Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Event: IEEE Switzerland Section Annual General Assembly (AGA) Date: March 9th, 2016 14:00 – 20:00 NTB Campus Buchs, Buchs SG (directions: https://goo.gl/maps/wkWqQj3ciBr) Place: Meeting Chair: Andreas Koschak Minutes: Dr. Maria-Alexandra Paun Participants 49 Attendees 5 Excused Agenda 1. 1. Welcome Address............................................................................................................ 1 2. Approval of the Agenda .................................................................................................. 1 3. Approval of the Minutes of the last GA .......................................................................... 2 4. Chairman's report ............................................................................................................ 2 5. Chapter foundation: IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society GRSS ..................... 4 6. Reports from other chapters and affinity groups ............................................................. 4 7. Treasurer's Report (Financial report for 2015 and Budget) ............................................. 6 8. Approval of the financial report ...................................................................................... 6 9. Discharge of the ExCom ................................................................................................. 6 10. Election of new YP AG Chair ......................................................................................... 6 11. Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................. 6 12. Chairman’s Foils ............................................................................................................. 7 Welcome Address The IEEE Switzerland Section's Chairman Andreas Koschak opens the General Assembly by welcoming the participants. 2. Approval of the Agenda Andreas Koschak begins his talk and presents the Agenda for the Day, as follows. Version 2, 06.05.2016 1 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section 14:00-15:00 Official Part 15:00-15:30 Coffee Break 15:30-16:30 Talks and Demonstrations 16:30-17:30 Round Tour 17:30-18:45 Standing Dinner Between 15:30-16:30, there will be Talks, demonstrations, and tours, organized by NTB, including tours of research groups, laboratories and a NTB Cleanroom virtual tour. The standing dinner will finish in good time to allow the attendees to catch the trains to Zürich, between 19:15 and 20:23. The Motion to approve the Agenda is initiated. The Agenda for the present GA is accepted with unanimous decision. 3. Approval of the Minutes of the last GA Andreas Koschak mentions that the Minutes of the last Annual General Assembly are available at www.ieee.ch. The Motion to approve the minutes is initiated. The Minutes are unanimously approved. 4. Chairman's report At the previous GA 2015, Andreas Koschak pointed out three Action points: Awareness and Visibility Legal Status project, and Communication. Firstly, Andreas Koschak introduces the main points of his talk. During his discourse, he will touch upon the following subjects: • • • • • • • • • General Information Membership Development (Section, IEEE, Region) Senior Member Grade / Elevation 2016 Fellows Events in 2015 2016 Outlook – Events Legal Status Project Streamlining of Financial Reporting Chapters / Affinity Groups He then mentions the new postal address of Switzerland Section: IEEE Switzerland Section 3000 BERN Moving on, Andreas Koschak passes to briefly mention the IEEE Switzerland Section membership statistics, in years 2000 and 2007-2015, with a total numbers of members of 3015 at the end of 2015. Version 2, 06.05.2016 2 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Andreas Koschak talks about the statistics of the IEEE membership, both at R8 and IEEE Switzerland section levels. On this subject, he presents some graphs. Regarding the IEEE membershipdevelopment , there is always the deactivator which happens in February. After the deactivator in February 2016, the IEEE Switzerland Section has 2483 members. The coat of USD currency may have impacted the figures. Andreas Koschak talks about the IEEE memebrship, per type of membership. To learn more about the exact figures, the reader is invited to consult the Chairman’s foils, at the end of this report. Andreas Koschak points out the increase of Women in Engineering Affinity Group membership, with a significant percentage of 12.6 % globally. However, the total membership of Young Professionals has suffered a 6.2% decrease. He also mentions the five new fellows from 2015, namely David Atienza (EPFL), Sandro Carrara (EPFL), Stefan Ritt (PSI), Juergen Brugger (EPFL), and Adrian Ionescu (EPFL). We congratulate them on their achievements. To be also noticed that The President of ETHZ, Lino Guzzella as well as the newly appointed President of EPFL, Martin Vetterli, are Fellows of IEEE. The last year’s report is focused on presenting the main events which the IEEE Swiss Section held in 2015. Between January 1 and December 31 2015, the Section organized 26 events, excluding the GA and Excom meetings/administrative events (please check www.ieee.ch for news on events). Andreas Koschak highlights three events from the last year, namely the IEEE Xtreme 2015 programming competition, the “50 years of Moore’s Law” Seminar in collaboration with FAEL/Swiss (Zurich, Nov 11, 2015), where the Section was coorganizer and co-sponsor, and “EMC and Harmonic Mitigation: Forthcoming Standards and Advances in Filter Technology” Workshop at Schaffner EMV AG, on Nov 19, 2015. The 24h IEEE Xtreme programming competition was first organized at EPFL (and in Switzerland) by Maria-Alexandra Paun in October 2011, it was the fifth edition of the IEEE Extreme in 2015, when a team from EPFL came second and a team from Politehnica University of Romania came third in global ranking. The latter event was highlighted because it was organized by one of the new chapters and at a company site, receiving very positive feedback from both academic institutions and industry. Additionally, Andreas Koschak mentions some future events, such as First Meeting of the IEEE Switzerland Section Geoscience and Remote Sensing Chapter (February 11, 2016, ETHZ), AES Lecture: Modern Passive Radar and Multistatic Tracking (March 01 2016, ETHZ), 2016 International Zurich Seminar on Communications (March 2-4, 2016, Zürich), UWB Nano-Antenna Arrays (March 4, 2016, EPFL). In conclusion, there was a high level of activity within the Section, more involvement of industry is welcome. Also, he encourages the people to visit our website www.ieee.ch, to learn more about future events. At this point, Andreas Koschak moves onto presenting the Legal status of our section. The IEEE HQ forced us to have a legal status. A large law company looks at bylaws, and these documents are now being finalized. They will be available to vote on at the GA 2017. We strive for new, simpler bylaws. We are also putting a disclaimer on the Version 2, 06.05.2016 3 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section website and think about the legal protection of volunteers. Being a “Verein”, Swiss taxes might allow deduction for donation to IEEE foundation. Regarding the Financial Reporting of Subunits, there is a new financial reporting since 2011, when Section takes over some accounts of society chapters with the goal to have less work for volunteers. Andreas Koschak now moves onto the Society Chapters/Affinity Groups Reports. In 2014, we had 2 new Society Chapters and the restart of EDU Society Chapter. In 2015, we had 1 new Society Chapter and Restart of YP AG. At this point, a highlight on the activities of some of the most active chapters is presented. 5. Chapter foundation: IEEE Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society GRSS Othmar Frey, Chair of Geoscience & Remote Sensing Society GRSS, begins his talk. On Oct 21, 2015, the petition to form the Chapter was approved by the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) board. The Chapter had its successful inaugural meeting held on Feb 11, 2016, with approximately 35 participants. At this point, they also had a technical talk by Prof. Devis Tuia, University of Zürich, on “Multitemporal land classification and change detection with different sensors”. Othmar Frey also announces 2 upcoming talks (joint events with the “Geomatics Seminar”, ETHZ), “Correlating Synthetic Aperture Radar (CoSAR): A radar mission concept for geosynchronous earth observation”, on 17.03.2016, by Dr. Paco LopezDekker, and “SAR Polarimetry: from Basics to Applications”, by Prof. Dr. Eric Pottier (IEEE GRSS Distinguished Lecturer), on 21.04.2016. Further on, Othmar Frey talks about the GRSS flagship Conference, IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), and presents some figures from this 2015 conference in Milan. Also, he points out some Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Publications such as TGRS, GRSL, JSTARS and GRSM. 6. Reports from other chapters and affinity groups AESS Heinz Wipf, the Chair of Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) Chapter begins his talk. Since its creation in 2014, the AESS Chapter has organized 7 lectures, whereby 3 were AESS-Distinguished Lecturers. Within AESS, there was exchange with Germany's AES and the VP AESS on education. The Chair wishes a more active exchange in Region 8. As past events organized by AESS, Heinz Wipf mentioned the Joint Lecture with ION- CH “Automatic Design of Navigation Systems - A Dream or Near-term Future” by Dr. Zeev Berman Berman Consultant Israel (25.07.2015), the Joint Lecture with ION-CH “GNSS Signal-in-Space under Threat - A Quality-of-Service Issue for Aviation” by Dr. M. Scaramuzza and H. Wipf El Ing HTL (06.10.2015), and the Joint Lecture IEEE with AOC and the Institute of Geodesy Photogrammetry, ETH Zürich "Modern Passive Radar and Multistatic Tracking" by Dr. Wolfgang Koch, Fellow IEEE and Distinguished Lecturer of the AESS Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (01.03.2016). Attendance is mostly between 20 to 30 persons for joint lectures, which allow for some social interactions among and between members of related associations. Version 2, 06.05.2016 4 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Regarding future events, Heinz Wipf speaks about the Distinguished Lecturer Program event at ETHZ, on March 14th, by Dr. Alfonso Farina. He then speaks about the European Navigation Conference (ENC), to be held on May 30-June 02, 2016 in Helsinki, Finland, with IEEE AESS co-sponsorship. CPMT The Chair of CPMT Chapter, Daniel Thommen, will present their activities in 2015, and focus on three events. The first entitled “Packaging for Active Implantable Medical Devices”, was held at ETH Zurich, on 28th January 2015. The talks were: “Fabrication Process for Hermetic Biocompatible Miniature Implant Enclosures”, by Niklaus Schneeberger, “Experiences with a Non-Hermetic Active Implant” by Thomas Degen, and “Wireless Brain Interfaces & Challenges for Hermetic Sealing in Chronic Use” by Prof. Arto Nurmikko. This event attracted 45 participants. The second event entitled “Packaging and Components for Medical and Pharmaceutical Devices”, was held at Roche Diagnostics Rotkreuz, on 18th June 2015. The talks were: “Stretchable electronics for spinal cord stimulation activities”, by Prof. Janos Vörös, “Sweat sensors on flexible substrates for healthcare applications” by Dr. Hoël Guerin, and “Bloodgas Analytics at Roche - Present and future challenges”, by Dr. Rainer Jaeggi. This event attracted 25 participants. The third event highlighted is the CPMT General Assembly, held at ABB Corporate Research, Baden-Dättwil on Nov. 5 2015. At this moment, the ABB presented packaging R&D activities (Franziska Brem / Slavo Kicin). Other talks were “Transient liquid phase bonding – assembly technology of the future?” by Adrian Lis. This was followed by IEEE Overview & General Assembly by Daniel Thommen) and a visit of Pearl-lab (semiconductor cleanroom, packaging cleanroom and converter lab). This event attracted 21 participants. The CPMT Chapter has 42 active members, with the board meeting by-monthly via telco. For more Chapter information, please visit: www.ieee.ch/chapters/cpmt/. SP/C/COM Further on, the SP/C/COM Joint Chapter, established in 1973, will talk about its activities, through his new Chair, Prof. Thomas Mittelholzer. Within their Chapter, they have organized the 2016 International Zurich Seminar on Communications, held on March 2-4, 2016. The 2016 IZS benefited from 91 registered attendees from, 5 invited sessions with totally 23 talks, 5 normal sessions with totally 27 talks and 3 keynote lectures. This is a biennial IEEE conference since 1970, which has been organized by IEEE Switzerland Chapter on Digital Communications since 1974. The main focus is on Coding theory and its applications, Information theory, Multi-user and network information theory, Detection and estimation,Wireless communications, Cryptography and Data Security. The Keynote Lectures at IZS 2016 were “On Decoding Reed-Solomon Codes Beyond Half the Minimum Distance”, by Martin Bossert (Univ. Ulm), “An Information Theoretic View of Fronthaul-Constrained Cloud Radio Access Networks”, by Shlomo Shamai (Technion Haifa), and “Common Randomness, Querying and Large Probability Sets” by Prakash Narayan (Univ. Maryland). At this point, Andreas Koschak thanks the Chapters and Affinity Groups Chairs for their great work. He offers a Micro-Award for the most active chapters (Society Chapters Version 2, 06.05.2016 5 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section with the most reported technical events in 2015): AESS (Heinz Wipf), EMB (Volker Koch), R (Mauro Ciappa), CPMT (Daniel Thommen). 7. Treasurer's Report (Financial report for 2015 and Budget) Danilo Zanatta points out that IEEE Switzerland Section received highest possible Rebate in 2015 and that many events were sponsored in 2015. He will talk about the legal issues also present the budget for 2016. Danilo Zanatta presents the last year’s budget, as well as gain/loss and balance sheets for 2014-15. The Financial Report is done using Netsuite tool. He mentions that the lawyer expenses are paid by IEEE Head Quarters. Also, he briefly points out the Reserve Allocation Expense, which is reserved money for some events. If we spend more on events, the reserve allocation expense will become lower. The Reserve Allocation Expense is added to the balance (liability: the reserve is not transferred to IEEE HQ, but cannot be spent). Danilo Zanatta also presents the Budget for 2016 (more details on the slides at the end of these Minutes). This budget includes travel costs to the IEEE Region 8 Student & Young Professional congress in Regensburg (DE) and Reserve (other costs), regarding ongoing effort to clarify the legal status of IEEE-CH as a “Verein”. 8. Approval of the financial report Since we do not have auditors, Andreas Koschak ask if anybody wants to put forward a motion to discharge the ExCom for their handling of the affairs of the Association in 2015. The motion is initiated and the approval of the financial report is unanimous (approved by acclamation). 9. Discharge of the ExCom The motion to discharge the ExCom is put forward and the motion is approved unanimously (approved by acclamation). 10. Election of new YP AG Chair Now we proceed to the election of new YP Chair, Jaison Sabu. Jaison Sabu, new proposed Chair of Young Professionals Affinity Group, introduces himself, his current position at GE (former Alstom) and his research interests. He also briefly talks about future plans within YP CH. His position will now be validated through vote at the General Assembly. There is unanimous approval of the new YP chair. Andreas Koschak also mentions that there will be elections at the GA 2017. 11. Miscellaneous Andreas Koschak warmly thanks the audience for their presence at the IEEE Switzerland Annual General Assembly 2016 at NTB Buchs. Andreas Koschak also thanks again the whole ExCom (Vice-Chair & Secretary: Maria-Alexandra Paun, Treasurer: Danilo Zanatta) plus all the Chapters and Affinity Groups Chairs, for their great work in 2015. Version 2, 06.05.2016 6 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section The official part of the General Assembly is now finished. There is now the time for the coffee break, until 15:30, followed by presentations from NTB. The institutes/laboratories to present their activities will be: “Institute for Electronics, Sensors and Actuators” (ESA), “Institute for Production Metrology, Materials and Optics” (PWO), “Institute for Micro & Nanotechnology” (MNT) and “Institute for Development of Mechatronic Systems” (EMS). The floor will be open for the Talks, demonstrations, and tours, organized by NTB until 17:30 and later (after 17:30) for the Standing dinner at NTB Buchs. There will also be a virtual tour of the brand new Clean room facilities, of 620 m 2, with the possibility to produce wafer of 4-8 inchs. ***The meeting/official part adjourns around 15:10 *** 12. Chairman’s Foils Please find below the Chairman’s slides. Version 2, 06.05.2016 7 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 8 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 9 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 10 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 11 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 12 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 13 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 14 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 15 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 16 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 17 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 18 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 19 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 20 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 21 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 22 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 23 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 24 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 25 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 26 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 27 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 28 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 29 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 30 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 31 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 32 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 33 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 34 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 35 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 36 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 37 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 38 Minutes of the IEEE AGA, March 9th, 2016 IEEE Switzerland Section Version 2, 06.05.2016 39