CEPA Metal Loss Inline Inspection Tool Validation Guidance Document, 1st Edition, Nov. 2014
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The Canadian Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA) is a voluntary, non-profit industry association representing major Canadian transmission pipeline companies. The Metal Loss
Inline Inspection Tool Validation Guidance Document (hereafter referred to as the
“Guidelines”) was prepared to provide common guidelines to enhance industry best practice and performance.
Use of the Guidelines described herein is wholly voluntary. The Guidelines described are not to be considered industry standards and no representation as such is made. It is the responsibility of each pipeline company, or other user of these Guidelines, to implement practices to ensure the safe operation of assets.
While reasonable efforts have been made by CEPA to assure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in these Guidelines, CEPA makes no warranty, representation or guarantee, express or implied, in conjunction with the publication of these Guidelines as to the accuracy or reliability of these Guidelines. CEPA expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility, whether in contract, tort or otherwise and whether based on negligence or otherwise, for loss or damage of any kind, whether direct or consequential, resulting from the use of these Guidelines. These Guidelines are set out for informational purposes only.
References to trade names or specific commercial products, commodities, services or equipment constitutes neither an endorsement nor censure by CEPA of any specific product, commodity, service or equipment.
The CEPA Metal Loss Inline Inspection Tool Validation Guidelines are intended to be considered as a whole, and users are cautioned to avoid the use of individual chapters without regard for the entire Guidelines.
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CEPA Metal Loss Inline Inspection Tool Validation Guidance Document, 1st Edition, Nov. 2014
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Table of Contents .................................................................................................... 3
List of Tables .......................................................................................................... 5
List of Figures ......................................................................................................... 6
Introduction .................................................................................................... 7
Definition of Terms .................................................................................... 7
Revisions to this Guidance Document ........................................................... 7
Background and Philosophy ........................................................................ 8
Harmonization with Other Industry Documents ............................................. 8
Scope............................................................................................................. 8
Practically Assessing ILI Performance ........................................................... 9
ILI Acceptance Overview .................................................................................. 9
Process Overview ...................................................................................... 9
Components ............................................................................................10
Overall Process ...............................................................................................10
Process Description ...................................................................................10
Process Flowchart .....................................................................................11
Process Verification .........................................................................................14
Process Overview .....................................................................................14
(Pre-Run) Tool Selection ............................................................................15
Inspection System ....................................................................................16
(Pre-Run) Planning and Preparation ............................................................18
(Pre-Run) Function Checks ........................................................................20
(Pre-Run) Mechanical Checks .....................................................................21
(In the Pipe) Procedure Execution ...............................................................23
(Post-Run) Mechanical Check .....................................................................24
(Post-Run) Function Check .........................................................................26
(Post-Run) Field Data Quality Check .........................................................28
(Post-Run) Data Analysis Process Check ...................................................29
(Post-Run) Cumulative Assessment ..........................................................31
Validation ......................................................................................................32
Known Pipeline Features ............................................................................32
Comparison with Previous ILI .....................................................................34
Validation from Excavation Data .................................................................36
A1. Scorecard and Guidance Document .....................................................................39
A1.1. Verification Examples .................................................................................50
A2. NACE Table ......................................................................................................53
A3. Matching ..........................................................................................................55
A3.1. Process overview .......................................................................................55
A3.2. Girth Weld Matching ...................................................................................55
A3.3. Matching of identified Anomalies ..................................................................55
A3.4. Calculating Anomaly Depth Change ..............................................................55
A4. Validation using a Previous ILI ............................................................................56
A4.1. Demonstration of Concept ...........................................................................56
A4.2. ILI Error ....................................................................................................57
A4.3. Comparison with Reference Measurements ....................................................58
A4.4. Acceptance Criteria ....................................................................................59
A5. Opportunities for Future Refinement....................................................................65
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A5.1. Standardization of ILI Reporting...................................................................65
A5.2. Documentation of Procedures ......................................................................67
A5.3. Refinement of Scorecard .............................................................................67
A5.4. Technology Specific Verification ...................................................................67
A6. Scoring – Verification Process Scorecard Summary ...............................................69
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Table 1: Verification Procedure Scorecard Parameters as per API 1163 .........................14
Table 2: Pre-Run Tool Selection Scoring ....................................................................15
Table 3: Inspection System Data Check Scoring .........................................................17
Table 4: Pre-Run Planning Scoring ............................................................................18
Table 5: Pre-Run Function Check Scoring ..................................................................20
Table 6: Pre-Run Mechanical Check Scoring ...............................................................22
Table 7: Procedure Execution Scoring .......................................................................23
Table 8: Post-Run Mechanical Check Scoring ..............................................................25
Table 9 Post-Run Function Check Scoring ..................................................................27
Table 10: Post-Run Field Data Check Scoring .............................................................28
Table 11: Post-Run Data Analysis Processes Scoring ...................................................30
Table 12: Post-Run Cumulative Assessment Scoring ...................................................31
Table 13: ILI Validation Parameters ..........................................................................35
Table 14: ILI Validation Parameters ..........................................................................37
Table 16: Guidance for Parameter #1 Pre-Run Tool Selection .......................................39
Table 17: Guidance for Parameter #2 Pre-Run Inspection System Data .........................40
Table 18: Guidance for Parameter #3 Pre-Run Planning ..............................................41
Table 19: Guidance for Parameter #4 Pre-Run Function Checks ...................................42
Table 20: Guidance for Parameter #5 Pre-Run Mechanical Checks ................................43
Table 21 Guidance for Parameter #6 in the pipe Procedure Execution ...........................44
Table 22: Guidance for Parameter #7 Post-Run Mechanical Checks ...............................45
Table 23: Guidance for Parameter #8 Post-Run Function Check ...................................46
Table 24: Guidance for Parameter #9 Post-Run Field Data Check .................................47
Table 25: Guidance for Parameter #10 Post-Run Data Analysis Processes and Quality
Checks ..................................................................................................................48
Table 26: Guidance for Parameter #11 Post-Run Cumulative Assessment ......................49
Table 27: Completed Scorecard Example 1 ................................................................50
Table 28: Completed Scorecard Example 2 ................................................................51
Table 29: Considerations when Dealing with Systematic Bias .......................................60
Table 30: Small Population Case Samples ..................................................................63
Table 31: Key Items to Consider for Future Refinement ...............................................65
Table 32: Summary of Data Provided for Scorecard ....................................................66
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Table 33: Verification Process Scorecard Summary .....................................................70
Figure 1: Overall Process .........................................................................................11
Figure 2: Verification Check-Point Flowchart ..............................................................12
Figure 3: Validation Procedure .................................................................................13
Figure 4: Table 1 from NACE SP 102-2010 giving Guidance on Tool Selection for ILI .......54
Figure 5: Illustration of the Validation Process ............................................................56
Figure6: Random Error and Bias Component Contribute to the Error of any ILI
Measurement .........................................................................................................58
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The intent of this Guidance Document is to supplement key industry standards such as
API 1163 and industry best practices by providing a methodology to assist CEPA members with a cost-effective method for validating the results from inline inspections. In particular, this document is meant to enable an operator to establish a process to identify if validation excavations are required and assess the value of those excavations versus employing alternative verification or validation processes to accept an ILI run that has no actionable anomalies.
This Guidance Document outlines the procedure for the acceptance of an ILI run based on a Verification and Validation of the run. This Guidance Document shifts the emphasis of ILI validation from field validation to verification that planning, preparation, execution, and analysis of the ILI run were correctly done using wellvetted, industry recognized procedures. The shift to process verification is expected to provide greater confidence in the resulting ILI run.
Note: This Guidance Document outlines a suggested approach for verification and validating of the run. Other approaches may be taken at the discretion of the pipeline operator if other processes are more practical, provided the sections of this document are followed.
In essence, there may be internal practices already in place for a member company, which are consistent with this document and other existing industry documents
(i.e. NACE SP0102-2010 and API 1163).
Part of the objective of this Guidance Document is to provide clarity and consistency regarding terminology. As such, the reader is encouraged to review the following ASME definitions as their usage was adapted for this document.
The check of the procedures and operations to ensure that all aspects of the inspection have been conducted according to existing standards and best practices. A successful ILI should result as a consequence of proper procedures and operations.
The check that results of the inspection (by comparison to field measurement, previous ILI or other independent source of information) are consistent with stated ILI performance specifications.
This Guidance Document has been developed by CEPA’s Pipeline Integrity
Working Group (PIWG). It will continue to evolve as new advances and opportunities for improvement are recognized during its use by CEPA member
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companies and from periodic reviews as deemed necessary by CEPA and/or the
The current (2014) regulatory environment in the US and Canada has lead
CEPA to explore the development of a Guidance Document for ILI Tool
Validation. CEPA members seek an alternative to excavations to validate the results of an ILI run, as in many situations, excavating a limited number of shallow anomalies is unlikely to yield any real insight into the performance of the ILI tool.
This Guidance Document provides an alternative to excavations to validate the results of an ILI run. The procedure in this Guidance Document will assure the operator and stakeholders of the high quality of the inspection.
There are a number of key benefits of developing a Guidance Document that is specific to relatively un-corroded lines. Specifically, operators would have access to a methodology that would allow them to assess and use the results of in-line inspection more cost effectively. Also, perhaps most importantly, a consensus-based Guidance Document released by CEPA would provide a common foundation for discussions with various jurisdictional authorities as well as in-line inspection tool vendors.
A number of well-vetted industry documents in the area of ILI acceptance already exist. To the extent possible, this Guidance Document was designed to remain consistent with, and leverage to the extent possible, any pre-existing material. The main documents that were referenced in this way are:
ο· NACE Recommended Practice, SP0102-2010 (formerly RP0102)
ο· NACE 35100, Inline Nondestructive Inspection of Pipelines (December
ο· API Standard, 1163 (Second Edition – April 2013)
The purpose of this Guidance Document is to assist the operator in evaluating the quality of an ILI run and deciding whether the run should be accepted or rejected.
Previously, the acceptance of an ILI run had been based primarily on a Validation process where the results of the inspection are compared to the results of NDT measurements in the field. At best, the comparison can only show that the ILI run is consistent or inconsistent with results collected in the field. The procedure does not prove that the ILI meets its performance specification, however, the ILI run is accepted unless evidence to the contrary is found. If the field results are inconsistent with the ILI performance specification, then the ILI run would be rejected and a rerun would be required.
This Guidance Document expands the acceptance procedure to include both
Verification and Validation processes.
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The Verification process examines all the aspects of tool selection, run preparation, running of the tool, and analysis of the results to ensure that the procedures followed should lead to a successful run. Lacking evidence to the contrary, the ILI run is accepted.
The Validation procedure is similar to the previous acceptance procedure; however, this Guidance Document relieves the requirement to excavate in some situations. In these situations, the Validation procedure is believed to more than compensate for not excavating the pipeline and should improve the confidence in the quality of the ILI data.
As such, an overall process has been developed for the Verification and Validation of
ILI runs, consistent with existing industry documents (i.e., NACE SP0102-2010 and
API 1163).
At best, excavations provide a limited number of comparisons at a few isolated locations along the pipeline. Furthermore, the cost of obtaining these comparisons can be prohibitive.
In this Guidance Document it is assumed that the purpose of an ILI run is to address one or more threats to the integrity of a specific pipeline. Acceptance of a run means that the operator accepts that the ILI run can be used to adequately assess the threat(s). If the inspection is rejected, then the threats to the pipeline (or portions of it) are not adequately addressed by the inspection. In some cases, rejection of an inspection may require rerunning the inspection, but in other cases, the threat can be addressed by other means.
In practice, inspection results usually enable the operator to assess risk on most of a pipeline, but there are often localized areas where the data has been compromised in some way and the inspection data is less than optimal for the assessment of risk. At these locations, if the risk due to the threat is great, then the threat would need to be addressed by some other method.
The procedure developed depends in large part on documentation of the ILI inspection process. In this way, the acceptance of the ILI data can be conducted by persons independent of those who were involved in the inspection.
This Guidance Document was developed to supplement API 1163 and industry best practice, with the overall goal to quantify the value of excavations and have a rigorous approach to ILI acceptance. The definition of an overall ILI
Verification and Validation process was considered critical in the development
of this Guidance Document. As such, the flowchart in Section 4.2 provides a
systematic and consistent process for the Verification and Validation of an ILI inspection, based on the available information.
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The acceptance of an ILI run depends on its Verification and Validation.
Verification consists of three parts:
The ILI tool used in the inspection is appropriately selected to assess the threat(s) and has a history of successful runs.
The actual running of the ILI tool and analysis of the data were conducted according to existing standards and Guidelines.
The results of the ILI data are consistent with expected results considering the age, condition and history of the pipeline.
Validation may be accomplished by three different processes:
If there are no actionable anomalies (i.e., anomalies meeting excavation or repair criteria, or anomalies that require other mitigative action to be taken), then the inspection is Validated by ensuring that the inspection successfully identified and reported the known location of any girth welds, wall thickness changes, tees, and other features on the pipeline that the tool can be expected to detect and report.
If there are actionable anomalies or previous excavation data, then the inspection is Validated by the comparison of the ILI report to the results of the excavation. In the case of a metal-loss inspection, the comparison might consist of the depth and length of the reported anomalies.
If there is a previous inspection of the pipeline, the inspection is Validated by a comparison of the current ILI results to the previous results.
This Guidance Document defines a process for the acceptance of an ILI run without need for excavations when there are no actionable anomalies reported by the inspection. The process has required the definition of a holistic and comprehensive approach to the acceptance of the ILI data following the delivery of the report.
The first step towards the acceptance of an ILI run is the Run Verification.
Verification is an 11-point checklist to ensure that run planning and execution was conducted according to established standards. Depending on the results of the Verification phase, the process proceeds to one of the Validation processes.
Validation has three components:
Comparison of ILI results to known pipeline features,
Comparison of ILI metal-loss anomalies to excavation results, and
Comparison of ILI metal-loss anomalies to a previous inspection.
Depending on the available data and the results of the ILI, one, two, or all three components may be required to validate the run.
The following section shows a flowchart of the overall process.
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Figure 1 shows the top-level flowchart of the overall process. As discussed
above, the process consists of two steps: Verification and Validation. If the run fails either the Verification or the Validation, then the run cannot be accepted to address the threat in question.
Figure 1: Overall Process
Process verification consists of an 11-point check in two parts: part one is a 10-point check regarding various aspects of the tool then in part two the final check is a Cumulative Assessment. The checks are:
Tool Selection,
Historical performance of the inspection system,
Pre-run Function Check,
Pre-run Mechanical Check,
Procedure execution (e.g., pigging procedure, tool speed, etc.),
Post-run Mechanical Check,
Post-run Function Check,
Field Data Quality Check, and
Data analysis processes: quality checks.
The final check is the cumulative assessment.
Cumulative Assessment
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For each of the 10 points, the operator would follow the flowchart shown in Figure 2.
Guidance on each decision node is provided in A1. Scorecard and Guidance Document.
Figure 2: Verification Check-Point Flowchart
All checks must have a “Pass” or “Conditional” pass for the run to be accepted. Once the check of the 10 parameters is concluded, they are reviewed in the Cumulative Check to decide the final verification result.
Data Validation
The second step in the acceptance of an ILI run is data validation.
Whereas verification examines the inspection process to ensure that all procedures were followed in the acquisition of the ILI data, validation examines the results of the inspection to ensure that the data is accurate and meets performance specifications.
The validation procedure depends on the results of the inspection and the available data. If there is a previous ILI run, then the current run can be compared to that previous run for validation. If there are actionable anomalies or previous excavation data, then the comparison to the excavation results is used for validation. However, if there are no previous inspections and no actionable anomalies, then validation is based on the check that the ILI data successfully identified and reported known pipeline features such as girth welds, wall-thickness changes, fittings, valves, tee, etc.
Figure 3 shows the validation procedure flowchart. In the procedure,
the first step is to compare non-metal-loss features to the ILI. Then, if there are actionable anomalies, those anomalies would need to be excavated and compared to the ILI data. Once the excavation results are consistent with performance specification, the inspection can then be accepted. Previous excavation data can also be used for the validation. However, if excavation data is unavailable and there is a previous ILI run, then the metal-loss anomalies, as reported by the
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Validation previous ILI, must be matched and compared to the current ILI to validate the inspection.
Match known
Pipeline feature to
Pipeline features matching successful
Are there actionable anomalies
Excavate anomalies and compare to ILI results
Is there a previous ILI run on the line?
Are excavation results consistent with performance
Compare ILI results
Are the previous ILI results consistent with performance specificaiton?
Accept ILI run Reject ILI run
Figure 3: Validation Procedure
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Process verification is a systematic and consistent approach to ensure that all proper procedures were undertaken by the operator and ILI vendor prior to, during, and after the inspection. The fundamental premise of the methodology is that high-quality ILI data is a consequence of technology, planning, and execution. The verification process checks ten parameters. Once these ten parameters have been assessed, a cumulative assessment of all parameters (and potential deficiencies) is then reviewed cohesively to ensure that results are still
deemed to be tolerable. The ten parameters are shown in Table 1 .
Table 1: Verification Procedure Scorecard Parameters as per API 1163
Item Stage API category API Ref Parameter
1 Pre-run In-Line System
5.4 Tool Selection
System Results
In-Line System
5.3, 7.2
Inspection System Data
(other lines)
Function Checks
Mechanical Checks
Procedure Execution
(e.g., pigging procedure, tool speed, etc.)
Mechanical Checks
In the pipe System
Post-run System
System Results
8.2.2 & Annex
Function Check
Field Data Quality Check
Data Analysis
Processes: Quality
For each of these checks, the flowchart in Figure 2 is followed to assign a score to
each item. A score “P” or “Pass” indicates that the proper procedure was followed.
“C” or “Conditional pass” indicates that some irregularities were found in the procedure, but that the effect on the data is not significant or that additional actions may be required to ensure the conditional pass is resolved or can be confirmed to be a pass. For example, in an area where the ILI experienced an overspeed, the operator may use a different specification to assess the uncertainty of the features in that particular area. Finally, “F” or “Fail” indicates that the data is compromised in some way such that the run cannot be accepted.
The final Cumulative Check is a review of all the Conditional Passes to ensure that the overall effect on the data is acceptable.
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The following sections discuss each of these parameters in turn. Specifically, description of the parameter, motivation of the item, scoring, assessing the significance of the data impact and potential mitigation options are discussed in detail. An abridged version of the information is available in the actual scorecard
and guidance document in A1. Scorecard and Guidance Document.
Parameter Description
Given the wide array of tools currently available from a number of different ILI vendors, this check ensures that an appropriate tool has been selected in light of the expected defect type(s) on the pipeline. The primary guidance appears in NACE SP 0102
Table 1; see also A2. NACE Table.
In addition to the NACE guidance, the operator must understand the capabilities and limitations of the specific tool selected for the inspection and ensure that the goals of the inspection will be satisfied.
The purpose of this check is to ensure that the inspection tool is capable of assessing the specific threat on the pipeline. An appropriate inspection tool needs to be selected that can detect the threats present. During the selection process, the operator and vendors shall consider the tool’s resolution range (standard vs. high resolution). The operator shall review the tool’s performance specifications to verify that the tool is capable of detecting and sizing the anomalies that are deemed a threat on the pipeline. The vendor’s tool performance specification shall contain sizing accuracy standards and confidence levels.
The inclusion of this item ensures that an inspection conducted to address one threat is not also used to assess threats to which it is not suited. (For example, an MFL tool may have been run to assess corrosion, but it should not be used to assess potential
SCC.) Also, the inclusion of this item is required to make the overall procedure objective. A person not previously involved in the running of the inspection should verify that the tool is adequate to the job.
Table 2: Pre-Run Tool Selection Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Tool not capable of detection or sizing of expected anomaly type(s).
Tool capable of detecting anomaly types but limited sizing or detection abilities of expected anomaly type(s).
P Best available technology for detecting and sizing expected anomaly type(s) identified and used.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
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The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. For example, the use of a transverse MFL tool will identify general corrosion, but its sizing tolerances are limited. Thus, if the dimensions of a potentially injurious defect are beyond the performance specification of the transverse MFL tool, then this parameter would be deemed a “Fail”.
It should be noted that the “Conditional” pass would be contingent on the operator confirming that the dimensions of critical defect size(s), for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool.
“Pass” would be reported if high resolution MFL technology was used to detect general pipeline corrosion. This is intended to recognize that while MFL technology has some limitations, the operator is using the best available tool to address corrosion related pipeline integrity concerns.
Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
The impact to data, where the optimal technology is not used, must be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The guiding principle remains, as stated above: The operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter, the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line with a more appropriate tool suited to the specific threat or undertake an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then a record of the location(s)
(whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative
Parameter Description
This check ensures that the inspection tool used in the inspection has a history of successful runs, and that the inspection system is likely to perform successfully. An operator may decide to run a untested technology in a pipeline from time to time, but that run should not be used to assess the threat on the pipeline without adequate validation. In addition, if the tool has not previously conducted an inspection in the operator’s pipeline, but has been
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tested by the vendor, the vendor shall supply relevant documentation demonstrating successful performance testing.
Whereas the emphasis of the Tool Selection check is to ensure that the technology is capable of detecting and sizing the anomalies, the motivation of this check is to ensure that the inspection system is able to deliver quality data as demonstrated by its history of successful runs.
Table 3: Inspection System Data Check Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Tool is experimental and there is no established history or it has been demonstrated to have deficiencies in addressing the threat.
Same model of tool with minor differences (such as diameter) has a history of successful runs to assess the threat,
Or the specific model of tool has history of successful runs to assess the threat for other operators, but results of those runs are not available.
P Operator firsthand knowledge of the performance capabilities of the tool and has several successful inspections using the tool.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. If the operator has firsthand experience with the specific ILI vendor’s tool, and the use of that tool has reliably resulted in successful inspections, then a “Pass” is given.
If, however, the operator does not have firsthand experience with the specific tool, but has indirect experience or knowledge of the tool’s performance, a “Conditional” pass is scored. For example, a
“Conditional” is given if the operator has extensive experience with other tools in the ILI vendor’s fleet, but those tools differ from the tool used in the current inspection in some way, such as diameter. Since there are usually a large number of similarities between a vendor’s 24-inch and 30-inch tool, for example, the performance of the 30-inch tool is a good indication of the performance of the 24-inch tool.
This parameter receives a “Fail” if the ILI tool is of an experimental prototype or if its past runs suggest a high failure rate.
Options for Dealing with Untested Tools
One of the implicit assumptions of this document is that if an inspection is conducted according to proper procedures, then the inspection system will perform to its ability. In the case of an untested inspection system, that ability is not known. Therefore to accept a tool with no history of successful runs requires a
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more rigorous validation process to ensure that the tool is accurately reporting the severity of the anomalies.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then a record of the location(s)
(whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative
Parameter Description
This parameter is a check of the group of activities prior to executing an inline inspection. The user is referred to NACE
SP0102-2010 (Sections 4, 5, and 6) for details of the types of activities that are typically undertaken as part of pre-run planning. As part of the planning procedure, the ILI vendor and operator should work together to ensure a successful run.
Planning should include, but be not limited to: completion of a pre-run questionnaire supplied by the ILI vendor, pipeline cleaning, pipeline geometry assessment, launch and receiver
Trap review, assessment of adequate battery life for inspection tool (e.g. account for 20 – 30% contingency life longer than estimated run time), development of an inspection procedure, inspection scheduling, logistics as well as ensuring appropriate product type, flows and pressures.
Some of these planning activities may be iterative, such as logistics, inspection procedures and pipeline operating conditions; therefore, the operator and vendor shall allow for sufficient time to complete these activities prior to the launch of the inspection tool.
The purpose of this item is to ensure that proper procedures were followed prior to the running of the tool. In many cases, this parameter may seem moot after the completion of and apparently successful inspection. However, the success of an inspection is dependent on planning and preparations prior to the running of the tool. Ensuring, for example, that cleaning targets were met prior to the inspection can avoid degradation of the data quality. Thus proper planning can sometimes make the difference between optimal inspection results and simply adequate results.
Table 4: Pre-Run Planning Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Key elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility Assessment and Inspection planning not conducted.
Majority of elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility Assessment and
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Inspection Scheduling completed but undocumented.
Elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility and Inspection Scheduling completed and documented.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be highly specific to each situation and somewhat subjective. That is, simple and straightforward situations (e.g., MFL run in a dry sweet gas line) for executing an inline inspection will require significantly less planning compared to more complex scenarios (e.g., ultrasonic inspection in a liquid slug in a gas line with multiple off-takes and interconnections). Operators and vendors should document all planning including the decision whether to conduct or not conduct specific activities prior to the run.
It is anticipated that at a minimum, operators will follow industry best practice documentation and conduct planning activities around the parameters most critical and relevant to the specific inspection.
It should be noted this is one of a few parameters where a
“Conditional” pass may be assigned even if, in retrospect, planning activities are deemed insufficient if it is demonstrated that the data collected by the inline inspection tool was unaffected. Thus, a “Fail” would only be assigned in situations where data degradation exists – directly as a result of inadequate pre-run planning.
Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
The impact to data, where a lack of planning has been identified as the root cause, must be addressed on a case-by-case basis since the range of potential outcomes is large. For example, at one extreme, insufficient planning may lead to a tool lodged in the line (requiring a cut-out) at a previously unidentified pipe restriction. At the other end of the spectrum, insufficient planning of product flows may result in a short speed excursion of the tool at launch.
The guiding principle remains, as stated -below: The operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool. If the operators cannot be confident that an injurious defect would be detected, a range of options exist depending on the length of the area where data has been compromised. Short sections of data degradation may be individually assessed and deemed acceptable on the basis of other integrity related activities such as other ILI runs, hydrostatic testing, cathodic protection, coating, soil, pipe properties (i.e., presence of heavy wall pipe), and direct assessment.
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Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter (i.e., significant data degradation), the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line having remedied the planning deficiency or undertake an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then a record of the location(s)
(whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative
Parameter Description
This parameter is a check of the group of activities that an ILI vendor carries out to ensure the functional integrity of the tool prior to loading the inspection tool into the launcher barrel. As such, function checks are expected to be specific to each vendor and technology used. The function checklist should be provided by the ILI vendor and the items should be standardized and identified in advance of the inspection. These include, but are not limited to appropriate initialization of all components, the adequacy and availability of the power supply, confirming sensors are operational, and confirming adequacy, and availability of data storage.
The purpose of this item is to ensure that the inspection tool is in good working condition, which requires that the tools’ mechanical components perform as designed, prior to the inspection. The documentation of this check is required by API 1163, and its documentation is indicative of the ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and Guidelines.
Table 5: Pre-Run Function Check Scoring
Score Scoring description
Significant function checks not passed.
Significant function checks passed but checks are undocumented.
P All function checks passed and documented.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary,
please refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. For example, it would be surprising (but possible) that the tool fails a significant function check(s) and is still launched. If adequate checks are not performed, the tool
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may experience a failure soon after launch. In such a case, the oversight would result in some significant data degradation, and the parameter would be deemed a “Fail”. However, in some cases documentation confirming the function check may be missing. If the tool passes a documented post-run function check or if the tool is received and no data degradation has been identified, then a “Conditional” pass would be assigned. A “Pass” would be reported if all function checks were passed and documentation to this effect was readily available.
It should be noted this is one of a few parameters where a
“Conditional” pass may be assigned, even if the function check was deemed inadequate, provided that it is demonstrated that the data collected by the inline inspection tool was unaffected.
Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
While not expected to happen often, the situations where function checks are not passed prior to launch are expected to have a significant impact on the data collected. While the mitigation options must be addressed on a case-by-case basis, the operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter, the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line or undertake an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then a record of the location(s)
(whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative
Parameter Description
This parameter is a check of the group of activities that an ILI vendor carries out to ensure the mechanical integrity of the tool prior to loading it into the launcher barrel. As such, pre-run mechanical checks are expected to be largely visual and specific to each vendor and technology used. The pre-run mechanical checklist should be provided by the ILI vendor, standardized, and identified in advance of the inspection. These include, but are not limited to: general visual inspection, confirming good pressure seals around electronic components, ensuring adequate integrity of cups, and ensuring all wheels are intact and moving appropriately.
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The purpose of this item is to ensure that the inspection tool is in good working condition, which requires that the tools’ mechanical components perform as designed. The documentation of this check is required by API 1163 and its documentation is indicative of the ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and Guidelines.
Table 6: Pre-Run Mechanical Check Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Significant mechanical checks not passed.
Significant mechanical checks passed but checks are undocumented.
P All mechanical checks passed and documented.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. For example, it would be surprising (but possible) that the tool fails a significant mechanical check but is still launched. If adequate checks are not performed, the tool may experience a failure soon after launch. In such a case, the oversight would result in some significant data degradation, and the parameter would be deemed a “Fail”. However, in some cases documentation confirming the mechanical check may be missing.
If the tool passes a documented post-run mechanical check or if the tool is received and no data degradation has been identified, then a “Conditional” pass would be assigned. A “Pass” would be reported if all mechanical checks were passed and documented.
It should be noted this is one of a few parameters where a
“Conditional” pass may be assigned even if, in retrospect, the mechanical check was deemed inadequate if it is demonstrated that the data collected by the inline inspection tool was unaffected.
Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
While not expected to happen often, the situations where mechanical checks are not passed prior to launch are expected to have a significant impact on the data. While the mitigation options must be addressed on a case-by-case basis, the operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter, the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line or conduct an
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alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then the location(s) (whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative Assessment.
Parameter Description
A job specific plan that includes technical requirements, responsibility, emergency contact, procedures, work site preparation and mobilization is commonly prepared to support execution of the inspection. This parameter checks the group of activities required to execute a successful inline inspection based on the requirements of the plan. These include, but are not limited to:
ο· Check the tool run was executed as per the planned pigging procedure.
ο· Check that the line condition parameters (fluid composition, flow rate, temperature, and pressure) were in accordance with the planned procedure.
ο· Check that the line conditions for tool launch were as expected and did launch proceed as planned.
ο· Check that the line conditions for tool receive were as expected and did receive proceed as planned.
ο· Check that the tool speed was within the planned range for the length of the run. (If deviations did occur, were they planned or expected and assessed in advance?)
ο· Check that the tracking of the tool was according to plan.
This parameter is designed to ensure that the actual inspection was conducted in such a way as to ensure high-quality inspection data. The documentation of this check is indicative of the ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and
Table 7: Procedure Execution Scoring
Score Scoring Description
F Inspection not carried out as per inspection procedure with potential material impact to data quality.
Inspection not carried out as per inspection procedure but deviations C are not material to data quality.
P Inspection carried out as per inspection procedure.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
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The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. For example, if there were deviations from the planned procedure and significant data impacts resulting (i.e., impacts that could not be managed through alternative means), the parameter would be deemed a “Fail”. However, in some cases there may have been deviations from the planned procedure but there was little or no impact to data quality, in these cases, a
“Conditional” pass would be assigned. A “Pass” would be reported when the inspection procedure was executed as planned and documentation to this effect was readily available.
Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
The impact to data due to deviations from the planned inspection procedure must be addressed on a case-by-case basis, since the range of potential outcomes is large. For example, long speed excursions at wall thickness changes may require restating the tool performance specification for the entire length of the line.
However, short speed excursions at launch in heavy-wall yard piping may be deemed tolerable.
The guiding principle remains, as stated above: The operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool. If the operator cannot be confident that an injurious defect would be detected, a range of options exist depending on the location and length of the area where data has been compromised. Short sections of data degradation may be individually assessed and deemed acceptable on the basis of other integrity related activities such as other ILI runs, hydrostatic testing, cathodic protection, coating, soil, pipe properties (i.e., presence of heavy wall pipe) and direct assessment.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter (i.e., significant data degradation), the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line having remedied the deviation in the inspection procedure or conduct an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then the location(s) (whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative Assessment.
Parameter Description
This parameter checks the group of activities that an ILI vendor carries out to ensure the mechanical integrity of the tool upon
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receive at the end of the run. As such, post-run mechanical checks are expected to be largely visual and specific to each vendor and technology used. The post-run mechanical checklist should be provided by the ILI vendor, standardized and identified in advance of the inspection. These include, but are not limited to assessing: general state of the tool, pressure seals around electronic components, integrity of cups, tool cleanliness, location of debris accumulation, tool wear as well as ensuring all parts are intact and moving appropriately. It is recommended that the checklist be appended with photographs of the tool and any damage to mechanical components
The purpose of this item is to ensure that the inspection tool was not damaged during the course of the inspection. The documentation of this check is indicative of the ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and Guidelines.
Table 8: Post-Run Mechanical Check Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Significant tool wear, damage or debris with material impact to data.
Tool wear, damage or debris observed with no material impact to data.
P Tool received in good mechanical condition (with no unexpected tool wear, damage or debris).
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. For example, damage to the tool to the point of significant data loss or degradation would be deemed a “Fail”.
However, in some cases the tool may have experienced unexpected damage or wear, but if no data degradation is identified then a “Conditional” pass would be assigned. A “Pass” would be reported if all mechanical checks were passed and documented, upon tool receive.
Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
The impact to data, due to a mechanical issue, must be addressed on a case-by-case basis, since the range of potential outcomes is large. For example, an unexpected pipeline restriction may damage the tool and lead to complete data loss.
At the other end of the spectrum, mechanical damage may take the form of the loss of a single sensor near or at the end of the run.
If the mechanical check is undocumented, the operator must demonstrate that the tool was not damaged in the pipeline by other means. Documentation of this check is important because
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the demonstration that the tool was not damaged may be difficult.
The guiding principle remains, as stated above: The operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool. If the operators cannot be confident that an injurious defect would be detected, a range of options exist depending on the location and length of the area where data has been compromised.
Short sections of data degradation may be individually assessed and deemed acceptable on the basis of other integrity related activities such as other ILI runs, hydrostatic testing, cathodic protection, coating, soil, pipe properties (i.e., presence of heavy wall pipe) and direct assessment.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter (i.e., significant data degradation), the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line having remedied the cause of the mechanical problem (e.g., additional cleaning runs or removal of a diameter restriction) or undertake an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then the location(s) (whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative Assessment.
Parameter Description
This parameter is a check of the group of activities that an ILI vendor carries out to ensure functional integrity of the tool upon receive at the end of the run. As such, function checks are expected to be specific to each vendor and technology used. The function checklist should be provided by the ILI vendor, standardized, and identified in advance of the inspection. These checks include, but are not limited to appropriate operation of all components, the adequacy and availability of the power supply, confirming sensors are operational, and confirming adequacy and availability of data storage.
The purpose of this item is to ensure that the inspection tool did not experience an internal failure during the course of the inspection. The documentation of this check is indicative of the
ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and
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Table 9 Post-Run Function Check Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Significant function checks not passed.
Significant function checks passed were not documented, but that the proper functioning of the tool can be Verified by other means throughout the length of the run.
P Function checks passed and documented
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. For example, malfunctioning of the tool to the point where there is significant data loss or degradation would be deemed a “Fail”. However, if the tool experienced a functional issue but no significant data degradation, then a “Conditional” pass would be assigned. A “Pass” would be reported if all function checks were passed upon tool receive and documented.
Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
The impact to data, due to a tool malfunction, must be addressed on a case-by-case basis since the range of potential outcomes is large. For example, an electronics failure at launch would require a re-inspection. At the other end of the spectrum, an electronics failure at receive would not be expected to be material to the quality of the data collected.
If the function check is undocumented, the operator must demonstrate that the tool was operating properly for the entire length of the inspection. Documentation of this check is important because the demonstration that the tool was operating properly may be difficult.
The guiding principle remains, as stated above: The operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool. If the operators cannot be confident that an injurious defect would be detected, a range of options exist depending on the location and length of the area where data has been compromised. However, given the limited ability to analyze tool data in the field, detailed analysis of data degradation is unlikely to occur until data analysis in the office environment is undertaken. As such, this check is intended to identify major data shortfalls and degradation issues.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter (i.e., significant data degradation), the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line having remedied the suspected cause of the
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data degradation or undertake an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then the location(s) (whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative Assessment.
Parameter Description
This parameter is the group of checks that an ILI vendor carries out to ensure integrity of the data collected upon receive at the end of the run. These checks are expected to be specific to each vendor and technology used. The Field Data checklist should be provided by the ILI vendor, standardized, and identified in advance of the inspection. These checks include, but are not limited to: amount of data collected, length of line inspected, and circumferential and linear continuity of data.
The purpose of this item is to ensure that the inspection tool collected data for the full length of the line. This check is intended to identify any major data shortfalls and/or degradation issues, which would prevent the vendor from meeting the performance specifications. The documentation of this check is indicative of the
ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and
Table 10: Post-Run Field Data Quality Check Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Tool unable to meet stated specifications due to significant lack of data integrity
Tool unable to meet stated specifications but manageable through further analysis
P Tool able to meet stated specifications for entire length of run
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. For example, significant data loss or degradation would be deemed a “Fail”. However, if the tool experienced data loss, but based on the level of detail available in the field, the vendor may feel that the performance specification can largely still be met then a “Conditional” pass would be assigned. A “Pass” would be reported if all data checks were passed upon tool receive and documented.
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Options for Dealing with Compromised Data
Data degradation identified through this parameter must be addressed on a case-by-case basis since the range of potential outcomes is large. For example, complete loss of data at launch would require a re-inspection. At the other end of the spectrum, the loss of a single sensor half way through the run may not be deemed material to the quality of the data collected.
The guiding principle remains, as stated above: The operator must ensure that the dimensions of an injurious defect, for the pipeline in question, are greater than the minimum detection and sizing thresholds of the tool. If the operators cannot be confident that an injurious defect would be detected, a range of options exist depending on the location and length of the area where data has been compromised. However, given the limited ability to analyze tool data in the field, detailed analysis of data degradation is unlikely to occur until data analysis in the office environment is undertaken. As such, this check is intended to identify major data shortfalls and degradation issues.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter (i.e., significant data degradation), the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must reinspect the line having remedied the suspected cause of the data degradation or undertake an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then the location(s) (whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative Assessment.
Parameter Description
This parameter is the group of checks that the data was properly handled and analyzed by the vendor in the production of the final report. These checks are specific to each vendor and technology used.
The data analysis should be discussed and decided jointly by the operator and ILI vendor. The operator and ILI vendor should agree on items such as sizing algorithms to use, amount of manual intervention, filtering of reported anomalies, clustering rules, burst pressure procedure, etc. In addition, the operator should also discuss analyst’s qualifications (Level 1, 2, or 3) for who should perform the analysis.
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It is recommended that the above listed requirements be discussed and agreed upon in the Planning and Preparation stage, to allow the vendor to properly secure the required resources, including analysts and software programs, for instance, and to ensure the tool is capable of performing the scope, before the inspection.
The Data Analysis checklist should be based on the analysis procedure provided by the ILI vendor, standardized, and identified in advance of the analysis. These checks include, but are not limited to: amount of data collected, continuity of data, appropriate sensor response(s), sizing algorithms, manual checking, clustering rules, burst pressure procedure, execution of data analysis procedures as well as use of appropriate input parameters (such as pipeline diameter, wall thickness, grade, etc.).
This final check is to ensure that the raw data from the inspection has been properly analyzed by the ILI vendor and that the final report will satisfy the requirements of the inspection. The documentation of this check is indicative of the ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and Guidelines.
Table 11: Post-Run Data Analysis Processes Scoring
Score Scoring Description
Results of data analysis quality checks are not acceptable.
Significant data quality checks passed, but quality checks initially undocumented or reanalysis was required.
P Data quality checks passed and documented.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
The scoring of this parameter is expected to be relatively straightforward. The ILI vendor should provide the operator with the agreed checklist of all of their procedures for checking and analyzing the data.
A “Pass” is given if the vendor’s checklist is completed as previously agreed and the number, distribution, and severity of anomalies are consistent with the expectations of the vendor considering the age, coating, previous inspections, and history of the pipeline.
A “Conditional” pass is given if the vendor has not supplied the completed checklist or if any deficiency is noted but corrected by a reanalysis of the data. If following a reanalysis of the data, the number, distribution, or severity of the anomalies is not consistent with expectations, then an independent review (audit) of the analysis procedures may be required.
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A “Fail” is given for any situation that cannot be corrected by reanalysis of the data. Such situations may indicate a problem in the selection, preparation, or running of the tool.
Options for Data Analysis Issues
Depending on the issue, the results for this parameter must be addressed on a case-by-case basis since the potential causes of the issue are broad ranging. Issues regarding the analysis of the data are likely to affect the entire inspection. However some issues may affect only specific locations on the pipeline. In many cases, reanalysis of the data or an independent audit of the analysis may be sufficient to address the concern.
Should a “Fail” score be appropriate for this parameter (i.e., significant data degradation), the options are somewhat limited in that some large-scale program to prove the integrity of the pipeline must be undertaken. For example, the operator must re-inspect the line having remedied the suspected cause of the data degradation or undertake an alternative set of activities – such as hydrostatic testing, or direct assessment.
If a “Conditional” score is given, then the location(s) (whether the location(s) are limited to specific segment(s) or the whole pipeline) where the quality of the data may be affected must be recorded and considered again for the Cumulative Assessment.
Parameter Description
This parameter provides a means of assessing all of the parameters – taken as a whole – to determine whether the tool performance was acceptable. That is, this parameter is a mechanism to ensure that (potential) sub-optimal performance across all parameters does not result in an unacceptable run even if all parameters taken individually are deemed acceptable (i.e., conditional passes). Relevant considerations include, but are not limited to, the following:
ο· Can data gaps be mitigated effectively using alternative methods?
ο· Can any data gaps actually be addressed through re-running the tool or are line conditions such that similar challenges will remain?
ο· Are any “Conditional” scores cumulative in nature?
ο· Do “Conditional” scores of different parameters affect the same locations?
Table 12: Post-Run Cumulative Assessment Scoring
Score Scoring Description
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F Cumulative impact of “Conditional” passes deemed to materially impact
ILI results.
Cumulative impact of “Conditional” passes is unclear and may have impacted ILI results.
The cumulative impact of all “Conditional” passes, if any, deemed to be P tolerable.
Note: For a comprehensive Verification Process Scorecard Summary, please
refer to Table 33 in A.6.
Scoring for this final parameter is in fact the scoring of the entire verification Process. The final score may be either “Fail”, “Pass”, or “Ambiguous”, depending on whether the “Conditional” passes of the previous checks are cumulative or not. Degradation is cumulative if one issue magnifies any pre-existing data degradation (such as a tool over-speed in a location where the tool performance is already compromised by debris related sensor lift off). Conversely, issues are not cumulative if their impact on data quality is largely independent (such as a run where the tool over-speeds at launch and experiences debris issues at receive).
If two or more “Conditional” passes of the previous checks affect the same length of pipe and the degradation are cumulative and materially impact the results of the ILI, a “Fail” would be assigned. If the operator can clearly confirm that the impact of any “Conditional” scores are not cumulative and are manageable, a “Pass” may be assigned. However, should the results be ambiguous, due to the specifics of the situation, an “Ambiguous” score is assigned and further analysis is required to manage the threat on the pipeline.
Validation is the process that compares the data collected and reported by the ILI tool to some independent reference data to ensure the ILI tool meets its performance specification. Depending on the available data and the results of the ILI inspection, the validation procedure may consist of different comparisons. In all cases, the validation must include a comparison of reported pipeline (non-defect) features such as girth welds and wall thickness changes to as-built records (or similar record). If there are actionable anomalies, then they must be excavated and compared to the ILI results. In addition, previous excavation data can also be another reliable source to validate the ILI run.
External features that have been recoated can be used to validate both Magnetic Flux
Leakage (MFL) and Ultrasonic (UT) inspections and external features under a steel repair sleeve can be used to validate UT inspection only. Finally, if there is a previous ILI run, then the reported metal-loss anomalies must be compared to the previous inspection.
The simplest validation process is the comparison of non-defect features on the pipeline to the ILI report. The features to be compared should include but are not limited to:
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ο· Girth welds,
ο· Wall thickness changes,
ο· Tees,
Above ground markers,
Pipeline asset data that should be validated include but are not limited to:
ο· Nominal and local wall thickness
ο· Long seam orientation and weld type
ο· Joint length
The validation procedure using known pipeline features is listed below. The procedure is meant as a guideline rather than rigorous set of instructions. Deviations from the procedure may be required in some circumstances.
Obtain the most recent and complete reference list of pipeline 1.
features: The listing may be the as-built, metal-loss inspection report, non-metal-loss inspection report, or other reliable source.
Match the girth weld locations from the reference list to the reported ILI girth welds.
Compile a list of the matched girth welds.
Compile a list of the girth welds reported in the reference list but
not reported by the ILI.
Compile a list of the girth welds reported by the ILI but not included in the reference list.
Calculate the percentage of matched girth welds:
ππ’ππππ ππ πππ‘πβππ πΊπππ‘β π€ππππ
πππ‘ππ ππ’ππππ ππ ππππ‘β π€ππππ ππ π‘βπ π ππππππππ πΏππ π‘πππ
× 100
Identify all pipeline features from the reference list and match them to the corresponding ILI reported feature.
Identify all ILI features not listed in the reference list. Thoroughly investigate the source of all of these discrepancies.
Identify all girth weld discrepancies if any. Thoroughly investigate the source of all the discrepancies.
Acceptance Criteria
To satisfy this validation procedure, the ILI report must successfully meet detection standards and location-accuracy specifications. The ILI must successfully identify and report all girth welds and long seam weld types. When required, either the
ILI report or the operator’s reference listing should be updated in order to get a match of all the girth weld numbers.
In addition, if the pipeline pipe asset data do not match the reference listing, the cause must be investigated and all unmatched pipe asset data must be reconciled. The report should
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only be accepted once all girth weld numbers and pipe asset data completely match the reference listing. The reported location of all features must meet location-accuracy specifications to enable the excavation of any reported feature.
Special Considerations
If the ILI report initially fails to meet the above requirements, the operator must investigate the cause. To meet the acceptance criteria, the operator may choose to ignore the part of the inspection in the stations at launch or receive where there are many short pipe joints. Also, when replaced or rerouted segments have been identified in the ILI report, the operator should investigate and validate the information and then assign new
Girth Weld (GW) numbers. If the GW numbers assigned are different from the GW reported on the ILI report, the operator should request the ILI vendor to update the ILI report with the new GW numbers. Finally, any unexplained features reported by the ILI should be investigated to determine their cause.
The comparison with a previous ILI is likely the most comprehensive method for validating the results of an ILI inspection. Unlike excavating the pipeline, a previous ILI enables the operator to systematically compare all anomalies of the current inspection to the previous reference inspection.
Validation using a previous ILI consists of two parts: detection and accuracy. By using a previous inspection, the operator can confirm both the detection capabilities and the accuracy of the current inspection. Procedure
The validation procedure using previous ILI data is listed below.
The procedure is meant as a guideline rather than rigorous set of instructions. Deviations from the procedure may be required in some circumstances. Furthermore, a lengthy interval (e.g. more than 5 years) between ILI inspections or the use of very different technologies can make matching difficult if not impossible. If there is insufficient similarity between the inspections to make adequate matches, then the current inspection cannot be validated by the comparison. However, it would not necessarily lead to the rejection of the ILI run, since the cause of the discrepancy may be the previous ILI run.
Validation Parameters
The ILI validation criterion is based on the assumptions and
calculations in A4. Validation using a Previous ILI. The
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validation parameters for a typical run are summarized in
π Tolerance to be validated in the current ILI.
πͺ Specified confidence level (or certainty) of the current ILI.
Specified tolerance of the previous ILI inspection.
Specified confidence level (or certainty) of the previous ILI.
π» πππππ
Upper bound of acceptance for the ILI tolerance.
π − πΆ
Table 13: ILI Validation Parameters
Confidence level for the
This value is 10% if the specified accuracy of the current ILI is
±10% NWT, 80% of the time.
This value is 80% if the specified accuracy of the current ILI is
±10% NWT, 80% of the time.
This value is 10% if the accuracy of the previous ILI is ±10%
NWT, 80% of the time.
This value is 80% if the accuracy of the previous ILI is ±10%
NWT, 80% of the time.
CEPA recommends that this value be 1.1 × π . Thus in most cases
π π’ππππ
= 11%.
1 − πΌ
is commonly set at 95%, which makes πΌ = 0.05.
π΅ tolerance validation.
Minimum matched sample size Based on the above parameters and the calculations in A4.
Validation using a Previous ILI
513 matches.
Match ILI Anomalies
Using the procedure outlined in A3. Matching, match the
girth welds and ILI anomalies between the current inspection and the previous reference inspection.
Depth Difference Statistics
For each matched pair of anomalies calculate the apparent difference in depth:
Δ π
= π π
− π ππ π π is the depth of the π ’th anomaly in the current inspection; π ππ
Δ π is the depth of the π ’th anomaly in the previous reference inspection; and is the difference in depth of the π ’th anomaly.
Calculate the mean, ΔΜ , and standard deviation, π
Δ difference in depths:
, of the
1 π π
∑ Δ π
, π=1
And π
= √
1 π − 1 π
∑(Δ π π=1
− ΔΜ ) 2 .
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Acceptance Criteria
The ILI validation criterion is based on the assumptions and
calculations in A4. Validation using a Previous ILI. The ILI
depth accuracy is validated if:
The number of available matches is 513 or more, or if
the conditions in A4.4.4. Minimum Sample Size are
satisfied and
The calculated value, π
, of the standard deviation of the difference in depth is less than 11.6% however, this value could be different depending on the performance specifications provided by the vendor.
Detection Validation
Due to difference in resolution and reporting criteria of the two inspections, the number of reported anomalies can differ greatly.
In most cases the difference in reported anomalies between two inspections is due to small anomalies with depths less than
15%NWT. Differences in the reporting of these small shallow anomalies are not significant to the performance of the tool.
However, the operator should thoroughly investigate differences between the inspections for any anomaly with a depth greater than 40%NWT.
Any failure of the current inspection to detect a bona fide metalloss anomaly with a depth of 40% or greater s could invalidate the run. The remedy of such a situation depends on the cause of the missed anomaly. In many cases, the deficiency can be corrected by a reanalysis of the data. If the anomaly was not detected because of a deficiency in the raw data, then a rerun should be considered.
Comparison with excavation data has been the standard method for validating the results of an ILI inspection. Unlike the comparison with a previous ILI, excavation data compares only a limited number of ILI anomalies. However, in-the-ditch measurements can be much more accurate than a previous ILI.
Validation using excavation data consists of two parts: detection and accuracy. It is also useful to include the validation of identification capabilities.
The validation procedure using excavation data is listed below.
The procedure is meant as a guideline rather than rigorous set of instructions. Deviations from the procedure may be required in some circumstances.
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Validation Parameters
The ILI validation criterion is based on the assumptions and
calculations in A4. Validation using a Previous ILI. The
validation parameters for a typical run are summarized in
Table 14: ILI Validation Parameters
Tolerance to be
Validated in the current
πͺ Specified confidence level (or certainty) of the current ILI.
Specified tolerance of the in-the-ditch
This value is 10% if the Specified accuracy of the current ILI is ±10%
NWT, 80% of the time.
This value is 80% if the specified accuracy of the previous ILI is ±10%
NWT, 80% of the time.
If the device used in the field is highly accurate, then the field measurements can be assumed to have no error. Or refer PRCI project EC-4-2 for depth error of commonly used NDE devices measurements.
Specified confidence level (or certainty) of inthe-ditch measurements.
π» πππππ
Upper bound of acceptance for the ILI
This value is assumed to be 95%.
CEPA recommends that this value be
π π’ππππ
= 11%.
1.1 × π . Thus in most cases tolerance.
π − πΆ Confidence level for the tolerance validation.
Minimum comparison sample size
1 − πΌ is commonly set at 95%, which makes πΌ = 0.05.
Based on the above parameters and the calculations in
Validation using a Previous ILI
, the minimum sample size is 134
comparisons. Note that if the NDT measurements in the field have
significant error, then the procedure in in
should be used to calculate the minimum sample size.
Depth Difference Statistics
For each comparison calculate the apparent difference in depth:
Δ π
= π π
− π ππ
Where π π
is the depth of the π ’th anomaly in the inspection; π ππ
is the corresponding in-the-ditch depth of the π ’th anomaly; and
Δ π
is the difference between the in-the-ditch measurement and the ILI reported depth of the π ’th anomaly.
Calculate the mean, ΔΜ , and standard deviation, π
Δ difference in depths:
, of the
ΔΜ =
1 π π
∑ Δ π
, π=1
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= √
1 π − 1 π
∑(Δ π π=1
− ΔΜ ) 2 .
Acceptance Criteria
The ILI validation criterion is based on the assumptions and
calculations in A4. Validation using a Previous ILI. The ILI
depth accuracy is validated if:
The number of available comparisons is 134 or more.
The calculated value, π
, of the standard deviation of the difference in depth is less than 8.6%, however, this value could be different depending on the performance specifications provided by the vendor.
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Tables 15 to 27 provide guidance for the completion of the scorecard. Any supporting documentation would be put on file with the ILI report.
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
Table 15: Guidance for Parameter #1 Pre-Run Tool Selection
Item #
API Category
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Tool Selection
In-Line System Selection
“Fail” - Tool not capable of detection or sizing of expected anomaly type(s).
“Conditional” - Tool capable of detecting anomaly types but has limited sizing ability.
“Pass” – Tool is best available technology for detecting and sizing expected anomaly types(s).
Use Guidance Document: SP0102-2010 - specifically Table 1.
“Pass” if the tool was the tool is the best available technology relative to the purpose of the inspection.
“Conditional” if the operator can establish that the integrity of the pipeline is not jeopardized by the use of the specific tool.
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems in this check are likely due to changes in the pipeline (diameter, wall thickness, etc.)
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of a more suited ILI tool would lead to a successful run.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Table 16: Guidance for Parameter #2 Pre-Run Inspection System Data
Item #
Inspection system check
API Category
System Results Validation
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
“Fail” - Tool is experimental and there is no established history or has been demonstrated to have data gaps.
“Conditional” – Tools of the same model with minor differences have a history of successful runs or tool has a history of successful runs, but data is not available to the operator.
“Pass” – Tool has a history of successful runs.
“Pass” if the operator has first-hand knowledge of the performance capabilities of the tool and has several successful inspections using the tool.
“Conditional” if the operator has first-hand knowledge of the similar model of tool on other pipelines. The experiences may be with models of tool on different diameters.
“Conditional” if the tool has been successfully run on several other pipeline systems, but for other operators and the operator has no access to the data.
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems in this check are
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?) likely due to changes in the pipeline (diameter, wall thickness, etc.)
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of a more tested ILI tool would lead to a successful run.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Item #
API Category
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Table 17: Guidance for Parameter #3 Pre-Run Planning
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
In-Line System Selection
5.3, 7.2
“Fail” - Key elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility Assessment and
Inspection Scheduling not conducted.
“Conditional” - Majority of elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility
Assessment and Inspection Scheduling completed but undocumented.
“Pass” – All elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility Assessment and
Inspection Scheduling completed and documented.
Use Guidance Document: SP0102-2010 - specifically sections 4, 5 and
“Pass” if the appropriate plan was developed and executed for the expected line conditions.
“Conditional” if either the plan was deficient or if the plan was not properly executed, but without affecting the data.
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems can be caused by event not covered by the plan.
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if the lack of planning in one of the elements described in the RP contributed to compromising data collection.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Item #
API Category
Table 18: Guidance for Parameter #4 Pre-Run Function Checks
Function Checks
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
System Operational Verification
“Fail” - Significant function checks not passed.
“Conditional” - Significant function checks passed completed but undocumented.
“Pass” - All function checks passed and documented.
“Pass” if all relevant function checks passed, including but not limited to
Adequate power supply available and operational;
Sensors and data storage operating;
Adequate data storage available;
All tool components properly initialized;
“Conditional” if the checks were done but not documented or if the functional integrity of the tool can be demonstrated indirectly.
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems are unlikely in this check.
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of the tool with adequate pre-run checks is likely to result in a successful run.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Item #
Table 19: Guidance for Parameter #5 Pre-Run Mechanical Checks
Mechanical Checks
API Category
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
System Operational Verification
“Fail” - Significant mechanical checks not passed.
“Conditional” - Significant mechanical checks completed but undocumented.
“Pass” - All mechanical checks passed and documented.
“Pass” if all relevant mechanical checks passed, including but not limited
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?) to:
Visual inspection of tool to ensure it is mechanically sound;
Ensuring electronics are sealed;
Ensuring adequate integrity of cups;
Ensuring all moving parts are functioning as expected;
“Conditional” if the checks were done but not documented or if the mechanical integrity of the tool can be demonstrated indirectly.
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems are unlikely in this check.
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of the tool with adequate pre-run checks is likely to result in a successful run.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Table 20 Guidance for Parameter #6 in the pipe Procedure Execution
Item #
Procedure execution (e.g., pigging procedure/tool speed, etc.)
API Category
In the pipe
System Operational Verification
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
“Fail” - Inspection not conducted as per inspection procedure with potential material impact to data quality.
“Conditional” - Inspection not carried out as per inspection procedure but deviations are not material to data quality.
“Pass” - Inspection carried out as per inspection procedure.
“Pass” – if all relevant checks pass, including but not limited to
-Tool run was executed as per the planned pigging procedure;
-Line condition (fluid composition, flow rate, temperature, pressure, etc.) was as planned;
-Line conditions for tool launch as expected and the launch proceed as planned;
-Line conditions for tool receive was as expected and the receive proceed as planned;
-Tool speed was within the planned range for the length of the run.
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
-Tool tracking unfold as planned;
If deviations did occur, they planned or within expectations.
“Conditional” if areas where deviations from the planned procedure are manageable or pose minimal risk to the pipeline.
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems can be caused by short speed excursions.
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of the tool with better planning to address the problem is likely to result in a successful run.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Item #
Table 21: Guidance for Parameter #7 Post-Run Mechanical Checks
Mechanical Checks
API Category
Post run
System Operational Verification
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
“Fail” - Significant tool wear, damage or debris with material impact to data.
“Conditional” - Tool wear, damage or debris observed with no material impact to data.
“Pass” - Tool received in good mechanical condition (no unexpected tool wear, damage or debris).
“Pass” if all relevant mechanical checks passed, including but not limited to
-Visual inspection of tool to ensure it is mechanically sound?
-Ensuring electronics are sealed;
-Ensuring adequate integrity of cups;
-Ensuring all moving parts are functioning as expected;
-The volume and nature of any debris present was within expectations and not detrimental to data collection.
“Conditional” if the checks were done but not documented or if the mechanical integrity of the tool can be demonstrated indirectly. The demonstration of the mechanical integrity of the tool can be difficult unless it has been properly documented.
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems are unlikely in this check, except when the damage to the tool occurred near the end of the run.
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of the tool after addressing the cause of the problem is likely to result in a successful run.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Item #
API Category
Table 22: Guidance for Parameter #8 Post-Run Function Check
Function Check
Post run
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
System Operational Verification
“Fail” - Significant function checks not passed.
“Conditional” - Significant function checks passed but undocumented.
“Pass” - Function checks passed and documented.
“Pass” if all relevant function checks passed, including but not limited to
-Adequate power supply available and operational;
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
-Sensors and data storage operating;
-Adequate data storage available;
-All tool components functioning as expected.
“Conditional” if the checks were done but not documented or if the functional integrity of the tool can be demonstrated indirectly. The demonstration of the functional integrity of the tool can be difficult unless it has been properly documented.
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems are unlikely in this check, except when the functional failure of the tool occurred near the end of the run.
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of the tool with better planning to address the problem is likely to result in a successful run.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Item #
API Category
Table 23: Guidance for Parameter #9 Post-Run Field Data Check
Field Data Check
Post run
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
System Operational Verification
“Fail” - Tool is unable to meet stated specifications due to significant lack of data integrity.
“Conditional” - Tool is unable to meet stated specifications but manageable through further analysis.
“Pass” - Tool is able to meet stated specification for entire length of run.
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
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Table 24: Guidance for Parameter #10 Post-Run Data Analysis Processes and
Quality Checks
Item #
Data analysis processes: quality checks
API Category
API 1163 Reference
Score (F/C/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
System Results Validation
8.2.2, Annex C
“Fail” - Results of data analysis quality checks are not acceptable.
“Conditional” - Significant data quality checks passed but procedure is undocumented.
“Pass” - Data analysis procedures followed; data quality checks passed and documented; the number and severity of anomalies meets expectations.
“Pass” if data analysis checks are met including but not limited to
-Continuous recording of data was for the full pipe circumference;
-Sensor response was within expected range(s);
Flowchart Box 1B (Is the impact on data significant?)
Flowchart Box 1C (Is problem localized?)
Flowchart Box 1D (Can a rerun fix the problem?)
Flowchart Box 1E (Can issue be addressed by other means?)
-Data analysis processes were executed as per pre-defined procedures;
-Analysis was conducted by persons with qualification as agreed;
-Automated detection and sizing parameters were used as agreed;
-Manual intervention by data analysts was conducted as agreed;
-Burst pressure calculations where conducted as agreed;
-Correct pipeline parameters (pipe diameter, wall thickness, manufacturer, and grade) were documented and used to undertake the analysis;
-The number and type of anomalies reported are consistent with expectations.
“Conditional” if the analysis of the data deviated from the planned procedure but that the impact on the data is deemed minimal.
Go to Box IE if problem is localized: Localized problems are unlikely in this check or can be corrected by reanalysis of the affected areas.
Go to Box 1D is problem is widespread.
“Fail” if a rerun of the tool is likely to result in a successful run. However, rerunning the tool is unlikely to address problems in the analysis of the data.
If a rerun is unlikely to be successful, then the threat must be address by other means.
“Conditional” if alternative integrity management tools such as hydrotesting, direct assessment, etc. can adequately address the localized problems.
Go to Box 1D of the areas are too numerous or too long to be addressed economically by other means.
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Table 25: Guidance for Parameter #11 Post-Run Cumulative Assessment
Item #
Cumulative Assessment
Score (F/A/P)
Flowchart Box 1A (Pass
“Fail” - Cumulative impact of "Conditional" passes deemed to materially impact ILI results
A - Cumulative impact of "Conditional" passes is unclear and may have impacted ILI results
“Pass” - The cumulative impact of all "Conditional" passes, if any, deemed to be tolerable
“Fail” if the number and nature of any Conditional passes provide a cause for concern on a cumulative basis. Relevant considerations include, but are not limited to
-Can data gaps be mitigated effectively using alternative methods?
-Can any data gaps actually be addressed through re-running the tool or are line conditions such that similar challenges will remain?
Are any “Conditional” pass issues cumulative in nature? Issues would be considered to be cumulative if one issue magnifies any pre-existing data degradation (such as a tool overspeed in a location where the tool performance is already compromised as a result of debris related sensor lift off). Conversely, issues would not be considered cumulative if their impact on data quality is largely independent (such as a run where the tool overspeeds at launch and experiences debris issues at receive).
Additional Comments:
ο· F = Failing assessment of a parameter that cannot be mitigated
ο· C = Conditional passing score that may be investigated, mitigated, documented, and
ο· deemed tolerable
P = Passing score
ο· A = Ambiguous
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To illustrate the verification process, this section presents two examples.
In pipe
A1.1.1. Example 1
The first example is summarized below:
• 100 km NPS 36 run.
• 10 metre over speed at launch.
• Intermittent loss of one sensor (km 1.9 to km 2.0).
• No record of pre-run mechanical and function tests.
• No actionable anomalies; no previous inline inspection.
The completed scorecard is shown in Table 26.
Table 26 : Completed Scorecard Example 1
Parameter Score Comment
Tool selection
Inspection system
Function check
Mechanical check
Procedure execution
Post- run Mechanical check
-No record
-Obtained verbal confirmation
-Post run function check passed
-No record
-Obtained verbal confirmation
-Post run function check passed
-Short over speed (due to line conditions) at launch deemed tolerable since pipe is in station yard and above ground
Post-run Function check
Post-run Field data check
10 Post-run Data analysis processes
11 Post-run Cumulative assessment
-100 m of data missing (single sensor)
-Deepest anomaly non-injurious based on revised tool performance specification
All “Conditional” scores mitigated
-No material cumulative impacts identified
In this example, “Conditional” scores were given for the Pre-run
Function check, Pre-run Mechanical check, Procedure Execution check and the Post-run Data analysis check.
Although the pre-run checks were undocumented, the post-run checks were documented, and the tool passed both checks.
Although, the pre-run checks should have been done, the operator accepted that the condition of the tool as good prior to the run based on the condition of the tool after the run. The operator issued a letter to the ILI vendor instructing it to supply documentation of the pre-run checks on all future runs.
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During the running of the tool, a short speed excursion occurred at the start of the run. The excursion was believed to affect sizing capabilities of the tool, but would have minimal effect on the detection capabilities of the tool. Since no metal-loss anomalies were detected in the area of the speed excursion, the effect on the data was deemed to be not significant.
In the data analysis process, it was discovered that one sensor was lost for 100 metres. The loss of one sensor was believed to affect detection and sizing capabilities of the tool only for metalloss anomalies along that sensor’s track. Only very sparse shallow anomalies were detected in the section of the sensor loss, and none of the anomalies were in the vicinity of the lost sensor. The effect on the data was deemed to be not significant.
The final Cumulative Assessment examined the “Conditional” scores. Since the area of speed excursion and the sensor loss were along different parts of the pipeline, all aspects of the run were considered acceptable and none of the issues were cumulative, the ILI run was accepted.
A1.1.2. Example 2
The second example is:
• 100 km NPS 24 run 1950 asphalt coated line.
• Loss of one sensor bank for last 1 km of inspection.
• All pre-run and post-run tests passed and documented.
• 20 metal loss anomalies reported by ILI tool.
• No actionable anomalies identified; no previous inline inspection.
The completed scorecard is shown in Table 27.
Pre run
Pre run
Pre run
Pre run
Pre run
In pipe
Table 27: Completed Scorecard Example 2
Parameter Score Comment
Tool selection Pass
Inspection system Conditional
Function check
Mechanical check
Procedure execution
Post run Mechanical check
-Operator has experience with the 16-inch and 36inch model of this tool.
-The 24-inch model of this tool has been successfully run for several other operating companies, but results of those runs are not available.
8 Post run Function check Pass
9 Post run Field data check Conditional -Loss of sensor bank for last two km of inspection
-Deemed tolerable since section under hydrotest
10 Post run Data analysis processes Conditional
11 Post run Cumulative assessment Pass
-Independent audit identified incorrect threshold set during data analysis process
-Data re-analyzed and report re-issued (10,000 metal features identified)
All “Conditional” scores mitigated
-No material cumulative impacts identified
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In Example 2, “Conditional” scores were given for the Inspection
System check, the Post-run Field data check, and the Data
Analysis process check.
Although the operator had no experience with the 24-inch model of this particular tool, it did have experience with other diameter models of the same tool (same vendor but different diameter tools). The operator’s experience with the tools and the vendor was very good. In addition, the operator received references from other operators that the 24-inch model of the tool had also been successfully run for other pipeline systems. The operator, in this case, deemed that the ILI tool had a sufficient history to be accepted.
The Field data check revealed that one sensor bank (24 sensors) failed for two kilometres of the inspection. This loss was deemed to have a significant impact on the data (node 1B of the
Verification Check-point Flowchart). The deficiency was localized
(node 1C) and was addressed by a hydrostatic test in the previous year (node 1E). Therefore, despite that the effect on the data was significant, the integrity concern in the area of the issues can be addressed by other means. The item was given a
“Conditional” pass.
In the review of the ILI results, it was found that there were no reported metal-loss anomalies with a depth less than 10% NWT.
Discussions with the ILI vendor’s Manager of Data Analysis, it was determined that all metal-loss anomalies with a depth less than 10% NWT were filtered out in error. The operator requested all anomalies to be included in the report. The vendor added the shallow anomalies and reissued the report.
The final Cumulative Assessment examined the “Conditional” scores. Since none of the issues identified in the verification process were cumulative, the ILI run was accepted.
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CEPA Metal Loss Inline Inspection Tool Validation Guidance Document, 1st Edition, Nov. 2014
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Figure 4: Table 1 from NACE SP 0102-2010 giving Guidance on Tool
Selection for ILI
CEPA Metal Loss Inline Inspection Tool Validation Guidance Document, 1st Edition, Nov. 2014
© 2014 Canadian Energy Pipeline Association Page 54 of 69
When validating an ILI inspection using a previous inspection, there are two
ILI run datasets to be compared. Defect matching is done so that defects from the first run can be compared to the corresponding defect in the second run. This process involves matching up the girth weld sections, adjusting the odometer and orientation, and matching the identified anomalies.
Girth welds are very easy to detect with current ILI tools. This means that the girth weld sections can be matched up from the two ILI runs based on the length of the sections. Once girth weld sections are matched, the defects on specific girth weld sections can be matched between runs.
Once the girth weld sections are matched between the runs, the defects are matched based on chainage, orientation and depth. Location (as in chainage and orientation) and size are prioritized over identification (whether the anomaly is identified as being internal/external on the pipe surface). This means that external anomalies can be matched to internal anomalies based on chainage and orientation. This is done because the defect location on the pipe surface is less certain than the reported chainage and orientation values.
With the defects matched between the two runs, it is possible to calculate the apparent difference in depth of each anomaly. With this information, the systematic bias and the standard deviation of the difference can be calculated.
Suppose that we have for each anomaly is π matched anomalies with depths of the reference ILI run are π π1
, π π2
, π π3
… π ππ π
, π
, π
, … π π
, as reported by the current ILI. The depths of the corresponding anomalies in
. The apparent difference in depth
Δ π
= π π
− π ππ
The average difference is
ΔΜ =
1 π π
∑ Δ π π=1
The standard deviation of the difference depth is
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© 2014 Canadian Energy Pipeline Association Page 55 of 69 aboutpipelines.com
π = √
1 π − 1 π
∑(Δ π π=1
− ΔΜ ) 2
The validation Process is a check of the results of the ILI data to ensure that it meets a performance specification. If there is a previous ILI available, then the accuracy of the ILI depth measurements can be assessed by comparing the depths with the previous ILI. This Appendix provides the theory and examples of that process.
Although the examples are based on a comparison of the ILI with a previous ILI run, the theory for comparing the ILI with the results of in-the-ditch depth measurements is identical.
ILI accuracy is typically given in terms of a tolerance and a confidence level.
ILI accuracy is often stated as being “±10% NWT, 80% of the time.” That accuracy implies that the ILI reported depth values may differ from the true depth value, but they are clustered in the vicinity about the true value. To
Validate the ILI run, we compare the reported depth values to a set of reference depth measurements, which may be another ILI. Like the ILI measurements, the reference measurements have some measurement errors, and we assume that the reference measurements are clustered in the vicinity about the true depth values. If the current ILI measurements are clustered around the reference measurements, then we can conclude that the ILI measurements are also clustered about the true depth values.
Figure illustrates the comparison of the validation process.
True defect depth
Assumed tolerance, π π
, of reference measurements
(e.g., ±π π
, 80% of time)
Reference depth measurements
Inferred ILI accuracy tolerance, ±π
Calculated difference, ±π
, between ILI and reference measurements,
ILI depth measurements
Figure 5: Illustration of the Validation Process
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The results of an ILI run are compared to the reference measurements. The difference between the ILI depths and the reference depths puts an upper bound on the tolerance, π , of the ILI tool accuracy.
We assume that we have some reference measurements of the depth of the metal-loss anomalies from some independent source. Ideally, the reference measurement should have as little error as possible; however, in practice, they will have some measurement error associated with them. The measurement error of the reference measurements is ±π π time). π π confidence level or certainty for the tolerance.
, ( πΆ
is the tolerance of the reference measurements and
(%) of the
πΆ π
is the
If the reference measurements are made in the ditch with a highly accurate device (such as a laser scanning device), the tolerance should be very small:
π π
≈ 0 . However, if the reference measurements are from a previous ILI, then the tolerance is likely to be 10% of NWT ( π level is 80% ( πΆ π
= 0.80
). π
= 0.10
) and the confidence
The amount of error, as measured by the standard deviation of the errors, in a set of measurements is conceptually the “distance” between it and the true value. The validation process sets an upper bound on the distance between the ILI measurement and the true depths by estimating the distance between the ILI measurements and the reference measurement.
ILI depth measurements are a sum of the true depth plus some error. π
= π π‘
± πΈ
The variable ±πΈ is a random variable with some mean and standard deviation (the “ ± ” symbol is meant to indicate that the variable is random.
We can separate the error term into a random component and a systematic bias:
Where π
= π π‘
± πΈ π
+ ο₯ π π
is the depth measured by the ILI tool; π π‘
is the true depth of the anomaly;
πΈ π is the random error of the ILI tool; and
ο₯ π
is the systematic (constant) bias.
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© 2014 Canadian Energy Pipeline Association Page 57 of 69
graphically shows the relationships between random and systematic components of the error. Both the random and systematic components contribute to the total ILI error.
Random component
Bias component
-30% -20% -10% 0%
10% 20% 30%
Figure 6: Random Error and Bias Component
Contribute to the Error of any ILI Measurement
The random error is different for each metal-loss anomaly and causes the readings to be scattered about the true value of the depth. Random error has a mean of zero.
ILI accuracy is typically given in terms of a tolerance and a confidence level.
The specified ILI accuracy of “±10% NWT, 80% of the time” implies that the standard deviation of ILI error is 7.8%: The 80% confidence level translates to the π§ -value of 1.28 for a normal distribution. We then calculate the standard deviation of the error: π πππππ
π π§ π πππππ
= 7.8%
Since true depth is unavailable, we compare the ILI measured depth with some reference depth. Assuming corrosion growth is small compared to the measurement error, a comparison of the ILI to reference depth can be used to determine the size of the errors. π
= π π‘
± πΈ π1
+ ο₯ π 1
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© 2014 Canadian Energy Pipeline Association Page 58 of 69
Where πΈ π1
is the random error component for the previous ILI measured depth.
πΈ π2
is the random error component for the current ILI measured depth.
ο₯ π 1
is the systematic bias of the previous ILI measured depth.
ο₯ π 2
is the systematic bias of the current ILI measured depth. π
= π π‘
± πΈ π2
+ ο₯ π 2
ο π = π
− π
= (±πΈ π1
± πΈ π2
) + ( ο₯ π 2
− ο₯ π 1
Note that the plus-minus sign ± indicates a random variable (with mean zero). If the standard deviation of the random error components, πΈ π1
and πΈ π2 are
±√σ π
2 π1 π2
and π
+ σ 2 π1 π2
, then the standard deviation of the sum πΈ
ο₯ ο₯ π1
+ πΈ π2
. Thus the mean of the Δπ ’s is an estimate of the relative systematic bias as ( π 2
− π 1
), and the standard deviation of the Δπ ’s is an estimate of the random component of the error.
If the reference measurements are from a previous ILI, with an accuracy of
±10% NWT, 80% of the time, then π deviation, π π π
= 0.10
, of the error of the previous ILI is
πΆ π
= .80
. The standard π π
π π π§
. 10
= 7.8%
If the specified accuracy of the current ILI is ±10% NWT, 80% of the time, then π = 0.10
and πΆ = .80
. Then we want to demonstrate that the standard deviation of the current ILI is measurements are an ILI, then the standard deviation of the differences, π is given by π
= 0.078 (7.8%) . If the reference
, π
= √π + π 2
= √(0.078) 2 + (0.078) 2 = 0.11
Thus we should expect that the standard deviation of the differences between the current ILI depth measurements and the reference ILI measurements should be about 0.11 or 11%.
The acceptance criterion is the requirements for the acceptance of the ILI data.
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A4.4.1. Systematic Bias Criterion
This relative bias between two ILI runs does not indicate anything specifically about either of the ILI runs, but a large relative bias could indicate that one of the ILI runs does not meet its stated specification.
To establish how much bias is significant and how one might adjust for it, consider the following: Assume that the random component of the error has a normal distribution, then the average of the Δπ ’s is the best estimate of the systematic bias, π
Note, however, that the average is only an estimate of the bias: π
. π π π
Where 1.96
is the 95% confidence bound of the estimate.
Table 28 outlines the use and significance of the calculated
relative bias.
Table 28: Considerations when Dealing with Systematic Bias
Item Description Considerations
1 Usage ο·
Systematic bias can be readily considered when validating
ο· an inspection by comparing it to other data sets.
Caution should be used in adjusting for bias when selecting excavations – especially if adjustments result in lower depths.
2 Size of bias ο·
Systematic bias may be considered to be significant based on some constant threshold (say 5 - 6% of NWT) and could be associated with tool detection threshold(s).
Alternatively, bias may be viewed in the context of defect depth. That is, if the deepest defect is 10%, a 5% bias may be significant; however, if the deepest defect is 40%, a 5% bias may be less material.
3 Statistical significance
Systematic bias may be considered to be statistically significant based on size of the confidence interval
. If Δd
, then the calculated bias is statistically significant to a 95% confidence level. A calculated bias that is not statistically significant should not be used to adjust the ILI reported depths.
A4.4.2. Random Error Criterion
Given an ILI run, we can use the reference measurements to validate the inspection results. We would like to prove that tolerance, π , meets the tool specification for the ILI that in the examples is ±10% NWT, 80% of the time. However, we cannot statistically prove that the tolerance is exactly 10%; the best we can do is estimate the tolerance. If the target tolerance is within the 95% confidence bounds of the estimate, then we have validated the ILI accuracy.
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A4.4.3. Target Tolerance
Sample size is the number of reference measurements needed to statistically validate the accuracy of the ILI. The minimum sample size depends on the size of the desired confidence interval. Since the specification is stated as ±10% and not ±10.0%, we assume that only the first digit is significant. Thus we want to calculate an estimated tolerance,
π ∗ , such that the true tolerance is within 10% of the estimate. That is
π ∗ = π ± 10% = π ± (0.10π) = 10% NWT ± 1% NWT
Since we are only concerned with the one-sided interval, only the upper bound for the standard deviation of the error is relevant:
ο ∗ ≤ 11%.
The estimated standard deviation of the ILI error is π ∗
π ∗ π§
= 8.6%
However in practice, we have π
(the comparison of the ILI with the reference measurements), not π . So we determine the upper bounds for the standard deviation of the difference of the reported depths, π
. Assuming that the errors in the
ILI measurements are independent of the errors in the reference measurements, we calculate the standard deviation of the difference in the depth values: π
= √π 2
+ π π
If π π
= 0.078
and π ∗
ILI depth values is
= .085
, then the upper bound estimated value for the standard deviation between the reference and π ∗
= √(π ∗
) 2 + π = √(0.0858) 2 + (0.078) 2 = .116
= 11.6%
A4.4.4. Minimum Sample Size
The minimum sample size depends on the number of available matches and the number of anomalies reported in the ILI inspection. If the number of available matches is large, then the minimum sample size is calculated by the
Large-Population Case below. If the number of available matches is less than the minimum sample size for the large population case, then the Section for the Small-Population
Case determines if the available matches is sufficient.
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A4.4.4.1. Large Population Case
In the Section IV.4.3, we assume that the estimate of the tolerance is within ±1% NWT of the true tolerance: that is the estimated tolerance is known within a ±1% NWT confidence interval with a 95% confidence level.
To satisfy that requirement, we need a sample size of some minimum size.
We have an upper bound for estimate standard deviation, π ∗
The best estimate of the standard deviation of the differences between the ILI depth and the reference depths is π
= √
1 π − 1 π
∑(Δ π π=1
− ΔΜ ) 2
Thus we want π
≤ 0.116
The Chi-Squared distribution is used for calculating the confidence interval of an estimated standard deviation. For a given calculated value of π the confidence interval of the standard deviation is given by
(π − 1)π 2
ο£ 2
≤ π 2 ≤
(π − 1)π 2
ο£ 2
Where π
π π
ο£ 2
and is sample size; is the variance of the sample Δ ’s; is variance of the differences in depth if the ILI meets its performance specification π = (11.04%) 2 =
(√7.8% 2 the π 2
+ 7.8% 2 2 ; and
) are the upper and lower 95% confidence bounds of
distribution with (π − 1) degrees of freedom.
ο£ 2
By rearranging the above inequality and considering the upper bound limit, we get
(π − 1)
ο£ 2
≤ π π 2
Or π 2
Δ π 2
(π − 1)
ο£ 2
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If we are comfortable accepting a value for the sample standard deviation, π , that is ± 10% of the true standard deviation, π , and a one-sided confidence level of 95% (where ο‘ = 0.10) then we can solve for π ,
(π − 1)
ο£ 2
= √
= 0.97.
Solving for the above (iteratively), yields
π = 513 .
So in practice, from a random sample of 513 matches, if the calculated standard deviation of the difference in depth, Δπ , is 11.6% or less, then we can conclude a Specified accuracy of the
ILI tool of ±10% NWT, 80% of the time is within the 95% confidence interval of the assessed tolerance.
A4.4.4.2. Small-Population Case
This section provides guidance if the number of available matches is less than the minimum sample size, as calculated in the Largepopulation case. Suppose the minimum sample size for the Large-population case is π . There
are four cases to consider, as shown in Table 29.
Table 29: Small Population Case Samples
Population of Population of Number of reported anomalies in the previous reference ILI
Small (
< 1.3π)
Small (
< 1.3π)
Large ( > 1.3π )
Large (
> 1.3π
) reported anomalies in the current ILI
Small (
Large (
Small (
Large (
< 1.3π)
> 1.3π
< 1.3π)
> 1.3π
) available matches
Small (
Small (
Small (
Small (
< π
< π
< π
< π
Case 1: If the number of reported anomalies in both inspections is small, then the number of available matches is the population of matches and those matches are sufficient for the validation process.
Case 2: If the number of reported anomalies in the first inspection is small but in the second inspection is larger, then the number of available matches is the population of matches and those matches are sufficient for the validation process.
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Case 3: If the number of anomalies in the previous reference inspection is larger than current inspection, then some care is required.
The operator must ensure that the current inspection did not miss a large number of anomalies. (The operator should revisit the data analysis verification check to ensure that the proper procedures were followed in the preparation of the final report.) The number of matches is sufficient for the validation process if when the reference inspection is filtered to include only anomalies deeper than 20% NWT, a minimum of 75% of the deeper anomalies in the reference inspection are matched to the current inspection.
Case 4: If the number of anomalies in both the previous reference inspection and the current inspection are large but only a small number of matches can be made, then the operator must ensure that the current inspection did not miss a large number of anomalies. (The operator should revisit the Data Analysis Verification check to ensure that the proper procedures were followed in the preparation of the final report.) The number of matches is sufficient for the validation process if when the reference inspection is filtered to include only anomalies deeper than
20% NWT, a minimum of 75% of the deeper anomalies in the reference inspection are matched to the current inspection.
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Table 30 contains a summary of the key considerations for future development of this
Table 30: Key Items to Consider for Future Refinement
Key Consideration Recommendation Item
1 Standardization of ILI
Documentation of
Technology Specific
Refinement of Scorecard
Reporting of the activities prior, during, and after the inspection should be standardized. Standardization of the reporting of these activities would result in greater consistency of the verification Process.
Documentation of all checks should be required.
Proper documentation is also indicative of the ILI vendor’s diligence in following established Standards and Guidelines.
Separate versions of the scorecard should be developed for MFL and UT inspection tools. Also, separate versions of the scorecard should be developed for liquid and gas pipelines.
ILI vendors and operators should provide standardized reporting and the scorecard should be refined to yield a numeric 0-10 score.
The purpose of this Guidance Document is to provide a standard procedure by which operators may verify and validate ILI runs. The procedure is intended to be independent of any specific operator, ILI vendor, or ILI technology. Creating a standard procedure has been hampered by the lack of standardized reporting by the ILI vendors.
Table 31 shows the variability in the data provided to CEPA for various lines.
The documentation of pre-run cleaning, for example was inconsistent. In some cases it was documented in the report (as indicated by “yes” in the table). Sometimes pre-run cleaning was not documented (as indicated by
“no” in the table). Sometimes pre-run cleaning was documented by it saying it may not have been applicable (as indicated by “Not/App?” in the table).
The significance of the differences is not readily obvious.
An area for future consideration is the potential for reporting of the activities prior, during, and after the inspection to be standardized. Standardization of the reporting of these activities would result in greater consistency of the verification process.
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Setup no no
Not/App? no no
Not/App? no
Not/App? no no no no
Table 31: Summary of Data Provided for Scorecard
Speed Debris Funct Data Excavation Sensors Tool
Check Data Magnetization
Cleaning yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes no yes no no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no yes yes no no yes no yes yes no no no no no no no no yes no yes yes yes yes yes no yes no no no yes yes no
Not/App? yes yes
Not/App? no
Not/App? no no no yes
Temp. yes no yes yes yes yes yes no yes no no no yes
ILI Vendor A
ILI Vendor B
ILI Vendor A
ILI Vendor A
ILI Vendor A
ILI Vendor A
ILI Vendor A
ILI Vendor C
ILI Vendor A
ILI Vendor B
ILI Vendor B
ILI Vendor B
ILI Vendor A
Note: “Yes” indicates the parameter was mentioned in the report whereas “No” means there was no mention of the parameter.
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Throughout the verification process, a score of “Pass” requires the documentation of certain activities either by the operator or the ILI vendor or both. API 1163 requires that procedures such as the pre-run function check must be documented. However, none of the ILI reports supplied to
CEPA for this project included any documentation of the function checks.
To make this document usable with the current practice, documentation is beneficial, but not required. In most of the verification checks, a “Pass” requires documentation, but a “Conditional” score is possible if the operator can demonstrate that the checks were done by indirect methods.
Any lack of documentation weakens the verification and validation process.
Without proper documentation of each step, the process is less likely to withstand an internal or regulatory audit.
An area for development in future versions of this Guidance Document would be to, in discussions with operators and vendors, include documentation as part of the standard ILI report. Once full documentation of all processes is the norm, then the verification and validation processes could be made more rigorous by requiring documentation.
The initial intention for the scorecard was that it would have less granular scores than simply “Pass”, “Fail”, or “Ambiguous”. However, as mentioned above, this Guidance Document is also intended to be independent of any specific operator, ILI vendor, or ILI technology. As a result, the scorecard needed to rely on information that was commonly reported by all vendors and operators. The requirement that the verification and validation procedure be applicable to the widest possible situations resulted in the
“Pass” or “Fail” scoring.
The verification and validation procedure would benefit from a finer grained scoring. Such finer grained scoring would enable the procedure to measure incremental improvement in the acquisition of ILI data and may enable comparisons of vendors.
For future consideration: If the ILI vendors and operators can provide standardized reporting, the scorecard could be refined to yield a numeric
0-10 score.
The purpose of this document is to provide a standard procedure by which operators may verify and validate ILI runs. The procedure is intended to be independent of any specific operator, ILI vendor, or ILI technology. The broad scope of this document has forced it to be generic in many areas and precluded it to contain specifics related to a MFL versus UT technology, for example.
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In many cases the verification checks need to rely on the ILI vendor to provide what procedures and checks are required for a specific tool. This document was unable to include those specifics because they could not be equally applicable to all vendors and all technologies.
The verification and validation procedure would benefit from a greater degree of specificity for common technologies. In particular, the process would benefit from a scorecard that was specific to MFL inspections rather than generic for all metal-loss inspections. Similarly, a scorecard that is specific to gas lines and another that is specific to liquid lines would allow a better verification and validation process.
An area for future consideration would be to develop separate versions of the scorecard for MFL and UT inspection tools. Also, separate versions of the scorecard could be developed for liquid and gas pipelines.
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Table 33: Verification Process Scorecard Summary
Parameter Stage Score
Tool Selection Pre-Run F -
Tool not capable of detection or sizing of expected anomaly type(s)
C - Tool capable of detecting anomaly types but limited sizing or detection abilities of expected anomaly type(s)
P - Best available technology for detecting and
Inspection System
Pre-Run sizing expected anomaly type(s) identified and used
F -
Tool is experimental and there is no established history or it has been demonstrated to have deficiencies in addressing the threat
C - Same model of tool with minor differences
(such as diameter) has a history of successful runs to assess the threat, or the specific model of tool has history of successful runs to assess the threat for other operators, but results of those runs are not available
P - Operator firsthand knowledge of the performance capabilities of the tool and has several successful inspections using the tool
F -
Key elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility
Assessment and Inspection planning not conducted
C - Majority of elements of Pipeline ILI
Function Checks
Execution (e.g. tool speed, pigging procedure, and etc.)
Mechanical Checks
Compatibility Assessment and Inspection
Scheduling completed but undocumented
P - Elements of Pipeline ILI Compatibility and
Inspection Scheduling completed and documented
F -
Significant function checks not passed
C - Significant function checks passed but checks are undocumented
P -
All function checks passed and documented
F -
Significant mechanical checks not passed
Mechanical Checks Pre-Run
C - Significant mechanical checks passed but checks are undocumented
P - All mechanical checks passed and documented
In the Pipe F -
Inspection not carried out as per inspection procedure with potential material impact to data quality
C - Inspection not carried out as per inspection procedure but deviations are not material to data quality
P -
Inspection carried out as per inspection procedure
F -
Significant tool wear, damage or debris with
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Function Check
Field Data Quality
Data Analysis
Process – Quality
Score material impact to data
C - Tool wear, damage or debris observed with no material impact to data
P - Tool received in good mechanical condition
(with no unexpected tool wear, damage or debris)
F -
Significant function checks not passed
C -
Significant function checks passed were not documented, but that the proper functioning of the tool can be Verified by other means throughout the length of the run
P - Function checks passed and documented
F -
Tool unable to meet stated specifications due to significant lack of data integrity
C - Tool unable to meet stated specifications but manageable through further analysis
P -
Tool able to meet stated specifications for entire length of run
F -
Results of data analysis quality checks are not acceptable
A - Significant data quality checks passed, but quality checks initially undocumented or reanalysis was required
P - Data quality checks passed and documented
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