126 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARYFEBRUARY 1994 A New Algorithm for Sensorless Operation of Permanent Magnet Motors Nesimi Ertugrul and Paul Acamley -Additional system cost (including sensor and electronic circuit) which is most meaningful when compared with a given level of resolution of the sensor [l]. -All shaft sensors present a certain degree of static and dynamic friction to the input shaft, and the moment of inertia adds to the motor shaft inertia. Many of these drawbacks can be eliminated or reduced with shaft position sensorless operation. The control of PM motors, stepper motors, and switched reluctance (SR) motors based on sensorless operation has been described by many authors (e.g. [3], [4],...[241) in drives such as stepper motors ([3], [4], [5], [6]) switched reluctance motors (131, [71, [SI), PMSMs (PI, [lo], [ I l l , [121, [131, [14l, [151, [161), BDCMs ([171, U81, [191, [201, W I , W I , [231). I. INTRODUCTION Two of the methods ([22], [23]) use either an electromagnetic N RECENT years there has been a significant development position sensing device or a special winding. Most of the of permanent magnet (PM) motors of various lunds. Im- methods describe indirect position sensing methods by using provements in the properties of permanent magnet materials and analysing the terminal voltage andor current waveform. have increased the viability of related types of motor, such However many of the methods work for some, but not all, as the permanent magnet motor (PMSM) and the brushless dc PM machines. motor (BDCM). Both motors required alternating stator current Recently,there has been much interest in techniques for to produce constant torque, and to control them the rotor flux eliminating the mechanical sensor by analysing the motor’s position has to be identified. Rotor position information is voltage and current waveforms. A number of scheme for the used to manage the switching of the supply to the phases of induction motors’ control, which do not use a mechamical the stator in correct sequence by a control circuit. Since the rotor sensor or an additional sensor in the stator, are also switching frequency is derived from the rotor, the motor can suggested in the literature. Some of the method use the flux not lose synchronism. linkage variation [24] by sensing the terminal voltages of the The control system requires position information for two induction machine and subtracting the stator voltage drops. reasons: The methods proposed by Depenbrock [25], Ohtani et al [26], 1. To indicate to the control circuit which position the and Takahashi [27] analyse the time integral of stator voltages motor is in and to switch on the correct phase or phases. and the line currents (depending on the magnitude of the stator 2. Although servo applications use a separate velocity iR voltage drop), and calculate torque to generate desired sensor, a speed signal can also be delivered from the control signals for the induction motors. Baader et a1 [28] position information. also applied the method developed by Depenbrock [25] to Some of the drawbacks of using a mechanical shaft position the speed control of induction motors by calculating the exact speed without mechanical devices. sensor may be summarized as below: The paper describes an alternative method of position detec-Number of connections between the motor and the control tion based on the motor terminal voltages and the line currents system increases. with the aim of estimating the winding flux linkages. At each -Interference increases. -Limitations in accuracy of the sensor because of environ- time step, using the previous predicted position information mental factors such as temperature, humidity, vibration. and the flux linkage, the line current of the motor is estimated in two stages to correct the predicted position and the estimated Paper MA 4-94, approved by the Industrial Drives Committee of the flux linkage respectively. IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation at the 1992 Industry The electrical model of the PM motor is discussed and the Applications Society Annual Meeting, Houston, TX,October 4-9. The authors are with the Electric Drives and Machines Group, Department basis of the proposed algorithm described in the Section 2. A of Electrical Engineering, The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle detailed derivation of the algorithm is presented in Section 3, upon Tyne, UK. IEEE Log Number 9213420. with a short discussion noting the algorithm’s key features. In Abstract- In this paper, the authors propose and investigate a new algorithm for shaft position sensorless operation of permanent magnet motors, based on flux linkage and line current estimation. Measured line current and terminal voltage are used to estimate the flux linkage of the motor. The algorithm has a two current-loop structure, with the outer loop used to correct the position, and the inner loop utilised to correct the estimated flux linkage. The theoretical basis of the algorithm and individual definition of the system blocks is explained. Dependencies on motor parameters and measurementerrors are discussed to show the effectiveness of the method using real data. As well as giving a detailed explanation of the new algorithm, the paper presents a wide range of computed and experimental results, demonstrating the reliability of the method even during accelerationof the motor from rest. I 0093-9994/94$04.00 0 1994 IEEE - --7 I27 ERTUGRUL AND ACARNLEY: A NEW ALGORITHM FOR SENSORLESS OPERATION OF PERMANENT MAGNET MOTORS order to verify the method, detailed experimental results are also given for both the steady-state condition and the transient condition in Section 4. The effects of parameter deviations and measurement sensitivity of the method are presented in Section 5. And in the star connected with isolated star point motor: 21 + 22 + i 3 = 0 (5) Hence, 11. THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL The equivalent circuit for the PM machine is presented in terms of flux linkage variables. The voltage equations for a 3-phase balanced PM ac machine is expressed in the matrix form as, [ii] R O O = [OO R O 0R 1 [ ! EI]:[;+ l:]-[O (1) A@ (, M12(8) - Am(O - M13(6) 9) F) (2) Here, , ,A the magnet flux linkage, is a function of 8, electrical angle, L,, is the self inductance of the winding x, and Mz,(0) is the mutual inductance between two windings x and y. We realize that the inductance matrix in Eq. 2 describes the self and mutual inductance relations of the stator phases of a symmetrical PM machine. Differentiating Eq. 2, substituting it into Eq. 1, and rearranging, (e) I!:[ R O O R 01 O O R - [O v3 R O R OO ] O O R I!:[ = [OL OL OO ] $ [ ~ ~ ] - $ L ( @ Am(@) - ? f ~ O O L A,(@ - 9) 0 where vl, v2, and v3 are the phase voltages, R is the resistance of the stator winding, i l ,22, and 23 are the line currents, and Q1, Q 2 , and Q3 are the flux linkages of the windings. The general flux linkage variables may be defined in the following form, Lll(0) where L = L1 - M I Differentiating Eq. 6, substituting into Eq. 1 and rearranging, As explained in later sections, position estimation based on the flux linkages is achieved by Eq. 2 or Eq. 6 according to whether the machine has variable winding inductances or constant inductances. Direct measurement of line current and phase voltage can allow estimation of the flux linkage. If the terminal phase voltages of the motor are sensed and stator voltage drops are subtracted, the change of the flux linkage of each phase with time can be generated in terms of the rotor position, line currents, and other motor parameters which appear in the right-hand side of Eq. 3 and Eq. 7. 111. THE COMPUTER ALGORITHM AND THE DEFINITIONOF THE SYSTEM Fig. l(a) and Fig. l(b) illustrate the methods of measuring the motor line currents and phase voltages, and estimating the rotor position of the PM ac motor. Firstly, measured line current and terminal voltage are used to estimate the flux linkages of the motor. This is based on Eq. 1. The function of flux linkage to be evaluated is in the following form, [.] For the machine which has no variable inductance, Eq. 3 can be rearranged to give more simple system equations. Linear 3-phase coupled systems are magnetically symmetrical if the diagonal elements of the inductance matrix are also equal [2]. Assuming further that there is no change in the rotor reluctance with angle, then, L11 = L22 = L33 = L1 (4) In general, the function of(v(.) - RZ(.r))does not have a closed form integral. Since a numerical technique is to be used, it is appropriate to evaluate the integral function Q ( t ) at discrete time instants. Although, for cases where extremely high accuracy is required, different integration methods can be used, the simplest method is integration by the rectangular rule; an(k)= A T [ v n ( k ) R i n ( k ) ]+ Qn(k - 1) R IC = 1,2,3 = 1 , 2 ,. . . (9) Here A T is the sampling interval, and n is the number of phases in the motor. Since the integration starts at k = 1, Qn(0)plays the role of the initial condition. In PM machines, the initial value of flux linkage is defined by the position of the magnet. Therefore, to evaluate Eq. 9 and to set up the initial condition, the rotor can be brought to a known position which defines the initial values (Q,(O)) of the iiitegration. 128 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARYEEBRUARY 1994 'dc v - 1 T PM MOTOR , (b) Fig. 1 . (a) Schematic inverter system diagram. (b) Position estimator block diagram. The algorithm shown in the block diagram of Fig. l(b) has a two current-loop structure. The outer loop is used to correct the initial rotor position estimate which is obtained by extrapolation of previous position data. As seen in Eq. 2, we have a general flux linkage function of several variables 9 = P(0, i l ,i 2 , i 3 ) . Changes in flux linkage can be written in terms of changes in the variables: Where Ai,, Ai2, and Ai3 are the current errors and A0 is the position error. For each phase, a current estimate is obtained from Eq. 2 using the initial predicted position 0 = OP and the flux linkage value obtained from terminal measurements (Eq. 9). The current estimates are compared with the measured currents to achieve a set of current errors, Ai3 = i 3 m - i 3 e Assuming that the flux linkage estimate is correct and does not change (AP = 0) within the measurement interval, the position errors may be reproduced in terms of line current error estimations, A0, = ($Ai, + -Ai2 ai2 + -Ai3 ai3 )/% (12) yielding a set of three position corrections. A single revised position estimate is obtained by taking the average of three corrections, At certain line current levels and rotor position some of the phases are better indicators of position error than others. Therefore the position error averaging may incorporate weighting factors which are current and position dependent. An updated position is calculated, adding the position error to the previous predicted position, As clearly seen in Fig. l(b), the outer current loop is used to estimate the line current, and predicted position is utilised with estimated flux linkage for current estimation. A position prediction is obtained by extrapolation of position data at previous time intervals. A second-order polynomial is 'fitted' ~ ERTUGRUL AND ACARNLEY: A NEW ALGORITHM FOR SENSORLESS OPERATION OF PERMANENT MAGNET MOTORS 129 TABLE I THE PM MOTOR PARAMETERS R = 0.8 R L = 3.12 mH kemf = 0.417 V/rad/s J = 0.008 kg.m2 P = 1915 W IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Polynomial curve fitting. Fig. 2. to previous data, since an exact fit is possible in the cases of constant speed and constant acceleration (Fig. 2). In Fig. 2, 8e(k-2),!9e(k-l), and Oe(k) are the values of position estimated in the previous three sampling instants, A T is the increment or sampling time, and Op(k+l) is the predicted value of position at the next sampling instant. = A ( t ) 2 + B ( t )+ C =C B,(k - 1) = A(AT)' + B ( A T )+ C O,(k) = 4A(AT)' + 2B(AT) + C e,(#++ 1) = 9A(AT)' + 3 B ( A T )+ C Assuming t(k-2) =0 t ( k - 1) = AT @e 04k-2) t ( k ) = 2AT t(k + 1) = 3AT (15) The simultaneous solution of these equations gives a unique equation to predict the rotor position using the previous three positions, op(k+l) = 3oe(1c) - 3oe(k-1) + oe(k-2) (16) The position estimation algorithm represented schematically in Fig. l(b) is executed continuously, and includes a flux linkage correction loop. This is necessary because the continuous estimation of flux linkage, using an integration process, creates unwanted effects in the flux linkage waveform. Offset is a common problem faced in the implementation of integration. Moreover, as will be explained in a later section, other effects, such as the temperature dependent winding resistance, and inaccuracies in the measurement of current and voltage, also corrupt the flux linkage estimation. The inner current estimation loop corrects and updates the measured flux linkage using the latest predicted position. The flux linkage corrections are based on Eq. 10. Assuming the errors in the flux linkage occur only because of current errors, Here, the current errors are defined as, Ail 1 - 21m Ail ' ' - 22m Ai!3 ' - 23m - $;e 2 (18) where iie, aie,and iie are the second current estimations based on Eq. 2 and the latest predicted position data. The estimated flux linkage error is used to update the integration, 9n(k) = %(k) + A%@) (19) A three phase inverter was constructed with IGBTs, the transistor base signals being generated from a hysteresis current controller. The algorithm has been tested with a three phase axial field PM machine which has parameters shown in Table. I. The motor is star connected internally, and with access to the star point. In the investigated system, the line currents were measured with current transducers, and the phase voltages via differential input isolation amplifiers which were a part of a data acquisition system. At present the approach has been validated using off-line data obtained with a 10 ps sampling time. The results from the position estimation algorithm,s processing of data acquired with the drive operating in a number of alternative modes are shown in Figs. 3-7. Results are presented for a wide range of operating modes: steady-state and transient speed, with and without current control. Fig. 3(a) represents a typical 120' actual current waveform during steady-state operation of the PM motor without current control. The current is only limited by the back emfs of the motor. The effect of the back emf voltages appears superimposed on phase voltage (Fig. 3(b)) because of the floating star point voltage. The rising and falling parts of the phase voltage are the actual back emf waveform which occur when the phase is unexcited. Upward and downward spikes in the voltage waveform of Fig. 3(b) occur at the commutation intervals where all three phases of the motor are conducting. Fig. 3(c) illustrates the estimated flux linkage for one phase using the actual current (Fig. 3(a)) and the actual phase voltage (Fig. 3(b)). Since there is discontinuous current conduction in this mode of operation, small dips occur in the flux linkage waveform. Fig. 3(d) shows the estimated rotor position. As seen in the figure, the estimated position is able to track the actual current waveform which is in phase with the back emf. Fig. 4 also gives a set of similar results showing the current controlled during 120' conduction for constant speed operation. The actual current is limited by a commanded current level and the line current is regulated within a hysteresis band. The speed is constant since dc rail voltage and the load are constant during this time. The phase voltage waveform (Fig. 4(b)) is more complicated than in Fig. 3(b), but the estimated flux linkage (Fig. 4(c)) has a similar waveform. Fig. 4(d) gives the estimated position which also matches with the actual current waveform. Fig. 5 shows result from sinusoidal operation of the PM machine at constant speed. The actual sinusoidal current waveform and the phase voltage are given in Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b) respectively. The actual current is also regulated around a sinusoidal demand current by the hysteresis current controller. The main 130 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARYFEBRUARY 1994 0 I I 1 26 52 78 ume(ms) I 104 0 I I I 38 76 114 = z f om f i l -1 -1 3 I52 (b) (b) : i lime(ms) om 407 G 4 14 0 14 0 52 26 78 time(ms) IM (C) U 76 38 114 lime (ms) 152 (C) $ 1 zB 4 2 4 2 g 2 A" 2 0 0 52 U, 78 time(ms) IN 0 76 33 11.8 time(ms) 152 (d) (d) Fig. 3. Measured and estimated waveforms, 120° excltation, no current control a) Actual current waveform. b) Measured phase voltage. c ) Estimated flux linkage. d) Estimated position. Fig. 4. Measured and estimated waveforms, 120' current excitation, with hysteresis current control a) Actual current waveform. b) Measured phase voltage. c ) Estimated flux linkage. d) Estimated position. difference from previous results is that the estimated flux linkage has smooth waveform (Fig. 5(c)). No dips appear in this waveform because current conduction is continuous. Again the position estimation (Fig. 5(d)) gives adequately good result. As explained earlier, the demand current is in phase (no phase advance or delay) with the back emf waveform. Therefore agreement between the actual current and the estimated position demonstrates the algorithm's ability to estimate position. The angular position of the PM motor must be continuously determined with acceptable accuracy even during speed transients. The results in Fig. 6 demonstrate the reliability of the method during acceleration of the motor from rest for 120' current conduction and no current control. It should be noted that the high starting current (Fig. 6(a)) diminishes the dc rail voltage, and causes a dip in the flux linkage estimation (Fig. 6(c)) initially. Fig. 6(c) indicates a typical integration showing offset effect in the measured values ( u , z ) . The effect of the flux linkage correction can be seen in Fig. 6(d). To examine the accuracy of the estimation results, the measured and estimated rotor positions are shown in Fig. 6(e) and Fig. 6(f). As seen, there is very close agreement. A second class of transient operating conditions arises from load changes. Fig. 7 illustrates the response of the algorithm to a step load change in the system. Since the decleration of the machine is defined mainly by the mechanical time constant of the system, to reduce mechanical time constant of drive, another axial field brushless PM machine was used as a load. The terminals of the brushless PM generator were connected to a power resistor via a three phase diode rectifier. While the drive was operating, a second power resistor was connected in parallel to the original resistor to increase the load, giving the effect of a step load change As seen in the current waveform (Fig. 7(a)), the operation of the drive deviates following the step in load at 100 ms. Since there is no speed feedback on the drive while the line current rises in amplitude, the speed of the motor reduces until the new steady-state speed defined dy DC rail voltage is reached. The measured speed variation during this operation was M 30% (from 553 rpm 384 rpm). The DC rail voltage was 45.2 V before loading, failing to 39.1 V after loading (at steady-state). 131 ERTUGRUL AND ACARNLEY: A NEW ALGORITHM FOR SENSORLESS OPERATION OF PERMANENT MAGNET MOTORS - 4 i- E 5 0- 3 i- P -- I 0 88 44 132 ume(ms) 176 (b) I 0 I 88 44 132 rime(ms) 170 (d) Fig. 5. Measured and estimated waveforms, sinusoidal demand current, with hysteresis current control. (a) Actual current waveform. (b) Measured phase voltage. (c) Estimated flux linkage. (d) Estimated position. As seen in the waveform of measured flux linkage of Fig. 7(c), since the current level is small before loading, no noticeable dips occured at current commutation. However, after loading, the dips showing the commutation instants on the flux linkage became apparent. The estimated position is presented in Fig. 7(d). The verification of the mode of operation can be seen in the estimated position comparing with actual line current waveform. v. EFFECTSOF MEASUREMENT ERRORSAND PARAMETER DEVIATIONS Since the proposed algorithm is implemented by calculating the flux linkage based on the phase voltage and the line current, the performance of the algorithm also depends on the quality and accuracy of the estimated flux linkages and measured currents. In addition to this, parameter deviations due to variations in temperature and saturation should be considered. Although the state equations of the PM motor are expressed in Eq. 1, and the general flux linkage variables are defined in Eq. 2, disturbances occur in the flux linkage estimations due to measurement errors and parameter variations. The error terms la 0 234 1% time(ms) 312 (e) , I I I I m 0 734 I% timc(ms) 312 (0 Fig. 6. Transient result accelerating from rest. in the flux linkage estimation and flux linkage variables may be expressed as follows: 9= 9= JLi + Q0 + el + e2 (v - Ri)dt - A,(O) (20) 132 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, VOL. 30. NO. I , JANUARYRBRUARY 1994 014 I , I 0 78 I-" I 1% I 234 I time(ms) 312 (b) Fig. 8. 75 in 225 rime(ms) 1W) (4 Fig. 7. The response of the algorithm to the step loading. Here, elandez are the errors due to measurement and parameter deviations. The corruption sources on the flux linkage estimation may be classified under term e l as follows: 1. Measurement errors in the terminal quantities, a) phase shift in the measured values due to measurement devices, b) magnitude error due to conversion factors and gain, c) offset in the measurement system. d) quantization error in the digital system. 2. Temperature effect on the winding resistance R. The error term el in Eqns. 20 mainly includes measurement errors. In both voltage and current measurement, one has to ensure that the measurement device will not introduce a phase shift, offset or a magnitude error. Another problem in the measurement system is the noisy computer connection to the IEEE bus. The sensitive analog front end of the instrument can also be corrupted by a noisy computer connection. One solution is to place an isolation amplifier between the input side and the measurement system. However, the isolation amplifier often limits the performance of the system particularly for high frequency measurements. Errors in current and flux linkage estimations. (a) Current error. (b) Flux linkage error. Moreover, in star connected systems, if the current regulation in the third phase is reconstructed from the regulation of the other two phases, errors in the third line current might be increased. The error in flux linkage estimation is mainly due to measurement errors, but it may not be separated from deviation of the winding resistance R. The error term e2 also includes current measurement error. However, it is mainly affected by magnet flux linkage and winding inductance. For PM motors which have large air gap, saturation effects caused by current level may be ignored. Deviations in the magnet flux linkages and changing back emf constant with temperature may be taken into account. The effects of parameter variations have been studied with reference to initially measured motor parameters. In order to check the ability of the method to perform in the presence of parameter variations, a test has been carried out changing the value of the winding resistance, the back emf constant, and the winding inductance within a &lo% range. Changing the resistance value causes small phase shift and noticeable dc offset in the estimated flux linkage waveform which can be overcome by the flux linkage correction. Referring to the initially estimated position, measurements have shown that changing the resistance value *lo% for the operating condition in Fig. 6 changes the first electrical period by about 2 ms. When the motor reaches the steady state, the difference becomes smaller. During constant speed operation, the zero crossing points in the position waveform shifted 2.5" electrical which corresponds to +0.7% position error. Changing the back emf constant causes a magnitude difference between estimated and corrected flux linkage. The deviation can be recovered by flux linkage correction. Changing the back emf constant +lo% affects the position estimation about 3" electrical during constant speed operation for the case in Fig. 6. Both changing the value of the inductance and offset effect does not introduce noticeable position error, However, small errors can be eliminated by flux linkage correction. Two typical waveforms of outer current loop error and error in linkage ERTUGRUL A N D ACAKNLEY A N t W ALGOKITHM t O R F t h S O R L E S S OPERATION OF P L R M A N E N T M A G N E T M O T O R S - estimation for acceleration from rest are given in Fig. 8. The high initial error in ~ i 8(a) ~ is. related to an error in the initial position of the motor. Static friction in the mechanical system and incorrect initial value of the integration may cause this error in real system applications. I VI. CONCLUSION The experimental results demonstrate that stator voltages and current signals from a PM motor can be used to obtain position information. The proposed algorithm for shaft position sensorless operation has been tested with a commercially available PMSM operating with both 120” electrical degrees conduction and sinusoidal excitation. The method can also be applied to motors which have position dependent inductance, and allows detection of rotor position over a wide speed range including acceleration from rest. The method is based on flux linkage estimation, so the algorithm can be applied to any other machine, such as the trapezoidal permanent magnet machine and reluctance-type machines. A more versatile approach may be implemented using machine specific look-up tables for rotor flux linkage variations. The next step in this work is to test the method using a digital signal processor for on-line real-time processing of the voltage and current data. 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He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering and in electronic and communication engineering from the Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, in 1985 and 1989, respectively. After the BSc., he worked three years as a research and teaching assitant at Istanbul Technical University. Mr. Ertugrul recently received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. His research interests include simulation, analysis, real-time control and design of PM motor drive systems, solar energy battery charging systems, and switched reluctance drives. Paul Acarnley received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Leeds University, UK, in 1974 and 1977, respectively. After seven years in the Department of Engineering at Cambridge University, he joined the Electric Drives and Machines Group at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, in 1986. As Reader in Electrical Engineering, his principal research interest is in the control of electric drives, including m work on state and parameter estimation. He has also made contributions in the areas of stepping motors, permanent-magnet generators and brushless dc drives. Mr. Acarnley is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.