Electric Current Reading Guide Bellringer New Vocabulary Section Focus Transparencies also are available on the Interactive Chalkboard CD-ROM. L2 ■ ■ ■ ■ 2 Section Focus Transparency Describe how voltage difference causes current to flow. Explain how batteries produce a voltage difference in a circuit. List the factors that affect an object’s electrical resistance. Define Ohm’s law. Review Vocabulary pressure: amount of force exerted per unit area current •• electric voltage difference •• circuit resistance • Ohm’s law Go with the Flow Do you see how the water flows down the cliff? Water takes the path of least resistance—it flows where it’s easiest for water to go. Electric currents flow and experience resistance, too. Current and Voltage Difference When a spark jumps between your hand and a metal doorknob, electric charges move quickly from one place to another. The net movement of electric charges in a single direction is an electric current. In a metal wire, or any material, electrons are in constant motion in all directions. As a result, there is no net movement of electrons in one direction. However, when an electric current flows in the wire, electrons continue their random movement, but they also drift in the direction that the current flows. Electric current is measured in amperes. One ampere is equal to 6,250 million billion electrons flowing past a point every second. Figure 11 Electric forces in a material cause electric current to flow, just as forces in the water cause water to flow. Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. You control electric current every time you change the volume on a TV, stereo, or CD player. Water flow 1. Which do you think has more energy, the waterfall in the picture or Niagara Falls which are higher and have move water flowing over? Explain your answer. 2. How do people use the energy in water currents? What is electric current? L2 Electricity Tie to Prior Knowledge Battery Trouble Ask students if they have ever tried to play a CD in a portable CD player, only to find that the batteries were dead. Ask students what they know about what happens when a battery dies. Explain that when it dies, the battery stops producing enough electric current to operate the CD player. Tell students that in this section, they will learn what an electric current is and how it is produced. L2 LS High pressure Low pressure The force that causes water to flow is related to a pressure difference. Charge flow High voltage Low voltage The force that causes a current to flow is related to a voltage difference. 200 Voltage Difference The movement of an electron in an electric current is similar to a ball bouncing down a flight of stairs. Even though the ball changes direction when it strikes a stair, the net motion of the ball is downward. The downward motion of the ball is caused by the force of gravity. When a current flows, the net movement of electric charges is caused by an electric force acting on the charges. In some ways, the electric force that causes charges to flow is similar to the force acting on the water in a pipe. Water flows from higher pressure to lower pressure, as shown in Figure 11. In a similar way, electric charge flows from higher voltage to lower voltage. A voltage difference is related to the force that causes electric charges to flow. Voltage difference is measured in volts. CHAPTER 7 Electricity Logical-Mathematical Section 2 Resource Manager Answer the net movement of electric charge in a single direction 200 CHAPTER 7 Electricity Chapter FAST FILE Resources Transparency Activity, p.43 Directed Reading for Content Mastery, pp. 19 MiniLAB, p. 4 Enrichment, p. 29 Lab Activity, pp. 9–12 Reinforcement, p. 26 Lab Worksheet, pp. 5–6 Home and Community Involvement, p. 25 Mathematics Skill Activities, p. 3 Figure 12 Water or electric current will flow continually only through a closed loop. If any part of the loop is broken or disconnected, the flow stops. Water tank Lightbulb Water wheel Current Students might believe that positive charges flow through wires. Early researchers labeled the direction of current flow from the positive terminal to the negative terminal of a battery. This established the convention. After the discovery of the electron, researchers realized that the electrons actually move from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. Today, we talk about conventional current, which is the direction of the hypothetical flow of positive charges. However, it is negatively-charged electrons that flow in a wire. It is important for students to learn these distinctions and to realize that positive charges do not flow through the wire. Electron flow ⴙ ⴚ Battery Pump A pump provides the pressure difference that keeps water flowing. A battery provides the voltage difference that keeps electric current flowing. Electric Circuits A way to have flowing water perform work is shown in Figure 12. Water flows out of the tank and falls on a paddle wheel, causing it to rotate. A pump then provides a pressure difference that lifts the water back up into the tank. The constant flow of water would stop if the pump stopped working. The flow of water also would stop if one of the pipes broke. Then water no longer could flow in a closed loop, and the paddle wheel would stop rotating. Figure 12 also shows an electric current doing work by lighting a lightbulb. Just as the water current stops flowing if there is no longer a closed loop to flow through, the electric current stops if there is no longer a closed path to follow. A closed path that electric current follows is a circuit. If the circuit in Figure 12 is broken by removing the battery, or the light bulb, or one of the wires, current will not flow. Quick Demo Simple Cell Materials small glass or plastic Batteries In order to keep water flowing continually in the water circuit in Figure 12, a pump is used to provide a pressure difference. In a similar way, to keep an electric current continually flowing in the electric circuit in Figure 12, a voltage difference needs to be maintained in the circuit. A battery can provide the voltage difference that is needed to keep current flowing in a circuit. Current flows as long as there is a closed path that connects one battery terminal to the other battery terminal. SECTION 2 Electric Current 201 Battery Makeup A 9-volt battery is actually composed of six small 1.5-volt batteries connected in series. A 12-volt car battery is a series of six 2-volt batteries. container about three-fourths full of acid solution (lemon juice, tomato juice, or vinegar), strip of copper, strip of zinc or silver, two wires with alligator clips, sensitive voltmeter (0-1 VDC) Estimated Time five minutes Procedure Clip one end of a wire to one metal strip and the other end to the voltmeter. Repeat for the second metal strip and wire. Place the metal strips in the acid solution, taking care that the strips do not touch each other. Have a student read the voltage difference that the cell produces between the two electrodes. SECTION 2 Electric Current 201 Purpose Students discover the effect of adding an additional battery to a circuit. COOP LEARN L2 Kinesthetic, Visual-Spatial, LS Logical-Mathematical Materials D-cell batteries (2), 3-volt bulbs and sockets (3), insulated wire Safety Precautions Caution students to leave the bulbs burning only long enough to make observations, and to not touch a hot bulb. Troubleshooting Connecting more than two batteries per lamp in series will shorten the bulb’s life or cause it to burn out. Analysis 1. 1.5 volts, 3.0 volts 2. As the voltage difference increases across the lamp, the charge flowing through it increases. Investigating Battery Addition Procedure 1. Make a circuit by using wire to link two bulbs and one D-cell battery in a loop. Observe the brightness of the bulbs. 2. Assemble a new circuit by linking two bulbs and two D-cell batteries in a loop. Observe the brightness of the bulbs. Analysis 1. What is the voltage difference of each D cell? Add them together to find the total voltage difference for the circuit you tested in step 2. 2. Assuming that a brighter bulb indicates a greater current, what can you conclude about the relationship between the voltage difference and current? Dry-Cell Batteries You probably are most familiar with drycell batteries. A cell consists of two electrodes surrounded by a material called an electrolyte. The electrolyte enables charges to move from one electrode to the other. Look at the dry cell shown in Figure 13. One electrode is the carbon rod, and the other is the zinc container. The electrolyte is a moist paste containing several chemicals. The cell is called a dry cell because the electrolyte is a moist paste, and not a liquid solution. When the two terminals of a dry-cell battery are connected in a circuit, such as in a flashlight, a reaction involving zinc and several chemicals in the paste occurs. Electrons are transferred between some of the compounds in this chemical reaction. As a result, the carbon rod becomes positive, forming the positive () terminal. Electrons accumulate on the zinc, making it the negative () terminal. The voltage difference between these two terminals causes current to flow through a closed circuit. You make a battery when you connect two or more cells together to produce a higher voltage difference. Wet-Cell Batteries Another commonly used type of battery is the wet-cell battery. A wet cell, like the one shown in Figure 13, contains two connected plates made of different metals or metallic compounds in a conducting solution. A wet-cell battery contains several wet cells connected together. Positive terminal Assessment Performance Have students design and label several possible arrangements showing how to light a bulb at different levels of brightness. Have them demonstrate each method. Use Performance Assessment in the Science Classroom, p. 127. L2 Negative terminal Positive terminal Plastic insulator Figure 13 Chemical reactions in batteries produce a voltage difference between the positive and negative terminals. Identify when these chemical reactions occur. Moist paste Carbon rod Zinc container Negative terminal Dry cell Caption Answer 202 Lead dioxide plate In this wet cell, chemical reactions transfer electrons from the lead plates to the lead dioxide plates. CHAPTER 7 Electricity Figure 13 Each cell of a battery has an electrolyte (a chemical that conducts charge) and two electrodes (terminals). One electrode provides electrons to the electrolyte. The other electrode takes electrons from the electrolyte. In dry cells the electrolyte is a CHAPTER 7 Electricity Battery solution Wet cell In this dry cell, chemical reactions in the moist paste transfer electrons to the zinc container. Figure 13 The chemical reactions occur when the battery is connected in a circuit. 202 Partition Lead plate LS Kinesthetic, Visual-Spatial paste, and in wet cells it is a liquid. What are the electrodes in this figure? In the dry cell, they are the carbon rod and the zinc container. In the wet cell, they are the lead dioxide and lead plates. L2 LS Visual-Spatial Lead-Acid Batteries Most car batteries are lead-acid batteries, like the wet-cell battery shown in Figure 13. A lead-acid battery contains a series of six wet cells made up of lead and lead dioxide plates in a sulfuric acid solution. The chemical reaction in each cell provides a voltage difference of about 2 V, giving a total voltage difference of 12 V. As a car is driven, the alternator recharges the battery by sending current through the battery in the opposite direction to reverse the chemical reaction. A voltage difference is provided at electrical outlets, such as a wall socket. This voltage difference usually is higher than the voltage difference provided by batteries. Most types of household devices are designed to use the voltage difference supplied by a wall socket. In the United States, the voltage difference across the two holes in a wall socket is usually 120 V. Some wall sockets supply 240 V, which is required by appliances such as electric ranges and electric clothes dryers. Voltage Students sometimes ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ ⴚ 2 SO -MS 18C a 21- ond M6 Rh think that voltage is the same at different places in a circuit and it exists only when current flows. See page 192F for teaching strategies that address this misconception. Use an Analogy Water Flow You can describe resistance by building on the analogy of charge flow being similar to water flow. Suppose a jug of water has a large hole in one side and a small hole in the other side. More water will flow out of the large hole. Similarly, a wire with a large diameter has less resistance and therefore carries greater current than a smaller-diameter wire. Figure 14 As electrons Resistance Flashlights use dry-cell batteries to provide the electric current that lights a lightbulb. What makes a lightbulb glow? Look at the lightbulb in Figure 14. Part of the circuit through the bulb is a thin wire called a filament. As the electrons flow through the filament, they bump into the metal atoms that make up the filament. In these collisions, some of the electrical energy of the electrons is converted into thermal energy. Eventually, the metal filament becomes hot enough to glow, producing radiant energy that can light up a dark room. move through the filament in a lightbulb, they bump into metal atoms. Due to the collisions, the metal heats up and starts to glow. Describe the energy conversions that occur in a lightbulb filament. Discussion Making Heat Should the heating elements on a stove top be made of high-resistance or low-resistance material? high-resistance L2 Resisting the Flow of Current Electric current loses energy LS Logical-Mathematical as it moves through the filament because the filament resists the flow of electrons. Resistance is the tendency for a material to oppose the flow of electrons, changing electrical energy into thermal energy and light. With the exception of some substances that become superconductors at low temperatures, all materials have some electrical resistance. Electrical conductors have much less resistance than insulators. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ω). Copper is an excellent conductor and has low resistance to the flow of electrons. Copper is used in household wiring because only a small amount of electrical energy is converted to thermal energy as current flows in copper wires. Caption Answer Figure 14 Electrical energy is converted into thermal energy and radiant energy. SECTION 2 Electric Current 203 Ray Ellis/Photo Researchers Math In a car battery, the following chemical reaction occurs: Pb PbO2 H2SO4 → PbSO4 H2O. Use coefficients to balance this equation. Pb PbO2 2H2SO4- → 2PbSO4 2H2O SECTION 2 Electric Current 203 Temperature, Length, and Thickness The electric resistance of most materials usually increases as the temperature of the material increases. The resistance of an object such as a wire also depends on the length and diameter of the wire. The resistance of a wire, or any conductor, increases as the wire becomes longer. The resistance also increases as the wire becomes thinner. In a 60 watt lightbulb, the filament is a piece of tungsten wire made into a short coil a few cm long. The uncoiled wire is about 2 m long and only about 0.25 mm thick. Even though tungsten metal is a good conductor, by making the wire thin and long, the resistance of the filament is made large enough to cause the bulb to glow. Answer The resistance increases as the length of the wire increases and as its thickness decreases. Static Danger When it comes to electricity and our bodies, it often is true that high voltages are dangerous and low voltages are safer. Students frequently are not aware of a common situation where this is not true. In many static electricity situations, such as walking across a carpet, sparks of 1,500 volts or higher are generated. No damage occurs to our bodies because there is little actual current flow. How does changing the length and thickness of a wire affect its resistance? The Current in a Simple Circuit Figure 15 The amount of current flowing through a circuit is related to the amount of resistance in the circuit. A simple electric circuit contains a source of voltage difference, such as a battery, a device, such as lightbulb, that has resistance, and conductors that connect the device to the battery terminals. When the wires are connected to the battery terminals, current flows in the closed path. An example of a simple circuit is shown in Figure 15. The voltage difference, current, and resistance in a circuit are related. If the voltage difference doesn’t change, decreasing the resistance increases the current in the circuit, as shown in Figure 15. Also, if the resistance doesn’t change, increasing the voltage difference increases the current. Electric Charges How are current, voltage, and resistance related? When the clips on the graphite rod are farther apart, the resistance of the rod in the circuit is larger. As a result, less current flows in the circuit and the lightbulb is dim. 204 When the clips on the graphite rod are closer together, the resistance of the rod in the circuit is less. As a result, more current flows in the circuit and the lightbulb is brighter. CHAPTER 7 Electricity Thomas Veneklasen High-Temperature Conductivity Conductivity depends on temperature. A higher temperature causes more movement of atoms and generally results in lower conductivity. However, the increased movement of atoms 204 CHAPTER 7 Electricity in some substances, such as carbon and semiconductors, frees electrons so that higher temperatures for these substances means higher conductivity. Ohm’s Law The relationship between voltage difference, current and resistance in a circuit is known as Ohm’s law. According to Ohm’s law, the current in a circuit equals the voltage difference divided by the resistance. If I stands for electric current, Ohm’s law can be written as the following equation. Ohm’s Law voltage difference (in volts) current (in amperes) ——––––––––––———— resistance (in ohms) V R I Ohm’s law provides a way to measure the resistance of objects and materials. First the equation above is written as: Current and the Human Body When an electric shock occurs, an electric current moves through some part of the body. The damage caused by an electric shock depends on how large the current is. Research the effects of current on the human body. Make a table showing the effects on the body at different amounts of current. Current and the Human Body Currents of about 0.5 mA can cause a slight shock to a person. Higher currents cause increasing degrees of pain and loss of muscle control. Currents higher than about 150 mA will likely result in death. V I R Check for Understanding An object is connected to a source of voltage difference and the current flowing in the circuit is measured. The object’s resistance then equals the voltage difference divided by the measured current. Visual-Logical Without students seeing, reverse one battery in a flashlight. Show students that the flashlight does not work. Ask them to suggest possible reasons why an electric circuit may not work. L2 LS Logical- Summary Self Check Current and Voltage Difference Electric current is the net movement of electric charge in a single direction. A voltage difference is related to the force that causes charges to flow. A circuit is a closed, conducting path. Batteries Chemical reactions in a battery produce a voltage difference between the positive and negative battery terminals. Two commonly used types of batteries are dry-cell batteries and wet-cell batteries. Resistance and Ohm’s Law Resistance is the tendency of a material to oppose the flow of electrons. Ohm’s law relates the current, I, resistance, R, and voltage difference, V, in a circuit: V I __ R 1. Compare and contrast a current traveling through a circuit with a static discharge. 2. Explain how a carbon-zinc dry cell produces a voltage difference between the positive and negative terminals. 3. Identify two ways to increase the current in a simple circuit. 4. Compare and contrast the flow of water in a pipe and the flow of electrons in a wire. 5. Think Critically Explain how the resistance of a lightbulb filament changes after the light has been turned on. • • • • • • • gpscience.com/self_check_quiz Mathematical,Visual-Spatial 6. Calculate the voltage difference in a circuit with a resistance of 25 Ω if the current in the circuit is 0.5 A. 7. Calculate Resistance A current of 0.5 A flows in a 60-W lightbulb when the voltage difference between the ends of the filament is 120 V. What is the resistance of the filament? SECTION 2 Electric Current Reteach Ohm’s Law Use the diagram below to help students remember how to rearrange Ohm’s law. When the desired variable is covered, the other two variables are in proper mathematical order. L2 LS Visual-Spatial V I R 205 Process Show the students a flash- 1. Both are a movement of electrons from the negative to the positive charge. A circuit has a continuous current provided by a voltage source. A static discharge is a very rapid, noncontinuous transfer of charge. 2. A chemical reaction causes a negative charge on the zinc container and a positive charge on the carbon rod. 3. Increasing the voltage difference or decreasing the resistance will increase the current. 4. Water flow is the movement of molecules, not just electrons. The larger the diameter of pipe or wire, the greater the flow of water or electrons. 5. A lightbulb filament heats up as an electic current flows through it, causing an increase in the wire’s resistance. According to Ohm’s Law, the highter resistance results in a lower current. 6. 12.5 volts 7. 240 ohms light and ask them to draw its electric circuit. Have them calculate the current that flows if the resistance of the bulb is 20 ohms. Circuit should show battery, wires, bulb, and possibly a switch. The current will depend on voltage of batteries. L2 P LS Visual-Spatial, LogicalMathematical SECTION 2 Electric Current 205 Identifying ConductJrs and Insulators Real-World Question The resistance of an insulator is so large that only a small current flows when it is connected in a circuit. As a result, a lightbulb connected in a circuit with an insulator usually will not glow. In this lab, you will use the brightness of a lightbulb to identify conductors and insulators. Purpose Students will compare the conductivity of various materials. L2 LS Kinesthetic, Visual- Spatial Process collect data, make and use tables, record observations, draw conclusions Real-World Question What materials are conductors and what materials are insulators? Time Required 40 minutes Goals Procedure ■ Identify conductors and insulators. ■ Describe the common characteristics Teaching Strategy Have a col- of conductors and insulators. lection of items ready for students to test, but let students offer additional items to be tested. Materials battery flashlight bulb Troubleshooting Make sure bulb holder insulated wire Safety Precautions all connections in the circuit have good contact. Procedure 1. Set up an incomplete circuit as pictured in Conclude and Apply the photograph. lightbulb have something in common? 3. Do all or most of the materials that don’t light the lightbulb have something in common? 4. Explain why one material may allow the lightbulb to light and another prevent the lightbulb from lighting. 5. Predict what other materials will allow the 2. Touch the free bare ends of the wires to various objects around the room. Test at least 12 items. 3. Copy the table below. In your table, record which materials make the lightbulb glow and which don’t. 1. Answers will vary. Students should realize that metallic items will conduct electricity. 2. They are metallic. 3. They are nonmetallic. 4. Materials that allow the lightbulb to glow have metallic bonding. Materials that do not allow the lightbulb to glow are nonmetallic. 5. Metallic materials will conduct electricity; bad connections will prevent the lightbulb from lighting. 6. Answers will vary. Conclude and Apply 1. Is there a pattern to your data? 2. Do all or most of the materials that light the lightbulb to light and what will prevent the lightbulb from lighting. 6. Classify all the materials you have tested as conductors or insulators. Material Tested with Lightbulb Circuit Lightbulb Glows Results will vary 206 Lightbulb Doesn’t Glow Results will vary Compare your conclusions with those of other students in your class. For more help, refer to the Science Skill Handbook. CHAPTER 7 Electricity Geoff Butler Process Silicon is an element that is nonconductive. Have students make posters illustrating how scientists treat silicon to alter its conductivity and how the altered silicon is used. Use Performance Assessment in the Science Classroom, p. 145 L2 206 CHAPTER 7 Electricity LS Visual-Spatial, Logical-Mathematical Students should discuss why their conclusions did or did not agree. They can cite references to support their arguments. L3 LS Linguistic, LogicalMathematical