1252 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, VOL. 15, NO. 2, JUNE 2005 System Testing and Installation of the NHMFL/NSCL Sweeper Magnet Mark D. Bird, Steven J. Kenney, Jack Toth, Hubertus W. Weijers, Jon C. DeKamp, Mike Thoennessen, and Al F. Zeller Abstract—A superconducting dipole, designed for use as a sweeper magnet in nuclear physics experiments, has been designed and built by the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory for operation at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory. The magnet operates at a peak field of 3.8 T in a 140 mm gap. A secondary beam enters the magnet from the upstream side before striking a target. The neutrons continue straight through to a neutron detector. The charged particles are swept 40 degrees on a one-meter radius into a particle spectrometer. To allow space for the exit of the downstream neutron beam, the magnet iron and coil structure are built in a modified “C” configuration. There are two coils of “D” shape, one above and one below the beam. This configuration keeps the magnet compact and removes the need for a negative curvature side. The peak field in the winding is 6.5 T. The net force on the curved leg of a single “D” is 1.6 MN. Results of system testing including cool-down, quench history, and integration with the cyclotron are presented. Index Terms—Large gap dipoles, superferric dipoles, sweeper magnet. Fig. 1. CAD and electromagnetic models of NHMFL/NSCL sweeper magnet. Fig. 2. Photo of finished NHMFL/NSCL sweeper magnet. I. INTRODUCTION T HE National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) at Florida State University has completed the design, fabrication, and testing of a large-gap, super-ferric dipole magnet for use in radioactive beam experiments at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University (MSU) (see Figs. 1 and 2). The magnet was successfully tested at the NHMFL reaching the design current on March 19, 2004 with only a single training quench. The magnet was delivered to the NSCL in April and was installed and in-service performing experiments along the nuclear drip-lines using the coupled-cyclotron in June. II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The physical constraints, optimization, and analysis of the sweeper system have already been discussed in [1]–[7]. The sweeper magnet consists of four main subsystems: the magnet cryostat, the satellite cryostat, the magnet iron and the power supply as shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Manuscript received October 4, 2004. This work was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant PHY9871462. M. D. Bird, S. J. Kenney, J. Toth, and H. W. Weijers are with the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL 32306 USA (e-mail: bird@magnet.fsu.edu). J. C. DeKamp, M. Thoennessen, and A. F. Zeller are with the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA (e-mail: zeller@nscl.msu.edu). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASC.2005.849553 III. MAGNET TESTING AT NHMFL Welding, leak checking and assembly of the magnet were completed in Feb. 2004. An instrumentation system including 1051-8223/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE BIRD et al.: SYSTEM TESTING AND INSTALLATION OF THE NHMFL/NSCL SWEEPER MAGNET 1253 TABLE I PRE-TENSION OF LINKS strain gages on the 13 warm-to-cold links was developed. The cryogen circuits were purged, the warm-to-cold links were loosened, a hi-potential test was performed. The helium circuit was slowly cooled with cold nitrogen gas over a period of about two days. The N2 circuit was then slowly cooled starting with cold N2 gas over a period of about one day. The helium circuit was then repeatedly evacuated and backfilled with He gas. It was slowly cooled to LHe temperature over about one day. A cold hi-pot test was performed. The warm-to-cold links were tightened. The power supply was connected and the magnet energized at 4 volts (7 A/s) to 150 Amps. The magnet was de-energized and the warm-to-cold links were adjusted to provide more uniform loading during energization. The magnet was energized a second time at 4 volts and quenched at 343.7 Amps. The magnet was energized a third time at 4 volts to 250 Amps and then at lower voltage to 350 Amps. The warm-to-cold links were then adjusted a second time. On March 19, 2004 the magnet was ramped at 5 volts to 250 Amps and at lower voltage to the design current of 365 Amps. A couple days later the magnet was ramped from 0 to 375 Amps at 5 volts without quenching. The magnet displayed a hold time of 3 hours without refilling cryogens, which is acceptable for this application. IV. LINK TENSIONING The Lorentz forces within and between the superconducting coils are reacted by the bobbin. However, the net force between the cold mass and the iron yoke as well as the weight must be reacted by warm-to-cold links. One wants to make these links long and slender to minimize the conduction heat load, however, they also must have a mechanical stiffness higher than the “magnetic stiffness” of the magnet system. For this system we chose to make the links from Ti-6Al-4V (ELI) as it is much stiffer than fiberglass and the combination of thermal conductivity, strength, and stiffness is better than in steel. There are a total of thirteen links on the Sweeper, one on the back, four on the front, four on the top and four on the bottom. In Fig. 1 all but the back link can be seen as it is actually enclosed in the iron yoke. After cool-down all the links were pre-tensioned per Table I. Tension was measured both by torque wrenches and by strain gages mounted on the outside of the link cans. As the magnet is energized, the coils tend to become slightly rounder and there is a net force on the coils backward (toward the iron) of about 30 kN. Vertically, the two superconducting coils are only connected on the backside. The net force on each coil is toward the nearby iron rather than the more remote other coil and has a magnitude of 150 kN. Thus, the bobbin “opens up” slightly and the top and bottom links toward the front of the magnet go slack. Fig. 3. The sweeper in place in the N4 vault at the NSCL. The quadrupole triplet is to the right and the focal plane detector is to the left. MoNA is not shown. During the first energization of the magnet, the links on the top developed too high a strain level. The magnet was de-energized and the links adjusted such that the cold mass moved up a few millimeters. During the third energization the bottom links developed too high a strain and the cold mass was moved down again slightly. During the fourth run the link tension were as intended with the appropriate symmetries and magnitudes. V. SYSTEM TESTING AT NSCL In April the Sweeper arrived at the NSCL where it was installed on the beamline in the N4 vault along with the Modular Neutron Array (MoNA) and the focal plane detectors. The installation is shown in Fig. 3 where the Sweeper has the NHMFL logo, a red focusing quadrupole is shown to the right and the focal plane detectors to the left. MoNA is not shown. The first run consisted of observing neutrons detected by MoNA in coincidence with charged particles bent into the focal from plane detectors by the Sweeper. A secondary beam of the Coupled Cyclotron Facility bombarded a beryllium target in front of the sweeper magnet. The single proton stripping which is unbound reaction populates the ground state of . The goal of and decays immediately into a neutron and the test run was to observe this decay and extract the ground . state energy of Neutrons emitted near zero degrees through the large gap of the Sweeper were detected in MoNA located about 13 m behind the Sweeper. The Sweeper operated at 300 A corresponding to a rigidity required to bend the charged fragments into the detector system of the focal plane box located at 40 The upper left panel of Fig. 4 shows the -E plot recorded by detectors in the focal plane box following the sweeper. Three , and and redistinctive groups identified as scattered action products (from top to bottom) can be seen. The other three spectra are time-of-flight spectra of neutrons recorded by MoNA relative to the fragments detected in the sweeper detector setup. (bottom left), (bottom The three spectra are gated on (top right). The gated spectrum shows only right) and random coincidences from cosmic ray background as expected. 1254 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, VOL. 15, NO. 2, JUNE 2005 ACKNOWLEDGMENT This paper is dedicated to the memory of Jack E. Crow, the founding director of the NHMFL, a man of tremendous vision and energy without whose enthusiasm this project would not have been undertaken. The authors would also like to express their tremendous appreciation to the numerous people at the NHMFL and at the NSCL who contributed to the successful delivery of this magnet system. Principal among them are: Soren Prestemon (FEA); Scott Gundlach (CAD); Denis Markiewicz (superconducting magnet technology); Iain Dixon, George Miller, Bianca Trociewicz, (system testing), J. Bierwagen, and D. Sanderson (installation), plus numerous technicians, machinists and welders at the NHMFL an the FSU physics departments. REFERENCES Fig. 4. On-line spectra from the first test run of the sweeper magnet in coincidence with the Modular Neutron Array MoNA. The top left figure shows the particle identification of fragments in the detector box following the sweeper. Bands of lithium, helium and hydrogen (from top to bottom) can be clearly identified. The other three spectra are time of flight spectra of MoNA relative to the fragments in the sweeper. The spectrum exhibits two distinct peaks corresponding to forward and backward emitted neutrons from the ground state . The spectrum in coincidence with shows only one of does not have a sharp unbound resobroad peak because nance. The spectra shown in Fig. 4 were recorded online and are not calibrated. The fact that we were able to extract these distinct features already online shows that the Sweeper and all the detectors of MoNA and the Sweeper focal plane box worked great in this first test run. [1] M. D. Bird et al., “Bucket testing of a compact sweeper magnet for nuclear physics,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1250–1253, Jun. 2003. [2] A. F. Zeller et al., “A compact sweeper magnet for nuclear physics,” Adv. Cryogenic Eng., vol. 45. [3] S. Prestemon et al., “Structural design and analysis of a compact sweeper magnet for nuclear physics,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 123–135, Mar. 2001. [4] J. Toth et al., “Final design of a compact sweeper magnet for nuclear physics,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 341–344. [5] J. Toth and M. D. Bird, “Convergence studies of D-shaped coil/bobbin interactions in a sweeper magnet system,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1400–1403, Jun. 2003. [6] J. Miller, G. Miller, and D. Richardson et al., “A novel concept for a modular helium-vapor-cooled lead pair,” in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proc. Cryogenic Engineering Conf., vol. 47, S. Breon et al., Eds., 2002, pp. 559–566. [7] M. D. Bird et al., “Cryostat design and fabrication for the NHMFL/NSCL sweeper magnet,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., vol. 14, no. 4.