YORK I n d u s t r i a l R E PA I R Electric Motors E L E CTRIC M OTORS Efficiency and productivity are required in today’s industrial world. Motor demands and repair needs fluctuate from day to day. Industrial environments require timely solutions in order to minimize downtime. York is a company that not only is innovative, but also has integrity and dedication. York’s Electric Motors Division has proudly provided customers with exceptional quality, service and value for over 35 years. You can place your trust in York when your company demands rapid electrical motor repair. York is The Power Behind Your Productivity TM. E l e c t r i c M o t o r Re pa i r York’s Electric Motors Division is a full service motor repair facility capable of managing all of your motor needs. We can assist with repair to replacement or specification on new projects. Our facility is well equipped for 20 tons of lifting capacity, 9 foot diameter VPI system and 7200 volt testing system. York’s in-house capabilities helps reduce lead times due to sub-contracting services. Our services and capabilities help maintain your high-level productivity. Please contact your sales representative to obtain a quote and learn how York can keep your business running. For more information, visit our web site at www.yorkrepair.com. YORK I n d u s t r i a l R E PA I R Electric Motors M o t o r r e pa i r We service these types of electric motors and more; please contact York for information regarding your specific motor: Adjusto-Speed Motors Generators Armature Winding Induction Motors Brake Motors Medium Voltage Motors Single-Phase Motors DC Motors Metric Motors Synchronous Motors Explosion Proof Motors Permanent Magnet Motors UL/CSA Approved Rebuild Facility Gear Motors Traction Motors Wound Rotor Motors Re pa i r c a pa b i l i t i e s Physical Capabilities: 20 Ton Lifting Capacity 60’ Bridge Crane 9’ V.P.I. (Vacuum Pressure Impregnation) w/Cycle Recording Monitor 8’ x 8’ x 8’ Burnout Oven w/Graph 10,000 Lb. Raydyne Balancer 8’ x 8’ x 10’ Heat Curing Oven w/Graph Test Equipment: 0-7200 VAC Variable Voltage Power Supply w/Computer Interface 900 HP Dynamometer for Load Testing Isolated Motor Test Pad 0-750 VDC Supply Complete Machine Shop: 7 Lathes, Turning Capacity 74” Diameter Metco SPII Ceramic Spray Gun Lucas Boring Mill 4’ x 5’ Table Full Welding and Metalizing Department For more information, visit our web site at www.yorkrepair.com. 611 Andr e St • Bay City, MI 48706 800.344.8842 • www.yorkrepair.com YORK Electric Motors is a division of YORK Repair, Inc.