Sample goals and objectives, page 1 of 8 Sample Academic Goals and Objectives (Remember that objectives must also all have a date of initiation/projected mastery, criteria for success and “as measured by” either directly in the objective or in appropriate adjacent matrix columns.) Sample 1: Basic Reading Goal: By (date) , when given a book, (student name) will increase in pre-reading skills from little familiarity with reading formats to being able to follow from left to right and top to bottom on a printed page with 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with a book, (student name) will follow words from left to right on a printed page with 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with a book, (student name) will follow words from left to right and top to bottom on a printed page with no more than 2 or 3 lines per page with 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting and teacher made tests. Sample 2: Basic Reading Goal: By (date) , when given one-syllable words presented orally in sound by sound format, (student name) will increase in reading skills from having no knowledge of blending skills to being able to blend up to 4 sounds into a words with 80% accuracy on 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with one-syllable words presented orally in sound by sound format, (student name) will blend up to three sounds, including consonant blends, into a one-syllable word on 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with one-syllable words presented orally in sound by sound format, (student name) will blend up to three sounds, including consonant blends, into a one-syllable word on 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Sample 3: Basic Reading Goal: By (date) , when given a list of 40 priority sight words, (student name) will increase in reading skills from knowing 5 or fewer sight words to being able to read the target words with automaticity and 80% accuracy in 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Objective: When given a list of priority sight words, will read a list of 20 priority sight words with automaticity and 80% accuracy in 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Objective: When given a list of priority sight words, will read a list of 20 priority sight words with automaticity and 80% accuracy in 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Sample 4: Reading Fluency Goal: By (date) , when given a reading passage at 2nd grade level, (student name) will increase in reading skills from 50 words per minute at a 1st grade level, to being able to read a 2nd grade passage at a rate of 90 words per minute with 95% accuracy in 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Objective: When given a reading passage at second grade level, will read the passage at a rate of 50 words per minute with 95% accuracy in 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Objective: When given a reading passage at second grade level, will read the passage at a rate of 70 words per minute with 95% accuracy in 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Objective: When given a reading passage at second grade level, will read the passage at a rate of 90 words per minute with 95% accuracy in 3 consecutive trials as measured by charting. Sample 5: Reading Comprehension Goal: By (date) , when given who, what, when, where and how questions from an instructional level selection read aloud, (student name) will increase in reading comprehension skills from less than 50% accuracy to 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting and/or daily work. Objective: When presented with a reading selection at the student's instructional level, (student name) will correctly answer who, what and when questions with 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting and/or daily work. Objective: When presented with a reading selection at the student's instructional level, (student name) will correctly answer who, what, when and where questions with 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting and/or daily work. Sample 6: Math Computation Goal: By (date) , when given up to 30 objects, (student name) will count with 1:1 correspondence from being able to count with 1:1 correspondence to [] to being able to count 30 objects with 90% accuracy over 3 data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: When given 20 objects, (student name) will count with 1:1 correspondence 20 objects with 90% accuracy over 3 data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: When given 30 objects, (student name) will count with 1:1 correspondence 30 objects with 90% accuracy over 3 data collection days as measured by charting. Sample goals and objectives, page 2 of 8 Sample 7: Math Reasoning Goal: By (date) , (student name) will increase in math reasoning skills from being able to determine the strategy and addition or subtraction operation needed to successfully solve the problem with less than [] accuracy to 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Objective: When given a math word problem, (student name) will determine the strategy and addition or subtraction operation needed in a two-step problem to successfully solve the problem with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Objective: When given a math word problem, (student name) will determine the strategy and operation and defend or justify the procedure used with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Sample 8: Written Language Goal: By (date) , (student name) will increase in written language skills from being able to write [] or fewer letters to being able to write letters and/or words from written model or dictation from left to right using correct letter formation with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When given letters and/or words from a written model or dictation, (student name) will write from left to right using correction letter formation and spacing with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When given letters and/or words from a written model or dictation, (student name) will write from left to right using correction letter formation and spacing with correct placement on the lines with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Sample 9: Written Expression (Spelling) Goal: By (date) , (student name) will increase in written language skills from being able to spell [] or fewer words to being able to correctly spell a given list of 10 of CVC, CVCV, CCVC, CVVC words with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Objective: When given a list of 10 short and long vowels patterns (CVC, CVCV, CVVC), (student name) will correctly spell targeted words with 80% accuracy with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Objective: When given a list of 10 consonant blend patterns (CCVC, CVCC), (student name) will correctly spell targeted words with 80% accuracy with 80% accuracy in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Sample 10: Written Expression Goal: By (date) , (student name) will increase in written language skills from being able to write sentences with correct punctuation to being able to also use correct capitalization, spelling and grammar with 1 or no errors per sentence in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and or teacher made tests. Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will use the basic writing conventions of punctuation and capitalization in writing sentences with 1 or now errors per sentence in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will use the basic writing conventions of punctuation, capitalization, and spelling in writing sentences with 1 or no errors per sentence in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Objective: When given a writing task, will use the basic writing conventions of punctuation, capitalization, spelling and grammar in writing sentences with 1 or no errors per sentence in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work and/or teacher made tests. Sample 11: Written Expression Goal: By (date) , (student name) will increase in written language skills from being able to write single sentences to being able to write 4 to 5 sentences with details and correct writing conventions with 2 or fewer errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will write 4 to 5 sentences with details and correct capitalization and punctuation with 2 or fewer errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will write 4 to 5 sentences with details, correct capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar with 2 or fewer errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will write 4 to 5 sentences with correct writing conventions, subject verb agreement and adjectives to elaborate and expand sentences with 2 or fewer errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Sample 12: Written Expression Goal: By (date), (student name) will increase in written language skills from being able to write sentences to being able to compose a single paragraph with topic, supporting and concluding sentences with 1 or no errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will compose a partial paragraph including a topic sentence and 2 supportive sentences with 1 or no errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Sample goals and objectives, page 3 of 8 Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will compose a paragraph including a topic sentence, 3 supporting detail sentences and a concluding sentence with 2 or fewer errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When given a writing task, (student name) will compose a paragraph including a topic sentence, 3 supporting detail sentences and a concluding sentence with 1 or no errors in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Sample 13: Written Expression Goal: By (date), (student name) will increase in written language skills from being able to write a simple paragraph to being able to produce a multiple paragraph paper including an introductory and concluding paragraph scoring at least a 3 on a 4-point writing rubric in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When presented with a writing task, (student name)will be able to write an introductory paragraph containing the topic sentence and a supporting paragraph including facts/details, explanations scoring at least a 3 on a 4-point writing rubric in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When presented with a writing task, (student name) will be able to write a multiple paragraph paper with correctly indented topic paragraph and 2 supporting paragraphs scoring at least a 3 on a 4-point writing rubric in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Objective: When presented with a writing task, (student name) will be able to write a multiple paragraph paper with topic paragraph, 2 supporting paragraphs and concluding paragraph with summary of key points scoring at least a 3 on a 4-point writing rubric in 3 of 4 trials as measured by daily work. Sample Goals and Objectives: Motor, Communication, Preschool, Life skills etc. Sample 1: Communication—articulation Goal: By (date) , (student) will increase articulation skills from rarely or never correctly articulating the following phonemes: (___ phoneme/sounds), to using them in conversation at 90% accuracy over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, (student name) will discriminate between correct and incorrect productions of the ___ (phonemes/sounds) in words spoken by others at 90% accuracy as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, (student name) will produce the ___ (phoneme/sounds) at 90% accuracy over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, student will produce the ___ (phoneme/sounds) in syllables at 90% accuracy over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, student will produce the ___ (phoneme/sounds) in words at 90% accuracy over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, student will produce the ___ (phoneme/sounds) in phrases at 90% accuracy over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, (student name) will produce the ___ (phoneme/sounds) in sentences at 90% accuracy over three data collection days over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, (student name) will discriminate between correct and incorrect productions of the ___ (phonemes/sounds) in his/her own speech at 90% accuracy over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy session, (student name) will produce the ___ (phoneme/sounds) in conversation at 90% accuracy over three data collection days as measured by charting. Sample 2: Communication—expressive language Goal: By (date , (student name) will increase in expressive language skills in the areas of pronoun usage, relating ideas in sequence and subject/verb agreement, from a baseline of ___% correct usage, to at least ___% over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy sessions, (student name) will correctly use possessive, subject and object pronouns in descriptive activities in at least 90% over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy sessions, (student name) will correctly sequence and relate sequence stories of 4 to 6 units in at least 90% over three data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During therapy sessions, (student name) will demonstrate correct subject/verb agreement in descriptive sentences in at least 90% over three data collection days as measured by charting. Sample 3: Gross motor—stairs and trike Goal: By (date) , (student name) will increase gross motor skills from needing assistance to climb stairs and ride a trike to climbing stairs with railing and riding a trike independently 2 of 3 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with a curb or step, (student name) will step onto curb or step independently 2 of 3 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with stairs, (student name) will climb stairs with rail, alternating feet, independently, 2 of 3 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with a pedal trike, (student name) will pedal trike with minimal assistance, 2 of 3 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with a pedal trike, (student name) will pedal trike independently, 2 of 3 trials as measured by charting. Sample goals and objectives, page 4 of 8 Sample 4: Life Skills or Preschool—Color identification skills Goal: By (date) , when presented with colored items, [student] will increase in ability to identify colors from knowing only 1 color consistently to sorting items by color and labeling the 5 basic colors (red, orange, yellow, blue, green) in 4 of 5 trials as measured by data logs. Objective: When presented with an array of 6 items of two colors, [student] will sort the items with no errors in 4 of 5 trials as measured by data log. Objective: When presented with an array of 10 items of 5 colors, (student name) will sort the items by color with no errors in 4 of 5 trials as measured by data log. Objective: When presented with solid color objects of red, yellow and blue, (student name)] will name the colors with no errors in 4 of 5 trials as measured by data log. Objective: When presented with solid color objects of red, orange, yellow, blue and green, (student name) will name the colors with no errors in 4 of 5 trials as measured by data log. Sample 5: Conceptual—cause and effect Goal: By (date) , when presented with a cause and effect toy, [student] will exhibit play activity and/or interact with cause and effect from 2 of 5 trials to 4 of 5 trials over 3 consecutive sessions as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with an action object, [student] will interact with a cause and effect toy (i.e., slide switch, push button etc.) in 4 of 5 trials over 3 consecutive sessions with hand over hand assistance as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with an action object, [student] will interact with a cause and effect toy (i.e., slide switch, push button etc.) in 4 of 5 trials over 3 consecutive sessions with prompting or modeling by an adult as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with an action object, [student] will interact with a cause and effect toy (i.e., slide switch, push button etc.) in 4 of 5 trials over 3 consecutive sessions with independently or with minimal cueing as measured by charting. Sample 6: Preschool or Life-skills—conceptual task Goal: By (date) , when presented with a picture task, [student] will increase concepts from using no descriptive words to being able to verbalize 2 descriptive concepts for objects and correctly order 4 sequence pictures 4/5 trials over 3 data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with objects or pictures of and object, one at a time, [student] will verbalize one descriptive concept (long, soft, squishy, etc.) for each in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with 10 objects or pictures of and object, one at a time, [student] will verbalize two descriptive concepts (long, soft, squishy, etc.) for each in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with 3 sequence pictures, [student] will arrange the pictures in correct order in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting. Objective: When presented with 4 sequence pictures, [student] will arrange the pictures in correct order in 4 of 5 trials as measured by charting. Sample 7: Preschool—social interaction Goal: By (date) , during preschool classroom activities, [student] will increase in spontaneous phrases from 2 or fewer phrases per school day to 5 or more phrases over 5 consecutive days to express wants/needs and initiate play with peers as measured by charting. Objective: During preschool classroom activities, [student] will verbalize statement (“I want ___”) or question (“Can I have ___?”) to express wants/needs with adult prompting and/or modeling, 5 or more times per school day over 5 consecutive days as measured by charting. Objective: During preschool classroom activities, [student] will spontaneously verbalize statement (“I want ___”) or question (“Can I have ___?”) to express wants/needs, 5 or more times per school day over 5 consecutive days as measured by charting. Objective: During choice/play time, [student] will use 5 or more phrases/sentences to initiate and/or engage in play with peers with adult prompting and/or modeling as measured by charting. Objective: During choice/play time, [student] will spontaneously use 5 or more phrases/sentences to initiate and/or engage in play with peers as measured by charting. Sample 8: Preschool—social interaction, play Goal: By (date) , when presented with a play opportunity, [student] will increase social interaction skills from maintaining interactive play less than 2 minutes on average to maintaining board games and/or open-ended play opportunities for 7-10 minutes with at least 3 peers, independently, in 4/5 data opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: [student] will independently initiate play interactions with peers in class and on the playground, by going over to them, asking them to play, and waiting for a response, at least twice/week across 3 weeks and 3+ peers and activities. Objective: When initiated by [himself/herself] or a peer, [student] will maintain appropriate participation in board games (following rules and waiting for own turn) with at least two peers until the natural completion of the game with no more than 3 cues, in 4/5 data opportunities across 3+ peers and games. Sample goals and objectives, page 5 of 8 Objective: Objective: When initiated by [himself/herself] or a peer, [student] will maintain appropriate participation in board games (following rules and waiting for own turn) with at least two peers until the natural completion of the game with no more than 1 cue, in 4/5 data opportunities across 3+ peers and games. Objective: When initiated by [himself/herself] or a peer, [student] will maintain appropriate participation in board games (following rules and waiting for own turn) with at least two peers until the natural completion of the game, independently, in 4/5 data opportunities across 3+ peers and games. Objective: When initiated by [himself/herself] or a peer, [student] will maintain open-ended associative for 7-10 minutes, with no more than 2 cues, in 4/5 data opportunities across 3+ peers and games. Objective: When initiated by [himself/herself] or a peer, [student] will maintain open-ended associative play for 710 minutes, independently, in 4/5 data opportunities across 3+ peers and games. Objective: When initiated by [himself/herself] or a peer, [student] will maintain open-ended cooperative play for 7-10 minutes, with adult cues, in 4/5 data opportunities across 3+ peers and games. Sample 8: Social/emotional Goal: By [], [student] will increase in social skills from being able to identify only the emotions of happy and mad to being able to identify 5 or more emotions in self or others in actual or hypothetical situations in 8/10 data opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: [student] will give an example of something that might make [him/her] feel a given emotion (e.g., sad, happy, scared, excited, worried, proud etc.) on request with adult monitoring and assistance, 8/10 opportunities, including 5+ emotions with 2+ examples of each emotion. Objective: [student] will give an example of something that might make [him/her] feel a given emotion (e.g., sad, happy, scared, excited, worried, proud etc.) on request with adult cueing, 8/10 opportunities, including 5+ emotions with 2+ examples of each emotion. Objective: [student] will give an example of something that might make [him/her] feel a given emotion (e.g., sad, happy, scared, excited, worried, proud etc.) on request, independently, 8/10 opportunities, including 5+ emotions with 2+ examples of each emotion. Objective: When presented with a practice scenario involving [himself/herself] or one other person, [student] will identify the emotion the [he/she] would likely feel, as well as how the other person might feel, with adult cueing, in 8/10 opportunities. Objective: When presented with a practice scenario involving [himself/herself] or one other person, [student] will identify the emotion the [he/she] would likely feel, as well as how the other person might feel, independently, in 8/10 opportunities. Objective: In discussing actual situations experienced at school, [student] will identify the emotion [he/she] felt or would feel, as well as how the other person might have felt or might feel, with adult cueing, in 8/10 opportunities. Objective: In discussing actual situations experienced at school, [student] will identify the emotion [he/she] felt or would feel, as well as how the other person might have felt or might feel, independently, in 8/10 opportunities. Sample 9: Adaptive—personal information Goal: By (date) , [student] will increase in knowledge of personal information from not being able to recite either home address or phone number to being able to recite both address and phone number accurately, when requested by an adult, in 5/5 opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: Upon adult request, [student] will recite [his/her] full house address (street number/name) and city, by repeating after an adult in 5/5 opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: Upon adult request, [student] will recite [his/her] full house address (street number/name) and city, with no more than one cue/correction, in 5/5 opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: Upon adult request, [student] will recite [his/her] full house address (street number/name) and city, independently in 5/5 opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: Upon adult request, [student] will recite [his/her] phone number, by repeating after an adult model, in 5/5 opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: Upon adult request, [student] will recite [his/her] phone number, with no more than one cue/correction, in 5/5 opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Objective: Upon adult request, [student] will recite [his/her] phone number, independently, in 5/5 opportunities as measured by classroom charting. Sample 10: Social—focus and direction following Goal: By (date) , [student] will increase in social skills from acknowledging an adult saying [his/her] name and following through with a subsequent direction the first time given less than 2/10 opportunities to 8/10 opportunities over a 2 week period as measured by classroom charting. Objective: When an adult calls [his/her] name, [student] will turn toward and acknowledge the adult (e.g., say “what?”) and then follow through with a subsequent direction with no more than 2 cues and 1 restatement of the direction. Objective: When an adult calls [his/her] name, [student] will turn toward and acknowledge the adult (e.g., say “what?”) and then follow through with a subsequent direction with no more than 1 cue. Objective: When an adult calls [his/her] name, [student] will turn toward and acknowledge the adult (e.g., say “what?”) and then follow through with a subsequent direction the first time it is given. Sample goals and objectives, page 6 of 8 Sample Behavioral Goals and Objectives Sample 1: On task Behavior Goal: By Date , (Student name) will increase in ability to remain on task for 15 minutes from 5 or more reminders to 2 or fewer reminders over 3 data collection days as measured by charting or behavior log. Objective: When given an assignment, (Student) will remain on task with 3 or fewer reminders and/or staff assistance to focus and/or use of a timer to help the student know how much time remains for focusing on the given task. (Criteria: 3 or few reminders over 3 data collection days.) Objective: When given an assignment, (Student) will remain on task with 2 or fewer reminders. (Criteria: 2 or few reminders over 3 data collection days.) Sample 2: Disruptions Goal: By Date , (Student name) will increase in ability to engage in nondisruptive behaviors from more than 6 incidents to less than 2 incidences of disruption over a 30-minute period over 3 of 4 data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: During either instructional time or independent seat work time, (Student) will engage in nondisruptive behaviors with 3 or fewer incidences of disruption over a 30-minute period over 3 of 4 data collection days as measured by charting. (Student) will stop disruptive behavior within 30 seconds of staff redirection. Objective: During either instructional or independent seat work time, (Student) will engage in nondisruptive behaviors with 2 or fewer incidences of disruptive behavior over 3 of 4 data collection days. (Student) will stop disruptive behavior within 30 seconds with only minimal gesturing by staff as a reminder to stop disruptive behavior. Sample 3: Self-calming Goal: By Date , (Student name) will increase in ability to use self-calming strategies and maintain self-control with 2 or fewer incidences of anxiety or frustration that requires adult intervention to mediate from 1 of 4 to 3 of 4 data collection days as measured by charting or log. Objective: (Student) will use self-calming strategies such as positive self-talk or other strategy with adult modeling, cueing and/or role playing in 3 of 4 incidences over two data collection days. Objective: (Student) will use self-calming strategies with only minimal verbal cues by an adult with 2 or fewer incidences of anxiety or frustration in 3 of 5 data collection days. Sample 4: Task Initiating or Attempting tasks Goal: By __Date__, (Student name) will increase in ability to attempt a task or initiate on task behavior from 2 of 5 trials to 4 of 5 trials over 3 consecutive data collection days as measured by daily work and/or charting. Objective: When presented with a paper/pencil task, (Student name) will attempt the task with teacher encouragement, modeling and/or assistance in 4 of 5 trials over 3 consecutive data collection days as measured by daily work and/or charting. Objective: When presented with paper/pencil task, (Student name) will initiate on task behavior with teacher prompting or partial assistance in 4 of 5 trials over 3 consecutive data collection days as measured by daily work and/or charting. Sample 5: Compliance Goal: By Date , (Student name) will increase in ability to comply with staff directions without argument and with one or no redirections from less than 2 of 5 situation to 4 of 5 situations over 3 consecutive data collection days as measured by charting. Objective: When given a direction by a staff member, (Student name) will comply within 60 seconds without argument, with no more than one redirection in 3 of 5 situations over 3 consecutive data collection days as measured by charting. (Student name) will have the opportunity to discuss the rationale for the adult direction after compliance has been achieved. Objective: When given a direction by a staff member, (Student name) will comply within 60 seconds without argument in 4 of 5 situations over 3 consecutive data collection days as measured by charting. Sample 6: Positive Interactions Goal: By Date , (Student name) will be able to make choices in his interactions with peers and adults that can be interpreted in a positive or neutral from 1 of 5 incidents to 3 of 5 incidents across 3 data collection days as measured by charting and observation. Objective: When interacting with others, (Student name) will use positive or neutral communication with peers with adult coaching and role playing in 3 of 4 incidences across 3 data collection days. Objective: When interacting with others, (Student name)will use positive or neutral communication with peers with minimal cueing in 3 of 4 incidences across 3 data collection days. Sample 7: Observing Personal Space Goal: By Date , (Student name) will demonstrate evidence of respecting the personal space of others by maintaining appropriate distance of 2 feet or more and keeping hands and body to self from less than 2 of 5 interactions to 4 of 5 interactions over 3 data collection days as measured by charting and observation. Sample goals and objectives, page 7 of 8 Objective: (Student) will demonstrate and verbalize understanding of personal space and will engage in behaviors that support that understanding in 3 of 4 incidences across 3 data collection days. Objective: (Student) will demonstrate ability to observe the personal space of others by maintaining a 2-feet or more distance when interacting with minimal cueing in 4 of 5 incidences across 3 data collection days. Sample 8: Transitioning Goal: By Date , (Student name) will increase in ability to transition between scheduled activities from transitioning without incident ____% of the time to ____% of the time over 5 data collection days as measured by charting/data sheets. Objective: When presented with a transition requirement between scheduled activities, (Student name) will successfully transition without incident ____% of the time with staff prompting and encouragement. Objective: When presented with a transition requirement between scheduled activities, (Student name) will successfully transition without incident ____% of the time independently. Sample 9: Conflict Resolution Goal: By Date , (Student name) will increase in ability to use conflict resolution skills to include I-messages, perception checking, and other strategies in 3 of 4 incidences over 3 consecutive data collection days as measured by charting and observation. Objective: (Student) will be able to use effective conflict resolution skills in 3 of 4 incidences over 3 consecutive data collection days with teacher modeling, prompting and role playing. Objective: (Student) will be able to use effective conflict resolution skills in 3 of 4 incidences more than 2 times per week over 3 consecutive data collection days with partial prompting or reminders in 3 of 4 incidences over 3 consecutive data collection days. Sample 10: Problem Solving Goal: By Date , (Student name) will increase in ability to develop and use problem solving skills from finding solutions in unknown situations ___% of the time to 80% of the time over 5 data collection days as measured by data collection sheets. Objective: When presented with a mock conflict situation in a classroom setting, (Student name) will be able to identify the problem with 80% accuracy over 5 data collection days. Objective: When presented with a mock conflict situation in a classroom setting, (Student name) will be able to list three choices and probable consequences for those choices 80% of the time over 5 data collection days. Objective: When presented with a mock conflict situation in a classroom setting, (Student name) will be able to select the best choice of 3 alternatives with 80% accuracy over 5 data collection days. Objective: When presented with a conflict situation, (Student name) will be able to resolve the situation by applying a problem solving strategy (identify the problem, brainstorm choices, consider consequences and select a choice) 80% of the time over 5 data collection days. Sample Transition Goals and Objectives Sample 1: Self-advocacy/Accommodations needs Goal: By (date), (student) will increase in self-advocacy skills from inability to describe needs to being able to identify needed accommodations in regular education classes and appropriately communicate those needs to the regular education teacher as measured by identifying/communicating needs in an IEP/program review meeting. Objective: During a role play practice with special education staff, (student) will identify 2 or more accommodations needed for successful participation in a regular education class on 3 consecutive trials. Objective: During an IEP meeting and/or other program review meeting, (student), either verbally or through an accommodation sheet, will communicate to appropriate school staff members 2 or more accommodations needed for successful participation in a regular education classroom across 1 to 2 situations. Sample 2: Progress toward graduation/credit check By (date), when given a transcript at registration, (student) will increase in ability to identify classes to keep on track for graduation and pick appropriate classes to fulfill graduation and/or post graduation plans from little ability to plan courses to independently planning courses as measured by completion of a “credit checklist” and course selection work sheet. Objective: When given a transcript at registration, (student) will identify classes to keep on track for graduation and will pick appropriate classes to fulfill graduation and/or post graduation plans with staff modeling and staff assistance. Objective: When given a transcript at registration, (student) will identify classes to keep on track for graduation and will pick appropriate classes to fulfill graduation and/or post graduation plans with cueing by staff or independently. Sample goals and objectives, page 8 of 8 Sample 3: Job Research Goal: By (date), (student) will increase in career awareness skills from inability to research jobs to independently researching a variety of jobs through an internet site or newspaper as measured by a written one-page summary of possible job positions over 2 data collection days. Objective: When given the task, (student) will research possible jobs on an internet site or newspaper want ads section and will write a short one-page summary of possible jobs with staff assistance. Objective: When given the task, (student) will independently look up, research, possible jobs on an internet site or newspaper want ads section and will write a short one-page summary of possible jobs. Sample 4: Personal Document Checklist Goal: By (date), (student) will increase in job preparation skills from little knowledge of needed personal information to completing a personal document checklist and/or pocket resume information form as measured by completed checklist and forms. Objective: When given the task, (student) will gather personal information that may be needed on a job application or college application form as measured by documents and/or written information. Objective: When given the task, (student) will complete a document checklist and/or pocket resume information form as measured by accurate completion of the document/form. Sample 5: Job application Goal: By (date), (student) will increase in job preparation skills from inability to complete an application to completing a variety of job applications (2 or more) as measured by written survey and/or completed job application. Objective: When given a job application form, (student) will complete the form accurately with personal information, academic experience information and any job experience information with staff assistance. Objective: When given a job application form, (student) will complete the form accurately with personal information, academic experience information and any job experience information with minimal cueing by staff.