Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector for the detection of light dark matter using the Neganov-Luke effect Nadine Foerster, Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP), Karlsruhe Institute for Technology KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association EDELWEISS-III detectors ● High purity germanium crystals ● 24 detectors a 800g Two measuring channels 1. Heat (phonons) with NTD (Neutron Transmutation Doped sensor): Erecoil ≈ Eheat 2. Ionization yield for particle identification, Q = Eion/Erecoil Q = 1 for electron recoils Q ≈ 0,3 for nuclear recoils 2 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) EDELWEISS-III: Surface event discrimination Interleaved electrode structure with collecting and veto electrode → fiducial volume (FID800) fiducial 3 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) EDELWEISS-III: Surface event discrimination Interleaved electrode structure with collecting and veto electrode → fiducial volume (FID800) fiducial 4 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Current dark matter experiments Explore low WIMP mass region with Erecoil < 1 keV 5 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Actual performance of EDELWEISS-III ● Threshold for analysis of good detectors around 1 keV e.e. ● Baseline resolution ionization: ΔEFWHM = 500 eV e.e. ● Baseline resolution heat: ΔEFWHM = 300 eV e.e. ● Improve electronics for ionization signals (High-electron-mobility transistors HEMTs) → Analysis as before → Limited by number of created electron hole pairs ∆V = 10 V Use Neganov-Luke effect to amplify heat signals → Only heat measurement → No discrimination of electron and nuclear recoils Eheat = Erecoil (1+ΔV/3) S/N: 40 Time [ms] Amp. [mV] ● Amp. [mV] How to lower energy threshold of the detector? ∆V = 90 V S/N: 250 T Time [ms] 6 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Neganov-Luke amplification for EDELWEISS-III Neganov-Luke boost / detector performance depends on charge migration → 7 7/18/16 Needed: simulation of hot carrier transport in Ge Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Simulation of charge migration Calculation of electric potential and electric field maps → drift velocities and induced charges Voltage [V] First step: 8 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Simulation of charge migration Energy E [eV] Conduction band Band gap Valence band Electron transport anisotropy + Intervalley scattering T = 19 mK Wave vector E [100] [111] In close collaboration with Alexandre Broniatowski, (Orsay, University Paris Sud) 9 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Simulation of charge migration Trajectories: • holes • electrons 10 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Calibration experiment with prototype detector Planar mode: VA = VB = -VC = VD 241 ● Am 109 Cd T = 23 mK Am source: Emission energy for γ-rays: 59.5keV Absorption length: 0.1 cm ● 241 → single energy deposits in the near surface region Inside cryostat Advantage 59.5 keV: Ionization signals easy to measure (4 channel read-out) 11 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Event locations created by the 241 241 Am source Am Hole collection Electron collection Monte Carlo Simulation 12 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Neganov-Luke amplification planar mode A ● ● ● 13 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Expected amplitude calculated from ΔV = 6 V ± 0.5V (Amplification: 1+ΔV/3) Voltage configuration: 1-3: VA > 0 V 4: VA < 0 V VA = VB = -VC = -VD Errors from uncertainty of voltage configuration Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Reduction of incomplete charge collection with increasing field Low field High High field field VA = VB = -VC = VD = +3V VA = VB = -VC = VD = -60V 14 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Reduction of incomplete charge collection with increasing field Low field High High field field Reduction factor of 130 15 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Heat Spectrum: VA = VB = -VC = -VD = - 60 V Event categories by ionization amplitude 16 7/18/16 ● FWHM All: 5.920± 0.003 keV e.e. ● FWHM BD: 2.033±0.166 keV e.e. Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Event categories for electron collection 17 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Locations of categorized events Red: Full charge collection Blue: Incomplete charge collection 18 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Event categories for hole collection Discrepancy for shared events 19 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Summary and Outlook 20 ● Low field → high field: Reduction of incomplete charge collection by factor 10² ● Experiment is well described by the simulation ● Study of discrepancy for holes is ongoing ● How behaves charge collection at the lateral surface? 7/18/16 Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Backup Projection for Neganov-Luke amplified detection Goal for 2017: 350kg days 21 7/18/16 Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Event categories for electron and hole collection Electrons 22 7/18/16 Holes Nadine Foerster – Charge migration study of a massive cryogenic Ge detector Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Backup Event locations in the crystal: VB = -2.0V 23 7/18/16 VB = +2.0V Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Planar mode: VA = VB = -VC = -VD = +50 V Heat amplitude spectrum uncalibrated Zoom 59.5keV peak Important tail contribution ● ● 24 7/18/16 Focus analysis on 59.5 keV peak Define event categories via ionization signals First results from Neganov-Luke amplified detection in Orsay Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Planar mode: VA = VB = -VC = -VD = +50 V Heat spectrum uncalibrated ● ● Event categories defined via ionization amplitudes Focus on full charge collection in ionization ((A+B-C-D)/2) for 59.5 keV events Heat spectrum uncalibrated Not AC ● ● ● 25 7/18/16 5 % shift in position between blue and red distributions → different Neganov-Luke amplification factors FWHM blue: 6.043 ± 0.278 keV e.e. FWHM red: 4.541 ± 0.100 keV e.e. First results from Neganov-Luke amplified detection in Orsay Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Planar mode: VA = VB = -VC = -VD = +50 V Calibrated heat spectrum Independent calibration of different event categories (discrimination via ionization signal) Zoom 59.5 keV peak Resolution: ● 59.5 keV line: σ = 1.871 ± 0.001 keV e.e. → FWHM: 4.400 ± 0.003 keV e.e. ● Baseline: σ = 0.096 ± 0.003 keV e.e. → FWH: 0.227 ± 0.007 keV e.e. 26 7/18/16 First results from Neganov-Luke amplified detection in Orsay Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Explanation for different amplification factors Difference of voltages at electrodes due to imperfect insulation to ground. V = V0 R' / (RL+R') V0 RL = 150 M R' V R' = leakage resistance to ground (e.g. through leaky connector) order of magnitude: R' = 3GΩ , V0 = 50 V → V0 - V ~ 2.5 volts → 5% drop from the nominal voltage V0 → Check by simulation and by direct inspection of the electrical cabling 27 7/18/16 First results from Neganov-Luke amplified detection in Orsay Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Comparison with simulation VA = +50V, VB = +50V, VC = -50V, VD = -50V Voltage configuration VA = +50V, VB = +45V, VC = -50V, VD = -50V 5% No noise included in simulation 28 7/18/16 First results from Neganov-Luke amplified detection in Orsay Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP) Electron transport at low and high field Intervalley transition rate increases Low field: 106 s-1 29 7/18/16 High field: 109 s-1 Institute of Experimental Nuclear Physics (IEKP)