SNG in Ka-band WBU-ISOG Geneva, Dec 2009 Andrew Hughes Senior Product Engineer Background S Continuing demand for SNG/OU 14.00-14.25 GHz Ku-band but there is a scarcity of available capacity in Europe. S 500 MHz of exclusive Ka Band capacity over Europe uplink frequency 29.5–30.0 GHz is immediately available S Astra 1L launched in May 2007 carries a Ka-band payload • Uplink in the ‘exclusive’ band 29.5-30 GHz • 12 uplink beams covering Europe • One downlink beam covering Europe 18.3-18.8 GHz S NDSatCom has developed a Ka/Ku dual-band SNG vehicle • Successfully demonstrated during IBC 2009 in Amsterdam 2 SES Proprietary and Confidential ASTRA 1L (19.2E) Ka-Band Rx Beam 29.5-30 GHz (uplink) 9.00 SATSOFT ASTRA 1L (19.2E) Ka Rx Beams (G/T = 10 / 12 dB/K) 8.00 7.00 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees 6.00 5.00 4.00 -5.00 04 Apr 2007 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 T heta*cos(phi) in Degrees -1.00 0.00 3 SES Proprietary and Confidential 1.00 2.00 ASTRA 1L (19.2E) Ka-Band Tx Beam 18.3-18.8 GHz (downlink) SATSOFT ASTRA 1L (19.2E) Ka Tx Beam EIRP (at NOP) 8.50 43 45 47 48 49 50 8.00 51 43 48 49 7.50 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees 45 47 43 7.00 51 48 50 51 49 50 6.50 47 45 50 6.00 49 48 47 45 43 43 5.50 -3.50 -2.50 -1.50 T heta*cos(phi) in Degrees -0.50 4 SES Proprietary and Confidential 0.50 1.50 Regulatory Status S CEPT has developed a Decision on exemption for individual terminal licensing in the exclusive 29.5-30.0 GHz satellite band. S “LEST” (Low EIRP Satellite Terminals) Decision up to 50 dBW has been adopted by most European countries S “HEST” (High EIRP Satellite terminals) decision up to 59 dBW implemented by 16 countries S SES is lobbying the remaining 30 Countries to implement the HEST Decision S Ka Band new to some administrations who subsequently do not have procedures in place to process applications. S SES applying for licenses in several countries to precipitate clearance procedures • • • • • License granted in The Netherlands Use of Ka-band SNG possible in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark France and Germany currently modifying National Regulation to allow Ka-band SNG Ongoing investigation in Italy, Switzerland and UK Fees dependent on country 5 SES Proprietary and Confidential NDSatCom Ka/Ku dual-band SNG S ND Satcom SNG developed in line with CEPT Decision S Dual band Ka/Ku band terminal S 1.2 m Antenna with 10W BUC offering 59 dBW Tx EIRP S DVB-S2 , QPSK, FEC ½ with ULPC into 4 – 5 m Rx antenna allows 99.8 % availability. S Ka Band presents challenges Atmospheric Attenuation requires ULPC Satellite station keeping movements cannot be ignored Equipment price higher and longer lead times, 2-3 months SPACE SEGMENT COST VERY COMPETITIVE 6 SES Proprietary and Confidential NDSatCom Ka/Ku dual-band SNG 7 SES Proprietary and Confidential NDSatCom Ka/Ku dual-band SNG 8 SES Proprietary and Confidential Ka-Band SNG SNG TRUCK 2010 9 S New Year Demonstrations of the truck at BTZ, Lux S SNG Truck available for customer evaluation and trial S SNG Truck Roadshows being planned for demonstrations throughout Europe S Please let us know if you are interested in participating Ka-Band SNG Contacts Eddy Frankland, SES Astra DDI: +44(0)20 7632 7904 Mob: +44 (0)7900 678 514 e-mail: Andrew Hughes, SES Astra DDI: +44(0)20 7632 7903 Mob: +44 (0)7760 171192 e-mail: Karl-Heinz Weltz, ND SatCom DDI: +49 7545 939 8033 Mob: +49 151 5262 3875 e-mail: 10 S Capacity Update ASTRA 3B Q2 2010 ASTRA 3B SPOT BEAM 2 M.E. <> SPOT BEAM 2 M.E. COVERAGE 0 UPLINK 2 SATSOFT ASTRA 3B (23.5E) S2 Rx Beam 7.00 5 6.00 ORBIT POSITION…………23.5 deg East 3 LIFE TIME REMAINING….+15 years 4 6 6 INCLINATION………………N/A 1 4 1 5.00 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees FREQ BAND........................Ku Band 4 4.00 5 5 4 UPLINK FREQ………………14.0 – 14.25 or 14.25 – 14.5 GHz 4 32 0 5 DOWNLINK FREQ………… 11.45 – 11.7 GHz 3 2 3.00 0 TOTAL TXPRS…………….. 12 ( 6 per pol ) x 36 MHz 6 2.00 5 AVAILABLE TXPRS……… upto12 txprs 1 1.00 0.00 DOWNLINK 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 T heta*cos(phi) in Degrees 5.00 6.00 SATSOFT ASTRA 3B (23.5E) S2 Tx Beam 8.00 COORDINATION ISSUES 7.00 47 50 40 HEALTH ISSUES N/A 6.00 44 44 5.00 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees 40 CUSTOMERS/LEADS 4.00 47 3.00 47 50 COMMENTS 2.00 44 1.00 11 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 T heta*cos(phi) in Degrees 40 5.00 6.00 7.00 ASTRA 3B EUROPE <> SPOT BEAM 2 M.E. COVERAGE ORBIT POSITION…………23.5 deg East UPLINK LIFE TIME REMAINING….+15 years S AT S O F T ASTRA 3B (23.5E) IC Rx Beam 8.00 0 6 7 0 7.50 INCLINATION………………N/A 2 4 2 8 FREQ BAND........................Ka Band EUROPE Uplink Ku Band Spot Beam 2 Downlink 9 8 4 T h e ta *sin (p h i) in De g re e s 4 7.00 7 6 9 9 6.50 UPLINK FREQ ……………. 28.15 – 28.4 GHz 8 0 7 6 2 2 4 0 DOWNLINK FREQ….......... 11.45 – 11.7 GHz 6.00 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 Theta*cos(phi) in Degrees 0.00 0.50 1.00 TOTAL TXPRS .................. 6 Channel x 36 MHz 1.50 AVAILABLE TXPRS……… upto 6 Channels DOWNLINK 8.00 SATSOFT ASTRA 3B (23.5E) S2 Tx Beam COORDINATION ISSUES 7.00 47 50 40 6.00 44 HEALTH ISSUES N/A 44 5.00 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees 40 4.00 47 CUSTOMERS/LEADS 3.00 47 50 2.00 44 1.00 12 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 T heta*cos(phi) in Degrees COMMENTS 40 5.00 6.00 7.00 ASTRA 3B SPOT 2 BEAM M.E. > EUROPE COVERAGE 0 UPLINK 2 SATSOFT ASTRA 3B (23.5E) S2 Rx Beam 7.00 ORBIT POSITION…………23.5 deg East 3 5 6.00 LIFE TIME REMAINING….+15 years 4 6 6 INCLINATION………………N/A 1 4 1 5.00 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees FREQ BAND........................Ku Band SPOT 2 Uplink Ka Band Europe Downlink 4 4.00 5 5 4 32 0 4 UPLINK FREQ…………….. 14 – 14.24 or 14.25 – 14.5 GHz 5 3 2 3.00 DOWNLINK FREQ ……….. 21.4 – 21.65 GHz 0 6 2.00 5 TOTAL TXPRS……………. 6 Channels x 36 MHz 1 1.00 0.00 1.00 DOWNLINK 2.00 3.00 4.00 T heta*cos(phi) in Degrees 5.00 AVAILABLE TXPRS……… upto 6 Channels 6.00 COORDINATION ISSUES 8.00 45 S AT S O F T ASTRA 3B (23.5E) IC1 Tx Beam 8.50 HEALTH ISSUES N/A 47 49 48 50 7.50 45 T h e ta * sin (p h i) in D e g re e s 47 48 7.00 49 CUSTOMERS/LEADS 51 47 50 6.50 45 49 47 48 6.00 45 5.50 -3.50 13 -3.00 -2.50 -2.00 -1.50 -1.00 Theta*cos(phi) in Degrees -0.50 COMMENTS 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 Available Capacity S 31.5 Deg East ASTRA 2C followed by ASTRA 1G BSS Frequencies S 23.5 Deg East ASTRA 1E followed by ASTRA 3B Q2 2010 Extended Ku and BSS Frequencies 14 ASTRA-2C: 31.5° E.L. West Spot Txpr 5.203 Availability: Usage: Status: Band: Satellite 2C, Beam WEST, channel 215, Tx Freq. 11.9925 GHz, c.f. 18.8 dB, Orb. longitude 31.5°E 9.00 Satellite 2C, Beam EAST, channel 213, Rx Freq. 17.5535 GHz, c.f. -27.7 dB, Orb. longitude 31.5°E 44 46 8.50 0 8 2 6 0 54 44 50 6 4 48 50 5.00 48 46 44 46 52 50 4 4 44 44 44 4 4648 44 4 4.00 2 4 2 48 46 44 46 6 0 6.00 50 52 50 48 54 52 6.50 6 46 50 52 44 6.00 54 50 52 54 54 44 8 0 52 44 46 48 50 52 52 54 4 8 2 8 7.00 48 54 56 54 7.50 7.00 4 46 4 6 Elevation (Degrees) 6 4 52 54 0 8.00 48 4446 50 2 4 6 Elevation (Degrees) 0 2 44 46 48 50 46 48 50 52 8.00 48 9.00 44 9.50 25 Nov 2009 until ASTRA-3B launch Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined BSS Band E/F 17.30 to 18.10 / 11.70 to 12.50 GHz 54 Web site: www. 2 0 0 5.50 3.00 5.00 -4.00 -3.00 Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO: Attenuator Pad: SFD 15 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 -5.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 Azimuth (Degrees) Europe, Scandinavia 33 MHz V Pol 17358.50MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-85 to -60) – G/T dBW/m2 Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Eastern Europe 33 MHz H Pol 11758.50MHz 4 dB 11707.50 MHz ASTRA-2C: 31.5° E.L. East Spot Txpr 5.214 Availability: Usage: Status: Band: Web site: www. 9.50 25 Nov 2009 until ASTRA-3B launch Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined BSS Band E/F 17.30 to 18.10 / 11.70 to 12.50 GHz Satellite 2C, Beam EAST, channel 213, Tx Freq. 11.9535 GHz, c.f. 18.8 dB, Orb. longitude 31.5°E 9.00 Satellite 2C, Beam EAST, channel 213, Rx Freq. 17.5535 GHz, c.f. -27.7 dB, Orb. longitude 31.5°E 9.00 44 8.00 8.50 0 8 2 8 8 6 2 7.00 0 8 0 44 6.50 4 4 -3.00 Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO: Attenuator Pad: SFD 16 54 48 48 52 50 46 44 44 4844 44 0 0 -4.00 50 46 44 46 2 5.50 5.00 4.00 2 4 2 52 50 46 44 46 6 0 6.00 54 5.00 52 52 54 54 50 6 56 50 ATH 54 6.00 44 4648 54 The 46 48 4 7.50 7.00 52 6 6 Elevation (Degrees) 6 4 44 4648 52 50 54 54 2 0 8.00 50 2 4 44 4648 52 48 0 3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 Azimuth (Degrees) Europe, Scandinavia 33 MHz H Pol 17573.00 MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-85 to -60) – G/T dBW/m2 Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Turkey, Caucasus, Syria 33 MHz V Pol 11973.00 MHz 4 dB N.A. ASTRA-1G: 31.5° E.L. West Beam Txpr 5.203 Availability: Usage: Status: Band: Web site: www. ASTRA-3B launch to TBD Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined BSS Band E/F 17.30 to 18.10 / 11.70 to 12.50 GHz 48 SATSOFT ASTRA 1G (31.5E) BSS Beam (East Antenna) Az = 0.213° / El = -0.259° (1.45°E 42 / -0.2°S) 44 8.50 46 50 51 52 8.00 54 53 42 51 7.50 54 52 53 46 7.00 44 50 42 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees 48 44 6.50 54 48 50 54 6.00 52 5.50 42 51 53 48 44 50 46 53 51 42 52 46 46 42 44 5.00 4.50 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 Theta*cos(phi) in Degrees Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO: Attenuator Pad: SFD 17 Europe, Scandinavia 33 MHz V Pol 17358.50 MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-85 to -60) – G/T dBW/m2 Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Sample 33 MHz H Pol 11758.50 MHz 4 dB 11707.50 MHz ASTRA-1G: 31.5° E.L. East Beam Txpr 5.214 Web site: www. Availability: Usage: Status: Band: ASTRA-3B launch to TBD Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined BSS Band E/F 17.30 to 18.10 / 11.70 to 12.50 GHz SATSOFT ASTRA 1G (31.5E) BSS Beam (West Antenna: 'South Beam' channels) Az = 2.163° / El = -0.559° (3.4°E / -0.5°S) 48 8.00 44 42 51 MOSCOW 50 42 52 53 42 46 46 50 54 52 7.00 54 Theta*sin(phi) in Degrees 44 48 51 51 6.00 48 53 54 52 51 42 50 53 44 54 5.00 46 52 42 42 48 46 50 44 46 4.00 -2.00 Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO: Attenuator Pad: SFD 18 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 Theta*cos(phi) in Degrees Europe, Scandinavia 33 MHz H Pol 17573.00 MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-85 to -60) – G/T dBW/m2 Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Sample 33 MHz V Pol 11973.00 MHz 4 dB 11701.00 MHz ASTRA-1E: 23.5° E.L. Web site: www. Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO: Attenuator Pad: SFD 19 Western Europe 26 MHz V Pol 12823.25 MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-90 to -70) – G/T dBW/m2 Txpr 3.105 Availability: Usage: Status: Band: 1 Week lead time until JUNE 2010 migrates to 5E Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined FSS Band D 12.75 to 13.00 / 10.70 to 10.95 GHz Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Western Europe 26 MHz H Pol 10773.25 MHz 4 dB 10948.50 MHz ASTRA-1E: 23.5° E.L. Web site: www. Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO: Attenuator Pad: SFD 20 Western Europe 26 MHz H Pol 12897.00 MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-90 to -70) – G/T dBW/m2 Txpr 3.110 Availability: Usage: Status: Band: 1 Week lead time until JUNE 2010 migrates to 5E Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined FSS Band D 12.75 to 13.00 / 10.70 to 10.95 GHz Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Western Europe 26 MHz V Pol 10847.00 MHz 4 dB 11202.00 MHz ASTRA-3B: 23.5° E.L. PE2 Beam Txpr 3.230 Availability: Usage: Status: Band: Web site: www. Astra 3B launch to TBC Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined BSS Band E/F 17.30 to 18.10 / 11.70 to 12.50 GHz Latitude (Degrees North) 60 50 40 30 -10 0 Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO Attenuator Pad: SFD 21 10 20 30 Longitude (Degrees East) Pan Europe 33 MHz H Pol 17885.00 MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-87 to -62) – G/T dBW/m2 Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Pan Europe 33 MHz V Pol 12285.00 MHz 4 dB 11701.75 MHz ASTRA-3B: 23.5° E.L. PE2 Beam Txpr 3.232 Availability: Usage: Status: Band: Web site: www. Astra 3B launch to TBC Digital MCPC & SCPC Preemptible, non Inclined BSS Band E/F 17.30 to 18.10 / 11.70 to 12.50 GHz 60 Latitude (Degrees North) 60 50 40 50 40 30 30 -20 -10 0 Uplink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier IBO Attenuator Pad: SFD 22 10 20 -10 0 10 20 Longitude (Degrees East) 30 40 30 Longitude (Degrees East) Pan Europe 33 MHz H Pol 17924.00 MHz 7 dB TBD dB (-87 to -62) – G/T dBW/m2 Downlink Parameters Coverage: Txpr BW: Polarisation: Txpr. c.f.: Multicarrier OBO: Beacon: Pan Europe 33 MHz V Pol 12324.00 MHz 4 dB 11701.75 MHz