Remarks on History of Abstract Harmonic Analysis Radomir S. Stanković, Jaakko T. Astola1, Mark G. Karpovsky2 Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Electronics, 18 000 Niš, Serbia 1Tampere International Center for Signal Processing Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland 2Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University 8 Saint Marry's Street, Boston Ma 02215, USA Trigonometric Series 1729 Leonhard Euler Formulated and began to work on interpolation, the problem of determining function values in an arbitrary point x if its values for x = n, where n is an integer, are known. Leonhard Euler 1747 Trigonometric series of a function derived from movement of planets, used method derived in 1729 Formulaes to determine coefficients in the series by the integral of the function considered Method for interpolation, published 1753 Trigonometric series of a function has been presented for the first time in 1750 to 1751 Daniel Bernoulli 1753 Bernoulli, D., "Reflexions et eclaricissement sur les nouvelles vibrations des corde", Memories de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Letters, Berlin, 1753. The first series decomposition of a signal is due to Daniel Bernoulli who showed that The most common movement of a string in a musical instrument is composed of the superposition of an infinite number of harmonic vibrations. Jean Le Rond d’Alambert 1754 Series in cosine functions of the reciprocal value of the mutual distance of two planets d'Alambert, J. le R. "Researchers sur diferentes points importants du systeme du monde", 1754, Vol. 2, p. 66 Alexis Claude Clairaut 1757 Cosine series of a function derived in a study of the perturbations caused by the Sun an = 1 π f ( x) cos nxdx ∫ π π − In the book by Godfrey Harold Hardy Divergent Series, AMS Bookstore, 2000 Clairaut, A.-C., Hist. de l'Acad. des Sci., Paris, 1754,545, ff, publ. 1759 Joseph-Louis Lagrange 1759 Lagrange, J.L., Misc. Taur., 1, 1759 = Euvres 1, 110. From a letter by Lagrange to d'Alambert dated on August 15, 1768, it may be concluded that they considered representations of a non-periodic function Lagrange, J.L., Euvres, 13, 116. Euvres, page 553, sine series Years 1762-1765 Edmund Taylor Whittaker, George Neville Watson, A Course of Modern Analysis: An Introduction to the General Theory of Infinite Processes and of Analytic Functions; with an Account of the Principal Transcendental Functions, Edition: 4 Published by Cambridge University Press, 1927 Euler Again Euler, L., Nova Acta Acad. Sci., Petrop., 5, 1754-1755, 164-204, publ. 1760 = Opera (1), 14, 435-542-84 Euler, L., Opera (1), 15, 435-497. 1777 Another trigonometric series of a function - the method equal to that used nowadays Euler, L., Nova Acta Acad. Sci. Petrop., 11, 1793, 114132, publ 1798 = Opera (1), 16, Part 1, 333-355. Marc Antoine Parseval des Chênes Parseval theorem 5 April 1799 ∑ x f ( x) 2 = ∑ S f ( w) 2 w The inner product of two vectors/signals is the same as the ℓ2 inner product of their expansion coefficients. Energy of a signal f = Sum of squares of expansion coefficients Sf Mémoire sur les séries et sur l'intégration complète d'une équation aux differences partielle linéaires du second ordre, à coefficiens constans Particular case of the Plancharel formula in 1910 Squire and Royalist, arrested 1792 Parseval - original statement π ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 ∞ inu − mu − nu imu An an ∑ ∑ An e ∑ am e + ∑ An e ∑ am e du ∫ 2π 0 n 0= n 0 = m 0 = n 0= m 0 ∞ Statement with no reference to a notion like Fourier series. Entry on Parseval by H.C. Lennedy in C.S. Gillispie, (ed.), Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Vol. 10, Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1974, 327-328. Predecessors 1729 Leonhard Euler interpolation 1747 Leonhard Euler movement of planets 1753 Daniel Bernoulli movement of a string 1754 Jean Le Rond d’Alambert mutual distance of two planets 1757 Alexis Claude Clairaut movement of the Sun 1759 Joseph-Louis Lagrange 1777 Leonhard Euler 1799 Marc Antoine Parseval des Chênes Parseval ∑ x f ( x) 2 = ∑ S f ( w) 2 w Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier December 12, 1807 Presentation at the French Academy Propagation of Heat in Solid Bodies Rejected but encouraged for continuing the work. Competition by the French Academy 1812 The Mathematical Theory of the Laws of the Propagation of Heat and the Comparison of the Results of this Theory with Exact Experiment Continuation of the Work Laplace, Lagrange, Legendre Monge, Lacroix, Poisson Criticized for the lack of mathematical rigor and rejected for publication in the Memoirs of the Academy Most criticized by Laplace, Poission, and Lagrange Jean Baptiste Biot worked on heat conduction in 1802 and 1803, work known to Fourier 1811 revised paper Biot Poisson Lagrange Laplace Monge Finally Published 1816 1817 Nominated for the Academy, rejected Fourier become a Member of the Academy 1822 Permanent Secretary of the Division for Mathematical Sciences Published the book Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur Paris, Firmin Didot, Analytical Theory of Heat (255 x 202 mm), pp [iv] xxii 639, with two engraved plates Profound study of nature is the most fertile source of mathematical discoveries Fourier Contents I - Introduction. Exposition de l'objet de cet ouvrage. Notions générales et définitions préliminaires. Principe de la communication de la chaleur. Du mouvement uniforme et linéaire de la chaleur. Loi des températures permanentes dans un prisme d'une petite épaisseur. De l'échauffement des espaces clos. Du mouvement uniforme de la chaleur suivant les trois dimensions. Mesure du mouvement de la chaleur en un point donné d'une masse solide. II - Equation du mouvement de la chaleur. Equation du mouvement varié de la chaleur dans une armille; dans une sphère solide ; dans un cylindre solide. Equation du mouvement uniforme de la chaleur dans un prisme solide d'une longueur infinie. Equation du mouvement varié de la chaleur dans un cube solide. Equation générale de la propagation de la chaleur dans l'intérieur des solides. Equation générale relative à la surface. Application des équations générales. Remarques générales. Contents (continued) III - Propagation de la chaleur dans un solide rectangulaire infini. Exposition de la question. Premier exemple de l'usage des séries trigonométriques dans la théorie de la chaleur. Remarques sur ces séries. Solution générale. Expression finie du résultat de la solution. Développement d'une fonction arbitraire en séries trigonométriques. Application à la question actuelle. IV - Du mouvement linéaire et varié de la chaleur dans une armille. Solution générale de la question. De la communication de la chaleur entre des masses disjointes. V - De la propagation de la chaleur dans une sphère solide. Solution générale. Remarques diverses sur cette solution. VI - Du mouvement de la chaleur dans un cylindre solide. VII - Propagation de la chaleur dans un prisme rectangulaire. VIII - Du mouvement de la chaleur dans un cube solide. IX - De la diffusion de la chaleur. Du mouvement libre de la chaleur dans une ligne infinie ; dans un solide infini. Des plus hautes températures dans un solide infini. Comparaison des intégrales. First Page Fourier provided a solution of the problem considered by showing that the initial distribution of the temperature mast be expressed as a sum of infinitely many sine and cosine terms, which is now called the trigonometric or Fourier series. Biography of Fourier 21.3. 1768 – 16.5.1830 Auxerre Paris Military school run by Benedictines of Saint-Maur French Revolution 1789-1799 Working as a publicist, recruiting agent, and a member of the Citizens Committee of Surveillance Arrested in 1789 for defending victims of the terror of revolutionaries First Professorships In 1794, Fourier was selected among the 500 candidates for new teachers at the Normal School just established in Paris Lagrange 1795 A professorship at the prestigious École Polytéchnique in Paris first as a superintendent of lectures on fortification, and then as a lecturer on analysis Monge Travel to Egypt and Related Studies In 1798, Monge and Fourier joined a group of cholars in the military campaign of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte to Egypt Fourier was appointed the governor of southern Egypt Fourier in Grenoble 1801, Fourier returned to France to the position of prefect of Départment of Isére in Grenoble Appointed secretary of the Institut d‘ Egypts In 1809 completed a major work on ancient Egypt, Préface historique. In the same year, Napoleon awarded Fourier with the title of a Baron. Description de l'Égypte, 21 vol. (1808–25) Return to Paris 1814 After the end of Hundred Days, during the Restoration, Fourier ran into trouble for his political past Director of the Bureau of Statistics 1831 Analyse des équations déterminées, published by his friend Louis Marie Navier, where he anticipated linear programming Siméon Denis Poisson 1806 1808 Full Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in succession to Fourier who went to Grenoble. Sur les inégalités des moyens mouvements des planètes the mathematical problems which Laplace and Lagrange had raised about perturbations of the planets. Poisson followed an approach to these problems to use series expansions to derive approximate solutions. 1813 - 1823 Foundations for the work by Dirichlet and Riemann Journal of the École Polytechnique Memoirs de l’Academie Poisson Baron in1821, never either took out his diploma or used the title Fourier and Poisson Poisson has too much talent to apply it to the work of others. To use it to discover what is already known is to waste it ... Fourier Poisson was completely dedicated to mathematics. Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics. Poisson Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet 1828 Dirichlet formulated conditions for a function f(x) to have the Fourier transform f(x) must be single valued have a finite number of discontinuities in any given interval have a finite number of extrema in any given interval be square-integrable Founder of the theory of Fourier series Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann Correct mathematical formulation continued in the work of Riemann Work by Dirichlet characterized as The first profound paper about this subject Riemann, a student by Dirichlet, in his habilitation thesis about representability of functions by trigonometric series If a function can be represented by a trigonometric series, what can one say about its behaviour Conditions of a function to have an integral – Riemann integrability Henri Leon Lebesgue 1902 Lebesgue integral 1904 Book by Lebesgue in his PhD Thesis Foundations for the formulation of the Riesz-Fischer theorem in 1907 Riesz-Fischer Theorem 1907 A function L2 is - (square-) integrable iff its Fourier series is L2-convergent. The application of this theorem requires use of the Lebesgue integral. If {en} is an orthonormal basis for a real or complex infinite dimensional Hilbert space H, and {cn} a sequence of real or complex numbers such that Σ |cn|2 converges, then there is an x ∈H, such that x = Σ cnen and cn =<x,en>. Riesz Fischer Michel Plancherel 1910 DFT Plancherel formula If a function f is in both L1(R) and L2(R), then its Fourier transform is in L2(R) xk , y k X j , Y j = F {xk , yk } n −1 ∑x k =0 n −1 k yk = ∑ X k Yk j =0 Various orthonormal systems of functions, their summability and the representation of functions in such systems by Fourier series and Fourier integrals and more general integral transformations Plancherel measures 1910 Privatdozent at the University of Geneva Abstract Harmonic Analysis Fourier analysis Fourier series and Fourier transforms Harmonic analysis A generalization of Fourier series and Fourier transforms. A branch of mathematics which studies the representation of functions or signals as the superposition of basic waves. The basic waves are called harmonics. Abstract harmonic analysis A generalization of harmonic analysis. A branch of harmonic analysis that extends the definition of the Fourier transforms to functions defined on various groups. Julius Wihelm Richard Dedekind This image cannot currently be displayed. 1870 Group Characters Characters of a finite Abelian group Group determinant = Determinant of the group matrix G = ({g 0 ,..., g n −1},) (n × n) Matrix (i, j )-th element is xg0 g −j 1 {x {x g g0 ,..., xg gn−1 } | g ∈ G} -n independent variables over a field K set of commuting variables Ferdinand Georg Frobenius April 12, 1896 Letter of Dedekind to Frobenius April 26, 1896 Letter of Frobenius to Dedekind Irreducible characters for alternating groups A4, A5, symmetric groups S4, S5, and PSL(2,7) of order 168. July 12, 1896 1897 Presentation of a paper on group characters Berlin Academy Group characters formulated by Frobenius Fedor Eduardovich Molin Theodor Molien Notion of group ring in a study of group representations Stuidied irreducible representations Molien and Frobenius studied work of each other Frobenius recommended work by Molien to Dedekind in a letter of 24 February 1898 Riga 10 September 1861 Alfred Young 1900 Young diagrams and tables - a convenient way of describing irreducible representations and for manipulating with irreducible representations The paper reviewed by Burnside Used by Frobenius in 1903 in study of representations of the symmetric group 1927 Young extended the work by Frobenius 1952 Further extensions Hermann Weyl used Young diagrams in his book Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics Dover Publications, June 1, 1950 William Burnside and Issai Schur 1904-1905 Group Representations Group representations = Column vectors Linear transformations = Matrices Burnside 1925 Schur Complete description of rational representations of the general linear group GL(n,F) F – a field, such as R or C Schur Student of Frobenius Group of (n × n) invertible matrices over F with the group operation as the matrix multiplication Emmy Noether Matrices Linear transformations of a vector space This approach is necessary for groups when infinite-dimensional representations are required as, for example, Lie groups Sophus Lie 1880 Paper on transformation group Lie groups = continuous transformation groups Sophus Lie, Friedrich Engel Theorie der Transformationsgruppen, three volumes, 1893 Groups Finite Abelian Infinite Non-Abelian topological groups Compact Locally compact Non-compact Finite Abelian Groups f ( x) = g −1 ∑ S f ( w) χ w ( x) w∈Γ Dual object Γ = {χ w ( x)}, x ∈ G the set of group characters of G Abelian group under multiplication isomorphic to G S f ( w) = ∑ f ( x) χ w ( x) −1 x∈G Finite Non-Abelian Groups K −1 f ( x) = ∑ Tr ( S f ( w)R w ( x)) w=0 Tr (Q) trace of Q Dual object Γ = {R w ( x)}, x ∈ G (rw × rw ) matrices the set of unitary irreducible representation of G Fourier coefficients are (rw × rw ) matrices g −1 S f ( w) = rw g −1 ∑ f (u )R w (u −1 ) u =0 Finite groups are compact groups g=G Compact Non-Abelian Groups Peter, F., Weyl, H., “Die Vollstandigkeitder primitven Darstellungen einer geschlossen Kontinuirlichen Grouppe” Math. Ann., 9, 1927, 737-755. Theory for compact groups that are not Lie groups still incomplete Peter-Weyl Theory Main contribution is the observation that not the finiteness of a group ensures existence of main properties of the Fourier representations, but existence of an averaging procedure over the group Invariant integral that assigns a finite volume to the group 1933 Alfred Haar Existence of a right invariant integral for locally compact groups ∫ f ( xa)dx = ∫ f ( x)dx G G for all x ∈ G Peter-Weyl Theorem Infinite dimensional representation and its decomposition by means of spectral theory for bounded operators on Hilbert space f ( x) = ∑ R w ∈Γ rw −1 rw ∑ S (f i , j ) ( w) Rw( i , j ) ( x) i , j =0 S (f i , j ) ( w) = 〈 f , Rw( i , j ) 〉 = ∫ f ( x)( Rw( i , j ) ) −1 ( x)dx G Plancharel Formula on Compact Groups This image cannot currently be displayed. Fourier series applies to square-integrable functions 2 f = ∫ f ( x) dx G The norm 1 2 is finite Fourier series for f(x) is equal to f in the mean-square sense of f 2 = rw −1 ∑r ∑ S Rw ∈Γ w i , j =0 (i , j ) 2 f Plancharel formula = Criterion for extensions Compact Abelian groups All group representations are single-dimensional, i.e., reduce to group characters f ( x) = ∑ S f ( w) χ w ( x) χ ∈Γ S f ( w) = ∫ f ( x) χ w−1 ( x)dx G x+y = y + x Hermann Klaus Hugo Weyl My work always tried to unite the truth with the beautiful, but when I had to choose one or the other, I usually chose the beautiful. 1923 Theory of compact groups in terms of matrix representations Compact Lie groups fundamental character formula 1938 Locally Compact Abelian Groups In topology and related branches of mathematics, a topological space is called locally compact if, roughly speaking, each small portion of the space looks like a small portion of a compact space. A topological space X is locally compact iff every point has a local base of compact neighborhoods x+y = y + x x+y = y + x x+y = y + x x+y = y + x x+y = y + x x+y = y + x Interpretation of Fourier Transform For f integrable over the real line, i.e., f ∈ L1, the spectrum Sf is well defined. 1 S f ( w) = 2π ∞ ∫ f ( x )e −iwx dx −∞ 1 - Normalization of the Haar integral 2π However, the integrability of f does not imply the integrability of Sf , with integrability understood in the Lebesgue sense. Therefore, generalized methods of summability are required. If f ∈ L2, i.e., f is both integrable and square integrable, then Sf is also squareintegrable and f is equal to the Fourier integral in the means-square sense, i.e., the Plancharel formula is valid ∞ ∫ −∞ 2 S f ( w) dw = ∞ ∫ −∞ 2 f ( x) dx Pontryagin Duality For a locally compact Abelian group G, the set of unitary multiplicative characters under the pointwise multiplication expresses the structure of a locally compact Abelian group Ĝ When topologized with the topology of uniform convergence of compact sets Ĝ is the dual group for G Ĝ ˆ has also a dual group, called dual dual Gˆ There is a canonical continuous homomorphism of G into Gˆˆ If x ∈ G, then the corresponding member of evaluated on a character ˆˆ G χ w ∈ Gˆ has the value of χ w (x) Lev Semenovich Pontryagin 1934 Exploited the structure theory and assumed that the group is second countable and either compact or discrete 1934 A member of Steklov Institute 1935 Head of the Department of Topology and Functional Analysis 1939 A member of Academy of Science Egbert Rudolf van Kampen 1935 Extensions of the work by Pontryagin Pontryagin - Van Kampen duality E.H. van Kampen, “On the connection between the fundamental groups of some related spaces”, American J. Math. 55, 1933, 261-267. E.R van Kampen, E., "The structure of a compact connected group ", Amer. J. Math., 57, 1935, 301-308 Locally Compact Abelian Groups G = locally compact Abelian group This image cannot currently be displayed. S f ( w) = ∫ f ( x) χ w ( x)dx G f ( x) = ∫ S f ( w) χ w ( x)dw Gˆ dx and dw suitably normalized Haar integrals on G and Ĝ Theory developed by Andre Weil 1938 André Weil A famous anecdote, written in his autobiography says that when the Second World War started, he fled from France to Finland, however, was arrested there under suspicion of espionage, and was saved just by the intervention of Rolf Nevanlinna. Non-Compact Non-Abelian Groups No general satisfactory theory currently known The equivalent of Plancharel theorem Infinite dimensional representations used Many particular examples studied The special linear group SL(n,F) is the subgroup of GL(n,F) consisting of matrices with determinant 1. Israil Moissevc Gelfand Gelfand and Raikov in 1943, pointed out that, in principle, there should exists a sufficient number of irreducible representations to perform harmonic analysis on locally compact groups Gelfand, I.M., Raikov, D.A., "Irreducible unitary representations of locally compact groups", Mat. Sb., Vol. 13, No. 55, 1943, 301-316 Harish-Chandra Extensions of harmonic analysis to noncompact real semi-simple Lie groups 1952 Plancharel theorem Harish-Chandra, "The Plancherel formula for complex semisimple Lie groups", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 76, No. 3, 1954, 458-528. Trigonometric Series - Predecessors This image cannot currently be displayed. 1753 1729,1747,1753 Leonhard Euler 17.4.1707-18.9.1783 1754 Daniel Bernoulli 8.2.1700-17.3.1782 Jean Le Rond d'Alambert 16.11.1717-29.10.1783 ∑ x f ( x) = ∑ S f ( w) 2 w ∞ ∑ n = −∞ cn 2 1 = 2π π ∫π f ( x) 2 − 1799 1757 Alexis Claude Clairaut 7.5.1713 – 17.5.1765 2 Joseph-LouisLagrange 25.1.1736-10.4.1813 Marc-Antoine Parseval 27.4.1755-16.8.1836 sin x cos x sin x sin x cos x sin x cos x sin x cos x sin x cos x sin x cos x sin x cos x sin x cos x sin x cos x sin x cos x Fourier Analysis Fourier series ∞ inx e c ∑n f ( x) = n = −∞ π 1 cn = 2π ∫π f ( x)e −inx dx − Fourier transform ∞ f ( x) = 2πiwx S w e dw ( ) f ∫ −∞ ∞ S f ( w) = ∫ −∞ f ( x)e − 2πiwx dx Abstract Harmonic Analysis Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet 13.2.1805-5.5.1859 Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann 17.9.1826-20.7.1866 Simon Denis Poisson Ernst Fischer Frigyes Riesz Henri Leon Lebesgue 21.6.1781-25.4.1840 28.6.1875-26.6.1941 22.1.1880 – 28.2.1956 12.6.1875 – 14.11.1954 Julius Wihelm Richard Dedekind Ferdinand Georg Frobenius William Burnside IssaiSchur 6.10.1831-12.2.1916 26.10.1849-3.8.1917 2.7.1852-21.8.1927 10.1.1875-10.1.1941 Michel Plancherel 16.1.1885-4.3.1967 Emmy Noether 23.3.1882-14.4.1935 Fourier Analysis Group Representations Hermann Weyl Lev Semonovich Pontryagin Egbert Rudolf 9.11.1885-9.12.1955 van Kampen 3.9.1908-3.5.1988 28.5.1908-11.2.1942 AndréWeil 6.5.1906-6.8.1998 Compact non-Abelian Locally Compact Abelian Non-compact non-Abelian Israil Moiseevic Gelfand 2.9.1913 Harish-Chandra 11.10.1923-16.10.1983 Closing Remarks Although harmonic analysis may be at the core of the solution of a problem, several layers of ingenious ideas may lie between the statement of the problem and the use of harmonic analysis Anthony W. Knapp