Winter 2009
Community Education & Recreation
44O 419-537-9852Off444444444
The African American Create A Special Centerpiece Understanding China
7:30-9:00 pm Feb. 3-Mar. 10 Tues.
6:30-8:30 pm
Jan. 28
ExperienceOH Community Room
OH Community Room
Charles H. Wright Museum
of African American History
(For Family and Friends, Ages 11+)
Under 16, a responsible adult must attend
Feb. 7
Departure 8:15 am
Return 4:00 pm
OH Village Hall Parking Lot
Fee: $60.00 (If our charter is charged a
fuel surcharge, the fee will be $65.00),
includes parking, round-trip coach fare,
museum entrance fee, docent guided
tour, pizza lunch, and workshop.
Minimum: 15
Maximum: 27
Registration deadline: 1/14
Join us for a fascinating day trip to Detroit
to learn about the African American
Experience. First, we will attend a guided
tour of the exhibition, “And Still We
Rise”. The journey begins in prehistoric
Africa, the cradle of human life. Guests
then witness several ancient and early
modern civilizations that evolved on
the continent. Crossing the Atlantic
Ocean, experiencing the tragedy of the
middle passage, our trip encounters those
who resisted the horrors of bondage,
emancipated themselves and sometimes
took flight by way of the Underground
Railroad. Throughout this journey, the
efforts of Detroit men and women who
built families, businesses, educational
institutions, spiritual traditions, and civic
organizations are hailed. Next, there
will be time to visit other galleries in the
Museum, as well as the gift shop. Then,
we will partake a yummy pizza lunch.
Afterwards, our group will participate in a
workshop, “Ring of Genealogy”. We will
collage a picture that represents your own
family history. You will be able to take
home this personalized keepsake. Don’t
miss this powerful experience!
Minimum: 6
Maximum: 12
Fee $48.00, includes supplies
Registration deadline: 1/14
Please bring scissors.
Create an original table centerpiece
using fresh flowers in the romantic
shades of pinks, burgundy and chartreuse
accompanied by candles to light the
winter night. Using oasis, you will learn
the techniques florists use to produce a
contemporary arrangement of fruits and
flowers suitable for your dining table.
Think of the savings! Once you learn
these basics, Molly will show you how
to adapt them to create a centerpiece for
any season or occasion where you want to
dress up your table. Join us for the fun!
Instructor: Molly Pierce, floral designer,
with 25 years experience.
Minimum: 7
Maximum: 15
Fee: $90.00
Registration deadline: 1/20
If you watched the 2008 Olympic games,
you saw the beauty and complexity of
China. Learn more about one of the oldest
cultures in the world, its history, values,
about the Chinese people and a sample of
common Chinese words. Through the use
of multi media tools, such as video clips
and online sources, you will be involved
in interactive activities and practice
opportunities. For individuals interested
in traveling to China, businesspeople that
want to gain a worldview on the global
economic landscape, and those who are
curious about China, please join us for a
fun and stimulating class.
Instructor: Hewen Slak, Chinese born
American and former president of the
Chinese Association of Greater Toledo.
Beginner Fly Fishing
6:00-7:30 pm Mar. 23, 30
Meet in OHES New Gym
Minimum: 3
Maximum: 8
Fee: $60.00, includes rod, reel, supplies
Registration deadline: 3/9
This class will feature the basics of how
to get started in fly-fishing. The class
will cover selecting the proper gear,
understanding fly fishing equipment,
basics of tying knots, introduction to
casting, and casting practice. We will
focus on how fly-fishing equipment is put
together into a complete outfit, essential
fishing knots, and the different types of
flies. Time will be given for students to
learn and practice techniques of casting
and controlling the line for different
conditions and presentations.
Instructor: Pamela Peters, Champion Fly
Open Bridge
If you are looking to improve your bridge
skills, then you need to practice by playing
the game! Starting January 14th through
April 1st (no bridge on 3/4 or 3/11), join
us on Wednesdays from 11:00 am-1:00 pm
at the OH Community Room, located in
the Ottawa Hills Elementary School, 3602
Indian Road. The fee is $3.00 at the door,
exact amount please. Bridge decks and
score pads are provided. Enjoy socializing
with people who have the same skill level
as yours. Imagine not having to clean
up the house to play bridge. Call 419537-9852 to reserve a spot! Walk-ins are
welcome depending on space.
Pilates -Adv. Beginner
#1 9:00-9:50 am Mon. Jan. 5-Feb. 23
#2 9:00-9:50 am Mon. Mar. 16-May 4
(no class on 4/6 or 4/13)
OH Community Room
Minimum: 4
Maximum: 12
Fee: $66.00 per session
Fee may be prorated prior to start
of session if needed. No make-ups or
carryovers for absences.
Registration deadline: #1-12/26,#2-3/9
Please bring a mat.
Join us for Pilates mat classes that will
cover floor exercises developed by
Joseph Pilates. Advanced Beginner
Pilates will focus on floor exercises
that will provide the following benefits:
total body strengthening and flexibility,
postural awareness, non-impact exercise,
core muscle strength with emphasis on
abdominals, lower back and gluteus,
correct breathing, better balance and
control. This class is for the student who
has taken a beginner level and wants to
challenge herself/himself.
Instructor: Heide Klein, certified Pilates
instructor, OH resident
Cheerleading Clinic
K-3 Basketball
Join us for Saturday basketball fun! This
program is especially designed for the
primary grade child using shorter baskets to enhance play. The program will
emphasize dribbling, passing, ball handling, shooting, defensive skills and good
sportsmanship. Each week will focus
on instruction, fun drills and scrimmage
games. Don’t miss the FUN!
Saturday: Jan. 10-Feb. 28
(No sessions Jan 17 or Feb. 14)
#1-Boys,Grades 2-3 8:30-9:30
#2-Boys,Grades K-1 9:35-10:20
#3-Boys,Grades K-1 10:25-11:10
#4-Girls,Grades 2-3 11:30-12:30
# 5 - G i r l s , G r a d e K - 1 11 : 1 5 - 1 2 : 0 0
OHES New Gym
Please carry in your basketball shoes
Fee: $40.00 per student,includes T-shirt
Registration deadline: 1/5
Instructor: #1-Jeff Coil, #2-Jeff Lohmeyer, #3-Jon VanSlooten, #4-Brad
Lay, #5-Bev Gottlieb. Parents: Please
volunteer to assist the coaches by noting
on the registration form. Your help is
essential !
Dance Team Clinic
Hatha Yoga-Winter
6:30-8:00 pm Tues. Feb. 3-Mar. 24
OHES Old Gym
Minimum: 6
Fee: $88.00
Registration deadline: 1/27
Please bring a mat.
Are you looking to enhance your wellbeing? Learn to reduce your stress, control your breath, strengthen and tone your
body, stretch out and quiet your mind.
This class is for the beginner through
intermediate level.
Instructor: Ann Heckler, registered yoga
instructor, OH resident
Grades 4-6
Jan. 11, 25
1:30-2:30 pm
Jan. 29
Thurs. 7:00-8:00 pm
OHHS Main Gym
Minimum: 10
Maximum: 40
Fee: $42.00, includes shirt & 2 tickets
to performance/game
Registration deadline: 1/5
Dance along with the OH Dance Team
at this popular clinic! Learn warm-up
routines, choreography, and staging.
Perform with the OH Dance Team on
January 31st at half time at the OH Boys
Varsity Basketball game.
Instructor: OH Dance Team
Grades 1-3
Jan. 10, 24
10:10-11:10 am
OHES Old Gym
Jan. 30
2:30-3:30 pm
OHES New Gym
Minimum: 15
Maximum: 32
Fee: $42.00, includes 2 small pompoms
and 2 tickets to performance/game
Registration deadline: 1/5
Show your school spirit. Learn the latest
OH cheers. Children will be divided up
into small groups, “squads”. Come watch
the squads cheer during the Half time at
the OH Girls Varsity Basketball game on
Friday night, January 30th. Mark your
calendars now!
Instructor: Nicole Marshall, OHHS
Varsity Cheerleader advisor and OHHS
Yoga For Kids
Grades 3-6
2:35-3:20 pm
Session #1 – Jan 12 – Feb. 23
(no class 1/19 or 2/16)
Session #2 – Mar. 16-Apr. 27
(no class 4/6 or 4/13)
OH Community Room
Minimum: 4
Maximum: 12
Fee: $40.00
Registration deadline: #1-1/5, #2-3/2
Please bring a mat or thick blanket.
Stretch your body; breathe deeply and
enhance your flexibility. Yoga can do
all these things while making your body
stronger. It also helps with discipline and
increased knowledge of human anatomy.
This class is adapted for kids - poses are
named after animals and geometric angles
to encourage use of their imagination.
Relaxation at the end is designed to give
you that quiet flow of energy to lift your
spirits. Come with your friends!
Instructor: Ann Heckler, registered yoga
instructor and OH mom.
Registration Guidelines
All registration forms and fees must be received by the noted registration deadline. Be sure to specify the
name of the class and session number or time. A $15.00 fee per registration form will be charged for registration of a class or classes received after the deadline. Please don't wait until the last minute to register!
For Adult Pilates and Yoga classes, if you have a physical limitation, then permission of your health provider is
Please plan to attend the first scheduled session. No confirmation will be made. Children participating in programs should not arrive more than ten minutes prior to class. Students must remain in assigned class locations.
The programs for children are available for only residents of Ottawa Hills, employees of the Village of Ottawa
Hills, and employees of the Ottawa Hills Schools.
There will be a $5 fee charged for any registration cancelled by participant prior to the first class. Please submit
refund request in writing to the Office of Recreation, 3602 Indian Road, Toledo, Ohio 43606. No refunds will
be made after the first class session. If a class is cancelled by the Village of Ottawa Hills due to insufficient
enrollment, you will be notified and your fees refunded.
The OH Community Room is located in the Ottawa Hills Elementary School, 3602 Indian Road. During the day,
please enter through the Main Office entrance.
Village of Ottawa Hills -Community Education & Recreation Registration Form
Winter 2009
Participant’s Name
Grade&Teacher (if applicable)
Yes, I will help with K-3 basketball on ________________ Yes, I will help with Bumper Bowling on ______________________
Total Fee Enclosed
In consideration for having access to the facilities used in these classes, I hereby release New Glass Bowl Lanes, and any property owners, class
instructors, volunteers, the Village of Ottawa Hills and its employees and agents from any liability for bodily injury or harm, which participants may
suffer as a result of or in conjunction with the use of said facilities.
Signature of Adult Participant or Parent/Guardian
Adult Participant or Parent/Guardian Name
Day Phone
Zip Code
Evening Phone
Emergency Phone
Make check payable and return with form to: “Village of Ottawa Hills”, Community Education & Recreation, 3602 Indian Road,
Toledo, Ohio 43606.
Wild and Wiggly Art!
Kempo for Kids
Grades 1-2
Grades K-4
Jan. 28-Feb 25
3:30-4:30 pm
Mrs. Senn’s room
Minimum: 5
Maximum: 18
Fee: $52.00, includes supplies
Please bring paint shirt.
Registration deadline: 1/16
Feb. 5-26
(make up on 3/5 if needed)
2:35-3:20 pm
Minimum: 6
Fee: $45.00, includes test fee
Registration deadline: 1/29
This new art class will explore the wiggly lines of American
artist Frank Stella. We will be making wild and wiggly projects
each week like beautiful bugs, collages and wacky paintings. In
addition, characters from “Where The Wild Things Are” will
be used to make a “Wild Things” masterpiece! If you are "wild
about art", come for the fun!
Instructor: Kathy Senn, OHES 1st grade teacher
Kempo Martial Arts training (karate) is a great way for kids to
develop confidence, flexibility, focus, and self-discipline through
this vigorous mode of exercise. This class will teach blocks,
punches and kicks without contact. Karate can serve as a
positive energy outlet. If the participant attends all the scheduled
classes, the odds are extremely good that he/she will have the
skills to test for the 1st belt. Test will be given during the last
Instructor: Kempo Martial Arts Center Staff
OHES New Gym
Maximum: 20
Picasso Penguins
Grades 3-6
Session 1 -Tues., Jan. 13-Feb. 17
Session 2 - Wed., Jan. 14-Feb. 18
Session 3 - Thurs., Jan. 15-Feb. 19
All Sessions: 3:30-4:30 pm
Minimum: 8
Maximum: 16
OHES Art Room
Fee: $89.00, includes supplies
Bring an art shirt!
Registration deadline: 1/5
Bead With Your Buddies
Come create some “cool” art this winter! Join us in the Art
Room as we create icy “snowscapes”, Picasso penguins, and
Abominable Snowmen from paint, paper, and clay. We will use
recyclables to build amazing sculptures and splash them with
color. Join us as we make the winter sparkle with glitter and
gold, fun!
Instructor: Cynthia Bodziak, OHES Art
Have fun with your friends as you learn two different techniques
for making cool looking jewelry that you will be proud to wear!
At the first class, you will create a unique memory wire necklace
with beads and a charm of your choice. At the second class, you
will learn the ladder stitch to create a colorful, fun bracelet. As
you wear your necklace and bracelet, we hope you will remember
the fun you had beading with your friends.
Instructor: Julia Robertson, owner of Meant to Bead
Grades 4-6
Mar. 24, 31
Meant to Bead, 6536 W. Central
(next to Crown Fireplace)
Minimum: 4
Fee: $25.00, includes supplies
Registration deadline: 3/16
3:30-4:30 pm
Maximum: 10
PERMIT #1144
Village of Ottawa Hills
Community Education & Recreation
3602 Indian Road
Toledo, Ohio 43606
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ms fo nter 2009 !
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Youth Bowling, Grades 4-6
Jan. 14-Feb. 25
2:30-4:50 pm
(make-ups on 3/3 and 3/10 if needed)
New Glass Bowl Lanes
5133 Telegraph Road
Minimum: 15
Maximum: 40
Fee: $73.00, includes transportation, ball, shoes, 2 games
per week & on the last day-pizza and trophies
Snack bar available
Registration deadline: 1/8
Join your friends after school for bowling fun! Bowling takes
place approximately 1- ½ hours. Basic instruction, team
formation, and scorekeeping will be covered on the first day.
League play will occur January 21st through February 18th. Fun
Day, pizza and awards will be held on Feb. 25th.
The New Glass Bowl Lanes bus will provide transportation.
It will arrive at the OHES circle drive, near the corner of
Manchester Road, for pick up at 2:30 pm and departure at 2:40
pm. Bowlers will be returned to the circle drive by 4:50 pm.
Parents, please arrive by 4:45 pm to pick up your bowler-the
weather can be quite cold. Written notice is required for picking
up a bowler, at 4:25 pm at New Glass Bowl Lanes.
Instructor: New Glass Bowl Lanes staff
Bowling, Grades K-3
Jan. 27-Feb. 17
3:00-4:30 pm
(make-ups on 2/24 and 3/3 if needed)
New Glass Bowl Lanes
5133 Telegraph Road
Minimum: 6
Maximum: 32
Fee: $34.00, includes ball, shoes, 2 games per week, & on the
last day-pizza and trophies
Snack bar available
Registration deadline: 1/20
Have fun and learn how to bowl with your friends. This class is an
introduction to basic bowling concepts and etiquette. Games may
be played with or without bumpers placed in the gutters. Play lasts
approximately 1-½ hours – due to the nature of the participants,
time is approximate. There is no keeping score, just lots of FUN.
There will be 4 bowlers per lane. Please note the names of the
children who wish to bowl together on the registration form. We
will try to accommodate your preference. On the first day, we will
form bowling groups for those needing them.
Parents: we need your help to provide order during the playing
time on the lanes. Please note on the registration form the
date(s) you would be able to attend.
Instructor: New Glass Bowl Lanes staff