Arc Efficiency for Gas Tungsten Arc Welding DCEN‐GTAW Hans Åström, Nils Stenbacka, Kjell Hurtig University West, Trollhättan, Sweden. ABSTRACT Published data in the literature between 1955 and up to 2011 shows a wide spread in arc efficiency data, between 0,36 up to 0,90. In the present study the experiments was planned using factorial design at two levels for each of the variables; current, arc length, gas type‐pure Ar and Ar+2H2. Each of the variable combinations was replicated five times. The substrate used was a water cooled Cu‐block. Inlet and outlet cooling water, flow and temperature to the GTAW torch and Cu‐ substrate was measured. Total energy input to the TIG torch, current x voltage, energy going to the substrate and the torch was determined. The results were evaluated using statistical software programs MINITAB® and MODDE®. This resulted in a model for the energy distribution and the arc efficiency for gas tungsten arc welding with DCEN. Key words: Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, arc efficiency, TIG welding, energy input, energy losses, process parameters. List of symbols and abbreviations: n Arc efficiency qt Power input to torch qs Power input to substrate U Arc voltage I Welding current t Measurement time ΔT Temperature difference for cooling water cp Specific heat v Cooling water volume AL Arc length DCEN Direct current electrode negative 1 1. Introductio on Why is iit importantt to know th he arc efficiiency of TIG G welding m more preciseely? GTAW is one of the mosst widely ussed arc weld ding metho ds for welding of stainless steel. Itt is importaant to know ho ow much off the energyy input to thhe torch thaat actually ttransfers too the base m material. Arc efficciency playss an important role in m many aspeccts of weldin ng, for exam mple in cooling rate o calculattions, for du uplex weld m metal the coooling rate from 1200 C down to 800oC is critical for the form mation of th he correct p phase balan ce between n austenite and ferrite.. Arc efficciency (n) iss defined ass: n= qs/qtt qt qs Figure 11 Schematicc heat transfer, energy to substratte, losses to o torch and radiation lo osses. Where q qs is power input transsferred to thhe substrate e and qt is the total pow wer input to the arc from m the power source. In the case off DC arc we elding used in the preseent study; q qt= arc voltage x current x arc time. T Two differennt approach hes to deterrmine arc effficiency are e used by different researrchers; one is based onn the use of calorimetric experimeents and the e other d uses differrent heat flo ow models calibrated w with measured parameeters. The u use of method calorimetric experiiments is a d direct approoach, whereas the modelling app roach is an indirect approacch. Examplees of calorim metric approoaches are given in refference [1,22,3,4], mode elling approacch examples are given I reference [5,6,7]. Re eview of arcc efficiency sstudies between 1955 un ntil 2011 is ggiven in refe erence [8] ((also published in the o open docum ment databaase DIVA ‐ h http://www w.diva‐ In thhe present sstudy a direct calorimeetric approach was used. 2 2. Experimenttal procedu ure A fixed TIG torch was w used an nd the subs trate was a water cooled Cu-blockk, for the se etup see figure 2. TIG torch Cu substrate C Co ooling water Figure 22. Experimental setup Power ssource: Migatronic Com mmander 40 00 AC/DC TIG torcch: Binzel Tornado T WH H0 Electrod de: 2,4 mm WT20 98 % wolfram 2 % Thorium m attached to the negaative pole, tip t angle o 60 Gas: Arr, Ar+2%H2 gas flow 10l/min The Cu--substrate was w cooled with fresh w water and th he temperature and floow rate was s measurred continuo ously. Welding voltage was measu ured at the torch and thhe welding current was me easured with h a Hall elem ment. The ccooling wate er to the we elding torch was also measurred regardin ng temperatture and flow w rate. All of the measurem ment signals was colle ected by a measuremen m nt module ffrom National Instruments and prresented in a LabView--interface, the t signals was w also loggged to a file. Samplin ng frequenccy during the e test 50 kH Hz, total sam mpling time after reachhing a stead dy state conditio on; 120sek. Energy input to the e torch qt = U x I x t. Energy input to sub bstrate, qs, and torch lo osses q = v x ∆T x cp cp=speccific heat forr water 4,18 81[kJ/(kg·K))] Experim mental matriix for the fac ctorial desig gn: Arc leng gth [mm] 2 (giving g~10,5V) 5 (giving g~12,5V) Current [a amp] 75 150 Shielding ggas Ar Ar2H2 3 This dessign matrix gives total 8 experime ents which were w replica ated 5 timess. 3. Results In table 1 the results of the 40 0 test runs a are shown. Table1. E (qt) total energy input to the TIG G torch, Su ubstr = the arc a efficienccy, Gun= los sses to the cooling of the to orch, losses s= other lossses, for exa ample, irrad diation to thhe surroundings. The ressults from th he experime ents were evvaluated us sing the stattistical softw ware progra ams MINITA AB® and MO ODDE®. In figure e 3 the norm mal probability plot for tthe tree ene ergy parts can c be seenn. Probability Plot of Energy to Substrrate=Arc efficiency Prob bability Plot of Energy to tor ch Normal - 95% CI Mean StDev N AD P-Value 95 90 Normal - 95% CI 99 0,8345 0,02540 40 0,392 0,364 Mean StDev N AD P-Value 95 90 99 0,09903 0,02366 40 1,373 <0,005 90 80 70 70 30 Percent 80 70 60 50 40 60 50 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 10 5 5 5 1 1 0,775 0,800 0,825 0,850 Substrate 0,875 5 0,900 0,925 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 Gun 0,12 0,14 0,16 0,18 0,06695 0,02747 40 0,320 0,520 60 50 40 20 0,750 Mean StDev N AD P-Value 95 80 Percent Percent Probab bility Plot of Losses Normal - 95% CI 99 1 0,000 0,025 0,050 0,075 L Losses 0,100 0,125 0,15 50 Figure 3 3. Probabilitty plots. The arcc efficiency and a other lo osses are n ormal distributed but lo osses to thee torch are not normal distributed at the 95% confidence e level. This is probably y due to thee closed coo oling system used for the e torch. 4 3.1Arc e efficiency: Investigation: TIG (MLR) Scaled d & Centered Coeffic cients for Arc efficien ncy 0,010 0 0,000 0 -0,010 0 N=40 DF=33 R2=0,733 Q2=0,608 I*Gas(Ar2H) I*Gas(Ar) AL*Gas(Ar2H) AL*Gas(Ar) AL*I Gas(Ar2H) Gas(Ar) I AL -0,020 0 R2 Adj.=0,685 RSD D=0,0143 Conf. lev v.=0,95 Figure 4 4. Factors affecting a the e Arc Efficie ency. As can be seen in figure 4, inc creasing the e current an nd arc length will reducce the arc efficiency and the use of an Ar2H A ure compare ed to pure Ar A shielding gas gives a positive effect. e All 2 mixtu of the in nteraction effects fall ou utside of the e 95% conffidence interval. Regresssion coeffiicients for the a arc efficienccy: 5 Observe ed versus model m prediction can be e seen in fig gure 5. Figure 5 5. R2 a meassure of the fit for the mo del and Q2 a measure of how well thhe fitted mod del will predict n new experim mental condittions. Model m mapping forr the differen nt shielding g gases used in the investigation ccan be seen n in figure 6. Figure 6 Model ma apping of arc efficiencyy for the diffe erent shield ding gases; Ar and Ar2H. 6 3.2 Ene ergy losses in the torch: Approximately 5-10 0% of the energy supp plied to the torch t is lost due to torcch-cooling. As A can be seen n in figure 7 torch losse es are incre asing with higher h welding current,, as can be expecte ed. The weld ding current is the onlyy parameterr significant at the 95% % confidence e interval affecting to orch losses. Figure 7 7. Factors effecting e ene ergy lossess in the torch h. The mo odel fit for to orch losses explains 69 9% of the re esults (R2=0 0,691). The model map pping of torch lossses showss a quiet diffferent beha avior for the two tested shielding ggases, see figure f 8. Figure 8 8. Mapping of torch los sses 7 If we compare the model predictions for torch losses to the mean value of the 5 replicates for each parameter setting we can see that the model fit is quite god, table 2. Test series MV measured Mod. Value Diff Meas‐ModValue 2‐75‐Ar 0,064 0,066 ‐0,002 2‐150‐Ar 0,118 0,112 0,006 5‐75‐Ar 0,085 0,085 0,000 5‐150‐Ar 0,115 0,115 0,000 2‐75‐Ar2H 0,092 0,090 0,002 2‐150‐Ar2H 0,124 0,122 0,002 5‐75‐Ar2H 0,084 0,083 0,001 5‐150‐AR2H 0,109 0,112 ‐0,003 Table 2. Mean value measured – model value. 3.3 Other losses The mean value for other losses is 7% with a rater wide spread 2-12%. The model for these losses based on the experimental data shows a very low prediction power with an R2 value of 33% and a Q2 value of 3%. 5. Discussion The raw data are normal distributed except for the energy losses in the torch. The reason for this is that the closed loop cooling system is not powerful enough to give a constant temperature difference between inlet- and outlet water temperature during the measurement time. This can be seen in figure 9, showing two examples of the temperature difference changes during the test cycle, at low welding current the temperature difference is going down, the cooling is effective, but at high current the situation is changed. 5 mm arc length‐75 amp‐Ar 5 arc length‐150 amp‐Ar 1,2 ∆T ∆T 2,9 1 0,8 2,7 2,5 0 100 200 Sek 300 0 100 200 300 Sek Figure 9. Temperature difference cooling water out-in to the torch during test cycle. In spite of this the measured torch losses compared to the model predictions are quite god. 8 A question not answered by this investigation is if the arc efficiency and torch losses are influenced by different torch designs. 4. Conclusions Increased arc length and current gives reduced arc efficiency for the GTAW-DCEN welding process. Ar2H shielding gas gives a positive effect on arc efficiency compared to a pure Ar gas, but the effect is small, ~+1,5%. GTAW-DCEN is an effective welding process with an arc efficiency value in the range 0,81-0,86. 5. Acknowledgments Financial support for the study given by the KK-foundation is gratefully acknowledged. 6. References 1. Rykalin, N.,Berechnung Def Värmevorgänge Beim Schweissen. VEB Verlag Technick, Berlin 1957. 2. Apps, R.L.& Milner, D.R., Heat flow in argon-arc welding. British Welding Journal, 1955, 2(10),pp 475-485. 3. Wilkinson, J.B. &Milner, D.R., Heat transfer from arcs. British Welding Journal, 1960, 7(2), pp 115-128. 4. Smartt, H.B, Stewart, J.A.& Einerson, C.J., Heat transfer in gas tungsten arc welding. ASM Metals/Materials Technology Series, No8511-011. 5. Dutta, P., Joshi, Y.& Franche,C., Determination of gas tungsten arc welding efficiencies. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol 1, Issue1, July 1994, pp8089. 6. 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