We welcome your comments and feedback. Contact us at Customer Care Centre at 1-888-TAX-HELP(1-888-829-4357) Email:communication@taj.gov.jm Website:www.jamaicatax.gov.jm / 1-888-GO-JA-TAX (465-2829) Facebook:www.facebook.com/jamaicatax Twitter:@jamaicatax A publication of Tax Administration Jamaica A publication of TaxRevised Administration Jamaica October 2012 JUNE 2011 the event that you are still dissatisfied with the level In of service and/or suggested solutions received from Introduction 2 Vision & Mission Statements 3 Core Values 4 Messages - Minister of Finance & Planning 5 - The Financial Secretary 6 - The Commissioner General 8 Our Role 9 Your Rights 10 What we expect of you 12 What you can expect of us 13 General Service Standards 15 Complaints Procedure - Internal 17 Complaints Procedure - External 18 Tax Administration Jamaica, then write or call the : Standards and Monitoring Officer Public Sector Modernisation Division Cabinet Office 2a Devon Road Kingston 6 Tel :(876) 920-8880-5 Fax:(876) 929-0473 Email: michele.gordon-somers@cabinet.gov.jm Complaints may also be forwarded to the : Office of the Public Defender 78 Harbour Street Kingston Tel :(876) 922-7089 We welcome your comments and feedback. Contact us at Customer Care Centre at 1-888-TAX-HELP(829-4357) 1-888-GO-JA-TAX (465-2829) Email:communications@taj.gov.jm Website:www.jamaicatax.gov.jm Facebook:www.facebook.com/jamaicatax Twitter:@jamaicatax 1 18 If you are not completely satisfied with the service you have received, you should:- Inform the Officer with whom you are transacting business and if you are still not satisfied, have further discussions with him/her in the presence of his/her Supervisor. Write to the relevant Deputy Commissioner General outlining the circumstances. Your concerns will be investigated and we are committed to replying to you within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of your written communication. Deputy Commissioner General - Operations Deputy Commissioner General - Legal Support Deputy Commissioner General - Management Services Tax Administration Jamaica Head Office, PCJ Building (4th floor) 36 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10 Tel :(876) 906-2478 Fax:(876) 754-9593 17 This Citizen’s Charter outlines what you can expect from the Tax Administration Jamaica in terms of service and what we expect from you, our Customer. It will help you to understand:Your rights & obligations Our established service standards What you can do if you are dissatified with the service you receive from us The Charter is for everyone who interacts with the Tax Administration Jamaica. If you are still dissatisfied, you may write or call the : Commissioner General Tax Administration Jamaica Head Office, PCJ Building (4th floor) 36 Trafalgar Road Kingston 10 Tel :(876) 906-2478 Fax:(876) 754-9593 2 SERVICE ACTIVITY (con’t) TRANSACTION TIME OPERATIONS Property Tax TCC - Tax Compliance Certificate Payment of Property Tax 25 Minutes Research 20 Minutes Application for TCC - In person - Via website A world class Tax Administration. Stamp Duty & Transfer Tax 60 Minutes 24 Hours ASSESSMENT Express Documents 20 minutes Normal Documents 3 - 5 days Property Documents 1 - 26 days TRANSFERS DELIVERY TIME Perfect Applications 1-5 days (where values are accepted without requiring inspection) Applications which require inspections (corporate area) 5 - 10 days Applications which require inspections (outside the corporate area) 21 days ESTATES To collect the revenues due in an equitable and cost effective manner, foster voluntary compliance, provide excellent service to our customers through an engaged and empowered staff. Perfect Applications DELIVERY TIME 60 days (where documents are complete when submitted) Refunds If incomplete, first contact letter issued 10 - 15 days Processing Claims (Payments will be made as soon as funds are made available on a first in first out basis). 90 days NB. The standard transaction times DO NOT include wait time. 3 16 SERVICE ACTIVITY TRANSACTION TIME OPERATIONS Motor Vehicle DRIVER’S LICENCES Transactions Driver's Licence Application (New) 40 Minutes Renewal of Driver’s Licence 40 Minutes Lost/Substitute Driver’s Licence 15 working days Provisional Driver’s Licence 40 Minutes International Driver’s Licence 40 Minutes FEES Motor Vehicle Registration (New) 40 Minutes Renewal of Licence Sticker 25 Minutes Lost/Substitute Motor Vehicle Documents 25 Minutes Motor Vehicle Title Application 25 Minutes Motor Vehicle Transfer 35 Minutes Purchase of Registration Plates 25 Minutes General Consumption Tax Process GCT Application for Registration 25 Minutes TRN Application 20 Minutes GCT - New (Individual) 20 Minutes - New (Organization) 20 Minutes - Modification 20 Minutes Trade Licence Application for Trade Licence Renewal of Trade Licence 15 The Administration’s service delivery is built on the following guiding principles:- I ntegrity M utual respect P rofessionalism A ccountability Customer Centric T eam Work 25 Minutes 25 Minutes 4 Minister of Finance & Planning Peter Phillips, PhD., MP As the Government of Jamaica strives to provide world-class service, we are committed to improving the service we offer to the public, which is what you expect and deserve. This Charter provides the standards and objectives to be met by Tax Administration Jamaica in providing service to its stakeholders. It brings to the fore a new type of customer-friendly approach and should provide greater accountability of performance which can be measured against set targets. The entire operation of tax administration can only be enhanced in an environment of tax reform – which seeks to create more equity and expansion of the tax base. Equally, tax reform must involve better service to the country. It is my hope that you, members of the public, will take the time to read this charter, not only to be aware of what you should expect from the Tax Administration, but also to familiarize yourselves with the responsibilities which you, as users of the service, have in ensuring that it functions efficiently. I encourage you to use the feedback mechanisms, as in so doing, Tax Administration Jamaica will always be in a position to respond to your concerns. I am confident that together we can achieve a level of service of which we can all be proud. Peter Phillips, PhD., MP Minister of Finance & Planning 5 a visitor cannot be attended to, he/she will be advised Ifaccordingly and directed to the nearest available seating area. will be kept informed of the reason(s) Taxpayers delay if the wait is longer than five (5) minutes. for will be Taxpayers agreed time of a seen within ten (10) minutes of the pre-arranged appointment. A reason will be provided where wait becomes necessary. Telephone Service Telephones will be answered within three (3) rings. answering the telephone will identify the Section/ Officers Unit and him/herself in a polite and professional manner. Taxpayers making telephone enquiries will not have to interface with more than two (2) employees. will be given the choice to hold, to call back or Taxpayers leave a message for the party whom they are trying to reach. If placed on hold, it will be for no longer than one (1) minute. 14 The Financial Secretary Dr. Wesley Hughes Response Time and written correspondence will be acknowlFacsimile edged within two (2) working days with a telephone call, where possible and a written response within ten (10) working days, where necessary. Where a time-frame cannot be met, a full explanation will be sent to the taxpay- ‘A 21st Century Tax Administration Directorate’ The Tax Administration Directorate has modelled its service delivery on the principles of: excellence; teamwork; integrity; mutual respect; fairness; and accountability. These are service standards which any member of the public, and other Govern- mail and e-mail messages Voice within two (2) working days. will be acknowledged ment ministries, departments and agencies, should both expect and demand. The Citizen’s Charter is a commitment that all the entities which fall under the umbrella of the Directorate are a Taxpayer requires information or an explanation Where on an account or a transaction which may necessitate research/investigation, the request will be handled by the respective Section/Unit. committed to and will adhere to the outlined standards. It is the public’s score card for rating the performance of the Directorate against the targets that are set. For the Directorate, customer service is, very importantly, about Receiving Clients for Appointments will be acknowledged within one (1) minute of Taxpayers arrival in the waiting area. customer outreach, friendliness and maintaining a visible presence. Our customer service means making it easier for persons to do business with the tax authorities. The customer must know what is offered and how to access those products and services. 13 Con’t … page 7 6 Additionally, our systems cannot be improved without the feedback from the Customer. The charter also sets out avenues for redress if the customer’s experience is not met according to the minimum standards. The Charter is not a static document. As the public increases its demands for the quality of services provided, objectives will change and standards will have to be elevated. Consequently, the Charter must be flexible enough to reflect these changes. The Charter must always demonstrate that it is a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Directorate so as to lead to continuous improvement. This Charter embodies the vision of the 21st century tax administration system – one that is efficient, accessible, user-friendly and, most importantly, responsive to both the Government’s need for increased revenue collection, through a culture of voluntary tax compliance, and the public’s need to comply as easily and efficiently as possible. 1 Honesty You are expected to make full disclosure of your income from all sources to allow for proper assessment of your tax obligation. 2 Cooperation You are expected to cooperate with the Tax Administration by giving us correct and complete information when we ask for it. 3 Accuracy and Respect for Deadlines We expect you to file your returns and pay your taxes on time. Taxpayers who are experiencing difficulty in complying with this obligation, are encouraged to discuss their circumstances with their Collector of Taxes. 4 Good Record Keeping Dr. Wesley Hughes Financial Secretary 7 You are expected to keep accurate and up-to-date records. You should ensure that all records of financial transactions are kept for a minimum of six years. This is important for verification purposes. This practice not only makes good business sense but will also assist you in your financial planning and business decisions. 12 5 Full Information and Disclosure You will be taxed based on your total income and you will be made aware of how much you are required to pay. You should also have clear and accurate information on exemptions, relief and deductions that you are eligible for, as well as refunds that are due to you. 6 Certainty You are entitled to accurate, up-to-date information on tax rates, interest payable and penalties imposed as well as any changes to the law which may be relevant to the computation of your tax liability. 7 Confidentiality, Discretion and Secrecy Information made available to the Tax Administration on the affairs of a taxpayer will be kept confidential and will be used only for purposes specified in tax legislation. 8 Question our Decisions We will explain how to object to an assessment or decision we make. 11 Commissioner General (Actg.) Tax Administration Jamaica Mr. Ainsley Powell As Commissioner General, I welcome the development of the Tax Administration Jamaica Citizen’s Charter. It is our public declaration of mutual respect for the rights of all stakeholders. This is a critical step towards achieving our strategic goal of fostering a culture of voluntary tax compliance. The Charter outlines who we are, our standards of service delivery, what we expect from you our clients and our complaints procedure. We regard this as our commitment to continuous improvement in the delivery of quality service in a professional, courteous and efficient manner. We are confident that through this Charter, closer relationships will be forged with all stakeholders as we partner in building a world-class Tax Administration for the benefit of all. Ainsley Powell Commissioner General (Actg.) Tax Administration Jamaica 8 The role of the Tax Administration is to collect the taxes due, in keeping with the policy directives of the Ministry of Finance & Planning, while ensuring that all requirements of the various Acts and Regulations are adhered to. This charter explains what you can expect from us and what we expect from you. As an Administration we are committed to providing you with:- Efficient and courteous service Complete matters and accurate information concerning your tax Equitable and fair treatment A clear understanding of your rights and obligations 1 You have the right to: Fair and Equitable Treatment You will be dealt with in an impartial and fair manner. Tax Officers will be courteous and professional. They will have integrity, be honest, be respectful of, and sensitive to the diversity of the Jamaican community. 2 Information and Assistance You are entitled to have up-to-date information on the operations of the tax system and the way in which your tax is assessed. You may keep abreast of the services offered by consulting our publications, visiting the website at www.jamaicatax.gov.jm or calling our Customer Care Centre at 1-888-TAX-HELP (1-888-829-4357). 3 A Fair Hearing You have the right to object to assessments raised and to appeal against decisions made by the Commissioner General. All appeals should be made to the Taxpayer Appeals Department (TAD). Disputes are settled and hearings are conducted free of charge. 4 Good Service You are entitled to prompt, professional, courteous and efficient service. 9 10