Liberty Point Elementary School Building a Community of Life-long Learners Brannon F. Gaskins Principal Jovita G. Wallace Assistant Principal Liberty Point E.S. School Governance Council May 12th, 2015 Scheduled Time: 5:00-6:00 PM Council Members in Attendance: Bernard Ellis-Parent, Curtis Pettway- 4th Grade Teacher, LaKeisha Anderson- EIP Teacher, Trinelsia Thomas-Parent, Kristen Evans-Teacher, Dr. Fennoy,- Area Superintendent, Mrs. Carlene Millen-Assistant to the Area Superintendent, and Crystal Hampton-Ricks-Teacher I. II. III. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mr. Ellis at 5:12 PM. Welcome: Mr. Ellis reviewed the agenda. Approve Minutes from 5/03/2013 (Action). The minutes were read by Mrs. Ricks. Mr. Pettway made the motion to accept the minutes as read. Ms. Evans 2nded the motion. The motion was accepted. IV. Approve Agenda (Action): Mr. Ellis made the motion to accept the agenda, Mr. Pettway 2nded the motion. The agenda was accepted. V. VI. Review Norms: Mrs. Ricks reviewed the norms. Presentation for Principal Selection: Dr. Fennoy and Carlene Millen explained the process of selecting an Area Zone Director and how Mr. Gaskins was selected. a. Overview for Principal Selection: Principal selection has 3 components: 1. Principal fit (competencies, presence, readiness) a. Assess match to FCS’s Principal role b. Focus: Job related questions that get at competencies and skills defined as critical for FCS’s principals success c. Consistent: Each candidate goes through the same process 9000 High Point Road Union City, Georgia 30291 Telephone: (770) 306-3510 Fax (770) 306-3516 Liberty Point Elementary School Building a Community of Life-long Learners Brannon F. Gaskins Principal Jovita G. Wallace Assistant Principal d. Techniques: Behavioral Interviewing and Job Simulation. e. Measures: i. Knowledge ii. Experience iii. Capabilities 2. School fit: Meets School Leadership Needs, Meets your career desires a. Action: The Chair will create a School Fit hire committee to assist in the interviewing process: Chair, Mr. Ellis (can stand in as a parent), Dr. Fennoy, Assistant, 2 Teachers, 1 Parent, and an HR person. This committee will be chosen and formed by the end of the week. i. There will be a lot of debate about the candidates. The meetings are confidential. b. Survey and Focus Groups: Stakeholders will identify key competencies needed for the school through a survey and focus group discussion. Stakeholders are also part of the interview process, and representatives of groups most vested in the new principal’s success: Area Superintendent, Parents and Community, Teachers and Administrative Staff, Students. The surveys will be made available 5.12.15 until 5.19.15 midnight. c. Candidates will receive school data 5-10 days prior to the interview and create a presentation. i. Interview with Key Stakeholder Leaders (90 minutes) Behavior based questions based on school profile/needs ii. Presentation by Candidate (45 minutes) Based on school profile candidate presents key findings and planned first steps to the group. 3. Fulton Fit: Aligned with district direction and Leadership Expectation a. The Superintendent makes the final decisions regarding a recommendation for hire to the Board for approval. b. In Round 3, each candidate will have the opportunity for 1x1 interview with Superintendent Avossa which assess: i. Readiness for the Principal Position ii. Fit within FCS Vision and Values 9000 High Point Road Union City, Georgia 30291 Telephone: (770) 306-3510 Fax (770) 306-3516 Liberty Point Elementary School Building a Community of Life-long Learners Brannon F. Gaskins Principal Jovita G. Wallace Assistant Principal a. Stakeholder feedback Stakeholders had the opportunity to ask questions concerning the principal selection process: What are you looking for? Does it fit with what we are looking for? Dr. Fennoy explained that he looks for someone who is a good teacher, humble, and coachable. Someone who knows how to communicate effectively, even how to deal with difficult parents. He looks for real people who care about our children and wants what’s best for them. Focus Group: The council and attendants responded to the focus questions. Moving forward, all information about this process of selecting a principal will come through the Chair. Contact Carlene Millen with any questions or concerns about this process. VII. Announcements and Adjournment: Mrs. Ricks made the motion for the meeting to be adorned. Mrs. Anderson 2nded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:44 PM. a. Awards Day Schedule: May 14-19th. i. Pre-K and K- Thursday: 5.14.15 @ 8:30 and 10:00 AM ii. 1st-2nd Friday: 5.15.12 @ 8:30 and 10:00 AM iii. 3rd and 4th Monday: 5.18.15 3-4 @ 8:30 and 10:00 AM iv. 5th: 5.19.15 @ 8:30 AM v. Beta Club Induction: 5.20.15 @ 8:30AM 9000 High Point Road Union City, Georgia 30291 Telephone: (770) 306-3510 Fax (770) 306-3516