Enhanced Numerical Integration Technique Markus Biicker INCASES Engineering GmbH Paderborn, Germany ABSTRACT - An enhanced integration technique is presented to compute the elements of the system matrix of the EFIE-MOM using triangular surface patches. It is shown, that spending a lot more efforts in the accuracy of the single matrix element, the needed number of unknowns can be reduced significantly without a loss of precision. Therefore, the total computation time, consisting mainly of matrix filling time and solving time, can also be reduced. This technique is helpful when e.g. power supply structures of modern Printed Circuit Boards shall be examined efficiently. Introduction In computational electromagnetics the Method of Moments (MOM) is in widespread use in order to solve the Electric Field Integral Equation (EFIE) [5]. This method has been successfully applied in antenna design and in scattering problems where the dimensions of the structure are at least in the same order of magnitude as the wavelength of the electromagnetic fields. These structures can be represented very well by triangular surface patches, for which Rao has introduced an integration technique for the calculation of the coupling impedances between all triangular patches [8]. The application of the EFIE-MOM on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) causes additional numerical efforts because of the electrical small size of the structures, like the small distances between power planes on different PCB layers [7]. Applying Rao’s formulation on these kind of problems, a very dense mesh of patches is necessary to obtain a sufficient accuracy. This leads to a large number of unknowns within the system of linear equations, and accordingly to a huge computation time. This paper describes an enhanced integration technique, which generates a very stable algorithm requiring much less patches, and therefore less computational efforts. In order to show the differences between the Rao formulation and the enhanced formulation here, the derivation of the integrals which have to be computed is performed first in the following section. Mathematical The surface current distribution Formulation & on a perfectly conductive 0-7803-5057-X/99/$10.00 © 1999 IEEE 328 body excited by an incident electric field gi must be adjusted in a way, that the tangential electric field strength on the surface S is vanishing: i3x(13-~)~s=o , (1) where 5 is the scattered field of the conductive body,+which can be derived from the surface current distribution JS and from the surface charge u: P(&, u) = -jwiq&) - Vaqu) ) (2) with the vector potential Land the scalar potential a. These potentials are functions of the current distribution or the surface charge, respectively, multiplied with the Green’s function of the free space G: ii(F) = -& / a(3 = -& = ,-j&i - G(r’, ?‘) S J R f&r”) u(F) . G(F, F’) dS’ - G(r’,?‘) with and dS’ (3) (4) R= ]?-?I . Here, k denotes the wavenumber, which is Ic = 2n/X, and X is the wavelength. R is distance between source and observation point. The surface charge cr is related to the surface divergence of & by the equation of continuity -jwu Substituting equations -dx~~s=iix = Vl, - fs . (5) (2) to (5) into (1) the EFIE is derived: (%@.G(r;?‘)dS’- &v Js v; .& .G(r’, F’)dS’ The unknown function tions fn(q, originally gulized surface: * )I (6) S & is expanded in a set of basis funcproposed by Glisson [a] for a trian- Each basis function gles Tn+ and TnB: f?Z(fl= 1 fn is defined on a pair of adjacent &.fl$(.(r3 , if r’is in T,+ &-P;;(F) , if r’is in Tny trian- (8) 7 otherwise no since the system matrix is bad conditioned, the convergence may be bad and the direct solution can be faster. For the further evaluation of equation (lo), we focus on the integration over the vector potential of the positive observation triangle A dzf sT,+i. p’,s dS. The results can be transfered to all other integrals appearing in equation (10) as well. With the inserted vector potential and basisfunction we obtain for the positive triangle observation TA: where A,f is the area of the respective triangle, 1, is the length of the nth inner edge and p? is a vector from the free vertex to r’ (see figure 1). --P 1, ,7;(q) 41r 2A,+ ssT,+ T,+ --P L &$‘) 4n 2A, T,+ T, JJ . G(r’, S’) dS’ ep’,+(?) dS + . G(r’, F’) dS’ . &‘#) (12) dS Rao’s Approximation Figure 1: Pair of triangles In order to obtain a system of linear equations, a testing procedure is applied to the EFIE (6). Defining a symmetric product of test- and basisfunctions: < f, s’ >dzf sS f.j’dS In order to solve this integral expression conveniently, Rao introduced an approximation by assuming a constant vector potential over the whole observation triangle T,f. Therefore, the testing procedure may be applied to the centroid (?&*) of the respective triangle only: , equation (6) is tested at observation triangles T,,$ and T;. Choosing test- and basisfunctions equally leads with the testfunction fnz to: Herewith, the integration over the observation triangle simplifies to the constant value of the area of the respective triangle A,$. The vector potential at the centroid A(?;+) for r” within the positive source triangle Tnr can be evaluated as: ,-jkR AZ F’) . R (10) Replacing the potentials A’ and @ by their definitions (3,4), and inserting the basis function (8), this results in a quite complex integral expression, consisting of double integrals over each combination of positive and negative source- and observation triangles. This resulting equation can be written in matrix form as: Z*J=V R with Hence, equation A M 329 I+-+:++ . (12) simplifies --P LA,+ +c+ 4n 2A,$ pm J with R = I?‘-?;+[ to: ,-jkR T,+ p’,+(P) +R J --P lnA,+ +c+ 4n 2A, pm (11) with the symmetric and dense system matrix Z, the unknown current vector J and the excitation vector V. This matrix equation can be solved by applying standard solvers for linear systems of equations, like Gaussian elemination, or LUdecomposition. Iterative solvers may be applyied as well, but = dS’ (14) T,- dS + ,-jkR p’,-(P) .R dS’ (15) . The evaluation of the remaining integrals is described by Rao [8], where two cases are distinguished: i) source and observation triangle are identical (m = n), and ii) they are -~ different (n # m). In the first case, the occuring singularity at R + 0 is treated by splitting the integrand into a nonsingular and a singular part. The integral over the singular part is evaluated analytically and has a nonsingular value. The remaining second integral over the nonsingular integrand is computed quite accurate using a Gaussian quadrature formula [l]. This pure numerical method is also proposed for all integrals occuring in the second case, where R > 0, Vm, n. This technique (called here: “conventiot~al Rao”) can be used with little errors whenever only one surface (e.g. a single plate or a sphere) is considered. In cases of parallel planes, where the vertical separation may become very small compared to the wavelength, R will be very small although n # m! In order to improve the numerical stability, the analytical solution of the singular part should be extended to all cases whenever the distance R is smaller than a given E. This method is refered here as “~Rao”. To demonstrate the numerical problems of the conventional Rao method, a configuration shown in Figure 2 was used in order to examine the integral values. The observation point is moved at vertical distances d above the triangle starting at (z = 0,~ = 0) along the x-axis. The source points are located according to a 7-point Gaussian quadrature formula [l]. All values are plotted normalized to the wavelength X. The normalized edge length of the triangle is set to + = 2 . 10m4. Y lE+O 1 0 I I 0.2 I 1 0.4 I I 0.6 , I I I *lE-3 1.0 x/lambda -> Figure 3: Norm. Integral value; conv. Rao (---); E-Rao (-) (cl): 6 = lpm/X (v): 6 =lOOpm/A (*): S = 500bm//\ algorithm very instable and sensitive to the exact location of the integration points, and therefore the results of the conventional Rao method are quite mesh-sensitive. Increasing the vertical distance, the differences are vanishing at around 6 = 500,um/X. This indicates the lower limit of the distance between two planes, where the conventional Rao method can be applied. When the horizontal distance becomes large enough, both approaches give the same integral value. As a conclusion of this examination, a distance-depending rule for the decision between the analytical and the numerical solution can be found. The use of the analytical solution for the self coupling integrals only (m = n), as proposed by Rao is not always sufficient. 0: Sourcepoints Observationpoint 0: I Although the numerical accuracy can be improved using the c-Rao method, the approximation in (13) still leads to instable results in configurations with two or more surfaces in small distances, because the distance R = IF' - ?&+I in (14) depends strongly on the relative position of the triangles and therefore on the meshing of the surfaces. To clear- X Figure 2: Source points within the integration domain, observation point is moved alon the x-axis In Figure 3 the integral values are plotted vs. horizontal x-coordinate, for 3 different, normalized vertical distances S = d/)r (6 = lpm/X, lOO,um/X, and 500,um/X). The dashed lines are indicating the results of the conventional Rao method and the solid lines the values gained with the c-Rao method. Between the (6 = l,um/X)- curves, the deviation becomes extremely large whenever the observation point is exacty above of one of the source points. This behaviour makes the whole 330 (a) (W Figure 4: Vertical cross-section through parallel triangles, (a): not shifted; (b): shifted ify this, two identical triangles with egde length iA =lOmm above each other with a vertical separation of d = 1OOpm are examined as shown in figure 4(a). Note, that the schematic plot is not scaled. The minimal distance between the source points (e) and the centroid of the observation triangle (0) is Rmin = d = 100pm. This value has a significant effect on the integral value, due to the Green’s function. A slight horizontal shift in the relative position (e.g. s = lmm), figure 4(b), will increase the minimal distance Rmin = &q7 = 1.005 mm, which is quite different from the “real” vertical distance of the triangles. Therefore, the integration will give a complete different value, although the geometry has changed only slightly. Enhanced Approach To improve the stability, the approximation in equation is replaced by a Gaussian quadrature formula: (13) 0 0.2 0.4 Figure 5: Norm. Integral value; Galerkin (Cl): 6 = lpm/X (*): This evaluation of the integral is very accurate (depending on the order N), since the integrand A(?) . J&(c) is a non-singular function over the integration domainl. The possible singularities are handled analytically, as described above. Now both, the basis and the testing function are evaluated by the same numerical integration scheme, therefore this method is refered here as “Galerkin’s Method”. For equation (15) this results in A M s T,+ + p L --cui 47~f&i- R N Numerical dS’ with R = p-iq pfa(F’) .R dS c-Rao (---) not as as the result shifted sensitive to the relative E-Rao method is. The in quite similar integral case. Results capacitor c.f ormula ,-jkR s T, Plate .;;(q i=l (-); S = lOOpm/X Subject of the examination is a square shaped planar capacitor of edge length a and distance d. it is fed by a voltage source located on a connecting via between the planes, which is placed at the center of the planes. The (quasi-stationary) capacitance can be calculated by an analytical formula, ,-jkR $2(F”). (v): 1.0 -s- 6 = 500pm/X effect, the Galerkin method is position between two triangles example shown in figure 4 will values for the original and the Example: *lE-3 x/lambda 0.6 (17) . For each part of the sum, the remaining integral is either evaluated analytically or computed numerically, according to the c-Rao method depending on the distance R. Figure 5 shows a comparison of the computed integral values d/A, obtained by Rao’s approximation and by Galerkin’s method. In the Galerkin case, the single observation point is replaced by a triangle of same size and orientation, which is moved across the source triangle at distance d. Galerkin’s method results in slightly smaller values, because of the averaging effect of the sum. Due to this averaging lAn order of N=7 was chosen to obtain the results throughout this contribution. 331 = ~OE,(U + d)’ d ’ (18) which can cover edge effects approximatively only, by adding the vertical distance d to the edge length a [6]. Using the EFIE-MOM-solver COMORAN [2], the capacitance is computed applying both techniques, c-Rao and Galerkin. The vertical distance was chosen large enough allowing the ERao method to gain accurate results as well. The results are summarized in table 1, where the matrix filling time -&fill and the memory requirements for matrix storage are listed as well. While increasing the edge length of the triangles (la), the discrepancy between the analytical value and the results of the c-Rao method are increasing as well, until the numerical results can only be refered as “noise”. On the other hand, using Galerkin’s method, the results are quite stable. The deviation from the analytical value is mainly due to the bad approximation of the edge effect in equation (18). To a =50mm, d = lmm, E,.=4.0 =k Cfo,.mu~o= 92pF Memory = [A 2mm 1 94.lpF 3mm 93.9pF 5mm 959pF 1Omm 1506pF 15mm 1 noise . 985s 1 94.4nF 312s 94.4pF 23s 94.4pF 1.5s 94.2pF 0.6s 1 94.lpF Table 1: Numerical accuracy 39431s 1 464 MB 97 MB 12331s 948s 10 MB 60s I 682 kB 13s 1 185 kB vs. edge length achieve a required accuracy, Galerkin’s Method needs much less memory and computation time, in spite of the larger effort in computing a single matrix element. In the next step, the accuracy versus the vertical distance is examined. The square plate capacitor of 50mm x 50mm is meshed with an edge length of lA = 5mm. Again, the computed capacitance of both methods is compared to the analytical value gained with equation (18). Note, that this formula becomes inaccurate at large distances d. In table 2 the results are listed. I a = 5omm, &r = 4.0 , lA = 5mm 1 brn 1 283.50’fF Table 2: Numerical ( 88.55 nF I accuracy For verification purposes, they examined a simple power bus structure and performed measurements on it [3] 2. The configuration is shown in Figure 6. vs. vertical c TI .024mm 65mm Figure 6: Power bus configuration Two square, parallel power planes are connected by a shorting pin. The dielectric carrier is described by E,. = 4.7 (FR-4). A wide band signal is fed to the structure through a coaxcable attached to a SMA-connector at port 1. Using a second SMA-connector (port 2), the transmitted signal can be measured. Within COMORAN these vertical discontinuities are considered using a “thin wire model”. Figure 7 shows the transmittance 5’21 between the two ports. 88.55 nF / distance At large distances, both numerical methods have similar results. Decreasing the vertical distance between the planes, the e-Rao method results deviate from the analytical solution. Below d = 1 mm, these results are not usable anymore, while the Galerkin results are still very accurate, even in the dense cases, like d = 1 pm. 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2800 *1E+6 f [Hz] -a Figure 7: Comparison between 5’21 measured (---) and computed using COMORAN (-) These examples proove the accuracy and numerical stability of the enhanced method and show the potential of reducing computation time, despite the increased integration effort. The dashed line indicates the measured results, while the solid line represents the COMORAN results (Galerkin method). In order to show the stabilty and accuracy of the enhanced method, the mesh for the numerical computations Example: ‘The ]Szl] measurements were conducted by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory, University of Missouri-Rolla for DC power bus modeling development. An HP8753D network analyzer was used and the reference planes were at the 3.5 mm test cable connectors. A simple 12-term error correction model using an open, short, and load was used in the calibration. Port extension was used to move the measurement planes to the coaxial cable feed terminals. Power bus The following example shows the application of the enhanced algorithm in the area of power bus analysis. The design of complex power plane systems and the placement of decoupling capacitors can be tackled with the described approach. A circuit extraction approach is currently under development at the EMC-Lab. of the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR). 332 was chosen quite rough, so that there are not more than at least 10 segments The per wavelength. of the numerical computation accuracy measurement results is quite good. compared An improved the agreement Using the enhanced can be achieved by spending more triangles per wavelength. An explanation of the deviations between numerical and mea- terns, including efficiently from sued range. results connectors can be found in the simple and the attached of the proposed 8 the dominant is shown mittance at a frequency off 5’21 shows a significant and the shorting be seen, the feeding port is quite real part with = almost 1.3 GHz, minimum. to the second distribution port J> [l] dots. It can is transmitted or the shorting M. Abramovitz matical where the transThe connectors by the white no current References sufficient. of current pin are indicated that applications DeCaps. can be performed by COMORAN quasi-statical frequencies up to the gigahertz the influences of different DeCap-placements, the ac- algorithm In figure clearly for the SMA- method, coax-cable. Nevertheless, in order to study power bus systems and different curacy model integration two or more very dense neighboured conductive planes can be computed with good accuracy and within reasonable comput&ion time. The analysis of e.g. complex power bus sys- and I.A. Functions. Handbook Stegun. Dover Publications, of Mathe- Inc.. New York, 1970. [2] from Bicker, Markus and Oing, Stefan. Simulator Coupling ‘IEEE 1998 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility: Denuer, Colorado, (ISA, pages 656-661, August Technique pin. for Complex PCB Structures. 24-28 1998. 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