P/2292 USA Theory of Runaway Electrons By H, Dreicer* This paper treats the problem of electrons moving through an infinite gas of positive ions under the influence of a static uniform electric field of arbitrary strength. In evaluating the electrical conductivity of such a gas the conventional treatment involves a perturbation solution of the time-independent Boltzmann equation, and results in the well-known (temperature )3/2 law.1 Two assumptions are basic to these treatments: (1) that a steady state electron velocity distribution is attained several mean-free collision times after the electric field is applied, and (2) that the terminal electron drift velocity is small compared to the average random electron speed. Both assumptions are avoided in this paper. In the next section the problem is formulated starting with the Boltzmann equation and a review of approximate analytic solutions appropriate to the weak and strong electric field cases is presented. We then describe a time-dependent numerical solution to the Boltzmann equation and compare these results with the approximate solutions. All of these treatments lead to the conclusion that this problem does not admit a time-independent solution. Because of the strong energy dependence of the Rutherford scattering law, the electron drift velocity is not bounded by a terminal value, rather it grows monotonically with time. This is the so-called runaway effect predicted by Giovanelli.2 Collective effects, or plasma oscillations, are ignored in this work, although these undoubtedly play an important role in the conduction of electricity through a plasma. distribution function F therefore possesses cylindrical symmetry and we may consider it to be a function of the radial velocity variable с and cz. We use the Fokker-Planck equation to describe the effect of Coulomb encounters on F. However, in the interest of clarity we defer the details of this collision term to the next section. Strong Field Regime In the limit of strong fields we may neglect the interaction between particles compared to their interaction with the applied field. The solution to Eq. (1) which satisfies the initial condition F {с, cz, 0) = {т/2якТ0)Ч* exp-[(w/2*T 0 ) (<* + <**)] (2) is then simply the displaced Maxwellian distribution F(c, cZy t) = (т/ШТ0)шЬ exp - {(m/2kT0) (c« + [cz - »(*)]*)}, (3) where v, the electron drift velocity, is determined by the equation of motion dv/dt = eE/m. (4) If we assume that this solution has approximately the correct form for all values of applied field, then we may use it to satisfy the Boltzmann equation on LI M * ( z ) LEADS TO LAW CONDUCTIVITY REVIEW OF APPROXIMATE ANALYTIC TREATMENTS Following standard procedure, the statistical behavior of the electrons is described by a velocity distribution function F which satisfies the Boltzmann equation dF/dt + {eE/m) 3F/dcz = dFjdt^. 1) The electric field is applied along the negative z axis of a stationary cartesian coordinate system. The Figure 1. The velocity dependence, ^ ( Z ) , of the dynamical friction force as a function of Z * Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, New Mexico. 57 58 SESSION A-5 P/2292 H. DREICER 1.0 I I I I I I I [I 5 - 10' kT 10 Ю12 Ю13 I014 Ю15 I016 Ю17 Ю18 DENSITY IN CM"3 nm Figure 2. The critical electric field as a function of electron density with average electron energy in volts as parameter 10"" 10 10" 20 88 64 : /|=4.0 7 7/ / ; / / - 1 / . I / 40 32 24 8 100 120 140 160 180 I / . . . . 10" / / zo /h Z 56 48 16 80 . 80 1 72 60 Normalized temperature, T/To, as a function of т with £/Ec as a parameter Figure 3. 96 40 / I* 10 / / E c ' ; 10 / / -|=02 ' - • • \ \ Figure 4. / I i IO¿ i i i i i I 1I 5 I0 1 \ I i i i I I l 5 1.0 / / / 4=0.1 — • — * * С __————•"" s Normalized drift velocity, Z, as a function of т with £/£ c as parameter Figure 5. Runaway rate X as a function of £/£ c THEORY OF RUNAWAY ELECTRONS The Maxwellian velocity distribution shown at the initial instant of time with V as a parameter Figure 8. The velocity distribution shown at т = 2 with V as a parameter 59 Figure 7. The velocity distribution shown at т = a parameter Figure 9. The velocity distribution shown at т = 3 with V as a parameter 60 SESSION A-5 .o1 i 1 1 1 1 P/2292 H. DREICER Table 1 г" T¡T0 -2 0 1 2 3 3.75 4 ILOO ]1.04 ]L22 ]1.48 ]L71 1L.79 5 2.14 6 7 8 9 10 2.51 2.89 3.27 3.64 4.00 25 10 .ó3 5 ю4 5 ю5 and furnishes a useful criterion for separating the weak and strong field cases. Figure 2 gives values of Ec for a range of temperatures and densities. Since the positive ions are assumed to be stationary Eq. (5) also yields the rate of Joule heating 5 ю6 5 = eEG 7 ю ZW{Z). The appropriate dimensionless variables for this problem are 5 ; ,ô8 0 0.36 0.59 0.82 1.00 1.07 1.35 1.67 2.01 2.38 2.77 3.18 E/Ec, T/To, Zt and r = {eEc/m) (m/2kT0)H, (8) 1 1 1 -6 -2 2292.10 Figure 10. The velocity distribution shown at т = 4 with V as a parameter with Ec and Z defined in terms of the initial electron temperature To, and r measured in terms of the meanfree time for collisions between electrons moving with the thermal speed (2kT0/tn)b. Equations (5) the average. The drift velocity in Eq. (3) is then the solution of an equation of motion which includes the effects of collisions and has the form t dv/dt + eEc1¥(Z)/m = eE/m, (5) where {m¡2kT0) In Л eEclm = Ann n = electron particle density, Z-Xe = ionic charge, Z = (ml2kT0)iv dE Г £-* 2 í?ií. (6) Z is a dimensionless measure of the electron velocity v. The additional term in Eq. (5) arises from the dynamical friction force exerted by the ions (assumed to be stationary) upon the electrons. As illustrated in Fig. 1, this friction force follows a Stokes law for small Z, whereas for Z > 1 the strong velocity dependence of the Rutherford scattering law leads to a Z~2 decay. The friction force is a maximum at Z = 1. Examination of Eq. (5) shows that it admits no static solution when E exceeds £ C Y(1). The parameter EG therefore plays the role of a critical field in the theory t Details of the strong and weak field approximation will be submitted for publication elswhere. -6 Figure 11. The velocity distribution shown at т = 5 with V as a parameter THEORY OF RUNAWAY ELECTRONS 61 probability Q(r) that all electrons have crossed into the runaway region in the time r. To a good approximation Q(r) is given by The variation of X with E/Ec is shown in Fig. 5. Again r and EG are defined in terms of the initial temperature of the electrons. WTe conclude, therefore, that runaway in the weak field limit proceeds under the combined action of Joule heating and diffusion into the high-energy tail of the distribution. NUMERICAL SOLUTION A more detailed analysis of this problem was carried out with the aid of an IBM 704 digital computer. A straightforward difference equation version of the Boltzmann equation was solved subject to the initial condition given in Eq. (2). In terms of dimensionless variables, this equation has the form dF{V, Vz, r)/8r + (E/Ec)8F/dVz = (dF/dr)C0Ïh (10) where the velocity components are defined by V = Vz = Figure 12. The velocity distribution shown at т = 6 with V as a parameter and (7) have been solved simultaneously, by numerical means, for a variety of applied fields. From the results shown in Figs. 3 and 4 we may conclude that runaway occurs even when E < EGW(l). This is simply a statement of the fact that Joule heating transforms any weak field into a strong field as time proceeds. The variation of T/To and Z as a function of time is tabulated in Table 1 for E/Ec = J. Weak Field Regime In the weak field limit, E < Ec, Eq. (5) leads to the well-known T*l* conductivity law. This result is not strictly valid, quite apart from the Joule heating effects just discussed. By making use of the displaced Maxwellian distribution we ignore the fact that certain fast electrons in the high-energy " tail " of the distribution make collisions so infrequently that for these almost any applied field may be considered to be strong. When this effect is examined, we find that velocity space can roughly be divided into a runaway region where the applied field plays the role of a strong field and into a non-runaway region where the same field is weak. The time scale for appreciable depletion of the original distribution is therefore determined by the diffusion of electrons into the runaway region. We have employed the time-dependent Boltzmann equation, supplemented by Fokker-Planck collision terms, to calculate the (m/2kT0)lc (m/2kT0)bcz. In cylindrical coordinates the Fokker-Planck collision term describing electron encounters with electrons and stationary ions has the form v dF Vz (F2 + dVe 2 dG 3 V2 2 xid G + F,2)3/, F2 1 IdG ^ F dF 2 (F + F/ FF, 3VdVz (F 2 3VdVz (11) The function G(V, Vz) describes Coulomb encounters between electrons and is defined by G(F, F2) - J *" J ^ J " F(F', F',, X (7/2 + T) + 72 _ 2 F F ' cos ф ( 7 г __ 7 2 ')2)i 7 ' ^ F ^ F , ' ^ . (12) Its second derivatives (i.e., 32G/dV2, 32G/dVz2, 2 3 G/dVdVz) may be related to the rate at which fluctuations about the dynamical friction force bring about a diffusion of particles in velocity space. Rosenbluth, MacDonald and Judd, 3 have shown that G may be related to F through an auxiliary H(V, Vz) function as follows 62 SESSION A-5 Figu re 13. Cu rves of constant F i n velocity space shown at т = 0. These curves represent the Maxwellian distribution P/2292 H. DREICER Figure 14. Curves of constant F in velocity space shown at Figure 15. Curves of constant F in velocity space shown atx = 2 1 ICT = F IO"5-F V, V, г - i _L Figure 16. v Curves of constant F in velocity space shown at т = 3 i V Figure 17. Curves of constant F in velocity space shown at т = 4 Figure 18. Curves of constant F in velocity space shown a t T = 5 63 THEORY OF RUNAWAY ELECTRONS sary boundary values of H and G are obtained from the asymptotic limits of Eqs. (12) and (14) in the form G(V,VZ)~[V* + oo or (Vz- ( F-> oo or \Vz- where "oo Го — °° Jo (15) (16) FVdVdVz. The entire calculation is carried out over the rectangular region in velocity space bounded by the lines 7 = 0, V = 6, Vz=±6 and the mesh points in this region are spaced apart by the intervals A single-cycle time-step of size Дт = 10~3 was used and G was recalculated after every 10 cycles. The following physical quantities were recalculated periodically iV = Г °° f°° F2nVdVdVz J— °° Jo (17) (18) (19) Figure 19. Curves of constant F in velocity space shown at т = 6 <FZ> = m <czy/2kT0. (21) (13a) , F z , T). (13b) The normalization N provides a check on the conservation of particles, and the energy integrals in Eqs. (18), (19) and (21) can be related to check the conservation of energy in the following way (14) (22) The definition of H(F, F2) is X F(V, Vz\ r) (F'> + F 2 - 2FF' cos ^ + (7, - F z ') 2 )i and its gradient in velocity space gives the dynamical friction force. In our numerical scheme G is obtained from Eqs. (13a) and (13b) by a relaxation method. The neces- Random average energies are defined by (23) Table 2 c N T 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0.43 0.77 1.07 1.39 1.72 2.06 1.00 1.096 1.196 1.296 1.296 1.296 1.296 (20) *[<TV> + <T">Í 0.50 kT0 0.61 0.76 0.97 1.22 1.49 1.76 1.00 kT0 1.02 1.13 1.32 1.56 1.84 2.13 0 - 0.088 - 0.150 -0.100 - 0.071 - 0.052 - 0.034 <F 2 > d T SESSION A-5 64 P/2292 (24) In Table 2 we have recorded (17), (20), (23), (24) and the degree to which (22) is satisfied over a duration covering 6 mean-free collision times. The applied field in this calculation had the value E/Ec = J. Figures 6 through 19 illustrate the evolution of F(V, Vz, r) during the same interval of time. If we choose as our runaway criterion the equality of the drift velocity and the initial thermal speed; i.e., (Vzy = 1, then comparison of Tables 1, 2 and Fig. 5 yields reasonably good agreement among the various runaway times, т/. Numerical treatment Strong field approximation 3.0 3.75 Weak field approximation 2.0 The normalization tabulated in Table 2 indicates that the number of particles in the rectangular mesh at first increases with time and then reaches a steady value. This is associated with the error in the assumed boundary values of F. The algebraic sign of the error in the energy balance indicates that fictitious particles are probably entering the mesh H. DREICER across the negative Vz boundary. With the onset of the runaway effect, particles also begin to leave the mesh across the positive Vz boundary, and a balance between these currents produces the steady value for the normalization calculated after т = 3. In spite of these inaccuracies, we believe that the absence of a time-independent solution has also been illustrated in this numerical calculation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a pleasure for the author to express his gratitude to Mr. A. Feldstein, who carried through the numerical solution of Eqs. (5) and (7). The author is also greatly indebted to Mr. E. Kinney, who coded Eqs. (10) and (11) for the computer. REFERENCES 1. L. Spitzer and R. Harm, Phys. Rev., 89, 977 (1953). 2. R. G. Giovanelli, Phil. Mag., 40, 206 (1949). 3. M. N. Rosenbluth, Wm. M. MacDonald and D. L. Judd, Phys. Rev., 107, 1 (1957).