u l ~: -r 1 1 • ! . - 1 1' ! : '•• r • 1 '; I ' « ?. ' . 'it r 1 ' \\ r*l \ <¥ \ 1" '"]*] "W •>.'•' i t - I t . I : ir It F •'•> 1 H " ; - . ; : - y ; k.-;i,-e) •-.'* . ^ . ,".>niv,Iv ( » r M . f c S « 2 r g » ; |P*.:.W. AlLviokjtorJ w i U ^ S ; ! 1 l«*MI! I-'kv.ft L>J, . %A • lj. K ! S u tI••••.• / - - ! •r ' i s j hprp[) I VM^-GILL, NOTICE ^ . . . ^ , , for ip Ay building by y Boy Scouts to Share in Awards at -Court of Honor f 0 c . • •!• .:-(1-. \ \ illu m Ilohein. <»Q « .--I.-: -_z 1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ S.OTM-K O F A P P L I C A T I O N - V " : - ''••f-^jR^!" «' the nii ng " l l , : : , ' r " ' ( " » " " ^ 4 > n , of an a p p i j e a . •' <•••< :. ..;rr,i„- : |it P of convenience ""I ....,.-;:>• to 4 , n , t e a s a r | ; J ..i • r .V;- '' r ^ ' • t r a i u W t d t i o n of riop- • ' '>'- »'••*«-•" n.i.'ago Park B i l » ' •••It•;•./•.:•! ^ . 1 - : . , ^ - . , Mr. i U s f c e o t , Arlington !i:-i !|; 4-1.I ^...t,,,... B, rrington. Fox >< , . - - . • ;r..w. Cary, ^Crystal L a k e t: l , i -"" •>'• H a r v ^ d i n d -Big p M t ' >k -.f k r i..-t*i-Tri fJii.-iifco, Klmwood Park i:I.;• -i J•»*!>.., Riyeif Grove, May.' •-•>. > I ' f r ^ - l ' a 4 , 4 d , l m o n . Rloom. t;-r:t- '»i.Mr,?.villi-, |f»rtl..tt. EJgj h > "" <;•»-.-.•. MnW,,, Gflr({(%i; <|herry Valley, ' ] th.-nce on to [">" t i m e 'nnd 'hi* nppli<-ution '"Oltnunicating ,f the IllinoU '«' -Springfield, M>JG <"OMlMXT •i s f liarrnnro, |. President. ,. |(i ( , r i t n .jHarold Calkins, ''^,1 riobcrf I'lbrich to ' R l ( t iv ( \\'^h Honors li..-.ilil Ciilkins, a n d ..'Ms i«f B a r r i n g t o n r..<..'ivi< hiijh'honorsi , ..HIM 4if honor F r i j I ,.. I :il<l will llO prt)j I'.ilin. MuTold w i l l . j - I'uu'li' Scout', rank • • ' ' j • i-i'T Kai!If- probn-I 1,/1^ ininplctcil IIIH j I !;.•' MllKlf NCOtlt j; i •, iliroticli a privi . .-I'm-i'. a c t u a l l y r f - J '.IIHI HolitM-t 1 jl I . • , Klii| tow tiKhip at p-eseat is' in K"o|l ; fiiituielal e<>i ditlon, he ' 1--11 -III' t tn>X,. |||.(.. --. C. IJpofsfey to Opirn ' ( New Recreation Hall A m y can ilegio Iriy In I 'lauile I'DIIII J and' ..- •«' tro4tp 1() a n d A | h e r t ••••;,if, -ji { I tiriiup triinp 10 10 wli4) wlin 'will will rt relinks nwnriU" are Jack Altj-i-il Casile. UayiiHincP Wi.lViiini 1 lot terser,' and of f..i\vri'uc4- St4iut, Albert. New • • ij<L Karl Hiitchiiiy. IIIMM'S of troop 21 w i l l rei 1,-I.VM awards. " They are jt, U'ayne. N'icaneier, and mnlii After Octper IS ~\ 27© •i.iii- Ihulgc fe fnir 5 0 c His. foe Z9C * v >s. for 1 7 0 f|bis.- t'otr I O C |:afi«i 35<f • ii I'IIIKK''. fiii'inaiiHbipi • • cheinis-try. cycling 1 !. - .jr. fircmaiisfiip'; Kayit, . -pepiohiil health'; )., i.yi-lliii;, liookblndliiK, lj i inly, I'/illiflndliiK, • • ! first aid t o a n i m a l s [ 1 » -i. -fii-i'manship. s w l t n • i..-.-i'iiik't botikbindliiff j )•> ! 4 » . life savtiiit, KwliHj'..iin. s c h o l a r s h i p , per.)-- s i vim,', public h e a l t h , ! --1.:ini Meller, . c y c l h l d ; •-I-. '-.-iiiiM-iiitr, wtKKlcarv- )!s;i;i)|-: I O C Oct. anjl t o Oct. Bt|i I a « . •u i (.'•'£.}:.\NSERJ l ;, \|l'...ri lli-la'n^er, cycling, j :.^-. personal health, I'l'n-il Kits first aid, l(j 1 'XI4k: earn . '.I itoiiioliiliiiK, ;!,(!> i-J \ioif!t!s ftret eycliiiij, I :• Ij.'.liert L. MundI In-all h -. B u r r i s Mi lii'i- -.aviMif, swiinmiiiK, •-.•liiiiir. .canoeing, first l.'-altli. c e m e n t Work, ' -ii('l ii> aiiiiiials, j-i.-.trvina, surveyiniTj |i- i.-milliiii},'; L a w r e n c e tif A :\jj-!riLrk-«m' Faultily Soap jif..^ •s-T Hot a Chain Stbre fTHIN SELL Awards . • •i. will be awarded to the ,'- in the projects listed: liiiyiuiiiid I'lbrich, safe-. M.ij, life siiviriK, NWim< :i- ; I,n ViTiic Kuhlinaii. •j'.l.iinli.iitf; Alfred C a s t If, ••i-iclniu'. biMikblndlui;, ^ : : - William potterrer, Officers Insts tiled; Rejadyl to S t a r t Activities for Yejlir The [a nn ml American liCgion lem Iil-rshipj drik-o will.stall t after Oct! If and wjill lie 'carric-'l | o a surceiiNl'ul finish by the middle f -Noveui >er atcording to a predictioi of N i s i Slay »er, jiewlk' iiislallt'i eominaiUler, P l a n s for tlie drive will be workedlotit at the next] meeting of the post Thfirsday evif|iiiik, Oct; 1ft, FrniicH [Scully, vice eoinmnnileriof; the ul'uili rdistrict- orjiuilwitioii, was in chaotic |>f the iiistiillutloii eereumnles at.| I Iif meeting last Tliurwiay evening. The follow!) g «ro tho nj)W olllcerJ: > oel Stayner, comuiiinddr;] Tli4ira(d jlotfe, ndjutif'nt', (nppointlW imsitlli n ) ; .Frank Dlehlj first, vl tti conunijiidei ; Paul Purcell, jimSyl* vice (•(immijlide:-; It, L. Muiidlienik, chapl a i n ; [Irviiiii ITager, finance oOlcerl;! Carl lUivo idalil.r Merge mt tit arms;.If. J> Ijiiigerifrrt, i Nery.ii e officer; an Paul I'oiliiuiii, ihairn an Of tho execul tfvy (4ititiilttee. JOther memberM of th esecut'!iv}' -.•oniin|ttec -v rill |>e appointed at the next meeting, One of the first ijictlvlties of (lie new i sea j y e a r to'.I.e. cotiHldered by^j the pdst Will lie t h a t o f formiil observa nee of Arnjistice May. . Miss AlVce Walbjium Bfride of Cflilford Qber^ -; - ' - "• - I Permanent organization of a Parent -Teachers"association, w a s planned at a meetijiR j>t teacherii and parents of school children which was to be held at the Barrington Public sehool auditorium Thursday evening. A prelimimiry meeting was held Inst Friday evenliiR at wlileh tho fotlow-, fl-njc 'temporary officers Mrs. we-re electwi: \V!rt Lawrjenee, Mialrnian, and Mw. Ward oinitifend, Heeretiiry, The? wtis A. K. Welly, M i s . Waller .Sears, and 'Mrs, A, J. Bradley,: ' " 4 Mrs. O l i v e r • AH|ier({ren,' director of district 'J1 : Of . tf)e' Illinois. Parents Teacliers assoclat on, was present, at} the litestiiiff and oijttliiied the work nnd channels for semcV of the oi'KriniJui'i tioifc.-- She advise<l (lie Ri-oup to join the state and national a'ssoeiatiips as soon after organization as possible, telling of the lieiiefit, to be derived frosi' theso unions. Approximately 2 5 parents attended tl^e meeting: InvitJitions were sjent Tuesday to all itreiits' of school [children, via the jupi'Is. f<• be present at- the meeting .Thursday night at' which time the t'leruianent: organization would be formed. . ' • Parent -Teachers associations h<vld regnlar meetings.', usually once a j month during" the''school, year, for the purpose of 'discussing educat final problems , and matters perfainin ; to child training both [in school and out .of school. Regular speakers are usually engaged for .thesej meetings. Mi'sr. Ethel Luerrsen Is " . . Bride of Itasca 3|Han Miss Ethel Luei'ssen, daughter or Air. and S i p , William Luerssen of I,ake. Zurich was'injarried'. at 7 o'clock Saturday evening Ito '.Lester' Stoike. son., of' Air. and Mrs. Emll Stoike of Itasca, lit 'the home, of the bride's parents in fjike Ztjrlch, .Rev., E. A. Irion ..|.pi St. . Peter's Evangelical church) .officiated. The bride was very pretty in a dress Of-' ivory satin w i t h a shower hoinptet, -. She wa^ attended by her cousin. Miss Lydiai Sturm w h o wore a dresM (if pink taffeta nnd carried /I boiuijiiet of pink rfljsebuds. ; •M-sii tOthel Tiiitn|<>r|ihaii of Palatine plnyedl. the wedding itiai'ch. Keniieth Stoike. brother of t|iel,groo.m was best num. Fallowing th'e cerenjiony ft Wedding -supper-WHS sei'ved i t Parish, hall, with a reception ai the home of the bride '' ., j ]' T h e y o u n g couple left! on n trip of ten (liiya t h r o u g h j W i s c o n s i n , hey will nialto their h o m e In I t a s c a . Cororier's Jury Returns Undetermined Verdict In Inquest in Eras t Death An undetei'ml ied yerdletl retuilniHl by a coroner's j:iry Friday'nfteriioou market! wha't piobably will be thi| close of the impiest I n t o the death o Mrs. Ma Erus't (of- Lake Zurich.. Frlj day's session of the inq nest luid been continued [from the original hearing the day of -theI Jlealh a id brought to light the llaboiytory fl idntgs (if the Cook cou nty coroner's office. ( hainnvlll have I D o i a l d Gebe iLamz, [a htjisky nine poun< baby bjojy is the j winner of the 17 b rfhday Mif i, donated^ by th4 First Baby oil phe Month elub of Barringt<n for' l e a n ; October's first arrival. The eJifld was born a t 4 p . m. Octot er 1, a de< idedly i.prompt young individual. B e is the second son of Mr. nnd M « . j Hernial} Lamz, 126 Gran ; streej;; T w o finei prizes a w n i i tho s >cond cl ild born i>i October and one i rize tfai t l i r d boKn; Th i^merchs nts w h o have invited the f n t h c of tfw y d j n g child to call a t their store a id receive the birthday presto its a r e ; I'retjluiul Drag CoV Land ivcr's D lyli ghtj Store, .Schroeder ilanhvare ip.,. Grebo's Hnwlwaro Store, Stone a i d tJlemcior Barber Shop Knst lind IteSlatiranti Burrlngton T'iro and [Battery Service, Pccdk'fl Cletii IIIK & 'I'lilloHng Shop, Sehiiuble Brot! iers &,; poi: Ins, Tee ft B e e Hnt Shop P1«KB« Slower Shop, J. & A. U n d i i Servhje (¾.. The Togger>«, S. Llpofsky & j Son s,' 3T". 0 . Oiidwallader, and NeI>lstb'M A jirlsie -fof-tqo w^ond baby'will bo gU-ei by the ,Pli gge Jlonie Furnls'hing Co. Prizes d r the jfirat, second, nnd 1 uuw: babies will b|p given by l | e iigton llevji'W; <l" rinrr Prope|l]^TrinMned -jK'iird^v- Valuable, Speaker Declares Lions Club Members Told of business [Opportunities From Better Windows Sheriff InVestigai^s *'CBi|Ick HatiWrj Blazb; Three Tenants K eld A, Ijlajzo W ilcir deslrdycd a' barn contaiiaii g several tons]of hay nn the Gus'Hfolpaii|d l a r m , thrjic;miles nortbc a s t of LaUe Z u r i c h , a | 1 pj m. Tuesday, re\|ealed n largo still used to inanufac urn alcohol. jThree. men, thA form, y ero taken into feniints custody by Inko c o u i t y sheriff and InveBtiBatlon were betid I eld for white SlMff I/ester T ffilny Is investiirntlng t;We lossibiHtj that thcl fire was an i| ct of incendiar «m on the piirt of n coij i p t t l i g faction In liquor produellon jiml..t'afllc. "':T|io i en held are llpiiry and Ed.rteiiiheln, brolliers, and their \\'\\hv Wnrki ljithelu, l.rilft of n, .'pbfl {three siiid they iiad ier hi f n to tt "Mr. Wiiis'ntor"' tlicim that h* was going to ! pi pifient for |n, chick- hntch erj*.", Tlley) wild they sinew very little of iiief ideiit ty. of "Vaguer'' ^ t h c f than ho pup'piPted to lie in tho iihtcti j?ry busincsMyi 800 ja,llon Cajpacity Four Youth ^ Break Into Millet Bros. An open meeting all which all members of the \ Clatober • of Comerca and a l l . othi r I business men of Barringtop w i l l be .Welcome; will be, conduc e& by the Barrington Lions club n e x t Monday evening, fAc occa don of the meeting being an-add: «ss by W, K. 3 r a n s c h , vice presi lent of thi Sheboygan Ghair Co. Mr. Braasch, w h o ias been a chautauqua lecturer, vi ill speak on his favorite subject "Personality;" H a is a well known ,lee* tiirer • throughout t i e , Middle W e s t «nd is well euoi gh informed on the subject < f personal salesmanship to Have Bomething of Vnltto for Barrfjigtin people. .This; meeting will 0 bo held at ^rCiongard's Grill lit 8:30 p. m Tlie only clinrge will bo for the dinner. . | ;t Bandit Car ^hastd Fi-om Des Plaines to. E^anston; 1 I ^ Crashes Up Mrs. Conrad KrausJFalls m Ladder, freaks Leg ;. Fiillhig from ii step In llder While assistihg her, daughter will \ cleaning and piifnting i\y*»rk In a 'hods. on Harrison street, ."Mrs. Conrad K i a u s iif Culm towiniiiip was injimtl vrwlnesdiiy uf» ternoot'i (o the extent of| a broken leg and body) bruises. Tlie breiik was in the left leg below the hip. M r s . , Krniis w a s standing on tin An iijvejstiiration Was niade of the uins Weane «lay for o b j e c t s - - t h a t second stlep- of a stepladder When she might. |<fad| to] the idetijtity of the op- became fikint, pnsulnalily'from breathing paint and 'turpentine fumes, She era to,rs.j The 4illlha;cl{.a daily k p a c i t y of 800 feil ,to the floor but did not realize at gnllons,; it 'if estimntjed by authori- the time | that the fall JiaS caused a ties. Qoke had been used for fuel) fractute in Jier leg. After resting for as it hi is an advantage over, coal- in an hoiir.i slito realized f r o m - t h e pain hot prot ucinj smoke. \ steam engine that, Her '|njury' was Aiow'serious than had.bee I ujsed for pumping cold w^ter a bi'uise. j A physician was called and from a peajrb;i*,w*H over the condensn- snij w a s taken t o the BaJrriWton Gen tion coils i]nd|icating th? extend of t^he lierar hospftal' f,or' freatnje-nt, . ^-._ . that had besn going on. operatiojns l The [lisfillery was first' discovered > by Muri)lleltin) firemen v 'ho w ere called to the iilaze.l The &tr icturo was be)nt|rol When tjie . department yoiid arrived. a l l re,<ail customers have de-: II ilf o f all fectijre visiojj,'j according -to, J. Fj O'BfLen, advertising and sales promoH Westinghouse tion manager of the La n p Co. i|f ijjew, York, who spokej at. JjIonday'H; m-etinglof the Barring-I (flub| on | ;the subject of ton L i o n s Cl: '.'Majking S t o r e BuJek". Out of Win300 rersorts Attend Cuba dow Shoppers." -Mr Q'Bijicn s' addri^ss wiks illus Re let und Dance Held trat>d with) l t n t e r n sljde fpu-tures i|n Jejwel Tea Auditorium shoi ring .stoike j \'indow8 corre t-tly and Inco r'rectly dec| irated; . One Islide inHas Workers Waiting a)t Wag^ eluded s i x 'K^iie w i n d o w s in1 a row, -.'•'•A iWci 11. jut I ended,: pet feetly conduct-property* , ighted' and < Secorated her's Market; Leaves! With wl. daii(| e i n [the Jewel T e a . CoJs ijirge and the ot||en [ not well tn |?on care auditor lini sjtarted' the Cuba township $59 Worth4 of Foodof." A t-ourit luid iieen tnketi of! peorepel •flind lirive w i t h ' f a i r l y good repie passing Ijthnt tft < tion of tlio block aside,'for ceipt |\v|ijicli will he set Dining a jjjvcn tji i|ic m o r e . hai| 300 charity) peo: ii(, Htopned at the well decorated Y T T PoIl<ie officials, private and"'aiiinteu:* Appi oximately 300 je^iple attended win low and] only 70 at the othtor five. detectives, are on . the lookout fo • the -dai ce, Tlie receip^sjliad not iieen A 1: rge amounj of mei'chaniiiHe is sold > taibulnt ?d • -bijcaiise of jtlie facft that "Mr. W arrier," ftfke 'steel cons.t.ruc • thn ugh fl|A rfediuujr of sijfhl, tho most o: f lie] tickets W: »re soldi by) in- tion foreman,, who loaded, up $f»l> spei ker safd. . j,]jlividua||s |Wjor to the la nee. Th to- Worth of gificeries. nt tin Wagner Merchants hiustliejeii tliiii impo|rt tnl rei| eitits' ami the profit, ftirt.the Market Inst jfuesdriy evening in i n anl, fact: in TOIKI vixfrt'thjey ilnii winn riou need [tiext mild i will bo ital'ief ingenious swindling Hcbenie iflld the t dow (lIsplayJH iiii..|lonrr|iiiBe goidfj.ori the cou iters, tniblgj tintl sjiow cusses Inside1 week. A n orderly jnnd.' (leNirnble .crowd left town ^or{parts.unknown. of .dan vri (jnji)ytHl thi'ft evening. Sevstores); aivfsKd M n O'Brpep, IT© Ih. The mail cnljoil at, the Sutfon ston. eral Mdi(^> joilieeiw 'wil re on .Ininj!1 to the: i ailvocjiited n number-'of methods where ho told that his -.was 'going t> U thel so [thin tilTatr, Horvlejes of {(.(.(lug Iciisom'I's Into rjioro lull superv w e r e not needed nt |y time, one af be in Jfhnrge of a gang of Workers o i Mill (o eontaijt:.\j.lth the koodsj they are t b e ' E X j . vVt; E ijitilroad nnd w n n t e l fhein i eporti'il, expl •ctcd tiji pnrclinse; . ; • puntM wide r«lD M / p i n t i Was to borrowaii wngoiit-to hniil n lond i f coiillnjijr in Mr. O'Brlcni t,liiMiiebrA I ijt: a general iieetlng[ ofJvili groceries,%«» feed • the men. : Ife hoi<'ha|pis' shdw M'liw|ow« are wtivift 50 ili(o|ite| i|ow]ii and eouiif oIllejalM held roWod ^l>(> wngon from Ileiiry Sehei'ir to ft per **VKfi* of tlieireiitfiil costs.' To lilge, ptyvllle Mmi'ili) night. A drive a»id| thwt- appenreil nt the" Wngni r rea lw» the value of show windows, i l l Lib) whore ho nrrniiigdll Willi worked out' Mliiitiltfijieoimly market IU. luereliHiit miis'f, catch (jho titteii will throngnoiit, [Uie entire ountiy starting George'. \Vagner to purehilMv .$ftO warth tioi pttsslig ctistoiiiers In seven Oct obi i' 15, It was pllij mil. 'Mil i»op- of food per diiy.. l i e told Mr. Wiijnrv idJ,sec i m l i t l i e nij'ern'gp time njtjiilre'd hy| mid ulnlloi vdll be (llvlid 1 according to he wns foremnn of tHeel work in making tin* custoiiier acqutilnted wenltli und' ability tjo .d|inatei the wanted tofhlre n group of Barrlngtmi a | ersou to JMISS n KIIOW window, coHitty A sii'clftl coiutnittee In borers w - a job on the E. J. & I J. One o f (lie most i'mpiirtaht link* for th Is; vjfoii'k will be iippitlnteii, T h e l i e askwl Mr. \\jagnor to have a group with mercHitn Use 1« through local wenltli ler pi opl« will l^e K<»H(flteii firsi, of men: on liaiid the iiext inbrnim. ueuspaper : a Ivertlsliug, Mild Mr. «' gfo||ip oi flpproxliiintely 40() sure Then ho loaded iip w,ltli the meal in d O'llrlen. fllie grodmiiitt 'lis.'Will be solid led next and «11 groceries, and departed, 1 l'r. O'ltriei i h^s li«d w do exfierceries, he said, were for the menr ot her i t l i o i s with at income will-be letK'e as ii Kpe liter tttid wlritci1 on mef. solicit'd Infi er that o i l i e r bjf mail or inenls the next ilny.. chi mil sing stjtljwts. H e is a member persoi nlly, II, C. llnusmrtn, swre- , On Wednesday morning n score of Uie Assoc'a'tloii of Natloijial Advi'i'tnry o ' tlje htnto wide Relief and nni'm- tiien Avniiting work Were on hand otjt ; tisIrM, the jVjnerlclip Institute nlnd ploym nitl (fonimittce, met wHjhj» the side the Wngne? market.; '.'Mr, Wii| otl er national ol-ganliialionH. grojupir a iid npprn'vetl li»f fiiinl jiluns. her" did not return. That. nft'erniM Am ingj t|hose f-rom i the iSontjhvest- tlie Harrington police wore 'liotlflifl. part of iH cou nty w |io a ftentlejl the The facts coiieerniivg the K'vvintlle w» 1 meetii g sli'ef . Emil Fi 'jke of Laljij Znr* sent out to the Chicago riiid oth police departments, and were al*o Icfc.K M Ki>lBe,y of Barrington, and broadcasted over pne -large. ra<|io P. L. St. [idfield, of Wnucondav' | brondcastiiig station. Fake Section Boss ttlMfeGets KgGrocery Loaf! I 'i r. ftarfingidk Quartet 270OmesWrou A ^fery pretty wwMling w a s solemn ized.jVedpestlny afternopn, Oct. [7, at 4 o'clbck a t , . ! ! ^ -'Sajiift Pnftl Evan)?el.ViKiting Detroit, Tordnto, ^ Monlical -j-lmrfh when Bliss Alycc Wal- treal, Quebec, iiostbii, and other inbaumr daughter of.JMJ r. and .Mrs. Wil- teresting cities ojf E i s t e r n Canada and liam AVa baunsi. 444 North avenue, jtlie United States, E . J.' Mililejr, Mr: became f-Jie bride of jCHfford Oberg of and Mrs. E . J. p>ni geiidow, anjl Mrs. Chicnigo. ; < Inez-Brown motWel 2.70Q milef? in a Kei'. Herman K o e i i g ofljcinte<l and sight seeing trip Avhich started with the singhi ring cerepiony, w a s "read in (the national eonjyentiori of the- Amerthe presence of the members of the ican Legion. T|iey returned last Satinane (Kate families. ; urday evening. In telling of the trip, The bride was beautiful in a gown Mr. Langendorf stated : f of paile Mije and, tan l a c e ; she carried 'Spent." three days in Detroit with a bridalUwonquet of yellow roses and the-An/ierieaH Legion at tlie national i!l "" Increases Brain baby': yi|bath.». ' , |c.'onven|tion and'H'liile there w a s enteri .'Matilda Wai baiim served her vi.pt- of Varieties: ' tallied by Mr. nul Mrs. Frank An*..,..-• j^ asl bridesmaid and was attired siistetf di-ewiJ wllo live in Pontiac a-jshort Environs Help; • " in palo blue; she cairied^eW.»w/roses. (distance from Detroit. Mrs. Andrews ! Thje biidal party entered a t the was formerly I o i s Camion of Bar-) ['"•'^ and g u e s t s of tjje, strains cf the wetMing march from rington. . . • -:''|:'; . . Miss Lucille ';.1 'lull were e n t e r t a i n e d tjohojngril played liy 'Orosb'ing into, Canada ;jat \Vindsor, '../'. .'. 'j. . • [Ontario, we tifaveled through 'and . ^ !i..nie of Mr. a n d M r s . Martieim. 1 The gi«om wa8_«ttendcd by Miles visited in the following c i t i e s : Ham'I .ii*j|.-ty e v e n i n g . '"''h '' the p r e s i d e n t , togei-s o f Chi(jngo7 Itnnuxliately fol- [iiton, Paris, London, Toronto, Corn, -'•'• -'""I of t h e vico presi- owlng tlpe chiirch teryicc n wetlding l; <!• Work, t h e t r e a s u r e r , dinner was serveiT a -the: home; of the 'bride's pjirenfj* after which the bridal "Rainbow of the Rio Grande" i ' . I'let/.el, -presided! . H i.-i-.siiiiijv t h o r o u g h l y couple left by«mbtov (or "a two weckB' Ready for Production Friday 1 ••"••••< made u p t.h« p r o - vacation [in K a n s a s land otbor points I i* ' * - , i In tl'e West. On Itheir return Mr, Suiil|,,ws-:'' by KnTl A large advance demand for seats l!ir.| I'syt-liobtgy" by and MrsL Oberg wi 1 be at homo at 1". •'"'<'•. Mr. S c h w e n v m arsao N. [Racine aveiue, Chien$p>. tins been roportejl for "Kninhow of ••I'ldi.-iice about,- " t h e Itlie R i o OrnndA'j, the American• Ler u - ' mid gave deserlpv Mortthly Meeting of j i o n ' Auxiliary pfny wJjiich will be •! tin. s o v a r i e t i e s of ; Baby Clinic Oct. 13 •resented 1a t Th|t;Catlow |heatre Frl* 'Ii- Imrn. t h e cliff. hiy night . ;l " » - . nnd t h e purple The east, has j been holding regular I Tile Uarrlngton |baby clinic will jrehenreals", the last of which wa» to be ! "^>" • w a s e x p l a i n e d hold n regular mo|ithl y -meeting on Tin- writer maintained Tiif»|day| nfternoon, Oct. lil( one to r dress rehoarsji|. One »f the best i .(,-,.j,),,,) ,t,>Kr,,(, :„(- j,,-. three oVInck nt the (cchool g^mnnsiiun. (attractions of ,t id piny U tlni miisle, Itlirt of Iwhich w a s written esjieclally i'M-'-l iln-oiigh inillionH All mothers with |phildr^n of i>refor tho production. "Knlnbow" - will •'•I'I.'II and, in (he ensms schnpl ago are' urgml t« atWtul. l>r. " I t.ird'«, by their lil- Brookettiui*tho nurfrp, Mm. L. Cnlln be colorful with ijndians, cowboys, nnd ,I 11 | 'i"||'-ni mid 'exijerienees, cbnrbe lot the meeting, dancers. Seme llirds Highly Intelligent Blanke Reveals j - '• selected,t Mrs. \vt If), iJoyerreif, NvH. i '••- •• 1'i-iini li'ni'ip - I . j ; .- ln'lil u l S|)iit.i' ,1 ••:' !!:•- tri':itwNt.and' Four w w bowling nllpys, wild to he I • ,i'> .4 1 J l m t a Iftrjfi.' tin' mo*! liioilerii mid HI to-dnte in • j : !'i:l\ III" IIC4-III11II141- iiorth.$vest sjiburlm.n ar f'll,. have i>. ' I : -Iin w ill I'oiniufiici* ,iiislal|i-i| in, lli.f ., C'ath: w auditoji -I ! . - :.'.•• ol' ipclfincDt on \\|.es] :ation 'street and wors ;• . • - \\ ill In- lu'ld i u pn>Kress( rapidly ou IJiirrinBl • I niiliiiiiriiim. - : new re< 4-eat Ion parlor li hat it, nia ; " i fMimiiciti'; . . opened .to- the public nek t Wednesday i ' iinnii.nl w i l l lie afTwin (illiilrd tables itnd three pool • • r - i n t h e f4.rni o f a tjjtle^ (-1)111)11 etrj the equipment' <if the • i -1-.4.i-i-d l i y i h c h i c a l Kiill. MionrilId Lipofskjj is ttroprjetor - i r iiiti'i-prftatioii of <ff| tJilf Jtl'W |-C4-l''cation p; irlor. Pre .' 11..- l>y M-fl'licrsim |alJnis'"are t i accommntllato both I I I.-ii'-i-i-4.n. a'ud F r e d and womeni liowlers, Mr. Lipol ••f ii'..4>p -K). D e s . :said, j; A wi 1114.11-..... bow'liuK club in al\. I-1 Si'hniidt. 'of trtipp' readjf l4'iiiK orKaiiized, he said. i :.!i ul' triHip It. aiid . The hall S s Ileitis renovated and re•i ••:' ti-.i.Mi-lt. all of wire(| fin- ajj-i imli-rect jij;htiji^ sy *tem \ ;-1-14-1 inii|i-"---s- w i i i 'he fin- ihfl en l|iv('iiieiiC(v of, the. t bow]lers. 1 I.I i h-> It. l l n i s s c l . pus-! \v,..-k i .v peeled to be compf eted' - i;:i|iii>t c h u r c h , -and. t u e s j l a | n ill In. held a r o u n d a i "I-.> lit'4' s a \ i n s a w a r d s '•• ll:u-..|(l f i i l k i u s , Ka.vi I'hin'ihr. ('imp, and :•• all'.if troop 1<». S t a r Permanent P. T. A, Unit Planned; Officers Willt Be Elected for Year foIlowhiK nonilnatltijs commijlleft aro IT • . I 7--- li.i :il-i' t o riN^MVp. I i- m v i i i ' t l s III tilt' . J. tonfnship J has poor tteopJB or paupers to take •rarrf o l or urgenij need for imnictliiitjo poor relief j fund, according to E. A. i^icka, of Liike Zurich, townsliip s i p e r v i s o r ft am Ela'. 3ecju8fli of the faci, the town board .vill a w a i t a s-pccial session of th«J legislature In November, when u e l a n n e l for lelief funds is cspfectetl to bo opened up. - I lhe!.exp?cted special session of the legislature .will consider a bill allowinK the townshiim throtiKb; out' tho si ate (Cooft counjly exeepledj to sell antici mtion warran ts ito ruise money for pauper relief funds. If the b 11, is passed and iihprcv.e<l by Governor Emjnetsofi, he machinery couM move ; fast enough ' t o rtjise the funlHJin 1 letwnber, Mr. Fleke'ex.plaiiici). Distillery in Fire NearLak <' ra TheEast wf II,., Iriqiiois, M<jintr|»al, Quebec, 1^.its and mi,ny other t e r y jin|erestiiil cities nnct villages. In addition t)o enjoying tlie sights'\\i these quaint old French pities. Mmifarl j-(j those knpwh'i'H Ffajice-by us, Wc vie Wed the Tli ousnnd l|slands,| many 'locks through w-ftifl h ships Were passing ari.iind the •a lids in. the St. Lawrence riser .and tjlit bcaiit|iftil| color of the t n es and isli ri|ibbery .-[which had turnwl to j red, goiikl and all co'|or.s of ' tlio ra 'liboW. ' . I I ; ." ..','. *.. 'While ii> Montreal and Quebec We vii ited the [ Urge department -stores. arrT found1 prices of] most everythiig ju>t about t i e same a s in our own seftion of ho counfry, .some n Httjle cbsaiiifr an l ! some [more expensive. Gi soliine wall higher, iii some instances cost us .much as 33 eclats per gallon, b u t | t h e Canadian gallons are I Continued from page 3 ' Fed< raJ t<aw Mtar! Be Highway Detour Will UsM in Lakle County Be Lifted Next Wedk %» Protc ct Ph|asants i ' 1 L ' t i T w o youths : nre biing lielid IA' tbjo Cook county j^il p e i d i n ^ i a liettriii* before the grnnH Jury and two' others! are fugitives from ju l i c e a s n rjt»u^t of n robbery at the MIIIw Brolhert" hnnlwnre stoitt tn I Iqrri igton p r l y ^ | last Friday moriiiiiK. '* I "Ko«r tbievesi forei ig a f f r o n t jdoor (he rfneel breaking opeHcnsii ijvnw^rs, stefling jack knives, sh'(jlls,an}l tw l sliot junsv' through a rear diMir* jwijilil and escaped escii; - ,1 -", uooits Vn lued Ii1, l|!ilfi.| Ifujrrlngt. ii a a jUltjhi I J .en vIng In powefed light'(kr the amateur tJiieveH spi^-ded Miutheiisl ul mg lilghwit|>, It) t h r o w n l'lilneifie, Aijlitigton He^btn, ern'iitin I IM Pliilll|s,,lin( cast on KII i-treel loj i l u u ih I on PI lines, the /lit" SIKJCIIIMI Uir«n||i 4 sti |> light slgua) movl ig a(| a sitflieleiijlly .high rale df s|(ittefl to iitlrtKfi tl}> attenilou of (IlllceVs t licks. A* l^ji PIIIIIICH' police jca'r, fillow led thif'roV ., lieis' machine 4iito l(einpj<|er nutt till (he way "through l'Ka istoii to Ui(J lakv front. . {• i Aftiytheyfhieyesi h Id riv<Mi ((liito . , , dead etwi sweet, they onai-lied iiu, ()tn of the four, jotintf l i e n ,\as tfl^ow through the windsbiel I an 1 was find},. cut an<| scratched. Die other j l h r M climbed from the mu'liiijc. Thrf four culprits started run ling through "-a wooded estate n t , i l l ' e n ! of pemp*-, sler sti-ect ami , ten pdrarily evaded the ofllceis. Tlio latt-r s( arching the premised linishefl ilgi inst one >"outb, hidden in a large bi sh (nd detected aiiotJieK tamilarly Ii ddej, when , be shifted his er(Hjj-h«-<J iiosit |i«m slightjy The | two w|»re fnkvn II aek' t<i Dps] Plaines and held tyr 1 Caring in jufctujej court Saturday. Ea ?h. ot them W H houud o u - r i i o thp j rand jury fface<lj With a charge »of £r.t id It rceny.', TJW bond'<>f each \yas .-»(•( at *1(VK>*. T W 1 voutlis g.-ne,their tiaiiie> a »1(1 addressca " ' Schull/:, "' " ' ' : : « « ' X. a s Fi-e^l limm sti-eet, Chicago"; n|p«r Hviii n m B.'jLniji^ iiK'i-s, MO Da kin s't^eet, | Ciii^ngo. Fore*. Dnmors mibnm with 2» year service pins n^ elr meet^ni; on Tuesdny nnd Mrs. 'illlam Qrunau, 810 Grove nvenue, Harrington, I nd the honor of prcsentiH the j pins. The Harrlngtop Relief Corjis litis iijee membe*-w!io have |ieen in the lief sorvjcf, fpif over fwejiity-flve mm, nnmely, '.Mrs. P. A, jlawtey, Jifs, George Nightingale nnd Mils. \filllan} Grunau. Tito Bnrrliigton W. 0. will w 'et hi Onflow's hall Wed. Cfvt, 14, at: 2:30 p. m. Sil - Ii f i Jl ' '.',1 Itarrington iiil!* Gi-een Fees Will He Donated to TwolRci ief Fundjif On ne\t| Hiindny, Oct. 11, Hm Ibi Ingtpu Hills Coniiijry i iitb w i n , i)o*i] a novel blind bogey iourjiaiiieiit for | members' and JtuestH] for t h e belieflj-,!| Governor Kmniersvi I'M iiiiinidoyiiioif relief fund. '*•* ''• On tli(( followlnJ S b t f i i l u y .(lid Huiidnj;. (Vt, Ii7 n » | . )H\ K, t h > . c l » b ^ill invite resiilenJH nl -. Biirringioti | i r l vicinity- to pi 4iy ' l i e Wnirse. ; 0 r t t n fees of ¢1.00 per pel <on vyljl.1; In charged for lucbi hry of iilny, 'itjli proceeds of wHIch u III lie given t o 1 relief funds of] the tillage of lliurliig ton and (Jtil'tl. t(>wi4<^lp A n y o n e lilajfiijg ioll' Itm thosiv H«y will be w l c n j i t y t('in'ipf'ct the ,hfch* .\, d e « . i i l e , l annouiM'einr' ^ r of the plan 111^ I a ( l i tried In ' week's issue ol lew,- club IIOUM'. Car^y Wontnif ies When", ! Aujo (}|es Off Brid {. Msiicn, m 1-. J Mrx.jValciitlwe old residept of 0 a •y, * « s kiltt^l It i f her husband-'was'njiirt ejtfiectedito'i^i. vivo injuries 'stislai lied in an riecldjr on the Mniinheiin roa«jl vladur^t ah the Milwi/nkee ra lr'oa<l trnckMl cail Tuesday eveiijug. ' 'i' Mr. and Mrs. 55 lien were (k tl.'i] way homo ijher 1 i ij/tiit in 'when' tho jictinlenl inlipeiied. driven by Mrf.. Z|l en ,litd rejickcd center of fhe|I»iig| Hndn'ct'whe|,i'a) coming frnnfl' thel ojiiDsite d^rexitjif) okidded on j(ht» «i»t i|avemen|t crashed Intel the-i|i , n achine.j crash c a u s a l ' t h e Jiller autoniohilcl piunge fhrOiigh- tfie btidge'ra||}ir)gJ v PM to Make Ne\o-Gas Riftei. Effective AftkY October lM dreds of property o\\|ners hi^ve posted* .schedule will probably tnke' effect Tor their lull (In, and'are cottperatliig with all gas cot mimed, after the next meter atttli. »rlt|eij In the pr)'jsectitlojti of tresnwling, i imsw rs. Tho reductions which were jroHtntn i o Ifj»fjl Kjtllef,' Meetings | posed iby the Illinois Commerce CoinmlsKion and accepted for trial by the A IsericKl .of regions mcetl/iK* will he Public Service Company of, North r>rti ; held by he depnrt jinept of wolfnfo Illinois are IS per cent ami 3J0 Ifier , direction! und«|r of 'Rodney IT. cent, 5 pe.f cent for: genefnl jtlome itlc Brni • m i . jdlrector, preimrntor'y to the use and flO per cenii for home, b d v •, «tut<| conference on btibllc welfare, to other Ihiilldlni heating. b e h iltf (it Rockforif, Dct; 10-29. Barritiglton hijis approxlpiately CO,1 I'M« ,w , In Miller 1 ri|«l,hei* M(,,>ri« tltt.'np') bers pri<vl o[ !ei tuft- fvisll Mra'werri. Al money 'excep penipfs had' Jji^n rl in.ove<l: from these diii«* ' ' i-s the high before with tile rekilt 1 t • tit f oiijy }$.', pennies?., in at-b s we i« s olcn. Tliirt; jack knives i| •id the t >vo sliotguns wCt taken in ajklition t( a liix of Miejh, and a few tfnlltets. Die guns,) all of the pciinie*,; aiif 12 of the 'kniv|>H w 'ri 'oiind fu ih wrecked mat-bli'ie in d o( the groijrjii neiii it; -Tl^i.'rpu[fi|ltih'r , Wf- the knlvek and the jlioij Oil Hhe.jls ^roliilbly wi ^ carried off .by <>C he. CHplipHl { (hievoifi Tho -idetoi i,r on Uie North west hid hijedeijaI statute riiiy be used siipi- w a y nortlnvest of Palatine will be plernqntary ' t d state "n(ji trespassing? lifted "liefore the end o f ' n e x t week, i c laws to gii'e hen pl< asants .[some. de|- Cording'to a preidictioh of. a highwiiy gree jof protection until such j a time official. Work of laying , tbe^ ni w as .tie aprislature (an, amend the paveme[iijt -was suspended' ^Veilncsd «y game laW and provide the birds with because (of rain with only ope-quarier full p r o terftirtn, acC( rding :OL; As^is- of a / n i l c of . t h e north 'I' half of the tant Stdte s A t t o r n e y George Mcr pavement left to be put i n . n O i i e f i l l Giiughey o|f Wnukcgfih. strip, 20 /feet wide will be completed Mij Mlc'Gntighey c fed a--fcideral l a w beforo [this [.weeR-eiyl, and the o t t e r that prolii »its-' wantt n destijtiction ojf 20 foof; strip*Will' tie finished, by the the- birds, anrf s^iid that i)t 'eiin middle "off next' w | e k - unless rai riy const rued to- appily to slaughter weather delays the work. . . - ' . ' hen iheas.ants. ) - . ' . . -f /:••:.:;( •••<• t - v : — r t T h ) information i m s sent {out to state a a tt irncys by llalph Bradford, Spriigfh/ld, director <ijf the state, game eonsfrva k n bureau, upon the request of S t a t e s Attorney "Ilotor J3. Luralejy of M?He)niy county, wljere Conditions Mrs. Grunau Presents are s milm to thorn i I Lake county Reductions in gas consumption homes which will be1 heated jbyj Yd lav. Ii g the ex ilratlonj of the" R. C. Service Pins state 1 law protecting oheasants; Sports rates of fi to 30 per cent will beco toe this winter,] the i pp«l office I o^ ?• men'ji gionps have < [jilted ijn fi cam [.effective in Barrington about Oct, 15, Public 8(jpvjce Co reiiortetl. i} Tho Wonnn'N Relief Corns of pnlgij to) ijonserve tlie birds, Tlio new ijatoibf jomjnif^itedliv. according. to information received by oodstock pK'jjcnted eleven of Its In rei-piinso to thtjr requests, hun- The Review. The change In rite middle of this m/cntft docs milt 1 t «4 that imtorn{l gas will lie u*|)4, |^i early. It has tier n x <y Uumt<<<t| tfalnf month will bi' noW vA I it which] {a'' p'nre burners and otlnr gas tix| for the new tiiixt ire- »f natural 4 maiiiifacturijd gas, (Xilural gilx }i) ably Will be1 utflHl p Witpe 4>hr(* of CMiicngo district/ Imljiedlntel^jL^^ the rate chn,nge. >reii Unit Ions) (or) new mlttlura will be,,tindii lnjjnne| bun district nftci./ntiither o,l»(J";) mlxtuirq tutjhed inlo"tlie matjiJil ()lri ly aftjer prftiarntl HIS are1 coBrtpIfft^. •i! I ^>i, 1." f ^jS^SBHaajft US&NU&SiUgijUS ,„ -.Jn^-twi* * I1 rf HARRINGTON REVI13W, BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS TtjllBSDAY, 0CTOBEB8,1931 Waucond; >-ma I loaded t h e tabln with lion c-nSadt* cukes, cooktes, a m i tee cream. Those iiresellt We i> Mi. and Mrs. Li)wreuee K i l e / , Win idstoek; Mr, anil Mrs. Mr. and Mr*. Vincent Dnvlini visit\\ illiaiu I niiKi*. Crystal Lalt*; Mr. mid M o . IrimU Jones, Mr. ni d Mrs. ed the hitter's mother, Mrs.l Ann 1 A A, good crowd »n.l a «(>j».l time j w n IMwin Kll /., Klwood Kiltz, a i d Mr. Ilutchiiitton, ut Ciiry, Tliurndny -1 4 liiid'by »11 who ii trended/tin 1'i'iipfit and Mrs., fflen Hum nnd, 'daughter, lister of,; Mrs. lJavlin's wus nl.io. plH'Hl)iiii(i» mid fiird imrt.v nt t'lihii- Sut- Ilarlene of Elgin. Tho party was a (•nt from) Chienuo. iii'ilily eviMiinic. Si-veiittVii' tables wyre celehrarioil of Jht* birthdiiys if Mr». A letttr received -by. friend*., he u ri*-' iujiluy. 'l'lie Jiinreeds \Vill he used Lunge ami Edwiil Kilts-, and tjrt* wed- p.vit Cnj'l North, a former resjideiit 1 for MOIIiellilllj; u s e f u l ' f o r t h e sell .ltd. .liiitf. aiiniv •rsary of..their fullJ»r and here, iiujln'uinte of the.Soldiers' home Ut DnnvjiUi', III.' . ' T h e W e e i l e r ffllilil.V lii.ived lijt.'li! to niiitlier. i J o h n Mil mi,. Sr., and -son illilUll, t'liidiKo Sui'iiluy iuirl.tl.ie Fred Uiijiiimti Wji bjarn lliiit Air. Smiedel, who fuiiiily moved iii»> t h e Knliil .oUiiKe. .•.'lent Moil ay wit 1», Mrs. ,T(»h Dunn Owns: a ^cottage here, IUIK been seriotisl-/-kijured in "im. aulo aceiiiein .Mr. iiiul Mrs. .I.elepli Wnljur-jiiid' lit. SV, J o s e lilt's- lii>s|)i(nl, Kltfili .-'ociety The Kilt lief (in" L a d i e s ' ' Aid finiiily were cnlletH Monday eveiliik* Mr. iiiid Airs. George Hapkc were u t t h e home of Mr, a n d M r s , lliiifold met a t the|r.cbni<fli half/ W e Inesday shoppersj in. Wntikegiin, afteriinon. Kidney. Dr. ('; H. Wells. ;wln» has In ti in nnd failing health, for sometlnie, Mr. itni .Mrs. (*/. O t u r h o k ' M r . ' i i m l M r i . NVill'hini l'rifiin>n| <>f leetl ItiirrjuKtini were cullers. Friday eucii Mrs. J, it Willrett of DeKalb spent moved t tlie home of his llili »llt er Smnhiy J wi intent the I I . I). Kelxcy h<»me/ , >Ir. and Mrs. Friink in .('l7fJt|al Lake.; M|s. Esther Allen,'Walker K*M1F r e d Itntiwfti a n d son. Ffed, .Ir. Iluber, .In in front tiedy ami sistur, Allsv Alice Ke i InWy. yft eley hast return, of l)ilinl.•»• iiml t ' b a r l e s Finii.of ( arc Sin dnv of St. '.loMCpll'.'l rtmspital, lilffin, in uch iin- of WanKegiiu were Wriuconda Vl'sit|M'liter»ville Were «i:«sl ors Friipay Mr. nnd Mrs, Oliver Fitfs'ojf Sh idv proved!, in b kltll. Mr. a n d IMf«. '(Jeorcii Lin rlsey of Mr. a M .IrM.'Gol. en, Helen I j i u i s e , Hill. Air. mid .1ii-s. t'lnrenc.i I.ul ilwet >f Crystal La »f spent Sunday w tli Mrs". nnd Mi iji. (Jlli'te of (Chicago speit; Uiri iphronia Lin/lsi>y and <l i ugh ter, wiwk-e i.l at the C ai r home. Burring!.m mid Mr. and Mr? •Frank Williim Trout Mrs JEJla Cady Mrs. Alary Harris LiiKe-ifhiille spent Sunday « ilh Mr. Mrs. smusKiMi ittid Mr*. I*. .Mr. Alijis Jjnura Harris were-']'Heats a ml n . i n . and Mrs. I'cler I'llulH.'h of 1 1 - Mr. mid/Mr-'-. IK'iiry rFr«*kii»«,cii ,ii*rl spoilt Friil i.v cveninj; with Ir. . u iid recently at the homo of Air. nnd] M«.. on. Will Hiirrls at Lake Bluff. la rring Mrs."^ LaKeschultd in on FJmer Olierst if£Elgin Kiuifliiy.' JUr. Jjljlaiid Mrs. L.jiuis ^mith ( nd (llulAlis-s Itoberta Satenge*, wlijt hrts Olierst. is in the hospital r. COVflftll, dreji, Dnrs lla ii-nd Buddy of Berw'yn been confined'to "I: fer home with.mi infrom an operation. a nil Roy Veig o|f ("hicajfo sjir nt jured hip, is the guest of her he.r aunt, Mrs. \V. B. Phillips a n d <aiiRhler, dajl nt tin Ben. Miifjnuson hoi ie. 5Hrs. Hendee at B ound Lake. Mrs. Miiliel Short/., enjoyed SuuiliTy Mr. and Mrs). jEihvard K Itz and Altss j Viola Ge! try spent Saturday wit.b Mr. a n d Airs. A.. W i 'reek of son, t'ecil of. Elgin s'pent Wt dne.sdny in Ohiciigo. (Hcero, inrl. in town viif:iting friends and rjlativns). family will Senaror Paddockk and family Carl llu iid, Larry Henry and Hj; move bdek to til ir farm near Volp Mr. a n d J [ w . Anton B a m inin', -Kir, and M r s . U . Kn.'il of Kvnnj>'t»n l i n d Challenser returned last SJaturdny recently; vacated by the dortt! Charlesi; Iiossdeii4:( her who had Heen in Otto Strobach ilnds^ns, from their. fishing trip Mr. and Mrs. .Mr. and Mirs, Max Schick'tiiin ami tenant on the fupm for the psjst 1-2 Ourl, Otto, Jr., and Donuld of [)es Plaiues, were Sunday ciillerji ut the Mrs. Aleta Schnerger drove to Elgin years.. !.'•..' and Bartle tt Sunday nnd yis ted the Charles Rossdeuteher, oldest! soni KrilUH Jiuine. of Dr. and Airs. Rassfdeubcher, ] assCd Mr. and Mrs. VV. It. Comfort of Allcmnn and Jensen families I'lllatine were onller;: Siin.lji.v evei inK Idell Ar »s. resumed her studies 'at nway on Sept. 22, iged 38 year s. He , at the home <>f Mr. and Mr^j. H / . D .the Chicngi[> tiniyersity last| Tl|iui sday, served in the WorW war. On 23, 1030, ho wag united in matriage Ocf.,1 K"ls«.V ^Ini. Geergo Stinek entertflii r*d' Mrs. to Airs Agnes Lynch. "Left to nourh Mr. iiflit Mrs. Jesse Lovel|ctt<' and Mr. and Mrs. IVter Foley, in d grnin.1- George Kit llmnn nnjl son of) 1 Jarring are the [wife, parents, and the fpllow-. ihg brothers and sisters: Mrs/ M ildred( Nu»i Bob, of.St. Charles wen Suu«lay thn last Tl ursdny. RiirtUH of K. W. Riley, .M-r^ and Mrs. L. II. Grobe tlronsnct- Hain., Airs/Anna dakesj, Airs. Alartha Cappeler, Mrs. Clara Lenzeai Aliss Mr, iiml Mrs. A- I'i'K «>f SI inly. Hill ed businesi- in Elgin last Saturday >lrs. Nc Hie . Kern of, Chit ngo is Addrllne Uossdeuteher, and Crank,, enjoyed Sunday with Mfr: stien.ling a few/days ivt tho'.idme of WilHnin. Alatt, Edward, Hernia; i, and mother in liiijiif'iut John, - Funeral services were luld at /arl. Mr and MiA. Wilfred liowsoh. W. B. Phillip* and soft. motored to Dnviti Juiietioii. Shindti;'. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Picheii movejl St. Joseph's cliurdi at Round Lake If; I). Kelsey attended, in' loail from the Pfcheri flat on railrond strrK'jt <*n Thjtii'sdny nioi-uing with inttnnenf j '.' |-' - ' • • . • nnd bridije niei'riii({ in >Vnuki sail. to the rujhen house on Pur { Ktreet at Round Lake. ; last w eek .Vfoiylay Afiss I^orn Harrison jwlio hai been .Mr. and Mrs. William Gw (lis and tm thl; sick list for the i>as: twij Mir. and Mrs. Bertumi. Liipescliulte and Mr. and Mis. Elmer I'iCbrill ' ' and ilnughtil Fern of Biirringtoii. and weeks with quinsey, is reportid fm daughter, Shirley of t'nry s|fent; Jfun- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Klinonberg 'ot Ory- liroving .layiit'th,. Fraiik lyitfeschuliic Inniie. sljil Lal« tpent Sunday evening with Mis..Jack Dunn of Cnryi i lothcjr John Wieniutb was a week-end hill. Mr. and 3|Ir». P. F. Knsmirs^eit and of Ed. Dunn, of tliitl village, is «t IT at. the home of his sister, Jiilia \Vi''- family. St. Joseph's hospital at Elgin, lakiiif miifh. i medicnl treatment preparatory |tx> ai M. E. (Iinrch Iprnes't IVterseu a n d Conrad KJaiis operation. Sunday,' Oct. i t ilttMided the 'iixleo in ('IlieKKo 'I uesu nilii 3 irermnn Brown returijied lurch school. You H'ill (Ml-1 after ilu (*«tended v sit wifh hi» a u n t , dn.V. J ' ' !>: »0. Mrs. Aiiuustu Meyer ninl Mrs. joy this nir of study with' us, Mrs, Clifford Kollo1 g a t Kjmhurst 11 :0(1 Morning worship. (»ei(>ri;e KuUlmiin iiml son, (Jeorse. J r . , On Friday even lift. Qct, 1 I, Sermon by minist. ciilled at I he Kriius home Friday, Lake Cloniity Farm B u r e a u w i | l holt This w. •••It the; conference of our '<>6'p>»riijh'e jiibilen at the L berty church is^ meet'mg at First Church, v.lUP high school, a which tii ID tlul 1 Chicago... k'on artj welcome to attend. officers,, directors, i iid employ !(*8 oi •Mrs. A. , > Hiidj ,will be «->|IP local 15 differeiit cobp(*i-a l.th* orgiini; ations eprcsenliii ive. , |, in Lake county m i l b i in trod id( ed. The American I,.'i;ioii An sell in ry Indd M E. M | L L E I | , Mit ister. Alissi Alice 'Keiint d.;r of W a n k e g n n a. »4> | < i-ifil meeliiti; .Muiiilny niftlll. Del-. lilrid Jiiiittes Fay /Cn•r of Wnjiconda I'll St. f» jo install lhe l!t:t^ l.lli.Vfs wero- ijtiiit(*d in in'krtHri|i«,,_ nt the home Business Notittes Bring Itejults Pri'sidcnt Myrtle Tnuhla ' instiillled the officers. Before the ilistalliljtioti thef l>resi.leiit, Seeretary, and TieiiHurtjr wi^re presented with useful % ifts, in |i|'preciation of their work donij tinpmtt year. After, the installation.' tho niemhers motored to the "Evi*rjtjrr*«*n TiiVern" at Dundee, whel-ei ti hanipiet wna held, which will )<>ii« life retneniheifeil •by tlnise who were present.) AfIP« » r . l | M l 1.11 »rr"i n ii'» » ^ t i i | ter nil J he inenihers" w e r e whiled.] tho l'resii|i'itt, S i i - r e t n r y 'and 'I'reasjfire'r. were prescuited with beautiful baskets of flowers, and the remaining 1032 officer.' with corsatces. i , ('. (\ C. club met with! Mrs! K Uoth Wednesday afternoon. IliKh score.-; were made by' Mrs. K. Buresh, Mrs. F. Jelinek. Julia Sucby, Ci)>nso lation, MIA.' It. Hoth. Mrs. K. Buresh spent the week-ei^d in' Cbi.-nco visiting relatives and friends Mrs. Myrtle/ Tnichtn, I.MVian Seri. sen, Martha Kiiu.l, and Misn Barbara Trtiehtn ntteuded thn installation of the McIIenry County ('ouncil otticers of the American Iiegion Atixjliarr held at 'Wo«lstoi;k, Friday,: Oct.! 2. ] Mr. and Mrs. George B.mnuT.! celebrated their wedding anniversary 1 Sat)urday. enjoying n, dinner ; at ^lotel l.aSnlle and attending thr*. Selwyn thmtrp when* they saw "Tile tjlilelit Witness." ^ ; . Walter Smith and daughter, Elainj* rilS new Prince|s:i washing machine j/wy water out of ltae, hi.-: mother. Sophi'n Smith of lies l'laines. and Mrs. Albert j Bub naiaji clothes insteadIof wringing it ou^ It's very easy. First s|MMft Thursday', in Woodstpek. \ V TJie liadies' Aid Society met. ilt {lie you ^oad clothes into the roomy washing tub for quick, homje of Mrs. Oeorjje I^owe^ lant''!.wer>fc thorough cleansing;.. Then you transfer them to the Thiii-sday afternoon and ' disetissed pluiis for a cafeteria supp.T to 1H| hel(l spinner chamber. While a new "hatch" is; washing, the last week in October. The! nesjt meeitiin;will 1M> held nt. tlile home i!|f the motor whirls thefitfst"batch" almost dry'. . . ready Slrsi. (ijeorge Bistmer on!' Thursdai' 1 Cuba Township S of tl c bride's parents, Air. and M s . W. | ) , Kennedy o«l' Waukegnnlm Alon lay uftornoon. Oct. 5. They vtt nttei ded by J t a n and Alury Alice IX leii, nieces pf the bride After a sin weihling trip they will make tin hoiu. nt Sloctuit LnUo. Those fr. Wjiu condn j who were present wrjn MjfH, Frank Ciiirr, Victor Cnrr n Mr. inrl Mrs. Prnncis BInnok. JMi. nnd Airs. Ct ,X, Jepson-,.'n dang iler, Aiirginla, of Hingwood spijnt .Stiudny ilt the George Jepson home. It. 0 . Kent, G. M. Jopno-it and,m Stan i*v, a were j visitors In Waukeg ut Sirtti l!n.i! M it nd Airs, Edward E l n h o r u n son, iio\|'aiiil .prison of Chicago, spt> SinidiiyJit tin jlmme of Kniiriy I'rnt Aliss Owphdolyn Alurphy n f P a Ridgii spent the week-end "lit*r,(* witli reint iv'crt R, O. Ken mid daughter. AI Friances Aleyjtji). r|nlt>rtU|ii|eil jfrU>n|ds mid elnlives from1 Sycn :iiore did ar Gitni go Sunday M a'hd lAffs. Paul Wronclii)on iiiid Jon n Moody spent Sundiy in Chicago. M .-. a lid At|"s. James Hall of (' ('«!?« spent the wleek-en. nttli|e.-(E. Ctoli home. ; i jDian Basele.v, Airs, .tulin Biiscli Ali-s. Howard] Andersi n ami AI Alice Baseleyj were Wi tikegni i sh( ppeirs Monday. ,. . •. j. Grovej' Comstock of (ohiciigo tallied oil relatives and friends here Hundi.y. Airs, knrjgairet Alurtii and Thomas EJ ltenrdon were; united in n a r r k Be at Transfiguration 'church. ,011, Th u :sday morning. They weiw.atteadf'd i>y Air. and Rlrff, Henry StadtfcUI. wed(l|ng bJpcakfast' was serve! ; af er the ceremfiiiyi b i t h e Howlest sisters Air. p d !Mr|, Reardoii -will ""|;mp|ke theii home i n this village. j A, Irs Alice B i a c k b u r n is spending few days: with Chieiigr relatives S d a t o t * anc| Airs, lfa.tuloc.k a n d AIrs. H e n r/ Stjadtfeldt "attrinded t h e fune -al of Cliarl^a Rossdeirtdie-r a t R o u n d 1 .1 I lll^Ml Ha Anpnw, i n<ncc_nnd .nenl party at thu A. L. I'ayto 1 hom* urday ewning.) AIisi«[ WeijitOT hjiri ^ac| Ar hut BfiggK' h a w retin LTfited a position in Vrkai «as and will vis t witl the home full leave on Oct. 13 to take up her iww tre Cai indnj. Air. and Airs. Lw Lnndwer and film- duties. Gues'ts were presi a t from Mc- , ": Irs. 1 11 Stiel and da Uh ily and .Mr. and Airs. William Limd Henry and Chicago. a n I son, AlWrt, of D,.J wer attendei ii surprise party on|K. I Air. and Airs. Fret,!I Kropn and son, Mi and Mr*ll WiJllhm if, Liindwfjr at the. home of..Mrs/ Huy Giiftiye, visited .Siind •y af crnpon with Silt! --..i'lafrr*s $» WilluWi \,: AlcCrndy in Crystal Lake I.Thursday All's! Kr.'»j)li)'s sisti>i> Alisfseii A*.la and hoiijii*, eveiilng.. Hijnnaji Sleyer, in I ibert rvi|le; Air. anil Afrs. Elmer Ri.-esdof Wood Aliss liilliij -Cohnc' s an I Percy Mfe' Ht i»ck visiter with Mr. and Mrs. Wit' .7-:,-.1-^ 3T" liitrri Lnndw <*r Aloiidny evei iing. Air.- rind lilrs. August Lo mini" nnd. ft mlly> Air. and Air*. Angi st .Meyer. niiii' Air. anil Airs. Kdward WiwoUwsl i enjoyed nn outing in Wasliltigton Pprk,- AI,iUy iukee, .Sunday Airs. 'E. IV. Blnndiard ttiid Airs. V wiver- vjsli ed ••In F<>x 'L«k viVwlmni di)y with-M R, (.'onverse. ("aWis ha * been received fi'otii Air. id .Mrs. Bj R. Simons win) are'cnjiiyii g a ien di ys vacntion /ni'iir '>VMNI> in •(ton; 1). t l and other po nfs of ini'i'Ht in llni. Kas't A|rs.'"AititirIlertel WIU.HIK nd siiyeral «H in: her'cottage this fi 11 Airs. Dick Tonne and' infant son rjMiinied to tlieir home on Thursday ffoin the JJes Plaines liosiiitnl Air, and Airs. Kd. Bra iding and ns. Mr. and .Mrs. Mmmett Rrn tiding Clwcugo and Henry Brain iillg, S|l(;ul tluriiiiy. a-'riil Sunday in I L'tite Lake t.t-hc Braiiding I'ottjige. ., C'a'rl Ernst, bias 'd|siiost d Of jiis roce'ry store nnd delicnte.vs. n to Li L. Smjt.h |of Kingston, IIL. whe took over t ic .'.management of the b isiiiess p.n AJIoliday ni»iiriiing. 5Ir. and 'AIrs. Otto Giese enjoyed a dfiie to Lalte Genevni Wis., Su nday ifternbon. , '•• ' ^ Air. and'Atrs. Charles Ti llnuui and twin sons, Howard and I inrohj. of % Plaitifield were dinner guejsts at- thi? Weaver home Sunday. Aliss Luecille" Helm ateompatiii-M" elatives from Highland Pa rk tonsil; fjosh, Wisi ^v Rfiss Dorothea! Wester Ijicaip tyas the honor guest at ewell Lake Zurich 1 w:'~ mm Dorothy Schemrv^^i > i*eceh|l occipiMliie ^UPBOA^p, ^af tnoved Mq thevWteel % 'StprW'o^i Northwest Higliwsjy and <^1 operate a Light iuiiefi kServ^f Grocery and Deli#t0s^en. SdN; ALWAYSsR PRIG Come IJI and fiku — ) • / CORRECT AttH ttECTU At" DESKJN-1 h-'ifa r oct and t a s t i n g Value, you Beauty, Couven ence, as well as provide fc r ecc a ly. l a 000114110100.1 GUARANTEED QUALITY MATERIALS-AJ materials used are"Certilied"rinde|bondastojquaHtj and fitness. •he EXPERT WQRKM Mi$} IIP U All oo^t ^cm ' V ^ is directed and'dono !?y tboroughljr com »etent', uctfetl* enced "Certified Builders'. \ PERSONAL SUPE: tVIS [ON —During Constxjuctiori, we make regular pe soda I inspections to see tfit t h|gli est quality standard! are 1 naintained, SAFE AND CONVENIENT FINANCING,— tib^-iil monthly payment pi in is possible becau* 1 of rigi i auaLity requirements of this ; >lanj complete project pn for customer as Well as mort jage in|vestor. Cary LIFE, HEALTH AND ACCIDENT I Protecting the own sr's e luity. ( BONDED "CERTH ICAl *E OF tjUALI _ log for all II time t i e in-built qualitjj o guarantee of of villi; vsjlue, ^ssuec under surety WHAT ... i • • NO WRINGER? III OMkV OiMi; Uf II DIMw j#//#i W ITH these sevem safeguards iSj|pflf<iJ;<l th< siibplest and mest 1 iberal wa to bViild ant finance your home eveif deyised. After you. have chosen yjut archit^^u and, flbor plan (and }ve help yo4 ih\ aisume full responsibility fc r the con) plctic n of th \^ork. You have no bothe no incoav vesL no \jorries of any kind. f WRINGER J •i (iftebnH)ii. 0<-t. 1."». J Bud Kosins'ki, Irvi*n HaAVen. F r a i ••if*' Kvidern,- and Irvin ' Kvidei-ji a tttlided ' the <*ubs-Sox halluiinie j Sui|<> *'*>'•. ft b f« 31 , [ T h e first meeting <('f t h e C a r y Vj'ouinn's club for the si'aion will be Ihjdd Friday'iifteriiiKin. Oct. )t .nil t h e home oi' Mrs. A. Syiiek. ' J ;Tbn Cary (Jiirden club .met Mjin.liiy evening iit tuieetiiig h e home of Sfynek. The next willMr>fc beA. j-M •ndny eyenhig.. Nov. 2 at the ho'nii*! ofj-Mri h\, V. Jeekir. , ,' Mi', and Mrs,'. Il.irry. (pipm 'IIS(»1 their daugliter, LiiV>mii Man anI tioii,' Marry, Jr., ami Mi-s. Xeilio Kei'iii* <»f (Jhicngo spent Sunday witli Mr. ni(d SttreJ Wilfred Rowson. i Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Sljlnor .if Alt. Morion left: Monday for their el y HomK*. f Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hack. Aiijs. (3u>tt»v(> Hansen nnd Mrs. • \lbejrt Btilirninn visited Mrs. John iJDtnn. it the St. Joseph liokpttal, Kljfin^ Sftilrrlay evening. > ~ . Mrs. Fred Kling,and chHdnxn, Jiv>k (ml Eugeno of \VoodstockL All's. Friink Miller, liefy-diinghter, Aifte. and listers. Betty, Elaine nnd'Murea. and dr. and Mrs. John Trestik oi' Burlingtiin enjoyed a weenie rojjjit lin i j bert Kfenx's woods Snnday iift^rnocn. The Palmer family on E. Alain itreet were pleasantly'' surjiriml >ii Monday evening by rflathes frrnj i ' , , . To each dollar you furnish (in cash of building lot) we add three dollars—in othe woirjs, we'll finance 75% of the cotnpleU'd value '-{•• for the line. Hundreds of ihomemakcrs are finding that this new method sives time and handling. , ; ' I T i * '{ and you have^ M years i;o nay tiis orf in Ipy The»Princess washer,- finished in '.porcelain-enamel Inside, and out, is only $2 down for a limited time— mohthly jayment^ (li^ce r«:nt) amounting id only and you hlive 18 months to pay the balance, See it $Si44 pel? thousand dollais borro^|ecl. phis pajf,)> ment in udes the priheirid and M 6% interest demonstrated at your PubHc Service Store. ' V ; i • r " ••''"•'i'1-'- • J 'installs in.your homje laundry any electric Washing or ironing jrhachitie displayed at your Publiiji ServirJe Store. Time payn|nts miy be extended over Jl S months. Thiijj special! limited. time oifer includes Thor ant| Federtjl trbhers ,and washers nnd Conlon ironbrs. • - ' . • '••. " ".'• '• '• i j Aptiri Itslisn itjfl «b«mt tm 4ng nutny cmfort futunt that **• dwittiUHimm sr t I Investigate tjhis safe, sensible pjkm tc»dak pKo^ dr write, or cajl at ojur office for coniplctjr dcta)is.V?e knbw yott'^l be surprisfed and enthusi ife a tills wcln^crfttliy easy, safe way to hsvc borne of bonded quality. ^ - ^ - ^ - . Your mighbori oodapplianst dealer also carries washhgdttd ironing machines he'll beglajl to demonstrate. i PUBLIC SERVICE COMIPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS »HONJS 12 j BARI1NGTON, ILli. i . SCHHEIBER, Local Superintendent ,AJJU f'''•in ' n '•"• A X2Z2 XI,iU. BARRINGTON REVIEW, BAJOMNGTON, ILLINOIS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8,1931L ' r 1 .fl . Ning iraj Fails, ^pending a niglit Three Pfrmits Issued for Buffi lo then Ion to Erici, IPai., Clevda^id hi Sep ieniber Co; istruction nnd Toledo, i Ol Jo ana] then llonje, stopi ing* to Speilul a little,! time with ^ork 1 on Lincoln Avenue ' Variety of Shows Bar\ringt n Quartet Trails 2700 Milies Through the East Booked; at Catlow ' H'e for Coming Week Here's a Tip on your i frienjils 'in Erie Pa., and! Elkhart, •J. , L Ind. Four bu^ ding permits totaling $5, M found i l l roads in exec'lleht 000 dollirs were issue) by A . i C B u t larger thun (our o w n , each four cal- got! his K. P , work outH. Tho , top lous of (,'iis there IVJI rilling fiv«.« of kiciker nt tlic Port invitwl us to ttny cpnd t i o i , inclui ing thoNe jjirougi the andt, village, dcrk, (bring the montii viirit us mountni n ranges! and did n|ot of Sept 'mbeif, a usually t^ull montii otirn. for1 diimcr anil the Indies sure \ifere "Whilo vijiitipK in Qiebeo w e wert> imbroHHod with army rations (Htifnk, linvo tol detour more thaln twe jor in build inR h ' v t ..jiu'dit'H, and Lo-fortunate cujoutfh to fin 1 A young felaptdH, cucumherM, tomntooH, I mn! thn<i miles out of our way on the One tvw house, 11 new waitin,? All roads were paved room, n i i;,;,•or-.smcn's'Dislow named ,U\v\<. Kitztsci aid who nett'd botns, brem) and butter, coffeo lind cntlije trip, lid |j two a Iterations, were i r ni a RUHC lifter school hour* and ln< mi|k nnd pudding) but E . J. Miller with the exception of a few iniles eluded i le per:nits threo of w h i c i \y, Attractions rode with »8 for t w o bourn whowiiitf wi|!s nxiHt ImproKwd, duo to the jfni't throiigh the w^ods of Maine whdre were f o ' biiilding on jLineohi avenut. I a no u« all of tho pine H of interest in the Hint, he WIIH akuin dining in| tho 4 m o v rjmd vote being cut til rough the The iiorjnltH w;>re |njswcd t o : Wil«t$, Wheil ho USPOV ori'd wo were me«n hull, nt the Hniu«[tyible In the, fore* t niid we hud to drive on a linlrd liam J, G^ddis, ;il.1 Lincoln, nvenur, .nff,' with Huck from a , town ncn r' O i cnjfo hIN flrxt Haiiio boiHtftroiw way lifter hAitig sand rohd. new pofchjj $ 1 0 0 ; Mtjb. E . Walbaunj, "Moino •; ,,.1,, Will 1)(> th«> q u e s t i o n ! Intel ostlng fljpireH for 2 « 4 L i n ^ o l i avenue, n Idition'to v>tfiiH1 "l)o you know Al A, W. O . h, for thii'teen yonrs. i|Wo ilt* houwf, I 'flu' Cullow. i'llpOlH'V", Ittut| ho wou hi not helievo nls5> climhod a few thousand HtJiirH othc s | coutem]ilnting such n trip, $ 8 0 0 ; V i l i n m £ . . T i l i n g 333 Liti(niore or lesn) tin the toj>! of u lijfht- migl t he that t"e UHOII 18() Ralltfimlof coin nv nuo, newhome, $ 4 , 5 0 0 ; Ch S i h t T , (llltH'tf i l l wo wer* perw»inl frier dn of Capono, liivtwi there and hail n tjjiie view* of gllNO ItieL 1 qun-t of oil and changed cngo N< rthj Western allrond, waiting Iio conduct! d tiH to u K nvtt mtlny hlaK»>ii<ir><, I jori'ttii the 11 jit, tho «nr twice lp tho 2,7KX) station, $4(JK). , ; I plicciii, lioiuoi ttf fllUIOUK tin I city, lmy nnd f«r(. nun'' h'lld. Short (oriciil mill hnd tho [car washeii once, hud Fri'tiHi I mid fciiKlbdt KouoriilH, tho ,,, lull inclndi' it ,, Hee Btwton ttlgliU i no HcciiScntN tuft! « i w no aecidt>RtsJ" riiiln^ ojf Ali'ritlmiii) the nurrowoHt IUUI Bus ncsj Notices ]»rinjr Results Ji (••inn'tly. wp«rt'Leaving IVtlaiid w« traveled illrt|p#t, Mfrwt'lH Norrlp America, t h r thr High many hiHtorjlcnl ejltloHl u l t h e i.lu'iitiircn of n Hlilp ynfdH jvlirro wi» vjtowed the Bin- Mtn on of Mnino, Ne\v IlninipHliJrr Jnuil ,i, i.rmun'M t o |?«>t prod* of Hritain jimt itailhiK for Eu- MiHKtichiiNettH until |w . r|>ajfhod HON( t Instea^J of ujiaettinic your home (anq your o|n>, albo tho Kritlidi (joHtroyor, OHtroyoi HIIKO ton, Hern we viMited tint'IIIICOH-hist i i n t f t l i o :«;ml J(|K« wore coiir wo woi ,.il,f I lio ntyry of imiiy. t|hroii(ih which \\n> nerves) with ah all-at-one-time "Fall Cleantor cally familiar to| nil of HH, tjnich /CHEiVROLET f,i-iKiticti>>n jdur- ducted jiy oiic of tho ml Horn on hoard, us Hunker Hill, ])i>Hton i bunrnjoim, r ing" why not divide the task ovet sjveral Mtri'ot In l'atil Hevere'K hotiw, iFiinuil jllnil, iliavy ini'ti, whu'h < »moH the hlKhi-Nf ami Htiwiimt :ti n> Sunday and North America, futnoui old hroworloH ytutlN, First Church I of qiirlNt H«lenweeks? . ,'iitnn'ilfiii nuonort niul IHMHIIO^ICH, the ('hhtoaii Fronton- tlMtl, Hnrvurd TTnlvifrBity, Cumhrldge , ii l.yijh. Dorothy no, etc. mil innny other*, I ,I Take pack room ih turn, Tfhe cui i tains, "Whijlo K nyiiiK in (Juebee wo'ilvod .t.'iilH'lt (fUtll«T of "From BoHton w4 tmtided to Alon a xdroct in tho heart of tho biiMllinens, bjarfkets, washable rugJB, ablb r mners ?iy I'tllfTS. hnuy and Troy, N e w York and then to nous sejtioii, which' would compare to me. "Tht> Lone Cazenovia, N e w York' wherti wo v —yes, e]ven the pillows—for fevfen this VlaurU Statu njiKl JMadiHon street in import• -:1111ri11K the sllltvisited friends, moving on from there ance Imt not ii» top wraphy. "I'IIIM dering costs but Uttlu. a Mii"k«*jj M o u w to Syruourt', Rochester and f hon We have several and mi 'Mode! "A" eral 1930 am linrt. novi'ljioN will Htreet was | just barel ! wide enoiiKh I > nigrum Sunday for t w o curs to pa«s moving slowly, the sidewajks were a mo_s>t t w o feet PonIs and Chevrolet Coacles, Sedans and .wiilu oh each siikj of th ( , street and i In- picture in Coupes. Al^o several earliiir models vhjch the doorways opened d rectly onto tho :m<l littlt-.7-yi'Hrwalks with! no stops into the houses. [!•• sfjirr«;<l will he "" give excellent service. will Walking buck to t h e liotel whore wc •a tu IT tTinvsduy) Ivor,. htoppiiiK after parking the? car Kvvina, nt T h e confidence in a Kara HO three bl jokS a-wjay, we -.tn'ry nf wide npwere obliged to .walk in the street i -!i.,\vn lipi.-nusc V>f the through the rainL bet nH^e the down i I H E R E is ii(|> jirifc.s\ - r,.i;iilf f » r i t . This is an excellent time jto sta^t sion mor'e indispensI i."i. nill !><• an eyisit- --pouts i from thej hou-es all emptied i *. until the Mdtwalks. til in nt; them into able to a community than • .ii— ft" The Cat low. l i t t l e rivel-M b u t ltlC ily tln> street-' that of the funeral direcf l'-at-riiiKton lire (•»>were high in the i lidddln and w o tor. Only thot.0 to whom (.'ntlow by could keep dry there when no cnri, \ Call us now before y«u forget he htik been of -ervice :l-t.la.v iif men.b;jndise (art-i iMigjtus or bug^ ios needed that 7 can appreciate to the fulli:,. i«! i lit- evening. The - p a c e . i est extent the intelliI In- program will he gence, poise and down' Visits Old ('amp in which Bert i A U T H O R I Z E D CHEVROL1DT j D E A L E R S | right ability that hie must, i •,•!> r ami YV'Hisle.V. "Wit icfiirii'wl to th I'nircd States have, ;J,M-IH- Ati"< lire starred. at| Jackmal ii. Maine, minus all liquid 110 E. Station S The modern funeral di "lull will 1* a Slim .--'.•uvtjiijirs, iniycl'iiig ,tl rough Maine to (lorn ium rector must, tn'il.v called "Paristei'i Portland, rt'c spent ('1 tri'siderahle time Tel. Barrihgton J18—Ask J oif ,is't, ui|de ;go nni\ , exacting train iu Order locking ovf r\ Fort VVilliuinU, where K. « u u i n | ii ' to qualifyi' for nis is work; J'. Miller w a s statiotn ii fo'r-aboift six H e ' must be flexible He found his rtioHthH.du ring the wa , enough to servo. gifacions< 1(1 blink in the .sajin i* ba'rraclw that ly ju'ople fnim eve y walk lie lived in. su me (ih niiillery, mess of life^ Jile is be tb a mfr| a l l and >v«'ii. the k tchen where he •vhunt/aml a \m>U' 'Nsioiinl Af.iss. her son. Walter 4>i man, H e reuU5 rain,highVoss.of Klsin were C A L C A P t A L I N I T I A T I V l ; A HO L O -ly-' spcM'ializi'd perspjial no of Mr. i»i'd Mrs., /Jiervice. I|-is ctillink is Friday. one tliat; dt*seiK'es -yoiir Orlo Sumlerliiue sind * J, respi'ct and confidence. mi'ilay nt tho home"" of Priicticall.| a|ll fui^ra'I Herman Kriinfus. (lire'-tors maiiitjaiu t;<¥( •"tfrq. .loliei Witfhiilm of t.\v-four hour Meryice in wwk-cml at the limnc their estnbjiHlinijelittw or til Mrk Carl Dorwaldt. ,«iri be reiiehwl, a t their I Mrst Orlo Sunil<*rlaK«> spent homes at any hour. Their, * 1 (C at the home of Mr. services are available ev-' Hansen. ," -1¾ ery day in the yOar. "((orwdldt of Klxiii. ArGlonh I'etersont spent ii K ut the h<"oe of-Mr. Horwaldt. sporisored-pis still splon fing—dozens ofj QIDERN jfiorteirs do; not! trek qoss of Barijington w a s a FJJlimtAt DIRECTORS fail Dorwnldt home tims an^l laborjjsavers. I|,i, showing home- Continued from pag, m Gleaning Dolt cftittle atla Time With the If elp of the Laundry l ^.' It'» msi to Choote is Six" Uised Car Bargains Guaranteed Rug Cl.ea'njjng: Either l^aptha or Shampoo Prod sss fhege Cars Witt T Be; Priced as Meal Bargains Gordon Motor Sa1,. PH<Ue 26 i Barrington Laundry ;..w. short Sutton -L PEDERSEN DAI1RY BUI Chapte\ XiV i »v . iJ-i'bitrEEitiNG • IDEAS dANIELSE* & WILL^teRINGi Lady Assistant . Henry Krtts; and famMr. and Mrs. Goorso nily arid Miss Dorothy i. Mr, and Mrs,. John Mm. Carl, spent Suu>• of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Louis F i t z l l e n r y re•tlie Fleischman Yeast MI on liquor conspiracy oiit of the activities kn-ii, the t.'oijn Products any.'and others in MaTh ( . Corn Products any had already, beenl Tarro is dead, othersj i-ascs settled arid thjis I'iiratiofi. Attorneys for any eotitended.' that .thei nasi'd to ' exist six tin- indictments were rciild not lie .held a,party ' the iroiir't did not p a « ••ii. and it is expectex Mutually go to the su i final decLsion. .lik-^Uifxds ;ls offered <hc t*\ised. jyxjur, nfchiitectural design r! hcijlp you i jn this), (op the- completion 0 f 1 Ji c rii Jio ioconveiiiencej >-UTin ioti»t2f iwords, we'l' *'<Vj t'tfut of the propei-tA to payVh\% off i n low By special arrangement with the .m^nufactbrers of My^rs Wate)r ^ s t e r n s the Myers pemonstratjon Trock |rithdifiFerent ^ype^ of Ivlyers W«^rSystems-ph display and in actual open tion will pay us a visit on i, i rent) arriounting t o oalj arj? b ii-r^^ed; This pay ajid t^p(S% interest, nj|iblc--i|)Iu| todayi P h o n i SHOES FOR W O M E N K :e ibr, corrtrjletei details L ^d dnjd enthusiastic o W r ;^vayl t<? have a beautifu • ' !: "J i t . The experimen -so succcssful that the Piblifj: Servc^ C(j)mhany of ]Northern Illinois w a| fourjded ia 1911 to repeat! it on a largei e. Sen itje was dxtended to an ever-widenii ig ( rele c f.towns and A il; ages * at Ound Chii :a^ ;c 1Ratosjwere lowered again a: id again. A super jcjwer network1, was dev sloped. Tc dj y 50,0)0;fa.miliesin^l9 Communities recei /e alii y of service, be th jjas and electric, ujnepjamec pf 20 years a^o. Before theWoilld wit a iiuid-wripgerthat Screwed ori to the iiM of a ^ / a h-tub wa& coniide^ed a labor-; ;aving af pliapce in most 3omes.|So was t i e cjirpet sweeper. Womeh were suspicious cf jm eleetri(J iron someone lad iriviented. mi<h ((in cash oir budding M cc untryin c c v< te|d \^ag< >iis. They do no on buffaloi rrieat. Modern1 are fouM |n business and science i WATER SYSTEM DEIViONSf RATION $ 5 YOU NEED ;NO LONGER BE TOLD THAT YOU HAVE AN EXPENSIVE . FOOT 6 $ . ^MAAtoEEE-SixattelJ M >ID |v * K\CU"S1VELY ISAKHINGTON BY SCHUTT'S(SH03E [STORE X R AK MiNGTON. ILLINOIS ursday^ Oct. 15th i* wi] 1 afford anyone who is interested in tuning wrier for the lionie or farm an excellent opportunity to obtain first hand information as to how eat ily and how reasonably running waiter at the tur»of a faucet (can now be ^iad for toilet, bathrocm, kitchen, laundry; for stock watedng, machin s washing, sprinkling and fire proteciion. DEMO^STHATIONiSTARTS at 10:60 A. M. ai^d will cpntii me throughout the entire day; A represent- • ative dire :^ from the Mirers Factory will be here to answer, y>ur questions, I a ad if you desire will assist in selecting a water Isjstem for yoW, homeorfarm. r>oj, in any time-f^ W will be Welcome J , MUXER tlROTliERS I hardware and j ?arm hnpUments Tel., Barikgton 225 ' 107 E. Station Street S't 'it 1910 a StruggHijg utility company in lea. A smliortherri Illinois jtoritee'red •v^as substitluted ^ le elect: ic generat in for fen scatteredsti d £ RS 1 4 is makers new ways of,domg\ old chores. Arid V f back of every aopliance 's d is a performance gi|arantee. # -& I. *'" When magazines began # picture medianicaluf.igerarors for home use, 10 years ago, a new job of pioneering bes^ n. The, Company selected what it believed to be tbe best of tl»ese 1 " •' Nil : i •• home "cold storage plantst installed a njjunber oif'them in ciorthem Illinois kitchens n ' I ,i 1 J, . , I F id A. few of uVse first refcigeratofs did nor. "m|pke|goad". Something ^ept wrong inside j—ipmething tfcjat could hardly be anticipiited. , The Company explained-th<: situation traakiy to tiie buj[ers, provided free servicing, offered ^ fre^ repla:dmert. Customeis lost no mciney; 4* 1• i • bday,, improved refrigerators are bjeing^ I 1 /cf - homes. , ***l'*t ait.5-i' The welcomed ijntO' thousands the "manufketuied .weather" cotli ditionifjg hat is so pa pular in mo v ng picture theaterif aifd other public buil 1 ng •—is near' at hard. Co TI ^any engineers a r<: es :imatuVg' pbssib'jittics, cooperating with •rnaiiufacturers of j! Here was a fiel 1 fjbij m # pioneering. The pinent. Small machine ^ t h i t both wash IJPublic Service Co npany to Sk 4pQ of the new cool air-ate being tested. Jt will not be irons, {demonstrated them ii.customers' 1 ; homes. Women \ m* quid* to appreciate this Jdrig bef>r< ho nes Can be a s cor jjfortabtyxool dufingis inimer months as p e y are lowcorn-t new help. Efectiic jirons became a part of fortably wjrmiIn winter. i good-housekeepi lg ecjuipr lent, j As fast as other practical hpme appliances were introduced, tjie Cor ipajiy 1 introduced them to its customers. Thjrough its stores it 1 Whk kmvjs tyhatkuiltfo hextti rort' } tips ah fh nd m Urnkm at 4 it ence, Tbm is J akMys^mwrmg tf • j \ ERVICE COMPANY > i *> I! JMNGTONREV !W, ijiily Innlverwi ry. Thoso present, J ii Idlt oii to the honor guest, were J\l Eiioci T»aiiilw>i', Mr. ami Mrs. A p LlitulWvr ui|id .jlalighter. M and Sirs Ctifster Meyer of Biirrtnjit;'t|i>n mid Mr t Pergonals Clubs • * .Family Reunion ' nt Hoffman llonifl , Mr. IIHII. MI'M. William II»»ff"tnii^i.i liO,! \V. Lincoln livmill", »«llti'l'.t'nllic|l II Kroupj of riJntivi's nt. if family reunion Nuiidily. The fotlnwliiK out. of tt»\Vrn ICtli-Ht;! .wrrli pri'Nent ! '.I, . I'. I lillirilli. II lirothn* of .Mm. llofTniiiu .I'min Low Alludes, Ciilif.; Mrx. II, Ml lium-an. their ninthcr, <i1* Dennison. In. ;, mid Mr*. Jennie Mii'mil, it'sinter, -mid her daughter. I.i'iri'i'iiin'. t>f Palatini*. Tipfolluwiiij; I!in riii«lini rein lives were union* tlir jjiH^lh: Mr. mill Mrs. Ay. ,T. SCott nml soil, fin : .Sir. unit Mi% Ri'churd Wi-ssi-l; Sir. IIIKI.MIM. Lloyd (Jnihiim nml daughter., J a n e t : Sir. mid Mrs*. Fred ' Sclwutblc iiiidT.iirton |I<>fT-. man. A. ImfTi-r .(inner was sei-vedsuld an enjoyiiiih' uftjcrjiovn passed. '' '. L Interesting I*roKram for Methodist .Mission Mr*. Saiifujt Rieki*. :«T W. Muijn sfri'fij cijli-rtiiiiiivl tin- Missionary society uf tin- Methodist. J-hurch \Vt*cln'v^diiy Afternoon. An interesting program nils upcnfil with devotiuiiitls Uv Mrs. .1. K. Nishtiiigiile-. M|-s. SI. | . Krpj-iuii.il iiml Sirs. A. K. Wclty gaVe reports from tfu- district' meeting mid Sirs. ^lohn 'Hfell. "the president, spnfe briefly on tin- study book for the year. "Clnist (.'o'lhe* to the Yilliige." T h e i!!{>*sing number of the afternoon was especially enjoyable, a demonstration, f'Going If Xeede<l," presented by Mrs. Ada - Htirndnn, Mnc. P.. R. Drover. Mrs. I* K. Drover, and Sirs. F. Yf. Lindskog. . ' I \ . T. Mi <- Kiitertalnei! u: Heliiiufvi* lloniiv The Y. 1 I M. <". of the ^lllelli v iiircili were *ntel'tillliiHl lit, tln home f Mr IIud' JJIN, John Nclmefer, ;!W« ( ootillKe ll.i' 'line, Tu'esiliiy evening. I 'oilowllK.' til Ulevotiniiiii ilinl InislnesM I'f I of the ppitrmii n socliil liuiif "WIIH ! wrvAl. enjoyed urn S. refroshmeiilti Slitts Ivsthei' Bnit/.ler is president, of thii oi'uaui'/i lion Hohert Phiicn C'eleliiales 'fjwi'Mi IJIrttlitla*-. hiKi^is,.545 ( J r o v c II.VI :' "tobw't; ml fileiiilM lirSIondii f. ,al'lijivlled l^i'iioon enjoy his lenHi hlrtlidny Willi hitii. Tlie afternoon lltllHVI'I'MU wiiisMpenl I'oirtuWr BHIIII*. Hi'fiTHh' njoiitM we|M> served -011- table* i mliir the trt! s.i 'll'he hii'thdny,i'iil(ewitfi its. candles \|'ii» an eiiJoyith|<' |ini't o the PM.it y Steak 1 Fry-»I KiiriMt Pres«Kt' ' The foil inn Jtrotip of. friends eiijoyed a si It fry ThurHday «»vcni«B at 7 o'cloi-k ;in tlw fprvst prestM've: Mr. and M h , 1 A. D. (Tuu'ch anil son, I'lyde. Sir. i ltd Sirs. Spencer Itieke, Niemeier nttd Sir. and Mi +. Leslie sou. Way lie, Sir. and Mrs, C. E. Paxton and Sir and MrsS. Joe SlcU-n iiiiin. all of [{urrinston. Wells Kntei tahts Slis. H IIoniirii|i|! Vlrs. Kanipcrt Sirs, K. I). Weljlu. '!^00,W. liililie s't'reet,- wjas hostess ; Witdiiesidiiy >vi('n; inn <o i(lx ee« guests hoiioring iher cousin, Mrs. . S. H. Kaiipi'i't, 551 Dir vision t ree who has ret'eiitly n ov«d to Barf inKton. 'flie s«k.'iiil hour was passed n. games aiid'enjoyal le ri|f resh mk'iits v<ire served h;y Uie hostess Slis. Wewetae r Entertains Pinorhle t ' l m H a i h r , Wewetzer,, ;113' X. Sirs was hostess"i.to tho (ri-nnt a vein afternoon, I'inochli! eli b ' Thursday I''njoyable n fresliments were served and prizes a warded to Sirs. SViljliatri Ifrauden. Sirs. Jlenry Sleyer. M r * it red Cady a itd Sirs. Robert Purc-ell. 1 :.Mitert4ins Birthday ) SliSH Yerna Brandt, , ½ \f: Li icoln ajreiiue, •was hostess 'I'liurnday veni»ig to the Birthday .club, Foulrtein niembei(s; were present to enjo. wef"e P evenin; at pinochle. Prijzes, given a n l a dainty lujich was s jrvfed ! hj- the liostess. , f of Town < i i lasts |' .Sliss Evelyn We-stehbcri, l l ( j " W , Lake 4tfeet. wasf loskess Sati irday eivenulf to fourteen friends from Chicago, D a n e i h i ami bridgi "wen enjoyed (throughout tlie even ng. Ifri^ef nzes Were awarded and a delicious un :'h serveil. Kirs. Lawrence Entertains •TWirt Lawrence yvlbs hAstejss «fl a 1 9 clock' Iunch|eon a t I er ct> int ry hjomo ast of Barriiigton, Wedrie s|day. The folloW ing out of to'vn, guests were j ) resent: Miss Edith J)ymo id of Lake ydi'irli.iandMiss Mildred ] l i d i s and S is. Ella MeCormieH of Kilos Renter, Ladies' A1'1 I •"""lety »f ' <h idist clniii'li will nwet Weilnes' lfteriKHin, Oct. 11 at the ltoijm L. Mlmdlii'iiU. (140 S. (.'old j- .Miss An'iy Aridel'sbn of H o n e y A ki ifntertii ined t H members of her Si i)ny sc fool el a i is Monday oji-oiiinjj; i|eli K )ll til even liig Wits si>ciit m ijnjoyni iln hllicl served; I'll lrteeii bers in ml till' lenche.rt Mrs. I'Ingels nan \M>I e present. Earrington Woman's Club U. ", |. |l i \ Z&\* Glencoe, Illinois MHIIIPV \V|1HCIIIIIII of Elgin were Sunday din-»• giieslH of Mr. mid Mrs, Ffed HenH>[i. 2(H) \V. Lincoln avenue. Mr, nml Mrs. Leslie Kli'sehni r and illdrcii. Jium and (lortloit, of KiuwiiM liy. Mn„ nml Miss Itulh Pyte, M 7 ritovo iiieniic, wiu-0 Friday evening nier gi ests oil Mr. Mid Mrs. Hpvn• Hlelti, 122* X. Hnrrlwm Htrm't. lllIfrNl 4!f CHhlflHtMlsli II liij ^ ''I rt-.u fi'oi \) a vistl of w i t h I'lli'ui es nt Kori'KjiHh. \ | i. •' • x GIRLS bo: Quhhowth t ybm cm gel a PER ANENT W H .S^AMI SHjuded v4f0 SIPECIALS j Clark MONlfOCI PUREF00DS Opek Daily Till U p, /It, including Sundays andHolidays Photoffr 9PE< :IAL OF1 E R or Christmks '*• in the P K O F E S S I O X A L B l ' I L I ING, M 4 Division St. Opposii e 'Acke'mann's Big St<>re' We specialize in-a.' Plirec Course I iiiicbcon at 50c a plate Oh presenting this ad ajnd paying $2.50 at t i m e l o f setting' you will be entitled j:o two beautiful 7x1) silk, finished phojtograplw in folders (regulai price, $30.00 a dozen). Four proofs to select front,. Thils offer good to lanuary l i t . Tim liiiul of. food you.like but. si imetiim>i hard to find Buffte Studio li.irt.-l in iin— 11:uo0 ii.in.-r 30 p.m. Dinner—5<30 lp.ni.-7:30 p.i Siindiy 13:0«.Noon •2:00 w, m. i.r 1»V A Lit Ciirte >ferviec ill 10'til. ]\ alsj py ROBfear STANLEY 110¾ i?, Elgij c. ^ GF NHlW Y ^ : JCIT Member of the Boarfl of Lectui-eship of .. „ The Mother Chlureh, Scientist, |in B >s1on, M« ssachusetts. The K d t Church of (fehbist, IN ^ E HIGH SCHOOL AtJpITdR^UM Pot atpej Salad (German Style) ]b. ... 20< Dfelicioiis Baked Ham, best quality, p|er lb 60^ Boi ed JHaim, Al, per lb. ..': 30^ Veil LQM, the very best, per lb^ 35< Baton, lean and good flavor, per lb. . mi Slicejd Sweet Pickles, old fashioned si;yl&, pt Newft^ill Pickles, qfe. 1 1 I>o. 2 can Corn, white Early Ohio Po|tatoe^ 1 'jib. 3 Carrot Chip None Bet 1300 Red Beans 211 per p^ck 1 Sf/a-oz. pkg. $1.55 per bag Bi-emner Crackers ROSJ JOE ATESj Lone ftarved cnl TUES; WEDI, oqr. DUX ****** C )OPEP* tuesi ay—Fiiehdls £.£• * - ^ ^ - RSDAY, OC lime lufcc WE DELIVER I KOHNERTS I* Call Barriitgtor 547-J VULLB also SljJM SUMM Pai -Isien Gaie tu DELICATESSEN Cook Street AtESI I Sportlighf; J '- A Manf^ Place in t^ie World. Thefe kre two kihds of energy in this worid-^nergy Which' coniesj of motion and energy whjdh belongs to position^ In you1jh| every }nan c^n so; direct his activity thai'he]iwill have \attained a substantial positipn during hjs. prime of life. The sole requirement is that he shall not waste^ energy—n^r throw away its results. The product of- his youthful surplus energy should' be saved that he may, possess the meaqs to help him to position. Save part of your earnings to make the (foundation of your fortune. Save reguWly in First State Bank. We will pirotect you* savings and help you make tljem grow! first Sta[te flarikof Birrii Capital and Surplus $150,0001] L A G E S C H y t T E l Chaliman of the Board I A . L . R(IBJBR'ISON 1 ]»re8iSent T G O W A R D P . C A S T L E , Vice President EDWARD f# jixtE m H. I blO S. HOUGH ST.] pARliiNGTON,ILL fi'Vke'ljpiidcijt T . t J t l T S O H , Asst, Canhier, I I E L B J > ! Evening, dctDbei 13,119^1 1 at 3:15 o'clock in. pSin ANliOUNC^S A FREE L5PTURE ON i MIHM SA1 OF BARRIN^TOIil, ILL. Dorothy K . Ross 663 Vernon Are. and Cut ri fori Announcements, Christmas, Parties, aqd Book Plates— of your Country Home, Hearth, Doorway, or Garden. Featuring your Hbbbies, Pets or TraVels, .h>y. t FIRST CHURCH OF GHRIST, S IENTIST ndivi Original Cards mid £ AD^LE. Beauty Sho THE BALCONY TEA ROOM Ke:u hers ; Knjoy Hilie, Oiitifoiir Ititahfast nil ti acliers'iif the I'arrinKJoii sclnml enjoyed a ten mile'.hike SlntX '•moruiuif and an outdoor'luejilrfastjat the hoinii' o f Mrs. It. .1. Se.vnuer 1 acq i 'ihe :'.•rest .preserve. The folbliWins* vrre nteiubei> irf ihe partyi: She SlUs| •s AIIIH-IIK' siii'i'l. Lena i,ei«|i, Altln;ji ('hriNiijiiisnii. Ksther SIcKerelfer, Harold Ana Del. Lcouliard. and Sirs (}rel|e Anton LlmlherK and children, in'n'il rs. George Shi] itionl dtiwr, Iindfe h(s MI; Il jiiiil, liilkovti H|» wrist' S|„ iln\ I it m .iii.im>,kU v h i l i ; a t ' p i n y . MrN.rVrjid' Hecoril nml .iii Mr. a i d Mi'pt. Hurry Dockery of [lliinnioiul, Ind., were Sunday gnents 'Mi', n id Mrs- T. J. Dockery, 1»0 ()() ' rfield itreet. ' ilr SVi Ison Herren, »14 W. B u s {'' X, I Heeler of Klmhurst Is a guest srtl] s trtsJt was a guest at n 1 o'eloc|; i \|eei, at (he homte of Mr. and hilich roil and bfnluo party Tuesday n Sr-S. A. E. l ^ l e r , ' 4011 K. Itusseli, 'Marcel | . _ l\ the. lioini> of Mr. and Sfrs. SVilllan ^* 'an ;]'ee]t.' . -j Finger Wave ..v Mr. Beck Beelj|iiaiil in Waukegaji Mlsn Knthej-ijie Sltirihy, 515 'Di: {Manirui 1 \ ... man IS ' •jlc.e pitesident of! the Herrei, li ilon street, was a Sunday'guest of ^hampoaj . .»,, Aeronaut ical cprp.^iration,- The Beck- Sfri mid klrs. Frank To^iin of ttjiclue, mans will m w e to Barrington in thW'K . i neai1 future. jirr. aiiil Mrs. Mj. Stejjle and diuufh- dnjl jMarcel i^ud Sliihipo.f ' Miss. Willtord ^V-ats.oii of.Grove avq• i f W lukegan have, hioved to BnrSir. and Mrs. Walter Ipe iver|ns and |Sha,miHo.& Finder Wajt entertained | several friends nn« nke street, ri igjton:' ind are at home at 115 daughter,, Betty, 135 W Sat afnotion.Guai,II bridg i FridAy1 "aflternoon s alt Port Cfcwge s reet. j Mr. S eele is connect- spirit Sunday with relat M i . and jMrs.. Carl Erickson,. Mi eil 'ijvith ho Htiritpn Aeronautical-cor- WuJiliiiigfon, Wij-J. and Vfrs. Jack SVilliainson of Evan poration. Miss Ifi»leii Orussel, 40' Gro|ve aVe;| . ••- I ... ' '5 N. ^ook St with ston and Mrs.jOarl Erickson, Sr.^.oE the wVvklend }isv,:' a i d Mrs. Edwin Schnefer of nue] enjoyed Telephone B^rrlngto, « i Chici go were!'dinner guests of, Mrs Plainfield. enjoyed Monday ami Tues- friends a t Springfield, Ida \Vi^liami5on, 122 Waverlyl I roat tsyl at t i e hdiwi of Rev. gchaefer's Mr. and Mi's. D . G. B ice of Genoa Sunday In h(jnij>r of the seventh Birth 11 rents, ] Ir. and Mrs. Charles Schae- \vere week-end* guests of Vl|. ai d Mrs. day >f Buddy JErickson. •• Vernon .Schroeder, 517 S jir(M>k btreet, fB.',' 649 (Srovij avenue,' iilr. am I Mrs. F. T. Ldwell of Chi- Sirs. Schroeder i s . a dau|gljter of Mr. Mis. Wilii^njHoffman, 2 0 4 W. Lhij coin uvenu^entertained the ladies of (jalgo callid on Mr. and [Mrs. ttarry and' Mrs. Buck. Sir. and Mrs. Wesley Sjlmcfer arid iff man, who j a m guests of Mr. and the Doublefl&glht Pinochle club at her. jhome Wednesday afternoon of last }|iis, R. G, plagge, Sunday eVening. sons, Dean anil Ronald v efe giftesW of urel Lindsl og'of l.rvjiiig Park was f riein Is in : Janosville, S\ IS ., 0 er tJto we«k, Mrs.; Louis lVIiller won first •eek-end guest of Mr, "and >Irsj wejjk end. prize, Mrs. ; William. Evans, secdnt JoniSs and and S^rs. Hofflnan c o n s o M i o n . 0 t M e s I h i c s , 516 S. CMk street. i lj>i. and. Mrs, George T i e following people spent thle Mr. a h l S^rs. Robert Balberston of GeoJtjc S h a w of Chicago .w ere Sunday' " , J end atj I|,ake Geneva: Mr .j an 1, licagb 'vere 'dinner guests Saturday g u e s t s of MrS.. H . L. J 6ie», 325" E,' Aveek Sirs. Adam Ulbriph, 704 Prospect Utl [the Wnlwce home; 223 W. Russell, Hillside avenue. - " " •;'; Mr. and Mrs. R a y . 4 . y | r s >]..:Chii nue, Mr. ahd j M|rs. W . B . Johijisoi^, rieet, ' . ., • j '••' ' ' a KI JVlrsi Mr. and Mrs. I Albert Anderson, M jklr. a n l Mrs. J o h n KJntght of Ful- c;ago spent Sunday with and Mrfi. Ned Xash, Sir; and Mr*. tdii, la., are visiting; at the home if F. K. Daum. 203' Duhi|e qv eiAe. ' sainucl, Mrs. 'J. F i s h e r and RolKrt Bro^vn, Sliss • lAIicjo S w a t i s o i '{'Mr. and Mrs, L. B , Nienie|.ier, 115 N, is of- phland Harry IJncohsen of Chicago nn:t llarrison street. Mrs, Vieineier is a ;and Mr.. and Mrs. H . BlI cago were Tuesday giies|s of Mr. and Sir. and Sl;r!s J George Lyons of Park dlughter of 'sir., nrtd llrsi. JKnight. f,0CT. 118 V . Lake BUlgK ! , ' Mi^s Marjorio T r a u t : of McIIenry Mrs. Il; It,. Westenberg, 1 ''-".'; M^s. Louijs f i l l e r . Mrs. A. W. Xe M a/guest. tiliis •week' of Miss, La- streeii. M r . ' a n d Mrs. P a u l Ahdrews-:and non, Mrs. SVttlter Tonnft, Mrs. fei Bliuvche Scherf, 300 Dunde^ nveiiue. Slct^ibe npd dniighteis, Irene nn|d Mr. a i d S i r s , ( W a l t e r Schnetlngc Sliss, Maud Gossell of t lifeaftoi and i id son »f Chicago Mtjclycd the week*: Sir. and M'rs. W a l t e r ' G oiiseji Iloseinary pidtniii-kml in SVing, Par lid with Mr. Schnetlalgo's parents; family of jMareiigo , were B«nda| Elgiiu Friday of last week. J ' ' 1 Lfliln.sbjur.y (j'Jiap. No. 41)4,,0, E. 1 Slr.in^l Mrs!, Wiilinm Sclinetlnge, 127 ;'gUi*tH of Mi'innd Mrs , A. Gossell, $ $ iSlorltbi-iiTli'muk ' , n '''•:' -:\!':W> Lnko sti+ftet.. -.'•' .-, is pliinni'iig ri Visiting tniitroni|i 'nml pi ^UllOUjih ind 1 Mri-jiiid Sirs. Leslie Kirse|ner"and dr. and Mr*.-.T. • .Nile's of Ohicago Irons w e n i n g !fi»r Oct. 30, nt! the Mi COMKDV ACT i»«|il Jane and Gordon, J oT Kith- w<^r« ISiiijday -giieatH of Mr.' and MrA Konlc Temple j building. Admission Hac;4(lif in s l*ity 'Mo., who tire, visiJinc reJit' K. J. -KrtMter, K20 GroVo « v e n u e . , » ' Mr, and .MJi-s. Henry SVolthaiiHi; vet and dnu>!lif.ei', Mabel, 031 W. Mnih Calvin G.j Miller, youtucst ami .iif • SUN, street, and! Mr. and Mi'H. Albei Tuegi'I, 115 Ni. .I Inrrison st|reet, wei Smifiny giiests: of Sl.i'f niijl [Mrs. • Vo tuiu' Anderson! of ('tilfnjjo; ! • Sirs. Oraeo'l' Cii nno i, 5()8 . H,- C'oo striH-li was hiiistess at two' tablea if: bi'id«(i Tuestliiy eveiili g. WVlter HeuyiM'ns, \ 1! 5 W. Lnlio sli'iM't, returnod to his dillIcs with l;l I Itiit ds Bell 'lV«li>phou< Co., Monday after an absence of I: vo \ycoks, whije hitt I ijtired ankle win ijnpvoving. 'SI*, and SfUi: Ch nrljes H o r n aiJd MOl^K i Mil MijGjKl Slir. nnd Mrs. Hermjin Scliuiirke (f Nowij imd jSI»K -, Chicago were Sunday dinner guewts iif Sir. and Mrs.^ Edward Horn, 5(1|2 GrovB avenue'. The following! Barrjugit'on people alttendid a meeting of the jWoinan'H R Hef Corps, a t . vVtoodstio^k Tuesday M*|. C. P. Ilawley, Mrs. H . \ \ Gri^im, Mrs. A. W. AblJK>tt, and Ut^, Will am Gru.riau Willianj Sc.hermerhorn, his daughte r, (F fljeii, and griaftdson, Ffaiik, j'Jr., a i d Rus>eH. Sjtssaman of Rochtflle w e e Nfjivti('and Comedyj SuiMay guests of Mr. and a|rs. J o i n fl' clil.- ward end wJth~re|i»tlvi«M at G V n, Mich, Mm. K l M u t « P ' M grandfatluf, .T t'oliii'insl to Ilarrinitlon witl thelin and lit }» j u i ^ t of Mr.-and Mtj» HpPIM'M" ttlekts 122 N. IInrrlMon ittttli et. MM. Uielte is, II KnindiliiUghter a! Mr I'yhv Mr, and M M , William Kftlhli inn of Onfc Park wei'p giu^'U Tu lay if Mr, and M M . G-orge K i i h l i ^ ¢07 •«. I (Vink slreof I i| % ,M<»SJls-s Mtihifl Hiidiiiim MINH ('Illicit Milinii of Deliuid Kthel rii'hwiih, '110 10. II Isld ) liveii ins Hniiduy. C'Ull court .riidge'(IrlniMon of the of North Dakota \vns a |fl*Ht a t tlie home of l,)r. and M M . A [||r 'iieske, :tl2 <lro|'« itveniu', TiiesduJ evjultfg da ighter, Mrs. Williiun Hodt In Faith, and MIMH Uiftiii Mtrt uar It. «»1 W. Main street, chriwl o| frie lids at Crystal LIFICU' Suiidny Sfiss Mary Hnjiborn of Ikiilainn/,110, eek o( Si it'll., is' a hous guest h 135 I-i. Mr. and Mrs. V esby Pn|rk f limf&ell street', Mr. and Mys. V. I>. H ^wl«|>y and son, Charles, \ 623 S. ,C »ok st r w t , \isiteil relative^ »tfc Beloii Wi", Sun- 4: SlisM A ndersi n Hostess Id Sun lay S i h Mil Class Itapt 1st ('lunchA'OIIIIK People If.'iijoy Otitliie -A Kroiip-o' ;j"i Itilptist yiMi.nK people njoyed mi anloinobilii -toin; • of the Mr Kdwin lMiijiire. L!lX> \V'. ll\k Eiim li I-ni il ver, (131 Oil' lie a el lie sidl. eiiti-rtaiH^'H- » happy uroiip bf IlnrriiiKlon :iciiility Tuesday eveuinul Ills ||v»l H ( | l l Ht M hoiioi' at; the Ii limn i. hi hit I I S:iliinl)iy iifteriio'on in lion >r wlili-li was completed by a "weenli >a ugh i h'. M "s. H. C.'/:. M '(fi'iidi, of dinmhle'r, lloiiinHla. wlio w i s lloasi" and sonc fesl .at one of tin of In eelcbi iiiiin: her ninth bii'tlnlay m i l ' pleasant WO.HIIMI spots near Itan'iiiB- try'stiii 1,1)1(11 riinrHiiii.v eileihiB, :ho rjcciisioii beliiK .his nisty-11 i l l % rjthvers.ii'y 'I'll" nl'lenuAiii was spent in tini. o l i t i l i l o l Kiiiiies and a dainty luji 1' was jn'i'ved. I'asli-I shades were used (leiiee t luit. niiicli time and I hi ugh I imd iii dijioralioii'. ami tin* birthday ca ie ns Ijwii «1 iifnt in p l a n n i n g aiji jntei'i with ,ils lighted canities'.was the cenand pi: ofitiible' year fior t IHI chili ter nlj much alteiiiLoii. As u;cn«dle w i s Prog rfiiim art'angi\l by tl e jin | i y i m blowiji out by. each jiiiest a very kiiful and lififrittUre commit t«K!S pif•om i *< a wish [was Kivnji^to the little ly's'ti real t flit to (jlub members .ind I eir ! • ' i^ J- ' . i . ,( XIU.S. (imiidE BAUUE'ITI') Easten Sti^r Kiitertai'ns The Harrinj; ton Woman's '.chin will (jwests!. Younig I'eoplo j pen its l-uiveiit year with a luncheon t. the new Ri rrington Ilillst Country The firk m e e t i n g ' o f tlie ke lth Tllje 1 lije luembeis luemhers of ot till tlie Knsti f.iistern -Stiir .Mm lub on Weiln'sduy, Oct. 21. district of thif Illinois JFederati Of «"iiter|taiiiiil their yonmr people Slflii A most i w e r t a i n i n g program has Womeilils chibsj is peing helti on. Tfhilrsday ievi'iiing at a party in the Sla soniii hall parlors. A yo-yo contest been'arranged for this occasion. Pro- dny, Oct. 8. delegates and repjpfpn. was 'the 'iniiipie came of the erenihff' fessor Davis ]?dwards,. who l a s : year tntive's f|rom t h i s club are a^tendi i. and Njch member of the winning side iavn an inti;r;>retive reading of "T.he was presented with a taffy apple. Green Pastures," com^s to us again. An nvitatidh to tlie p n s i d e n : Those who cared t'o do s'o played (-itfds This t,ime hi w n i read Edna St. Vin: her boi|ifd was xtend|ed bjt the SI and bunco and prizes were given, at cent Slallay's "Thej King's Jlenchwhich he has Park Woman's club to. hi:tend each table. An enjoyable lunch was inan." a pioggnim served to the .'?."> yimnj; peo|>le and 40 the reputat on of giving particularly Presid^•tit's'Day program o|n Tui sday. wil have the privilege Oct. 0 Ivfll, Members SlemL older people who were present. iif bringing guests. I '• — '' (JoloVr. Hul«i Class • . Tho Esther.' Falkifnsteih WolJian, s M«H at Itiltmore riie.boan of directors held i | s first club, iiuvites the pfficftrs and me l bers! Tl^e members ami several cuests.of ilieeting of I he. year on Tuesday. Sept. of the Barriiigton •;Woman's cl b to the jtioldeii' H'ule class of the Salem ;!>. at the hip ie of the 'president, Mrs. their •eciproslty daj[ on Oct. 4 . at 2 : 3 0 i ., m. at tho EJither alketl stein ink (.'. P mdt. • ' i-luirjr-h enjoyed n steak fry and song Mettieinei.lt , 10^7 X. Bichm|ond s ;i"eet, i fest on the I'.iltiiiorc beach Friday The com nit.tee reports gave evi- Chiccngo. evenSm;. ' 'Flie following Kioup were Kliesf if the elaVs': the .Misses Uiith Dix •ii. Irmii Mae SV.ewet/.er, (ii'jieviev^ Wendt, Kli/.iibnth SIa«ee, Bprin,-I llomiitlijiaiiil Mrs. Ilm-oli.) (Jrelie. WHIEN IX ELGI>; V I S I T MiSI: I Cr. • •ai-lrer of tin Kntri lafii, l-'or I)aiie|it<v 231 lApWbno strwt. l|i«K«'. rank Hi'liniwhorii, J r i wjll rcniain Ihe I'lnitw home fur1 a n lii'deflnito Mf. l i e "in a nephew of Mrs. Irs. lid Mi'H, Willis iLiiiuhver of Lnki Ii,' • ' M Srmli'lyn. Di'innU'ii WIIH pIwtK Miii'prltuMl Frlilny evenln« \v IPI of her itlrt 1'rleinlH ciilletl to her of hei> hli'thdiiy. After ig of brtdue n'freilinu'iitN w Miss lyrnmleii received «ev iciiiitifui gifts. J* 1Entertains ' 1 Out • F o n n Organ|i*ation. of Jewel Girls All Jewel Tea t'o. girls \vh<> had slerved the eonhpany five years orj more Kntheretl at a, tea room in Oak Park T w n t y - f i v e members wede-ipresenfc. 8aturda.if hftj1 fnoon to organize a. (flub.: There were 50 girls present, 15 now in the emploly of the company. E n j o j s Tenth Hirthdiiy 1 Anniversary' j Kviflyn JeppsiMi, "»03 drove iiVeinii*. Kuttertaiin >tissionary ociety entcrtjiiined a group of little- friends Soci Saturday afternoon in honor of hifr ! Sirs. I>. ( , Sehrqeder, 522,"S: Cook tenth ; birthday anniversary. Outdoor .street, was I putess Tuesday afternoon game-i were played and dainty refresh- tki the Slissii •nary society of the "Bapments; complcteil lhe''party. The fijl- tiist churi-h. About 30 tnelm ers and lowinj; guests, were present : Dawn fHeilds wen; present to enjoy th* proLan'liver. NIII-IIIII .Lee Mncill, Sylvja jjram. ()st. i\|iirguret Ann Sheesley. Doimtd .lahnlte. I'ntrij'ia Parker. Margaret 1'iiurUi and Fifth Orwles Kage^i. I''lorencn Foikrod.' Uoseniary U i H KntertiLin and Ijrene SIc('ii)ie and Kllen fyid lje ll rhe f o u r t i ' a ^ l fit* :h Kradi's of the NeaM . Slimy priflly; citt,-* added joy JlarriiiKtmi icliool w H entertain tho to tlij* oci iisiou fur ti*i« hostess mid it l a r e n l s at Pl'OKriuii Friday nfterthe iflose of the giiniVs prizes Were i IIOII, Oct. !f nV, '2'.'M\ o'clock in the mviirtled to Norma l:.ee SIn.uil'l, KIOT- yiniuisiti.111 i.'iice ,|'\>!krod nml Kljen Sears. { + B ^ I « p q W l ILLINOIS TH [jteSDAy.OCTOPERS,!^! I. [THE, PUBilC IS C0RDIALL1 ' NVJ1B ' ! R. BfEIER, >Asst[ C a l l e r A. H . L A G H S C H U L T E , , Last, fcashier DIRECTORS ,,, Howard P . Castle, l a w y e r ; George J. Htarer, Lage^chiite & H a g e r , . W - ; ; F a r m e r ; £L ^,. Lageschulte, Chairman d>f the B o a r d ; f a l t e r N . ~ ' " Co. [ Irvin B . Landwer, Real Estate. ,MMa«<toejit s J President a j d Cashier;, William ~^' S c h n e t h ^ e T P a l n t l n e , .>?*JlUey,| 1MB Mfg. C o . ; G, W . Spu^ncr, JUnd Architect, Tel. Glimcoe 3 0 5 ; Evenings 989 ^tolteiAJA', .J Eloheiti Retire 1 ^dwc/iJc • erUoi 'v l?i^iier||Skinn«r -10e ^^^^•r BARRINGTQjjf REVIEW, BARRlffffflON, IUI^)j)IS, TttuksDAI, (JrrOBER 8, i ^ l a n a g r i c u l t u r a l e x h i b i t ii t h e ba, m e n t , in a u d i t i o n t o t h e scjhool e x h i b i t which wins held in t h e g y m n a s i u m F i r s t . MH-tjmd, |nnd t h i r d prizes, a p d honorable m e n t i o n w e r e Awarded each grou*l| oi Exhibits. Farmer's Institute Elevate^ Highway West Froin Chicago Will Be Asked, of Legislature rroduction Is nlilom Solution, Says uf n I'minimi^us e n d o r s e m e n t pf t h e proposed Austjin-K inzie elevated h i g h w i y , together with a plea foi the i m n c d i a t e begifiiiinr of const! uction, v t i s A w o n voiced Suuldny by all of thi* employees, n u m b e r i n g ' a p p r o x i m a t e l y 850, of t h e Chicago Motor club. T h e n c e t i n g v a s annual Lake held i n - t h e Mt-dinali A t h l e t i c club It..' held lit. the Following t lis action, C h a r l e s last F r i d a y . H a y e s , president of t h e club, dec].., • order named t l i n t - i n t h e ev*nt of a special mcetj l>ay. Si-hultz. of tiff I l l i n o i s ' G e n e r a l a isembly t .Mi-nlili- iin'iitioni fall, "the motojr club w o i l d u r g e ( i .-^k. ' Moneyi legislators to piake the necessary s for their; p r o p r i a Moi^ so that construct having; PX-I could be smarted. - , - , • I'l'-iii'-roy, White,! " T h e r e • ps" |u> qiiesftioij a s t o t h e .-. 'I'O'WCP Lakes,;.] feasibility, of the A u s t i t -tKinzie keildnmr. Uridlejv vated IiigjjiwnT." M r . j Ma ires told rne wJio h a d lilvm-h, Volo. ! m o t o r ehtl 1 p o r k e r s , - rmisisted of pi semhled Jbnw the 02 eouiitie? in I l l i '••IITK, iiifhidinfi nois! a n d . I n d i a n a inj w h i c h ' Ihe <[ldb ;'•;-! 1-:1(*-*I booklets! opeijuted. r P l a n s for t h i s project n a v e 1 ,-uumg a n d t e a r / been uncle* consideration for s e v t r a l i.^, whisk broom y e a r s , iuid w i t h i n a s h o i t time nfte'r . 1' mans, m a g a z i n e t h e legiVliuiri' t a k e s ; action, employm i n i a t u r e b o a t s , m e n t eouljl be providec] directly to 15,hidings, -miniatures 0 0 0 t o 30,()00 men, d n d indirectly to MP carving, a n d ' inan.y moij*. ISYom t^-o t> t h r e e y e a r s «;ii SI. (J. B a t h o s . would be l e c t s s a r y ifi which t o com \ -lake school, a n d plete the p r o j e c t , u a i under t h e direo* h a s Ti^x iv. eounty siiperin" N o adllitional. t a x is coi)t«>lin{)iati d. Thi* •uing I'rogruin be derivecj f r o n the .. t a x which l ih.it-more t h a n 500 w h i c h thfi hl:;hwny \vou| serve. t- i'\liibit in the nf: accirues x ;ide:* t h e Jaw t h e j»re,a 1 1 he eveninR's p r o - rcvidy,* njfiiy o u t l y i n g immunities •.'«• was given in t h e have gone on. record a s l[fiug hen children. T h i s w a s in fnvoi |if t h e projecjt r , - t i n g talk by Mjrs. h a y would bl> built oif» a n n " F a f i n C h i l d r e n e a r t h fill, ncjxt t o I the, Chicago r." t i r a d e school & o r t h Wr-steifn r a i l w a y •ight of HI !r softball g a m e wfilich (ilirea |ly , is elevated, New Complete Home Building, Financing Plan Is Offered ,\ Jteturning' Itoday from Chica'go wliero he a t t e n d e d t h e stockholders meeting of t h e N a t i o n a l H o m e s F i iMtm-a corporation, i member of t h e firm of L a g e s c h u l t e & H a g e r , s t a t e d t h a t tho c o m p a n y is p r e p a r e d t o of for local home buil lers a, new, com plete home building service with a most liberal a n d saf[> plttn of m o n t h l y p n y m e n t financing. * 'j'irundrecis of t h o u s a n d s of a s p i r i n g homo builders 1 ! tho c o u n t r y over h a v e been handicapped b*,[ cumbersome a n d old-fashioiied methods, a c c o r d i n g to LagejM'bnlte & Hagor,, and tliis new p l a n ; will t a k e all t h e " m y s t e r y " o u t of biojiio building, and a t the s a m e tiinej s u r r o u n d it \fith a numbci? of inipoVtani; safeguards. ' " T h e finance p l a n provides u p to 7 5 p e r c e n t of t h e c o m b i n t w l cost of houst? a n d lot, W i t t ' 15 y e a r s t o p a y pff. | T h e Q p e r Cent m o r t g a g e s a r e jiaidjoff iii low m o n t h l y p a y m e n t s of $8.44 p e r t h o u s a n d dollars borrowed, t h i s including both p r i n c i p a l interewt. At; t h e end of 1. 5_ . „' y_e,a. r s , t h e J>ropi»rty is cOinHlete ly paid for, " T o m a k e such «. liberal pinn possible} seven pafiguitrds uro provided. Good 1 r c h i t c : t u r a l design i s required, a n d oijjly mutei*jial a n d w o r k m a n s h i p of |iigh[j quali ty will be employed.! Di.ring coilstruc: ion, tfxe lumber c o m p a i y will m ' i n t a i t pergonal supervision of t h e j o b a n d a t completion will deliver $ome lit tie fuss ha|» been made over t h e ow: e r . a jondee certificate of qualE l g i n inek p a n t s ' b u s line oper^tity gUt r a n t e ;ing all mateirials used. *'*Loc il builders >f demonstrated efx- itjig daily I e t n t •en El|kin a n d B a r r i n g perien4 ? a n d proficfiency a r e to handle ton,, d u e t<|> t.(i( fact p i a t the b u s l i n e qll con t r u c t i o n work on 'these homes, is |i*ei)ortcel te| Ibe oper a t i n g w i t h o u t a a n d loijjnl a r c h i t e c t s will .be invited to fra Injchise. I Olnl tho request of several coopenfite in deveJoping more beautiful interested I pejriions, I he p r e s i d e n t of a n d co lvenient small hoslie designs, the! board bf |ti|ustees J . 0 . Cadwalla" I n addition to n e w homes; the si, requestefl the > illage attorney, compaijj y will finn'i ce modernization avid B . Mi mey t» investigate t h e a n d re•I inir jobs on < asy 1 nonthly payciHe. An» idion t i k e n will be de11101114. This- will lieJp u a n y p r e s e n t tienclent ujton1 ,he legal a s p e c t s of the ownerfj to modernizej thei* homes, pay situation in co|(nfortable i n s t a l ments, and T h e Ijeajvy bf]is, of bourse, nses Barg r e a t l j increase the values of t h e i r ringtoi* s t eefs, a n d itavemeni w i t h o u t proper lies."' laying' a lie^ii f>'k b u t w i t h its u s u a l eiuota »of one ..passenger per day, it n a y not (>t p r t h \J-orrying about. hat (Df It?" Local People lAsjkas [Biis I Use: 1 Barringtoh j Street! fpjr Passenger a Day the WJortt Wljien a man rsays »,~ he Ig mahling the nest of it he usually means has 'not the worst of ,-lt—MorganBest of i\\ MM 3 MM? I s A MUSICAL COMEDt Romance of the Grelat ^outliwest Under jAuspices of the American., Legion Auxiliary i- h The Oatlow Theatfje S t . P i t e r * Evangelical C h u r c h L a k Z u r i ; h , I1L S u i clay, i let.. U ' 0 : 3 0 a. in. Sunday school. , 10-:30 a n . , Servjj « s in E n g i t s h . A t this ser ice iii t h e absence pf Rev. I r i o i , itlie. luk W. Xmetke of. 'Chicago v i l l i 1 reach. R e v . I r i o n a n d :anvily will l e i v o Siiturdniy for Mic)ig a u C i t j , l u l . , to a t t e n d t h e 75ih i n n i v c r s a ' y j U p v i c e of t h a t church.' i e v . Irloi 1 wi 1 spettB « t t h e i a h n i v e r - |i|ht liinch service-v ill h e offered: Hobein s t o r e I ordering thel est liighwny, witli ijliss DproIherer in chivrgp.. M i p S c h e r e r ofierated t h e Cupboard. Alias will a l s o opera':e a grocery licatessen in the }l°bein build- ** • RlOGRANlie S Dorofhy Scherer to| Conduct St »re Near N. WL Highway f$ :?(il>%* Friday- October Reset"; re'd Seats at McLeister's ^Vednesdak Oct. 7th'" ALL sary« service t here. E . A. i t B i O N , Pa'stdr. lilt i • \% HOME T A L E N •)' .:.; ^tN IJltK JONES in thJ ! « • • :' Ch-rW 1mil i)V . ; "\Kt1'.*i, V t T . a n d \.liu.i-4i.m Wc-lOe .*! rampH t o tint s t r e e t .level kelp*? e|very wiieaker of t h e d a y half m i k v «1 g r a d e cTossings - would '•. 1-Hi-kson, m e m b e r of be eliminate that tat eel with t h e r e s u l t •'•..• a g r i c u l t u r a l d e p a r t - high speeds c ul'tl; be m a i n t a i n e d with ! :..-. ,>rsity of W i s c o n s i n , nb.sohibl . . T h e a v e r a g e driving ',-• --iient seven)-months time nojiv t h e loop, to t h o w e s t e r n . - 11'. discussed i h e f a r m city lin^ijljii or vice versa (s from tjiirty Mi„ "soviet .regime an to forty fbiiiintes a n d cv en more. O n -: ,ii; r- . i the ele.val t[ed |liighway the timei «|fould • -*!' the farm problem he approsjimtJ tely nine m i n u t e s . 'li'-s* ijii the e m p l o y m e n t " T i n s ijigbJway would serve {hit e n 1, h jwill effect economy tire 'inetn>iH>iitnii- a r e a lying nprtli\>.r\ bickson-'sSHr^TJwsl west,; w^ijsr.- Jiouthffe.Vt, a n d in''Borne >.-d Inn increase of large instances 1 len n o r t h a n d south of .- in t|his country., (.•hiiiilgos • .'ilective farming.- with :' inaicjiinery made possi, 'iiiili<nce of cheap labor. : •.-! successful, while the 1 L al 'ftrust f a r m s , " -oper-1 i H-hirierv, a r e not s h o u A rolla |r s k a t i n g r i ^ k vill bo obeiAd ; ht> s a i d . •t c o u n t r y wilL be a serious, in I>iiii<?im next S a t u r d a y u n d e r t h e •verprrxluction .of g r a i n for m a n a g e m e n t of H a r r y B u t h d , who lias been opejil[ating a r i n k ;iroughout the markets, the e d u c a t o r said,summer t p e s , Plainest Mr. B u t h e • I c l i n i i t e , he pointed out. is repo'rtikl |p. have a Reputation for •"•• to g r a i n production. 1 conductijip i| 11 o r d e r l y r o l l e r s k a t i n g observation t h a t t h e r e is place 1 •>f liijestex-k in the soviet ' h a t f i t will be y e a r s beIN/ j » l E S I O R f A M ,ate [supply will be built I n l o t tng . r e m e m b r a r c e of W a l t e r :••'. Round, L a k e , w h o won Deihl, v|ljio ilied O c t o b e r . 13, 1»30. -tafe fair in Springfield \ preci<iiji?| >ue from us has) gone, of her o b s e r v a t i o n s jy. A voieg "we loved is s t i l l e d ; U .-!'-a! !-numbers w e r e ren- A, place I is v a c a n t in 01 r home " W h i c h j n e er can be filled. l.iikj1 Zurich high school (Jod In. H i s (wisdom hns( rccallee| T h e hobil! his love hn 1 given, I h i t j Offirent "ii of M u n d e l e i n ' w a s rc- And tholuf?h the body .sllumbers liere T h e sbijil fe s'afe'in H»aven. j ' l -tlje F a r m e r ' s I n s t i t u t e MU. ASp MRS. CHAUI^ES EfEIHL - :ir: a t ' a business meet-. audi br'ofher,' E L M SPH. ••'Hi'Hiri. O t h e r officers FIGHTING SHERIFF md McOuIlough ih SING 51 K.i \i\ i i Rolltr kirik Opens lat tpuijidee Next Satuilday UOHC'OE jATES in the I Lone S t a r v e d R a n g e r ( a. 60fc JMI<"K{;V "SK^-.Sfr (VYRtTOON25c-50e MTKSt. WEI), OCT. 13-14 I C M A -' L r/falt/.HClPPY; pOHV Mt m ^•!-1 in. KID| ( Liiifji* 20c-10e jT„es jay—fjri^nd's Night if Tirf RSEJAU OCT 15 [ERTB,rt,, l€€L€R IUU€ mM/cooit< jS. I | Dorsey, L a k e ••..- n n i J Minto. An• - ' ••!' t-hit women's di1 H lliiabes. A n t i o c h ; i' 1 li,- women's u n i t , -'V . I .like Zurich. '.ili-.j,lay of household 1' - n- held on the KCC1 -i-luioU building ^ind josco ATES q HADIO nexvu If. SJ.FM .St r «MERVIU,E- Pafisieii Gaieties [ liOc- tOc 'it m r e c e n t survey based o n I fu»I of / i v EOPLE ho used to talk of thje luxury of a tomatic oil heat are how installi g it as a common sens^ economy, j Oil!prices are at a low level that makes |il the che|apestof heatjng methodfj*. jSo Siljent Automatic adds a new saving to the many other savings for whicli it has long been noted. Silent Automatic has always been nexpensive t<i orerate . . . as hundreds of letters frt m owner? testify. Not only does it burn .the most economical grades of oil that may be used for satisfa.ctpijy home heating . . r but, by complete combustion and scientific flame plac mjent', it turns all your fujel into useful Beat, z - - ' .!' - . ' • - _ . ' I - : ' ' -•• i \ V \ Many tfarringlpn If you wishj this winter and for years to concj the comfort, aonvenlenjie and freedom! from labor that have brought world1 leadership to Silent Auto matte* install a ''Silent" N0W in your present heating plant. You may have dependable electric or gas ignition, as yoi prefer. Phone today for m estimate of |he cost cf heating your home this nji°dern way. FREECtN i Owners Endorse\ MILLH Silent,, Hi ' J •• A N D ' .'- | , K • FLORENAfEL Phone 221 Buy one or both of above protfuots at regular prices land 5 - PRE \ an additional quantity one-fpiirtl 1 as large a ipurcltJase. 'ou can select your FREE goods from either prbdmit—Uat's ? -.'.,' ' 106 B. Main Stre '. I l I .-. Barrington, Illinois Cone In—for here's a bargain. Iflaori needfc»be n f i n 1 - )5^, COMBINATION OFFER COUPON ri - 0 1 * - • ^ f ' q - J t d , ,n byying «*•>»• p r o J i i l or project* » t « « » ' » ' P » » ' •« • " • f * « • • j * * " scfd.t '|n»l without c h i r g . of •itlior product li»t»(J fbo«J«. S U H M W I I ^ « I M . ..»[. N\jni«r W • • ' - • • ~ . . • • • ' • ; , For Warm A\ r, Steam and Hot Water Heatin 1 Systems—Old or New - <dm Oil i". walls and woodwork are quickly renew»d with Dependo-Slo C>me f c it dr 'nes so rapidly.,. Many colors to choose fron. in and- make your selection. I Automatic Burners 'sh«d; old linoleum can be made like new; with Flortnamel. 1 i t £":I k\Ai;n OF Tll)rV>'KS (Quick-Drying Wall Finish) your privilege." from ,11 DEPENDO-GLO «.' 10.6 per c e n t pr lees.'. to extend th Oiks Ito our W e \V kindnesWSf friends ; f[oi" t h e i r maify fuMowiiigi t)ie siuldeil del jft(1* .of p u r 'wjsli, n l s o , hiisbhin Mill father. , to expifefs our itpprec iUllloil l o r the flowers :"i|i-n||l (lie use ofl f W fntpily. MltX: KlU'H) LOMMAN. YOUR CHOICE OF O I n ' "SUeot'f j b e a i e d ' compared w i t h coal..aff present . - . ! : ' HEATH costs h e m e s s h o w s a n average {saving ,* SILBNMroivlAI THE NOSELESS OIL BURNER - . • ' U^<-r-i N a m e , v r * » !..>.......>...." t v ..[ Coupon w p m i in 3Q d r y l fljow d»t« 0 ^ Made bi r the World's Largest producers of Domestic Oil Burners Laseschulte <c Hager'1 Phones, Banington 6 or « » ! - . ' • . : . 11 Jit 1 *3S£^S^OT k. '•' "-I W& BARRINGTON REVI 6 BARRINQTON ! REVIEW E S T A B L I S H E D 18(5 L E S L I E W. McCLTJRE, Editor and Publisler » i t m » i » H t H t i r ^ r t « « i i i i T i T n EC* ChutthNews ?TTTTTT»TITtm*J W A L T E R R. WJNTEjRINGHAM 1 Business Director and Foreman W, ^lRlN«JOryiUL£JO^ l l X l T I I I I l l X I i n BARRINGTON REVIEW I'ortgrcsa pa^-'-ltip jinsst iiip its its he'xt'se8si'pn..The. next sessipn. T h e - " J'oigrcsa httory is |H>ry is t»M t»M the the threats threats pf ?if ^ t r f c - on •D F I R S T C H U R C H O F C H R I S T . SOIENTJ.S1 East' ](Iain Street: r Sunday ^en-ice* 10:451 a. m. Sunday School, 9 : 3 0 n m. . October 11—Subject: Are Sin, Disease, and 'Ifteath Real? Member of: Goldeji T e x t : Psalms 67 : i , 2. God? be merciful unto NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION us, and Wess u s ; and ea lse his face to shine 1 upo u s ; I L L I N O I S P R E S S ASSOCIATION that thyitway may be known upon earth, thy' fffving Cards of thanks, resolutions »f condolence, cbituary health among all nations poetry, memorials, and all notices of entertainments or Wednesday evening meeting; 8 p. in. -i society and church sales and parties i;iven for pecuniary Rending room and lending library at 1 1 0 N . flough benefit will be charged for. .. j . stfeet open to the public, daily except Sunday i r o n 1 : 3 0 o'clock to 5 : 3 0 p. m. Also Saturday evening fron 7 to All communications should be. addressed to jthe 9 o'clock. Published every Thursday afternoon-.at B a n i n g t o n , Illinois, and entered as Second-class matter at the Barrington postoffice under Act of March 8, 1879. T ~ '" • "I, ' , - • ' . - - ; . \ II mis TBiS WEEK WEEK IN Special Correspondent Specii f . —— Nizi OllGAN I^Bip MINORITIES aie beati ig the drums for a tiinorot c^ngiessJ Just as the American L g|on witli its demand for modificatkn of ptohiliition l a w s brought constern |tjon to the legislators so does t i e 4 m e •ican Federation of Labor, whic h hi pissing strong resolujtionri at iis Vancouver sessions this week. T1I]B anxiety becomes pronouriced when orgnni::ed "dry".;groups and agriciilturil ^cOml'ines differ -with the Legion' and L a b i r on the "wet" and "dry" issve. legislators, afe cognizant that th ?y aroslue for ajloiig period of ear-puling i s the various' groups demand i ffiirmatjve votes for their respective Allans. .Even the experienced poli ;iciani among them will find their cent r e s rional seat^ padded with cock eburrs when attempting to straddle. ivs legislo ton is sufficiency"[linnnful during goo 1 t i m e s - w i t h o u t tlie metfitci being accentuated in times of depression^ 1 his tax revision talk will undoubtedlj [retard trade revival. With govet jinierit financed in) a bad jwajy it becomes necessary to tap other (sources. for "revenue. The possibility lofla sales tax'-delays pric«| 'adjustments for i .»• uncertain period. It is Iwejll nigh i npossible tb establish sellJni priced! v 'ith the prospect of having the schedulu s upset by tax assessments on[com modi ties.) If a tax boost is" necessary industries and other tnxpayers would pref ;r having the rates prescribed without months and months of i needless debate^artd bickering. T o expect anything elseXof a congress on this eve of i presidential campaign is Hie wishini; for the mooiu T H E D E B E N T U R E and equaliza* tion fee, wjiich harassed the adminisST. A N N E ' S ; tru tion at ihe 1 tst session of congress Sunday, Low Mass, 8 a . m . and 10 a. m. will again iaut|t legislative li alls. Tlie TELEPHONE, BARRINGTON JNO Week days, L o w Maai 7 a. m. f i r m orgar izations have dec ared for Devotiona in honor of the Sacred Heart, first % i d a y a] revival oi these issues supposedly in of each month. Mass at 6 a. m. ' ' • " AUTUMN r i n : I S A N E S T A B L I S H E D F A C T th|e interes of the farmer. ?he farmj 1 Confessions, Saturday 8 p . m. J There is 6n^ thing in which America has it Jill over tjjiat mjore laws have been enact !d bljoc. is powerful and may p i t the l e 1 Baptism by appointment. Knrope. That is our Autumn .sensor'. or as we usually ijritli the sanction of minorities th in gislative stamp on it. If Resident R E V . J O H N A. D U F F I O T , Pasto . Wy the will of the majority, j The e- Hoover ren; airis firm to his aj unoun^ed call it the Fall of the year. . g^slt tive | program of organized l«(b »r policies th« debenture will meet -with It must be admitted that we ; donl' t have i mu ;h of a SAINT JAMES i*ho\?8 that t i e i r interests are by io a Veto, Spring season, in most parts of this c< mntry. >Ve ;p from tnea us confined to prohibition matfte -s. I Dundee, [11. W i n t e r smack into Summer. Wei doit''t understand what 8 : 0 0 a. m , Holy Communion. 1st and 3rd Sundays On the contrary, labor unions ha i*e S O M E H O W S E N A T O R :B O R A H t h e English poets are talking "about when * they sing of (nora urgent legislative.'.- problems in q^t Idaho reminds observers olf the oldSpring. B u t over there they go fVom Summer ri;;ht into Choral Eucharist. tnai itaining high wages and insuriig time Shakespearian actor strutting 1 0 : 4 5 a. m., 2nd and 4th Sundays, Morning ] rayer Winter, almost/ There is> none :of tjbat. long-drtwji-out | o b security. ,j It is noteworthy that about the stage declaiming smooth . I': -. . aeason after harvest when the leaves lire turning i.'hd fall- and Sermon. janion membership has decllinexl injpiir- phrases, The sage of Idaho, always Church School, 9 : 3 0 ja. m. ing and, in the North, at least, there j^s a, touch of'frost Jods Of depression. A review pi 50 a poseur, h i s returned and is holding S. R. S. GRAY, Reotcjf, in the early morning and the^wi*et s i M I of fallei leases jVeiii-s' service to workers shows I f l a t daily presiji conferences. ' The Borah jiihions have been instrumental, hi grist mill turns out interviews whiclj and Nature takes on a coat of gorgeous t'oloi before FIItStT B A[ PPTTII S T giiiiing 15 hours leisure per week a id hiive made him "a competitlor witlt the shifting to the somber gray of j Winter!, .Bble s c h o o l , - 9 : 3 0 ; . Morning worship, 1 0 : 3 5 ; B. Y. ncieased ;worklers buying power jry in Vy'liitei Hotjse for front page position F a l l is the season <>f pbiy for the farmer. Wihen'tho 'jive-age oi $13 per week. iii-tbe pres c r o p s ' h a v e ' b e e n harjvested_niijd the Fall plowing done, P. I'., (5 :45 ; and Evening service, .7 :30, All who come to our [•lmrcli school.will fi id re igious there is a period before Winker' sets in when Hunting INTERESTING NOTES i s at its l>e.sf, when it is a pleasure to fee out of doors with instruction suited to tl eir age by rt notyU g n i ip of ; 1 H E R E P O R T O F f IIE A.'.Fi, (>F L. executive council is of partictiiifr nothing of immediate importance to attend to. It >s flu.' teachers. The village of Killisno, Alaska, has The young people hare k good program Vorkjil out lint* rest to workers and employers at aeason of relaxation after the he^f ant) strain of tiie Slim this time. Their anal}jsis of fact< rs popluation of thiee, the 1930 cenimer, when folks ran take t i d e to sum jup the, resu'.'^ of the to develop them in their spiritual life. Their worK'is in he present economic depressi:)ii s^is revea]ls directed by a trained w o r k e r w h o knows"' their aeeds, year's work and begin their jtlans for the next. ;' |ioints out that "wage earners- who i re Chicago s connected with 1G0 cities Thanksgiving Day, in most parts of this . joa'utry and approaches their problem's in a sympathetic, nariner. daily or weekly in fear of loss of th ^r of the U n i e d States by air transport '' At Our worship servire the music is in charge of our marks tire end of Fall and the real hj-giuninjr ' o f Winter. John cannot plan living or use t h ^ r lines." •' i ' • ' • - ' , ' Then we begin to .look forward to Christmas am if thencv choirs, with special numbers given by them nt e n l i ser- minds effectively" which accounts or i Rural' one-teacher schools in this to- next Spring. We hear, travellers tell of c mntriee> vicf. The pastor will speak in the morning'on " T l f ' P u r - Ihe slump in buying power/. The t ii- country..'employ; 1 ^ , 0 0 0 teachers and ! where the seasons never change froin one year's end to jwsfe of NOiir Being Her?, ' and in .the evening, "Kindness \\wv.\ intend, to promote, legislation pay an i m rage salary of §874 a year. 1 iadvunce planning and regulated etjm i A survey reveals approximately 27, the other, If seems to us that hiijlf, of the pleasure of life as a Chhjstian Trait of Character." [struction of public worKst t h e ' a r t i high sc|iools antl about 3,n nil from look ing for0p0 pubiic C H A R L E S R. DRUSSEL,'Tast<Mr: comes from the changing seasons, linjiinction bill for their relief in.la|ior 500 privt te onef in the United ward to 'the next change. disputes, restricted immigration, etc. States. [; SALEM EVAKGELlCAL W l l l e unions marshnllj their maior • i N e w Yo "k leat)s American c i t i e s J o r Salem The usual worship services will be held, s t r n g t h in,heavily ilopiilatwl areas it ujitltor vel iele registration*, followed 1 0 : 3 0 is dgnlficant that congress is easily church. The morning service will be held bjy Los Aigeles, Chicago, and Detroit;. THE DEACON AND THE FROCi a. in. The evejiihg; service at 7:30; p.. m. Th<> pastor sta'. nneded. For instaice, 'postal inOf li.l!;i7 Kvhole.sale institutions ih A great many people we know rebuild us of line froj will speak on tJie subjec ts : "Our Loyalty to Jesus' and ions inspired the legislators to scramIllinois, C238 are located [n Chicago. that .ChnrU'.y. F. l«3cttfring, chief research e«g neer ,o "Th«, Test of Sincerity.' ble with alacrity - to.-Jopen-the treasury General Motors. toI(j about the'other {day. •TJie church school.xi ill be in session a t . 9 : 3 ( a. m. .dorrs {to the demnndjn of (this; handful Wardep Henry C. Hill in speaking A deacon wus'oii his way to church one Sundi y morn Hobart Berghorn and E< win .W. Plagge, sniperinbi dents. hit federnl employeesj ] Ifjre is a cl ?ar ti>,,the' lejislatite commiision investiing, dressed iji ,his best, and with. Mis shoes nji ely pol Christian Endeavor ineetihgs at '6 :45 p% m. ernon [cafje where w a i t s ;'ai|e >ften mistal:ett gajting pr son conditioiuj in Illinois, ifi'ightened politimats as voices of recently s iid that "murderers make ished, when be beard his name- caltcd from a mud hoi,( Kemper, leader in the flenior league. tlie best prisoners," beciiuse most- df near the roadside. D o w n in the (hole was a big bullfrog. , P H I L I P B E U S C H E R , Past t'hem kilhd hi jajnger, had never been "I have been -ui here three days." said tjie frog in troubhi and,; likely would not be "without anything to. eat. and I wish yon wo dd hel|» JfETiTODIST E P I S C O P A L in troublej again;. me out.'' This is Conference Sunday. The deacon looked'at the mini and looked at llite .s'hin Sunday school, '9:30 a. m. ...'•-. shoes and remembered that he"had to pass.the oollectioiji Divine worship at l ( k 3 5 a. m. with twjo special plate in church-, so' lie' replied: "I'm sorry, old ,man, numbers and the sermon by the pastor on "Wh can't help you now hut on. my. way back froinl] (Jhurc-Ji W e Say 'It I s the Will-of God' ?" 111 give you n lift out of the bole."-: . Epworth league at 6 45 p. ni. - A s he came back from clniri'h" the deacon vas sui If-not worshiping elsewhere we most Cordially "invite prised to find the frog sitting.in the middle of ihe road you to "God's White Ilmise by the side of the rjad." contentedly snapping sit flies, j "I thought you-said you couhjn't get out of thjat bffle, ST. PAUIL j E V A X G E L I C A L •aid the deaco.li. 9:30" a., m.. Bible school. "I thought I couldn't either, until a snake cajne alonj,' 10:30 a. m„ Mornii g worship in English. and I just ha<l to get out." replied the frog. {HE V. Ilj E.. K O E N I G , P a s # r Lots of people are discovering these days t !>at, the ? can do filings they didn't think! the>y could do. Und* t i e pressure of .necessity every one of us eim ii( complis n i l H I I g n m m T H M M i i ^ n r i xzx tike impossible. In gooJl times llidiody uses morif than fraction of his ability and resourcefulness. But ijrhen th snake of hard times conies along) we just have toj get mil B y J O H N J O S E P H G A I N E S , M. D . of a hole, and like the frog iti >fr. Kettering's itory, w find some way to do what we didn't believe, we fouhl d^. It is a g<HHl thing for hiiniani|ty'tint, life is h«jt alwaj JUST BE1WEEN US BOYS Intelligence.lability and chatjicter a i e v pJeasiiiif and easy. only-developed to their best in tlie fijice of adversity. Anil I am frequently asked," which is the-more da tke harder the struggle the more fun there is iij looking for a man, smoking or chewing, tobacco. Bee hack on it aftef' the peak hai} been.'• pi ssed. many men do one or tin other, if not! both. Esn< this so in rural life—tpat sort of living that c<fi most of human liberty f not. luxury, Mi»i»nH»im>wi^rti»i^»n 1 can. hardly concei lc. d a n g e r ' i n either phas bncco-using, provided a ways that moderation ,is obwerv'ed'; the limit of the jafety-zone Is TEMPEl|t|ANCE, nnd that applies to foo<! and drink and work and By B R U C E B A R T O N well.' . , ; - •" •••. ' j . •»i*ixxi*xxixxxxxiinxxikixxix>xxnM At the time of my gnf dim tion,' I had loajrned fiend for smoking; "ami itious to succeetl, I obser\ .Pr^RSONNE keenly that my pocket < carrying the smoker's The bead of a trust compaiiy w describin g the c:;7 mixtures offended som ? of fine patrons almost tjraordinar.v growth of their biiMiios. point 'hf'.disgust.' This wouldn't do. I banishedi More and more estates ant parsing nto the ham pipe, and betook mysvlf to the seductive "plug." iT trust compiinies. 'fhe capital f i n d s of the <e estates But; oh, the filth of, that. The abomimatjffiv -thati are invested not only in bond and mortgages but in. tlio goes with the cuspidor Smoking threatenet} to 1 oting stocks* of the country's leaeling Corporations. business; chewing mennced me with a divorce ( If the process goes on at tlie xtine rate fur anoth resolved to (juit^-had to ilo it. And I did it. l.weiityrffvc years the trust comjianiivs w i l l c o n t i o l a hire how |iro|Mirtiiin of the. wealth of th<( l'n ted States, I' boiight gum, plentjf I. chewed, a wad of g u n "Yonr i^roblein is personnel," I said Jo the banker. sugar was.'exjtraeted fr >m'it; then, I added to t i p taste.* "That's Hiir only problem." "he inswered. less wax it small bit <f tobacco; making a verj "How are you solving itV", Vhe\V\" It had the seiluckivo flavor of the! plug "Well. W4\ try[ to pick the-'smjartest men from i the the eternal spitting n i p bad breath. One boh colleges. iiieU'Who liavt- majored in <fconi>mics' HI«1. fill* sati.-Jl'y me continuous! for half a d a y ; my tobld'co W e start Jhem in at the 'bottomland let t lem Jig reduced to the vanishi ig-)ioint; I became freje. their way Sip. Some drop by . the'wayside bu t the ;s«rAnd, there's si: metl|i od by which the excessiv vivors develop into Very g<M)d men.' imself dee< nt in a very .satisfactj[)ry may make bin I tedd them I thought th«iy wjere pmijing one very : important step.in the jirocess of triinin; "After your youi|$ man has had two or t! rec yea is r X T X T T T T I T T T T T r T T T r i l T I I I T T I T T -T-npr experience in the bank, you ought to pull hiip. out ai|i<l nelnd him into the heart of the country." I sfl: te him speml a year or two> work workinj it on a farnjr or, wi :h' IroadL oi clerking in a count -y k X X X X X X X X X X X X X C X I X X X T X Z XXXXXX11 store. Insist tl|at he live:on what he earns. "When h r c o m e s back to New York he will have sdihe The j following newf lb |books have been addec idea of how/liaVd ordinary people liave to w o r t for t h u r Public Library; money. Hel will -have a social, as; well as a merely :i.Tuvenilei— naneial point of view. Ardollarwi 1 never beet me merely Cruisers of thei.Airf—C. J. Hylander. a sign or a sum to him. .It ,wil. represent hopes a id ,* Waterless Mountat n—-L, A. Arm«r, This is the seiison of the y c i r when one ij« apt to slip and wrench fears, ambitions and defeats, human sweat am•''blood." Little Pear-^-E. F . t a t t i m o r e . one's! bach or sprain a m u s c h . When it came time for me to no to college m y father Gay Madelon—Ei OJ Phillips. Ourjlinimeate will stop' the pajiii and wWi Its soothing heat reducet took me a»«jd'e and said: "You have planned.to go to A Cranes Flying Sou' h^-X. Karazili the inflamatioiu A g o o d p h s t e i serosa y b i r back will d o much to! aerst, and 1 approve of the plan. But I want j on to tajte Diggers and Build sijs^- -H. B. Lent.' relieve you of that qnnoying l a c h jw*e, Trlj one TODAY. . } yoor first year at Berea College in Kentucky, where iffrandmother Tippyttte-j—L; Leriski. For:|yaur first aid kit, bandalges, i d h e s r v e t i p e , gauze, absorbent cotJ worked rojf way through." H e added a sentence which . Adult— '-...•-•".. ' (-: ton, antiseptic*, liniment* a n I m u i y other isefUi drugs are«needed hi I have never forgotten : "I want your sympa :hie*i to be Washington Merry rgo-round—-Anonymous. always on the side of the men wljio have to s t niggle 1 or '. The Unwilling Vesi«I—)E.L. ^Vh|ite. your home. ' < j ; what" they get.' .Hands ofiLiving—K. Norrjs. ' \ It was a wise and fine thjng for a fathei t o • say to Be^le Mere—K; Ntriris. L E T U S B E 1IHJR D B 1 G G I S T S ' a boy. Fo^ Sale—C. MacKenzie. tetred Pharmacist? Ctmpounl Prescriptions Hefe1 am one of those who,believe that we afe enterijng j All Along Shore—J'.' C. Lincoln. a jH-riod of great social changes, ?io matter b«w V\S Africfi Spejak»--P. L. Hoefler; and strong an institution or) an ndustry ran y be i t is Mexico—Sj Chase. going to lie tested. ThoSe iilstjitnti turf will win out wh eh St((ry" Hour every Wetlnesday. Come and C. 6 . L*|RSqN, R. Ph., Prop. are headed by inen of broai^, hu nun'sympa h i e s ; n en little* friend. Opposite C epo BarrinjtonJII. of view b«fcause they A generoujn donation of 12 books |vere g life. Ph:n« 227 1 0 0 N O R T H COOK ST. | BAjRRENGTO^. I L L . State News ed itr the yoiiihcrtt.tifctrU. Illinis for i h e flri t seven n n | t»uH hiiifS i'llltllH -] oi | u 8 1 'jii corniWri 'iinilar period- laf i year, atteordii George R . . Meyercord, dccBidcnt of cent state. *ent niadt* by < g ii (i roAddle.. the Meyercord company o Chicago, ma% eolle !tor of internal rpvl has advance^ p p an to i i<) tbo em ployment situntiot. H i s plan is A> tf«ing i n a n n y ojf 7:.\h ( j pro-rate the 'nynih ble pay: oils among the all workers |bstea<l of retiining some State of Illinois thrilugli he Pglm'sy departnmi t constructed m r,i at normal wages, j bus aff< rding partI'th'N n'f time employment for all wi irkers. This pnyement nnd 10.5^- )iiii<!< !:rav(,| he asserts would 1 relieve tl ie economic and macalnm, duritid th. ^\ ; end-ingrSept.! 1.. This lirWglit th. situation for this winter anil reduce ui'soh's total aiilei ge of stat* nnd ,,ui the need for relief work. .v hid,. w a y . s y s t e ns t o iKt!)jH); of wh] 9 are Jiig i type pavfmejii ^ 19 Aibuses of the mothers' I ension fund miles of gi avel andftjlnc.i<rin\, nig distribution are being n p i d l y elim- 4.32 milci of^tcmpoitaiy ( , < n i inated according tq, Miss Edna Zim- state" hon I issue nAitcs. fij merman, Kuperintendeut o!-child] wel- incut wa> made l)y|Fr,tni 'if sfiitf. Sheets. fare, t Taking children fr< m. state in- chief higl wavy j>ngii(eer. stitutions where they have been cared for and returning them' to their Sept. H , the. Illjiiois, Si^lij «y "IBmothers who are aided by the pension fund has materially lesse led expense cials awa -<M contracts f|r and 'also has hinded de inquency a 5 0 ndditonal pacing, |iu,i bridge bt ildiift, ori the $W.| Stiff hlqw, according to h:r report. »f I lie bids open 'd Sept. ,,^ Fifty-ono new eases of infantile paralysis reborted in Illinois within one week establish* j a r e o r d that (has not been equalled n a d<?ade. Sup* plies of convalesc ;nt sei um ar^ on hand at the .Springfield >fficc ,of ihe department of public heiltli. T o I be beneficial patients must be treated: with this serum during the earlyi hours after onset of the disease. Directo r Stuart ifc. i> l|prsi| "f.Oie departme it of .Agriguituri; •'king n( the multi de-hitch nlowiu Ijtcst'fivo miles sou h of gpriiigfioii tetl that, cooperatii n effects Wonot y I iimdiic tion by iDwering mierati '1 j">t.s. He expressed the opinion thiri1 i)i|i tractorb audi horses have n lii o ia the farming! icheme of Dliin w inul *MIK. g&ted th it fanner* bejir lit rmurihat. jiorsos ,ct nsumc • thjfe proi i K,l •ytheir ' A decrease- of approximi tely 11,000,- farm% b >ar, edjts | u , „ | ll.l »I) the j 000 in income tax .figuret fertility ( f tlvc Soii| — i—-1— •tomorrow you ityay wvish you changed to Go64yeirs tod^y Those old ti es may have gone i arther- than y QU have any rij iht to expect, but don't trust th< m tdo far. And you know your next puncture v i|l Wipe out all you're "saving". I etter change to new Goody ears, T H E leading make, jtodty That's safes', wiser. Let us sh )w you ^ie nt value we're offering for ljttle fnoney ' Latest I ifetime , guara, i^eed, .1 J30bDYfeAR PATHFINDER i I Si; Size Eadk 4.S0-20 (29x1^0) $ 5.60 5^$-21 (31x155) W7 30x3'/2Reg.Cl 4J9 30x5 H J } . Truck 17.95 Other sizes equally low Big savings on tube* I I Phone 382\J 110 N. Coo:ik! s t •' \ kuxttxxtxxxxxzKxxxxitzxxiTrkxx The Way of Life ? i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 LIBRARY RE arson's Pharmacy ittiM mi 'jjyXi.ifefetiit mtsm Mi&*$klU.\ .,,.),, it.rrrhiston •BriMichos f i ii<li . j,, ,i„. approved fa> hi« 'fl ., • .-r-ei'iKii'ii at I'V-iulilin I'alji "K ,.NO,1. iliev w k e de^itjiHlJ , r;,,!,,;.,«,,.siiii>#ivH»K m<><j, • M - . , ,:.,^ M i t r c l t e tlimii;:-,-^ f "''.• iVlf »reni wiih neltJler muoiuut, thar|i oi ''f*1& f|f.-.| ""' ad" tm advantage , .*• . Jjjjost -X .. , , n •ill).' ••'"> ,1,,,, «li.-ii ih<f g«i* Njde?! « e if " ! , n ,i v .,'(binl nuartei 1 .thej F* .parK'''^' »"ix''',1 a : f ? W ; ' H f ^ Tl. ' ,,,,,1 runs and workedi the Imvii i!i" l'i,>1(r f ° r a 'to1'*'"'^?4'1'Jrv ,,„• point struck -the [go* „",1 |,,|] bark into the field.! A n tourli'l""!' '» the. Ins* quar<^,1ni: cam.' "" '«• itUii the s u c c p s f i l for |i.>im made the score -IjJI to <). nme back in ths'lfaiiAl I . ules WHIL phwity of fight htfd h u Irfjdcn lonifl .backedJul).»g4ins.„ own K ;l1 "'I 0 whe« thie, game f iij .Im K Cntlow WIIK; laid ojiit''n 5,,,,,,,1,1 iiuart'cr anil >he te^m 11 his iiivscii*" considerably. |-Bifp - t(i!i> p.-mseJ were hot -up t*"Stiin ,),1,,,- •! n(l [several attempts fell * ' of ili» ri'jeiver, one nt' least."bjf j? wwiilil li^'«r meant a touc! ldojp-gy rinijioii's; line, is jmproyigg bu: still j>oo\v their lack o ^ n x p . r o e i c PPIIII' of i lie critical pliiiys of the g IMay j Woodstock Si tm-dai; Tlie Maroon llnd. ; \Vhih> mei * wiih n ne'xy rival' next: Statin ilnj ' tlwy i'Uy: Woodstock.on 1 .th*. B i r ton fi-'ld-/ T h i s is not', a >oi£ ei gmnc and l i t t h v i s known,'!•outet the nuvirKth of t.kej visitors i)(i|t ieiii'i'iilly have a strong outffit will lie a .doublelieailer witli th» pun,, culled at 1 :.'W. JJ'lic Harrington''third M m m •\ at Arlington IleigUts -last |*ta;i)jj nmiiiitii- hut were defWifed l-~[t Tliis ii-am is niiuleTtiii o f - K n s i and li'»vs who are^-^oo lij.'hr | i wJi'iml team. ' Thej' had ;i ffreiitl wiiciliiT they wou jfr ,nnt , -T^' tejuii* w i l l / battle •..again . Snftt'l moniing nhout niue"~ o'l'lix-k a<j", ring ion.. • -' t , I Tin' entire squad ivifirthe A»a| I <r were. «neNt¥ of Xortliu'cStehi.- tin I ^1,^ nt the >«Vhr.'isli.-i g.-uue Sa|U »ftiTiii)i-in. They saw .7 . good ami all of tlwm got a t-hMuil* »1 CinKHfe and a few of. lifcUietifchiije an csirii thrill. Tlii> HnAicho lineulj) :1 1,1':, Mei«fer t Lal'oiuK 1/1'. Plagge.' , ' ' •' • . ' l.(i, Hrnndt, Gteen. K. Mfilb-j:, <'. Kiiiiiinan. • '-• K(J. Grimm, P , Miller It'l'.' Xaggat*>: ,, !' .. Q4t. - JUL • 'l.ll. 'Kit. tr.S.(fieskeTireSii The Family Docto •Vbilors- Score dtiivns-in Last-»(U Easy Victory \ larringtonj I O F F I C I A L PUl^LIOA TION Iteporlt of the condition of Py-st s t a t e ttan ; of Barritlgloi, iiiiilnl JI< BarriJigton, State <fi IHinwis.iat the CIOKQ o 1 business on t !{• ftlth <l»y ol Sej] tember, 3931] as made to th«j Ahditiui of 1'ublic Accjnjiiijh nf the State (of Illinois, pu •auunt totlayv. RESOURCES CasH, Other Calsh Resources and Due 86,489.18 from Bank 5 <l-2f-3) ,...<. .., Bonds and Seci rities (5) ;....!. 061581.75 Lcjaiis on Collateral Security («6a) 66/)06.1):5 0^h«r Loans (63) ».„.: , 71,886.13 Loa^s on Real Estate 0^6)..'....il.i :05,961.92 I 228.10 Overdrafts (7)' ...'_ . ,+ -«•. Othtr Real Estite (8J( ' JM ™s,.>o Banking House, Furniture and'Fixtures '(9,| |l bOO.G0 f Total Resources....:..:...]... f5|r6!)61 JUABIEITIEJ} Cap;tal Stock (1) „•„. . - H< )00.01) Sunlus (2) ..„:., •.».'. )00.()0 Und vided Profits (Net) (3) ..... '<)2k26 Reserve Accounts (4) ......'..:.„. r i 296.38 Derriand Deposits (5a) Tims Deposits (5b) 1 363.14 Bills Payable (6a) ......... 1 . ,5 0 0 0 . 0 0 Rediscounts 16b) ..,. ( 770.00 X Th6rpe. Roth. 'Alfenbiirg. Ihium. . ,, ', Callow; Bee.nuaii. Th,. importance of 1. rgp, •Jirotiiiitly. any cases,of. tynhoiB i« stii-\M-d in a recent jHiiumai from 1 be stiite ^leiHirjmeni ofl Iiealih. As an iUus'trition) III Hall, state health tlirfct.or.' reit litstauco -i H which tWPiUy:--?ea.**;,j °P<''1 from two that were not i '11. 1 imi. Ni prevent. •tlicjsntfrti'dc disi>ni4>.. ' 1 • 1 'I'll.. eommi«wion - on, 'iinvmi>p< and n-lipf wijl l>e repreM>iit^l j "meeting m ^ ! a t the s t a t e U : o a hy sneakers,who will ptifli&r thq •"•'iit'-mplated for,.* stjl'te Wide-work.*' r 1 , - 1 - . - - - -.j L I Q U I D OR1 T A B l | Relieves » H e a d i e h e « r f 30 minutes, checks » Gik, SOU' <»y.^nd cheeks 9 b l s r i » fa « , >*6 S*1Y* for Baby* 1 J Total Liabilities .:.1 L- 769.61 RoB - 1 J.V . , <;h««"."CiiRnier ofiflje Ipirst ^taf^ dunkf nf l,'..i r-. ringt<h, do «olemnfer swear that the abov i Btatenieut i\ tni I . ' ( l u beirt >f my knowle ige a n d belief,, nnd th it the i t e * g d d ll me i" 1 * . fehowji above correspond witfi the item* ( m l nriiounSi i UM in il"' repor; made to t h - Auditor of t u b l j e I ccopntat Slat \ lof lllii'ii-'. puraujant to law. J / • , • j 1 A. L. RO JEBTSON} Qishij [ T A T E O F I L L I N O I S , County of<C l i * - H » ; IJubHcnbed and sworn to before roe th i 7th dnV of Ac(«i >r, l''!l(S15AL) , I A . T. U H T S C H i Jfota^ I'lll.lie. ___^__ . ' .1 *. OFVXCER8 • i H. J . - I i A G E S C S U L T J B ^ C b a i m«n of t h i j oarJ A. L. H O B E f t T S O N , PreWd.nfc . i j T I 1 H O W A R D p . C A S T L E , Vico President.' E 0 W A H W. RILEY/ Vice Piesidelt \ DIRECTtil Q ^ L a w y e r ; Geor K e ,J. D n ^ ' ^ 9 * Farmer ; , 1 a | j Uieff | ?^n a r d ; ^Sr ' W n l t e ^ N . Landwcr, W< 1¾. Lnji«l(vor, R e a l Esl ate Mnnagetncnt ;j Ufj ttjnter,1La»*h lte , LaieacHu te, Chi t^ndweri IP ;o. \\§„ F njie t l i g e 1»« flnlt 0» W. Deeo ntihg; Willia n Skinner, S k i n n c r U itglCoTl ... Land O w n e r ; E d w i t f C. Wolff, Silo 6 >rl t r i c t o r ; R o l i ^ « Area tect. . < < t .»•.-»•' ^ - this o o u i e s s i n i „ ynvfc M>etuff,ridi«i|e^^he,ij) ^"f^nniwdmiithoBd. _ ] « » w ooiild 1 1 - : . i b # e o ^ P i a n endure tuqh jtOr)tui*e Ifiis.'" r. rniiin "/ :r*m I- IN NOV6M8 .tu ntiti^' * piiini''1- \v.iii»: OUT TODAY V. II iMLfljX.iftdHf'-i-J'. "*». u Ifh e w t s P r M ^ : , . f o r e 3ft * i t k • foreiln x4» o l " e fouled m y l i p . W | t , ( i u U " n h * t h r e « « a « l tc r i i r A. T . fL3JT^CHrABBi^'p"t"c£8hferr ^ A. H; L A G J E S C H U L T E , A s i s t a n t C«Mii|r. •HELE3 J R. M E I E R , Assiatai tCarfiie*.« H "QHQULD;'. W i M M, -t .A* T>8 -v TT .i-r BAR!klNG'PONREl QN REVIEW, BABRINGlrON, ILlllNOKi ^HURSBAl OCTOI1ER8,1931 t$w$ nchos to 't'l ">' H!»• s o u t h 4 n c i s t r i c t of R w " |.'.r l!i>- t'irst >t\V<"'""ins 1i - -.. '" r.)::.i*a with a >*:i"d simitar ja.it, yi-ai j wronhrtR to a r e A b t:itVin«'ut. ^iia<l l * O. G. A.1U1 : in'ternal revenue. '•V !!>•< t.nr t -tn>: ;m. a r m y , ';!.'•' . ^ Illinois! of 7.300 mon. the ,1 ,;thr4u Bh the highl* '* ' . ' ; • . • r: '" ••-n^uefcd 41.51 X S iT";iH-:ir rail ;'•"' H «* «*• gray !l'l Ili:n: If ''•.»• ». Tl hhM'fugMthe,-, ; : as jn s .•;!:.'•• o f ffat - a n 4tnt » nn.l . U! * Kl county .high. 1'IIW t ' - p » 00, of whif-h 747.. .11 <• •''!• , i ; | l l.j-|it I levdeii Township Oridders Defeat Bavrington, 13-6 i-Ml « " £ * . This.„tat«: by Frank T. ShW," ^wginrer. is u'vnl, •.-|nv;iy • i ! •• r >-jii, IT. . tin •'I Hi 1.. « .{• i\ :\ irit'M] e>iitr;.ct:s Hi. [iMil.ii.nul p a v i n g:. •ike liuililitis. I on tLhe • - ^ :( ,' highway offi. for SSSHi.-HX).. Jfraihng- and ba.iis 0 f the ! IT]. l"". t •. r1 M i l ; rt V l - ' T s o n of the "rT n:»-n t of | r i iltiiri;, speaking,at :l_lil'i]>lf-llitl h \) w i n g contest five - '^i.iitli nf-; j>rirrsfield, stated that "I'.ii I..II v/Tt'fJts c••onomy i n pronue. (iv l.iivt'.rir - r a t i o n rosts. fie ,>v...,| 11, n t h a t both trae. li..r-i»-> £ n. Place in the -tli>-m Illinois, a , „ | j . n ? . .1 ' h;il tart jcrs bear jn.inintl that products of their ">d build „ r , t l l „ -; . f * __ _ on Bowlers to wing Into Action Soon .... :.ii-ti-r tin- Franklin ! .1 1 i.\v pa<s<>s with Methheri! of tho Batring ton Bowling :..1 ui.rki'd the ball leagtiej lixiiect to aw ng into action ':••!• a ii.iichdown. The soon it pm the eolnp!ht ion of the four -•rn-k t h e , goal post new nlli^ in the .,Cn low an litorium :•'•-, th,. t'ii-ld. Another Mnnylhav? showed th e.ir inte i)l -•;• Iavt innirter put the euterihg^Jie league, ifreording # >ns of 1 I tin- Miiccexsful try (.'adwiklln'dpr and L. J Miller,,: who are. ih- :....1-- 1.1 to 0. The in charge of registrif tioh. There..-to ; .:i.k in the final min- still sooin for more to join as thin T . I li^'ht anil had the yenr'Hi ae?onitnodatk)|i>H can t'hailes -JBerg-i led the Barriritton Bears in bijitting for the season, making 41 hits! out of 102 times; at ; bat for an aveijigo of .402. ] Berg Also led the team (vith 30;ruris. . -JVIanager Ward Flo(|v held the second highest batting average' o | the • players with .400 'ac,quij*H by making 2 hits but of 5 times rat bat. The team batted an averageiof .320 during the smson. Manager) j Floek deserves much of tl|.e credit" for the success of this year's team. The/ Bears won 22 out of 26 games played. SIK Flock has had considerable baseball experience and at one time was third baseman and also captain of the University of Illinois nine, ' ' '"••;•• The season's record of each player follows: •Player.' ^B BA H It 80 .402 41 C. Berg .-.:..:108 handle eight tea«|R. A meet ng for ill those v li-n; tlie isiiinp endtHl. interested in bowliiiK i>d been Flock .. wiih hiicl dnt. in the plhiMifd f« r Friday - I I I : it'vtack Beein glit at .niii the tertln' mi.SHe<l in itljinj Catilow nudltorllum E. Alt-nbuPg - .ii.id-rably. BarriiiKBowlhiK la expectei 1 to Btntti Tiies 0. Altonburg :n rt I .1-.- [nnt up to stnjidard di(y, ,<tk't. 20. Each ^wiih infill bowl K,- M<HJowan ..: il attempts fell short tlireo~ < fciinl ICM a weiilt Sciv nty-five Mtrlierf ..-..;....: 1.ne at least of which gatnes!, will .„., . . eoiii|det« . ... twj.Bched Uhk Ten- Kuw^h nit a touchdown. Bur* tntijve; pinns nri/ tint lenfju U. Berg ; ten ms iniprnvhiR b u t t h e y will howl on the iiHt ys TinNsBiiy mid W. Alteuburg r lark of experience on Thjirstlay nights, and the Lio is teanfis Uarbisch .-..,.,, 'IM nl plays of t h e gtune. wlU ijowl on Motida; night's There Sfteehan ........ are four teams in he LIoiU club CI. RicOowim . ; \\ oiiilsiock Saturday Hhuett and/ White*.meet up leHRUfl. A. Alteirburg .al n-xt Hutuniny when •M. IMII up iiKuinst their nay vvis^i yjou'd [i'i (|/(|odycars 1:9 day iiVUU !HK >:\jjo|<.-|£iirie farther t h p n y o u t SjpcprtJ.hitt don't i rust them tir next puncture will , rii> "r Better change to lllj- Ik-ading make, (today. IT I •» - :5 ..83 33 . 2 1 ' i8 . 50 10 . tr 21) .10» 37 10 .45 10 .82 . 1» 4 2« . As IS i-'0»| 2 1.. 8 20 ./82- 11 .50 1'innow 0 % w ...<l-ii«'k on the BnrrinKC'oujl, gtnveli limesl one, slinle, day, H, Kice'"...::,.., . 4» 0 i'iii> ii not n conference si I lua, flue rspare and lead pro htcwl in H. Fischer! . 3 0 "i- \< kno\\ii coiwecniufT Illinois d i d ng th«'i" i'eai* tluijt j j'nded . a" ? -i'Hi- visitors,out they Juni 30. Inst, wouh; load W8',732 Business Notices Bring ;. • a stroni; outfit. There fifty-t wo freight cars, accord ngi to a . .i.l.lnad-r with tho first couvpilutii of reports.just IliSU.4'd by /Director, John G. Millhouse EJ the 1' I ::!().. :_'t..ii third team plnye<l state depajrt ment of ni«es an ijiiner1 Heights last S a t u r d a y als. jlVn f a g e of thesje products ,j from ,- w-'-r,- defeated 12' to 0. .mines' a in q u a r r i e s subject t( nspec-,• i- Inade u p of F r e s h m e n tiou and regulation b|y the ntilni|ng de•om, 11 0|3(>,5»4 •'• In. a r e too lijfht for t h o partroWt, ranged Tli-y hail a g r e a t t i m e --\ won or not. T h e t w o iiiill.l- again Saturday •iit nine o'clock a t B a r it', squad With t h e coachps , ' . of N o r t h w e s t e r n l.'niver''•• N'ebrasba c a m e S a t u r d a y They s a w a good, game :' them got a clo'seup of AI 1 a few of his henchmen for lirHI. :;. In) lineup : .1% I . a l ' o i n t e ; •I--IT Green,. K."Miller. 1'. Miller. i ' /.. \ T •" Jl i !'.0jbake Tire Bhop '•h'i-- Barrijigfon, 111. M j r— ——rr- r :r - r' !i • * 86.485^.18 • -, 106,581.75 G6.506.M '.H 1,886.11) ii 1Q5.961.92 •••• i • . . : . ; [ . 228. W " 7,116/)0 .iT.vi-- aijl K-ixtnrci* (5:) . 2t.O0U.00$765.7611.61 t.i viUi.niKs .? 100,000.00: 50,000.00 18 Ji 15.3:1 7,024.26 287,296.58 . 227,363:44 55,000.00; 20,770:00 j ..$765,769.61 •Jt- l'i!-t Stati- Kunk of B"r; •i...\- -uiNMh-i t is tnm to »« tl.,.,1 ili,- it.-ns and anwii"" 'ml i.i.i.Mints shown tn 1»»« ,.0..14 Mthtp.of Illm" ?l;ol:i;n'l1<( )>, Ca0Ht-r. i . '"IK- Till 0 ; iv,• >f Oetober.r 10-,1•1:. Xdtnry 1?«W«- •, (it I H K K S ' • i l M . T K . cjVainiuui . | ^ u j e Board, '•; ~ I :- .ni t 1: -ii .. ;. \•- . tjY.'s'iFtli'iit.' i isoi-iH. rioilt ';' f i? (' A S I I l;'.T Vl'.'i. I'r-sifi irlent. ij> \\ !;ti.j'V, K;i,-- rr.'sirlis •V- l-f'H - A i-vKTii.t; Cashier, sliior. :il <;| • - HI I. :ii,- '.WM-tot.t irr lr l^ofessioiia^ and 1 10; •i io! 22 27 U i•» 22 23 2 18. ()i 14: o o .400 .308 .381 .880 .377 .359 .35(( .313 .308 .205 .2«! .250 .244 .220 .184 .000 .000 Results New E^lgljmd "Plantation^' In the <ari||r djiys 1^ New Bng land, a plilntjtlon w?n£( a small anclu rtered district with a loca gdvienjmpnt. i | m&IC >Hf!fSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ,, WEICHELT. M. D. BilRRINGr )N, ILL* CASTLE.OSB ORN N& ^ WEIS$ LiWVifERS . , 1717 Conwiyltuilditig Office oy^r Pohlmla n's Drugr Store • 111 West Washington Street Hours 8:00 to 9-:00 a. m. - CHICA(IO,JIUU' -..-. RESOrRCES 1:00 to 2 : 0 0 p . m . Tel., Ran lolp^h 6356 • Loa ns and dis|:ounts $205;235.10 7:00 to 8:00|p. m. Overdrafts 83 : 54 Howard P. Castle I'. S.'-Gorernrnent secunSurjujlaya; by Abpointment Saturday Evening!. 20 154.86 [•»• owned Other bontls; , stocks, rind First State Bank, 7 t o 8 ' Tel., Office an I Residence s«curities.oflne( 131 230-;25 Tel... Barringtbn SQ2 r . • • - . , ' • i Fu niture and .'fixtures 17 542.67 Barring tan 27 Bea 1 estate jo-vned other! tl ifln barikin;: house 1¾ 947.53 liesprve .with Federal Re22 061.75 rvps Bank Gas|i and* due, from banks 5¾ 88^.74 Uetjemptioiv fund with IJ. Treasurer anil due 5001.00 fjom U. $. Treasurer I.... 1,182.96 Othi'^assetf PR|yS10iAN AtiD SSURGEON •' Etot BS .' Ji ' 8 : SO to 9:301 a. 11., 2 to 3 p.m. 7,fo|i:3lj> p. m. j. 12 noon ' •" Suiday 11 4G8.51 OFFI OK OVER II N A T L BANK Telephone B rr ngton 23 277.00 DIM including a ml cashiers' J to bnnkii, 1 crtifh'd c iccks oiltstJindiiig Dei land deposits ..Tin e deposits DR OLGA ALC( Tr WILHELM 2 307.08 323, 177.21 122-, 100.87 PHYSICIAN AJJL SURGEON . 'liat wi-re- not reported MI mi iiiii'tnploynient .- rep r-sen lied a t ea«'h th- s t a t e 'coiitWencc, will outline the plans •i- Muii. wide relief HOtpS 9 J to 1 0 i i. m . ; Tellebhone Barrington 235 666 ." Ilv ojt TAlHiETS i Hendndhc or Neuralgia In . IWin *> miin.im, .heeUn a CoM t h * first ' . •" t,« BARRING|TON, ILL. ( Phont 548 "SERVICE] VOl I CASTLE, WILLIAMS, LONG & MC CARTHY liAWY/ERS; '.' • REAL 1JSTATE 112 West Adams Street '1 •-'[• CHICAGO . / •;' . 'telephone, Randolph 6144 - • . ' ' • ' •V WILL , , ' • - " ' ' ' ' - ' T / ' • / ' : • ! V' i- GORDON rAMEROfJ 102 N. Ciok Street .11 I 11 Is Tel. B a r ington 2 - T>' Howaid R.,Brintlinger . Telephone, Barrington 660-W n ' •' ' -'. COUNTRfHOME^ ESTATE^] JFARMS . •\ ACRES 60S Summit Street Telephone, Barrington 650-J Diseases foimltles of the Feet j CHICAGO OFFICE 134 N. LaSalle St. Chicago Pl]oner Centra] 4646, CHICAGO OFFICE 2520 Gar!•lfcnd BIdg. Phone Ceritral 3005 ve Shouts BtrrinjrtOn fir Appointment t:i\ Barrin|tdn 248-W Crowd l ( \ t • ;•." It'sagicod habit for families to "keep in touch" with young1 ajtHs away at sjchool, Take few minutes each week to telephone t latpoyjr ^irKYbu'l be interested in cverythinj they do and a short conversation every week will encou • age and cheer them between vacation i. DU E. T. CHUTT CHIROIODIST .I SCljllUTrS SllOB STORE ; STURT«. Barrington, Phone 32-J Telepl Mies Reaid 3nc Barring an 588-J Store Bhtrington 98-W. is and NS/ '- 105 W, Adams St. j ICHIOAGO Telephone, Franklin 2788 Office lours I 9 to 12a.,• m„ a id 2 to 5 p. m. Eve ilngs by Appointment I DEN ISTS BARRINGTON 88-J .- G L A S S fie STURTZ ATTORNEYS AT-L.4W a Mile A^ ay . «y. .uid eii.-fks Malaria in. three fag* H6 Salve l o r B a b y ' s G o l d <:. H. KE1.LAM »SNTAL' SURORON J O H N E. HEINRICH TTORNEV AT LAW JU^Tlcfe OFiTHE PEACE) (3ook j County). 327 West Lake Street • T<jl: ophojio Barrington 034-J . - '''" ; | i: Chicago. Offloo:, 208 W. W»Wnfion St., Room 1|01 Tploph \m Frdnklln 0122 ypu lake Bayer Aspu-n yoa Succcisor to ire| mire of twti thingsi It's sure reuef, an 1 it's harm! ess. Thote tablets with ])it..E. w oi^xyrr thi i Bayer crot s do not hurt the heart Tajke them whenever you suffejr from Pliom Bn rlngton n l i s E. Main St, NApRAPATUa Headachiif Neuritis Colds Neuralgia DR. WILLIAM SANDEL SpreThiDat Lumbagc Rheumatiam - Tbothacle '•'.-' -|--.:''-l|tAPRAPATH ! / i j . j' • '; . W. LI N D B E R O ' Vhen your head aches-—fa im any D E J THST '.' SPINAIj,/MANIPULATION'] cai ue—when a; cold has set I led in yoir joints, cr you feel thoa i deep, ;sbiW :Fic/ •.;.:: • SPECIFIC Offiels In Pot do ra pains bl (riteumatism, s aatica, • P I 'Mas frantic--at anyfeottI'd . imy L . « preoious . - « ^ M » * ^eb . 1 . \A A « * t i« o A :, Aft Id. on li And 127 E. or himbago, t ajke Bayer Aipi m and Babies, bottle-fed or breait-f li 5 E. Main St. atal afternoon, went to Paul- with g^: real reUel. If the packajje sayB any tepdency to be coQftipati *' ap irtmant to I e i - 4 t o plead— would ihrive if, they i ^ w d d a j h r Bajyer, jitfa fmuine. And genuine Phone Barrington 252 i even to kiii--when—' half a teaapoonful of this old. family •' " a woman accept HOI US doctor's prescripttctt for the [bowels, „ .. .'' c,, ue of the man the marBy. Appoibtn ent for your conyeniei ce Hira, law tUt thaaderfal eltmaa. Fatf UorM , . tin, c, nlr.jiniJ woman writes, l i a t Is one «uw yrey Utixpn tls a boU ihat a »ok Iht very 4 ipthtpl tbl«l doff*. <h dr ihV. * " '« «*> her through ia« wokan'i tool. II r«i i nr*i alt that If relaaa boweb to health; regularity; ' I t ^ r m j , i | e o c e of bell.? : • . avoid the fretfi sss, vomii aadoaalalia—Uavaritoa ha»a baea tortwad '" !"v«J m v hu.band', Paul-Louis— with tba hilptaw thonih of a lorad oaeV crying, failure to t, Land other 'o'tdhim iih all the yielding devo GP rOMETRIST aolallb/aUMM. hera la a «iw»eodou» troallfa of constipated babu •ion of t n,r atorr thi w l l W w 1»» ""a* •**» ""**!* ip Pepsin Is Butt - Y iirl from IIHnolt. Dr. Caldwell^ told detail. The • » * it lallad Haa Loao d for any baby. trtht$,goutaw* h a hnc, a AND MAST BR, Yoa'will find It eomplat* la H., , , i code of morals. ttmrd of _a, /wno' do6torl FortyMl, P. P. I'ANNING Novtmbar r«UB STORY MAOAZlrtt—inat J'-" -,J mv |,P, Witb,laithle«a kinea 'E.« A. WELLS i II lowed irom the pultli • pan of tbia bra»a seven years of praoUce tauriht him ; ; b R i m s ? p . : 1 '.'• just what babiesliioed to; ke^p their who fought for tb i RUbt. Gat rear r, OPTOMETRIST ANI) •li,, , " "T hit wayward attitude copy otXra* Siory--l«tllti day^-raadlUodarl little bowels active, regular; keep ' ^HOJJR'S OPTICIAN ".i womanhood. little bodiesTpIump and healtliy. For TtiuSitryh ttriiffkro, itmit mm « « ' « [ li D a. n. t<- 5 p. ip, and 7 to 9 Dr. Caldwell specialized in the tn latilj I —how coul^ any .//*/ iwr 1 'BAP MHICM W#ftw(f». » *D 11 He ment of women and ttleoies. , •'t ,uclv torture and still' is: - Pkrk Avenue | ' attended over 3500 births without TUESDAY. TlIfRSDAY, AtifD l Barrington 391-J loss of one mother or baby. "Phone SATJRDAY P" ' CO^RACTpRS CALKIN J BROS. Excavating and Cradlng Con| Golf Coursea, S ubdivlsloh Londacaoing, Roads; ,DrW Swimming! Pool 3, Pates, Lsj Tenuis Cd'urts, Bowling Gr BARRING PON, I L t , H. H. CALKINS. Phone SSlJ , A% S. CAIKINU, Ph, CHAS. J. SljACK 1431 Keeney Ave* BjjfcPlali Hone: Des ^lalnjes 31 Wff stop those leaki w!ndo\y or door f amei .Cost surprisingly low, phono call wUjLbrlrig a , „ with no obligation to y/m. r j t ' ' ' EXPRESSING How to train BABY'S GOLD MO SERVICE BOWEL - • ' • - • J B i»KU p e Stoirm W*X-)NHt*MM MAGAZINES ARE OR. W. B . C A L b w e i L ' i SYRUP PEPSIN S A Doctor* Famib Lax Mite SOlti^.^W \r -: m Urjk,,<X>*&'-**2 mm sfeLt- • 'I . ? / - ' v HOURS 11:8^ to 8:30 p, m. 301 E, Main St, 1 one Be rr ngton 453 r Ba TII (i Ion »i<9ton>EBsex HWr. \ JJ 3S5E3 , 217 Ernst Itatim St/ B.VRRINGrON. ILL. * ' • • • ' [ ' • • ' • i Other flours, anil Sunda|ys Appoittlment ti- Expert Proofing' ql HMMM anl logs AfiOnii Coif r ' Dust and Dry tterocm •* Ji - {' '. FFNER AT-LAW ATT6] • : ' • ; • - • * ; : • V, T /¾ JAMES P. EAST MA NStREET 832 BAftRINGTON,.ILLINOIS !'. TBLlPHOrii; ' ! ' • • • ' 100 W. Main Street (JHIROl 1 'IDIST ,A«difarth{jr,.toQ. Forwheij Tom's Dad telephoned hir I after the game, he could al most hear the cheers of th spectators as his son gav him an c«c|itcd eyewitness' account of Atanykwrofthl the game. Football decorator and P<iintei fay Bfliij** tt* tan tonnitt your wasn't a l l they ultpfton+mthtltalked about . . . most any oihtr ALFRED PEAT liltphont. in I*/ health, studies, and. icorld. Thftotl it PAPERS alwtyii modnati. - , of course, jfaanfM | • PHARMACIST^ Phone, Dearborn 0390 •, '• • Bai-riiuron Hui >n-Eissex Btdg. 301 E. B tain St. Were Heat^ ' mmmmmmmmMm CmCAC^O OFFICE 118 N. LaSalle St. " A FREDLUND DRUG ;"'"-''f: ' - . . - . 2 to 3 p, m. 7 to 8 p, m. .- Sundays by i Lppointment Mr|. Betty Luedek t-~."of D a - t o n , O. writei. am using Krusche a fto reluce jvveigjlit—I lost ' 0 pound in one week !.ain c a n n o t si^y t o o luuth. to ivconjjme-n 1 i f To, tak» off. fat ehsily, sa rely and unfi quicKiy take one hnjf teasponnfuFof KriisvheiiHn a ghi.ss of hot vatpr every morning beforj** breakfast—iin weeks—Get it *.") ceint 1 ottle lasts or ajtiy drug ut Fred It nd Drug 0 •store, in. America. Il this first bottle fails to : Tonvince J ou this is the easiest, wifest, and si i-est way to lose i"at--mo"my back. ' CA i,\J PJagge Home furnishing • Barringtoi >, Phone/ 403' '-. T r- J- HOT^ ONE WOMAN LOST 10 LBS.1NAWEEK • orjsend a"< ard direct ATTORNi CYAT-LAW •'••:••'••. • ' Expert work onlaty reproducing ARTHUR J. HAGQENJOB SpeilaHiliif lij AlsMaes of V/Mnen a n ! 'Children ....1,..4563,737.40 1 otnl Stal e of Illinois, County of Lalte, ps•: 1 F. C'. Piindt, Cashier of tho abb>;« HOIRU nailed bank, do solemnly swear that Tu adii? Thursday and Satarijlay above, HtjiileniiMit is\ true to the (»est the :30 to 4 p. m. t of ) ly knowledge .and belief. •:'.' i F. 0 . PUNDTi, Teh ili »1hone Bn|r rlngton 525 ,. ! : ' CaHluer. ( orre'(.'t-«HAtte»l-: John C. I'lagge,, 130 Park Ave., abo- e Peerless Mai-tat Get . A. , I.ageschulte, Edward C Gw il, Direiftors. i . - . . < ' ! yuhHcribed and i sworn to before mo thh 7»h day of Oletdber, 1931. j RAY M. ,IU;RS. Notary Public. >R D. P . BROOKE (SEAL)- ; :. J ;'.-, 'PlJlTSJllCIAN AilO SURGBflN, CARY, ILLINOIS Telephone Central 0831 Also Palatine 240 ixes, nnd other expens-1 e< ticcrtiwl and unpaid J Cir lulating notes outstand10,000.00 ing t IJXBER? Phone, Car* 06-M-p H E N R Y J . 3BARM I'iahoiTurUng Wd Repairil Suifc. 1702 100 West Jlonroe Street CHI DAQO • ! • rum 1- . BAILRIlijGTON .......$5t» 737.40 jI4iLBlLlTlES ital. stoitk paid- in ..J ¾ . 75 000$0 Surplus 25 000.00 J.... 5^216.83 Uin tivided profits net /..., for dividend?, intihgeneit^i etc. .:....-.. , intereBt, UeHerves - for Study; Music Piano, Voice,. V olin, , 3 a * Banjo, Guitar, Mandolin/ •• | other Orchestra 1 Instrumcr) Reasonable Rules ,. Total Res erves B A R R I N G T O l . STU,Dl< S CHICAGO F NE ARTS] i CONSEJRVATo'l ;Y OF M U ^ » 145 W. Manx St. W^j Tel. Itarrir fton 87-J R A L P H L. P E C K LAV TYER ]>R, B . P . 3RABER tdns of c o i lI ((own ((own t o 1.1()0 ton's cf lead. In addition, the t a t e prodtirjp [).240.the sstatt 077 binrreIs 1 of oil n-nd '4,.ST>S,!fl8, iibic feet' (ff gr s Uluriiig tlie* year. . 1^-^ iif typhoid fever. a r—nf iinuounceiiient '.•• .|-partmeiit of public . .. in the spread of this siness Director • " t ; reporting i!"h ilin-ctiir. recites an In. li iw-nty case devel- l>tft!'l i •?>.in— •i illuitratioti, l i r . Apdy. i i US tM t:f l t A T i a . M ; • •t' I'jilrr I'.'ttm, Imnitrtl iit f i ii'i-irt'js^ »,i tin- '_iKii ti»y i- • \ ..(• t'U'tflH Ac-< ollllt" of tin' ' • ••• I . ; ( i v - a t l l i Alt-nbu'rg. i H i t s ; 30 Runs in 102 ' Times.;at B a t I',: .ii-Ii'is. faili-d t o :..-. .-.J fashion l a s t •- l ' . a n k l i n 1'arU a n d : !•• ilili'.at.i'd liy t h e -.In,..!'. U to 0. T h e ', ilirouKhoiit fht> ! - in-r t r a m display:,. I of fiHjt.lmll. ... in!:11:- must of t h e I-ill mi tin- 10-yard. i -inli-d tlu- j>lay. - M-|..'IVI| S e | i l S. _ Cllarter No. 11283 Ileifrve District No. 7 Report of Condition of th; FIRST NATIONAL BANK of lllarrington, in the State of Illinois, Tops Bears' Records With 41 nt tjhe clo^e of business on Sep|tember 29, 1031. -,,,,:1- Two Touch;I j' l a s t Half, for Victory V;-l!'; _L_ Charles Herg Leads SluggertWith402 AverageforSeason jP<V merit an<l l o j ^ -ruvW ;, W i! (aca,"Jam. iiM^huiinj, ni>^>I:ary -' Rravi-l i„ l h * • M'l Woodstock Safarfey —- i Furniture Ri?ma tocal and L mg Dis Han ling : ' f « Meiiber United Vin Service ." 4-yr. Gti iranteed Moth Proof ng Servii Every prdreMlodal and bill man In larrlrulon should Ma /naiw, aoVress i A number) tand htiirs of 1» thin dl*ctorj. Tit is every ,went and, nallod to /ra;*4 every hone In the em Other dlr* torie* maj be this directory 1^' renwed weeki i ?Pf =-*-•-<"-. . » * •!•• *. R^iHlNfflro^ .kifcflpBM INGTONREV i. • i High School Class Officers Elected at Early Meeti Barrlngton Local and -Me rap nal Grove aveiJue, motored to ]>eKalb Jnikeli Plagge who Is a ttudeit at| th Sunday, where willard Giesko is t|ak- lov^a State (ollcgo in Anes, l a , ing work a|t the teachers' colle fe. ,J'.•'. ii. Friepdiander, Pralrii avtfiuoi Miss pjij His Lines,- 126 W Ljike retimed $uiday frjom a business jtrijn street, enjoyed the ;week-end at ithe tkoutfh the East. home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Nekton lilrj. a|na :tfrs. llloberi Miller, |21E) in Maywejd. Mrs, pfiewton is ijn afint Ra^nond avenue Einil Miller, ] 313 of Miss Phyllis. E. L berty I street' dnd Delberjt Jbe:^, Mrs. W. B . Burnett and Mr^ 4nd 401 11. IJoug] i stree t, j a ttendec thejcitjf Mrs. B . A, Carr called or '• M M . serieis ballgnme. M>nday a t tpe feu H. H. Carr of Woodstock J3i|nflay park. afteijnoon...' * Mt and Mrs. Louis .ScMmacpi*] Mr. land Mrs. Earl Jencks, 6J5 S. ariili s|on, Norjnian, o|f E, Russjell siife^ Hough'street, enjoyed last we< with are| p^qving tja 'Chicago this wjisek El. B. Pomferoy I anjd nd a ]\li. and' "relatives in Bellville, Kan motor i tour through Iowa, Nejlnaska, Su amy at ti rs.ijionie of Mr. iind Wr* RuiiseU street], enjjoy«|d Kifnsa.<!. Missouri and Illinois, total faijiw, 134 of 1,400 'miles. I Charles Pawlijk in Wheaton. - Mr. jawd: Mrs.- Arfnold Sass, M2 W, .Hit. and Sirs Walter Cniinon and Station streetj, returned Fridojy from daighteij, EJyii Jealn, 124 W, R u W l l a. two, weeks'; visit with • relativies \jat str|ee|, niotbred {to jLejand Si nfia^. IfTiirlem. Montana. ! iP.IJB. IKecjkliajn ind daughters, LiiMr.irfl'nU' Mrs,. R. G. Plijsggc a nd so cile Hazel and George Ski ah«r Roberj, 545 Grove nvenue,' are pla mo told dIto MJlvaukee, Wis,, over t i e ning to spent tlie week*end with weokj-end and visit*d with reilativ m. -GJ L. Stivers, Ssiugnolia nveflne, was called to| Metainora, 111,, byjthfc death of Jiis mother[ Mrs, C. L. Stivers, I Sr., j Saturday. Mjr, a i d Mrs. A. E. Ketjer, and granddau ;hter, Janej 406 E. Russell enjoyed the week-end with Ela Township Schcol Notes) stijeet, Jane's pnrcn|s, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bcjnola in Hartland. Wis. Compiled Weekly by Mrs. Ir. E . Murphy and daughter^ the Pupils Ruth, 515 Division ' street; accompanied by Mrs. George Atkins, 224 E. Main street; visited several days The senior class held It'ls first; meet}.-' last week with relatives a t Versailles, ing Monday, Sept. 2«, j for class or- Ohio. ganization. The sixttjen metabetja Mr. anil Mrs. A. E. Kceler, 406 E. unanimously re-elected (Mr. . Wesnejr Russejl street, attended the ftineral for class sponsor. An election of cla*fo of M?. Keeler's cousin, Mrs. Jennie officers resulted as follows : president, Elsworth at Woodstock, Monday. Ethel Rydsinski; vice president, NorRev, C. Jt. Drussei of the Baptist, man Washo; secretary-treasurer, church a Mended the Ministerial AlliPhyllis Sodcrbers. • ) ance of CJook • county on Monday in Monday 'afternoon proved an inter- Chicago., • j esting time for most pupils including Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Oreen and son, the juniors, who elected: pre»dden':, Junior, left Friday for St. Petersburg, Richard .Beckmnn; vieei p^cside.n:, Fin.,'whrre they will make their fuGladys Sturm; secretary, Gladys ture hone. ' . - . ' " ' Kypop; treasurer; Ethel Keisler; Miss llena Sehaefer who is a stucheer leader, J o h n ' L e n i n ; 'sponsor, dent nt. North Central college, NaperMiss Beuscher. ville, spe it tho week-end at her home, Tlie president also appointed, com 641) GroMi avenue. mlttces for class rlncs find for the Mrs. \V, (B. Burnett of Now York junior piny. Rehearsals will start the City spent Sunday and Monday visitlater part of next week. ing her brother, nnitl his wife, Mr. and Sophomores Ele<:t Afrs. Reiiel A. C*oir. late: Mr. ai>d Mrs. llnrry Coffman iind Last. Monday the soph I'moro clusja lOleaLfne meeting w i s held,' mid tlieyj elected daughter, Maxine, moved*to BarringMinimum, 50c new eln«s 'officers i president,; Elmfr ton this week from Cleveland, ()., Weigt, vice prescient, ' .Vivian! Mi - and will make their •hpmc- at, 217 W | ' ' • ' I lohey ; wcifetiwy, Aliirjorio' Sodcrbnriq; Station n tre^t. ' "Mrs Htjonsoj-, .Miss IlinchlifF, foiflnrd Brintliuger find ln-> FOR. RENT Fro^tJftE3NT. jTho f regit men officers n re : p r e s i i ffint. son ('harlerf IldWard, returned I'l'RNISHEI) FOUR ROOM npiutBUNGAI ,0W for jrent.:* Fi re r >on dijnt, Meltiin Potts; WN-re f/iry- trenjt- TJinrsd'i) from the Piissnvnnf. hospltiM'iu CI icago to their home, 'MS \Y. , incjit foi; rent. Mrs. A. 10. Koeler, mil im (Jariikjc Telinvh'one Ufcr, .KnthWine JfiynO. i'5 h .IOC. E, Russell street). Telephone Bar-! ISliciiIn iveiiue. igton 5 IA vice president has.not beeii elee X id Mi's. A. L. 'Seherf. ,'«10 ring!on 27U-R. ei) »« yet. ' (?(*iinnittees wi I de -elect til • Mr. OI J ) Lrt(J CABIN on Rand lujter fur .entertainment, parties,' etv DuiHien avenue, retilrneil Monday I I'l'ldtf AND LOWER F I ^ ' j ' S , four mile in Ice Zurich relit rth of ,r. from, a iSOO-niile tinto. ttitir in Which A l l other Iws.iMo** w i l l be. attended t rooms? i(.n<l bath, lor rent | n East ight. partie s and dmnices. ,f5.'(K: they visi ted points i|i Canada Nifrtli nt tin- next class meetlnit 1 • • i ' land South Dakota, ; Nebraska lintl Russell-h'tlreet.1 L. F.' Sc-hrow er, 41!i .Td; .Lake Zurich-1|)«. S. Cook j'stnjet, Telephone Read Biographies Iowa. rent. Str heat, 'INE Fl iThii senior Kng-lish clash 1ms spent Mnt. Mux Wiilt-her1 ijoturiied to her to,, 4S-W i blocks f Stuil hnrnei tlie past thrty weeks reading biogra- home at Adams, Wis., | Tuesday after I'ltsonablc. Hiiie Prife r phies: Among the. new utiles, we have n week's visit at Me. Plagge hoijie, 200 1TIRMSIIEI) HOME for rent'[for «he wihier months. Ci»|ll at 130; W <M"E".' MI i|t,rei>t f N O. I rh the library are : W. Husjell. street, i,-Mrs.. Wallhcr is Mai in street. .. ' 520. lei. Ba«i Queen Victoria. Lytton Strnchey; a sister if Mrs. 'Plaggf. Ariel, Andro Maun/is ; Naijoleon, Kmil Mr. and jMrs. Georgje Folk rod and OFFICE OR S T 0 R E on E. Main St. R ROOM I f I'ER FLAT wii^hl ; Drop 35 Feet daughter:i, Mildred andj Florence,- 308 for rent. Also three room |)art|th for l'Mit at U7 W. Lake s reejt'. Mrs. Zilien was killed instantly' Grove a:enue, aecomphnied by Mrs. menf.' Call at 123 Ela street 'jel. I»er- nicntli. Call at 400 ( lV'0i|e wjhen the automobile fell to the tracks A. G. Gieske and son, WHhird, 312 Bnrriihgtnn 73-W. iivi'n.ie or. n Tel. Bat" rington 204-V. 35 feet below. Air. Zilien ivus thrown clear of the debris. He Was taken lii ffjCiBliy- FURMSliEl|>'.FI'iTB roo(n. Westlufee hospital; rn Melrose Paifk house forfrent ttai-|i$e. fel. Bnlfwhere an examination revealed . thut riiigton' 401 he-was suffering from a skull fracture and internal injuries!'. Hospital auI I I H E E IJ GHT HOUSEKBEFIN0 thorities reported 'yesterday niornii g Galroiiuns for rent., Private: 3PALITY 1ELPFUD that his condition WHS "only fair." cnill gton 354Tel. Jarrin SERVICE GROCERIES _ The driver ofj the second car wjis 1)3 N, ook street. John Miller, tin inspector for tlie Wij\ffe Delivei liind Dairy company: Me wns.takm AGE for rent, 536 Grov|e a' jfttie, PHONE 10 a. m. statu highway [police 11 Barri 1, or 5D1-W. i n t o c u s t o d y hy ' 3 p. m. 224 to b e .held penili ng .the iucpiest. S i X ROpM HOUSE, two cur garage, M r s . Z i l i e i j i s survived by threi for rent at 126 Jtaymoni av mue. SOUH, J o i n ) ,;iiiil Richard of Chicujp. 25 YRS. EXPERIENCE—25 YRS. IN jSUSINESSl T Barriiigton] 3; Sfl-M, and K.ivinoiul i>f Kjtnsiis City; and a| (Inutility, Mrs. iktit Miles of Chicago. FOR SALE t • l J' Classified 5 dver tlsementa Ml SCEI WAKyEl FOR SALE GOODS ana furniture ttll a t 611 i t be sold cheap*' Ooll Pr!aiWo avenue or TeJ. Barijihgton 042 bctWetn 10 a . | m . and. 3 p.|iin. except 11-4 on Tliursday. 100% PUllEJ'PENNSYLANIA: O I L for s°aleO F i t e gallons in a i>oU' tnincif, $2.08. Heffe«rna^ & Wina,-j202 S. Co »k street, Tel. Harrington GERMAN I SMEFifE&D P U P P I E S for sale. ' Seven-1 wiseks old. Very roasolabie.,,. Tel. parringtoii 1T6JST, S W E D I S H CdUPLiE Mtint |>oBltlon« JRAM) OPEN ROILERRIN •^lan as chauffeur and housemjinr.o? curetake}', woman ff>r j e n e r a l h o u w i ' irday, OctoberT-10.1 m for all work and laundry. RtfercnceB. lTel. ' phe"_ ni Bnagemj&t/ fins with Wellington 961». , 40-2 Coaeh|:Ll ^'"'K'Hl r be. Sta«dar|} j | *' « bus t0 f Co- bid,,. R"ANi)R WOMAN 'wajiite* t o . t 7 i p : W ( 5 r y ii f* the liillk Real Silk |Hosle|fy a: id llnj[«rie ,W trip fare, Barrington. Three emi U sales daily p»ys $30 weekly.' W r i e Boom 714, 3 J S. State street, Chicjigp, i l l . 38-6 : s ir Ki- JbVBeipfc di l u t F » for fBt. TJWO<TO F I V E .-ACltES of J. land nltii'i e-stored iii^iy K by 6o. Iwanted near Barring :on., " Addi-ess;' ;<meri;0J satno'f wSlfl'li lf|5(iin ,1(l f»r Ktor- O. Box 39, Barringto l, JL.11. 41-2 ige ;Phi4ries. Willi im '"• 193|l 193) 183) 192^ Model A* Roadster, Model A Tu„d6i Sedan. Model A DuLixo Pliaeto^. Model A'Glosijid-cab Pickup'. ALSO 192)) Chevrolet Coup'e. 192) Chevlrolet Coach;.! l i e f fr e r n a n & W i n n , Inc. 202 S. (Cook St;: ; Telephono Barriugton 9 itAKRINGTON, ILLINOIS ARRING1 for! Woi-ki in Bijirring'ton. (| II 0'lff cjntio^s. M. p . Smith, Genes H< S t i WdukitBiu. His- Tfiey Brijtig : i i. STORES BEST QUALITY ALWAYS '°f is : • " " • \ -i October Lake County Court t o Open Monday The October term of Lake county court will op<iii Mifnday with the ertll of the docket by Perry L,' i'ersonjs,, probate judge. Most of the first Weik will hi) devoteil to hearing of tax ob-< je«,tioi»s> Fewer tux objections linyc liceii filed this year than, ill preceding years, it is 4iii«L There k i l l he ilijt crliniiuil ciises until X«ve<i(hcr, it wtts' announced, i I Judgments against property (|f djeIfiiqiH'rit taxpayers will lie msked by the ollii-ii of State's; Attorney A. f. Sniith early in' the jweek, it. was nhH<»un<e(|. Tax payments have be«|n receitjed steadily at the- treasurer* 'office. Treasurer..lay B. Morse, stated, that .delinquent lax property is 'abo.jt the sitme as last year as far ns the general ta t e s a r e concei niyl, but comiJarntively f e w sjiccinl nssessnients h a v o been paid. So Very Simple "llow I get t h e shape of m',i; nose al terfed?" asks a correspondent •if Lond< M Tit-Bits. '.»Pqke i r i n t Somebddv else's business. » • • • • • this delicii HIS new cheese food imelts, slices, spreads! How its full, rich, cheese flavor blends with other foods ] Meat,fish,eggs, vegetables. And it's as healthful—as digestible—as pure whole milk itself! Try it today—for cooking and sandwiches. Your grocer has it in the half pound package. • i . . •. - • • LANDWER'S Pig General Store A HOME STORE «UN BY HOME FOLKS W. N. LANDWER, Manager 200 to 215 Park Ave—2JO to 210 Station 8t. OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY |EV ENINGS 'TILL 9 P. M. National I. '• 4rm« Canned Fruiit Sale . G, A. PEACHES, Sliced or h ilves, S| lg,. cans J:...... G. A. PRICOTS, tree-ripened, in heavy 23. i syrupJ large can ...„...:...... EAPPLE, Hawaiikn-Jj-fineJjt quality-G; AL M 8 slices in heavy syrup, !J Nol 2 ½ cans 1..491 CHERRIES Fancy Black, Sweet pitted, I 8-oz. tin ., - . 1 0 * j.-jNo. 2 tiiji....:. .23<i I G. A. APPLESAUCE, Fanfey NeAv York, •3 No. 2 tins J...: ..J....;.........,_.r:.Ur '. .35^ EACHES, California, HaMs in ^ynip, • large tin '. .........,....._.., -,;... STRAWBERRIES, South Haven B^and, 19 Michigan Pack—Natural Flavor in S; ' No. 2 tin : :.^J..L.:.:.,...^:_,..25jft 1 ,GJ A. CHERRIES, Red Pitted,. Excellent for! Pies,r2 Nb. 2 cans,:.. '.::.:.' .....33fc ASPARAGUS, Sweetheart Brand, Illinois Natural Gfeen* tall tin .........:..... 29^ I: iG. A. GRAPEFRUIT, Fresh Tang—Just chill J and serve whole segments in rich syrup, 2 No. 2.cans .................,; :..........29jii APRICOTS, California, Iiv Delicious Syrup, Tree i Ripened, 2 tall cans ..25^ ; I. G. A. FRUITS FOR SALAD, Delicious Comoination; tall can ;....; 19^ 15LUEBERRIES, finest hand picked, in heaVy syrup* No. 2 can 1.,...:....: ..;... ...v.^....23i> MARACHINO CHERRIES, 5-oz. bottle . . . . 1 5 ^ G. A. GELATINE DESSERT, all flavors, ] 19 e 3 pkgsi. .....: :.......:,... G.A. PILARS. California B^rtletts, lg. can .25^ KITCHEN AJDS G A. MAYONNAISE, 8-oz I jar G. A. MAjlSHMALLOWS, 1-lbi j)kg. AIAZOLA OIL, pint can „,;. 4....... 3AKING POWDER, Dr. Price's, J2 o i tin :ERTO, bottle '., J....,....:.....:.!.... SOCOANUT, Baker's Yellow Label,| 2 tins CIIISCO, l r lb. tin.:: 2U COMBINATION SALE 'RO-PHY-LAC-TIC TOOTH BRUSH And bottle Listerine, 75c value, both for .].... ...49}* l>«|v GOODS DEPARTMENT ?igj Value |Dress Printa, RING CIliclKLN: for sale, ceiith bct\^eii 3 ¼ to. 4 ibunds, dt isscil, iiw*n and , delivered, read;r to fiy. so fresh eggs. L.- N. Morse old I) vision street. Tel., l a r r i igton' 2( 8-J. tf W I I I U T AND RYEI •STRAW i>r sale. Waled, Ilart.wo|od Fi nns no Bnrririgtion 01 W . tf AUCTION HALE on the oldlWollthaii Sen farm 3 mi. north of l^arrijigtijin iluriia,i Oct. 17 a t imin rses ami hiiriiess, 1 If L>fl ey freshen sixui, 1 Guernsey "•lift ,-10: gs, LW cliickeiis, 25;geeii(>, 25 (i ucks, tons -timothy hny|, f bind* •'iok stove, heating stove, ulnip 1 ni« rm wagon, lnany other Aeilns. 'Jferijug sh, Fred Wolfe, Jr., Pfop.; Efiam ROOI^I H O U S E •>vo double gtirage, for sab All d nt lots on South Houg» iftreei i i l r biM E. Sturtz, i'cl. B a ni m; ton 32lj. tft IfjARD WINTER PEAlfcS $1.00 per bushel. Tel.. COMBINATION GAS" AND sales M i. C|OAL: kitchen stove for sale. Also bfi l»yi Missinette. . Tel. Barriiigton 301. S W e € t P O i a t O e S Nancy rfall or Je^sej/Sw Wisconsin Potatoes IdahO BakerS Very F a n c p a h o Ifotyioei lb A p p l e S Jonathans, Mcintosh, Grcenings, Dry Onions J Cranberries Texas Grapefruit Good Sige OrailgeS 39-3 .^IXTT :llO- 100' ACRI IS wanted to LE( ! rent, cash or shares j Must hay,e gOod buildings and fenci s. Caa mpv« AI>a UDMJATIOj ICE on any time. Address i SOI, Barring-, |PIIBL [C . N O T i p f ii weby given ton Review; BarringlionV l U j giyjng that tho Subscriber unbiistrairi! address and 1 telephone )ium%r. I -the-'Estate oflpni K. I*"IDU'y 1 iwn c'c^ftsiid will tttfenc I'rwbate MAN A$U WIFE , with' kflpi of Lako Qomij) !•" a tprm daughter", 4'ill work $ |or hon _ .. .m rooms or as- caretakersl.1 R^efejfenc'ei hercW ; to be houlenj "'« Court ouso in WaukcB|w, furnished. C Petersoi > 341 wood J Mil County, stock' street, Crystal l|fcke, IU.I Tel >n the first Monday of L I'l'iuVr nut, 931, when and p ; h l ( "", arsons' Crystal Lake 35-R. aytng 'claims agiitoBtl !<f 1 c'stati. are iotili«» I and rcqjueMed; LOST prpsent the tjo said cpiiri foi Uuilicmiun. FEMA1UE GHOW D0(f lost. BIa.ck. ' .UOSK|SO] UMKY, Recently ^clipped. W saring leather nintstratris harness. Child's pet. 125.00 reward 1^1. 41-3 and no ctuestioijm asked, ton 17 or Ariiligton Hi lb|s. ^ r lbs; # r '.*" ddz. ' Very FiJie fruit. Maxwell House, (Webbs o * Royal t lue . per lb lbs. for 49 c Special Blend per !lt KafSee Hag or Sanka 'f C a k e F l O U r j Airy Fairy S>N SALE A per pkj 1 « if leanor Bird Seed BABO, ? for I (...„ 23^ CAMPBELL or ROYAL BLUE Pork & Beans, can ^. j 8½^ PILLSBUBY PAN CAKE FLOUR, pkg, for for , 11$ ROYAL Maple and Cane Syrup, •' 22-oz. jug » , 19$ Michigan Concord Jumbo Baskets 1 irge pkj 9tH Ootf I f •T EiEilit Oct. P|ALM OL*IViT30fP»3 fo|. CRISCO, }.-«> 'm .J.. \l ' large' spoon and nixing bowl | ^ALTED PEANUT lb A GOOD BRQOM%QR I:OSTO ap*>* I»IK»." "VfT 1 , • 2 for 63« By leaving your order this we^k^ni (to be delivered tfondayiwe furnish you withii JJumbo Baskets of Mic lcftigan Conco; Grapes at the v low price of 2 for 63c. None will be sold at this price t on order. I f member, orders must be in by closing! Saturday e 'I.