SLS 1501: College Success Skills – Nursing

SLS 1501: College Success Skills –
Nursing Students (Remediation)
Contributed by Professor Italia Folleco
Course Description
This course will assist students in coping with challenges of the nursing program, clarifying their
goals and identifying their individual way of learning. Student will develop new learning strategies
and skills that will help them succeed in a health science curriculum. Student will learn how
critical thinking applies to everyday life and nursing clinical situations
Required Course Materials
Students: Required course materials are described below:
1. Carter, C., Bishop J. & Kravits, S. (2007). Keys to Nursing Success. 7th Edition. Pearson:
New Jersey · Katz, Janet with Carter, Bishop and Kravitz. (2009). Keys to Nursing Success.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Prentice Hall (Third Edition).
E-Text Option: The option for an e-textbook is available through Course Smart. Please
copy and paste below link for further information. Folleco
2. Nugent and Vitale, (any edition), Test Success. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis. (Any
edition). Book reserved in the North and South Campus Libraries
3. You can also use:
Nugent and Vitale (sixth edition), Fundamentals Success. Philadelphia, PA: Davis,
Methods of Instruction
This is a 1-credit hour course. A 1-credit hour course would meet once a week (during an 8 week
term) for a total of 2 hour per week or 16 hours per term. Student will complete assigned
independent reading and writing. Instructor will facilitate online and in-class assessments, in-class
and online discussions.
The instructor will provide lecture presentations on the main idea of text content, engage the
students in active learning activities, such as, in-class writing followed by small and large group
discussions, reflective writing exercises utilizing course textbook. Instructor will engage the class
in question answer (Socratic) sessions to assess comprehension and application of class material
and facilitate deeper understanding of course concepts.
Instructor will facilitate an ‘online dialogue’ through discussions with specific critical thinking
questions to allow students to engage in the analysis and interpretation of relevant information to
course content. In an interactive online environment, students will be able to generate wellreasoned conclusions.
General Course Outcomes
1. Student will identify his/her individual learning style and brain dominance.
2. Student will develop skills to manage their time effectively and break ‘old habits’ through
monitoring, planning, and scheduling daily and weekly activities, through the goal setting
concept. Student will incorporate into their goal setting assignments the nursing Perry &
Potter concept – Critical Thinking in Establishing Goals and Outcomes.
Student will develop their own understanding of critical thinking and its application to
everyday life and nursing clinical situations.
Student will enhance reading skills to improve speed, and understanding of content.
Student will utilize the SQ3R method as a guide to his/her reading, and the nursing course
module into the reading process.
Student will understand the importance of listening skills to the success of note-taking.
Student will be able to identify his/her preferred note-taking style.
Student will understand how memory works.
Student will Increase knowledge on test preparation and test taking skills. Student will
develop a master review schedule and learn techniques to address test anxiety, and
master the "MEDS" method approach to correctly interpret a nursing multiple choice test
Student will understand the use and application of the concept “Cognitive Levels of
Nursing Questions” to everyday situations and patient care.
Student will establish the need to maintain a balanced life style through exercise,
relaxation, and proper nutrition.
Critical Thinking Designated Course
This course has been designated as a ‘Critical Thinking Course by BC’s Quality
Enhancement Plan (QEP).
Broward College’s Definition of Critical Thinking -To support Broward College’s Quality
Enhancement Plan (QEP):
“Critical thinking is defined as a process of evaluating information by questioning
and testing assumptions, accepting and rejecting arguments and/or perspectives,
and applying reasoning to make informed decisions.
Students in this section of SLS1501 – (College Success Skills-Remediation course for
nursing students) will be working on activities and assignments that have been designed
to place emphasis on the application of critical thinking through the course content in
written assignments, in-class, and online interactive activities. Students will learn to
analyze, explain, evaluate, and formulate conclusions about their own critical thinking
process. Students will transfer skills to their academic and everyday life, and to nursing
clinical situations that require reasoning and judgment.
Students will use the SEE-I model following the completion of the weekly assigned
reading. Students will be completing in-class weekly THINK-PAIR-SHARE activities for the
topic covered during lecture.
Students will complete two nursing case studies. In one of the case studies they will
utilize the ADPIE (Nursing Process) method to collect patient’s data, analyze it, identify a
nursing diagnosis, formulate a plan of action for the patient, and the evaluation of the
outcome of their clinical judgment.
Critical Thinking Learning Outcome Statements:
• Goal 1: The QEP will enhance students’ critical thinking skills. Students will be able to:
o Explain questions, problems, and/or issues
o Analyze and interpret relevant information
o Evaluate information to determine potential conclusions
o Generate a well-reasoned conclusion
Student Learning Outcome
Teaching & Learning Experiences/Activities/
Elements of Thought and/or
Intellectual Standards (specific
features applied)
Explain questions,
problems, and/or issues
-Weekly homework Learning
Summaries (SEE-I Activity)
-In-class completion THINK-PAIRSHARE activities
-In-class practice nursing)multiple
choice questions
-Socratic Questioning - In-class
-Case Studies (Nursing)
-Final Paper – (Self Reflective)
-Post Lecture Reflection (written
assignment to be completed at home)
Elements of Thought:
-Concepts: Theories, model
-Question at Issue: problem,
-Interpretation & Inference:
conclusions, solutions
Intellectual Standards
-Depth, Breadth, Accuracy,
Relevance, Significance
Analyze and interpret
relevant information
-Weekly quizzes
-Case studies (Nursing)
-Textbook homework assignments
-Textbook – Self-Assessments
-In-class Practice (nursing)
practice questions
-Post Lecture Reflection (written
assignment to be completed at home)
Elements of Thought:
-Information: experiences,
-Point of View
Intellectual Standards:
-Clarity, Accuracy, Precision,
Relevance, Significance
Evaluate information to
determine potential
-Socratic Questioning - In-class
Discussions –
-In-Class Discussion of ThinkPair-Share activities (small and
large groups)
-Textbook – Self Assessments
-Case studies (Nursing)
-Final Paper (Self-Reflective)
-Post Lecture Reflection (written
assignment to be completed at home)
Elements of Thought:
-Purpose: Goals, objectives
-Interpretation and Inference:
conclusions, clinical judgment,
-Assumptions: pre-suppositions,
taking for granted
Intellectual Standards:
-Relevance, Significance, Logic,
Fairness, Precision, Accuracy
Generate a wellreasoned conclusion
-Homework Assignments (Text)
-Final (Self-Reflective) Paper
-Textbook – Self-Assessments
-In-class practice (nursing)
multiple choice questions
-In-Class Think-Pair-Share
-Socratic Questioning - In-class
Discussions –
-Post Lecture Reflection (written
assignment to be completed at home)
Elements of Thought:
-Interpretation and Inference
-Implications & Consequences
Intellectual Standards:
-Significance, Logic, Fairness,
Critical Thinking Resources/References for Student Self-exploration:
The Critical Thinking Community: College and University Students
The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts & Tools (limited download copy)
The Critical Thinking Community: Critical Thinking in Every Day Life: 9 Strategies
Course Requirements
To complete this web-enhanced course, you must have access to computer hardware and
software that meets or exceeds BC's minimum hardware and software standards for e-learning
courses. It is strongly recommended that you check your computer to verify that its hardware
and software configuration meets or exceeds the BC standard.
Is your computer ready for e-learning? Click here to check it out.
Additional Software required for this Course (optional) Assignments that require word
processing must be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Documents created using
Microsoft Works, or files that have “.txt”, “.pdf”, or “.asci” extensions will not meet course
requirements. If you do not have proper software on your computer, you can use the
Microsoft Word program on any of the "open lab" computers at any BC Learning Resource
Center or in public libraries.
If you are using Microsoft Office 2007 please read here for assistance with uploading
assignments. Only word processing documents in Microsoft Word format will be
accepted. Please virus check documents before sending them. Panda Software offers a
free online virus check.
Course Prerequisites and Resources
Students: To maximize your chances for success in this course, students in this course should be
familiar with the following computer skills.
File Management - You should be familiar with finding and saving files on your computer.
The Internet - You should be familiar with connecting to the Internet through an Internet
Service Provider or Network Connection.
Web Browser Software - You should be familiar with using web browser software to
navigate the Internet and locate information.
E-mail - You should be familiar with sending and receiving e-mail messages.
Discussions - You should be familiar with posting and reading discussion messages in a
threaded format.
Attachments - You should be familiar with sending e-mail messages with attached files.
Word Processing - You should be familiar with creating, editing, saving, and printing
documents using Microsoft Word.
Other Requirements:
You'll need a BC email address to access the online portion of this course.
Obtain a County Library Card or University/College Library Card. You will need either a
County Library Card which you may obtain at either North Campus or South Campus
Library or a University/College Library Card from the Central Campus Library. These cards
will allow you to use select library databases. (optional)
Log into Desire2Learn Online Course
Click here to log into the online portion of this course . The direct link for Desire2Learn is
E-Learning Resources for Students
Click here to access a wide variety of support resources for students enrolled in online and
blended e-Learning courses, such as library services, advising and counseling,
Desire2Learn tutorials, tutoring services, disability services and more. Another option is to
go to the course home page under announcements.
Course Attendance, Withdrawals, and Class Participation Policy
Class attendance and participation is mandatory.
If you stop participating after the withdrawal date, you will receive an ‘F’ for the course.
To avoid this consequence, you must remain an active learner in this class and make sure
that you communicate extenuating circumstances to this instructor.
Ongoing communication with instructor is critical to your success in this course.
If you withdraw through the Registrar’s office (online or in person) on or before the due
date, you will receive a grade of ‘W’. If you simply stop attending class, you will receive
an ‘F’ for the class.
Course Schedule and Assignments
Assessments – There will be one D2L ‘online’ assessment. Assessment will be available
under the assessment tab at the assigned date and time.
Quizzes - There will be six (5) point in-class quizzes for all the assigned chapters in the
book Keys to Nursing Success. Student must bring to class a long Scantrons for 6 quizzes,
and 2 exams, a total of 8 Scantrons.
Discussions - Student will complete 2 discussions throughout the 8 week session. Each
post must be a minimum of (8) sentences long and student must respond to a minimum of
two students with a minimum of 8 sentences per response. First and last name must be
placed in the first line of your post. Student must respond to classmates by addressing
them by their name in the beginning of each post.
Assignments - Each assignment is outlined under an individual ‘Assignment Tab’. There
are assignments that need to be brought to class (check your class calendar). To receive
maximum points, follow specific assignment instructions. All assignments must be
submitted on time in order to receive credit for the assignment- no assignment will be
accepted outside of D2L tabs or the assigned due dates and times.
Case Studies/Assignment - Student will complete 2 case studies throughout the 8 week
session. Assignment will be graded in conjunction with nursing faculty and using the
established grading rubric.
Exams – Student will complete (2) exams, one at midterm, and a final non-cumulative
one at the end of the term. Student will bring to class a long Scantron for each exam.
Bonus Opportunity – – Student will have the opportunity (optional) to earn up to (8)
bonus points for lecture notes submitted within 24 hours of the lecture as delineated in the
assignment tab. One point will be awarded per submission.
Disruptions to the Educational Environment - Use of electronics in the classroom Policy
To ensure the quality of the educational environment, it is the policy of the Center for
Health Science Education that the use of electronic communication and entertainment
devices, such as cell phones, iPods, and iPads, etc. by students in the classroom is
prohibited. Computer use is allowed only if student has purchased the e-text version of
the textbook. Therefore, all such devices must be inaudible and placed out of sight
during class.
Disregard of this policy shall result in a loss of 5 points from the student’s final grade for
each violation. Incident will be documented, a copy will be given to the student, and a
copy will be sent to the Nursing Associate Dean of their respective campus.
Other Policies and Procedures
Special Needs:
If you require accommodations under notify the Office of Disability Services as early as
possible. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Disability Support Office prior to
document disability prior to receiving services.
Notify the instructor after you have contacted the Office of Disability Services so that the
instructor can consult with the Office of Disability Services to discuss what reasonable
accommodations would be appropriate for your situation.
Academic Honesty
Each student's academic work must be the result of his or her own thought, research, or
Cheating includes, but is not limited to: copying the work of another person (plagiarism)
or permitting your work to be copied by another person, discussing test answers or
questions with people who have not completed the test, distributing assignment materials
to other students, possessing course materials that have not been formally released to
students in the course, and collaborating on the completion of assignments not specifically
designated in the syllabus as being group projects".
Cheating will be considered a breach of BC's Code of Conduct Policy. Discipline for cheating
include: zero points on the assignment/test in question, and a failing grade for the course,
disciplinary action, and/or a referral to the Dean of Student Affairs.
Critical Event Procedure
In the event of a school closing due to weather or other major event that might impact
class schedules, the instructor will post an announcement indicating what changes, if any,
the event will have on the course schedule and due dates.
The materials used on this course Website may be protected by copyright and are only for
the use of students enrolled in this course for the purposes associated with this course and
may not be retained or further disseminated.
Change to the Syllabus
The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus, if needed. Students will be
notified as soon as any such changes are made.
Grading and Exam Policy
Grading Rubric: All assignments must be completed according to instructions provided under
each assignment, discussion, assessment tabs, and class calendar.
To support Broward College’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) with the focus on critical
thinking, students will incorporate the use of the: “Universal Intellectual Standards of
Critical Thinking”, and ‘The Elements of Thought”, as a guide to complete, clear, and
accurate completion of all assignments and in-class activities/discussions.
Universal Intellectual Standards of Critical Thinking: Clarity, Accuracy, Precision,
Relevance, Depth, Breadth, Logic, Significance, and Fairness.
The Elements of Thought: Purpose, Questions, Information, Inferences/Conclusions,
Concepts, Assumptions, Implications/Consequences, Points of View.
Furthermore, the students will be introduced to the Intellectual Traits or Virtues:
Intellectual humility, Intellectual Courage, Intellectual Empathy, Intellectual
Autonomy, Intellectual Integrity, Intellectual Perseverance, Confidence in Reasoning,
Intellectual Fair-mindedness.
Submission Deadlines: All assignments must be submitted by the due date. The due date for
most homework submissions is Tuesdays at 7:00 am -Eastern Time.
Late Submissions: Assignments cannot be submitted after the due date and there are no makeups offered for missed assignments, unless the student can provide documentation for
extenuating circumstances as outlined by the Broward College Student’s Handbook policies
Make-up Exam Policy: Make-up exams will be determined only under extenuating
circumstances and only with prior notification and documentation. (Original doctor note, funeral
notice, etc.) as outlined by the Broward College Student’s Handbook policies
Quizzes: There are no make-ups for missed quizzes unless the student can provide the
appropriate documentation for the absence as outlined by the Broward College Student’s
Handbook policies.
View your Grades: Grades for assignments and discussions will be posted one week after each
assignment, assessment, discussion has been submitted.
How your Grade will be Determined: Please save all your D2L and hard copies of your
text work until your final grade has been posted.
Graded Points
Academic Integrity (1) 10 points
Keys to Nursing Success(6) 5 points each, Test Success
(1)- 5 points, Case Studies (2) 10 points each
Lecture Notes (7)- 5 points each
Text Homework – (6) 5 points each
Quizzes - (6) 5 points each
Exams – (2)– 20 points each
Final Paper (1)
Time Sheet(1)
Discussions (2) 10 points each
Total Points
Grading Scale
Grade = A
Grade = B
Grade = C
Grade = D
Grade = F
245- 220
219 - 196
195 - 171
170 - 147
146 - Below
Grading Rubric –Case Studies *Critical Thinking Exercise (Case Study) – Grading Rubric
Nursing Assessment
Nursing Diagnosis
Excellent (2)
Satisfactory (1)
Identifies and state problem
Well-developed facts and
supported claims
Cluster information data from
physical, diagnostic tests, and
verbal complaints
Identifies nursing diagnoses
that are:
Health Promotion (Educational)
Nursing Plan/Goals
Identifies one short-term and
one long-term goal that is
measurable and achievable with
a time frame
Nursing Interventions
Identifies 3 nursing
interventions for each:
State problem without
cluster of data
No organization of data
No data clustering
No data identification
Identifies 1 nursing
No nursing diagnosis
Identifies one shortterm and one long-term
Does not meet required
Identifies less than nine
nursing interventions
Nursing interventions promote
and restore health to alleviate
nursing diagnosis
Needs Significant Improvement
No nursing intervention
Communication Policy
Expectations for Course Communication:
BC Email: Please do not send course related emails to the instructor's BC email address.
Use the Desire2Learn email instead. Assignments sent to the instructor's BC email address
will not be accepted. Send your assignments to the instructor in Desire2Learn assignment,
discussions, or assessment tabs.
Desire2Learn Email: Use the email tool only for private, personal, one-to-one
communication with a specific individual or groups of individuals.
Discussions: Use the class discussion tool to post questions that might be of general
interest to all students such as questions about assignments, tests, etc. Feel free to
respond to other students if you think you can help them. Remember - we are all in this
together and we can learn from each other. Remember that the discussion tool is public everyone will be able to view posts and responses.
Netiquette: In all online communication, it is expected that all students will follow rules of
online "netiquette". Netiquette is a set of rules for polite online behavior that all members
of this class is expected to follow. Read some general netiquette rules here. Basically,
these rules say "be respectful and be polite to each other", and "be patient and
considerate of others". No one is perfect and we all have different approaches to life, work,
and school.
If you have a concern about the course, a test or an assignment, please contact the
Privacy Notice
Desire2Learn software automatically stores course access records, quiz scores, email
postings, discussion postings, and chat room conversations. One more reason to make
sure that your communications adhere to the netiquette policy.
Faculty Response Policy
Course emails and ungraded discussion posts will be answered within 48 hours. Emails
sent on Saturday or Sunday may not be answered until Monday. It is recommended that
you post course related questions in the discussion area. If you need info related to a test
or assignment, plan ahead and submit your questions well ahead of the due date.
Your instructor is not online 24 hours per day, so please allow time for response.
Changes to the Syllabus:
The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus. In the event that
changes become necessary, students will be notified through Desire2Learn Email.
Student Success Tips
In order to be successful in this course, you need to be organized and manage your time
well so that you can complete all assignments and assessments on time. You will need to
devote at least 2 1/2 hours per week to complete the learning activities required in this
course. Remember that this is a short 8 week session: Make sure that you do not allow
yourself to procrastinate, and that you communicate with the instructor or your
classmates, via Desire2Learn, if you have any questions on any course materials or need
assistance completing any assignments.
Class Calendar: SLS 1501
Read and refer to the document below regularly. It will tell you what assignments you should
complete, and how and when you will be assessed.
*Denotes Critical Thinking Assignment
Learning Materials
-Class Orientation
-In Class
-Complete Class Paperwork
-Note Taking Skills
-In Class
-Standards of Critical Thinking
-Elements of Thought
-In-Class Activity – Paul and Elder Model
*Test Taking Skills (MEDS) Method
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-MEDS method ‘Four Elements to Correctly
Interpret a Test Question- In class practice
-See Assignment Tab
-Code of Conduct Assignment
-Read Chapter #4
*Complete Learning Summary (SEE-I)
Discussion #1 Opens
-D2L T or F Assessment
-Following D2L assessment
-Keys to Nursing Success
Chapter #4 - Keys to
Nursing Success
-D2L Discussion
-Complete Pages 116-122
-Keys to Nursing Success
-Chapter #4 – Keys to
Nursing Success
-See Assignment Tab – Pay careful attention
to assignment directions
-Review all chapter content and built-in
*In-Class - Nursing Practice Questions
Practice Questions (MEDS)
-Lecture Notes
-See Assignment Tab
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-See Assignment Tab
-Discussion #1 Closes
-Read Chapter #3
D2L Discussion
-Keys to Nursing Success
-Discussion Tab
*Complete Learning Summary (SEE-I)
Chapter #3 - Keys to
Nursing Success
-Keys to Nursing Success
-See Assignment Tab
-Complete pages 103-107
via D2L
Description Assignments
-Cornell Method of Note Taking
-See Assessment Tab
-See Assignment Tab
-See Assignment Tab - Complete every
question and reflection assignments call for
-See Discussion Tab
*In-Class - Nursing Practice Questions
-Chapter #3 – Keys to
Nursing Success
Practice Questions (MEDS)
-Lecture Notes
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-Read Chapter #5
-Keys to Nursing Success
*Complete Learning Summary (SEE-I)
-Chapter #5- Keys to
Nursing Success
-Complete pages 153, 159, and 162
-Keys to Nursing Success
*Case Study #1
-Where is the PCA?
Learning Materials
via D2L
-Chapter #5 – Keys to
Nursing Success
Practice Questions (MEDS)
*In-Class - Nursing Practice Questions
in Class
-See Assignment Tab - Complete every
question and reflection assignments call for
-Review all chapter content and built-in
See assignment Instructions
-See assignment tab
-See Assignment Tab
in Class
-See Assignment Tab - Complete every
question and reflection assignment calls for
-See Assignment Tab
Description Assignments
-Review all chapter content and built-in
-Lecture Notes
See assignment Instructions
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-See assignment tab
-Read Chapter #6
-Keys to Nursing Success
*Complete Learning Summary (SEE-I)
-Chapter #6- Keys to
Nursing Success
-Keys to Nursing Success
-Test Success – Reserved
Textbook -
-See Assignment Tab - Complete every
question and reflection assignment calls for
-See Assignment Tab
-See Discussion Tab
Review all chapter content and built-in
See assignment Instructions
-Complete pages 185 and 200
*Cognitive Levels of Nursing
QuestionsComplete Learning –Summary (SEE-I)
Discussion #2 Opens
-See Assignment Tab
-Lecture Notes
-D2L Discussion
Chapter #6 -Keys to Nursing
*In-Class - Nursing Practice Questions
Practice Questions (MEDS)
In-Class Activity
In-Class Activity
-Exam #1
-Keys to Nursing
Success chapters 3,4,5
-Note Taking
-Standards of CT
-Elements of Thought
-MEDS – Four Elements
-All lecture content
3/17/15 – 4/7/15
-Review Keys to Nursing Success chapters
and built-in exercises, D2L content, class
notes, and handouts
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-See assignment tab
-Discussion #2 Closes
D2L Discussion
-See Discussion Tab
-Read Chapter #7
-Keys to Nursing Success
*Complete Learning Summary (SEE-I)
-Chapter #7- Keys to
Nursing Success
-Keys to Nursing Success
-Complete page 246
-Quiz #5
-See Assignment Tab
-See Assignment Tab - Complete every
question and reflection assignment calls for
-Review all chapter content and built-in
*In-Class - Nursing Practice Questions
-Chapter #7 Keys to Nursing
Practice Questions (MEDS)
-Lecture Notes
See assignment Instructions
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-See assignment tab
-Read Chapter #8
-Keys to Nursing Success
*Complete Learning Summary (SEE-I)
-Chapter #8- Keys to
Nursing Success
-Keys to Nursing Success
-Complete page 272
-See Assignment Tab
-Final Paper
-Time Management Sheet
via D2L
-See Assignment Tab - Complete every
question and reflection assignment calls for
-See Assignment Tab
-See Assignment Tab
*Case Study #2
-The Power of Questioning
Learning Materials
-Quiz #6
*In-Class - Nursing Practice Questions
-Chapter #8- Keys to
Nursing Success
Practice Questions (MEDS)
-Lecture Notes
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-Test Taking Skills
-In-Class Lecture
-MEDS Method
*Case Study #2 – THINK-PAIR-SHARE
In-Class Discussion
In-Class Discussion
in Class
-See Assignment Tab
Description Assignments
-Review all chapter content and built-in
See assignment Instructions
-See assignment tab
-Lecture Notes
*In-Class - Nursing Practice Questions
Practice Questions (MEDS)
-Keys to Nursing
Success chapters 6,7,8
-Test Success Reading
-All lecture content 4/144/28
-Lecture Notes – Bonus (Optional)
-Lecture Notes
-See Assignment Tab
-Review Keys to Nursing Success chapters
content and built-in exercises, D2L content,
class lecture notes, and handouts
-See assignment tab
-See assignment tab
* Denotes Critical Thinking Assignment