Supalux Fire Resistant Boards: Product Brochure

The information in this document
is issued in good faith. Intumex Asia
Pacific can accept no responsibility
for omissions or errors in content or
interpretation. Intumex Asia Pacific
has a policy of continuous
improvement and reserves the right
to change specifications, designs
and products at any time without
prior notice. Local authorities must
be consulted for compliance with
local building fire regulations.
© 2003 Intumex Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Intumex Asia Pacific is commited to technical
excellence which is the driving force behind our
Intumex Asia Pacific has unrivalled expertise in the
manufacturing of calcium silicate boards and cementbonded particleboards which continues to place it at
the forefront of building board technology. The
expertise that has made Intumex Asia Pacific a market
leader in the Asia Pacific is now recognised in many
countries across the world.
Intumex Asia Pacific’s commitment to technical
excellence, is equally concerned with quality in all its
forms: quality of materials, quality of production, quality
of its people, even quality of the environment.
Intumex Asia Pacific has long been involved in
establishing standards for the performance of building
systems worldwide, working closely with British, Asia
Pacific and other international bodies. The result is a
range of tested and proven products and systems that
show exceptional performance characteristics for fire
protection, moisture resistance, hygiene performance,
impact resistance, acoustic performance.
Intumex Asia Pacific products are ideal for use in many
applications including ceilings, partitioning, wall lining,
roofing, flooring, structural steel protection, ducting
and external wall cladding. Literature explaining the
use of Intumex Asia Pacific products and systems in
these areas of use are available from Intumex Asia
Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Fire resistance is not a property of a
material but the performance of a
complete element of structure which will
generally be composed of a number of
different materials and components.
The fire resistance of loadbearing and
non-loadbearing partitions and ceilings
are determined by a test in accordance
with the criteria of BS476: Parts 21 and
22: 1987 respectively.
Specifications shown in this document
have been tested or assessed by
independent authorities for compliance
with International Standards. Additional
testing has been carried out worldwide.
A fire resisting construction can be any
one of a number of elements in a building
for example a wall, ceiling, duct,
protected shaft or cavity barrier.
This document gives details of some of
the constructions used in fire resisting
applications. For full details on many
other fire resisting applications please
refer to Intumex Asia Pacific.
Building materials are classified as noncombustible when they are tested to
BS476: Part 4: 1970 or BS476: Part 11:
1982. Supaluxfi is non-combustible.
These tests provide a measure of the
propensity of materials to generate heat
and flames under standardised heat
exposure conditions, and represent the
highest and most stringent standard for
the fire performance of materials.
Fire resistance is determined in tests which
subject a representative specimen to
heating conditions based on a standard
temperature/time curve while subject to its
design loading. Test methods are
contained in the various parts of British
Standard 476. The fire resistance of a
specimen is the time in minutes for which
it continues to meet the criteria for
Stability, Integrity and Insulation.
Standard temperature/time curve
(BS476: Part 20: 1987)
The specimen under test is progressively
heated in an accurately controlled furnace,
the temperature of which varies with time
as closely as possible to an International
Standard. This is set out in graph form
and is called the time-temperature curve.
The heat evolved is not necessarily that
which is produced in a true fire situation
but is an agreed standard for purposes
of comparison. After 30 minutes the
temperature of the furnace is 841OC,
increasing to 945OC after 60 minutes. Then
to 1049OC after 120 minutes to a
maximum 1213OC after 360 minutes.
These figures illustrate how stringent these
performance tests are in respect of
elements of structure.
The fire resistance of an element is the
time in minutes from the start of the test
until failure occurs under any one of the
criteria of Stability, Integrity and Insulation if
all are appropriate to the particular type of
element being tested; or, if no failure
occurs, until the test is terminated.
For example, a test result showing:
Stability: 120
Integrity: 120
Insulation: 15
would mean that a specimen failed in
respect of Insulation after 15 minutes, but
complied with the other criteria for at least
120 minutes. A large number of various
types of elements of structure have been
tested over a period of years. The designer
of a building can therefore refer quite
readily to previous test results from a
range of official publications and will know
whether or not the particular type of
construction selected will be appropriate in
respect of the fire resistance of the
proposed elements of structure. Should he
wish to use new or untested materials,
testing would be necessary and a
satisfactory report would need to be
furnished prior to approval being given for
the use of such elements in the
construction of a particular building.
Stability is the ability of the specimen tested
to withstand deformation or collapse.
Integrity is the ability to withstand cracking or
opening up to the extent of allowing flames
to pass through.
Insulation is the ability of the face of the
element not exposed to heat to remain
comparatively cool.
upalux® consists of calcium
silicate matrix reinforced with
selected fibres and special
fillers. It does not contain
asbestos or other inorganic
The board is semicompressed and cured
in high-pressure steam
autoclave, thus providing
high dimensional and
chemical stability with
low alkalinity.
Supalux® calcium
silicate board is
off-white in colour
with a sanded fair
surface and lightly
textured on reverse.
Supalux® has extremely good dimensional stability even
when used in humid
environment, or conditions with changing
Supalux® is non-combustible to BS 476: Part
4: 1970. It has Class 1 Surface spread of flame
to BS 476: Part: 1971 and Class O surfaces as
defined in the Building Regulations. It contains
no soluble ingredients and its fire performance
is not degraded by age.
Supalux® does not generate smoke or toxic
gases during fire.
When left undecorated, the board
will not degrade,
rot or deteriorate
Supalux is tolerant to moisture. It will absorb
water causing some strength lost, which is fully
recovered upon drying. Moisture has no
permanent effect, nor cause leaching or
efflorescence from the board.
Supalux® experiences very low movement in relation to
temperature change. It provides some degree of thermal
insulation; and is an ideal support for thermal insulation material.
Resistant to attack by
insects or vermin,
and does not nourish
mould growth.
affected by brine
and dilute chlorine
solutions. It is
resistant to low
concentration of
most acids, alkalis,
bleaching agents and
Supalux® is lightweight and it can be cut
woodworking tools. The board has low
alkalinity; and is compatible with all
common building materials. It is ready to
accept most decorative finishes, without
any anti-alkaline primer. Please consult
Intumex Asia Pacific for specific details
Over the years, Supalux® has successfully established its brand through proven track records
in thousands of projects around the world.
This page
(from top to bottom)
2-hour fire rated
concealed grid ceiling
1-hour fire rated
decorative ceiling
1-hour fire rated partition
Opposite page
(clockwise from top left)
2-hour fire rated wall
1-hour fire rated
decorative ceiling
2-hour fire rated
external wall system
1-hour fire rated partition
1-hour fire rated
membrane ceiling
and partition
n impressive
project portfolio
for Supalux® ,
covering both exterior
and interior applications
in venues such as
sport stadiums, offices
and commercial
buildings for aesthetic
lining of partitions,
floors and ceilings.
upalux® partitions provide periods of fire resistance from thirty minutes up to
four hours, depending on the specification. Our design capabilities allow us to
offer a range of lightweight and slimline partition systems.
Lighter weight partition systems reduce floor loading, whilst still maintaining
The use of slimline construction is particularly advantageous in commercial property
development where developers are able to maximise revenue through increasing the
net lettable area of the property.
½-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Timber Stud Partition
M 63mm x 50mm perimeter timber
N Minimum 60mm thick x 34kg/m3 density
mineral wool between studs
(omitted here for clarity)
O 63mm x 50mm timber studs
at 610mm centres
P 63mm x 50mm horizontal timber noggings
at board joints
Q 9mm thick Supalux® board
a) Boards to timber: 50mm long nails at 300mm
b) Timber to timber: 75mm long skew nails
c) Timber to masonry: M6 screw and plugs at
500mm centres
d) To provide mineral wool strips between
perimeter timber and masonry
e) Mineral wool thickness and density are
minimum requirements, please consult
Intumex Asia Pacific for details of local
1-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Steel Stud Partition
This system is suitable for providing up to 60 minutes fire resistance only.
M 48mm x 35mm x 0.5mm thick
steel channel
N 60mm thick 23kg/m3 density
mineral wool
O 75mm wide x 9mm thick
Supalux® cover strip,
behind horizontal joints
fixed on both sides of
the joint with 19mm long
No.8 self-tapping screws
at 300mm centres
P 48mm x 35mm x 0.5mm thick
steel channel studs
at 610mm centres
Q 9mm thick Supalux® board
fixed to channels
using 19mm long
No.8 self-tapping screws
at 300mm centres
Please consult Intumex Asia
Pacific for the follows a) C o n s t r u c t i o n s o f f e r i n g
periods of protection from 30
to 240 minutes integrity and
insulation, or for loadbearing
b) Details of local requirements
for minimum mineral wool
thickness and density.
1-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Solid Partition
M 15mm thick Supalux® board fixed to
20mm thick board using 30mm long
4.5mm diameter self-tapping screws
at 300mm centres
N 20mm thick Supalux® board fixed to
perimeter angle using 30mm long
4.5mm diameter self-tapping screws
at 300mm centres
O 30mm x 30mm x 0.6mm thick perimeter
angle fixed to concrete using M6 bolts
at 400mm centres compressing a strip of
65mm wide x 10mm thick mineral wool
between them to act as a smoke seal
gasket on uneven substrates
a) Screw fixings to perimeter angles shall be 20mm from the board edge.
b) Screw fixings to the boards shall be 50mm from the board edge on bottom left and right of the 20mm and
15mm thick Supalux® boards.
c) All screw heads, board to board joints, board to concrete frame joints shall be finished with gypsum
jointing plaster.
he fire resistance requirements for external walls depend on the type and size of
the building. The minimum periods of fire resistance for the elements of structure
in an industrial building can be found in the local building code of practice.
In addition, the fire resistance requirement for external walls is determined by the
distance of the wall from the relevant boundary. Where any part of the external wall
is less than 1m from any point on the relevant boundary, the designer must consider
fire exposure from each side of the wall separately; where the external walls is 1m or
more from the relevant boundary fire exposure is only considered from inside the
Supalux® Industrial Lining is a strong, fire rated exposed or conceal grid system
designed to provide fire resistance of up to four hours to external wall of industrial
4-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Industrial Lining
M 0.6mm thick profile steel cladding
N 125mm x 50mm x 3mm thick channel
sheeting rail at 2200mm centres
O 25mm x 25mm x 0.4mm thick steel angle
fixed to channels using one number
No.8 self-tapping screw per leg
P 25mm x 50mm x 25mm x 0.4mm thick
steel channel at 610mm centres
Q 9mm thick Supalux® cover strip 75mm wide
R 25mm x 25mm x 0.91mm thick
top and bottom angle
S 9mm thick Supalux® fixed to channels
and cover strips using 19mm long
No.8 self-tapping at 300mm centres
NOTE: For fire resistance where
insulation in excess of 15 minutes is
required for this application, please
consult Intumex Asia Pacific.
upalux® can be used for non-combustible ceilings or fire-rated ceilings providing
up to 2 hours fire resistance. The wide range of ceilings with various options
such as seamless and expressed joint details can be achieved using Supalux®
boards. In instances where a Supalux® ceiling needs to be walked on, a trafficable
ceiling consisting of Supalux® and Durasteel® can also be installed (please contact
Intumex Asia Pacific for further details). Common Supalux® ceilings can be
suspended or self-supported depending on the requirements.
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Suspended Ceiling
M 25mm x 25mm x 0.9mm thick angle bracket
bolted to hanger angle and fixed to concrete
soffit by HILTI HSA M6/100 steel anchors
Q 50mm wide x 9mm thick Supalux® fillets
are fixed to channel using 15mm long
No.8 self-tapping screws at 300mm centres
N 9mm thick Supalux® board fixed using
32mm long No.8 self-tapping screws
at 300mm centres
R 19mm x 32mm x 0.5mm thick decorated
perimeter steel angle fixed using 32mm long
No.8 self-tapping screws and non-combustible
plugs at 350mm centres
O 50mm x 27mm x 0.6mm thick cross channels
at maximum 2440mm centres
P 50mm x 27mm x 0.6mm thick main channels
at 610mm centres
S 25mm x 25mm x 0.8mm
thick hanger angles spaced
at 1220mm centres along
main channels and bolted
together at the bottom
a) 30mm thick 64kg/m3 density or 50mm thick 40kg/m3 density mineral wool omitted for clarity.
b) This construction is tested in accordance with the criteria of BS 476: Part 23. For applications which require
a performance in accordance with the criteria of BS 476: Part 22, please consult Intumex Asia Pacific.
c) Mineral wool thickness and density are minimum requirements, please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for
details of local equivalents.
1-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Self Supporting Membrane Ceiling
M 50mm x 40mm x 0.6mm thick steel channel
at 610mm centres
Q 2 layers of Supalux® fillet
6mm and 9mm thick x 80mm wide
N 75mm x 40mm x 5mm thick steel channel
fixed back to back at 1m centres
R 40mm x 40mm x 5mm thick steel angle
horizontal restraint at mid span
O 75mm x 40mm x 5mm thick
perimeter steel channel
S 1 layer of Supalux® fillet
9mm thick x 40mm wide
P 1 layer of Supalux® fillet
9mm thick x 80mm wide
T 2 layers of Supalux® board 9mm thick
a) 2 layers of 50mm thick 40kg/m3 density
mineral wool omitted for clarity.
b) This construction is suitable for providing a fire
performance in accordance with the criteria of
BS 476: Part 22.
c) Dimensions of items M and N are determined
by the span of the ceiling. Please consult
Intumex Asia Pacific in order to ascertain
correct frame width dimensions commensurate with span of opening.
d) Mineral wool thickness and density are
minimum requirements, please consult
Intumex Asia Pacific for details of local
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® /Durasteel® Self Supporting Membrane Ceiling
M 9.5mm thick Durasteel® panel
N 100mm wide x 9.5mm thick Durasteel® fillet
O 50mm x 40mm x 0.6mm thick steel channel
at 610mm centres
P 75mm x 40mm x 5mm thick steel channel
fixed back to back at 1m centres
Q 75mm x 40mm x 5mm thick
perimeter steel channel
a) 80mm thick 144kg/m3 density mineral wool
omitted for clarity.
b) This construction is suitable for providing a fire
performance in accordance with the criteria of
BS 476: Part 22.
c) Dimensions of items M and N are determined
by the span of the ceiling. Please consult
Intumex Asia Pacific in order to ascertain
correct frame width dimensions commensurate with span of opening.
d) Mineral wool thickness and density are
minimum requirements, please consult
Intumex Asia Pacific for details of local
R 1 layer of Supalux® fillet
9mm thick x 80mm wide
S 2 layers of Supalux® fillet
6mm and 9mm thick x 80mm wide
T 75mm x 40mm x 5mm thick steel channel
horizontal restraint at mid span
U 9mm thick Supalux® board
upalux® can be used for ½, 1 and 2 hour protection of timber floor supported by
timber joists to provide a seamless joint ceiling. Architects who do not wish to limit
their designs can also install the Supalux® ceiling with exposed timber-joists finish.
1-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Exposed Joist Timber Floor Protection
M Minimum 16mm thick tongued and
grooved hardwood flooring
N Hardwood joist 225mm x 38mm
at 610mm centres
Q 30mm x 30mm x 1mm thick steel angle
fixed to timber joists at nominal 400mm centres
with minimum 20mm long No.8 steel woodscrews
O 40mm thick x 60kg/m3 density mineral wool
placed such that joints do not coincide
with board joints
P 9mm thick Supalux® board fixed to
galvanised steel angle with
minimum 25mm long
No.8 self-tapping
screws at nominal
300mm centres
a) This design is fire resistant and tested in accordance with the relevant criteria of BS 476: Part 21.
b) Mineral wool thickness and density are minimum requirements, please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for
details of local requirements.
1-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Concealed Joist Timber Floor Protection
M Minimum 16mm thick tongued and grooved
hardwood boarding
P 9mm thick Supalux® board fixed to timber joists
using 75mm long steel nails at 200mm centres
N Hardwood joist 225mm x 38mm
at 610mm centres
O 40mm thick x 60kg/m3 density
mineral wool placed such that
joints do not coincide
with board joints
a) This design is fire resistant and tested in accordance with the relevant criteria of BS 476: Part 21.
b) Mineral wool thickness and density are minimum requirements, please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for
details of local requirements.
he smoke barrier is constructed to prevent the spread of smoke and fire from
entering the building. It is normally tested to meet the requirement of BS 7346:
Part 3: 1990 where requires the barrier to withstand a fire temperature of 600OC
for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Supalux® Smoke Barrier system provides up to ½ hour fire resistance and is
commonly used in projects throughout Asia.
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Smoke Barrier
M Concrete slab
N Concrete or masonry wall
O 9mm thick Supalux® board
fixed to channel using 25mm long
No.8 self-tapping screws
at 300mm centres
P 50mm x 50mm x 50mm x 0.6mm thick
steel channel buting against concrete
floor slab or wall and fixed to substrate
using M5 anchor bolts
at 500mm centres
Q 50mm x 50mm x 50mm x 0.6mm thick
steel channels fixed together
at 610mm centres in both
horizontal and vertical directions
R Perimeter joints between board
and surroundings are filled
with intumescent acrylic sealant
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Fire Barrier
M Concrete slab
N Curtain wall i.e.
an aluminium wall cladding system
O 9mm thick Supalux® board fixed to
channel P using screws at nominal
25mm centres, Supalux® fixed to
underside of concrete slab using
M6 anchors at nominal 300mm centres
where Q is included, fix Supalux®
to steel angle using 25mm screws
at nominal 300mm centres.
P Galvanised steel channel
25mm x 50mm x 25mm x 0.4mm thick
at 610mm centres
Q For barriers in excess of 250mm wide, include
steel angle minimum 30mm x 30mm x 0.6m thick
fixed to exterior cladding system
2 and 4-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Spandrel Wall
M 1 layer of Supalux® 9mm thick for 2 hours
2 layers of Supalux® 9mm thick for 4 hours
fixed with M4 steel self-tapping screws
at 200mm centres
N 50mm x 25mm x 0.6mm thick
vertical channel at 600mm centres
O M6 steel anchors
at 600mm centres
n the event of a fire, the performance of the electrical and services system should
still be intact whilst the people within the building freed for their safety. The system
should be protected to provide fire resistance to a certain specified period of time.
Non Fire Rated Supalux® Electrical & Services Enclosure
M Galvanised steel angles
50mm x 50mm x 0.6mm thick
N 9mm thick Supalux®
O 50mm x 50mm x 0.6mm thick
steel angle at board joints
he fire resistance required for columns and beams depends on the purpose
group and size of the building and this can be found in the local building code.
Any column or beam must have at least the fire resistance required for any other
element of structure to which it provides support (whether that other element is loadbearing or not).
Any column or beam forming part of more than one building or compartment must
have a fire resistance which is the greater of the relevant requirements.
Supalux® can be used to provide up to 2 hours fire resistance. The board can be
screwed directly to a light gauge steel frame to form encasements.
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® 3-sided Structural Steel Beam Protection
M Supalux® board
N Structural steel beam
O 25mm x 25mm x minimum 0.65mm thick
steel angle fixed to floor with
3.7mm diameter x 32mm long
shot fired nails at 400mm centres
P 75mm wide Supalux® cover strips
in same thickness as casing,
fixed on both sides of joint with
No.8 self-tapping screws
at 160mm centres
Q Floor
NOTE: The thickness of the Supalux® board is determined by the Hp/A factor of the steel section to be
cladded. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for a full list of Hp/A tables etc.
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® 4-sided Structural Steel Column Protection
M Supalux® board
N Structural steel column
O 25mm x 25mm x minimum 0.65mm thick
steel angle
P 75mm wide Supalux® cover strips
in same thickness as casing,
fixed on both sides of joint with
No.8 self-tapping screws
at 160mm centres
NOTE: The thickness of the Supalux® board is determined by the Hp/A factor of the steel section to be
cladded. Please consult Intumex Asia Pacific for a full list of Hp/A tables etc.
n today s modern buildings, duct work system are used to supply conditioned air
into areas occupied by people and electronic equipment, to extract smoke and hot
gases from varying locations, to pressurise escape stairways/fire fighting shafts
and for extract ducting from non-domestic kitchens. Some of these duct systems
serve a dual purpose, supplying air in normal use and reversing to extract mode
during fire.
4-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Ventilation & Smoke Extract Duct (Stability & Integrity)
M Steel threaded rod hangers, stress NOT
exceeding 6N/mm3 for 240 minutes system.
For other periods please consult
Intumex Asia Pacific.
S Steel channels forming framing
100mm x 70mm x 100mm x 0.9mm
N 12mm thick Supalux® board
U Mineral wool packing of penetration seal
O 12mm thick x 75mm wide Supalux® fillet
T Galvanised steel metal duct constructed
in accordance with DW 144 requirements
V Penetration seal construction
P 12mm thick x 75mm wide Supalux cover strip
Mineral wool to suit thermal insulation performance
fixed with 32mm long No.8 self-tapping screws
at nominal 300mm centres to both sides of
The annotation guides provided here are very basic, for
the top longitudinal joints.
details of the construction of wide ducts and for specific
Q Separating elements e.g. wall, ceilings
installation details please consult Intumex Asia Pacific.
R Hanger support angle/channel,
dimension depends on duct size.
a) The installation method is for ductwork up to size 3000mm wide x 1500mm high only, to internal and
external fire exposure. Minimum sizes of steel sheet, stiffeners and sizes of angle sections are as specified
in DW/144.
b) This system using 12mm Supalux® is designed to offer stability and integrity only, the mineral wool is
included for purposes of chemical insulation e.g. for air supply ducts. For systems offering stability,
integrity and insulation against fire, please consult Intumex Asia Pacific.
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Temporary Hoarding System
The below is the section A-A from the opposite page.
M 40mm x 40mm x 0.6mm thick
galvanised steel angle
R 25mm x 60mm x 25mm
x 1.0mm thick galvanised
steel Z-channel
N 38mm x 50mm x 38mm
x 0.6mm thick galvanised
steel channel
S 3 nos. 75mm x 75mm
door hinges
O 9mm thick Supalux® board
T Column
P Door closer
Q Door lock
NOTE: This construction is suitable for providing a fire performance in accordance with
the criteria of BS 476: Part 22.
2-hour Fire Rated Supalux® Temporary Hoarding System
(continued from opposite page)
The material shall be
made of autoclaved
Supalux® calcium
silicate board in offwhite colour with 875
density at EMC
o r equivalent, having
alkalinity of less than
10pH and is noncombustible in accordance with the
criteria of BS476:
Part 4: 1970. The
system of an
application (ceiling,
partition, lining etc)
shall be installed in
accordance with the
Density (nominal at EMC)
875 kg/m3
6mm / 9mm / 12mm
Width x Length
1220mm x 2440mm
Special Size available upon request
Weight (approx.)
17.30 kg 6mm
25.90 kg 9mm
34.80 kg 12mm
Flexural strength, dry (BS 4624)
8.5 MN/m2
Hard body impact (BS 8200)
3.0 NM 6mm & 9mm
6.0 NM 12mm
Flexural modulus, dry
3.3 GN/m2
Bending radius (min.)
Sag, when suspended at
600mm span (95% RH, 20OC)
1.5 mm 6mm
1.0 mm 9mm
1.0 mm 12mm
Moisture movement ambient
to saturated (30% RH, 20OC)
0.05 %
Thermal conductivity
0.17 W/mK
Coefficient of thermal
expansion (100OC)
9 x 10-6 per OC
Max. working temperature
Surface alkalinity
7-10 pH
Fire performance
(BS 476: Part 4: 1970)
Surface spread of flame
(BS 476: Part 7: 1971)
Class 1
Smoke or toxic gas emission
Acoustic reduction
(over range 100-3150 Hz)
22 dB
Sound attenuation
33 dB 6mm
39 dB 9mm
41 dB 12mm
Along grain, 6mm
Across grain, 6mm
Along grain, 9mm
Across grain, 9mm
Along grain, 12mm
Across grain, 12mm
Scoring the boards with a sharp knife
and snapping over a straight edge can
make rough-cuts.
Use a fine-toothed saw for cutting. For
shaped-cuts, use a pad, keyhole or
coping saw. Work fair face up and
support board throughout. Tungsten
carbide or diamond tipped blade can
be used with the power saw.
recommended. A scrap board should
be placed under drilling location for a
clean hole.
It is recommended to fix the
board rough side out, if skim
finishes are desired. Apply
sealing coat of universal primer,
allow to dry; and repeat. Plaster
should be applied when second
coat is still wet and tacky. For
6mm board, the support should
be at 300mm centres.
Performance of the board is
unimpaired without decoration.
Any conventional paints can be
used with Supalux® ; and antialkaline primer is not necessary.
Cut edges can be smoothed using
surform plane, rasp or file. Garnet
paper is best for fine sanding.
Nail at least 12mm from edge. No pre-drilling is
required. Galvanised wire nails are recommended. Do
not use lost head nails or panel pins.
Pre-drilling is not necessary. It is not recommended to
countersunk 6mm boards. Use wood or self-tapping
screws. When fixing to metal, pre-drill board and metal
together, then use self-tapping screws.
The stability of the boards allow tight butt joints or
slightly apart and filled. Joints and screw holes can be
filled and sanded to a smooth surface.
Boards should be well sized
before hanging wall paper.
All types of paper and vinyl can
be used.
Minimum 9mm board is should
be used if tiling on the board
is required. The board should be
fixed rough side out with
support at maximum 400m
centres. Boards should be
countersunk corrosion resistant
screws should be fixed at
200mm centres. Apply tiles with
standard tile adhesive.
September 2006
Intumex Asia Pacific
Room 1011, C.C. Wu Building
302-308 Hennessy Road
+852 2895 0265
Fax: +852 2576 0216
Unit 1, 175 Briens Road
Northmead, NSW 2152
+61 (2) 9683 2872
Fax: +61 (2) 9630 0258
10 Science Park Road
#03-14 The Alpha
Singapore Science Park II
Singapore 117684
+65 6292 7888
Fax: +65 6294 2576
Your local supplier