Residential Inspection Procedures



1. Site *

2. Footing

3. Foundation

4. Plumbing Rough-in and DWV **

6. Framing *

7. Insulation

9. Air Intrusion Barrier

10. Plumbing Final

11. Mechanical Final

12. Occupational / Building Final *

Certificate of Occupancy is required before the

structure can be occupied.

Additional Inspections * (when applicable) Septic and

Drain fields – Hood Stove Installation – Sewer and Water

Hook-up – Special Areas Construction

* The contractor’s representative should be present

** Licensed plumber should be present

Building Department hours are from 7:30 to 4:30.

Call 218-828-2309 for your inspection appointment. A

24-hour notice is required. Only those requesting appointments with a minimum 24-hour notice may be certain of their requested time. Please provide the permit number and

address when scheduling an inspection.

Site – The site inspection must be approved prior to excavation. The applicant should be present. The permit card must be posted / accessible and approved plans must be on site. Location of the property “pins” or building corner markers must be in place.

Footing and Foundation * – Footing and foundation inspections shall be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel is in place. Concrete foundations:

For concrete foundations, any required reinforcing steel and forms shall be in place prior to inspection. Thickened slabs: The foundation inspection shall include excavations for thickened slabs intended for the support of bearing walls, partitions, structural supports, or equipment. Wood foundations: If the foundation is to be constructed of approved treated wood, additional inspections may be required by the building official.

IBC cool weather requirements are enforced. All concrete and/or masonry contractors are to be City licensed.

Dampproofing, Footing Drain and Backfill All foundation walls must be inspected prior to backfill, after the walls are core-filled, anchor bolts/straps are installed, foundation damproofing or waterproofing is completed and when the exterior insulation and drainage system is in place. Foundation walls shall not be backfilled until the basement floor and first floor have been constructed or the foundation walls have been braced.

Rough-In Plumbing – Inspection of all drain, waste, vent, water

Residential Inspection Procedures

Information Sheet

supply and gas piping must be approved prior to concealing. A pressure test is required. A licensed plumber should be on site. during this inspection. The plumbing contractor and plumbers are to be state licensed. The contractor must be licensed in the City of Brainerd.

Rough-In Mechanical – An inspection is required when all mechanical equipment, pipes, chimneys, and vents are complete. The

HVAC contractor should be on site during this inspection.

Framing – Framing inspections shall be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and racing are in place and all pipes, chimneys, and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing, gas, heating wires, pipes, and ducts are approved. When manufactured products are installed, all manufacturers’ installation instructions must be on site at the time of this inspection. The general contractor is responsible for this inspection and should be on site.

Insulation - The insulation inspection must be approved prior to concealing the insulation and after all rough-in inspections and frame corrections are approved and vapor barriers are installed.

Drywall (fire-resistive assemblies only) - After applying the gypsum board, prior to applying any finish, inspection of all fireresistive assemblies is required.

Air Intrusion Barrier

– Inspection of the air intrusion barrier

(housewrap / wind wash barrier) is required, in some but not all cases, after the framing inspection and prior to the installation of the exterior wall finish. An air intrusion barrier is not required for detached garages, out buildings or when specifically prohibited by the manufacturer of the materials installed under or over the housewrap.

Final Plumbing – The final plumbing inspection must be approved after the plumbing fixtures have been set and the plumbing system is complete. A monometer test is required.

Final Mechanical – Inspection of all mechanical equipment must be approved at upon completion of the mechanical system. The HVAC contractor should be on site during this inspection.

Final Building Inspection for Occupancy

– Approval of the final building inspection and the issuance of the Certificate of

Occupancy is required prior to occupancy of the structure and prior to moving any equipment or furniture into the structure. All final plumbing, mechanical and miscellaneous inspections must be approved at the time of this Final Inspection. All life safety items must be installed and building must be completed inside and out.

This is a guide to the most common questions and problems. It is not intended nor shall it be considered a complete set of requirements.

Attention Licensed Contractors

As a licensed contractor working in the City of

Brainerd, we remind you to keep your license in good standing by adhering to the following:

The City of Brainerd has adopted and will enforce the current edition of the Minnesota State Building Code and its amendments. MN Rules 1300.0210 subparts 1 through 7 require that the following inspections be requested and proper means be provided to make the inspection. Subpart 3 of the above section requires that the inspection record card be posted before work commences.


City of Brainerd

Building Department 218-828-2309

501 Laurel Street 218-828-2316 (Fax)

Brainerd MN 56401
