped for the semester. Laboratory (25 % Course Average): The laboratory must be concurrently taken with the lecture. The laboratory meets weekly, beginning the very first week of the semester, on the Southeast Campus. The laboratory average counts 25% towards final course grade. The laboratory grade determination is based on 60% experiments, 20% midterm exam, and 20% final exam. Cheating: Any student caught cheating on a quiz, exam, or laboratory will receive a grade of ‘0’! Cheating and disciplinary action for cheating is defined by the TCC Policy Manual Code of Student Conduct and Discipline. Cheating is an act of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes, or otherwise securing help on a test; copying tests, assignments, reports, or term papers; representing the work of another as one’s own; collaborating, without authority, with another student during an examination or in preparing academic work; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty. Class Dates: Fall 2016 November 17, 2016-Last day to withdraw Print Course Organizer for Details! Daily Assignments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Read and study class presentation and take good notes over the material covered. View video lectures and take good notes over the material covered. Attempt textbook practice problems and check them with the solutions located at the end of the book. Take weekly quiz to assess your learning Attend weekly laboratory. Focus study with online major exam study guides and consider forming a study group. Additional Class Information: Course Organizer:Please print out the course organizer and keep it handy throughout the semester. Look over it daily to be sure that you are keeping up with the course assignments and due dates. TCCD Academic Calendar for important College Dates. TCCD Student Handbook for information on attendance and withdrawal policy, dishonesty and plagiarism, and student accessibility resources. Page 4 of 5 Tarrant County College District - Instructor's Class Requirements Access Course Evaluations for instructions on evaluating courses. Attendance for attendance requirements. Page 5 of 5