TESLA Technical Board Sept 07 2004 HEdwards Agenda •Review and discuss Charge •What are plans, schedules, and wishes for cavities, modules, TTF tests, module test facility. VUV, XFEL, ILC Plan for 35MV/m •Presentations and discussionsWeiseTTF Petersen- cavities, modules, test stand Charge for TESLA Technical Board Provide advice to the TESLA Collaboration technical activities toward reaching the goals of TTF, both for the FEL and the LC work. Give recommendations/suggestions to • The TESLA project leader •The TESLA Collaboration Board Tasks •Review important objectives, schedules, and priorities of upcoming TTF activities •Provide input to the definition of technical milestones for the next ~3 month intervals •Review TTF progress at 3 month intervals, identifying gaps and possible problems in the TTF program •Provide input to help optimize the LC and FEL objectives •Give summary report to the TESLA Collaboration Board Commissioning through Jan 05 ~5 months From first e- beam to FEL saturation first beam (in undulator) 6 Sep. 2004 10 Oct. 3 months FEL 29 Nov. 2 months saturation 22 Jan. 2005 TTF2/VUV-FEL Castro Beam commissioning • • • • • re-commissioning of gun + injector setup cavity phases ACC2-5 Æ beam energy setup bunch compression setup beam linear optics, optimize orbit commissioning of diagnostics FEL 30 nm 10 weeks 1 bunch • • • • setup collimation emittance measurements and optics matching beam-based alignment in undulator section commiss. of photon diag. with spon. emission Saturation+ 6-100 nm • • • commissioning of FEL diagnostics study of FEL beam, compression schemes, etc. establish reproducible settings, etc. 3 weeks 8 weeks 1st beam (bypass) Castro 2005 Goals Saturation in wavelength range 30-120 nm July 2005 User operation (extended period) Operation with long bunch train User operation (extended period) How much user operation? How much acc development and studies? TTF and Beam operation all year Dec. 2005 Does this mean Approximately 2 user runs one before July one after July First Do a mix of acc module tests acc & photon studies,diag FEL studies 2005 Goals How does this work with sat 6-100nm in Jan? Saturation in wavelength range 30-120 nm July 2005 User operation (extended period) Operation with long bunch train User operation (extended period) Dec. 2005 Weise Schedule looks like being FEL dominated. Is this true? For 2005 we assume 9 weeks of FEL user operation 2 months FEL studies 2 months accelerator studies (diagn. etc.) includes photon diagnostics 2 months of dedicated acc.module tests This means: 4 months to be discussed A studies list is being developed Examples of basic studies and tests Hi Power processing and Darkcurrent Module gradient operation & cryogenics LLRF tests Weise A must: - HPP of the relevant cavities M5/C6, M1/C8(?). Others ??? - long time operation of M5 at high gradients in steps from 20 MV/m to 25+MV/m: - what are the typical problems? - any change in dark current? - how close can we go to the gradient limit? -processing behaviour after interruptions / shut down important: - repeat test of all cavities detuning of individual cavities compare rf calibration with beam - cryo losses vs. operation time - check cavity alignment with beam nice to have: - Lorentz-force detuning of the individual cavities - long beam pulse in M1/C5 at 35 MV/m - optimized piezo compensation M1/C5 - RF-distribution optimzed with respect to maximum gradient LLRF In General - develop robust algorithm for Lorentz force compensation and test with piezo tuners at M6 and M1/C5. - failure recogination and exception handling, esp.close to performance limit - measurement and optimization of amplitude and phase stability (within bunch train, from train to train, long time) - automized operation (FSM) of LLRF - test next generation of LLRF (developed for XFEL: increased ampl. and phase stability requirements) - beam based feedback algorithms (energy, phase, bunch length) More specific... (with beam) o measure field stability with beam o adaptive feedforward (RF only and for beam energy) o exception handling (quench, operation close to the limit) o calibration of gradien and phase o single bunch transient detection o phase drift betwenn RF and beam o beam phase with respect to RF phases o study EMI/EMC (down converter) / reduce noise o crosstalk between RF systems o test new FPGA based feedback at the RF Gun. o test new FPGA based Feedback at ACC1 o develop new control algorithms o test LLRF FSM with beam More specific... (without beam) o LO optimization for downconverter o check M.O. level and frequency distribution o measure phase stability of frequency distribution system o upgrade of downconverter o remote control of attenuators (probe, forward / reflected power cables) Summary Weise Do we have to re-consider the amount of beam time for ILC related issues? The amount should be ok, but we should make a detailed planning in order to include all interested colleagues. Almost all above listed points are of equal importance for the three projects VUV-FEL, XFEL, and ILC. Just very few points are ILC specific. We are expecting many months of operation as a test for the long time behaviour of our systems. Comments More detailed and organized study plans and schedules will be developed by the next meeting. By that time there will be information on just how well commissioning is going. Study programs should be further developed and new ones considered. Collaborators encouraged to join in and take on responsibilities. Board agrees with Hans that most important is to get to stable long term beam operations. One can then build on that. Cavity Report Summary (from Petersen) • EP working well now • 35MV cavity module - model for schedule planning – – – – Use new Zanon cavity production Assume no 1400C Chechia tests Assume 1of 2 cavities successful • Production and test of new Zanon cavities going slowly Cavity preparation general comments After several technical problems: EP is working now reliably General assumptions for schedules: no 1400 C treatment of new cavities Requirement for next modules: 35 MV/m for each cavity Assumption for the schedules: Each second cavity will reach 35 MV/m ( this is also assumed for retreated cavities) with reference to latest experience CHECHIA test for each cavity Modul 6 needs cavities out of the new ZANON production Not yet considered in the schedules: Clean room will need 3 weeks of maintenance/repair in the next months Petersen Next cryomodules Modul 6 : ‚high gradient module‘, all cavities 35 MV/m, type III design: Ready : May 2005 (plus 1 month) optimistic Modul 7: ‚ linac spare module‘, type II design TESLA meeting at ZEUTHEN -> all cavities EP treated, 35 MV/m (NOT Required) Helium vessel of type II have to be produced !!! -> decision needed (type II cavities& vessels available, flanges have to be exchanged) Stick with plan to use Zanon cavities Ready : December 2005 (plus 1 month) Module Summary Module 6 35MV (type III) optimistic June 05 needs piezos, no BPM Module 7 spare (type II) ( 35MV not required but want to use new cavities and EP to gain statistics) needs Type II helium vessels Dec 05, Jan06 Module test stand commissioning Nov 05 Want to test module 6 in test stand before installation in TTF Module 8 and beyond need many components like cold mass Need to immediately take action on piezos and Helium vessels Cryomodule parts (cont.) modules beyond 6 &7 modules cavities Cold mass + vvessel tuners magnets Hevessels Total Availabl e now 30 1 type II 1 type III 17 2 TTF 1 TESLA 20 type III 6 7 Old? 8 9 2 Sstruct BPM 40 piezos ? piezos 8 II ? XFEL Type ? 4 XFEL-type 8 ? Main Couplers Comments Need to take action on missing parts for Modules 6, 7 Need to have a plan for proceeding on Modules 8 -> and their planned destination assignment by next collaboration meeting. It appears that any new module installation into TTF will not take place before 2006, both because of preparing and testing the high gradient modules before installation and because of the study program at TTF End ThankYou Schedule until 2007 Saturation in wavelength range 30-120 nm July 2005 User operation (extended period) Operation with long bunch train Dec. 2005 User operation (extended period) 3rd Harmonic RF system and ACC6 installed Feb. 2006 1 GeV beam energy April 2006 Saturation 6 nm June 2006 User operation (extended period) Seeding Option installed Dec. 2006 Seeding demonstration April 2007