TISSNTE IC overview

TISSNTE Comenius 2.1 Project number –
An overview of the TISSNTE Intensive
Held in Budapest : 12-17 October 2008
The Course
Teacher Induction: supporting the
supporters of novice teachers; induction
mentoring in practice, is a course designed
to support those responsible for, or with a
wish to help support new teachers as they
enter the teaching profession.
Number UK-2008-769-001 on the
Comenius Professional Development data
base the first presentation took place in
October. It was attended by teachers
from across Europe who were supported
financially by their National Comenius
Further information on the project can be found at
The course was led and facilitated by members of the
2.1 TISSNTE Project a Comenius funded
initiative comprising of staff from university
faculties in European member states.
The material for the course was part of a
range of items written, adapted, developed
and gathered by the project members.
The intention is to provide a “Suitcase of
Support” to foster and underpin the work of
practising mentors for novice teachers in their
schools, and to aid those given the task of
developing induction and support programmes
for new entrants, their supporters and schools,
some guidance and inspiration.
The delivery language is English, written course material
is available in a number of languages.
The suitcase as presented in the course used a
variety of approaches, including ‘core’ and
electives items to enable participants to
meet more closely their personal needs.
The materials development stemmed from a
“Needs Analysis” research project
involving practising teachers from across
• The target outcome by the end of the course is for
participants to have an increased understanding of
the needs, strategies and skills used in supporting
novice teachers across Europe and for them to
have an enhanced awareness, sensitivity and range
of strategies and abilities to develop their own and
the novice teachers’ continuing professional
encompassed by the Life Long Learning goals of
the Socrates programme.
What happened?
An overview of the course and
activities follows in photographs
and words.
Where it took place
Hosted by Sapientia College of Theology
and Esterhazy Karoly College
The course was held in Karolyi Rezidencia in
Muzeum utca very near to the National
Muzeum in the central Budapest.
The plaque on a door shows
how suitable our venues and
visits were!
After registration the participants climbed these
magnificent stairs to begin sharing their knowledge
and experience of their own education system,
schools and practices with each other.
As part of the pre-course preparation each
teacher had prepared a poster to inform
their colleagues about life in their own
context. This was to illustrate and provide
talking points on the similarities and
differences we each face in striving to reach a
shared European objective of promoting the
best possible outcomes in teaching and learning
for the children in our care
Here are some of the posters that resulted
(a full slide-show is available on our
Looking at and learning from posters
Northern Ireland
Explaining and learning about each other’s system
for the rest of the week!
Both during work and in the leisure hours: a first
social meal together
Hungarian Cuisine
Explaining what we will do together
The course had core items that everyone followed
and elective items to cater for individual needs
-what to choose? Discussing with others or…
Reflecting on your needs alone
The schedule for the week
The participants were put into multi-national groups
with the task of negotiating what makes a ‘good’
supporter; they chose a name for the group
There were a variety of views with some
First sessions working in groups followed
All the sessions led to discussion, within a subsection group or…
In whole groups including quizzing the
Items were designed to use a variety of methods of
presentation, sometimes double-handed, using text,
discussion, games, video and role play
All opinions were expressed and facilitators
were kept on their toes!
taking part in role play - but who is playing which
part - what does body language tell us?
Playing a game about the role of a mentor - but
doesn’t it look serious?
enjoying watching real-life novice teachers,
mentors and children on video
Being a good listener is an essential skill for a mentor it was
decided - here colleagues listen to the views and experience
of a teacher from another country
And it is necessary to make your point absolutely clear!
Including what we want to get out of the
Playing a role
And adding some humour
Or sharing a dilemma
Watching a mentor at work in another
country - using video as a stimulus
Evaluation is an essential part of everything we do as
teachers; here we evaluate not only the course but also our
own new understanding as mentors
Including participant views in videoed interviews
But not all activities took place in Karolyi. As well as visiting 2
museum education departments in Budapest to assist novice teachers
with the out-of school curriculum, we went to one of our host teachertraining colleges where we saw an impressive selection of students’
work in progress
and discovered influences on Hungarian culture
Once a teacher….children and
their learning not far from our
Sharing a final meal together in the wine cellar of
our hosts -still talking, discussing and listening
No course would be complete without the
final group photograph - what better place
than on the monumental staircase!
A common thought?
• As teachers we thought a Portuguese
colleague had captured part of a
function and philosophy we could all
• We adopted the piece as the project
Tissnte poem
By Miguel Torga
translated by Ana Maria Chaves
Never-the –less every sower
Sows out against the present
Sows out as if clairvoyant
The crops of the future
Wondering how hard the soil
And if it’s worth the toil
In the original Portuguese
O Semeador
Finding out more about novice
teacher mentor support
• Look at <tissnte.eu>
• When the project is complete you will find an
inventory drawn up from across the countries
taking part. In there are lots of ideas and
• There will also be access to the ‘Suitcase of
Support’. This includes the items used in this
• Watch the Comenius data base of courses for
the next opportunity to take part.