Cl/SfB BRE CERTIFICATION (21.9) (M2) CERTIFICATE NUMBER 057/99 ISSUED APRIL 1999 REISSUED MARCH 2008 CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSMENT PRODUCT SUPPLIED BY BluClad Marley Eternit Ltd Lichfield Rd Branston Burton-on-Trent DE14 3HD Tel: 01763 264 686 Fax: 01763 260 384 e-mail: website: SUMMARY BluClad board is an external grade moisture resistant board supplied pre-treated on both faces with a water repelling silicone micro-emulsion coating sealant. It is an autoclaved, medium density, cellulose fibre reinforced, hydrated calcium silicate board manufactured to meet the requirements of Category B Class 2 in BS EN 12467 Fibre-cement flat sheets. Product specification and test methods. It is supplied in boards 2400 mm x 1200 mm x 10 mm thick with a typical mass of 12.0 kg/m². The boards are manufactured with a smooth finish on one face and a textured finish on the other to provide a key for thin coat polymeric renders. The name, BluClad, is printed on the textured face only. BluClad is suitable, within limitations, for use as a general purpose weather-resistant external panellised cladding base board for a waterproof decorative finish render in a seamless, back-ventilated, rain-screen cladding system for application to external walls of brick, lightweight or dense aggregate concrete block, masonry, dense concrete, light steel frame or timber frame construction in residential and commercial buildings. It can also be used in conjunction with a protective paint finish as a general purpose cladding board (e.g. as infill panels and soffit boards). For rainscreen applications BluClad boards are secured to a treated timber or metal support rail framework securely fixed to the substrate to provide a drained and ventilated cavity. Permanent weather protection is completed by the application of a third party approved seamless reinforced polymeric render system. Support rail frameworks, fixings, render and protective paint systems are outside the scope of this certificate. Characteristics of the product and the method of application have been reviewed with respect to the Building Regulations, Standards and other publications current in the UK in March 2008. The assessment is described in the following pages, which form integral parts of the certificate and should be read in its entirety. Page 1 of 15 CONDITIONS OF USE 0.1 Bluclad has been assessed as a baseboard for external rainscreen claddings and as a general purpose cladding board on residential and commercial buildings in situations where wind loading does not exceed ±2.0 kN/m². It is for use in vertical, and protected horizontal applications (e.g. soffits). 0.2 BluClad shall be supported by the substrate or framework to withstand the design wind loading. Vertical support rails shall be positioned at maximum 600 mm centres. When BluClad is applied to timber or metal frame constructions, the deflections of the frame, under the design maximum wind loading, shall not exceed 1/480 of their span in both sway and deflection. 0.3 The design and fixing of the support rail framework and the fixings for attaching the boards to the framework are outside the scope of this certificate. 0.4 BluClad shall not be considered as providing any contribution to the overall structural performance of the building, or as the support of any temporary or permanent structure. The board is for use above DPC level only, and is used in combination with other materials outside the scope of this Certificate to provide the weathertightness required by the building envelope. 0.5 BluClad shall not be stored or exposed on site for longer than six months prior to finishing. 0.6 BluClad is certified as a cladding baseboard for use with a suitable third party approved thin coat polymeric render (for rainscreen applications) or smooth/textured paint (in small panel applications) which provide the weather resistant finish. The finishes have not been assessed within the scope of this assessment. Recommended finishes are listed by Marley Eternit Ltd who should be consulted prior to application as some types of inorganic finishes can be unsuitable. Pull off tests shall be carried out to show that the bond between render and BluClad is at least 0.3 N/mm2. The minimum thickness of the render finish at any point shall be according to render manufacturer’s recommendation. 0.7 The weather resistant finish shall provide protection to the Bluclad boards and shall be maintained in serviceable condition. 0.8 The performance of the board depends on correct installation. BluClad shall be installed and maintained strictly in accordance with the requirements of this Certificate, and with the Certificate holder’s installation instructions as inspected by BRE Certification. The quality of installation achieved on site is not covered by this Certificate. Therefore it is recommended that the quality of installation and workmanship is subject to appropriate checks by a competent person for each installation. 0.9 Application of a seamless thin coat polymeric render system shall be carried out by specialist applicator firms recommended by Marley Eternit Ltd for this service. A technical consultancy service is provided by Marley Eternit Ltd. STATEMENT CONFIRMATION It is the opinion of BRE Certification that Bluclad is satisfactory for use within the stated conditions provided that it is used in accordance with the certificate holder’s instructions and the requirements of this certificate. For and on behalf of BRE Certification Date: 14 March 2008 Page 2 of 15 1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 1.1 Description of Product 1.1.1 BluClad board is an external grade moisture resistant board supplied pre-treated on both faces with a water repelling silicone micro-emulsion coating sealant. It is an autoclaved, medium density, cellulose fibre reinforced, hydrated calcium silicate board manufactured to Category B Class 2 of BS EN 12467 Fibre-cement flat sheets. Product specification and test methods. It is supplied in boards 2400 mm x 1200 mm x 10 mm thick with a typical mass of 12.0 kg/m² 1.1.2 The boards are manufactured with a smooth finish on one face and a textured finish on the other to provide a key for thin coat polymeric renders. The name, BluClad, is printed on the textured face only. 1.1.3 BluClad is intended for use as a general purpose weather-resistant external panellised cladding base board for a waterproof decorative finish render in a seamless, back-ventilated, rain-screen cladding system for application to external walls of brick, lightweight or dense aggregate concrete block, masonry, dense concrete, light steel frame or timber frame construction in residential and commercial buildings. (See figure 1). 1.1.4 A seamless finish can be achieved when BluClad is used in conjunction with a weather protection system (outside scope of this certificate) consisting of a thin coat polymeric render with a reinforcing mesh and adhesive 1.1.5 BluClad can be used to form areas of cladding e.g. fascias, barge boards and infill panels when protected with durable paint finish (outside scope of this certificate). 1.1.6 Expansion joints shall be incorporated between the boards, normally at a maximum spacing of 6 m both horizontally and vertically and at the position of any expansion joints already present in the substrate. 1.2 Products used in conjunction with BluClad boards (outside scope of the certificate) 1.2.1 BluClad is attached with proprietary nails or screws, (see Table 1) to vertical rails comprising either treated timber or metal studs, previously secured to the substrate. Fixings shall be made from suitably durable materials compatible with the material of the supporting framework. 1.2.2 Weather resistance is provided by third party approved polymeric/acrylic thin coat renders and paint finishes. Renders shall be installed in accordance with BS EN 13914-1 Design, preparation and application of external rendering and internal plastering. External rendering. 1.2.3 Expansion joints and joint filling materials. Figure 1 BluClad panel Page 3 of 15 1.2.4 Support sub-framing rails: - Timber battens installed in accordance with BS 8000-5 Workmanship on building sites. Code of practice for carpentry, joinery and general fixings and pre-treated with preservative to BS 5268-5 Structural use of timber. Code of practice for the preservative treatment of structural timber. - Aluminium profile sections of a type recommended by Marley Eternit Ltd and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and with the relevant recommendations for erection and protection of aluminium structures outlined in BS 8118-1 Structural use of aluminium. Code of practice for design. - Galvanised or stainless steel profile sections supplied and installed using sections, sizes and spacings advised by section manufacturer to carry loadings specified by the structural engineer. Marley Eternit Ltd do not design nor supply steel sections. 2. PRODUCT PERFORMANCE 2.1 General 2.1.1 The cladding system should be designed to BS 8200 Code of practice for design of nonloadbearing external vertical enclosures of buildings. 2.1.2 The wall and support frame to which the cladding is fixed should be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the relevant building regulations and national standards. 2.1.3 Ventilation and drainage shall be provided behind the cladding, suitable for a back ventilated and drained system. The ventilation openings should be suitably protected, or baffled, to prevent ingress of rain and access to birds and vermin. 2.1.4 A suitably qualified and experienced structural engineer shall check the design and installation of the supporting structure, the support rail framework and the Bluclad board fixings for each application. 2.2 Mechanical resistance/strength 2.2.1 Mechanical tests and calculations have shown that boards will adequately resist wind forces anticipated in the UK for locations where the design wind pressure on the board is no greater than 2 kN/m². Loadings shall be calculated in accordance with BS 6399-2 Loading for buildings. Code of practice for wind loads, for each project by a suitably qualified and experienced structural engineer. Maximum fixing centres for BluClad are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Load spans Table 1 Maximum fixing centres for fastener types at maximum wind loadings Fastener Type(1) Support Wind Load Support material (kN/m²) centres (mm) Screws 45 mm x No 8 Timber 0 - 1.5 600 countersunk Nails min head diameter 5.5 mm 0 - 1.5 600 Self drilling screws Aluminium or 0 - 2.0 600 No 8 equivalent steel Note: The minimum edge distance is 17 mm, and to a corner is 50 mm. Fixing centres (mm) 400 150 300 2.2.2 Soft body impacts (up to 100 J) and hard body impacts (10 J) to MOAT 43 have been carried out on full sized boards attached to timber battens at 600 mm centres. Under these impacts the boards sustained some damage that would not impair the safety of the structure and meet Class E3. Page 4 of 15 2.2.3 Comparing the results of those tests with the criteria given in BS 8200 Code of practice for design of non-loadbearing external vertical enclosures of buildings classified the board to be suitable for Class B applications. Where a higher classification of use is required additional measures will be necessary to reduce the risk of impact damage to the cladding. 2.3 Fire 2.3.1 The product and metal support rails (where used) are of limited combustibility and as such have a fire rating under national Building Regulations of Class 0 (England and Wales; and Northern Ireland) and ‘Low risk’ (Scotland). 2.3.2 When tested for reaction to fire in accordance with BS EN 13823 Reaction to fire tests for building products. Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item and BS EN ISO 11925-2 Reaction to fire tests. Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame. Single-flame source test, BluClad is classified as A2s1, d0 to BS EN 13501-1 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from reaction to fire tests. 2.3.3 For materials of limited combustibility there should be no limitation with respect to the exposed surface area or distance to any boundary. The specific requirements attaching to each application will depend on the nature of the applied finish. For combustible finishes, there will be maximum surface area restrictions applying to the system, for use near to other unprotected areas, or to relevant boundaries. The system shall not be regarded as contributing to the overall fire resistance performance of a building. 2.3.4 The substrate wall structure and internal lining shall provide the required resistance to spread of fire from inside to outside or vice versa. Any material, including wall insulation, in wall cavities in buildings with a floor more than 18 m above ground level shall be non combustible or of limited combustibility. 2.3.5 Precautions shall be taken to prevent the spread of unforeseen fire and smoke within any construction where there is a void behind the boards in accordance with the requirement of Building Regulations in the UK. Voids shall be provided with suitable cavity barriers where prescribed in the relevant Regulations. Drained and ventilated cavities shall start and stop either side of the barriers. 2.4 Condensation 2.4.1 For use as a rainscreen cladding a 38 mm drained and ventilated cavity shall be incorporated between the board and the substrate having a free ventilation area equivalent to 10 mm per metre length of cladding at both top and bottom of the cavity. 2.4.2 Problems of dampness or interstitial condensation should not arise provided the relevant requirements of BS 5250 Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings or BS 8200 are complied with, and guidance in BRE Report 262 Thermal Insulation - avoiding risks, is followed. 2.4.3 The water vapour transmission resistance of the board coated with applied finish (outside scope of this certificate) shall be established for each application and the advice of Marley Eternit Ltd obtained on the suitability of a particular finish. The building’s Designer shall check on any precautions e.g. vapour barriers or checks that may be required to avoid the formation of, or to control, interstitial condensation. 2.5 Weather resistance 2.5.1 BluClad should provide a weather resistant cladding as confirmed by testing in accordance with BS 4624 Methods of test for asbestos-cement building products, for use as a base for either smooth or textured paints or thin coat polymeric renders, when attached to vertical, and protected horizontal, external surfaces. This is provided that the finish and details at openings, fixtures and penetrations are maintained in accordance with the requirements of this Certificate. Page 5 of 15 2.5.2 Tests have shown that the board is resistant to cyclic freezing and thawing conditions and that no disintegration of the board occurred. The results of tests for thermal performance and moisture movement have demonstrated that cyclic movement of BluClad in service conditions can be accommodated by the incorporation of movement joints. 2.5.3 Adequate provision shall be allowed at openings and edges of the boarded area for differential movement between the substrate and cladding, in particular where BluClad is to be used for infill panels and on timber framed dwellings. Guidance may be obtained from BS 8200 and BS 5628-3 Code of practice for use of masonry. Materials and components, design and workmanship. 2.5.4 Wet/heat cycling tests indicated that high ambient surface temperatures followed by saturation with water will not cause cracking, loss of adhesion, or spalling of the polymeric render, or disintegration of the board. The board is suitably resistant to cyclic freezing and thawing conditions, thermal cycling and moisture movement. 2.5.5 Tests to BS EN 1027 Windows and doors. Watertightness. Test method have confirmed that BluClad finished with a thin coat polymeric render (outside scope of this certificate) can resist the passage of water to the cavity when used as part of a ventilated rainscreen cladding system. The wall to which the cladding is fixed shall be watertight and provide the required airtightness. 2.5.6 Insulation behind the cladding shall have a water repellent face or be protected by a breather membrane. 2.6 Thermal insulation 2.6.1 The cladding does not contribute to the thermal resistance of a wall when used as a ventilated rainscreen cladding. 2.6.2 The thermal conductivity of the board has been measured as 0.19 W/mK to BS EN 12664 Thermal performance of building materials and products. Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods. Dry and moist products of medium and low thermal resistance. 2.7 Maintenance 2.7.1 Annual maintenance checks shall be carried out to assess the surface for any degradation taking into account the finish manufacturer’s recommendations. Repairs shall be promptly carried out in accordance with the Certificate holder’s installation instructions 2.8 Durability 2.8.1 BluClad is considered to be durable for at least 30 years on the building on which it is incorporated. This is provided that the cladding system is designed and installed in accordance with the relevant requirements of BS 8200, the requirements of the Certificate holder and of this certificate. 2.8.2 BluClad shall be continuously protected by a weatherproof finish and the recommendations of the relevant coatings manufacturers shall be followed with regard to periods between re-decoration of their proprietary finishes, and to methods of repair to the finish when required. 3. BUILDING REGULATIONS 3.1 BluClad, with a weatherproof render or paint finish, when used in accordance with the requirements and conditions of this certificate, can contribute towards satisfying the following relevant Building Regulations, Requirements and Standards: Page 6 of 15 The Building Regulations (England and Wales) 2000 (as amended) (E&W) The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 (S) The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2000 (NI) 3.2 Mechanical resistance and stability – loading on structure Country E&W S NI 3.3 Compliance The product can sustain and transmit its self weight and wind loads to the supporting structure. Fire - External fire spread on external walls and spread to neighbouring buildings Country E&W S NI 3.4 Requirement B4(1) External fire spread 2.7 Spread on external walls E5 External fire spread Compliance The product can resist the spread of flame over the walls and from one building to another. Individual applications will be dependant of the applied surface finish. See Section 2.3. Resistance to condensation Country E&W S NI 3.5 Requirement C(2)c Resistance to interstitial and surface condensation 3.15 Condensation C5 Condensation Compliance Walls formed in accordance with the requirements of this certificate and of BS 5250 can be designed and constructed so as to prevent any harmful effect from interstitial or inner surface condensation. See Section 2.4. Resistance to moisture and weather Country E&W S NI 3.6 Country E&W S NI 3.7 Requirement A1(1)(2) Loading 1.1(a)(b) Structure D1(a)(b) Stability Requirement C2(b) Resistance to precipitation and wind-driven rain 3.10 Precipitation Compliance Walls formed with the product can contribute to meeting these Requirements. See Section 2.5. C4 Resistance to ground moisture and weather Fitness and durability of materials and workmanship Requirement Regulation 7 8(1) 8(2) B2 Fitness of materials and workmanship Compliance The product is manufactured from suitably safe and durable materials to resist deterioration under normal service conditions and can be installed so as to perform satisfactorily, provided that they are installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of this certificate. See Sections 2.7 and 2.8. CDM Regulations Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1995 (as amended) The Certificate should form part of the information used by the client, planning supervisor, designer and contractors to discharge their responsibilities under these Regulations. 4. INSTALLATION/PRACTICAL APPLICATION 4.1 General 4.1.1 The performance of the boarding depends on correct installation. BluClad shall be installed and maintained strictly in accordance with the requirements of this certificate and the Certificate holder’s installation instructions as inspected by BRE Certification. The quality of installation actually achieved on specific sites is not covered by this Certificate. Therefore it is recommended that the quality of installation and workmanship is subject to appropriate checks by a competent person for each installation. Page 7 of 15 4.2 Delivery, storage and handling 4.2.1 BluClad is delivered to site on pallets in stacks of up to 40 boards per pallet wrapped in polyethylene displaying the brand name and production batch number. Smaller quantities of boards may be delivered to site without packaging. All boards shall be retained either on pallets or stored on a level surface prior to use, and shall not be allowed to stand in water. If cross supports or racks are used, the boards shall be supported fully across their width at not more than 1 m centres. Boards stored in the open shall be protected from damage, and sheeted over, to protect them from the weather prior to use. 4.2.2 The materials to be used during installation and decoration shall be stored in accordance with the respective manufacturer’s instructions. 4.2.3 The panels are carried on edge with one person at each end taking care not to damage the bottom visible front edge. 4.2.4 Reasonable precautions shall be taken in handling to prevent damage before, and during installation of the boards, and prior to application of the finish. 4.3 Installation (informative) 4.3.1 BluClad can be cut and worked with normal woodworking hand tools or power tools and can be drilled, nailed, or sawn. 4.3.2 The substrate for the boards shall be plumb and square. The supporting framework shall be true in both planes to give a flat surface. 4.3.3 Cavity barriers and fire stops shall be correctly located and detailed as specified for the project. 4.3.4 It is important that installers follow the Certificate holder’s installation instructions paying particular attention to the following: - The support framework shall be mounted rigidly on to the substrate. The rails shall be of adequate width to allow at least a 25 mm wide contact with the board along its edge. See Figure 2. - Where there is risk of damage to the lower areas of a facade up to 1.5 m above ground level, additional vertical rails should be placed at intermediate positions (maximum distances of 400 mm) behind the boards. - Where the boards are to be painted with smooth coatings they should be installed with the smooth surface outermost. For thin coat renders the boards should be fitted with their textured face outermost to provide the maximum keying surface for the coating. - Fixings shall not be positioned with centres closer than 17 mm to a board edge, or closer than 50 mm to a corner. Nails can be driven in not less than 17 mm from a board edge without pre-drilling. Lost head nails or panel pins shall not be used. When fixing with screws number 8 screws shall be used. Pre-drilling is not required when using self drilling/self countersinking screws recommended by Marley Eternit Ltd when fixing into aluminium or steel supports. If drilling of the board is necessary, HSS drills are suitable. - The cavity behind the board should be ventilated. An air gap of 38 mm shall be provided behind the boards. For ventilated cavities a perforated ventilation profile should be fitted at the base and top of the openings. - Ventilation openings should be equivalent to 10 mm continuous uninterrupted ventilation. - Where insulation is fitted, it shall be adequately secured to the substrate, to prevent bulging into the cavity and consequent reduction of the cavity width. A clear cavity of at least the minimum dimensions given above shall be ensured immediately behind the boards. Page 8 of 15 - Expansion joints shall be incorporated at a maximum spacing of approximately 6 m both horizontally, and vertically, and in any case over any expansion joints in the substrate. - Vertical expansion joints allowing at least 6 mm lateral movement between the BluClad boards shall be accommodated by the installation of either parallel timber battens or parallel metal rails attached to the substrate approximately 25 mm apart at the position of the joint. - Horizontal expansion joints allowing at least 6 mm movement shall be accommodated by a gap in the vertical rails of around 50 mm at the joint position. - Original board ends and cut edges that are exposed after attachment to the supporting rails should be treated as recommended by the decorative coatings manufacturer. Figure 2 Timber frame installation Page 9 of 15 Figure 3 Timber Frame installation Page 10 of 15 Figure 4 Metal frame installation Page 11 of 15 Figure 5 Metal frame installation Page 12 of 15 5. TECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS 5.1 Performance Tests An assessment of the physical properties of the board, fixings, and render materials has been made. Tests and inspection of test data have been carried out to determine the following properties and performance characteristics of BluClad board: - resistance to wind loading - performance in relation to fire - resistance to water penetration - resistance to impact - water vapour transmission - condensation risk - resistance to cyclic freezing and thawing - resistance to thermal and moisture cycling - racking resistance - coating adhesion - bonding properties - durability. 5.2 Assessment has been made of the practicality of installation of the system. 5.3 Quality Control Traceable quality records are maintained by the manufacturer. The manufacturer carries out checks at regular intervals to ensure that the quality of the product is maintained within the defined product specification. BRE Certification undertakes regular monitoring of the factory production control audits on the manufacture of the product against an agreed Quality Plan for the product. Table 2 Typical Technical Data for Bluclad boards Property Method Density - dry Apparent density Modulus of rupture: Ambient, ⊥ Modulus of rupture: Ambient, // Modulus of rupture: Wet BS EN 12467 Mechanical resistance Modulus of elasticity: Ambient - mean Delamination strength Breaking strength, ⊥ Breaking strength, // Hygrometric expansion: 0-100% - mean Porosity: 0-100% Durability BS EN ISO 1716 Reaction to fire BS EN 13823 BS EN 13501-1 Soft and hard body impact MOAT 43 Water impermeability Warm water resistance Soak/dry resistance BS EN 12467 Freeze/thaw resistance Heat/rain cycle durability Thermal expansion coefficient Thermal conductivity coefficient Water vapour diffusion resistance factor BS EN ISO 12572 5.4 Value 1,180 kg/m³ 1187±16 kg/m3 24.0 N/mm² 18.0 N/mm² 15.0 N/mm² – Class 3 Category B – Class 2 10,000 N/mm² 0.60 N/mm² 2.75 J/dm3 1.75 J/dm3 1.20 mm/m 45 % Category B Class A2-s1, d0 Class E3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass -6 6.5x10 m/mK 0.19 W/mK 17-21 British Standards The following Standards and other publications have been referred to for this assessment:BS 4624:1981 Methods of test for asbestos-cement building products BS 5250:2002 Code of practice for control of condensation in buildings Page 13 of 15 BS 5268-5:1989 Structural use of timber. Code of practice for the preservative treatment of structural timber BS 5628-3:2005 Code of practice for the use of masonry. Materials and components, design and workmanship BS 6399-2:1997 Loading for buildings. Code of practice for wind loads BS 8000-5:1990 Workmanship on building sites. Code of practice for carpentry, joinery and general fixings BS 8118-1:1991 Structural use of aluminium. Code of practice for design BS 8200:1985 Code of practice for design of non-loadbearing external vertical enclosures of buildings BS EN 1027:2000 Windows and doors. Watertightness. Test method BS EN 12467:2004 Fibre-cement flat sheets. Product specification and test methods BS EN 12664:2001 Thermal performance of building materials and products. Determination of thermal resistance by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods. Dry and moist products of medium and low thermal resistance BS EN 13501-1:2007 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from reaction to fire tests BS EN 13823:2002 Reaction to fire tests for building products. Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item BS EN 13914-1:2005 Design, preparation and application of external rendering and internal plastering. External rendering BS EN ISO 1716:2002 Reaction to fire tests for building products. Determination of the heat of combustion BS EN ISO 11925-2:2002 Reaction to fire tests. Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame. Single-flame source test BS EN ISO 12572:2001 Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products. Determination of water vapour transmission properties MOAT 43:1987 UEATc Directives for Impact Testing Opaque Vertical Building Components BRE Report 262:2002 Thermal Insulation - avoiding risks Page 14 of 15 6. CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATE ISSUE 6.1 Validity This certificate will be valid for a period of three years from the date of this re-issue. It will remain valid in so far as: 6.2 a) The materials and methods of manufacture are unchanged or BRE Certification has assessed any changes and found them to be satisfactory. b) The designs and specifications are unaltered from those examined by BRE Certification. c) Marley Eternit Ltd continues to have the product regularly checked by BRE Certification through factory production control inspections. Health and Safety This certificate and the recommendations herein do not purport in any way to restate the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 or any statutory or common law duty of care which exists now or in the future; nor is compliance with these recommendations to be assumed as satisfying the requirements of the said Act or any existing or future statutory or common law duty of care. 6.3 Reference to Other Documentation Where reference is made in this certificate to any Act of Parliament, Regulation, Code of Practice, British or other Standard or other publications, it shall be construed as reference to such publication in the form in which it is in force at the date of the certificate re-issue. 6.4 Patents BRE Certification makes no representational warranty that any patent or similar industrial property right is valid or that the manufacture, use, sale, lease or any other dealing or disposition of the products in whole or in part is not an infringement of any patent or industrial property right not owned by Marley Eternit Ltd. Confirmation that a certificate is current may be obtained from the BRE Certification website ( Copyright BRE Certification 2008 Page 15 of 15