1.M. Konagai R&D Issues 2.K. Yamamoto 15 min presentation 3. Y. Ohshita 4. Discussion 15 min presentation 世界の太陽電池製造設備の今後の展開 Last Updated 2010‐10‐13, Average PolySilicon, Unit: US$ / Kg 62.50 Solar Wafer Weekly Spot Price , Unit: USD 156mm Square Poly Wafer, 3.68 156mm Square Mono Wafer , 3.88 Solar Cell Weekly Spot Price , Unit: US$ Solar Cell Price Per WaE , 1.40 156mm Square Poly Cell , 5.46 156mm Square Mono Cell , 5.85 Solar Panel / Solar Module Weekly Spot Price , Unit: US$ Silicon Module Per WaE , 1.70 ThinFilm Module Per WaE , 1.308 Solar Panel / Solar Module 120W+ Weekly All Brands, 2.557 Retailer Price , Unit: US$ / WaE BPSolar, 2.263 Evergreen, 2.478 Kyocera, 2.601 REC, 2.578 Sharp, 2.822 Japanese PV R&D Roadmap (PV2030+) 2002 2007 2010 ~ \50/kWh Power generation cost \46/kWh Establishment of mass production framework for crystalline Si, thin-film Si, and CIS solar cells 2017 2020 2025 Technological development ahead of schedule, considering the period of adopting mass production 2050 2030 Introduction of ultrahigh efficiency (40%) solar cells with new theories/structures, responding to diverse applications \23/kWh \14/kWh Technology innovation for higher performance, \7/kWh \7/kWh or less 2030 (2025) 2050 e.g., introduction of new materials Target (completion of development) Power generation cost 2010 or later Equivalent to household electricity (\23/kWh) 2020 (2017) Equivalent to commercial electricity (\14/kWh) Used as general Equivalent to power source general power (\7/kWh source (\7/kWh) or less) 7 2010 material 2017 2025 cost 2050 module (%) cell (%) module (%) cell (%) module (%) cell (%) CIGS 15 20 18 25 25 30 50 30(40) III-V 28 40 35 45 40 50 50 30(40) dye 8 12 10 15 15 18 <40 7 10 12 15 15 <40 organic (yen/ W) life (y) module Classification Effic. Area (%) (cm2) Voc Jsc FF (V) (mA/cm2) (%) Test Center (and date) Description Si(crystalline, FZ) 25.0±0.5 4.00(da) 0.705 42.7 82.8 Sandia(3/99) UNSW PERL Si(multicrystalline) 20.4±0.5 1.002(ap) 0.664 38.0 80.9 NREL(5/04) FhG-ISE Si(thin-film transfer) 16.7±0.4 4.017(ap) 0.645 33.0 78.2 FhG-ISE(7/01) U.Stuttgart (45mm thick) Si(thin film submodule) 10.5±0.3 94.0(ap) 0.492 29.7 72.1 FhG-ISE(8/07) CSG Solar, 1-2mm on Glass Si(crystalline) 22.9±0.6 778(da) 5.60 3.97 80.3 Sandia(9/96) UNSW/Gochermann Si(large crystalline) 20.3±0.6 16300(da) 66.1 6.35 78.7 Sandia(8/07) SunPower Si(multicrystalline) 15.5±0.4 1017(ap) 14.6 1.37 78.6 Sandia(10/94) Sandia/HEM Si(thin film submodule) 8.2±0.2 661(ap) 25.0 0.320 A 68.0 Sandia(7/02) Pacific Solar, 1-2mm on Glass Si (MCZ crystalline) 24.7±0.5 4.0(da) 0.704 42.0 83.5 Sandia(7/99) UNSW PERL SHE MCZ substrate Si (moderate area) 23.9±0.5 22.1(ap) 0.704 41.9 81.0 Sandia(8/96) UNSW PERL Si (large FZ crystalline) 22.0±0.7 147.4(t) 0.677 40.3 80.6 FhG-ISE(3/06) Sunpower n-type sub. Si (large crystalline) 23.0±0.6 100.4(t) 0.729 39.6 80.0 AIST(2/08) Sanyo HIT, n-type substrate Si (large multicrystalline) 18.7±0.6 217.4(t) 0.639 37.7 77.6 AIST(2/08) Mitsubishi Electric. honeycomb Target by 2030 plus: Module efficiency 25%, Cell efficiency (30%), Cell thickness 50-100 mm Record high efficiency of 25 %, FZ Si (20 nm) (20 nm) *Device simulaXon program (PC‐1D) bulk lifeXme:1.1ms S (n surface) :300cm/s、S(p surface): 400cm/s ARC Photovoltaics Center of Excellence, 2009 Annual Report Surface recombination Recombination at Electrode/ n-Si Passivation film n p Passivation thin-films 1. Thermal CVD SiO2 2. PECVD a-SiN for poly-Si cell Bulk recombination Auger recombination is inevitable p+ ・low defect density at the interface Passivation film + + + + + + Deposition of passivation films at low substrate temperatures n-type c-Si hole − − − − − − a-Si (hetero structure) ・Control of band line-up using fixed charge electron 1. positive charge for n-Si p-type c-Si a-SiN 2. Negative charge for p-Si a-Al2O3 a-SiN n+-Si p-Si(∼ 300mm)� p-Si(100mm)� p -Si� + p+-Si Conventional BSF Point contact G..P.Willeke,”The Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell ”, 19th EU-PVSEC, June(2004) IEEE PVSC, Hawaii , 20- 25, June, 2010 Peter Cousins of SunPower gave an overview of the latest SunPower products and manufacturing. Their current capacity is 500 MW/year with a new 1.4 GW fab being constructed in Malaysia. Generation III modules were reported that achieved 20.5% despite a shorted cell. Without the damaged cell it was estimated that the module would have been 21% efficient. A single production cell measured 24.2% efficient. HIT cell - High efficiency by excellent surface passivation with a-Si layers - Less thermal stress through low temperature process (£ 200oC) - Advantage in high temperature performance TCO related issues optical confinement control of Haze p/TCO contact glass TCO(SnO2, ZnO) top cell(a-Si, a-SiC, a-SiO) interlayer Widegap materials high quality a-Si (C, O, N) eliminating SW effect Development of interlayer conducitvity, refractive index tunneling junction mc-Si related issues large area, high rate deposition 3-10nm/s, 4-5 cm2 Narrow gap materials a-SiGe, mc-SiGe ARC Back reflector alternative of Ag back contact Device design: high voltage type, high current type Multijunction structure : a-Si/mc-Si/mc-SiGe, a-Si/a-SiGe/mc-Si etc. Novel materials, structures: four junctions, quantum dots, hetero-junction etc. Official data on conversion efficiency published in Progress in Photovoltaics a-Si single 10.1±0.3 1.036 0.886 16.75 67.0 NREL(7/09) Oerlikon, Neuchatel Univ nano-Si single 10.1±0.2 1.199 0.539 24.4 76.6 JQA(12/97) Kaneka(2mm) a-Si/mc-Si 13.4 a-Si/a-Si/a-SiGe 12.1±0.7 a-Si/nc-Si/nc-Si 12.5±0.7 a-Si/a-SiGe/a-SiGe 10.4±0.5 3,827 136.7 510(mA) 73.7 AIST(10/05) Kaneka, Initial 0.27 2.297 7.56 69.7 NREL(10/96) USSC,stabilized 0.27 2.010 9.11 68.4 NREL(3/09) USSC, stabilized 4.353 3.285(A) NREL(10/98) USSC, stabilized 905 66.0 R&D- level conversion efficiency reported by each research institute a-Si single 10.09 1.047 0.876 17.28 0.665 NREL(07/09) Oerlikon, stabilized 9.4 0.25 0.526 25.3 0.71 - AIST a-Si/mc-Si 11.9 1.2 1.34 12.9 0.685 - Oerlikon, stabilized a-Si/mc-Si 14.7 1 1.41 14.4 0.728 - Kaneka, initial a-Si/mc-Si 13.5 4141 137 0.536(A) 0.706 - Kaneka, initial a-Si/mc-Si 13.2 1 1.38 12.8 0.746 - Sharp, initial a-Si/mc-Si triple 15.0 1 2.28 8.93 0.735 - Kaneka, initial a-Si/a-SiGe/a-SiGe 14.6 0.25 2.357 8.57 0.723 - USSC, initial a-Si/a-SiGe/a-SiGe 13.0 0.25 2.294 8.27 0.684 - USSC,stabilized a-Si/a-SiGe/nc-Si 15.39 0.25 2.239 9.13 0.753 - USSC, initial a-Si/a-SiGe/nc-Si 13.31 0.25 - USSC,stabilized mc-Si single Micromorph champion cell New specialty glass by Corning Without anti-reflective coating Cell design and fabrication by Oerlikon Solar-Lab After 1000h of light-soaking Stabilized efficiency : 11.9% Independently confirmed by NREL With anti-reflective coating: > 12% stabilized efficiency in reach for Micromorph tandem technology J. Bailat et al., 25th EU PVSEC 2010 IWTFSSC-3 Nagasaki, Oct. 2010