Weather DISTRIBUTION , TODAY 23,750 7 *JB. tmpattw* «. y g f <Uy in the Sta, tow tonight *5 to 71. Tomorrow, tunny, Ugh new N. Friday, hot and humid. See weather, page 2. VOL. 87, NO. 13 / Red Bank Area f DIAL 741-0010 NORTHERN MONMOUTH'S HOiME NEWSPAPER Issued dally. Monday thrmuh STIdijr. Second Clasi PostiEi Paid U Red Bank tail U Hiaioj Olilce>. WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Barry Prepares to Lock UpNomination SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-^Sen. Barry Goldwater piloted, his thundering campaign jet toward a first-ballot presidential nomination today after bombing out opposition to a GOP platform he personally endorsed. With the Arizona senator's forces in complete command, the Republican National Convention Tuesday night rejected by overwhelming margins efforts of supporters of Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Scranton to amend a platform on which Goldwater said lie would be satisfied to run against President Johnson in November. Reject Proposal Most significant of the actions was the 897-409 vote by which the sometimes noisy and milling delegates rejected a Scrantonbacked proposal to amend a plank which promised implementation and execution of the Civil Rights Act. Sen. Hugh Scott, R-Pa., acted for Scranton in what could only be regarded as a last-gasp effort to provide some oxygen for the governor's fast-expiring Challenge to Goldwater for the presidential nomination. Scott proposed a substitute which would have -added a pledge for enforcement of the new law—against which Goldwater voted— by an increased Justice Department staff. It also proposed invoking the 14th Amendment to reduce congressional representation of states which disenfranchise some citizens to vote. Exceed Count The vote by which delegates batted down this proposal seemed to indicate that when they get around to choosing their nominee tonight Goldwater might exceed the necessary 655 count before the first call of the states even was completed. An Associated Press survey showed that Goldwaler headed into nomination day with 805 votes while Scranton had 169. , Scott, who engineered the losing platform fight, said there would be "no turning back" so far as Scranton is concerned. He predicted the governor will go down to the balloting wire, despite the obvious odds against him. At one point Tuesday, Scranton said: "It isn't so much a question of whether we win as that we demonstrate to all America that there are persons in our party who do feel this way." Conservative Majority Goldwater commenting through an aide on the d e v e l o p ments, said: "The Republican convention is reflecting the conservative majority in the Republican party." As matters stood, it was the consensus of his associates that Goldwater would tap Rep. William E. Miller of New York, the GOP national chairman, as his vice presidential running mate. Miller had strong support from Romney Rockefeller Eisenhower New England, Illinois, North tional chairman to succeed MillCarolina, Arkansas and Missis- er. Shout Approval sippi delegates. In a session lasting past midThe Arizona senator was exnight, the convention re[ected a pected to pick Denison Kitchel, total of five proposals to amend his campaign director, as na- the platform and delegates Nixon shouted their approval of the suggestion that the North Atlan-ltion of the amendment and Sen, draft. tic Treaty Organization com- Jacoh K. Javits, R-NY, was Two amendments dealt with mander be given more supervi- booed when he spoke for It. Rep. sion over the use of small nu- Gerald Ford, R-Mich, said the what their sponsors called political extremism, two were in the clear weapons to repel attack. amendment raised only a "smokefield of civil rights and a fifth Former Secretary of State screen issue." was aimed at Goldwatcr's Christian A. Herter urged adop(See PREPARES, Page 2) Scranton Loses Planks Fight SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Republican convention has soundly trounced three key planks by Gov. William W. Scranton challenging the party platform favored by backers of Sen. Barry . Goldwater. The critical roll call vote of 8<)7 to 409, rejecting a Scranton civil rights proviso, pointed toward the expected outcome today when the delegates vote directly on whom they want for their presidential nominee. There was no doubt during three hours of debate and voting last night that the contest was a preview of today's nomination clash, Scranton has keyed his campaign right along to contrasting his "moderate Republicanism" with Goldwater conservatism. Broaden Plank In carrying to the convention floor motions to broaden the platform's civil rights plank, to <lnncunce alleged extremism and to reaffirm the President's sole control over nuclear weapons, the Pennsylvanian was appealing to the party's court of last resort and hoping some delegates would switch to him. Scranton trotted out his heaviest artillery for his last-ditch platform fight. Former Eisenhower administration Secretary of Stale Christian A. Hcrter sponsored the nuclear provision. New York State Assembly Speaker Joseph Carlino launched the civil rights provision. A Scranton spokesman had called this a contest for the soul • of the Republican party. But his 2-1 roll call defeat came by about the same margin as his earlier setback in the 100man committee which drafted the platform last week. The convention rejected by uncounted standing votes the Scranton planks on extremism and atomic control. It also threw out in similar voting planks offered by Michigan Gov. George Romney on civil rights and extrem- Gaining Control Leading off (or Scranton was New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, who served up the plank on extremism. Scranton contends that the right wing John Birch Society is trying to take over the Republican Party and is supporting Goldwaler's candidacy as a means of gaining control. Scranton broadened his plank at the last moment, adding the Communists and the Ku Klux Klan to the John Birch Society as "extremist groups" to be repudiated by the party. His words drowned out at times by shouts of "We Want Barry," Rockefeller called on the delegates to denounce any "doo trinafre, militant minority" which would subvert the GOP "to purposes aliep to those which gave this party birth." Goldwater-backer Rep. John W. Byrnes of Wisconsin countered that the party should, dispose ol any extremism by meeting it "head on . . . with better idea* —with Republican principles," rather than any resolution whicb denies extremists the right to exist. Colorado Sen. Peter H. Dominick asked "how do we know what is or is not an extremist?" Then he read from a 200-yearold newspaper story portraying American patriot Patrick Henry as an extremist. (See PLANKS, Page 3) N.J. Delegates Inch Toward Barry "CIVIL RIGHTS PICKETS — Whila delegates to the Republican convention inside were debating a series of amendments to their platform yesterday, these pickets By JOHN KOLESAR [supported a Scranton-backed On the convention's first roll G. Fernald of Upper Montclair, as a strong personal test be• demanding a stronger civil rights plank marched outside San Francisco's Cow Palace. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-The amendment to the party plat- call, all 40 of New Jersey's votes an alternate delegate and co- tween Goldwater and Scranton. were cast in favor of the Scran- chairman of the New Jersey (AP Wirephoto) swelling ranks of Barry Gnld- form Tuesday night. On two other Scranton-backed water's supporters in New Jer- The amendment was aimed sey's delegation to the Repub- at strengthening the civil rights lican National Convention made plank in the platform. It was final push today to deliver a rejected by the Goldwater high majority of the delegation's 40 command during platform comvotes to the Arizona senator. mittee hearings last week. Goldwater picked up 4 more votes in the delegation Tuesday, giving him a total of 17. Gov. William W. Scranton, Goldwater's chief rival for the nomSAN FRANCISCO (AP) - A and out of police ranks around Police made no effort to move ination, remained at 22 votes. One delegate still was uncomthreatened "lie-in" to stall dele- the turnstile. the sitting, singing group which gates leaving the Republican Na- Within 15 minutas, almost all appeared to be made up main mitted. By SAUL PETT Backs Prediction tional Convention turned early' *o- of th« delegates had cleared the'y of young white men and womSAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Dear Former state Sen. Mark Anton day. into a token protest that area around the Cow Palace. en with some Negroes among of West Orange r chairman of doctor: Sncovenienced only a handful of H undreds who'left via side and them, I'm writing as per your sug the New Jersey Goldwater comdelegates~fbr a" few minutes. back exits, never knew anything The demonstration was spon- mittee, said, "I stand by my gestion that I could communicate There was no violence as po- was taking place. sored by the Congress of Racial prediction that New Jersey will |with you (without extra charge) lice quickly turned delegates There apparently was no at- Equality (CORE) and was aimed cast 20-plus votes for Goldwater if I have any emotional probaway from th; one turnstile-type | e mpt to block the parking lot at the apparently certain nomin- on the first and only ballot." lems during my visit to the Re exit to others. with bodies as had first been dis- ation tomorrow of Sen. Barry The delegation scheduled a publican Convention. It's hard Goldwater for the presidency. The few determined ones who cussed. final pre-ballot caucus but no to know where to begin. «aid, "We want to come out The demonstrators in front of Goldwater voted against the re- poll was due to be taken. For example, last night cently passed civil rights bill. here," were persuaded to go to the turnstile that was blocked Though the Goldwater dele- dreamed an elephant came into other exits, numbered about 20. They threw In an interview with Dan Rath- gates were obviously happy with my room wearing tennis sneakers The only sign of a scuffle came themselves in front of It as soon er of CBS. John Lewis, chairman the growing bandwagon trend and poured a pile of McKinley when television cameramen and as the main body of delegates of the Student Non-Violent Co- that made the Arizona senator's buttons right onto my chest. The nomination almost certain, they telephant said, "That's the main news photographers jostled in started leaving. (See PROTEST, Page 3) Cow Palace 'Lie-In' Only Token Protest Hint School Racial Demonstration Mr. Thompson is education chairman for the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He and Ivan Polonsky of Harding Rd. called last night, and at former board meetings, for an end to Board of Education inaction on tlie problem, Edmund J. Canzona, board president, repeated his stand that no action should be taken until the completion of a study of elementary school building requirements. Mr. Canzona said he would not yield lo the pressure of a few. lie said, "I'm beginning to rcicnt that two or three of you come up here every month," to which Mr. Polonsky replied, "Isn't there enough noise In Red Dank?" and Mr. Thompson replied, "Are you asking for a demonstration?" Tha president said he didn't care if Mr. Thompson's group demonstrated or not. Mr. Thompson told reporters the NAACP chapter had discussed demonstrations as a possible means of attaining its |;oals. Asked if he spoke at board meetings for himself or with the backing of the chapter, Mr. Thompson said, "You'll have 10 ask William Fischer (chapter president) about that." The school board has acknowledged that racial imbalance exists in the lower grades, but had deferred any discussion of the problem until after receipt of a report from RutRers University consultants studying the borough's school plnnt ncrdr,. That report was due June 30. Mr. Polonsky reminded tho board thai it had promised last month ID meet and discuss Hie imbalance problem if the rp|>orl did not arrive on time. The report was late, but was to have been filed July 7. Mr, Canzunn said last night, liowever, that he had conferred with the consultants and llieir report was not finished. Mr. Canzona said there had not been a meeting of the board on the subject of racial imbalance. t Goldwater committee, said the stronger civil rights plank conformed with New Jersey principles. She said the Goldwaler delegates decided to vote for it as long as it was not portrayed amendments, the New Jersey Goldwater supporters split with the rest of the delegation in varying degrees. At a caucus Tuesday the New (See DELEGATES, Page 2) Visitor's Letter To a Psyehiatrist Red Bank Board Awaits Building Needs Report RED BANK — The possibility of a civil rights, demonstration in Red Bank was mentioned last night by Stafford W. Thompson of West Westside Ave., an outspoken voice for the elimination of racial imbalance in the lower grades of the borough's schools. ton-backed amendment. It was the largest state to cast a unanimous vote for it. The measure was defeated 897-409. Anton shrugged off the significance of the vote. Mrs. Julia . Last month a motion to schedule a meeting resulted in a split vote, and the motion was withdrawn before Mr. Canzona cast a deciding vote. Mr. Canzona said he would,favor a meeting on Ihe raciul problem if the Rutgers report was not filed by the end of the month. The Rutgers report is expected to recommend construction of a new elementary school and suggest a site for it. Mr. Canzona stuck to his contention that the construction might solve the racial problem although Ihe consultants were not hired to study that situation specifically. The board president disclaimed that schools are segregated nr that they ever have been in Red Hank, lie said when he was attending school bore "1 sat next to (colored musician) Count Basie, and we never felt segregated." Mr. Carauna cut short the debate between himself and Mr. Thompson by charging that Mr. Thompson appeared and spoke to get his name in the newspaper and aggravate the board. Ha asked, "We're not In favor of segregation so why tills intense pressure?" stream, Billy boy," and left. What do you suppose that means? Why the elephant? Who's-Billy? Does it mean I'm still transferring my rebellion against my mother? Before I went to bed, 1 had an odd reaction to an incident in the lobby. A rather large lady delegate from Arizona bumped into me, muttering, "Stay, in the middle of the road, Billy boy, and you're bound to get knocked over." She didn't actually knock me over and, of course, I wasn't hurt. But for two hours after I was shivering and sweating all over. For the life of me I don't fenw-whyr Repeatedly Confused I hope you don't think this is part of my repressed sexual pattern. Surely it couldn't have been, could it? In this whole convention, even Dr. Freud wouldn't find much sex. I find myself repeatedly confused about many little things that most other people seem to understand. For e x a m p l e , through a newspaper friend, I was able to go to Gen. Eisen- hower's press conference. Now, you kno- how I've always looker! forward to being in the same room but 1 wasn't there 10 minutes when I got my old sinus headache again, which we both know is psychosomatic. At one point, the general wai asked for his comment on extremism, and he said, "You all know I've always been against extremism in all human events except for morals and the exact sciences." Now that's a simpls enough thing to say but I be(Sec LETTER, Page 2) Barry Likes Ham Radio Talk SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-While crowds of followers chant his name in hotel lobbies and San Francisco streets, Sen. Barry Goldwater spells it out for his 'ellow amateur radio operators. Goldwater's first San Francisco rowed from a San Francisco operation was with a miniature radio company. set. He got it Friday morning, Goldwater has picked up fellow but it didn't work. hams as far away as Australia. By Saturday, he had a new one Most of the people he talks to —even bigger than the one at wish him good luck in his quest home. It's in the glass-ftnclosed (or the presidential nomination. "The handle is Barry, Baker solarium three steps up from his He opens his messages this Able Robert Robert Yankee.1' ho Isuite on the 15th floor. There is way. lolls them over Ihs horrmvrd 30-fi>nl antenna alup the hotel, | "this is K7UGA, Portable 6, dam radio set in the solarium of (in top of San Francisco's Nob broadcasting from the top of the his Mark Hopkins hotel suite. Hill to beam Goldwatcr'.s signal. Mark Hopkins Hotel, San FranThe early morning hours are An aide said Goldwaler bad it) cisco. Calif, The handle is Goldwatcr's favorites for haul installed to power the set bor- Harry. lalk, but he gets in a call nr two whenever he has the chance. Bet tint; on Ihe air was an early order of business when Goldwater arrived horn fnr ihe Republican Page Page National Convention last ThursEditorials 8 9 day. Me has ham stations at Allen-Scott .. 6 Herblock hi.-. Phoenix home and his Wash- Amusements 14 14 Movie Timetable ington apartment. 2 Births Obituaries 2 6 Sylvln Porter Jim Bishop AUCTION SAI.K 8 18-19 18 Sports Inspection daily D:01) t« 5:11(1. Rrldgc Stock Market 4 Auction sale Saturday, July IS, John Chamberlain 8 20-21 Successful Investing 4 10:30 A.M. Coats Galleries, Nor- Classified 14 18 Television wood Ave., Deal, next to A&P.— Comics _.. Adv. Crossword Funle W Women'i New» 10 Today's 2-Wedwwiiy, July IS, 1964 THE DAILY REGISTER National, World News in Brief Rumson Man Is Elected to Post Births SiU.S. tO Boost Middletown Airs Sewer Plan Tonight EAST ORANGE (AP) - Howard L. McMurray, SJI architect 1mm Mountainside, was elected MtS. WOJJAM OAK president of lie r*wly i/irmtA KEYJPORT — Mn. Deborah E. Mr. »iA Mrs. William M t n , MICGJjKTf/WN —. The TownKirk, » , of 212 Brotdway died Hew Itney Institute o! BuMwg 26 Roosevelt Ave., Ketnsburg, W A S H I N G T O N (APj - of the 16,500 then assigned were ship Committee and the Board Monday at her home. She was land Construction yeslerday. Reversing a cutback started pulled back. The new continson, Maniay. Other officers elected were Jo- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wenzel, last year, the United States will gents will replace part of that of Health will sponsor a'hearing the widow of William Kirk. From the Wires of Tlie Associated 1'reu tonight on the proposed exten- Mrs. Kirk was born in Engeph Rosenthal of South Orange, 268 First St., Keyport, son, Mon- ncrease its military manpower fetal. in South Viet Nam by about 600 It was understood the decision sion of sewer service from the land and came to this country ANSBACH, Cjermany — Luft- U. S. District Judge Sidney Mire irst vice president; Kenneth lay. 90 years ago. She moved here hansa jet, airliner crashed near how it would obey his desegre- iiaso of Patenson, second vice Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, men during the next few to send the additional men was Willett Acres sewer plant, Main from Trenton, where she had remonths. reached before the assignment Anabach today on a training flight ,ation orders. iresident; Thomas G. Smith of 294 First St., Keyport, son, MonSt., Port Monmouth, to six hous- »ded most of her life. »nd first police reports said there tumson, secretary, and Jules day. Nearly half of this figure will of Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, ing projects. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. former chairman of the Joint w:re no survivors. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van CuPostpone Rocket Shot •Viedland of Millburn, treasurer. be additional Special Forces, ren, Bucks La., Marlboro, daugh- made available to provide more Chiefs of Staff as ambassador to The meeting is scheduled for Hazle Hamilton of this place; A Lufthansa spokesman said CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. -Techtwo grandchildren, Mrs. Evelyn ler, Monday. U.S. advisers working in the South Viet Nam and the eleva- 8 p.m. in the Thome School. only three persons—aU employes nical problems forced postponeMr. and Mrs.- Claude Surdi, 10 field with South Viet Nam's reg- tion of Gen. William Westmore- Dr. Marc Krohn, health board Phillips of Freehold and Harry of the West German airline- ment today of an attempt to 'armdale Rd., Hazlet, daughter, ular army and to establish land to head the U.S. military secretary, said that through a Kirk of Loch Arbour; ssven were aboard the- Boeing 720 jet. launch three satellites into orbit (Continued) more special forces training un- command there. Monday. mailing error, approximately one ;reat-great-grandchildren. The airliner had taken off from to lay the groundwork for a Frankfurt for a test flight and ipace network intended to police Before the amendments were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Raze, 168A s near the border between No figures were available on third of the residents of the six The funeral will be at the conthe extent of North Vietnamese areas were not formally notified venience of the family. The John was to return to Frankfurt with- the partial nuclear test ban trea- called up, Rep. Melvin R. Laird, Eaton Crest Ct., Eatontown, twin outh Viet Nam and Laos. W. Mehlenteck Funeral Home, out landing elsewhere. tyWord of the U S . manpower infiltration into South Viet Nam. of the meeting. He said other R-Wis, chairman of the Platform sons, yesterday. Lufthansa said it had no indi- The Air Force tentatively re- Committee, called for the read- Mr. and Mrss. John McCue, 52 ncrease came along with new Robert McCloskey, State De- residents in the area have been Hariet, is in charge ol arrangecation of the cause of the crash. scheduled the launching of the ing of the full 9-noo-word docu- John St., Red Bank, son, yester- nformation on infiltration of partment press officer, said contacted, however, and asked ments. North Vietnamese regular army there is a continuing influx of to attend the meeting. Atlas agena booster rocket for ment. Delegates drifted out for day. MRS. MARY CAFFREY small groups of guerrillas ajid The township proposes to conSUII in the Race Friday,. a hotdog and a soft drink, leav- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eschner, personnel into the south. & Taylor Ave., East Keansburg, of Communist-made military nect homes in the projects to the RUMSON-Mrs. Mary Caffrey, LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Gov. Cause of today's trouble was ing the floor half vacant while The additions will raise the 2, of Elm La., died yesterday son, yesterday. equipment. George C. Wallace of Alabama, not revealed. this was going on. ecently constructed W i l l e t t totai of U.S. Special Forces in at Riverview Hospital. She was Mr, and Mrs. Holland Rudy, 9 McCloskey said he could not Icres plant eaying he is in the race for Pres- Packed in the nose of the rockThe areas are Viet Nam to about 1,000, and the Deny TV Time Raphael PI., Middletown, daughconfirm reports of either large- ountryside, Lakeland Park, Lin- the widow of John S. Caffrey. ident to stay, (old a rally last et are two nuclear detection sen total U.S. strength there to A member of the Rosary and scale infiltrations of men or an coln park, Mercer Park, Kinnight that "together we can win try satellites, each weighing 493 Rockefeller charged this ma- ter, this morning. about 16,000 men. increased flow of military sup- ade Manor and Harmony Gar- Altar Society of the Catholic the balance of power for the pounds, and a 4',4-pound "Pyg- neuver was designed to deny Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Peters, prime television time in the East 3 Bucknell Dr., Hazlet, son, this Last fall, before a series of plies into the area. Church of the Nativity, Fair South." my" satellite to measure tte ens. to the platform's critics. changes in the South Viet Nam McCloskey did say that equipHaven, Mrs. Caffrey is survived morning. Speaking to a crowd of 2,400 Van Allen radiation belt. Officials hope to outline details government and a step-up in ment made in the Soviet Union, by two daughters, Mrs. Ralph When' Rockefeller got to the MONMOUTH MEDICAL at a rally sponsored by a segrethe project, including costs, to Viet Cong attacks, the United Czechoslovakia and Communist Evans of West Keansflxirg, and podium to argue for an anti-exCENTER gationist organization, the Demo Switchblade Girl States had set out to cut back China has been found in the (sidents. Mrs. John McCauley, here; and Long Branch craric governor indicated his prl NEW YORK - An all-male remist amendment, he got a The six areas were selected by the number ot U.S. military five grandchildren, northern mountains of South mary aim was in getting enough grand jury reportedly will clea stormy reception. Chants of "We Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, .he health board for connection Services Thursday at 10 a.m. electoral votes to throw the elec- a raven-haired beauty of any le- Want Barry" rolled down from 109 North Fifth Ave., Long men stationed there. About 1,000 Viet Nam. ;o the plant on the basis of sep- from the John E, Day Funeral tlon into the House of Represent- gal wrongdoing for possessing an the galleries, mixed with boos Branch, son, yesterday. ic tank complaints and permits Home, Red Bank, will be followed atives. illegal weapon — a switchblad and cheers. Often the New York Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morrow, issued for corrective work In that event, said Wallace, he knife—which she used to figh: governor, who had made some 17 Belmar Ave., Oceanport, son by a Requiem Mass at th« :hese tanks. slashing attacks on Goldwater in yesterday. could swing the election to any off a would-be rapist. Church of the Nativity at 10:30 The plant originally was deprimary campaigns, was drowned Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyter, candidate who would proclaim a.m. Burial will be in ML Olivet Several newspapers said the iigned to service 172 homes in out by boos in the middle of a 6 Shrewsbury Ave., Oceanport, state's rights policy acceptable to Queens Grand Jury, whose proCemetery, Middletown. he Willett Acres development sentence. daughter, Monday. the South. ceedings are secret, refused tc The township entered into an Afterward he said it was all Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barlow, indict Arlene Del Fava, 27, afte JAMES E. IVINS greement with the developer to Mississippi Schools hearing her testimony yesterday. "part of the American political 5 First Ave., Port Monmouth, HOWELL, Mich. - James E. ailarge the plant so that approxJACKSON, Miss. -Two school The 22-man jury renders its scene" and hadn't bothered him daughter, Monday. vins, 64, formerly of Freehold, mately 300 homes and two boards have submitted plans to decisions to a Criminal Court personally. He said that Goldwa- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Mahon, MIDDLETOWN - Middletown at denial that township repreN. J., died here yesterday. schools could be connected to the ter's supporters had "seen to it 47 Sixth Ave., Long Branch, a federal Judge to desegregate judge today. Born in Freehold, he was the ientatives had been told their acility. 1 'ownship Committeaman Ernest first grade classrooms in the fall, Miss Del Fava, a universit; hat their friends were here. daughter, Monday. son of the late James and Eliza riews wouldn't be considered. signalling the end of Mississip- secretary, had been booked b; Mrs. Barry Goldwater, wife of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Washing- O. Kavalek is a man eager to The attorney said afterward he The plant lias a capacity of Eldridge Ivins. He was the huspi's holdout as the last slat police on an anti-weapons law the expected presidential nomi- Ion, Morganville, son, Friday, band of the late Etta Malsbury get' back on the Superior Cour^ may recall Mr. Kavalek now to 140,000 gallons per day. KITKIN without school integration below charge after admitting she nee, occupied a front row box Part of the joint agreement in- >ins. witness stand. He may get the ebut the director. Neptune the college level. plunged the switchblade knife in- seat at the then-quiet convention olves the township assuming chance today. "Thej; (state officials) told us ownership and control of the Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Leon A third board was expected to to a man who attacked her nea while former President Dwight Mr. and Mrs. Robert SpringHerbert of East Freehold, _N, J.. S are wasting our time," the Mr. Kavalek was called yesterlant at a later date. Join the school cystems of Jack- her Forest Hills home at 1:3 D. Eisenhower addressed the !ield, Adelphia, son, yesterday. Graveside services will be contownship committeeman told The day to tell about a conversation son and Biloxi today in telling a.m. July 5. delegates. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pinilla, ducted Saturday at 11 a.m. In Register. "I hope I get the chance of township and New Jersey 1417 Edgewood Ave., Wanamassa, Maplewood Cemetery, Freehold. Given Ovation Highway Department officials o tell it to the court." Burial will be under direction of . Eisenhower, given an ovation daughter, Monday. about local objections to a pro- Joseph Azzolina, owner of the Freeman Funeral Home, Freeurged the Republicans to avoid posed new jughandle in the Rt. 'ood Circus, south of Five Corhold. -„ factional strife and renew their 35-Five Corners complex. ners, on whose property the jugstrength "from the fountain of handle would be built, contends But Judge Gene R. Mariano, DRJWARY J. ROSS unity." Signs reading "We Stil KEYPORT - The Board ol (Continued) who expects today to conclude he facility's principal value GHAMTON, N.Y. — Canswould be to service the Two Education last night hired thre UNION BEACH - The Board Flynn said that during her entir Like Ike" bobbed up and down ths three-day trial of a suit to Jersey delegation had agreed Guys from Harrison department Ktchers for the 1964-65 school dian-born Dr. Mary J. Ross, 87, of Education last night accepted term of service here, Miss Maurei as Eisenhower and his wife block the jughandle construction, unanimously to support a contore on the opposite side of the 'ear and accepted the resigns- of 117 Murray St., aunt o* Clark "with deepest regret" the resig- established a record of "almosi walked beaming down the long Kemp, Jr., Navesink Ave., demnation of extremists without held that whatever was said was Highway. , ions of two others. nation of Miss Minnie E. Maurer, perfect" attendance. He eslimatei platform to the speakers' rosnot relevant to merits ol the conRumson, N.J., died last Wednesmentioning any names. When who has been teaching in this she has missed "only about twi rum. The township has joined him Mrs. Bertha Alpine and Mrs. struction. day in her home here after a a Scranton-backed amendment tchool system 44 years. An arms-raised salute by Eisn a suit to void state plans on Sophie Gevas, local residents, school days" in the 44 years. long illness. As a physician, the condemning the John Birch Township Attorney Vincent C. Miss Maurer, who lives In Key- The board also accepted with enhower before he began speak- Society and other organizations De Maio, however, developed the grounds that the site involves 'ere hired with emergency osr- gained wide recognition. ing brought down the house. irime commercial ratables and ficates at salaries of (4,400. Mrs. port, submitted her resignation regret the resignation, also for by name was put to a standing point later and drew from Joihould be shifted 150 feet south. ilpine will Sach seventh and The New York State Chapter "We must learn," Eisenhower vote in the convention, the deletor reasons of health. She was health reasons, of Thomas C seph R. Cunningham, Highway of the American Medical Society # iighth grades, and Mrs. Gevaa told the delegates, "that when assigned to the third grade at Cestone, a fifth grade teacher. gation split along its Scranton- Department director of roads, a Lawrence Lawton, a traffic ennamed her as Medical Woman hird grade. any Republican concerns himself gineer, testified Monday and yesthe Florence Avenue School. Goldwater lines. The board hired James Aubrey, of the Year in 1955, Previously, terday that the alternate loca- Miss Natalie S. Hajprman wa School Administrator John R. Oceanport, as a fifth grade teach' too much in condemning this or Then Michigan Gov. George she had been cited for her skill that faction of decent people in ion would be more advantageous ilred as a high school English er at a yearly.salary of $6,150. as a general practitioner by the the party, he is hurting himself Romney proposed an extremism afety wise and would meet all teacher at a salary of $4,800. Mrs. Madeline Brower was apNew York State Medical Society amendment similar to the one NEW JERSEY - Partly cloudy and the party." the service requirements nec- Miss Hagerman is a graduate ol pointed head teacher at Florence and by Broome County, N.Y. endorsed by New Jersey. The and warm today scattered after- ssary. There was a roar of applause Bucknell University and will re Avenue School with a $300 salary Services were held last SaturScranton supporters voted for noon or evening tiiundershowers. Mr. Cunningham said the ]ugwhen Eisenhower condemned side in Matawan. hike. day in the Prentice Funeral that one, too, and were joined "sensation-seeking" newspaper by some of the Goldwater back- High in 80s. Becoming fair to- andle was not included in or- Resignations were accepted Home here. The burial toe* place Robert C. Erickson, 4 Dibling columnists and commentators. He ers. But a couple of the Gold- night. Low in 60s to around 70. iginal plans and wasn't designed from Mrs. Lucille Glover and Mr. Monday at North Embfo, Canada. St., was sworn in as a board urged the delegates to ignore water delegates voted against Thursday mostly s u n n y and until local sources' asked for a Raymond W. Grosholz. Mrs. GIovmember, filling the unexpirei warm. High 85-90. raffic light at the highway and heir "divisive efforts." MRS. MARY E. PRICE it nnd a few others didn't vote ir was the home economics teachterm of Mrs. Antoinette Novick, Marine Twin Brook Ave., a road adjoinResponding to cries of "more,1 either way. KEYPORT—The Board of Edu- who recently resigned becausi er and Mr. Grosholz taught com- ELIZABETH (AP) - Private cation awarded a $5,285 contract she was moving out of the bor- Elsenhower described such col- The third amendment taken Cape May to Block Island — ing Two Guys property and lead- mercial subjects funeral services will be held tolast night for installation of an ough. Mr. Erickson, father of umnists and commentators as up in the long session endorsed Southwest to southerly winds 10 ing into the Kings Village housThe superintendent of schools, morrow in Reading, Pa., for Mrs. automatic fire detection system four children, was raised in people "who couldn't care less presidential control over the use to 15 knots through Thursday ing devs-lopment to the rear of George D. Search, said replace- Mary E. Price, the mother of Two Guys. for the 93-year-old grammar Union Beach, returned here to about our party." of nuclear arms. Goldwater has except less than 10 knots tonight. ments for Mrs. Glover and Mr. New Jersey Rep. Florence P. His own personal knowledge of school here. reside two years ago. His term Sen. Thruston B. Morton ol suggested giving the commander Partly cloudy today chance >f Grosholz have not been secured. Dwyer. he situation, he said in cross Kentucky, the convention's perMrs. Price died yesterday at of NATO the power to decide scattered showers or thundershowThe contract was awarded to expires Feb. 1. ixamination by Mr. De Maio and The board also hired William her home, 320 Verona Ave., at manent chairman, called on the ers. Becoming fair tonight and use tactical nuclear Vena Electric Co., Gliffwood, Republicans to "stick a pin in when to Thursday. Visibility generally five Mr. Azzolina's lawyer, Milton Lehman for the high school jan- the age of 87. who submitted the second lowest the bright bubble that Lyndon weapons. miles or better except one mile Abramoff, of Red Bank, was con- itorial staff. Mr. Lehman was She lived with her daughter, bid. Johnson is building around Wash- This proposal had been en- or less in fog northeast during ined to a 90-minute observation hired for the period July 15, who is Republican representative dorsed in the pre-session caucus, 1964, to June 30, 1965, and wi The award was made on the one morning' last November. ington." morning hours. (Continued) from the Sixth Congressional Disbut some of the Goldwater delereceive $3,066. advice of Gerard A. Barba, He was satisfisd then, he said, The slory of what's happening came confused and that's when trict. Mrs. Dwyer was at her gates were angered when Sen Shrewsbury architect. lhat Twin Brook Ave. traffic was :oday, Morton told the delegates, High during the past 24 hours, he sinus ache began. Do you mother's bedside when she died. MRS. HOWARD R. STONE The New Jersey Fire Alarm suppose I'm fighting that old is one of increased government Jacob K. Javits of New York 87. Low, 65. Ocean,temperature, "fairly heavy," and that an ad Mrs. Price, who was born in Co., Newark, submitted a lower block? Still refusing to admit to spending, weakness in foreign af- said during the debate that the 66. Rainfall, .01 inches. dition in plans was needed. NEPTUNE CITY - Mrs. Au- Reading, also leaves a brother, bid, $5,100, but Mr. Barba rec- my inner self the importance of fairs and "one of the biggest amendment was necessary beAt first he denied that the only drey Carton Stone, 62, of River- Joseph Gagenfurtner of Reading, cause of Goldwater's remarks. ommended that the firm not be mndles of dirty linen that has substantial change in the physi front, widow of Howard R. Stone and four grandchildren. She had TIDES the father image in my life? Some of the New Jersey Goldgiven thB pact because its sys:ome out of Washington in this cal situation in the area, between died Monday in Fitkin Hospital three sons, all of whom are dead. ' Sandy Hook Enjoying Convention water delegates voted against tem did not meet the board's century." ths original planning of the com- after a short illness. the amendment, which was de- TODAY-High 1:39 p.m. and I am enjoying the convention specifications. plex and the time he was there, Mrs. Stone was a native ol JOHN J. QUINN, SR. Introduce Nominee low 7:51 p.m. feated by a wide margin. I really am, really. I find ii A representative of the low PERTH AMBOY (AP) — John Former Vice President RichTOMORROW —High 1:46 a.m. was start of construction on the Asbury Park and a lifelong res exciting and stimulating to see The New Jersey delegation Two Guys plant. bidder was present, and quesdent of the area. She was J. Quinn Sr., Perth Amboy postrd M. Nixon, who will introduce and 2:29 p.m. and low 8:19 a.m tioned the specifications. His the great processes of democracy the presidential nominee, told a had been given permission by and 8:53 p.m. He said there had been consid- receptionist for the law firm ol master from 1933 to his retirethe convention chairman to secat work. And I simply don' remarks caused several members news conference yesterday that For Red Bank and Rumson erable other development. Bu Carton, Nary, Witt and Arvantis, ment in 1954, died yesterday at ol the board to consider modify- agree with a friend of mine who Goldwater had moved "from the ond the civil rights and nuclear pinned down to identify the con- Asbury Park. his home, 93 Lewis St. He was 79. bridge, add two hours; Sea ing the specifications to include was watching the convention on status of the senator from Ari- arms amendments. Originally struction, he could not do so. He Surviving are four brothers, J Quinn also was a past presiBright, deduct 10 minutes; Long the New Jersey Fire Alarm Co, television. He found it so dull zona to the position of the nomi- Mrs. Josephine S. Margetts and agreed when Mr. De Maio said Victor Carton, former Monmouth dent of the Perth Amboy Board he said, he turned off the TV nee of his party—and It could State Sen. John E. Hunt of Branch, deduct 15 minutes, High- "you are only guessing, aren' County prosecutor who resides of Education and a former memiystem. Gloucester County were given lands bridge, add 40 minutes. you." and let an encyclopedia salesman happen tomorrow." here, J. Gerard Carton of Avon ber of the Board of Governors Board members said they the speechmaking assignments, in. Why is it I feel differen Judga Mariano said after ad and James D. and Robert V of Perth Amboy General Hospital. Nixon added that, "Goldwater, but this was changed and Sen. would consider this "pneumatic" journment that he expects to be Carton of Interlaken; and twe He leaves his wife, Elizabeth;' running on the platform, is in system for installation in the re from other people? Why do my old hives return the mainstream of the Republi- Clifford P . Case and Rep. Peter ble to render a decision imme- sisters, Mrs. Jeanne Marie Pred a son, John J. Jr. of Little Silver; warning schools. Frelii\ghuysen made the telediately upon completion of argu ham of this place and Mrs. Marie a daughter, Mrs. Emily McCarThe next board meeting will be every time I hear sucli phrases can party. I intend to go all out vised speeches in favor of the Freeman of Gettysburg, Pa. ments by all sides. thy of Perth Amboy, and six July 21 for the purposes of dis- as "the Grand Old Party" oi in support of him." amendments. Both are Scranton The funeral was scheduled to grandcliiidren. Except fnr occasional cross ex . Scranton said yesterday that no supporters. cussing the referendum for "tlie annals of history" or "his amining, Mr. De Maio has de- today from the Daniel A. Reill; Quinn will be buried at St. school construction bond issue. tory records" or "prayerful matter what happens he will supVoting Strength thought" or "smashing victory in port the Republican ticket ac'erred to Mr. Abramoff to pre- Funeral Home, Belinar, with Mary's Cemstery tomorrow foiMost of the convention action November?" Why is it my old tively in November. SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Ber- sent the entire case against the Mass at 9 a.m. in St. Elizabeth'; liwing a Requiem Mass at St. took place after 9 p.m. (mid claustrophobia returned last night "I'm not taking any walk or Mary's Catholic Church. nard M, Slianley, the Republican highway department. Deputy At Church, Avon. when the Republicans read thei sitting on my hands'," he said night in the East) and the ses candidate for the U.S. Senate torney General William McCor -LEGAL XOTICE-LEGAL NOTICE sion broke up shortly before whole platform to the conven- But he said he doesn't think i from New Jersey, held a break- mack represents the state. SUMMARY OR SVJIOFS1S OF 19(11 AUDIT R E r o n T OF THB tion, all 9.000 words of it? I would be "helpful to our party' 1 a.m. BOROUGH OF NEIV-SHREWSBURY AS REQUIRED B I N . 4. ». 40A-.H fast meeting Tuesday with his found it very interesting. Why to take second place on the Goldwater's voting strength COMBINED COMPARATIVE BALANCE S1ITET HIGHLANDS — Borough Coun- were other people there sleeping ticket. December 31 p«cemb«r 31 in the delegation has grown old boss — former President ASSETS Year 1963 Year 19*2 Dwight D. Eisenhower. cil last night received three bids or reading the paper? And why ash and InventmPiiU 4 51S.731.37 I 534,093 01 Scranton refused to repudiati from 12 to 17 votes since it r a n i and Uen» Receivable 88.718.33 110.8M.M for improvements to Shore Dr. is it, doctor, that I was re. Shanlcy, a lawyer who lives savagely-worded attack on first caucus Sunday. Since then Property Acquirer! ror Taxes—Aawmetl Value „. 18.(135.00 8 585 (W and four for the construction of a minded of that old recurrin, Receivable -... 17.462.M 16 613 93 Goldwater in a letter sent from he has added Monmouth County in Bernardsville, N.J., was a WASHINGTON (AP) — Th Accounts DeffrrM Charge.! to Future Taxation— storm water pumping station at dream of mine where my Uncl special aide nnd appointments Chairman J.' Russell Woolley, Omtral Caftul -15,000.00 17,200.00 his headquarters to the AriValley Ave. Hunt, W. Leslie Rogers of Penn. secretary for Eisenhower when U.S. Health Service says It ha, Dpfprml Clinrgpa to Revenue of Moc keeps trying to set m e ' zonan. Succeeding i « i r s ..._ .„...»...._ _„.. found salmonella cultures, whic 11.800.00 he was President. saviken, am! Mayor Fred J. Her. swallow the Manhattan telephon On the recommendation of Bori t is true that I did not writ' cause dysentery, in clams take Total Aaseta 4 685.I9S.65 | DOB.SS2.B7 ough Engineer August F. Postel, directory? Slianley said he discussed th in closed areas of Raritan Bay it and did not see it and dii mann of No^lh Brunswick, all the bids were held for study, to Liked Speech not sign it," Scranton said. But of whom had been uncommitted. possibility of Eisenhower apI.IAIUUTIEH, RKilEnVEg AND 8UHPLU6 be awarded at a meeting Tues- 1 thoroughly enjoyed Gen he added that since it was pre- Hunterdon County Chairman pearing on his behalf in New The writers in which the in Improvement Aulliorlnfttlnns j M.2M-.17 % 2.177.04 fected clams were found liavi Other LifthlllUei! and Special Fundi 286,634.67 834 617 21 day night. Eisenhower's speech last nigh pared by his staff "1 do not dis- Walter E. Fornn switched from Jersey during the election cam IleBErve for Certain A«el9 Rec«lvabl« US.442.IS& ^3S,8U 71 Bidders on the Shore Dr. proj- I found it forceful and wel avow responsibility for that let- Scranton to Goldwater Tuesday. paign. The former Presiden bo?n condemned for some tim Surpliu _ 319.4S1.2I K«.419.9< and shellfish from them are nol Bergen County Sheriff Martin did not commit himself, Shan ect w.?re: Manzo Contracting Co. phrased. The delegates liked i ter." Total Llahllltiei. Reserve! and Surplui . -4 682.7W.65 • tVg.M2.B7 being marketed. Inc., Matawan, $R9,7M; C. lirtla- too, and cheered many times, f The letter accused Goldwater J. Ferber <Iropp«d his uncom- ley said, but promised to give The health service said pietro Co., Hopelawn, $74,71(1 course, they're mostly for Gold- nt advocating irresponsible ac mitted status to announce foi the request top priority. COIMrAIIATIVK STATBMENT «>K tll'HUATION AND S t R F l . l B findings confirmed the need tc CURRENT FUND and Charles J. Hesse, Inc., Bel- water, as you know. Bui why is tions nnd his managers of treat, Scranton. Otherwise, the breakfast was keep Ih; waters closed to shellY e a r 1M2 Revenue lOanli IWltll Ye»r 1063 The last remaining uncom ford $81,428. it I kept remembering that Goli ing convention delegates like " Rainnce. January 1 I I 3.4,974 IJ a nostalgic nffair, Shenley said. fishing, although a federal-stat Burplun Mlscetlanpoll.i— From other than Pumping station conslructioi water once described the Eisen- flock of chickens whose neck mitted delegate was Burlingtoi They reminisced, he said, espe _ 122,»2t.6S IjOCBl Propi-rty Tax l.pvlps County Chhirmnn John Dimon chilly about events which ha project aimed at ellminatin Collection of Delinquent Taxei and bidders were: Remwo Asso hower administration as a "dimi will be wrung at will." 1 pollution in that area has beei Tax Tlth" Llena R5..VH.M 105.613.10 ciates, Inc., Matnwan, $35,470: store New Deal? ' Cilii-i-tkm <it Turrf-nt Tax l.rvy fit 1.116. MR RP taken place in the same, room imrfpr way for thrco years. 15.56.V53 6.MXI.O0 lnlerluni! l^iiiis KMum*Mt A. P. Thompson, Red Rank 1 enjoyed Mr. Nixon's pres In the St. Francis Hotel eigh Salmon Ellae are bacleri $33,641; Thnmns Prnrlrr, Inr conference and hung on evci 41,810.1641.61 years ngo. The 195ft GOP con which often infect the intesline: 1 Bxpenithun !! (Arerunl Rash) Long Branch, $31,000, and Wil word. 1 think it's perfectly vention wns also held in San of animals and also infect mi Itutlecl ExiieiulUures: Municipal I'urpones * 387.312.00 I 3I7.770.M Ham Kohl I.incrofl, $3!>,7G0. proper that lie should remain SAN FRANCISCO — Mrs. Katherine Neuberuw of Francisco nnd Eisenhower lint mans through food such as pou County Tnxei , 16S.8W.4O — l.mis Everett, N. J., a supporter of Governor Scranton for the An ordinance ndnpi.?il by coun- neutral about tlie party's choice ~. 817.232.77 the same hotel room then. Hi try, meat and eggs, or throug Ijical anil Regional School Taxea M9.130.16 Inlerfund I-oans Made 337.00 Re-publican presidential nomination, is expected today to cil last month authorizes nn ex for President. But again I bewns renominated for a seconi water. Other Expenditure! ..> 305.18 669.2> came confused ami my old stompenditure of $100,000 for the p;tv offer n seconding speech for the nomination of Governor term nt the convention. .....H,42t.6».3« II.ST0.I22I.17 Within 12 to 48 hours of conTotal Kxnpnilltiir<*s ing of Shore Dr. and $24,000 for ach pains returned. I kept reGeorge W. Romney of Michigan for president. Also at the breakfast wen sumption, they cause severe in- Less: Kippnilltureg To Be Hailed hy menihcrinp my old Clevolnnd the pumping station. ' A member of the New Jersey ilele|;otiimi nnd of the Future Tftxea — -..—-.._, Jim Hngerly, Eisenhower's for Kvtinal disorders such ns (liar Of the total, $117,000 will In- dream. You know, that one convention's platform committee, Mrs. NeuberRcr earlier mpr pro.1;!; secretory, now a tele rhen and dysentery. TolHl Ailhuted Kxpi-ndllures »l.««.«!>0.» 11,361/aUT where Dick tried to j:ct George, bonded over a 10-year period. this week declared for Governor Scrnirton. The other two vision network executive. m« ShpllMsli in commercial Surplua ltal«ni!e, I>ec<-mbel 31 J 2IS,<61.26 Shore Dr., n dirt sheet, wa: to fight Hurry anil Hill hail thp (|i>lc|;ales from Monmmith County. Amory L. liaskell and William J. Kohm, Shanlcy' channels available to restauformerly a railroad-right-of-way. run pulled out from under him. Russell L. Woolley, have drelared for Senator GoHlwaier. Tile Hl'o.e ailimiMl'y <]r .minimi! wn« t>rriitiM'<t from trie report ol audit director. rants and food dealers must bt Why dr> you suppose, doctor, I i»l the Boronirh ol New 8hre>winury, County ol Monmouth, for the calendar Taking an active role in the national convention is obtained from approved sources year 1963. This report of audit, lubrnltted by Jo!eph J. Beaman and Company, Need extra cash? Sell Jour no kept thinking of that? nothing new for Mrs. Neuberj;er. In I960, she offered one Municipal Aewnintanti, Is on nie at the Borouih Clirk's oltle« »nd under federal law, and shellllsl Re»-lBt»rnl Regular whole milk makes tin m a y b . l n . P , « . d Hy an M t . M . t . 4 M ™ " , . , ^ longer needed household goods I'll be returning homo nt 11:311 of tlie seconding speeches for the nomination of Henry shippers arc certified lor thi 88 per cent of all milk beverages with a Daily Register Classified p.m. Friday. Could I see you Cabot Lodge for vice president. July consumed in the United States. puhlic'i protection. that night? ad. Viet Nam Force Prepares Jughandle Trial Resumes Today 3 Teachers Are Hired Taught lor 44 Years Miss Maurer Retires Delegates Weather Fire Detection s yistem Ordered By School Board Letter Slianley Has Meeting With Eisenhower Hold Bids For Study Infected Clams Found in Bay A Romney 'Seconder' i Summer School's Value Criedin Report to Board Band Concert Tonight^ Contempt Ruling Against HolmdelMan THE DAILY REGISTER July 15, 19f4-3 Block Rally Slated To Halt Variance PEG RAUK — The W J I I J W : ingA i/y Mayor fier.tdia K. Hiseries of owiceru by i>.e pJkii-r/Aia »r.d the {/rearM-anon of a Bank Municipal Ksnd will gel off, ten ificaw by fijuncilman Wilto a delayed start tonight in Ma- liam J. Galatro to the Red Bank rine Park. Lions Club, which donated funds MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP - enrichment courses i n c l u d e resignations of John Goodman, NEW YORK (AP) - The DisAt 8:30 p.m., conductor John for the band shell. French for elementary school stuseventh grade science; Mrs. RoseApproximately 90 per cent of W, Luckenbill will lead the band Concerts will be conducted I trict attorney's office asked the ' dents, lab science, speed readann Conlon, high school English, Wants Day Camp •ummer school students making in a program which was rained every Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. i Manhattan Supreme Court yes- EATONTOWN — Residents of] ing, comparative mammalian and Walter A. Zabretsky, high] out last Wednesday. Also post- but this week there is a double i terriay to judge two brothers guil-j Old Deal Homes opposed to the' Mr. Morgan emphasized that up course failures pass the sec- anatomy, and typing. school shop and mechanical draw- p o n e d f r o m , a s ( Long Branch YMCA's proposed many of these facilities would be header. The band will perform ty of criminal contempt for reond time around, according to The board also discussed classes ing. . _ . „, _, dedication of the new band shellij again tomorrow night to make .fusing to testify before a grand I family tenter and day camp off!a Ions time coming because of g D T Dr. William A. Gillcrist, director for dropouts, speech-impaired stu- Board Secretary James W. Da-1,„,,;„,, „.,,, ^ ,,.,A , „ , , u . , ; „ , ! . . " , „ . t , , _ j _ . o J , . . . . „:„„,)_,„„ will be used for the first|up last Wednesday's rained-out jury probing "kickbacks" in the |Whale Pond Rd. will hold a blockitho Y's dependence on contribudents, and beginning readers. vidheiser reported state Educa- which of the summer school here. gg time tonight. i program. theater business. \ moMini; Friday ni^hl in makei turns for financial backing. The tion Department approval of Nut- The dedication is scheduled for i 1 plans for heading off the need, ri^ht now, he said, Statistics offered by Dr. Gill- Dr. Gillcrist unveiled for SepThe following program is on Justice Charles Marks reserved swamp School contracts, 8:15 p.m. and will include greetquested variance, Mrs. Charles is for the summer day camp—intap for tonight: crist after the Board of Education tember a $15, 20-hour course decision, ] said Leonardo Junior High plans R. Gravatt of 9 Ash St. said ves- cluding the outdoor swimming meeting last night showed all 23 stressing mathematics and lan| Attorneys for the brothers—An-. ... .. Lithgow were submitted two weeks ago March, "Invercargill" tenlay. [XiOl- -to accommodate about 150 high school students who failed guage arts to prep New Jersey Verdi idrew Gwily, president and treas-, "We may even jet lepal repre-j children, and high school plans went in Overture, "Aida" science courses during the reg- residents for high school equivaSimons jurer of the Eaves Costume Co., sentalion." Mrs. Gravatt wenti Eventually Trumpet solo, "Willow Echoes" yesterday. other facilities ular school year and repeated lency exams. (Inc. of;an. and Thomas. Donald Tison, soloist All 77 elementary students en- Board member John S. Thatchthe subjects in the summer of |Geoly, vice president of I lie on. Residents of Whale Pondj would be developed, he went on, er was the lone disscnler as a Panella March, "American Red Cross" rolled in a speech correction 1963, passed. firm—argued that any action' Rd,, Old Deal Rd., Ash St.. Heath; "in five, 10, maybe 20 years." Meacham program "showed improvement," $2,620.45 chair bid was awarded Descriptive, "American Patrol" against them should |>e in an St., and from Ocean Townshipj He asserted that the facility, Spectators asked that the proBusiness Furniture, Elizabeth. Samba, "Copa Cabana" Walters reported Mrs. Gloria M. Sprung. indictment form, not criminal and West Lonj: Branch areas) lar from depressing land values gram be free for local children. Mr. Thatcher said that while Selection, "King and 1" Rodgers abutting the YMCA project willlas objectors claimed, would ba Mrs. Sprung worked with the contempt. Currently the school "just about specifications remain , the same March, "Iowa Band Law" King be invited to attend the block! an asset to the community, 5 per cent of students screened The brothers were offered imbreaks ev.en," student tuition payfrom year to year, "Don't they Featuring flag rwirlers led by Janet Armstrong j Old Deal Homes residents "needing professional help." munity from prosecution vshen moetinp. ing the $13,200 teacher payroll,, Waltz, "Merry Widow" Lehar These children became "more modernize the furniture?" At Monday night's Planning j didn't agree. they appealed before a grand said Dr. Gillcrist. ' ( Don't Have Money Novelty, "Joshua" Voder confident and less aggressive" as jury, but they refused to testify, Board meeting, about 30 Old "They're also planning an inAfter the meeting Lawrence A. a result of the course, according Mr. Davidheiser King answered, March, "Purple Pageant" invoking the Fifth Amendment. Deal Homes residents voiced ob-|doof swimming pool in the adCarton, board attorney, suggest- to Mrs. Sprung. "Let's face it, we don't have Featuring majorettes led by Louise Levionson and twirlers Justice Marks asked for briefs jections to the project, whichjmimstration building, and they're ed service clubs and private She said two first-graders rose that much money," for newer Pat Wilson and Janice Bretz. in the case by the end of July. would include, besides a summer soing to flood the basketball citizens might endow the pro- from the lowest to the highest models. Andrew Geoly lives at Great day camp for YMCA youngsters court for ice skating," Mrs. Gra* . gram. reading group within their class Ebsco Industries, Red Bank, Neck, and Thomas Geoly gave of Long Branch, Eatontown, vatt declared. "The activity will because of academic improve- won a $3,100 bid for magazine 479 Enrolled his address as Holmdel, N. J. Ocean Township, West Long go on until 10 or 11 at night, Branch and Oceanporl, a family 365 days a year." Dr. Gillcrist reported 479 stu-ment accompanying speech devel- subscriptions. Ebsco will stock the high school center which would be operating She also stressed possible diffidents, up 60 from last year, are opment. until 10 p.m. or later seven days culties in water and sanitary enrolled In (his year's summer Newark State College will ex. library and teachers with apperiment with the phonetic initial proximately 80 different periodi. a week. school. arrangements, drainage onto adteaching alphabet in two Harcals, intermediate schools will re Center Opposed jacent lands, and the impossibilHe added, however, that for mony, School classes this year, ceive about 45, and elementaries It is the proposed family cenity of keeping area children from lack of the quota of II appliaccording to Superintendent of will receive about 15, said Dr. ter, not the day camp, that most straying onto YMCA grounds. cants per class, French, Gsrman HIGHLANDS - The 1963-64 the teaching methods," the Gillcrist. of the residents object to, Mrs. "We don't want it," the house«nd U.S. history courses were Schools Paul F . Lefever. Hire Teachers Bids were read in five other school year was a "sound edu- port said. Gravatt said. They fear that wife emphasized. "We're going scrapped. Operation and function of the lights, noise, and increased traf- to make ourselves heard." Andrew M. Van Dyke, director In other action, the board hired areas but contract awards, were cational" one for Highlands Elecafeteria under the Class A lunch RED BANK - Today is the fic resulting from the projected 30 Woodland Acres of the elementary portion of sum- Gilbert Andreetti, North Bergen, delayed pending study. mentary School. program was reported a success last day of operation for one of center will upset the peace and The YMCA has sought a use mer school, commented, "it was to teach high school physical ed- Humble Oil and Refining, LinThat was the gist of the annual due to the school board and its Red Bank's major chain variety quiet of their community. quite embarrassing to tell two ucation at $5,200 a year; Mrs. den, was the lowest of two gasovariance from the Zoning Board report to the Board of Education managment. stores. teachers, 'Unfortunately we can't Edith N. Guest, Navesink, pri- line bidders. Dean Oil, Fanwood, "We bought our homes with ol adjustment to permit operation made by Administrative PrinThe closed lunch program, inuse you because registrations mary grades, $5,500; Mrs. Carol was low of five fuel oil bidders. peace and quiet in mind," Mrs. of the camp and family center cipal Joseph R. Bolger. stituted a year ago, was "well The Schulte United Department Gravatt explained. "We expect to wore not enough.' " White, Long Branch, high school Cream-o-land Dairies, New on 30 acres of woodland, zoned Store will close its doors, which The report, citing that throughreceived by teachers, parents be here a long time, and even if one-third residential and twoMr. Van Dyke added, however, English, $5,200; George Sasseen, Brunswick, was low among four out the year, the three R's were and children." Compliments on first opened in 1942. the Y doesn't plan to start the thirds industrial, west of Whale "This is the only difficulty. Every- Manasquan, intermediate social milk bids. stressed, pointed up the need for the program have been numer- The building in which the thing else in the program is studies, $5,875; Kenneth Jaggard, Maurice Schwartz and Sons, obtaining "greater results than ous and some schools in the area Schulte store and other shops are family center activities right Pond Rd. in the extreme southaway, we're concerned about the east corner of the borough, borHarlet, special class, $6,225; MESS Red Bank, was lowest of six for wonderful." at present in reading, writing are discussing introduction of il housed, at the corner of Broad dering on West Long Branch and Board President Harold Cope- Judith Ann Ripple, Teaneck, high a maintenance truck, and Monmouth Sts., is owned by future." for clarity of expression and into their systems. school English, $5,009, and Miss Within 51 cents of each other land said some class quotas were the Prudential Life Insurance Plans outlined by Charles L. Ocean Township. The Zoning creativity, and in arithmetic comNo Action Ellen McGlynn, Delaware, high were bread bidders Ward BakBoard has deferred decision pendMorgan of the YMCA contem-filled by-pooling students of other putation." However, the report stated Company, which acquired it plate an outdoor swimming pool, ing an opinion from the Planning school ar.ts and crafts, $5,000. ing, East Orange, $138.75, and •chool districts. through a mortgage foreclosure Accepted with regrets were the Fischer Baking, Newark, $139,26. Despite the youth and inexpe- over the years there has been last spring. The former owner of a baseball diamond, a basketball Board on whether the project will In addition to makeup classes, rience of the large portion of the much discussion about improvethe block was the Broadon Real- court, two pavilions, an admin- violate the borough master plan. faculty, a considerable contribu- ments to the cafeteria "without istration building and family cen- The Planning Board Monday ty Corp. tion was made to the school sys- any action." ter, camping sites, an archery night voted to refer the matter tem by the staff, through the help Mr. Bolger recommended that An employee of J. I. Kislak, range, an arts and crafts cen- to the borough master planners, and guidance made available, ac- the cafeteria and building and Inc., of Newark, renting agents ter, a 100-car parking lot, and Herbert H. Smith Associates, cording to the report. grounds committees work on a for the space being vacated, said assorted campsites and play- Trenton. A decision is hoped for Three New Ones constructive plan for renovating a new tenant had not been found grounds. by the Aug. 10 meeting. "It is with pleasure that 1 the kitchen area and purchase of for the 13,000-square-foot store. look forward to next year with new furniture for the dining sec- He said other shops in the block would not be affected by only three new teachers to be tion. PERTH AMBOY (AP) - Law added to the staff," stated the In other areas, the acquisition the closing. enforcement agencies are invesprincipal. of adequate teaching materials tigating the theft of some $20,000 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-The ment was removed from the fire in negotiable bonds and 7,095 The school's accomplishments and supplies, the expansion of lusty water problem, which has house "whenever he (Mr. Weiler) shares of non-negotiable stocks during the past year have been the school's cultural programs plagued the borough for more saw fit without my knowledge." from the law office of Toolan, through the co-operation of the and activities, the initiation of a than a year, should be "arrested" "And it came back in deplorHaney and Romond, police said school board, the start, and the school newspaper printed three by the end of the month. able condition, not fit for use," By BOB BRAMLEY | deaths to date, a close second. parents, the report noted. times during the year, the estabyesterday. That was the report to Bor- he added. Seve A 10-week in-service training lishment of an intermural proTRENTON Monmouth Coun" c0Juntics of l h e 21 h a v e According to police, the stocks ough Council last night by a rep- Councilman John A. Joslin decreased their traffic fatalities program in modern math held in gram, the receipt of a safely pa- RED BANK — Grant E. Jones and bonds were discovered missresentative of Jeske, Arnhammer joined the issue, stating that he, conjunction with the Henry Hud- trol award for the third consecu- of Springdale Ave., New Shrewscompared to last year: Bergen, »nd Jeske, the municipality's wa- as fire chairman, had given per- ing from a safe in the office on son Regional School and Atlantic tive year, and the county super- bury, yesterday was fined $50 traffic toll sweepstakes has fallen Camden, Hudson, Cumberland, July 6. Police said a list of mission for use of the pump, ter consultant firm. Highlands grade school was intendent of schools' permitting and given a 30-day suspended off. Ocean, Passaic and Cape May. Starting at H p.m. on the week with the understanding that it stock certificate numbers was now listed as an achievement enabling the school to decorate the county jail sentence for the assault and According to today's report One—Salem County—has held being prepared for circulation. ef July 26 all water lines and hy-could be free for a fire at any the school "to keep abreast of office windows were all noted as battery of Thomas Moultrie of from State Attorney General Ar- even at five. All others have inThey said county and state poGillville, La., Middletown. ' drants will be flushed in the bor-time. major attainments. newer methods." thur J. Sills, we killed only one creased their tolls. lice investigators and the FBI Jones was charged with knock- person on the county's highways Total state fatalities ir« reough nightly to rid them of any "And if you remember," he "Great strides" were made in The Goals have been notified. ing the victim down and kicking clots or sludge, and additives and said to Mr. Todd, " I told you special area subjects, according Looking toward the future, the during the week ending last Sun- ported as 515 to date, againSt inlt 450 The building where the office Calgon will be introduced which to get the truck fixed." to the report, and in the reading report detailed the following rec- him about the face and body day, bringing the county total to in 19G3. is located, the First Bank and behind a West Bergen PI. tavern have been depleted during the , A Bin program. date to 43. During the same week These "traffic deaths," these ommendations: repairs and reconstruction of the When it was pointed out that Trust Building at 214 Smith St., With the addition of a part-time —To meet at least twice a year June 29. last year, W2 had four fatalities. "fatalities," t h e s e numbers was broken into on the night of municipal water plant. a $30 repair bill had already been music teacher, the instrumental with the Henry Hudson Regional Yesterday's action had been But we're, still well ahead of —they're not just black figures The flushing program will take submitted to council, Mr. Todd June 30-July 1 and some 16 of- program was put back into "full and Atlantic Highlands Boards of postponed until Moultrie got out last year's total of 28—48 per cent on a page. fices on its top four floors were about a week, according to wa- countered: swing." Education. of Riverview Hospital where he ahead, in fact, compared to an They're people, who were ter superintendent Fred A. Wei- "Well, it wasn't fixed to our burglaried. The total loss at the —That the Teachers Associa- was arrested upon his release increase of 14.4 per cent in otate warm and alive, and who loved Workable Program time was put at $215.51. ler. satisfaction." The testing program, estab- tion continue to keep abreast of July 7. Moultrie was charged traffic deaths as a whole. and were beloved just the other The water consultant reported "Then get it fixed right," re- A member of the law firm dis- lished by the regional district to salary guides in the area and with being drunk and disorderly And ws're still running Essex day. covered that the stocks and bonds (hat the "upheaval" of recon- plied Mr. Joslin. make necessary changes to keep July 29 and was fined $50. provide a reading score for each County, which has scored 57 Who's next? struction with the resultant de- Council decided to meet were missing when he went to student in every grade, proved the school in a competitive po- Edgar W. Morton of Broad St. crease in water supply and in- Wednesday night with property the safe July 6. to be a workable one. Noting sition. was fined $25 for being drunk crease In demand, plus the de-owners on Bayside Dr. on anoth- John E. Toolan of Fair Haven, that average scores are just —That the board continue its on Broad St. at Peters PI. Monpletion of additives were re- er water matter—the extension a founder of the firm and former above the national norm, Mr. efforts to permit Bible reading day. *ponsible for the muddy water of water service to the east end Democratic state senator from Bolger stressed the need to "con-in the school. problem. of the road for fire protection Middlesex County, put the loss tinue to press for better quality —Letters of appreciation be Magistrate William I. Klatsky imposed three traffic fines yesat $20,000 in bonds, which, he An analysis showed that the and water supply. of education and be more de- sent to county newspapers com' terday. water supply is "perfectly pota- Last month, 12 residents of- said, were the only negotiable manding of our children." mending them for their "excelEATONTOWN - A $4 debt to The Miller store ceased operable," with no harmful bacteria fered to pay the cost of water itsms taken. As a result of several visits lent" coverage and co-operation Samuel M. Tilton of Fisher PI, the late Joseph Miller, who for tion as such shortly after World was fined $10 for parking on the present. A special check for iron line installation so that planned Police declined to estimate the during the school year, the coun- throughout the year. detected a negligible amount, the construction of several homes amount of value of the missing ty supervisor was "impressed by —To make effective use of wrong side 6f the street, and many years operated a dry goods War II. The other Miller sons store here, has been settled. who worked at the store were stocks but said they were issued could be started. consultant said. the excellent group of teachers, financial aid available to the dis-Harry Cohen of Linden was fined The debt was incurred about Charles Miller of West Long $10 for blocking a crosswalk. He recommended that a. period- Charles C. Widdis, borough en- by many companies and owned by the operation of the school, and trict. Branch, who July 1 retired as 1927 when a young girl, anxious ic flushing program be conducted gineer, estimated last night that the firm and various clients. lo make a good appearance when county grand jury clerk, and the «t least twice a year, to prevent the necessary 2,500 feet of six- A state polios teletype alarm she applied for a job, was late Harris Miller. • recurrence of the water prob- inch cast iron pipe and four hy- put out Mnday listed 28 different 'trusted" by Mr. Miller for the •"Moxie" Miller, now a mutuels drants would cost about $16,000. companies and corporations inlem. price of a pair of shoes. department employee at New Two women who appeared at The borough would pick up the cluding American Telephone and Described now as "in her mid-Jersey race tracks, spent some the council table with soiled cost of the hydrants, leaving a Telegraph, General Motors, Standdle forties," the "girl" recently ard Oil of New Jersey, U.S. price tag of approximately $13,of his spare time in tracking clothing and a bedspread received Steel Corp., Consolidated Edison, ELIZABETH (AP) - The mailed the $4 in a letter ad- down the woman to return the the body's sympathy and its as-00O for the homeowners. dressed to Mr. Joseph Miller. It Standard Oil of California and OCEAN TOWNSHIP William Borough Attorney James R, search for a well-dressed man board does plan lo use some of $4 to her, at the same time de•urance that spotting will be "arVan Middlesworth, Board of Edu-$35,000 earmarked for a sewer- in his 40s who checked into a was delivered to Walter "Moxie" claring the "loan" to be paid in rested" by the end of the month. Minogue indicated that the proj- American Can Co. cation president, said next Mon- age package treatment plant in downtown hotel and then dis- Miller of 39 Lewis St., one of the full. Later In the meeting, there was ect could be bonded over a 10day's Township Council meet- the original high school bond appeared about a month ago sons who assisled their father a! t heated exchange between Coun- year period and assessed to the The letter that accompanied the ended Tuesday — at Union Coun- lhe store. cilman Richard G. Stryker and property owners according to OCEAN GATE (AP) - A 35-ing should reveal details of a referendum. $4 read: plan to provide sewer service Since such a plant would now ty. ML _FIre Chief Herbert A. Todd con- frontage feet, "My dear Mr. Miller: ycnr-old mother of five from for the new junior-senior high cost $65,000, according to Mr. Police had issued a 14-state cerning the chief's unauthorized Norristown, Pa., was fatally in- school. "Many years ago when I was Van Middlesworth, the money missing persons alarm for the flushing of hydrants. $250 for Kitchen jured Tuesday when a motorjust starting lo work your father will be used for sewer connected man, who registered at the WinWithout Approval FORT MONMOUTH - Robert boat operated by her husband This plan resulted from a joint trusted me for a pair of shoej (Continued) installations on school grounds field Scott Hotel as'John O'Lean Board-Council executive session Mr. Stryker contended that Mr. R. Kitchen, 42 Academy St., ran over her legs as she atof a Chicago address and then Dominick spoke against a Rom- so I would look respectable to Todd had tested some borough Farmingdale, an instructor in the tempted to grab a water ski July 9 in Ocean Township School. only. ney plank which was similar to go see about this job. The shoes vanished June 11. Mr. Van Middlesworth did say In other action, the board: hydrants without obtaining ap- U.S. Army Signal School here, re- tow line. Scranton's but mentioned no or- were $4. I know and realize I provat of the water superintend- cently received a superior per- The woman, Mrs. Catherine last night, "We have solved our Reissued teaching contracts They found him under the ganization by name. The dele- should liave paid him after I with added money for profes- name Julius Oliva at the county ent. formance award of $250. Pres- Murray and her husband, Wil- p-oblem. But I'm not at liberty sional courses taken to Mildred jail, where he has been since gates defeated both decisively. got the job and received pay, but "Let's get the record straight," entation of the award was made liam, were water skiing on the to discuss details as yet until R. Stanford, $8,850; Marcella J. June 16. Police said he is await- The climax came with the civil things were very hard then. •aid Mr. Todd. "I flushed out by Col. Norman E. Akers, acting Toms River. Mrs Murray was legal, engineering, and other deDreschsel, $6,060; Eugene J, Fog-ing Grand Jury action on rights fight. Goldwater voted "I received $7 a week and I only one hydrant—in front of my director of the school's Depart- standing in shallow water nnd tails have been worked out." ler, $7,125; Margorie C. Giuse, charges of breaking and enter- against the 1964 law on grounds gave that to my mother to help house, and not anywhere elso, ment of Command Communica- iher husband tried lo maneuver Mr. Van Middlesworth desupport the rest of the family, $tf,085; Margaret H. Johnstone, ing and possession of burglary It was unconstitutional, , as they're saying on First Ave." tions, Mr. Kitchen is a membsr the boat near her so she could manded June 10 to know what except for carfare and a few Mayor John J. Reilly and coun- $5,960; Carolanne Macaluso, $6,- tools inf connection with an at- Scranton's plank spoke of the On another subject—the water of the Farmingdale Board of Ed- pick up the tow line. necessities. T am sorry I didn't cil intended to do to supply 515; Robert A. Pines, $5,960; Mi- tempt to break into a poor box federal government's "constitudepartment's use ol a fire truck ucation. Murray told police the current chael D. Ryan, $7,350; Sylvia at St. Mary's Church, Rahway. tional responsibility" lo assure get to pay this before he passed : promised sewer service. He said pump as an auxiliary at the wapushed the boat against his wife ivil rights, called for "enforce- away, but somehow or another Schacht, $8,240; Charles A. Scott, ter plant during reconstruction- Sell your furniture through the and over her legs before he this problem had to be solved $13,2-10; Doris Watson, $6,780; Detective George Guempel ment" of the 1964 law (the plat- I believe he still had confidencs said Oliva "has been using before classrooms in the high Mr. Todd claimed that the equip- Daily Register Classified. could change direction. that I would pay though I didn't school could be used temporarily and Mildred R. Stanford, $8,850. 14 different aliases and has a form pledges tor "full implepay him. I trust God will bless after Jan. 1, 1965, for elementary Approved a list of 23 substi- record of arrests dating back to mentation and faithful execution,") and added a number of his soul for doing a good deed 1929." tute teachers. pupils. other provisos including a de- for me. Mayor Reilly denied he had Hired Mrs. Angela Vetere, as mand for first-step compliance "I know that you were in busipromised any West Park Ave. clerk at $1,800 for 10 months. within one year by schools which ness with him, so I am sending Authorized advertising bids on ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Alt- Mind Creek, the north by the able, there' are no railings on sewer line for the school. have not yet complied with the It. to you with much thanks and er almost a year of planning; cxLsitng sewer plant on First the stairways, the slairs and cor- After exchanges of letters and high school seating for receipt 1954 Supreme Court school de- appreciation. Hoping you will for(Continued) Aug. 11. Au?. at the harbor entrance, and phone calls, the July 9 meeting ridors are improperly lighted, and discussion and legwork on the give merfor waiting so long." Authorized application for an ordinating Committee and one of segregation decision. on the cast by Second Ave. there are no exit lights, said was set to resolve differences. part of Borough Council, Plan- The boundaries, however, run Mr. Carhiirl. Mr. Van Middlesworth said last emergency teaching for Mrs. the pickets, said the demonstraning Board and CltUcus Ad- In a zig-zag line, deleting huild- lhe borough building commit- night, "Council has assured us Dorothy Pare. Mrs. Pare, holder tion was Iwld "because the Republican party failed to adopt visory Committee members, thisiings that are considered slruc- tee, comprise*! of the building in we'll have no problem which of a B.S. degree and a teacher l strong civil rights plank." spector, the fire chief and the would hold up use of high school of brain-damaged children, will municipality last night took itsjturally sound. begin a class for the brain- The convention, Lewis, mainclassrooms." first concrete steps toward an On the recommendation of health inspector, indicated that ained, said "in effect it did not Building Inspector Lesley A. Car-a certificate of occupancy should, According to Superintendent damaged here this fall. Urban renewal program. hart, council directed the tor- not be granted to tlw owners Edward German, the township Returned bids for a folding want Ihe Negro people in the Council applfcd lo the federal ough attorney to inform owners until they meet all borough speci- school system now operates 21) door since al! bids exceeded by Republican party." Housing and Home Finance Agen- of the luxury high-rise apart- fications. substandard c l a s s r o o m s in about $2,000 the amount budgeted. At 1:08 a.m., PDT, the demcy for a $127,-127 grant lo con- ment "Illghlandia" on Ocean In addition, at the .suggestion of churches, Township Hall, and A committef will review alter- onstrators stood up and sloped duct an urban renewal survey. Blvd. to correct violations of the Councilman John A. Joslin, the ils three elementary schools. All nate solutions now. Hocking the lurnsliks. They then If approved, the government borough building code by Aug. 1owners will be told not to permit hese classrooms meet the apjoined olher civil rights demonwould pay 75 per cent of the under penalty of a fine. SIIOPUITING C1IAHGF. Ktralors singing in front of the other families to move into the proval of Karl Garrison, county total cosl, with the borough pay- Mr. Carhnrt r e t r i e d that Ihrop building until a certificate of oc- schools superintendent. NEW SHREWSBURY - Elfic Coiv Palace. Ing the remainder. families nre living in the build- cupancy is obtained. During the W(i4-|ir> school year, Cuppo/.mli, 38, of 5,1'.) Pine Brook Ths nren under consideration, ing without |hi- owner obtaining In other business, council he board plans lo move stu- Kd., Kalontotvn, was released rn'rama here. The mmpluinl totaling 37.2 acres, is bounded a certificate of occupancy. uumist - MIMO«» moiH HIM - KIIWIWK • iiwarded a contract lo diaries lents in these substandard rooms Saturday in $500 bail for n hcar- aj:;iinst Ivjr was signed by Men1on the south by Valley Dr., the An inspection of the premises I. Hesse, Inc., Belfnrd, for re- o high school rooms as soon as inj; Aug. II on a charge of shopmi WMIWII • IIIIMO m • limn wmm • tons mm Spector Shop-Rite manager west by the Jersey Central Itatl- revealed that the lira prevention surfacing borough streets on lowpossible. For high school use, lifting $53 worth of groceries from She was arrested at the store road right of way and Many system is inadequate nnd inoper- bid of $9,lfil. the building opens in Sept,, 1965. tho Shop-Rile at tha Atlantic Su- by Patrolman Edward Holders. Highlands School Progress Noted Schulte Store In Last Day Of Operation End Is Seen Soon To Bonds Missing From Toolan Atlantic Highlands Law Office Rusty Water Problem Fined $50 For Assault Monmouth Still Second In Deaths on Highways Debt is Paid Young Girl Needed Shoes in 1927 To Reveal High School Sewer Service Proposal Search Ends — in Jail Fatally Injured Planks Boro Asks Renewal Funds i I Protest SERVICE iS OUR. BiGGGSTASSeTi TIIE DAILY REGISTER Stocks Close Monmouth Lower After Electric Gels Uphill Feint $500G Pact fltf V. S. NiHonaJ Bank of Oregrm. Would this slock be good for & future college education, or wouid Stirs, Roetadc be better?" V. C, A—I am very firry to l a y tWr] I can't 1*1! ywj h w much it would t/isi for ». baby's college education, perhaps some 18-20! NEW YORK (AP) — The stock NEPTUNE-A »00,MO contract!! market made a move yesterday •ears hence. to supply the U.S. Army Electoward recovery oj the firm upFew areas in our economy havej tronics Materiel Agency, Philahill stride of recent weeks but it' become so inflated in price and delphia, w i t h Telephone-Teleturned out to be a feint. Prices q nt i h a ! .here is no particularly evidence hr on the New York Stock ExRoger E. Spear hat [he trend is abating. I change " closed lower after a ieve the very strongest growth trie Co., Inc., electronics firm ^, Q—"How much money would a baby's college eduction fund? stocks—which can enhance your lurry of late selling. here, It take and how \wuld you in- Also, I would- like to know about capital—should be bought for you The performance was lackluS* vest it to the best advantage for the extra dividend declared by purpose. er most of the session as the William H. Oliver, president, said the award calls lor 4,417 >pular averages, continuing units, with deliveryy starting I like U. S. National Bank ol today's g in slide, see-sawed lit-! Oregon, which paid an extra ol September. The equipment will bit on the downside. 5.5 per cant in stock last April .be used by all branches of the For your purpose, however, a' Chrysler Corp., most a c t i v e | A r m e ( 1 S e r vices to convert telepowerful merchandiser like Sears tock on turnover of 158,300 typewriter information for transhares, finished barely ahead, up mission over telephone wires. Roebuck appears to offer greate: at 52%. After touching a reclong-term growth prospects thar ird high of 53, Chrysler wasi Monmouth Electric has a proany bank stock. aught in the late downdraft and duction program of $8,563,429 in Q—"I wonder why—wlwre ta. as off l'/t before a sharp re- commercial and military contracts. This backlog includes a exemption is not required—y<v overy in the fading minutes. Are you close to what's going on In the world of Investnave sometimes suggested invest General Motors also registered five-year, $8,192,637 contract to ments? Are you u p o n t h e latest trends, fluctuations, ng, in " E " bonds when raving ,n all time high during the 85,000 radiosondes to the bank deposits pay a higher an ["he sixth most active issue, GM Air Force. The radiosonde is opportunities? an expendable device for measurnual rate of interest?" F . G, Thomson & McKinnon can help you. All 4 1 of our loscd up '/2 at 93. ing temperature, humidity and A—That Is a very sensible ques- The railroad offices a r e linked by private wire; all benefit from the and electronics pressure aloft. tion, if I may say so. Pleas ;roups were mostly higher. latest electronic communications and computer equiplet me first correct what appear: 'ther major groups were lower Specialists for 15 years in aeroment. Result: prices, facts, opinions and handling of to be a misapprehension, E bond r mixed. Notably weak were logical and meteorological equipyour orders at amazing speed. Step Into your T & M are not exempt from federal in he steels, airlines and utilities, ment, Monmouth Electronic has office—and you're just seconds from Wall Street, come taxe.3, only from simila irregular to lower were the air-broadened its production base to include all phases of the elecAdd one more factor—your T & M Representative. state levies. rafts, metals, oils, mail orders xonlcs Industry. The company He has available all that our gleaming new equipment The reason thai I frequent! nd drugs. .provides—and seeks to translate It into terms that help gfpst Ihe purchase of E bond: Some individual bellwethers has grown to 260 employees and, is that these securities pay a ook a thumping, including ln- according to Mr. Oliver, "is on II put y_ou_ln the big picture. [ixed rale of interest. You knov irnatlotiat Business Machines, :he threshhold of a new expansion || A man to help you set your goals. An organization era." that you will accrue 3% per cen Eastman Kodak and DuPont. that knows the big picture. To learn more about this on E bonds until these issue.: IBM was off 91/2 to 472 despite combination, write or phone for your complimentary are redeemed or mature. The in . report of record first half and copy of Serving the Investor. terest rate on savings batik de .second quarter earnings. Eastposits is not fixed. man Kodak dropped 2 to 130 and It is usually declared quarter- Du Pont gave up 1% to 260. ly by the directors and while Volume totaled 4.76 million see no prospects for near-term shares compared with 4.8 milHimberiN.Y.SUckExchinjo&qHierprincipJlsecurlty&cpmmoditytxchjrijes change, there fa no guarantee Ion Monday. that the present rates may no Of 1,350 stocks traded, 508 adbe lowered 5 years pence. vanced and 577 declined. There 9 Memorial Parkway, Long Branch, CA 2-4310 I regard series E bonds as were 91 highs for the year, 5 new FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP T o w n s h i p Superintendent of 2 Broadway, N.Y. 4, HA 2-5100 worthwhile .portion of cash re lows. 2 0 East 46th St., N.Y. 17, YU 6-0400 serves, together with saving: Radio Corp. sparked the elec- Schools Marshall W, Errickson, who assumed his post in July, 625 Madison Ave., N.Y. 22, PL 1-3800 bank deposits. tronics group, tacking on % to 1954, presented the Township linish at 341/4. The issue was Board of Education last night third most active, cm the New Quick and Inexpensive. That', • • * ) • • • • • • • • • •••••••••«••• a gavel and a cake in observance York Stock Exchange, turning the Daily Register Classified. of his ID years as superintendent. over 81,400 shares. Mr. Errickson presented the Sunshine Mining, attracting in lerest on reports of rising indus gavel to Board President Hugh Oakley "to insure order at board trial demand for silver, was second on the most active list. It meetings." The cake was consumed by closed up y s at 19% on volume of everyone present and its inscrip84,600 shares. Two of the brighter perform- tion showed the growth of the ers were Xerox, up 2 ^ to 115%, township school system since Mr. Errickson became superintenand Pure Oil, up 1»/, at 58ft. Ford joined Chrysler and GMdent. .m the most active list but fin- Since 1954, the enrollment has ished lower for the session. On increased from 556 to 1,025 pupils, turnover of 39,200 shares, Ford the teaching staff from 19 to 55, classrooms from 12 to 52 and was off i/8 a t 5 % Prices were mostly lower on school buses from 6 to 11. :he American Stock Exchange. Volume was 1.41 million shares Need extra cash? Sell your no compared with 1.42 million Mor* longer needed household goods with a Daily Register Classified day. ad. Investing LIQUIDATORS ENTIRE BUYERS X . . 3 DAYS ONLY TWIRS, FRI. 10-9 • SATURDAY 10-6 to. abX Mo =h Ei e c . I ENTIRE STOCK or PARTS WANTED-CALL 747-9813 or 354-5250 SALE STARTS THURS., 10 A.M. SHARP By ROGER E. SPEAR| Close to the big picture Superintendent Marks Tenth Year in Post THOMSON &M9KINN0N tfirir REPEAT OF A SELLOUT! Over 1500 pain to chooM from LADIES' Ovtr 2000 ta chooM from LADIES' SHOES Dtnlm, itrttth cotton, wool and corduroy. AND HEELS Naturoliztr Aimrlean Slrl Sandier •» NONE HIGHER Boston Cuitem Mad* Troyllngt Flanc«», i t c . • PANTS •SLAX • KNEE-KNOCKERS • JAMAICAS • BERMUDAS • CAPRIS, ETC HONE SIZES 5 TO 18 HIGHER NAT. ADV. UP TO $14.95 Nat. Adv. Up To $7.98 If Ptrftct Over 800 pain to clisou from Ovtr 400 pain to choou from LADIES'. GIRLS' AND BOYS' l MEN'S A 75 SNEAKERS SHOES I Hon. Hlghtr ' NAT. ADV. UP TO $9.95 Ovtr 200 to chooit from Ovtr £00 to choost from LADIES' SUPS GOWNS PAJAMAS MEN'S $6 SUITS $is • Nont J h Highsr Ovtr 1,000 to chest* from Ovtr 400 to cheat* from MEN'S 75 Maldonform hqiiltlttform Carnival, Lovoblt. 175 NAT. ADV. UP TO $3.95 NAT. ADV. UP TO $75.00 LADIES' BRAS Norm Higher NOT ALL SIZES NAT. ADV. UP TO $3.95 2nd FIRESTONE DeLuxe Champion »w 5TOfi£ 2 SPORT SHIRTS FOR Sim S-M-L Nona Higher NAT. ADV. UP TO $2.00 2 50 NONI HIGHIR NAT. ADV. UP TO $3.95 Buy 1st tire at price listed below and get 2nd fire 50% off that price! ALL SIZES ms Ex Mr PmJ Air Ue'luc AtleR Cp Tubeless WHITEWALLS & BLACKWALLS^ '" e Uti .....t. Pw TURELFSS BL/\CKWALLS and-rare •ufme Weeded e.00-14 48.00 <7.aa "(4.30 TUBELESS W/HITEWALLS -53533- 'as-etf ANTIrnPliwfax mao Burl Ind Cur Jl natcr Trac Tsssr J2&L Do Luxe Champions Glva you up t o 10,000 EXTRA MILES in ttiouwrrfi ol mB« of dty ind crou-counlry ttiti, tfettem «d» wtlh Sup-R-Tul tvbbw oufcwi ctStr Uiding brtivj* from 2,000 to 10.000 itiHu pH ttrf, OutlUrtdinf j»rfommK* Itk* thli tilt ounKl Flmtorw 6»tu»t Chtrnptorii irx numinr on* NO LIMIT GUARANTEE to honortd by thouundt and thooiindi ol Fto%rton#) duWm tndwlom IntfwUnlUd 3l»twfcCin»di,,,.v»tiir«v« you tr«v*H ruu iifirmn tUAWANTtt SHOP TILL 9 HOUMITOW M I U S O R MOUTH* FRIDAY M o d 01 thovm at Flrerion* Stem* tomptMii*oiy pnttd oi ftrwlofw Dtafon and ot alt wrvfc* irationi deploying \h* Fimtont i Lawn and Plant Food 50 ft. VINYL PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE 5000 SQUARE FEET OF COVERAGE 99' Limit 2 Bags Per Customer Non-Burning • Feeds grass for months Protects your grass by providing three vital elements — nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus — essential for rich green coloring & healthy plant growth. • 3-Ycar Guarantee • Features full-flow design with allbrass couplings • Lightweight with screen mirror finish where your dollar buys MILES more STORES Maple Ave. at White St. Red Bank—747-5700 1000 Asbury Ave. Asbury Park 775-8700 ?7'4 ! Tnt Hnrv k 0 % Int Nick 551,4 Int Taper " 1 4 Int TelJfcTel 31% I-T-B Ckt Brk Johns Han Jones i L Joy Mlj itaUpr Al Kennecott Koppers KresRe, 8S Kroger Leh Port C ljcli VM Ind LOF Glass 2% ROI4 Lib MoN&U LlBg & My SS'( 1»>4 72Vi Utttm Inrt TSTi 33»i Lukens st] B5H Mack Trk 75T4 Marath Oil Martin M mi MfrcK «l',i ? MOM Minn M4M M4M Mo Pac A Mont Ward Nat Blsc N Cash li« Nat Dairy N»I n i s i m Nit fjyp.i N^t Steel 8* 4PS 62% 76i 3S-4 64 >', 71'I. Ti Nla M Pw No Am Av Nor Pac 57H N'w»t Alrlln 57 'i Ph 37'i i N'orwlcli Oulh Mar lS'.t I 10', Wl'i" 31 >t OwenB 111 Pan Am MS Param Plct 57 Ppnnpy. JC 57S Pa P»-AU 37 <• 3( Pa Tin 70s Jl'k Pepsi Cola 02 Vt 79?i Perktri Elm KH PHr.IT 4JS 1 1 ' » Phil El 10'. 33'i Phlll Put 17 '.4 51% IS'i Pit Btoel Pub Sv E*G 37> 31 Pullrrmn ]« Pure on 5811 VB Smelt lin'i 34 US Steel 60!!i 6i Van Al St] 33t, 23(1'-i RCA 3(1, 53 H Fleadlnl Co 13U 46>> n o rub 811 31', Revlon Uryn Met ' > 44t 27 Ti Uey Tob Hril> Conlrols 27 21S 66>i 7 1 « , St Jos Lead St Rtg P»p 3OH MS Pears Roeb llDli 2firt Shell Oil 48 32-4 Sinclair 4614 130 Smith. AO 3414 27 Pocony 82', .Vi Sou Pac 44", II Ry 6!l\ 56 Sou Sperry Rtl 5.1 "s if. Std Hrani 1^ 7R 51,1 Oil Cal 6814 Std Oil NJ SUidtbaker !7'i Texaco Tes O Prod 791i Tex C. But 571s 4R . Textron II". , Tlrtewal Oil 3O>i I Trrtll.vunrr 52S I1 1'n Cartildl 1231* tin Pac 1714 'n'4 1'nlt Alrc Unltnl Cp , l r s Lines SS'li 74 \ TS35- fimtonc 1 "* • -0 All Tires Mounted r .Hcllv Steel BorB Warn 'Urunsivk iRuckeve PI Rucy Krle •40.48 7.10-18 Allied CM Alllfl CllHl Alcoa Am Alrlln Am nrt< Am C m Am Cyan Am M Krt/ Am Mot Am Smelt Am Std |Am Tel T!l Am Tob Amp ]nc [Anaconda Armco Stl Amour Armst Ck AsM Oil lAtchlson All Relin Avco Corp AVC Corp malicock W il Lima I * Oh nayuk C l j Roll & How ni 88.85 8.66-U It Pays to Advertise in The Register Yesterdays closing stocks: 74«i | Inl B u i Mcli 11J ACP Ind Oh -lira "luyslirr "lllloj Sv 1v ^oca C(*l\ >1« ^ ' l •^oUim Gas "anil Sol non Edls ,'onl Oan Coon Re* rii . ... Zoll "me Stl ^urllss Wr icerp >rl i Hud Pent Sup DOUB Alic now Clic'n llre!< I ml Du Pont - — U Kml Kml Him -lohn l.nrk stonti KMC Cp Kord Hot >n Ai:d*pt •n ClRir D / n a m icn F:loc Ira IMS flon Mntnrt Gen I'vil' U l rs Ton-F.I Ton Tlrr :;a T»c Cp Illlrltr r>!r-n AH r l(Kvlrli>h r:ocr,lvffir rlrncc Co C.1 A » r r.rpvliountl ouit mi llamm r a p litre Pill III Cent RR Rsnil OFFICERS Timothy M. Maxion, Jr. Pr«tid«nt 51'i M 16 sn'i ! Walworlli I Warn n Pic I Wonlwlh ! Wn m Trl U'i I I I ' B U El I White Mot I Yn»»l 8h*T 56'. 6% SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Frank S. Siegfried Viet Prtiidtnt SEMI-ANNUAL Ralph H. Sweeney Extcuiivt Viet Prtiidtnt STATEMENT OF CONDITION jnd Saertttry June 30, 1964 Edward G. Walder AtiitUnt Stctttt'y ASSETS Rodney W . Kruie Atsfitant Trttiurtr John M. Pillibury Counul First Mortgage Direct Reduction Loam ............. $ 9,776,744.45 F.H.A. Ti«« I Loans ..i... _ 31,168.40 Leant on pavings Aecounti , .;... ............ .... ' 117,974.73 Refll pttatf Owned 3,488.30 : .'....^.ii™.™..:..; Real Estate Sold on Contract _..:.........„....:.. 28,809.66 Federal Homd Loan Bank Stock ,. _. -130,600.00 United States Government Bonds „. '212,706.00 •Cash in Banks ............. 811,265.04 Office Building and Equipment — N»t ...:.......~r.::...:......... 65,527.58 Ofh«r Assets 64,846.43 _ .'.TOTAL ASSETS ...,,,,...,^ LIABILITIES DIRECTORS Members' Savings Accounts "Loans in Process $10,374,240.35 ..: 28,525.64 Other Liabilities Timothy M; Maxion, Jr. .....' Provision for Federal Tax Reserves and Undividsd Profits :ii'» 1 r s Pivivd ! « ' . I I's Hub MARINE VIEW Howard W. Robert! JO1-. 3 1c" , ' 32,239.94 , 4,017.32 '.. 804,097.34 TOTAL LIABILITIES $14,243,120.59 3 3i 3IS SI Egg Market NEW YORK (AP) - (USDA)Wholcsalo egg offerings ample. Demand pood yesterday. New York spot quotations follow: Mixed colors: standards 31-33; checks 2J1/2-25. Whiten: extra fancy htavy weight (47 lbs. min.) 36!4-38'/2; fancy mMlium (41 lbs. average) ^-nVi; fancy heavy weight (47 lbs. min.) B'^-M'/fc medium (•10 lbs. average) 2SV2-2V/2; smalls (36 lbs. averasr) I9Vi!!()'.V, pewecs (31 lbs. nverafe) 15-16. Drowns: pxtni fancy heavy weiRhl (.17 lbs. mid.) 36^-37^; fnnry rtiedium (41 lbs. average) 26',j-27!i; fancy heavy weight (47 lbs. min,) '3-)l/,-.'15l/i; smalls (36 lbs. average) 19^-20'/i; |«cwees (31 11M. average) 15-16. Domenick A. Caruto PER ANNUM CURRENT DIVIDEND PAYABLE QUARTERLY Frederick Katr Frank S. Siegfried John M. Pillibury MEMBER Victor E. Groisingar Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Federal Home Loan Bank System Stanley J . Marek Waldron P. Smith* (Branch) 874 HIGHWAY 35 1st AVE and RT. 36 Cornelius J, Guiney, Jr. MIDDLETOWN, IM. J. } John A. Bahrt 67L2400 T ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 291-0100 T Tbt \,mAooi Eiffel T o w r*majM BO jmidy tiax of Ha «fix *t«*. ttcttau have evw bfen replaced, A gardener can grow <Jomatoes at early in a sunny Alaska vil luge a t at the LEGAL they only * few1 Equator, NOT1CE- TODAY'S BUSINESS MIRROR: 'Flood Control' On Checks Sought 3-15 DAWSON SHERIFF'S SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF M-W JEKS CHANCKRV DIVISION J AP Business News Analyst MONMOUTH COUNTY '' Uocket No. F 3St)l-«3 NEW YORK ( A P ) - M a n y of FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN AS- :he nation's leading bankers are SOCIATION OP EAST PATEESQN K. J. a corporation ol the State of in New York this week to tackle Kew Jeraey, Plalntirr va: Seymour Herthe problem of one kind of flood man, et vx.' Defendants By virtue of a writ of sxtcution in control. That's -the handling of the above stated action to m e directed. 1 shall expose for sale til public personal checks, which have vendue, at the Court House In the Bornearly doubled in number in the ough of Freehold, County of Mommi New Jersey, on Monday :he ]Oth daylast 10 years. The outpouring is of Aiigusl, 1!W4, at 2 o'clock, P, M Peevailing Time. expected to double again in the ALL thai certain tract or parcel of next 10. lind, situate, lying and being In the Township or Raritan. in the County uf Standardization has pretty Mon mouth, In the State of New Jer•ey:— well licked today's problem. KNOWN and designated us Lot No. 10 in Block E on a map entitled: "Sub- You probably know it ajs that division Plat Woodland Park Section Seven Townslilp ot Haitian, Monmoulh funny looking printing at the County, N. J. Scale 1"—50' April 1958" filed In (he lion mouth County Clerk's bottom of your checks. Office July 1, 1958 in Cas* 66 Sheet 15. SUBJiECT to restrictions and ease But will more automation be ments of record, if any, and subject to an easement along tlie Northerly o r needed to keep tomorrow's flood rear line of said premises. rom engulfing the banks? Being commonly known and designated M No. 20 Hemlock St., Haslet. That's what more than 1,000 New Jeraey. The approximate amount of the Judg- bank executives—some from 24 ment to be satisfied by said sn|? la the other countries—are debating at m m o! $18,750.00 together with the costs the American Bankers Associaor thin sale. Dated June 29, JS64 JOSEPH A.6HAFT0, Sheriff. Samuel Sfeber, Atty, July IS, 22, 29, Aug. 5 JU3.24 NOT1CE AN ORDINANCE O P THE BOARD OF" HEALTH OF THE BOROUQH OF LITTLE SILVER ADOPTING TITLE 3 OP A COMPIUA.TIGN AND HEVISSION OF THE HEALTH ORDINANCES OF THE BOROUGH O F LITTLE SILVER Afl CONTAINED IN 'COMPILED AND K8VI8ED ORDINANCES O P THE BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER (REVISION OF 1954)" PURSUANT TO CHAPTER m OF THE LAWS OF 1950. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Health ol Hie Borough of Little Silver In the CoUrriy of Monmouth: Section 1. Adoption 1» Board ... Health. The compilation and revision of the ordinances of the Board of Health of the Borouph of Little Sliver of general and permanent nature now in force and aet forth in Title 3 o Codification thereof known mi "Compiled and Revised Ordinances ol the Borough ol Little Sliver (Revision of I 9 6 0 " be and the same are hereby Accepted, adopted ami eslabilsUed as valid and legal ordinances of the Board of Health of the Borough of Little Sliver without further adoption, approval or publication thereof, Hectlon 2. Title. The short title of the "Compiled a-m! Revised Ordinances ot the Borough of Little Silver (RevliIon of lW*t" shall be 'Revised Ordinances of 1094". Section 3 . FlUnr with Borough Cleik. A copy of aald "Compiled and Revised Ordinances of the Borough of Lltte Silver (Revision o! 1934)" nas been filed in the office of the Borough UeiX of tha Borough of Little Silver, there to remain il&f the use and examination ot the public while the same shall remali in effect. (Section 4. Construction ot Word*. Whenever any word In any section ol tbe "Revised Ordinances of i964" lmporting the plural number is u m i in describing or referring to any matttra, parties or persons, any single milter, psuty o r person, ehali be deemed to be Included, although distributive woidi may not h a w been uaed. When ay subject matter, party or person is referred to by words importing the singular number only, or the masculine gender. Hvera.1 matters parties or persons and tom&tes as well as males and bodies corporate shall be deemed to be inctud •<J. The words "peraon, firm or corpo ration shall be deemed to Include any association or organization of any kind. Words in thft present shall Include the future. The word "Borough" whenever used ahaU b« held to mean the Borough of Little Silver, These rules uf construction •hall not be applied to any TlUe, Chapt e r , Artlcfle. Section or Subsection or the "BevJied Ordinances of 196*" wnlch contain* any expreis provision exclutl(•' Ing such construction or where the subject matter or content of such Title, Chapter, Article, Section or Subsection may be repugnant thereto. Section & Chances to Prior Ordl nance*. No changes have been made In th* ordinance* set forth In the "Revised Ordinances of 19W," which affect the purpose and Intent of the original ordi nances. Typographical and punctuation • w o n , re-numiberins and addition of - Section headings constitute the changes nv&de' IT» th» "Revised Ordinances ol MM." Section 6. Amend m e n u . A. Additions and Amendments—Any additions or amendments t o the 'Revised Ordinances of 1964" when pau In iuch form aa to Indicate the Intention of the Board of Health to make the same a part of game shall deemed to ba Incorporated la the "Revised Ordinances of 1964" so that a reference to the "Revised Ordinances uf 1901" shall be understood to include them. B. Penalties—In case of amendment of any Article, Section or Subjection ot the 'Revlied Ordinances of 1904" containing provisions for which a penalty Is provided In another Section, the penalty so provided In such other Section •hall be held to relate to the amended Article, Section or Subsection whether re-enacted In lh& aweiHlatory ordlnn or not, unless such penalty is apeclflcally repealed therein. C. Recording Amendments— (1) II shall be tbe duty of the BorOUgh Clerk to keep Rt least one copy Of th,e"R.Bvlse<t Ordinance* oC 19f>t" in his office which he nhall mark in the following; manner: Whenever Rny ordinance which amends or makes an nddttlon to the "Revised Ordinances of 1964" Is paiwert and approved, tlie ROTough Clerk shall note on the margin of the Chapter, Article. Section or Subsection amended that the amendment hns < been made, shall Insert same therein, If possible, and If not, Khali Indicate where the amendment may be found. In the case of an addition, the BorV ftugh Cleric shall make in the appropria t e place, a notation that such addition has been made, shall insert in(herein, If possible, and If not. shall Indicate where the addition may be found. ii\ The above menUitnwi rpconia •halt he kept In addition to the record of Ordinances which the Borough Clerk (a required to keep by stMutc. Section 7. PubllraHnn. 'A.. Airthoirteallnn—Thla "Revised fir-. d(nances ot I$fi4" ahull be printed add published In the form and manner to be authorized by the Mayor nnd Council of the Borough of Little Silver. B. Df3lnlbution—Co[iles of this ordinance shall be deposited with the Borough Clei'jt and he shall deliver one copy to the Mayor and each Councilman and surii other pernon »x the Mayor and Council m a y direct. C, Cost—The Mayor and Council shall determine the rout of the "Revised Ordinances of 1964" for the sale to the general public. Kertimt R. nfprwllnr Clame. A. Repeal of General Ordinances—AH prior ortVln»>nct!t of the Board of Health of the Borough of Little silver not Included In "Revised Ordlnnncra of 10M" «,r« hereby rtpcalttf excrpt SUCH as are refprrei to herein as being itill In force or arc by necessary Implication hwMn rMirv«d from repeal. B. Pending Sulla— Ml No now orttirtanre slmll lie construed or held to ropcal a former ordinance, whether xuch former nrdlnance Is exprpssly repealed or not an •uch former ordl nan re or na lo any »ct done, any penalty, forfeiture or punlahmpnt so Incurred, or any right accrued or claim arlsinp under Hie r^rmer ordinance, oi; In a n y way whntever to nffent any such offenwe or act •o committed or so done or any penalty, forfeiture, or punishment so incurred or any right accrued or claim arising before this ordinance takm effect, nave only that t h t proceedings »o fur an practl(?al>le, (phronrtcr «hn41 conform lo the ordinance tn force at /the l timp or such procrnllrvjt. <2\ No t h 1 n R ront al n n\ In thin or • ny nthoi Rprllon of t111H orHliiftiii'f •hall be ennatrued M a lint Ing any iuv tlnn now jicmllnpr <tr liy vlnui> of nny Kcneral onllnnnci' of the Bunuigh lit-rfIn repfalrd; or an discontinuing nbal* !np, modifylnR nr alterinB nny prnalty accurerl or to accurc, or a i nffoctlnK lh« I In hi illy of any person, firm nr nnrpomtlon, or a.s waiving any right of the Borough unripr any Section or provision ot ordliiflncM fxlntlng at the ttme nf the' of thin Ordinance. Kftrllon ll, 'HiIn Ordinance will take effect Immediately upon Ha puhllciU>ion and paasngo arrordlnn to law. NOTICE The forfgnlnB oniinanre win TPRII In Hit Itnal form anil intrmlurwl and pmtsfrl first rffidlnff nl a rnK»l«r meetIn ft of the noard nf Ileiiltli of the Hormiitli of lAtle Rilvcr helii on July «tti. lfHit. nnd will hr rotifildpr'-d for flnnl pnRflnee fll a rncctiiiE »f iht Jlnarrt of Health nf tli« Hon»«fh nf UlI'n Hllvcr to hfhPi'l nt Ihr JldnmRli Hull Llttlf Silver. New J r r w y on AnKuct 3rd, 1W54 «t fl:0f> o'clock |>. m. nt which lime ami plarr nil per son* de• irlnic to tiehr>ard thereon in A It be tiven full opportunity, WAIWBN HERSEHT, July ]K | l«cnt«r/ MM (hen Ihrxight was guile a check, special udc u&prml* your, THK DAILY REGISTER Wednesday, July 15, 1964—5 government z'sjj'int on the ba/ik'— — '— checks > year. . f/ficlals. They wfed tht fa/.i!m*i drali in tiitst <Jigjt» and s y a a - | c r e d J l c , ^ ^ ^ V O I C M , traveler's cally depoeiljerl ia tn* b«nk by th*y have «3 million," r/ttfie A n w r / j J i Su/wJardiMtlon; r " = ' office records, the employer, and withdrawn ! checks, even i«.iion to work out sutoami an annual check V/hen your check Is cashed, it T ( , e r e is now tj : a electronically by merchants mated check handling. passes under electronic sensing turnover of 15 billion. About SO global standard tor worldwide honoring customers' c r e d i t equipment. An electric charge per cent of all bills a r e paid that They developed two technical banking. cards. way. Before this decade is over tools: magnetic ink character magnetizes the ink, the check is But this week the bankers are Americans may well be writing recognition — MICR — and the automatically read for the acThat could chip away at what talking even farther into the fu28 billion checks a year. odd-shaped numbers at the bot- count number, the amount ol bankers see as an ever-growing money involved, and the bank ture. At the meeting they are tom of your check known as E13The ABA estimates that 700 on which it is drawn. Where hearing of the wonders to come mountain of personal checks, commercial banks now have B. banks have computers ayaila- —the day when their customers billions and ever more billions This is how it works: data processing systems, mostly ible, the>e then sort, list, and would Have their pay automati- of them. The E13B system uses the bato handle checks. To this some I post the checks at the rate ol banks have added computers in sic digits of zero to nine, plus thousands a minute. conthe last four years to run herd four special control symbols (or The E13B numbering system on savings, installment credit the bank's application. When paptr mounuin </ eight biJIson clans, printers, and By SAM DAWSON tion's national ference. Even automation bankers are impressed and mortgage accounts. by the figures. When standardization efforts started in But on the 1954, probler- the bank prints your personal has to such things GRAMAN'S as VACUUM and APPLIANCE PARTS CO. 77A MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK, N. J . PHONE 747-5623 Add to the Talae of your home witfc a low-cost Home Improvement Lout most all of the 14,000 this nation's banks had 47 mil- banks, > spread standardization ing through the ABA, lion checking accotiqts and what turned to industry experts, such HOUSE MONEY AUTHORIZED HOOVER—SALES AND SERVICE YOU P A Y MONTHLY 12 mo. « mo. M mo. U.SS JS.M 12,71 B2.M 27 M 1t.17 70.11 2S.H ttJtt 106.27 St41 u.or You Borrow (WO too MO MOO NEW and REBUILT CLEANERS • REPAIRS ON • GE - HOOVER - ELECTROLUX, etc. IRONS VACUUMS TOASTERS PERCOLATORS MIXERS, etc. A«burj P B*nk • • N*rth B O • H • Bridle H«tun*vth Oounty'i R«. [toml Bank, &* T » n •f C«DtInB»n» Ser*i«4 ember Federal Depoiit Insurance Corp. Many J. KridePs customers wait for the SALE s _ to buy their summer suits. It's now on. § PARTS FOR VACUUMS WASHERS DRYERS IRONS RANGES TOASTERS MIXERS LAMPS, etc. another year • •• another anniversary! IT'S OUR 39th ANNIVERSARY SALE! NOW IN PROGRESS - HUNDREDS OF REDUCED PRICES - MORE COMING IN THURSDAY'S REGISTER The many changes that w» have made in the past few y e a n Prown's have 12 trucks and over 45 employees to serve you. have Our all been calculated to tinued patronage shopping needs. serve you better. Your con- Our modern departments meet present day buying demands. now make Prown'i a more complete store. is aluminum products and our installation to tion of everything from window shades, drapery hardware, departmenti t o the most difficult types of aluminum products including are Our new specialty crewt are fully trained and equipped t o handle the installa- it an indication th«t we are terving your keyed storm Our prices are windows and doors, aluminum siding and porch enclosures. competitive, fair and honest. EDWARD A. STRAUS M. M. PROWN, owner This gentleman it aisiitant ta M r . Prawn anil General Manager. H e h«s been with Prown's for l o yean. He lives in Little Silver with his wife and two children and is a navy veteran of World War U . Mr. Prown opined hit itors in Red Bant in 1925. Mr. and Mrs. Prown rssidD in Red Bank on Pinckney Road. Ho it a member of many local organizations and it a veteran of World War I. RAYMOND P. VAN GLAHN Mr. Vtn Glafin is the manager of Prown'i hug* horn* improvement department and hal been with Prov/n't for 20 years. H * lives tn River Plaza with his wife and two children. He served in the infantry in World War I I . ANSON V. RANSOM The ladies of our organization are, front row, left to right: ESSIE UHL—office, with Prown's 8 years, EVA ROBERTS—window A former Woolworrh manager for many yean, he has been department manager M Prown's for IB years. He lives in Eatontown with hit wife and teven children and is a member of fhe Lions Club there. shade department and decorating consultant, with Prown's 12 years; CAROLINE WOLCOTT—sales department, 16 years; MILLI CENT FROMM—office row, left to right: manager, has been at Prowns 12 years; ETHEL COOK—cashier, with Prown's 15 years. In the back BONNIE V A N GLAHN—sales, 3 years; EVALYN TREPP—office, 2 years; VIRGINIA BOYD—cashier, sales, 15 years at Prown's; NATALIE BLACK—sales, 3 years; MARY L O U G O O D W I N — o f f i c e , 2 years. ALBERT HOWELL WILLIAM DILLON Mr. Howell is t h * luptrviior of our SnifAllsrt and job •itimalor for porch ancloiura work. H « has mor» than 22 year, experience in f h * building field and ha. been with Prown'i for 12 year*. Mr. Howell served four yean in the army during World War II and it married with four children. He and ,hii family reside in River Plaia. ARTHUR HIBLER In the group above, left to right, is FREIDA BOWER, LILLIAN BOECKEL. and HARRIET FORCE. Lillian is our bookkeeper and has been with us for 19 years. Frieda has been at Prown's for 12 years and Harriet for seven years. Both are employed in sales. He ii the atiiitanf manager of Prown'i houtewaret department and was formerly with both tha Woolworth and Newberry chain. Mr, Hibler h a i been with Prown'i for mort than two yean and reticUi in Rod Bank. SEE TOMORROW'S REGISTER FOR OUR ADVERTISEMENT FEATURING ANNIVERSARY VALUES! JOHN WOLCOTT John ii the manager of tha aluminum tiding department *n<i hat been with Prown'i for three years. He reticle, in Red Bank with hit wife and daughttr end ti a member ol the fire department here. Mr. Wolcott I U p e r v i m five experienced men in the installation of aluminum siding, gutter* and thuttert. They are William M m a, W i l liam 5p«nc#. Cy Gort, Albert Train, Sr. and Albeit Trultf, Jr. M r . Dillon is a retired U.5.N. Chief Petty Officer and it in charge of outside sallino, of aluminum awnings, door hoods and patio covert. He has bs«n employed ar Prown's for three y«ars and is a regritired exterior decorator and e graduate of Seaion-AII School of Exterior Disigns. He livei in Navesink with his wife and four children. A FARTUL LIST OF DEPARTMENTS Aluminum Windows and Doors Jalousie Awning Windows and Torch Enclosures Window Shades Venetian Hinds THE FOLLOWING ttallsr STEVEN RUZICKA H e is th» aiiiitant manager of the home improvement department and hat baen with Pawn's for lix ysarl, Mr. Ruxiclca hal over 16 years in tHe home decorating field find win* dow shade bustnesi. He livef in Little Silver with hii wife and two children, ARE SOME OF OUR EMPLOYEES SERVING and repair department — PATTERSON, installation with Prown'i with Prown'i specialist with over 11 years; IRVIN II IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS: DAVID' LAMBERTSON, in- years; ROBERT N I L S O N , installer and repair department — 3 years; J O H N 22 yoars experience — 4 years; BEAVER, salesman in our housewares department of aluminum jalousie and awning window porch enclosures — DAVID — GRISSMAN, installation specialist ? years; RICHARD C O N N O R , installer and Draperies Aluminum Pario Covers , AlumlnVrn Awnlngi 3 years: ROBERT DAVIDSON, stock room — 2 y e a r i ; BERNARD Wood Shurferertei Z A R H I N G , deliveries — 3 years, WILLIAM F-ROMM, window shade and drapery rod installer— 5 years. Folding Doors THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF SOME OF OUR NEWER EMPLOYEES: ence with aluminum windows, doors and siding. aluminum window and door industry. ALBERT HAZELDINE, Albert has 15 years experi- Ho lives in Red Bank; WALTER FEITH, more than 20 yoars experience in the A resident of Lakewood; DUDLEY ROBINSON, 6 years general carpentry work. Installs windows and doors — Holmdel; RICHARD BENNETT, window shade and vonotian blind installer; FRANK DAMETZ, installer and PROWN'S hot always offered a larg* variety of Itemi—today more >o than tver before! Our lamp sdode department I i one of the largest In the coanry. Our paint notion features Cook & Dunn and DuPont. Our drapery hardware department features Klrsch. Only top notional brands are corrlid In our discount appliance deportment. Decorative Wood Shades repair department; FRED PLUTZ, shads department; MICHAEL aluminum window installer; STEVE STRAUS, stock room. MAUER, installer porch enclosures; JACOB PROFETTO, , Housewares • Toys • Paints Linoleum Rugs - Throw Rugs Discount Appliances Lamps and Shades Picture Frames - Stationary Lawn and Porch Furniture PROWN'S 32 BROAD STREET RED BANK 741-7500 Drapery Hardware Closet Accessories Lifelike Flowers Bathroom Accessories DAILY and SAT. 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.; WED. and FRI. 'TIL 9 P. M. • BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIV. . Still Waiting For The Word REGISTER ••• tmn tub it, wmuu, H. i*-*n ML u, mtumm, n. i. tm iw **• tfHw • * ! • • > JIM BISHOP: o. omr a*r • Reporter Source Material Tracking it down . . . A few months ago, an old friend named Ed Lewis came to the house far dinner. He's retired, but Lewi* D M M S Jf. Bly wim WDUarn F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamln AUOCUU E<utora used to be a super-duper magazine salesman and also Frank W. Harbour wui*i«ra «unui » p , Charle* A. JohniUmrr.«&oid Buruu vtr. sold millions of paperback books. He's a cherished Member of the Anodated Preia friend and, when dinner was over, the Th» AMKlaM Fraw U antlUM ueluilnly u Uu UK lor npubuwUoi ol »U Uu Isol • « « • prtnwd la thli ptpw u W«U u all AP Etwi dHp«lch«i. ladies got into a corner and talked about Member d American Newspaper Publisher* Association money and men, while we discussed Member Audit Bureau of ClrculaUon jokes and girls. TM K«4 Buk IUdM>r, Inc.. tuumei no flnanciil ruyxulbmtlu for tyiwiriphlcil trmrt In lAvatUnmtnta. but Ed gave me a mimeographed sheet win nprlnt without ehizgi. Uut part of in tdvirtiitmant in which O* typographic*! error oceun. Advcrtlmi win >1MM notlfj th« rairn(tm«l lmmadlutl? ol injr trror rhlrJi may Kcur. which contained some very funny man i l u m p a p w lUUBiu no mponilbUltlit for itinmenu of opinion In Ittttri torn lti raulwi. terial about men in middle age. I asked •ublcripUon FrlcM In M n u i t months—as.00 U t l thlB t MM. P « monlh H.SO U awuu-nt.oo where he got it, because I could see > mraUu—iU-M a Oitao Stafli ton «l oouBUr, T cant* Slnfl* copy by mall. 10 eanti that it was ideal for my type of newsWEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1964 paper column. He said a friend in BISHOP Minneapolis prints jokes and old stories and mails them to a select list. School System Progregg The more I read this thing the funnier it became. So I made a column of it, and added a few observations The recent annual report of At- has seen in 15 years," offering speof my own about middle age. I'm careful about gift lantic Highlands School Superin- cial services which few grade schools material because, in my day as editor and writer, I've tendent George H. Wuesthoff lists provide. seen a few gift horses bite the hand that read them. The report cites a modern math For example, in 1946,1 was about to leave Collier's several areas of significant progress workshop conducted jn co-operation Magazine for a job at Liberty when I received a note in the borough's public school with Highlands and Henry Hudson from Mark Hellinger, a movie producer and former lystem. Regional as a major achievement. In Broadway columnist. Once, I had been his assistant He wrote, as nearly as I can recall: Formation of Monmouth County"* other areas, the acquisition of new "Last week Collier's published a short-short story only classroom facility for students and additional teaching materials about two men in a hospital room. One is in a bed at with chronic defects, a remedial audio-visual aids, renovations and the window. The other is surrounded by walls. The one speech program, improved library repairs to the physical plant, expan at the window looks out the window every morning services and smaller class, sizes are sion of cultural programs, and a and tells his friend all that he can see In the park Some of the accomplishments. stepped-up health and safety proacross the street—the people waiting for a bus, the nursemaid with the baby in the carriage, the policeMr. Wuesthoff notes that the gram were noted. man who makes a point of admiring the baby as an Commendations for the admin* elementary school "is p a s s i n g excuse for speaking to the nurse. through some of the best times it istration are in order. {Bet-block It on vocation) Envy Grows "This goes on day after day, and the patient who These Days: Keansburg Sewer System has no window becomes more and more envious. He begins to hate the man with the view. The man at the Some municipalities in the SayThe project is costing $186,000 (The Register invites letters of general interest from read- window makes the scene more and more interesting. shore area, notably Union Beach, with the federal government footing ers, provided they contain ad- One night, the man at the window has a heart attack. telephone number, sigHolmdel and Raritan, have been half the bill, under a Public AccelBy JOHN CHAMBERLAIN dress, nature and do not exceed 300 His pills are on a night table. As he writhes in pain, words. Endorsements of politi- his friend gets out of bed and steals the pills. The man moving much too slowly in the materated Works grant.' SAN FRANCISCO—The people at this convention cal candidates or commercial at the window dies. In the morning, the nurses come ter of providing sanitary sewer products are not acceptable. in to make the bed and,the remaining patient says: Officials feel the larger plant will who think they know hoy the balloting will go are —The Editor.) i y s t e m s . ', , '•••"• '•••"-/,, " !- : already looking beyond the balloting. 'I'm entitled $6 the bed by the window.' So they transmeet the demands which will result v. During the past three years, hew NOT ATTORNEY FOR What they see Is a tremendous series of question fer him to his dead friend's bed and he smiles in anticiever, Keansburg Borough Council, from construction of a senior citi- marks that could, if the breaks come, be turned into a SD WARD ASSOCIATION pation of what he is about to see in the park below. 2 Third Ave., though it has lagged behind in some zens' housing project and the first Republican victory in November. When he gets to the window, he finds it faces a Long Branch, N. J. Other areas, has planned and nearly phase of the borough's urban re A California pro who is candid To the Editor: blank wall. Now, I wrote that story years ago and you enough about discussing the possible There appeared in The Daily worked with we and you know I wrote i t If Collier's completed improvements to its sew- newal program. white "backlash" vote, provided his Register of July 6, 1964, a news bought it, they bought it from a plagiarist. What do you its system which will provide saniLast year, the first part of the concerning recall petition! name be withheld, is quite certain that item in the City of Long Branch, in propose to do about it?" tary facilities for most of the. sewer system improvement was Lyndon Johnson, though his popularity which Mr. Milton Garr was I went to my boss, Charles Colebaugh, and pretrough. completed as mains were extended in the polls is fantastically high, could quoted as stating that I will bi sented Hellinger's case. He read the short story pur! attorney tor Hie "Ililrd Ward Civil •; C. Bernard Blum, borough man- into the Palmer Ave. section, covhave the fight of his life on the Pacific Association which Is behind th chased by a Collier's fiction editor, and he red Helllnering some 251 streets, at, a cost of Coast. '••''" ager, reported recently that work on recall movement..-• I am in •» §er's original story. "Find out hdw.ttiuch he want* to "In the Southern.• California coun- way connected with the Thin setii£n^in~atter," he said to me. "He's your Jrieri<i." In expanded sewer plant is about $162,000, half of which was"financed CHAMBERLAIN Ward Civic - Association, and ties," he says, "there's a lot of re-registering going on. was never consulted with refer- X wrote to Hellinger and told him to name a price. His through a federal grant. 70 per cent finished. These are Democrats who are crossing over into the ence to a recall movement. I am letter in return consisted of one sentence: "Before you Republican party. What is significant about this is that not its attorney. start paying me, give me time to find out who I stole Your Money's Worth: you don't have to re-register to vote in November. It's Since the recall movement is it from;11 based upon the group's dissatis just an act of conscious affirmation of purpose. On June 15, Albert F. Cook of Oak Park, Mich., faction over the failure of the "And why? It could be the referendum vote on City Council to reappoint Thomas wrote a letter to The Detroit News, He said that he the Rumford Fair Housing Act. This act has made J. Baldino for another term as and his wife had read my funny story about middlecity magistrate, I am of th( that there is no basis for aged men and said it was paraphrased from a Corey By SYLVIA PORTER illegal to refuse selling or renting to anybody on opinion grounds of race. A lot of people who are anti-discrim recall of councilmen who voted Ford book called How To Guess Your Age. He conMyth: Because *> many of In the'form of a mortgage wMch stock of appliances and so hi ination in most things think a man ought to be able to against the confirmation of Mr, cluded the letter by saying "Bishop goes off our list you are not directly spending helps build a houae, factory, of- puts in an order at the whole- sell or rent his house any way he pleases. Now, I can' Baldino. The appointment Stanley Cohen, former deputy at for good." He also sent a copy to King Features your Ux-cut dollan and instead fice building. Or It invests your saler, who in turn puts in an are putting them into % bank* or dollars in the new bonds of a order at the manufacturer. The see any Democrat who would go to the polls to protes torney general of New Jersey Syndicate. a savings Institution or using the corporation or city, which gives impact is Immediate. The influ- the housing legislation putting his vote on the line, for gives the City of Long Branch at The editor, E. B. Thompson, sent it to me. I experienced lawyer, learned i the corporation or city money to ence of your saved dollar may Lyndon Johnson. the law and capable of adminis checked, and Mr. Cook was right.' Fortunately, Corey finance modernisation or expan- be more drawn out—which extering the duties of the court. Ford is an old friend. We worked at Collier's together, sion. Although your dollars plains why the tax cut is stimWouldn't Be Consistent As In many communltie: aren't buying anything for you, ulating the economy so smoothly "It just wouldn't be consistent. And you must re- changes are made, and so Ion and he is a master of satire. In fact, when I became the for they are buying plenty for some- and there hasn't been any dangerous spending spurt. one else. member that a million signatures, Democratic as wel as the public interest is not af, so-called father of "The Day" books, he lifted, my There- Let's say you have been using You do "sterilize" your dollar, as Republican, got the proposition to conduct a refer- fected, council should not be sub- format by writing The Day Nothing Happened. On the ject to recall for having exertaic your extra dollars to speed up when you put them in a home cised its discretionary powers. back cover was an item "The most exciting 24 hours cut it not itim- repayment of debts you took on piggybank or in a safe deposit endum on the act accepted." | " since the day I shot Jim Bishop.—A. Lincoln." Very truly yours, the to buy a car, an appliance, furni- box. In these places they are ulittng The chances for a surprise in California are no A. Henry Giordano, economy So I wrote a note to Ford, who lives at Hanover, at ture, etc. To you these dollan useless, cannot work. Otherwise, more tantalizing than the chances for big switches in the experts ex- are only paying off what you owe there's no fundamental difference N. H., and explained how Ed Lewis had given me the HOW TO RAISE to a finance company, and you between the effect on our econ- the 11 states of the South. In some of these states RePOKIER pected, mimeographed sheet, and how I had paraphrased it A DELINQUENT Fact: Your tax-cut dollan well may fail to see how this omy of your saving or spending publicanism has come to stay no matter who the Reyour tax-cut money. 319 Middle Rd., without knowing that it had, been cribbed from a book •re "working" for the U.S. econ- spurs business. publican candidate for President may be. In other parts Economic Fuel Hazlet, N. J. omy when you deposit them in he had written, and which has been reprinted several of Dixie the party is a Goldwater party, pure and sima bank or a savings institution or But, once more, your dollan To the Editor: ple. Everything in lower Dixie could be confused, of The Raritan Township Recrea- times. I also felt sorry for Ed Lewis, because I know tue them to repay debts just as are working. Your finance comcurely ai when you spend them pany takes your money and course, if Governor Wallace of Alabama Insists on go- tion Commission, a member ol that he would not give me material already used by a In the marketplace. They are lends it to another individual who By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing through with his 1964 version of the old Dixieorat the New Jersey Recreation an professional writer. wants to buy a car, an appliance, not working for the economy only Parks Society recently cam Ford wrote a nice letter in return, in which he if you hide them in a piggybank furniture, etc., on the installment Today is Wednesday, July 15, Third Party strategy. But newly minted Republicans across a truly pertinent article in the 197th day of 1964. There are plan. You're fueling the economy said: "I've known you too long and too well to want »t home or In a safe deposit box the N.J.R.P.S. newsletter. like Charlton Lyon of Shreveport, La,, who quit the The 1964 fix cut .-is spreading by repaying a faster 169 days left in the year, The article by John Winters to make any fuss about it, Jim, but I would appreciate throughout the economy, is fuel pace, Just because you're pro- Today's highlight in history: Democrats back in 1960 and went on to get 40 per cent Fleming lists points on "How it if you published something in your column giving me viding the funds which can be On this date In 1779, Brig, of the state vote for the office of governor on a Repub- To Raise a Delinquent," ing the advance. loaned to others. (Conclusive Gen. A n t h o n y — "Mad AnWe feel It is worth reprinting. proper credit for authorship." Confusion about saving-vslican ticket, is certain that his part of the South will proof of this key angle is the thony" — Wayne led four regi•pending of our $800 million-aYours truly, Well, here it is. Glad to oblige. Maybe some offact that in May, new installment ments of his Light Corps in an be two-party country no matter what happens in San month tax cut Is enormous. The Recreation Commission. the hundreds of readers who send manuscripts, and debts soared to a record $5.5 attack just before midnight on Francisco. Des Barry of Houston, Tex., another man myth that money saved or used Warren Roggerman billion, while repayments of out- Stony Point, the fortified Britishwho get them back unopened and unread, will underto repay debts isn't working must standing debts skyrocketed to a held key to the important cross who got "sick and tired" of being a Democrat in Texas be sequelched; so here goes. record W billion. The tax cut Is ing of the Hudson River. Onl> is equally emphatic. Moreover, he sees redistricting as "How to Raise a Delinquent." stand why I don't like to study the material of other Let's say you have been de simultaneously 1. Begin with infancy to give writers. And what was that last line in your letter, spurring con positing your extra dollars in a sumers into taking on new install- one of three columns had loade helping the Republicans in certain crucial areas of the child everything he wants. In Corey? Oh, I remember. "Would you be good enough commercial bank on the corner ment loans and Increasing con- guns. The other two only bare Texas. this way he will grow up to beTo you these dollars are simply sumer repayments on old install- bayonets. The surprise attack o lieve the world owes him a liv- to send me a copy of the column when it appears?" A Two-Edged Matter the rocky promontory succeed building up your bank account ment loans.) ing. Nothing doing. Dig up a coin and buy the paper. and it's understandable that you There is Just one qualification: ed; by 2 o'clock Wayne, wound This matter of redistricting is, of course, twoWhen he picks up would think the dollars ire Jus It may take longer for a lax-cut ed in he head, had the fort. edged. But the uncertainty that it has caused is taken words, laugh at him. This wil On this dale MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN •Itting there. dollar you save to hit the spend- In 1606. the Dutch palnte: here as a good Republican harbinger. Mr. Barry may be make him think he's "cute." It Dollars Working will also encourage him to pick ing stream. Obviously, when you Rembrandt was born. right about the lift redistricting could give to his chanc- up "cuter" phrases that will blow But of course your dollars are buy an appliance »t a local store In 1870, the last of the Con working. Your corner bank the storekeeper has to rebuild his federate states, Georgia, was re es in Texas' Harris County. However, in other parts of off the top of your head later. 3. Never give him any spiritual couldn't exist unless it kept Its admitted to th« Union. _ the country, where the effect of redistricting presents training. Wait until he is 21 an deposits busy. Your bank takes In 1918, America forces atyour dollars and lends them to WHERE IK THE WORLD . ? tacked the Germans at Chateau- anenigmatic face, the Republicans are counting on gain- then let him "decide for himanother individual, who in turn ing presidential votes merely because of a general sense self." Thierry. uses them to buy or build some Also in 1918, the second battl of uneasiness created by the probability of future ger- 4. Avoid use of the word thing. Or it lends your dollars to "wrong." It may develop a guilt of the Marne began. rymandering of voting districts under Democratic aus- complex. This will condition him another businessman, who in turn In 1945. President Harry S uses them to start or complete a Truman readied Europe on hi pices, After all, tho order of redistricting is blamed on to believe later, when he is arproject. Tru*, you are not directly way to the Potsdam conference. an ultra-liberal Supreme Court, jt is perfectly true that rested for stealing a car, thai •pending your tax-cut dollars— Ten years ago . . . American Chief Justice Earl Warren was an Eisenhower appointee. society Is against him and he i but they are being spent by being persecuted. airlines was air-lifting food and someone else. other supplies to Puerto Rico a But the Democratic party gets the onus for Supreme 5. Pick up everything he leaves Let's ssy you have been puta dock workers' strike enterec Court action nonetheless. The reasoning here is that lying around — books, shoes, clothes. Do everything tor him ting your extra dollan in a savIts fourth week. the chief business of the court in recent years has been so he will be experienced In ings Institution. To you these Five years »j»o . . . A genera dollars aren't doing anything strike was started by the Stecl- tho validating of New Deal, Fair Deal and generally throwing all responsibility on others. more than fattening a neiteggs workers Union, halting 85 per ultra-liberal legislation. 6. Let him read any printed which will be there when you cent of the nation's steel proWith redistricting causing psychological upsets and In what city is th« fimoui Parthematter he can get his hands on want it. duction. non located?' Inve no concern whatever for But, again, your dollars are One ypnr nfjo . . . The United with housing propositions causing a white backlash working. A savings institution States, B r i t a i n and Russia even among those who think the Negro should be ful- what goes into his mint). Be carecouldn't exist unless it too kept opened the Moscow conference ly protected in the right to vote and the right to use ful that the silverware and drinkng glasses are sterilized, but let Its funds busy. Your inatitution on a proposed nuclear test ban (Continued on Page 7) taktt your dollan and iendi them 6-Wedntiday, July 15, 1964 treaty. (Continued) W.HAMnrPEWINGTON, Pn«Mwt , ML HAKOLD KELLY, Geatnl Manager JAMES J. HOOAN, Editor A took Beyond the Balloting Myth About Swing Tax'Cut Dollars Today in History k LETTERS K 4oeax't cost h p»yi to *4 tcrtlM your busineM aervtoi witfc * Duly Remitter Gmfidenttil to E4»r», World tftttitic: Well, a» wonder you can't wU it to the unvte-^Bot y it tk« pk* &ae cnoftmng, you've got to rework that ending'into some kind of a sn*pperoo, and for Pete's sake get some sex into it. M S PHILOSOPHER Price of Dreaming Keeps Going Up FREE ESTIMATES Ph. 542-2150 By HAL BOYLE BOYLE (Write to George, the advice olumnist of whom literally milions u( troubled souls across tr tation have said a heartfel •Who?") 15, THE DAILY B£GISTER Hand Tools Are Stolen At Hangar itt* tin lirfort u in tit (&$/• Trooper G w t U GwtmMf of I*T «ervice, a Beecfaera/t air- C«*« Medi f u u PMpt fetmefcf plane oetlersfaip, u d a flfebt i i iavwticatinf. PoJfc* mt&m leads taw y * turned up. school. None of the equipment, which was personal property of the meC O p S NECK - "They might chanics, was insured, Gordon D. Golden With Governor as well have taken our right Donald, Jr., Shore Air president, ATLANTIC CITY Attej* Dear George: arms," two aircraft mechanics at Golden, Little Silver, junior vice I want to surprise my girl Colts Neck Airport, Freehold reported. Until the tools are recommander of the Monmoothcovered or replaced, the two mefriend with a birthday present. Rd.. agreed yesterday. chanics will be forced to restrict Ocean County Jewish War VeterWhat do you think would be the Some time Monday night or their activities to minor service «ns., introduced Governor Rtehttd most practical for a young wom- early yesterday morning thieves work on the several dozen air J. Hughes, guest of honor at a an who lives in an apartment in broke open the main hangar door craft served by the company. dinner at the state JWV e c o a crowded city area, » boxer or and drove off with about $2,500 It is believed that more than ventlon held here recently. a poodle? worth of aircraft hand tools be- one man was involved in the J. L. longing to Kurt Wagner and theft, Mr. Donald said, because Need extra cash? Sell your no Donald Maxwell, rated aircraft at least one o( the tool boxes longer needed household foot** Dear J. L.: Well, the boxer would surprise mechanics employed by Shore taken complete was too heavy with a Daily Register Classified ad her mor.* but, all things consid- Air Services, Inc., which oner- for one man to carry. ered, I think you would do much better just to go ahead and get her a dog. NEW YORK (AP)—Sidewalk they dream up the money to buy )ear George: comments of a pavement Plato: :t—and never mind the cost. Every time I call the office The price of dreaming is For years my dream goal w'a explain I am sick and won't going up, up, up! It costs much to live like a millionaire. that day, the boss acts lik: thinks I am out goofing more to dream now than it used To do this I figured I'd have L small steam yacht for world r something. What can I o. (Inflation, that bane of our travel, a penthouse on Park Av- about this? G. workaway life, has now also in- enue, a well-staffed mansion in vaded the world of the imaging the country, a racing stable, Dear G.T.: tion in which, through fantasy hideaway villa on the French from a «aloon with'a quiet Riviera, a couple of limousines, sr juke box. we achieve all our goals. a few racing cars. To get what he wants from his Naturally, there'd be a dozen dreams, a daydreamer finds he or so servants around. A mar must spend much more mythican get awfully tired of opening cal money than did the dayhis own champagne bottles da. (Continued) dreamer of a generation ago. after day. any public facilities that taxpayers support or have a This is true of both kids and Well, it was a lovely dream clear right to regulate, Republicans have caught a adults. and it kept me happy for years. As a child, I dreamed of .find But now it is smashed to smith- promising whiff in the breeze. It may be a delusion ing a nickel, a dime, or—in ereens, I made the mistake o! fostered by the invigorating ocean winds that drift over really expansive mood—a confiding my dream to a frlenc this peninsula city from the Pacific. quarter. To dream of finding who is expert in tax and finan quarter was to spend a wild aft- cial matters. But when the question marks are stacked up they ernoon in Valhalla. "How much money do yoi may mean something that the popularity polls don't That gigantic sum would buy think it would take you to llvi five big sticks of penny licorice, the way you think a millionain catch. The question, "Do you prefer Johnson to Golda nickel ice cream cone, a nick- ives?" he asked. water—or to Scranton—or to any other Republican?" el sack of popcorn, and a dim "Why, a million dollars," I r ticket to the Saturday afternoon piled. gets one answer. But if the questioning were to be movie. He laughed. "You must t eformulated to read, "Do you prefer Johnson's attiTo a modern child, being ac- kidding. Anybody with only tually given a quarter is hardly million dollars who tried to live ude on a fair housing act to you-know-who's?" it might a dream situation. It wouldn't ike that would wind up panhan provoke an entirely different response. In the voting get him very far. To spend a de- dling on the Bowery in-less thar lirious afternoon such as booths next fall people will not only be at war over six months. dreamed of in childhood he'd "Youl'I have to upgrade your Available mi Humttd presidential personalities. They will be fighting over have to have well over a dollar. dreams. What you need is J25 Grownup dreams are gettin million to (50 million—and even ideas and attitudes—and who knows where the pendueven more high-priced. This then you might have to cul lum will come to rest? Shopping /VVoNTaioMIHY doesn't bother some people down on your racing stable, an C«M*r They are spendthrift dreamers. keep your yacht in drydock pa "RT" They are printing-press-money of the year." Idreamers. Whatever the; He left me crushed. Who,,a dream they'd like to have or do, my age wants ta have a suddenly boost his dream fortune from a million dollars to $25 million THERE'S N O CHARGE or so? It is hard to do. It isn't FOR SERVICE AT STERLING:. worth it. Somebody is always takinj But It Makes a Million-Dollar the fun out of life. And inflation Difference in Your Satisfaction! is taking a lot of the fun out of dreaming. A fellow can hardly afford it anymore. Chamberlain LADIES' TERRY SCUFFS StoM Haunt M M . . !••»., Tim., Sat, M 0 • 1:10 f.M OPIN LATI WIDi mt HI. TIL f P.M. WR YOUR SUMMIR SHOPPIN* CONVINIINCII $, M, L, All celan. Camp, vilut M l c WARDS CHAIN LINK FENCING off No Money Down! Expert Installation DISCOUNT BARGAIN BARN Nat raipentlblt for typographical t m n . W« rattrv* the tight to limit quentltbt white tfcey tat. WARD SUMMER FOOD SAVINGS PLUS YOUR MOST VALUABLE TRADING STAMPS FREE 140 Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. 747-4000 O»w I I A.M. t» » tM. Mgn. ttirn Fri t AM. to i P.M. foturdoyi LIQUORS 26 BROAD STREET RED BANK N.J. FREE DELIVERY-PHONE: SH 7-3334 DAVIDSON'S WORLD'S FAIR 199 CHAMPAGNE NATURALLY FERMENTED IN THE BOTTLE hit"; Letters (Continued) his mind feast on garbage. Pro vide him with sanitary cups to his lips, but let his brain drinl out of any dirty container. 7. Quarrel frequently in th> presence of your children. In this way they woll not be too shockec when the home is broken later. 8. Give him alt the spending money he wants. Never let hi earn his own. Why should 1 have things as tough as you ha them? 9. Satisfy his every craving for food, drink and comfort. See that every sensual desire is gratified. 'Denial may lead to harmful frustration. 10. Praise him in his presence to all the neighbor!. Show how much smarter he is than the neighbor's children. Take part against neighbors, teachers, policemen. They are all prej diced against your child. 11. When he gets into ret trouble, apologize for yourself b saying "I never could do an) thing with him." 12. Prepare for a life of grlel You will be likely to have it. Knit in Or^ Piece 510 POT ROAST CALIFORNIA STYLE CHUCK •ONitfU—fOI POT O« OVIH ^ 0^ Crossrib Roast u. O9< tW Ot IMAM ^ VEAL CHOPS u.89« VEAL CHOPS u69< COFFEE IWO GUYS PURE 100 j : MUD UOHT a ' - DRESSING m m* LEGS * RUMPS u M M ift Ik orr—AU ninrosi CIIANEI, JUICE 8:99 3-OZ. i f t IOXIS APPLE SAUCE m <» MR. CLEAN °*r48c ; ^^ UHJ1 o>wwu • ,», A J k DAIRY DEPT. |C0TTA0I GOIOIN nun 39< STEAKS IONIUM u. 7 9 < - & 48« DRINKS AU 4i?i99< THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES and VEAL fH u. CHUCK STEAK u. 3 5 < #%tf% MIIACU WHIP SAUD roirNiiiAM ot TWO aura BEEF LIVER V FRESH • 1 LEAN L I . DESERTS M TWO QUit MOUND CHUCK ALL FLAVORS N ™>WIS 5 c°ii 9 9 C TUNA SHORT RIBS LI. JELL-0 [B COLOMBIAN POT ROAST IQNELESI CHUCK W C H I C K E N 9UARTIRS U . 3 9 « BBS 1 9 COLD UiAA WE CARRY CHOICE! ONLY GOVT. GRADED m COOKIES »»»«>" 4 ,,, mm °? ' • OREO CREME J?. 4 3 « PRODUCE DEPT. TISSUES ^ 8 - - 99* COCKTAIL 3 CA '% 8 8 < All PIAVOII CANHH rj,if a*AE%Ja\ I O B A Jinoz. CANI **> OUTI HUDSON UIHIOOM ^1A M I'™ • A TISSUE >««• ""«• DUTCH A1M0H0 •§ '» 2 5 c A MM CRUNCH »»« 3 o, * 1 FROZEN FOOD DEPT. LEMONADE SWIET CORN »mt FRUIT D R I N K S - ALL FLAVORS CANS ON ICE AT ALL TIMES BARTONS KtAFT-MIH PINIAfPLI-OIANM SWISS CHEESE SLICES ROYAL DAIRY FULL QUARTS COMST0CK, BLENDED ^ WHISKEY.... VODKA GIN... YOUR YOUR BOOK V q " " V TOWARD THE WORTH I k A PURCHASE OF IMPORTED CANADIAN WHISKEY ririii SCOTCH McADAMS 3 79 ^SEr firik ABOVE ITEMS EXCLUSIVE WITH DAVIDSON'S RED BANK SALE DAYS CASH & CARRY! 12 r LINDEN HOUSE Hunt's PEACHES No. 2</i CAN 2 uii 49* 110. 1 CIINIII CUT STRAWBERRIES «ST ALL J' FLAVORS 24 « * . Hunt's CATSUP •onLES 4 '0-OX.8* HAID lit) IIP! TOMATOES WEEKLY APPETIZING DEPT. SPECIAL LISK—SAVORY OPEN SAUCE PAN DINNERWARE 99 LAURENTIAN $4 i S ANY SET OF FAMOUS BRAND FULL QUART DAVIDSON'S » PROOF 28 oi. BoMlei NECTARINES CARROTS ONE BOOK SPECIAL CHOICE met m CUT CORN POTATOES IIIJH WESTIIN *"OZ- TWO GUVS TRADING STAMP DAVIDSON'S SODA 33 JUICE , , . hcsJquarters (or III Send daughter to school parties in a cozy, knit coat tha fashion news. Easy-knit in one piece fro neck down including sleeves Smart tweed-effect stitch, cab yoke. Pattern 510: sites 4-6; 6-11 12 incl. Thirty-five cents In coins f< this pattern — add 15 cents ft each pattern for lst-cl&ss mailir and special handling. Send Laura Wheeler, Red Bank Regl ter, Needlecraft Dept., P.O. Bo 161, Old Chelsea Station, Ni York 11, N.Y. Print plainly pa' tern number, name, address a zone. Bargalnl Big, new 1904 Needli craft Catalog — over 200 design; only 25c) A must il you knit, en chel, quilt, lew, embroider. Se 25c. Special value! 16 complete qui patterns in deluxe, new Qui Book. For beginners, expert Send We nowl WHITI ENAMEL IN OUR STOCK. CHOOSI riON «!0 WINO — MUASA — itmOH — ONtlM — HOOtPAlK ANp AUNT OTHM NAMIt. STETSON MELMAC tft ' " IVORY LIQUID BOLOONA n u s 0MI mi io TWO ouvf TIA0INO HUM toon •fpBEfP H»alA8t illCtP TO O»Dil REG. Ste ROAST BEEf v. »b. 9 8 c SALAD ':% ib. 2 3 < SALVO 23-oi. WITH A FOOD PURCHASE OF S I N OR MORI IVORY SOAP THRILL PREMIUM DUZ 2^29 MIDDLETOWN-RT. 35 OPEN DAILY 9iJ0 A.M. TIL 10 P.M. SUNDAY* 9iJ0A.M.'TIL 6 P.M. * For Softi A U O W M I By Law 8—W«da««i«f, July 15, 196*. THE DAILY REGISTER ffwuXtne Man Died Red Crosses Don't Stop Red Bui lets Editor's Note—More than ISO South Viet Nam. This is how U.S. servicemen have died in one of them died. action against the Viet Cong in By PETER ARNETT Uiwre Tim* Meats Start at CITARELLAS MEATS and DELI Link Silver Shopping Cntir Call 741-90S? Rotisserie Barbecued Chickens at All Times 3-lb. tlie—$1.4? Turkey • Capons Span Ribs on Order HOME MADE SALADS QUALITY COLD CUTS PRIME MEATS O p n San. 9 to 1 P. M. 3 to *:30 P. M. C«lanton» Fran* Italian Specialties SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP)-When Maj. Charles L. Kelly flew his helicopter down to the Mekong Ritfer delta seven months ago, he told everyone h met: "We fly anywhere, an> time." This curt phrase, delivered flatly in a Georgia drawl, and his rigorous adherence to it, weaved an aura around the lough, slightly built major. Kelly, from Sylvania, Ga. flew an ambulance helicopte with bright red crosses painted on its sides. He didn't carry a gun, but a medical bag which he sometimes opened to help out hard-pressed doctors flying with him into battle areas. He was carrying this bag when he flew into a hamlet in Ving Long. It was within reach when h died there. Company coming? LIGHTWEIGHT FOLDING COTS DOWNTOWN RED BANK $ 7.99 OPEN WED. AND FRI. EVES, f ~l tdUvfix A- ^ Kelly commanded the S7th U.S. Medical Detachment, a unit charged with flying wound' td and dead Out c4 comhtt When Kelly, a decorsXed veteran of World War II, took over the unit it operated only in the day time. But 12 hours of daylight was not enough for Kelly. After arguing with his superior officers he was able to confidently begin saying: "We fly anywhere, any time." This took Kelly, 40, to every corner of the delta where battles ere fought. Kelly was aware of the dangers he took. Every day he was witness to the inevitable result of battle, the wounded and the dead. This seemed to strengthen his resolve to do all he could to help. tit- Insisted on flying at night in a helicopter. "This way we don't have to carry lights, and can move undetected," he said. More than once he landed his ship by flashlight, flickering it on the ground as he landed. Often at nighl, radio opera tors in distant posts would hear crackling over the radio: 'This is ole Dustoff (Kelly's code name). Just passing over. Everything O.K.?" The call Kelly took at his base July 1 was a routine one, A U.S. adviser had been wounded by a Communist mortar round and needed immediate evacuation. Kelly arrived over the location in Ving Long Province and steered his helicopter toward a landing. There had been no Communist fire for some time but as he came in the Communists opened up on his red cross-marked ship with heavy volleys of small arms fire. "Dustoff, Dustoff, the radio DEMISE REAmHNTED A Daughter StUl Ask* 'Why? WhyT mm wa&mtMrxTmit •**, OItt Kedj JM,, ownthip, has beeo to the botrd rA tMaagen of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (or • three-year , at a meeting at the board at Rutgers University here. SYLVANIA, Ga. (AP) - Three weeks before Maj. Charles L. Kelly died in Viet Nam, his 12year-old daughter, Carol, wrote this poem: In Viet Nam A cold war rages Soldiers are found Wilh very small wages. Men fight Women cry And day and night More people die. Why? Why? Is there such fuss? Why do they lie? Why do they cuss? Why do they kill And hurt And harm? Why do they steal Apd cause such alarm? I don't know why I never will Know why men have to die In the battlefield. *>ew"t eoet * p«y* to fma toffee** iewfc* with .* DtUy {tegtoer ClutXiri ad. •. « • • WEST FURNITURE CO. KEYPORV, N. J. 264-0181 Open Mon. and Fri. Evening* 'Til 9 P.M. LEON'So urged. "Take off, take off, small arms fire. Kelly, maneuvering in for a landing, replied firmly, "I'll VANDALISM — The home of Sad Bright Councilman move when I have the wounded Pat A. Long was spattered with white paint by vandals with me." Monday night while the borough official attended a They were his last words. A bullet hit him in the chest, kill- council meeting. Sea Bright police are investigating the ing him instantly. The helicop- act and prosecutor's detectives have been notified. Mr. ter rolled over, breaking the leg Long's house is at Shrewsbury. Way and Riverview PI. of the U.S. doctor riding inside. In a tribute to Kelly, the U.S. weekly paper published in Sai Church and State Police detecgon said: "When Ma]. Kelly tive Howard Gillan approached died, a small part of every man Lyons after he told policemen he in the delta went with him." would jump if they came any closer. The two men walked to To Size 48! within six feet of Ityons, who i straddling the guard rail, WOODBRIDGE (AP) - A 40year-old Garden State Parkway and after 29 minutes persuaded CLEANERS ALWAYS OO "THEIR VERY BEST TO WAKE If will be the happiest day of your life when you have your rugs cleaned by experts i ! I Prevent Man From Jumping Off Bridge rug * cleanin; * Printed Pattern maintenance man was talked out him to come down, of jumping from a 150 foot-high parkway bridge over the Raritan River early Monday by a priest and a state police detective. Parkway police said the man William F. Lyons of 14 New York Dr., Edison Township, told them he was despondent over financia difficulties. According to police, Lyons had been drinking Sunday night at a tavern and telephoned his wife, Ruth, 29, at 2 a.m. and told her he was going to jump from the bridge. Mrs. Lyons notified police. Rev. Donald Riley of St. James TOUGHEST NEW-CAR TIRE ANYWHERE BECAUSE ITS BUILT WITH T U F S Y N I CUSTOM SUPER-CUSHION Summer Sale Here's the great-going Goodyear original equipment tire that's the favorite of U.S. ear makers. Quality built and service tested to rigid specifications, and available at a very reasonable cost. It's the best rayon cord tire for the money any where! GOOD/YE4R .95 BlackwaH Plus tax and old tire off your car 600DYEAR NATION-WIDE * N 0 LIMIT" 6UARANTEE Mo KmH oo mooths/tto-fanit ca miles/Ma limit as to rods/Ho knit as to speed/for tie e s l w m of tin tread. m. KM MOMEM Wr« TIMS MS. MKMNKn against detects fa * > * m » * i » Md materijk am) normal road hazards, except repairable punctures. If IGDOOYUR TRIE MILS ONCER THIS CSAMNTfE ** «f mm Wan 86,000 Goodyear deafen in the United States aad Canada wiU mate allowance on » new tire based on original tread depth remaining and carent "Goodyesr Price". LANE'S INC. • • • • WHOLESALE and RETAIL COR. MAPLE AVE. and WHITE ST., RED BANK Sun shift for larger sizes — cool 'cause it doesn't cling to your waist, slimming 'cause it's straight and simple! Extra-easy. Tie belt optional. Printed Pattern 9187: Women's Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. Size 36 requires 3 yards 35-inch fabric. Fifty cents In coins for this pat tern — add 15 cents for each pattern for first-class, mailing and special handling. Send to Marian Martin, Red Bank Register, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York 11, N.'Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. Your free pattern Is ready — choose it from 250 design ideas In new Spring-Summer Pattern Catalog, just out! Dresses, sportswear, coats, morel Send 50c now. MONMOUTH MEATS 110 MONMOUTH RED BANK 741-5292 FRESH KILLED ST. 13 MAIN ST. EATONTOWN 542-0743 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 Lean - Tender Boneless, Choice FRYING CROSS CHICKENS RIB ROAST C 33s 79 Boneless, Choice CHUCK ROAST IC 39 Ib Lean - Meaty Genuine Spring 5 - 6 Lb. Size Ib Lean - Fresh EYE SPARE LEGS of GROUND ROUND RIBS LAMB CHUCK 99J 59 69 59 C iC Ib Ib Economical O £ BACON Ls BEEF iLAMB 15% to 40% Off! NOTICE prices start at TEL. 7 4 1 . 0 4 8 4 STORE-WIDE | FRANKS lb NOTICE NOTICE 18 "HEREBY GIVEN thftt the following ordinance was Introduced and passed first reading at the meeting ol the' Mayor and Council, July 6th, 1064, and was laid over for a second and final passage at a meeting ot the Mayor and Council o( th» Bor ouffh of Little Silver to be held Mon day evening, August 3, 1964, at the Borough Hall at 8:00 p.m. at which time a public hearing will be held uffon the same and all person* will bB given an opportunity to be heard, FRED L. AYERS Borough Clerk AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF FENCING AT THE SITB OF THE ROAD DEPARTMENT GARAGE OF THE BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER AND APPROPRIATING A SUM NOT TO EXCEED $2,100 00 PROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND OF THE BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER FOR SAID PURPOSE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayoi and Council of the Borough of Little Sliver In the County ol Monrnouth; SECTION 1. The Borough of Llttlt Stiver shall purchase and Install chain link fencing al the site of trie Road Department Garage of the Borough of Little Silver located ' on Fairview Avenue pursuant to specifications prepared by the Buildings and Ground* Committee of the Borough of Little Stiver at & coat not to exceed $2,1.00.00. SUCTION J. In order to finance thi said purchase and Installation, there Is hereby appropriated (ram the Capital Improvement Fund of the Borough o Little Silver a sum not to exceed $2, 100.00. SKCFION 3. This ordinance shall taki effect Immediately upon Its publication and passage according to law, ] July 15 _ _ _ _ _ _ * PROPOSAL ( Notice la hereby given that le bids will be received In the Reception Room of the Office of the Director, Division of Purchase and Property, 2nd door, Room 232-2, State Hmine, Trenton, New Jersey 08625, on July 23, 1964 at 2:00 P.M. and will be opened and read immediately thereafter, (or the following: PROTECTION SCREENS Protection Screens — Cottage #17 New Jersey Mute Honplfal Marlboro, JNYw Jersry Bids must be (1) made on the itandarrt proposal form, (2i enclosed in ttte special addressed envelope, (3) accompanied by a certified check drawn to the order of the Treasurer of the State of New Jersey, or a hid bond any of which shall be In the amour of 5% ol the bid, and (ii delivered a the above place on or tie Tore the horn named as no bill will be accepted after the hour specified. Bids not BO submitted will be considered Informal am 111 be rejected. The Director reserve! the right to reject any snti all bids and to award contract In part or whole If deemed to tlie best Intereuls of the Stale to do so. The successful bidder will be require*! to furnish surety bond in tlie full amount of the contract, of a company authorized to da business In the State of New Jersey. Plans and specifications, farm ot bid. contract and. bond Tor the proposed work: are on file and may he obtained upon application to the Director, Division of Purchase and Property, Stat House, Trenton, New Jersey 08625, o deposit of twenty-five ((26.00) for eacl flft, this Amount to be refund**) to th bidder upon return of such document: In good rendition within 30 days arte the. award of thn contract. SUMMER SUITS W*ar Dacroq and Polyester, Daeron and Wool, Tropical Worsted 100% Imported Douppioni' Silki Wailt Formerly $39.95......... Formerly $45.00 Formerly $59.50 Formerly $89.00 Formerly $95 Formerly $125.00 July \bliX 3». Au|, B *t&. $ 31.95 $ 36.00 $ 47.50 $ 71.50 $ 76.00 $100.00 SUMMER SPORT COATS . . . Imported Madras, Tropical Wonted Glen Plaids, Solid Pastolj, Batik Prints Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly $35.00 $39.50 $45.00 $46.50 $55.00 $59.00 ........Now „ Now Now ..Now _.Now Now $28.00 $31.50 $36.00 $39.50 $44.00 $47.50 SUMMER SLACKS . . . -••- Lightweight wools, tropicals, daerons, many colors; stripes, checks, solids. Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly SPECIAL $14.95 $19.95 $24.50.... $27.50 $29.95 _ Now Now Now Now Now $11.55 $15.95 $19.50 $22.00 $23.95 GROUP... HALF SLEEVE SPORT AND DRESS SHIRTS 4.ST&B DEPARTMENT OK THE TREASURY Division <>r Purchase nm! Properly Charles V. Sullivan. Director July 8. 1* I NOTICE Kill KIIKK1KF H SAIK NLTKKIIHt (1)1 Id OF N K\V JERSEY CHANCKItY DIVISION MOKMOtJTif COUNTV Docket No. F 3.14143 FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF PERTH AMBOY, a corporutlon of the State of New Jersey, Plaintiff v«: I,LOYD RUIU.EW BEHNICK BURLEW, h/w «t all femlftntfl Hy virtue of a will of execution In the above Hinted artion to we direct Hi 1 shit 11 expose for nitie Rt public veiniin-, til the t'tmrt Hnum- in the Hor onuli nf Ficcliolil, Ciunity (jf Mnimnmili New J.Mnoy. on Mummy the H)th il >> ot Augunt, ilMil, si 2 o'clock, P, M Prevail.IIJC Time. AMJ Hint tract or parcel of innd am l>M-mbt>a hereinafter juirllnilarly do noribmi, situate In Ann Towmthlp o* Mat avvjui. County of Momnmith nnd Stale ol New Jmaey: BBINO Kiwwn »» l-otn Niwt. 47. 4ft tm 4B in Block U <m "MHO of Oak Bhadfti Mat/iwan Township, Monmouth County N. J. owned by Grorn* W, Ctoas ma.I» AiifcUAl 1014 by Itlcluird lltiiftcr C\ E." and htinx located on the Mock hounded by Crodfl Avtnus on the south and Onk Shndta Avenue on Hie north Halt! iniip WHJI flln! In tin- Mnnmoutl County Clerk's Office on l>cfmn« 2 I 1927 an Map No. liH-i7. llclnji commonly known nn<\ ilml* tinted n* N<i. Ill O»k Shmlra Avenue Trnvnnhf]) «r Mutnwnn. New Jrrjey. Th* flpproxIniAtf njimnnl or the jii'lK incut hi hf nnthlfr-d by an let nnla is the mini or jriWOIH) lostthrr with thfl coal of till* AHIF. Dxtfil July X I1H1. iOSRPt. A, ailAKTO, midriff. Tools n, Jfaney A flomond, ...Now Now Now .....Now Now Now IMPORTED N O W 3.80 PURE' SILK NECKWEAR FAMOUS BRAND NAMES Formerly $2.50. Formerly $3.50 Formerly $5.00 ALL BEACHWEAR BOYS WEAR _ Now $1.80 Now $2.80 Now $3.80 D R A S T I C A L L Y REDUCED 2 0 %t o 4 0 % O F F And many othor brand names For Summer Clearance Leader in style and Quality in Monmouth County Our «u*«l custom fitting without charga MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER, EATONTOWN Ska* tomlufi '«U t:I0 Matuiaf, Wadiwidgy. Ikuraday. Friday TiHKlar ami ioturdof 'ril 1 p. m. it Inside Waahlngtom THE DAriY REGISTER July 15, Behind Goldwater Fresh BROILING or FRYING known as, "A man who l y ROBERT S. ALLEN «n<J PAUL SCOTT puts his money where his mouth is." SAN FRANCISCO — The single most influentia, Insiders rite him u Golddelegate at the Republican National Convention is 8 water's most consistent and prinfinancial supporter. six-foot-two, New York-born South Carolinian who is cipal HOW THEY FUNCTION-The totally unknown to the public, is aptly nicknamed "Big two men are in constant touch Red," rules an extensive textile empire and is worth through an elaborate communications network that Milliken estabmore than $100 million. lished and paid for. This unique political power is Rog Operating from a downtown hoer Milliken, 48. Married, has five chil- tel through this network, Goldwater, all his numerous leaders dren, lives in Spartanburg, S.C., calls and representatives in every"delYale his alma mater, and is a dedicated egation, plus many other indifriejnd, supporter and major financial viduals can be reached in min utes, or less. backer of Sen. Barry Goldwater from A top assistant of Milliken in way back—starting in 1959 when they this vital activity is John Grenier, first met after a speech by the Arizonan 33-year-old Birmingham, Ala., lawyer. Also filling key roles in Greenville, S. C. Seott are Peter O'Donnell, Texas, To Milliken the views, concepts and preaohments founder of the original "Draft of Goldwater were true gospel and time has intensified Goldwater Committee," and Wirt Yerger, Mississippi, head of the this deeply held conviction. Southern Chairmeh'jj 'Conference. At the 1960 Republican convention, Milliken fel In addition to personally knowso strongly about his champion that he personally put ing all Goldwater leaders end contacts at the convention and up all the money for a blitz drive and being In constant touch with them, Milliken knows or has inhuge rally to nominate him for vice| stantly available everything that president, despite Nixon's avowed prefis deemed necessary to be known erence for Henry Cabot Lodge as runabout every one of the 279 Southning mate. ern delegates—and many others from other sections. Only Goldwater's insistence ori Unannounced 'Pop In' withdrawing in the interest of harmony, This information covers pertin ent personal, business and other averted an explosive, headline-making valuable" data. clash. As he does in directing his texThis convention it's different, but tile empire and other business inAllen terests, Milliken "pops in" unan one thing is the same. at delegation headquar This time it is all Goldwater and, as four years nounced ters, etc., for a personal checkago, the unknown but all-powerful Milliken is in the up to make sure everything is inner center of the all-pervasive and irresistable Gold- proceeding as It should. water organization, quietly but firmly supervising and The South Carolinian was doing that in Goldwater's behalf long directing just about everything that it does. before the convention. A member oi the potent finance Milliken has a key voice of the National Comin every major decision and his share of footing the committee mittee, Miliiken used this Inner move, and most others, too. bills. Among the politicoes position to repeatedly ward off Also, he more than carries Mi 1 i k e n i s admiringly efforts of Goldwater rivals to bring big party contributor pr.essure to bear on delegates to switch. TRUE FRUIT FLAVORS Cott makes getting thirsty a pleasure. Luscious true fruit flavors satisfy as no other! Cott is very big : on value, too. You get 32 ounces... not 28 or 29. Always keep several flavors in your refrigerator. A great summer cooler for your family. BE GOOD ilso available In convenient No-Dtpoilt—Ne Return boltlei A Discussion Ends Graphically Illustrative of this tense backstage maneuvering was Milliken's instant and decisive counter to the challenge of a Scranton supporter on the finance committee who hojly contended the »I2.8 million "minimum" goal set for the election campaign could not be obtained if Goldwater were the nominee. "I'll guarantee this committee," retorted Milliken, "we can raise most, if not all, of that In the South alone." That ended the discussion. Another important score credited to Milliken is persuading New Jersey's Richard Sellars, treasurer of the National Committee, to swing over to Goldwater desbite strenuous;appeals by big financial supporters of Scranton to back him. Sellers' timely declaration for Goldwater is credited with undercutting a highpowered blitz to sweep New Jersey's 49-member delegation into the Scranton column. HEART OF DIXIE - Core of the Goldwater organization and immovable foundation of the Ariionan'J victorious race for the presidential nomination are the 279 delegates from th» Southern states. Every one of these delegations Is all white. There is not » Negro among them. The Southern delegates are tightly organized and led by devoted Goldwater followers. The Southerners have their own headquarters meshed Into the Goldwater organization and communications network. While separate, they function as a unit. In charge of the Southern headquarters Is John Grenier, the young Birmingham lawyer who Is top Milliken lieutenant. WorkIng closely with Grenier are Texas' O'Donnell and Mississippi's Yerger. Even Baby-Sitters The Southern headquarters t«kes care of everything for the delegates and their wives—from providing satisfactory hotel accommodations to baby-sitters, if that is Wanted. TWris the first time in GOP history that the South has operated in this sledgehammer manner and with such strikingly resounding success. In addition to Milliken's textile empire, he is also a director on numerous large corporations, among them Westlnghouse Electric, First National City Bank of New York, Mercantile Stores Co., Arthur D. Little Co. Milliken sees himself ns representative of the new breed of 'Goldwater Republican" that is coming into ascendency in the party, particularly in the South. The 'New' Party "I look upon myself as one of the leaders of the 'new' Republican Party that SenaUy Goldwater Is building," Milliken recently told a business friend. "This new Republican party Is a young party, especially in the South. We attracted some 15,000 young people, many of them j st out of college, to a state convention in Texas. "It was the largest in the history- of the South. The leaders of this new Republican Party are young, in their 30s and 40s. With Goldwater as their standard bearer, they are going to bring the two-party system to the South and win a national election in doing so." In addition to masterminding, and heavily financing Goldwater's nomination success, Milliken is waging a court battle that is making little known but far reaching labor history. A U.S. circuit court has upheld his contention that a plant owner has the right to "go out of business." (May I * RocnttdToo!) CHICKENS Fresh Chicken Parts! • Split, Cut-Up er Quartered I (With Wl»w) I BREAST QUARTERS 3 9 * WHOLE I (With Part •llMk)' 35! j LEG QUARTERS i Chicken Wings | Backs and Necks Ib. For rricamt Only One Quality-The Finest! Sold only at the Advertised Prtces-NONE HIGHER! 13 SUPER.RIGHT BRAND SMOKED HAMS SEMI-BONELESS SPARE RIBS SMOKED CALAS either half Filly Cooked 4 to 6 lbs. MANAGERS"? WEEK! "Super-RIgM" Quality—NONE HIGHER! "Super-Right" Quality (Perk Shonldert) loMltSf—NONE HIBHER1 Front Cuts C Brisket Beef Plate Beef Meat Loaf Beef Salami Bom In SW, Vtal, Pork NONE HIGHER! Midgrt ; 59 19? 59 c 69! $«(*r Cant] LOOK FOR Bacon End Slices £ 4 5 ' Boiled Ham X T X59* Armour's Franks 59C Fresh Smelts Pan-Raady IS2SE9T REFRESHING BEVERAGE COCKTAIL 31qt.14fl.$f 0 0 CAMPBELL'S BEANS 8S991 A*K> SLICED PEACHES 3 CRESTMONT ICE CREAM FACIAL TISSUES 6 A ' P INSTANT COFFEE 1.29 VEGETABLE JUICE acini PORK and TOMATO SAUCE CE | •.f.l'JJLM OUR Flf-ST QUALITY—YELLOW CLING ALL FLAVORS U Vigal. cont. PATRICIAN BRAND—PINK or WHITE pkg*.ofOQ< 400 Single Sheets 2002-plyOT Extra Special FRESH PURE COFFEE lluUktl BrlfMSall Initarit Maihad Potatoes Kettle Cookies White Tuna Insecticide Bumble BeeTuna Broadcastc C d a) *• S o £t. 7o1 Jane Parker Baked Foods/ Dutch Apple Pie Regular 8"—I Ib, 8 oi, Crumb Coffee Cake Date and Nut Loaf Rich Tasting Treat Refreshing Beverages.' CANNED SODA All Cm ^ A 12 f|. Flavors of mk*V oz. cant Grapefruit Juice Canada Cry Hoffman's Gheeri-Aid A&P Grad.A CANNED SODA All Flavor, CANNED SODA All Havori Ann Pag» All Flavon jRigtlirly 1.03* BAKED A I ] 01 « A 0 BEANS * can, • ' » La Choy Chinese Dinner IN>.3'/i«.Oo pkg. OT Ajax Liquid Cleaner '-3q0 177 I BolteR R i p NONE HI6HERI Bananas Bing Cherries G Peaches lpt.l2fl.CQ0 Lux Liquid Detergent I 2 ' I . O I . 4 E 0 I pt.ifl.C4o p l « « « * * ot.plaHle''* >29e £fi&2* B o a l DlaaMHat SwMt, Rip* i. Red Plums NONEHIGHERI Ib latmjtnc Full of Julc* ivmoni NONEHIGHSRI •(( -Z5 of HISHERI of Seedless Limes N««rby Farmi Broccoli NONE HISHERI L L 12 H. IVITAIIS -"«T« oi. can 55; MildChedtHr : 35° ASP Brand—Jdtunl Swiss Slices 8o..bil Purity Br« d—Pititurlitd Baby Gouda Cheese 3 5 ' Pinnacle Brand- Pasteur'-iii U5C Cottage Cheese -A&P't^Mix or Mofch Sweet Green Peas Green Beans F'.T;< °°">CHOICE YOUR 10 oi. Broccoli Spears e by r 6 Per Grape Juice n t...d 9 < I HI. Quick-Frozen Seafood Values! »"• 3 19 Shrimp Creole W*£y 2 £ 79° Grab Meat *T E * 6 4.6 oi. tube j Howard Johnson Fried Clams',; 65* 7 oi. bottU I Realemon Lemon Juice •83! i Excel Mixed Nuts imoiAj mumi «, wane WA COMMW, we. uper Markets tmitn 39* * ° IPANA TOOTHPASTE B&M For Washing Dlihai Watermelon Fuoy WIIMMU « e j Rifulir 75o ISflo R»d, Rlpt—NOM HIQHHI SAVE 4- 3 AllPurpoi. -49 Urge Size HONE HIBHERI Pit tturizid Proem COOKIES M..H... CANTALOUPE1 MEL-O-BIT SLICES cam Instant Oof foe £ « | S - ' - ' 1.03 Freestone Peaches 3I/.OI.4C0 TWIN Lawry's Salt * . « * iar * " PACK P «• 0 j l j O Garbage Bags & 3lb.3'/ fifl ft; T h e m u e n ' t ordinary c o o k l n . . . they'r« Jane Parker :•:;:! OM-Fa«hioned Cookiei. Favorite! of cookie jar Fels Granule* JZL . „ •&• n i d e n younj and old . . . i t thii price let them Fels Liquid - , • * & • • * £ • « !?•: hire > ball. Mareal While Napkins 2 ;.; 19° Marcal Hankies 4 27° i SAVE Kitty Salmon <»** 2 £ 27° II o:.-I (Jo can • • Fru/fs and Vegtfab/tsf-^ MIID-Colored American er Swlii 73" Chock Folio'Nuts ** I BROWN BREAD -freth Thrifty Dolry Favorite* i SAVE 3c CMckan of »h» Saa " Solid Pact l cirmtumi moo «I«C««I iwti nit P. s •ffectiv* thru Saturday, July 18th in Super Marked and Self-S«rvle» Morei only in Northern New hruy, Orangt and Rockland Countiei, All Tobacco Products, Fresh Milk and Alcoholic Beversgei exempt from Plaid Stamp offer. Fluffy All Detergent For Automatic Waihari ConlrolUd Sudt 3 Ib. 7 7 0 pig. • ' Active All Detergent Conlroll.d Sudiing 3 lb - ' o r7 7 ° _ _ pl«_ ' ' Fiorient Aerosol Deodorant Air Fr..:iantr '"'Sfl0 Church Brides of A Mid-July Weekend 10—Wednesday, July 15, 195t THE DAILY REGISTER iMiss Sias is Married In Manila MltS, R. CAKUiON, Mill town. She U the daughter oj Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke, New Monmouth. Lists Club's Chairmen LONG BRANCH — Mrs. Edward Pearsall, president of the Long Branch Garden Club, appointed standing committee chairmen at a meeting Monday in Hie Chester A. Arthur ' Apartments here. Drap*r!«i Btdsprtadi • Slipcov«rt • Blinds • Shadil • Curtains Compltia Initallalion Strvici SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE 747-4422 MRS. CARL SCHWENKER, 3d, was Miss MRS. ROGER S. RISLEY is the, /ormer Miss Cecily G. Zahniser, daughter oj Mr. and Mrs. Allison DeWill Zahniser, Middletown. She was married in a double, ring ceremony in Christ Episcopal Church, Middletown. Patricia Elizabeth Kolb oj Scotch Plains bejore her marriage in the Fanwood Presbyterian Church. The bridegroom son oj Mrs. Agnes Schwenker, is the Red Bank. MRS. JEROME B. FLORA, 3d (The former Miss Anne Louise Juska) Married Saturday in Monmouth County and North Jersey RISLEY-ZAHNISER Matron of Honor Mrs. Rudy Elmqulst, Newark, was matron, of honor. She wore a floor-length gown of pale pink nylon organza over pink taffeta. A matching organza bolero Jacket was worn over the strapless bodice and the bell skirt was trimmed with pink pearls. Her headpiece was made of pink roses on matching velvet ribbon with rhinestone dew drops and a short face veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink sweetheart roses. Miss tyssa S. Zahniser, at home, was junior bridesmaid for her sister. She wore a street-length gown of white French lace over light blue taffeta. A matching lace, capelet was worn over the strapless bodice and a pale Daily 9 to 5:30; Fri. 'til 9 blue velvet ribbon accented the waistline. Her headpiece was 466 Broad St., Shrewsbury designed with matching silk roses on blue velvet ribbon. She carried a fireside basket of pink ZIP SERVICE You Call - We Install PHONE 222-3193 H. KAABE GLASS CO. WINDOW GLASS! 549-551 Broadway. Long Branch I POINT with PRIDE! To the address where you will find just the picture frame you are looking for. That Little Old Frame Maker LOU COOPER 483 SHREWSBURY AVE. 747-1975 SHREWSBURY sweetheart roses, blue delphinium and blue streamers. William McMahon, Fairfield, Conn., was best man. Norman Schaer, Fairfield, Conn., cousin of the bridegroom, was the usher. - At Gibbs Hall A reception followed in the Garden Room, Gibbs Hall, Fort Monmouth, after which the couple left for a tour of. the New England States. When they return, they will reside in Fairfield, Conn. The bride was graduated from Middletown Township High School in June. The bridegroom is a graduate of Roger Ludlowe High School, Falrfeld, Conn. Following completion of four years in the U.S. Air Force this Friday, he will be associated with the Connecticut Telephone Company. rine, Windsor, Conn. Ushers were Alfred Carlson, Rahway, and Edwin Schweitzer, Linden, cousins of the bridegroom. Middletown Teacher The bride was graduated from Middletown Township High School and Newark State College, Union. She is a teacher in the Township high school. Mr. Carlson was graduated from Matawan High School and is attending Newark College of Engineering, Newark. He is a civil engineer at the Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, New York City. They will reside at 16 Crest Cir,, Matawan.followinga wedding trip to Martha's Vineyard, Mass. Presbyterian Church to Carl cade bouquet of baby roses, Schwenker, 3d, son of Mrs. spider chrysanthemums and Agnes Parker Schwenker, 288 ivy. Spring St., Red Bank, and Carl Mrs. Vincent Abbruzzese, S. Schwenker, Hillsdale. Scotch Plains, was matron of The bride's parents are Mr. honor. Bridesmaids were Missand Mrs. Harvey Arthur Kolb, es Jane Scott and Mary BarScotch Plains. dolf, of Scotch Plains. Rev. Charles Sorg officiated They wore gowns of pale yelat the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Margaret Totten was or- low nylon sheer over taffeta, ganist, and Mrs. Edward designed with cap sleeves, Walsh, soloist. A reception fol- scoop necklines- and floorlowed in the Westfield Wom- length skirts, and wreaths of an's Club, Westfield. yellow daisies and ivy in their Escorted by Father The bride was escorted by haiT. The honor attendant carher father. She wore a gown ried a cascade bouquet of yelof silk organza over taffela de- low and white daisies with ivy, signed' with a bodice of Alen- while the others carried cascon lace', Empire waistline, and bracelet sleeves. The modi- cade bouquets of yellow daisies fied bell-shaped skirt featured and ivy. a detachable court train. Her Brother Serves shoulder-length veil was atJohn Schwenker,' Newark, tached to a cap of silk organza was best man for his brother. roses, and she carried a casServing »,as ushers were Toms B. Royal, Wayne, Pa.; Stephen D. Perkins,.. New York City, and George Worthley, 3d, cousin of the bridegroom, Worthington, Ohio. Mrs. Schwenker is a graduate of Scotch Plalns-Famvood High School and a June graduate of Ceflat*Crest College, Allentown, Pa. Mr. Schwenker is an alumnus of Red Bank High School and Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., where he was a member of Chi Psi fraternity. He is employed as a chemical engineer by Shell Chemical made by the bride's uncle, George B. Juska, Long Branch florist. The bride carried a cascade bouquet of spathathillum with tropical foliage. The attendants carried b a s k e t shaped bouquets formed of lavender spider chrysanthemums, sterling silver roses and clusters of red cherries. Best Man FLORA-JUSKA Mr. Flora was best man for LONG BRANCH — The mar- his son. Ushers were Carl riage of Miss Anne Louise Jus- Gallina, Long Branch, brotherka and Jerome B. Flora, 3d, in-law of the bride; Jenkins M\ took place here Saturday in Robertson, Blacksburg, Va., Star of the Sea Catholic Michael Flora and Bruce RogChurch. Rev. John Horan, ers of Norfolk, Va., Wayne pastor, officiated at the cere- Powell, Fairfax, Va., and Wilmony and celebrated the Nup- liam Bryant Wiggonton, Atlantial Mass. tic Highlands. The bride is the daughter of A dinner reception followed Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Jus- in Crystal Brook Inn, EatonSCHWENKER-KOLB ka, Eastbourne Ave., Long town. Branch. The bridegroom's parFANWOOD — Miss Patricia The bride was graduated ents are Mr. and Mrs. Jerome from Star of the Sea Academy, Elizabeth Kolb was married B. Flora, Jr., of South Norfolk, here Saturday in the Fanwood Long Branch, and Immaculata Va. CARLSON—BURKE College, Immaculata, Pa. Mr. Juska escorted Ills Mr. Flora is a graduate of MIDDLETOWN - Miss Wandaughter who wore a gown of Oscar F. Smith High School, da Jo Burke, daughter of Mr. ivory linen designed with an Norfolk, and Virginia Polytechand Mrs. Joseph M. Burke, 14 Empire bodice appliqued wilh nic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Locust Ter., New Monmouth, white satin roses. The A-line Both Mr. and Mrs. Flora are , was married here Saturday to skirt and chapel-length train employed by the Campbell Robert Eric Carlson, son of were appliqued in the same County School Board, RustMr. and Mrs. Eric V, Carlson, lashion.. Her headpiece was a burg, Va. Rt. 34, Chcesequake. Dior bow of linen • ^ch. held Following a wedding trip a veil of silk illus' Rev. Harlan C. Durfee, pasthrough Canada, they will Mother's Prayc..ook tor, officiated at the double make their home at 314 Harris She carried a mother f ring ceremony in Westminster St., AltaVista, Va. pearl prayerbook which Presbyterian Church. A recepbeen carried by her mot tion followed in Crystal Brook her wedding 24 years a^ TREASURES TO BE Inn, Eatontown. the same church. The bride was given in marFOUND AT Mrs. Carl Gallina, sister of riage by her father. Her gown the bride, Long Branch, was was of imported silk organza matron of honor. She wore a and Alencon lace with a fitted floor-length gown of lilac cotbodice,, portrait neckline arid ton lawn, the sleeves and hembracelet-length sleeves. The line embroidered with red, yelbodice and bell-shaped skirt TRENTON — Ten Monmouth low and purple tulips. Her were appliqued with matching County girls were among the 87 headpiece was a matching lace and the chapel-length ;raduates of St. Francis Hospital Dior bow. train was caught at the back School of Nursing here Sunday. Other attendants were Mrs. with a French bow. Msgr. Emmett A. Monahan, Carl V. Lind, Jr., Imperial Butterfly Veil pastor, of St. James Catholic Beach, Calif.; Mrs. William Her butterfly veil of English In t h . Old Mill at Wiggonton, Atlantic Churoh, Red Bank, and diocesan Bryant illusion was held in place by a r TINTON FALLS Highlands; and Misses Mary director for the Propagation of coronet of lace, pearls and Miss Barbara Ptoplis Miss Ton! Dianne Smith Sycamora Ave. Call 542-9780 the Faith, delivered the sermon Anne Draper, Short Hills; Lois crystals. at commencement exercises in Leiden, New York City; MauShe carried a crescent bouRIVER PLAZA-Mr. and Mrs. RED BANK - Mrs. Victor J. quet of orchids, roses and ste- Aubrey Lee Smith, 35 Alexander Ploplis, Harrison Ave., announces St. Mary's Cathedral. Among the reen Callaghan, Philadelphia, graduates was his niece, Miss and Barbara Grasso, Long phanotis. the engagement of her daughter, Janet Kauppi of Haddon Heights. Branch. Matron of honor was Mrs.Dr., announce the engagement of Open I I to 5:30 Flower arrangements for the Thursday avaningi 7:30 to 10 Harry C. Perrine, Windsor, their daughter, Miss Toni Di- Miss Barbara Mark Ploplis, to Monmouth County graduates Conn. Mrs. J, H. Owen, West anne Smith, to Horst R. Heber- Peter John Carton, son of Mr. were Misses Rita Beloher and wedding were designed and Rahway, was the attendant. lein, son of Mrs. Erica Winters, and Mrs. Lawrence A. Carton, Jeanne Dunn, Long Branch; Anne Dieckmaiin, Manasquan; Judy Both wore full-length bell-skirtWigwam Rd., Locust. Engeldt and Mary A. Maloney, ed gowns of white Schiffii em- New York City. Mr, Heberlein Miss Ploplis also is the daughFreehold; Dianne Idzahl, Linbroidered organdy over azure resides with his uncls and aunt, ter of the late Mr. Ploplis. She is croft; Charlene Imperial, Red b l u e silk. T h e y w o r e Mr. and Mrs. Max Heberlein, a graduate of Red Bank Catholic Bank; Joyce Marriner, Farmingmatching blue petal cloche Rahway. High School where she is secredale; Catherine More, Avon, and caps with bouffant veils. The Miss Smith is a graduate of tary to the principal. She will I^rraine Rosiak, Allentown. matron of honor carried a cresMiddletown Township High School attend Columbia University, New cent bouquet of gold carnations and Bucknell University, Lewis- York City, in the fall. and delphiniums with gold In the western Canadian Arctic burg, Pa., where she was vice Mr. Cartun is a graduate of streamers. The attendant's boupresident of Phi Alpha Tteta, Red Bank Catholic High School; the temperature sometimes falls quet was trimmed with blue national history honorary. She i si: College of the Holy Cross, to 50 degrees below zero. streamers. employed by Bell Laboratories, Worcester, Mass., and ,is a sec Best man was Harry C. Per- Holmdel. ond year student at the ColumMr. Heberlein attended Ohio »ia Law School, Ninlh Birthday September wedding Is OPEN EVERY 6VE. Wesleyan University, Delaware, A SAT. TILL 6 RED BANK — Man Lang, son Ohio, and is a member of Sigma planned. of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lang, 83 Chi social r fraternity. He is emHarrison Ave., celebrated his ployed by Xerox Corporation, NEW PLEDGES ninth birthday with a pool party Mountainside. PHILADELPHIA - Red Bank, at home. N. J., area residents who have Our experienced stylists will pledged-fratornities at the Uni- cut, set, style your hair and Attending w°re Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Norkus and Freddy Har- HOUSE GUESTS IN HIGHLANDS versity ^of Pennsylvania are: send you back to work, colrison, Long Branch; Mr. and Mrs. HIGHLANDS — Mr. and Mrs.Alan Rosen, 600 12th Ave., Belanywhere looking John Norkus and children, Col- William Rauscher, 161 Portland mar, N. J., Tau Epsilon Phi; lege, leen and Johnny, Oceaport, and Rd., have as house guests for theMartin Goldfine, 24 Morris St., lovely. Brian Lang; Johnny, Joey nnd month of July their son, Rev.Freehold, N. J., Pi Kappa AlJUVENILE SHOES Jeff Schmitz, Steven Lang, Ray- William Rauscher of Christ pha; William McKinnon, 74 mond and Billy Patterson and Church, Woodhury, and Rev. Rob-Davis La., River Plaza, N. J.. Skillfully fitting children since 1918 Jimmy Morris and Jimmy Pica, ert E. Lewis of St. Paul's Church, Phi Sigma Kappa, and Barry with BEAUTY SALON Carol, 58 Lennox Ave, Rumson, this place. Harrisburg, Pa. Acacia. 75 MONMOUTH STREET MIDDLETOWN - Miss Ce They are Mrs. Frederic Main cily B. Zahniser, daughter of end Mrs. Ernest Wheeler, ways Mr. and Mrs. Allison DeWitt and means; Mrs. Ralph Walsh Zahniser, 30 Cardinal Rd., Midflower show; Mrs. Janice Sum dletown, became the bride of mers, Junior flower chairman; Roger Scolt Risley, son of Mr. Mrs. James Nickels, conservaand Mrs. Vincent Risley, Fai tion; Mrs. John Handsohuch field, Conn., here Saturday. membership; Mrs. Joseph 011Rev. Frederick McQuade pervsri, horticulture and welfare and Mrs, Harry Ely, birds and formed the double ring ceremony in Christ Episcopal historian. Church. Awards for patriotic corsage: The bride was given In marjudged by members present went to Mrs. Walsh, first; Mrs'. Ely. riage by her father. She wore a bridal gown of organza. The second; Mrs. Oliveri, third, and Mrs. Handsdiudi, honorable men- fitted bodice, designed with a circlet neckline, was accented tion. at the waist with a silk cumMrs, Pearsall won first place merbund and worn with a bofor centerpiece, and Mrs. Ely, lero jacket appliqued with second place, for rosebud speci- French cording in a petal motif, men. repeated In the bell-shaped Mrs. Allen Micas was hostess. skirt. Her bouffant veil of illusion was held In place by a Alcoholism generally afflicts cloche of pearl petals. She persons in the 35-55 age group. carried a cascade bouquet of white roses, stephanotis, ivy, laoo and streamers with a detachable corsage. • in ifeundruler Presbyterian Church, MMU- MANILA, Philippines - Miss Cynthia Sias, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sias, 5 Horner PI., Keansburg, N. J., was married here June 6 to Raymond B. Lenco. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lenco, Washington, P a . Rev. Jose Aranya officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. Lenco, who is with the Department of State, is a secretary in the American Embassy here. A graduate of Middletown Township High School, she attended Valparaiso University Valparaiso, Ind., and was employed as a secretary at New York University before entering the foreign service. Mr. Lenso is employed aj field engineer for the Unitec Corpora tion, Timonium, Md., and with the U. S. Navy Space Surveil lance Station, Hinesville, Ga. The couple will reside in Savannah, Ga., upon their return to the United States, for. . . jormdy Wanda Jo Burke, was married Company, Downey, C a l i f . , where he resides. Mr. Schwenker is a!s» a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. Following a wedding trip to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon, they will ive at 13228 Woodruff Ave., Downey, Calif. Announce Engagements Nursing School Graduates 87 SPORTSWEAR BOUTIQUE MARY CARTER'S New Address 447 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY OPEN NOW! IK THE MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER Magic Touch /or the disrriminating taste, . . . selections of international GIFT ITEMS of unique design in . . . POTTERY GLASSWARE TERRACE TRAPPINGS BAR ACCESSORIES and LINENS in the Old Mill ar Tinton Falls SYCAMORE AVE. CALL 542 - 2488 Optn I I to 5:30 Daily—Thursday Evening 7:30 to 10 we feature FARMER BOY meats Sirloin STEAK Ib. 89c FKTERS FRESH KILLED 4 lbs. » 5 C JERSEY SWEET CORN d0, 49c JERSEY SNAP BEANS ,b 19c BANANAS POTATOES GOLDEN R.PE SEH"™. In many parts of Asia farmers bulieve the flowering of bamboo heralds a famine. THE 842-0042 LOUISE and GRACE TRIDE RlTI Expert Hair Stylist! SHOE SHERMAN'S FIELDCREST SHOP Whatever amount o l TIME, JKILL and P / . J E N C E Is required, we Dive IF alodly and courteously. ib 10c MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER Opposite Lane, Bryant Next to Brentano's 5 , b ,25c NEWMAN SPRINGS MARKET 54 Newman Springs Rd.—Rod Bank—747-9310 ACROSS FROM MONMOUTH COUNTY NAT'L BANK W . k..p ACCURATE RECORDS of all fitting*, mail REMINDER CARDS provida FREE SIZE CHECKUPS HIVr-KJIlP • Ptrth Ambay • Menlo Park Shopping Ctnttr • Ltvitlown Plata (Rt. IM) WilMngboro. OUR SPECIALTY. Carefully Filling Orthopadic Prescription* THE DAILY REGISTER Wvlnt*A*y, July IS, 1964—11 • Way For Bond SUPERMARKETS Dole Pineapple Juice 3 III FINAST I • (p ^r WESTFIELD PINIAPPLC-GRAPCFRUIT PINEAPPLE-ORANGE POLE PINEAPPLE SNOW CROP SAMOA MftDSIYI "rOfAAKOIN 4 .89 ORANGE DRINK SINICA MINUTI MAID *»AWAKE 3L:: 1.00 GRAPE JUICE 5 1 2 8 * APPLE JUICE t '„" 99* ORANGE DELIGHT 6 !S79««* YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT... FINAST MEATS! RED RIPE TOMATOES tin. <J J C STEAKS U.S. GOV'T CHOICE SIRLOIN GOLDEN RIPE PORTERHOUSE BANANAS 2 29* CRISP PASCAL CELERY •-••«•* 2 * SUNKIST CALIFORNIA LEMONS 6 '-29c FRESH SWEET CORN ™ « * 5 ^ 29c BAKERY SPECIALS FINAST 2 CRUST LEMON PIE 39c FINAST POUND CAKE 3j£99« 25 EXTRA S&H OREEN STAMPS WITH PURCHASE pft IMPORTED ITALIAN PEELED Roulla, Comtek MUlma ALCOA WRAP ALUMINUM FOIL A 3lb.3ox. g g . X «an* O Y C » « - 49« SLICED BACON """*"" FRESH SWORDFISH STEAKS FINAST SLICED 2 pt9 99c HANDSCHUMACHER 11,49c SALAMI<9. SKINLESS FRANKS 4 V 1.00 FINAST APPLE SAUCE FINAST GRAPE JELLY FINAST PEANUT BUTTER RED HEART PET FOOD 6 89c CHUNK CHEDDAR CHEESE BHOOKSIDE MILD 75* DUTCH ALMOND CRUNCH, 8AUCN0, BURRY COOKIES FUDGE FILLED SHORTCAKE, 6H0C0NUT 3*. 1.00 4; 41c JELL-0 GELATIN DESSERT ZESTY FLAVOR ECONOMICAL SPREAD PERFECT FLAVOR m i b . MOIST & TASTY Jar fit. cans BEEF OR LIVER ALL FLAVORS 'Pt 25 foot roll SMOKED CALAS 33c MARCAL WHITE OR COLORED TOILET TISSUE MARCAL HANKIES 100 TO fACK Now bring in this week's Valuable Coupons you received in the m a i l . . . Get up to $1.00 OFF toward purchase of Nordic Mint Dinnerware 3 coupons good for many EXTRA NO. THE RATE AT WHICH THE BEARP GROWS OR THE TEXTURE OF THE HAIR I * NOT AFFECTEP BV SHAVING. TMOMUWI POIWN ivy. H..IIK Cw.ul., f t m JUthWriU kettles SPARKUMO * dETOESHIMG J U K E S AC FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT M ARMOUR TREET ™*>™ UNDERWOOD DEVILED HAM FINAST SANDWICH SPREAD STUFFED OLIVES LEWIS FUDGE RIPPLE IF A TEENAGER SHAVES IAHLY, P0E5 THIS MAKE H I * WARP CROW M S T 6 R * APRICOT, ORANGE-APRICOT, APPLE-PRUNE, APPLE-GRAPE FINAST DRINK 3 ' t r 89= GRAPE J U I C E ' - ' 3 5 ' GRAPE TREAT 4 S I . 0 0 rooms remain open. Generally, T A U A T A C C such visits also wilt require ad- l U f n A l U E ) vance approval of supervisory officials of the school. The visiting hours in dorms will be noon to either midnight or 1 a.m. Dr. Mason Gross, the univerlity president, moved approval of the new rules, saying, "this is the year we will try this oul and If it doesn't workout satisfactorily we can always revert to the old rules." by Mlchwl A. Fciti, H.P. I 1 qi. 14 07. cant PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT 1 loaf Finost Sandwich Bread-1 lb.4oz. 1 dozen Finast Apple Spice Donurs NEW BRUNSWICK ( A P ) Rutgers University let down the bars Monday against visits by CHECK THIS LIST women to the men's domitory rooms. ™~**27* The university board of gov- CHOCOLATE CHIP SSESS* ernors approved, without dis^4Zb9< cussion, a recommendation VITALIS HAIR PREPARATION under which women may visit the rooms at certain hours and IPANA TOOTHPASTE . « " * :«K*.42« so long as the doors to the HEALTH CAPSULES Winter Hill Hawaiian Red Punch PLAIN, MARBLE or NEOPOUTAM Dorm Ban To Women Let Down B t This Week! JIUCEQKAMA Issue Vote „• TRENTON (AP) — The way was clear today for New Jersey voters to decide the fate of $90.1 million worth of bond issues for college and institutions construction. Gov. Richard J. Hughes, with some misgivings and criticism of the Republican-controlled legislature, signed two bilk Monday putting the bond questions on the Nov. 3 ballot. The public will be asked to decide whether the state should cell $40.1 million in bonds for college construction and {50 million for institutions. Last year, the voters turned down a $750 million bond issue proposed by Hughes for financing highway, institutions and college construction. The new proposals were products of the Republican-controlled legislature, w h i c h rejected Hughes' proposals for a statewide Income tax to finance longrange state needs. Hughes said he would campaign in support of the bond issues. But he chided the legislature for what he termed shirking its responsibility in providing broader solutions. He termed the GOP proposals misleading in a sense because they "seem to promise to some, a solution to the state's problems. "They represent, at best, but one step on a Jong road," the Governor said. "And by being too little, they may result in be ing too late..." "I cannot let this moment pass without commenting on what I consider to be the regrettable policy of the majority party in the legislature to de liberately avoid its responsibility to meet the needs of the •tate," the Democratic gover nor said. "Although the party took over control of both houses of the legislature last January with glowing promises of leadership and performance, it has re sponded with the enactment of half measures, such as these bond issues. In all too many in stances, it has substituted for action an attitude of ignoring those problems for which it is unready or unwilling to propose responsible solutions. These in elude the state's critical needs for more highways and the needs of our home owners for long overdue tax relief." The college bond issue would finance 26 specific construction projects and provide room for 10,645 additional students. The largest allotment, $19 million, would go to Rutgers University, including $9.9 million for classrooms, a labora tory building, dormitories and a dining hall at Camp Kilmer. The remainder would Include $3.4 million for Glassboro State Ollege, $3.3 million for Jersey City State, $2.8 million for Montclair State, $4.1 million for Newark State, $3.1 million for Paterson State, $1.6 million for Trenton State and $2.8 million for Newark College of Engineering. Top priority items in the institutions bond issue include $18.4 million for a second hospital for the mentally retarded, $6 million for a medium security prison and $7 million for community health centers. Great Boys STAMPS! 3.n.31c 23c NO-CAL BEVERAGES 3^53c DIAL TOILET BAR OR ELBOW MUELLER'S SPAGHETTI DURKEE COCONUT SNOWFLAKE KIRSCH'S 6c OFF LABEL MACARONI cr noCr C e wlIH|H|S COUPON SUMPS I WITH A PURCHASE OF $7.50 § tIMIT I K K AOUU - CIGARETTES TOBACCO U H , UOUOt am! IHSH M I U t X t M f l F1OM S1AMT OfHK Thift coupon void If prawnttd ot any food «tor. olhti fhdn fINAST riKST NATIONAI Good thru Tues., July 21st RED BAN K, 362 Broad Street 12—Wtinnhy, July 75,198* WE DAfT.T Seek to Complete School by Sept. 10 Orbit, Out Pants And $50 'or any enmstruclien damages, FJHEEHOLD-TJ* •fluesttas a s bonding company • in helping n regards to the which could result from delays to whether fee new $2.7 million handle the problems of hiring a who were tuider contract tojvybich A.SBURY P4RK — A Rutherat faulty work. . ^. Southern Regional. High School new general contractor and sub- Evans. ford man was poorer—and prebuilding wilt be ready for oc-contractors which evolved from The measure emphasized the Mr. Barkalow was not prepared sumably wiser—by $50 and a cupancy Sept. 10 is st[ll up inthe withdrawal of the general demand to have construction, on ;o estimate any damage/ costs fr pair of trousers Monday night. the air—but the Regional High contractor, George H. Evans Co. the building completed by Sept. y other inconveniences' in- Police said the man, James 1 and to have the new building rolved, even in such areas as Van of 527 Union Ave., told them School Board of Education acted ol Anduosia, Pa. last week. ransportation by stating, "I am toward meeting the deadline Mon- The first resolution called for ready for occupancy Sept. 10. # not able to offer a opinion now." he registered at the Orbit Motel, day night. an official notice to be sent to The resolution gave the bond- Mr. Barkalow said, "the hoard Fourth and Bergh Aves. between 10:30 and 11 p.m. as man and the bonding and Evans firms. The board accepted two resolu- This measure legally constituted ng company the right to adver- has met every obligation under wife with a woman he met at tions prepared by its attorney, the termination of the $1,240,484 :ise for new bidders. The adver- he contract, and can proceed in the African. Room, Second and tisements would, include full in- a* legal way. ,We.can only ask Clifton T. Barkalow, in an effort Evans contract. formation, on the subcontractors he bonding company to act asKingsley Aves. to have the school ready for its He told police he left the room 2,700 pupils by the Sept. 10 dead- The second resolution is more such as the amount they have quickly as possible) there is no and when h e returned, the womline. detailed, but calls for the bond- agreed .to'work for, have been other way." an, his pants and his wallet with paived, and the. cost to complete Board member Robert Sustick $50 in cash all were gone. Basically, Mr. Barkalow ad- ing company to receive bids for the work. wanted the body to declare a The name used by the woman vised the board with its the general contractor and to act A total of $87,000 of work in clear position on whether the obviously was fictitious, accordthe general contract area re- school would be ready Sept. 10 ing to police. main to be done, according to or not. board estimates. Mr. Barkalow Board president Howard Wood;aid he tried to get the tending ward replied, "We cannot deter- Two Aivarded 78th :ompany*s attorney to allow the mine what exactly will happen Division Scholarships .subcontractors, who have stopped Sept. 10, except that we will do FORT DIX AP) - Two 17work, to resume, but there was all we can to have the school year-old youths have been awardno action. ready then. The public should be ed $500 college scholarships by AMERICA'S LARGEST FAMILY CLOTHING CHAIN In general, the bonding com- well and quickly informed in anythe Army's 78th Division, New pany and general con- developments concerning this Jersey's Reserve unit in which tractor will have to work out the matter." their fathers serve. matter of getting the subcontrac- Of Ivlr. Evans, Mr. Barkalow Accepting the scholarships at a tors under Evans to remain stated: dinner of the division's Veterans Board secretary Frank Witman "1 have great respect for }At.Association Saturday night were pointed out: "We do not know Evans. He tried to stick on theMaster Sgt. Joseph Kelley, 'for his son, Dennis, and Sgt. First which of the subcontractors have Job as long and tried to get as Class, Kenneth Burkert, for his completed the job statisfactor- near completion as he could." The attorney said Mr. Evans 6on John. ily." fell into default to the subcon- Young Kelly, of 189 Hudson St., Mr. Barkalow replied that the tractors because of previous job South Plainfield, is to enter Seton bonding company was responsible expenses, not because of the Hall University in the fall. John Freehold Regional contract. Burkert, of 6242 Revere St., PhilVincent Foy, the board's build- adelphia, will attend Penn State. Ing committee chairman, said 90 The grants, from the division's per cent of the general contrac- scholarship fund, were open to tor's work is complete. children of 78th Division personThe board also voted to maki nel or veterans on the condition a comprehensive report to thi that the youngsters enter the Re public on the matter in severa serve Officer Training Corps at days. the college of their choice. entire stock of .v ' • • A v V =••'" ' . •••••• "• 1 I COMPLETE STORE BUYERS < 22 MAIN STREET, EATONTOWN OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY! THURS. and FRI. 10 A.M. to 9 P.M.; SATURDAYS!. SWIMSUITS SELLING OUT . . . by ENTIRE SUMMER DEPARTMENT OF VAN HEUSEN—TRUVAL PURITAN—CATALINA DINGHY MEN'S SHOP of CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA See these famous brands. Not one but every item. Arrow, McGregor, Reis, Pleetway, Wren, Mr. Golf, Truval, Playboy, Van Heusen, Carolina, Puritan. MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS AND KNIT SHIRTS All styles and colon Ivys & Jaes Small to XL MEN'S SUITS AND l SPORT JACKETS AH branded or private labeled, see tlie latest T9W—One, two & three button spring- and sum* mer fashions for h e n . 2 70* 50 AND UP AS MUCH AS OFF Plaids, Madras, Solids, Ivy. All Sizes Including XXL. BELOW MAKER'S COST EXCLUSIVE SELECTION All new 1964 AS MUCH AS Cabana SETS P re-ticketed retail price. MEN'S BERMUDAS AND SWIM WALKERS S i i u 28 to 4 2 Vals. 5.98 to 6.98 60 00 3 OFF AND UP BIGGEST H I G H W IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IN AMERICA! •' " • . „ • thili:; OPEN 3 DAY* ONLY! There are hundreds of pounds more road-hugging weight in a Ford than At Tampa U in its nearest competitor. There's more heft in the suspension, more strength in the frame. It wasplanned that way to give you a smoother, more solid ride. Ask anyone who has made the "Big Change" to Ford. Or takeXtest drive at your Ford Dealer's. He offers you the world's biggest'ehoice!, John M. Emery surtwit reduced! Tropic-Hall' DACRON & RAYON Sorento® DACRON & WORSTED COMPLETE ALTERATJONS INCLUDED v SIZES FOR REGULARS, SHORTS, LONGS "Reg. T.M. Dufont'spolyetlerliber TAMPA, Fla. — John- M. Emery, son.of,Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Emery of 54 Navosink Ave., Rumson, is attending a precbllege summer workshop {or recent high school graduates at the University of Tampa. It ends Aug. 6. Grant$19,800 Judgment In Neptune Deal NEWARK (AP)—A Superior Court judge granted a $19,800 judgment Monday against Mortimer L. Schultz of Plainfield and two of his former business associates in connection with a real estate syndicate formed to buy a shopping center in Nep tune. Superior Court Judge Ward J. Herbert ruled that Schultz, Norman Berson of Maplewood and Richard W. Siebert of Flor ham Park were obliged to pay the money by a limited partner ship agreement under which Neptune Center Associates was organized. The judgment in the civi action was sought by Albert G Besser, representing Roger McGlynn, receiver for Neptune Associates. The action was one phase of a suit filed by Besser against all officers and directors of Office Buildings of America, Inc. of Newark. SchulU is scheduled to be sentenced Aug. 5 on his conviction on 67 charges of fraud, misrepresentation and misuse of funds stemming from his activities as president of OBA and three real estate syndicates, in eluding Neptune Center Associates. Besser's suit alleges that OBA directors were responsible for dissipation of some $400,000 collected from limited partners through First Jersey Securitie Corp. and transferred to OBA. The suit contends the fund: wore used for OBA corporate purposes instead of the purchase of the shopping center in Neptune. Berson formerly was presi dent of First Jersey Securities and a director of OBA. Sieberl formerly wns vice president of OBA. They contended they were to receive units in the partnership for various services rendered and that Schultz as general partner waived their obli Cation to pay for the units. Herbert ruled that Schultz ha no authority to take such nction without the consent of all limiti partners. He ordered Schultz as general partner to pay $14,400 and Berson and Siebert to pay $3,600 and $1,800 respectively. Extra road-hugging weight is just one of the reasons this year's Ford can make any road feel better. The ingenious way Ford engineers have isolated the passengers from the bumps is another. All Fords are total.performance cars which means they are versatile—great lor turnpike (hiving, great lor city driving, great for your kind of driving. For example: In a total performance car you hold the curves better. You accelerate mote quickly. And you can expect your Ford to hold up better (and thus hold onto its value longer). All your" Ford Dealer asks you to do is tcit-drive one of his 46 models. See how the ohl roads have changed. Before you buy any new car... STOP! See how Fords have changed! f ® J Q ) Mmiinj • F»!con« Fairline . fonUThundtrbuil HERE'S WHY • We m i l for cash only I Ynil SAVP * Tlier;e ore no credit charge!I • Wo hqye. ho credit loiioil AT ROBERT H A U • You lave becautpw* savel KEANSBURG: RT. 36 on MAIN STREET ASBURY PARK 31 at Albury Park Circlo PERTH AMBOY RIDE WALT DISNEY'S MAGIC SKYWAY AT THE F O R l f MOTOR COMPANY'S WONDER ROTUNDA, NEW YORK WORLDS FAIR When today's bride has the wedding band lx)rno to the altar by a young ring bearer, she's following a custom of medicva Italy. It doesn't cost it pays to advertise your business service Smith Sr., Weif of RR Station »'J lh ad. a DniI y Re S i s t e r Classified MOUNT ENGLISH SALES COMPANY 90 Monmourh Street - 741-6000 Red Bank -Used car buyers! Record sales mean record "G^V Used Car values for you at your FORD DEALER'S!—— . : _ l For Quick Result* VmOur Want Ads dial THEDAILY Home Delivery 40". • WMIC "741-0010 DA.Y 741-1110 NIGHT NORTHERN MONMOUTH'S HOME NEWSPAPER asenoNTwo 7c PER COPY WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1964 State to Force Raritan Sewer Installations Rev. Ronald G. Albury Shrewsbury Church Has New Rector SHREWSBURY - Today the 23d rector in the long history of Christ Episcopal Church here will begin his ministry when Rev. B. Albury and his family take up residence in the Sycamore Ave. rectory. Coming to Shrewsbury from the pastorate of Christ. Church, South Amboy, Father Albury will continue the clerical and civic activity which has marked his career since his ordination to the priesthood by Bishop Alfred 'Banyard in 1954. He will be leaving the posts of chaplain and vice president of the South Amboy Rotary Club, chaplain of the South Amboy Fire Department, God and Conn try Award chairman of the Rari tan Council of Boy Scouts, and adviser of the High School House of Young Churchmen of the Northern Convocation. TRENTON — The state Department of Health decided yesterday to move against Raritan Township, in >n action which will force that municipality to install sanitary sewers in at least four of i u housing developments. Officials conceded, however, that the machinery involved "moves slowly" and that state intervention will not mean sewers "overnight." It may take a year, the most optimistic estimate, or up to three years. The lour developments, totaling nearly 400 houses, are Split Rock Estates, Coralwood Manor, Norgate Manor and Chestnut Hills, all near the Garden State Parkway. Ernest R. Segesse-r, principal health engineer of the state's Environmental Sanitation Division, told The Register that an inspection of the developments 2>/£ months ago showed major septic tank troubles which constitute a health menace in the general area. It is on this basis, under state law, that the department has the authority to move against the municipality. Mr. Segesser last week referred the inspection report to E. Power Mincher, attorney for the department, who in turn yesterday put the matter in the hands of Deputy Attorney General Norman D. We-isburd with a recommendation that Raritan be issued a pollution cease and desist order. According to the attorney, the first probable step will be a conference between the attorney general's office and township officials. At the conference, agreement will be sought for a timetable for installation of sewers. If no agreement is reached, Mr. Seges- ser said, the attorney general's office would file an action in Superior Court for a consent judgment, to force the township to establish a timetable. In 1962, the Township Committee started a preliminary sewer survey, for the entire municipality, but the study has been bogged down in local and federal "red tape," with Raritan waiting for federal financial assistAgency since September of last year. Whereas the state is focusing its attention on Hazle<, as well as West Keansburg, the federal agency has taken the position that West Keansburg must be sewered first. Township Engineer H. Thomas Carr has appealed to the Housing and Home Financing Agency (which could provide funds for a formal engineering survey) to change its position. Petition Signatures Are Verified Stage Set for Holmdel Road Vote HOLMDEL — A citizens' group here won its fight to force a referendum on the proposed {290,000 industrial road here. In a precedent setting action here, the stage has been set for a vote on the issue. Daniel S. Ely, township clerk, laid yesterday that he has finished verifying the more than 800 signatures and $9 million in ratables that they represent on a petition filed to force a referendum on the question. The citizens' group was required to obtain signatures of residents representing at least 10 per cent of t i e township's ratables in order to force a referendum. The 10 per cent figure amounts to only $5.6 million. The proposal involves construction of 7,000 feet of roadway, starting at Centervillt Rd., and ending in a cul de sac near Bethany Rd. Mr. Ely said he Is now authorized to call for a special election. He said a decision has not been reached on when the election will be held. The clerk added that he will make a formal report to the Township Committee. The committee is not required to take any action on the referendum, although it could head it off by deciding to rescind the recently adopted ordinance authorizing the project. Whether the governing body will take such action remains to be seen. At least one member of the committee, Mayor Alfred C. Poole, has gone on record favoring the election. The,mayor feels residents opposed to the proposal might change their minds "once the facts are known," Mr. Ely said he is awaiting advice of the township attorney on the exact procedure involved in conducting the election. In commenting on the petition itself, Mr. Ely said there Seek Support on School Bill However, Father Albury will continue to serve as a member of the Youth Commission of the Diocese of New Jersey Council MATAWAN - Borough Council borough enrollment was 30.57 per of Churches; and he will remain last night voted to write Gov. cent of the total, and the Sept. an associate member of the Na- Richard J. Hughes asking him 30 enrollment was 30.28 per tional Railway Historical Society to support the revised version of cent. state Assembly Bill 404 which Donald T. Day, president of Born in Crantord, the new rccwould adjust the formula for ap- the Lochslea Club, and a leader tor was graduated from Ripon portionment of school costs in in the fight for a new apportion(Wis.) College, received his iniregional districts. ment, said, he couldn't believe tial divinity degree from the Sea The letter will state that Mata- the figures. "It just isn't possibury-Western Theological Semi nary, Evanston, 111., and his mas- wan opposes the proposal of ble," He declared. ters in sacred theology at Tem- Matawan Township Committee "Those are the school board's ple University in Philadelphia. that capita) outlay costs, as well figures," the councilman replied. A past president of the Northern as current expense, apportion- Mr. Hutchinson said it was "a Convocation Clericus and the ments be modified. little silly" of Matawan Town South Amboy Ministerium, he ship Committee to argue that doBudget Purpose! has been welfare director of the Councilman Warren K. Hutch- nation of the Strathmore School Merchantville Civil Defense and ison, acting as mayor in the ab- was significant. chaplain interne of the State Hos- sence of Mayor Edward E. "What they did;" he said, "was pital at Greystorie. Hyrne, said the bill's change in to cut the lot size (zoning) in Joining Father Albury in the enrollment date for budget pur half, bring in twice as many chilShrewsbury rectory will be his poses would have made little dren, and then get a school dowife, ;Wrs. Marion A)biiry, and difference in 1963, according to nated which is not even large __(bur children —.Bruce, FJeborah, school board figures released enough to hold all of them. It this. week.'): takes peculiar reasoning to claim Mark and Susan. that that is a benefit to the disThe.previous rector, Rev. An- He said the June 30, 1963, «elm Broburg, recently was in stalled in St. Paul's Church, Kin derhook, N.Y., after a tenure of five year* In the Shrewsbury parish. 7-Month-Old Lakewood Girl Killed in Crath NEW YORK (AP)-A 7-monthold New Jersey girl was killed and her brother and mother were Injured Tuesday when their car collided with a milk truck In Brooklyn. The dead child was Susan Hojnackl of Lakewood. Her brother, Robert, 1! months old, was injured critically and the mother/Mrs. Susan Hojnackl, suffered head an possible Internal injuries, police <aid. The Hpjnackis were en rout to visit relatives In Brooklyn when the accident occurred. sewer disposal plant will have to be constructed. Meanwhile, residents of Coralwood Manor and Norgate Manor have sent petitions to (he township, and the state department, asking for sewer facilities. More than 80 per cert of the homeowners in both Raritan's governing body announced re- developments signed the petitions, circulated cently that it will take over a private sewer by Dean S. Van Der Clute, Arthur D. Schwarz and Mrs. Judson Bump. Co., by condemnation if necessary. So far, the sewer problem has not beMost township officials agree, however, come a political issue in Raritan, but there that this would not solve the problem in the have been indications that Republican canSplit Rock-Norgate-Coralwood-Chestnut Hills didates will make it an issue in the •Noareas since it might not be possible to furth- vember campaign, charging the Democrats er enlarge the Bayshore sewer plant because with inadequate planning. Democratic politicians have said they of its location in the Woodland Park residential section, and opposition from resi- are ready for such an attack. Their answer: It was the former Republican administration dents there. Committeeman Francis X. Shields has which failed to require sewer facilities in said that it is likely a second, even 8 third, most of the township's new developments. About 75 per cent ot the houses in Raritan, whose population has reached nearr ly 18,000, have septic tanks. Mr. Carr lias estimated that it would cost about U million to provide sanitary sewers for that 75 per cent of the township. trict. What the township did was to force the school district into a $3 million school construction program." In other business, council voted to donate $2,000\ to the proposed Bayshore Comrnunity Hospital, and recommended that the 1965 and 1966 council do the same, for a three-year total of $6,000 —about (1 per capita. Under a recently-adopted ordinance, the body authorized purchase of a new 75-foot aerial ladder fire truck for $37,500. Council voted to have the police department investigate the operations of Van Brunt Trucking Co., Broad and Little Sts., to determine whether the firm is illegally using the Little St. parking lot as a base of operation. Residents have complained that the company couples and uncouples large trailer trucks there in the early morning hours. Council adopted an ordinance rescinding a requirement that water bill minimum charges be paid in advance. Councilman Leon G. Christinat explained that recent troubles with "rusty" water are due to MONMOUTH BEACH — Earl Snead, Planning Board chairman, the fact that the water plant is B, Garrison, county superintend- received three votes, and How- working "near capacity" and its ent of schools, will meet in ex- ard Rombey polled a single bal- filtering system is inadequate ecutive session with the Board of lot. A majority vote of the "With new residential construcEducation tonight to discuss a board was required to seat a tion," he added, "it's going to board vacancy. candidate and, none having re- get worse, it's never going to Mr, Garrison will name a suc- ceived the needed five votes, the get any better." cessor to the post formerly held matter was turned over to Mr. He again appealed to residents by Anthony Stella, who resigned Garrison for final decision.' not to use water indiscriminately. from the board April 26. It has The county superintendent may not been disclosed if Mr. Garri- choose any borough resident to son will nartie his choice to the fill the post. He is not restricted post tonight or if the session will to the named candidates. He said be for discussion of possible can- recently he does not know any didates prior to his naming the of the candidates, and that he successor. will seek an outside opinion prior Three candidates were named to making the choice. He added at this month'! board meeting. that he can take as much time as William Brownlee received four is needed in making the selec- RED BANK — Activity is movvotes to fill the post; Frank tion. ing tow'ard the partial reopening of the Old Union House, 11 Whart Ave., in tlnje , b receive some; Garrison,BoardMeet Tonight Over Vacancy Partial Use Planned For Union Mouse Cite School Vandalism NEW SHREWSBURY — Vandalism is an ugly word. Webster's • defines it as th« "wanton or Ignorant destruction or defacement of things of beauty which should be preserved," , The word describes an ugly action, and a number of such ugly actions have taken placa lately In Tinton Falls schools, Secretary Louis A. Sbeinmuller told the Board of Education last night. Over the July 4 weekend, he reported, 20 windows were broken at Sycamore and Swimming River schools by vandals throwing rocks. Still more windows were broken the following weekend at Swimming River School. Recently Mr. Steinmuller was awakened at 1:40 a.m. by a phone call from a resident who asked him to come and look at Swimming River School. He found all the doors of the building unlocked and standing open. Fortunately, the vandals had been scared off before any damage was done. "It's frustrating," Mr. Steinmuller said. "There isn't anything we've been able to do •bout it.'" The board secretary made two suggestions: first, to write a letter to Councilman Robert F. Henck, police committee chairman, requesting dally police reconnaissance at the schools; second, to erect signs on the school buildlnRs and In other public places prohthit,ing loitering and trespassing in and around school buildings. "We have never excluded people from our school grounds," the secretary said. "The •lgn.q would give in teeth to prosecute, If necessary; and they would also let as a de- were only a few minor errors which in no way affected the outcome. "They (citizens group) did a good job and they must have worked hard," said the clerk. Objectors to the proposal contend that cost is too high and they question whether sufficient industrial ratables will be attracted to make the project pay off. Municipal officials argue that the road would open up landlocked properties for industrial development. When originally proposed, officials also argued that the entire road was needed so the Mattel Toy Co. sewer plant could be snlarged to service two nearby housing developments. The areas, Old Manor and Newstead Homes are in need of sewer service. This argument has become academic in view of the announcement that the plant' would be made available with or without the road, School Building Plans Told at Union Beach UNION BEACH - The Board of Education last night made known preliminary plans for its proposed $450,000 building program. School administrator John R. Flynn, speaking for the board, said the "two-point" building program would include two additions to the present Memorial School — 10 roonrecm the east wing and six on the west wing. '•'", Preliminary plans have been developed by the board's architect, Gerard A. Barba, Shrewsbury, as a result of the Feb. 22 fire that destroyed Cottage Park School. The board also plans to close the Florence Avenue School. The board also plans to close the Florence Avenue School, which is more than 50 years old, is not fireproof, and does not have adequate facilities for the 218 students currently enrolled there. Mr. Flynn said detailed financing arrangements for the estimated $450,000 project have not been established, pending the settlement of the Cottage Park insurance claim by the Firemen's Fund Insurance Co., Newark. The new construction would permit primary grades to be grouped in the west wing, while higher grades would occupy the east wing arid intermediate grades the center section of the school. At present, Memorial has 28 rooms, and 16 would be added for a total of 44. The project would include a completely automatic fire detection system (required for new school construction), the enlargement of the present Spruce St. sewage treatment plant to service the entire building, and an intercom system to link all classrooms with thp administration office. The governing body and Planning Board met with the school board last week to discuss preliminary plans and estimates. Future meetings will be scheduled, said Board President James R. McKittrick, and the Planning Board is currently considering the project for review and recommendation. The board hopes to expedite planning so that a referendum can be held this fall, with the tentative completion date for the project, if approved by voters, September 1965. Mr. Barba told The Register that the plan to add new facilities to the existing Memorial School, rather than erect a completely new building; would amount to "big money" savings for taxpayers. Because of the feasibility of tjie addition, he said, expenses for site acquisition, . new boiler room, administrative office, multi-purpose room, paving and sidewalks will be precluded. The board hopes to get about $200,000 insurance for the destroyed Cottage Park School, and if so, would reduce new con•truction cost to the taxpayers to about $250,000. The project will involve "a minimum of architectural frills," Mr. Barba added. The U-shape of the existing 28-room school will remain, and playground space will be developed on board-owned property on Wilson Ave. and the Cottage Park site for a total nine-acre tract. County 4-H air Opens Tomorrow KREEHOLD-The annual Moaouth County 4-H Fair will open t the Freehold Raceway at noon miorrow, beginning a three-day estival of contests, exhibits and mtertainment. George W. Siver, Jr., county •H Club agent, said approximate2,000 4-H members would paricipate in eichihits and shows, le also said that 90 per cent of II the work involved in the fair J done by 4-H members, unlike Mrresponding county 4-H events h Middlesex and Ocean Counties. Although opened officially at loon with the 4-H and commercial shibits, the fair will hold Its Yelcoming ceremonies at 8 p.m. vhen William C. Lynn, assistant tate Secretary of Agriculture vill be guest speaker. Visitors will have a chance to ittend fair activities even before he exhibits are open. The English and Western track horse events will begin at 10 a.m. at the horse barns. During the afternoon, poultry, •abbits and horse grooming will be judged in contests which begin at 1 p.m. A parade from Elks Point, where Broadway and East Main St. meet, to the race track begins at 7:15 p.m. and precedes welcoming ceremonies in the raceway's grandstand inside stage. A variety show and the George Sands Showcase are included In the ceremonies, but the main event will be the crowning of the county 4-H queen by Assemblyman Alfred N. Beadleston of Rumson, who will be assisted by the 1963 county 4-H queen, Miss Carmela Di Giorgio of Clarksburg. The east wing addition will inolude two science demonstration rooms, and the west will be comprised of five classrooms and a kindergarten. The board received bids for the demolition of the ravaged Cottage Park building last night but will not take further action until the premises have been released by the insurance company and the contractors have met state prequalification requirements. The bidders, both of this borough, were Tetro Construction Co., $3,190, and Joseph C. Nappi, $4,500. for Tall Ships u s byy<rJs&ay.^y is; guests sihii4&$t$iti$9' 18. ; YORK- (Ap)The age of the time, but it was far bet- alignment in the rigging, Beyond' that, The. ' Register of squart-figged sailing ships ter (han the heavy rain and fog turned the salutes by dippin earned, lastiriight, .tli« old build- returned for a few hours in New which had covered much of the their colors and then unfurlin terrent. Of course, we should have legal ad-. ing—which, was seriously dam- York Harbor with a parade of New York area during the past their sails as they moved pas vice first." aged by 'fire;. oii'the night of windjammers from nine countries. week. the Randolph. Friday, July 3—is to be restored Board member Harry E. Wedtlake, Jr., Cannon roared, helicopters, and U. S. Navy vessels, ranging There was too little wind t who is also an attorney, quickly gave the as closely as possible to its orig- airplanes dipped in salute, firefrom destroyer escorts to a guid- allow the ships to proceed undi legal advice in no uncertain terms. "You inal status. boats sent streams of water into ed missile-carrying frigate and sailpower, so the vessels usei can't post part of your property," he said. One major change will be the the air and ships and small boats the aircraft carrier Randolph, an- their engines and unfurled th It's illegal. You have to post all or nothing. location of the kitchen, which wil of every size and shape tooted And we don't want to exclude kids from using b? placed in what has been called horns as the 11 sailing vessels chored at intervals along the sails only for the scenic effeel After spending the night at a the school athletic fields — it's utterly ridi- The Club Room and has been a moved yesterday through the route through the harbor. culous. It's a borough problem, not a problem large dining area. That room i.« lower harbor and up the Hudson Secretary of the Navy Paul chor just south of the Geor for the Board of Education." Nilze, representing President Washington Bridge, the ships w at the rear, or western end, of River. Mr. Steinmuller and several board mem- the building. The kitchen has Today, the ships moved to var- Johnson, reviewed the'vparade move to various Manhalta bers disagreed, but a motion to post the been located between the Tap ious piers for public inspection, from the Randolph, which also Brooklyn and Hoboken, N. Room and the dining porch. It signs died without a second. illed Battery Park at the tip of was hast to many foreign digni- piers to welcome visitors abonr from tomorrow through Salurda Unanimously passed was a motion to send in that area that a large dininj? Manhattan, and crowds were at taries. Mr. Steinmuller's suggested letter to Mr. room, with windows overlooking many other vantage points. The carrier fired a salute as For the officers and cadets, Henck and to make efforts to combat vanda- the Navesink River, will be So many people rushed to the each sailing ship came past. The round of social and recreatioi lism by publicity and parental contact. placed. raits oi the harbor ferries that sailing vessels, which moved in- al activities has been schedule! The board voted to deny extension of It was understood that until each ferry developed a noticeable to the harbor with their whit,?- The crews also will mar maternity leave until 1965 for Mrs. Charlotte the main part nf the construction list. clad crews standing at attention Thursday along Broadway fro1 M. Walling, Spring Lake Heights, kinder- takes placo, the bar Is In IK: Hie weather was hazy much along the rails and in perfect the Battery to City Hall. garten teacher whose leave now expires Sept. moved into what has been the 1. School Superintendent George C. Malone Kiddie Corral, north of the preswill ask for Mrs. Walling's resignation. ent kilchen, and food service will Mrs. Rose Marie Acardi of Red Bank be maintained on the porch, in was unanimously chosen as Mrs. Walling's the so-c a 11 e d Beachcomber FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - Mr. Riley was charged with Mr. Novins said the townsh successor at a salary of $5,500. The appoint- Room, on the ground level of the Violating the municipal conflict docs not have a legal basis fi ment Is conditioned on receipt of Mrs. Wal- western end of the building, and Thomas J. Riley resigned as of interest ordinance and for conthe charges since he maintain* township Board of Health presiUng's resignation. in other undamaged seclions of duct unbefitting a municipal of- the Board of Health is not sub Miss Donna Freeman of Freehold was the establishment. dent because of personal rea- ficer. servient to the municipal governappointed to manage after-school sports for sons and time consumed as the The Township Committee dis- ing body except in matters of girls of Tinton Falls School at a salary of Freehold Water nnd Utility ComShort Scuxion $200. continued (lie hearing (if charges appointments and appropriations. The pany's general manager, not be- against Mr. Riley upon receiving He cited state Superior Court MONMOUTH BEACH Extra compensation of $75 was voted (or eases ami codes to back up his Clifford Simpson, custodian at Sycamore Hnrough Commission, noted fnricause of the charges Indued his resignation Friday. The argument. School, for performance of "duly far beyond its brevity In conducting borough against him by the Township hearing had been postponed SPYrequirements." Mr. Simpson painted the business, granted one bingo Committee, said Mr. Riley's Mr. Novins concluded, "The school's two boiler rooms — ceilings, walls, cense, paid Its bills and ad- counsel, Robert J. Novins, Toms er»l times since it started, Mny|, o v v n s hi p ran do what It wants plpei and boileri — on his own time. River attorney, Monday evening. 27. journed. with the case." Resignation Of Riley Explained Seven 4-H members are competing for the honor: Miss Jean Ainsworth, 18, of Robertsville; Miss Teddy Frudden, 17, of Clarksburg; Marilyn Huneke, 16, of Perrineville; Shirley Kahlert, 16, of Neptune; Judy Mazzucco, 15, of Freehold; Mary Ann Mclntosh, 16, of Marlboro, and Mary Ellen Vandrhoof, 18, of Middlctown. Contest judges are Mrs. Ann Scott, Asbury Park Press social reported in Freehold; Mrs. Theo iade of WHTG, Eatontown, and County Freeholder Benjamin H. Danskin. Board Gets Painting Bids For Schools RED BANK - The Board of Education last night received four bids, ranging from $4,279 to $6,659, for interior school painting, and referred them to its buildings and grounds committee with power to act. The finance committee reported that, after similar action last month, it awarded contracts for number 2 fuel oil to W. A. Fluhr, Inc., Little Silver, and number 4 fuel oil to the Lawes Coal Company, Shrewsbury. Superintendent Dr. Robert C. Hoops reported the resignation of Mrs. Ada O. Myers, a high school English teacher, and said there arc four positions yet to be filled for the next school year: a physical education and an auxiliary teacher at River Street School and a Spanish teacher and an auxiliary teacher at the high school. Dr. Hoops said 245 students from nine high schools are taking 17 courses offered by 19 staff members of the Red Sank High School summer school. Board president Edmund .1. Canznna reported that River Street School will again conduct a class in St. Thomas Church, but that it would be unnecessary to schedule any more classes outside the school. Miller on Eagle EATONTOWN — Cadet 2-c Lewis Miller, son of Maj. and Mrs. Lewis Miller of 18 Midway In., is nn- of the New Jersey cadets serving almard thr U.S. Const Guard's stpel hark "Eagle," host ship fnr tile withering of tallshirw in New York Harbor called Operation Sail, 1964. 1 4 - W e d W t y , July 15. 1964 THE DAILY REGISTER Where Credit Belongs Top TV TELEVISION Programs n* CYAC Meets Tonight ADVERTISEMENT 1 Mo—Clark Coble—90 Mm. ADVERTISEMENT Poverty War Now! Fake Teeth Pofets Given Fit Beautifully! 3 Countyites Amating dental diicovery, 'Cushion Grip'*—ends tore tpou—repu loote dentures to hold tnug at a dentist's mold! "Rutelettt Nothing to mix! One application lasts monthsl After y e u i of resesreb, modern science hss developed a remarkable new w»y to mike false teeth fit betutlfulljr—Mop looseness, slipping, clicking, relieve sore ipoti—without mesiy, old-fashioned pitta, powders tnd padil It's CUSHION GRIP—amiztnz new soft, pliable plutlc that holds false teeth mug u s dentist's mold, through soothing auction— makes loose dentures Tit properly again. Result is, you-can talk, laujh, M l anything without discomfort or embarrassment! out of tubs onto dentures, then insert false teeth into mouth and bit* down. Instantly, CUSHION GMP molds t o contours of mouth and gtunp—provides beautiful fit—holds dentures firmly in place with suction. Looseness, slipping, clicking, disappear. Sore spots ace quickly relieved. One application lasts for months, despite nightly cleaning, yet CUSHION Gmr Is easily removed when desired. Whit's more. CUSHION GMP actually refits, relinci worn dentures, lets you save over $100 on costly rellning work. CuamoH O u r is tm t o use—noth- Get new CUSHION G U T today.-Satising to odx or measure! Simply squeeze faction guaranteed or money back. A product of fharmaeo. Inc., Ktnilworth. Ntw Jtrsey bara Lee Olson, 17 March St, Freehold. Reta Mae Thill, 99 Branch Ave. Red Bank, was among the 1 selected to serve as youth visers. They began nine weeks of intensive training in counseling TRENTON — Three Monmouth Monday. County residents -have been se- The successful candidates w e n lected as counselor aides and a selected by the Bureau of Em fourth has been named a youth ployment Security, Washington adviser for; national programs D.C., on the basis of qualifying connected with1 the "war against tests given June 27 and July poverty." in local Employment Service ol Announcement of the success- fices. More than 600 person: ful candidates, a partial list of took the exams in New Jersey. the New Jerseyans selected for Counselor aides had to be ai Ihe program, was mnrlo public least 21 and college graduates by Edward J. Hall, director of Youth advisers had to be the Division of Employment Se- least 21, but a degree was n< curity. ' a requirement. Among the 55 counselor side! named were Louis Kast am •p* Jacqueline Kast of 76 Willow ITJIAl JSBJ UMIJI IPS Rd., New Shrewsbury, and Bar AUBUJ 0 0 ) l)1|M 951 sir] u[ ASSORTED FRESH *M 2 - 6 9 P CoQ/antlofi .r * P Cowtnrl** •0? CawantMl I—Thro* Sioooas IJ-Whofs Ntw I'M '-•Illy tang tang ' ;—Little S-Mlckcy Mnjw Club (-Trolls Wast II—Planet Petrol 13— ingiH Para fodos 5—Sugortoot II—News—Kivln Kenntdy ^-Columbui Stmlnar /Ml 1—Local News—John rillmon J:» l-y/tothlr—Gloria Okon the PENINSULA HOUSE O M A N AVE. tU t— News ond Weothtr 9—Film—LovInQ You—1957—Elvis Presley—90 Mln. 1—Hawaiian Ey»—Mystery I3-Artlst! of New Jersey I—People's Choice S—Topper 9—Film—First Traveling Saleslady— 1956-Glnger Rogers-M Mln. e:I5 4—News—Bob Wilson 10:00 1-News 5—Film—The Missing Juror—1944— Jim Bannon-«5 Mln. II—Jack La Lanne 1—Operation Alphabet , 10:30 t—l7Uve Lucy 4-Woro For Word 7—Price IS Rljtit ll-HIgh Road 2—GOP Convintlon 4-GOP Convention 7—GOP Convention IJ—The Comers CM II—Anatomy of Crime 13— Inlernotlonal Magailne 5—Rim—Adv<ntwe^-W4S-Clorit 9—Golden Showtose—Jozl II—One Step Beyond IJ-Art of Film «-News Dining at th» Penimula HOUJB eneompaiiei every seme of the word pleasure by offering you a friendly «tmoiph»re, superior cuitine, perfeetly blended cocktails and at moderate tariff. 10:55 11:00 PHONE 842-2100 J-McCoys 4—Concenirotlon 7—Get The Message 9—Inquiring Mind 11—Bozo the Clown 9— Jan Scena Il-Chtckmott IJ-World at Tan 9— Danger l l My Business 13—Ingles Para fodoi 11:00 2-GOP Convention 4—GOP Convention 11:15 (-News Walter Reade- Sterling I—Pete & Gtadyt ' 4—Jeopardy 5—Romper Rootn—Children 7—Missing Unln—Clam ' Slrl Talk 9—Fllnv— See 7::30 p.m. H—News—Kevin Kennedy 11:10 t-Wwther—Tex Antolnt 11:15 l-5levj Allen-Variety 11 :M Theatre Directory AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT * MONMOUTH OPERA FESTIVAL 1I:M S—Film—Submarine Potrol—1R3J— Richard Grtene-2 Hrs. 11:00 3-Htwi 1 12:20 2-Fllrrv-The DetectlVe-1954-AlK 6ulrfiwss-l Hr., a Mln. NOW AT ALL 3 THEATRES ConventlM Hall, Aibury Park FRIDAYS AT 8:30 JULY 17 9-News and Weotrier 1:40 5-News 1:50 5—Night Court "BOHEME" MorimeZ Ewnliup 7 • 9:30 BOX OFFICE OPEN 1-News 1:10 2—Film— Bahon™ PosMge—1W1— Madeleine Carroll—U4 H n . 1:50 2—Film—Klondike Annie—19M—Moe Welt-S5 Mln. THURSDAY MORNING) i'.U i-frtvle\M For R»». • 775-0900 ATLANTIC lilt THEATRE Alllinlli' Ilii;lil,iiiili—1 • 1. .Ml-HI 1.1 NOW THRU SATURDAY 2-Clve O t TWs Day-FUItgKW 4—Sermonetfe—Religion Marion 4 - * ^ David Brando 2—Sunrise Semester 4-O.E.D The Capital 7-Prelect Know Shirley Jones 2-Newi And Weather 4—Today—Hooh Dawns 7—Ann Sothern <—Call To Prayer—Religion plus a t Bedtime Story" ' MOVIE TIMETABLE EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN "THIRD SECRET" MARINE RED BANK ARLTON— Bummer Kiddle Show Series: 2:00' What A Way To Go 1-.00; »:1IS. FREE PLAYGROUND LAST TIMES TONIGHT Elvis Presley In "KISSIN1 COUSINS" and EAT0NTOWN DRrVE-INWhat a. Way To Go 8 : » ; H:3t; Thlnl Secret 10:45. Children undtr I2 fi*«l JOAN CRAWFORD LONG BRANCH BARONET— "STRAIT JACKET" Anlarltc Voyage 2:00: 9:40: Carpet THURS. . FRI. . SAT. bftgger« 2 : 4 0 ; TiOO; 1Q:O7. FREEHOLD FREEHOLD— UMDNI^N-PETERSEUERSI ROBERT V What A Way To Go 2:15; J-.O5; 9U5. TVi — All Seats Reserved ASBURY PARK BARONET- MATINEES 2:30 EVENINGS 8:30 Wliat a Way To Go 2:30: 7:10; 9:33. COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE SHORE DRIVE-IN— Zulu SMJ: 1:00; FBI Code Nloetyelslt 11:15. BRADLEY BEACH PALACE- How Ihe Wert Was Won 3:30; 7:W: 9:15. NEPTUNE CITY NEPTUNE CITYWhat a Way To Go 2:15; 7:25: 9:30. BELMAR FLY-IN DRIVE-IN- Carpetbajiers l : « ; 1:15: It Taies a Thltt 11:3O. RIVOUSPRING LAKE RITZCirptlbajBcn 7:00: 9:40. MANASQUAN ALGONQUIN- Ib FRANKS I Tn> P BRIELLE DRIVE-IN- 'CASE the West Wai Won 9:00. AIR CONDITIONED POINT PLEASANT ARNOLD- PLAZA Carpetba|K?ra 2:30: 7:00; 9:30. BAY HEAD LORRAINE- NOW • FIRST RUN Debbie REYNOLDS NOW 2 BIG HITS THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN' "ZULU" and 'FBI CODE 98' ROAST 89U= POT ROAST 69; FREEHOLD Zulu 8:io; 12:50; sword o( El cid AIR CONDITIONED NEPTUNE CITY How the West Wai Won 7:00; B:(5. SEASIDE,PARK COLONIAL— Carpetbagteri 2:00; 1:00; M0. Ib JERSEY PEACHES COFFEE FLORIDA TA« I /Vibl WHITE MEAT SWEET BING GRAPEFRUIT CHERRIES TUNA 3 r 89 YELLOW SQUASH JERSEY FRESH BEETS 4bu. 39' 50 50' 25 50' 4 lbs. 2 lbs. 5 for ( pound Plus at Fly-In—"IT TAKES A THIEF" NORTH OF RED BANK Plus ar Bcromt, Long Broach, "Advance to tht Riar" HIGHLANDS MARINEATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ATLANTIC— London B R O I L 9 9 WHITE R0SE Zulu 9:00; 7:00; 9:30. PARAMOUNT PICTURES relate mm mm t 3 THEATRES in the SHOPPING t e Rt. 15 • • Neptune cllv • m-tm Kl'sin Cnustns 8:40: strait Jaclce 7:O0: 10:18. SWIFT'S PREMIUM BONELESS SIRLOIN SAVARIN 1 LB. CAN Jack HAWKINS AIR CONDITIONED HOW the Weat W u Won 7:00; 9:50. LAURELTON DRIVE-IN STRAND- SS — and many more — Flower Dim Sona' LAVALETTE LAVALETTE- Ib — STARRING — Spencer TRACY Milton BERLE Sid CAESAR Buddy HACKETT Ethel MERMAN nuiisiuiatntcin HOW the W e l t Wai Won 3:30; 7:00; w Box-ofjice open From 11:00AM. Daily ITSA MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD" ST. J A M E S - LEG LAMB 59 Fr CHICKENS 2 9 EYE ROUND SEA BRIGHT Special Toble d" Hoti Dinner from 3.50 ' INCIDENTAL ENTERTAINMENT WED., FRI. and SAT. It's a Mid, Mid, Had, M«.d World 2:30; 8:30. GENUINE SPRING 6 TO 7-LB. SIZE STEAK ROKOIS—comedy S-Klna And Odle-Cortooni •:ee I - M v Little Margie 4-Blrthdoy House S—Sandy Becker 7—Film—The Boys From Syrocuae— 1940—Allan Jones •:20 ?—Farm Report Cirpetbajeen Z:JO; 7:00: 9:33. ^S HCUBE fjjj^e Siturflay *t * PJB. In Bvtr Un. lif. Cusferaw, Mri. i Hopkins a s 4 M o . tftftWOOd brl8AAf heft. 00 Stock, it. . Dtaciflg wiil be t ° the music wtaMttDAY avewxa PARAMOUNTT- DELIVERY TEL. 747-0508 747-1339 SWIFT'S 7-INCH GRIDDLE Mr*. EH{* C. B«J5e tt chajr- Kladle Shaw: M:00 A.M.: Unilnkablt Molly Brown SM0; 7:25: B:S5. COLD CUTS 89^ | "BH CHOP BEEF 3 , 8 9 N Committee rerceotenary MAYFAIR— RED BANK OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. 31 W . FRONT ST., RED BANK HtndnTi Orcbestri. T«en. »g< bays will * a *> CDtdmtn at t i t door. Prizes Will be awarded tor H*e mwt «UW»te, Carpetbaggera 1:10; B:8O. VICTORY MARKET Costume Ball _ ftOR-rv . wpix-rv n Matawan .WABC-TV' I'M r *bows u l~um*f utt-fcnoi b y . TV ' When 7Mw KM The letters have s tendency to,Key's «ta« of experts who attend f-N«M-MtK EDTTttfl'S NOTE June* lump J'jfon ll'/vak an<i Jameslrehemals, wttdi sereeoings, ttrtl F m e t a c r o , IB* V»lt English in In on* hijj fuityUnd a/ialyw scripts in Hew Ywk CtnyenHon H m*Jor whs pl«y« * tchool te»dir mi Hollywood. 1 Wr«rl Kabul Trwt package STA praise tnt 1 >r ray c r to W C ' « "Mr. Novufc," n-.n tacidw her* th» difficult Job of selfless demotion to education. Tonight's the night tor presi for Tomorrow explaining the worlds that sep- But I'm not John NoMfc, the dential nominating speeches and 3—Search 4—Truth or Consequence* • r t t t » hard-working, ambitious selfless, under-paid teacher. balloting, as all three networks 5—Cartoon Ployrlm* Ford—VorUly young actor from the hardtune in on. the Republican Na- 7—Emu 9—Memory Lone working, dedicated young teach- I'm James Franciscus, Ihe tional Convention at 4:30 p.m 12.49 well-paid actor. Through letters er he p o r l n y i week after week. and stay with it to conclusion. If I—King ond Odle 12:45 He writes for Cynthia Lowry and daily personal contact with you want to twirl your dial at 2—Guiding Light educators who work with the who l« on vacation. any time, Channel 13's Interns 12:3! "Mr. Novak" show, all of us— tional Magazine and The Art ol 4—News By JAMES FRANCISCUS 5—Cartooni the cast, the production crew, Film might offer a bit of diver 1:00 HOLLYWOOD ( A P ) - I ' m the writers — have a powerful 2—Leov» It To Beaver sion. Baseball at 1:55 p.m. 4—Bachelor Fattier little intimidated by a high new awareness of the educaRage ol Porl*—193S— school teacher named John No- tor's urgent role in our culture. 1:55-4:15 (11) — Baseball. New 7—Film—The Danlelli Darriiux-M Min. York Yankees vs. Baltimore Ori )l-e«plor« The World vak. The plaudits belong to John 1:25 It's my job to portray him on Novak—to the John Novaks and oies, from Yankee Stadium. 5—News 1.10 the "Mr. Novak" series, but the the J a n e Novaks in big schools 4:30-to conclusion 2, 4, and 7) The World Turni more I learn about him, the and little schools all across she — Republican National Conven J—As •—Ucl'sMokc A Deal tion. All three networks get ready 5—Film—You Were Niwr Lovelier— more I realize that the job de- country. A»lolr»-S5 Mlfl. for the key session o[ the con 9—I94J—Fred mands something besides acting Film—First Traveling Saleslady— vention, with its nominations for skill. 1956—Ginger Roperi—$0 Mln. * I:5J President, accompanying nominJohn Novak, in case you 4-News ating speeches, ad the subse- 11—Baseboll—Ycnkees haven't been introduced, is a quet balloting process. Report1:M practical, hard-working idealist. ing teams led by Walter Cronkite J—Password He campaigns, every Tuesday 4—Loretta Young Eric S;vareid, and Harry Reas2M night, against ignorance and inoner for CBS; David Brinkley and ertia. He decided while on duty Chet Huntley for IBC; and Ed- 2—House Porty with the Air Force in Korea that ward P. Morgan and Howard K. 4—Doctors—Drama 7—Day m court—Drama knowledge, not guns, holds the Smith for ABC, willjjie at! over I:U solution to many of man's prob5—News the tot, offering analytic comment lems. 7—News—Lisa Howard 3:1)0 RED BANK - The Northern straight reporting, background That's the character execuand hunches, during every break 2—To Tell The Trulh World tive producer Jack Ncuman Monmouth Catholic Young Adult or lapse of activity on the con- 4—Another S— Doo.woy To Destiny created and asked me l» piny Club has announced Ms sched- vention Floor. 7—General Hospital 9—Hews when he and Boris Sagal blue- ule of activities for the week, J:1! 8:30-9:30 (13) — International printed the show a year ago 9—GOP Convention HiDMIohts beginning today. The schedule Magazine. Such varied feature But in his first semes!?r of 1:21 includes: stories as Great Britain's han- 2— New*—Douglas Edwards teaching, John Novak grew far 1:M Tonight, 7 o'clock, the group dling o fits West Indian migrants; beyond these limits. 1— Edge Ol Nloht—ierlal 4—You Don't Soy Neuman's impertinent experi- meets at Middletown Shopping prehistoric pygmies of the Con >•—Texan go; a Mexican passion play ?—Oueen For A Day ment—to bring a sincere, de<t Center for a movie party, °—TreasureJcated, unhysterical teacher to Friday, 8 p.m., miniature golf and British political parties, 4:0* make up this monthly television's audience—succeed- tournament in Asbury Park. y offering ol ?—Store* Storm 4—Match Gome ed. filmed reports. Saturday, 8 p.m., the group S-Hall of Fun 7—December Brld« Now real students write us meets at trie Monmouth Shopping 9:30-10:00 (13) - The Art of 9-OOP Convention Hlghlljhts Center for a hay ride at Tucky's Film. (Repeat). Film director Jo »bout how they gain Inspiration A seph Losey's discussion with hosl 11—Post-Game Show '•worn John Novak. Real teachers Hobby Horse, 4:M admit to finding new dignity Sunday, 2 p.m., beach day Stanley Kauffmann was an un- 2—GOP Convention Convention and new purpose In their lives meet at the Sea Bright beach. usually rewarding half hour with 4—COP 7—GOP Convention director of talent and sub- °—Morty Cunty because of him and Principal Tuesday, 8 p.m., Cyators meetAlbert Vane, who is played by ing at St. Ann's Church, Keans- stance, whose current hit, "The ll-Chuck McCann Servant," received highcritica burg. Dean Jagger. praise. 9—Film—The King ond Four Queens Actor Likes The Real' John Novak\ WC8S-TV WNBCTV Chaanell _ WNEW-TV Qunwd 11 Heiillmfl Slory 7:O0; !):00. —NOW- HAZLET LOEWS DRIVE-IN- FIRST RUN Peter SELLERS "AS HOT I N THE DARK" Carloon 8:50: The Klllera 1:57: 13:18 Lover Come Back 10:30. PLAZA- Air Conditioned mial a W«y to ao !:M: 7:25; 0:35. CARLTON KEANSBURG CASINO6.1.1 Snuajtron RED BANK B R I J N S V V ] C K TURNPIKE— INPOOR-Shnt in Itit Dark 1:5(1 ll:0H: Dlnry ol a M«rt Man 9:30. Ol'TOOOrt—Shot In the Dark 5:<5 1J:2O: niary of a Mail Man 10:(5. SUMMER VACATION Kiddie Shew Today at 2 p.m. SOUTH AMBOY MADISON CINEMASliot In the P a r k 3:00: 3:40: fl:40 7:45: 5:(.V GIDGET GOES TO ROME" PERTH AMBOY AMBOYS DRIVE-1Nr«rtoflna 1:45: Whit a Way To Go S51: l:;^; Notorious Landlady 11:12. PLUS CARTOONS MAJESTICKMilIP Rtl'^v Serin Tickets SI 1:30: WtiNt a Way To ''"FD^'SON 0 ' 0 "' MENLC PARK C I N E M A What a W«y To ttt r.m: 3:50; 8:55; 7:,V); 10:00, WOODBRIDGE DRIVE-IN- Whlt a Wiy To Go 9:001 U : » : • Bullets for Bidman 10:10. Aerai of Frw Frw r.rtlngl ••••••••••••••••I HfF DAI7.Y RECTSTER become t n .ere f< a brm-j« V-.e T ;s prov'dfs feint number a>mblr,afiorj. Orrf.grida ar? pracr-a'. The i-dfa !«-fe «• piaclke d e v e l o p - " j •'•alr.g t r . e j£i pr> zr\A one aJ*ays mai-e !**: Arc :S 'i.Tjpit —<sor o? ..Ke a see sa * f:; F '*••' '••- f-'f' | WVdnesday, J u l y 15, 1.964—15 5! lean Sl.per'cer,! of !he r.e*" The ! *o s-dt; rr.u^ Ular.ct as nasiierj »;Lr, bs&es i*-e J aoc 5 Parer.'s r,f-Hi h'A. Star the rev="" mati isn't new i t all. j "Seven pius 1*0 is lhe same as Wljilt l h « * ;s iiuie lif.ejbox; olviion. Tea/-htrs sJr«ul<J so teach > sj»rtse' - from parents What is new, *.s Ui &s smaliisi* plus three." Her classmate inat U-«?y *i!i ever use njiuUn (Jut <># pupils can explain the" greater than djildrsn are o a c e m f J , are egua-suggested that it cxwM be s«v« with ifctse bates, Die eiperie*.* T « "-Tie rin.c*r ::r,es bec MM iikti m thtir p a r w u . Thisi — (ions, group!, primtf, «piMB,!pius i w j equals tight plus Ont.jwiH tirip «hea^ master rwrMn Y ttf Pr'/f. Mason'* ••niAaining in turn, will hentfilj You C M i?«t |number foes a/id numbers vA Making up *)u»iiw>s is fun for'v/iij-i u » t H, ^'Jhwjgh jheir ube s studer.t 'helpful booklet by help y sending J! to tint pupils. Classed for bases (jjher thai I'J. These not isvwv-yea/oidE, 1W fun,; ..„ , . ;__., _ i: __ _, f, d B 2160, 2160 Gener*! G ! Box The early introduction of num.-.keep tlie events of history in a r e being ottered by school dis- Better Grades, g y only give practice in fundamentals they are building concepts that Post Office, Nsw York, N. Y.) but help develop a firm founda- will make algebra easier whenber lines is another innovation,itheir proper sequence and can, if tracts as well as colleges. Ttie retion for the'higher mathematics they face that subject. Business forms will seem simpter because to come in later years. Dr.Nuon GET A Professor oi Education of the practice in horizontal addChildren Underestimated sng and subtracting. Arithmetic is being made e^s- astic reports on its effectiveness. Teachers studying the new ier and more enjoyable these More, and more school systems Other new ideas in mathematmethods have come to underdays, not by requiring iess, but are willing to give it a trial. Caliics are becoming essential to sucthe old processes better, d i throughhh fornia will iintroduce it b cess. For example, beginning this more, FINANCE I T THRU A N HOME now discuss all problems in ( year cadets at West Point will pupils leam about out the state in September o words. They strive to make the y IMPROVEMENT LOAN. RATES i d numbers themselves, the easier this year. Texas has carried on a all be required to master the pupils understand rather than ARE L O W — A T THE FRIENDLY teacher-training program and arithmetic becomes. mathematics of computers. show them tricks of manipulaThat's the theory behind "mod- will require the changeover in FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM tion. Need Not Fear ern mathematics." Schools which September, 1965. ONMOUTH ( ^ O U N T Y ATIONAL Some introduction to the numWe have been underestimating have pioneered the new teaching Everything still involves adding the ability of children to under- ber system involved will give toapproach have turned in enthusiy •? / ConvcnlenJ Offices Throughout Wonmojlh county and subtracting, multiplying and stand mathematics. That's why al-day's grad; school pupils an addividing. Pupils still need to gebraic equations in the primary vantage when they reach the co-' -LEGAL NOTICE The Art Of Learning B^LESLIE J. NASON I NEW OIL BURNER II I I I JNJ NOTH'K NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN mat the following ordinance was Introduced ind passed first reading at the meeting ol the Mayor and Council, July •Ui, 1961, >nd waj laid over for a second and final passage at a meeting « the Mayor and Council ol the Borough of LHtle Sliver to be held Monday evening, August 3, 1964, aj the Boroueh Hill at 8:00 p.m. at which time a public hearing will be held Upon th« lame and all persons will be Jlven an opportunity to be heaJd FBED L. AYERS Eatontoun—542-1010 PALMOLIVE SOAP 200 KING KORN STAMPS $10.00 OR MORE PALMOLIVE SOAP (EXCLUDING FRESH MILK AND CIGARETTES) Reg. Size WITH PURCHASE OF THRU JULY 21,1964 mauiair Slz» BOUQUET Bath * AAr Sizs L for a t / t "Simply Wonderful"— Sno-White YOUNG VEAL SALE SUPER SUDS LEGS&RUMPS 0'VEAL 49 Milk Fed Economical rting the ilngular number only or g«,ra«mulln» tender, several matters parties1 o r persons and females as we) I"™* .?'.*'" 1 ,. 1101 "" corporate shall be y«»m«d to be included. The wordt _per»on, Hrm or corporation" shall be deemed to include any association or orjwiliaUon o! any kind. Words In the Present shall Include the tuture. The word Borough' whenever used shall X* i?. " " J T " " 1 Tai ">» Borough of Lit•h 11 1> " * " " const rucllon 1 U ' ' i.n"'? '' Bta\m or Subsection o lilt "Revised Ordinances or ]<W(" which jontalru any express provision exlud- SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS RIB CHC'PS Giant € VEL POWDER US' 32c VEL LIQUID R,49C BONELESS VEAL STEW SIMPLY WONDERFUL" - FRESH KILLED - DELIVERED DAILY - PLUMP -— IIIEHI MEATY • aimrbi wwraivEKrwii — rKcsn IMLLEU — UCLIVEKCU King s 39 Beltsville Turkeys Cross Rib Roast B Kle Top Sirloin Roast °' » » Fresh ,b FAB 75c AD *125 AJAX 5 to 8 Ib. avg. "SIMPLY WONDERFUL" - T O P CHOICE - CORN FED - Y O U N G STEER BEEF Hectlon 8. Amendments A. Addltloni and Amendments—Any additions or amendment* to the "Revlied Ordinances of 1964" when pasVed In such 0 form as to indicate tha in i S " j ! V ' " " M*y<>r ""•* Council U -mak! Ine »ame a part of lame shall be deemed to be Incorporated in thi Revised Ordinance! or t9rk" BO tha' nances'ofT •l|° " " " B o v l l f < 1 Ord Giant Sizs "SIMPLY WONDERFUL" - T O P CHOICE - CORN FED - YOUNG STEER BEEF B. Penau?e,_ln case of anWndmen •£ " • » ?'°i e 'n S "f tlon or Subsection ol the "Revised Ordinances ot 1864- con Ulnlng provisions for which a penalts Is provided In another Section ths pen •»ty !O provided In such other Sectior Article. Section, or Subsection whelhe re-enacted In the amendatory ordinanc or not, uoleM «uch penalty li jpedti p •ally repealed therein. C',.K»«Tdlng Amcndrfientsr(1) It shall be the duty of th Borough Clerk to kein at least one cop S? * ? „ R e v l " l l Ordinances or 19S«" I Jls office which, he «hall mirk In th' following.manner: Whenever any ordl nance which amends or makes an ad yltwi to the "Revised Ordinances ol 1884 Is passed and approved, the Bor C0a» Siio D7C " - 6 9 c LOIN Ject matter or content of such Title Chapter. Article, Section or ftuhmfilot "isy be repugnant thereto. Section 5. Changes In Prior Ordl Maces. No changes have betn madt In the ordinances set forth ln the "Re vised Ordinances of 198V which affec the purpose and Intent of the orlglna ordinances. Typographical and puncua tlon errors, re-numberlng and addition of BecUon headings constitute th 4 for A l l * "CASHMERE Pric.i •ff«Hvt riira Sot., My )8, 196.4. Righttolimit. lHMHIMtM»HMMHHMM,H»i Sno While CASHMERE BOUQUET : SIMPER C/MARKETS O O for Size 'SIMPLY WONOERFUL"-MEATS FROM MAYFAIR GUARANTEED TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTIME 1111 i l t o w r t T 111S IV#H •••»••• SKtlon 3. Finn,: with Boromli Clerk. A copy of said "Compiled and Revised Ordinances of the Borough of Little Silver (Revision of 198<)T' has been »]«' In the office of the Borough Clerk ?i Borough ot Little Silver, there to remain ror the use and examination of the public whlli, lhe same shall ren u n in effect. Section A. Construction of Words Whenever any word In any Section of I " . , Reviled Ordinances of 1864" Importing the plural number Is used In describing or referring lo any mattern, parties or persons, my single nutter, party or person, shall be deemed ,to be Included, although dls trlDUtlve words may not have been used, waen »ny subject matter, party K Rt. 35 Circle, A MAYFAIR EXTRA-BONUS COUPON AN OKMNANCE ADOPTING* Trn,ES iv,£ w ' W * COMPILATION J*ND REVISION OF THE ORDIffANCES OF THE BOROUGH OF 1JTTLB Btt/VER OP A OENERAL AND PERMANENT NATOTE KNOWN AS '•COMPILED AND EEVISED ORDINANCES On* THE BOROUGH OF LITTLE SILVER (REVISION OF 1964)" PtiBSUANT TO CHAPTER 232 OF THE LAWS OF 1950. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Council o! the Borough or Little •liver In the County oi Monmouth: SMIIW I. Adoption by Major and Council. The compilation and revision f. 'he Ordinances of the Borough o Little Silver, ot a general and permanent nature now ln force and as set forth In Titles 1, 2 and I of a Codl; llcsllon thereof, known as "Compiled »nd Revljed Ordinances of the Borough of Little silver (Revision of - ami) be and the Bame are hereby . accepted, adopted, and established as vim and legal ordinances of the Borough of Little Silver. t i . ^ f j . 0 " 3* '''M6- The ahort title of BM Compiled and Revised Ordinances of the Borough of Llttle | Silver (Re- of th» Chapter. Artloil. Section orVift' «KUm amended that the amendment JIM been made, ahait insert same thereto, f possible, and If not, shall jntSfflti* *T amendment may b «J»^orptjttellCIe5kaShfn mik^fn"'?!? *Jgropw«X« place, & notailon that such Afldltton has been made and shall In•art the same therein, if possible an ITnot. «hall tn^fciLts wher* t*ie addl tnn may b« found. (2> *nie above mentioned record ahtll be kept ID addition to the recor of Ordinances which th»« Horouph cier H required to keep by statute. flection 1. Publication. A. Authorization—This "Revised Oi wnancea of IW<" shall be printed an published In the form and manner t b« authodlxed by the Mayor anil Cour el! of the Borough of Little Silver B. Distribution—Copies of this ordl ttwiCft ahail be depoaUed witli the Boi ough Clerk and he shall deliver on copy to th* Mayor and each Council Wan and tuch other person as th Mayor and Council may direct. C. Coat—The Mayor and Council aha ' <MWmiM the cost ot the "R*vtawl Oi dtnances of 1901" for the sale to th fsnerai public. Section 8. n^Dfaltnc Clau»p. IK. Repeal of General Ordlnancea— All prior general ordinances of the Borough, including ordinances of the Boa of HeaUh. of the Borough of Lit I Silver, not included in, the "itevls Ordlnancei of 1MV arc heresy j pesJed except such as are referred herein a s being mil in force or are 1 necemry Implication herein reserve trom repeal (subject to the *avlm elatuei contained In the following See tlon) from which are excluded tlie fo lowing ordlnancea which are not re PBaled: Tax,Levy Ordinances; Approiv rlition Ordinances; Bond Ordinan"-Ordinancen Helatins lu Bountlarieji Annexations; Franchise Ordinances ^n other ordinances granting special rlfjht to persons or corporations; Cont; ordliiancei and orrilnnnct?n Authorizin the execution oi of ». a Contract or me the lssu Ism UIB oActuuun Loniraci or •nca of Warrants; Ordinances establish Ing, naming or vacating itreets. allcyi or other public places; Improvcmen ordinances, ordln&ncea relating; to tli tramfcr or acceptance of real estf by or to the Borough: nor iliatl effect ordinances ndnptert by the Mayo and Council or the Little Sliver B of Health after the adotplon of Ordinance. B. Pnndtng Suits U) No new orcllnnnce shnll be •trued or held to repeal a foi ordinance whether such former ord nance In expressly repealed or not s lo, any offense cominllted BRainst sue former onllnanco or aa lo any m done, any penalty, forfeiture or punlnl ment to Incurred, or any rlRlit n( crueu »r claim ariilng under tlie fo rner ordinance, or In any way wha ev«r to affect any sucli offpnsp or ai •o commltttil or »o done or any pet «lty. forfeiture nr punishment an jj Currtd or any right acciucil or cluli •. arlslnR l>e>or» this orriinniicB takes t feet, »ave only that the proceedings t far AS practicable, thereafter nhall coi form t i the ordinance In. force at th time of «uch proceeding.J (21 Nothing contained ,n this or an olhtr Section of thli ot<tlnanc# aha.ll I construed as abating any action no pending or by virtue o[ any genen ordinance of the Borough he rein n paalnd; nr at Hlicotidnnlnjt. n bat Inn modifying or altering any penally sic. rrued nr to ,»urru<, in «fl affi'dlni the liability of any permin, firm n co^imratlnn. or a» waivinft any ripli of Ihfl Borough under «ny Soctloi «r prnvltlon of nnllnancrs exlstl"" " the tfme of iiie p«nsag« of thi dinaiire, Hirtlon ». Ttil» ordlnancB ihall t, •ffect Immediately upnn Iti pitbllcal d piaitf* according to " Xf « HUFFMAN TIDE 5c OFF LABEL Reg. Size lib. 4 oi. box 23 Jumbo CLEANSER Reg. •) Size £ for 100% Colombian FLORIENT 53c DYNAMO Pride of Colombia COFFEE 7oi. LAUNDRY DETERGENT 11b. can DOWNY CIRCUS FABRIC SOFTHER wtVETAnirr LINDEN HOUSE — FEAS, CUT GREEN BEANS, ,. VEUEIADLEJ WHOLE KERNEL CORN, CREAMED CORN, BEETS WHITE or PINK '««•«» O * " I . U U box of 400 / for Giant Size 33 oz. '1.33 OCTAGON SOAP Vi S a l . M DRINKS PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT, CRAPE, ORANGE 46 oz. can 4 f°r ^ I , 0 0 C MAYFAIR FACIAL TISSUE SWIFT'S PREM o , »i AA Size 2,0,21c AJAX LIQUID WAX PAPER 28 o t . | MONEY SAVING FAVORITES FROM OUR APPETIZER DEPT. MORTON 1 Freshly Sliced • Swllt'i Stirling HARD SALAMI Ib. 99e Frethly Slktd • Natural Cailng Old Fashion 1 BOLOGNA POT PIES Ib. 79c 1 Freihly Sliced Imported [ BOILED H A M Vi Ib. 65c AMERICAN CHEESE Ib. 66c Freih. Horn* made Sty It 1 COLESLAW 8 oz. pkg. Ib. 23c AJAX ' LAUNDRY DETERGENT Frwsh Frozen — All Flavor* — Your Cholcs TIP TOP D R I N K S ' — 1 0 - 9 9 c Freih Frozen — Tip Top or Linden Farmi g Siio LEMONADE £ 1 " *.—10*«99« BUBBLE BATH irS NEW AND HOMEMADE STYLE — ROYAL DAIRY 21b -p 39< H&H — Family Siza Frsih Jsnay BOLOGNA o» UVERWURST b 39c SELECTED EGGS Mayfoir i Own Brand—Tulip Folr Vacuum Kupi Longer and fr..h.r - H 1 H MARGARINE ALL MEAT FRANKS P " =6"89c loyal Dairy — Ho'urol SWISS CHEESE ^ 49c - = 39c CHOPPED HAM — * Open Sun. 9>»-6i". STRAWBERRIES w » « » - P 3 9 « P E A C H E S ;—A CANTALOUPES - 1 $ ,;,3,c T00THPASTE HA|RI 0 ( 1 K . 4 9 c FROM SOUTHERN FARMS I b VINEmmo SWEET EATIN - CRISP, TENDER, SWEET CALIFORNIA, SWEET AND JUICY CARROTS ".>.-»..», 2"'25« ORANGES 65c BAGGIES Sandwich Wrap Primo Sliced — Poliih 29c AJAX Freih Froisn — Agen Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank. N. J. 69c SOAKY MEDIUM WHITE POTATO SALAD OR COLE SLAW FRESH FROZEN BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY ' Land O' Lakes EGGS TULIP FAIR—GRADE A N. J, STATE INSPECTED C -25^ each 25C 1 0 " 49c FLOOR i WALL CLEANER . it 23c ACTION BLEACH Gianf 7O_ Siio / O l Irs DAILY CROSSWORD LBMd By WALT KELLY POGO Bridge Column By ALFRED SHEOTWOLD t.Tomum t. The right fdiy os vjmt «peiwis on who ywr opponent* re.'* one fe«*>n why We easier to pity affectively when Souft dealer you know ihe other players in wva Wand: U Q w n t i y : 8. BoOl rth» wtaerabl* tta game. " abbr. fluid Ajrfa 4. Frighten West opens the three ol hearts, 18. Permitted S7. Bur6. Beneath and East plays the1 king. South rowing I t God of should take the ace at once in animals 35. Cattails [QJ43 undercry 28. A. aapport 38. Persian coin the great majority of games. EAST world: Rom. 7.Wias 29. botealls 40. Hindu fire Only when he knows the habits A 412 •> K10 9 J 15. Greek letter 8.Brokee In 50. A poodle god <y K 9 8 if th; opponents should he hold 9 QI63 17. A/dam'« wife B. Juice 51. Loophole 12.3rd king aC up the ace of hearts. 0 A62 0 9 3 3 18. Half an env pressed 4 985 32. LeaveningJudih 4. 1062 It is safe to take the ace of 19. Paclu away from apples SOUTH agent 14. Contend for hearts at once if West is relia21. For « • A A74 > r 8 i i 4 ample: ble about his opening leads. The <? A10 5 % abbr. O KJ1074 "book" lead from a long suit is 1 K) 22. To entertain 9 • A7 fourth highest, counting down 21. Meat Soolh Wort North East from tb2 top. If the three of & A 1 NT Pass 2 NT PaJ» 26. Avenue: hearts is a book lead, West has 3 NT All Pax aM*. three hearts higher than the 14 li Openiaj lead — ^ 3 three but cannot have any low £0 Si Ii er (since dummy has the deuce of hearts in this case). M.Bwator M to li burden As the cards lie South can hold-up will be safe ii East re U. Ruthenium: take (he ace of hearts at once turns a heart at the second trick. and knock out the ace of dia- Many defenders automatically re$ % 41 Si monds. The defenders can take turn thsir partner's opening leads, J o IV W. The: Old the ace of diamonds and three and South may happen to know heart tricks, but nothing else. whether or not East is that kind a Soulh makes his contract with the of defender. If you don't happen to know rest. B % your opponents, your best bet is tta» M Pangeroui to Hold Up 4 1 4i SI % 10.0mIt is dangerous, to hold up to take the first trick. Very few Jt since East may switch to spades opponents lead fifth-best — and vomit % at the second trick. If so, the even those opponents can't be de4LA. sbada of defenders will get three spades, ceptive if they happen to hold m red the ace of diamonds, and that only a four-card suit. first heart trick. Five tricks deDAILY QUESTION feat the contract. Partner opens with 1 NT (16 t The trouble with taking the 18 points), and the next player fifth trick is that some bridge passes. You hold: S—K 10 9 3, players are wicked enough to H—K 9 8, D - A 6 2, C—9 8 5. lead a fifth-best heart instead of a fourth-best. If West'belongs to What do you say? FREEHOLD — Drawings of met the man again on Ttirock- this group, the defenders may Answer: Bid two clubs, the the pair who bilked a borough morton St. He Instructed his take the ace of diamonds and Stayman Convention. This ask women of $3,000 last Friday sooiHoJbe revealed accomplice to four hearts instead of only three partner to show a major suit il he has one. H he bids spades In the old "pigeon drop" confi- take all of the "security" money heart tricks. dence game were prepared and to his boss, who would count it, South can protect himself you will raise to game; other distributed to state police agen- and divide the shares. against this danger by refusing wise your next bid will be cies Monday. Mrs. Williams was advised to pie flnst heart trick; and this NT. An engraving of the drawing wait at the local bus station unappeared in yesterday's Register. til the counting was completed. Police said the.artist's conception! were made by Harry Hampton, county Identification Bureau officer, from descriptions furnished by tha victim, Mrs. ElltabeUi Williams, 69, of Clinton FREEHOLD — Agreement was and Join the highway closer to St. reached on Monday that recon- the bridge. Th« woman had withdrawn }3,struction of the Shark River state Claude Birdsall, consulting en000 of her total life savings ol 13,393 from the local branch of UNION BEACH - Rock Era highway bridge on Rt. 35 is es- gineer on the project, said the th* Mgnmouth County National Construction Company, Hailet, sential to undertaking a Main state Highway Department and Sank at about noon. She had claims it will refer to its attihs U. S. Bureau Is aware ol the become convinced she would torneys a $926.53 bill against the St. relief route for the Asbury bottlenecks which will result. He •hare in a big sum of money two borough if it Is not paid by July Park seashore area. 22. strangers had shown to her, County Freeholder Charles I. said he believes they are preBut when she waited in vain The bill Is for January water Smith said he and municipal of- pared to meet ths problem, but, for her money to be delivered to main repairs, according to Borhe added, he his received no her later In the afternoon, she ough Council president Leonard A. ficials of Asbury Park, Neptune commitments. and Neptune City had agreed to realized her folly and went to Cologna, who presided at Monday's council meeting in the ab- abide by a recommended relief police. At the bank, -Ernest C. Bsn- sence of Mayor Maurice W. Oak-route alignment of the state •ftivenga, branch manager, said ley. Ilghway Department provided CARMICHAEL bank personnel were powerless to He said "This seemed to be a the department improve* the thwart such possible losses to Mgh price." bridge. customers. Borough Engineer Gerard A. "Checking the reajoni for with- Barba commented, however, "I Under the road building plan, drawals of this amount, which ii checked the unit prices, and they southbound traffic would be denot an unusual amount, Is to- were satisfactory." posited on Rt. 3J, Neptune City, yond the ability of the bank to He added, though, that he had lust north of the bridge, near Sylcope with," he said. / no way to go over items such vanla Ave., Avon. As reconstructed by Mrs. Wil- as labor costs, after the lact. Neptune City officials already liams, this is what happened: Council decided to hold the bill Sha was approached by a Ne- for Mayor Oakley'j considera- are disturbed by frequent bottlenecks caused by openings of the gro woman, about 40 yeans old! tion at the next meeting. low level drawbridge to accomo[ thort, stocky build, with light complexion and dark eyes, at Mr. Cologna said after ths modate boats using the busy •bout 10:30 a.m. near tiw cor- meeting, "The mayor Bees fit to, Shark River Marine basin In Belexcuse himself from meetings for mar. ner of Main and South Sts. The stranger asked tor. direc- strictly political reasons." Unless the bridge is rebuilt tions to a bank and Invited Mrs. Council appropriated $2,500 for with a wider roadbed and s Wttluns to accompany her while borough hall and waterworks im ficient clearance to eliminate •he deposited money she dis- provements over the objection of openings, Mayor William A. OliCouncilman Philip J. Cassidy. ver satd, Neptune City will not played. Nearby ths two were then- met The ordinances provide a tax consent to the relief route plan. by' a Negro man, about 50 years records vault, and canopy, gutold, 180 pounds, brown eyes, light ters, downspouts and automation The county proposed to build complexion, with. an apparent of a portion of thei waterworks, the road over Railroad Ave. in birth scar on the ridge of his Mr. Cassidy said, "In light of Asbury Park and Neptune. At Evergreen Ave., Neptune City, it balding head. our recent meeting with the Board He told them he had found about of Education, we should see wtoioh would shift a block west and fol$8,000 in the phone booth of the way the wind U blowing" with low Steiner Ave. to Rt. 35. ' Fpsehold Pharmacy, 2 West Main respect to possible building shuf- Through the state Highway DeSt., gave each of them $1 and fles. ' partment, the U. S. Bureau of asked them not to disclose his "I can't see spending good mon Public Roads, which has been find. He showed them an envel ey and then maybe have .to rip asked to split the near $1 milops full of cash. lion road cost with the county, out the vault," he declarwLMrs. Williams said tho woman objected. It said turns in NepOn the waterworks ordinance, gave back the two dollar bills tune City would be too sharp. and told the man, who had id;n-Mr. Cassidy stated, "Until I know The bureau suggested, and the whether we're coming or' going, titled himself as a local store officials agreed yesterday, that employee, ha should share the I have to vote no." whole h l find f i d with i h them. th She Sh off The automation portion of the the road be projected south from fered to put her money up as latter legislation was awarded to Evergreen Ave. to cover what is "good faith" security and asked Herbert Klein, Union Beach, for now Laird Ave. in Neptune City Mrs. Williams to do the same. $690.85. Quickly the deal was made. Police chairman Cassidy imMro. Williams, with her new ported department cars and six acquaintance at her side, went flat tires in three days due to By Ceean norm for her bank book and then nails swept off the waterworks For Thuritlay, July 16 to the bank. The women later roof during recent improvements there. Police headquarters is next to the waterworks on Florence Present—For You and Ave., off Broadway. Your* . - . Instability is sugIn other action, Mr. Cassidy gested by the day'a radiations. addressed himself to the teenage Some difficulty through or with drinking problem, slating that younj people is accented and parents should be on guard, he their activities should be closely said that not too long ago a U-year-old girl was Intoxicated checked. Your vitality will increase and much can bo acFREEHOLD — Two of live for- on Ihe bench front. mer Wall Township and Bclmar complished if effort is exerted While he believed alcohol is not policemen arrested on theft in the right direction. Avoid a generally sold directly to minors, charges two months ago pleaded tendency to procrastinate. guilty Monday in county court. Mr. Cassidy cautioned: "If n Judge Edward J. Ascher set July stqfe owner seos an adult come In .•with six teens waiting outside Patt . • . Mary Baker Eddy, Future • • • The British arc 34 for sentencing. in, the car, he should refuse lo discoverer of the principles of experimenting with discharging Former Sgt. William Briden, sell on his own conscience." Christian Science, was born on mothers from hospitals 48 hours 28, and Special Officer James after the birth of their babies Cooper, 36, pleaded guilty to tak- A bicycle auction Is being July 16,1821. She was founder (not mothers of first babies, ing $150 worth of liquor from planned to clear an accumulo- of the Christian Science Church. however). In the future, they the Wall Liquor Store, Rt. 35, tion of abandoned bikes, accord- In 1908, she established the hope to discharge mothers 24 ing to Mr. Cassidy. Wall Township, F?b. 23. hours after they give birth. Christian Science Monitor. Both men quit the township po- Council commended Sgt. Joseph Nappi for investigation of lice force just prior to announceTho Day Under Your Sign ment of their arrest by Township recent thefts, and retiring crossing guard John Kearney for serv- ARlba |Botr> Match 21 lo April 19) LIBRA | S . p l , 13 to Oct. 321 Police Chief Walter Witt. Carter roitttrJ are now urnier especially There's no reiion ior your fretful Mate Two others, Sgt. William Krott, ice to tho community. rood afptcti in the Aries chart. of mind, unltsi ii'i ft fuilty ronjeience. 33, and Patrolman Peter Daniels, TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) SCORPIO (Oct. 23 »o Nov. 21) 25, of the Wall Apartment, who Ireland was the fourth most Don't Mart any CMitromjio. cvtn j A t o l h t r l „ „ ,j,,| r owri („!,],()„ fw , face charges, also resigned. Bel- popular destination named by Irwirh jwi «re in IB •nroracntanre d,,,,., ;0,t,«<| of thinlrinl for them. mar Patrolman James Pierce, passport recipients in the first rood. GEMINI (kl.y 21 lo Jun. 2 I | SAGITTARIUS (Nor. 22 «o Dec. 21) 38, was suspended pending out- quarter of 1964, according to the KnloT llff. Much pitttrul t«» been "irrj of MIminer itietchiniltse ate fi'or mil km yM Mill " r t Ul-o It «M* <*>•••. w Kf'-miih »<w « * k come of charges against him. U.S. Passport Office. J'. h ..7r'i", , • • „ • CAPRICORN ID.r.. 22 lo J.n. 20) The Hand w YER A LOAN -< BUT I'LL L BUYVERSTOKY/ By WALT DISNEY MICKEY MOUSE YA Prepare Drawings of Pair Who Bilked Woman of $3,1 Firm Claims It Will Sue Union Beach Shark River Bridge's Reconstruction Sought STEVE ROPER By SAVISDERS and OVERGARD W" ^LgT AROUN'-MISS Y <STAS.'- VOU STUPID T 3 JETTAWAV.'.-1 HIT ^ •CLOWN/- WHERE HAVE J \ * PEW SPOTf. SEE i YOU BEEN ? "K/ v THE BARTENDER IN OWE OF 'EM GOT UGLY A N ' SAVE ME THE OlD HEAVB' H O / - " S O 1 - 1 HADDA STOP IN AT A HOSPITAL/ NUBBIN VEAHZ-M'AWfHJL SOffflTS LOOKS LIKE I CAN'T DRIVE SPECIAL TOMORROW IHTH51 By JIM BURNETT and GEORGE CRENSHAW WWW MJB YOU POINS OUT THERE 1 I THOUGHT VOU WERE &OIN& SOMEWHERE MARY WORTH By ALLEN SAVNDERS and KEN ERNST I - DONT KNOW I MAYBE BECAUSE. I V\M» WHY I DID T H A T , / I R R E S 1 5 T I B L E ' K M * " ™E PAW' -A PERSONIFICATION OF ' ' ^ FEMININE DAINTINE55 AN& BEAUTY? YQU LOOKED LIKE A MBCHIE DIRTV-FACEO BRATl-AND-AU. AT ONCE-I KNEW I - W A * PERIOD!»AND I CRAZY ABOUT YOU! PROMISE M3U I I I NEVER. MENTION TH» TO AKYONE BACK HOME! VOU WDHT r-THEN HEW K A NEWS FLASH, MR..WFAUIN! I'M » HAPPY ABOUT IT THAT I PLAN TO 5END A SKy-WWTER, OVER JENNINGS, WELUNB OUT THE GLAD TIDING* IN ! NOW LET'S GET BACK TOTHECLU0AND SHUCK THIS M U D ! THE PHANTOM By LEE TALK I CAN BRING- \ NO, JUST IT IN TO yOU-; /GIVE IT BART. U O HE WPN'T WANT ME IN THERE, WHV? HOW DOES IT FEEL? "ASTRO-GUIDE" Two of Five Cops Enter Guilty Pleas Krott is accused of taking part in the liquor theft and, wilh Scotland Yard, which has Pierce, of breaking into National moved only once hrforp in its Telecontrol Co., Rt. 34, Wall 135-year history, soon will move Township, and stealing S3,100 into more spacious quarters. March 8. Daniels u accused of dealing boat trailer tires and Some speciM of eucalyptus wheels from a township boat deal- trees shoot from seed to 25 feet er April 10, n a year, . > CANCER | j u n . 22 to July 21 ) ymir^rK »nmcthnR r»lr»»(r )< , „ , h,,e rk, ,„n wh l ( | t q u , t , income «nd en 'ralr lltf «'*-»! news aMilt \o LEO (July 22 to Au<j. 21) 1 ' M fur i n r r r i t n l |>rnftl« • ' the ( >ift nioiify m the l^o rJurf. Thu i i an »i<|i|f[tn*c- limr 1" d i r r k m your pfogrr>* anil (nmrr i*>trnlial VIRGO |AugL- 22 «o Stpt. 22) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) PISCES {Ftb. 20 to M.rcr, 20) ^ fo be Thft Th future tf i i ihir-inf hi up r l l X FWt llett n u r confidence fid in ctben ib ihtJc«t Iff'tflt becrayil of ene palon, rock the brut and •poll thirtri. 4)1961, NewwKr Syndicate By GEORGE SIXTA WE HAVE OUR OWN RATIKJS SYSTEM HERE AMD VOUVE PASSED. MARK TRAIL By ED DODD [ E W I B L E TVIING ABOUT MB, / TRAIL...I UNDEOSTAND EVERYDAY COMPARISON PROVES...YOU PAY LESS "WALL TO WALL" -k ICECREAM WILSON CORNED BEEF HASH MARKETS BOHUS COUPONS WORTH Fonndale DOLE PIN£APPLE JUICE ?& £*'• with coupon below WITH *1O PURCHMI OR MORI SAVE 16 2 Clip & Redeem Coupon at Right THIS COUPON WORTH towards purchow of Half Gal. IDEAL FARMDALE I ICE CREAM You're Sure With Lancaster Brand Jg Mvl>,l»4 On« Coupon pv Stepping Fooil/ Witt* »10 PurchaM «r Mort LANCASTER BRAND CHUCK O' LAMB 1 Roast, Stew, & Fry SIRLOIN SWANEE 45 W'l iWJWlW RELISHES! • INDIA F * HOT DOG * SWEIT ' * HAMBURGER Yoi'r* Surt w M i LANCASTER HAND LAMB CHOPS BATHROOM SHOULDER c M l I O VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1 0 0 - ^ GGreen Stamps ^ , with f with rtfslar (EMdudtng OfaraltM t Milk PmdMti) own brini JuV ) l , i!«4 On* CSupon par S t i F l l , Lamb Roast- ™ Horn, Addreil IANCASTER BRAND, NECK OK Lamb Shank ALL FLAVORS, LANCASTER BRAND Heat & Eat Menu Magic MARGARINE Lunch Meats * Bologna ' Spiced Luncheon * Pickle & Pimento * Salami * Plain leaf * Olive Loaf I LANCASTER BRAND 5 "HEAT & SERVE", FROZEN IDEAL WAFFLES 8-or. A E l pkgs. ^ F ^ F LANCASTER BRAND, FROZEN TURKEY SLICES BEEF SLICES Lamb Liver GREIN BEANS S SHRIMP COCKTAIL IDCAL, FROZEN, 2=79' ^ Mfl FORDHOOK " - " 49« PHILA. BRAND CREAM CHEESE k'*f i 10 c 3-oz. pkg. IDEAL WHITE O OLORFD SLICED American ineese 2 HATURAl Swiss Slices • M O L E KERNEL IDEAL IIICCS t " - • Me WEAL CORN 6 ^ $1 30 (;°n' 39c FARMDALE. YELLOW"CLINO' SLICED PEACHES 3 »•£• 85c HOME GROWN, JERSEY SWEET VIRY FINI APPLESAUCE 3 " " 93c ™ 49c IDEAL, R E a . OR FRENCH STYLE GREEN BEANS 6 'f-• $1 SWEET PEAS TOMATOES 5 ^ 95c ORANQE-PINEAPPLE IDEAL DRINK 4S0I 3 com $1 ^ 7c off. 20-oz.—27c 49 : o«. _pkg- 70c *2.15 BED BANK—170 Broad St. 15c OFF 50-o*. -pkg. 62c SOFTENER Head and Shoulders 91 Final Touch J t 75c Lifebuoy Soap LAUNDRY 54-ox. -pkg. DETERGENT Handy Andy Pack 2 ^ 33c 67c Silver Dust 3175c Lux Liquid -bottle DISHWASHERS!' Dishwasher All Lux Soap LIHCROFT—Hewman Springs Rd. at Hurley La. 38-ox. A4U -pkg. OlC 32-01.—R7c Golden Fluffo FOR AUTOMATIC 16-01.—35c 33-ox. . 12 < * . 32-oz.—69c 20-ox. pkg. 2 BATH BARS- -29c Vim Tablets !! FAIR H4VEN-576 River Rd. W I T H GLASSES. Bonui SHORTENING 17-ox. tU -bottle I W » 3 REG. BARS—35c 25c off 5-lb., 12-or.—99c Rinso Blue 'V" WITH AMMONIA Surf Detergent FABRIC 96-ox -bottle J9-OL—33c Fluffy All ICED PriM* Kff*ctlv« thru S*t.> Jul/ ll> 1M4. Quantity Ri«ht| RcMrvDd. Net rcipontital* for typographic*! trrera. Cold Water.. 32-01.—77c Liquid All LEE, STRAWBERRY CHIFFON CAKE tuba 20-lb.—$4.45 All Detergent VIRGINIA Summer Thirst-Quencher PRINCESS CREST Ce Off L»b«l TOOTHPASTE 2»49' LEMONS 10-39' TEA BAGS 6 9 cam FARMDALE GUARANTEE WHEAT D l f E H U LARGE, SUNK 1ST 3 "-" 49c Dated!... 100% WHOLE D D E A ft CUCUMBERS FARMDALi FRESHNESS t SUPREME, WHEAT OR A ORANGE DRINK ' rABRIC SOFTENER Every Loaf YOVR TROPI-CAL-LO cam SPEEOUP, IOCOFF LABEL Muenster Slices NECTARINES CORN IDEAL 3 KRAFT, NATURAL CAUFORNIA, LABSE, SWEET — 3 I6e;^ ?9c PRUIT COCKTAIL Sharp Cheese Ib. cam IDEAL WHOLE WHITE POTATOES GRAPEFRUIT 2 LIMA BEANS BANANAS TOMATOES *£ tffl FROZEN GOLDEN RIPE IMPORTED PEELED IMAL, KCTIONS IDEAL SLICED CARROTS HAM 5 ?£& 3V **« FROZEN FRENCH PRIES 9-lb. can CANNED T 0 ?| M "« SAU SEA BUITONI IDEAL, FROZEM—REG. OR FRENCH STYLE SOUTHERN STAR BEEF STEAKS 6j £ eft LANCASTER IRAND FARMDALE, LANCASTER BRAND, FROZEN, I-ALL ON COR, FROZEN FROZEN LIBBY'S DRINKS 10 ^ t f i FARMDALE FROZEN CHICKEN, BEEF, TURKEY MEAT PIES ; (lOPiirehqtcorMort LANCASTER BRAND PRINCESS Vv v v v v v v v w THIS COUPON WORTH 1H Ib. Lancaster Brand PORTERHOUSE STEAK , 8 9 O n . Couoon ptr Shopping Fomlly ; Norn, 3 42c Wisk Liquid JJT'Wo 12-01.—35c reg. ban Swan Liquid PORT MOHMOUTH-Rt. 36 and Main St. 32-0, bottle WHT LONG BRANCH—Rt 36 and Broadway Pirates Capture First Game In Eatontown Loop Veatori Greet* Lema Happy Day Precedes P.G.A. Golf Tourney EAXOtOOWN - Uut week'i action in the Eatonttnra M l 00LUM&U6, Ohio (AP) Baseball League t w tit* Piceolt "Oh, I know you," said Tony Pirate* wtoniag their tint game Lema. "You're the fellow who sf the •ewon, ihumnioj Elec- won that American Open." "That's me," said Ken Ventronic Meuuwrmaii, 11-4. Buddy and Nile Albert were turi. "And you're the guy with the champagne factory. What the guns tor the winner*. Nate •cored four nun and played an hive you been up to ltMly." excellent defensive game. Buddy And that'i how the winner at •rent iH the way on the mound. the U. S. Open greeted the winOn Monday, the Pirates' win- ner of the British Open when ning streak m i cut short In an they met at the PGA Tournaextra inning affair with the ment here yesterday. Montgomery Ward Ranger*. The A few months ago, Lema, 30, Rangers •cored lour times la tfie w u just another golfer with an bottom of the eighth inning to interesting gimmick. Venturi, win, W . ;33,. was the young . _ fellow who The D « n d D Tool Dodgers split never quite made it ''Look at mis maiUJ said Veaturi, opening his loowr and discoverjpg a stack of B. "And to think "that I went three yean without a letter." "I thought you had forgotten how to read," Lema said. A check fluttered out of one envelope. Venturi picked it up, read the'figures, and said: "I can r*ad those. It used to take me i month to make that much." "In good months," said Lema, who strolled over to the window and noticed that wind and rain were starting to kick up. their two games of the week, Now they were the two hot- "Ah, St. Andrews weather," losing to the St. Dorothea Hawta, est properties In golf, and said Lema, who won the British S-4, and then blasting the Eleo- among me favorites In the tour- Open in a raging gale. "Now, if trons, 10-1. Wlldness by the Blec- nament, which starts here tomor- the wind will get up another 30 or 40 miles an hour, it will be tron pitching stair led to thetr row. Just about right for my game." downfall as teven o( 11 men "Hey." Venturi said. "My reaching first on walks came locker number here is +). around to •core. Carlton Ford think that was the same number continued to hit weB for the had at the Open." Dodgers by riammi&g a, ptir of ""No, your number at the Open homers tail collected two other was 2tt." said Lema, referring hits in six appearances at the to the score that won for Venplate. turi. The Smoke-eaters continued NEW EGYPT — American and their winning ways and mafaThat was one better than foreign cars will be mixed in totsined • strong hold on first yours," said Venturi to Lema, morrow's NASCAR stock car racplace. They downed the Rangwho won the British Open with ing program at the Fort Dix 279. "You couldn't quite make era, 3-1, and the Hawks, 11-2. Speedway, starting at 8:30 p.m. W L T It, could you?" Smoke-Eaters - - I 1 • Headline presentations will In "Now that you bring it up," elude th* 35-lap modified dais said Lema, "I'm sorry I took Rangers ..._ • feature and the companion 25- five on the 17th hole over there, Hawks * lap novice division main event, And I missed the cup by 18 InchDoihers 1 (preceded by 10-1ap qualifying es on the last hole." 1 heats and co-featuring the newest "What happened?" said VenPirates branch of racing on me eiist :url, "you choke?" coast, the foreign midget stock "No," said Lema. "I pulled car action. the shot a little." Tomorrow's big bill, exceeding "Deal, cried the losers, while llXHaps of motor competition, the winners cracked jokes," said will set the stage for the 100- a man. But Lema and Venturi lap mid-season modified cham- were laughing so hard you could pionship on July 13. That hardly hear. glittering attraction will be supFORT MONMOUTH - The Jer. ported by a complete novios divikey Shore Baseball Leagus will sion slate and several special hold its annual all-star game at events being arranged by race Dean Field here Wednesday, July director Jack Ferber. 28, at 8 p.m. Touted as a winning prospect The league will be divided into tomorrow is Jack Howard, the MIDDLETOWN — Five psrson: North and South squads for thePort Monmouth youtfli who won Joined the Ion? list of hole-in-oni contest. Red Bank Tire, Union last week's race at Wall Stadium. connecters at Jackpot Golf Rangi Beach, Jamesburg and Fort Mon- Point leader Bob Rossell, who on Rt. 35. mouth players will make up thehas wrecked two cars in recent Scoring on the short 50-yarde Northern squad while perform- weeks—but not at Dix where he were V*l DeFazIo, 21 DeNesi Dr. ers from the Long Branch IAMA, has been ths only one of five Middletown; Edward Rumola, 12 Howe]! Township, Manatquan main event winners to score a North Park Ave., Rumson; Nina Alan Thiele of Belmar and therepeat victory this year—will be Lyon, Ml Navesink River Rd. Belmar Sparks will comprise i Locust, and William Jakcwirz, ack with a third car. Southern all-star nine. Rossell, from Cookstown, faces Port Monmouth. The squads for the encounter a tought linsup that includes Going the longer distance it will be announced later this week Freehold's Parker Bohn, N. Y.'s 150 yards and getting an ace by secretary George Spillans. Freddy Harbach, Tonunie Elliott was Vincent J. Stahl, M Maida of Toms River and Gil Hearne, Ter., Middletown. the Florida flashSome of these ace chauffeurs in full size American cars will also compete in the smaller German, French, British and Japanese stock cars that are ideal for the tight, quarter-mile Fort Dix oval WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1964 PGA Tournament Palmer Sets His Target As 272, Eight Under Par can keep the ball in the fain should have a big advanla The tournament looks v open." This is the only big one that gotten away from Palmer, i ner of four Masters, two Bri Opens and the U. S. Open, he wants it so badly he say* can almost taste it. He skipped the British St. Andrews just to prepare the event here and he whipped himself into a fighting frame of mind. Friends say they have seen the Pennsylvania more serious. [ield hit but Downing got Norm "Sure, I'm serious," Pali iebem on a fly to Mantle for said. "After all, all the big i are here." the final out. Pizarro held the Red Sox to This was a friendly refei five hits, including Dick Stuart's to U. S. Open champion 18th homer, for eight innings Venturi and the recently < and rah his record to 13-4 with British Open king, Tony last-inning help from knuckle- Both of them breathing down| bailer Hoyt Wilhelm. necks of Palmer and Jack 1 Run-scoring hits by Ron Han- laus in the grim race for ' sen and Gerry McNertney gave golf honors. the White Sox a 2-0 bulge In the Before the Masters, wMc second inning and they added won impressively. Palmer a pair of unearned runs in the like a thoroughbred third. fractious at the post, The Senators snapped a 3-3 tie ready to jump out of his n the fifth on Ed Brinkman's At the Open in Washini single, a two-base throwing er- D.C., he was loose and air ror by Minnesota pitcher Jim cocky, yet let the title slip a Kaat and an infield out. Claude to Venturi's sensational do Osteen survived Harmon Kille rush. brew's 32d homer, a two-run Beaten in the Open and 1 shot, and picked up his seventh in the Cleveland Open, wl victory. Lema nipped him in a plaj Detroit won its 12th game in Palmer appears concerned 15 July starts, scoring the de the newest challenge to his ciding run in the eighth on ognized No. 1 position in iates Brown's double and Don golf. Demeter's single. Demeter also "Lema is playing sensation homered and Bill Freehan col- — he has been ever since 1 1 lected three of 10 Tiger hits. him my favorite putter," P a l | Home runs by Leon Wagner said, a bit grudgingly. Tito Francona and Woodie Held Venturi — he was great in ! pushed Cleveland to a 7-3 lead Open. It will be interesting over Kansas City but the A's see how he does here." fought back to tie in the eighth Palmer and when Dick Green and Rocky 166-man Colavito homered and Ken Harrelson hit his second circuit of COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — An kind of shooting to win here," unusually serious Arnold Palmer the fairway king from Latrobe, has fixed his target in the 46th Pa., said yesterday, surveying PGA golf championship — a the Columbus Country Club score of 272, eight under par —course, where the pros begin but concedes that any one of a their annual family war tomordoien guys could get there row. first. , "I'm reaUy anxious to win it, "I think it's going to take thisbut who knows? The man who Mixed Racing Program Set At Fort Dix Yanks Top Orioles In 4-3 Decision The trouble with the Baltimore Orioles is they can't win <?** those one-run ball games. The trouble is only three days old but it's beginning to tell on PALMER CONCENTRATES — Gallery favorite Arnold the pennant-'hungry Orioles. Palmer concentrates on a putt during one of his practice They dropped a 4-3 decision to New York Tuesday night in the rounds for the PGA tournament which starts tomorrow opener of a vital three-game set at the Columbus Country Club in Columbus, Ohio. He and saw their American League has a good sized following even on his practice rounds lead dwindle to one-half game over the onrushtng Yankees. at the club. (AP Wirephotol The Orioles suddenly have lost their touch in pressure games after reeling off 21 victories in their first 23 one-run contests. They were beaten twice by Detroit—each time by a 4-3 score in 10 innings—before Micky RED BANK - Mrs. Marion Oraera Catan and Craig Leers Mantle, Tom Tresh and Al Heward and Mrs. Cora Fritz of of T e a n e c k , the defending Downing collaborated for TuesOcean City defeated Mrs. Verna champions, led the way through day night's Yankee victory beClayton and Mrs. Janet Man- the quarter-finals by posting easy fore a New York crowd of 38,grum, 68-77, 76-79, 77-9, yester- victories, 80-33, 81-21. Other ad- 102. Stu Miller, the wily junkman day to win the women's doubles vances from the quarter-final championship of the Red Bank are Walt Henry and Jewy Rioh- of the Baltimore bullpen, was the victim of eighthinning hits Invitation shuffleboard Tourna- elmer of Ocean Grove, who dement at Marine Park. feated Charlie Smeltzer and by Mantle and Tresh that The champs had gained the Charlie Cross of Point Pleasant, broke a 3-3 tie and gave the final round of the tourney by de- 81-42, 82-44; Al Porter and Wai Yankees their fifth straight trifeating Mrs. Eleanor Watts and ter Zahn of Point Pleasant, who umph. Downing weathered a Mrs. Nettie Manley of Ocean defeated William Clayton and Ed ninth inning storm and won his Grove, 7M>3, 75-60, in the semi- Broeginday of Ocean Grove, 85- fourth in a row with a six-hitter. 53; 80-45, and Richard Bauchelle Elsewhere in the AL, -Juan finals. Hie semi-final round of the and George Bauer of Millburn, Pizarro became the league's 1 who defeated John Galatro and first 13-game winner as Chicago men's division will be held this morning at 9:30 with the finals Alexander Grafeld of Red Bank, topped Boston 4-2; Washington beat Los Angeles by the same scheduled to follow immediately. 81-54, 80-72. score and Cleveland outlasted Kansas City 9-7. St. Louis overtook Los Angeles 8-7; Pittsburgh edged Philadelphia 4-3; Milwaukee sur- squeeze bunt won it for the Inprised San Francisco 8-7; Chi cago topped New York 4-2 and incinnati won a pair from Houston 6-5 and 10-3 in National DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) - U.S. League activity. Olympic team member Henry Carr swept the dashes and Ja5—«7; Horace Roland, 74-7—57; by Jack Hewitt and Mrs. Reggie Mantle lined a single off MilBy HY CUNNINGHAM ler, making his 38th appearance maica's George Kerr woo the Biggest golf news in New Jer- Jack Spahn, 72-5-67; Fred Kwas- Narelle with 89-18—71. Second in relief, with one out in the quarter-and half-mile runs yestersey this week is that fans will nik, 80-12-68; Abe Schwartz, 75- were Robert Cronheim and Mrs. day in an international track and FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) - get the opportunity to see the 7-68; John Wopat, 83-15-68; Harold Gafrity, 98-26—72. Mr. eighth. Mickey moved to second on a groundout and tallied the field meet. Coach Jack Faulkner of the Den- fabulous Tony Lema in action in James Marra, 72-4—68; Ralph and Mrs. Walter Reid were third deciding run on Tresh's bloop Carr, who holds the world's ver Broncos said yesterday Bob the Garden State in a benefit Todaro, 84-15—69; Dr. Joseph with 88-15—73. The ladies drove hit to right. Bossone, 78-8-69; W i l l i a m from the odd number tees and record for 200 meters around a Waterfield, former Los Angeles match in the near future. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Baltimore had tied the score the men from the even number, turn and won a spot on the U.S. Ram star quarterback and later In September, two big names Balsm, 86-16-70. n the seventh on two walks and playing one ball. National League American League-.. .,, Olympic team at recent trials coach, has been signed at back- will participate in another bene- First round of the Procter Bob Johnson's record-breaking W. L. Pet. G.B. W. L. Pet. (J; New York, took (he 100-yard dash field coach for the American fit at Forsgate Country Club out tournament is scheduled for Sunpinch hit single. The hit was San Francisco 52 .605 Baltimore 52 .819 In ».5 and the 120 in 21.2 Football League club. Jamesburg way. Big names here day. After that comes the club Johnson's sixth straight as a Philadelphia' .598 .817 New York 50 He was about five yards ahead Waterfield, .who last week will be Julius Boros and Sam championships. pinch swinger, topping the Al Bill Ferrwick continues to be Cincinnati .541 .602 Chicago „ 50 of an Irish field in the 100 and turned down a similar offer from Snead, both well known and popby Pittsburgh ... the hot swinger at Beacon, an mark previously shared .524 .7 Minnesota .535 46 had a margin of about 10 yards his old National League club, ular on the pro golf circuit. Johnny Mize, Vic Wertz and over the weekend he got Stanlej .518 .518 St. Louis Detroit 44 In the longer dash. has joined the Broncos in their In the meantime, the Sneads 3 Savage swinging equally ho Bob Hale. .506 .471 Milwaukee ... Boston 41 Kerr, the 800-meter bronze training camp here and will work and Lemas and Boros' of the Sol Opatosky won the point The Orioles scored single runs clulbs. The duo didn't win, bui tournament here with 39 points. .483 .466 Los Angeles Los Angeles .. 41 medlalist In the 19M Olympics, with quarterbacks and field goal local dubs kept their clubs tied with Dave Starr and Rich- in the fourth and fifth innings Chicago .482 10 Cleveland .439 36 upset Ireland's Noel Carroll, a kickers according to Faulkner. swinging lit good form in their Herman Harmelin wag second ard Robinson. Each totaled 141, The Yankees bunched three of Houston .. .448 101/, Washington .... 34 .378 Villanova star, in the ISO. Kerr Faulkner said Waterfield wil respective c l u b tournaments. with 34 and Abe Morris had a their six hits around a walk and two up on par, in a low net team .299 .372 New York ... V5 Kansas City .. 32 ran a well-judged race and held be on the staff only for the Some were on top, and others 32 for the third spot. infield out for three fourth in match play against par tournaTuesday's Results off a Carroll challenge in the training period. The Broncos were on the bottom. Without the In rounds for the President's Tuesday's Results rung runs. ment. New York 4. Baltimore jjj last 100 yards to win in 1:48. open their regular season against bottom golfers there are no tour- Cup, Dr. John Cirsantl defeated Baltimore loaded the bases Chicago 4, New York 2 Leo Salz, one up; Sara Salz Two teams also tied for the !' Hie Villanova ace was timed in the New York Jets Sept. 12. Cincinnati 6-10, Houston 5-3, Chicago 4, Boston 2 neys. So. there always has to with two out In the ninth on two downed Ed Townsend, two and runner-up position. J. W. Spen Cleveland 9, Kansas C i t y | 1:48.3. 1st game 11 winnings be a bottom. passes and Luis Aparicio's inone; Bob Rosasco defeated cer and Dr. William Hyland coon Kerr also took the 440 in 47. In hot weather, other grasses Milwaukee1 8, San Francisco 7 Washington 4, Minnesota i Meade Coyle two and three; bined for a 142 along with Harr; Detroit 4, Los Angeles 3 j, Fred Hansen, a graduate stu- go dormant for lack of water just St. Louis 8, Los Angeles 7 Gene Coyle defeated Patty Mas- Clayton and the improvini Today's Games ' dent at Rice and the world rec- when erabgnss hits its stride Pittsburgh 4, Philalelphia 3 Johnny Ryan. Baltimore at New York I ord holder in the pole vault, won Bill Hosmer was the surprise co, one up; Herman Harmelin Today's Games Chicago at Boston, N | his speciality at IS feet even In the first three months of golfer fo the past weekend at won over Lou Serkin, three and Fenwick again nailed down low New York at Chicago Washington at Minnesota, f and later cleared 1$ feet In an 1964, 173,512 Americans received Fort Monmouth. Bill hasn't two; Jerry Borro edged Jtaa De gross honors when he carded Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, N Cleveland at Kansas City| unofficial vault. 74. Bob Matthews picked up lov broken 100 all season, but did it Cesare on the 20th hole. passports. San Francisco at Milwaukee, twi-night | twice over the weekend. In the Action this week wiU be up to net on 82-14-68. N Detroit at Los Angeles, 2 , 1 Board of Governors' trophy play, the ladies with the fair sex com- President Edmund Sullivai night I a 38-hole medal play, he shot a peting for the qualifying rounds aid Mike Barnacle tied (or kick- BROOKMNE, Mass. (AP) — Los Angeles at St. Louis, N Thursday's Games f pair of Ms. With his handicap for the President's Cup. Pat era handicap with 83s. Rod Laver, the 2fryear-old Aus- Houston at Cincinnati, N Thursday's Games Cleveland at Kansas Gitjrjrhe was on top with 61s. Khlar Rohrey, a veteran among female tralian with a wide variety o Washington at Minnesota 8 Dtye was runner-up with 75-7— golfers, will be in the thWc of shots, won tha U.S. professional Houston at Cincinnati, N Baltimore at New York, |i 68 and for a second round he the battle. tennis championship at Longwood San Francisco at Milwaukee Kickerg was the main actioi Philadelphia at Pittsburgh, N light had 7»-7-72 for a MO total. One of the big tournaments at ICricket Club Monday. here Saturday, with Ed Roeshki New York at Chicago RED BANK - The Red Bank d»f. Gordon Lltwln and Larry Tempko, There were 64 entries in the comChicago at Boston | <4, S-3. »-2; H«nry Klndlfnb Jumping Brook is coming up getting the prize with 81. Reg Laver beat Pancho Gonzalez Los Angeles at St. Louis, N Only games scheduled. Open Tennis Tournament, most John UcHetl d*.. petition. £ M. Rob ..~ Stmpion Aug. 7-S-9. This will be tha 35th BigJey tied With Link Molanari of Los Angeles 4-6, 6-3, 7-5, M . « 4 Iljajl, 4«. «-4. «•!. well known open tennis tournaPriie winners of the big "hid- Alberti Day competition with and Jos Simons with 16s. Third Gonzalez, making a comeback WOMEN'S AINOLF.S ment in the area, moved into FtrM I t o u t den spots" tournament over July both men and women in compe- also tied at 73 with Mike Ru- after having ruled the pros eight Karry Blraon daf. Helen Avchen. T-8. high gear over the weekend with M, M ; Pat Murphy d«f. Kendall minn, 4th included Mel Greenstein, Beltition. bino, Sr., sharing with Al Fa- times, started strongly by breakmatches in men's single and mont Forsythe, Jack Rooney, WOMEN'S DOUBLES rese. Sunday it was Tim Hen ing Laver in the first game. doubles, b o y s ' singles and rirat l l n a a Willie Doxey, Don Morrison, bille, last year""} dub champ, or However, Rod began to hit with Linda Leea and Atnea PViraytha riet. doubles and mixed doubles be- Kerry Deatheridge, Simon and Jill Lainarche, S-3. Tom Clark, Lee his top spin backhand and his top. Second was Walt Ml-ler. ing contested on the Marine 6-1: Kay Bagwell and Dorothy Qoreuch John Bosking, Pete Peterson, In Saturday's flag tourney at serve becamo more brilliant as dat. Kalriy Nuench and Bobbie Bold*u Parks Courts. Deal, a (ull handicap one, Don •lain. 8-1, M, Ron Vigneault, Khlar Daye, the match progressed. BOTH MNaUCS Featured action In the men's Corwin copped it one inch away Bruce Beard, Dick Padberg, Don After the second set, Rod's lUHUid singles tourney found Dick Lees, Dick Douitity o <der. from the 19th hole. Harry Gere der. Bt«v. COT«. 34, Albee, George Martin and Even though the sheets disap serve was almost untouchable on lll d«r. d r Di S-2: Kip Msrrlll Dick Hl!h>Jack Fowler, Sterling Thompson 10. was second, six inches from the way, S-l, 9-1: o r i f Norrli <\«t. Poui Woody Wyant.. peared at Rumson, it the court made slippery by steady and John Kappmeier posting lUynor, »-2. «I. 19th. Third was James Wilcox- learned that Alan Duke Sat, July li,: rain. rir.t RMUd second round victories. Fowler Bruce Bifwtll en, 18 inches from the pin. d*f. John N*liwtndtr, George V. Coe, 3d, had a net bes This was the final tournamen frO, T-S: DoU(hty d*f. Rill Tuclccr, and Thompson are two players S-H, In the kickers, it was Dr. Leon- ball 62 to win the member-mem «-3. M ; Mlka Btrmudl do!. Ron Wllexpected to put the pressure on iam««i, «•«. #-3: Clark Herman d«f. Big news at Hollywood the past ard Campi winning with 88-13— ber which was settled by match of eight on the newly-formed U.S. »-O, ««r>; m k H hh a week was Frida A. H. Rachlin, pro circuit and was the second U a Ooriueh, »O, top seeded Bill Long. Dennis •Uva way l*f Gr L anlW S ay <l*f, Grej Lan Lanlr W, S-2. M; Tom 75. Sweepstakes top price went ing cards. 1 won by Laver. dtr. *-2. «-( 73 years of age. Mr. Rachlin t t dder e r dtr dtr. Jack tllntsn, t *Lynch, who won last year's Sttnder to Joe Ward, Jr., 79-6-73. J fat Qa rca Krl«f«r Qa Kl« dder. Joe faltr, M scored a hole-inone on the During this week, the ladie, He won $2,200 first prize whlls crown, will not defend his title am Morrli der. lob Fljnor, " fourth hole with a three iron. Mixed foursome play was won have been busy playing round Gonzalez got $1,400. in the current edition of (he tor the club championship. Tin Andres Gimeno of Spain beat The Colts Neck gentleman was touraey. Flrat Md weekend is supposed to be one o Ken Rosewall, the tournament happier than Lema winning the SUMMARIES JohnLaneley Nelawendar Miller dei Ore( and and MikeStu Maaeola. 6MEN'S SINGI.M the quietest of the summer. favorite, 8-7 for third place. 8-2: Adam Kretowlct and Pat Barm British Open. It was hLs first S»caad Hoand def. Robert . _ .. liflfel and _.._ Bruce Bafwell .. Bttk Lara del. Ralph Wllllami. 6-3, Although Laver won the «-2; Bobby naynor and Jeff All* one and it was at 160 yards. S-7. «•!; Jack Fowler d>f. Tom Bonn- «•<, Dick Hathaway and Tom Stender, championship, Rosewall was the Steve Girard and guest Jamff aaek. 6-3; M ; StcrUnt Thomneon Mi. def, 11: Joe F< -I nan William Robert Patrowaky, 8 1, SO; Jdhr «•», tour leader with an 18-5 record son def. Tom McCroaky and TO! Rosenthal had a 66 to win the Kappmtlar da'. L. M. Lobdell, default Hunter, Pro Red Gaeta had his golfer; and $8,700 in earnings. Gonzalez S-l. t-1. FlrM Round member-iruest Saturday. RESORT OF RACING HIXKD nocni.K* BUENOS AIRES (AP) — Rob- out for officers' cups last week was 19-9 and won $7,300. Laver Clifford Bheldon der. Joe Jacob* B-l • Qualifying rounds (cr the erto Matosas, the expensive star M; Ted Parloni def. Oforre Wright QCEAHFORT, H.I. end. George Coulson defeatc< LynAbbol inc] May Paly def. E 8S-3. . 6 i : John Bowera era def. d . Hen e-i: Henrry Leea was 17-7 and earned $6,900. Hollywood-Elberon tournament, a of the River Plate soccer team and LJnda Lees. 3 4 0-1, 0-1. Kindafrab, K f, ft, S; Tom Ix)»*i )i d df 2 mll'i from Garden St. Pkwy.,Eilt 105 Paul Chizmnr, 2 and 1, and Dr ef. rirel RMafld match play partner tourney, and 3 n l n W Mik Kaplan. K l Mike M . (-3; nalnn William HULA BOWL ON TV Att. John Savate. S-2, S^): Donali] Zaeh Kerry Blmon and Dout Raynor def. the caddy tournament are the of Argentina, kicked a Roal yes- Jerome Lnsky beat Tony Savagi unlimited parking der. Bill Hatarman, a-?, t-3; Ron Lillian Tucker and Bill Tucker, 6-4, terday, but it went into the 1 up, in the President Cup com NEW YORK (AP) -- The anMeHlna dar. Cliuck Clerlcuilo, fl-1, «-]; «•<; Itirherd Nlroletll anil Kar Bar.' big ones this week. outdoor and indoor dining terraces wrong net. His team lost, 4-3, to petition. Jack Dashcv won ovci nual Hula Bowl football game in Ron oker Kllli, 8-4, 84, well def. Gordon Utwln and Joan Lit Ron MacrxSnald MacrxSnald daf. daf. B Booker R-O: Henry Ghlron win, «-4, *-2; Robert Let and Arm Lei RO ftatid ftid Kln( Kl def.d f H Botafogo of Rio dc Janeiro; Ed Collins on the 19th, and Rob Honolulu will be seen on tele81; Hike rtappeport R p ep t def, d f Boh D b der. Bill llaferman and Kendall Fllnn. cafeteria and dining area Jl S ftampaon, g-l, e-4, 6-1; Bill nirken- 7-8. 1-6. 8-4; Dick Leea «nd LJnda Leei Matosas, a Uruguayan who crt Megaro beat Carroll Morle; vision for tho next three years on grandstand lower level, melar daf. Jim Hill, 8-2. 6-.1; Gordon dff. Larry Johnaon and Carol Kenntdr. was bought early this year by 2and 1, in the Vice President by video tape over the American Mlwlo def. Ira Brodaky, S-I. 9-1; Bruce «-2, « ( ; l.yn Ahbol and May Daly der. Qualifiers in the Thomas Proccompletely air-conditioned Dick Zeldln der Harry Herman, K-l, Jne Jaertba and Carol Johnaon, «-0, ter, Jr., Memorial were William River Plate for more than $100,- play. For the Secretary's Cup Broadcasting Company network. Kdtutton def. Bon Herman, G-3, 6-3; «•»: Bob Pelrftwakr del. Wayne Boea. Anderson, 73-9—«4; PHer Fra- 000, was trying to clear the ball it was Dr. Carmen Sc;irpellln( The tape of the game featuring Branditind $2 • Clubtioute $4 ,7-1, 34, (•!; John Kappmaler itef. Ted ta» Includid *•*' It doesn't cost it pays to gale, 71-fl—65; Ben Jagust, 85- from close to his own goal. The winning over Tony Piccola, oi 48 senior all stars will be rushed Shearer. J-o, «-l. Chlldran Undar IS Not AimilliJ Mr.n Frank Fish, 77-11—66; ball slid off his foot and into the up, and James Bulmcr defeatin back from Honolulu immediately advertise your buoinesi service 21MB; rim Boud after the Jan. 8 game and.will Dould Zaah and Bob Herman def. with a Daily Register Classified Leo Gorcey, 74-7-67; Bud Sil- River Plnle nets, much to the Gerald Jack on the 19th. Fina POST 2 PM • Daily Double 1:50 Hennr Ohlror and Bill Tnomaa, 14. ver, M-1MW; Art Sibatino, 82- surprise of his own goaltender.for all three are slated th: bo shown the next day. #-J; aVwkw Xllli at aeorf» Hrtvnak ad. Jersey Shore League All-Star Tilt Set July 29 5 Score Aces At Jackpot Golf Carr, Kerr Star In Dublin Meet Ocean City Duo Captures Women's Shuf fleboard Title Bill Hosmer Breaks 100 At Ft. Monmouth Waterfield Joins Major Leag Denver Broncos Beacon Hill C.C. Jumping Brook m f Fort Monmouth Ron Lover Wins Pro Net Crown JR.B. Open Tourney Has Busy Weekend Homestead C.C. thru AUG. Deal G&C.C. Rumson C.C. WEEKLY HI-LIGHTS \ COLLEEN STAKES $100,000 MONMOUTH'CAP Hollywood C.C. Costly Star Has Bad Day Old Orchard C.C. BaininllollmvCC Bears Capture Another Youth league Crown We«ine*iiy)'July IS, 1964-19 < THE DAILY REGISTER Monmouth Park Entries I fur Filth Race-Para* $15M 4 y.o. k up Clg I furloop 15-1 117 Baird Count Bailey M-l M III NB 8-1 Court Cryer S-l 1«8 Valenzuela 4-1 Bubba Jack J-l 20-1 115 Patteraon Clover Leaf 1-1 119 3-1 Ghirlando Gonzalei 5-2 15-1 119 Distinct Baird 61 113 Honey'i Dress McCurdy 10-1 117 aRajam Grimm 7-2 115 xReyal Bala 1-1 Monacelli 10-1 11! Greek Circle 20-1 Culmone 9-2 117 Balloon Knight 28-1 Grant In winning the championship, 10-1 113 xJoe's Ruler M Monacell) the Bears compiled a record of 15-1 113 Whltechapel 20-1 Ferraro 14-2, This marks the third COJI20-1 113 aLucky Boy S-l Bove lecutive year the Bears have won 10-1 a)J. A. Lacciliello - D. Prestileo entry the championship and over the «-l x)M. H. Prlckett - M. Plsanl entry past three years the team has won 49 games and lost but five. Second Race—Purse $3000 1y.o. Mdn Clg5'/, fur The Cubs had earned the right 111 20-1 Sixth Race—Purse $4000 2 y.o. allow 514 furlongs Ottavlano 1. Lownod to meet the Bears in this year's 117 Culmone 8-1 118 20-1 1. In Zeal NB 2. Nobl« Soul championship tilt by virtue of 117 Grimm 12-1 118 10-1 2. Sum Control Culmone 3. Come Shine having won a playoff involving 117 Ferraro 4-1 118 12-1 3. Irish Link NB 4. Pay the Devil the second, third, fourth and fifth 117 NB 4-1 114 8-1 4. What Have You Ferraro 5. Noble Tone place finishers of the regular sea112 Gonulei 10-1 118 15-1 5. Blue Ridge Belle Monacelli 6. Twollgbt Dancer son. 6. Hors de Combat 114 Kallai 2-1 115 12-1 Gonzaler 7. Honey Bee Wolf 117 Korte 5-2 20-1 7. Sy-R 8. World Turns The Bears had a number of us NB 4-1 Grant 9. Bald Friar outstanding players this year in118 Seventh Race—Purse $5000 J y.o. allow 8 furlongs 6-1 NB 10. Young Stratmat cluding hard-throwing pitcher 118 3-1 1. Big Pete 122 Culmone 8-5 11. Fab's Advice Boulmctij .Ken. Robinson,, home-run hitting 114 10-1 2. Thanks Doc 115 NB 8-1 12. Within View NB Randy Jackson, who hit three 118 15-1 3. Sliver Monarch 115 NB 12-1 13. Better So McCurdy consecutive homers in one game, 118 10-1 4. He'i A Gom 117 K«ssen 5-2 14. Aunt Alma McCurdy hard hitting All'Star catcher 115 6-1 5. Royal Rascal 115 Uisery S-l 15. French Horn Culmone Maflc Merazopane who hit a dou118 20-1 6. Frosty You Be) 16. Feather Cap 111 Baird 15-1 Perna 118 ble and a triple and scored the 7. Way To Save 115 NB 15-1 first two runs in the first playoff WORM'S EYE VIEW — Horses round clubhouse turn in first race at Monmouth Park yesterday, with the cameraThird Race-Purse $3500 S y.o. (lilies Clg 1A ml game against the Cubs, heavy 1. Docible 111 Bove 20-1 Eighth Race—Purse $15,000 added 2 y.o. HI i% f hitting first baseman Robert man catching a "worm'j eye view" of the horses, Carew, ridden by Paul Kallai, was the winnor for a $10.40 win 2. Mackette 111 Patterson 10-1 Jackson, smooth fielding third tag. Exhort, Bob Perns riding, was second, and Merry Noble, with Howard Grant in the saddle, took third position. Colleen Stakes 3. Third Belle HI Brooks 8-1 • sacker Mark Brockway and lit 1. Brilliant Petare 114 Monacelli t-1 4. Linda Fair 101 Ottavlano 20-1 tie 10-year old Kevin McWiliiams 2. Queen Empress 119 Baeza Even 5. Bit of War 116 Perna 10-1 • t second base. 114 Brooks 4-1 6. Christmastime 111 Bove 6-1 3. Little Grey Pet 112 NB 8-1 Over the course of the past 7. Fashion Trend III McCurdy 8-1 4. Centcrvllle 112 Boulmetls 15-1 three years the Bears set a num8. Gracious Queen 111 NB 4-1 5. aWar Countess 112 Barrow (-I ber of team and individual rec9. Lotion Girl 114 Baird 6-1 6. Margarethen 112 Ferraro 15-1 ordl. In 1SI82, they won 17 straight 10. Macro Mark 111 Chambers 5-2 7. aBacaslwo 8. Scarlet Carpet 112 Perna 15-1 game* and then went on to be119 Ussery 5-2 Fourth Race—Purse $3000 2 y.o. Mdn Clg S'/j fur 9. Bold Experience come the first and only team ever 114 NB 20-1 115 Ferraro 10-1 10. Magnetawan to heat an All-Star team from MORRISTOWN - Two Mon- 1. Stay Awhile n)Bro-Sab Stable - Harbor View Farm entry 115 Layton. 20-1 the rest of the league. They did mouth County entries won re- 2. Bornw Bead* 115 DeSplrlto 12-1 this 5-Obehtad the no-hit hurling serve championships in the an- 3. Rowasa HI Valentnela 6-1 Ninth Race—Purse $4000 4 y.o.&up Clg hS m turf of Joel Menzzopane. That same nual Hilltop Horse Show, held at 4. Hessian 115 Grant Rodriguez 8-1 1. Brown Sultan year, Randy Jackson, then only 1-1 Hilltop Farm, here, Saturday. 5. Longbirdge Lu Lu 115 115 Bove 114 Patterson 10-1, 2. Demon Doug 10-1 10, hit 12 home runs, one clearBarnegat Bay, owned by Tri- 6. Once A Dogger 117 Kallai 5-1 115 NB 20-1 3. Bottle of Rum ing the Scoreboard in centerfield, corn Farm of Holmdel Township 7. Fancy's Flight 10-1 106 115 . NB 20-1 4. Pragmatic Aristone 180 feet away and IS feet high. and ridden by Miss Andrea Sava- 8. Hai-Flitc 20-1 5. Hy-Nat 9. Princess Glor 108 Valenzuela 8-1 119 , Chambers The Bears are the only team rese, of Tricorn, won the work10-1 Boulmclls 3-1 6. aMorc Coins ill NB •ver to win the league title three nj> h u n t e r division' reserve 10. La Boule Blanche 115 12-1 IIS Brooks 4-1 7. Hidden Cove 111 Bove •freight,yearn. In 1962 the Bears championship. "Barnegat" was 11. Colony War 8-1 101 Vnleiuiiela 15-1 8. Dagda 115 Baird •cored IS runs in the first inning first in the "Last Chance 1 ' Chal- 12. Crafty Courier 10-1 115 NB 20-1 9. aTriumvorate 113 Errlco of a playoff game and had three lenge Trophy competition for 13. Cracagator 5-2 114 Patterson 8-1 10. Tessie T. 110 NB players hit over'the-fence homers qualified field hunters, second in R Locksley Hall 5-1 115 NB 8-1 11. Buen Srvldor 115 Patterson in consecutive trips to the plate. open working hunter, third in 15. Nothankyou 15-1 16. Fickle Jade 115 NB 15-1 12. Spring Sun 115 NB hunter under saddle and fifth in First Race-Purse SUM S k 4 y.». Mda Clg 1. Gallant Hour 112 Brooki i. Boyd Tavern 112 NB I. Flight Bandit 122 NB Korte 4. Lord Sovereign 112 McCurdy 5. Eastern Sunset 112 Korte 6. Surly Swain 114 7. Katy 0 ' Day 107 Patterson 8. Charge on Plate 116 NB 9. Igotil 116 Culmone 10. Seyal 118 NB 11. Nehe-Chum-Ba 113 Barrow '.11. Yellow Spring 104 Ottaviaimo 113. Hasty 107 Gonzalei 14. Roman Comet 105 Valentueta 15. Merry Bugg . Ill Aristone 16. Dalphon 116 NB NEW SHREWSBURY - The New Shrewsbury and Shrewsbury Township Youth League for 10 to 12-year-oMs recently compSeted another successful baseball season with the Bears regular season winner, defeating the Cubs two straight, 3-2 and 8-1, in the best two of three playoff for the championship. Pin County Horses In Hilltop Show the working hunter stakes. Savant, owned by Tourelay Farms of Scobeyvtlle and ridden by Miss Sally Lord of Little Sil- I B T - C I ; 3&4 y; mdit; i,v: iKallnli 5.«| <.((! ver, won the reserve champion- nrrw xort IPflmal : 12.20 9,20 OFF TRACK TODAY'S PICKS • ,.8.60 ship in the green working hunter Merry Noblf (Grantl .. PICKS AT OCEANPORT T.l:(T«i. Also' Blt«srH Mirtln. Roir division. o War, Dnrlng Plpitm. Outck View, J«rBy SAM By A.P. The show, singed ns a hene- «py Joy. nvi>-ai.|(lnl. I*«|«)IOV»PI, Slar Leisure, Bfftul of Fruit. fit for the U.S. Equestrian Team, ?r> - e l m s ; 3 yr.i; 6 I; ntr 2 NEWPORT, R.I. (AP) - Un. Flight Bandit Gallant Hour drew record entries that necessi- NfiVltnre '.OttavlHUO> ...: ,fi,40 4.S(j beaten American Eagle and winBant) Hoy (Patterson* . iROtlt lsoitt fi.QO 4,W tated construction o! a second U d A H less Easterner meet today-weathGallant Hour Flight Bandit otlUi and Age iHove) .. 3.40 er permitting—in the current ss- LATE GETTING HOME — New York Mets' Dick Smith slides unsuccessfully into home ring and employment of two ad- T r -l :12*,'.. A l s o - P r i m * N u m h e r . F a r m Bald Friar Within View ditional judges on the eve of rr'H Frlrn<1, Mhc T M . B l t c k T i « . Scot ries of America's Cup trials. as Chicago Cubs catcher Dick Bortell tags him out on a throw from Dick Ellsworth, the event. Members, of the U.S.t y ' s Prlrip. L u c k y E v t , R o b u i t lUcorri Better So Fib's Advice Free Trule, Hi Dirae. ..' , Fab's Advice Heavy fog and lack of wind Cub pitcher, in the third inning in Chicago yesterday. Shag Crawford calls the play team, which is raising funds to Noble Soul m»U>- 1>nubl«'l-t 4 »H Angus Itrar (Walsht ... 13.20 S.4(TS*) caused postponement of Tues.Third Belle Marco Mark permit participation in the Tokyo rnnzrr (Goswflh at Met pitcher Al Jackson looks on. Inning featured five errors by the Cubs (that's day's 12-meter yacht races on Gracious (jueen Third Belle Olympics, attended the show. T.3:3!, Aim! - n-fl rr,, r>«rr,«, right, not the Metst.Mefs still lost, however, 4-2. ' ' |AP Wirephotol Kevin Rhode Island Sound. Fashion Trent Bald Friar rft Freeman gave an exhi- plnn, K.HuiiUe, Be Morfpratfl. American Eagle, a 1964-built Pl&y. Antonio, OppoBitlon. Hessian Hessian bition of dressage. fl-C.impriMI-Orire rntry. vessel backed by the New York Colony War Crafty Courier 4TH—Mcinj; 2 y n ; Hi I: off J:X!'l. Judges were Joseph Mabney, Char Lady (Ven'ela) .,..13.00 5.20 .3.8(1 Yacht Club Committee, has won Crafty Courier Colony War 4.00 .3.00 Mrs, William Kay, Thorn Brade Arltfimas ( R e r r a r o ) five straight races in the New Admiral Speed ( C a r ' l t a t .V00 Court Cryer Clover Leaf and Louis Robertson. T.-l:0<]*{. Also — Marityfl P i r n . R!\y. England series and 12 over-all Distinct Distinct Ion Stnr Opern. T o m b e r , Oolrlfln Et]. rtle, LI-Tac-rin,' R o m a n y Sparkld. In the competition to determine Ron Perranoski, the Dike- second-place New York Yankees two-run single by Joe Torre Rajam Clover Leaf Bllrlul. • JETS SIGN TURNER a Cup defender against Britain in Plugger of the Year In 1963, ap- whipped first-place Baltimore that wrapped it up. RTH—.Ctnig; 4-up; 9 f; orf 4:03, In Zeal Sy-R Ivlns Juries i P a t t e r a o n ) 4,SO M O 2,S0 September. parently has run out of fingers. 4-3, the Chicago White Sox Mathews' homer, his 12th this NEW YORK (AP) - Babe RWfpt Duke (Bnve) Sv-R Hors de Combat . 6 . 2 0 1.G0 Flight Ijfiailer ( B a r r o w i '"8.41 Hora de Combat ' Constellation and Nefertitl, al- One victory shy of the .500 downed Boston .4-2, Washington season, was No. 434 of his ca-Turner, voted by his teammate! T..]:]2. Also < n i l e S t r i p e . Redbow, Irish Link so idled Tuesday by the bad mark and one out from reaching edged Minnesota 4-3, Cleve- reer and broke a tie with the the most valuable player on the BIB Music. Tool. Windy L a m « r . Big Pete Big Pete 6TII—Clmg; J yr>; .V.j r; olt 4:32. He's A Gem Thanks Doc weather, meet In today's other it, the defending world champi- land walloped Kansas City 9-7 Giants' Willie Mays for eighth 1963 New York Jets, signed hi! rcarlnndeer 'Grant) fl.00 ft.20 3.41) Royal Rascal Ht't A Gem .lofil-Kay i M o n t c e l l b ... 7.M 6.O0 contract yesterday. nice, while Columbia, which with- on Los Angeles Dodgers were and Detroit nipped the Los An-place on the alltime list. Fly by Wire. IP»u«rson> . 4.0(1 beaten Tuesday night on a twogeles Angels 4-3. drew from Monday's race against Queen Empress' Queen Empress T..l:0S'4. AUo—Doul>!« Oaki, C o m Cal McLish, who had been-on Turner finished third in the Crop, j Inde-efi I r»o, NrctileB Count, Sun Bold Experience Bold Experience Eagle with a damaged mast, will run plnch hit single by Bob Skinthe disabled list, made his first league in pass receptions with T ihlne Wny. Rough Divot. Little G u y Pet Little Gray Pet ner that capped a four-run ninth Sandy Koufax, seeking his start for the Phillies and failed for 1,007 yards and six touch 7TH--cinu; 3 y n ; irf m; oil 8:6:1. have another oW-day. 10th straight victory and 14th of file Oz iBom ^ . . . . j a j a M o ii.20 inning uprising and gave the St. Tessie T. Tessie "TV •" •' 1.00 f,.4ft to survive the first inning as downs. He made an auspicious OonRratulate <C»ft!Ualfx) the season, started for t h e -.. €.40 Spring Son Louis Cardinals an 8-7 victory. Brown Sultan debut with the Jets when he re- I Defend (Balrrij Dodgers and batterymate John Manny Mota smacked a single, T.-l : « > , . Also—Ole St. Nick, BaltU Hy-Nat Hy-Nat Cmrty Trader. All On. Johnny And once again, Perranoski, Roseboro helped build a 5-0 Roberto Clemente doubled and turned an opening kickoff 95 Proor, Aileriic. Jimmy M i n e . yards for a touchdown in an Mu.SIT, LATE SCRATCHES who last year at this time was lead by driving in three runs Jerry Lynch singled. fiTH Alw; 3 yra; 6 1; off 8:31 Turf Parade i rrrlmm' ,...o,80 2.W1 2.W1 .. Charge On Plate, Nehe-Chum-Ba, Roman Comet, Dalphon. exhibition game with Boston.standing National League bat- with three singles. Leading 2-0, the Pirates won tt.-U!ni;m i K a l l a h 2,60 2,40 2. Better So, Aunt Alma, French Horn, Feather Cap. On Spnrkle iKortd) J.'Kl ters on their e a r s en route to a it in the fifth by pushing across T.• 1 r 11 Also - Cols Date,. Hurford 3. Stay Awhile, Crocagator, Nothankyou. Flckl« Jade. 16-3 record,- wound up standing Both home runs by Shannon two more runs on an infield hit as the Reds slugged 16 hits, in ronnty. Spartan Films. Vlveroy II. SUNDAY'S RESULTS !mi-c.\mr: 4-ur.j i,'i ra; oil «:0l. 5. Bubba Jack, Joe's Ruler, Lucky Boy. under the showers. The 27-year- and While cut the deficit before by Mota with the bases loaded eluding homers b y Frank Rob ow Leader (O'vlanoi .23,00 I0OO .1 9. Hidden Cove, Dagda. Countryside 14, Homestead 4 old left-hander put down one the Cardinals struck for two and a grounder by Roberto Cle- inson and Mel Queen. Bit Hunk iBalrdl 1,00 5.00 WEATHER—Clear TRACK—Fast Sophomores 17, Crestvlew 4 Rlnze (C'bers) . . S.?o uprising in the eight, but failed runs in the eighth and chased mente that drove in winner Dick Ellsworth won his 11th Daik T..l:i7tt. Alan — Tower Sun, Dutch Middletown Lanes 10, Snug Har in the decisive ninth. Koufax as Manager Walt Alston Will, Red O'Hsre, Much to Do. Clea. Bob Veale. for the Cubs, despite a five-erSeries games, winning one and bor A.C. 4 waved in Perranoski to plug losing ,two with a 1.93 earnedThe Reds scored three runs ror third inning that enabled the '(AIT. 17,34:. HANDLE li.llM,»|3.) Walks to Curt Flood and Dick the dike. Maplewood 4, Country Tavern 1 Mets to score their only runs run-average. In the final, he in the opener on wild pitches, Groat and a single by Ken BoyLone Oak 11, Pt. Monmouth 5 lost 10, This year he is 5-7. Carty and Mathews slugged two un consecutive heaves by The Chicagoans pulled it oui Shore Electronics 8, Collegiate* 7 er gave the Cardinals a run and On June 29, he complained Buck Smith's 7, Wilson Park 6 when Perranoski ran the count their homers In the sixth inning Larry Yellen and the third in in the seventh With a three-run on Bill White to 3-0, out he as the Braves bombarded 12- the 11th when Hal Woodeshick uprising on doubles by Dick his shoulder stiffened and his AMERICAN DIVISION came. Bob Miller completed the game winner Juan Marichal for uncorked a wild one with the Bertell and Andre Rodgers, Bil arrri became numb after pitchSTANDINGS walk, Mike Shannon bounced five runs. After Mathews con- bases loaded that let In the de-ly Cowan's triple and a single W L out as a run scored and then nected, Marichal made his sec-ciding run. by Joey Amalfitano. Emie SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - ing five innings of shutout bill. Lone Oak 7 1 ikinner slapped his game-win- ond error of the game, walked The second game proved Banks' homer accounted for the Pitcher Jack Sanford, the San On July 4. he started «nd Maplewood 6 2 ning hit. two men and was tagged for a much easier against the Colts first Cub run. Francisco star of the 1962 World again went five innings before Sophomores 6 2 CHICAGO (AP) - What must eries, must undergo surgery on complaining that his right hand Wilson Park ..._ _. 5 J The loss Was charged tn Pergo down as tiie weirdest, whack- ils ailing right arm and will be was cold while his left was warm. Collegiate* -. 2 6 ranoski, who h a s made 36 apiest Inning of the baseball season lost to the club at least six Finally after the same thing ocPt, Monmouth J « pearances this season and been curred on July 9 after only 1% took place yesterday In a game weeks. Shore Electronics 1 7 in 24 losing games while combetween the Chicago Cubs and The Giants announced yester- frames, the Giants sent him home piling a 4-5 record with a mediNATIONAL DIVISION .New York Mets. ocre 3.52 earned run average. day that examination has dis- for examination. STANDINGS Five errors were committed on closed a s,lx-inch obstruction in His loss hurts the pennant Last year at this stage, he had W I three consecutive plays. Three is upper pitching arm that im- chances of the league leading made 34 appearances and been CoUegtaMs 7 1 in 18 winning games with a 9-2 of the errors came on one play. airs the blood circulation. He Giants although they have had Middletown Lanes -.......7 1 -ecord and a brilliant 1.80 ERA. And it was the Cubs, not * the will be operated on later in the some rookie hurlers come through Buck Smtth's 5 3 Mets, who were the culprits. week. this season. The Giants have reHomestead ltan S 5 The victory was the fifth In addition to the Cubs' five Big Jack posted a 2-7 record quested permission from league Creatvlew Comets S 5 straight for the Cardinals, who errors, the Mets had two hits in in 19C2 when the Giants won thePresident Warren Giles to place five days have chopped Vfi Snug Harbor A.C 1 6 the inning but scored only two games off their deficit and pennant and started three World Saniord on the disabled list. Country Tavern 0 8 runs. climbed to within 7% games of Here is what happened. Roy front-running San Francisco. * McMillan opened the inning—the There was an 8-7 defeat at Milthird—with a single. Pitcher Al waukee as the Braves rode home * Jackson bunted and forced Mcruns by rookie Rico Carty and Millan. Andre Rodgers, trying for veternn Eddie Mathews to their a double play, threw past first 12th victory in the last 17 games. W L T The Giants, however, retained and Jackson took second. Ernie Banks then dropped Charley Palt 9 1 2 their one game lead over PhilaSmith's popup rind Jackson Braves 7 2 3 delphia, 4-3 losers at Pittsburgh. APPIEBY'S cached third. Shamrocks 7 3 I Third-place Cincinnati closed Ail-American IQ-ft. THRIFTY DELUXE Ron Hunt bunted to the mound Hawks -.5 4 2 to within 5</2 of the top by and Jackson was caught in a Jets 5 5 2 Full I (Moor Center Unqrh sweeping Houson 6-5 in 11 Inrundown between third nnrllinrnf, Falcons 4 6 2 nings and 10-3 and Chicago Cubs—40" Weight—42 Ifai. but scored when catcher Dick Gulls 2 7 2 defeated the New York Mnts 4-2. nertel! dropped Ron Santo'a Aces 3 7 2 D.pth—12" Ratal) Uir—S7150 In the American League, the throw. Smilh also tried to score Vets 2 D 2 Aluminum Stati Foam Flotation but was cut down at the plate Stern and low Handlti 2 oarlock baMi when pitcher Ellsworth retrieved the ball near the Mets' dugout Maximum Outboard Moror — 5 H. t. and threw to Bertell. (Plui FrtigM Ch«rg«) Hunt, who had not stopped running, rounded third and scored O U T D O O R B O Y S — Philip " T i n k o r " Dorn, loft, and Danny D o r n , sons o f M r . mid PRE-SEASON TRAINING CAMP when Ilertell threw wildly past M r s . Daniol Dorn, S h r o w i b u r y , returned homo Saturday after a cross country motorthird for his second error on the HIGH SCHOOL • PREP • COLLEGE Eagle-Easterner To Race Today In Cup Trials Track Results oitmouth Park 1 4 Cardinals Nip Dodgers 8 Bayshore Softball Set Surgery For Saniord Five Errors In Inning—And Of Giants Not by theMets Bayshore Babe Ruth FOOTBALL PLAYERS GEORGE BLAIR'S 15 AUGUST 1st • AUGUST 31st $ f J^QQ Ptr EVENINGS 6:30 • 8:00 P.M. Month Prtvtnt early Itaion ln|urtc« thru proptr physical conditioning unrttr per•onol iu P> rvl»ltn ol Bob Oigoodhy, form.r tooth ol Alhury PorK High School, ouittandlng ctlliglat* and profmlonol othliti. Special attention • I v t n linemen, bnem ond enili. Fer further Information coll lU-oJM or M W 4 U o l \Kt Oeton Av«., leg i r l t M , N. J . "Ask Hi* Athlete Who Woi H e n Loll Year" cycle trip to Houston, Tex. Stopping off a t tho Chorry Point Marino Air Station, (hoy wore invited to a t t e n d tho w e d d i n g o f M a j . C . C . W i l l i a m s , fho astronaut. Thoy also invited M a j . W i l l i a m i ' fathor in M o b i l e , A l a . , a n d relatives in N o w O r l e a n s . Tho D o r m came horns by way o f Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, O h i o a n d Pennsylvania. The trip covarad 4 , 6 0 0 m i l a i . T h e Dorn brothers a r t f o r m e r School. athlotos o f Red Bank High piny. was not all. Frajik Thomas jrrajiidod to Rodgors and was safe on Ihe shortstop's wild throw past firsl. Joe Christopher singled hut Santo ended this inning by grabbing Bob Taylor's grounder and stepping on third. BOAT, SKI AND SCOOTER CENTER 75 WHITE ST. 741-1124 RED BANK Houn: Dally 7 A.M. to 1:10; W i l l , and Friday 'HI » Sunday 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. AUTOS 1 TRUCKS | THE DAILY REGISTER 120—Wednesday, July 15, 1961 PUT MO LTH tHr**-*«i i y We *Gi4 tii* c*/ sew. ti ; with red Mali li h u l il *i J12SC, ANNOUNCEMENTS . DEALS ON "O.K." USED CARS • O n * year warranty • Low bank ratat • Minimum down pmt. CLEARANCE •63 IMPALA SPORT COUPE Four-Sp«»d Lik* New CLEARANCE '61 IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Fully Equipped 1 Sharp Movdf Adr.r Avtomufle $43 PER MONTH •63 RAMBLER SEDAN Power Storing $40 PER MONTH •63 CORVAIR Moor, flick shift $36 PER MONTH •63 FORD GALAXIE 500 M o o r Hardtop, V * auTorrwtlc $50 PER MONTH '63 M O N Z A COUPE Automo.Ho tnarp $43 PER MONTH '63 PONTIAC CATALINA AIR-CONDITIONED Convntlblt, full n o w , llk« n«w $59 PER MONTH •64 IMPALA SUPER SPORT EXECUTIVE CAR SAVE OODLES & OODLES O F MONEY '62 CHEVY WAGON 6 cyl.. itlck Hilft $43 PER MONTH '62 RAMBLER CLASSIC Moor, itlck shift $31 PER MONTH '62 CORVAIR MONZA Automatic $39 PER MONTH •62 RAMBLER WAGON Custom 40oor $39 PER MONTH '62 CHEVY II 2-door, stick shift $32 PER MONTH '62 FORD FALCON Moor, itlck shltt $32 PER MONTH 4-door, full BEL povnr AIR •62 CHEVY "" MONTH Wagon- nutomoHe $47 PER MONTH '61 OLDS 88 4-door, f $43 PER '61 CHEVY BEL AIR 2-door I r i a n , stick shirt $36 PER MONTH '61 CHEVY WAGON NomoaV air con., full power $47 PER MONTH . ' 6 1 CORVETTE Convertible automatic. $66.66 PER MONTH '61 IMPERIAL Hardtop, full power $47 PER MONTH "61 CORVAIR MONZA Four-speed $33 PER MONTH '61 CHEVY WAGON Breokwood, 4-door $34 PER MONTH '60 RAMBLER CLASSIC Station Wagon Bargain "60 CHEVY J«nn*a WtneQUktl, itiM£k. , eleven y t t r c old, Utxt** Ml&tif oo blxitf l e t , JUf Mauric« SeWartz & Sons Ui W. Vtoat fM f-tJ.k 717-W mm UM w&elfi lew, 'it*!* W I BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTEO-MALE FWAHCIAL BUSINESS HAPPY HOURS NURSERY (.SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES tUJU 1964 EXPANSION rwt<l X O BOATS AND ACCESSORIES OUSTANDING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY • AND HUJMKW*, 1«* OUmkOBJJ.B — Two^aoi dull 3 P C«VJMK BOAT - i d e U lor a i r N*ed* minor Uxiy work, |6B or fetot <Anp*i ixnver brsjcei end steering, mtx9 flshiaf Pbcce flREPLAOES A BPSCIAUnT — AU 1 p.m. or 2Z2-8OM d u r t o l a « r . ri4io t n d beaier, loir mllease, two tU-2v». trees ol m u o n r y . C H A R U a HOWIR. l LOST — Red airplane model. Itoward offer. 741-3627. All*Ute needs ouUttndlnf men mow l i r a . |«75, CaJl 787-2U*. 1991 FORD FALCON station v u o n II round. Call MUST SELL — Very toot condlUon. Contractor. CaJl 747-4411. -who can au&Mfy tor Its tgeat Deluxe. Standard. Excellent Condition 1SS8 DESOTO — FouiKloor. Kyato- W RUNABOUT, 22 h.p. Meicury outM2-O235. ant) Mle« trainee pvopim; - For All OccutoQi AVAILABLE - Three year leiM major $900. CaJl 872-0284. the*e men will be aJwrded an BUilc, power Weerlrt and brakei, boafd, seceisarjr equipment plui ex* THE SCEPTRES brand privately owned two-bay MTVIM LOST — # R 1 » 7 7 . Finder please reopportunity to sell for a multiOood condition. Reasonable tra« m o or belt ofler. K8-3I21. Four meet band station Call Mr. Johnson at M8-S78S. turn to Monmouth County National 1954 CADILLAC — Four-door Flei whltewallg. list lij*uranc« company; trainM6-75OT. CalJ Bob Watson 942-284S wood, air conditioned, accept best offei Bank, R e d Bank. 19S1 PENN STAN — I I ' dinner bull' tag and an education In Insur""•"ll between 6-7, 812-0969. 40 h.p. £v!nrude, rnnnlur lights a n J t D ROOFING - Gutters and leadance aelllnf will be at o u r exBUSINESS ZONE — 100x350 or 380x100. LOST - - Brown French poodle puppy, 1855 CHEVROLET — Convertible P e r - many extras. Will swap tor ca.r Ca; en. Pre« estlmues. 10-year »uaruit»« V«ow Comer property, MliMlttoini. CiU for vicinity stone Church, rlaveslnk. lat< 1963 AUSTIN HEAL.Y SPRITE — Ret leot condlUon. CiU sJter 8 p.m. 2K1-TIS-Oll, atttr 6 p.m. 147-9742. Fair Haven. SUuniay night. Children heartbroken black interior. SACRIFICE. Call 7*. nformatjon. Owner. 671-5493. 5285. 291-1271) JOHNSON MOTOR — 5% h.p. W5CQP.OW1NG) FAINS? Call Ever Green Thoie apply must be married, 1»62 CUSTOM RAMBLER AMERICAHUsed very little .j&ndscapln*. AD pna»es o! laQdJcaptDb preferably over 23 years; some AVAILABLE F O R LEASE — Gull modFemaJe chihuahua, brown, 1950 CHEVROLET — Good condltloi Two-door wftfon. 5800. 291-18BD. . ncludbig maintenance. Weekly, montheatei experience preferred b u t $95. in Red Bank area. Call ern service, station said tralnlnf, i l r a n 566-8936. ly or s e u o c F . IntormeiolL 7»7-O81f not naceaaary; wllllngneaa to 747-1443. 291-2162. MARINE SUPPLIES clal help available. Call 264-3161 nllhta. mzzio work evening! «Jid "oeU-starter" weekends. 1961 CHEVROLET Corvalt Wagon. ThU Everything tor the Boatman. New Jex abilities a r e essential. 1959 BUICK — lnvicta, alaUon w ^ largest marine supply house. Fully equipped ptfuii air conditlonlnj touMoor wafon- IB white with red In- sey's Evlnrude LUNCHEONETTE — stationery, belt Sales and Service terior ftnri is equipped with automatic AUTOMOTIVE CaJl 291-9.154 between 5-7 p.m. Allstate offers an outstajiding location in town. Sacrifice. Call 222EMPLOYMENT THE BOATMAN'S SHOP transmission. H Is a clean, local car benefits program featuring Sears 4075. 21 Wharf Ave. 74t-5780 Red Ban! 1*963 BUICK — Sky L u ^ c o o v e r t l l f and reasonably prlccl at $1,205. AUTOS & TRUCKS proflt-flharlnj. HELP WANTED-FEMALE A-l condition. 11,000 miles. Radlc (Plymouth. Valiant. Chrysler, Imperial Open Sundays and Holidays 9 am-1 p SHOE STORE — Name brand ihoes. Dealer.) CUUdrtn: Howards aim Child Life. ID6O VOLKSWAGEN TWO-DOOR - hearer and whitewa-ils. 842-1018. D. N. I C E BOAT — Sacrifice. Llki We have the llnest contract in Ladles: Doctor Locke. Men: Vo-lpe and Darkrnlue. Equipped with radio, clea 1960 RAMBLER •— Ambassador. Gon new. Used only twice. 774-S552 alle. the Industry; tbere Is a guaranJohnsonian Tom Swift, Freeman. 264Maurice Schwartz & Sons Inside and oul. Priced t o sell at $995. condition Best offer. 5 p.m. teed minimum income ! not a TYPIST A N D STENO 1884. (Plymouth, Valiant Chrysler, Imperla draw) plus a substantial com141 W. Front Red Hank 747*787 1962 EU3IN—16' FlberglaB boat, 40 li 747-5054. Dealer.) pensation arrangement; o u r men For CPA orrice. Enperlenced In typln 1857 CHRYSLER SARATOGA — Han 954 CUSTOMIZED OLDBMOBILE W - motor, cleotric starter unit. Included are among the highest paid in HnaJiclal Blatements on IBM machine trailer with llghtii, two alx-gaU MORTGAGES Maurice Schwartz & Sons top, automatic, excellent conditioi eonvertlble. All extras, full power. KOOd agastilttanks, the insurance Industrywater skis, life preserver* good hand writing. Send resume tc condition. J275. 842-1687. HI W. Front St. lied Bank 747-0787 reasonable. 787-4624. two tow ropes, canvas cover, et< P.O. Box m. Red Bank. BANK BATES Those who cato qualify will be 1858 PONTIAC — Two-door hardtoi 1963 HAMBLKR — Two-door sedan, Ready to go, Best offer over 4900, Ci > FALCON deluxe four-door wagoi IMMEDIATE CASH assigned sales locations near . Abaoiutely no caah needed. Take over slick Hurzl, 430 rear, posHractlon, $40 11,699. Bargain. MCCARTHY CHEVRO- 291-0603. Ut. 2nd, 3rd Itorttales GENERAL OFFICE WORKER — 1! their h o m e s . . . Interested? LET. 251-1101. low weekly banto paymenti ol *8.W741-5*51. Home Improvement Loans y e a n or over, high school graduate. 12' RUNABOUT — Needs paint. J25, OASIS MOTORS. PA-1-7100 Debt Consolidation — Lowest Rate* 1961 ^AbCON FUTURA — Whit© wii RENAULT PEUOEOT M.G. Apply Mr. LeQost at Beneficial Flnanc Call C A U , FOR INTERVIEW |2,O00 month I14.D5 red Interior Excellent condlUon. Ci Co., 21 Broad Bt., R e d Bank. AUSTIN HEALEY - SPRITE 747-0653 MR. EXJUIOTT, 776-8200, 13 ooo month 121.07 alter 5:30 671-1680. MONMOUTH MOTORS Thursday, Friday, July lfl, 17 AUTOS & TRUCKS 16* CENTURY RUNABOUT — 178 h. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. Ap. 14 OOO month S28.09 Hwy. J5 542-2411 Eitontown 9 A.M. to S P.M. 1057 FORD — Custom 300. Two-doo Gray Marine. Priced reasonably o; Ply in person Shore Point Inn, Highway IF.OO0 month 135.11 Evening Interviews Arranged. sedan, Standard shift. Make otter. Ca 1D61 IMPERIAL — Two-door hardtop. make offer. Call 842-3451. 35. Holmdel Rd., Hazlet. WESTERN FUNDING after 5 p.m. 7U-&206. O.795. Sharp. MCCARTHY CHEVROSALESGIRL WANTED — In infant and OR WRITE IN CONFIDENCE T O : 8' SKIMMER lor sale. 1962 RAMBLER AMERICAN Btatio LET, 291-1101. chilorens' shop. Must be experienced Our Bonded forsooaj RreprMentatlve Call wagon, full/ equipped, 15,000 mllei CHRYSLER — 1958 sedan, very sood Full or part time. Apply in person ] '60 OLDS 98 ALLSTATE Will Call At Vout Hom« At Your T47-5S24 Bob and Betty Shop, 88 Broad St Ca.ll 767-6393. condition. $500. Private owner, must Convepience. No Obligation. 15' M P G "Cambridge" flberglaa L a Red Bank, INSURANCE COMPANIES I 4-door hardtop 1959 OLOSMOBILE — 8S. Convertlbl lell. 842-1687 aiter 6 p.m. strake runabout, 35 h.p. Johnson motor FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES On« owner, excellent condition, blat 1 White wim blue interior 1960 FORD STATION WAGON —Coun- and Carry Craft tilt frame trailer. R e - MOTHER'S H E L P E R WANTED — Mountain Ave. AVAIUAULK — Edwin 8. Stark, Real Murray Hill. N. J. with red Interior. Call 842-0859 alti try sedan. Slick shift. |750. Call :| Equipped with automatic mot* Bteerlnc, safety glass wtndshteld, Sleep in, t o m e house work, Ashury Eitat» a n d M o r t j a i " . ConittUaot. 2M6 p.m. for appointment. 741-0823. | Iranwn.sjion, power steering fire extinguisher, anchor, nylon 11m Park area. 515 p e r week. Call 631-3*35. m and brakes, automatic winWOO. 7ST-5O47 a / t e r 8 p.m. I960 FORD F1AIRLANE 500 SEDAN VERY FINE H O U S E K E E P E R — Con- OUTBOARD MECHANIC — wanted. Bales Sen flit $ dowi and leats. Very clean Equipped with power ateerlnj a: LEVINB-WKBB 21' OWENS CABIN CRUISER — Bunk*, gmlaJ, good salary, live In, reference! Excellent opportunity. Experience necand ttie price l i right! INSTRUCTION priced to sell at $$96. required, for two adults. Call altw essary on Mercury a n d Johnson. FullM2-1O20 E a t o n l o w n head, sink, rood condition. 5. 222-33J9. f Plymouth, Valiant Clvryaler, Imperl Hwy. !5 time. Call 787-tOOO. 229-2S73. 1958 CHEVROLET — SUtlon wagon, Dealer.) very good condition, V-B. automatic 16' OLD TOWN with 40 h . p . all elec E X P E R I E N C E D WAITRESSES — Full COLLECT AND BELL — The "Charlie FKIVATB TUTORING — All subjects, best offer over $375, a m trie Evlmrude and extras. Call 291 time o r part time evenings. 5:30 tcCollectlt Plan". Tills position is lor the Grades 3 throuch 8. Call 222-297] after ! Maurice Schwartz & Sons transmission, Oldtmobile-Cadillic going lo Europe, will sell immediately. 60 9:30. Call Sonny's Restaurant' Belford man (21-35) who wants to s e t «n the 6 p.m. 141 W. F r o m St. Red Bank 747-07! Call John Pitts, 741-1890, 187-8548. ground floor o[ a fajjt growing collection I Company JERSEY S P E E D SKIFF 1 ~ 16' 2: 1963 AUSTIN HEALEY 3000, Origin, agency. Will train If no experience. Car FORD SIX RANCH WACON — Chevrolet, excellent condition. Used on SECRETARIES — Various openin * 100 Newm&n Sprints Rd t owner, 16,000 miles, body mechanlcaJl 1957 MERCHANDISE throughout North and South Jersey. E K necessary. Sernl resume "CHARLIE every day. $175. call after year Sl.tiyo. Call 222-TMa, Red Bsnk Iiertect, Bl&upunkt radio. Firm a i $1 Running perience necessary. Must have good COLLECTIT", Box 101 Fair Haven, N.J. 500. Call during d a y 462-5900, a t nig! 6 p.m. 2221841. FOR SALE SAIL AWAY — F o r a dny or w e d skills in typing and steno, 741-0910 41-OD05. ECONOMY—1IWO Lark, good condition, Available for charter. Stout Kella, S DAVENPORT PERSONNEL SERVICE registration SID, good mileage. 33 SouUi Claas inboard euxlllary stoop, 23'8 77 Broad St. 747-3355 Red B a t * VESPA 0 . 8 . — Four speeda, ne1 St., R t d Bank, MRS. ROBERTS 7'6 x 3'1O. Spacious coclcplt, seata elg; brakei, new cables. Good conditloi will be very happy to help you Mlecl S p a r s partH. Call after 6, 787-54" 1365 T H U N D E R B I R n CONVERTIBLE— or more / o r d a y sailing. Cuddy cabi EATONTOWN DRESS head. Icebox for lour overnight, Ex your new window shades from dozens Tiift Prudential Insurance Company or Red with stICt shift. Like new con 1960 VOLKSWAGEN —Priced tor i perlenced Bailors only. Call 741-280(1 America, has openings for graduates of 1364 styles. Brlns your rollers or medial* sale. Excellent condition. Oi ditlon. CaJll 842-a66O. MANUFACTURING with Accounting, Business Administra- your windows measured, no c h a r i t . CHRIS CRAFT 20' nklff, lapotrali owner, o n s driver. M a y be Been i 1957 MQ Oood condition. CaJl 1902 tion and Liberal Arts degrees. We offer Has openings in all sections. Full union construction, 185 h.p. Chris Craft MaShell Service, 97 E . River ltd., RUJUSOI after 5. PROWN'S benefits plus challenging work •rlne Engine, all extras. $2,500. Cal! benefits. Conveniently located on bus generous routes 1 and 2. 22 Lewis St. Phone 512- In Auditing, Cost Allocation and Cost 32 Broad St. D U E TO HIGHWAY CONSTItUCTlO: Red Bank 741-7808 812-1411. Research. Also openings lor Admin 1stra 3530. Nine Used cars m u s t b t sold h y thi 1963 CHEVROLET Nova Buper Sport. T R I P L E TRACK aluminum storm winlive trainees and a limited number weekend. M a k e offer on on« o r all Radio, healer, automatic waaher, buck, 13' GLASSPAJt--G—3 gkl boat with dows. Used, « each S •2S"H6!4, Field Audit spots requiring comiderable h.p. Evlnrud*. Ski* and all accessorlea OPERATORS wanted on ladles coats DWYER'S (oppoilte "Two Quy«") H' et seats, 14.000 miles. 747-3854. travel. It your purpose Is serious and 1-24x30%", l-36x30',4" (seven only). Keady for water. Can be seen -baci and lining makers also under pn 35, lliddletown. 671-9844. your talent real . . . Please writ* or Call 787-6393. 19«1 CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE — of W M a n o r Parkway, LinQroft. >4O5 apply In person to Employment Bureau, Red a n d white, 348 engine, four-speed, 2 VOLKSWAGEN SKDAN — Rad 16' F I B E r i a L A S E D BOTTOM — 15 NURSES AIDS — All shifts. Apply In 213 Washington Street, NewaiH, New 8URPLUB BUILDERS SUPPLIES — pool, call after B, 222-2073. whUewall tires, seat belt*, perfect coi Performance Proved Real Ceramic tile 4c each, DODO pieces, person B R O O K D A l i E NURSING Jeney, h.p. motor, trailer, reasonable. Cal! ditlon, very reasonatole. 542-2227 afti 1981 FALCON - Four-door sedan, 2RM4S2. a b o r t e d colors. 741-2233. • HOME. Hallet. 8 p.m. radio, heater, automatic, very good LOCKE LAWN MOWER—A—1 condi8' pKAM and 314 h.p. Bcott, Good DENTAL ASSISTANT — Experienced AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 1959 VOLKSWAGEN — Ntivr motoi condition. 747-D2O7. tion. Call Over 21. Must have transportation, abll condition. $85 Firm. EMPLOYER new brakes, n«w clutch. Needs bod 747-3866. MQA — Sport Roadster. Good conlty to type. Reply stating qualifications. 671-0472. work. Beat offer over W50. Call 542-435 1058 dition. New tires. Reasonable, must Write "A.R.," Box 511, Red Bank. 1962 CHEVROLET Super Sport. W, •ell. Write Box 261, Bhrewsbury or HAMMOND CLERK STENOGRAPHER. - Excel, call 642-3908, perfect shape. Only 16,000 miles. S a c BUSINESS NOTICES CARPENTER-FOREMAN lent opportunity with large financlaJ (4 pet' fice, 741-3877. hour or belter; all gas paid Institution, Liberal salary and fringe 1958 BUICK—Four-door hardtop. AutoORGAN STUDIO benefits. Address Inqures to B o i 2, for, ofter benellU. Call 671-1035. 1962 CHEVROLET COUPE — Whltf matic power brakes, steering. Private. L. SMITH BUILDERS — Patloi, ulte O F ASBURY FARE 409 h.p,, four-speed transmission, $l,50i Call 747-5339. ations additions, garages, Call 39; Btaton B, Long Branch, N.J. EXPANDING SALES TERRITORY Only 28,000 mtles. Call 264-8377. USED INSTRUMENTS 1957 BUICK — Sedan. New Urea. 1785 or 741-7350. EARNINGS lor present needs and U.S.Looking for college grad-owner of ownIlLmmond Extra-Voice „ _ . _ ^^..KQS OVER LOWEST biulnesa-or someone with (sales experi$395 Savings Bonds for family security. BeI960 RAMBLER STATION WAGON LANDSCAPING — Complete Ian Steinway Upright *495 One owner. Standard trarumlsston 741-1997 scaping service. Experienced eatlmate: come an Avon representative and eari ence should be 30-45 years of age, noConn Minuet ..—. 1595 PRICED DOMESTIC this pleasant way. Call 741-4313 or writ travel, we will pay J750 per month to Open Dally Till »—Saturday Rarilo. heater, snow tires, Best offi NOW THAT YOU have studied t h e given. HUNT BROa., 741-4732. Till « p.m. Mrs. Margaret Gulotta, P. O. Box ltO,the man that qualifies. Phone daytime Call after 6 p.m. 747-4822. ADS. "Hustle t o Russell" t o Inspect TAKE soil away t h e Blue Lustre w a ; Red Bank. COOKMAN AVE. AND MAIN I T . M9-7575, or 747-4646. Evenings, 747-0151 779-9300 > LA 8ALLE 1940-aeriea 62 coupf. Need, and buy a top reconditioned Cadillac. from c&j-peta a n d upholatery. Rent etei or 53&-4021. s o m e work. Nominal price t o go<M Olqsmoblle o r other make c a r l trie shampooer $1. MARY CARTE SECRETARY—For small Newark law HOME FURNISHINGS — One box h o m e . Oar In Atlantic Highlands. Cal PAINTS 447 Broad St., Shrewsbury office, legal experience desirable but STOCK BOY WANTED —. Full time. box spring and mattress, two TV sets, N e w York. TR 5-8338. nflt essential. Top skills required. Good 9:39 to 6. Drug experience preferred. N. J . Samsonlte bridge set, baby c a r MOBILE HOMES salary for competent person. Call MI Fringe benefits. Apply In person, Coa- one. riage and crib plus other Items. CaJl SMALT. GASOLINE ENGINES metlc Department, Little Stars Inc., 741-5234 between S and 10 a.m, lor 'AIRED — Lawn mowers, chain l AUTOS & TRUCKS Atlantic Superama., 6h«w«bury Ave. 964 " B U D D Y " 19x50. Brand new t w o appointment, — portable p u m p s , genet&tors. Ca.ll M2New Shrewsbury. bedrooms, furnished. 14,200. SEWING MACHINE 4615 any hours. COLONIAL four piece sectional. Beaton rocker, cherry, deacon bench. All pracO F WAITING FOR 1964 10x40. Two bedrooms, furnished TIRED OPERATORS tically new. Also four 01* paintings. $3,795. PAINTER? 11.V. Fox, Dial 787-7314. NEED EIGHT MEN Reasonable. Call 671-O017. Port Monmouth. Pocket maker, collar setter and straight •63 CADILLAC wanted to work on girls' a n d You t t e ready and eager VJ worfc, ages POOL TABLE — VxV. Six month! Low down payment. Seven year fi- RULLDOrUNQ AND BACKHOE — aeamers 1 artiea coats. Shore Coat Co. Inc., 22 Sedan DaVilU nancing. G R E E N ACRES MOBILE RiaBonable rates. Call 787-3658 o Bridge Ave.. Red Bank. 19-39. Several positions open leading to old. DOWN A WEEK HOME SALES. 7S7-6854. management. No experience necessary, 264-3351 Seafoam green with matching 462-2335 512-1700 WAITRESS — Some experience. Apply $85 p e r week to start. Interior. Completely equipped WOULD YOU LJKE a modern, ceram- in MATAWAN DINER. Hwy with all power features InGIANT ic tiled bathroom? F r e e estimates. 34, person Matawan, cluding outomallc windows, Call 264-7912. CALL 566-5564 AUTOS & TRUCKS value onw Inch ttilcK aluminum storm sjx-wav seat and cruise conPERM A N E W ANTi PART-TIME — ami screen doors. Three,moat popular 1rol. Excellenl throughout. Help wanted. 24 hour manufacturing sizes, bring measurements. Complete operation. Skilled and unskilled girls H E L P WANTED WEEKENDS - Dish- ready t o hang. 518.88 cash a n d carry, AUTOS & TRUCKS fur Inspecting and packaging operation washer. Also general yard m a n . ]8 Apply at THOMPSON INDUSTRIES years or over. Apply Sandy Hook Bay PROWN'S Intersection of Hope and Parkway apur Marina, Highlands. 872-1450. RENAULT—PEUGEOT Oldsmobile-Cadillac 32 Broad St. Ren Bank 7H-15M MID-MONMOUTK Industrial Park, New Shrewsbury. MAN — To wortt in refreshment stand. LARGE PICTURE WINDOW WITH Company 5 ; '61 CADILLAC AUSTIN HEALY—MGB Eatontown Drive-In T h e a t e r in STORM SASH — $30: matchln« counter1M Nawman Spring,! Rd., 5 OPERATORS WANTED — Experienced Apply < Coupe top electric range and oven 920, autoon children's a n d ladles' coats, &11 person evenings. Red B u t i• Hwy. 35, Eatontown matic washer, needs repair, (20; call operations, 35-hour week. JOY-ANN Black wllh black and white 264-7251. 74I - 0 9 I 0 COATS, inc., 34 Willow St.. R e d Bank. AUTO MECHANIC ) Interior. Completely equipped . 542-1212 Five d a y week. Top pay for t o p man. USED RADIAL CUT O F F SAW — In j , Including outomallc windows } * McCarthy Chevrolet, Atlantic Highlands. Rood condition. Call 741-2121 8 to ' ; ond six-way seat. Very low 1 EXPEHIEJHCED SINGLE N E E D L E — 5 p.m. mileage. Immaculate. One \^_^Sewing machine operators. Apply Moun. 291-1101. talntop Manufacturing, Locust St.. Keyowner. OAS RANGE — Like new. 2 1 " t«leport. 2G4-M66, a s k for Ann DeMatteo. vision set. Best offer. Phone HELP WANTED-Male Female 141-1669. CUAUT1CIA.N — Steady and weekend all around operators. Winner's of BEAUTIFUL dining room set, like new, Switzerland. Rt. 35, Mlddletown Shop- SUBSTANTIAL WEEKLY INCOME — best Oldsmobile-Cadillac , offer over S10O will take. Cost MORmNOa. AFTERNOONS. E V E ping Center. J700. 872-1711. NINGS AND SATURDAYS. A G E NO Company P A R T - T I M E LEGAL S E C R E T A R Y - BARRIER I F OVER 18. T E L E P H O N E ! 100 Newman Springs Rd. Our overhead's small os our ad Wrltj "P.H.", Box 511, SALES. STUDENTS, SALESMEN. UNPAINTED FURNITURE Red Bank Let me pas! you 1hs savings at Red Bank. SALESLADIES AND HOUSEWIVES, The largest unpalnted furnlturs lo[t on 741-0910 I McFAODIN Cadillac-Oldimobila 'ART—TIME — T o do soldering a n d N E E D AMBITIOUS PEOPLE INTER- the Jersey Shore. Save 23% for cash ESTED IN TURNING THEIR F R E E simple electronic assembly. 51.50 per Broadway at 4th Ave. Long Branch carry. R E D BANK LUMBER, hour. Walter Heath Co., Inc., Red Bank. TIME INTO DOLLARS OUR INCEN- and Only VOLUME <nd LOW OVERHEAD m a l . i this poi.iblel TIVE PROGRAM WILL ALLOW YOU corner P e a r l and Wall fits., Red Bank. TO HAKE BETTER THAN A N AVER- Open until 5 p.m.' everyday «nd SaturAGE INCOMK. F O R INTERVIEW day. An Ponderosa pine. HELP AVANTEU-MALE CALL 747-5754. WE B U * AND MILL anytiuni a m i 1 REAL. E8TATE PERSONS — Active everything. Give till nishest p r l e u . Call William Leff Furniture, Ine* Hw7. office. F o r development sales and 39, Ulddletown 741-3213. O p t a »7Sother. E d w i n . S . Stark. 261-0333. nines till 9 pirn. FACTORY FRESH Dflwn Pa/msii* PAY PERMONTH BAUD E M P I J O X M E N T AGENCY Qualified Psrionnel For Quality Orders ACCORDION AND GUITAR , a O O D CONDITION 210 Broad Lons Branch 222-4747 787-3401. ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Every order k applicant our specialty DISHWASHER - 1962 O.E. Mobile 12 Broid St. • Red Bank 7*7-3494 Maid portable, {150. Phon« 671-2215. WAITERS AND WAITRESSES - Over EXPERIENCED OR 21, experience not necessary (or partLEAKY time work. Apply OABIN IN T H E SKY, TRAINEES Ocean Blvd.. Atlantic Highlands. gutters c a n ' t do t h e house a n y food. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN AND Call for free estimate on Kflnuint • T O P SAI^ARIES SALESWOMEN — F o r hlgti Income ALCOA WHITE ALUMINUM l u t t t r s . career with one of t h e oldest moat • COMPANY CA.R PROWN'S successful firms In the area. Call Mr. Miller for appointment, WALKER & 32 Rruad St. R e d Bank 741-7500 • SMALL TERRITORIES WALKER. REALTORS, 671-3311. GARAGE DOORS - Four section, s i x n'x7' on a special purchase • $54.95, t EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FOR IMMEDIATE CREDIT OK: And one of our sales Cash anu Carry. R E D BANK LUMBER, ADVANCEMENT SITUATIONS WANTED, Female corner Pearl and Wall. representatives will bring the car of your choice to • SEARS PROFIT-SHARING . AND COUNSELOR — Counselor's aide tot 2 1 ' R E E L MOWER MANY OTHER BENEFITS. your home for your inspection: perfectly alright with One year old, 150, day camp, Red Cross Senior lifesavlnc 8T1-0T6I. sailing champion, piano, guitar, typing, us if you would like your mechanic to check car. Wt could list many other Allexcellent with children, references. Call INDIAN ORIENTAL RUC — 13llOV4. • U t e exli&8'. Security, good m e r 5 p.m. 747-1332. Cost S900 Very good condition. TaJte It hours, professional slatmlng, prestlgt company, etc. SUPERVISED CREATIVE play and home, for $100. CaJl 264-8078. caro for children. By hour, day or PRIVATE COLLECTION BEING SOLDYou may qualify If you a r e : A week. 747-3406. Antlriue pistol. 100 years old. Old Engcollege graduate with some busiCharcoal ironing stove. Two ladder RELIABLE MATURE WOMAN will lish ness ftxpetlenee and can display NO MONEY DOWN ^ W t O 5 YEARS TO PAY back chairs, other items. Collection too babysit, your home evenings. Own large. a capacity for growth. 264-8017. transportation. Character references. Residents ot Hudson, Bergen and Church member. After 5:30. 78T-3013. OVER 1200 Essex Counties call Mr, JJIllott E X P E R I E N C E D BABYSITTER — By American "W0" 9 Pass. Sfallon Coupe DeVllle, Electric Window!, 776-8200 Thursday, Friday July 16, hour, flay or night nr weekly. colors of paint. We can match u\y Wagon. Full Power. Automatic & Seats, Full Power, Automatic, 1 7 . 9 A.M.-5 P..\l. color, BVPO the new darker tonei. Cook 711-2233. Radio & Heater, White Wall Tires Radio i, Hraler, White Woll Tires and Dunn no drip paints cover better. Evening Interviews Arranged. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES DAYS OR WRITE IN CONFIDENCE TO: WORK — Steady only. Call PROWN'S 741-25!!!). 32 Broad St. R e d Bank ALLSTATE Monterey, A Dr., Hardtop, Full "88" Full Power, Automatic, YOUNG WOMAN* seeks pnrt-Ume job. Power, Merco-motlc, RJ.H, Whlfs Rodla & Heater, White Watl Tires. SCUBA DIVINO EQUIPMENT — Used ReereUry wllh A.A. deINSURANCE COMPANIES Experienced Wall Tires. three times. Must sell. CtU alter • gree. Call 842-0901. p.m. 512-2677. Murray Hill, N. J, Mountain Ave. DRIVE NOW — FIRST PAYE X P E R I E N C E D , ABSOLUTELY rellable, babysitter. In your home, days SCA WHIRLPOOL — Frost free reMENT IN SEPT. BANK WILL two years. $175. PHARMACIST — Red Bank area. 45-50 and evenings. Bed B a t * a r e a , 7 « - frigerator-freezer, Norse r a s dryer. J65. 741-4933. 4 Dr., Wagon, Full Power, Auto., hours per week. 5175. Write stating 7020. FINANCE ALL LISTED SUMS. f U H , White Walt Tires. qualifications to "A.X." Box 511, R e dWOMAN wishes housework by the d a yHOUSE SHUTTERS — All slZM, picBank. :>r week. Must lie on or n e a r bus ture frames, anllque desks, etc. Antique shop 117 Main St.. Port Monmouth. Ine. Call 291-2562. EXERCYCLE " - ^ E x c e l l e n t condition. Convertible, Full Power, AutoRadio & Heafer, Fully Equipped. New ?500; sale S200. Call For supervisory or analytical respon.31 SITUATIONS WANTED, Male matic, Rodlo & Heater, 741-5080. blinios wim aliort area multi-corporaWWIe Wall Tires Lion growth organization. Salary in ac-RESPONSIBLE COLLEGE JUNIOR - APARTMENT SIZE — G a l stovs 15, cordance with experience and ability With own transportation aeeks summer re-frlperators $10 each, table and chair ASK ABOUT OUR DISCOUNT lo $133. Sfjini reatimi"'' and salary re employment. Call 231-OO01. sets $10, bed and mattress, single and Parkione, Hardtop, Full Power, qulronients to " A . E . " Box 511. R d double $5 Vail Homes, Shrewsbury. PLAN W H I C H FEATURES UP Automatic, Radio & Heater, EXPERIENCED - Able roal estate, 222-0917. Bank, N, J. White Walt Tire*. TO 5 YEARS TO PAY, PLUS salesman, presently emplnyed: seeks CABINET MAKER — A i d carpenter. change with employer's consent. Years If YOU NEED VACATION Experienced. Steady employment. Cal experience Red Biink-Rumion area. (More Classified Adi CASH WE CAN WORK THAT 1*01-0210. Carhart Construction Co., I n c .ManaRcrlsl capability. Replies confl27 East Oarfleld Ave., Attantio Hlgn- fientlRl, write "AW", Box 511 Red On the Next Page) > OUT. Continental Convertible, Full Power lands. Bank. Elec. Windows & Seati. R&H .* RUSSELL *n UA COLLEGE TRAINEES RENAULT '63 CHEVY II Automatic MOBILE HOMES urn LOOT I . FOUND JULY RED HOT AUTOS t TRUCKS J K X J , u r COKJ >S*0 ilJtm.-V UEALET XOO, Wt:i«, SKYLINE lOxil A ttttixnf, K.n lop, t ^ o A e u <x>ver. I M t r , washer, tmtl. caj^etiof. $2.7M) or I2M and u*um«. itC-Oll:. TVASTIXB. TnMtr. Moii, C«JJ MJ-CTM*'" T«Jt« avtr IMPALA Wagon, V - l , Auto. $36 PER MONTH '59 CHEVY BEL AIR Automatic $795 FULL PRICE '59 FORD C'TRY SEDAN FULL PRICE $795 '58 WILLYS PICK-UP 4-Wheel drive with plow FULL PRICE $995 '57 PONTIAC W A G O N $595 FULL PRICE For Further Information DIAL 291-1101 158 AVENUE ATLANTIC f A.FIRST M. t» HIGHLANDS f P. M. AUTOMATIC SEDANS Save $361 $95 $10.95 MONMOUTH MOTORS RUSSELL NO DOWN PAYMENT RUSSELL : $25 PROFIT—PER CAR, RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES 2 LOANS NO PROBLEM 1 1 9 6 4 SAVE NOW • B I G DISCOUNTS 1964 4ir PLYMOUTHS ' ^ 1 A M l r CHRYSLERS fl|l|ll*» VALIANTS WE WILL STILL FINANCE YOU! SHOP-AT-HOME - A WAGONS •*• ! m $44:24 S60.54 S53.55 CALL 774-2244 COST CLEARANCE FLASH! Servicemen, E-4 & Up No Cash Down 5 TO CHOOSE FROM '64 RAMBLER $2780 '59 CADILLAC $1580 '61 MERCURY $~94O '59 OLDSMOBILE S 670 CLAIM ADJUSTERS ON ALL SALESMEN DEMONSTRATOR & EXECUTIVE CARS BAYSHORE '61 PLYMOUTH U 6 0 '60 OLDSMOBILE $1190'59 LARK '59 MERCURY '60 CORVAIR sl60 Sedan, Radio & Healer '60 FORD Convertible, V-B, Automatic, Full Power. Radio A Hratar While Wall Tires. '60 COMET S~690 nodlo «. Iteol.'r, While Wull l l i e j . '60 DODGE $810 i Dr., Waoon, Full Power, Elec. Windows t. Scots, S M t , Whllt Woll T l r « . '60 CHRYSLER T975 9 Pan, Wagon. Full Power, Auto., f U H , While Wall Tlrei. CHECK $440 ACCOUNTANTS These S 740 OUTSTANDING '59 LINCOLN $1120 BUYS White Walt Tires. AT CIRCLE '59 CHEVROLET Impala, Convertible, Full Power, Auto., White Wall Tires, R8.H ltnmacu!ote. '5B FORD S 390 Country Squire, 9 Pass Station Wagon, Full Power, Automatic, Radio & Hoator, While Wall Tire*. '58 CHRYSLER $~590 4-Dr., Station Wagon, Full Power, Automatic, Radio K Healer, White Wall Tires '57 FORD $289 Station Wagon, Pull Power, Aulo., White Wall Tires, R&H. RED BANK AUTO DISCOUNT CENTER 1000 MAIN ST. BRADLEY BEACH, N. J. CHEVROLET! $1020 1963 FORD 4<dr., R&Hi V-8 with Fordomatic, power iteoring, power brakes. 1962 CHEVROLET Impalj conv., R i H , WW, V-8 with Powtrglida, power ilonrinj. 1961 CHEVROLET Btl Air, 4-dr. HT, R&H, 6-cyl. with Powsrglide, powar jtoiring. 1959 CHEVROLET Btl Air 4-dr,, R I H , 6-cyl. with Powerglida, powar ifeering. Circle Chevrolet Co. 741-3130 SECRETARY tnaily pnfliinii. full benedtn. tn tT.OOO a yrnr. ncri nnd li.iimflprprs. , [/ins Branch. FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO 325 MAPLE AVE. ROUTE MEN HELP W A N T E 1 > - F E M A L E HELP WANTED-FEMALE FULL AND PART-TIME, STEADY YEAR-ROUNO WORK, NO LAYOFFS. tm. CAR AND PHONE REQUIRED.1 •JALL 4ffiMO74 B E T W E E N 10-12 NOON NI) 3-G P.M. !AREER ER OPORTUNITY OPORTUNITY — Fnr TB^ t high h i h school h l graduate. d No exenco required. Manufacturing firm provide training program in prolon sdifdulnK, material control, imrch&nnB. Requires Intelligence mntheiniiljcal ability. Merit salary UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TOR 5CCRETARY WITH MINIMUM enses; excellent benefits. Write ntaOF FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE, PREFERABLY IN SALES. SALES .np; qualifications lo " A . P . " Boa M l . PROMOTION, MARKETING OR ADVERTISING. ASBURY Red Bank. PARK HEADQUARTERS OF PROMINENT NEW JERSEY STUDENTS WITH CAR CORPORATION. ^or work In Atlantic Highlands, Leonardo, Bflford, Keansburff. Middleown. Fuller Brusli Co., W3-P0 per •eek, early evening.! and Saturday MUST HAVE PROVENCLERICAL-ADMINISTRATIVE ABILITY. in. Call III 1-3189 between 6-3 p.m. AND WILLINGNESS T O ASSUME, RESPONSIBILITY. RAPID niy. STENO AND TYPING A REQUISITE, ItOI.'TB SALESMAN — Wllh Shore's nding; laundry and dry cleaning plant. RED BANK SUPERVISOR EarnlngB Apply Star 1.12 Myrtle "o control n^w payable procedure! i*lri| HIM pttulpment In flhorn area nultl-crirporatfon (frowtli orgmlratlon. tend leiter itatlng experleno« and t l a r y requtrementi t o "A.M.", Box •11, R«d Buik, 40 HR. WEEK, MON. TO FRI. LIBERAL FRINGE BENEFITS. START »°2 - PROGRESSION TO »l 15. REPLY MUST STATE I N DETAIL WORK EXPERIENCE, EDU. f CATION AND PER50NAL DATA. WRITE "6. &.", BOX 511, I » RED BANK. rot SALE FOB SALE Colonial. Used But 3 Complete Rooms of Furniture Take over Balance $246 • 2 Piece Colonial Living Room Suite • 3 Piece Maple Bedroom Suite . • 5 Piece Round Table - Four Chairs » h » accessories and Reconditioned Refrigerator Pay $3 Weekly APARTMENTS t/lS"! ERJ.SOH MATILDA GARDEN Apartments 4hH SECOND AVENUE THR£E-ROOM Apartments FREE HEAT FREE HOT WATER and AIR CONDITIONING RENTAL* FROM $100 MONTH Rental Agent on Premises Call 222-8756 HOUSES FOR REVT KAVJEK — i%i**.4wr borni tor rtnf, $110 Vt*,r *cbooU, tovjAat: OB bue Hot, C*U C7L-3200. MATTHEW J. GILL, Realtors. L 0 V 1 L Y THREE—BEDROOM ranch tiorcie. Uttlurntshcd. LATC» Itnctd yard. In nice neighborhood. F o r appointment call 22J-<<59 MIDDLETOWN low. No £>et» — Four-room bunga- W2-22OS. SUMMER. RACING SEASON AND FEAR ROUND RENTALS Ella Wllt(hlre Agency. Kcaltore. Oppn wvenlays. 1480 Ocean Ave.. Sea Bright, 42-0004. WIDE SELECTION OF RENTA1£ Furnlsned and unTurnlsned. Immedlate occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHER AGENtY. Oceanport Ave.. Oceanport •23500, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — Fourbedroom, two-bath home. Two-car garage. Parochial schools. THE McGOWAN AGENCY. 747-3000 SS6 to $175 Per Month THE BERG AGENCY RL 35 Middletown 671-1W» 6a z/>rfK-JVJZ3W fit vffl&ti fx**m tfuptni. WKNSMwwt. Ctii lor ttfjnutzm. trwvtr, tn*»*l NAyESINK RIVERfRONT IM FAIR HAVEN M LOTS * ACREAGE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUCE StiUrly (yjlfiual. Five btdirxros, to r « bath* *nd povwitr rtwm. BUSINESS PROPERTY Large formal living room wnii fireplace. Huge dining room, lavish kitdjen, beautifully paneled den. Huge Family room with Thermo- UIDDLJETOWW—PropertyI ! on H w y houm. •K«"'J, 4J?"i pane windows commands view of miles of river, Steel girder Twone« propcrt/. Own«r M3-O0S. construction. New masonry bulkhead. Two car garage. Many, jf —many extras. $68,000. • RENT — Win l«*w house. Bax&se TH£ DflLY &BOSTER 1 , July 15,1964-21 ' JtOTICE • •• tumcz SHERIFF'S IAEJE MONMOUTH COUNTY Docket No. F 1MMZ BARTON SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A corporation o< Htw Jerley FWMltf v » : EDWARD B. WALL* BANK. Unfit u t d OXFORD INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION, a Penntylvania orporat Ion D^fendantj 00 RIVER RD. FAIR HAVEN By virtue of a. writ ol execution in e tb>\t stated action to me directed, 747-4532 shu'-' expn^p for aal« at public venue at the Court House in tiie Borough Freehold. County of Monmouth. New Member Multiple Listing Service REAL ESTATE WANTED rsry "n Monday tlie 10th day of Antil iWt at 2 o'clock P-M. Prevail* . .r,f Time. ALL that c-'Ttam lot. tract or parcel HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE >f land and premise*. *Kuate. lying and bpirg i» the Tf"*'nshsp o! Matawan. la We're a dynamic R'a! Estate firm he County ot Monir)f>u*h ftnfi Wat* ot BIG BUY L1NCROFT - Split level, one car aJerted to today's hiS^Jy competitive PW Jersey, and more particiiJarly d6market. Our ihnro'ichly trained, t ON LITTLE BUDGET ritiPd »a follows, to wit:— garage attached, large lot wall- perienced Starr oi gracious soft scin BEING kno*n and deeiEnated R* L^1* Well kept eight-room split level to-wall carpet. 414% interest, low ixperts are prepared to help you. •>s 16-17 in BloA No. 45 on a certain List your property with ith carport, aluminum storms monthly payments. Close to St. ,ap (^l as "Cllffwooi Beach, la , Town?hlp. being Section No. 3, Leo's, Garden State Parkway. PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. and screens. On large lot. iteil March wi-*>" wtucfi »aid Map W M Kpal Estate For 70 Years Asking $20,000. Full Price $13,900 uly filed In the MonrnouUi County • White St.. lied Hank 7*1-7200 'pik's Office on July 27, 1523, In C a w VETS NO DOWN BEING also known a* f.'o«. Approximately Approxima tely W15 p per r m month H0LMDEL — Gorgeous view, ex- LISTINGS NKEDED! We have clients So.. IT6>>-5. West Concourse, Mi.ta.wm, New ( S b j c t to V.A. V A Approval' A p p l ftruiom to settle in this vicinity. I'least (Subject RUSSELL M. BORUS. REALTORS iisineas mm, ricant. WriU "BuatncM t«nt" 22 Linden PI. Red BankFOR SALS PACKAOE DEAL Apaxtmeol houM «lu. IM untu. D M I I C iax «vail«.Me. Wall To>»nshlp. FEIST * FE15T REALTORS MOSMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER o« T01 BATONTOWN 54J-444S. LONG BRANCH — New garden apartments, air conditioned, GE kitchen, all utilities fupplicfl. 3- 3 rooms. J120, four ooniB, J135, 229-W24 or 229-4&&Q. NEW FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT — Refrigerator, washer, dryer. Available August 1. $100 plus utilities. 7S7-43M. JTRNISHED — Three rooms, utilities, Ineni, parking. Reliable adults, no pets. 7-11 East Front Street '41-2688 after 5 aJ day weekends. 'OUR-BEDROOM APARTMENT — In Keyport, New Jersey Red Bank. Living room, dining room, kitchen, back yard and garage. ConFURNISHED ROOMS FREE DELIVERY - FREE STORAGE venient to shopping and schools. Occupancy immediately J178 montn. Call ROOM FOR RENT — Man or woman, treme privacy large variety of :all us it your property is tor rent o; 741-2900 before 5 p.m. For Appointment 264-3021 - Mr. Paul single. Hall mile from Ft. Monmouth. The approximate anr>:jit ft the Judg* trees and shrubs, two bedrooms, sale. BROOK AGENCY. Rink Building, nent HIGHLANDS — Furnished apartment. Private home. M2-1W1I, to be satisfied by *ald «aJe I* Open Thurs. & Fridays 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. living room, kitchen and large Atlantic Hii:h!.inda. Ui>l-U17. SSO monthly, utilities*. Inquire Apart- PRIVATE ROOM AND BATH—EinfiU :lie sum of $S.<T"f""W> together with th« ment 13. Muddy Ave. WE NEKD YOl'K HOME ;osts of this s<ile. or double. Professionals preferred. Priscreened porch. 14'/ acres. $60,2 Other days 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Our 12 jaiespoople tiava clients waiting Dated Jun'e r>f*. lffil vate entrance. Call after 5, ' J 91-11D1. Inc. 'ER&ACE APARTMENTS — Five000. (or your Uattng. Thev need ranctvts JOSEPH A. SHXJTO, Bhertlf. room second floor apartment. Immedl- CICELY FURNISHED ROOM — Near 3310 Hwy. 35 Hazlet ipltt levels, two Hiorips: alao investment I^rry Wwsnun. Attj*. occupajicy. Adult3 only. iransporlailo.i, Ehonplng. Red Bank, Call us [or a Q»'lck Mle. Two uly 15, 22. 2ft, Aug. 5 $13.24 741-4650 264-0666 741-3636 HOLMDEL - Brick home located iroperty. FOR SALE "!aJl 747-0045 after 5. ifflces tervlng you. MERCHANDISE WANTED THKEE ROOMS AND BATH Heat TWO FURNISHED SUITES — (Uvlng Open daily 9-8, Saturday, Sunday, on seven acres rolling land well WALKER * WALKER and hot water supplied. OLD FURNITURE - Anluuen. d l n a . NOTICE landscaped. Asking $59,000. room, bedroom, bath) {bedroom, bath). 19-6. Realtors $2.99 261-5S32 Slaisware, art object* and bric-a-brac Exclusive residential area. Couple or ihrewBtsury utnc« i414fit*to7ni Ol. K • very low price tor a quulty j»I- Immediate caeb for anything and everywomen. References required. Pfton* 741SHERIFF'S SALE S71-M1) HOLMDEL — For horses or chil- 41-5212 B B BB HOLMDEMCEYPORT AREA Ion ol Lktei will paint. Try tUi Oook thlrs. Ruicll'i 25 Eajt Front BL. T647 or 747-0115 after 6 p.m. NEAR RED BANK — Split level home drens' day camp, located on WE NEED - FIVB or ilx. 1-3 bedroom ICFCRIOR coVRr OF >rw and Dunn Latex white and you'll be ROOMS — Clean and comfor- on weil cared lor ground"- Uvlng room, lurnllhed or unfurnlJhed, from CH.VNCERY DIVISION u n u x l . A I M available in 1.200 colon CASH for old toy traln'B. trolley cars GREEN GROVE GARDENS SINGLE; landscaped property, homes, table. Reasonable rstea. Oentieroen pr»> dining room, ocle-nce kitchen plus beautiful IM to $175 per month far incoming MONMOtTH COUNTY for n i l than ft tal. Frea delivery. and cast 1rai toys raada before 1940. (erred. 92 Wail nee Bt 741-63S2. xecutivea. THE BEBQ AaENCY. Rt. $95 UP historical background 30 acres or recreation room and separate wood Docket No. F-2UI-83 7U-19M after 6 p.m. own. 871-10Q©. paneled bar. Four hedroams. two and will divide. $150,000. PULASKI SAVINGS &. LOAN ASSOPROWN'S ne halt 6nth«. Full basement, at CIATION, a corporation of New Jer— Ltod lent type travel INCLUDES FREE HEAT. HOT WATER DEVELOPMENT HOME OV7NER&— ' S3 Broid Bt. Rid Bulk • 7(1.7500 WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE tached two-car garage. Excellent con trailer. Call transferred? H«us« too gm&ir «py, Plaintiff VB: OTIS WILLIAMS and COOKING-GAS, AIR-CONDITIONING. HOLMDEL - Professional build- Being ditlon. $26,500. FLORENCE WILLIAMS, his wife. DeMortgage payments too high? Don'' FACTORY SEWING EQUIPMENT — HOUSES FOR SALE call us now we'll buv your com*. fendants TV and phone outlets, 12 cu. It. refrlgerOne Singer 251 glass machine and PHILIP J . BOWERS & CO. ing or pleasant home Colonia wait, By virtue of a writ ol execution la MANKl.Y ABHOC!ATES. B71-5343. atar. parking and walk-In storage la table, one aoabar and tickets, two new style, immediate possession, low Multiple Listings he above stated action to me directPETS & LIVESTOCK duties. Spacious rooms, iarge closew file cablnetB, five thermostat Irons and RED BANK SPECIAL Real Estate lor 70 years taxes, three-car garage. Asking U'MfiON -- Modern charming four l< ed, I shall expose for E«I» &t publlfl walk to shopping plaza, buses, schools This well trollya plus oilier items. Call 741-5254 ive-bpdroom holing (lood locailon. Oc venrtuf. at me Co'jrt Houai in th« constnicleil home located In 60 White St Kerl Bunk 741-720(1 Swim club for tenants only. $24,500. between 12 and 1 for appointment. CLIPPING AND BATH] •iG eupano- ^fpt. 1 Caah. Call afte Borough o( Freehold, County ol Mona finp gection of town Is offered for All breeds, Margie Schmidt, by ap :C0. PllBram 4-8445. ^ _ _ _ ^ _ _____ moulh. New Jpreey, on Monday th« sale at sacrifice price. A 271 living ELEGANT MANSION — On over two Directions: Garden State Parkway to room OARAGE DOOR — S'lT I'll). Double lolnlment, 7&7-568S. with fireplace, full dining, kitchen, acres. Fully landncaped, formal driveof July. IM*. nt 2 o'clock, Exit 117 to Rt. 35-38. East on 36. past and' hung windows, assorted sizes. AlumiWANTED — By retired couple. Sept 20th day way. Orchard. Has everything from room downstairs. Three very PrevailtnB Time. miill liousp iireterrert or aparinipn '. AllM.the . niim itoxe cloora 3'x7'. Allen Brothers, POODLES - Male, .even week*. AKC 3rd traffic light, left on Florence Ave lar^eeun bedrooms and bath upstairs, full butter's pantry to drawing loom. Three following tract or parcel of in nice qulft house, three or ton 1 Leonard St.. Bed Bank. Call 747-4440. REGISTERED. Call 898-1648 or 222-9332 Phono 261-1816. Real Estate Brokor basement, two-car garage, large plot bathrooms. Need* some work. Owner and tlie premises hereinafter pwafter fi, all day week ends. ooms. Kfii Hank or aurronndtng arra am! with barbecue and patio for summer must sell. Full price $17,500. U'ulnrly described, situated, lying and H-0 TRAIN BET — English bike. GRAY THROUGHBRED — Eight jeara SKA BRIGHT— Beautiful new three-bed enjoyment. Call 32D-43A0. Insurance Very convenient to school, room apartment. Modern lurnl»hingfl', •plug in the Borough of New ShrewsPower made planet boat and equip- old, etc. You must see It quickly. Only 15.2 hands high. 291-9472, aH convenience. Adults. 842-0227. IRVING WE1SGOLD ' Holmdel 946-8383 LARGE HOME NEEPED — 7 or more bury, County of ilonraoutli and Btat» o! ment. Call fi7!-36R*. after 6: 17,600. bedrooms. CORNELIUS AGEN'CY, Nrw 'PW Jersey: Broker THREE APARTMENTS —Season-Year, Monmoiith. 671-545)5. BEGINN1KO at a. point tn the norihGERMAN SHEPHERD p u p s - Top 3-5-5 rooms, garages, transportation, 2215 Hwy. 9 Lakewood ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE quality. rly line of Pearl Street, said point o( Sire champion WaJdenmarkB buses, school. Reasonable. 787-6012, (Between Freehold and I*akewood) VETERANS eglnning beirif 4S0 feet easterly from Ilko Dave, Waldemnark Deanna. 223 353-S0S0 EvenlngB 462-618ii R»nt A Piano $12 per Month monument located at the- point of inATTRACTIVE — Two rooms, drat NO DOWN PAYMENT Realtors trseouon of th« northerly gid* of P«af floor, unfurnished, kitchenette. McLarNO MONEY DOWN KNABE, MASON-HAMLIN. BOHMER WIRE FOX TERRIER — AKC, cha.n en St. Private. Quiet person. 741-0761. 00 Hwy. 35 Red Bank ALL OTHERS ONLY Str#et and the easterly aide of Sprlnj:VET OR KON VET •CABl/B-ilELSON. EVERETT STBCK! pion aired. 11 weeks, Female. Inoculatdale Avtnue; thenc* (li iwirth 0 de« 741-6262 629 Tlnlon Ave,. New Shrewsbury Six$350 DOWN . OoMCmw > Main Bt. ABbury Pk. ed. 580. 128 Forest Ave,, Keonsburg Ml DDLJGTOWN — Four room«, heat trets 43 minutes west 130 feet to A room modern ranch. Eight years old. A dream ranch with Lhree bedroom and hot water supplied. Call 671-3363 Member Multiple Listing Open dally till 9 Sat. till 5:30 x>int; thence; (2> louth 83 degrees COLLIE—German Shepherd Top quail, Three bedrooms, lVj baths, 1'i ton air after 6 p.m. or weekends. J75-9301 S minutes eitat 117.70 feet to a poirt; kitchen, modern bath, gas heai ty pups. Six w c * s old. excellent temcomtlLloner, birch kitchen cabinets, wall nice DIP nee (3) south 7 degrees 44 mlnutei B B BB — Living room, bedoven, gas heat, one-car, garage. 125x20* city sewers and water, taxes (200. Ap TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines perament. Choice of litter of six. Rea- APARTMENT west I1S.63 feet to a, point In tha room, kitchen. Water and heat fur- CHARMING BRICK AND FRAME lot, nicely shrubbed, combination storm prnximately $32 pays everything. All makes new or used. Guaranteed, sonable. 812-1529. nnrtljerly tide of P«ar Street; and nished. 6 Spring St. Red Bank. 747-lftM. RiANOH — On beautifully landsca]>ed sash. $170 monthly Includes taxes. Im- AH flown md monthly payments a - Low M 425, Serplco's. 101 Mornnoulh MINIATURE BILVEIt POODLE — thence (4) tlonK the northerly side of grounds situated on the Shrewabur; mediate occupancy to qualified buyer. approximate and subject to F.H.A.-V.. St. Neit to theater. 747-0485. Male, three months old, AKC, all shod O.N'E-BEDROOM APARTMENT — Al river. Living room with fireplace, largi Owner. After 6 p.m. 2293598. Pear Street north 82 degree! M mln« approval. improvements. $65 per month. 74 Bay 'amily room opening onto a railed flag. S1O0. Ca.ll 596-O574. ute8 weit 100 feet to tha point and DESKS 115 up. PILES 1.12.90 up. tables Ave, Highlands. itone terrace overlooking the water. place of BEGIKMKO. BEACH AGENCY chairs, adding machines, typewriters, ADORABLE miniature French poodles MODERN four-room apartment. Prl Three bedrooms ajid two and one hall 6 BB B Being commonly known anfl desiglive weekj old. 175 up. S42ofdci ejulpment, etc. at b a m i n prices. AKC, baths. Excellent closet apace. Three^ H00 Rt. 35 Middietown, N. I. PLEASANT OLDER HOME in Red nated M No. 85 Pear Street, New vate, Near station and stores. Seasonal 3405, New or used. AAG DESK OUTLET. car garage, one of which could be con- Bank, convenient to school, nhopplng Shrewshury, New Jersey. or all year round. 274 Wilson Ave. 671-2727 erted into maid or gue3t room. $59,500. arid transportation. Living room, dinRie. 35, Oakhurst 631-3990. The approximate amount of th» JudrWHITE KITTENS FOR ADOPTION Long Branch. Call- 222-2943. ing room, kitchen, den and bath down. ment to be Batisffnt by laid sale Ts CALL FULL-SIZE BED — With sprint and HIGHLANDS — Three or four rooms PHILIP J . BOWERS & C O . Three bedrooms and bath up. Good Daily to 8 p.m. Sat.-Sun. to 6 p.m. 747-5215. the mm of $14,900.00 together wltH mattrttt. Good condition value at 516,500. furnished, all utilities CaJl 872-&S92.' the costi of this etle. LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER Multiple Listings ADORABLE GERMAN SHEPHERD Rt. 36. 244-0538. Gated June 16. 1964 Real Estate for 70 years PUPPIES — Blx weeka old. Only S3 J08HPH A. BHATTO. Bheritf. Red Bank 7*1-7200 PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. BBBB RED BANK — Furnished, three-room 60 White St. each. 7U-43S2. Multiple Listings Roapond * Rospond, AUyi. LEGAL NOTICE NOT $25 apartment, stall shower, convenient to DOUBLE HEADER IN UTTLE ENGLISH TUDOR — Located In eood Junn 24, July 1, 8. 15 J10.69 Real Estate for 70 years section of Little Silver. Living roou\ all transportation. Adults only. 741-7076. VER — Four bedroom, 2Vt bath, C but much much less when you buy your 60 White St. Red Ba^k 741-7200 with nrepiace, large dining room, kitchaluminum awnings made by Klrsch. 2^-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. nial house. Extra features in Imen and (ien. Bedroom a.nd bath down, 1-33* maculate house are den, game room Less thin half the price of custom • • Call RED BANK 3-1 Four bedrooms and bath up. Full ba»wllh' bar, wall-to-wall carpetnig. Just made. Klrich means quality, In stock K I E W F F S SALS APARTMENTS B l U C i a r i h BALE 842-3146. mem. Detached two-car garage, trees reduced to $28,800. to fit ANY width •window. $15 and up ri'hOF NKW JERSEY SUPEIUOB COURT OP NEW JEBSEV SDPEB1OR COURT $31,300 - - LOVELY CAPE COD MODERN four-room apartment, unfurLAW DIVISION CHANCERY DIVISON EATOHTOWN nished;first [Ioor, private entrance PROWN'S Centrally air conditioned Colonial. Three Situated in fine residential firca. Two MIDBLESEX COUNTY MONMOLTH COUNTY Occupancy August I. 542-3583 or 787- bed-room*. 2Vi batha, 24x22 paneled den or three bedrooms, living room with PHILIP J. BOWERS & C O . Docket Ho. D i 25Sl-«3 COUNTRY CLUB Docket No. F !M8-63 32 Broad Bt.' Red Bank , 741-1500 4970. Multiple Listings There are many extras in this lovel> rireplace, tile bath, oil Urea hot water OARTKRET SAVINGS AND LOA.N GSNBRAL INVESEMENT CORP. a APARTMENTS & SWIM CLUB Real Estate (or 70 years of Nww Jersey, piamtm TWO BEDROOMS — Living room, home that must be seen. Asking $37,900. heat, full cellar, black-top driveway, 60 While St. KITCHEN CABINETS — In the old ned Bank 741-720T ASSOCIATION, fc ct>rpor*Uon ol S*ftw tor>or»tioa storms and screens, city sewers. $17,TINTON AVE. dinette, kitchen and bath. In one ol Jersey, Plalnllfr VB: MICHAEL F. CI- VB: LOUIS. GRIMALDI et sJ., Defendr*bblt»d door style, completely asants Red Bank's finest garden apartment*. Both houses In a letting of tall trees 500. Cat! owner, 747-5605. ANCAOLINI. et ala.. Defendant* sembled and unpalnted. Will save you LINCROFT a. bairfil or money in your kitchen. Swimming In your own prlvan swim $136 per month. Bee Superintendent's and Individual homes, -Call today, By virtue of a writ ol execution In By vlrtui of A writ of execution In or that of your Investment properly. club right on the site . . . only minutes Apartment, No. 34 or Apartment 1S2 THOMPSON 4 BARTELL, INC. 747' SO NICE FOR CHILDREN NEWLY BUILT HOMES — Three an the above stated action to ma direct- the above stated action to me directbedroom colonials, one acre- site ed, I shall oxpoia for sale at public ed, 1 thaJl expose for i&Ia at pubSampled on display. Stop In Red Bank away from oce&o bathing, v/h'Xc sandy Manor Dr., Red Bank. Excellent condition. Shopping, schools four from $32,900. Liberal financing avail Lumber, corner Pearl and Wall Bis., beaches, boatinj, fishing and Monmouth vendue, at the Court HOUM UI ttw ic vendue, at Urn Court Horn* Ui th» TWO ROOMS — Kitchenette and bath RED BANK — rtUMSON ana miles ind buses close. On two lots. Very iihle, h'Jine trade-in plun, ateeu-tree Itr Horougb ol Freehold, County ol Mon- Borough of Freehold, County of MonRed Bank. Rhopp.njr Center . , . cuo bluclt from rrlvals home, flepiinue enUauce. Gen around. Large, free calaJug uu re- ea5onal>le. Owner 2M-&3&G. race off Newman Springs Rd. next tc New Jersey, on Monday th© Multiple and open listings. Park KBANSBURG — Summer home, duplex, Christian Brother* Academy. 229-1331, mouth, New Jersey, on Monday the mouth. ATTIC FANS — (big jobs), 30", only within walking distance ol *xpress tleman preferred. Minutes from Bell quest, 27th day ot July, 1W*. at 2 o'clocl 20th day" of July, 1964, as 2 o'olock. $76.95; 36" only, $05. Cash and carry. the West Gate ol Port Monrnoutn . . , Libs. 671-3433. After 8 p.m. 2S4-2693. In comfort at our modern olflce. lour rooms each SUIP, furnished, $1,000. VALUK PLUS -- All brick two-stor: p. M. Prevaillnj Time. P. M, Prevailing Time. RED BANK LUMBER, corner Pearl buses to Newark and N&w York city, RUM8ON — Three large rooms, nice One Bide heated. 7S7-945S. ALL that tract or parcel of land, All the defendants' right, title and RAY STILLMAN, Realtor house. Living room wltli fireplace, din and Wall Sts.. Bed Bank. A DKEAM HOUSE for a small family. Ing room, modem kitchen, three bed- situate, lying and being in the Town- interest. If any. In and to UIB fol"Our 46th y e a r " • ALL—Electric kitchens witb GE location, unfurnished $60; furnished $80. TKADB IN your Old rumnura with tv* range with hood. GE refnrarator. OE Call 842-20S6. T41-8BO0 Two beirooins. one batli, fireplace In rooms nnd bath, full basernent, ga- chip of Middletown, in the County o lowing: 618 Hwy 35, Shrewsbury All that cartaln tract or parcel ol Monmouth and State of New Jersey living room, large formal dining room, raRe. This and more lor $15,500. Call down payment end (at a new parlor AUt CONDITIONING. Ambl# off-stree SEA BRIGHT — Beautiful two-bed' HILLSIDE BETTING OVERLOOKING BEING known antl designated as Lot land and premises, hereinafter partikitchen. Full basement, de- 747-4416. or dining room set at sale prices. Wit lighted parking areas. room apartments, unfurnished in cei WATER for aa far as the eye cun eee- beautiful t, 8, 9, in Block L, a» nhown or cularly described, situate, lying and tached garage. Beautiful trers and liara. Lett Furniture Inc., Hwj 83. tor of town. Knotty pine living room 3£-R00M APARTMENTS BeauMul solid Colonial home with gardens surrounds a large patio. Ask- LITTLE SILVER — Three-bedroom "Map of Glendale Park D. H. Cosby being* In thd Township of Matawan, Middietown. 741-2213. open •vinlnji till $110 t>er month. All utilities included, plenty ol tree.*. Large entrance foyer, ing S1R.500. RUSSELL M. BOHUS, two-bath, ranch. Living room, dlnini Inc., along N. J. Btate Highway, j County of Monmouth and State of New (ONK-BEDROOM) 9 p.m. 8-12-2055.' porch, den, patio, Halt bo $122 MONTH 18'x28' paneled living room, 18x16' HraHors, GOO River lift,, Fair Haven room, mile Irom Ren BanK Railroad: Sta- Jersey. IlED BANK — Four rooms ui beamed celling den. Spacious, modt'rn 747-4KJ2. Jlembw Muitiplo LlBting Serv- tifully landscaped. *28,00O. Private * tlon^ August 1, 1923, O«O. M. C, T»y- Bttng- known a« Lots Not. SO 51, PRIVATE ESTATE M2-0135. 4»'R00M APARTMENT nished. Immediate- occupancy. $123 kitchen, pining roam fit for a king. ice. lor, vC, E." and filed in the Mon- 52, and 53 in Block B, on "Map of monthly Including utilities, • The Me- FIVE bedrooms, three"baths, full lia.semout^i County Clerk's Office on Aug. Oak Shades. Matawan Township, MonATLANTIC I1IGHLANPS ~ Two-stor (TWO BEDROOMS) FURNITURE SALE mouth Counly, N. J., owned by George Gowan Agency, 747-3000. ment. hot water heat. Only one of it L1NCROFT — Bi-levcl ne.xr p:irkw.iy, three bedrooms, dining, living, iitlllt 3rd. 1053 In Casp No. 1B-23, central air conditioned. Three bedVVeiineaJay evening, « p.m. to 8 p.m. kind for $36.00(1. ELVVOOD A. ARMTha above description is In accord \V. Cross, made August. 1S14 by Rich|150 MONTH LEONARDO — Right at beach an STRONG AGENCY, ReaJtor, 555 Pros- rooms, roc real Ion room, lencert ynnl rooms,. Enclaed porch, baaement. Cor iince with survey made by C t a t i Fin ard Heustr, C. E.' 'and belnj located Beautiful mahagony CHINA CLOSET. ncv property H acre. Half block t( marina. Artistically furnished, GOO sq pect Ave.. Litlle Silver. 7)1-4500. Like new, Large round Duncan Phyte $22,900. BUSCH REALTY CO. 842-1180 ciiurcli and school. $18,500. Call owne; negan, Engineer A Surveyor, of Bel in the block bounded by Cross Avenue FRB1C HEAT & HOT WATER ft. four room apartment, Garage, larg< mahogany lamp table with drawer. on the south and Oak Shades Avenue apart- 2DM716 or 135-1424 after 6:00 p.m ford, N. J., dated 11-15-1953. cellar, garden. Also two independent NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP — Spacloui FIVE-ROOM — Co-operative Bachelor chest of drawer*, like new, Said premises are aiso known a i i on the north. Bald map wa* filed In on PromlaeJ. three bedroom ranch on beautifully ment. Rent location. Oil heat. Call be- SELLING BELOW F.H.A. APPRAISAL; Linden mahogany. Two-piece bedroom set, DrRECTIONa:Ofllcs rooms, each with bath. In new h Avenue, Mlddietown Townshl| the Monmouth County Cleric's Office on P r o m Red Bank. Rout Call 291-9334. tween 3 and 5 p.m. 542-0011. blond. Oversized easy chair and sofa, 35 to Tlnton Axe., landscaped 100x100 lot. Finished family This 19(32, three bedroom ranch, In ex December 2, 1927 as Map No. 68-17. J. turn rJ^ht on Tin' J25. Assortment of boolts. Set of Enroom baueraem. garage. .Excellent new PORT MONMOUTH — Three-bedroom collent condition. Attached garage. A N. Subject restrictions and easement Beine the same premises conveyed A V B . , approximately 1,000 ft. to RED BANK — Lovely three-room cyclopedias. Alt or any part. Garage ton close by. Assume IM^o mortgage, ranch, on 75xliY) lot. Many extras. city utilities. Express bus transportE of record, to Country Club Apartments and Bwim apartment available. Fully air-condi- school If any, zoning and municipal to Woily Pitcher Conduction Co. Inc., lft. 5a3 Spring St., Red Bank. owner 77<-3878. $14,200 firm. Call 7S7-4OT7. tion to city. Convenient to schools. / ordinances, and such facU a* an ac- a New Jersey Corporation, by deed Club. tioned, front and rear entrances, Al real buy for the first caller. Bo com< eurate survey and examination of. thi from Constance Maher, a/k/a, ConACCORDION — Italian, light weight, RED BANK - Branch and Madison ties; except electricity. Call 747-5874, MIDDLETOWN — Four bedrooms, ex- CUSTOM -BUILT — Three year old, on down, today!!! Offered for $16,900, emisfs would disclose. stance Wolly and Paul Wolly, her compact, $65, 120 bass, full keyboard, Ave., spacious one And two-bedroom ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 4H room>, tra largo modern kitchen, separate din- three or four-bedroom ranch, fourth WALKER & WALKER REALTOR* Together with all fixtures now at husband, by deed dated March 20, S961 Ing room. Large living room, nun, 741-2528, 20x12 den, bricK and natural 2068 garden apartments. Apply 31 Molly hentPil fipnrtmcnt. Open porch over- porch. H i car garage. Chain link fence can beshingles, Hwy 35, Middle town and 661 Broad tached tf> or imed in connection with and recorded March 21, 1861. In Uie three baths, 2*j c; St., Shrewsbury. Phone 671-3311 or 741HIDBABED — Double size, excellent Pitcher Village Court or call Mr. Syno. looking Bay. Separate entrance. Adults. In backyard. House and grounds In. ex- cedar the aforementioned premises and any Clerk's Office of Monmouth County lh garage. Set at top of gentle sloping 2&1-931B. Multiple Listings and Trade-Ins. houBchokt appliances, and lncludinj Book 3058 of Deeds for said County, condition, $65. Clothes dryer, good con- 711-9115. cellent condition. S16.5O0. 7SMM0. lawn, shady ash and maple trees. 5212, dition, 130, 812-3353. ' more- rartlcularly tha following: on page 281. kitchen, dining roum. living Send for catnlog. Open 7 days. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT - With LARGE F1AMILY? Like a sp&cioui Large Welbllt Elec Oven and 4 bur. Range Being commonly known and dealrnatfireplace. Priced bolow appraisal PARKLIKE BETTING — Stately uee;. X8TATE SETTLEMENT — VaJitty River view. Threo rooms and til COMMERCIAL RENTALS older homo with charm? Three fire- room, ed as Oak Shmde Avenue, MiUwan. immediate occupancy, $28,200. 512-2920. Custom built modern Colonial home. —Model E. B 602. (bench and mirror), $14.95. Bronze bath. Call Rolston Waterbury Realtors places, two living rooms, formal dining Call mornings, or after 7 p.m. Perfection In every detail. Living room The approximate amount of tha jufig- New Jersey. dtnttte table. • $14.90. Mailbox, like new 16 West Front Bt. Red Bank. 747-3500. room, Country kitchen. TV family room. ..icnt to be satlalied by said sale « The approximate amount of the Judgfireplace. Formal dining room. 199c. Hospital type bedside table, $9.90. NEW LUXURY L.EROV APARTMENTS OFFICE SPACE Four bedrooms. 21.*- baths. Lovely MIDDLETOWN — Immediate occu with kitchen, diBhwashor. Panele the sum of $16,000.00 together with the ment to be" satisfied by said sala Tfl Apeco office duplicator, $10.90. Steel flower gardens, specimen pancy. Four-bedroom split. Large fin- Electric rooms, air conditioned, near all Heat furnished, ill redecorate to Bull grounds, the sum of J45O.OO toeether with the den. Four twin bedrooms, 2\4 tile coiti of this sale. table with fllM, $14.95. Steel tablet with 2^i 2l Leroy PI., Red Bank. your requirements. Beat location, will trees. Early possession. Asking $3!>,&00, ished recreation room, VA baths, ga baths. Fall basement. Game room Dated June 22, 1064 coats of this sale. linoleum top with drawers, 32*48. Wood transfrorta-tion. Mi'.ce an offer! STANLEY K. DOWNS 741-1063 or 747-5366. rage, convenient location, buspa, JOSEPH A, SHAPTO, Sheriff. Dated April 29, 1931 sub-divide If necessary. Sen and com- Realtor, Shrewsbury. 741-1017, built-in bar. Many extras. Wall-lo-wa tables with drawers, 32i60. $1.90 each. schools etc. Excellent condition. Call Levy McCioAey, Schlesinjer JOSEPH A. BHAFTO. Sheriff. i, 747-U00. broadloam. Owner transferred. S«« thl 843-1532. i'VVIN GABLEt - 38 xvlvorilde Ave. for appointment. 87M479 or 673-0990. ^ Gerali W. Kolba, Atty. oulBts-ndltiK value! S28.900. STANELY K, &. Tlichler, Attys. Red Banli on river. 3 ^ and lour OFFICE FOR RENT, SHREWSBURY— LITTLE SILVER - Quiet street. A-l *57.Oi June U, July 1, 8, 15 $1520 rooms unfurnished. Tlve-room olflce. Shrewsbury Ave., corner Patterson Ave, ranch large living room, has book- RUMSON CARRIAGE HOUSE - Un- DOWNS, Realtor. Shrewsbury. 741-1017. July 1, 8. 15, 22 50% cases, fireplace. Family room, three 741-2399limited Fpace for the larger family. TWO BEDROOMS—Full cellar, attic, Air conditioned, fumlihed or unfur* bedrooms, two baths, double garage, Six bedrooms (the unuillest is 18 feet 14x11 screened patio. Slorma anfi mor* hidings power with Cook and Dunn NEW four-room apartment. Living nished, T47-OS46. NOTICE NOTICE woifcshop, landscaped, \i acre. 747-1505. longi. Living room 29x33. Oodles o( icrerns. Lot 50x150, dead end. 747-1381 One Coat No drip wall paints. Forget room, dining room, kitchen and bath 3-419 I ill two coat painting. 1000 colors, $5.79 gal. Air conditioned. Individual heat control AVAILABLE N0T7 — Adjacent of- COLTS NECK — Three-bedroom ranch, sr»ace to rattle around \r\. One acra SHERIFF'S &ALE KllKRIFF'K RALE fices 713-A and 715. State Hwy. 35, Full cellar, patto, trees, one acre plus plus in estate area. Plenty of fun and MIDDLETOWN — Four bedrooms, Heat supplied. Kitchen fan. Everything low taxes. Walk to the beach. Our large corner lot Conveniently located. SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY BUPEBIOn COUItT OF NEW JERSEY PROWN'S modern and up to date. Very quiet Mlddlelown. Ample parking. 671-0277. Buy direct. S24.OOO. Call 946-4066, CHANCERY DIVISION CHANCKRV DIVISION greatest value at $32.50(1. Bp sure to Parochial school and public schooli 32 Broil] Bt. R'd Bmk T41-7500 secluded location bul convenient to FOR RENT — For light manufacturing PAINTED EARN KED — Lovely res- nee Jt. Don't delay RUSSELL M. 4'i, mortgage can be assumed. Clou MONMOUTII COUNTY MONMOUTH COUNTY downtown. 8145 per month. Bee Super- three different locations, approximately Docket No. F471-43 Lily Tulip and Bell Labs. Call DoeHet No. F-280r«3 »" TABLE SAW — Plm table and intendent's Apartment, No. 34 or Apart- 3.flOO. fi.000 anrt 7.000 sq. It 747-1100. idential area. Spacious ranch home BORUS, Realtors, 690 River Rd., Fair to THE HOWARD RAVINGS INSTITU- MURRAY ROBEN, Plaintiff v i : SYNIn wooded area of River Oaks, living Haven. 747-4532. Member Multiple List- "71-D214, motor. 150. Call ent 152 Manor Dr., Red Bank. TION a corp. of New Jersey, Plain* DIOATED INVESTMENT CORP. K a l l . PROFESSIONAL OFFICE IN RED room, fireplace, rarolly dining room, ing Service, 7(7-0653 NEW SHREWSBURY — Cotoniftl. Foui UK VB: PONCE D. ROGERS, et ux, Defendanti BUTTON . PARK APMVTMJdNTS — Tianfc J i m oil Broad St. Ample park- modern bllchen. Pour bedrooms, two •drooms three baths. Excellent en OWNER WANTS ACTION! BABY CARRIAGE - Atlas. Good con- Branch. Ave., Red Bank. New 3 ^ Ing 17 Leroy PI. 741-1063. 812-2110. tefpndants By virtue of a writ of execution In tiled baths. 10x25 finished fa,mily room dition, Asklni (30. Call ajiy tlmi 787- room apartments newly decu/ated. Ren' basement. Two-car attached garage, Here's a three-bed room, two-bath home dltlon, laige rooms. 527,500. 747-5380, By virtue of a wirt of execution In the above stated action to me directed, 4917. KEYPORT - HAZLET AREA — I: excellent school (situation. Large at vith lota of room. Den. giime room A STAIRWAY TO THE STARS!! This .ie above stated action to me direct- I shall expose for sals at public v«nincludes aJr conditioning heat and tind half basement give you "breaching" charming circular stairway leading t ed, I shall expose for sale at pub- due. at thi Court Houaa in the BorRnrltan Township. Brand n e r office tractively shrubbed lot. Asking $34,000. LIGHT OAK — Complete dining room Inquire Superintendent. 747-2685. Bpnce In modern professional building. M. BORUS, Realtors, 800 room. Large lot. Call now. $22,54)0. upstairs hall Is truly unique In thl lic vendue. at the Court House In the ough ' of Freehold, County of Monset. Excellent condition. Orlflniil price LONG BRANCH — Modern unfurni»he( Excellent location, every facility, tin RUSSELL WALKER & WALKER REALTORS .J year old colonial. Southern charm Borough of Freehold, County of Mon- mouth, New Jersey, on Monday tha River IU1-. Fair Haven. 747-45X2. Mem H20. Mint i»ll. beat offer. 542-3590. 'our-room apartment with tlleri bath. 206S Hwy. 35, Ml'ldletown and 661 "!j , the motif from front to back, to noulh. New Jersey, on Monday the 20th day of JuJy, 1964, at 2 o'clock. limited parking, Ht. 38. frontage. Air bcr Multiple Listing Service. COMPLETE SET — Of wall kitchen Second floor. Heat and hot water sup port Plaza. Call Sanford Nalitt Co, MUST MOVE — $18,701), seven room Broad St., Shrewsbury. Phone 671-3311 'to bottom. Four spacious bedrooms, !Oth day of July, 1964, at 2 o'clock. P. M. Prevailing Time. — 741-5212. Multiple liBtings and Trade- ^'.i i baths, den, library, two-car g a r g p. M. Prevailing Time. All the following trict or parcel oC Mblnill. Like new. 135. Cull 7S7- Piled. Yearly. $100 per month. Available Lpd. 254-5900. 1 split. Air conditioned. I ,', baths Large i. Send for catalog. Open 7 days. August 1. Call 222-1037. B icreened-ln. porch, full bnsemrnt. At re All that tract or parcel of land. Bit- land and the premises hereinafter par2912. lot. Good location. Call 671-2959. shade trees, excellent liwi iKte, lying and heing in the Township ticuarly deicriberl. jiluate lying and CHARM AND DIGNITY! An individual fnd large STORE APARTMENT — Five rooms and bath nhrubs. Greatly underprlcM. Askin of Matawan, in the County of b e l n j i n the Borough of Shrewsbury, heat and hot water supplied. Adults White Bt. — Best location. Redee- RUMSON — S1.000 down to Qualified home - custom built - lineal construc- J39.6OO. THOMPSON & BARTELL INC, Monmouth, In the State of Neiv Jw- County of Monmoulh and State of New buyer, buys this seven room older tion. Spacious living room with fireonly. Call 264-0364. Centerville Rd. oration completed, small apaca Jersey: «ey: home. 2H tile baths. Breezeway. full place. TV den Large dining room. 747-MOO. Portibls day, week, BAYSHORB TV, Holmdel. suit your requirements, 747-1100. I) El NO knnwn anrt designated aa BEGINNING at a bolt located in tha basement. Hot water oil heat. .Attached Tiled kitchen. Three twin bedrooms. BEAUHFUL HOUSE -- In renldenti 36 Church St., Keanshurg. 7B7-4(0O. SFRINQVIffiW GAKDKNR ^its Nos. Twenty-one (21), Twenty-twu Center Line of Hopn Road *nd tht gaiage. Walking distance to schools and 2V, tiled baths. Basement pjayroom. lection. For Information cull after TOMS RIVER — Store 30x60 on Main BBNDIX ELECTBIC DRYER — Good 2*3 Spring St. Red Bank 22t anil Twenty-Uiren (23), in filock BouthtaBterly aide of lands of Garshopping Call for appointment Asking Two-car RfirnnP. A wonderful linmc, condition. J33. Call Immediate and future occupanry, Laru St.. suitable for real estnte office, $20,000. KOL3TON WATERBURY, Real- Just reduced to $28,500. STANLEY K. P.m. 747-42M. •TIT, on a mftp enUlletV "Map of Lake- den Etate Parkway, Eatontttwn Spur; csl two-lied rooms apartments, Compare. piufeBSiotial offices, beauty parlor, etc. tor, 16 W. Front St., Red Bank. 74J-35OO, DOWNS, Realtor, Shrewsbury. 741-1017, MIDDLETOWN — StrlkinK barn red ^lew Park, alno known as "Revlserl thence running (1) southerly 8 degree*) 7U-8M7. Will flltrr in suit. Cnll at TOMS RIVER 7*1-5672. minutes East IW8.70 Teet along the 1984 RCA IB" PORTABLE TV. -IBM PLUMBING SUPPLY' CO.. 320 Wei SHREWSBURY — Newly decorated, LARGE TREES AND GOOD NEIGH split level In] excellent condition. Three Map ol Lola at Mfttawan Township. 9center Una of Hope Road to an Iron l i baths, Inrge recreation Monmouth Co., N. J. belonging to Jaelectric typewriter and table. Roto THREE-ROOM — Furnished apartment. Water St. [hree bpflrooms, living room with lire- BORHOOD — Makes this (ive-room bedrooms, room. Big trees are perfect for climb- cobs R. Lefferts," made by Richard pin; thence (2] North 74 degrees 47 broil, Jllghtly used. Call 842-0169. Private entrance, adults, no pets. 741 Mace, dining, eat-In kitchen, enclosed houee someth.'ng special. Good size ing and privacy. Asking J18.5OO. Call Heuser, C. E. August ig_ 1933, and minutes Weal 1B42.33 feet partly In PROFESSIONAL SUITE — Corner, MODERN 92" couch, cluh chair. Lone 6421 or 542-2277. rirst floor, choice location. Broad St. porch, perfect condition. Asking Xlfl.SOO. rooms in perfect condition. Wall-to-wOl bdore 1 p.m. or alter 7 p.m. 671-2307. letl in the Clerk'i Office in tha Coun- aaid ilopa Hoad and along Uw northerly Owner. Call after 4 p.m. 747-5661 carpeting Included. AsKtag £16,200. tables, white lamps, walnut bookcase- T H R E E ROOMB, BATH — Unfurnished Red Bank. 741-1220. 741-1575 / of Monmouth, In case No. 68- line of iandfl now or formerly William THOMPSON & BARTELL INC. 747 1HREWSBURY—Three-bedroom ranch bar, excellent condition. 261-7953. ttulta nnly. N n r railroad station, bus Hathaway to a point located In the BANK, opposite new Post Offici BEAUTIFUL — Cape Cod split I dining room, living room with Hre atop. Call 741-B6S9 between 5-9 p.m RED BEGINNING at a point in the North- easterly side of lands of Garden State five-room corner suite, first floor. home. Two-hedroomE, expansion attic. woo. BICYCLE — English Royal Enfleld. place, eat-In kitrhpn. new wall-to-wall erly line of Seventh Et. Distant 376 Parkway, Eatontown Spur; thence (3) ;st residential section of Shrewsbury LITTLE SILVER RANCH — Natural carpeting, conveniently located, 747-16R0 26" frame, 3-speed, Dyno hub light. UNFURNISHED — Four-mom Becon Equipped with plumbing and wiring feet Westerly from tfie intersection ol North 8 degrees id minutes 32 seconds 1 New condition. 125. Call 291-1928 after floor apartment, convenient location to for <Wal ortice. Call 741-1229 or 7*1 Roro. ''.-acre beautifully landscaped. ir«»fi shaded tlilrii acre plot. Six nice - Rime with the Westerly line of At- West 174.42 feet along the easterly tine Taxes under S400. Asking J2O000. Price roome. three bedrooma, 14' wide living OCEANPORT — Income nveritui. ehopplnf and gchooiir. Available August 1575. 1 p.m. negotiable lor quirt tale. Call 741-516' om with wnniihnrnlnR IiTPplar.c. Mo'l- three homes approximately three acres auilc Ave running thence (1) North of Bald Garden State Parkway BJaton1. Call 741-G234, LJVRCJE ROAD STAND — Trading u after 5 p.m. 74 degrees 00 minutes West along the town Bpur to a monument; thence (4> n electric kitchen, dining room, full 539,500. 741-2253. 124 Lronard Ave. Northerly line ol Seventh Bt. 76 feet North 40 degrees H minutes 11 seconds LEONARDO — Four rooms and aun family farm market. Located on Rt. iflpment. Srcliulfd pallo. Close ' " MACHINERY FOR SALE > a point; thenc* (2) North 18 de- Bail M0.69 feet along ths easterly line parlor. Immediate occupancy. Adults 34. Colta NeeH. Reasonable rent. 846- OWNER PURCHASED home- elsewhere, ichools, shopping and bus. Nothing else RIVERFRONT — Private dock. Deei Must vacate this three-bedroom ranch. i.tfr. Kivp inilfi vipw. Bp«icioiia tre r<ies 00 minutes Ea»: 123 feat to of said Garden Btata Parkway. Eatonpreferred, 291-S2T9. 4R35. ike it for a low $13.1500, KLWOOD A. TWO #430 CASE FORK LIFTS — In Basement and large game room. J14V900, VRM6TR.ONO AGENCY, Realtor, 8V> fihaded Rrounds. Immaculate seven' point; thencs (3i Eouth 74 degrees Oft tnwn Bpur to an exiting mooumerit; excellent condition, with lift 2.500 UNFURNISHED — Second floor, five 18x30 COL-D STORAGE AREA — Neai Most of which can he borrowed. Act 'ro^pect Ave , UUle Silver. 141-41)00. room r,-in<:h. Threp twin size hfirlro< iln\)U« East 75 leet to a point thence thenca (5> North 65 degreeii 10 mlntilea . call THE CURTIN AGENCY, pounds. 21'. Call A. J. PlceolR Biilklfim room apartmant. Red Bank area. Avail- railroad nlftlnj. 2'•. baths, 2D' pa rifled den. forma1 '• Sov*h 16 Ogress 00 minutes West 17 seconds East 492.16 (eet along th« 747-17W. Realtor. Trade-Ins, Thompson Ave. am able. $120 month. 747-45S0. M2-4M5. RUMSON tlinlng room with hny wlnrtow, I5X2S 125 feet to a poiint in the Northerly easterly line of said Garden State ParkIwy. 36. Mldrtlrtown Township. 291-1500. HemodPlrd farm huuse, 2400 sq. ft. living ronm with unusual woodbfirnini o! t 1 Bt. and the point or way. Eatontown Bpur. to a monument; fir luxe kllchrn wH MIDDLETOWN VILLAGE - - Three-hed •]onr Rn-it, Living rorxu. fireplace. jarRe flrrjiJare, Modern thenct (6) North 53 degrees 20 minlnctt of of HeRlnnlng. dining room, modern biiilt-ins. lSxlfi1 ncrfenPd porch, atroom ranch, fireplace, drad end street ]e n —library, Tlie above description Is drawn In utes 69 iieconrls East 470.77 feet alnng 1 (It chen, tlirre b^dmnins. 2 ; baths, •| H >d RaniM*. A . V!PW from every ccmdance with a survey made by thft e&Bteily line, D! gjjfl Garden State brick patio. Owner 6TI-13S5. m o m e n t , Inunrtry. Secluded hlK'n a c r e mi nt $,r>5.fKKl KLWOOD A: ARMohprt OrpenlttTfi Ass'inlatfs, Kngl- P.-irttway, Katontown Spur, tf> a monuVEU VIEW — S<>vi«n-romn rnnc! l/iudncniipil. Ensy walk to school*. M2- ST/tONG AriKNCY. »p<iltfir, .'J-fi I ment: thence (7* Nonh fi* degrees 39 cir-Siirvpyor. dated Hept. 8, lWi2. tree shaded plot. Pretty yellow HG1. _ _ _ el Avf., Littlo .Silver. 741-4W0. iifItiB the fl-ime preiiildes conveyed minutes 22 Feconds Kant 1 Opt lh wliltp trim. Attached OVITFIZP g;ithp mnrtgagors by deed tr> be re- along ih« easterly line of said Oarden rage, storage attic, hot water baKe- •iKtrns, living room, separate rtlninK Rtntp pp.rkw.-iy, Eatontown Spur, to a rdfrt slniiiltiin^otisly hrrrwith nnd mily to'fill Iti fmir l>Hr<tr>m.«. Kin's• l>fmnl liPHt. ttirtv good sl7P hHrnn A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICK TO SUIT. YOUR MANY NEEDSI is mortgriK'* '» a iiurthasi* money monument; liience. * P) Nf>Tth 12 deVKMii. Idtclii'ii. paneled fieri, slimle Uffi, >.* livinK room. tltninK m«im. kltclicti lie bath, IS' living room, ae(ianue dln- ov.-ly neighborhood. 222-477K, iortgfigi' given to sreurr a pnrllnn of •free.,, 36 minutes Ea!>t 42.71) fert nlong . full iKiMMiifni. ovemliied g»r«K« will IIR room, dPiltixp kllchfn. Mxlfi' punrlcd f rf>niMfration for snld ennvryance. trie easterly line of said Garden Slat* family room Bflleve it or nol only ifBANRHtfrcr;~~Hom*1. flvp rooms, iVfirkMmp. N**>w aliiinlnum siding. Nrn TOflKTHER with ill nnrl •infiiinr Parkway. Spur, to a bolt !•> Wfitkin^' distance t 52(1.^00 EIAVOOD A. ARMSTRONG ilumlmim siding, cariige, tool shed, rnnspnrt-'iHon. '* tpfiprnentii, herfdltatrfnts nnrl up- ratcrt In the center linn ot Kope lload AGENCY, Rrnllor, R55 Prospect Ave. nit w;i!er hrat. pjmii. 52x100. 787-fim. )tily JlfUOfl. Vfts no d n w - n ' / p i l A iffl rtf nnnefs thersuntn he I ringing or in .leltiB (tie point or placo of BEGINEquipment For Hire Odd Jobs Adding Machines — Typewriters kittle Sliver, 741-4300. TlVT-iRl''11nNT"COI/>N[A!7~- A modern ifwii. THOMPSON A R A R T E L L INC. iywfxfi nppcrtalnlng, ftn*l the revrr- NING, W H I P ami very nltmcUve. E V ' x H " llv- M7-MN). l rfmilrdpr nnd r>r rfv^rslri Exrludlnif therefrom nnrl thereout JOUNTllY LIVING '~Vaa^Y*&iwm MABONUY iteps w \ i •M«w«Jks, Front cml loader, with driver, nlao ADDING MACHINES - Typowritan d ref U from thn within th« following dfacrlbed imlrtn, rfnt». Isttirs ni"ll omr nil tfirne brniiiifully Inivlflcn |>r< nK room wnli Flrpj>ln<e. Ihulnp r'>om. : •old, rented, repaired, serplco'i lui tractor w]Ui plnw. disk, grniier, rake. HOUSE PAINTING, And carpentry. • lot Something Bp>cifti fit $16,000. TUB lp;icioiiB kitchen, brpiikfani nr«;i. T h r f p M V Kl!BnTK~rkmi ITC"'Vnm h~TvlnK reof, AND ALSO nil t l ^ prof U pnrtini) of the a hove pre.Mmes: BEMonmouth St., Red Bank T47-0I85, Hourly or daily. Insured. OJfi-4271. l>,itlf>s npftanriFible rates. 747-1552. rnnm, cat-In kltrli")!, thrfe hcironmi, estate, MlRTIN AGENCY. Rrallor. Trade-ins h tll interppt, proper I/, r GINNING at a boU In !ho cetiler of Thompson Avr. and Hwy 3fl Middle porch for nnlnrtJilniiiK. Full lmFoment, niii' bath, full bi isPini"il. R,ir;iKf, d h , Hope Hfiar] wh're thn uninc is rrdsscl Pearl and Bead Rcstringlng p (Client conriltion, Slfi.fiiKl. Hurry wnn'i ifon, claim ftnd il^rnand Furniture Repaired, Rcfinlshed Auto Body Repair rwn.ciir p-irngi*' Ksrn- (rffs and land- 1-iRt SCHA.N'rK ARrnry, Kfnltor, 717 L.i wo 11 in law an tti #qiilly, o[ Ihe by th« southerly si-lf» o( thn In ml a ol shl 1 Tm -sciijtinK. ExceptUiiuil vahn. Only t i l . •tlnrigaRnr, ol In itM (o Iho nanic. and Ilia Mow J[> Hi«:iwny Autmirtty t'Uy on hrairtert nylon. H.50 b ^AIUIAIN! lrninwllulo rvm«r»s1nn. OWT VK) J47-1213 or 812 5293. 25 Ttarl Bt. STANLEY K. DOWNH, l i e a l l o i , •Vfry purl and parcel thereof, with the known as lh« E.itoritnwn Bpur of. RMrllng eldiips from 7flf tr Ur,, i . u . - r l (u AIIr«nv. F.H.A. »]i BXP8RT PAINTINtJ and bndy re- Call flBfl Banli. Prompt iorvico. 1.1 Nr RO i ' T ~ R A NCI 1 • -" " I JvinR~PvTi Lpl>tirtennnr«K, and also, all m.iterinlfl. fc Garden Stntp Parkway thenrp nt I J L E R ' , 3R Rroarl Rt. l*lr. Moderate prices. McOartny Oarl ].raffled »t 520. 52,1 Will fncrlfio nt VVilma. 12x1!), larcr' lilt then, four bedroom •'lillpmriH. furni.ibt'iRS or nlhfr prri[UT>nc Ihe v.fntrt Hnr> of' Hop* R i u t Chevroiot. Atlantic Highland*. 291-030! $l!),fi(Kl. Lllper-iJ ti-rma lo riAallfIrrl buy11 xni ftinne rwtin, ntrc yard for cb! y whatfirtevpr irintallffl T to hn in.nth 9 •UztfC* 07 inirm!F3 I-?i't IM dlllnnlnK Ap- drrii. school, 5rf'lf»wr q in! if I e pr. Modern ranch home /on -\ Cdilnil Painting and Decorating •tfilled an-] ijsf-il in ami nhnut the hulld- feet to ft point; thence 121 fio-Hh til tlc. w,ilMo-wal! buy-r - fnmily Four hriirooms, two hnJhs. Basement. Homo Improvements AsklnR H7.W0 Bf'HANC njt or huiiiHriKit now mecteA or here- Sreea S3 mlmrte.1 22 Fcrond^s "H Auto and Truck Rental e.t 9H [d 77 tl rnrn*r )rt, AGENCY, Realtor, « Linden Pi. He h l Attached RnraRf. IrnrmmiUUR rort<UU«m 1* H. 1UL,L - fainter interior and ittfr to li" erecf"! upon th" |!in'!s hue It-rl lo 1 i«unt: it: *n»• at right nrt'i N.Y. bu» Maul:. 747-(),1!t7, gr;. WORKINO MAN'S contractor. Alter- eatfirlor. No Joba too inrgs or too Tall todny! STANLEY' K DOWN'S n tlfarrthffi which are necessary tn tn th, F e r l n i fi* North 2."i wo blocks. t23,fiOf!. . Realtor, Shrfwshury. 741-1017, AVLB Rent a new car or truck. Low fltinni additioni, painting, masonry, small. Very rfianon&ble. Call 747-9630. Im complfte nnd romYortuhlB use ami egreei 20 mlnutM 3S u condi W " s t HCENIC~"ATLANT1C ~ HIGH LANDS""— (Cflijpuncy of such hullding or huildlngii 106.05 ratei. Uapl& Avs., Red Osnk. 747- small Jf>ba too. Phon* svenlngi S(MI J T T L E ^ L V E R ~ ^ " ~ B r t r i T n'nrt "i7«rn^ New ten to mnnument in (JAUL B. JONES — Painting and ranch, fight huge roomn, 2»-i bath, (BOS. T74-52U Dally T a,m.-t0 p.m. 1714. il-lrvel. Four hedrtvims. three of them or the purpoum for which they wer* ide of the. lumli of HOUSES FOR SALE •fir gar BR^. Ln r c f • wooded pl'i »r decorating. Fully Insured. For free ilr conditioned. 2 ; j ba.ths. I'irmal din«r« tn ti« etfcten, Inptudlng in part N J e r y lilglvwsv Ai;ihorl!y; tn» CHARUQ& HOWKR CONTRACTOR erittmata call 747-3041. If no aniwir lw.nUon. tlft.iWf) Call buiHe Irg room, panel"!, don. Combination ill awnins.1, ficreertd. unities, f u t u r f i . (4) Sorlh .V) degree* 20 minutes Additions, Improvements, Ufcino6elDiamonds Bought or Restyled call nftrr 6 p.m. Biorms. proffsslnnfilly iandirar" 1 '! 'i Lrjfi al! heating, lighting, ventilating, fi*con(!i H.iM along thn no'itforlv ing. All typei maann work. 747-4470. nt Mn.rinn Hlu*! Brass. $25,000. N O " ffrk rating, inclnftrallni S-ni cooking of the N>W j-r.'^V Higwh-iv Aiitho TOM 8LATK — Painting and Decorr r A MORE LISTINGS SHOWN ir.rr Let ui buy the diamond! you don't >«nr£ 1 _Tjll : 13n : _ ntlng. Oencrnl Contracllnj. fully InARKA Owner Irnvlnf *t tw nrrrrn mod flulpment Atjfj 11 ppurtonsilCK thereto 4/0 77 reft f» K p r i m . Uur.^« iftt N rvaar or let us reityl* them for you Moving and Storage Mho M or tun cor hereby d^rlsrlng thut home In top 1'gree* fil mlnnlen 22 seconds » i u r l 20 yenrn experlfnce. frns MIIfni fnii rf»*f1 mom ra nc h MORE LISTINGS SOLD personally. ReiiBSllIrs, 34 Broad 6L A AT AWAN —flTIt ATHMOK E~" —"" Air 1 that tha Items herein ll aloi'-s '.fi \\ S mitri. 741-43,11 aftsr fi p.m. N nnn.iitlrmfd rniir-lifdtoum rnlr, n ul. 2ri rrmdlllon throiighom. Lnr e !iv|n< ro'»m IDEAL WAY WILL MOVE - Three i\\n\i\e room wn]\ o\t" k l h iU fil feet Highway Authority ut billiP. pool nptimiM. M8-22M. Field Furniture Warehouse SELL RAPIDLY BRITE REALTY STANLEY STILWELL LAWLEY AGENCY FOR FAST RESULTS USE THE REGISTER CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RENT A TV CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY _••'.. . . Electrical Contractor roorni! $30. four rooms $42, five roomi $51 ilx rooms Wfl. Also World Wide Entertainment Ticket* avallabla far latent Brosdway Bhows and UaJor Sports Evtnu. 1T9 Monmouth S t . Rid Bank. \ ... .-,. 7 1 1 1 Yll 7 Roofing, Siding anil Insulation fiAVFI RE&IDKNTIAL and commercial wir- flervlcp. Fnr frffi fstimato call 402- OLHBN (-O 1 NTr"H<><)frfijT HlttIng A ing. New Imtallttlo!) or r«pilr D121 or 3&FU914, Ifisuliithn Installed and g i n r t n t a t d •orvice. Allan El*otrlo. 747-0813. for ID y^ara 775-rjToa. 291-O34O. Nursing Home ...s. WP\\ lf Tel. Answering Service Hotmiiel Nursing Homo. J^or thn convalPACtmt, chrnnlcally ill and difficult I J B T lift liK your lecretary. No naed nursing c a r e patlenti. fltat» Hwy. M. to mill calls. ?4 hour anrwarlng •ervlce. 741-470O. Uolmlel. 649-4200. Thru The Red Bank Area Multiple Lilting Servico l •" On illf-I linltid Full . entJy installrd a i part of Ihf reattyi. "BMnR linnwn »nd rtfnlgnatH HJ No 7 Sev.nlli StrfM, MiUw.ui. N ,1 ' hadctn» Kuids.^.f-l n 7.' .I o nunn n u n n i ; th thpr.rf minutes EAst 42 7ft f^et I J i i i i i i i o i t ' H f Thr^e I wmii, V-t baths, ni-nn. hf|.-irntf i>|..irf* Iti |H>KC II k:tcliinK r<x>m, gl'p.'i nl w\\h bulll-lti full h.i< t r>( l vv ?22..V«. Only kind avalUihle BLWOOU A ARM- HOU1DFX — Two JH BTllONG AGENCY. Reailnr. .VVl prospect Ave., LltLH Bllver. 741-iSOO. 8 p.m. 071-2872. tt h* p,itlMf»d hy i«lrt fl»le i« tmunt i f th« Ju<1g- 1 ! by saM fiftli) IA Ihft nim of Jifl.Sfrtfio together with lh* toRfther with the* cogts nf this aatt rl Jim*, i. 1MI .lORKI'H A HIIAFrO, Btieriff. JOSEPH A, SHAFTO. BhMltl. n* MUMIng Clunnllj, Lynrh A Mnlor.fy, U J J I I M. Drsiln. Ally. Call alter AUyi. »i:S.»0 l u n t 24. July L ft. IS 9M.41 Junt H. July 1. t. 15 LOTS & ACREAGK ftS WHY PAY SHOP THE BIG DIFFERENCE! k<^^E^idk A NEW MONEY-SAVING SHOP-RITE FOR YOU GRAND OPENING WEDNESDAY/JULY 15, 1964 10 A.M. WASHINGTON SHOP-RITE ROUTE 24 & BRASS CASTLE ROAD WASHINGTON, N. J. WHY PAY MORE? Shop-Rite Cole Slaw or Potato Salad 2*39' Shop-Rite Collage Cheese 2 «*.39C Trbpicana/ Doric 4* ORANGE JUICE freih fc Lean Shop-Rite 100% Pure For Patting & Braising Ground Chuck <b.59c Beef Short Ribs 4 5 For Stew & Shiih-K-Bob firttCut c fc79 Rib Roast u,69c Beef Cubes From Young Fryers •' Always a Real Treat Newport Roast». 9 9 ' Chicken Livers .b 6 9 ' Tarty California Sweet or Hot Pot Roast ORANGE JUICE conl. ORANGE DRINK 2 Fairmont Qwrterl pkj. « # « P Swett/Salt cont.< Shop-Rite Ital. Sausage ib. 6 9 ' Sour C r e a m ™;.33< Smoked Butts »> 59* American Cheese 3 &89' .59' Plymouth Rock or Merkel flavorful Bontkti Chuck Pol Roast » 6 9 ' SHRIMP I I 18 Ib. box APPETIZER 3 Chicken Roll Liverwurst Shickhous Tarty Sliced Fresh Steed «* 59 C H a m Capicola SaioTOi°nkrC~kt 59' SwifU Premium Itation Dry ]<wuig« Pepperoni FRESHNESS MAKES THE DIFFERENCE AT SHOP-RITE! SEEDLESS GRAPES NECTARINES Carrots Cucumbers CALIFORNIA C SUNKIST JUICY Watermelon 3 19 10 49 WHOLE 4 c CUT ^. &99' Shrimp Salad I..59' SHOP-RITE CUT OR FRENCH GREEN BEANS 3 1 RIPE & SWEET i T -- Mmd^S^lZ* Chitktn of FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT 2 9< $ CALIFORNIA CANTALOUPES 19 Shop-Rite Green Peas 6,tB9c Orange Juice4 89e Shop-Rite PINEAPPLE, PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT. PINEAPPLE-ORANGE SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT AT SHOP-RITE! Dole Juices 4!89 2^87' Shop-Rite Large SHOP-RITE m < ^ • SHOP-RITE New Low Price 4fc 4 % ~ C PRUNE JUICE 4 * IIMAYONNAISE 3 9 Orange Juice Birds Eye Chopped Broccoli 6 Minuite Moid' P O t a t O e S . Whole or Sliced 10 SHOP-RITE ORAL ANTISEPTIC Light Tuna . 5H6f J i l t (REAM SITU IN UINE l»-oi. YOUR ' • . GOIDEN VAC. PAC IZ-M. CHOICE BBk • SHOP-RITE DRINK Fruit Punch or 59C lestoil s Instant Coffee 89 JtX.-LEMON/L Lemon-Lime DRINK • * Brillo Soap Pads 3".v$1 COFFEE wp • _ I GRAPE or ORANGE' BUY©;* Orange Juice ?.:;99'4^99C (DIIS SALE Beechnut, 4c O H ! Maxwell House, Reg./Drip or Silex Ehlers Chase & Sanborn 4c Off! VrWtinson, Red or Blue Hawaiian Punch 6 59' Cranberry Juice °ii" 159* Your Asparagus S S 4 89 Choice p Case $1.73 C off 24, 4 $1 m «%12-02. 1 X Del Monte Catsup 4 89 C bog of 6 O A ( 2-oi. cans W Star Kilt Chunk - 3 c OH! 4 TomatoPaste 6'Aoi. cans 79* 7 _ $ 4 I $ 9 f$ 2 ^ 40 Wesson Oil Lit. , Hoi. < Shop-Rite Canned Niblets Corn S 89' ' Shop-Rite or Banquet ib. can . 69' C lb. 59 Bar-B-Qued Chickens 5 9 ' FIRST CUT Select Large—41 to SO per Ib. DEPT. (Where Available) Sliced to Order Baked Virginia Ham or BRISKET THICK CUT 5'b 589 9 thop-Rltt Sliced, Yiliaw/Whltt PaiteuriMd Processed CORNED BEEF Colossal lossa Size/White, Under 15 per Ib. Oranges ^Tr Tropicana Tropi-Cal-lo s,,..,,.,,. c h o ,, Cream Pies tTsHssr- 4 ^ 9 9 * Seneca (Economy Size) Pink lemonade 6 99' Minute Maid 1 Orange Delighl 8^99* BAKERY DEPARTMENT! Scott Towels A.^COL, 4 '^ 1 39 ^I49 $ Hudson Towels 2*4 >;:«: 1 $ Macaroni o^^ 5 bVL 1 Shop-Rite DOU or DEI MONTE Pretzel Rods £23" Pound Cake PINEAPPLE Gold, Marble or Raisin 49< Tasty 2-lb. $ Pork & Beans -" 4 B 1 Baked Beans ,5fe£.P l i *1 >29C Butterfly Buns Delicious Cinnamon Rolls Raisin Bread 25 Shop-Rite — Cinnamon Li Bar-B-Q Beanst 6 :^ $ 1 DELI DEPARTMENT! H< $ Ripe Olives % 4 < ; " 1 Apple Juice hpRte 4 ^ $ 1 Hormel Bacon£.59 e Detergent Jssfts i " Canned Ham31*1" ta Liquid Tea " * 4 9 t O l D CUTS Bologna W1 75' Quality Lean ••f^ .* rf OO P e a c h e s T^aSi^HL. Starch 5 earis •*• 2 A 49 Hormel or Armour C Shop-Rite vacuum Packed Old Foihiontrj Cttmon Bologna. Lumh tool. Pippar, Pklli i. Plm.nto. Plain, Cooktd Soloml OitorMayti 0t». tool 3 89' SHOP-RITE MIDDLETOWN, RT. 35 S NEW MONMOUTH RD—SHOP-RITE NEWSHREWSBURY, SHREWSBURY AVE. at RT. 35 PH(«> tHttlivi through teHurday Night, July 11, 1964. Not tlipontibk (or typogiopliM triDri. Wf iciarva Ihi right to limit qucmtitu.. There's a Shop-Rite Near You—Call ESsex 5-7300; Smokey Linki^'59' mokey Li r i«,rMt,r>iAIIM.ol/ A 55* 5 Franks AI litl Uiop.«:i orM.rkil, All Mtal/AII Franks £49' t