DATASH HEET Lightingg Solutions D Lamps PID Lo ow‐Presssure Ga as Disch harge Lamps Key Feattures PID LLamps from EExcelitas proviide high sensiitivity, stabilitty, and long llife for u use in a range of applicatio ons including p photoionizatiion detectors and tracee gas analyzers E Excelitas Tech hnologies man nufactures a ccomplete line e of high quality, long life, low pressure e gas dischargge lamps for u use in detectors and d trace gas an nalyzers. These photoionization d Detection (PID) lamps are interchangeaable with all Photoionization D esently available. Both currrent and RF‐excited simiilar lamps pre desiigns are availaable with eV ratings rangin ng from 8.4 to o 11.7. hnologies inco orporates a u unique high te emperature EExcelitas Tech seal design which h allows these e lamps to be e processed at high temperatures. This process re esults in higher lamp‐to‐lamp ong life. It alsso allows for conssistency, enhanced performance and lo elim mination of the getter curre ently utilized in competitivve RF‐excited desiigns. hnologies enssures unsurpaassed perform mance by EExcelitas Tech usin ng only the higghest purity m metals, windo ow materials and gases. Everry lamp must pass a seriess of stringent tests and me easurements prio or to shipment to our custo omers. www PID LLamps 9/2011 page 1 of 4 High seensitivity and sstability Long Liife Lamp‐tto‐lamp consistency Compleete product offfering Custom m design capab bility Applicattions Photoio onization deteectors Trace ggas analyzers Gas chromatographyy Portable gas sniffers Samplee ionization forr mass spectro ometry PID Lamps Low w‐Pressu ure Gas Discharge Lamps current, the liffetime of the 110.0eV material limits the typiccal lifetime lamp is greater than 5000 hoours. of these laamps to underr 200 hours. This is typical ffor use in port able analyzers whe ere the lamp is not Spectral Output and R Relative operated at an n elevated Intensityy temperature. Most laboratoory quires the lamp equipment req mp is The eV rating of the lam temperature tto be elevated p’s spectral determineed by the lamp to as high as 2 250⁰C. The typpical output. TThe spectral ou utput of the lifetime of lam mps with magn esium lamp is deetermined by tthe fill gas fluoride windo ows operated aat 1mA and the trransmission ch haracteristics current and a detector tempperature of the win ndow material. The spectral 00 hours. Opeeration at of 250⁰C is 150 output off the gases used most higher temperratures and/orr currents frequentlyy are shown in n the will shorten th he lamps lifetim me. graphs beelow. The eV rating and wavelenggth are associatted through During use it iss typical that t he Planck’s C Constant. outside of the lamp window w becomes contaminated resulting in loower 10‐6)/eV l(m) = 1.2395(1 output and a loss of system sensitivity. Excelitas Technoologies As seen frrom the graph showing mps with supplies cleaning kits for lam krypton, b both the 123.6 6 nm and uoride window ws for the magnesium flu 116.5 nm lines are preseent. Because removal of anyy build‐up on tthe 10.6 eV lamps of this thee 10.0 eV and 1 window. Lamps with Lithium m are intercchangeable. ows cannot bee Fluoride windo Lam mp Life operated at te emperatures ab bove hydrogen and Other fill gases such as h 70⁰C and it is rrecommendedd that ed by both currrent Lamp life is affecte oxygen haave been used but have they be operatted at ambientt mperature. At found to rresult in shorteened lamp and operating tem temperature. The Lithium F luoride bient temperature and 1 mA iinput life. amb eV R Ratings and Sp pectral Outputt XEN N ARG GON NON KRYPTON Lam mp Operation mps, In low pressure gass discharge lam ow discharge excites the natu ural a glo resonance frequen ncy of the fill gaas, ducing spectrall emission liness prod down to the short wave cutoff off the dow material. TThe gas discharge wind is co onfined to a sm mall capillary wiithin the lamp. Precise electrode nment allows in nherently ultraa align high stability at pre edetermined waveelengths. nts The power supply and componen operation are rrelatively simplle. A for o power supply and a series resisto or n power the lamp. LLamp operation urs as the breakdown thresho old of occu the ffill gas is excee eded, usually on the ordeer of ‐1100 to ‐1299 volts DC.. The seriees resistor limitts the current o of the lamp to a reaso onable operatiing levell. www page 2 of 4 4 PID Lamps Low w‐Pressu ure Gas Discharge Lamps Lam mp Selection T Table Excellitas Part Energy (eV) Wave elength (nm) Win ndow Material FFigure FX‐9992U 8.4 147.6 Sapphire 1 FX‐7991U 9.5 130.0 MgF2 2 FX‐7992U 9.6 129.0 MgF2 1 FK‐6000U 10.0 123.9 MgF2 1 FK‐7993U 10.2 121.6 MgF2 2 FK‐7994U 10.6 116.9 MgF2 1 FA‐7998U 11.7 106.0 LiF 2 FA‐7337U 11.8 105.0 LiF 1 FK‐10041U 10.6 116.9 MgF2 3 FA‐10090U 11.7 106.0 LiF 3 Elecctrical Specificcations for DC Current Exccited Lamps Ignitiion Voltage Ignitiion Time Operrating Current Typiccal Operating Vo oltage at maximu um current Typiccal Operating Vo oltage at minimu um current Lamp p Power Dissipattion Seriees Resistor in Circcuit Opeerating Circuit ‐1100 VDC min 1‐5 secon nds 0.1 ‐1.0 m mA ‐310 VDC ‐300 VDC 0.08‐0.77 W 0.77‐8.0 M MΩ Figure e 1 Figure 2 www page 3 of 4 4 PID Lamps Low w‐Pressu ure Gas Discharge Lamps Figurre 3 About Exceelitas Technol NOTEE: All values are nominal; specifications subject to cchange logies witho out notice. Excelitas Tecchnologies is a global technollogy leader focused on d delivering innovative, custom mized solutions to meet the lighting, detecction and otherr high‐ performancee technology needs of OEM ccustomers. From medicaal lighting to an nalytical instru umentation, clinical diagn nostics, industrrial, safety and security, and aerospace an nd defense app plications, Exceelitas Technologiess is committed d to enabling our customers' success in th heir specialty end‐markets. Exxcelitas Technologiess has approxim mately 3,000 em mployees in North America, Europe and d Asia, serving customers across the w world. Excelitas Technologies 35 Co ongress Street Salem m, Massachusetts 019700 USA Telep phone: (+1) 978.745.3 3200 Toll frree: (+1) 800.950.344 41 Fax: (+1) 978.745.0894 Excelitas Tecchnologies LED Solution ns, Inc. 160 E. Marquardt Drive Wheeling, Illinois 60090 USA Telephone: ((+1) 847.537.4277 Fax: (+1) 847 7.537.4785 Excelitas Techno ologies Illumination, Incc. 44370 Christy Street Fremont, Califorrnia 94538‐3180 USA A Telephone: (+1) 510.979.6500 00.775.6786 Toll‐free: (+1) 80 Fax: (+1) 510.687 7.1140 Excelitas Technolo ogies GmbH & Co. KG Wenzel‐Jaksch‐Straaβe 31 D‐65199 Wiesbadeen Germany Telephone: (+49) 6611 492 430 Fax: (+49) 611 492 165 Excelitas Technologies Sh henzhen Co., Ltd. Wearrnes Technology Center No.100 Kefa Road, Sciencee & Industry Park Nanshan District, Shenzzhen, Guangdong P.R. o of China 518057 Telep phone: +86 2655 38661 Fax: ++86 755 2661 7311 our global offices, visit om/ContactUs For a complete listing of o © 20111 Excelitas Technologies C Corp. All rights reserved. T The Excelitas logo and dessign are registered tradem marks of Excelitas Technol ogies Corp. All other traddemarks not ow wned by Excelitas Technolo ogies or its subsidiaries th hat are depicted herein arre the property of their respective owners. Excelitaas reserves the right to chaange this do ocument at any time without notice and disclaims lliability for editorial, picto orial or typographical erro ors. www page 4 of 4 4