Tonya e - Centers on the Public Service

Tonya T. Neaves, PhD, MPPA
3351 Fairfax Drive
Founders Hall Room 614
Arlington, VA 22201
Current Appointment
Managing Director, January 2015 to Present
George Mason University
School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs, Centers on the Public Service
Responsibilities: Provide direction, management, and oversight of the day-to-day administrative
operations in the office, including 1) managing key projects that contribute to public policy and
administration, 2) securing a new set of research and program development grants and/or contracts,
3) developing a series of executive education programs, 4) supervising a set of graduate students,
and 5) supporting other related assignments. Other major activities include instructing in the
Emergency Management and Homeland Security graduate certificate as part of the Masters in Public
Administration program, administering the Certified Public Manager® Program, and organizing the
Northeast Conference for Public Administration annual conference for 2015.
Educational Background
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy and Administration, GPA 3.92, May 2014
Mississippi State University
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Concentration: Emergency Management and Public Safety
Dissertation: The Social and Political Resiliency of Communities and Implications for Disaster Policy: A
Case Study of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Chair: P. Edward French
Committee: Stephen D. Shaffer, Gerald A. Emison, Dragan Stanisevski, and Arthur G. Cosby
Masters of Public Policy and Administration, GPA 4.0, May 2007
Mississippi State University
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Concentration: National Security and Intelligence Gathering
Capstone: Technical Assistance Report for Hancock County in Mississippi
Advisor: Gerald A. Emison
Bachelors of Arts in Political Science with Minor in Geosciences, GPA 3.69, December 2004
Mississippi State University
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Concentration: American Politics and National Security
Advisor: Stephen D. Shaffer
Employment History
Grant and Program Director, June 2014 to December 2014
George Mason University
School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs, Centers on the Public Service
Responsibilities: Develop, direct, and manage key projects that contribute to public policy and
administration research regarding federal budgeting, public safety, and emergency management;
Neaves - CV
develop a series of executive education programs; supervise a set of graduate students; and support
other related assignments
Affiliate Faculty, January 2014 to May 2014
George Mason University
Department of Public an International Affairs
Responsibilities: Assist with developing and managing an online emergency management graduate
public administration certificate program; and instruct courses on emergency management
President, October 2013 to Present
Focused N Consulting, LLC
Responsibilities: Develop, direct, and manage projects that contribute to social science research
regarding national security, public safety, and emergency management
Project Director, February 2013 to December 2014
Mississippi State University
Social Science Research Center, Mississippi Public Safety Data Laboratory
Responsibilities: Developed, directed, and managed key projects that contribute to social science
research regarding national security, public safety, and emergency management; supervise a set of
graduate students; and support other related assignments
Project Coordinator, July 2006 to February 2013
Mississippi State University
Social Science Research Center
Responsibilities: Managed key projects for the director that contribute to social science research
regarding national security, public safety, and emergency management; supervised a set of graduate
and undergraduate students; directed an international student exchange program; and supported
other related activities
Co-Director, August 2008 to May 2011
Mississippi State University
Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Mississippi Model Security Council
Responsibilities: Managed the mock international peace and security program to prepare collegiate
students in understanding current world affairs, learn the ability to take on roles as foreign diplomats
and participate in simulated sessions of an intergovernmental organizations towards developing a
well-trained staff who act as a bridge in facilitating understanding crucial and long-standing security
issues and strategies in an annual high school student simulation
Research Associate I, January 2005 to June 2006
Mississippi State University
Social Science Research Center
Responsibilities: Assisted the director with assignments that contributed to social science research
regarding national security and public health; supervised a set of undergraduate students; assisted
with an international student exchange program; and supported other related activities
Advanced Training
University of Zagreb, Center for Advanced Academic Studies, Explorations in Emerging Data for the Social
Sciences, June 2012
Mississippi State University, Social Science Research Center, Emerging Issues in Survey Research, October
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University of Michigan, Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research, Summer Program in
Quantitative Methods of Social Research, Mixed Methods Course, June 2011
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business, Executive Series Dynamic Management Program, November 2010
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Executive Series Program on
Management, Innovation, and Technology, July 2010
Mississippi State University, Social Science Research Center, New Faculty Mentoring Program, Spring 2010
Duke University, Fuqua School of Business, Executive Series Leadership Program, September 2009
Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, National Leadership Conference, July 2009
Mississippi State University, School of Business, High Definition Leadership Summit, September 2008
Seton Hall University, Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations, United Nations Summer
Intensive Study Program, July 2004
Humans Research Curriculum – Social and Behavioral Research, 2004 to Present
Humans Research Curriculum – Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research, 2004 to Present
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management
Institute, Emergency Program Manager and Orientation to the Position, June 2012
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management
Institute, Fundamentals of Emergency Management, June 2012
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management
Institute, Decision Making and Problem Solving, June 2012
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management
Institute, Leadership and Influence, June 2012
State of Mississippi Notary of Public, 2002 to 2010
Knowledge: Microsoft Office; WordPerfect; Dictaphone; SPSS; Stata; ArcGIS; Adobe Acrobat; Google Earth,
Insights Search, and Ngram Viewer; Wordle; Doodle; Prezi; WinSCP; WordPress; Facebook
Skills: Innovative Thinking; Effective Communication; Decision Making; Problem Solving; Strategic Planning
Abilities: Proposal Writing; Grant Administration; Project Design, Implementation, and Management; Survey
Methodology; Program Budgeting; Data Interpretation and Analysis; Report Writing and Editing
Teaching Areas: Public Administration Scope; Public Opinion; Human Resource Management; Research
Design; American Government; Emergency Management, Public Safety, Model United Nations
Languages: English (primary); French (elementary)
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Study Abroad and International Travel
Yaoundé, Cameroon - Developed a Certificate of Management; the National School of Administration and
Magistracy, January 2015
Changchun, China - Lead the International Young Scholars Workshop; American Society for Public
Administration in conjunction with the Central University of Finance and Economics, July 2014
Beijing, China - Lead the International Young Scholars Workshop; American Society for Public Administration
in conjunction with the Central University of Finance and Economics, August 2013
Dubrovnik, Croatia - Studied with the University of Zagreb’s Advanced Academic Studies Explorations in
Emerging Data for the Social Sciences; Mississippi State University, Social Science Research Center, June 2012
Merida, Mexico - Presented at the Society for Applied Anthropology Conference; Mississippi State University,
Social Science Research Center, March 2010
Zagreb, Croatia - Assisted in the development of cooperative relationship with the University of Zagreb;
Mississippi State University, Social Science Research Center, June 2008
Catania, Italy - Assisted in the continual development of an international student exchange program with the
University of Catania; Mississippi State University, Social Science Research Center, June 2008
San Salvador Island, Bahamas - Researched the geomorphology of the island with the Gerace Research center;
Mississippi State University, Department of Geosciences, December 2003
Quebec City, Canada - Studied the language and culture of the province; Mississippi State University,
Department of Foreign Languages, May 2003
Funded Grants and Contracts
CompStat Analysis Project for City of Norfolk, Virginia, Police Department. Prepared by George Mason
University under the leadership of Managing Director Tonya T. Neaves, PhD, at the Centers on the Public
Service, School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs. Roll as Principal Investigator – 5%.
Submitted in April 2015. Proposal pending.
Responding to Disaster: The Value of Synchronous Online Role-Play for IBM Center for the Business of
Government. Prepared by George Mason University under the leadership of Managing Director Tonya T.
Neaves, PhD, at the Centers on the Public Service, School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs.
Roll as Principal Investigator – 5%. Submitted in March 2014. Proposal pending.
Mississippi Highway Safety Systems Project for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway
Safety, via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Assistant Research Professor Ginger Cross,
PhD, at the Social Science Research Center. Role as Subcontract Principal Investigator – 20%. Submitted in
February 2015. Proposal pending.
Food Bank Information Project for the Arlington Food Assistance Center. Prepared by George Mason
University under the leadership of Deputy Director Terry Clower, PhD, at the Center for Regional Analysis,
School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs. Roll as Scientist – 2%. Submitted in October 2014.
Funded proposal for 3 months, February 2015 to May 2015.
Traffic Records Assessment - Nevada for the Traffic Safety Analysis Systems and Services, Inc. Prepared by
Focused N Consulting, LLC, under the leadership of President Tonya T. Neaves, PhD. Roll as Consultant.
Submitted in January 2015. Funded contract for 4 months, January 2015 to May 2015.
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Certificate of Management for the National School of Administration and Magistracy of Cameroon. Prepared
by George Mason University under the leadership of Managing Director Tonya T. Neaves, PhD, at the Centers
on the Public Service, School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs. Roll as Principal Investigator –
20%. Submitted in October 2014. Proposal pending.
Government Classification and Compensation Plan Development for Barlow County Government. Prepared by
Focused N Consulting, LLC, under the leadership of President Tonya T. Neaves, PhD. Roll as Consultant.
Submitted in January 2015. Funded contract for 1 day, January 2015 to May 2015.
Mississippi Highway Safety Systems Project for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway
Safety, via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Assistant Research Professor Ginger Cross,
PhD, at the Social Science Research Center. Role as Subcontract Principal Investigator – 20%. Submitted in
February 2014. Funded proposal for 1 year, October 2014 to September 2015.
Traffic Records Assessment - Minnesota for the Traffic Safety Analysis Systems and Services, Inc. Prepared by
Focused N Consulting, LLC, under the leadership of President Tonya T. Neaves, PhD. Roll as Consultant.
Submitted in January 2015. Funded contract for 4 months, March 2014 to July 2015.
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Disparities, American Trucking Association, American Transportation
Research Institute. Prepared by Focused N Consulting, LLC, under the leadership of President Tonya T.
Neaves, ABD. Role as Principal Investigator –60%. Submitted in December 2013. Funded contract for 8
months, December 2013 to August 2014.
Mississippi Public Safety Data Lab (Year 6), Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway Safety,
via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. Prepared
by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Project Director Tonya T. Neaves, MPPA, at the Social
Science Research Center. Role as Principal Investigator – 60%. Submitted in March 2013. Funded proposal for
1 year, October 2013 to September 2014.
USDA-NIFA Civil Rights Audit Review, Mississippi State University, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry
Experiment Station. Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Project Director Tonya
T. Neaves, MPPA, at the Social Science Research Center. Role as Principal Investigator – 50%. Submitted in
January 2013. Funded proposal for 3 months, January 2013 to March 2013.
Mississippi Public Safety Data Lab (Year 5) for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway
Safety, via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Project Coordinator Tonya T. Neaves, MPPA,
at the Social Science Research Center. Role as Principal Investigator – 60%. Submitted in May 2012. Funded
proposal for 1 year, October 2012 to September 2013.
Move Mississippi Forward, for the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning. Prepared by Mississippi State
University under the leadership of Director Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, at the Social Science Research Center. Role
as Project Coordinator – 20%. Submitted in December 2011. Funded proposal for 4 months, January 2012 to
April 2012.
Mississippi Public Safety Data Lab (Year 4) for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway
Safety, via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration...
Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Director Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, at the Social
Science Research Center. Role as Project Coordinator – 25%. Submitted in September 2011. Funded proposal
for 1 year, October 2011 to September 2012.
School Health Council Evaluation, for the Healthcare Foundation of North Mississippi. Prepared by the
Mississippi State University, under the leadership of Project Director, Heather Hanna, MS, of the Social
Neaves - CV
Science Research Center. Role as Co-Principal Investigator – 40%. Submitted in September 2011. Funded
proposal for 3 years, October 2011 to September 2014.
Dynamics between Local and Foreign Actors: Influences on Capabilities in Post-Earthquake Rural Haiti and
Hurricane Impacted Rural Gulf Coast, for the National Science Foundation. Prepared by University at Albany,
State University of New York, under the leadership of Director Loretta Pyles, PhD, of the Community and
Public Service Program and Department of Social Welfare. Role as Consultant – 20%. Submitted in March
2011. Funded proposal for 3 years, September 2011 to August 2014.
Mississippi Public Safety Data Lab (Year 3) for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway
Safety, via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Director Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, at the Social
Science Research Center. Role as Evaluator – 10%. Submitted in September 2008. Funded proposal for 1 year,
October 2010 to September 2011.
Enhancing the Coastal IQ Survey: Measuring Knowledge and Attitudes of Gulf Coast Residents, for the Northern
Gulf Institute via the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant
Consortium. Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Project Coordinator Tonya T.
Neaves, MPPA, of the Social Science Research Center. Role as Principal Investigator – 100%. Submitted in
March 2010. Funded proposal for 1 year, May 2010 to June 2011.
The Resiliency Social Climate Survey, for the Northern Gulf Institute via Mississippi Department of Marine
Resources. Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Project Coordinator Tonya T.
Neaves, MPPA, of the Social Science Research Center. Role as Principal Investigator – 100%. Submitted in
March 2010. Funded proposal for 2 years, January 2010 to December 2011.
Mississippi Public Safety Data Lab (Year 2) for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway
Safety, via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Director Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, at the Social
Science Research Center. Role as Evaluator – 50%. Submitted in September 2008. Funded proposal for 1 year,
October 2009 to September 2010.
Mississippi Public Safety Data Lab (Year 1) for the Mississippi Department of Public Safety, Office of Highway
Safety, via the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Transportation Safety Administration.
Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Director Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, at the Social
Science Research Center. Role as Evaluator – 75%. Submitted in September 2008. Funded proposal for 1 year,
October 2008 to September 2009.
The National Highway Watch Analysis and Improvement Program for the American Trucking Association via
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Transportation Security Administration. Prepared by Mississippi
State University under the leadership of Director Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, at the Social Science Research Center.
Role as Co-Principal Investigator – 75%. Submitted in July 2007. Funded proposal for 1 year, January 2008 to
December 2008.
The Evaluation Component for the Mississippi Institute for Improvement of Geographic Minority Health
Disparities via the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services
Administration, Office of Minority Health. Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of
the Principal Investigator, Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, of the Social Science Research Center. Role as Evaluator –
50%. Submitted in July 2006. Funded proposal for 3 years, September 2006 to August 2007.
An Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease in the Mississippi Delta as a contracted project through The Program
of Applied and Policy Research to Support the Delta Health Initiative for the Delta Health Alliance via the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of Rural
Health Policy. Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Principal Investigator Arthur
Neaves - CV
Cosby, PhD, of the Social Science Research Center. Role as Project Coordinator – 65%. Submitted in July 2006.
Funded proposal for 2 years, July 2006 to June 2008.
The Assessment of Cardiovascular Health Disparities in Mississippi for the Mississippi State Department of
Health. Prepared by Mississippi State University under the leadership of Principal Investigator Arthur G.
Cosby, PhD, of the Social Science Research Center. Role as Research Associate – 60%. Submitted in April 2005.
Funded proposal for 1 year, August 2005 to March 2006.
The Southern Pain Prevalence Study for the American Cancer Society, Mid-South Division. Prepared by
Mississippi State University under the leadership of the Principal Investigator Arthur G. Cosby, PhD, of the
Social Science Research Center. Role as Research Associate – 75%. Submitted in May 2004. Funded proposal
for 1 year, August 2005 to March 2006.
Note: The total worth of funded research I have either lead or participated in is approximately $5.5 million.
Other Research and Projects
Certified Public Manager® Program, Centers for the Public Service, School of Policy, Government and
International Affairs, George Mason University, July 2014 to Present
Healthy and Unhealthy Places in the United States, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University.
June 2007 to Present.
The 2009 Social Climate of Hispanic and Latino Immigration in the United States, Social Science Research
Center, Mississippi State University. October 2008 to Present.
The 2008 Presidential Climate Study, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University. August 2008
to Present.
The 2007 San Diego Wildfire Warning and Evacuation Survey, Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State
University. January 2008 to December 2013.
Political Patronage in Mississippi Sheriff’s Departments, Department of Political Science and Public
Administration, Mississippi State University. January 2008 to March 2013.
The 2006 Mississippi Poll, Department of Political Science and Public Administration. March 2006 to April
Peer Reviewed Articles
Neaves, T. T., Mann, S., Myers, L. B., and Cosby, A. G. (2014). “Assessing Reverse 911®: A Study of the 2007
San Diego Wildfires.” Journal of Emergency Management, 12(4): 315-325.
Goodman, D., French, P. E., and Neaves, T. T. (2014). “There’s a New Sheriff in Town and It’s not Rutan: The
Use of Political Patronage Following Sheriff Elections in Mississippi.” Review of Public Personnel Management,
34(3): 199-217.
Strawderman, L., Salehi, A., Babski-Reeves, K., Thornton-Neaves, T., and Cosby, A. G. (2012). “Effectiveness of
Reverse 911 Warning Systems.” Natural Hazards Review, 13(1): 65-73.
Cosby, A. G., Neaves, T. T., Cossman, R. E., Cossman, J. S., James, W. L., Feierabend, N., Mirvis, D. M., Jones, A. C.,
and Farrigan, T. (2008). “Preliminary Evidence for an Emerging Non-Metropolitan Mortality Penalty in the
Unites States.” American Journal of Public Health, 98(8): 1470-1472.
Neaves - CV
Neaves, T. T., Feierabend, N., Butts, C. C., and Weiskopf, W. (2008). “A Portrait of the Delta: Enduring Hope and
Despair.” Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 31(1): 10-29.
Hitt, H. C., McMillen, R., Neaves, T .T., Koch, K., and Cosby, A. G. (2007). “Co-morbidity of obesity and pain in a
general population: Results from the Southern Pain Prevalence Study.” The Journal of Pain, 8(5): 430-436.
Cosby, A. G., Hitt, H. C., Neaves, T. T., McMillen, R., Kock, K., Sitzman, B. T., Pearson, E. J., and Parvin, T. S.
(2005). “Profiles of Pain in Mississippi: Results from the Southern Pain Prevalence Study.” Journal of the
Mississippi State Medical Association, 46(10): 301-309.
Book Reviews
Neaves, T. T. “Kienholz and Berg’s How the NIH Can Help Get You Funded: An Insider’s Guide to Grant
Strategy.” World Medical and Health Policy (submitted).
Neaves, T. T. (2011). “Thomas Sowell’s Intellectuals and Society.” Public Integrity, 13(3): 290-293.
Book Chapters
Cosby, A. G. and Neaves, T. T. (2011). “Retaining Talent in Mississippi.” In Problem Solving for Better Health: A
Global Perspective, edited by B. H. Smith, P. Hoyt-Hudson, and J. J. Fitzpatrick. New York, NY: Springer
Publishing Company.
Neaves, T. T. (2010). “The Italian Job: Sicilian Style.” In 60 Years of Innovation and Research at the Social
Science Research Center, edited by A. G. Cosby. Mississippi State University, MS: Social Science Research
Neaves, T. T. (2010). “The National Highway Watch Analysis and Improvement Program.” In 60 Years of
Innovation and Research at the Social Science Research Center, edited by A. G. Cosby. Mississippi State
University, MS: Social Science Research Center.
Shaffer, S. D. and Neaves, T. T. (2008). “The Changing Role of African Americans and Women in the New South
State of Mississippi.” In New Voices in the Old South: How Women and Minorities Influence Southern Politics,
edited by T. G. Shields and S. G. Davis. Ft. Myers, FL: Florida Institute of Government.
Technical Reports
McKee, C., Burns, M. A., Farrell, B., Neaves, T., Falls, A., Singletary, K., Nguyen, J. and A. Ginn. (2014).
“Mississippi Traffic Safety Data Book 2014.” Mississippi State University, MS: Social Science Research Center.
Neaves, T. T., Cosby, A. C., Mann, S. C., Shappley, J. R., Burns, M.A., and E.A. Howlett, E.A. (2012). “Executive
Report for the Resiliency Social Climate Survey.” Mississippi State University, MS: Social Science Research
Neaves, T. T., Cosby, A. C., Mann, S. C., and Shappley, J. R. (2012). “Executive Report for Enhancing the Coastal
IQ Survey: Measuring Knowledge and Attitudes of Gulf Coast Residents.” Mississippi State University, MS:
Social Science Research Center.
Cosby, A. G., Rosas, M. G., Salazar, N. V., Matta, M. S., and Neaves, T. T. (2011). “The 2009 Social Climate Survey
for Hispanic Immigration in the United States.” Mississippi State University, MS: Social Science Research
Cosby, A. G., Jones, L. B., Shivaji, S., Neaves, T. T., and McKee, C. (2010). “Introduction.” In What if We Were
Equal? A Mississippi Health Assessment edited by AG Cosby, WA Jones, LB Jones, and S Shivaji. Mississippi State
University, MS: Social Science Research Center.
Neaves - CV
Baird-Thomas, C., Cosby, A. G., and Neaves, T. T. (2009). “Mississippi Institute for the Improvement of
Geographic Minority Health: Program Evaluation Final Report.” Mississippi State University, MS: Social
Science Research Center.
Neaves, T. T., Cosby, A. G., Baird-Thomas, C., Herrington, H., Jones, L., and Shivaji, S. (2009). “The Mississippi
Health Assessment Survey Chartbook: A Focus on Racial Disparities.” Mississippi State University, MS: Social
Science Research Center.
Neaves, T. T. and Feierabend, N. (2008). “The Mississippi Delta: The Most Southern Place on Earth.” As part of
An Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease in the Mississippi Delta. Mississippi State University, MS: Social
Science Research Center.
Cosby, A. G., Mirvis, D. M., James, W. L., and Neaves, T. T. (2008). “Cardiovascular Morality: Disparities and
Change.” As part of An Assessment of Cardiovascular Disease in the Mississippi Delta. Mississippi State
University, MS: Social Science Research Center.
Cosby, A. G., Brown, L., Taylor, H., Neaves, T. T., Hutchins, L., McMillen, R., and James, W. (2006). “Racial
Disparities in the Cardiovascular Health of Mississippians: A Focus on Racial Disparities in Mortality, Behavioral
Risk Factors, and Knowledge.” Mississippi State University, MS: Social Science Research Center.
Cosby, A. G., Neaves, T. T., Rich, L., McMillen, R., Matta, M. S., Hutchins, L., Cathcart, J., Abregu, A., and Hitt, H. C.
(2005). “The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Pain: An Overview of the Southern Pain Prevalence Study, 2004.”
Mississippi State University, MS: Social Science Research Center.
Conference Papers
Neaves, T.T. (2014). “The Social and Political Resiliency of Communities and Implications for Disaster Policy:
A Case Study of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Meeting,
March 7-11 in Washington, DC.
Neaves, T. T. (2013). “Performance Management Applications for Rural-Based State Law Enforcement: A Case
Study of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol Daily Activity Reporting System.” American Society for Public
Administration Annual Meeting, March 14-19, in New Orleans, LA.
Neaves, T. T. (2012). “Performance Management Applications for Rural-Based State Law Enforcement: A Case
Study of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol Daily Activity Reporting System.” Southeastern Conference for
Public Administration, October 3-6 in Coral Springs, FL.
Emerson, M. E. and Neaves, T. T. (2012). “Extra-Governmental Compensation Funds in Disaster Response:
Benefits, Consequences, and Trade-offs.” Southeastern Conference for Public Administration, October 3-6 in
Coral Springs, FL.
Fowler, N. L., Cosby, A. G., and Neaves, T. T. (2011). “Cultural Punctuations and the Evolution of U.S. Energy
Policy.” Southeastern Conference on Public Administration, September 21-24 in New Orleans, LA.
Neaves, T. T. and Emerson, M. C. (2011). “The Macondo Blowout: The Socio-Political Construction of
Disasters.” Public Administration Theory Network Conference, May 19-22 in Norfolk, VA.
Stewart, K. and Neaves, T. T. (2011). “Public Opinion and the Presidential Election: Results from the 2008
Presidential Climate Study.” Southern Political Science Association Annual Conference, January 5-8 in New
Orleans, LA.
Neaves, T. T. and Gallardo, R. (2010). “The Social Climate for Hispanic Immigration in the United States:
Measuring Public Opinion toward Planning and Implementing Effective Policy.” Southeastern Conference on
Public Administration, October 13-16 in Wilmington, NC.
Neaves - CV
Neaves, T. T., Mann, S., and Cosby, A. G. (2010). “Evaluating the Use of Reverse 911®: A Study of the 2007 San
Diego County Wildfires.” American Society of Public Administration Annual Meeting, April 9-13 in San Jose,
Neaves, T. T., Weiskopf, W., and Watts, B. (2007). “The United Nations on Peacebuilding Practices?”
International Security/Internal Safety Annual Conference. Department of History, Mississippi State
University, March 4-5 in Starkville, MS.
Neaves, T. T. (2006). “Conceptual Notions and Specific Problems Facing the UN Security Council.” Southern
Regional Model United Nations Annual Conference, November 16-18 in Atlanta, GA.
Neaves, T. T. (2005). “UN Reform.” Southern Regional Model United Nations Annual Conference, November
17-19 in Atlanta, GA.
Rodgers, J. C. III, and Neaves, T. T. (2004). “Australian Pines and Their Possible Threat to Beach Erosion on
San Salvador Island, The Bahamas.” American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, April 5-9 in
Denver, CO.
Neaves, T. T. (2004). “The United Nations and Peacebuilding.” Southern Regional Model United Nations
Annual Conference, November 18-20 in Atlanta, GA.
Conference Presentations
Neaves, T. T., Phillips, J. N., and P. L. Posner. (2015). “Perceptions of Disaster Responsibility and Implications
for Federal Budgeting.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Meeting, March 5-10 in Chicago,
Cosby, A. G., Mohandy, S., and T. T. Neaves. (2014). “The Social Media Tracking and Analysis System (SMTAS):
The Super Storm Beta Test.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Meeting, March 7-11 in
Washington, DC.
Hancock, R., Cross, G., Myers, L., Miley, R., and T. T. Neaves. (2013). “Integrated Traffic Safety Records Systems
in Mississippi.” International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Systems, October 27-30 in St. Paul, MN.
Neaves, T. T. and R. Hancock. (2013). “The Mississippi Public Safety Data Laboratory and Traffic Safety Data
Analysis. Mississippi Safety Training and Recognition Symposium, September 24-26 in Olive branch, MS.
Terry, L. D. III and Neaves, T. T. (2012). “The San Diego County Wildfires.” American Society for Public
Administration Annual Meeting, March 2-6 in Las Vegas, NV.
Neaves, T. T. and Wachhaus, T. A. (2011). “The Social Construction of Disasters in the United States: Cultural
and Historical Phenomena.” Southeastern Conference on Public Administration, September 21-24 in New
Orleans, LA.
Neaves, T. T. and Cosby, A. G. (2011). “Reverse 911®: An Emergency Manager Tool for the 2007 San Diego
County Wildfires.” Southeastern Conference on Public Administration, September 21-24 in New Orleans, LA.
Cosby, A. G., Rosas, M. A., Valenzuela, S. N., Matta, M. S., and Neaves, T. T. (2011). “Results from the Social
Climate Survey f-or Hispanic Immigration in the United States.” Cambio De Colores Conference, June 8-10 in
Kansas City, MO.
Neaves, T. T. and Emerson, M. C. (2011). “The Social Climate of the Macondo Blowout: The Effects of Public
Opinion on Trust in Government and Emergency Management Policy in the aftermath of the Deepwater
Horizon Oil Spill.” American Society for Public Administration Annual Meeting, March 11-15 in Baltimore, MD.
Neaves - CV
Neaves, T. T. (2011). “The Macondo Blowout: Monitoring Socio-Cultural Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil
Release and its Implications for Emergency Management.” Southern Political Science Association Annual
Conference, January 5-8 in New Orleans, LA.
McThomas, M. and Neaves, T. T. (2010). “Transborder Beliefs: The Effect of the Catholic Church on U.S.
Attitudes towards the Immigration Debate.” Society for Applied Anthropology Annual
Meeting, March 25-28 in Merida, Mexico.
Neaves, T. T., Herrington, H. M., Matta, M. S., Mellen, R. M., and Cosby, A. G. (2009). “The New Socio-Political
Climate: Presidential Mandate versus Societal Demand (Results from the 2008 Presidential Climate Study).”
Mid South Sociological Association Annual Meeting, November 4-7 in Lafayette, LA.
Neaves, T. T. (2009). “International Research Collaborations.” Mississippi Association of International
Educators Conference, Mississippi State University, February 13 in Starkville, MS.
Neaves, T. T., Herrington, H., Patrick, B., Cosby, A. G., and Shaffer, S. (2008). “Socio-Political Diversity: Results
from the 2008 Presidential Climate Study.” Mississippi Political Science Association Conference, November 7
in Jackson, MS.
Goodman, D. and Neaves, T. T. (2008). “There’s a New Sheriff in Town and It’s not Rutan: The Use of Political
Patronage Following Sheriff Elections in Mississippi.” Southeastern Conference for Public Administration,
September 24-27 in Orlando, FL.
Cosby, A. G., Neaves, T. T., and Weiskopf, W. (2008). “Scientific Visualization and Public Policy
Communication.” Presented to the Faculty of the School of Political Science and Communication, University of
Zagreb, June 3 in Zagreb, Croatia.
Goodman, D. and Neaves, T. T. (2008). “There’s a New Sheriff in Town and It’s not Rutan: The Use of Political
Patronage Following Sheriff Elections in Mississippi.” American Society of Public Administration Annual
Meeting, March 7-11 in Dallas, TX.
Shaffer, S. D. and Neaves, T. T. (2007). “Changing Roles of Women and Blacks in Modern Mississippi.” Series
on Social Science Methods. Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, October 12 in
Starkville, MS.
Cosby, A. G., Hitt, H. C., Cossman, R. E., Cossman, J. S., Feierabend, N., Neaves, T. T., James, W, and Mirvis, D.
(2007). “Mapping At-Risk Populations: ‘Rural Health’ vs. ‘Unhealthy Places’ as a Dominant Geographic
Variable.” CDC/ATSDR 11th Biennial Symposium on Statistical Methods, April 16-18 in Atlanta.
Cosby, A. G., Neaves, T. T., Hitt, H. C., Blanchard, T., McMillen, R., and James, W. Presentation. (2006). “Social
Change and the Growing Racial Disparities in Mississippi Cardiovascular Health.” Mid South Sociological
Association Annual Meeting, October 26-30 in Lafayette, LA.
Cosby, A. G., Dunaway, G., Neaves, T. T., and Hutchins, L. (2004). “The Social and Cultural Dimensions of Pain.”
Mid South Sociological Association Annual Meeting, October 20-23 in Biloxi, MS.
Other Publications
Neaves, T. T. (2015). “GMU Launches New School.” PA Times. 37(4): 15. Editorial.
Neaves, T. T. (2014). “Information Technologies for Law Enforcement - Given to the Zhejiang Provincial Public
Security Department Delegation.” George Mason University, VA: School of Policy, Government and
International Affairs, Seminar.
Neaves - CV
Neaves, T. T., Burns, M.A., Farrell, B., Badsen, T., and R. Hancock. (2014). “The State of Texting while Driving.”
Mississippi State University, MS: Mississippi Public Safety Data Laboratory. Fact Sheet.
Neaves, T. T., Burns, M. A., Farrell, B., and C. McKee. (2013). “Mississippi Public Safety Data Laboratory.”
International Forum on Traffic Records and Highway Systems, October 27-30 in St. Paul, MN. Poster.
Neaves, T. T. (2013). “Networking: Best Practices.” American Society for Public Administration, March 14-19
in New Orleans, LA. Seminar.
Neaves, T. T., Burns, M. A., and M. K. Kelly. (2013). USDA – NIFA Civil Rights Compliance Review Report.”
Mississippi State University, MS: Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Federal Report.
Neaves, T. T., Burns, M. A., and M. K. Kelly. (2013). USDA – NIFA Civil Rights Compliance Review Data Sets and
Supporting Documents.” Mississippi State University, MS: Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment
Station. Federal Report.
Neaves, T. T. and K. C. Sinnott. (2012). “Mentoring Essentials: What Every Mentor and Protégé Should Know.”
American Society for Public Administration, October 18 in Washington, DC. Webinar.
Neaves, T. T. (2012). “Performance Management Applications for Rural-Based State Law Enforcement: A Case
Study of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol Daily Activity Reporting System.” University of Central
Florida’s Center for Public and Non-Profit Management Research Colloquium Speaker, October 2 in Orlando,
Neaves, T.T. (2012). “Taking the Leap for ASPA: National Leadership and SkyJump Las VegasTM.” PA Times,
35(2): 18. Editorial.
Neaves, T. T., and Shappley, J. R. (2011). “SECM: Joining Now More Important Than Ever.” PA Times, 34(3): 28.
Neaves, T. T., Eriator, I., Seitz, H. H., Cosby, A. G., and McMillen, R. (2008). “Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Pain
in the Mid-South.” Southern Medical Journal, 101(8): 1. Letter to the Editor.
Neaves, T. T., Hutchins, L., and Cosby, A. G. (2007). “Myths about Pain may Endanger Your Health.” Mississippi
State University, MS: Mississippi Health Policy Research Center. Fact Sheet.
Neaves, T. T. and Breen, J. (2007). “Disaster Warning Comprehension Networks: Utilizing Social Climate
Analysis to Monitor Human Response to Disaster Risk in Real Time.” Gulf Coast Post-Katrina Forum on Gulf
States Alliance: Network Science and Recovery Conference, August 20-21 in Biloxi, MS. Poster.
McMillen, R. C., Hitt, H. C., Thornton-Neaves, T., and Cosby, A.G. (2005). ”Does Smoking Lead to Chronic Pain in
Young Adults?” American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, December, 10-14, in Philadelphia, PA.
Manuscripts in Progress
Neaves, T. T., Phillips, J. N., and P. L. Posner. “Perceptions of Disaster Responsibility and Implications for
Federal Budgeting.”
Neaves, T. T. and Wachhaus, T. A. “The Social Construction of Disasters in the United States: Cultural and
Historical Phenomena.”
Fowler, N. L., Neaves, T. T. and A. G. Cosby. “Cultural Punctuations and the Evolution of U.S. Energy Policy.”
Neaves - CV
Cosby, A. G., James, W. L., and T. T. Neaves. “The Emerging Rural Mortality Penalty: Regional and Racial
Honors and Awards
Chester A. Newland Presidential Citation of Merit: American Society for Public Administration, 2013 and 2014
Our People Website Feature: Mississippi State University, 2013
Research Colloquium Guest Speaker: University of Central Florida, 2012
Graduate Student Award for University Centers and Institutes: Mississippi State University, Offices of Vice
President for Research and Economic Development and Vice President for Agriculture, Forestry, and
Veterinary Medicine, 2011
Research Fellow: Mississippi State University, Social Science Research Center, 2008
Outstanding Faculty/Staff of the Year Award: Mississippi State University, The Order of Omega and Colvard
Student Union, 2008
Zetas with Zest: Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, IX-A Alumnae, 2008
Achievement Scholarship: Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, Foundation, 2007 to 2008
Outstanding Graduate Student: Mississippi State University, Department of Political Science and Public
Administration, 2007
Phi Alpha Alpha Public Affairs and Administration Honor Society: Mississippi State University, Department of
Political Science and Public Administration, 2007
Outstanding Graduate Woman: Mississippi State University, President’s Commission on the Status of Women,
Outstanding Undergraduate Student: Mississippi State University, Department of Political Science and Public
Administration, 2005
Zeta Lady: Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity, IX-A Alumnae, 2005
Magna Cum Laude: Mississippi State University, December 2004
Phase I Honors: Mississippi State University, Shackouls Honors College, December 2004
Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society: Mississippi State University, Department of Political Science
and Public Administration, 2004
Haley Barbour Scholarship: Mississippi State University, Department of Political Science and Public
Administration, 2003 to 2005
North East Mississippi Daily Journal Research Grant: Mississippi State University, Department of Geosciences,
2003 to 2004
Phi Kappa Phi Honor National Society: Mississippi State University, 2003
Neaves - CV
Teaching Experience
Disaster Response Operations and Recovery (600 Level), Spring 2014 to Present
Emergency Planning and Preparedness (600 Level), Summer 2014 to Present
Mississippi Model Security Council Internship I-IV (1000 Level), Spring 2009 to Spring 2011
Mississippi Model Security Council Research I-IV (1000 Level), Fall 2008 to Fall 2010
Guest Lectures
Transportation Policy - Mississippi Public Safety Data Laboratory (4000/6000 Level), Spring 2013
Judicial Processes - Statutory Interpretation (3000 Level), Fall 2012
American Government - Media and Politics (1000 Level), Fall 2012
American Government - Democracy (1000 Level), Fall 2012
American Government - Public Opinion (1000 Level), Summer 2012
Human Resources Management - Privacy Rights in the Public Sector Workforce (7000 Level), Spring 2012
Introduction to Public Policy - Program Evaluation (2000 Level), Fall 2011
American Government - Emergency Management as a Bureaucratic Function (1000 Level), Spring 2011
American Government - The Macondo Blowout (1000 Level), Spring 2011
Judicial Processes - Statutory Interpretation (3000 Level), Fall 2010
Political Analysis - Ethics in Research (4000 Level), Fall 2008
Professional Associations
American Society of Public Administration, 2005 to Present
National Council
District II Representative, 2014 to Present
Student Representative, 2012 to 2013
Financial Stability Board
Member, 2013 to Present
Strategic Work Group #5 – Chapter and Sections
Co-Chair, 2015 to Present
International Young Scholars Workshop
Co-Chair 2013 to 2014
Chair, 2012 to 2013
Governance Task Force
Member, 2014 to 2015
Mentoring Committee
Chair, 2014 to 2015
Member, 2012 to 2014
Publications Committee
Member, 2014 to 2015
Finance Committee
Member, 2014 to 2015
Neaves - CV
Executive Director Search Committee
Member, 2013 to 2014
Governance Committee
Member, 2012 to 2013
Conference Management Committee
Member, 2012 to 2013
Donald C. Stone Award Committee
Chair, 2014 to 2015
Leadership Team
Member, 2012 to Present
Strategic Planning Task Force
Member, 2013 to 2014
Strategic Initiative #5 Leverage Technology
Chair, 2013 to 2014
Vice Co-Chair, 2012 to 2013
Site Selection Team
Member, 2012 to 2013
Chapter Revitalization Task Force
Member, 2012 to 2014
Founders’ Fellows Selection Committee
Chair, 2012 to 2014
Conference Planning
Host of First Time and New Member Orientation, 2013
Chair of Student and New Professional Summit, 2013
Host of Founder’s Forum Fellow Reception, 2013
Chair of Conducting Emergency Management in Specialized Conditions, 2012
Moderator of Strengthening Regional Economies and Building Up Communities, 2011
Section on Emergency and Crisis Management
Treasurer, 2013 to Present
Board Member, 2011 to 2014
Communications Chair, 2011 to 2013
Member, 2010 to Present
Section for Public Performance Management
Member, 2012 to Present
Section for Personnel Administration and Labor Relations
Member, 2013 to Present
Section for Public Administration Research
Member, 2013 to 2014
Section for Professional and Organizational Development
Member 2011 to 2014
Hampton Roads Chapter
Symposium Panel Moderator, 2015 to 2016
Northeast Conference for Public Administration, 2014 to Present
Conference Planning
Conference Coordinator, 2014 to Present
Board of Officers
Trustee, 2014 to Present
Southeastern Conference for Public Administration, 2010 to Present
Endowment Committee
Chair-Elect, 2012 to 2013
Member, 2010 to 2014
Conference Planning
Social Media Liaison, 2011
Neaves - CV
Chair of Diversity in Public Administration, 2010
Site Selection Committee
Member, 2013 to 2014
Distinguished Public Service Practitioner Award Committee
Member, 2013 to 2014
Public Administration Theory Network, 2011 to Present
Conference Planning
Chair of Historical and Fictoral Images of Public Administration, 2012
International Association of Emergency Managers, 2010 to Present
National Consortium of Certified Public Managers, 2014 to Present
Mississippi Association of Highway Safety Leaders, 2012 to 2014
Public Information and Education Committee
Chair, 2013 to 2014
Law Enforcement Committee
Member, 2012 to 2014
Alcohol Task Force
Member, 2013 to 2014
Mississippi Traffic Records Coordinating Committee, 2012 to Present
Technical Team
Member, 2012 to 2014
Mississippi Youth Safe Driving Coalition, 2013 to 2014
Academy of Political Science, 2005 to 2012
Southern Political Science Association, 2010 to 2011
Mid South Sociological Association, 2004 to 2009
American Public Health Association, 2005 to 2006
Journal Service
Public Personnel Management
Editorial Board Member, 2013 to Present
Reviewer, 2013 to Present
Public Administration Quarterly
Reviewer, 2014 to Present
Public Management Review
Reviewer, 2012 to Present
American Journal of Public Health
Reviewer, 2008 to 2010
Southern Medical Journal
Reviewer, 2008 to 2010
Neaves - CV
Other Affiliations and Activities
Mississippi Safety Training and Recognition Symposium
Registration Manager, 2013
Juvenile Justice Symposium and National Disproportionate Minority Contact Conference, 2013
National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services, 2011
International Cooperation in the War Against Terror in the Asian-Pacific Region with a Special Emphasis on
the Malacca Strait, 2006
Southern Women in Public Service Summit, 2004
Southern Regional Model United Nations
Ex-Officio Board Member, 2010 to 2011
Faculty Board Member at Large, 2008 to 2010
Faculty Advisor, 2008 to 2010
Security Council Planning Advisor, 2006 to 2007
Security Council Director, 2005 to 2006
Security Council Assistant Director, 2004 to 2005
Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity
Washington, DC, Alumnae Chapter
Member 2013 to Present
North East Mississippi Alumnae Chapter
Vice-President for Membership, 2008 to 2009
President, 2007 to 2008
Secretary, 2004 to 2007
Gamma Zeta Chapter
Membership Advisor, 2008 to 2011 and 2012 to Present
Scholarship Advisor, 2011 to 2012
Consulting Membership/Public Relations Advisor, 2009 to 2010
New Member Advisor, 2005 to 2007
Social Advisor, 2005 to 2006
University Activities
George Mason University
School of Policy, Government, and International Affairs
Faculty Advisor for Master of Public Administration Student Organization
Mississippi State University
Washington, DC, Alumnae Chapter
Member, 2013 to Present
Political Science Scholars
Outstanding Professor Selection Committee Member, 2005
Haley Barbour Scholarship Selection Committee Member, 2005
John C. Stennis Scholarship Selection Committee Member, 2004
Mississippi Model Security Council
Diplomatic Officer, 2006 to 2007
Secretary General, 2004 to 2005
Honors Program
Network Leader, 2004 to 2005
Neaves - CV