SESSION 2016-17
Hot sizzling summer reminds us of the time,
To break free and bask in the warm sunshine.
There‟s a burst of activities without minding the scorching heat,
When friends are making merry and relishing the ice cream treat.
So blend enjoyment with learning and introspection,
To fetch glory and attain perfection.
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt”
Knowledge is power and to impart it righteously to our children, we have carefully
and meticulously designed the Summer Break Assignment. It aims to create a spirit of
enquiry, creativity and sensibility among the learners.
It is vital to enable our learners to foster an outlook that helps them explore,
discover and rediscover. Summer vacation is the best and fruitful time for learning
and nurturing creativity. A variety of fun-filled activities and worksheets are given to
be attempted during summer break. The major emphasis is laid on „Learning by doing‟.
Attempt the assignments neatly and beautify them by providing required illustrations.
Summer vacation is the time to learn and enjoy. So spend these holidays creating a
nurturing and stimulating environment filled with fun, frolic and learning.
Have an enjoyable Summer Break!
See you all on July 1, 2016.
As per C.B.S.E rules an in-school inter-subject project and its rubrics have been
formulated to assess the inputs required for different subjects under one single theme
for each class. Rubrics for these points are also planned as per requirement for each
subject accordingly.
THEME – Digital India
General instructions for Mega Project:
1.A-4 size sheets are to be used for different subjects according to following
colour scheme mentioned below.
2. Minimum of two sheets per subject is sufficient for the project work.
3. Book marks between various subjects should have labels like:
Mathematical/Statistical data for MATHS
4. Rubrics for the assessment of Mega Project are:
(4 marks)
(4 marks)
NOTE: Submit the Holiday Homework on 7th July, 2016; Thursday.
Q-1 Internet has made our life easy and comfortable.Write an article on the topic,
„Digital India‟;a dream project of our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra
Damodardas Modi to bring social and economical justice in our society in about 150200 words on an A4 size ruled sheet. You can take help of the following value
a)All the urban and rural places will be interconnected with the towns and cities.
b)The idea of bringing change and betterment in our country can easily be shared
with the common people.
c)All can feel the bond of togetherness.
d)Any wrong doing or mishappening can be very easily reported to the higher
e)It can reduce corruption and can have a better governance in the country.
Q-1 List the number of Internet users in India and US for the period 2010 to
2015.Represent the above data in the form of line graph.
(Separate graph for both India and US)
Q-2 Find percentage increase of number of Internet users from 2010 to 2015 for
both India and US.
Mr Modi's Digital India initiative aims at accountable, transparent, and efficient
governance of the country. The plan is to empower 60,000 villages with broadband
Q1. List any 10 benefits of making Indian villages digital.
Q2. Do you think it will have an impact on migration of people from rural to urban
Digital India Programme with motto „Power to Empower‟ started by Prime Minister
Mr. Narender Modi. The vision of Digital India Programme is inclusive growth in areas
of electronic services, products manufacture and job opportunities.
Q-1 Is working with electronic gadgets and on internet safe? Support your answer in
refrence with human health.
Q-2 Write some suggestive measures which can ensure a safe and healthy digital
Q-1 Write:
a) 5 network companies in France
b) 5 news channels of France
c) 5 information internet sites of France
Q-2 Write 10-15 lines on digital India in French.
Q-1Reading is an integral part of our curriculum. Reading enhances our knowledge and
enrich us from within‟. Keeping it in mind, read the novel , „Three Men in a Boat‟ by
J.K.JEROME and express your views about the experience of The three friends during
their journey in not more than 200 words on an A4 ruled sheet.
Q-2 Attempt the questions of comprehension passages from pg no 11-19 from the
book, „Together with English‟.
Q-3 Read the Unit 3; „Nurturing Nature‟ from your M.C.B to improve your reading
Skills. Based on your reading, write a letter to your friend, highlighting the
importance of nurturing our mother nature in about 120 words in your grammar
 Write the following answers in your literature notebook.
Q-4 Write the reasons for Bruno‟s sadness.
Q-5 What is the main difference between human beings and machines?
Q-6 „Machines are the creations of human minds‟. Justify the statement.
Q-7 „Animals have the same feelings as we humans have‟. Justify the answer.
Q-8 Read any other poem written by Rudyard Kipling and express your views about
his style and language.
Q-9 „Samuel was a strict teacher.‟ Write why was he not liked by Swami?
Q-10 „Swami was right in not giving the letter to the headmaster.‟ Justify your
answer in context of the story „Father‟s Help‟.
 Attempt all the questions in Maths Homework Register.
Q-1 The product of two rational numbers is (-28/81).If one of them is (-4/15),find
the other.
Q-2 Find four rational numbers between (-1/2) and 1/4.
Q-3 Write additive identity and multiplicative identity of rational numbers.
Q-4 What should be added to 7/12 to get 4/15?
Q-5 Solve using suitable properties:
2 x (-3) – 1 x 3+ 1 x 2
2 14 5
Q-6 PQRS is a quadrilateral in which PS is parallel to QR. If measure of angle P is
1100 and angle S is 1300, what are measures of the other two angles?
Q-7 The perimeter of a parallelogram ABCD is 140 cm. If one of the sides is greater
than the other by 10 cm, find the lengths of all the sides of the parallelogram.
Q-8 The diagonals of rectangle PQRS intersect each other at O. If angle POS is
400,findangle ROQ and angle ORQ.
Q-9 Two opposite angles of parallelogram are (3a - 2)0 and (50 - a)0. Find the
measure of each angle of the parallelogram.
Q-10 Explain how a square can be each of the following:
a) Quadrilateral
b) Parallelogram
c) Rhombus
d) Rectangle
 Attempt all questions in practical file.
Q-1 Define the term Resources. Explain the different types of resources.
Q-2Mention the differences between the following:
a) Actual and Potential Resources.
b) Renewable and Non-renewable Resources.
c) Ubiquitous and Localized Resources.
d) Biotic and Abiotic Resources.
Q-3Define Sustainable Development. Mention its principles.
Q-4 Why is land considered as an important resource? What are the reasons of land
Q-5What are the factors of soil formation? Mention any three ways of
Q-6 Explain Water Cycle with the help of diagram.
Q-7 Plants and animals are a valuable resource. List any three uses of plants and
Q-8Explain any three ways of Water Conservation.
Q-9What steps have been taken by the government to protect flora and fauna?
Q-10 Define the following:
a) Ecosystem
b) Biosphere Reserves
c) National Parks
 Attempt all questions in activity file.
Q-1 Define the following terms:
a. Irrigation
b. Crop rotation
c. Compost
d. Force
Q-2 How is manure advantageous over fertilisers?
Q-3 Why do we follow practice of leaving the field fallow?
Q-4 Name the following:
a. Machine used to separate grains from stalk.
b. Rearing of honey bees.
c. Large metallic bins used to store grains.
d. Chemicals used to remove unwanted plants.
Q-5 What are pests? What strategies can be used to control pests?
Q-6 Differentiate between:
a. Rabi and Kharif crop.
b. Contact and non contact force.
Q-7 What do you mean by organic farming?
Q-8 Calculate net force if:
a. two forces of 15N and 20 N are acting in same direction.
b. two forces of 50N and 20N are acting in opposite direction.
Q-9 What do you mean by term liquid pressure?
Q-10 Why is the walls of dam thicker at bottom?
Q-11 Write two characteristics of pressure exerted by liquids.
Q-12 How does the pressure of a liquid vary with depth?
Q-13 Why the nail has pointed end?
Q-14 Calculate pressure if force of 50N is acting on 5m2 area.
Q-15 Why school bags are provided with broad straps?
 Attempt all questions in French Notebook.
Lisez bien le texte et répondez au questions suivantes.:
Robert n‟est pas un bon enfant .il ne s‟intéresse pas à étudier. Toute la journée, il
joue avec les mauvais garçons du quartier. Il ne veut pas rester à la maison et il ne
veut pas travailler. Son père est triste d‟avoir un fils comme Robert, crie et il est en
colère .Un jour, il tombe malade et enfin il meurt.
Mais cela ne change pas Robert. Il continue sa vie et ne fait rien. La mère doit
vendre le magasin du père .Elle vit pendant quelques temps avec cet argent. Elle
commence travailler tout le temps mais Robert, il ne change pas.
A. Répondez aux questions suivantes:
1. Pourquoi le père de Robert meurt?
2. Que fait la mère après la mort du père de Robert?
B. Trouvez les contraires du texte:
1. Tout =/=
2. Acheter =/=
C. Complétez avec un/ des mots du texte.
1. Il est triste car son fils ne_______________ pas à travailler et il ne gagne pas
2. _______________ ces vacances, nous allons en Suisse.
Q-2 Qui a construit le Sacré-Cæur?
Q-3 Qui a construit le musée de Louvre?
Q-4 Complétez avec l'article défini ou indéfini:
a. Ce sont _____ voitures, ce sont _____ voitures des voisins.
b. C'est _____ autobus, c'est _____ autobus de l'école.
Q-5 Complétez avec les articles contractés:
a. C'est la chambre _____ enfants.
b. La couleur _____ trousse est belle.
c. Tu vas _____ restaurant ou _____ maison?
Q-6Complétez avec l'article partitif:
a. Nous mangeons _____ pain et _____ beurre.
b. Je veux _____ crayons et _____ encre.
c. Ils prennent _____ café et _____ tartes.
Q-7 Complétez avec l'adjectif démonstratif:
a. Il choisit _____ cravate, pas _____ chapeau.
b. Nous ne mangeons pas à _____ restaurant.
c. Tu n'aimes pas _____ acteur, mais tu aimes _____ actrice.
Q-8.Donnez des ordres. Suivez le modèle:
a. Regarder
b. Savoir
c. Finir
d. Ne pas manger
e. Se promener
f. Ne pas se coucher
Q-9 Complétez avec l'adjectif possessif:
a. Je porte _____ jupe et _____ gants.
b. Nous ne faisons pas _____ travail et _____ exercices.
c. Tu promènes _____ bébé et _____ chienne.
Q-10 Remplacez le present par l'impératif:
a. Vous marches vite.
b. Tu choisis un fruit.
c. Nous ne sommes pas en retard.
d. Vous ne vous levez pas à 10h.
e. Vous avez du courage.