Working Report 2003-23 flectrical Pole-Pole Soundings at Olkiluoto Site During Autumn 2002 Mari Lahti Jalle Tammenmaa Suomen Malmi Oy June 2003 Working Reports contain information on work in progress or pending completion. The conclusions and viewpoints presented in the report are those of author(s) and do not necessarily coincide with those of Posiva. TEKIJAORGANISAATIO SUOMEN MALMI OY PL 10 Juvan teollisuuskatu 16-18 02921 ESPOO TILAAJA POSIVAOY 27160 Olkiluoto TILAAJAN YHDYSHENKILO Eero Heikkinen, Fintact Oy URAKOITSIJAN YHDYSHENKILO Tero Laurila, Smoy RAPORTTI WORKING REPORT 2003-23 ELECRICAL POLE-POLE SOUNDINGS AT OLKILUOTO SITE DURING AUTUMN 2002 TEKIJAT TARKASTAJA ~,.\2 /\_ l I Pekka Mikkola, Smoy \ 1 ELECTRICAL POLE-POLE SOUNDINGS AT OLKILUOTO SITE DURING AUTUMN2002 SAHKOISET POOLI-POOLI -LUOTAUKSET OLKILUODOSSA SYKSYLLA 2002 Mari Lahti J alle Tammenmaa ABSTRACT Suomen Malmi Oy conducted electrical pole-pole soundings for Posiva Oy for studying the subsurface resistivity structures at Olkiluoto site during autumn 2002. The soundings were carried out at three lines and altogether 4.9 line-km were measured. The results are presented in apparent resistivity pseudosections. Generally the detected apparent resistivity values vary from few hundreds of ohmimeters (ohm-m) to few thousands of ohmimeters. The low resistivity zone at the eastern part of the site show apparent resistivities from roughly 20 to 100 ohm-m. KEYWORDS: Electrical soundings, pole-pole array, apparent resistivity, pseudosection TIIVISTELMA Suomen Malmi teki Posiva Oy:n tilauksesta sahkoisia pooli-pooli -luotauksia Olkiluodon tutkimusalueella syksyl!a 2002. Luotausten tarkoituksena oli tutkia maa- ja ka~lioperan ominaisvastusjakaumaa. Mittauksia tehtiin kolmella erillisella linjalla yhteensa 4.9 linjakilometria. Tulokset on esitetty naennaisen ominaisvastusjakauman pseudosektioina. Yleisesti naennainen ominaisvastus vaihteli mittausalueella muutamista sadoista ohmimetreista (ohm-m) muutamiin tuhansiin ohmimetreihin. Alueen itareunalla havaittiin alhaisen ominaisvastuksen vyohyke, jossa naennainen ominaisvastus oli no in 20-100 ohm-m. AVAINSANAT: Vastusluotaukset, pooli-pooli -luotaus, naennainen ominaisvastus, ps~udosektio 2 TITVISTELMA ABSTRACT 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 3 2 THE SURVEY METHOD AND EQIDPMENT ....••..••.....••.•....•.••...••...•.••.•.........•...•....••.•.••....•....• 4 3 2.1 Electrical sounding cross-sections .................................................................... 4 2.2 Survey configuration ........................................................................................ 4 2.3 Equipment ......................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Field work ................................................................... ~ ..................................... 6 2.4.1 Placement of the lines ............................................................................... 6 2.4.2 Test survey ................................................................................................ 8 2.4.3 Timetable for the surveys ......................................................................... 9 2.4.4 Problems during the survey ...................................................................... 9 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Calculations .................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Results ............................................................................................................ 11 4 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 13 5 APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................. 14 APPENDIX 1. Map of the surveyed lines 14 APPENDIX 2. Technical properties of the equipment 15 APPENDIX 3. Apparent resistivity/IP pseudosections APPENDIX 3.1 Line L1, resistivity 16 APPENDIX 3.2 Line L2, resistivity 17 APPENDIX 3.3 Line L3, resistivity 18 APPENDIX 3.4 Line L3, chargeability 19 3 1 INTRODUCTION This working report presents the electrical pole-pole soundings conducted for Posiva Oy at the Olkiluoto site during autumn 2002. Suomen Malmi Oy conducted the field survey, geodetic work and processing of the data. The fieldwork included soundings at three lines totalling 4900 m. The field group consisted of one supervisor and 2-3 observers. Geophysical supervisors Leo J okinen and Antero Saukko as well as observer Pertti Kurkinen and several helpers participated to the fieldwork. Geophysicist Jalle Tammenmaa processed the data and geophysicist Mari Lahti compiled the working report. The work was organised as a co-operation between Posiva Oy, Finland, and ANDRA, France. The field work was assessed and the design agreed in field meeting in September 2002. ANDRA representatives involved were Yannick Leutsch and Joseph Roux (Cogema). From Posiva's side the work was supervised by Heikki Hinkkanen, and from Fintact Ltd as Posiva's consultant, by Eero Heikkinen. The investigations were planned in cooperation with ANDRA, and designed to support the separately reported electromagnetic frequency soundings with Gefinex 400 Stool on the same base line. This report deals with the field work, results and data delivery. 4 2 2.1 THE SURVEY METHOD AND EQUIPMENT Electrical sounding cross-sections Galvanic electrical soundings utilize feeding of current into the ground through a pair of electrodes and measuring the voltage variations through another pair of electrodes. The measured voltages are associated with the resistivity of the material where the current flows through. Electrical soundings are carried out using a characteristic array of electrodes; in this case a pole-pole array. The chosen electrode array affects e.g. the resolution of the survey. The separation of the current electrodes defines e.g. the depth penetration, the scale, and the resolution of the survey. 2.2 Survey configuration The electrical soundings were conducted using a pole-pole -configuration (see Figure 1). That comprehends locating remote groundings for current and potential electrodes at considerable distances from the surveyed lines. In this survey it was possible to locate the groundings at 1.0-1.5 km minimum distances from the surveyed lines. The electrode separation used was 50 m. However, the first 100 m of each electrode spread was measured with closer separations due to the expected shallow 0-10 m glacial overburden, and the high resistivity contrast between water saturated till and the highly resistive crystalline bedrock. The separations at each spread were then 5m, 1Om, 25m, 50m, 75m, lOOm and further on increasing with 50 m intervals. The number of nominal separations was 14 and the length of the total spread was 500 m. Each of the lines ended close to sea shore (last potential electrode station). The layout was not extended with shorter spreads over the last planned current station (L1 3200 m, L2 500 m and L3 1200 m), thus leaving the end of line slightly incomplete in coverage at surface parts. 2.3 Equipment The fieldwork was conducted using a 8-channel Scintrex IPR-12 receiver and an Iris Instruments VIP3000 transmitter. The technical properties of the equipment are presented in Appendix 2. The transmitter was powered using a 2,5 kW generator. Stainless steel electrodes were used for the groundings. The cable used for the remote groundings was 2.5 mm2 single conductor cable. A multi-electrode cable system was not applied due to the expected high noise level and risk for interferences with high transmission power as well as the 5 long 50 m separations between subsequent P1 stations on harsh boggy and wooded terrain. Both the transmitter and receiver were computer controlled. The power transmission was applied with adjustable current, used at a range of 100 mA to 1400 mA during the survey. The current feed was arranged in cycles of positive and negative ramps with equal length, and with an equal interval between the pulses. The time of each pulse was adjustable between 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 seconds, of which 1, 2 and 4 seconds were tested. Finally 2 second pulse length was selected. Transmission was on continuously over a survey day. The current was adjusted according to the separation between the current and potential electrodes. The receiver recognises the pulse from the ramp form and length, and compensates for self potential drift and noise during the selectable number of pulse cycles. Four cycles were selected for the survey. The tool records also the induced polarisation on 14 time channels, and calculates further IP parameters. All results for each recording are stored on the computer. The parameters were tested and adjusted during initialisation of the survey. The readings were monitored by repeating them 2-3 times for each station and spread. The each survey day results were plotted to sounding curves in order to analyse the performance and possible disturbances. 6 OM 5fll 10M' 25M C2 '7.5i-l -25M -50 M -75M -lOOM -1251"1 -1501"1 -1751"1 -2001"1 -2251"1 -2501"1 Cl=OM C1=50M Figure 1. The pole-pole survey configuration and the principle for pseudosection presentation. 2.4 2.4.1 Field work Placement of the lines The 3.2 km long main line along the Olkiluoto island in mainly E-W direction as well as the 0.5 km and 1.2 km long N-S crossing lines were located using differential GPS positioning with YLE Fokus differential correlation service. The practical accuracy is better than 2 m. The coordinates of the starting and ending points as well as the folding points of the main line are presented in Table 1. The locations of the lines and the fixed current C2 and potential P2 electrode stations for each line are shown on a site map in Appendix 1. The field work initiated with GPS placement and light staking of the pre-designed lines, construction and testing of the remote groundings, and building the remote electrode connection lines. The cables were lifted onto trees to avoid leakages, cutting by elks, also avoiding interference on the roads, and power lines. The grounding resistance of the remote electrodes was excellent, 40-100 ohms, due to location at moist places. 7 Table 1. The coordinates of the measured lines. Line Easting start Northing start Easting end Northing end Length m L1, E-W 1524300 6792450 1527345 6791562 3200 L 1_700m (folding) 1525000 6792380 L 1_2250m (folding) 1526503 6792001 L2 (1524500), N-S 1524500 6792300 1524500 6792800 500 L3 (1526000), N-S 1526000 6791600 1526000 6792800 1200 The coordinates for remote groundings are presented in Table 2 and are shown in the map in Appendix 1. The initial remote grounding for current transmission for line L 1 was placed at the western end of the Olkiluoto Island called Ulkopaa, approximately 1.2 km distance from the beginning of the line Ll (C2, red colour in Appendix 1). The remote grounding for potential measurement was placed at the northern side of the island, at Marikarinnokka (P2, red in Appendix 1). The smallest distance from the potential grounding to the survey line Ll was app. 1.0 km. At location 1950 m the remote groundings were relocated due to the problems discussed in chapter 2.4.4. Three overlapping stations were surveyed at 1950-2050 m for comparison of resistivity levelling. The -new current remote grounding was located at the same position of the first potential grounding at Marikarinnokka (C2, green in Appendix 1) and the potential grounding was moved to the southern side of the island at Liiklanpera (P2, green in Appendix 1). Permission for the placing the remote grounding at an environmental protection area was granted by Environmental authorities. The both remote groundings for line L2 were the same as for line Ll from 0 m to 1900 m (C2 and P2, red in Appendix 1). The remote current grounding for line L3 was located at Ulkopaa (C2, blue in Appendix 1) and the potential grounding at Liiklanpera (P2, blue in Appendix 1). 8 Table 2. Coordinates of the remote current and potential groundings. Line Easting, current Northing, Easting, Northing, current potential potential L1, Om-1900m 1523350 6793020 1526060 6793250 L1, 1950m-3200m 1526060 6793250 1525067 6791381 L2 1523350 6793020 1526060 6793250 L3 1523350 6793020 1525067 6791381 2.4.2 Test survey The actual survey started with test measurements in September. The plan was to survey the first 500 m of the main line and based on the results evaluate the suitability of the method. The test surveys lasted 2-3 days and during those considerable difficulties were detected with the current feed and automatic trigging. During the tests the automatic trigging to voltage signal failed at large distances e.g. over 200 m. This was probably due to the power line interference. The noise level exceeded 10-50 mV, whereas the P1-P2 dipole voltage decreased near to this level at the larger separations C1-Pl. Using an extra dipole P3-P2 solved the trigging problem. The extra dipole for trigging was placed near the current feed station typically 100 m from the current electrode Cl. The P3-P2 results were highly repeatable within some 0,5% or better. Noise level increased at larger separations, but based on repeatability the accuracy of voltage P1-P2 is still better than 5%. After the test survey, the results and the layout were reviewed and adjusted with ANDRA representatives, and the surveys were continued. The daily quality control of the results included checking of the groundings and cables, accuracy of the readings, repeatability, data recording etc. 9 2.4.3 Timetable for the surveys The survey was carried out with 3 persons field group (one at the transmitter, 2 on the moving electrodes and the receiver). The work proceeded roughly at a rate of 5-6 active current stations per day (250-300 m) except on days when disturbances were met. In total some 100 stations were recorded. The survey lasted from 18.9.-24.9. (the testing and demonstration days) until November 4th. The survey comprised of 38 working days. Unexpectedly long time emerged due to difficult conditions, see chapter 2.4.4 below. After the survey the current and potential remote groundings were dismantled. 2.4.4 Problems during the survey The receiver and transmitter were being synchronized between a fixed potential electrode and a measuring electrode. When the distance between the current feed electrode and the measuring electrode grew larger than 100 m the synchronization failed due to disturbances. At each current feed station at measuring distances from 150m to 500m the synchronization was done utilizing a fixed electrode located at the station lOOm. When measuring the main line at distance 1950 m it became impossible to feed the current to the ground. The disturbances seemed similar in nature as the 50 Hz and higher frequency interference met frequently, e.g., in borehole geophysical logging, borehole seismics, and microseismic stations at the site. It was assumed that the nearby drilling operation might disturb the measurements. The drilling rods were at 500 m depth during the measurements. The disturbances, however, continued after the drilling finished. The remote groundings were moved to new locations for being able to continue the measurements. The coordinates of those groundings are presented in Table 2. After relocating the groundings the current feed became easier. At time to time some disturbances occurred. When measuring the last approximately 450 m of the main line (distances 2750-3200m) the synchronization failed again. The synchronization electrode was then moved along the line, 20 m ahead of the measurement electrode. 10 At some locations, the current feed failed with the settings. A lower current feed (resulting lower measurable potential) was applied instead, and it usually helped. This phenomenon was discussed with field crew and assessed to be due to too good contact grounding, and a polarisation of the ground itself near the electrode station. Lowering the grounding resistance also helped in places. Only at 2300-2400 m Cl stations this did not produce high enough measurable potential at Pl. For the last part of the Ll, due to failures in the power transmission and in recording adequate voltage level, the C2 current electrode was moved closer to the site, to former P2 location to north at Marikarinnokka, and correspondingly the remote voltage station P2 to Liiklanpedi bay in the southwest of the site, to reduce the power line interferences in the voltage bipoles. Overlapping stations were placed at the 1950-2050 m. The results are presented as continuous image in Appendix 3.1, but it should be noted that there may be a difference in the resistivity level due to the change of the remote grounding locations. Due to the interference, and probably very low resistivity, or a high contrast, some of the last potential spreads 400-500 m at 2550-2700 m were not possible to record. This can be seen as a lack of data at 2800-2950 m of the line Ll resistivity pseudosection in Appendix 3.1. The electrodes were placed on a clayey field, but there is probably also a conductive horizon in the bedrock. Each day's results were immediately monitored by field crew and also assessed both by Mr Tammenmaa and by Mr Heikkinen to check the measurement consistency and performance. The disturbance situations were covered, checked and decided right during the survey or latest on the next day. 11 3 3.1 RESULTS Calculations The apparent resistivities were calculated using the theoretical equation for homogenous half-space: where: U =voltage I= current R 1 =distance from the local potential electrode to the local current electrode R2 = distance from the local potential electrode to the remote current electrode R3 = distance from the remote potential electrode to the local current electrode ~ = distance from the remote potential electrode to the remote current electrode Taking into account all the true electrode positions, occurrence of small but influencing gradient effects due to non-ideal positions of remote C2 and P2 were removed. It should be considered that the influence of 3-D resistivity variation (off-line, near the remote groundings, and between the survey lines and the remote groundings), will affect the results as well. Ideally all the lines should have performed with the same remote groundings, but this was not possible due to the interferences and probably the resistivity distribution at the site. It should also be noted that the pseudosections in Appendix 3.1 are distorted images of the ground conductivity distribution due to the projections, for example the 45 degrees dipping conductive regions near a strong, outcropping conductive horizon. A later processing with inversion will better describe the real conductivity distribution in the subsurface. 3.2 Results The results are presented as pseudosections where the calculated apparent resistivities are being projected at the depth of a/2, where "a" denotes the C1-P1 separation. Each reading was projected to mid-point location between Cl and P1 (see Figure 1). The pseudosection presentation is an approximate presentation of the distribution of 12 subsurface apparent resistivities. The shape of the apparent resistivity contours depends on the type of survey array as well as the distribution of the true subsurface resistivities. The pseudosection images can be used for data quality checking and selection of interpretational models for preliminary interpretation purposes. The pseudosections are presented in appendices 3.1-3.3. The data of line L1 are combined to a continuous line although the remote groundings were changed at location 1950m. This may be visible in the pseudosection as levelling contrast. The data has been arranged in Geosoft XYZ text files including positions of the current electrodes, potential electrodes, and the projected locations of the apparent resistivity values. The original results recorded and stored in Scintrex IPR-12 (current, voltage, IP parametres, SP, noise, coordinates, geometrical factor K) are saved in IGS files. An example of induced polarisation results on time window 650-910 ms at line 3, is presented in Appendix 3.3. All the · initial and processed results have been delivered with their descriptions to Posiva, and to ANDRA, and stored in POSIVA's investigation data archive (TUTKA). 13 4 CONCLUSIONS The scope of the survey was to study the electrical subsurface properties of the soil and bedrock. Three lines, altogether 4.9 km, were surveyed with electrical soundings using a pole-pole array. The results are presented as apparent resistivity pseudosections in Appendices 3.1-3.3. The problems encountered during the survey were related to different sources of electrical interference. In practise the problems occurred as triggering failure and current feeding difficulties. The performed extent of the survey (4.9 km) is about the same as the planned extent (5.0 km). The main line (Line 1) is shorter than planned and only two crossing lines were surveyed instead of three planned. Line 3 is longer than planned though. The apparent resistivity pseudosections show· the low resistivity of the shallow overburden, regions of resistive bedrock as well as regions of moderately or highly conductive bedrock at certain depth levels, especially at the eastern part of Line 1. D 0 APPENDIX 3.1 16 .; i. ·~ Line L1, resistivity -100 O.t- r 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 ?300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 + + + -100 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + -!- + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + (0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 Scale 1:1 0000 100 0 100 200 300 '·r 1252 1008 ~ 882 0 0 784 -j o 707 648 600 ~ 8 545 489 4 ~ 423 0 369 ~ ~ 330 0 290 264 221 174 132 103 71 ~~ metres Res Ohm*m VIP 3000 COMPLETE DISPLAY WORKS WITII ALMOSI' POWER GENERATOR A baclclighted liquid crystal alphanumeric display is provided for the simultaneous indication of aB output parameten. Ouput current, output voltage, contact resistance and output power are continuously displayed. ANY The VIP 3000 lP transmitter can be powered by almost uy motor &enerator providing a nominal 230V, 4S-450 Hz output, single phase, at a suitable KVA rating. ERROR MESSAGES Low cost commercial generator sets, available at local hardware or equipment rental stores are perfectly suitable. Intelligent messa&es and warniDgs are displayed in case of problem or malfunction. Besides, the permanent storage of all the parameters relating to the operation of the unit make easier the remote identification of a trouble by the manufacturer for quicker instrument servicing. I I SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS • Output Power: 3000 VA maximum • Output Voltage: 3000 V maximum Automatic voltage range selection Inputs 1 to 8 dipoles are measured simultaneously. • Output Current: 5 amperes maximum, current regulated SA I 3000 W • Dipoles: 8, selected by push button Input Voltage (Vp) Range 50 pvolt to 14 volt • Output Connectors: UniclipTM connectors accepts bare wire or plug of up to 4 mm. diameter. Chargeability (M) Range 0 to 300 millivolt/volt INTELLIGENT REGULATION The VIP 3000 internal microprocessor is capable of excellent curreat regulation in almost any load. Current is operator selectable in preprogrammed steps from SOmA to S amperes. Intelligent current adjustment algorithms are always in operation. For example, the contact resistance will occasionally be too high for the VIP 3000 to provide the requested current setting. In such cases, the VIP 3000 will display a warning message and will set the current to the maximum value allowable under that combination of current setting and contact resistance. Some reserve current capacity will always be kept to insure that the current stays constant during the measurements, whatever the contact resistance fluctuations. GROUND I.ESISTANCE(kll) VIP 3000 LOAD LIMITS 1 Absolute Accuracy of Vp, SP and M Better than 1% • Frequency DomaiD Waveforms: Common Mode Rejection At input more than lOOdb • Display: Alphanumeric liquid crystal display. Simultaneous display of output current, output voltage, contact resistance, and output horse-power VIP 3000 BLOCK DIAGRAM· • Protection: Short circuit at 20 ohms, Open loop at 60000 ohms, Vp Integration Time 10% to 80% of the current on time. lP Transient Program Total measuring time keyboard selectable at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 seconds. Normally 14 windows except that the first four are not measured on the 1 second timing, the first three are not measured on the 2 second timing and the first is not measured on the 4 second timing. An additional transient slice of minimum 10 ms width, and tOms steps, with delay of at least 40 ms is keyboard selectable. Programmable windows also available. Transmitter Tuning Equal on and off times with polarity change each half cycle. On/off times of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 seconds. Timing accuraq• of ±lOO ppm or better is required. Thennal Input overvoltage and undervoltage. keyboard sele<.1able dipole. Umited to avoid mistriggering. Filtering RF filter, 10Hz 6 pole low pass filter, statistical noise spike removal. Internal Test Generator 1200 mV ofSP; 807 mV ofVp and 30.28 mV/V of M. Analog Meter For monitoring input signals; switchable to any dipole via keyboard. Keyboard 17 key keypad with direct one key access to the most frequently used functions. Display 16lines by 40 characters, 128 x 240 dots, Backlit SuperTwist Uquid Crystal Display. Displays instrument status and data during and after reading. Alphanumeric and graphic displays. Display Heater Available for below ·15"C operation. Memory Capacity Stores approximately 400 dipoles of information when 8 dipoles are measured simultaneously. return delay to accommodate slow peripherals. Hand-shaking is done by X-on/X-olf. Standard Rechargeable Batteries Eight rechargeable Ni·Cad 0 cells. Supplied with a charger, suitable for 1101230V, 50 to 60 Hz, lOW. More than 20 hours service at +25"C, more than 8 hours at -30"C. Ancillary Rechargeable Batteries An additional eight rechargeable Ni-Cad 0 cells may be installed in the console along with the Standard Rechargeable Batteries. Used to power the Display Heater or as backup power. Supplied with a second charger. More than 6 hours service at · 30"C. Use of Non-Rec.hargeablc Batteries Can be powered by 0 size Alkaline batteries, but rechargeable batteries are recommended for lower cost over time. Operating Temperature Range -30"C to +50"C Storage Temperature Range ·30"C to +50"C Dimensions Console: 355 x 270 x 165 mm Charger: 120 x 95 x 55 mm Weights Console: 5.8 kg Charger. 1.1 kg Batteries: 1.3 kg ,__. Vl Transmitters Available IPC-9 200 W TSQ-2E 750 W TSQ-3 3 kW TSQ-4 10 kW VERSA TX Real Time Clock Data is recorded with year, month, day, hour, minute and second. Digital Data Output Formatted serial data output for printer and PC etc. Data output in 7 or 8 bit ASCil, one start, one stop bit, no parity format. Baud rate is keyboard selectable for standard rates between 300 baud and 57.6 kBaud. Selectable carriage • Remote Control: FuU duplex RS-232A, 300-19200 bauds. Direct wire sync for on-time and polarity. I GENERAL FEATURES r 2~ .3~ 4- - - - - - - - - - - - - VIP 3000 CURRENT WAVEFORMS Reading Resolution of Vp, SP and M Vp, 10 microvolt; SP, 1 millivolt; M, 0.01 millivolt/volt • TDDe and Frequency Stability: 0.01 %, 1 PPB optional The VIP 3000 can also be linked to an intelligent receiver, or to a computer, for the automatic recording of current settings. Finally, syoc:hrooization with a receiver or system is also possible in both directions (i.e. Rx to Tx or Tx to Rx). Tori~ Toff • Tmae DomaiD Waveforms: On+, off, on-, off, (on =off) preprogrammed cycle. Automatic circuit opening in off time. Preprogrammed on times from 0.5 to 8 seconds by factor of two. Other cycles programmable by user. Preprogrammed frequencies from 0.0625 Hz to 4Hz by factors of2. Alternate or simultaneous transmission of any two frequencies. Other frequencies programmable by user. The VIP 3000 is provided with a remote control port. By using radio modems, it can be operated from a remote location. 1 ..J Tau Range 60 microseconds to 2000 seconds Square wave, REMOTE CONTROL Self ~-ynchronization on the signal received at a SP Bucking ± I 0 volt range. Automatic linear correction operating on a cycle by cycle basis. • Current stability: 0.1% .. UJ>.IUM Ot1TPIJT CURJl£HT (4) Synchronization Input Impedance 16 Megohms • Current accuracy: better than 1% External Circuit Test All dipoles are measured individually in sequence, using a 10Hz square wave. The range is 0 to 2 Mohm with 0.1 kohm resolution. Circuit resistances are displayed and recorded. 1,_..,._ IRIS INSTRUMEim lP 6007 - 45060 Orlens o4u %, FraiCt "'-•: (33) Fox: (33)31.U.Il.l% • Dimensions (h w d): 41 x 32 x 24 cm. e Weight: 16 kg • Power Source: 175 to 270 VAC, 45-450 Hz, single phase. • Operating Temperature: -40 to +SO degrees Celsius. • Supplied Accessories: Programming key Operation manual. I SCINTREX ~ ~ Earth Science Instrumentation 222 Snidercroft Road, Concord, Ontario, Canada l4K 165 Head Office SCINTREX Limited 222 Snidercroft Road Concord, Ontario, Canada L4K 185 Telephone: (905) 669-2280 Fax: (905) 669·6403 a-mail: website: SCINTREX/AUSLOG ~ 76205 U.S.A. P.O. BOX 125 Summer Park B3 Jijaws Street, Brisbane Telephone: -H31·7-3376-5188 N Telephone: (940) 591-n55 Fax: (940) 591-1968 a-mail: richardj e-mai: auslog 0 website: In the U.S.A. SCINTREX Inc. 900 Woodrow Lane, Suite 1100 Denton, Texas In S.E.Asia Fax: +61-7-3376-6626 ~ ~ Line l2, resistivity 0 o f- 8L l ... -L 100 200 300 --+----r- -+- I 400 ~ ~++ 0 100 200 + 300 Scale 1:1 0000 100 100 200 -+- :":: ----._ 600 700 -+- -+- -l--1 o __!_ ___u~ " ~~ tt•..u:. ~ + +~ ~ + 0 500 800 0 j' ;;+ .•...-~··~ " / _g ::+ + :;; ~ -4J __ F 400 500 600 700 800 1252 1008 882 784 707 648 600 545 ~~~ n 489 I :::; 330 290 264 221 174 132 300 103 71 metres Res Ohm*m 2; ~ ~ 0 l--ot ~ V-> N Line L3, resistivity 0 O l- 100 ----~ 200 400 300 500 600 -+- -----+- - -!= 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 I I I I I I ?1JW,:~ \~ <· ~: ,· " .. ~-rill··· ~ . J?-: ':· 1:71 ~~ -:+ .t·_~~ ~ + ~·· ~ ~ + + l,_+ ~--+ -~ y :, # :I' + L 1300 1400 -+- + + ' ,"".\ ~t ~~' • .\11 .• k . . . . . _- . • •• ~ ' .................. " -fL l,, 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 ~0 -M~ + ~ ~~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 1500 1300 1400 -H~ 1500 1252 1008 882 784 707 648 600 545 489 423 H 369 330 290 I ........ 00 264 Scale 1:1 0000 100 100 200 300 I 221 174 132 103 71 metres Res Ohm*m ~ 1-d ~ tj 1--( ~ w w Line L3, chargeability 0 100 200 300 ~ o l- ~~ + ~ I + ....... '+ 400 500 - -.:"'I 9- 600 700 800 900 1000 I I 1100 . 1200 1300 ... -+ 1400 1500 -+ --lk::> + ~:·/; ~ .-·:'~~~,-~¥+?'~~ + ~ _; I + ':~ · ~· - -~-;11,~+~~- ~~~"~ -ij ~~ + ~t + + + + + + ±- + + + + + + + + --ffi 100 0 200 400 300 Scale 1:10000 100 0 ----- 100 200 300 I metres 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 47 40 38 37 37 36 35 35 34 34 33 H 32 31 30 28 27 26 23 17 I ........ \0 lP mVN ?; >-c ~ 0 ~ :>< w ~