Diploma in Education and Training (DET)

Diploma in Education and Training (DET)
Training Options at Uxbridge College 2016-17
For teachers and trainers working in Further Education Colleges, Adult and Community Learning,
14-19 units in Schools and Academies, Private Training Organisations, Prison Education and the
Public services (Police, Paramedics, Fire Service)
Entry requirements
 A qualification in your subject area (Level 3 for skills subjects or a degree for academic
 A regular class or classes that you can teach during the programme in your qualified
subject area amounting to minimum 50 hours per year (arranged by you)
 A mentor in your subject area
 A good command of spoken and written English
CCCU (Canterbury Christ Church
University) DET with PGCE
(ProfGCE), Level 5 and 6
City and Guilds (6502-51) DET (Level 5)
This DET course is validated by City and Guilds and it
is at Level 5 only. It is a part-time, two-year inservice qualification with blended delivery (50%
This is a University validated DET. Year 1 is at
reduced attendance with an online element) which
Level 4 and Year 2 is at Level 5, but for those
aims to cover the knowledge and skills required by
with degrees who have the capability of
teachers/trainers in the further education and skills
working at Level 6 or above, the PGCE
sector. Assessment is through a combination of
(Professional Graduate Certificate in
assignments and observation of teaching and
Education) pathway will be available. It is a
training. There are 8 units of study over the 2 years:
part-time, two-year in-service course with one
Year 1 –Unit 426: Teaching, learning and assessment
attendance every week which aims to develop
in education and training, Unit 502: Theories,
the knowledge, skills and understanding of
principles and models of education and training, Unit
teachers and trainers working in Further
423: Teaching in a specialist area, Unit 424:
Education Colleges, Adult and Community
Understanding and managing behaviours in a
Learning, 14-19 units in Schools and Academies,
learning environment, Unit 422: Specialist delivery
Private Training Organisations, Prison
techniques and activities, Year 2 – Unit 501:
Education and the Public services (Police,
Developing teaching, learning and assessment in
Paramedics, Fire Service). Assessment is
education and training, Unit 503: Wider professional
through a portfolio of evidence which includes
practice and development in education and training,
observations, presentations and written work.
Unit 505: Action Research.
There are 6 modules of study: Year 1 - Module
1: Introduction to Teaching and Learning,
Attendance: Tuesdays, 5 – 9 pm in Year 1
Module 2: Planning and Assessing, Module 3:
(with 50% of sessions blended/online)
Applying Theory to Practice, Year 2 - Module 4:
Fee: £ 1,867 per year
Reflecting on Practice, Module 5: Curriculum,
Start date: Tuesday 13 September 2016
Module 6: Professional Practice.
Attendance is compulsory at inductions, tutorials,
seminars and essential input sessions. Study support
Attendance: Tuesdays, 5 – 9 pm in Year 1
materials will be provided. A programme of
(with a workshop from 8-9 pm)
attendance dates will be issued at induction.
Fee: £2,700 per year
Start date: Tuesday 13 September 2016
Contact Teacher Training at Uxbridge College
Marta Knill:
01895 853478