AC/DC/AC PWM converter with reduced energy storage in the DC link

AC/DC/AC PWM Converter with Reduced
Energy Storage in the DC Link
Luigi Malesani, Fellow, ZEEE, Leopoldo Rossetto, Paolo Tenti, Senior Member, ZEEE, and Paolo Tomasin
Abstract- The paper introduces the family of quasi-direct
converters, i.e., forced-commutated adddac converters including
small energy storage devices in the dc link. In particular, the case
of three-phaseto three-phasequasi-directconverter is considered.
Since energy storage minimization calls for instantaneous inputloutput power balance, a proper control strategy is needed.
The paper describes a simple and effective control technique
which also provides high-power factor and small distortion of
the supply currents.
After a discussion of the general properties of quasi-direct
converters, design criteria of both power and control sections
are given, and experimental results of a 2-kVA prototype are
ATRIX converters, originally introduced in [ 11, have
received considerable attention [2]-[4] due to their
potentiality to provide direct aclac conversion without energy
storage. However, they never tumed into wide application
due to severe requirements: four-quadrant switches, critical
timing, sensing of switch voltage and current, snubber circuits
needed to absorb overvoltages coming from the inductive
commutation. As a result, circuit efficiency and reliability are
More popular is the indirect acldclac conversion by means
of PWM rectifier-inverter systems with dc voltage link. As
compared to matrix converters, these systems show improved
reliability and allow a greater output voltage. In fact, they
only call for unidirectional switches; moreover, a big tank
capacitor in the dc link provides decoupling between the
rectifier and the inverter, so that the two converters can be
driven independently according to usual PWM techniques
[ 5 ] , [6], providing excellent input and output performances.
However, the tank capacitor can be a critical component,
especially for high-power or high-voltage applications, since
it is large, heavy, and expensive. Moreover, it is normally the
prime factor of degradation of the system reliability.
Quasi-direct converters are intermediate between the previous ones, since they include unidirectional switches and
a small energy storage element. In particular, quasi-direct
Paper IPCSD 9 4 7 0 , approved by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the APEC
'93 Eighth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition,
San Diego, CA, March 7-1 1. Manuscript released for publication September
1, 1994.
L. Malesani, L. Rossetto, and P. Tomasin are with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Padova, 35 131 Padova, Italy.
P. Tenti is with the Department of Electronics and Informatics, University
of Padova, 35 131 Padova, Italy.
IEEE Log Number 9408 182.
Fig. 1. Basic converter scheme.
converters with dc voltage link have the same scheme as the
corresponding indirect converter, but with a much smaller tank
capacitor. A higher power density and improved reliability can
therefore be obtained.
Quasi-direct converters have the same output performances
and component stresses as their indirect counterparts (which
means power reversibility, no need for heavy snubbers, no
critical timing, etc.), but, due to the small energy stored in
the dc link, the input and output stages are coupled. Thus,
inputloutput power balance must be ensured by the control,
which must be fast and accurate. Another control task is to
optimize the input performances, so as to obtain sinusoidal
supply currents in phase with the line voltages.
A control strategy able to meet all desired requirements is
described hereafter.
The basic converter configuration is shown in Fig. 1. It
looks like an usual indirect converter including two fullbridges converters and a tank capacitor in the dc link. Owing to
the scheme symmetry, bidirectional power control is possible.
The left-side (input) bridge, connected to the supply line, is
operated so as to absorb sinusoidal currents in phase with the
line voltages. The right-side (output) bridge, feeding the load,
is controlled to produce proper load voltages and currents.
Both bridges are controlled by a PWM technique in order to
obtain accurate waveform shaping and fast dynamic response.
0093-9994/95$04.00 0 1995 IEEE
The tank capacitor stores the amount of energy needed to
keep the dc voltage ripple below a suitable limit, while input
converter control keeps constant the dc voltage.
As our goal is to minimize the tank capacitor, the input
converter must provide fast control of the energy exchange
between line and storage capacitor. In fact, any inputloutput
power unbalance causes a variation of the stored energy and,
if the capacitor is small, the dc voltage may vary widely.
In order to obtain fast response of the input converter,
a proper current control technique (e.g., hysteretic) can be
adopted, which keeps each line current close to its reference,
ensuring good accuracy and small delay time.
In any case, some dc voltage variations are unavoidable,
but they should not affect the output performance. For this
purpose, a suitable control technique must be adopted for the
output converter [8]-[ 1 11. For instance, the current control
technique described in [7], which is inherently insensitive to
dc voltage variations, could be adopted for both input and
output bridges.
As mentioned above, input converter control is aimed at
maintaining a constant dc link voltage irrespective of the
current absorbed by the output stage. Moreover, a high-power
factor must be ensured, which calls for sinusoidal, in-phase
line currents. For this purpose, as shown in Fig. 1, the input
current references are produced by adjusting the amplitude
I/* of three sinusoidal and symmetrical waveforms, in phase
with the line voltages. Line current amplitude 1’* results from
the inputloutput power balance; in fact, in the steady state,
given output power Po the average current I: absorbed by the
output converter is:
Current reference amplitude I/* can therefore be calculated
directly from the value of I:, which is the dc component of
current i$ absorbed by the output converter. Accordingly, in
the scheme of Fig. 1, current :i is low-pass filtered to obtain
average value I:, which is then multiplied by coefficient K
to provide reference signal I;.
However, if K changes, due to working point variations,
the input/output power balance cannot be ensured and the link
voltage varies.
In order to keep constant link voltage U d , irrespective
of reference and load variations, a closed-loop control is
introduced: Voltage U d is compared with reference U:, and
is fed to a PI regulator, which
the resulting error signal
provides correcting term I p , also shown in Fig. 1. This term
is added to I; to obtain input current reference amplitude I / * .
In theory, the voltage control loop could work alone. However, sensing current 2; ensures a feed-forward action which
speeds up the response.
In our implementation, the input current references are
obtained from a look-up table in which the samples of three
sinusoidal and symmetrical waveforms are stored. Then, a
multiplying digital-to-analog converter converts these values
in the analog ones (iy, ig, 2:) with the amplitude I/*. A
PLL is used to synchronize the current references with the
line voltages. It keeps to zero the sum of the three phase
current displacements, each given by an independent phase
comparator. The PLL response is very slow, but this does
not affect the system performance because the line frequency
remains almost constant. The pull-in time of the PLL is
included in the converter start-up time.
The size of the tank capacitor is heavily affected by the
dynamic response of the dc voltage control loop. In fact,
where u d is dc link voltage and 772 is output converter in presence of load transients, the capacitor energy changes
efficiency. Converter input power is:
according to the power unbalances occumng during the control
settling time, and the capacitor must be sized in order to limit
the corresponding dc voltage variations.
The speed of response of the input converter is limited by
where I: and 71 are average dc current and efficiency of the a low-pass filter in the current loop, which delays the feedinput converter, respectively, while U’ and I’ are the rms forward action, and by the PI regulator, which determines the
bandwidth of the voltage loop.
values of the line voltage and current.
Consider in general that a fast voltage loop allows a
From ( 2 ) , assuming equal values for I: and I:, we obtain:
reduction of the energy exchange and, consequently, of the
capacitor size. On the other hand, it tends to modulate the
input current amplitude, producing a distortion which affects
which shows that line current amplitude is proportional to the power factor.
In order to optimize the control parameters, let us first
current I: by a term which depends on the working point.
Assuming, in a first instance, a fixed working point, we have analyze the system dynamic. A suitable model is given by
the block scheme of Fig. 2, which is obtained by linearizing
that term:
(1)-(3) around the working point, assuming unity the efficien71 and 772. From this model, capacitor current variation
AI, can be evaluated from, the corresponding variations of
variables Ud, I:, I f and I p . The scheme shows the feedis constant, so that (3) becomes:
forward path ( a ) ,which corrects the input current amplitude
according to the output power variation AI‘,, together with
where T2 is a function of the working point, T is the time
constant of the PI regulator, and K1 represents the total loop
gain. K1 and T determine the system response and can be
optimized by a proper design of the PI regulator. For stability
computations, the delay related to the converter switching
frequency must also be taken into account.
If line voltage U' or link voltage U d differ from their
nominal value, (7) is no more valid because of a certain amount
of detuning in loop y. This situation only occurs during wide
load transients and cannot be analyzed by means of the smallsignal model described above. However, simulation done for
various converter parameters demonstrated that the system
detuning does not affect heavily the control dynamic. This
was also experimentally verified, as it will be shown in the
experimental results section.
A. Power Section
Fig. 2.
Small signal block scheme.
several feedback paths (p, y, and S), each accounting for
different effects of dc voltage variation AUd.
As capacitor current I , is the difference beetwen current
I: and I;, the variations of these latter variables can be
considered separately.
Differentiating (1) we obtain:
The first term, which corresponds to the input block of Fig. 2,
accounts for the current taken from the tank capacitor due to a
load power variation. Instead, the second term accounts for the
current change due to a dc voltage variation. This latter term
corresponds to loop p and shows a positive feedback, which
may cause stability problems (for constant output power, if
capacitor voltage U, decreases then output current 1; must
increase, causing an additional reduction of the capacitor
Feedback path y is related to the feed-forward action. It
compensates (totally or partially) for positive feedback p,
producing a variation of the capacitor current AI, which is
opposite to that caused by p. If K is perfectly tuned the dotted
box in Fig. 2 has unity gain and, assuming that the low-pass
filter has also unity gain within the band of the control loop,
the effects of feedback paths /? and y compensate each other.
Moreover, the resulting open-loop gain becomes independent
of output power variation AP,.
The last feedback path (6)accounts for the PI compensation,
which produces the correcting term I;, described above, and
must be designed ito assume fast and stable converter response.
In the hypothesis of correctly tuned feedback path y, the
open-loop gain of the voltage control loop is:
The power semiconductors are selected as for a standard
voltage-fed half-bridge inverter. The only difference is that dc
link voltage can vary more than usual, calling for a suitable
voltage margin.
The input inductances, given switch type and modulation
frequency, are designed to suit current ripple requirements.
The tank capacitor must be designed taking into account
the voltage ripple is due to the high-frequency components of the modulated dc currents of both converters;
if all switches are tumed off, inductors energy flow in the
capacitor, increasing its voltage;
during the delay time of the voltage control loop, the
output power demand must be sustained by the tank
capacitor energy.
It is easy to verify that the first two conditions are less
critical than the third, which determines the capacitor size.
The same condition determines the capacitor size also in the
case of standard indirect converters: These latter, however,
have longer response times due to the need of decoupling the
input and output stages, thus calling for bigger capacitors.
Given response time T,. of the voltage control loop, which
is limited by the switching frequency, and maximum expected
variation of the output power AP,,,,
the energy AWd exchanged by the tank capacitor can be estimated as:
from which the dc voltage variation results:
Given the maximum allowed dc link voltage variation
the value of Cd tums out to be:
In this equation, response time T,. also accounts for the
modulation delay of the input converter, which is related to its
switching frequency. In practice, T, is in the order of a few
modulation periods.
B. Control Section
The design can be done according to (4) and (7). Given
the switch modulation frequency, delay time T, is estimated
first. Then, control bandwidth and PI regulator parameters are
easily derived.
As mentioned above, the low-pass filter must have unity
gain in the frequency band of the control loop, while it must
have reduced gain at the modulation frequency, so as to avoid
high-frequency noise on input current reference I t * .Therefore,
the filter bandwidth is designed equal to the control bandwidth,
its order resulting from the desired attenuation at the switching
frequency. In our implementation a third-order low-pass filter
was employed.
The bandwidths of the current and voltage sensors and of
the reference generator do not affect the system stability, since
they are normally wider than the control bandwidth.
For the capacitor design, the presence of unbalanced line
voltages or unsymmetrical load impedances must be taken into
account carefully. In both cases, in fact, since control enforces
sinusoidal and symmetrical line currents, the instantaneous
input/output power balance cannot be satisfied. Thus, for a
constant amplitude of the current references, low-frequency
fluctuations may appear in the capacitor voltage. This can
be faced by increasing the response speed of the voltage
loop, causing a modulation of the input currents amplitude.
As a consequence, some distortion on the line currents may
appear and the total power factor is affected. This effect is
common to all converters with reduced energy storage, in
particular to matrix converters. It can be overcome by more
sophisticated control strategies, like that described in [ 121, able
to maintain a high-power factor irrespective of unbalances and
unsymmetries. Some distortion is unavoidable however.
In practice, line voltage unbalances usually cause small
dc voltage variations, as compared to those caused by large
load power steps. Instead, large load unsymmetries may cause
considerable power fluctuations, affecting the capacitor design.
The actual operation of a quasi-direct converter was tested
on a small prototype, designed according to the above criteria.
Converter ratings are:
Output power:
Supply voltage:
dc link voltage:
Output voltage:
Rated output current:
Switching frequency:
Line inductance:
Tank capacitor:
2 kVA
150 V rms, 50 Hz (line-to-line)
300 V
0 + 150 V rms, 0 + 100 Hz
7.5 A rms
5 kHz (IGBT switches)
3.5 mH
601160 pF.
Fig. 3.
Step load response for Cd = 60 jiF,
Two different values for capacitor c d were tested. The first
(60 pF) was designed to provide a d c voltage ripple in the
steady state equal to 5% of the rated voltage. The second (160
pF) was designed according to (10) in order to achieve a 10%
dc voltage variation in the case of full-power load step. The
control delay T,. was selected at about 1 ms (five modulation
In the practical implementation, tank capacitor Cd has been
split in smaller capacitors, each connected across one inverter
leg. In this way the high-frequency filtering action is improved (stray inductances are minimized) and nonelectrolytic
capacitors can be employed.
Experimental results with the first capacitor are given in
Fig. 3, showing the system response to a sudden load variation. In particular this figure shows: input current amplitude
reference I t * , input line current it, load current i” (at 63 Hz)
and link voltage u d . The load changes (transitions from noload to full-load and vice versa) are quickly compensated by
the voltage control loop, but wide variations of dc voltage
u d (up to 70 v ) occur due to the large power step. Due to
these variations, the dc link voltage was kept below the rated
The voltage ripple at full-load results from load and line
unbalances and, as explained above, slightly affects the input
current waveforms.
An input power reversal occurs when opening the load
(signal 1’* becomes negative), so as to extract the energy in
excess from the tank capacitor.
Fig. 4 shows the same converter waveforms with a 160-pF
tank capacitor. The dc voltage variation remains within the
desired limits, while the settling time is about the same as in
the previous case.
Fig. 4.
Step load response for
c d
= 160 pF.
In the same conditions of Fig. 3, Fig. 5 shows the behavior
of signals I p , If,I’* together with line current i’. Fig. 5
shows that signal I; (output of the PI regulator) is near
zero in the steady state. This implies that feed-forward term
If ensures correct input/output power balance, coefficient K
being selected according to (4) (zeroing of 1; can be used for
control tuning).
During transients, because of the changes in U& the gain
of the dotted line block of Fig. 2 differs from unity, thus
detuning the feed-forward control, which does not ensure the
input/output power balance. However the closed-loop voltage
control adjusts the input current amplitude rapidly, without
any dynamic instability.
Lastly, Fig. 6 shows the input behavior at full load in the
steady state. The line current results in phase with the supply
voltage and a good power factor (0.98) is obtained, in spite of
the considerable voltage distortion.
Quasi-direct converters have been discussed, which are
characterized by circuit complexity and load performances
similar to those of indirect ac/dc/ac converters, but require
only a small energy storage in the dc link. This condition
calls for instantaneous input/output power balance, which must
be provided by the control. Accordingly, input performances
become similar to those of matrix converters, but control is
much simpler and a greater output voltage can be achieved.
Morevover, four-quadrant switches are not needed.
Due to the significant reduction of energy storage capacitors,
quasi-direct converters are inherently smaller and cheaper than
Fig. 5.
Step load response for
c d =
Fig. 6.
60 pF.
Input converter behavior.
conventional solutions, and capable of higher power density
and improved reliability.
The authors would like to thank Dr. S. Baggio for the experimental activity and R. Sartorello for his helpful suggestions
on converter implementation.
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Luigi Malesani (M’63-SM’93-F’94), for a photograph and biography, please
see page 279 of this issue.
Leopoldo Rossetto, for a photograph and biography, please see page 279 of
this -issue.
Paolo Ten1 :M’85-SM’91), for a photogrq and biomar, 1 . F ase see page
279 of this issue
Paolo Tomasin was bom in Cittadella (Padova),
Italy. He received the degree with honors in electronics engineering from the University of Padova,
in 1989. In 1993, he received the Ph.D. degree in
informatics and industrial electronics at the University of Padova.
Since 1994, he has been working at the RPM,
Rovigo, Italy, a company that is involved with
production of induction motors for the development of ac motors and ac motor drives. His main
interests are in the fields of ac motor drives and
soft-switching converters.