69 CHAPTER 4 FUZZY LOGIC BASED PWM TECHNIQUE FOR UNBALANCED VOLTAGE CONDITION The electric power distribution systems are unbalanced due to untransposed distribution lines and unbalanced loads. Also the loads on the power system vary from time to time. Hence there is the need to design an active power filter, which is capable of maintaining the THD limit within the IEEE norms under variable load conditions. This chapter presents a fuzzy logic based PWM current control technique which performs well under unbalanced and variable load conditions since the controller do not need an accurate mathematical model; it can work with imprecise inputs and can handle nonlinearity. The performance of the controller is tested for unbalanced voltage and changing load condition. Also, a fuzzy logic-based controller is developed to control the DC voltage of the capacitor. 4.1 PROPOSED CONTROL STRATEGY The schematic diagram of the proposed fuzzy logic based Shunt Active Filter is shown in Figure 4.1. 70 Figure 4.1 Schematic diagram of Shunt Active Filter The active power filter consists of three principal parts, namely, the voltage source inverter, DC energy storage device (Cf) and coupling inductance (Lf). The inverter is used to charge and to discharge the capacitor in order to provide the required compensation current, the capacitor is used to store energy and the inductance is used to smoothen the ripple of the harmonic current injected by active power filter. The AC supply provides the required active power and the capacitor of active power filter provides the reactive power for the load. In the proposed work, a fuzzy-logic based PWM control technique is used to generate the gating signals. Switching signals obtained, after proper amplification and isolation are given to the switching devices of the PWM converter. The DC link capacitor voltage is maintained constant by a fuzzy logic controller. 71 The proposed fuzzy logic based intelligent control offer a very satisfactory performance, without the need of a detailed mathematical model of the system. 4.1.1 Development of Fuzzy Based Current Controller Figure 4.2 Schematic diagram of fuzzy controller The block diagram representation of the proposed FLC is shown in Figure 4.2. The FLC has two input signals, namely, current error and change in current error. Five membership functions are assigned for both input and output. Figure 4.3 shows the membership functions for input and output variables. Triangular membership function is used to represent the input and output variables. With two input variables and with five labels for each variable there are 25 input label pairs. The rule table relating each of the 25 input pairs to the respective output label is given in Table 4.1. 72 Figure 4.3 Membership functions for input and output variables for Current Control 73 Table 4.1 Fuzzy Rule Base for current Control e NL NM EZ PM PL NL PB PM PM PM PB NM PB PM PL PM PB EZ PVB PM PVL PM PVL PM PB PM PL PM PB PL PB PM PM PM PB de 4.1.2 Fuzzy Logic Based Voltage Control The DC side of the inverter is connected to a capacitor. The DC capacitor provides a constant DC voltage and the real power necessary to cover the losses of the system. In the steady state, the real power supplied by the source should be equal to the real power demand of the load plus a small power to compensate the losses in the active filter. Thus, the DC capacitor voltage is maintained at a reference value. A fuzzy logic controller is applied to maintain the constant voltage across the capacitor by minimizing the error between the capacitor voltage and the reference voltage. To design the FLC, variables which can represent the dynamic performance of the system to be controlled should be chosen as the inputs to the controller. The error (e) and the rate of error (de) are taken as controller inputs and the real power (Preg) requirement for voltage regulation is taken as the output of the FLC. The input and output variables are represented by seven linguistic variables, namely, NL(Negative Large), NM (Negative 74 Medium), NS (Negative Small), ZE (Zero), PS (Positive Small), PM (Positive Medium) and PL (Positive large). Membership functions of the input and output variables are shown in Figure 4.4. The fuzzy IF-THEN rules formed for controlling the DC voltage are given in Table 4.2. Figure 4.4 Membership functions for the input and output variables for Voltage Control 75 Table 4.2 Fuzzy Rule Base for voltage control e NL NM NS ZE PS PM PL NL NL NL NL NL NM NS ZE NM NL NL NL NM NS ZE PS NS NL NL NM NS ZE PS PM ZE NL NM NS ZE PS PM PL PS NM NS ZE PS PM PL PL PM NS ZE PS PM PL PL PL PL NL NM NS ZE PS PM PL de 4.2 SIMULATION RESULTS This section presents the details of the simulation carried out on a test system connected with a fuzzy logic-based shunt active filter. The test system used in the previous chapters is used here also (Figure 4.5). The proposed control strategy is incorporated in the shunt active filter. The values of the circuit elements used in the simulation are given in Table 4.3. MATLAB/SIMULINK is used to simulate the test system and the proposed shunt active filter. The active filter performance is evaluated under steady state and transient system conditions. The comprehensive simulation results are presented below. Figure 4.5 Test System Table 4.3 System Parameters Parameter Supply phase to phase voltage, frequency Specification 415 V (rms), 50 Hz Line Parameters (Rs, Ls) 1 Load Resistance (R1,R2) 70 , 50 Load Inductance (L1,L2) 37 mH, 3mH Load I Power rating 7kw and 1160VAr Load II Power rating 5kw and 940VAr Filter coupling Inductance (Lf) 3 mH, 0.5 Inverter DC bus capacitor 1mF Vdc (reference) 700V Sampling Time 2x10-6 sec Switching Frequency 16 kHz , 1mH Load II Load I 76 77 A. Ideal Source Voltage Condition First the system is simulated without the active filter. In this case, the circuit breaker 1 is closed and circuit breaker 2 is opened. The three phase load current waveform without any filter with ideal source voltage is shown in Figure 4.6 (a). Figure 4.6(b) shows the harmonic spectrum of the distorted waveform. The total harmonic distortion of the distorted line current is 26.34%. From the harmonic spectrum, it is evident that, the supply current is distorted due to the dominancy of fifth and seventh harmonic spectral components. a) Distorted three phase line current b) Harmonic Spectrum of the line current Figure 4.6 Distorted line current and harmonic spectrum caused by three phase uncontrolled rectifier 78 Next, an active filter with the proposed control strategy is connected in parallel with the load. The fuzzy logic controller is used to maintain the voltage across the DC side capacitor constant. Figure 4.7 shows the source current along with the frequency spectrum in the presence of the active power filter with the proposed control scheme. The THD of current in Phase A, B and C has reduced to 3.87%, 3.89% and 3.39%. It shows that the THD has been very much reduced after connecting the filter. The performance of the active filter with the proposed controller is found to be excellent, and the source current is practically sinusoidal and it is in phase with the supply voltage as shown in Figure 4.8. Figure 4.7 Harmonic Technique current filtering with proposed Control 79 Figure 4.8 Waveform of Source voltage and Current in Phase A Figure 4.9 DC bus voltage maintenance-Performance comparison of PI and Fuzzy control The fuzzy-logic controller is used to maintain constant DC voltage across the capacitor. The performance the fuzzy controller is compared with the PI controller which is given in Figure 4.9. It is observed that the DC bus voltage is exactly maintained at the reference value by the fuzzy logic controller, whereas some deviations are present with the PI controller. The performance comparison is made between PI and Fuzzy controller and it is given in table 4.4. 80 Table 4.4 Performance Comparison between PI and Fuzzy S.No Parameters 1 Settling time 2 Rise time 2 Overshoot PI 0.04 sec 0.015sec 21% Fuzzy 0.01 sec 0.005sed 11% Case B: Unbalanced Source Voltage In this case, the source voltage is made unbalanced from 0.6 sec to 0.7 sec as shown in Figure 4.10 (a). The unbalance is due to the voltage deviation in phase A. In the absence of the filter, the load current THD is 35.66 % after 0.6 sec. The load current and its harmonic spectrum are shown in Figure 4.10 (b) and 4.10 (c) respectively. The high value of THD is due to the dominancy of the 3rd, 5th and 7th spectral content of the load current. The current waveform and its harmonic spectrum with general p-q and modified p-q theory along with proposed control strategy are given in Figure 4.11. Since the compensation current references have negative-sequence component, the three phase compensated source current is not sinusoidal with general p-q theory. The THD value of source current after compensation is 3.09% upto 0.6 sec and 7.5% after 0.6 sec in phase A with p-q theory. From the result it is clear that the general p-q theory is not suitable for unbalanced source voltage conditions. But the modified p-q theory reduces the THD value to 2.4 % upto 0.6 sec and 2.5% after 0.6 sec in phase A and also the compensated three phase source current is balanced and sinusoidal. The summary of source currents and their THD for general and modified p-q theory is given in table IV. The proposed control technique along with modified p-q theory has performed well under the unbalanced source voltage conditions. 81 Figure 4.10 Distorted line current and harmonic spectrum under unbalanced source voltage condition Figure 4.11 Harmonic current filtering under unbalanced supply with proposed Technique 82 Case C. Under Varying Load Condition To observe the transient characteristics of the proposed control strategy, a step change in load current was applied. For this, the load I is connected to the source upto 0.3 sec through circuit breaker I after that CB1 disconnects the load I from the source and CB2 connects the load II to the source. Figure 4.12 (a) and (b) show the source current without filter and with Shunt Active Filter respectively. The transient behavior of the proposed technique is compared with the conventional fixed hysteresis control as shown in Figure 4.12 (c). The proposed technique has good time response since it can predict the crossover point in each half switching period based on the instantaneous current reference signal. Figure 4.12 Load and Source current waveform during step change in load 83 4.3 CONCLUSION This chapter has presented a fuzzy logic based PWM current control technique for developing the active filter for three-phase systems and also a fuzzy logic controller is applied to maintain the constant voltage across the capacitor by minimizing the error between the capacitor voltage and the reference voltage. The performance of the proposed current control technique is good for both unbalanced and varying load conditions since the controller does not depend on the system parameter. Further the proposed controller has good time response and it can compensate the harmonics present in the source within half a cycle of the fundamental frequency. The simulation results show that the proposed technique is effective in current harmonic filtering and can keep the THD value within the IEEE standard.