Select Bibsiography on Copyright in Relation to Libraries* This bibliography o n Copyright and Intellectual Property Resources is compiled from the reply to a query 'copyright and webcrawier libraries' from webcrawler.eom). There are also some other documents available o n the net. Since the comprehensive list is very long, one file which is a compilation of bibliography has been taken. This bibliography i s compiled by Terry Kuny, CIobal Village Research, Ottwa, Ontario (contact e-maik or phone: 613-234-9621). Since the file is in HTML format, the HTML codes have been removed. There may be some errors while removing the HTML codes. The best way to see the documents i s to go to the webcrawler and give the same search request. Due to the dynamic nature of Internet, the addresses may change from time to time. Whereever there is no string html:// ....., please add starting html:// iollowec! by the rest of the address. Most of these documents are located at infopoI/copyright/ directory. Report of the AAU Task Force on Intellectual Property Rights in an Electronic Environment. Submitted to the A A U Presidents Steering Committee. April 4, 1994. Washington, DC. (1 37K) American Committee for Interoperable Systems. /$~~mentsfiar%opo~copyrigh~acis.~ intellectual Property and the National Information infrastructure September 1, 1994. American Library Association, et a/. /documents/infopof/copyright/fairuse.txt Fair Use in the Electronic Age: Serving the Public Interest. This statement was developed by representatives of the following associations: American Association of Law Libraries, American Library Association, Association of Academic Health Sciences Library Directors, Association o f Research Libraries, Medical Library Association Special Libraries Association. This document has also been endorsed by the Art Libraries Society o f North America. January 18, 4 995. Anonymous Copyrighting Public Domain Programs gophes.~wiretap.spies.corn//OO/Library/ Article/Pu blish/copyrite.doc Anonymous, Multimedia Law Primer A primer to legal issues in multimedia. It includes a description of the laws governing multimedia and a guide to clearing rights for a hypothetical CD-ROM project. URb:http:/ ip-primer 'Compiled by B Raveendra Reddy Tech. Asst., National i a w School of India University, Nagarabhavi, Banagalore - 560 072. DESlDOC Bulletin o fInf Technol,1996, 16(6) Anonymous. National Intellectual Property Rights Issues. 25 Anonymous. Some myths about intellectual property. URLhttp:!e/anarchy/do a/ipmyths.htm! Brinson, j. Dianne and Mark F. Kadcliffe. Intellectual Property Law Primer Multimedia Developers. URLhttp: mmlaw,html for Bruce, Torn. Legal information, open models and the information highway. Arnett, Nick. /documents/infopo1/ copyrighqantinet.hlm Centre de recherche en droir public (CRDP). Crown copyright in Cyberspace. Montreal vendredi, 12 mai 1995. The tnterner and the Anti-net. Association of Research Libraries. /docum~tsfinfopof/copyrightJarf-ipP~~ http://www.droit.umsntre;al.c;a/CEgDP/ Conferences/DAC/&RUCE/BRUc'EERtmI Intellectual Property: An ARL Statement of Principles. Burk, Dan L. Adopted by the ARL Membership, May 1994. Barlow, john Perry. /documents/infopol/ copyrightljpbarlow,htsn The Economy of Ideas - A framework for rethinking patents and copyrights in the Digital Age (Everything you know about intellectual property is wrong). WIRED, Issue 2, 3- March 1994, URL:http://www.hotwireddcom/wired/2.O3/ features/econonny.ideas.htmI Bellingham, Katy and Lavrencic, Tamara. /docuanent/infopol/copyright/ burdl .htm Trademarks Along the Infobahn: A look at the Emerging Law of Cybermarks. Richmond journal of Law and Technology 1, April 10, 7 995. URL:!iI/burk. html Burk, Dan L. /documents/infopol/ copyright/dburk2.txt Transborder Intellectual property Issues on the Electronic Frontier. Stanford Law and Policy Review, 5, Copyright 1994. gopher://gopher.grn~~.~du:~~/~~/academic/ co~~eges-depts-ins~~-s~ho8~s/i2?w/working dburk2 /documents / inlopo?/copyright/kbeIH.htm Copyright Impediments to the Preservation of Austraiia's Documentary Heritage. Published in 12(4), 1995 Carroll, Terry. Copyright FAQ. Australian Library Review, Breslow, JordanJ. Chase, Mark E. /docoments/infopoI/copyright/bres~~w~bA Copyright Law. February, 1986. gopher:// Documents/Collection of various Laws (mainly from U.S.)/ 26 Educators' Attitudes and Related Copyright Issues in Eduacation: A Review of Selected Research 1980-1992. DESlDOC Bulletin ofInf Technol, 1996. 1&(6) Coalition for Networked Information. READ1 (Rights for Electronic Access to and Delivery of Information) Draft. Negotiating Networked lnformation Contracts and Licenses. Prepared for CNI by : Robert Ubell and Mark Tesoriero, Robert Ubell Associates, November 15, 1994. URL: guide/www/READI-guide.htm1 Coalition for Networked Information. Proceedings: Technological Strategies for Protecting . lntellectuai Property i n the Networked Multimedia Environment. Coalition for N e t w o r k e d I n f o r m a t i o n , Interactive Multimedia Association, john F. Kennedy School of Government, Science, Technology and Public Policy Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Summer 1994. URL: gopher:// miscdocs/ima.ipworkshop URL: http://www.novagate~com/-jack/ copyright.htm1 Denber, Michael, et a/. /documents/infopoI/copyright/denm.txt Intellectual Property Rights. Panel session at SIGGRAPH 91. Association for Computing Machinery, 1991. URL: gopher:// Law Documents/Collection of various Laws (mainly from U.S.)/intellectual-property.rights Demac, Donna. /documents/infopol/copyright/demac2.htm Pioperty Rights in the Electronic Dawn. Augustlseptember 1994. l/cmiftp/ Consortium for Educational Technology for University Systems. Fair Use of Copyrighted Works. Dernarest, Marc. /documents;/infopoI/copyright/demml .htm Controlling Dissemination Mechanisms: The Unstamped Press and the Net. URL: Dyson, Esther. Intellectual Value. WIRED, Issue 3, 7 July Crews, Kenneth D. /documents/infopol/copyright/rights.txt Copyright Law, Libraries, and Universities: Overview, Recent Developments, and Future Issues. Working paper prepared for Association of Research Libraries. October 1992. 1995. URL:http://www.hotwired.corn/wired/3.07/ features/dyson.html Ebersole, Joseph L. /documents/infopoI/copyright/ebersole.txt Crews, Kenneth D. Copyright Law and the Doctoral Dissertation: Guidelines to Your Legal Rights and Responsibilities. Response to Dr. Linn's paper 'Copyright and lnformation Services in the Context of the National Research and Education Nehvork.' Elias, Steve. URL: gopher:// copy right/other/crews /documents/infopol/copyright/copynolo.htrn Decker, Jack. URL: htm Copyrights in Cyberspace. N o l o Press, 1994. /docurnents/infopol/copyright/decjl.htm Christians and the Copyright Law. DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf Technol. 1996. 16(6) Erickson, John S. 27 A Copyright Management System for Networked Interactive Multimedia. Proceedings of the Dartmouth institute for Advanced Graduate Studies (DAGS). June 1995. Garfinkel, Simssn L. /documents/infopoi/ copyright/gzrrsl .htn Patently Absurd. Wired, July f 994. URk:hftp://www.hotwi~ed~com/wired/ features/gaairen%s.RtmI Erickson, john S. Can Fair Use Survive our I~formation-based Future?An lML Technical Repore. Spring 1995. Gassaway, Laura. When Works pass into the Public Dor URL:http://picardddartmoufhhedu/ I"air&8selanBoFuterreehtmi Gerovac, Branko and Richard j Solomon. Ferna~dez,Dennis. /documents/'snf~poi/copyright/ferdl.htm Understanding intellectual Property Rights. /docurne~fts/iwfopoi/copyright/gerovac.%x" Protect Revenues, Not Bits: Identify Intellectual Property. Gioster, Deam M. and Kae McCabe. /docmments/infQpoi/cspyrigh~g8odl.htm Field, Thomas G., jr. Copyright for Computer fiuthors. Franklin Pierce Law Center. 1995 Making the New Media Deal. Inlei1 Properry magazine, july 1995. URL: gBoster.html htm Field, Thomas G., Ir. Copyright in Visual Arts. Franklin Pierce Law Center. 1995. UR$:http://www.$pI~~edk~/TFIELD/CopyVis~ Graham, Peter S. /documents/infspsE/ sspyr6gh~g~aham.Bwt Intellectual Preservationand Electronic Intellectual Property. htm Field, Thomas G., Ir. intellectual Property: The Practicaland Legal Fundamentals. Franklin Pierce Law Center. 1995. Gseguras, Fred, Egger, Michael R. and Wang, Sandy 1. /documer~ts/i/infspoI/cop"~right/mmcont.~t Multimedia Content and the Super Htghway: Rapid Acceleration or Foot on the Brake?June 18, 1994. Fisher, janet. Copyright: The Glue of the System. loumal o f Electronic Publishing. Griswold, Gary N. et~~:http://wwwr.pressSumichhedu/~ep/ /documents/inbopolf copyright/griswold. txt works/fisheracspyrigRtthtmB 28 DESlDOC Bulletin of Inf Technof, 1W t A Method for Protecting Copyright on Networks. James M. Bower. Halbert, Debora. /documents/infopol/copyright/hald.txt Computer Technology and Legal Discourse: The Potential For Modern Communication Technology To Challenge Legal Discourses Of Authorship and Property. A Balancing Act: Copyright in the Electro nic Age. Carol C. Henderson. jensen, Michael. Halbert, Martin. Need-Based Intellectual Property Protection and Networked University Press Publishing /documents/infopol/ copyright/halbert.txt Copyright, Digital Media, and Libraries. Recursive Reviews. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review, 199 1, 2(1), 164-70. gopher:// Documents/Collection of various Laws (mainly from U.S.)/copyright.libraries Kahin, Brian. /documents/infopol/ copyright/kahin.txt The Strategic Environment for Protecting Multimedia. Hardy, Trotter. Kahn, Robert E. /docurnents/infopol/copyright/haril.htm /documents/infopol/ copyright/kahn.txt Contracts, Copyright, and Preemption in a Digital World. Richmond lournal of Law and Technology, April 17, 1995. URL:http:/ html Deposit, Registration and Recordation,in an Electronic Copyright Management System. Kotlas, Carolyn. /documents/infopol/ copyright/cpyrtbib.htm Harper, Georgia. /documents/lnfopol/ copyrlght/texascp.txt Copyright and the University Community. The Office of General Counsel. The University of Texas System. August 1993. (90K) Computers and Copyrights: Bibliography. Instltute for Academic Technology (IRC-04). August 18, 1995. URL: htm! lnformation Technology Association of Canada. Lemley, Mark. /documents/infopol/copyright/copy95en. htm /documents/infopol/ copyright/lemmlhtrn A Copy is a Copy: Copyright Issues and the Emerging Information Infrastructure. February 1995. Index Stock Photography, Inc. Understanding Copyright Law. Rights of Attribution and Integrity in Online Communication. lournal of Online Law, June 1995. URL: html Leventhal, Michael. DESIDOC M e t i n of Inf Techno!,1996, 16(6) /documents/infopol/copyrigRt/IevmI.hIm Who Can Stake a Claim in cyberspace? Linn, R. 1. /documents/infopol/copyright/IinrIIhtm Copyright and Information Services in the Context of the National Research and Education Network. NIST. 1993. Review and Analys~sof the Report of fi?e Working Croup on Intellectual Properiy Rights, Intellectual Property and the N a tional Information Infrastruciure [ l V h i t c 12aper).Prepared for the Association of Research Libraries, American Library Assoclation, American Association o i lLa\v Libraries, Medical Library Association, Special Libraries Association. September 20, 3 995. Lyman, Peter. Copyright and Fair Use in the Dig~talAge: Q and A with Peter Lyman. Educorn Rev~erv, lanuary/february 1995. Littman, Jessica. URL: review/review.95/jannfeb/Iyman Revising Copyright Law for the Information Age. Twenty-third Annual Telecornmunications Policy Research Conference, October 2, 7995. U RL:http://swissnet, articles/int-prop/litman- revising/revising.html Losey, Ralph. Practical and Legal Protection of Computer Databases Martin, Peter. Predigital law: How prior information rechnologies have shaped access to anti the nature of law. Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP). Crown copyright in Cyberl space. Montreal vendredi, 7 2 mai 1 995. URL: Conferences/DAC/MARTIN/MART!N.htmi Massarsky, Barry M. /documents/ infopol/copyright/massarsk.txt Loundy, David. E-Law 3.0: Computer Information Systems Law and System Operator Liability in 1995. Loundy, David. The Operatrng Dynamics Behind ASCA?, BMI and SESAC, The US Pelforming Rights Societies. MIT. Ethics and Law on the Electronic Frontier. Course offered at MIT. A good reading list. &IRL: Revising the Copyright haw for Electronic Publishing. lohn Marshall lournal of Computer and lnformation Law, 14, October, 1995. index.html Moore, june 6. /docurnents/infopo[/ copyright/moore.txt Copyrighting Public Domain Prograi-17s Lutzker, Arnold. National Writers Union Statement of Principles on Contracts b e t w e e n Writers a n d Publishers. April 1994. Electronic Book /documents/infspol/copyright/nwu2~htrn Recommended Principles for Contracts Covering Online Book Publishing. September 1994. Negativiand. /documents/infops8/ sopyright/nghland.txC Fair Use. A band that has been involved in a copyright case involving musical samples. Commission on Preservation and Access, September 1990. (306K) Oakley, Robert L. /docurnents/infopol/ copyright/oakley2.&t Statement on Behalf of Several Library and Education Associations. Working Group on Intellectual Property of the lnformation Policy Committee of the National Information infrastructure Task Force. November 18, 1993. Okerson, Ann. URL: fair.use Negroponte, Nicholas. /documents/ infopoi/copyright/bowrifes.htm Bill Of Writes. WIRED, 1995, 3(5). URL: departments/negroponte.html Panel Discussion: Intellectual Properties Issues. Association of Research Libraries. Perritt, Henry W., Jr. /documents/infopol/ copyright/perh2.txt Knowbots, Permissions Headers and Contract Law (networked intellectual property). April 1993. Nelson, Theodor Holm. /documents/infopol/copyright/nelson.txt A Publishing and Royalty Model for Networked Documents. Norderhaug, Terje and Oberding; Juliet M. /documents/infopol/copyright/nortl.htm Designing a Web of Intellectual Property. First published as: Norderhaug, T.and Oberding, j. Designing a Web of Intellectual Property. In Computer Networks and lSDN Systems, 1995, 27(6), 103 7-46. U R L : webip/950220.htrnl Oakley, Robert L Copyright and Preservation: A Serious Problem in Need of a Thoughtful Solution. The DESlDOC Bulletin of lnf Technol. 1996,16(6) Perritt, Henry W., Jr. Permission Headers and Contract Law. Villanova University School of Law. Perrit, Henry W., jr /documents/ infopol/copyright/perhI.txt Protection of lntellectual Property in the National Information intrastructure. Statement to the Working Group on Intellectual Property of the Information Policy Committee of the National lnformation infrastructure (Nllj Task Force. c1993. Phillips, Kenneth L. /documents/ infopoI/copyright/phillips.txt Meta-information, The Network of the Future and lnteliectual Property Protection. Picture Agency Council of America. The opyright Commandments from PACA. Digital Media and the Law. Communications of the ACMl October 1991. URL: pacacrl.htrn Richards, David. The Copyright Law and the Musician. June 1990. Samuelson, Pamela. Is Information Property? Communications of the ACM, March 1991. URL: Saffo, Paul. /documentsfinfopol/copyrigRt/ safpl .htm It's the Context, Stupid, Wired Online Service, 1994. Samuelson, Paula. Copyright, Digital Data, and Fair Use in Digital Netwoked Environments. Centre de re cherche en droit public (CRDP). The Electronic Super-highway, Montreal, Friday, May 13th 1994. URL: CRDP/Conferences/AE/Samuelson.html Samuelson, Paula. /documents/infopol/ copyright/samp2.txt Copyright law and electronic compilations of data. Communications of the ACM, February 1992. ip-and-electronic-data.paper Samuelson, Paula. Intellectual- property/is-infogrsperty.pape~ Samuelson, Pamela. /documents/infopol/ copyright/samp5.txt First Amendment Rights for Information Provides. Communications of the ACM, June 1991. Samuelson, Paula. Legally Speaking: The NII Intellectual Property Report. Communications o f the ACM, December 1994. URL: copyright/papers/samuelson2.htrni Schlacter, Eric. /documents/infopol/ copyright/schel.htm Intellectual Property Prctection Regimes jn the Age of the Internet. Cooley Godward Castro Huddleson and Taturn, Palo Alto, CA. URk copyright1.html /documents/infopol/ copyright/samp3.htrn The Copyright Grab. URL: whitepaper.html Samuelson, Pamela. /documents/infopol/ copyright/samp4.txf Shade, Leslie Regan. /documents/ infopol/copyright/shadeQl .htm Copyright in the Digital Networked Environment. Discussion Paper for lntellectuai Property or Public Knowledge: A Roundtable Discussion of Copyright in the Nineties, Concordia University, April 7, 1995. DESlDOC Bubfin of lnf Technd, 1996. 16(6) Copyright in the New World of Electronic Publishing. Presented at the workshop, Electronic Publishing Issues A!, at the Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Annual Meeting, June 17, 1994, Washington, D.C. journal of Electronic Publishing. Shneiderman, Ben. /documents/ infopo!/copyright/shnbbM Protecting rights in user interface designs. Prepared for ACM SlCCHl BuNetin, October 1990, special issue on copyright legal issues. URL: gophes://wiretap.spiesScom:70/ LEbrary/Article/Rights/userintf.cp 00/ Templeton, Brad. Smallson, Fran. /documenUs/infopoI/ copyright/smafl .htm Soliciting From a Spectrum of Sources. htellecrual Property Magazine, February 1995. /documents/infopol/ copyright/temple.htm Copyright Myths FAQ. .cPari.nevbrad/ copymyths. htmE Upthegrove, Luella and Roberts, Tom. /documents/infopol/copyright/uptl.txt Stallman, Richard M. /documents/infopol/ copyright/starl .txt Copywrong. intellectual Froperty Header Descriptors: A Dynamic Approach. USENFF: Copyright FAQ. Stanbury, William T. Aspects of public policy regarding crown copyright in the digital age. Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP). Crown copyright in Cyberspace. Montreal vendredi, 12 mai 1995. USENET: Copyright Resources. FAQ-Further Copyright USENET: URL: news:misc.intproperty Sterling, J. A. Crown Copyright in the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth Countries. Crown copyright in Cyberspace Conference. CRDP, Montreal vendredi, 12 mai 1935. Conferences/DAC/STERL(NG/STERLING.html USENET: archive. URL: Idn-news/ US NTIA: Virtual Conference on Universal Access and Open Service. November 1994. /docurnents/infopol/copyright/jbower.txE Strong, William S. DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf Technol, 1996. 16(6) HTML archive through KentLaw Intellectual Property and the lnformation Infrastructure. Various /documents/infopol/copyright/ uses.htm Statement on Lawful Uses of Copyrighted Works. This statement was developed by representatives of the following associations: American Association of Law Libraries American Library Association - Association of Academic Health Sciences Library Directors - Association of Research Libraries Medical Library Association - Special Libraries Association. Vaver, David. Copyright and the State in Canada and the United States. Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP). Crown copyright in Cyberspace. Montreal vendredi, 12 mai 1995. URL: Conferences/DAC/VAVER/VAVER.html 2. PERIODICALS Harvard lournal of Law and Technology. URL: Richmond Journal o f Law and Technology. URL:!u Villanova lnformation Law Chronicle. URL: Against intellectual Property. URL: intelprop.html 3. ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHERS American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP). URL: .corn/ BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.) URL: Brooks and Kushman Intellectual Property Primer. URL: CANCOPY (Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency). URL: Center for Advanced Study and Research on Intellectual Property. URL: Berkeley Technology Law journal. URL: lntellectual Property Magazine. URL: recorder.html Intellectual Property News. URL: intellec- tual property/ journal of Electronic Publishing. URL: -casrip/ Coalition for Networked lnformation Copyright Listserv Archive (CNI-COPYRIGHT). URL:gopher://,'l l/cniwg/ forums/cni-copyright Computers and Law. SLrNY Buffalo School of Law student site. URL: -hlmeyer/Complaw/complaw.htmi Computers and Fair Use. Standford University Libraries. (A very good resource). URL: Copyright and Universities. URL: lournal o f Law and Information Science. URL: dept/comlaw/law/jlis/ UniCopy.html Copyright Clearance Center Online DESIDOC Bulletin of lnf Technol, 1996,16(6) Copyright interactive Forum (American Association for the Advancement of Science). League for Programming Freedom, (An organization that opposes software patents and interface copyrights.) URL: Ftp:/ pf/ hllR1: j.html MPLC - Motion Picture Licensing Corporation. URL : http:,l/ The Copyright Web Site. URL: rnplc. corn/ The Creative incentive Coalition. Music Publishers Association of the United States. CyberLaw and CyberLex. (An educational service focusing on legal issues concerning computer technology.) yberlaw/ Software Publishers Association. http:lY/ ord Cyberspace Law Center. URL:http://www,cyber~q~irreI~cono/c/ clcindex.html The Villanova Center for lnforrnation Law and Policy. URL : gopher:// l/.efl/ EFF Intellectual Property issues and Policy Archive. URL: lnteliectualgroperty/ World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ElNET lntellectual Property Caw. U Rkhttp: Intellectual-Property.htrnI Electronic Privacy Information Center.Computing Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) (Somewhat peripheral but some items may be of interest). URk WWW Multimedia Law. UWL: 3. COPYRIGHT POLlCIES American Library Association. /docurnents/infopol/copyright/aIaal.txt 1986 ALA Model Policy. Library and Classroom Use of Copyrighted Videotapes and Computer Software. Franklin Pierce Law Center. URL: The Institute for Learning Technologies. (Provides an excellent source for locating Internet information resources about copyright). ILTcopy.htrnl The lntellectual Property lnformation Mall. Franklin Pierce Law Center. URL:http://www.fplc.ed~/ipMaII~htrn Legal Information Institute. Cornell University Law School. (A great collection of legal materials. See the topical listings under intellectual property). URL: #main-menus Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). /documents/infopol/copyright/acm1 .htm ACM Interim Copyright Policy. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) /documents/infopol/copyright/accrn2.htm Author's Guide to ACM interim Copyright Policies. EDUCOM. /dwurnents/infopol/copyright/ educom.fxt Using Software: A Guide to the Ethical and Legal Use of Software for Members of the Academic Community. TRLN /documents/infopol/copyright/ DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf Technol, 1996, 16(6) taln.txt TRLN model copyright policy. Model University Policy Regarding Faculty Publication in Scientific and Technical Scholar4y journals: A Background Paper and Review of the Issues. July 1993. University of Georgia Libraries. /documents/infopol/copyright/uga.txt Wellesley College. /documentsfinfopol/ copyright/wilsycpy.txt 4. iNTERNATiONAL INSTRUMENTS Barne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Paris Text 1971). berne/overview.html /documents/infopol/copyright/ucc.txt Universal Copyright Convention (1 971). fletcher/multi/texts/UNTSl3444.txt Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms. URL : fletcher/multi/texts/BH588.txt International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations. fletcher/multi/texts/BH423.txt /documents/infopol/copyright/patent.txt Patent Cooperation Treaty/l970. (108 K) /documents/infopol/copyright/patentrg.txt Regulations. Washington, June 19, 1970. (205 K) 4.1 Australia APRA - Australasian Performing Right Association. URL : -apra/ Australian Council of Libraries and lnformation Services (ACLIS). Copyright for all Australians. Submission by ACLIS to the CLRCReview and Simplification of the Copyright Act 1968. URL : National Library of Australia. Submission to the Copyright Law Review Committee o n Reference to Review and Simplify the Copyright A a 1968. URL : y/ clrchtrnl /dontments/infopol/copyrigh t/ca196813.W Australian Copyright Act. 1968. Updated as at 29 March 1995. (608 K) 4.2 Canada Canadian Copyright Act. URL : index-en.html /documents/infopol/copyright/cihac007.txt Final Subcommittee Report on Copyright and the lnformation Highway. Canadian Jnformation Highway Advisory Council May.1995. /documents/infopol/copyright/nglfinal.txt Study on New Media .and Copyright. Final Report. Prepared for lndustry Canada, New Media, lnformation Technologies lndustry Branch. June 30, 1994. (19 7K) 4.3 Europe /documents/infopol/copyright/eccomp.txt Copyright protection of computer programs in the European Communities/l991. TONO, The Norwegian Performing Right Society. URL : tono-eng.html The Norwegian Reproduction Rights Organization. URL : http:/ kopinor/ KOPINOR.html DESIDOC Bulletin of Inf Technol, 1996, 16(6) 4.4 Japan Copyright Law in japan. Japanesetext. URL: 4.5 United States Copyright Act of 1976, as amended. URL: http://www. overview.html United States Patent Act, as amended. URL: http://www. 3S/i-iv/overview.htmi Tital 3 7 Code of Federal Regulations. This is the section detailing claims to copyright, freedom of information, and other relevant legal statutes. h ttp:// regulations/regs.overview.html United States Code, Title 17. This i s a gopher containing the full text of Title 17. The title outlines the scope and uses of copyright. URL: gopher:// 11d%3A/uscode/title17/sectQl Copyright Decisions of the US Supreme Court (since May 1990). URL: syllabi? copyright US Copyright Documents. URL : gophec// l/Cov/ Copyright US Copyright Office. URL : gophe~// I/ copyright US Patent and Trademark Office. URL : US Supreme Court lntellectual Property Decisions. DESlDOC Bulletin of Inf Techno!, 1W6,16(6) UWL: copytight+patent+trademark syllabi? Copyright Basics. /documents/infopol/copyright/usbasics.txt Library of Congress. Copyright Office. URL : http://lcweb.locgov/copyright/ Basic US Patent, Copyright and Trademark Information. Franklin Pierce Law Center. URL: order.htm The US House of Representatives. Internet Law Library. lntellectual property O5.htm National lntellectual Property Rights Issues. URL : h t @ : / / ~ . p s g u ~ n / n i i . i p r / ~ ~ e r v html iew. /documents/infopol/copyright/intlprop.txt lntellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure. Preliminary Draft (July 1994) of the Report of the Working Group on lntellectual Property Rights, a subgroup of the lnformation lnfrastructure Task Force. (320K),html /documents/infopol/copyright/ipnii.txt lntellectuai Property and the National Information Infrastructure. Report o f the Working Group on lntellectual Property Rights. September 1995. (58410. Transcript, Public Hearing on lntellectual Property Issues. NII Task Force Working Group on lntellectual Property, November 18, 1993. URL public/ copyright/papers/hearing.html /documents/infopol/copyright/preserve.txt Proposed Guidelines on Fair Use for the Preservation of Library Materials. Prepared for the Use of the Conference on Fair Use of the Working Group on lntellectual Property of the lnformation lnfrastructure Task Force. January 19, 1995. Drafted by Robert L. Oakley and Page Miller.