FOR THE YEAR ENDED 2013 30 JUNE Contents C hair man an d C EO Repor t 2 D irec tor s’ Pro f iles 3 C or porat e Gover nanc e 6 D irec t o r s’ Responsibilit y St atemen t 10 F in an c ial Stat ement s 11 I ndependent Au d it o r’s Repor t 45 Shareho ld er and Stat u tor y I nfor matio n 47 C or porat e D irec t o r y 54 S A LV U S S T R A T E G I C I N V E S T M E N T S L I M I T E D A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 7 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1 1 Chairman and CEO Report Dear Shareholders Since the Veritas listed shell was created at the end of 2011, the Board of Veritas Investments set about looking for a business or businesses to reverse list, to both take advantage of the value of an existing shareholder base and listed shell, along with creating an exciting future through acquisition. In 2012 we announced the conditional purchase of the Mad Butcher Business, which we successfully completed in May 2013. The time that went into completing the transaction was immense, and we thank the Board and our advisors for their efforts in delivering the deal within the timeframe. The Mad Butcher Business was formally acquired on 8 May 2013, and to part fund this acquisition the Company undertook a capital raise that was significantly over-subscribed. In particular, the Institutional support was solid, with eight New Zealand Institutional investors joining the share register. We again welcome them to Veritas and Mad Butcher, along with all new shareholders. Since completion, the Board and Management have set about bedding down the investment and establish a foundation for growth, albeit in a competitive and often difficult retail environment. In particular, we are looking to deliver on our forecast of 4 new Mad Butcher stores in the FY14 financial year. We are well on track to meeting that target and are already looking beyond. We are very conscious that with the Mad Butcher Business, we compete against the dominant supermarket duopoly in New Zealand. The Mad Butcher has never shied away from taking them head-on, and will continue to leverage their unique offering in that great Kiwi under-dog tradition. That includes having butchers on site, preparing fresh food every day, including packed on dates on all items and even sharpening customers knives when they ask – try that at any supermarket! Our first priority remains focusing on the Mad Butcher Business. We continue to review other opportunities as they come to hand, and will continue to look for businesses that are complimentary and suit the experience and skill set of the Board. There are certainly no imminent acquisitions at this time. We thank you for on-going support. As a shareholder, we hope you have enjoyed, or soon will enjoy, the Mad Butcher retail experience. Mark Darrow Chairman, Veritas Investments Limited 2 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Michael Morton CEO, Mad Butcher Limited Director, Veritas Investments Limited Directors’ Profiles MARK DARROW BBus, CA, MinstD Independent Chairman Mark Darrow is an experienced businessman and director, specialising in corporate governance. Mark has held a number of directorships including Sime Darby Automobiles NZ Limited, Charlie’s Group Limited, Motor Trade Association, Motor Trade Group Investments Limited, GE Capital New Zealand Funding, VnC Cocktails Limited, the New Zealand Motor Industry Training Organisation (MITO) and several private interest companies. Mark has also held a number of senior executive positions including as Managing Director for Continental Car Services and Sime Darby, General Manager of Peugeot New Zealand and CEO for PGG Wrightson Finance Limited. Mark was heavily involved in the 2011 sale of Charlie’s Group Limited to Asahi Group, the mergers of MITO with EXITO and Tranzqual, the sale of PGG Wrightson Finance Limited to Heartland New Zealand Limited, and the pending sale of Vehicle Testing Group to Dekra SE. Mark chaired the Finance and Audit Committee for Charlie’s Group Limited and MITO and currently chairs the Audit Committee for Veritas. He is also on the Audit Committee for the Motor Trade Association. Mark is a member of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants and a member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors. TI M C O O K MInstD Non-Executive Director Tim Cook is Managing Director of Collins Asset Management Limited, an Auckland based private equity and investment company. Collins Asset Management Limited has a number of investments in medical, technology, property, executive recruitment and the motor industry. Tim has been with Collins Asset Management Limited since 2003, when he was initially a business advisor to the Chairman, and subsequently became a Director and CEO of Primecare Retirement Villages. He then oversaw the sale of that business in 2005, following which Collins Group became a private equity organisation. Tim is a director of a number of companies within and outside of Collins Group of which Collins Asset Management is a member. These include Cook Executive Recruitment, Auckland Heart Group Limited, Team McMillan BMW Limited, Team McMillan MINI Limited and Rolls Royce. He is also chairman of Safer Sleep NZ and USA, chairman of The Heart Institute, NZ’s largest private cardiology practice and chairman of VnC Cocktails Limited. His earlier management career includes senior retail and operational management roles in the supermarket, retail, franchising, food and fashion industry sectors. From 2006 to 2011 he was a Director of NZX listed Charlie’s Group Limited, representing Collins Asset Management who was the cornerstone shareholder at 19.69%. He was a member of the Finance and Audit Committee and Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. He was heavily involved in its sale to Asahi Group for $129 million in 2011. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 3 DIRECTOR’S PROFILES continued PHILIP NEWLAND BCA/LLB (VUW), MS (NYU) Independent Director Phil Newland has extensive experience in Australasian businesses and as a director of both private and public companies. Phil has a Bachelor of Commerce and Administration and a Bachelor of Law from Victoria University of Wellington and a Master’s degree in property finance and investment from New York University. In his early career, Phil practiced for several years as a corporate and commercial lawyer at Russell McVeagh. After completing his Master’s degree at New York University, he returned to New Zealand and joined Cullen Investments Limited where he was Managing Director from 2001 to 2003. Subsequently, Phil has become a successful private investor while continuing a professional involvement in a wide range of businesses. Phil has held several directorships including Abano Healthcare Group Limited, Gen-I Limited, Pacific Retail Group Limited, NZ Warriors and he is currently a director of Les Mills Holdings Limited and of litigation funding company LPF Group Limited, which he also founded. ST E F A N P R E ST O N BE (Hons), MBA (Stanford) Independent Director Stefan has considerable experience with developing businesses and as a director. Stefan is owner and principal of Ingenio – an active investment company that manages several innovative early-stage companies. Ingenio also consults to other companies primarily in the area of business design and innovation. In his earlier career as a CEO, Stefan led a number of New Zealand retail and consumer companies including Pacific Retail Group Limited, Whitcoulls Limited and Bendon Limited. While CEO at Bendon Limited, the company added operations in Europe, North America and the Middle East. Stefan is also a director of the Comfort Group, Magic Memories and an Advisory Board member of the NZTE Beachheads & Better by Design Programs and KEA. 4 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 MICHAEL MORTON MBA (Massey) Executive Director Michael Morton has extensive management experience and over 12 years’ experience as CEO of the Mad Butcher Business. Michael’s first management position was Assistant Manager at Stallone’s Pizza Delivery Company, a South Island based pizza chain which later became Eagle Boys Pizza. He was later appointed Operations Manager of that company. Michael next worked for PepsiCo as Assistant Manager of KFC and then Operations Manager, before moving to Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited to become General Manager of the Pizza Hut business. In 2000, Michael left Restaurant Brands and joined Mad Butcher Holdings Limited as CEO under Sir Peter Leitch’s ownership. In 2007, Michael completed the acquisition of Mad Butcher Holdings Limited. Since Michael joined the Mad Butcher Business as CEO in 2000, the number of Mad Butcher stores throughout New Zealand has more than doubled to 36. Following the successful acquisition of the Mad Butcher Business by Veritas, Michael joined the Board of Veritas and continues his role as CEO of the Mad Butcher Business. SHANE McKILLEN Director Shane McKillen has over 15 years’ experience in New Zealand and overseas establishing and commercialising start-up businesses across the technology, electricity and alcoholic beverage sectors. In 1997 Shane established Netco Communications Limited, a leading EFTPOS technology and network provider which he sold to Advantage Group in 2000. In 1998 Shane jointly established Empower Limited, New Zealand’s first and only independent electricity retailer post industry deregulation in 1996. The business was acquired by and merged into Contact Energy in 2003. In 2001 Shane jointly funded and commercialised 42 Below Limited in New Zealand and set up the distribution of 42 Below in North, Central and South America. 42 Below Limited was publicly listed in New Zealand in 2003 and was acquired by Bacardi in December 2006. In 2007 Shane founded VnC Cocktails Limited, a New Zealand manufacturer of premium ready to serve cocktails. As Managing Director of VnC, Shane is involved in expanding the export markets for VnC Cocktails’ products to develop VnC Cocktails into a globally recognised brand. Shane joined the Board of Veritas following the successful acquisition of the Mad Butcher Business. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 5 Corporate Governance Statement The overall responsibility for ensuring that the Directors who all have a diverse range of experience Company is properly managed to enhance investor and expertise (profiles of the individual Directors can confidence through corporate governance and accountability lies with the Board of Directors. The Board and Management are committed to ensuring that the Company maintains corporate this to benefit the Company. As at 30 June 2013, the Board consisted of: Mark Darrow Chairman and Independent Director operates efficiently and effectively in shareholders’ Stefan Preston Independent Director best interests. Phil Newland Independent Director governance structures which ensure that the Company The Company’s corporate governance processes do not materially differ from the principles set out in Tim CookDirector NZX’s Corporate Governance Best Practice Code. The Michael Morton Executive Director Board will continue to monitor best practice in the Shane McKillenDirector corporate governance area and update the Company’s policies to ensure it maintains the most appropriate standards. R ole a n d C ompo s i t i o n of t he B oard The business and affairs of the Company are managed under the direction of the Board of Directors, which has overall responsibility for decision making within the Company. At a general level, the Board is elected by the shareholders to: Establish the Company’s objectives; Develop major strategies for achieving the Company’s objectives; Approve all material transactions relating to the Group; Set investment parameters; Monitor management’s performance with respect to these matters; Ensure legislative compliance; Communicate with shareholders and other stakeholders; Approve the annual and half-year financial 6 be found on pages 3 to 5, and are committed to use Simon Wallace ceased to hold office as a Director in January 2013. A Director is “independent” when he or she does not have any direct or indirect interest or relationship with the Company which could reasonably influence, in a material way, that Director’s decisions relating to the Company. The Board will consider all relevant circumstances when determining independence, but in accordance with NZX Listing Rules a Director will not be independent where the Director, or an associated person of the Director: is a substantial security holder in the Company; or has a relationship with the Company (other than being a Director of the Company) under which the Director or associated person is likely to derive a substantial portion (generally 10% or more) of their annual revenue or income from the Company. Q u a n t i t a t i ve B reakdow n of G E N D E R C O M P O SITI O N O F D i rec t or s a n d O ff i cer s reports. Male6 The Board of Directors currently consists of 3 Female0 Independent Directors and 3 Non-Independent TOTAL6 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Nom i n a t i o n a n d E t h i cal C o n d u c t A ppo i n t me n t of D i rec t or s The Company has adopted a Code of Conduct, which recommending candidates. Directors may also be expected of Veritas’ Directors and employees. The The Board is responsible for identifying and nominated by shareholders under NZX Listing Rule 3.3.5. A Director may be appointed by ordinary resolution and all Directors are subject to removal by ordinary resolution. The Board may at any time appoint additional Directors. A Director appointed by the Board shall only hold office until the next Annual Meeting of the Company but shall be eligible for election at that meeting. The procedures for the appointment and removal of Directors are governed by the Company’s constitution. The constitution provides for one third of the Company’s Directors (rounded down to the nearest whole number) to retire and stand for re-election at every Annual Meeting. The Directors who must retire are those who have been in office the longest since last elected or deemed to be elected. Any increase in the total Directors’ remuneration is approved by shareholders at the Company’s Annual Meeting, upon the recommendation of the Board as a whole. Within that cap approved by shareholders, the Board is responsible for determining the remuneration paid to each Director. D i s clo s u re of I n t ere s t s by D i rec t or s The Companies Act 1993 sets out the procedures to be followed where Directors have an interest in a transaction or proposed transaction or are faced with a potential conflict of interest requiring the disclosure of that conflict to the Board. Veritas maintains an Interests Register that contains all the relevant and material directorships held by the members of the Board. Entries in the Interests Register made in the financial year ended 30 June 2013 are shown on pages 49 to 53. sets out the ethical and behavioural standards Code of Conduct outlines the Company’s policies in respect of conflicts of interest, competing corporate opportunities, maintaining confidentiality of information, acceptance of gifts and compliance with laws and Company policies. Procedures for dealing with breaches of these policies are contained within the Code of Conduct, which forms part of each employee’s conditions of employment. Share D eal i n g s Veritas’ Directors and employees must comply with the Company’s Securities Trading Policy and Procedures, to ensure that no trades in shares are effected whilst that person is in possession of material information which is not generally available to the market. I n dem n i f i ca t i o n a n d I n s u ra n ce of D i rec t or s a n d O ff i cer s The Company has D&O insurance with Vero which ensures that generally, Directors and officers will incur no monetary loss as a result of actions undertaken by them. The Company has entered into an indemnity in favour of its Directors for the purposes of Section 162 of the Companies Act 1993. Shareholder R ela t i o n s The Company is committed to providing comprehensive and timely information to its shareholders. Shareholders are encouraged to participate in Annual Meetings and the Company encourages queries from shareholders outside formal meetings. B oard P roce s s e s The Board (past and current members) met formally 14 times for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 for the purpose of reviewing the progress of the Company, approving communications with VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7 Corporate Governance Statement Continued shareholders and the maintenance of all internal The Company utilises the accounting and procedures and governance. administration services of Collins Asset Management These formal meetings included discussions relating (associated with Tim Cook) under the management to the Investment, Audit and Remuneration and Nominations Committees. There were a number of informal meetings throughout the financial year, but these are not included in the following table. Board Members Meetings Attended meetings incorporated Audit Committee discussions. In the financial year ended 30 June 2013, the Audit Committee had 1 formal meeting. These formal meetings are intended to continue for 2014. Audit Committee Members Meetings Attended Mark Darrow, Chairman 14 Mark Darrow, Chairman 1 Tim Cook 14 Tim Cook 1 Stefan Preston (appointed January 2013)9 Phil Newland (appointed January 2013)1 Phil Newland (appointed January 2013)8 Simon Wallace (resigned January 2013)0 Simon Wallace (resigned January 2013)5 Michael Morton (appointed May 2013)2 Shane McKillen (appointed May 2013)2 C omm i t t ee s The Board has 3 formally constituted committees. These committees, established by the Board, review and analyse policies and strategies as developed by the Board. The committees examine proposals and, where appropriate, make recommendations to the Board. Committees do not take action or make PricewaterhouseCoopers has provided the Company with taxation and accounting advice. KPMG has provided the Company with taxation advice in addition to its services as external Auditor. Notwithstanding this, the Company is currently satisfied with KPMG’s independence and the quality of the audit it provides. The Company has adopted an External Financial Auditor’s Independence Policy designed to ensure the independence of its external financial auditors. KPMG have undertaken the audit of the financial decisions on behalf of the Board unless specifically statements for the financial year ended 30 June 2013. authorised to do so by the Board. Particulars of the audit and other fees paid during the Audit Committee period are set out on page 30. The Company’s Audit Committee has been established Investment Committee to monitor audit and risk management processes (including treasury and financing policies). It specifically ensures adequate financial reporting and regulatory conformance. The committee is accountable to the Board for considering and, if necessary or desirable, adopting the recommendations of the external Auditor and addressing the adequacy of the external audit function. The Committee provides the Board with additional assurance regarding the accuracy of financial information for inclusion in the Company’s Annual 8 of Mark Darrow (Chairman). A number of the Board The Board has a separate Investment Committee. A number of the Board meetings incorporated Investment Committee discussions. In the financial year ended 30 June 2013, the Investment Committee had 2 formal meetings. These formal meetings are intended to continue for 2014. Investment Committee Members Meetings Attended Stefan Preston, Chairman (appointed January 2013)2 Report, including all financial information released Phil Newland (appointed January 2013)2 through NZX. Michael Morton (appointed May 2013)2 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Remuneration and Nominations Committee The Remuneration and Nominations Committee is responsible for overseeing management succession planning, stabling employee incentive schemes, reviewing and approving the compensation arrangements for the Executive Directors and senior management and recommending to the full Board the remuneration of Directors. A number of the Board meetings incorporated Remuneration and D i s clo s u re The Company adheres to the NZX continuous disclosure requirements which govern the release of all material information that may affect the value of the Company’s listed shares. The Board and senior management team have processes in place to ensure that all material information is promptly provided to the Chairman and disclosed to the market as appropriate. Nominations Committee discussions. For the financial year ended 30 June 2013, the Remuneration and Nominations Committee had no formal meetings. It has been agreed that these formal meetings will be held as and when required. Members of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee are Tim Cook (Chairman), Mark Darrow and Shane McKillen. M a n ag i n g R i s k The Board has overall responsibility for the Company system of risk management and internal control and has procedures in place to provide effective control within the management and reporting structure. The Board has in place policies and procedures to identify significant business risks and to implement procedures for effectively managing those risks. Key risk management tools used by Veritas include the Audit Committee and Investment Committee functions, outsourcing of certain functions to experts, internal controls, financial and compliance reporting procedures and adequate insurance cover. Management Reports are prepared monthly and reviewed by the Board to monitor performance against budget goals and objectives. The Board also N Z X W a i ver s In a decision dated 30 March 2012, NZX granted the Company a waiver from the requirements of Listing Rules 3.3.1(c) and 3.6.2(c), to allow the Board and the Audit Committee to have only one Independent Director rather than the required two. In a decision dated 14 September 2012, NZX granted an extension to the 30 March 2012 waiver. The extension to the waiver was granted on the condition that: (a) the waiver only apply until the earlier of (i) the Company’s completion of an acquisition of a new business by way of reverse listing; (ii) the appointment of a second Independent Director to the Board; or (iii) 30 September 2013; and (b) the Board report to NZX on a quarterly basis for the duration of the application of the waiver regarding the steps it has taken towards: (i) investigating and progressing an acquisition; and (ii) appointing an Independent Director. On 16 January 2013, Veritas announced to NZX and the market that Independent Directors Stefan Preston and Phil Newland had been appointed to the Board (with Phil Newland also being appointed to the Audit Committee) in satisfaction of Listing Rules 3.3.1(c) and 3.6.2(c). requires management to identify and respond to risk exposures. A structure framework is in place for capital expenditure, including appropriate authorisations and approval levels. The Board maintains an overall view of the risk profile of the Company and is responsible for monitoring corporate risk assessment processes. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 9 Directors’ Responsibility Statement The Board of Directors have pleasure in presenting the financial statements and audit report for Veritas Investments Limited for the year ended 30 June 2013. The Directors are responsible for presenting financial statements in accordance with New Zealand law and generally accepted accounting practice, which give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Group as at 30 June 2013, and the results of the Group’s operations and cash flows for the period ended on that date. Due to the nature of the Mad Butcher transaction, these accounts are presented under ‘reverse acquisition’ rules where the Mad Butcher Business is treated as the acquirer of Veritas. The required construct of the financial statements in this first reporting period following the acquisition of the Mad Butcher Business does present some difficulties to understand against more conventional accounting, just as the construct of the prospective financial information included in the Prospectus dated 28 March 2013 did. Future years will be much more straight forward. These financial statements represent 12 months’ trading for the Mad Butcher Business (both as Mad Butcher Holdings Limited and Mad Butcher Limited) plus Veritas’ trading from 8 May to 30 June 2013. The Directors believe that proper accounting records have been kept which enable, with reasonable accuracy, the determination of the financial position of the Group and facilitate compliance with the Financial Reporting Act 1993. The Directors consider that they have taken adequate steps to safeguard the assets of the Group and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. Internal control procedures are also considered to be sufficient to provide a reasonable assurance as to the integrity and reliability of the financial statements. The Board of Directors of the Group authorised these financial statements presented on pages 12 to 44 for issue on 28 August 2013. For and on behalf of the Board, Mark Darrow Chairman, Veritas Investments Limited Audit Committee Chairman 10 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Financial Statements S t a t e m e n t o f C o m p r e h e n s i v e I n c o m e 12 S t a t e m e n t o f F i n a n c i a l P o s i t i o n 13 S t a t e m e n t o f C h a n g e s i n E q u i t y 14 S t a t e m e n t o f C a s h F l o w s 16 N o t e s t o t h e F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t s 17 S A L V U S S T R A TV EE GR II CT AI SN VI N E SVTEM N ET SN TLS ALNI M N IUTAE LD RAENPNOURAT L 2 R0 E0P7 O R T 2 0 1 3 S TE M 2 111 Statement of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2013 note Revenue 4 GROUP 2013 29,865,428 Expenses VERITAS 2013 2012 31,503,884 2012 - - Carcass purchases 20,110,286 21,874,207 - - Advertising & marketing costs 2,376,963 3,081,558 - - Employee benefits expense 553,180 620,220 - - Other expenses 919,861 802,678 5 1,277,129 963,122 (23,960,290)(26,378,663) (1,277,129) Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and non-trading transaction impact 5,905,138 5,125,221 (963,122) Non-trading transaction impact 5 4,800,506 Depreciation & amortisation expense 8 102,238 65,897 Finance expense / (income) 6 110,355 56,934 Bad debt expense / (recovery) (785) 679,883 Other losses / (gains) - net (30,469) 12,403 (82,400) (4,981,845) (815,117) 94,858 (867,219) Profit / (loss) before income tax 923,293 4,310,104 (1,182,271) (1,830,341) (1,770,634) (1,242,655) (847,341) 3,067,449 Income tax expense 11 Total comprehensive income / (LOSS) for the period Earnings per Share (cents per share) (basic and diluted) 13 - (1,277,129) (963,122) - - - - (12,458) (186,287) - 1,053,506 - (1,182,271) (1,830,341) (4.56)19.94 The accompanying notes form part of and should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements. 12 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Statement of Financial Position AS AT 30 June 2013 note GROUP 2013 2012 VERITAS 2013 2012 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 17 2,837,307 Restricted cash 17 75,000 Trade and other receivables 7 1,193,300 Income tax refundable 11 Total current assets 83,735 - 998,137 - - 4,105,607 1,081,872 424,802 Property, plant and equipment 8 101,734 Intangibles - computer software 8 31,255 Investments in subsidiaries 9 - - - 1,984,784 617,668 75,000 75,000 130,309 25,011 - 2,468 2,190,093 720,147 - - - - 39,938,375 - Total non-current assets 132,989 424,802 39,938,375 - Total Assets 4,238,596 1,506,674 42,128,468 720,147 355,238 111,509 LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 10 1,502,587 1,049,600 Income tax payable 11 265,941 453,462 1,768,528 1,503,062 Total current liabilities Borrowings 17 Total non-current liabilities - - 355,238 111,509 - 1,060,000 - - - 1,060,000 - - Total Liabilities 1,768,528 2,563,062 355,238 111,509 Net Assets / (Net Liabilities) 2,470,068 (1,056,388) 41,773,230 608,638 26,955,187 100 49,858,434 7,511,571 Retained earnings (24,485,119) (1,056,488) (8,085,204) (6,902,933) Total Equity / (Deficit) 2,470,068 (1,056,388) 41,773,230 EQUITY Share capital 12 608,638 For and on behalf of the Board of Directors who authorised these financial statements for issue on 28 August 2013: Mark Darrow Michael Morton ChairmanDirector The accompanying notes form part of and should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 13 Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended 30 jUne 2013 note SHARE CAPITAL $ Balance at 1 July 2011 100 GROUP RETAINED EARNINGS $ (1,055,973) Total EQUITY $ (1,055,873) Total comprehensive income for the year Profit for the year - 3,067,449 3,067,449 - (3,067,964) (3,067,964) - (3,067,964) (3,067,964) 100 (1,056,488) (1,056,388) - (847,341) (847,341) Transactions with owners Dividends paid 15 Total contributions by / distributions to owners Balance at 30 June 2012 Total Comprehensive Income for the year Loss for the year Transactions with owners Shares issued (net of issue costs) 12 23,333,466 - 23,333,466 Shares issued to acquire VIL 5 3,621,621 - 3,621,621 Distribution to Mad Butcher Holdings Limited 15 - (19,938,375) (19,938,375) Dividends paid 15 - (2,642,915) (2,642,915) Total contributions by / distributions to owners 26,955,087 (22,581,290) 4,373,797 Balance at 30 June 2013 26,955,187 (24,485,119) 2,470,068 The accompanying notes form part of and should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements. 14 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 statement of changes in equity continued note Balance at 1 July 2011 SHARE CAPITAL $ 20,158,346 VERITA S RETAINED EARNINGS $ Total EQUITY $ (1,215,745) 18,942,601 Total comprehensive income for the year Loss for the year - (1,830,341) (1,830,341) Transactions with owners Shares issued 12 746,744 - Capital distribution 12 (13,393,519) - Dividends paid 15 - 746,744 (13,393,519) (3,856,847) (3,856,847) (16,503,622) Total contributions by / distributions to owners (12,646,775) (3,856,847) Balance at 30 June 2012 7,511,571 (6,902,933) 608,638 - (1,182,271) (1,182,271) Total Comprehensive Income for the year Loss for the year Transactions with owners Shares issued (net of issue costs) 12 42,346,863 Total contributions by / distributions to owners 42,346,863 Balance at 30 June 2013 49,858,434 - 42,346,863 - 42,346,863 (8,085,204) 41,773,230 The accompanying notes form part of and should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 15 Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2013 note GROUP 2013 2012 VERITAS 2013 Cash from customers 29,776,384 30,862,136 82,400 Cash paid to suppliers and employees (25,669,102) (26,270,951) (1,138,697) Interest / dividends received 11,861 13,361 12,458 Interest paid (121,747) (69,820) Tax refunded / (paid) (881,000) (1,370,448) 2,468 3,116,396 3,164,278 (1,041,371) Net cash inflows / (outflows) from operating activities 20 2012 (931,892) 419,882 - 27,597 (484,413) Sale of investments - (3,393) - 14,758,941 Purchase of property, plant and equipment - (49,400) Investment acquisition costs - - (39,938,375) - Net cash inflows from / (used in) investing activities - (52,793) (39,938,375) 14,758,941 - Proceeds from share issue 23,333,466 - Dividend (19,938,375) - - - - (13,393,519) Capital distributions to company shareholders - - (2,642,915) Repayment of bank borrowings (1,060,000) Franchisee advances repaid 20,000 123,148 Net cash inflows from / (used in) financing activities (287,824) (2,944,816) Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 2,828,572 166,669 1,305,491 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 83,735 (82,934) 692,668 2,976,764 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 2,912,307 83,735 1,998,159 692,668 Cash and bank balances 2,837,307 83,735 1,909,784 617,668 75,000 75,000 75,000 1,984,784 692,668 2.7 2,912,307 - 83,735 - 691,744 Dividend paid Restricted cash (3,067,964) 42,285,237 - (3,856,849) - - - - 42,285,237 (16,558,624) (2,284,096) The accompanying notes form part of and should be read in conjunction with the Financial Statements. 16 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Notes to the Financial Statements For the year ended 30 June 2013 1. 1.1 G e n eral i n forma t i o n Reporting entity Veritas Investment Limited (“Veritas”, or the “Company”) is a company incorporated and domiciled in New Zealand, registered under the Companies Act 1993 and listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (“NZX”). The Company is an issuer in terms of the Financial Reporting Act 1993. Financial statements for Veritas (separate financial statements) and consolidated financial statements are presented. The consolidated financial statements of the Company as at and for the year ended 30 June 2013 comprise the Company and its subsidiary, Mad Butcher Limited (“MBL”), together referred to as the “Group”. The Group is engaged in coordinating the national marketing and product procurement for the individual Mad Butcher franchises, as well as providing support for the franchises. 1.2 Basis of preparation MBL is the wholly-owned subsidiary of Veritas which was specifically incorporated for the purpose of acquiring the Mad Butcher Business (the “Business”). The Business is as defined in the Sale and Purchase Agreement whereby “MBL” acquired the Mad Butcher franchisor business and assets previously owned and operated by a separate and unrelated reporting entity, Mad Butcher Holdings Limited (“MBH”). For financial reporting purposes, aspects of “reverse acquisition” accounting are relevant and the rules require that the Mad Butcher Business is treated as the acquirer of Veritas. The consolidated financial statements prepared following a “reverse acquisition” are issued under the name of the legal parent (Veritas) but described in the notes as a continuation of the financial statements of the Mad Butcher Business. Given that this was the acquisition of a business, MBL’s financial statements will be those of the Mad Butcher Business. Therefore, the consolidated financial information provided for the year ended 30 June 2013 reflects 12 months of trading of the Mad Butcher Business, plus Veritas’ trading from 8 May to 30 June 2013. The consolidated financial information provided for the comparative year ended 30 June 2012 reflects 12 months of trading from the Mad Butcher Business only. The financial statements of the Mad Butcher Business exclude certain income and expenses transactions, specific assets and liabilities recorded by MBH on the basis that they are not related to the Business (note 1.4). There have been no allocations of income, expenses, assets or liabilities in determining the components to be excluded. The adjustments required to exclude these transactions and balances are presented as distributions (dividends paid) to owner within equity. These consolidated financial statements meet the definition of “combined financial statements” and have been prepared for the reporting periods stated to represent the continuation of the Mad Butcher Business after the acquisition of the Business described above. The financial statement of the Mad Butcher Business have been extracted from the financial statements and the accounting records of MBH for the years ended 31 March 2013 and 2012, and of MBH and MBL for the period ended 30 June 2013. These financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis. The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the financial statements are selected and applied in a manner which ensures that the resulting financial information satisfies the concepts of relevance and reliability, thereby ensuring that the substance of the underlying transaction and other events is reported. These policies have been consistently applied to all the periods presented, unless otherwise stated. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 17 Notes to The financial statements continued 1. 1.3 G e n eral i n forma t i o n ( c o n t i n u e d ) Statement of compliance The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with New Zealand Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (“GAAP”) and the requirements of the Companies Act 1993 and the Financial Reporting Act 1993. They comply with New Zealand equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards (“NZ IFRS”) and other applicable Financial Reporting Standards, as appropriate for profit oriented entities. The financial statements also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 28 August 2013. 1.4 Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty In the application of the Group’s accounting policies, the directors are required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical experience and other factors that are considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an on-going basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future periods. Critical judgements in applying accounting policies The following are the judgements, apart from those involving estimation, that the directors have made in the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in these financial statements: ACQUISITION OF THE MAD BUTCHER BUSINESS These financial statements are based on the financial statements of Mad Butcher Holdings Limited and exclude the following expenses, income, assets and liabilities that are not related to the Business: Expenses / Income excluded: specific spend on the account of the Mad Butcher Vendor that is unrelated to the Business, income tax subventions received in respect of investments that do not form part of the Business, interest income received from advances to related parties not forming part of the Business, and gains / losses on sale of investments not forming part of the Business. Assets / Liabilities excluded: all advances to/from related parties not forming part of the Business, investments in stores, and shareholder account. The exclusions applied above are consistent with the treatment of such expenses / income and assets / liabilities in the Prospective Financial Information for FY2013 and FY2014 presented in the Investment Statement and Prospectus dated 28 March 2013. Equity is the residual after excluding the above transactions and balances. They have been included within distribution to owner in the Statement of Cash Flows. 18 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1.5 Functional and presentation currency Both the functional and presentation currency of the Company is New Zealand Dollars ($). Transactions in foreign currencies are initially recorded in the functional currency by applying the exchange rates ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the exchange rate at balance date. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate as at the date of the initial transaction. 2 . S u mmary of s i g n i f i ca n t acco u n t i n g pol i c i e s 2.1Consolidation The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries) as at the reporting date, as modified by the “reverse acquisition” rules explained in Note 1 above. Control is achieved where the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of another entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies into line with those used by other members of the Group. Investments in subsidiaries are recorded at cost less any impairment in the Company’s financial statements. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated in full on consolidation. The results of entities acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the profit or loss from the effective date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate. 2.2 Acquisitions / business combinations / associates / goodwill As explained in Note 1, under “reverse acquisition” accounting the Business is treated as the acquirer of Veritas. Under these rules, the difference between the market capitalisation of Veritas as at the transaction date immediately prior to completion of the acquisition of the Business and the net assets of Veritas at that same time is a share-based payment (included in the “non-trading transaction impact” expense). Accordingly, the acquisition of the Business does not give rise to any goodwill to be carried at cost (less impairment losses) on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. Veritas did not acquire any other business or invest in any associates in the financial years ended 30 June 2013 or 2012. Acquisitions of businesses are accounted for using the acquisition method. The consideration transferred in a business combination is measured at fair value, which is calculated as the sum of the acquisition-date fair values of the assets transferred by the Group, liabilities incurred by the Group to the former owners of the acquiree and the equity interests issued by the Group in exchange for control of the acquiree. Acquisitionrelated costs are recognised in profit or loss as incurred. Goodwill is measured as the excess of the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any noncontrolling interests in the acquiree, and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree (if any) over the net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed. If, after reassessment, the net of the acquisition-date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed exceeds the sum of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interests in the acquiree and the fair value of the acquirer’s previously held interest in the acquiree (if any), the excess is recognised immediately in profit or loss as a bargain purchase gain. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 19 Notes to The financial statements continued 2 . S u mmary of s i g n i f i ca n t acco u n t i n g pol i c i e s ( c o n t i n u e d ) When the consideration transferred by the Group in a business combination includes assets or liabilities resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement, the contingent consideration is measured at its acquisition-date fair value and included as part of the consideration transferred in a business combination. Changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration that qualify as measurement period adjustments are adjusted retrospectively, with corresponding adjustments against goodwill. Measurement period adjustments are adjustments that arise from additional information obtained during the ‘measurement period’ (which cannot exceed one year from the acquisition date) about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date. The subsequent accounting for changes in the fair value of the contingent consideration that do not qualify as measurement period adjustments depends on how the contingent consideration is classified. Contingent consideration that is classified as equity is not remeasured at subsequent reporting dates and its subsequent settlement is accounted for within equity. Contingent consideration that is classified as an asset or a liability is remeasured at subsequent reporting dates in accordance with NZ IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, or NZ IAS 37 – Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets, as appropriate, with the corresponding gain or loss being recognised in profit or loss. When a business combination is achieved in stages, the Group’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is remeasured to fair value at the acquisition date (i.e. the date when the Group obtains control) and the resulting gain or loss, if any, is recognised in profit or loss. Amounts arising from interests in the acquiree prior to the acquisition date that have previously been recognised in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss where such treatment would be appropriate if that interest were disposed of. If the initial accounting for a business combination is incomplete by the end of the reporting period in which the combination occurs, the Group reports provisional amounts for the items for which the accounting is incomplete. Those provisional amounts are adjusted during the measurement period (see above), or additional assets or liabilities are recognised, to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date that, if known, would have affected the amounts recognised at that date. 2.3 Revenue recognition Revenue comprises the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the sale of goods and services, excluding Goods and Services Tax, rebates and discounts, to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the amount of the revenue can be reliably measured. Sales of carcasses - The business acts as principal for the sale of beef and lamb carcasses. Revenue from the sale of carcasses is recognised when the carcasses are received by the franchise stores. Supplier rebates revenue - The business acts as an agent for the sale of poultry, pork, lamb and beef products. Supplier rebates on these products are recognised as revenue when the goods are received by the franchise stores. Advertising income and franchise fees - Contracted annual advertising charges and franchise fees are recognised on a straight line basis over the year. 20 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2.4 Interest bearing liabilities Interest bearing loans and borrowings are initially measured at fair value, less directly attributable transaction costs. After initial recognition, interest bearing loans and borrowings are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Loans and borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting date. 2.5 Finance costs / income Finance costs include interest on external debt (borrowing costs). Borrowing costs incurred for the construction of any qualifying asset are capitalised during the period of time that is required to complete and prepare the asset for its intended use or sale. Finance income includes interest on deposits and finance revenues. These are recognised as the interest or revenue accrues using the effective interest method. 2.6 Dividends and miscellaneous income Dividends arising in respect of shares held by the Group / Veritas are recognised as income when paid by the investee corporation. Miscellaneous income represents the profit on disposal of shares held for investment purposes, and is recognised when the shares are sold. 2.7 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents in the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flows comprise cash at bank and in hand, net of small temporary bank overdrafts, and short-term deposits with an original maturity of three months or less that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Short term deposits with an original maturity of greater than three months are also included within cash and cash equivalents if the term deposit can be terminated at an earlier date, without incurring penalties. Restricted cash comprises deposits held by the NZX on behalf of Veritas. 2.8 Trade and other receivables Trade receivables are amounts due from franchise stores for carcasses sold or services performed in the ordinary course of business. If collection is expected in one year or less, they are classified as current assets. If not, they are presented as non-current assets. Trade receivables are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less an allowance for impairment. Collectability of trade receivables is reviewed on an on-going basis and a provision for doubtful debts is made when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all amounts due according to the original terms of the receivables. Financial difficulties of the debtor, or amounts significantly overdue are considered objective evidence of impairment. The amount of the loss is recognised in the profit and loss component of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Subsequent recoveries of amounts previously written off are credited in the profit and loss component of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 21 Notes to The financial statements continued 2 . S u mmary of s i g n i f i ca n t acco u n t i n g pol i c i e s ( c o n t i n u e d ) 2.9 Goods and Service Tax (“GST”) The financial statements have been prepared so that all components are stated exclusive of GST, except: when the GST incurred on a purchase of goods and services is not recoverable from the taxation authority, in which case the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of an asset or as part of the expense item as applicable; and trade receivables and payables, which include GST invoiced. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority is included as part of receivables or payables in the Statement of Financial Position. GST paid to the taxation authority is included within payments to suppliers and employees in the Statement of Cash Flows. Commitments and contingencies are disclosed net of the amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the taxation authority. 2.10 Income tax The income tax expense or benefit for the period is the tax payable on the current period’s taxable income adjusted by changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities attributed to temporary differences between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Current tax assets and liabilities are measured at the amount expected to be recovered from or paid to the taxation authorities based on the current period’s taxable income. The tax rates and tax laws used to compute the amount are those that are enacted or substantively enacted at balance date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised for temporary differences at the balance date between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts for financial reporting purposes. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill. Deferred income tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences, carry-forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses, to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the deductible temporary differences, and carry-forward of unused tax credits and unused tax losses can be utilised. The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilised. Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the year when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or substantively enacted at balance date. The income tax expense or revenue attributable to amounts recognised directly in equity are also recognised directly in equity. The associated current or deferred tax balances are recognised in these accounts as usual. 2.11 Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment is initially recorded at cost, including costs directly attributable to bring the asset to its working condition, less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Any expenditure that increases the economic benefits derived from the asset is capitalised. Expenditure on repairs and maintenance that does not increase the economic benefits is expensed in the period it occurs. 22 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment is calculated using the diminishing value method to allocate their cost, net of their residual values, over their estimated useful lives. The rates are as follows: Plant and equipment* 14 – 48% Furniture and fittings*12% Office equipment* 11.4 - 67% Motor vehicles 24 - 36% Computer equipment 33 - 60% the business has very few furniture and fittings and office equipment, hence for disclosure purposes these two categories have been included together with plant and equipment. * The assets’ residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at each balance date. An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with carrying amount. These are included in the profit and loss component of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when no further future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. When an item of property, plant and equipment is disposed of, the difference between net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss. 2.12 Other intangible assets Intangible assets acquired separately are reported at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses. Computer software - Acquired computer software licences are capitalised on the basis of the costs incurred to acquire and bring to use the specific software. These costs are amortised over their estimated useful lives (three to five years). Software costs with a net book value of $30,705 were reclassified from property, plant and equipment to intangible assets in 2013. The associated amortisation was reclassified from depreciation to amortisation expense. An intangible asset is derecognised on disposal, or when no future economic benefits are expected from use or disposal. Gains or losses arising from derecognition of an intangible asset, measured as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset are recognised in profit or loss when the asset is derecognised. 2.13 Impairment of tangible and intangible assets other than goodwill At the end of each reporting period, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss (if any). When it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. When a reasonable and consistent basis of allocation can be identified, corporate assets are also allocated to individual cash-generating units, or otherwise they are allocated to the smallest group of cash-generating units for which a reasonable and consistent allocation basis can be identified. Intangible assets with indefinite useful lives and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment at least annually, and whenever there is an indication that the asset may be impaired. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 23 Notes to The financial statements continued 2 . S u mmary of s i g n i f i ca n t acco u n t i n g pol i c i e s ( c o n t i n u e d ) Recoverable amount is the higher of fair value less costs to sell and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset for which the estimates of future cash flows have not been adjusted. If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (or cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. An impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation decrease. When an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (or a cash-generating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset (or cash-generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised immediately in profit or loss, unless the relevant asset is carried at a revalued amount, in which case the reversal of the impairment loss is treated as a revaluation increase. 2.14 Trade and other payables Trade and other payables are carried at amortised cost and due to their short term nature they are not discounted. They represent liabilities for goods and services provided to the Group by suppliers in the ordinary course of business prior to the end of the financial year that are unpaid and arise when the Group becomes obliged to make future payments in respect of the purchase of these goods and services. The amounts are unsecured and are usually paid within 30 days of recognition. 2.15 Employee entitlements Liabilities for wages, salaries and annual leave are recognised in the provision for employee benefits and measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liabilities are settled. The employee benefit liability expected to be settled within twelve months from balance date is recognised in current liabilities. 2.16Provisions Provisions are recognised when the Group has a legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event, it is probable that a future sacrifice of economic benefits will be required and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Provisions are not recognised for future operating losses. Provisions are measured at the present value of management’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at balance date using a discounted cash flow methodology. The increase in the liability as a result of the passage of time is recognised in finance costs. 24 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2.17Leases The determination of whether an arrangement is or contains a lease is based on the substance of the arrangement at inception date, whether the fulfilment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset or assets or the arrangement conveys the right to use the asset, even if that right is not explicitly specified in an arrangement. Operating leases – Group as lessee Where the Group is the lessee, leases where the lessor retains substantially all the risks and benefits of ownership of assets are classified as operating leases. Net rental payments, excluding contingent payments, are recognised as an expense in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. Operating lease incentives are recognised as a liability when received and subsequently reduced by allocating lease payments between rental expense and reduction of the liability. 2.18 Classification as debt or equity Debt and equity instruments issued by a Group entity are classified as either financial liabilities or as equity in accordance with the substance of the contractual arrangements and the definitions of a financial liability and an equity instrument. 2.19 Contributed equity Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares or options are shown in equity as a deduction, net of tax, from the proceeds. 2.20 Earnings per share The Group presents basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) data for its common shares. Basic EPS is computed based on the weighted average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS is computed based on the weighted average number of shares of common stock plus the effect of dilutive potential common shares outstanding during the period. 2.21 Operating segments Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating decision maker responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance of operating segments is the Chief Executive Officer. 2.22 Non-GAAP reporting measures Additional reporting measures have been presented in the Statement of Comprehensive Income or referenced to in the notes to the financial statements. The following non-GAAP measures are relevant to the understanding of the Group financial performance: EBIT (a non-GAAP measure) represents earnings before income taxes (a GAAP measure), excluding interest income and expense, as reported in the financial statements; EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure) represents earnings before income taxes (a GAAP measure), excluding interest income, interest expense, depreciation and amortisation, as reported in the financial statements; EBITDA and non-trading transaction impact (a non-GAAP measure) represents earnings before income taxes (a GAAP measure), excluding interest income, interest expense, depreciation and amortisation, and non-trading transaction impact, as reported in the financial statements. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 25 Notes to the financial statements continued 3 . New s t a n dard s , ame n dme n t s a n d i n t erpre t a t i o n Standards, amendments and interpretation effective in the current period The following are the new or revised standards, amendments and interpretations applicable to the Group which are in issue that are not yet required to be adopted by the Group in preparing its financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2013: Standard / interpretation Effective for Expected annual reporting to be initially periods beginning applied in the on or after financial year ending NZ IFRS 9 ‘Financial Instruments’ 1 January 2015 30 June 2016 NZ IFRS 10 ‘Consolidated Financial Statements’ 1 January 2013 30 June 2014 NZ IFRS 12 ‘Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities’ 1 January 2013 30 June 2014 NZ IFRS 13 ‘Fair Value Measurement’ 1 January 2013 30 June 2014 NZ IAS 27 ‘Separate Financial Statements’ 1 January 2013 30 June 2014 Amendments to NZ IAS 19 ‘Employee Benefits’ 1 January 2013 30 June 2014 Improvements to IFRS: 2009 – 2011 cycle 1 January 2013 30 June 2014 The financial statement impact of adoption of these standards, amendments and interpretations are not expected to have a material impact on the financial statements reported by the Group. Adoption of new and revised standards, amendments and interpretations The standards, amendments and interpretations listed below applicable to the Group became mandatory in the current year: Amendments to NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures Amendments to New Zealand Equivalents to International Financial Reporting Standards to harmonise with International Financial Reporting Standards and Australian Accounting Standards FRS 44 NZ Additional Disclosures Amendments to FRS 44 NZ Additional Disclosures Amendments to NZ IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures – Appendix E Amendments to NZ IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures Revised improvements to NZ IFRS (2010) The adoption of these new and revised standards, amendments and interpretations did not have a material impact on the results or position reported by the Group. 26 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 4. R eve n u e / s egme n t repor t i n g G R O U P Carcass income 21,357,436 22,971,338 - - Suppliers rebates 4,636,928 4,473,623 - - Advertising income 3,316,136 3,342,720 - - 539,075 556,222 - - 15,853 159,981 - - 29,865,428 31,503,884 - - Franchise fees Administration income 4.1 V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ Activities from which reportable segments derive their revenues Within the Mad Butcher Business, the CEO considers operations from the perspective of the contribution made by product sales, and franchise and advertising services rendered. Contribution excludes an allocation of employee benefits expense, other expenses, depreciation and amortisation, finance expense, bad debt expense and other expense / gains / losses as shown on the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Separate profit before tax for product sales and franchise / advertising services activities is not disclosed as this would require an estimated allocation of these costs, which is not carried out in the Business profitability information reported to the CEO. Likewise, assets and liabilities by operating segment are not presented, because that information is not provided to the CEO. Product sales comprises the margin made on carcass sales by the Business to stores, plus the rebate income earned by the business from suppliers of lamb, pork, poultry and meat products sold to stores. Franchise services represent the franchise fees levied by the business from stores. Advertising services represent the revenue from advertising provided to franchise stores, net of external media costs. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 27 Notes to the financial statements continued 4. R eve n u e / s egme n t repor t i n g ( c o n t i n u e d ) Profit Information G R O U P ProductFranchise Advertising SalesServicesServices $ $ Total $ $ 21,357,436 21,357,436 (20,110,286) (20,110,286) 2013 Carcass revenue Carcass purchases Carcass margin 1,247,150 Suppliers rebates 4,636,928 4,636,928 Franchise fees 539,075 539,075 Administration income 15,853 15,853 Advertising income 3,316,136 3,316,136 Advertising & marketing costs (2,376,963) (2,376,963) Contribution 5,884,078 554,928 939,173 7,378,179 28 Employee benefits expense (553,180) Other expenses (919,861) Non-trading transaction impact (4,800,506) Depreciation & amortisation expense (102,238) Finance expense - net (110,355) Bad debt recovery 785 Other gains - net 30,469 Profit before income tax 923,293 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Profit Information G R O U P ProductFranchise Advertising SalesServicesServices $ $ Total $ $ 22,971,338 22,971,338 (21,874,207) (21,874,207) 2012 Carcass revenue Carcass purchases Carcass margin 1,097,131 Suppliers rebates 4,473,623 4,473,623 Franchise fees 556,222 556,222 Administration income 159,981 159,981 Advertising income 3,342,720 3,342,720 Advertising & marketing costs (3,081,558) (3,081,558) Contribution 5,570,754 716,203 261,162 6,548,119 Employee benefits expense (620,220) Other expenses (802,678) Depreciation & amortisation expense (65,897) Finance expense - net (56,934) Bad debt expense (679,883) Other losses - net (12,403) Profit before income tax 4.2 4,310,104 Other information Geographical The Group operates within New Zealand, and derived no revenue from foreign countries for the year ended 30 June 2013 (2012: nil). Information about major customers No single customer contributed 10% or more to the Group’s revenue for the year ended 30 June 2013 (2012: nil). VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 29 Notes to the financial statements continued 5. O t her expe n s e s / n o n - t rad i n g t ra n s ac t i o n i mpac t G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ Other expenses include: Office occupancy and administration costs 126,476 117,049 105,300 63,709 Professional and other advisory costs 327,852 354,461 755,859 649,227 75,354 73,780 7,489 - Operating lease expenditure including rent Remuneration to auditors included: Audit of annual financial statements 100,000 - 100,000 22,820 Capitalised issuance costs - - 174,783 - Review of interim (half year) financial statements - - 5,250 - Other fees paid to Auditors - - Total remuneration paid or payable to KPMG 100,000 - - 280,033 70,934 93,754 As detailed in notes 1.2 and 2.2, the Mad Butcher Business is the accounting acquirer of Veritas on 8th May 2013. This acquisition can be summarised as follows: $000s Net assets / liabilities acquired Receivables26 Payables(1,251) Cash46 Net liabilities acquired (1,179) Consideration3,622 Consideration amounts to 2,292,165 shares issued at $1.58 per share (the market capitalisation of VIL at 8th May 2013). The difference between the consideration and net liabilities acquired is accounted for as a share based payment of $4.8m (and referred to as the “non-trading transaction impact”). In the Forecast, Veritas’ market capitalisation was calculated at the same share price ($1.30) as that in the share offer. However, on the issue date Veritas’ share price was $1.58 per share, which has added an extra $0.64m to the charge to profit. Further, in the Forecast Veritas’ net assets as at the transaction date were estimated as $0.14m, with a further $0.51m of transaction expenses to come at that point. However, the $0.13m net assets in the forecast was incorrectly calculated, because it excluded capital-raising costs charged against equity (rather than P&L) but which still impact Veritas’ net assets. This has been corrected in the financial statements, which show that Veritas’ net liabilities at transaction date (including all transaction costs incurred to that point) were $1.18m, or $0.8m greater than forecast. 30 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 6. F i n a n ce expe n s e / i n come G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ Finance costs 121,747 69,820 Interest income (11,392) (12,886) (12,458) (186,287) 110,355 56,934 (12,458) (186,287) Finance expense / (income) - - 7 . Trade a n d o t her rece i vable s G R O U P Trade receivables 1,062,991 Prepayments - GST recoverable 130,309 Advances to stores and staff 8. V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ 924,951 - - 9,995 - - 37,832 - 1,193,300 130,309 25,359 25,011 - 998,137 - 130,309 25,011 P roper t y , pla n t a n d eq u i pme n t / i n t a n g i ble a s s e t s G R O U P IntangiblesProperty, Plant and Equipment Fixtures, Plant, Computer OfficeComputer Lease SoftwareVehicles Equipment EquipmentImprovements PPE Total $$$$$ $ Gross carrying amount Balance at 1 July 2011 - Additions - 349,870 6,570 33,169 Disposals - (352,809) (2,266) - Balance at 30 June 2012 - 502,936 Additions Disposals 3,191 505,875 76,110 103,180 80,414 136,349 2,779 687,944 - 389,609 - (355,075) 2,779 722,478 33,913 - 4,870 - (413,784) (44,244) (41,092) - (499,120) - Reclassifications 65,603 - (5,510) (60,093) Balance at 30 June 2013 68,794 123,065 30,660 40,034 14,283 53,066 (65,603) 17,062 210,821 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 31 Notes to the financial statements continued 8. P roper t y , pla n t a n d eq u i pme n t / i n t a n g i ble a s s e t s (continued) G R O U P IntangiblesProperty, Plant and Equipment Fixtures, Plant, Computer OfficeComputer Lease SoftwareVehicles Equipment EquipmentImprovements PPE Total $$$$$ $ Accumulated depreciation and amortisation Balance at 1 July 2011 - (350,607) (67,021) (67,068) - (484,696) Disposals - 250,672 - 252,917 Depreciation and amortisation charge - 2,245 - (3,760) (22,030) - (65,897) Balance at 30 June 2012 - (140,042) (68,536) (89,098) - (297,676) Disposals - 173,287 Reclassifications Depreciation and amortisation charge Balance at 30 June 2013 (40,107) 37,176 45,466 - 255,929 (34,898) - 3,214 31,684 - 34,898 (2,641) (82,865) (1,700) (17,673) - (102,238) (49,620) (29,846) (29,621) - (109,087) (37,539) Net book value Balance at 30 June 2012 Balance at 30 June 2013 - 362,894 31,255 73,445 11,878 47,251 2,779 424,802 814 10,413 17,062 101,734 9 . S u b s i d i ar i e s Name of subsidiary Principal activity Mad Butcher Limited Procurement and Management of Franchise Business Place of incorporation Ownership interests and voting rights New Zealand 100% 100% On 8 May 2013 the Group established Mad Butcher Limited, a company which on the same day acquired the assets and liabilities constituting the business of Mad Butcher from Mad Butcher Holdings Limited – see Note 1. 32 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1 0 . Trade a n d o t her payable s Trade payables Accrued expenses G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ 1,068,422 993,880 320,000 - GST payable 64,657 - Employee entitlements 49,508 55,720 1,502,587 1,049,600 35,238 111,509 320,000 - - - - - 355,238 111,509 Veritas – 2013 trade payables include $20,658 owed to Mad Butcher Limited in respect of legal and accounting costs incurred on VIL’s behalf (2012 - $nil). 1 1 . Tax Income tax recognised in profit or loss Current tax charge: G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ 1,770,634 1,242,655 - - The income tax expense on pre-tax accounting profit reconciles to the income tax expense in the financial statements as follows: Profit / (loss) before income tax 923,293 4,310,104 (1,182,271) (1,830,341) Income tax expense calculated at 28% (2012: 28%) 258,522 1,206,829 (331,036) (512,495) Non-deductible expenses Non-trading transaction costs Losses not recognised Other Total tax charge - 76,819 1,344,142 - 106,778 - - - - - 331,036 512,495 61,192 (40,993) - - 1,770,634 1,242,655 - - 265,941 453,462 - Current tax liability: Tax payable / (recoverable) (2,468) VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 33 Notes to the financial statements continued 1 1 . Tax ( c o n t i n u e d ) As at 30 June 2013, the Group had an unrecognised deferred tax asset of $106,778, consisting of tax losses arising in the period from 8 May to 30 June 2013. Veritas - Deferred tax: As at 30 June 2012, the Company had an unrecognised deferred tax asset of $595,421, consisting of tax losses. These losses, together with the further loss incurred in the period from 1 July 2012 to 8 May 2013, are no longer available for future offset since as a result of the issue of new shares in connection with the acquisition of the Mad Butcher Business the Company no longer satisfies the 49% ownership continuity rules. Veritas - Imputation Credits: As at 30 June 2012, the Company had imputation credits of $68,453. These credits are no longer available to be passed on to shareholders as imputed tax on future dividends since as a result of the issue of new shares in connection with the acquisition of the Mad Butcher Business the Company no longer satisfies the 66% ownership continuity rules. 1 2 . Share cap i t al 2 0 1 3 - V E R I TA S SHARES 2 0 1 2 - $SHARES V E R I TA S $ Issued & paid-up capital - ordinary shares Balance at beginning of the year 57,302,229 7,511,571 20,881,695 Capital distribution - - - Ordinary shares issued during the year - - 36,420,534 746,744 2,292,165 - - - Shares issued to MB Vendor 15,384,615 20,000,000 - - Shares issued in the public offer 19,230,769 25,000,000 - - Expenses incurred in connection with the public offer - (2,653,137) - - 36,907,549 49,858,434 57,302,229 7,511,571 Share consolidation - 1 for 25 Balance at end of the year 20,158,346 (13,393,519) 57,302,229 All ordinary shares carry equal rights in respect of voting and the receipt of dividends. Ordinary shares do not have a par value. In connection with the reverse takeover and capital-raising exercise, the Vendor of the Mad Butcher Business was issued 15,384,615 shares and received payment of $19.94m. 34 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1 3 . E ar n i n g s per s hare Profit / (loss) for the year 2 0 1 3 - (excluding non-trading transaction) EARNINGS $ (847,341) G R O U P 2 0 1 2 - EARNINGS $ 4,800,506 Earnings, excluding non-trading transaction impact 3,953,165 Weighted average no. shares 3,067,449 18,568,830 15,384,615 cents cents (4.56) 19.94 cents Basic and diluted earnings per share Earnings per share, excluding non-trading impact* EARNINGS $ (847,341) Non-trading transaction impact G R O U P 21.29 * note this is a non-GAAP disclosure 1 4 . C ompe n s a t i o n of key ma n ageme n t per s o n n el The remuneration of directors and other members of key management during the year was as follows: Short-term benefits G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ 230,871 183,992 130,833 81,741 The remuneration of directors and key executives is determined by the remuneration committee having regard to the performance of individuals and market trends. 1 5 . D i v i de n d pa i d or a u t hor i s ed Veritas: No dividend is to be paid in respect of the year ended 30 June 2013 (2012: $3,856,847). Group: the Mad Butcher Business paid dividends amounting to $2,642,915 during the year ended 30 June 2013 (2012: $3,067,964). These dividends represent the distribution of all pre-acquisition profits earned by MBH to the Owner of the Business prior to the transaction. In connection with the transaction, a distribution of $19.94m was made on 8 May 2013. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 35 Notes to the financial statements continued 1 6 . R ela t ed par t y t ra n s ac t i o n s As explained in Note 1, Veritas acquired the Business from Mad Butcher Holdings Limited on 8 May 2013. As at 30 June 2013, the Business owes $254,742 to MBH, which is owned by a Director. Collins Asset Management Limited, a shareholder in Veritas, provides accounting, office and recruitment services to the Company. Veritas paid $18,125 to Collins Asset Management Limited for those services in the reported year. Collins Asset Management Limited holds 6,157,184 shares in the Company. Mr Timothy Cook, a Director of Veritas Investment Limited and Collins Asset Management Limited, held 486,006 shares in the Company as at 30 June 2013 (30 June 2012: 1,761,637 shares – pre 1-for-25 consolidation). 1 7 . F i n a n c i al i n s t r u me n t s 17.1 Capital management The Group manages its capital to ensure that entities in the Group are able to continue as a going concern while maximising the return to shareholders, and to optimise the debt and equity balances to reduce the cost of capital. The Group is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. The capital structure of the Group consists of net debt (borrowings offset by cash and cash equivalents) and equity (comprising issued capital, reserves and retained earnings) of the Group. 17.2 Financial risk management The Group engages in business in New Zealand and in the normal course of business is exposed to a variety of financial risk which includes: market risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk. The Group’s risk management and treasury policy recognises the unpredictability of consumer and financial markets and seeks to minimise the potential adverse effects of market movements. The management of these risks is performed in accordance with the risk management and treasury policy approved by the Board of Directors. This policy covers specific areas such as interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. 36 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 The Group and Veritas hold the following financial instruments: G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ Financial assets Cash and cash equivalents 2,837,319 84,261 1,984,796 617,668 75,000 75,000 Restricted cash 75,000 Borrowings (temporary o/d positions) (12) (526) (12) - Cash and cash equivalents 2,912,307 83,735 2,059,784 692,668 Trade and other receivables (excluding prepayments) 1,062,991 924,951 3,975,298 1,008,686 - - 2,059,784 692,668 Financial liabilities Committed interest-bearing facility (all non-current) Trade and other payables (excluding accruals and employee entitlements) - 1,060,000 - - 1,068,422 993,880 35,238 111,509 1,068,422 2,053,880 35,238 111,509 Market Risk Interest rate risk The Group’s primary interest rate risk arises from bank borrowings. Borrowings issued at variable rates expose the Business to cash flow interest rate risk. The Group’s risk management and treasury policy allows the potential use of derivative financial instruments to manage interest rate risk. However, for the year ended 30 June 2013 the Group did not enter into any derivative financial instruments. At balance date the Group had no borrowings outstanding, the facility having been repaid on 8 May 2013 as part of the acquisition of the Mad Butcher Business. If interest rates had moved by +/- 1%, with all other variables held constant, Group profit before income tax for the year ended 30 June 2013 would have decreased / increased by $8,800 (2012: $10,600). Credit risk Exposure to credit risk arises from the potential default of the counterparty, with the maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of the financial assets. The Group’s credit risk arises from the Group’s financial assets, which include cash and cash equivalents and trade and other receivables. For banks and financial institutions, only independently rated parties with a minimum long term rating of A are accepted. The Group has a concentration of credit risk with its cash and cash equivalents, which are held with two banks. The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying amount of the financial assets as summarised above. The Business does not hold any collateral as security. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 37 Notes to the financial statements continued 1 7 . F i n a n c i al i n s t r u me n t s ( c o n t i n u e d ) For franchise stores the Business conducts an ongoing weekly and monthly review process to monitor cash flows and performance. Prior to establishing new franchise stores, the Business assesses the credit quality of potential new franchise owners taking into account their financial position, past experience and other factors. Due to the short term nature of receivables, their carrying value is assumed to approximate fair value. The Group’s risk management and treasury policy also sets the maximum counterparty credit exposure to any individual bank or financial institution. Liquidity risk Liquidity risk arises from the financial liabilities of the Group and the Group’s subsequent ability to meet its obligation to repay its financial liabilities as and when they fall due. The Group maintains sufficient cash and the availability of funding through undrawn facilities as part of its management of liquidity risk. The Group had access to the following undrawn borrowing facilities at the reporting date: Flexible credit facility G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ 1,000,000 150,000 1,000,000 - The flexible credit facility may be drawn at any time and may be terminated by the bank without notice. The following table details the Group’s remaining contractual maturity of its financial liabilities. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay. The tables include both interest and principal cash flows. To the extent that interest flows are at floating rates, the undiscounted cash flows are derived from the interest rate at 30 June. 0 - 3 MTHS 3 - 12 MTHS 1 - YRS 2 - 5 YRS $ $ $ $ At 30 June 2013 Interest bearing liabilities Trade and other payables - - - - 1,068,422 - - - 1,068,422 - - - At 30 June 2012 Interest bearing liabilities 10,865 Trade and other payables 993,880 1,004,745 32,595 - 32,595 Fair values 1,097,300 - 1,097,300 - The carrying value of cash and cash equivalents, trade and other receivables, trade and other payables, and borrowings is equivalent to the fair value of these assets and liabilities. 38 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 1 8 . C omm i t me n t s 18.1 Lease commitments Commitments for minimum lease payments in relation to non-cancellable operating leases are payable as follows: Within one year Later than one year but not later than five years Later than five years G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ 87,181 98,784 - - 124,895 213,632 - - - - - - - 212,076 - 312,416 18.2 Capital commitments The Company and the Group have no capital commitments as at 30 June 2013 (2012: $nil). 1 9 . C o n t i n ge n t l i ab i l i t i e s The Company and the Group have no contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2013 (2012: $nil). VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 39 Notes to the financial statements continued 2 0 . R eco n c i l i a t i o n of prof i t t o ca s h flow from opera t i o n s (Loss) / Profit for the year G R O U P V E R I TA S 2013 201220132012 $ $$$ (847,341) 3,067,449 (1,182,271) (1,830,341) 102,238 65,897 - - 9,479 - - - - 1,287,797 - - - Adjusted for non-cash: Depreciation and amortisation Loss on sale of property plant and equipment - Realised loss on sale of investments - Non-trading transaction impact Other 4,800,506 (12,482) 6,440 - - (138,040) 43,860 - - (Increase) / decrease in prepayments 9,995 90,005 - 30,307 (Increase) / decrease in amounts due from related parties 25,359 127,195 - - (628,757) 22,115 (Decrease) / increase in employee entitlements (6,212) 8,698 (Decrease) / increase in GST (1,350) (29,172) Changes in assets and liabilities: (Increase) / decrease in receivables (Decrease) / increase in trade payables (Decrease) / increase in related party payables (Decrease) / increase in income tax payable Expected cash flow from operating activities - - 223,071 - (105,298) VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 (25,011) 27,599 (247,688) 2,469 3,116,396 3,164,278 (1,041,371) Veritas and the Group have no events to report after the reporting period ended 30 June 2013. 40 - 20,658 (187,520) 2 1 . E ve n t s af t er t he repor t i n g per i od 25,236 (484,413) 2 2 . C ompar i s o n aga i n s t P ro s pec t u s F oreca s t 22.1 Statement of Comprehensive Income v. Prospectus Forecast A C T U A L F O R E C A S T 2013 $000s 2013 $000s Revenue 29,865 32,338 20,110 22,425 2,377 2,557 Employee benefits expense 553 645 Other expenses 920 835 Expenses Carcass purchases Advertising & marketing costs (23,960)(26,462) Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation and non-trading transaction impact 5,905 5,876 Non-trading transaction impact 4,801 3,349 Depreciation & amortisation expense 102 47 Finance costs - net 110 - Other losses / (gains) - net (31) - (4,982)(3,396) Profit before income tax 923 Income tax expense (1,770) Profit / (loss) for the period 2,480 (1,750) (847) Other comprehensive income for the period 730 - Total comprehensive income / (loss) for the period (847) 730 * The forecast numbers for the year ended 30 June 2013 formed part of the Investment Statement and Prospectus dated 28 March 2013. Forecast EBITDA and non-trading transaction impact has been met. Carcass revenues and purchases were below forecast, due to changes in store customers’ purchasing patterns, with traditional butcher’s meat cuts being replaced by poultry, pork, lamb and products. The loss of gross margin (carcass sales less purchases) on lower carcass sales by the Business to stores has been covered by increased suppliers’ rebates earned by the Business on higher poultry, pork, lamb and meat product sales by suppliers to stores. The non-trading transaction impact is a non-cash charge to Group profit that results from the accounting treatment of the transaction as a “reverse acquisition”. It reflects the difference between Veritas’ market capitalisation and its net assets as at close of business on the date of acquisition. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 41 Notes to the financial statements continued 2 2 . C ompar i s o n aga i n s t P ro s pec t u s F oreca s t ( c o n t i n u e d ) In the Forecast, Veritas’ market capitalisation was calculated at the same share price ($1.30) as that in the share offer. However, on the issue date Veritas’ share price was $1.58 per share, which has added an extra $0.64m to the charge to profit. Further, in the Forecast Veritas’ net assets as at the transaction date were estimated as $0.14m, with a further $0.51m of transaction expenses to come at that point. However, the $0.13m net assets in the forecast was incorrectly calculated, because it excluded capital-raising costs charged against equity (rather than P&L) but which still impact Veritas’ net assets. This has been corrected in the Financial Statements, which show that Veritas’ net liabilities at transaction date (including all transaction costs incurred to that point) were $1.18m, or $0.8m greater than forecast. 22.2 Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2013 A C T U A L F O R E C A S T 2013 $000s 2013 $000s ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 2,913 (224) Trade and other receivables 1,193 678 Inventories Total current assets Property plant and equipment, and intangibles Total Assets - 51 4,106 505 133 166 4,239 671 1,503 659 266 - 1,769 659 LIABILITIES Trade and other payables Income tax payable Total current liabilities Borrowings - - Total Liabilities 1,769 659 Net Assets 2,470 12 26,955 22,798 (24,485) (22,786) EQUITY Share capital Retained earnings Total Equity 2,470 * The forecast numbers as at 30 June 2013 formed part of the Investment Statement and Prospectus dated 28 March 2013. 42 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 12 Cash and cash equivalents are above forecast as a result of the share offer raising $25 million rather than the $22 million assumed in the forecast. The difference between actual and forecast trade receivables represents meat deliveries to stores in the last week of June, which were actually invoiced to stores on the last trading day of the financial year as part of normal weekly invoicing. The difference between actual and forecast trade payables represents the cost side of meat deliveries in the last week of June. 22.3 Statement of Changes in Equity v. Prospectus Forecast A C T U A L F O R E C A S T 2013 $000s 2013 $000s Total Equity as at 1 July 2012 (1,056) 3,134 Total comprehensive income (847) 730 Issue of Ordinary Shares Shares issued Value of share based payment 23,333 19,818 3,622 2,980 Distribution Distribution of half the acquisition purchase price Capital distribution (19,939) - Dividends paid (2,643) Total Equity as at 30 June 2013 2,470 (20,000) (2,966) (3,684) 12 * The forecast statement of changes in equity for the year ended 30 June 2013 formed part of the Investment Statement and Prospectus dated 28 March 2013. The departures from forecast for profit for the year and shares issued have been explained in 4.1 and 4.2. The dividends paid forecast reflected the distributions to the Mad Butcher vendor of the equity and retained profits of the Business up to the transaction date. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 43 Notes to the financial statements continued 2 2 . C ompar i s o n aga i n s t P ro s pec t u s F oreca s t ( c o n t i n u e d ) 22.4 Statement of Cash Flows vs. Prospectus Forecast A C T U A L F O R E C A S T 2013 $000s Cash from customers Cash paid to suppliers and employees Interest / dividends received 2013 $000s 29,776 31,661 (25,669) (25,853) 12 - Interest paid (122) - Tax refunded / (paid) (881) Net cash generated from operating activities 3,116 (1,750) 4,058 Investment acquisition costs - (511) Net cash used in investing activities - (511) Proceeds from share Issue 23,333 19,818 (19,938) (20,000) Payment of dividend (2,643) (3,684) Repayment of bank borrowings (1,060) - 20 - Payment of cash component of acquisition Franchisee advances repaid Net cash used in financing activities Net (decrease) / increase in cash and equivalents Cash, cash equivalents, bank overdrafts at beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year (288) (3,866) 2,828 (319) 84 2,912 95 (224) * The forecast statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2013 formed part of the Investment Statement and Prospectus dated 28 March 2013. Net cash flows from operating activities are below forecast as a result of lower carcass revenues (see 4.1). Dividend payments are below forecast. As the transaction was an asset purchase, for reporting purposes all profits made by the Business prior to the transaction are distributed to the Vendor. The 2012 distribution to the Vendor was increased, which accounts for the difference in the opening cash position between actual and forecast (see 4.3). Accordingly, the 2013 distribution of the remaining pre-transaction retained profits was correspondingly reduced. Overall, the net increase in cash and cash equivalents against forecast result from the share offer raising $25m rather than the $22m assumed in the forecast (see 22.2). 44 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Independent Auditor’s Report Independent auditor’s report To the shareholders of Veritas Investments Limited Report on the company and group financial statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements on pages 12 to 44 of Veritas Investments Limited (''the company'') and the group, comprising the company and its subsidiary. The financial statements comprise the statements of financial position as at 30 June 2013, the statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information, for both the company and the group. Directors' responsibility for the company and group financial statements The directors are responsible for the preparation of company and group financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand that give a true and fair view of the matters to which they relate, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of company and group financial statements that are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these company and group financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand). Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the company and group financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the company and group financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the company and group’s preparation of the financial statements that give a true and fair view of the matters to which they relate in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company and group's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates, as well as evaluating the presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Our firm has also provided other services to the company and group in relation to taxation and general accounting services. Partners and employees of our firm may also deal with the company and group on normal terms within the ordinary course of trading activities of the business of the company and group. These matters have not impaired our independence as auditor of the company and group. The firm has no other relationship with, or interest in, the company and group. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 45 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Continued Opinion In our opinion the financial statements on pages 12 to 44: • comply with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand; • give a true and fair view of the financial position of the company and the group as at 30 June 2013 and of the financial performance and cash flows of the company and the group for the year then ended. Report on other legal and regulatory requirements In accordance with the requirements of sections 16(1)(d) and 16(1)(e) of the Financial Reporting Act 1993, we report that: • we have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required; and • in our opinion, proper accounting records have been kept by Veritas Investments Limited as far as appears from our examination of those records. 28 August 2013 Auckland 46 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Shareholder and Statutory Information S t ock E xcha n ge L i s t i n g The Company’s shares are listing on the main board of the equity security market operated by NZX Limited under the ticker code “VIL”. S i ze of Sharehold i n g a s a t 2 7 A u g u s t 2 0 1 3 Number of Size of ShareholdingShareholders Number of % of total Ordinary Ordinary SharesShares on Issue 1 - 999 226 76,630 0.21 1,000 – 4,999 230 569,767 1.54 5,000 – 9,999 133 862,778 2.34 10,000 - 49,999 76 1,276,506 3.46 50,000 - 99,999 14 886,462 2.40 100,000 - 499,999 20 4,038,382 10.94 5 29,197,024 79.11 714 36,907,549 100.00 500,000 + Total S u b s t a n t i al Sec u r i t y H older s Pursuant to Section 26 of the Securities Markets Act 1988, the following shareholders have filed notices with the Company that they are Substantial Security Holders in the Company as at 27 August 2013 (there being a total of 36,907,549 shares on issue at that date). Name MBH Limited (previously Mad Butcher Holdings Limited) Collins Asset Management Limited Number of Ordinary Shares % of total Ordinary Shares on Issue 15,384,615 41.68 6,157,184 16.68 D i rec t or s ’ Sec u r i t y H old i n g s a s a t 2 7 A u g u s t 2 0 1 3 Beneficial Non-beneficial ShareholdingShareholding Number of Ordinary Shares Mark Darrow 191,528 Tim Cook* 486,006 Michael Morton** 15,384,615 Stefan Preston - Phil Newland*** 153,846 Shane McKillen - Number of Ordinary Shares 6,157,184 - *Non-Beneficial Shareholding relates to holding by Collins Asset Management Limited. Tim Cook is the Managing Director of Collins Asset Management Limited. **Holding is through MBH Limited (previously Mad Butcher Holdings Limited), a company owned by interests associated with Michael Morton. ***Holding is through RMI Holdings Limited, a company owned by interests associated with Phil Newland. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 47 SHAREHOLDER AND STATUTORY INFORMATION continued Top 2 0 Shareholder s The following table shows the names and holdings of the top 20 shareholders of the Company as at 27 August 2013. Shareholders % of total Ordinary OrdinaryShares Shares on Issue 1 MBH Limited (previously Mad Butcher Holdings Limited) 15,384,615 41.68 2 Collins Asset Management Limited 6,157,184 16.68 3 Ambrosia Trustees Limited 1,538,462 4.17 4 BNP Paribas Nominees (NZ) Limited 1,327,670 3.60 5 Custodial Services Limited #3 1,105,224 2.99 6 Accident Compensation Corporation 1,010,000 2.74 7 New Zealand Permanent Trustees Limited 917,468 2.49 8 Westpac NZ Shares 2002 Wholesale Trust 730,773 1.98 9 BT NZ Unit Trust Nominees Limited 538,784 1.46 10 Timothy John Cook 486,006 1.32 11 Simon Philip Wallace + Sievwrights Trustee Services (No4) Ltd 426,123 1.15 12 Custodial Services Limited #2 310,910 0.84 13 Custodial Services Limited #18 293,196 0.79 14 National Nominees New Zealand Limited 273,117 0.74 15 Richard George Anthony Kroon 272,629 0.74 16 Custodial Services Limited # 4 249,741 0.68 17 Custodial Services Limited #16 230,870 0.63 18 Andrew Harmos + Gregory Horton 210,770 0.57 19 Mint Nominees Limited 195,038 0.53 20 Mark Charles Darrow 191,528 0.52 TOTALS 31,850,10886.30 D i rec t or s ’ R em u n era t i o n a n d o t her B e n ef i t s The table below sets out the total remuneration received by each Director from the Group for the year ended 30 June 2013. Directors Chairman Committee FeesFees Chair FeesSalary Name ($) ($) ($)($) Mark Darrow 43,750 1,667 Tim Cook 30,416 1,667 Simon Wallace (resigned January 2013) 15,000 Phil Newland (appointed January 2013)15,000 Stefan Preston (appointed January 2013) 15,0001,667 Michael Morton (appointed May 2013)180,000* Shane McKillen (appointed May 2013)6,667 *Salary from the Mad Butcher Business 48 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 D I R E C T O R S ’ I n dem n i t y a n d I n s u ra n ce Veritas Investments Limited has insured and indemnified all of its Directors against liabilities and costs referred to in Sections 162(3), 162(4) and 162(5) of the Companies Act 1993. The insurance and indemnities do not cover liabilities arising from criminal activities. E mployee s ’ R em u n era t i o n During the period the number of employees, not being a Director of a member of the Group, who received remuneration and the value of other benefits exceeding NZ$100,000 was as follows: Remuneration Range ($NZ) Number of Employees $150,000 - $200,000 1 A u d i t F ee s The amount paid to KPMG, as auditor of the Group, is as set out in the notes to the financial statements. D o n at i o n s No donations have been made by the Group for the year ended 30 June 2013. D i s clo s u re of I n t ere s t s Entries in the Interests Register made during the year and disclosed pursuant to Sections 211(e), 140(1) 148(2)(b) of the Companies Act 1993 are as follows: Share Dealings by Directors Directors held interests in the following shares in respect of the Group in the year ended 30 June 2013. Director Nature of interest Date Consideration Number of shares Mark Darrow Acquired pursuant to firm allocation under the public offer. 8 May 2013 $100,000 76,923 Tim Cook Acquired pursuant to firm allocation under the public offer. 8 May 2013 $500,000 384,615 Tim Cook* Acquired pursuant to firm allocation under the public offer. 8 May 2013 $7,500,000 5,769,231 Phil Newland** Acquired pursuant to firm allocation under the public offer. 8 May 2013 $200,000 153,846 Michael Morton*** Allotment of shares in part payment of the purchase price for the Mad Butcher business. 8 May 2013 $20,000,000 15,384,615 * Acquired by Collins Asset Management Limited. Tim Cook is the Managing Director of Collins Asset Management Limited. ** Allotted to RMI Holdings Limited, a company owned by interests associated with Phil Newland. *** Allotted to MBH Limited (previously Mad Butcher Holdings Limited), a company owned by interests associated with Michael Morton. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 49 SHAREHOLDER AND STATUTORY INFORMATION continued D i s clo s u re of I n t ere s t s ( c o n t i n u e d ) Director interests in Transactions Directors held interests in the following transactions in respect of the Group in the year ended 30 June 2013. Please also refer to Note 16 of the Financial Statements, Related Party Transactions. Director Nature of transaction Date Tim Cook* A Sub-underwriting Agreement between Collins Asset Management Limited, Craigs Investment Partners Limited and the Company whereby Collins Asset Management Limited agreed to sub-underwrite $2.5 million of the public offer made by the Company for a sub-underwriting fee of $100,000. 20 December 2012 Tim Cook* An Equity Commitment Agreement between Collins Asset Management Limited and the Company in respect of a firm commitment of $7.5 million by Collins Asset Management Limited under the public offer. 20 December 2012 Tim Cook An Equity Commitment Agreement between Tim Cook and the Company in respect of a firm commitment of $500,000 by Tim Cook under the public offer. 20 December 2012 Phil Newland** A Sub-underwriting Agreement between RMI Holdings Limited, Craigs Investment Partners Limited and the Company whereby RMI Holdings Limited agreed to sub-underwrite $2 million of the public offer made by the Company for a sub-underwriting fee of $80,000. 16 January 2013 Phil Newland** An Equity Commitment Agreement between RMI Holdings Limited and the Company in respect of a firm commitment of $200,000 by RMI Holdings Limited under the public offer. 16 January 2013 Mark Darrow An Equity Commitment Agreement between Mark Darrow and the Company in respect of a firm commitment of $100,000 by Mark Darrow under the public offer. 22 February 2013 * Tim Cook is the Managing Director of Collins Asset Management Limited. ** RMI Holdings Limited is a company owned by interests associated with Phil Newland. 50 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 D i s clo s u re of I n t ere s t s ( c o n t i n u e d ) General Disclosure of Interests General disclosure of interests given by Directors pursuant to section 140(2) of the Companies Act 1993. Director Company/EntityOffice Mark Darrow (Chairman) Codar Holdings Limited Director and Shareholder Hydr8 Limited Director Lemon Z Limited Director Mad Butcher Limited Director MCD Capital Limited Director and Shareholder Motor Trade Offices Limited Director MTA Group Investments Limited Director MTA Member Equity Limited Director PGG Wrightson Finance Executive Consultant Sejuice Wine Limited Director Tudor Park Farm Limited Director and Shareholder Tudor Park Trustee Limited Director and Shareholder VnC Australia Limited Independent Director VnC Cocktails Limited Independent Director VnC Manufacturing Limited Independent Director Tim Cook AHG Associated Practices Limited Chairman/Director Brand IT Group Limited Director Cardiac Investigation Services Limited Chairman/Director Century Investments and Holdings LimitedChairman/Director Childcare NZ Limited Director Churchill Trust Trustee Codar Holdings Limited Director and Shareholder Collins Asset Management Equity Limited Director Collins Asset Management Investments Ltd Director Collins Asset Management Limited Director Collins Asset Management Medical Limited Director Collins Asset Management Technology Ltd Director Collins Equity Investors Limited Director Collins Investment Holdings Limited Director Cook Executive Contracting Limited Director Cook Executive Recruitment Limited Director Cottisloe Holdings Limited Director CT Angiography Limited Chairman/Director Dalkeith Trust Trustee Dunharrow Holdings Limited Director Freo Developments Limited Director VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 51 SHAREHOLDER AND STATUTORY INFORMATION continued General Disclosure of Interests continued 52 Tim Cook (continued) Healthcare Limited Director Hydr8 Limited Chairman/Director Lemon Z Limited Chairman/Director Mad Butcher Limited Director Mintshot Limited Director Northcross Holdings Limited Director Safer Sleep Holdings (NZ) Limited Chairman/Director Safer Sleep Limited Chairman/Director SeJuice Wine LimitedChairman/Director Shakespeare Trust Trustee Team McMillian Limited Director Team MINI Limited Director The Beverley Trust Trustee The Heart Institute Limited Chairman/Director Ultravision Cardiac Imaging Limited Chairman/Director Village Managers Limited Chairman/Director Village Trust Trustee VnC Australia Chairman/Director VnC Cocktails Limited Chairman/Director VnC Manufacturing Limited Chairman/Director Phil Newland BG Capital Limited Director Les Mills Holdings Limited Director LPF Group Limited Director Mad Butcher Limited Director RMI Holdings Limited Director Stefan Preston 3M6 Property Ltd Director and Shareholder Atherton Trust Trustee Bachcare Limited Director and Shareholder Buffett Trust Trustee Essenze of Design NZ Ltd Director and Shareholder Ingenio Ltd Director and Shareholder Ingenio Services Limited Director and Shareholder Mad Butcher Limited Director Magic Memories Group Holdings Ltd Director New Zealand Comfort Group Ltd Director Rose and Thorne Design Ltd Director and Shareholder The Comfort Group Ltd Director Wonderest Ltd Director VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Michael Morton Funky Chicken Limited Director Grand Jul Limited Director Hampsta NZ Limited Director Mad Butcher Limited Director MB Bacon Company Limited Director MB Upper Hutt Limited Director MB Wanganui Limited Director MBH Limited Director MJM Bloodstock Limited Director MJM Trustees (No. 1) Limited Director and Shareholder Triple X Motorsport Director WDMMGM Limited Director Waipak Limited Director and Shareholder Wilmat Limited Director Yogg Limited Director and Shareholder Yogg Mission Bay Limited Director and Shareholder Shane McKillen Better Living Cellular Limited Director Collinsville Limited Director Collinsville Securities Limited Director First Light Wines Limited Director Hampsta NZ Limited Director Hydr8 Limited Director Lemon Z Limited Director Mad Butcher Limited Director Matthew Halliday Racing Limited Director Rascasse Limited Director Sejuice Wine Limited Director Triple X Motorsport Limited Director VnC Cocktails Limited Director VnC Limited Director VnC Manufacturing Limited Director Waipak Limited Director VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 53 Corporate Directory Independent Directors Mark Darrow (Chairman) Phil Newland Stefan Preston Non Independent Directors Tim Cook Michael Morton Shane McKillen Group Financial Controller Michael Naylor Registered Office c/o Collins Asset Management Limited Level 3, 4 Viaduct Harbour Ave PO Box 5408, Auckland 1141 Share Registrar Computershare Investor Services Limited Level 2, 159 Hurstmere Road Private Bag 92119, Takapuna AuditorsKPMG 54 Chartered Accountants 18 Viaduct Harbour Ave PO Box 1584, Shortland Street 1140 Solicitors Harmos Horton Lusk Level 37, Vero Centre 48 Shortland Street PO Box 28, Auckland 1010 Jackson Russell Level 13, AIG Building 41 Shortland Street PO Box 3451, Auckland 1010 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 This page has been intentionally left blank. VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013 55 This page has been intentionally left blank. 56 VERITA S INVESTMENTS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2013