-SQA- SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY NATIONAL CERTIFICATE MODULE: UNIT SPECIFICATION GENERAL INFORMATION -Module Number- 2270754 -Session- 1994-95 -Superclass- XE -Title- INTRODUCTION TO GAS SHIELDED WELDING SKILLS ------------------------------- -DESCRIPTIONGENERAL COMPETENCE FOR UNIT: Acquiring basic welding skills in two gas shielded metal arc processes. OUTCOMES 1. apply safe working practices when producing welds by gas shielded welding processes; 2. prepare gas shielded welding equipment prior to use; 3. produce welded joints using gas shielded welding processes; 4. inspect and test a completed welded joint. CREDIT VALUE: 1 NC Credit ACCESS STATEMENT: No formal entry qualification. ---------------------------------For further information contact: Committee and Administration Unit, SQA, Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow G2 7NQ. Additional copies of this unit may be purchased from SQA (Sales and Despatch section). At the time of publication, the cost is £1.50 (minimum order £5). Unit No. 2270754 Continuation Session 1994-95 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE MODULE: UNIT SPECIFICATION STATEMENT OF STANDARDS UNIT NUMBER: 2270754 UNIT TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO GAS SHIELDED WELDING SKILLS Acceptable performance in this unit will be the satisfactory achievement of the standards set out in this part of the specification. All sections of the statement of standards are mandatory and cannot be altered without reference to SQA. OUTCOME 1. APPLY SAFE WORKING PRACTICES WHEN PRODUCING WELDS BY GAS SHIELDED WELDING PROCESSES PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) Cables and hoses are routed correctly to avoid damage to individuals and welding equipment. Personnel are protected from hazards by the correct use of safety equipment. Working area is kept clean and tidy to minimise hazards. RANGE STATEMENT Gas shielded processes: metal arc gas shielded, tungsten arc gas shielded. Welding equipment: welding leads; wire feed units, gas hoses, footswitches. Safety equipment: welding helmets; protective filters; overall protection; gloves; fume extraction. Safety hazards: arc shielding; burns; welding fume; electric shock; welding rays. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Performance evidence that the candidate can maintain a safe working environment and can readily identify potential safety hazards and take corrective action. OUTCOME 2. PREPARE GAS SHIELDED WELDING EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO USE 2 Unit No. 2270754 Continuation Session 1994-95 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) The selection of gas shielded welding equipment is correct for a given task. Cables and hoses are correctly assembled. Welding parameters are correctly selected. RANGE STATEMENT Gas shielded processes: metal arc gas shielded; tungsten arc gas shielded. Welding parameters: consumables; gas flow rates; voltage; current; wire feed speed; tungsten size and type; polarity; shielding gases. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Performance evidence that the candidate can select and prepare the appropriate equipment to produce a weld using gas shielded welding processes. OUTCOME 3. PRODUCE WELDED JOINTS WELDING PROCESSES USING GAS SHIELDED PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) (c) (d) Welding parameters are correctly selected. Weld defects are minimal. Weld profiles are correct in terms of joint requirements. Penetration of the joint is at least 50% over the length of weld for corner and butt. RANGE STATEMENT Joint types: 'T' joint; outside corner; butt. Joint position: horizontal-vertical (T Joint); flat (butt joint and outside corner). Materials: carbon steel up to 6mm for metal arc gas shielded; carbon steels up to 3mm for tungsten arc gas shielded. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Performance evidence that the candidate can produce a range of welded joints using gas shielded welding processes. OUTCOME 4. INSPECT AND TEST A COMPLETE WELDED JOINT 3 Unit No. 2270754 Continuation Session 1994-95 PERFORMANCE CRITERIA (a) (b) The welded joints are visually inspected using procedures. Welds are destructive tested using correct procedures. correct RANGE STATEMENT Destructive tests: root bends; face bends; macro-examination; fillet fracture. EVIDENCE REQUIREMENTS Performance evidence that the candidate can use inspection methods and destructive tests to assess the quality of a welded joint. --------------------------------ASSESSMENT In order to achieve this unit, candidates are required to present sufficient evidence that they have met all the performance criteria for each outcome within the range specified. Details of these requirements are given for each outcome. The assessment instruments used should follow the general guidance offered by the SQA assessment model and an integrative approach to assessment is encouraged. (See references at the end of support notes). Accurate records should be made of the assessment instruments used showing how evidence is generated for each outcome and giving marking schemes and/or checklists, etc. Records of candidates' achievements should be kept. These records will be available for external verification. SPECIAL NEEDS In certain cases, modified outcomes and range statements can be proposed for certification. See references at end of support notes. Copyright SQA 1994 Please note that this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes provided that: (i) (ii) no profit is derived from the reproduction; if reproduced in part, the source is acknowledged. 4 Unit No. 2270754 Continuation Session 1994-95 NATIONAL CERTIFICATE MODULE: UNIT SPECIFICATION SUPPORT NOTES UNIT NUMBER: 2270754 UNIT TITLE: INTRODUCTION TO GAS SHIELDED WELDING SKILLS SUPPORT NOTES: This part of the unit specification is offered as guidance. None of the sections of the support notes is mandatory. NOTIONAL DESIGN LENGTH: SQA allocates a notional design length to a unit on the basis of time estimated for achievement of the stated standards by a candidate whose starting point is as described in the access statement. The notional design length for this unit is 40 hours. The use of notional design length for programme design and timetabling is advisory only. PURPOSE SQA publishes summaries of NC units for easy reference, publicity purposes, centre handbooks, etc. The summary statement for this unit is as follows: A specialist module which introduces you to the skill requirements of gas shielded welding processes. On completion of the module you should have acquired a basic skill which should allow progression to higher skill which should allow progression to higher skills in these processes. You will also have a basic knowledge of consumables, set up, and safety requirements associated with metal arc gas shielded welding and tungsten arc gas shielded welding. You will also have gained a basic knowledge of simple inspection and testing methods and be responsible for your own quality assurance. CONTENT/CONTEXT The following information gives further clarification regarding the context in which the outcomes and performance criteria are to be achieved. 1. Importance of safety equipment for welding, shades of filter glass, importance of fume extraction, personal safety, welding rays. The correct routing of cables and hoses to prevent obstruction. Mounting of welding torch after use. Care associated with filler wires. Importance of good electrical connections. Transportation of welded specimens (hot). 2. Importance of shielding gas selection, wire feed speed and voltage. Tungsten type and diameter in tags. Selecting the correct size of filler wire for materials thickness and joint type. Procedure for assembling equipment to gauges. Selecting gas flow rate. Assembly of tags torch components. Changing of wire reel/liner in mags processes. Current selection in tags. 5 Unit No. 2270754 Continuation Session 1994-95 3. All joints should be tacked prior to welding. Each competence should be demonstrated at least three times. All welds should be at least 150mm in length. 4. The first and last 15mm of the joint should not be taken into account for inspection and testing purposes. The use of inspection gauges can be used where appropriate. Root bend for butt weld is taken from centre of specimen and should be at least 25mm wide. It is recommended that 50% of the time is spent on each process. APPROACHES TO GENERATING EVIDENCE Assessment should be produced in the conditions of the workplace using practical exercises and tasks related to the production of a welded joint. Outcome 1 Observation checklist based on a practical task where the candidate is assessed prior to, during and after the production of welded joints. Outcome 2 Observation checklist based on a practical task where the candidate prepares and selects equipment and parameters prior to the production of a welded joint. Outcome 3 Observation checklist based on practical exercises where the candidate has to produce the following welded joints to the standards stated in the performance criteria. Reference to Outcome 3: Process Joint Type Metal Arc Outside corner Gas Shielded joint Tungsten Arc Gas Shielded Material Position Carbon steel up to 6mm thick Flat 'T' Joint Carbon steel up to 6mm thick Horizontal-Vertical Outside Corner Joint Carbon Steels up to 3mm Thick Flat Butt Joint Carbon Steels up to 3mm thick Flat 6 Unit No. 2270754 Outcome 4 Continuation Session 1994-95 Observation checklist based on a practical exercise where the candidate inspects and tests each of the joints produced in Outcome 3. RECOGNITION Many SQA NC units are recognised for entry/recruitment purposes. For up-to-date information see the SQA guide 'Recognised and Recommended Groupings'. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Guide to unit writing. For a fuller discussion on assessment issues, please refer to SQA's Guide to Assessment. Procedures for special needs statements are set out in SQA's guide 'Students with Special Needs'. Information for centres on SQA's operating procedures is contained in SQA's Guide to Procedures. For details of other SQA publications, please consult SQA's publications list. Copyright SQA 1994 Please note that this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes provided that: (i) (ii) no profit is derived from the reproduction; if reproduced in part, the source is acknowledged. 7