Municipality Department Office Hours for Public Inquiry and Contact

Municipality Department Office Hours for Public Inquiry and Contact
Updated March 2014
Municipality Department Office Hours:
For Public Inquiry and Contact
Municipality Switchboard:
Telephone: 04-8356356
Office Hours: Sunday – Thursday - 07:00 – 16:00.
Municipal Call Center (106)
The Municipal Call Center (Dial the 106 on your touch phone) is a 24 hour/7day a week call center allowing
citizens to notify authorities of hazards that exist and/ or to receive information regarding Municipal issues and
government offices.
Director: Mr. Yossi Cohen
Telephone: If calling from within the city of Haifa, dial 106
If calling from outside of Haifa, dial 04-8356860/1/2/3.
For citizens of Kiriat Haim and Kiriat Shemuel - dial 1-800-356-106
The Office of Public Inquiry
The Office of Public Inquiry of the Department for Service and Public Inquiry of the Mayor’s Office is a
source for city residents to contact about any problem that may be addressed by the Municipality.
Director: Ms. Ravit Yasheyu
Address: 14, Hassan Shukri St. – City Hall, ground floor, Office No. 112.
Telephone: 04-8356865, Fax: 04-8356440.
Haifa Municipal Ombudsman for Public Complaints
According to law of local authorities (the head of public complaints) (2008), every individual has the right to
file a complaint with the Head of Public Complaints on the Municipality and its institutions, about public
servant, in regarding to a job positions or regarding acting municipal employees or a recognized municipal
body, as stated in bylaw 170 aleph (beth) in the Municipal Codes, regarding a municipal employee, job
position or acting municipal employee. Complaints should be filed in writing and signed by the complainant
Director: Ms. Nuit Ben Simhon.
Address: 14, Hassan Shukri St. – City Hall, ground floor, Office No. 103.
Telephone: 04-8356865, Fax: 04-8356440.
Regulator for Freedom of Information Act
The regulator for freedom of information attends to the request of citizens that are interested in receiving any
information of a public nature that is found within the Municipality of Haifa or to review documents therein.
The requesting party is allowed to make any request for public information without the need for stating the
reason and the Municipal administrator must reply according to the instructions set forth according to law.
Reception of the information according to the instructions set forth by law requires a fee, set at 100 NIS
(updated for 2013).
Director: Ms. Ruth Zusman
Address: The Office of Public Inquiry, 14, Hassan Shukri St., City Hall, Office No. 112.
Telephone: 04-8356865, Fax: 04-8356440.
Service Center for Citizens
In order to allow the Municipal services to be more readily available and of better quality, a solution, including
a wider range of issues under one roof, has been provided by establishment of the Service Center for Citizens.
The Center includes a separate service center for residents and businesses alike, according to the following
issues: water and property tax, property registration (Tabu), parking, building, education services, business
licensing, signage, waste removal fees, including a computer station for the National Insurance Agency
(Bituach Leumi).
Director: Ms. Sarit Masri Zvi.
Address: 11, Hassan Shukri St. (former Interior Ministry Building).
Office hours: Sunday – Thursday, 08:00 – 14:00.
"Municipal" Kiriat Haim
Offering readily accessible municipal services to the citizens of Kiriat Haim and Kiriat Shmuel regarding all
issues dealt with by the Haifa Municipality, including national government services (Ministry of Interior and
Ministry of Immigrant Absorption)
Director: Mr. Shlomo Ben Hemo.
Address: 33 Degania Ave.
Telephone: 04-8356356, 04-8357460 recorded answering service from Sunday – Thursday, 08:00 – 15:00.
Fax: 04-8357475.
Public Reception Hours :
Public Inquiries – Sun. – Thurs from 08:00 – 13:00 and also Sund. and Tuesdays from 16:00 – 17:30
Property Tax – Sun. – Thurs. from 08:00 – 13:00 and also Tuesdays from 16:00 – 17:30
Building Inspection – Tuesdays from 16:00 – 18:00, and Thursday from 08:00 – 10:00.
Association for Cultural Housing – Tuesday from 9:00-11:00 also Sunday from 16:00 – 17:30
Interior Ministry – Sun. & Tues – 08:00 – 12:00 and on Tuesdays also from 16:00 – 17:30.
Ministry of Immigrant Absorption – Thursdays from 08:00 – 13:00.
Tabo – Sund. – Thur. from 08:00 – 13:00.
"Municipal" Kiriat Shmuel
Director: Mr. Shlomo Ben Hemo.
Address: 19 Aharon (Hara"ah)St. – Payis Community Center.
Telephone: 04-8644348 (during public reception hours).
Fax: 04-8326743.
Reception Hours: Tues. – 15:30 – 17:30 – for issues of property tax and collection and
Ministry of Interior issues, cultural housing, and public inquiries.
"Municipal" Neve Shaanan
Offering readily available municipal services for citizens of Neve Shaanan on issues of collection (property
tax, water and education fees), including public inquiries on all subjects dealt with by the Haifa Municipality.
Address: 28 Trumpeldor Street.
Fax: 04-8523692.
Public reception hours: Tues. & Thurs., 09:00 – 13:00.
Mon. & Wed. – 16:00 – 18:00.
"Municipal" Kiriat Eliezer
Offering readily available municipal services for citizens of Kiriat Eliezar on issues of collection (property tax,
water andeducation fees), including public inquiries on issues dealt with by the Haifa Municipality.
Address: 14, Zahal St.
Fax: 04-8523692.
Public reception hours: Sun.-Thurs., 09:00 – 13:00.
Mon.& Wed also 16:00 – 18:00.
Cultural Living Association – Haifa Branch
The association offers assistance and advice to association members (housing committees), for the preservation
of joint property ownership of housing buildings.
Director: Ms. Geula Broyman (Eng.)
Address: 14, Hassan Shukri St., City Hall, ground level, Office no. 106.
Telephone: 04-8356990, 04-8356989
Fax: 04-8640647.
Office Reception Hours: (by prior appointment) on Tues. & Thurs. between 09:00 – 12:00.
Kiriat Sprinzak Branch of the Cultural Living Association
Area Coordinator: Ms. Alegra Israeli
Address: 58, Bar Rav Hai St.
Telephone: 04-8337634.
Office Reception Hours: Tues. & Weds. between 15:00 – 18:00 and Thurs. between 09:00 – 12:00.
Municipal Court for Local Issues
The court acts as an appellate court for all issues, dealing with municipal law suits on issues of planning and
building, business licensing, parking and violations of municipal codes.
Director: Mr. Zvi Zeltzer.
Address: 16 Palyam St.
Telephone: 04-8356741.
Fax: 04-8356429.
Office Reception Hours: Sun. – Thurs., from 08:30 – 13:30.
City Archives
The City Archives records the activities of the Municipality and its citizens through documents,
correspondences, protocols, advertisements, photographs, audio-visual, etc.
Director: Ms. Michal Hankin
Address: 2, Gotlieb Shumacher St. (German Colony)
Telephone: 04-8556670.
Fax: 04-8523306.
Office Reception hours: Sun., Mon, Wed. Thurs, between 08:00 – 13:00.
Finance Administration
Department of Property Tax Collection
The Department operates for the collection of property tax, water usage, education fees, payments, and their
Center for Tax Collection – Telephone 1-700-700-060
Clerical Answering Service – Sun. – Thurs. between 07:30 – 14:30
For water bill issues: Also on Mond. & Wed. 14:30 – 19:00
Computerized Answering Service (for facilitating payments) – operating 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Center for Public Inquiry for citizens
Director: Ms. Sarit Masari Zvi
Address: Center for Public Service – 11, Hassan Shukri.
Fax: 04:8357195
Public Reception: Sun. – Thurs, between 08:00 – 14:00.
Office for Educational Fees
Director: Muhamed Halili
Address: Center for Public Service – 11, Hassan Shukri
Fax: 04-835-6632
Public Reception: Sun. – Thurs., between 08:00 – 14:00.
Office for Signage and Publication of Advertisement
The Office handles business signage and billboards, charges and collection of signage fees.
Director: Ms. Tikva Nave
Address: 3 Huri St., (the old Bezeq building)
Telephone: 04-8356655.
Fax: 04-8668680.
Public Reception: Sun. – Thurs., between 09:00 – 12:00.
Unit for Publication of Advertisement
The Unit Receives requests for advertisement regarding Municipal bulletin board advertisement.
Address: 4, Shapira St.
Telephone: 04-8356009.
Fax: 04-8645455.
Public Reception: Sunday – 09:00 – 14:00
Tues. & Wed. – 09:00 – 12:00
Thurs. – 12:00 – 14:00
Unit for Advertising Messages
Handles requests for posting ads on city posting boards
Address: 4 Shapira St.
Telephone: 04-8356009
Fax: 04-8645455
Public reception office hours:
Sundays between 9:00-13:00
Mondays between 9:00-12:00
Tuesdays between 9:00-13:00
Wednesdays between 9:00-12:00
Thursdays between 9:00-13:00
The Department for Collection Enforcement
The Department is responsible for enforcing the collection of property tax, parking violation reports, and water
The Department for Collections and Public Office Hours:
Director: Ms. Tami Zelig
Address: 5, Huri St., former “Bezek” Building.
Telephone: 04-8357283
Fax: 04-8353443, 04-8353457
Public reception hours: Mond. – Thurs. between 8:00 – 14:00
The Office for Enforcement of Parking Violation Report
Director: Ms. Michal Meir
Address: Hassan Shukri St., 3rd floor
Telephone: 1-700-502224.
Fax: 04-8357842
Public Reception: Sun. – Thurs. between 08:00 – 14:00.
Operations Administration
Parking Authority
The Authority handles parking violation reports, processing requests for appeal of reports, issuance of area
resident parking permits, issuance of permits for students/hybrid cars.
Director: Mr. Igal Kotzer
Address: 1, Huri St., fourth floor.
Call Center: 1-700-50-22-24
Fax for appeals of parking violation reports: 04-8357850
Fax for collection of parking violation report: 04-8357842
Public Reception: Sun. – Thurs., 08:00 – 14:00.
Veterinary Services
Director: Dr. Dror Dagan
Address: 22 Abba Hillel Silver St.
Telephone: 04-8236566
Fax: 04-8237754
Public Reception: Mon. & Tues. from 08:00 – 11:00 and also Tues. – 15:00 – 17:00
City Dog Pound
Address: Ofir Street corner of Salmon Street
Telephone: 04-8621968
Public Reception Days: Sund.-Thurs. 9:00-12:00 and also Fridays from 9:00-11:00
Community Representative and Public Inquiry Management Unit
Central management across the city residents residing in areas under city construction and development,
handling of problems that arise in the field and coordinating with the groups that are executing the projects.
Representative: Mr. Yossi Elhadim
Mobile phone: 052-9406694
Alternative contact information: Via the Department for Public Inquiries at 04-835-6865
Department for City Improvement
The Department provides information, authorizations, charges, and collection of the following subjects:
Building permits, lighting, roads, excavation permits and permits for tree trimming.
The Office for Road Improvement
Director: Mr. Dov Cohen.
Telephone: 04-8357747.
Fax: 04-8357803
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
The Office for Public Gardens
Director: Mr. Sohil Abas
Address: Kibbutz Galuyot 62 St. / Shmuel Ben Adiya 4 Street
Telephone: 04-8357742/3
Fax: 04-8357795
Public Reception (for cutting trees) Mond. & Wedn. 8:00-13:00
(Times for public reception take place in the Engineering Building, 3 Bialik Street, 1st Floor – Room 110 –
please inquire about the location by telephone before arriving!)
The Office of Public Lighting
Director: Mr. Doron Yaakobi
Address: 9, HaShomer St.
Telephone: 04-8357757
Fax: 04-8357807
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
Engineering Administration
The Unit of the Central Archive and Information Center
Submitting information on engineering materials from building files – on a burnt CD and subject to a fee of
105.34 NIS (confirmed for 2013)
Director: Mr. Eran Shimshon
Address: 3, Bialik St., first floor.
Telephone: 04-8357000
Fax: 04-8357721
Public Reception: Mon., Tues., Wed. – 08:00 – 13:00
Secretariat for the Local Planning and Building Committee
The Committee decides on planning issues within the Haifa jurisdiction and generally, including the master
plan and building permits, etc.
Director: Ms. Judy Bleicher
Address: 3 Bialik St., 5th Floor
Telephone: 04-8356806/7
Fax: 04-8356168
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. between 08:00 – 13:00.
City Planning Information
Urban planning information can be received (in person only) at the information desk, allowing review plans,
according to public request.
Director: Ms. Miriam Eilon.
Address: 3, Bialik St., 4th floor.
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
The Office for Business Licensing
The Office handles business license requests and issuing of permits according to law and municipal codes.
Director: Mr. Aron Elias
Address: 5, Bervald St., Zion Hotel Building, 3rd floor.
Telephone: 04-8356687 / 8356409
Fax: 04-8356409
Public Reception: Sun.- Thurs., between 08:00 – 13:00.
Department for Building Permits and Regulation
The Department provides service to citizens/builders/planners/engineers and all, regarding the building
Director: Mr. Eliezer Prozer
Address: 3, Bialik St., 3rd floorf
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
Phone Center for the Department of Building Permits and Regulation
The Center schedules appointments for the licensing inspectors and field inspectors and providing information.
Telephone: 04-8356138
Fax: 04-8356411
The Unit for Dangerous Buildings
Director: Mr. Alex Hizber
Address: 3, Bialik St., first floor. Room 113
Telephone: 04-8356047
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 10:00.
Department for Road Planning, Traffic and Landscape
The Office for Traffic Planning
The Office analyzes traffic plans, building permits and permits and temporary traffic arrangements for
excavation work.
Director: Mr. Vlad Zeslavski
Address: 3, Bialik, 2nd floor.
Phone: 04-8356874.
Fax: 04-8356201.
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
The Office for Road Planning
The Office provides information regarding existing road planning, plans that are being implemented and future
road plans, permits for parking elevation and charging of road and land taxes.
Director: Ms. Marina Feldman
Address: 3, Bialik, second floor
Telephone: 04-8356875
Fax: 04-8356201
Public Reception: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
The Unit for Enforcement of Building Permits, Roads and Parks
Director: Mr. Sefi Bolanski
Address: 3, Bialik St., first floor.
Telephone: 04-8356196, 04-8356072, 04-8356033.
Fax: 04-8356201.
Public Reception hours: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
The Unit for Landscape Planning
Director: Mr. Neta Telmor
Address: 3 Bialik St. Second floor
Telephone: 04-8356814
Fax: 04-8356201
Public Reception hours: Mon. & Wed. from 08:00 – 13:00.
The Education and Culture System
The Center for Registration and Information
The Center implements registration of pupils for kindergarten, schools and summer camp.
Director: Mr. Adi Beno
Address: 9 Harav Marcus St.
Telephone: 1-700-50-70-02
Fax: 04-8357005
Public Reception hours: Sun. – Thurs. from 08:00 – 12:00 and Tues. – from 13;00 – 15:00
Center for Haifa Youth
The Center provides service for the youth of Haifa, aged 18-35 in the following areas: employment, education
and social and cultural involvement. The services are provided free of charge, except for coursework and longterm workshops that are offered for a nominal fee.
Director: Mr. Rafi Feinsod
Address: 28 HaNamal St.
Telephone: 04-6892154/6/8
Fax: 04-6892158.
Public Reception Hours: Sun. – Thurs. from 09:00 – 22:00.
Municipal Libraries
Pevzner Library
Director: Ms. Ronit Barzilay
Address: 50 Pevzner St.
Telephone: 04-8667766
Fax: 04-8666492
Public Reception Hours: Sun. – Thurs. from 09:00- 18:45
Friday – 09:00 – 13:15
Lending hours: Sun. – Thurs. from 09:00 – 18:45
Friday – 10:00 – 13:15
Youth Hours: Sun. – Thurs. from 14:00 – 18:45
Friday – from 10:00 – 13:15
Beit Yad L’Banim Library
Director: Ms. Ilat Ben Noon
Address: 18, Hayarkon St.
Telephone: 04-8348760
Fax: 04-8254386
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed. Thurs from 15:00 – 18:45.
Tues & Fri. from 09:00 – 12:45
Ahuza - Soroka Library
Director: Ms. Belha Axelrod
Address: 39 Soroka St.
Telephone: 04-8343447
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45.
Beit Heine Library
Director: Ms. Maya Kapisrov
Address: 43 HaKongressim St.
Telephone: 04-8403108, 04-8403110
Fax: 04-8403110
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45
The S. Shalom Library (Beit HaSefarim)
Director: Ms. Nurit Kipnis
Address: 28 Trumpeldor St.
Telephone: 04-8326255
Fax: 04-8321392
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:4 and Fridays from 09:00 – 12:45
Beit Nagler Library
Director: Ms. Sara Lemhot
Address: 14, Yitzhak Ben Zvi Ave., Kiryat Haim
Telephone: 04-8490748
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45 a nd Fri. – 09:00 – 12:45.
Bat Galim Library
Director: Ms. Ella Matayeb
Address: 45 HaAliya HaSheniya St.
Telephone: 04-8513074
Fax: 04-8515196
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45
Mainz Library
Director: Ms. Rachel Rappaport
Address: 103 Hanassi Ave.
Telephone: 04-8381211
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45
Mon., Tues., Fri. from 09:00 – 12:45
Neve David Library
Director: Ms. Tova Haham
Address: 6, HaShofet St.
Telephone: 04-8374871, 04-8380816 – ext. 4.
Fax: 04-8360697
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45
Friday from 09:00 – 12:45
Neve Yosef Library
Director: Ms. Irena Reboski
Address: 1 Harav Mashesh 1A
Telephone: 04-81229209
Fax: 04-8129229
Public Reception Hours: Sun. & Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45
“Ilanot” Combined Library
Director: Ms. Ella Kortitzki
Address: HaSneh St.8A
Telephone: 04-8384712
Fax: 04-8361143
Public Reception Hours: Mon - Wed. from 9:00 -13:00 and Tues. & Fridays from 15:00 – 18:45
“Romema” Combined Library
Director: Ms. Suzi Katz
Address: 27 Oren St
Telephone: 04-8343445
Fax: 04-8573897
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45
Tues. & Friday from 09:00 – 12:45
Kiriat Eliezer Library
Director: Ms. Luba Omsky
Address: 10, Avner St.
Telephone: 04-8514286
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs., from 15:00 – 18:45
Kiriat Shemuel Library
Director: Ms. Gitit Erenreich
Address: 17, HaNaziv St. , Kiriat Shemuel
Telephone: 04-8737593
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Wed., Thurs., from 15:00 – 18:45
Monday from 09:00 – 12:00
Kiriat Sprinzak Library
Director: Ms. Tova Benvinishti
Address: 38 French Way St.
Telephone: 04-8314950
Fax: 04-83597105
Public Hours of Reception: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 15:00 – 18:45
Friday from 09:00 – 12:45
Achmediya School Library
Director: Ms. Manal Uda
Address: 12, Almuhadi St. Kababir
Telephone: 04-8384925
Fax: 04-8101953
Public Reception Hours: Tues. & Thurs. from 15:00 – 19:00
Sun., Mon., Wed., from 10:00 – 13:00
Culture Center for Religious Youth & Institute for Holocaust Study Library
Director of Culture Center for Religious Youth: M. Ben Zion Katz
Director of Institute for Holocaust Study: Mr. Nathan Cohen.
Address: 39, HaTichon St.
Telephone: Culture Center – 04-8226517
Telephone: Institute for Holocaust Study – 04-8325978
Fax: Culture Center – 04-8226617
Fax: Institute for Holocaust Study – 04-8324727
Public Reception Hours: Culture Center – Sun., Mon., Tues., Thurs., from 10:00 – 12:00, 13:00 –
Wed. from 12:00 – 21:00
Institute for Holocaust Study – Sun. – Thurs. from 08:00 – 14:00
17:00 – 20:00
A.M.L.Y. for Music Library
Director: Ms. Rima Spoznikov
Address: Pisga Center, Sea Way St. 202
The library is yet to be reopened. For details, please inquire at Pevzner Library.
Social Welfare and Community Services System
The Social Services (social welfare) to individuals, families, children, youth, elderly and exceptional
The Office of Social Services – Hadar and the City
Director: Ms. Yael Shapira
Address: 1 Curry Street (former Bezeq building) 5th floor
Telephone: 04-8357601
Fax: 04-8357666
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 08:00 – 15:00 and Tuesdays from 09:00 –
The Office for Social Services – West Haifa
Director: Ms Hanna Cohen
Address: 12, Shai Agnon St.
Telephone: 04-8527633
Fax: 04-8515976
Public Reception Hours (by prior appointment): Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 08:00 – 14:00 and
Tuesday from 09:00 – 17:00
The Office of Social Services – East Haifa
Director: Ms. Meira Kiprman
Address: 7, Netiv Chen St.
Telephone: 04-8357170
Fax: 04-8357171
Public Reception Hours (by prior appointment): Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 07:30 – 14:00 and
Tuesdays from 09:00 – 17:00
The Office of Social Services – Carmel
Director: Ms. Nehama Moskovitz
Address: 7 Horev St.
Telephone: 04-8248841
Fax: 04-8244981
Public Reception Hours (by prior appointment) Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 07:30 – 15:00 and
Tuesdays from 09:00 – 18:00
The Office of Social Services – Kiriat Haim and Kirat Shemuel
Director: Ms. Ariela Kanay
Address: 7, Warburg Ave.
Telephone: 04-8415238
Fax: 04-8420543
Public Reception Hours: (by prior appointment) Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 07:30 – 15:00 and
Tuesdays – 09:00 – 18:00
The Office of Rehabilitation
Director: Mr. Yitzhak Rozner
Address: 10 Shefaram St.
Telephone: 04-8642141
Fax: 04-8668350
Public Reception Hours: Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. from 07:30 – 15:00 and Tuesdays from 09:00 –
The Office for the Advancement of Youth, Prison Inmates and Substance Abuse
Director: Mr. Momi Almog
Address: 32, Yod Lamed Pertz St.
Telephone: 04-8650814
Fax: 04-8650811
Public Reception Hours: Sun. – Thurs. from 07:30 – 15:00
The Unit for Drug Abuse Treatment
Director: Ronit Sarig
Address: 24, Herzliya St.
Telephone: 04-8520407, 04-8517526
Public Reception Hours (by prior appointment):
Sun. – 08:00 – 19:30
Mon. – 08:00 – 15:00
Tues. – 08:00 – 18:00
Wed. – 08:00 – 19:30
Thurs. – 08:00 – 15:00
The Unit for Alcohol Abuse Treatment
Director: Limor Ben David
Address: 20, Herzliya St.
Telephone: 04-8357120
Public Reception Hours: Sun. – Thurs. from 08:00 – 16:00 