Aachen, Germany, 2004 2004 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference DTC of Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive Using Space Vector Modulation With Reduced Switching Frequency Arbind Kumar, Shldent Member IEEE K. Chattejee B.G. Fernandes’ Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai- 400 076, India ‘E-mail: baf@ee.iitb.ac.in - A new control strategy for reducing the switching frequency of direct torque controlled (DTC) induction motor with open-end winding configuration is proposed. Two independent two-level inverters are feeding both ends of the three-phase stator winding. In order to achieve the required voltage vector, one of the inverters is clamped to a particular voltage vector for a minimum of one sampling interval, while the other one is controlled using space vector PWM technique. This arrangement applies a 3-level line voltage waveform to the machine. Since this configuration is generally used in high power applications, the effective switching frequency of one of the inverters is reduced. Also, isolating the input DC source of the inverters can eliminate the flow of zero sequence current. Hence a significant reduction in size and improvement in overall efficiency is achieved. Simulation studies have been carried out for the proposed scheme and results are compared with the conventional space vector PWM-DTC by taking the equivalent 2-level inverter into account. Abstract I INTRODUCTION Induction motor drives are generally used for low and medium power applications. However, researchers have moulded this motor even for higher power applications by making suitable changes in power and control circuit configurations. One such change is the open-end, threephase stator winding which is fed by two separate inverters. Direct torque control (DTC) of induction motor was proposed around two decades ago [I]-[2]. The scheme presented in [I] was implemented for high power applications using the induction motor having an open-end winding configuration [3]. However, the DTC technique presented in [3] results in: Torque and speed fluctuations that leads to acoustic noise and vibrations. Higher ripple in the stator current that can cause high power loss and hence heating of the machine. Use of a three-phase reactor to reduce the zersequence current, thus making the system bulky and less efficient. Various control techniques for the inverter-.fed induction motor drive with open-end windings are also discussed in [4]-[5]. Direct Self Control technique has been proposed for this machine with open-end winding configuration [6]-[8]. Both ends of the stator winding are connected to two threelevel inverters. The use of a three-level inverter at both ends improves the performance of the machine but can lead to an increase in both cost and complexity. A reactor has been 07803-8399-0/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE. used on the A C D C side to reduce the flow of zero sequence currents. In [9]-[ IO], the open-end winding Configuration has been proposed for high power electric vehiclehybrid electric vehicle (EVAIEV) propulsion systems. In [ I I], space vector pulse width modulation technique is used to control the output voltage of both the inverters connected at both ends of the motor winding. It should be noted that the switching frequency capacity of both the inverters is same. This paper proposes ;I new scheme in which one of the inverters is switched al. high frequency, and the other at low switching frequency. I1 OPEN-END WINDING INDUCTION MOTOR FED BY 2-TWO LEVEL INVERTERS A schematic of the open-end winding induction motor drive is shown in Fig.1. A two-level inverter, INVI, feeds the three ends of the stator winding R Y B, and the other three ends R’ Y’ and B’ are connected to another two level inverter called INV2. INVl and INV2 are connected to separate dc sources (bmeries) of magnitude Vdc/2. This can be achieved by simply partitioning the set of batteries. This results in a significant reduction in space, which is a very important aspect in on-board ship propulsion applications. Induction motor voltage equations can be derived in the satne manner as if the machine was connected to a single two-level inverter as follows [9], [14]: Phase voltages in tenns of switch position of respective phases are given by: where SR,S, & S , = 1 or 0 and it depends on the inverter leg switching state. Connecting R’ Y’and B’ together forms the neutral of the machine, denoted by ‘n’, and thus results in a star connected stator winding. Equation (1) can be written in terms of the Dole voltaees as: L (2) Voltage equations for open-end winding induction motor can be written as 1214 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2004 35th A n n u l IEEE Power Elecrronics Speciolisrs Conference ”RR’ YW’ + VRG - VRG (3) = VYG + VGG - “YG (4) = VRC Stator voltage space vector is given by V, = vsd + jvsq (5) Y B E = VBC + vCc. - V8C As both inverters are connected to separate dc sources, they can he assumed to he two independent nodes. Thus the sum of the three-phase currents can he assumed to he zero. If the summation of the three-phase currents is zero, summation of the three-phase voltages can also he assumed zero. Hence using (3)-(S), and solving for VGGtwe get vCG = [(vCc. + vYrG + v ~ )G - CVRG + VyG + vBG )I / 3 v,, Substituting this value of (6) in equation (3), (4) and (5), -‘y” the expression for the phase voltages are given hy [=I]:![ 2 -1 -I 2 -1 -1 -‘R’G] VYG -1 2 (7) -vrG VBG BE’ Aochen, Gennony, 2004 and the corresponding d-q components are (8) (9) There are two independent two-level inverters. The total possible enerated voltage vectors given hy equation (9) will he 2 X2’ ( 4 4 ) . However, in actual practice there is only one zero voltage vector, six small voltage vectors (S), six medium voltage vectors (M) and six large voltage vectors (L). The remaining vectors overlaps with these voltage vectors. These vectors are shown in Fig.2. The six small voltage vectors form the inner hexagon of Fig.3, whose centre is 0 and they each lie at the vertices P, Q, R, S, T and U. These small voltage vectors can he generated by clamping INV2 to the zero voltage vector (VO or V7) and switching INV1. The medium and large voltage vectors are formed when both the inverters are in switching mode. For example, for achieving voltage vector V14, INVl is switched to position V1 and INV2 is switched to position V4. The six large voltage vectors form the outer large hexagon of Fig.3. The entire region of Fig.3 can he subdivided into 24 equilateral triangles. They are known as “sub-sectors”. These sub sectors form one inner hexagon and six outer hexagons whose centres are 0, P, Q, R, S, T and U. The position of the voltage space vector can he determined by the method proposed in [ll]. 9 2 INV. 1 (High Switching Frequency) INDUCTION MOTOR (Low Swilching Frequency) Fig. 1 Schematic ofopen-end winding induction motor drive fed by 2 -WO level inverters Y-Phase Axis V36 V26V35 1i I x V25 Axis VS2 V62VS3 t -’ V63 K B-Phase Axis Fig.3 Partition of hexagon in to Sub-sectors Fig.2 Generated Voltage-Vectors 121s Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Anchen, Germany, 2004 2004 35rh Annual IEEE Power Elecrronics Specialisrs Conference I11 PROPOSED SVM-DTC Though the reference voltage vector is generated using the method proposed in [IS], for the sake of convenience of the reader, it is briefly described here. It is has been derived in [I] that the rate of change of torque is proportional to the slip speed. Using the same concept, the reference synchronous speed for the reference stator flux is derived. The actual flux vector is derived from the motor model. The difference of these two-stator flux vectors divided by the sampling time generates the reference voltage vector. Thus in each sampling interval, the generated voltage vector will compensate this error. The reference voltage vector can be constructed by the application of the two nearest voltage vectors and zero Fig.4 Constnrction of reference voltage vector voltage vectors for certain duration and in some particular sequence. The duration of these voltage vectors depends on the magnitude and the position of the reference voltage vector. In order to reduce the overall switching frequency without compromising on the current or torque ripple, the following technique is used. Let us assume that the reference voltage vector VOMis lying in sub-sector 24 as shown in Fig.4. The sub-sector 24 is lying in the hexagon whose center is P. Therefore this voltage vector can be realized by applying vectors VOL.VOAand Vop i.e.V64, VI4 and VI (or V04) in some sequence for a pre-calculated time known as “dwelling time”. This dwelling time can be determined by using the method suggested in [I21 for three level inverter. It can be noted that if V64, VI4 and V04 are chosen to realize the voltage vector VoM, INV2 can be clamped at 4 and INVI can be switched according to the conventional SVM. For calculating the dwelling time of INVI, Vop is subtracted from the reference voltage vector VOM.Thus the remaining voltage vector is either VpMor VOW. Voltage vector VOM. lies in the inner hexagon. Therefore it can be synthesized in the normal way of space vector PWM technique. Hence if the voltage vector lies in between -30‘ and +30’, INV2 is clamped to V4 position. This results in a significant reduction in the switching frequency of INV2. INV2 may be continued to V4 for the angle-30‘ to +30’ if the reference voltage vector lies inside the outer hexagon. The voltage vectors to which INV2 is to be clamped, and the switching sequences of INVI for various sub-sectors are given in TABLE-I. If the reference voltage vector is lying in the inner hexagon, INV2 is either clamped to position VO or V7. When the reference voltage vector moves from the outer hexagon to the inner hexagon, V0 or V7 is selected l’or the least change in the switching state. The block diagram of the proposed method is shown in FigS. In order to suppress the zero sequence currents, three methods have bem reported in the literature: ( I ) Use of inter-phase reactors, either on the AC or DC side of PWM inverter [I], 161-181. (2) Rectifying the AC supply through transformers thus providing isolation between the input DC voltages to the inverters [ 5 ] . (3) Use of auxiliary switches in order to provide imaginary neutral [13]. The inter-phase reactox has some disadvantages like acoustic noise and losses, resui.ts in a bulky system and it requires more space. Though the isolating transformer seems to be a better alternative, it also makes the system bulky and is costly, it creates more acoustic noise and requires more space. The method reported in 1131 uses auxiliary switches to block the zero sequence currents. This method restricts some of the switching sequences that cause triplen harmonics. Due to thi!; reason, the dc bus voltage is under utilized and hence the output of the multilevel inverter decreases. In order to fully utilize the PWM inverter, the voltage of the dc bus n(:eds to be increased. In some applications like EV/HEV where motors are driven by electric batteries, it may be convenient to partition the batteries in order to isolate the dc sources and mitigate the problem of zero sequence currents. But partitioning of batterieii is not a wise decision [IO], as it will require additional relays, fuses etc. This may not be true in general, specifically for high power applications such as submarines. Relays, fuses and other safety issues are much cheaper and occupy less space as compared to other methods of isolation. The soft-switched, high switching frequency isolating transformer can also be used for isolating dc sources that will eliminate many disadvantages of the conventional methods. IV RESULTS Simulation studies have been carried out using SIMULINK software in MATLAB environment. Figs. 6(a) & (b) are the results of the proposed method at a load torque of 6 N-m applied at 0.5 sec and having a reference speed command of 600 rpm. Figures 7 (a) & (b) shows the results for a twolevel inverter under identical condition. In figures 8 and 9, a change in reference fliur from 0.7 to 0.4Wb is applied at 0.5 sec. It is done at light load condition in order to improve the efficiency and the drive now starts to operate in two-level mode. In figures IO and I I , a change in reference speed from 600rpm to -500 rpm is shown. Though the results of the open-end winding configuration are superior to the conventional SVPWM. method, the main advantage is the reduction in switching frequency and hence the device rating is reduced to half that makes it less expensive and easily available. 1216 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 2004 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aarhpn. Germany, 2004 Ill I Fig.5 Block Diagram of the proposed methad decreases and one of the inverters goes into the off state automatically, thereby improving its efficiency. Results also show that the torque control using open-end winding configuration generates three level line voltages that can improve the performance of the drive. The proposed strategy mentioned earlier may be suitable for battery operated propulsion systems such as submarines. And by simply partitioning the batteries, the problem of zero sequence currents can be eliminated. TABLE-I REFERENCES I Takahashi and T Noguchi. “A New Quick-Response and HighEfficiency Conml of an Induction Motor,” LEEE Trans. Industry Applications, Vol. IA-22, No.5, , pp 820-827, 1986. M Depenbroek, “Direct Self Control (DSC) of Invener-Fed Induction Machines,” IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol. PE -3, N0.4, pp 420429, 1988. I Takahashi and Youchi Ohmari, “High -Performance Direct Torque Control of an Induction Motor,’. IEEE Tram. Industry Applications, Vol. IA-25, No.2, pp 257-264, 1989. H Stemmler and P. Guggenbach, ’%onfigurations of High -power Voltage Source Inverter Drives,” Proc. 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Brain A Welchka and James M Nagashima, “A comparative Evaluation of Motor Drive Topologies for Low-Voltage, HighPower EVIHEV Propulsion Systems,” IEEE International I V CONCLUSION A new control strategy is proposed for reducing the switching frequency of one of the inverters. It clamps one of them for a minimum period of one switching cycle. As shown in the results, it reduces the ripples in torque and flux Harmonic spectrum of the phase current has improved significantly. Under light load condition, the reference flux 1217 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Aachen, Germany, 2004 2004 3Srh Annunl IEEE Power Eiecrronics Specialisrs Conference ' 7 81 ' 1 1 8 I 4, 8 er 1 a1 0 2 I I 2 s1 a' I' , , L - I < I DI 116 114 o, I.." /I 01 or 01 01 I I- Fig. 6 (a) Stator nux space Vector: X-Axis (D-Component), Y-Axis (Q-Component) (Proposed) Fig. 7 (a) Stator Fiux space Vector. X-AXIS(D-Component), Y-Axis (Q-Comporient)(Two-Level SVM) i 0.75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 0.25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 @6" : :............ ......... .] -1. ......... . . f. . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... I C.15 0 0 ai5 a3 0.45 . . . . , . . . . . 1 . 0.6 0.45 nme (sec) 0.6 me (sec) Fig. 6 (b) Change in Load torque fmm 0 to 6 N-m at 0.5 at wnsmt stator flux 010.7 wb (Proposed) . 0.3 Fig. 7 (b) Change in Load torque from 0 to 6 N - m at 0.5 Sec Sec at constant stator flux of0.7 Wb (Two-Level SVM) ""11 . : I " aj , .I , a. . as , , 0, 02 " " , , , I OI 01 , Or ' , , 111 I .M I** Fig. 9 (a) Chsnge in stator flux vector from 0.7wb t o 0.4 at 0.5 Sec (Two-Level SVM) Fig. 8 (a) Change in stator flux vector fmm 0.7W to 0.4 at 0.5 Sec (Pmpased) 1218 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on October 24, 2008 at 07:49 from IEEE Xplore. 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