Contract No. 212206 Cost-Effective Resource- and Cost-effective integration of renewables in existing high-rise buildings SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME COOPERATION - THEME 4 NMP-2007-4.0-5 Resource efficient and clean buildings Grant Agreement for: Collaborative Project (ii) Large-scale integrating project Deliverable D4.1.6 A report including guidelines on how to implement the new concepts and components in building management systems (BMS). For each of the concepts an implementation strategy will be developed. Due date of deliverable: month 33 Actual submission date: 30/06/2011 Start date of project: 01/10/2008 Duration: 48 months Organisation name of lead contractor for this deliverable: TECNALIA Revision 1 Project co-funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) PU PP RE CO Dissemination Level Public Restricted to other programme participants (including the Commission Services) Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (incl. the Commission Services) Confidential, only for members of the consortium (incl. the Commission Services) X 212206 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Disclaimer Cost-Effective is a Collaborative Project (CP) funded by the European Commission under FP7 COOPERATION - THEME 4 – ‘NMP-2007-4.0-5 Resource efficient and clean buildings'; Contract: 212206 Start date of Contract: October 1st 2008; Duration: 4 years The authors are solely responsible for this information and it does not represent the opinion of the European Community. The European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of the data appearing therein. Revision 1 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Table of Contents Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 6 1 BMS Concepts ............................................................................................................................. 8 1.1 BMS overview...................................................................................................................... 8 1.1.1 BMS Architecture.................................................................................................. 11 Control Level ..................................................................................... 14 Management Level............................................................................ 14 Service Level..................................................................................... 15 BMS backbone network .................................................................... 15 1.2 Main Commercial Implementations ................................................................................... 16 1.2.1 PLC Platforms ...................................................................................................... 17 1.2.2 Bluetooth Platforms .............................................................................................. 17 1.2.3 ZigBee Platforms .................................................................................................. 20 1.2.4 PLC Media ............................................................................................................ 22 1.2.5 WireLess Media.................................................................................................... 23 Konnex Platforms.............................................................................. 24 LonWorks Platforms.......................................................................... 25 2 BMS Integration in the Context of Cost Effective Technologies.......................................... 27 2.1 Questionnaire: Interfacing with the client and/or technology developer............................ 28 2.2 Information gathered ......................................................................................................... 31 3 Integration of C E Technologies into BMS Systems ............................................................. 35 3.1 Component: Transparent solar thermal façade collector .................................................. 35 3.1.1 Component functionality ....................................................................................... 35 Collector ............................................................................................ 36 Absorber............................................................................................ 38 HVAC system.................................................................................... 39 Room................................................................................................. 40 3.1.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control............................................................ 41 Sub-network level.............................................................................. 41 Network level..................................................................................... 41 HVAC level........................................................................................ 42 Room level. ....................................................................................... 43 3.1.3 Control and Operation .......................................................................................... 45 Closed-loop scheduling process ....................................................... 45 Monitoring level ................................................................................. 47 Alarm Management Level ................................................................. 48 Sub-Network, Network and HVAC levels.......................................... 50 Room level ........................................................................................ 53 Energy Management......................................................................... 55 3.2 Component: Solar thermal vacuum tube collector ............................................................ 56 3.2.1 Component functionality ....................................................................................... 56 3.2.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control............................................................ 57 3.2.3 Control and Operation .......................................................................................... 59 HVAC Systems ................................................................................. 61 Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 2 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Lighting.............................................................................................. 61 Energy Performance Metering .......................................................... 63 User Interfaces.................................................................................. 63 Component: BIPV glazing with angle-selective solar shading .......................................... 65 3.3.1 Component functionality ....................................................................................... 65 3.3.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control. Operation......................................... 66 3.3.3 Control and Operation .......................................................................................... 67 3.3.4 HVAC Systems..................................................................................................... 67 3.3.5 Lighting ................................................................................................................. 67 3.3.6 Energy Performance Metering ............................................................................. 68 3.3.7 User Interfaces ..................................................................................................... 69 Component: Natural ventilation with heat recovery........................................................... 70 3.4.1 Component functionality ....................................................................................... 70 3.4.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control............................................................ 71 Component: Dual use of unglazed façade collectors ........................................................ 74 3.5.1 Component functionality ....................................................................................... 74 3.5.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control............................................................ 75 Integration of C-E Components, Protocols, & BMS System Requirement Specifications 76 4.1 Monitoring and Control of the CE Technologies................................................................ 76 4.2 Protocols............................................................................................................................ 79 4.3 BMS System Requirements ............................................................................................ 101 4.3.1 Products.............................................................................................................. 103 Conclusions....................................................................................................................................... 114 Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 3 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Glossary AIM Automatic Infrastructure Management ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers AMM Automated Meter Management ANSI American National Standards Institute AMR Automatic Meter Reading BACnet Building Automation and Control Network BAS Building Automation System BMS Building Management System BEMS Building and Energy Management System BTU Basic Transmission Unit ANSI American National Standards Institute BIOS Basic Input Output System CCD Charge Coupled Device (sensor) C-E Cost Effective CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing CPU Central Processing Unit DDE Dynamic Data Exchange DDL Device Description Language E3SoHo Energy Efficiency in European Social Housing EDI Electronic Data Interchange EIB European Installation Bus EMS Energy Management System GUI Graphical User Interface HMI Human Machine Interface HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol (Internet) HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 4 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 IB Intelligent Building ICT Information & Communication Technologies IEC International Electrotechnical Commission IP Internet Protocol IT Information Technology JAVA Object Oriented Programming Language for the Internet LonWorks Local Operating Network M2M Machine to Machine PLC Programmable Logic Controller SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition WAN Wide Area Network Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 5 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Scope This document is the final version of Cost Effective D4.1.6. It has been produced during the latter stages of the development of the five Cost Effective technologies (Task 3.1-Task 3.5) and as integrated concepts are being investigated. This document provides a description and analysis of different possibilities of integration of components developed in the Cost Effective project in a Building Management System The scope of this document is to begin to identify the methodology and approach necessary to integrate the Cost Effective technologies into a building management system. The development of this document and its consideration within the project has assisted the technology developers in working through issues related to how devices will be controlled, managed, and reported. Integration in BMS has been analysed from two complementary views: The view of developers of components in WP3 in tasks 3.1 to 3.5 The analysis of common Building Automation networks. The analysis of the components and their integration has been based on the current information gathered from partners involved in tasks 3.1 to 3.5 and the tasks in WP4. The first part of the report (Chapter 1) provides a general description of Building Management Systems including the scope of activities considered and managed by the BMS, distinctive features and main commercial implementations. Then the second chapter provides a bridge between the Cost Effective technologies and BMS systems. The modular structure of BMS enables the inclusion of new technologies and additional physical components. The chapter describes the functional characteristics of each of the developed new building components. The information has been gathered from components developers through a questionnaire. Then, the next chapters of the document (Chapters 3 and 4 ) provide a more in-depth analysis of the integration of the different components in a BMS. The analysis has been done as an independent process for every component as the characteristics and functionality provided is different for each one: • Transparent solar thermal façade collector • Air-heating vacuum tube collector • Bipv glazing with angle-selective solar shading • Natural ventilation system with heat recovery • Dual use of unglazed façade collectors. The technologies in Cost Effective may be used in various combinations. It is certain they will always need to be adapted and sized to the physical characteristics, energy infrastructure, heating, and cooling demands of any particular building. The analysis performed in chapter 3 and 4 includes: • Component’s functionality • I/O requirements for an integrated control • Operation of the component • Parameters to be considered for each component and their integration into different protocols. Finally the conclusions are presented. The structure of chapters of the document is the following: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 6 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 • 1. BMS Concepts This chapter introduces the main features and functionalities of BMS systems to the reader, in this context, most common BMS architectures and implementations are presented to aid the audience to figure out the BMS and Cost-Effective developments integration scenario. • 2. BMS Integration in the Context of Cost Effective Technologies This chapter describes the process and documents generated to obtain the necessary information from developers for the integration of Cost Effective components in Building management Systems. • 3. Integration of C-E technologies into BMS Systems This chapter describes each of the components developed in the Cost-Effective project and why is important their BMS integration. The chapter goes trough technical and functional details that make necessary the monitoring for the developed components. The guidelines and flow charts for a proper integration of Cost-Effective developments in BMS systems are also described. The reader will be illustrated with the integration good practices for a proper components monitoring and commissioning. • 4. Integration of C-E Components into BA Networks & BMS System Requirements Once BMS-s, their main features, most common implementations and new developments integration requirements are introduced, how they could be deployed in Building Automation networks are detailed in this chapter. As the technologies in Cost Effective may be used in various combinations, this chapter provides the information to integrate the CE technologies in different situations: The monitoring and control parameters, the ability to implement them into protocols, and the general BMS system requirement specifications. • 5. Conclusions The conclusions of the holistic study of the maturity of the concepts to be integrated in Building Management Systems is presented in this section. It shows outstanding aspects of implementation, requirements, and solutions to possible integration in BMS`s issues. The result of the work in D4.1.6 provides a first guide to ensure that the operation and maintenance of all components is carried out appropriately, improving the overall building’s performance. It will however, need to be adapted to each building, integration of the technologies applied to that building, and the control strategies selected by any particular case. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 7 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 1 BMS Concepts 1.1 BMS overview A Building Management System (BMS) considers the building envelope (bioclimatic design), the plant operations (dynamic adaptation) and the rational use of services (indoor comfort, wellness, safety and security) as a whole rather than individual or local control functions. Advances in building design, smart devices, communication technologies and control techniques have propelled BMS from theory to practice and address the complexities of developing an integrated building control to efficiently operate with constantly changing needs, climates, occupancy profiles, user requests and user behaviours. Usually, BMS is performed in different ways, since design, manufacture, engineering, installation, commissioning and maintenance processes are contemporary involved, while it reflects the wide variations in climate, building type, envelope, facilities and space use, control and management methods; all together fitting with National and European Regulations. BMS is a measurement tool and actor to increase energy efficiency over the building life-cycle by enabling optimal decision making and control actions. Not adequately adjusted control systems usually result in large energy waste and GHG emissions, poor safety and security protection, and discomfort for occupants. This is the case when the ambient conditions are considered in a too simple fashion, or it does not take advantage from the building design, or it does not adapt to the user's behaviour, or it needs of a significant commissioning effort. Figure 1.1 shows the scope of activities considered and managed by the BMS. Ideally, the BMS acts to manage these activities in an optimal manner considering in real time: ¾ Resource Conservation and balance with the surrounding environment, according to environmental rules, ¾ Energy Efficiency, Rational use of Energy and Energy Saving, ¾ Safety and Security for occupants, material goods and building-plant structures, ¾ Wellness and Indoor Comfort for users, ¾ Standards and Regulations pertinent to the building use, type, and location, ¾ Rational organisation of services and maintenance. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 8 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Figure 1.1: BMS Concept By applying the fundamental concepts depicted in Figure 1.1, BMS design must be always inspired by the following distinctive features: 1. independence and autonomy of management by means of reliable and low-cost integrated multi-functional control components, with respect to: - building type (office, commercial, hospital, cultural, etc), - envelope components (windows, entrances, sunbreakers, shading devices, advanced glazing, etc.), - technological plants: heating/cooling energy production, HVAC, water, pumps, electricity network, artificial lights, fire, access control, video, intrusion, elevators, sound systems, etc., - human presence (user behaviour, user requests, room occupancy), - different use of indoor area (office rooms, patient rooms, corridors, exposition area, etc.) and of the events to be programmed without any interference among them 2. optimisation of the energy and maintenance processes, to guarantee a: - sustainable approach to energy and environmental issues, with a set of automatic control strategies, local and remote, able to ensure well-being and the best comfort conditions for occupants (thermal, visual and acoustic) with the maximum energy saving, - reduction of running costs, - simplified and user-friendly management process. More in detail, BMS design must be always in accordance with the following guidelines: a. optimum exploitation of climate and natural resource to take benefit on visual and thermal comfort, allowing solar gains but avoiding side effects such as overheating glare, light contrast, etc. b. energy use only where it is necessary (e.g. rooms/zones of the building characterised by dynamic occupancy profiles) and when it is strictly necessary (as function of the programmed time interval of occupancy, working activities, number of people, indoor and outdoor climates); c. wellness and indoor comfort, maintained through the scaled up/down environmental conditions, both in terms of controller rooms/zones with different tolerance profiles according to the activity types and in terms of escalation of the control with programmed sequences defined according to the same activity types. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 9 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 d. integration of all the technological plants to obtain an unique system for management and control. BMS composition mainly consists of field devices (hardware), functions performed by software and services achieved by engineering; usually it includes: a. the infrastructure for the control network, backbone and secondary ridges, on fibber optic or twisted pair cable, and accessories for communication, to interface the individual devices and to allow the transmission of information between individual systems and Control Room; b. the local controller, sensors and actuators for data acquisition and to control/regulate the technological premises in each room, area or zone; c. the GUI for: - real-time visualization of the functionality status and security alarms issued by each system, using an user-friendly interface developed in a simple and intuitive way through interactive synoptic paintings, - store in disk-files and management of real-time and historical operational data, - all protections needed for the preservation of data and to the different categories user’s access (levels of capability), the facilities to transfer data to other remote locations. ¡Error! No se encuentra el origen de la referencia. BMS logical composition: From a commercial point of view, the BMS composition includes the charges of related delivery: software licenses, design services, equipment and related hardware and software accessories, spare parts, assembly of the system, testing and start-up, personnel training, technical documentation and manuals, and what is necessary for the Buyer’s acceptance. BMS performances enable the implementation of a management process characterized by the following levels of service: Energy management aimed at the rational use of energy and minimizing energy consumption in maintaining the environmental conditions of welfare requests. These objectives can be reached through the following methodology: - maximum exploitation of energy resources that the external natural conditions and the building envelope become available - careful operation of the plant, built with the modularity of the control, through a process of scalability that determines functionality profiles which require a minimum or nothing when there are no conditions for the supply of energy (no working hours,no occupancy, etc.) or when the external environmental conditions, alone, can provide for the required comfort. Otherwise, the functionality of the plant is set to provide the needed contribution of energy that, integrated with the natural resources, can provide the basis for comfort requirements - measurement of energy consumption profiles and management in aggregate form and / or unbundled, in order to provide a tool to help Energy Manager to carry out functions for a proper evaluation of energy behaviour of individual users. Measurement of energy will allow to: check trends of consumption and cost of the overall energy management process define the general energy balances putting in relation with economic parameters and the end-use of energy highlight through parameters and indicators energy abnormal situations that do provide the potential for energy savings achievable through changes to the process of operation of the plant compare the results of operations with the estimated savings Operational management, achieved by integrating the functionality of the various technological systems, in order to make uniform the management activities and control, even in the presence of parameters that are not homogeneous. It will cover equipment installation and their way to use. The implementation of controls will be carried out through a hierarchical process that includes: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 10 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS - - - Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 automatic controls, generated from peripheral control unit, resulting from the comparison between the environmental conditions snapshots and strategies defined for maintaining comfort and safety, and determine, in real time, the switch on/off and the regulation of local devices manual controls that overlap the automatic ones, formulated by occupants to meet individual needs, through instruments connected to the network control, and enable to switch on/off devices, and the regulation, within certain limits, the values defined for maintenance indoor comfort remote commands that overlap the automatic ones and those manuals, and which are formulated through the Supervision System (Control Room) from Operators which have an appropriate account, to meet the needs of the overall management or security Maintenance management aimed at the rationalization of human resources and the operating costs for the current management facilities. It allows a streamlining of the services provided, in order to reduce operating costs and enhance current assets over time. The automation solution, provided through a BMS, introduces benefits that can be described as: - automatic diagnosis of the condition of criticality of each facility/user and effectively in times of emergency - rationalization of human resources to be allocated to the management process and subsequent cost optimization for management - improving the quality of service, in accordance with current laws - planning activities scheduled maintenance and effective government management of the process - space planning operations, adapting so perfect and at minimum cost control features of plants to logistical changes resulting from new configurations of indoor spaces - help-desk functions, managing the reporting, accounting, historical data and procedures for the escalation of alarms In addition, BMS design should guarantee: - the maximum degree of freedom in setting out operative configurations for comfort and safety - device management without requiring support of specialized personnel - operational flexibility to adapt at minimum costs BMS to different configurations of spaces without the need for invasive interventions that could disturb the normal course of people activities ( work, trade, exhibition, entertainment) - continuity of operation against anomalies of individual components - modularity making easy future BMS expansion processes of the control system with a full compatibility with what has been previously installed - interoperability against a specific manufacturers own technologies - centralized oversize and interactive technologies which ensure the integration of different systems, making uniform the management even in the presence of parameters that are not homogeneous 1.1.1 BMS Architecture The next figure illustrates a graphical representation of a BMS architecture: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 11 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Figure 1.3: BMS Network Architecture In addition, remote monitoring and servicing is a feature utilized in some special application areas when supervised systems are geographically scattered. This organisation requires and justifies the presence of backbone nodes, to allow the BMS communication infrastructure to operate with higher performance and distribution functions. The BMS physical organisation on three logic levels results in the use of two communication networks over the backbone and secondary ridges. Backbone means that part of the network that handles communication between Management and Automation levels. It can be implemented by adopting one of the possible network topologies (e.g. closed loop topology). The ridges secondary instead make possible to the devices Field level to communicate with the backbone nodes (Level Automation). The BMS backbone network is designed to provide very high performance in terms of: speed data transfer, control accuracy of the data, security transmission, management routing, as identification of the connection path among the nodes on the network, flow control on the data, robustness respect to any unforeseen blocks on the various nodes (the backbone functionality still continues to work run smoothly even if one or more nodes are unable to communicate), scalability of the network with the possibility to add and/or delete new nodes from the network without introducing any kind of interference. Each of three levels, as shown in the figure below, operate independently of the next level up as specified in the system architecture. For example, Control Lever operates independently without support from Management Level. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 12 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Figure 1.4: Three levels of BMS architecture Where BPC stands for Building Programmable Controller and BSI stands for Building Service Interface. BPC is a generalization naming for such devices as PLC-s, RTU-s or other intelligent electronic devices involved in the building management. By the other hand BSI includes all kind of interfaces that a system may expose from an http page, a web service infrastructure, a file server or many other possible gateways or interfaces. Depending on the make and type of the Building Management System, these three function blocks can be integrated into a single software package running on a single computer system, not very common nor useful due to scalability issues, or may be distributed over multiple software and hardware components. The picture below shows, in time driven chart, the foreseen evolution and state of art of Building Management Systems. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 13 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Figure 1.5: BMS evolution roadmap (Ref: Honeywell) Functionally each of the BMS levels accomplishes different roles in the whole management task. Control Level The Control Level, or Level 1, consists of a distributed network of smart control nodes, which are connected to field bus (LON, KNX,). Nodes include all the intelligence of the system. Each node is capable of handling several different systems in parallel through flexible distribution of I/O points. Nodes are capable of operating autonomously independently of Management Level. For example, all systems must be able to react to alarms on the Control Level without interference from upper levels. All communication is event based. Management Level Management Level, or Level 2, shall provide a uniform view to all systems through the open Building Operating System (BOS) platform. All the systems - controls of cooling, ventilation and lighting, consumption measurements, access controls, intruder alarms, fire alarms and DVR systems - shall be integrated with the BOS using device drivers. Building Operating Systems (BOS) stands for the infrastructure in which the BMS relies on, it is the generic naming for any vendor implemented platform. The BOS shall offer at least the following common services to be used by all connected systems: • Alarms • Historical trending • Logs and reporting • User profile and role management To ensure fault-tolerant system functionality, the Management Level are not responsible for any controls. The Control Level works independently also without the Management Level. The Management Level shall enable existence of Service Level as specified herein. The BOS collects trends from defined points, collect and forward alarms from the systems. The BOS enables efficient management of user rights. The BOS is capable of forwarding alarms to mobile phones using SMS, local alarm printers or to Service Center. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 14 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 BOS provides standard connectivity to the Service Center, which is capable of providing advanced maintenance and security services. The BOS may include a structured object model of the building, its parts and spaces, its connected systems, system parts and effect areas of each system. The aim of this model is to provide building simulation input data for a predictive analysis. The advanced BOS include an open interface for other applications to interact with the connected systems. Communication method between BOS and Client applications include at least Java Messaging Service (JMS), not only this but, Web interfaces are used for light-weight clients, e.g. automatically generated browser-based user interfaces in residences for Panel PC’s, PDA’s or IPTV. Service Level Service Level, or Level 3, allows the systems to be connected without additional software to one or several Service Center(s), for providing centralized remote monitoring, alarm and fault detection of connected building management and security systems. The Service Center is capable of accessing remotely the systems through a standard interface through the BOS platform. The standard connectivity shall enable providing advanced maintenance and security services, such as security alarm monitoring, maintenance alarm monitoring, remote diagnostics, main user capability, remote control and optimization of all systems, energy optimization, trending and reporting services. The Service Center usually support connectivity of multiple sites in multi-operator environment. Predefined alarms from connected sites – e.g. intruder alarms, dirty filter notifications or leakage alarms, for example – will appear in the alarm list with a specified priority. More and more common remote diagnostics is leading the design of site systems and devices to enable proactive maintenance of technical systems, energy optimization and efficient management of the infrastructure. The infrastructure or BMS platform described so far, drives the design of brand new BMS-s toward the Distributed Intelligence. The intelligence of the systems is distributed into Smart Control Nodes, which are connected to field bus, the integration of the control nodes in their upper level, the management level, is done without its interference, in a “plug-n-play” fashion. BMS backbone network With respect to the standard OSI reference, communication on the backbone is divided into seven levels, each one corresponding to a transmission protocol. Below, only the more significant levels for the backbone are described, whereas conversely the other levels of the OSI standard do not relevant for BMS are not expressly mentioned. At the second level (logical), the communication protocol, typically used for high-speed connections, could be GigaEthernet whose transmission speeds up to 1Gb/s; moreover this protocol allow the typical scalability of the Ethernet networks. At the third level (network), the communication is based on IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6). It ensures the proper management and the high performances of the various addressing towards the nodes. IP also manages the routing communication blocks on the backbone. At the fourth level (transport), the typically used protocol is TCP (Trasmission Control Protocol). This communication standard ensures the transmission of data; it implements facilities for flow control of data and to verify the correctness of the communication. BacNet can be seen as a communication protocol belonging to this level and supported by BMS. In the seventh level (application), the communication on the backbone uses OPC (OLE for Process Control) and VRN (Virtual Realtime Network) protocols. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 15 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 OPC is a standard of communication based on OLE/COM technology, which is the new medium for exchanging information between applications in Microsoft Windows 32-bit. It ensures high interoperability between control / command / supervision applications and industrial equipment (regulators, sensors, actuators). OPC is based on a client / server architecture. VRN ensures high performance in terms of speed and traffic on the network. This protocol implements the management of redundancy (hot standby) on SCADA servers. The data modified on PC-Clients are real-time displayed in each Client-station, but they are updated only in background on the server disk database configuration. VRN interfaces directly to OPC and manages various distributed structures including client-server and peer-to-peer. The secondary ridges use different protocols depending on the characteristics and application of the connected field level devices. From a simplified point of view the following types of communication protocols may be considered on the secondary ridges: BACnet protocol. These lines of communication to the lowest levels of the stack OSI protocols mainly exploit Ethernet and LonTalk. Modbus and Profibus protocol. Introduced in the '70 years it has gradually imposed in the automation world becoming one of the most important protocols. Controllers using Modbus to communicate with the automation level are typically electronic units for measurement and protections installed within the electrical cabinets. LonTalk protocol. Developed by Echelon is part of LonWorks technology it is used in all levels of the OSI stack and it is considered the standard de facto in building automation applications. The controllers which implement LonTalk to communicate with the automation level are typically I/O modules designed to perform environmentally control (thermal and visual comfort). In terms of capabilities and velocity to react to events of different nature, BMS usually ensures performances which satisfy the minimum requirements highlighted on the following Table 1.1. Function Performance Time to transmit a single information in the network. < 1 sec. Time to perform a command through the network. < 2 sec. Timing for sampling all the measurement. < 5 sec. Averaged data stored into the inner database. 1 min. Criteria for managing digital variables COV (change of values) Event management (measurement, status o alarm) a video < 1 sec. and COV Update Graphical user Interface (GUI) < 5 sec. Table 1.1 Minimum requirements for optimal BMS performances 1.2 Main Commercial Implementations To achieve to a clear picture of the BMS technologies state of art it seems, reasonable to study the interoperation and effective implementations of them. In this context this chapter will cover the implementation of the communications protocols over the different communication Medias. Regarding to the hardware for BMS platforms, in the last years a great revolution has taken place in different fields such as the sensoring, data gather devices, communication architectures and so on. Any of these fields, itself, could be a topic for a dedicated SoA, nevertheless, the new communication platforms and middleware are where more innovation efforts companies are compromising. The trend which drives those efforts is the jump from a wired platform to a wireless one. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 16 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS 1.2.1 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 PLC Platforms From the point of view of the wired communication architectures the PLC (Power Line Communication) platforms are the unique ones that are going to be taken into account, although there exist many other such as TPC/IP or Field Buses, these are already well-known and there are out of the scope and purpose of this document. Power line communication or power line carrier (PLC) is a system for carrying data on a conductor also used for electric power transmission. Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) uses PLC by sending and receiving radio signals over power lines to provide access to the Internet. Electrical power is transmitted over high voltage transmission lines, distributed over medium voltage, and used inside buildings at lower voltages. Powerline communications can be applied at each stage. Most PLC technologies limit themselves to one set of wires (for example, premises wiring), but some can cross between two levels (for example, both the distribution network and premises wiring).ç Data rates over a power line communication system vary widely. Low-frequency (about 100-200 kHz) carriers impressed on high-voltage transmission lines may carry one or two analogue voice circuits, or telemetry and control circuits with an equivalent data rate of a few hundred bits per second; however, these circuits may be many miles (kilometres) long. Higher data rates generally imply shorter ranges; a local area network operating at millions of bits per second may only cover one floor of an office building, but eliminates installation of dedicated network cabling. Typically home-control power line communication devices operate by modulating in a carrier wave of between 20 and 200 kHz into the household wiring at the transmitter. The carrier is modulated by digital signals. Each receiver in the system has an address and can be individually commanded by the signals transmitted over the household wiring and decoded at the receiver. These devices may be either plugged into regular power outlets, or permanently wired in place. Since the carrier signal may propagate to nearby homes (or apartments) on the same distribution system, these control schemes have a "house address" that designates the owner. Since 1999, a new power-line communication technology "universal powerline bus" has been developed, using pulse-position modulation (PPM). Universal powerline bus (or UPB) is an industry emerging standard for communication among devices used for home automation. It uses power line wiring for signaling and control. Based on the concept of the ubiquitous X10 standard, UPB has an improved transmission rate and higher reliability. While X10 without specialty firewalls has a reported reliability of 70-80%, UPB reportedly has a reliability of more than 99%. While in the X10 protocol this digital data is encoded onto a 120 kHz carrier which is transmitted as bursts during the relatively quiet zero crossings of the 50 or 60 Hz AC alternating current waveform, the UPB protocol works differently. The UPB communication method consists of a series of precisely timed electrical pulses (called UPB Pulses) that are superimposed on top of the normal AC power waveform (sine wave). Receiving UPB devices can easily detect and analyze these UPB Pulses and pull out the encoded digital information from them. UPB Pulses are generated by charging a capacitor to a high voltage and then discharging that capacitor’s voltage into the powerline at a precise time. This quick discharging of the capacitor creates a large “spike” (or pulse) on the powerline that is easily detectable by receiving UPB devices wired large distances away on the same powerline. 1.2.2 Bluetooth Platforms The Bluetooth technology has been developed by an enterprise consortium (Intel, Ericsson, Nokia, Toshiba, IBM) to whom later on some other (Compac, Dell, 3 Com,…) where added. Bluetooth stands for an open technology specification that makes possible short distance data and voice communication all across the world. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 17 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Bluetooth is a radio standard primarily designed for low power consumption, with a short range power class dependent: 10 centimetres, 10 metres, 100 metres or up to 400 metres) and with a low-cost transceiver microchip in each device. Bluetooth lets these devices talk to each other when they come in range, even if they are not in the same room, as long as they are within up to 100 metres of each other, dependent on the power class of the product. Products are available in one of three power classes: 1. Class 1 (100 mW) : It has the longest range at up to 100 metres. 2. Class 2 (2.5 mW) It allows a quoted transmission distance of 10 metres. 3. Class 3 (1 mW): It allows transmission of 10 cm, with a maximum of 1 metre. In a very short way the evolution of Bluetooth could be summarized by the realises sequence: Bluetooth - Bluetooth 1.0 and 1.0B Versions 1.0 and 1.0B had numerous problems and the various manufacturers had great difficulties in making their products interoperable. 1.0 and 1.0B also had mandatory Bluetooth Hardware Device Address (BD_ADDR) transmission in the handshaking process, rendering anonymity impossible at a protocol level, which was a major set back for services planned to be used in Bluetooth environments, such as Consumerium. Bluetooth - Bluetooth 1.1 In version 1.1: • • • many errata found in the 1.0B specifications were fixed. added support for non-encrypted channels. Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) Bluetooth - Bluetooth 1.2 This version is backwards compatible with 1.1 and the major enhancements include: • Adaptive Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (AFH), which improves resistance to radio frequency interference by avoiding using crowded frequencies in the hopping sequence • Higher transmission speeds in practice • Extended Synchronous Connections (eSCO), which improves voice quality of audio links by allowing retransmissions of corrupted packets. • Host Controller Interface (HCI) support for 3-wire UART • HCI access to timing information for Bluetooth applications. Bluetooth - Bluetooth 2.0 This version is backwards compatible with 1.x. The main enhancement is the introduction of Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) of 2.1 Mbit/s. This has the following effects (Bluetooth SIG, 2004): • 3 times faster transmission speed (up to 10 times in certain cases). • Lower power consumption through reduced duty cycle. • Simplification of multi-link scenarios due to more available bandwidth. • Further improved BER (Bit error rate) performance. Once the platform is introduced lets focus on how Bluetooth connections work. Any Bluetooth device will transmit the following sets of information on demand; • Device Name • Device Class • List of services Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 18 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Any device may perform an "inquiry" to find other devices to which to connect, and any device can be configured to respond to such inquiries. However if the device trying to connect knows the address of the device it will always respond to direct connection requests and will transmit the information shown in the list above if requested for it. Use of the device's services however may require pairing or its owner to accept but the connection itself can be started by any device and be held until it goes out of range. Some devices can only be connected to one device at a time and connecting to them will prevent them from connecting to other devices and showing up in inquiries until they disconnect the other device. Every device has a unique 48-bit address. However these addresses are generally not shown in inquiries and instead friendly "Bluetooth names" are used which can be set by the user, and will appear when another user scans for devices and in lists of paired devices. Most phones have the Bluetooth name set to the manufacturer and model of the phone by default. Most phones and laptops will only show the Bluetooth names and special programs are required to get additional information about remote devices. This can get confusing with activities such as Bluejacking as there could be several phones in range named "T610" for example. On Nokia phones the Bluetooth address may be found by entering "*#2820#". On computers running Linux the address and class of a USB Bluetooth dongle may be found by entering "hciconfig hci0 class" as root ("hci0" may need to be replaced by another device name). Every device also has a 24-bit class identifier. This provides information on what kind of a device it is (Phone, Smartphone, Computer, Headset, etc), which will also be transmitted when other devices perform an inquiry. On some phones this information is translated into a little icon displayed beside the device's name. Bluetooth devices will also transmit a list of services if requested by another device; this also includes some extra information such as the name of the service and what channel it is on. These channels are virtual and have nothing to do with the frequency of the transmission, much like TCP ports. A device can therefore have multiple identical services. Not only this, but communication is divided in profiles that are defined by the Bluetooth SIG: Profiles Advanced Audio Distribution Profile – A2DP Audio/Video Remote Control Profile – AVRPC Basic Imaging Profile – BIP Basic Printing Profile – BPP Common ISDN Access Profile – CIP Cordless Telephony Profile – CTP Device ID Profile – DID Dial-Up Networking Profile – DUN Fax Profile – FAX File Transfer Profile – FTP General Audio/Video Distribution Profile – GAVDP Generic Access Profile – GAP Generic Object Exchange Profile – GOEP Hard Copy Cable Replacement Profile – HCRP Hands-Free Profile – HFP Human Interface Device Profile – HID Headset Profile – HSP Intercom Profile – ICP Object Push Profile – OPP Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 19 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Profiles Personal Area Networking Profile -PAN Phone Book Access Profile – PBAP Serial Port Profile – SPP Service Discovery Profile – SDAP SIM Access Profile – SAP SIM Synchronisation Profile – SYNCH The Bluetooth technology is in a close competition with other communication frameworks, below are identified some of them. • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.2.3 European Installation Bus HomePlug — Focused on broadband applications nanoNET — ( A proprietary set of wireless sensor protocols, designed to compete with ZigBee. OBEX — A communications protocol that facilitates the exchange of binary objects between devices. RadioRa — ( A proprietary two-way RF protocol, developed by Lutron for use in residential lighting control. TinyOS — ( A mesh network OS using the NesC language. Topdog — ( A proprietary protocol for wireless networking developed by Watt Stopper/Legrand for use in residential and commercial lighting control. UPB — ( A new powerline protocol that offers improved performance and reliability over X10. Wi-Fi — A trademark for sets of product compatibility standards for wireless local area networks (WLANs). Wireless USB X10 — A powerline protocol first introduced in the 1970s. Z-wave — ( A proprietary protocol for wireless home control networking. ZigBee — a set of high level protocols designed for low power digital radios ZigBee Platforms ZigBee is a wireless transmission standard, operating at a signal strength between Bluetooth and WiFi, which enables technology to be developed to provide smart, low-cost, low-power and lowmaintenance, wire-free monitoring and remote control solutions for buildings management. It can be utilised in a variety of end devices, such as switches, sensors, door locks, lighting, energy controls, and meters. These can be linked over a mesh network by way of concealed wireless routers, to facilitate the online management of an entire building. ZigBee has been under development globally since the millennium. It is now recognised to be a standard which will revolutionise how we construct, retrofit and manage buildings around the world. The benefits it delivers include: • ZigBee protects and increases building value by supporting state-of-the-art, operationallyefficient platforms. • It simplifies design while increasing flexibility; wireless environments easily adapt to changing needs. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 20 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 • It reduces disruption to on-going activities in a building during refurbishment since wire-free installation is much less intrusive than traditional building methods. • Costs and constraints associated with re-wiring are eliminated. • Building occupants enjoy a more comfortable experience since wireless devices can be located more conveniently for better control and increased sensitivity to changing conditions. • ZigBee provides the ability for devices in buildings to run for years on inexpensive primary batteries. • Sustainable solutions. As the world’s energy resources decline, ZigBee technology can dramatically reduce usage and cut carbon emissions. The ZigBee Alliance is a rapidly growing, non-profit industry consortium of leading manufacturers, technology providers and end-users worldwide that are together defining a new era in building automation. ZigBee operates in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands; 868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in countries such as USA and Australia, and 2.4 GHz in most jurisdictions worldwide. The technology is intended to be simpler and less expensive than other WPANs such as Bluetooth. ZigBee chip vendors typically sell integrated radios and microcontrollers with between 60K and 128K flash memory, such as the Freescale MC13213, the Ember EM250 and the Texas Instruments CC2430. Radios are also available stand-alone to be used with any processor or microcontroller. Generally, the chip vendors also offer the ZigBee software stack, although independent ones are also available. In the interest of brevity, many network specific features of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard are not covered in detail in this paper. These features of the physical layer include receiver energy detection, link quality indication and clear channel assessment. Both contention-based and contention-free channel access methods are supported with a maximum packet size of 128 bytes, which includes a variable payload up to 104 bytes. Also employed are 64-bit IEEE and 16-bit short addressing, supporting over 65,000 nodes per network. The MAC provides network association and disassociation, has an optional superframe structure with beacons for time synchronization, and a guaranteed time slot (GTS) mechanism for high priority communications. The channel access method is carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA-CA). To provide for low cost implementation options, the ZigBee Physical Device type distinguishes the type of hardware based on the IEEE 802.15.4 definition of reduced function device (RFD) and full function device (FFD). An IEEE 802.15.4 network requires at least one FFD to act as a network coordinator. ZigBee protocols are intended for use in embedded applications requiring low data rates and low power consumption. ZigBee's current focus is to define a general-purpose, inexpensive, selforganizing mesh network that can be used for industrial control, embedded sensing, medical data collection, smoke and intruder warning, building automation, home automation, etc. The resulting network will use very small amounts of power -- individual devices must have a battery life of at least two years to pass ZigBee certification[5]. Typical application areas include: • Home Entertainment and Control — Smart lighting, advanced temperature control, safety and security, movies and music. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 21 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Home Awareness — Water sensors, power sensors, smoke and fire detectors, smart appliances and access sensors. • Mobile Services — m-payment, m-monitoring and control, m-security and access control, mhealthcare and tele-assist. • Commercial Building — Energy monitoring, HVAC, lighting, access control. • Industrial Plant — Process control, asset management, environmental management, energy management, industrial device control. ZigBee and Bluetooth are very similar but with some key differences: • ZigBee network may contain 65535 grouped in sub-network of 255 nodes, bluetooth instead may only contain 8 devices. • ZigBee has minor energy consumption. • The Tx speed is up to 250Kbps for the ZigBee, while, for Bluetooth is around 1Mbps. • ZigBee technology is more focused on Domotic environment while Bluetooth is more suitable for mobile phone environment, nevertheless, BMS systems an some home appliances are introducing Bluetooth as their communication middleware. Once hardware trends have been introduced their complementary software platforms or infrastructures are going to be introduced in the following paragraphs. The study of software trends as well as hardware trends may be faced from different points of view. This document will focus on trends related, as done for hardware, to communication issues, such as communication protocols or infrastructures. As happens in the hardware field, the market is plenty of software tools and solutions around which it is possible to build up a BMS solution. From those born directly from industry automation standards to those coming from a much specialised automation environment the common aim has been become a standard for the building automation. This objective has not been achieved by any of them but, two of them are imposing their strength, LonWorks and Konnex also known as KNX (former EIB). Both hardware communication platforms (hardware middleware), and software introduced and contextualized it is time for putting all together next how they fit each other will be presented to the reader. 1.2.4 PLC Media PL110 is the original EIB powerline PL132 is that developed within EHS and which is likely to be used principally for plug and play applications within household appliances. All comply with EN50065-1 and both Konnex’s PL132 and Echelon’s powerline transceiver implement the access protocol defined in that standard for devices operating in the 125-140kHz band. Independent tests have shown that both may operate simultaneously on the same power network without undue interference other than a reduction in throughput. An access protocol is not required in the 90-125kHz band. The Echelon powerline transceiver is also capable of operating in the 9-95kHz band defined in EN50065-1. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 22 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 The powerline technology developed by Echelon is inherently faster and, we believe, stronger than that of EIB and has the unique ability to operate in two different frequency bands to optimise performance in the face of interference on the powerline. Its large-scale rollout in electricity metering applications, using the A band, with 15 million meters so far installed in Italy, demonstrates that strength. The launch of the Smart Powerline Transceivers, which integrate two variants of the Neuron Chip with the powerline transceiver in a single package, significantly raise the cost/performance bar. This solution is well suited for the home automation market especially for the plugged-in appliances. This is the most cost-effective solution available in market for device-on-a-chip (transceiver, application processor and memory). This provides very reliable communications and it is compliant with communication regulations worldwide. 1.2.5 WireLess Media Although KNX already has its custom RF extension, this, regarding to the openness, should not keep us from having a look at other wireless technologies and considering possible synergies. WLAN and Bluetooth operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM band which allows them to support the data rates required for media streaming. This band also has the big advantage of being available license-free almost worldwide. However, this also means it is excessively crowded. HBA applications get by with far lower throughput. This enables the use of lower frequencies, which have the advantage of better radio wave propagation with the same amount of power spent. For license-free communication, the ISM bands in the 900 MHz region are of particular interest. Unfortunately, their frequency ranges differ in Europe (863-870 MHz) and the USA (902-928 MHz). However, they are close enough to allow a single transceiver design which can be adapted by adjusting the oscillator only. The European 863-870 MHz range is particularly attractive since it is well regulated. For example, channel-hogging audio applications such as cordless headphones are not allowed between 868 and 870 MHz, but have their own frequency at 864 MHz. The 868-870 MHz sub-range is further subdivided into sections with varying limitations on duty cycle and transmission power. In contrast, devices using the US 902-928 MHz range are only subject to a transmit power limit of 1 W. Therefore, e.g., cordless phones are a major source of interference. In the following, a selection of relevant wireless control networking technologies applicable in home and building automation is presented. The Z-Wave protocol [Z-Wave, ZHome] was developed with an explicit focus on home control applications. Z-Wave operates at 908.42MHz +/- 12kHz in the US and 868.42MHz +/- 12kHz in Europe, using FSK (frequency shift keying) modulation. The RF data rate is 9.6 kbit/s (with a raise to 40 kbit/sadvertised). A single network may contain up to 232 devices. Higher counts can only be obtained by bridging networks. Z-Wave uses a mesh networking approach with source routing, which means that the whole route is determined already at the creation of the frame in the sender. Therefore, only devices which are aware of the entire network topology can send ad-hoc messages to any destination. Such devices are termed controllers. Another device class, routing slaves, can send unsolicited messages to a number of predefined destinations. The required routes are downloaded by a controller to the routing slave (e.g., a motion sensor) during the association process. Mains powered routing slaves will also use these routes to forward messages on behalf of another node. Finally, nodes which only receive messages to act upon them (e.g., a dimmer) are called (non-routing) slaves. There is always a single controller (primary controller) that holds the authoritative information about the network topology. It is involved every time a device is to be included in or excluded from the network. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 23 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Routes are automatically found, and defective routes are automatically removed to cope with devices changing their location and RF transmission paths becoming blocked over time. Medium access control involves carrier sensing for collision avoidance with random back-off delays. End-to-end acknowledged unicast and unconfirmed multicast and broadcast communication is supported. To allow basic interoperability in multi-vendor systems, device class specifications define sets of mandatory, recommended, and optional commands. Self-association based on matching command definitions is advertised. There is currently only a single source for Z-Wave silicon: Zensys’ mixed-signal ICs containing the transceiver, an 8051 microcontroller core, a Triac controller with zero crossing detection and an optional 3 DES encryption engine. The microcontroller hosts both the ZWave protocol and the application software. The protocol and device class specifications are not freely available, neither are the IC manuals. The material released to the public leaves many aspects obscure (for example, the self-healing, selforganization and security properties). Konnex (KNX) RF does not provide any security mechanisms. Since the transmitted data are neither encrypted nor an integrity check is performed, KNX RF cannot fulfil the high demands of security critical applications. Therefore, alternative technologies have to be used for these kinds of applications. Two wireless standards which fulfil the requirements of the home and building automation domain are IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee. The focus of IEEE 802.15.4 and ZigBee is to provide general purpose, easy-to-use and self-organizing wireless communication for low cost and low power embedded devices. These technologies were designed for the use in actuator and sensor networks, including the HBA domain. The used protocol is compact yet flexible and powerful enough to meet relevant demands of these applications. A variety of manufacturers provides 802.15.4/ZigBee silicon, including systems-on-chip. Whilst Echelon launched LONWORKS launched with a wireless version, but this never achieved real commercial viability. There are currently third party solutions on the market, principally around 433MHz for European use, but there is currently no LONMARK recognised radio channel. LonWorks control-networking platform creator Echelon Corp. works in a "light" platform called Pyxos. Pyxos networks are intended to be integrated inside a sensor or actuator. Echelon sees Pyxos' endgame as building pervasive sensor networks. The company's LonWorks technology can work over power lines, twisted-pair wire and coaxial cable. The Pyxos platform initially will be implemented over twisted-pair, but Echelon confirmed that the company is quietly working to take it wireless. Konnex Platforms Konnex, both as a technology and as an association, is the result of the merge of three European technologies for home and building control: EIB, BatiBUS and EHS. Of the three technologies, only the EIB technology remained relatively unchanged during the merge and only limited parts of the other two remain unchanged. Products incorporating original EHS or BatiBUS technology require substantial changes before they can comply with the Konnex standards and there is little evidence that, so far, this has happened. Consequently it can be considered that unless the specific context requires otherwise the terms Konnex and EIB are synonymous. The European Installation Bus technology was originally developed in Regensburg by Siemens, specifically that part of Siemens dealing with low voltage wiring devices (switches, socket outlets, circuit breakers, dimmers and the like) used in homes, offices, etc.. The design intent was to create the next generation of those wiring devices with the requirement that these should be delivered to existing users (electricians) through the existing supply chain (electrical wholesalers). A key issue was clearly the cost of the electronics and Siemens opted to use an off-the-shelf maskprogrammed Motorola 68HC05 microprocessor as the main processor with a special ASIC Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 24 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) to handle the low level access to the communication bus where simple routines need to be carried out at speed including sampling the bus at high frequency to detect incoming messages. This is essentially the bulk of the Link Layer of the ISO/OSI model. The Konnex protocol uses only five of the seven layers of the ISO/OSI, being the session and presentation layers, empty or null-layers. Secondly that limited capacity, and the need to have a universal device that could assume different functions, required that the appropriate software application were downloaded only when the BCU was associated with the appropriate hardware (switch, dimmer, etc.). Konnex networks, at least the wired versions of these, are essentially synchronous. In that all devices synchronise to the start of a transmission and retain that synchronism throughout the transmission. This permits the EIB system to use a carrier sense, multiple access technique (CSMA) but with an added bonus of collision resolution. If two devices start transmitting at exactly the same time, one or other will discover that the bus is not reacting to its transmission in that the bus has gone low when the device would have expected it to stay high. In this case that device will immediately cease transmission allowing the other to continue uninterrupted. In this manner, and since one of the earliest frames transmitted on the bus is the device address which immediately follows the control field which itself includes a priority field, the device address has a degree of priority associated with it. Importantly, no packets are lost through collisions. Since its original launch as a wired bus solution, Konnex has added alternative transmission media; notably powerline signalling and radio, with an infrared protocol expected shortly. These require alternative media access techniques. The engineers also had to deal with interoperability between devices and chose to model the application layer using a weakly-typed model. LonWorks Platforms “What lies beneath the personal computer?”, this phrase is considered the kick off milestone for the birth of LONWORKS. In fact, a conversation between Mike Markkula, Chairman and outgoing President of Apple Computers, with the incoming president John Sculley, formerly of Pepsi Cola where Mike described the pyramidal hierarchy of the computer market to John, and a potential market based in control systems drove the foundation of Echelon Corporation. Mike Markkula, founded the Echelon Corporation. Perhaps it was typical of the mood of the times, but the new corporation set out not merely to define a control network protocol for peer-to-peer operation, but to develop a new chip to run that protocol, a new language to programme the chip and a development system with which customers could develop products. The control network protocol became LonTalk, a richly featured implementation of the ISO/OSI 7-layer communication model, the silicon chip became the Neuron Chip and the programming language, a variation of the ANSI C language modified for event-driven programming, became Neuron C. It is important to note at this point that LonTalk is not restricted to implementation on the Neuron Chip alone, that alternatives implementations exist and that Echelon published a reference implementation in 1999 which may be freely downloaded from their website. Using the reference implementation, or otherwise working from the published standards, a number of alternative implementations have been produced including the ORION protocol stack for the ARM processor and the Linux/Java implementation for the Motorola ColdFIRE processor by domologic Home Automation GMBH. Both of these implementations use state machines for the lower layers of the LonTalk protocol and implement the higher layers in a microprocessor. The LonTalk also had to deal with the application layer of the protocol and they chose here and in Neuron C to produce a strongly-typed language defined by standard network variable types – known as SNVTs and pronounced “snivvets”. These variable types not only define the representation used for the value but define what that value represents, for example, a temperature in degrees Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 25 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Celsius with a resolution of 0.1 of a degree. Interestingly for US-based engineers, the majority of these SNVTs are defined in terms of the International metric system or SI. Using a strongly-typed language significantly prevents incorrect connections between data variables on different devices and promotes interoperability provided that there are clear, industry agreed, models how various devices are represented: this agreement and the production, distribution and certification of devices against these profiles is a key function of LONMARK International. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 26 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 2 BMS Integration in the Context of Cost Effective Technologies The chapter describes the methodology designed and implemented to interface with the technology developers. It provides a bridge between the Cost Effective technologies and BMS systems. The objective was to gather the functional characteristics of each of the developed new building components. The information gathered focused on: - Main physical magnitudes to be considered for each component depending on the component (inside and outside temperature, humidity, power,…) to measure the working status for each of the developed components - Affection of those magnitudes on their working conditions (efficiency, failure…) - Characteristic value ranges for those properties - Working architecture - Critical conditions - Maintenance requirements - Typical system set-ups that defined a general scenario in which the new component is integrated - Commissioning The structure of the BMS is considered for the integration process, highlighting how it is defined to facilitate the integration of technical concepts defined in the Cost-Effective project. This study was performed from the BMS definition point of view. The modular structure of BMS enables the inclusion of new technologies and additional physical components. BMS Systems, regarding their impact on the building users, can be divided in subsystems, those subsystem could be identified as: • HVAC. • Façade Items Control. • Lighting. • Energy Management subsystems. • User Interface. In this regard, it is possible to map each of the identified measurable magnitudes from the CE technologies to the appropriate subsystem of the BMS. The new building components may have some constraints related to the BMS systems runtime, In this context, the BMS systems will have to follow some runtime-rules or action sequences. Runtime flows are also studied in this chapter. Depending on the characteristics of each CE technology, the attributes concerning to some of the subsystems could be more relevant in the surveillance process. Flow-charts taking into account these kind of considerations are included where relevant. In order to do that a questionnaire has been designed and distributed to the developers involved in WP3. The fundamental questions to answer in the integration of C-E technologies into a BMS are related to decision making, control, and data reporting. In its most basic sense, these functions can happen at the device level, or they can happen at the building level. There are advantages and disadvantages to both: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 27 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Decision Making, Control, and Reporting at the Device Level: Advantages: • Maximum control during design, manufacturing, and testing • Each device is self contained and potentially more simple Disadvantages: • May not provide optimal building performance • May require more ICT hardware • May not be appropriate for technologies that operate at the system level (e.g. connecting façade components connected to centralized HVAC). Decision Making, Control, and Reporting at the System (BMS) Level: Advantages: • System knowledge and control may provide the opportunity for optimal performance • ICT hardware costs may be minimised • May be adaptable to more building scenarios Disadvantages: • More effort is required in the design stage • Communication and protocol networks must be closely considered • Marketing and installation requires more expertise The trend in buildings is clearly towards more intelligent self-aware buildings that act at the system level. However, this may not be the first step in introducing a new technology and especially if it results in higher costs. For these reasons, it has been appropriate to interact with technology developers and technology adopters about how they view the advantages and disadvantages as they relate to any particular scenario. The pilot demonstration activities will also provide the opportunity to assess if systems are more appropriate to be considered at the local level (device) or at the building level (BMS). 2.1 Questionnaire: Interfacing with the client and/or technology developer Within the project a questionnaire document was utilized to interface with the technology developers. The intent of the questionnaire was: • To introduce and educate the reader to the topic of BMS • To obtain initial responses to how each technology was planned to be employed • To develop a “shopping list” of ICT hardware that would support each CE technology • To obtain the information required to begin to draft the initial control and communication architecture • To provide references for further investigation of the topic. In practice, the technologies in Cost Effective may be used in various combinations. The results of the questionnaire for each technology could be analysed in a holistic way for those concepts involving more than one technology. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 28 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 It is suggested that such an approach may also be appropriate to interact with building architects, designers, managers, and owners. This questionnaire is described in Annex 1 of this document Basic questions to begin the discussion Technology Characteristics 1) Type of Device(s) a. Solar PV b. Solar Thermal c. Natural Ventilation d. Shading e. Advanced artificial lighting & daylighting control. Solar control 2) The device(s) are intended for a. Heating b. Cooling c. Lighting 3) The device is: a. An individual unit b. A system of units 4) How will the device interact with the building a. With the functions of an individual office (e.g. unit AC) b. With the functions of a floor (e.g. floor heating) c. With the functions of the building (e.g. central heating) 5) The energy produced will a. Be used for the building b. Will be sold c. Will be optimised (e.g. sold or consumed based on decision metrics) 6) Is the device a. Active – control required b. Passive – no control required 7) If the device requires control, is the controller a. At the device level b. At the sub-system level (grouping of devices) c. At the system level (building) 8) If the device requires control, is the controller a. Start/stop manually operated b. Continuous automatic operated with no communication facilities with remote c. Continuous automatic operated with communication facilities with remote Building and BMS Integrations Considerations 9) Would your device integrate into an existing BMS or is a separate and dedicated decision making station required? a. An available BMS would be preferred b. A separate dedicated control station is preferred c. Either is possible and both should be developed / supported (in the event no BMS is present) Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 29 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 10) Where is (or should) decision making taking place? a. On board the RET b. At a station that is responsible for a grouping of RETs c. By the BMS d. Not known 11) Is (or should) the RET/BMS interact with the grid or surrounding buildings? a. Yes b. No c. Not known 12) Does (or should) the RET/BMS have smart metering capabilities (e.g. is real time performance data and the surrounding conditions required to make decisions)? a. Yes b. No c. Not known 13) Does (or should) the RET/BMS have capabilities for storing experimental data into hard-disk database? a. Yes, it should allow real-time data management and historical trends b. Yes, it should allow only real-time data management c. No, there is no need for the visibility of experimental data. Hardware Characteristics 14) Which is preferred 1. Wired solution 2. Wireless solution 3. Whichever works best 15) Is a specific protocol (BacNet, lonworks, modbus, etc) desired or required? a. Yes (Please list ________________) b. No c. Whichever works best 16) How would you like to interact with the BMS a. Dedicated PC / BMS station b. Portal I can access from the web using my PC c. Dashboard (e.g. control panel at device or system level) Developing control and reporting strategies The basic decisions captured in the previous questions affect the control and reporting requirements for each technology. Control may be related to operational mode or physical parameters such as temperature, flow, or the presence of frost. Performance data may link to data on energy production, environmental conditions (weather), or the indoor environment. Each aspect affects what sensors and actuators are required. Once these decisions begin to take shape, it is appropriate to create and document the basic control strategy for each device. This was conducted through working sessions with each technology and examples are provided in Section 3. Developing the initial ICT hardware “shopping list” Based upon the type of technology being developed and the intent for how to deploy that technology, an initial listing of supporting sensors, and actuators was collected. This was accomplished using a table format with a brief linkage to the different types of signals and sensors available/required as follows: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 30 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Signals: DI Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective = Digital Input (i.e status, alarm, etc.), DO = Digital Output (i.e. open/close, On/Off, etc.), AI = Analogue Input (i.e. temperature, solar radiation, wind speed, etc.), AO = Analogue Output (i.e. 3-way valve regulation, etc.) SW = Calculated variable (i.e. number of hours in the ON status), BMS = Total variables required for controlling the component. Sensors: S1 = i.e PT-100 to measure temperature (outside, inside, inlet, outlet), S2 = i.e. actuator to open/close (window, motorized shading device, dumper), S3 = i.e. anemometer to measure solar radiation (global, diffuse, horizontal, vertical), S4 = i.e luxmeter to measure illuminance (indoor and outdoor) S5 = i.e presence sensor in the room, S6 = i.e sensor to measure wind speed and/or wind direction. S7 = i.e modulating (3-way or 2-way valve), S8 = i.e Humidity sensor S9 = i.e indoor air velocity measurement Measurement/Control Variables signals DI DO AI AO SW BMS S1 sensors S2 S3 … … … Sn Remarks Technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total of this section 2.2 Information gathered Next tables show the information obtained about components developed Cost –Effective from developers in WP3 in sections 1, 2 and 3 of the questionnaire. More information gathered is described in the next chapter of the document. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 31 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Questions Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Section 1: General Questions T.3.1 T.3.2 T.3.3 T.3.4 T.3.5 Partner PG Kfabrik ISE TNO EDF Solar PV X Solar Thermal Type of Device X X Natural Ventilation X Shading X Air Source Pump coupled with solar thermal Air source Heat Pump coupled with solar thermal X Heating The device Cooling is intended Lighting for Ventilation X X X X X X X The device an individual unit is a system of units X How will the device interact with the building X X X X X x X X with the functions of an individual office (e.g. unit AC) X x X X X X X X X X X with the functions of a floor (e.g. floor heating) With the functions of the building (e.g. central heating) The energy produced will be used for the building Is the device active – control required If the device requires control, is the controller at the device level If the device requires control, is the controller start/stop manually operated x X x Sold X optimized (e.g. sold or consumed based on decision metrics) X x X x X Passive – no control required X at the sub-system level (group of devices) x at the system level (building) x automatic operated without communication facilities with remote automatic operated facilities with remote with communication X X X x x X X Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 32 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Questions Would your device integrate into an existing BMS or is a separate and dedicated decision making station required? Section 2: Building and BMS Integrations Considerations T.3.1 T.3.2 Partner PG Kfabrik T.3.3 T.3.4 T.3.5 ISE a separate dedicated control station is preferred either is possible and both should be developed / supported X X X X X X X At a station that is responsible for a grouping of RETs X By the BMS X Not known X X X X X Does (should) Yes the RET/BMS have smart No metering capabilities (e.g. is real time performance data and the surrounding Not known conditions required to make decisions)? Yes, it should allow real-time management and historical trends X X Is (should) the Yes RET/BMS interact with the No grid or surrounding Not known buildings? Does (should) the RET/BMS have capabilities for storing experimental data into harddisk database? EDF an available BMS would be preferred On board the RET Where is (should) decision making taking place? TNO data X X X X X X X X X X Yes, it should allow only real-time data management No, there is no need for the visibility of experimental data Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 33 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Questions Which is preferred Is a specific protocol (BacNet, LonWorks, Modbus, etc) desired or required? How would you like to interact with the BMS Section 3: Hardware Characteristics T.3.1 T.3.2 T.3.3 T.3.4 T.3.5 Partner PG Kfabrik ISE TNO EDF X X X X Whichever works best X X X X Dedicated PC / BMS station X Wired solution Wireless solution Whichever works best Yes (Please list ________________) No X Portal, I can access from the web using my PC X Dashboard (e.g. control panel at device or system level) Don’t know X x X X X Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 34 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 3 Integration of C E Technologies into BMS Systems Each section in this chapter is used to describe each component developed in Cost Effective. The information provided has been structured following a common structure and adapted to the peculiarities of each component as follows. The first part of each section describes the Component’s functionality, as a whole and for each incorporated subsystem. It describes the variables and parameters to be controlled, the critical aspects of control/management, the strategies for an integrated control. Then, details the I/O requirements for an integrated control, providing DI, DO, AI, AO signal specifications, software variables and each any parameter necessary to perform the optimal management. Finally a description of the Operation of the Component is included, providing flow charts or pseudocodes for each monitoring/control item: main scheduling process alarm management, network, subnet and room level, and energy management. Solar control is also described as optional to take it into account where applicable. Due to the different nature and use of each component, the general structure of each section is adapted to needs of each technology. 3.1 Component: Transparent solar thermal façade collector In the following, the solar thermal energy collecting façade with its immediate HVAC components shall be considered as well as the central HVAC system parts necessary to integrate the former into the building HVAC system. Furthermore, the interaction between the room HVAC system and the solar thermal energy collecting façade is detailed. Public information about this C-E component is available at deliverable report: D3.1.2 »Prototype for transparent thermal collector for window integration« (see 3.1.1 Component functionality The novel transparent solar thermal façade collector will at the same time allow visual contact to the exterior (e.g. one can see through the window looking downward from inside the building), provide solar and glare control and it will generate heat. In summer, the collector will be used as heat source for solar cooling systems. The development deals will the integration of apertures with angular selective transmittance into the absorber of a solar thermal collector which is integrated in the transparent part of the façade. These apertures will selectively shield the direct irradiation of the sun (coming from directions with higher solar altitude angles) while retaining visibility through the window horizontally or downwards. The main technical challenges are related to thermal and optical optimization, and both the integration of the absorber in the façade and the HVAC system. The concept has been developed in two operational concepts/scenarios as shown in Figure 3.1. In the first, the solar collector/absorber acts as a fixed layer in an insulating glazing unit (IGU) so that high collector efficiency shall be obtained. In the second approach, the absorber is integrated into a double skinned façade as a moveable blind to deliver heat when the sun is shining on the façade and minimizing the visual disturbance could be caused by the collector. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 35 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Figure 3.1. Configuration A and Configuration B In the following sections, the solar thermal energy collecting façade with its immediate components (collector, absorber) shall be considered as well as the central HVAC system parts necessary to integrate the former into the building HVAC system. Furthermore, the interaction between the room HVAC system and the solar thermal energy collecting façade shall be considered. Collector A solar energy collecting device with its own inlet and outlet shall be called a collector. Facades are installed as unitized systems made of individual panels. In each panel more than one collector may be integrated, also of different types. In order to be exploited, the inlet and outlet of a collector must be connected to the HVAC system by means of a piping system. Different piping configurations are possible. Collector sub-network A collector sub-network entity is composed of any number of collectors that: - are connected in parallel, - are expected to receive the same solar radiation, and - produce the same outlet temperature at the same flow rate and inlet temperature of the solar heating medium fluid. The smallest possible network is composed of one collector. The collector definition can be further specified for moveable solar energy collecting devices leading to the terms moveable collector. Similarly fixed (non moveable) solar energy collecting devices are then fixed collectors. A collector sub-network is composed either of fixed or moveable collectors but not a combination of both. Due to shading from neighboring buildings or uneven cloudiness, the easiest way to have a subnetwork with collectors receiving the same level of solar radiation is to limit its size to a small number of units (e. g. 4 collectors). Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 36 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 In case of moveable solar collectors, the sub-network will generally cover a portion of that part of the façade corresponding to one room (or the whole part, depending on its size). This results from the fact that moveable solar collectors in different rooms will be positioned differently and therefore possibly require different flow rates of the solar heating medium fluid. This also means that the moveable solar collectors of one room must be positioned (deployment and angle) identically, which is a reasonable condition for small rooms. Open space offices can be implemented as multiple rooms in order to have enough flexibility, similarly as it is generally done in case of room automation. Safety controls, and flow rate control of the solar heating medium fluid, are typically allowed at level of each single sub-network. In this case each sub-network is provided with the following equipment: - a control valve, - a safety valve. If it can be reasonably foreseen that fixed collector sub-networks of a façade (or large part of it) will receive the same solar radiation, the former level of control may be shifted at level of the collector network (see below). The collector sub-network is the smallest working HVAC integrated solar energy collecting entity. Each collector is supplied with the same solar heating medium fluid flow rate, which is regulated with the control valve. This allows a uniform performance over the collector sub-network. The flow rate of the solar heating medium fluid is controlled to achieve a pre-defined collector outlet temperature (temperature set-point) and thus return medium fluid temperature. The flow rate will increase as solar radiation increases and vice versa. A very low power radiation (such as in the case a shadow is temporarily cast over the collector surface) may not be sufficient to provide the set-point temperature even at the lowest flow rate. In this case the system is shut-off and there will be no output. As solar radiation starts to increase, the absorber temperature rises and the flow is activated and controlled to meet the pre-defined set-point temperature. The collector sub-network flow rate controller of the solar heating medium fluid uses the following magnitudes: - Supply and return temperatures of the solar heating medium fluid, Area specific solar radiation for the given collector orientation and ambient temperature or the absorber surface temperatures. For moveable collectors, deployment status and inclination angle may be also needed if the absorber temperature is not available. This information is provided by the room daylight / shading controller. These magnitudes are used to determine when flow initiation occurs at collector start-up. Collector network A collector network is called a number of collectors sub-networks that are connected together in parallel. Typically, sub-networks are arranged in networks according to general functional and design requirements, e. g. to have connected all the sub-networks of the same floor. In case more sub-networks of fixed collectors can be expected to receive the same solar radiation, it may be preferable to use this criteria to arrange them in a collector network. In case the collectors are fixed, also control and safety valves can be moved from collector subnetwork to collector network level. The minimal HVAC equipment for a collector network is: - a circulation pump, - an expansion vessel system The medium fluid flow rate in the collector network is provided by means of a differential pressure controller or directly via the circulation pump. Below a pre-defined flow rate of the solar heating medium fluid, the collector network is deactivated. This shut-off point depends on the solar thermal gain to electrical consumption ratio at that exploitation point and on the variable flow pumping scheme that is being used. Collector networks can be connected together in parallel. These in parallel connected collector networks are generally interfaced with the central HVAC system over a heat exchanger since the Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 37 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 solar heating medium fluid is a water / glycol mixture. In order to buffer the heat coming from the collector network, a heat storage is implemented on the central HVAC side of the system. Different collector exploitation modes are defined. These exploitation modes are differentiated by the collector supply and especially return temperatures, which are controlled with the flow rate controllers of the collector networks and sub-networks: - Winter: typically 25 [°C] and 35 [°C], - Summer: typically 70 [°C] and 80 [°C]. While the collector exploitation mode and the fine tuning of the supply and return temperatures within a mode is determined by the central HVAC system to best meet the heating / cooling load situation including history present in the building (see below), the solar energy collecting is initiated by the solar heating medium flow rate controllers depending on the availability of solar energy. Absorber Figure 3.2 shows the absorber layouts. Figure 3.2: absorber layouts. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 38 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 The fluid inside the sub-networks starts flowing as the absorber surface temperature increases over the minimum value. The flow is activated also at network level in case it has been previously stopped. As the absorber surface temperature reaches the set maximum value, an alarm signal is transmitted to the main HVAC system (stagnation detection). Supply and return fluid temperatures are measured. The return temperature is compared with the value set by the main HVAC system (see below). The fluid flow rate is controlled by means of a 3-ways control valve to allow the sub-network outlet temperature to reach the set-point value. A very low power radiation (such as in case a shadow is temporarily cast over the collector surface) may not be sufficient to provide the set-point temperature even at the lowest flow rate. In this case the system is shut-off and there will be no output. The re-activation of the system is depending on the solar absorber surface reaching the minimum set value. Flow rate is also measured so that, in combination with the temperature data, can be used to calculate the sub-networks delivered power. The flow rate will increase as solar radiation increases and vice versa. HVAC system The central HVAC system is at the first level of the whole system structure. Figure 3.3 illustrates the HVAC integration with TSTC with reference to configuration A depicted in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.3: HVAC integration for TSTC configuration A. One of the main tasks of the central HVAC system in relation with the solar thermal energy collecting façade is the determination of the collector exploitation mode as well as the fine tuning of the supply and return temperatures within a mode which best suits the heating / cooling loads requested by the building. A solar energy collecting device integrated in the transparent part of the façade of a building, which collects more heat than can be extracted, can substantially increase the g-value of the glazing causing user discomfort. Furthermore such operation results in high solar heating medium temperatures and possibly evaporation of the solar heating medium causing high stress on the equipment. In view of the above, when heat is produced by the collector networks that cannot be used either for heating or cooling nor can be stored it is necessary to remove it. Excess heat removal is only performed as a last resort. This is done using the same HVAC heat evacuation devices as those for evacuating chillers condenser heat. The main elements that need to be considered in the HVAC working architecture are: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 39 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective - the transfer of the solar energy to the buffers or heat evacuation (pump with flow control and valves), - the exploitation of sorption chillers, Levels of the different thermal storage units are measured. Maximum and minimum levels are set per each one and specific rules for storing heat are defined. Room Room definition is a space set between defined partition walls, included the portion of the external façade that is the border to the outside for the specific room. The experimental apparatus, shown in Figure 3.4, is built onto the Cost Effective TSTC, with heating/cooling, artificial lighting systems and venetian blind (optional). Presence IR Wattmeter O N/O FF A A A A Room temperature Dimming T Window status AU T/MAN Data Logger Luminosity on the working plane PC 486 A UT/MA N FanCoil Actuator Venetian Slats Tout Open Close Tin V3V Flowmeter Figure 3.4: experimental apparatus at room level Both fixed and moveable TSTC collectors are used for heating and light control at the same time. In case of fixed collector, the effect on the internal lightning cannot be adjusted. The light transmission of the component, which is a technical specification, is taking into account in the early façade design stage, to meet the target levels of daylight. In case of moveable collectors, there is an active control. The internal level of light intensity is measured and controlled with a combined use of artificial lighting and natural lighting, allowed by the transparency of the collector and set by the degrees of tilting of the slats. Simple interfaces drive the actuators connected to the control system: − − − − commutating fan velocities of the heating/cooling system, light switching on/off, commercial dimmer ballasts, opening/closing the slats (optional), Sensors are also connected to acquire data about the working plane light level, ambient temperature, presence detection, global external radiation and slats orientation (optional). Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 40 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS 3.1.2 Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective I/O requirements for an integrated control. Sub-network level. For each collector sub-network the monitoring process shall include: - absorber surface temperature and alarm for maximum temperature, - supply and return temperatures of the solar heating medium fluid, - fluid flow rate (controlled through a 3-way valve) - delivered power. The deployment status and inclination angle (from daylight / shading controller) shall be included in case of moveable collectors, while room temperature is shared with the room level control. The I/O list of sensors and actuators for the collector network is included in Table 3.1. Function Variable sub-Network level Absorber surface 1 temperature 2 3 4 Fluid temperature DI DO AI AO SW BMS Comment measurement 1 1 set point 2 2 minimum and maximum alarm 1 1 for maximum temperature measurement 2 2 supply and return set point 1 1 return, set by HVAC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 11 measurement Fluid flow rate Delivered power control calculated 6 network controller fault detection 1 7 Total per Network level 2 0 Table 3.1: I/O Table with requirements for the subnet level. Network level The physical magnitudes are monitored on two levels: - collector network. - collector sub-network (absorber), For each collector network the monitoring process shall include: - supply and return temperatures of the solar heating medium fluid, - flow rate(s) of the solar heating medium fluid, - delivered collector network power, - pressure of the solar heating medium fluid circuit (from expansion vessel system), - circulation pump: fault and running/stop status (moreover the number of hours in running status shall be calculated by a software function), - fluid transmitted power, - area specific solar radiation for collector orientation (ambient temperature, included in the I/O room requirements), - collector exploitation mode, - status of the flow rate controller(s) of the solar heating medium fluid , - central HVAC solar heat processing equipment fault. The I/O list of sensors and actuators for the collector network is included in Table 3.2. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 41 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Function Variable Network level DI D O AI Measurement (supply & return) Fluid 1 temperature Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective A O SW BMS Comment 2 2 energy measuring device set point 1 1 return temperature exploitation mode 1 1 set by HVAC 2 Fluid flow rate measurement 1 1 energy measuring device 3 Delivered power measurement 1 1 energy measuring device measurement 1 1 external pressure 1 differential pressure Control 4 Fluid pressure 1 pump: fault signals 1 1 pump: status signals 1 1 run / stop 1 software calculation pump: hour in status run Fluid 5 transmitted power measurement network controller fault detection 6 7 Total per Network level 1 1 1 1 2 fault detection 1 1 6 1 13 3 Table 3.2: I/O Table with requirements for the collector network level. In an ideal case both the last two magnitudes are available at the BMS level. Such measurements / BMS integrations can, however, lead to high costs and should not be mandatory for the implementation of a façade integrated solar thermal collectors scheme. It is advisable to have at least one of the two magnitudes at the BMS level in order to speed up fault detection. HVAC level. The I/O list of sensors and actuators for the HVAC is included in Table 3.3. Function Variable 1 Fluid temperature HVAC level 2 Fluid flow rate 3 Fluid pressure DI DO AI AO SW BMS Comment measurement 2 exploitation mode 1 set point measurement 1 measurement 1 1 1 1 1 1 pump: ON/OFF control 2 2 supply & return 1 summer/winter 2 supply & return temperature 1 measurement Thermal heat storage 4 levels (per each storage set levels unit) detection 2 2 min & max 2 2 min & max 5 Weather forecast 1 1 from external source 6 Status HAVC equipment Fault detection 1 1 7 Total per HVAC level 1 4 0 5 15 Data acquisition 5 Table 3.3: I/O Table with requirements for the HVAC level. The physical variables that should be monitored at the central HVAC level in relation with the solar thermal energy collecting façade are: - Total delivered collector power and history Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 42 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS - Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Thermal heat storage levels and history Building cooling / heating load as well as cooling / heating load history Room temperatures and history Concrete slab temperatures and history (if available) Environmental temperature, absolute humidity and history Weather forecast (if available) Blinds inclination angle and history Collector exploitation mode Equipment fault (controllers, pumps, …) Date. This information will be detailed in the final deliverable. Room level. The I/O list of sensors and actuators for the room control is included in Table 3.4. Function Variable DI DO AI AO SW BMS Comment room lighting level 1 1 measurement Set point (Lcomfort) + gap width 2 2 to avoid swings Time delay to switch off 1 1 Switch On/Off: command 1 Visual Comfort Switch On/Off: status 1 1 1 1 artificial light control (dimmer): command 1 artificial light control (dimmer): status 1 1 daylight (venetian position measurement) 1 1 optional Room Level daylight (blinds tilting control) 2 Thermal Comfort 1 1 1 optional daylight (tilting angle measurement) 1 1 optional room temperature 1 1 measurement set point (min, stand-by & max): winter 3 3 set point (min, stand-by & max): summer 3 3 Time delay to set Tstand-by 1 1 Heating/cooling valves: commands 2 Heating/cooling valves: status 2 2 Fan velocity: command 2 1 1 Fan Velocity: status 1 1 3 User presence Detection 1 1 4 Room controller fault detection 1 1 5 Total per room level 4 2 7 4 10 27 Table 3.4: I/O Table with requirements for the room control. Indoor lighting level, indoor temperature and room occupancy (user’s presence) are measured. Thermal and visual comfort set-points (room temperature and lighting levels) and time delays are software parameters of the control algorithm that can be changed at any time by the user. Moveable collectors (blinds) are optional for the room control; if such element is installed, they are operated to allow the maximum exploitation of daylight while the required level of internal lighting is maintained. If this is not sufficient, artificial lighting is integrated with a dimmer. Visual comfort shall be established through the following scheduling process: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 43 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 1. room occupancy; 2. (collectors) slats orientation (optional); 3. dimming regulation of the artificial lighting; Set-point for visual comfort are established through: • • lighting level maintained on the working plane: Lcomfort. gap around the visual comfort set-point: Lcomfort. ± ΔL (to avoid ON/OFF swings of the lights or by modulating the artificial electrical power), delay time: ΔTL, to turn OFF lights after the user is not in the room • Thermal comfort shall be established through the following scheduling process: • room occupancy; • room temperature. • water temperature in the fan system; • seasons; • night/day; • window opening/closing; • regulation of the water flow rate and fan velocities; • best adaptation of the collector vertical position (optional) and slats orientation (optional). Thermal power at room level shall be calculated according to the formula: Q = ρ * c * p * Dt, where: ρ = water density; c = specific heat of the water; p = water flow rate; Dt = inlet-outlet water temperature difference of the fan. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 44 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS 3.1.3 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Control and Operation The global system working architecture for the transparent solar thermal collector has been split into different levels, each related to a specific function for monitoring and controlling in such a way the best operational management and energy efficiency should be ensured with high level of safety. Closed-loop scheduling process Figure 3.5 depicts the main elements of the runtime TSTC scheduling process for a closed-loop control. Figure 3.5: TSTC scheduling process for a closed-loop control. Hence the main TSTC closed loop control is split into many networks and each networks may be further subdivided in sub-networks. While this levels architecture is some sort of a hierarchic structure, the room level is something to be considered separately, together with monitoring and alarm management. An integrated supervising control algorithm shall have to be implemented to coordinate the whole process based on Figure 3.5. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 45 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Indeed, Figure 2.6 details individual items to be performed at network or sub-network level in order to ensure the best management. Figure 3.6: structure of control performances for individual network or sub-network. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 46 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Monitoring level MONITORING Meteo monitoring - Outdoor temperature Outdoor humidity Global solar radiation Weather forecast(if available) - Collector sub-network monitoring - Absorber surface temperature Supply and return temperatures of solar heating medium fluid Flow rate of the solar heating medium fluid Delivered collector sub-network power Collector network monitoring - Supply and return temperatures of solar heating medium fluid - Pressure of solar heating medium fluid circuit(s) - Circulation pump(s) fault status - Flow rate(s) of the solar heating medium fluid - Delivered collector network power - Collector exploitation mode (from HVAC) Central HVAC monitoring Room HVAC monitoring (for moveable collectors) - Room temperature - Internal light intensity - User presence - Aperture (%) of heating & cooling 3-way valves - Fan velocity - Blinds inclination angle (if moveable are installed) - Total delivered collector power and history Thermal heat storage levels and history Building cooling / heating load and history Room temperature (from room controller) Concrete slab temperatures and history (if available) Collector exploitation mode Equipment fault (controllers, pumps, …) Date BMS monitoring - Controller(s) status return All these physical magnitudes, measured at the different system levels, should be stored into the BMS database and therefore shared by each individual TSCT element control algorithm as well as for user’s data analysis and decision making. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 47 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Alarm Management Level ALARM MANAGEMENT True HVAC fault? Corrective action is possible? False True False Working HVAC status restore Warning / Alarm HVAC silencing Fault HVAC procedure Alarm / fault HVAC signal generation return Collector fault? True Corrective action is possible? False Working Collector status restore Warning / fault Collector silencing Fault Collector procedure Alarm / fault Collector signal generation return continue Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 48 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective continue True Room HVAC fault? Corrective action is possible? False True False Working Room HVAC restore Warning / Alarm silencing Fault Room HVAC procedure Alarm / fault signal generation return Room Lighting fault? True True False Venetian Blind fault? Corrective action is possible? False Working Room Lighting restore Fault Room Lighting procedure Warning / Alarm silencing Alarm / fault signal generation True Corrective action is possible? False return True False Working Venetian restore Fault Venetian procedure Warning / Alarm silencing Alarm / fault signal generation return BMS fault? True Corrective action is possible? False True Working BMS restore Fault BMS procedure Warning / Alarm silencing Alarm / fault signal generation return return Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 49 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Sub-Network, Network and HVAC levels. The solar transparent collectors require a high level of integration with the HVAC system. They deliver thermal power that may be used directly for heating or for cooling via sorption chillers. This power is transmitted by heating a fluid within specific ranges of working temperatures (30-35 °C in winter and 70-75 °C in summer); consequently the HVAC system needs to be design to work with those temperature ranges. Further, in order to maximize the exploitation of the collector field, the thermal power need to be stored in storages (cold or hot water, low and high temperature) of adequate size. This is a crucial point, indeed anytime the thermal supply is in excess to the thermal load of the building, it can be used to meet later a heating or cooling demand. As storages are full but the thermal supply is still higher than the thermal load, a strategy for blowing off the heat collected with the components may be required. Hence the allowance for a cooling tower on the roof should be taken into consideration. Sub-Network level The absorber surface temperature of one single collector per each sub-network is monitored, while minimum and maximum temperatures are set. As the absorber surface temperature increases over the set minimum value the fluid inside the subnetworks starts flowing. The flow is activated also at network level in case it has been previously stopped. As the absorber surface temperature reaches the set maximum value, an alarm signal is transmitted to the main HVAC system (stagnation detection). Supply and return fluid temperatures are measured. The return temperature is compared with the value set by the main HVAC system. The fluid flow rate is controlled by means of a 3-ways control valve to allow the sub-network outlet temperature to reach the set-point value. A very low power radiation (such as in case a shadow is temporarily cast over the collector surface) may not be sufficient to provide the set-point temperature even at the lowest flow rate. In this case the system is shut-off and there will be no output. The re-activation of the system is depending on the solar absorber surface reaching the minimum set value. Flow rate is also measured so that, in combination with the temperature data, can be used to calculate the sub-networks delivered power. The flow rate will increase as solar radiation increases and vice versa. All variables are measured and controlled by means of a sub-network level controller, whose working status is reported to the main control system for fault detection. Network level The medium fluid flow rate in the collector network is provided by means of a differential pressure controller, or directly via a circulation pump. Fluid pressure is measured and controlled to be at the set-point value. The variable speed pump is controlled with the differential pressure controller (the controller is often integrated in the pump together with the pressure measurement). An external pressure measurement is also taken, in order to guarantee the pressure in the whole network. The delivered network power, depending on supply and return temperatures and flow rate is measured with a standard energy measuring device, that is equipped with 2 temperature measurements and a flow rate measurement and can provide power, energy, temperatures and flow rate. Below a pre-defined network power the collector network is deactivated. This shut-off point depends on the solar thermal gain to electrical consumption ratio at that exploitation point and on the variable flow pumping scheme that is being used. It will be reactivated as at least one of sub-networks that were previously shut off are reactivated due to the minimum absorber temperature be reached. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 50 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 All variables are measured and controlled by means of a network level controller, whose working status is reported to the main control system for fault detection. HVAC level: The working temperature drop and temperatures have an impact on the efficiency of the sorption chillers of the main HVAC system. The best is to have a short delta T at high temperatures. The efficiency of the collector itself combined with the environmental conditions (as low solar radiation, low external air temperature and high wind) may force to use lower temperatures. For heating it is generally better to use low outlet temperatures to increase energy yield. Hence two different exploitation modes may be defined: - Winter: typically 25 [°C] and 35 [°C] - Summer: typically 70 [°C] and 80 [°C] The switching between the two modes cannot be determined in advance, but is dynamically defined by the system. The collector exploitation mode and fine tuning of the supply and return temperatures within a mode is determined to best meet the heating / cooling load situation, including history present in the building (these exploitation modes are differentiated by the collector supply and especially return temperatures, which are controlled at level of the collector sub-networks). The collector exploitation mode is determined by the HVAC system based on the following physical magnitudes, which should be monitored: - Date - Total delivered collector power and history - Building cooling / heating load as well as cooling / heating load history - Environmental temperature, absolute humidity and history - Weather forecast (if available). Depending on the collector exploitation mode, different central HVAC functions are possible: • Winter: Heating and Excess heat evacuation • Summer: Heating, Cooling, Excess heat evacuation It is possible, but not considered here, that predictive and adaptive algorithms could be employed to optimize decision making. The solar energy collecting façade and the central HVAC system are coupled processes that run in parallel, also with room control. The sub-network control is performed by means of sensors and actuators listed in Table 2.1 and it implements the proper procedure described on the details in this paragraph. The active control of the system allows for corrective actions in case the critical variables are not in the optimum range. In case the system controller is not capable to guarantee proper working conditions due to a fault, this is detected by the main HVAC system. The network control is performed by means of sensors and actuators listed in Table 2.2 and it implements the procedure described on the details in paragraph. The active control of the system allows for corrective actions in case the critical variables are not in the optimum range. In case the system controller is not capable to guarantee proper working conditions due to a fault, this is detected by the main HVAC system. The main HVAC system control is performed by means of sensors and actuators listed in Table 2.2 and it implements the procedure described on the details in paragraph. The active control allows for optimization of the HVAC system switching between different exploitation modes. The Central HVAC monitoring detects any fault of the sub-system, restoring the working status if possible. In case the main HVAC cannot allow for corrective actions for optimizing the working conditions, a fault signal is generated. Hereafter the flow chart for the integrated collector, including the absorber, and HVAC close-loop control is depicted. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 51 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Page 52 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Room level The room control is performed by means of sensors and actuators listed in Table 2.4 and it implements the procedure described on the details in paragraph. The following comfort levels can be established in the closed-loop room control: comfort level: (permanent status) when user is in the room: a. room temperature is maintained at comfort set-point, fan water temperature is controlled to guarantee a correct HVAC functionality. b. lights are switched on/off to maintain indoor condition at light comfort set-point, electrical power can be modulated (dimmer) to integrate natural light contribution, c. if installed, venetian slats are modulated to take benefits on visual comfort. In this configuration, glare control has the priority in visual comfort. stand-by level: (transient status) when user is short-time not in the room (after a time delay, setpoint): a. room temperature is downgraded at stand-by set-point, fan water temperature is controlled to guarantee a correct HVAC functionality, b. light are switched off; c. (if installed) venetian position is unchanged. economy level: (permanent status) when user is long-time not in the room (after a time delay, setpoint): a. room temperature is maintained at economy set-point, fan water temperature is controlled to guarantee a correct HVAC functionality, b. light are switched off, In this configuration, overheating (summer) or solar gain (winter) is of more concern than lighting. In this case the blinds may be operated to close or even shut completely if the room temperature increases over a set-point value. The following Table 3.6 summarizes the slats orientation for visual comfort. Occupancy Illuminance NO (>ΔTL, e.g. 10 <> Lcomfort min.) YES (Slats=Max) < Lcomfort YES (Slats<Max) < Lcomfort YES (Slats=Min) > Lcomfort YES (Slats>Min) > Lcomfort YES = Lcomfort Slats Orientation Light Dimming Control last status OFF OFF last status YES (Opening) last status YES (Closing) last status ON OFF ON OFF last status ON (+) OFF ON (-) OFF last status Table 2.6: slats orientation for thermal comfort In case the system controller is not capable to guarantee optimum room conditions due to a fault, this is detected by the main HVAC system. The close-loop room control algorithm in pseudo-language could be as the following structure. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 53 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective ROOM MANAGEMENT User present? True Visual Comfort function with Light = Lcomfort Thermal Comfort function with Tamb = Teconomy Venetian position function: (Open/Close) according to season False Visual Comfort function with Light = OFF False Long-time absence? True Thermal Comfort function with Tamb = Tstand_by Thermal Comfort function with Tamb = Teconomy HVAC function switch Venetian slats function: with daylight avoiding glare is Night? True return False Tamb <> Tcomfort? False True Thermal Comfort function with Tamb = Teconomy HVAC function switch Venetian position function: (Open/Close) according to season return Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 54 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 As general remark, it is to be mentioned the controller should avoid to overrule the tuning of the lights switch on/off (and slats movements in case of moveable venetian installed). BMS functions shall perform the local/remote room control and data transfer, to automatically switch on/off actuators and regulates valves (0% ÷ 100%) depending on the required thermal and visual comfort inside the room (set-point assignments by the user). Energy Management Measurement of the energy performance is required for two main reasons: • the energy performance is depending on the solar power available at the collectors, and the system is design to adapt all its working parameters to the power level of the source. The main HVAC control will set the exploitation mode (winter/summer) starting from energetic data. Also the switching on/off of the collectors (at sub-network and network level) will depend whether the minimum power delivered being above a certain threshold or not. • The available solar power and delivered thermal power data are collected on a hourly basis, together with the measures of all the significant variables. This information could be used as input for a predictive algorithm implemented in the BMS, which will allow the system not to adjust to optimum working conditions only on the base of instant energetic values, but examining the potential consequences of each action. • The thermal power calculated at room level shall allow to better evaluate the energy balance between the TSTC produced thermal power with respect to the user requirements Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 55 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 3.2 Component: Solar thermal vacuum tube collector 3.2.1 Component functionality Public information about Solar thermal vacuum tube collector component is available at deliverable report: D3.2.2 »Prototype of an air heating vacuum tube collector for façade integration « (see This technology is promising heat supply for room heating, preparation of domestic hot water and for technological processes like solar cooling. It’s possible to address for this kind of use two different types of solar thermal vacuum tube collectors, achieving different results. First one is to expose them to the outside. Then the tubes have to withstand the weather conditions and some kind of failsafe attribute in case of breakage. This tube might be from 70mm diameter and would be aligned between 7and 70 meters length. The absolute length depends on the diameter. 70mm and 7m to 70meter length. Or 35mm and 3m to 20meter length. The length of one tube may also depend on the diameter. Maximum ranges are from 1,50m for the small diameters and 3meter for the 70mm ones. The minimal length is needed for the correct flow inside and the maximum should ot be exceeded due to a veritable pressure drop. In each panel is installed a vacuum tube collector with an air inlet and outlet. These are connected to a closed system of air ducts. Second one is to put the continuous tube behind the facade, e.g. into the cavity. These tubes will have a diameter of about 35mm and a length id 1,50m. This length is given by the width of typical facade units. To have a suitable flow-situation, we have to connect each two of those tubes in serial. For both types a good - not for each building perfect approach is to have 70% area tube and 30% area gap. Heat exchangers will be used to transfer the collect energy from hot air to the fluid of the main piping of the HVAC system, according to different arrangement schemes: - The heat absorbed from each collector is exchanged from air to liquid a small number of collectors that are expected to receive the same solar radiation are connected to the same air duct system, which exchange heat from air to liquid at a single heat exchanger The peak power in W/m2 is depending on the diameter and the efficiency of the collector at a certain working temperature, the power of a collector is depending on the efficiency which is depending on the working temperature. The working temperature is given from the building – system, not from the collector. The peak power of our collector is reached at a high mountain, sunny day (irradiation 1100W/m²), and reflecting snow rectangular irradiation in the background with 30°C surrounding while heating up 50°C air to -40°C. The efficiency would be at something about 110%, since there are thermal gains; a 70mm tube with 2meters length would have an area of 0,14m²; The peak power of this tube would be 0,14m² * 1100W/m² * 1,1 = 169,4 Watt. Let´s take a sunny day in summer rectangular irradiation (900W/m²), no reflecting area behind, surrounding 30°C while heating up air from 25°C to 35°C. This working point we call "Eta0" It is a point where no thermal gains or losses appear, only optical losses affect the efficiency. The efficiency would be something about 80%. A 70mm tube with 2meters length would have 0,14m² * 900W/m² * 0,8 = 100Watt. The benefit of a vacuum tube is to have a good efficiency at high working temperatures and or low irradiation. Let´s take a sunny day in winter 0°C, not a perfect rectangular irradiation 600W/m² and a heating application with a demand of 60°C temperature. Then a 70mm and 2 meter tube would have an efficiency of about 50% and therefore a power of 0,14m² * 600W/m² * 0,5 = 42 Watt Change the heating system to a system with 45°C Demand and you change the efficiency to 55% and you get 46 Watt. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 56 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 This is all peak power under certain circumstances. There is no dynamic effect, no incident angle modifier, no location effects, and no losses in the connections. The only way to describe the collector without influences from the surrounding is the efficiency against dt/G which is the fraction of the middle temperature of the collector divided by the irradiation hit on aperture area. This curve starts for practically purposes at Eta0 and ends when the efficiency is zero. In case of a solar air collector there are even more dependencies. But we will assure there is no negative effect by choosing for each diameter the right pair of mass flow and length of the tubes. The peak efficiency is Eta 0 without thermal losses but only optical losses. Without Reflections from the back, the peak is about 80%. In case of the peak efficiency It´s not a function of the irradiation. In any other cases it is, but not only. See the efficiency curve and the unit on the x-axis dT/G in Kelvin / W/m². In the former case, the relevant magnitudes are measured for each collector, in the latter they are measured for a group of collectors. 3.2.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control. The physical magnitudes to be monitored per each collector / group are: - Inlet an Outlet temperatures of the air Inlet an Outlet temperatures of the fluid Fluid flow rate (maximum value to be defined) Air flow rate (maximum value to be defined) Actual delivered power (< 800 W/m2) Absorber surface temperature (limit to be defined and set) Limit temperature for damage: 400°C for the tube end 400°C for the insulation. This high temperature cannot be reached without using mirrors and concentrated light Limit flow: Depends on the diameter and the temperature. Limit is a pressure drop along the whole system including heat exchanger and ducts. It would be nice to have a pressure drop Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 57 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 that can be achieved by an conventional axial or radial vent. It is proposed a pressure drop below 200 Pa. o The other limit is a minimal fluid flow which should be reached at least. If the flow drops below a certain value then the heat exchange from the absorber to the air decreases rapidly. This limit must be tested. But we can estimate it by regarding similar flow conditions in well known geometries, and try to predict a similar behaviour at other geometrics. o Another limit is the temperature gain. At a given length you may have a well defined temperature gain inside the tube. Too high temperatures would decrease the efficiency and too low will be unuseful to the application behind. o Another limit may be noises that appear if the air velocity reaches too high values. The Inlet and outlet temperatures of the fluid are parameters that must be set: - In winter time, they are typically 30 °C and 35°C - in summer time, they are typically 70 °C and 75°C (anyway not less than 45°C and 55°C) The Inlet and outlet air temperatures will be defined accordingly. The working temperature drop and temperatures have an impact on the efficiency of the sorption chillers of the main HVAC system. The best is to have a short delta T at high temperatures. Anyway the efficiency of the collector itself combined with the environmental conditions (as low solar radiation, low external air temperature and high wind) may force to use lower temperatures. Other important magnitudes to be measured are: - internal air temperature and humidity (per building compartment) - solar radiation (per defined external cladding areas) - external light intensity (per group of collector – for tilting collector in DSF only). - internal light intensity Measurement of the internal air temperature and humidity is necessary for calculating the heating or cooling demand. The flow rate is adjusted by the HVAC system in order to guarantee the set working temperatures. It will increase as solar radiation increases and vice versa. A very low power radiation (such as in case a shadow is temporarily cast over the collector surface) may be not sufficient to provide the set temperature drop, even at the lowest flow rate. In this case the flow stop and there will be no output in power. As solar radiation start to increase, and so the absorber temperature; the flow is activated and controlled by the HVAC system, to acquire the collected power and avoid overheating of the collector. Since the vacuum tube collector does not provide adequate glare control, a roller blind should be used. External light intensity is measured per group of collectors. Internal light intensity is measured per internal compartment. Data are processed by the BMS system. The roller blind is operated for glare control and the light intensity due to the internal lighting system is adjusted accordingly. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 58 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS 3.2.3 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Control and Operation Increase flow rate MONITORING of Tin, Tout, Flow rate, absorber T TRUE Is there any cooling / heating demand? Decrease flow rate TRUE Is it possible to - Tin varying? DECREASING decrease the flow Increasing or rate at an acceptable decreasing? value? INCREASING Is T out FALSE FALSE Are Tin and Tout set at their minimum value? Flow rate is stopped FALSE Lower Tin and Tout and increase Delta T TRUE FALSE Collector stops working Is absorber T above a minimum level? Is there a heating / cooling demand? TRUE Flow rate is restarted Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 59 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Depending on the characteristics of the technology, the main parameters, that have to be managed from the BMS, can be divided in input and output, according to the highest grade of integration that could be applied: • Inputs (monitoring): o External temperature o External humidity o External radiation o Primary fluid flow speed o Secondary fluid flow speed o Inlet primary fluid temperature at heat exchanger o Inlet secondary fluid temperature at heat exchanger o Outlet primary fluid temperature at heat exchanger o Outlet secondary fluid temperature at heat exchanger o Pressure of primary fluid o Pressure of secondary fluid o Fan speed o Pump speed All of these parameters are integrated in a monitoring system able to detect default, errors and leakages depending on the algorithm implemented in its control strategy; furthermore they are used for the energetic dynamic evaluation of the behaviour of the technology in collecting and exchanging heat. External temperature, fluid working temperatures, external radiation and humidity can help the control designer to foresee the quantity of energy that can be achieved in a dynamic condition. Of course this heat exchange between environment and structure is based on on-time changing weather and thermal need of the system-building. The difference of temperature, of the primary and secondary fluids, between in and out from the heat exchanger can give an idea of the efficiency of the device in function of the heat transfers. Continuous monitoring could confirm the performance of this component during its life cycle, detecting: damages, progressive fouling, decreasing of efficiency. At the same time unusual pressure drops, for both fluids, can define leakages and broken conditions during working cycle. According to the concept of working, the passage of energy from the solar collector to the building circulating system can be achieved only for difference of temperature; this means that to collect energy the air temperature must be higher than the secondary fluid temperature. If the secondary fluid temperature cannot be lowered below to air temperature, due to the working condition of the building, it’s necessary to rise up temperature above secondary fluid temperature. This can be achieved only reducing the flow of the air through the collectors, reducing the efficiency of heat exchange and increasing the temperature jump between inlet and outlet air. At the same time it’s possible to act on secondary fluid flow to increasing its outlet temperature from the heating exchanger, reducing its mass flow. • Outputs (controlling): o Fan speed o Pump speed Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 60 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 HVAC Systems The solar thermal vacuum tube collector system will not affect directly the HVAC system, because of the energy capture by the vacuum tube is redirected to a hydronic system connected to a storage tank. Than the tank could feed the coil of the HVAC system but this wouldn’t have any consequence to the behaviour of the solar system, except for the temperature to be reached by the tank itself. The primary fluid coming from the outside environment is not directly vented within the building as main ventilation, excluding this way many problems of control. At the end it could be assimilate as a more efficient flat solar thermal collector for water heating. Lighting As previously mentioned, on a surface of reference the building perfect approach is to have 70% area tube and 30% area gap. This means that, due to the selective absorber layer, inside the collector, and to the “re-skinning” level of the building (the part of the building interested with the refurbishment through this technology), during different periods of the year, the area of the building covered by technology shadows could be really significant. Of course the level of shading depends on the size of the collector, as much as it protrudes from the wall, and on the tilt angle for the installation. Of course the shadowing cannot be compared to a full surface, depending from the nature of the technology, but anyway the inside lightening level of comfort has to take in count the variations determined by this technology. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 61 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 It possible to have insufficient lighting during the day, depending on: • Geographical location of the building • Orientation of the building • Possible external shading due to external skyline • Time of the day • Day of the season • Possible covering of remaining 30% surface gap due to leafs, snow and dirtiness Excluding the possibility to regulate the tilt angle (that doesn’t affect the efficiency of the system, due to the fact that the absorber surface is not flat) the remaining possibility, to maintain the level of lightning inside the offices at acceptable levels of comfort, is the regulation of the lightening itself by the variation of the intensity of existing lamps in the building. The control should be managed through the continuous monitoring of the level of light, by a lightning sensor placed in strategic position inside the different rooms interested by technology shadowing. According to energy saving strategies, the control system should be implemented with thresholds of intensity level and time, in order to maintaining a determined condition over transient states (represented by the passage of a cloud for instance). Working times and days will also be a time limit for the application of the control. Depending of the level of the control to apply, is possible to divide the affected rooms in different sectors, depending on how much they are affected by the reduction of sunlight (it’s possible that partitions far from the windows don’t suffer from this artificial shadowing, due to their initial lack of light). Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 62 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Energy Performance Metering The metering of the energy performance of the technology can be divided in three different measurements that can give a proper idea of the efficiency on any step of the system: • External radiation • Energy collected by the vacuum tube • Energy collected by the secondary fluid The global external radiation gives the idea of the potential of energy at disposal at every specific moment; generally it’s determined by specific pyranometers or weather stations installed in proximity of the technology. The energy collected by the vacuum tube explain the efficiency of the system to collect the available energy at every specific moment. Depending on the logic explained in previous chapters it’s possible to extrapolate a efficiency graphic and have a real time comparison between the supposed working conditions and the real working conditions The energy collected by the secondary fluid represents the overall efficiency of the air vacuum tube collector technology, from the collection to the delivery. It includes different passages of heat transfer, based of heat exchanger technology. All these parameters give an idea of the efficiency of the system and the energy collected, but don’t explain specific conditions during which is not possible to collect energy from the environment, or during which is possible to collect energy from the environment but not to transfer it to the building. User Interfaces Monitoring Systems like SCADA-s have standardised representations for swichtes, breackers, Transformers… in this context for each of the new building concepts is possible to provide graphical representation that helps to their identification in a simple manner and it acts as a trademark or traderepresentation of the concepts. It is also necessary to define what data is going to be displayed depending on the user profile (end user, maintenance people, system commissioning people..) End user data to visualize during day, week and month long: • External weather conditions o Temperature – numerical and graphical visualization o Solar radiation - numerical and graphical visualization • Working conditions of the technology o Energy collected from the vacuum tube system - numerical and graphical visualization • Energy saved by the system building o kWh saved - numerical and graphical visualization o CO2 saved - numerical visualization Maintenance people data to visualize during day, week and month long: • External weather conditions o Temperature – numerical and graphical visualization o Solar radiation - numerical and graphical visualization • Working conditions of the technology o Energy collected from the vacuum tube system - numerical and graphical visualization o Primary and secondary working fluid temperatures - numerical and graphical visualization o Primary and secondary working fluid flows - numerical and graphical visualization o Primary and secondary working fluid pressures - numerical and graphical visualization Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 63 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS o o Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Fan speed and status - numerical and graphical visualization Pump speed and status- numerical and graphical visualization Stakeholder/energy manager data to visualize during day, week and month long: • External weather conditions o Temperature – numerical and graphical visualization o Solar radiation - numerical and graphical visualization • Working conditions of the technology o Energy collected from the vacuum tube system - numerical and graphical visualization o Primary and secondary working fluid temperatures - numerical and graphical visualization o Primary and secondary working fluid flows - numerical and graphical visualization o Primary and secondary working fluid pressures - numerical and graphical visualization o Fan speed and status - numerical and graphical visualization o Pump speed and status- numerical and graphical visualization o Efficiency of the system in its passage from air to collector - numerical and graphical visualization o Efficiency of the system in its passage from collector to fluid - numerical and graphical visualization o Overall efficiency of the system - numerical and graphical visualization o Working temperature of the primary fluid - numerical and graphical visualization o Working temperature of the secondary fluid - numerical and graphical visualization o Gap from supposed working conditions and real working conditions - numerical and graphical visualization • Working conditions of the system building o Heat demand - numerical and graphical visualization o Tank temperature - numerical and graphical visualization o Energy collected from different technology - numerical and graphical visualization • End user habits and working conditions o Consumption for different zone: electricity and conditioning - numerical and graphical visualization o Office temperatures and lighting - numerical and graphical visualization Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 64 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 3.3 Component: BIPV glazing with angle-selective solar shading 3.3.1 Component functionality Public information about BIPV glazing with angle-selective solar shading component is available at deliverable report: D3.3.2 »Description of prototype for BIPV component « (see The type of device is solar PV and it is an individual unit intended for cooling and lighting with the function of an individual office (e.g. unit AC). The device doesn’t require control system being a passive device. The energy (electricity) produced by the device can be sold. The new BIPV angle-selective-façade system is a static sun protection façade, which can be produced using the usual production technologies of windows and glazing units, consisting of, at least, two laminated glass panes with two series of opaque stripes, one is between the two laminated glasses and the second is at the inner surface of the façade. The particular position of the stripes and the different refraction index of glass and air are the physical and optical properties that permit the protection against sun and that prevent the occupants against glare. The new system combines in one-element four important tasks: solar protection (g-value less than 10%), glare protection, visual contact and integrated PV-system for electricity production. These four elements, as are completely integrated in the function of the façade, do not reduce the architectural goal of the glazed façade and the view from the interior to the exterior is guaranteed. The new façade can be easily integrated in new or existing buildings constructions, just replacing the existing window unit. It can be used either as stand-alone system for glazing façade or as an extra shading device layer. Figure 3.7: The pictures show two possible integration of the new BIPV facade. The new façade is used to produce electricity. Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems transform sunlight into electrical energy that can be used directly for the buildings needs or can be sold to the public net. One element (one window) contains many photovoltaic cells (identifies by the strips) electrically connected (with TCO) and packaged behind the glass of the transparent module. The modules are usually connected together in an array with the mounting frame, in order to achieve the desired power. An electrical inverter converts panel-generated DC output into the same AC utilities. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 65 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Afterwards the complete systems must be connected to the net (public net), in order to sell the excess electricity, produced during times when the system is creating more power than the building needs, to other consumers. To detect inefficiencies in PV systems, caused by poor maintenance or components ageing, it is essential to collect accurate data continuously, generate reports, and to perform long term performance analysis through measurement and monitoring systems. Since the profitability of photovoltaic installations depends mainly on the operation performances, it is essential to ensure that they are permanently functional. The best way of ensuring this is to have a monitoring system for the installation. This system should notify all faults immediately and be capable of detecting drifts in output. Different types of monitoring systems are available: Systems which communicate with the inverters and are able to monitor all electrical outputs. Systems without communication protocols for the inverters but fitted with measurement inputs capable of monitoring photovoltaic output. Some systems can include monitoring on the DC side of the inverter having resolution to the combiner box level. Most at least monitor the AC side of the inverter through a kilowatt meter. Hybrid systems supplementing information from the inverters together with measurements which are outside the installation such as solar radiation, air temperature, wind speed and humidity (weather station). This values are very helpful for assessing the efficiency of the system and to optimize it. An abnormally low level of output may be caused by: A low level of solar radiation over a certain period of time A problem with the modules (clogging, shade, connection fault, brake etc.) A functional problem with one or more of the inverters It is only possible to identify these faults by equipping the installation with solar radiation and temperature sensors and comparing the output capacity with actual output. Depending on the size of the installation, individual monitoring or monitoring by group of photovoltaic module strings may be possible in order to detect abnormal variations in output between strings. This type of device is preferred integrated into an existing available BMS and the RET/BMS have smart metering capabilities as real time performance data and the surrounding conditions required to make decisions. With reference to hardware characteristics, there are no specific requirements. Wired and wireless solutions are both fine as long as they work best. The same is for the protocol (BacNet, Lonworks, Modbus, etc). Many physical magnitudes that are measured at the different system levels (for example different orientations), should be stored into the system database for data analysis and decision making. The most important are: Total delivered electricity (DC, AC) and history, Inner surface temperature, Lighting level in the room, Room temperatures and history (facultative), Environmental temperature and history, Solar radiation (global and diffuse) and history, Weather forecast (if available), Inverter fault , Date. 3.3.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control. Operation With reference to hardware characteristics, there are no specific requirements. Wired and wireless solutions are both fine as long as they work best. The same is for the protocol (BacNet, Lonworks, Modbus, etc). Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 66 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS 3.3.3 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Control and Operation The BIPV angle selective façade is decoupled from the central HVAC systems and can be considered as an independent system. It produces electricity that has to be fit in the public Nets what we could do is demand side management. In some cases it could be beneficial to harvest much of the solar electricity by yourself. But this is not a feed-back control. E.g. "If we have enough solar electricity, and if we expect cooling loads in the next hours --> then we switch on the compression chiller." 3.3.4 HVAC Systems The BIPV angle selective façade is decoupled from the central HVAC systems and can be considered as an independent system. It produces electricity that has to be fit in the public Nets. 3.3.5 Lighting The new BIPV angle selective façade is a static shading device. For this reason the daylight penetration can not be controlled by the user, for the part of the façade where the new system is installed. For the remaining part (normally transparent glass windows), need in order to increase the perception of the outside and enhance the daylight penetration, internal and/or external shading system are needed to control the daylight penetration together to with the solar penetration (solar gains). The BIPV façade has sun angle selectivity. Simulations and laboratory measurements carried out are shown afterward in the pictures. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 67 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Figure 3.8: Photos of the first prototype (two laminated glass with opaque black strips). The angular dependency transmission is shown tilting the prototype from -30° (very high transmission) to +30° (the façade is more or less opaque). 0.35 0.30 Transmission (Tau-vis) +45° 0.25 0.20 -45° 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 -75 Angle of incedent [°] Tau_vis Tau_solar Figure 3.9: Visual and solar radiation transmission. The measurements are carried out using the integrating sphere with pyroelectric radiometer and a photometer. 3.3.6 Energy Performance Metering The new BIPV angle selective façade can be integrated in the glazing envelope of the building as transparent wall. The g-value and the U-value of this system play a role in the overall energy transmission through the envelope into the building. No BMS is needed to control the system. Since the profitability of photovoltaic installations depends mainly on the operation performances, it is essential to ensure that they are permanently functional. The best way of ensuring this is to have a monitoring system for the installation. This system should notify all faults immediately and be capable of detecting drifts in output (see the previous section for further information). The energy performance metering of the new PV integrated façade can be done essentially within two different individual measurements: • External radiation • Electricity production The global external radiation gives harvested energy (Irradiation on the strips). The energy potential at every time-steps can be calculated. Generally it’s determined by specific pyranometers or weather stations installed in proximity of the technology, on the façade. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 68 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 When the theoretical efficiency is known it is possible to calculate the efficiency of the system step by step. The collected data depend on the outside conditions. The collected information can be used for detecting inefficiencies in PV systems. 3.3.7 User Interfaces The users can not operate on the system. Otherwise some data can be accessible to the user in order to monitor the electricity production. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 69 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 3.4 Component: Natural ventilation with heat recovery 3.4.1 Component functionality The component concept is based on the use of natural ventilation due to forces such as wind and temperature differences. The device is mostly intended for ventilation despite it is also used for heating and cooling. It is a system of units with functions of an individual office (e.g. unit AC) and it requires and active control both at the device level and at the system level (building). Although mostly a passive device, it is envisioned that flow will be able to be controlled via remote or automatic settings. Concerning the energy regained by the device, it is envisioned to be used for building needs. If the temperature inside an certain room becomes too high the heat recovery will be locally turned-off. Public information about Natural ventilation with heat recovery component is available at deliverable report: D3.4.2 »Natural ventilation system with heat recovery prototype report« (see The ventilation system comprises a central heat exchanger and several decentralized heat exchangers, typically one per room. The heater exchangers are connected by a water loop. A central pump circulates the water. The air inlet with decentralized heat exchanger looks like a convector. The decentralized air inlet device with preheating is named Talusto. Figure 3.10. Natural Ventilation System with Heat Recovery and convector (lower heat exchanger) There are two local control loops for each Talusto device: o The former local control loop controls the inlet air flow rate. The inlet air flow rate determines the air quality in a room. The air quality will be controlled using CO2 sensor on the Talusto. If the CO2 level rises above a certain set-point (e.g. 1000 ppm), the inlet air valve will be further opened. o The latter local control of the water flow rate. The control of the water flow rate per Talusto will be based on the outside temperature and the water temperature downstream the Talusto. E.g. if the water temperature is more than 2 K warmer than the outside temperature, a valve will reduce the amount of water through the Talusto. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 70 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS o Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 The third control loop is for temperature control in the room. If the room temperature becomes too high while the central heating convector is turned off the heat recovery will locally be turned off. Additionally there will be a fourth control loop on system level: The central water pump is running during the heating season and can be turned off during summer season. The control is comparable with the control of the pump for the central heating system. On building level the air inlet valves need to be controlled for night ventilation purposes. This type of device is useful for integration into an existing BMS and at the same time it is also able to be a separate and dedicated decision making station. Indeed the decision making takes place on board the RET and by the BMS (e.g. the decision to start night cooling). For this specific device, the RET/BMS don’t interact with the grid or surrounding buildings but the RET /BMS have smart metering capabilities as real time performance data and they also are able to store experimental data into hard-disk database in order to allow real-time data management and historical trends. 3.4.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control With reference to hardware characteristics, there are no specific requirements. Wired and wireless solutions are both fine as long as they work best. The same is for the protocol (BacNet, Lonworks, Modbus, etc). The interaction between the device and the BMS is preferable through a dedicated PC/BMS station but it is also possible using a portal access from the web by means of own PC or dashboard as control panel at device or system level. The physical magnitudes are monitored/controlled on two levels: - building level (the central heat exchanger). - room level (decentralized central heat exchanger), For the centralized heat exchanger the monitor/control loop shall include: - external air temperature (inlet and outlet), - external air moisture (inlet and outlet), - external air moisture valve, with set-point control on CO2 measurement - Inlet-outlet cold-hot coil temperature, with relative control set-points - Inlet-outlet cold-hot coil flow, with relative control set-points - delivered power, - circulation pump: fault and running/stop status (moreover the number of hours in running status shall be calculated by a software function), - heat recovery status, fault detection and total running hours. The I/O list of sensors and actuators for the centralized heat exchanger is included in next table. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 71 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Building level – centralized heat exchanger Function Variable Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective DI D AI O A S O W B M S Comment 1 External air temperature Measurement (inlet & outlet) 2 2 measuring device 2 External air moisture Measurement (inlet & outlet) 2 2 measuring device 3 External air valve Control 1 Set-point on external CO2 value 4 Cold-hot coil temperature Measurement (inlet & outlet) 2 2 measuring device Measurement (inlet & outlet) 2 2 measuring device 1 Set-point on inlet Cold-hot coil temperature value 1 1 energy measuring device 1 1 status 1 ON/OFF Cold-hot coil 5 flow 6 Delivered power 1 Control 1 Measurement Measurement 1 Control 7 Circulation Pump 1 Measurement 1 1 pump: fault signals: alarm Measurement 1 1 pump: status signals: run / stop 1 Total hour pump running: software calculation Measurement 8 Heat recovery status 1 measurement 1 1 ON/OFF measurement 1 1 fault detection 1 1 Total hour device running: software calculation 2 20 measurement Total per Building level 5 1 10 2 Table 3.5: I/O Table with requirements for the collector network level. For the decentralized central heat exchanger (typically 1 device for each room) the monitor/control loop shall include: - inlet-outlet cold-hot coil temperature, with relative control set-points - inlet-outlet cold-hot coil flow, with relative control set-points - fan speed, status On/Off, - internal air temperature (inlet and outlet), - room air temperature, with temperature set-points for winter and summer thermal comfort, - internal air moisture (outlet), with set-point for CO2 control based on outlet value, - Percentage of recirculated air, - humidifier pump: status, control and alarm - heat recovery status, The I/O list of sensors and actuators for the centralized heat exchanger is included in next table. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 72 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Function 1 Variable Cold-hot coil temperature Building level – centralized heat exchanger Cold-hot coil 2 flow 3 Fan speed DI D AI O A S O W Comment 2 2 measuring device Measurement (inlet & outlet) 2 2 measuring device 1 Set-point on inlet Cold-hot coil temperature value Control Measurement (status On/Off) 1 1 1 1 Measurement (inlet & outlet) 1 2 measuring and controlling device 2 measuring device Room air temperature Measurement 1 1 measuring device, with temperature set-points for winter and summer thermal comfort Room air moisture Measurement (outlet) 1 1 measuring device, with CO2 set-point for indoor comfort Percentage of recirculated air Measurement 1 1 measuring device 2 measuring device: status and alarm 1 On/Off 1 Total hour pump running: software calculation Measurement 2 humidifier pump Control 1 measurement 6 B M S Measurement (inlet & outlet) Control Internal air temperature Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Cost-Effective Heat recovery status 1 measurement 1 1 On/Off measurement 1 1 fault detection 1 1 Total hour device running: software calculation 2 19 measurement Total per Building level 5 2 9 1 Table 3.6: I/O Table with requirements for the collector network level. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 73 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 3.5 Component: Dual use of unglazed façade collectors 3.5.1 Component functionality The component concept is based on active solar façade elements coupled to a heat pump for the distributed supply of heat and air conditioning. The component has the capability of using the heat from the surrounding environment to fulfil the heating and air conditioning requirements of the room. Public information about Dual use of unglazed façade collectors component is available at deliverable report: D3.5.2 »Dual use of unglazed façade collectors (solar heating and cooling) « (see The system is composed of a solar collector on the vertical façade of the building combined with a air source heat pump. The heat pump has two possible heat sources: outdoor air and direct sun. The system can also provide cooling by reversing the air source heat pump. The control strategy will possibly take into account external inputs such as: - the forecasted solar energy on the collector for the day - the forecasted outdoor temperature for the day - the forecasted heating/cooling need of the room for the day Other than those external inputs, the system will be independently controlled by its own internal controller, sensors and actuators for valves, fans, and operational modes. A number of measured variables might be available as performance indicators for the BMS. The device is an air source Heat Pump coupled with solar thermal intended for heating and cooling. It is an individual unit with the function of an individual office (e.g. unit AC) for the interaction with the building. All the produced energy is basically used for the building needs. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 74 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 The device control system is active and requires control at the device level. The controller is continuous automatic operated with no communication facilities with remote. Integration into a BMS would simply imply the reporting of device performance to the BMS. Indeed the decision making takes place on board the RET. For this specific device, the RET/BMS don’t interact with the grid or surrounding buildings but the RET /BMS have smart metering capabilities as real time performance data and they also are able to store experimental data into hard-disk database in order to allow real-time data management and historical trends. 3.5.2 I/O requirements for an integrated control With reference to hardware characteristics, there are no specific requirements. Wired and wireless solutions are both fine as long as they work best. The same is for the protocol (BacNet, Lonworks, Modbus, etc). It is noted however that for this specific technology all control actions will take place at the device level. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 75 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 4 Integration of C-E Components, Protocols, & BMS System Requirement Specifications In practice, the technologies in Cost Effective may be used in various combinations. It is certain they will always need to be adapted and sized to the physical characteristics, energy infrastructure, heating, and cooling demands of any particular building. This chapter consists of three sections. These sections outline the measurement parameters to be considered for each technology, their integration into different protocols, and the system requirements of a BMS system to support these technologies and measurements. 4.1 Monitoring and Control of the CE Technologies TRANSPARENT SOLAR THERMAL COLLECTOR The following table shows in the left column the different variables that need to be monitored in a transparent solar thermal collector, while the right column shows the variables that need to be controlled in this C-E component. MONITORING DATA (INPUTS) Total radiation on surface External ambient temperature Temperature of the absorber surface Inlet temperature of the fluid Outlet temperature of the fluid Temperature(s) of the storage tank CONTROLLED DATA (OUTPUTS) Inlet flow By-pass 3Ways valve for recirculation Except for the total radiation on the surface, the rest of variables to be monitored are all temperature data. Thus, although there are six variables to monitor, they correspond to only two different physical magnitudes: temperature (measured in ºC) and radiation (measured in W/m2). On the control side we have two control variables: flow (measured in l/s) and the 3-way Valve, which is a dimensionless parameter. Monitoring Variables: Temperature (ºC), Radiation (W/m2) Control Variables: Flow (l/s), 3-way Valve AIR-HEATING VACUUM TUBE COLLECTOR The air-heating vacuum tube collector has eight variables that need to be monitored, and four variables to control. All of these are shown in the following table: MONITORING DATA (INPUTS) Total radiation on surface External ambient temperature Temperature of the absorber surface Inlet temperature of the primary fluid (air) Version 1.0 30/06/2011 CONTROLLED DATA (OUTPUTS) Primary flow Fan speed Secondary flow 3way valve for different temperature tank Page 76 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 redirection Outlet temperature of the primary fluid (air) Inlet temperature of the secondary fluid (air and water) Outlet temperature of the secondary fluid (air and water) Fan speed The table shows that in the monitoring side there are three different types of physical magnitudes that must be monitored: temperature (measured in ºC), radiation (measured in W/m2) and angular speed (measured in rad/s). Regarding the control side, the physical magnitudes that can be found are flow (measured in l/s), angular speed (measured in rad/s) and the 3-way valve (dimensionless parameter) Monitoring Variables: Temperature (ºC), Radiation (W/m2), Angular speed (rad/s) Control Variables: Flow (l/s), Angular speed (rad/s), 3-way Valve BIPV GLAZING WITH ANGLE-SELECTIVE SOLAR SHADING The BIPV glazing with angle-selective solar shading is a relatively easy-to-control C-E component, as only the inverter security switch-off needs to be controlled. However, there are six variables that must be monitored (in fact they are nine, if the different variables related to the inverter and the troughs are counted separately). Both the controlled and monitored variables are shown in the following table: MONITORING DATA (INPUTS) Total radiation on surface External ambient temperature Inverter power and current and energy produced Outlet current and voltage for any trough CONTROLLED DATA (OUTPUTS) Inverter security switch-off PV surface temperature Inverter status As it can be read from the table, there are six types of physical magnitudes that must be monitored: temperature (measured in ºC), radiation (measured in W/m2), power (measured in W), current (measured in A), energy (measured in J) and voltage (measured in V). Besides, the inverter status would be typically represented by a logical variable (On/Off, Ok/Fault, or something similar). In the control side, we have another logical variable, which is the status of the switch (On/Off) Monitoring Variables: Temperature (ºC), Radiation (W/m2), Power, Current, Energy, Voltage Control Variables: Switch (Off) NATURAL VENTILATION SYSTEM WITH HEAT RECOVERY The natural ventilation system with heat recovery is rather complex C-E component with regard to the number of variables that need to be monitored and controlled. The following table shows that ten variables should be monitored (sixteen, if we consider separately the variables that are control both in the inlet and the outlet of the component), while five controlled data need to be controlled. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 77 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS MONITORING DATA (INPUTS) External air temperature (inlet and outlet) External air moisture (inlet and outlet) Internal air temperature (inlet and outlet) Internal air moisture (inlet and outlet) Fan speed Heat recovery status Percentage of recirculated air Temperature inside of the building Inlet-outlet cold-hot coil temperature Inlet-outlet cold-hot coil flow Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 CONTROLLED DATA (OUTPUTS) Fan speed Percentage of recirculation Heat recovery on-off Humidifier pump Hot-cold coil flow The monitoring variables of this C-E component correspond to six different physical magnitudes: temperature (measured in ºC), flow (measured in l/s), angular speed (measured in rad/s), moisture (measured in ppm), percentage of recirculated air (measured in percentage) and heat recovery status (logical value: On/Off). The physical magnitudes found in the control side are flow (measured in l/s), angular speed (measured in rad/s), percentage of recirculated air (a percentage), and the humidifier pump. Monitoring Variables: Temperature (ºC), Flow (l/s), Angular speed (rad/s), Moisture (ppm), Percentage of recirculated air (%), heat recovery status (On/Off) Control Variables: Flow (l/s), Angular speed (rad/s), Humidifier pump, Percentage of recirculated air (%), Heat recovery On-Off UNGLAZED FAÇADE COLLECTOR Finally, the unglazed façade collector has seven variables that need to be monitored, and two variables to control. All of them are shown in the following table: MONITORING DATA (INPUTS) Ambient temperature Inlet temperature of the façade collector Outlet temperature of the façade collector Inlet temperature of the heat pump Outlet temperature of the heat pump Inlet temperature of the heat/cold emitter Outlet temperature of the heat/cold emitter CONTROLLED DATA (OUTPUTS) Flows of heat pump Cooling/Heating control of the heat pump All the variables that need to be monitored in the unglazed façade collector correspond to the same type of physical magnitude: temperature (measured in ºC). In the control side, there are to types of physical magnitudes that must be controlled: flow (measured in l/s), and the cooling/heating control of the heat pump. Monitoring Variables: Temperature (ºC) Control Variables: Flow (l/s), Cooling/Heating control of the heat pump Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 78 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 SUMMARY The previous analysis showed that in order to be able to integrate the C-E components into Building Automation Networks, such as Lonworks or KNX, it is necessary to deal with the following physical magnitudes and logical variables (either in the monitoring side or in the control side): Temperature (ºC) Radiation (W/m2) Angular speed (rad/s) Power (W) Current (A) Electrical Energy (kWh) Voltage (V) Flow (l/s) Moisture (ppm) Percentage of recirculated air (%) Heat recovery status (On/Off) 3-way Valve Switch (On/Off) Humidifier Pump Cooling/Heating control of the heat pump Note: the humidifier pump and the cooling/heating control of the heat pump are obviously neither physical magnitudes nor logical values. They are specific devices that need to be controlled. 4.2 Protocols At the time of writing this deliverable, LonWorks and EIB (or KNX) are possibly the most relevant bus protocols that exist nowadays. The most important characteristics of these protocols can be read in chapter 1 of this document. Networks based in these protocols have its own data model and monitorized component modelling definition. 4.2.1 Integration of C-E Components in LonWorks In this chapter all the previously obtained variables or devices must be adapted to the LonWorks standard. In that process, one of the first steps in order to integrate a device in a LonWorks based BA system is to identify them with their corresponding SNVTs or standard network variable types. SNVTs are used by LonWorks for describing physical magnitudes in a standardized manner, to ensure the interoperability of the different devices connected to the network. The list of SNVTs is maintained by the company LonMark International. Temperature (ºC) Temperature is one of the most frequent physical magnitudes to deal with in the monitoring of the C-E components. Lonworks provides a ‘temperature’ SNVT which is measured in degrees Celsius, and is codified in a 2-byte signed long variable. With this variable type it is possible to represent temperature values between -274.0 ºC and 6279.5 ºC, with a resolution of 0.1 ºC. The following table shows all the relevant information about the Temperature SNVT. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 79 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Radiation (W/m2) There is no direct SNVT equivalent for thermal radiation units. The nearest approximate unit is the thermal energy measurement (in BTU, British Thermal Units). This gives an approximate translation to the overall energy captured through radiation. Lonworks provides three different SNVTs for representing thermal energy: the first one corresponds to British Thermal Units, the second one to Kilo-British Thermal Units, and the last one to MegaBritish Thermal Units. The details of each SNVT are shown in the three tables below. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 80 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Angular speed (rad/s) Angular speed can be easily managed in Lonworks, as it can be represented with the Angular velocity SNVT, which is codified in a 2-byte signed long variable measured in radians per second. With this variable it is possible to represent a range of values from -3276.8 rad/s to 3276.7 rad/s. The following table shows all the information about the Angular velocity SNVT. Power (W) Power is measured in Watts, and Lonworks provides a specific SNVT to manage it. It is codified in a 2-byte unsigned long variable, with a resolution of 0.1 Watts, which can represent values from 0 to 6553.5 W. The following table shows all the information of the Power SNVT. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 81 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Current (A) Electrical current can be managed in Lonworks with three different SNVTs, which are shown in the three tables below. The first one (Electric current) should be used to represent direct current values when a resolution of 0.1 A and a range of -3276.8 A to 3276.7 A are adequate enough. The second SNVTs is used with alternating current, providing a resolution of 0.1 A and a range from 0 to 65534 A. Finally, for very large direct current values the last SNVT may be used, as it is codified in a 4-byte signed long variable that allows to represent values from -3.40282E38 to 3.40282E38 A. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 82 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Electrical Energy (kWh) Electrical Energy has its own SNVT defined in Lonworks. The Kilowatt-Hours SNVT is codified in a 4byte signed quad (which is a type of floating point variable) that can represent values from 214,748,364.8 to 214,748,364.6 Kilowatt-hours. Voltage (V) Voltage variables can be managed in Lonworks with two different SNVTs. The first one is used for direct current voltage values, which are codified in a 2-byte signed long variable that can represent values between -3276.8 V and 3276.7 V. The second SNVT is used for alternating current voltage values, which is represented through a 2-byte unsigned long variable that can represent values between 0 and 65534 V. Information of both SNVTs is contained in the two tables below. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 83 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Flow (l/s) Lonworks provides two different SNVTs to represent flow values. The first one is used for low precision and large quantities, as it uses a 2-byte unsigned long variable that can represent values from 0 to 65534 liters per second. The second SNVT is used for more precision, as it uses the same range of values, but using the millilitre per second as unit. Information of both SNVTs is showed in the two tables below. Moisture (ppm) Moisture values also have a corresponding SNVT in Lonworks. It is codified in a 2-byte unsigned long variable that can represent values from 0 to 65535 parts per million. 3-way Valve The control of 3-way valves in Lonworks is managed through a SNVT that contains a 1-byte enumeration of the functioning modes of the valve. The modes are defined in a header file (SNVT_VAL.H) which is associated to this SNVT. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 84 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Heat recovery status (On/Off) Switch (On/Off) Percentage of recirculated air (%) Lonworks provides a SNVT to represent a data structure reporting a percentage level or load value and a discrete on/off state. Therefore, it is adequate to represent heat recovery status, On/Off switches and percentage of recirculated air. Separate fields report the percentage value and state. This type should be used for both discrete (on/off) and analog control. The value field is used to control the load's value, i.e. position, speed, or intensity, the state field being used to control whether the load is on or off (enabled or disabled). When used as the output of a discrete sensor device, the OFF state is represented by a SNVT_switch network variable with state = FALSE and value = 0. The other discrete states are represented by state = TRUE and value > 0. When used as the output of a two-state sensor device, the ON state is represented by state = TRUE and value = 200 (meaning 100%). When used as the input of a two-state discrete actuator, a SNVT_switch network variable with state = TRUE will be interpreted as the ON state if value > 0, and as the OFF state if value = 0. Additionally, a SNVT_switch input network variable with state = FALSE should be interpreted as the OFF state, whether or not value = 0. A state value of 0xFF indicates the switch value is undefined. Information about the Value and State SNVTs is shown in the tables below. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 85 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Page 86 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Humidifier Pump / Cooling/Heating control of the heat pump Lonworks provides a SNVT to represent a data structure which contains several parameters that may be used when controlling a pump (for the C-E components we may need to control a humidifier pump or a cooling/heating control of a heat pump). The tables below show detailed information about each of the fields contained in the data structure, which are: Rotational speed: angular velocity of the pump’s main drive shaft Body Temperature: temperature of the pump’s main casing Temperature of the pump motor Temperature of the pump motor windings A logical parameter that indicates if the pump is overloaded An indicator of oil low level A logical parameter to indicate whether the imbalance is high or within normal operation limits. Electrical current used by the pump. Electrical power consumed by the pump. An indicator of the status of the temperature control unit of the pump A logical parameter to indicate if an electromagnetic braking system is being applied to the pump. A logical parameter to indicate if a friction-based braking system is being applied to the pump. A logical parameter to indicate if an inlet valve is open to let in gas for braking the pump. It may not be necessary to monitor/control the thirteen parameters for pumps used in the C-E components. Depending on the complexity of the control actions that are needed, some variables will be chosen to be monitored/controlled, while others will be left unmanaged. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 87 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Page 88 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Page 89 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Page 90 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Page 91 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 4.2.2 Integration of C-E Components in EIB The process of identifying the devices and variables in EIB (or KNX, as the standard is now known) is very similar to the LonWorks one. KNX provide data structures and variables that can be matched with the variables that need to be monitored and controlled in the C-E components. Temperature (ºC) There is a temperature data structure in KNX which differs slightly from the one used in Lonworks, as besides the two bytes of information used to codify temperature values, another byte of information is used to store status information. This byte can be used for example to indicate a malfunction of the temperature sensor. Compared to Lonworks, temperature values can be represented in KNX with higher precision (resolution of 0.02 ºC), but it cannot represent values higher than 655.34 ºC. The table below shows all the information related to the KNX temperature variable. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 92 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Radiation (W/m2) In contrast with Lonworks, KNX provides a data type perfectly fit for representing radiation values. This data type can represent values from 0 to 1400 W/m2, with a resolution of 0.05 W/m2. As with the temperature data type, there is a byte of information used to codify status, such as a malfunction of the sensor. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 93 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Angular speed (rad/s) KNX provides a data type for angular velocity very similar to the one used in Lonworks, being capable of representing higher values, as it uses 4 bytes for representing the information in floating point format. Power (W) Electrical power can be represented with an appropriate data type in KNX that codifies the values in two bytes of information, providing an additional byte for representing status of the sensors. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 94 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Current (A) KNX provides a unique data type to represent current values, so it makes no distinction between direct current and alternating current systems. It uses 4 bytes of information to codify the values, so it can represent very high values, although with only 1 A of resolution (Lonworks provided data types with 0.1 A resolution for direct current systems). Electrical Energy (kWh) There is a wide range of data types to represent electrical energy in KNX. There are separate data types for active energy, reactive energy, and apparent energy, each of them available with or without ‘k’ prefix. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 95 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Voltage (V) The same as with the electrical current, KNX only provides one data type to represent voltage values with a resolution of 1 Volt, without making distinctions between direct current and alternating current systems. Flow (l/s) KNX has a dedicated data type to represent flow values in l/h (in contrast with Lonworks, which represented the values in l/s). The data type includes the already mentioned byte of information for status information, such as malfunction of the sensor. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 96 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Moisture (ppm) KNX provides a data type codified in two bytes of information for representing moisture values in ppm, with a resolution of 0.01 ppm (higher than in Lonworks). 3-way Valve Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 97 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 There is no specific data type in KNX to control 3-way valves, as there was in Lonworks. However, these devices can also be controlled in KNX without problem, modelling them as an actuator entity in KNX, which is represented with a structure that codifies in a byte of information the position demand for the actuator (measured as a percentage), and another byte (of which only the 4 less significant bytes are used) to codify certain attributes, such as validity of the position demand, the absolute load priority, the shift load priority and emergency demand for room frost protection or de-icing. Heat recovery status (On/Off) Switch (On/Off) Switch-type controls in KNX are represented with a single bit of information, to indicate the On/Off status. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 98 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Percentage of recirculated air (%) KNX has a specific parameter to represent percentages with a resolution of 0.01 %. Note that in Lonworks there was a data structure both for percentages and switch status, while KNX provides two separate data types. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 99 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Humidifier Pump / Cooling/Heating control of the heat pump Finally, KBX provides a data type that could be suited for the control of humidifier pumps and cooling/heating control of the heat pump. However, it provides significantly less monitoring/control parameters of the pump that Lonworks does (only 3 in KNX, in contrast with the 13 included in Lonworks) Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 100 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 4.3 BMS System Requirements This section is intended to define the specifications and technical requirements for the implementation of a BMS, which integrates all the technological plants into an unique local and remote management systems. Usually BMS shall: − consist of a high-speed, peer-to-peer network of DDC controllers and a web-based operator interface. A web server with a network interface card shall gather data from this system and generate web pages accessible through a conventional web browser on each PC connected to the network. Operators shall be able to perform all normal operator functions through the web browser interface. The system shall directly control HVAC, Lighting and building/rooms installed equipment. Each subsystem and/or zone controller shall provide occupied and unoccupied modes of operation by individual zone. Furnish energy conservation features such as optimal start and stop, night setback, request-based logic, and demand level adjustment of set-points. − provide for future system expansion to include monitoring of occupant card access, fire alarm, and lighting control systems. − use the BACnet protocol (or open standard protocols) for communication to the operator workstation or web server and for communication between control modules. Schedules, setpoints, trends, and alarms shall be BACnet objects. In general, taking into account existing plants and new equipment provision, the limits of supply for the BMS implementation are as follows: - equipment and systems with local control units, with compatible output ensured by open and standard communication protocols, popular in the process control domain; - "dry contacts" predisposed to terminal or inside cabinets, allowing input and output signals to manage peripheral devices and controllers. Codes And Standards Work, materials, and equipment shall comply with the most restrictive codes and specifications. As a minimum, the installation shall comply with current editions in effect 30 days prior to receipt of bids of the following codes: 1. National Electric Code (NEC) 2. International Building Code (IBC) 3. Ducts and Air Transfer Openings 4. Fire Alarm and Detection Systems 5. Smoke Control Systems 6. International Mechanical Code (IMC) 7. ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004: Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Systems (BACNET) System Performance System shall conform to the following minimum standards over network connections. 1. Graphic Display. A graphic with all dynamic points of a subsystem or device shall display with current data within 10 sec. 2. Graphic Refresh. A graphic with dynamic points shall update with current data within 8 sec. and shall automatically refresh every 15 sec. 3. Configuration and Tuning Screens. Screens used for configuring, calibrating, or tuning points, PID loops, and similar control logic shall automatically refresh within 6 sec. 4. Object Command. Devices shall react to command of a binary object within 2 sec. Devices shall begin reacting to command of an analog object within 2 sec. 5. Alarm Response Time. An object that goes into alarm shall be annunciated at the workstation within 15 sec. 6. Program Execution Frequency. Custom and standard applications shall be capable of running as often as once every 5 sec. Select execution times consistent with the mechanical process under control. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 101 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 7. Performance. Programmable controllers shall be able to completely execute DDC PID control loops at a frequency adjustable down to once per sec. Select execution times consistent with the mechanical process under control. 8. Multiple Alarm Annunciation. Each workstation on the network shall receive alarms within 5 sec of other workstations. 9. Reporting Accuracy. System shall report values with minimum end-to-end accuracy listed in Table 4.trol Stability and Accuracy. Control loops shall maintain measured variable at setpoint within tolerances listed in Table 4.2. Measured Variable Reported Accuracy Space Temperature ±0.5ºC (±1ºF) Ducted Air ±0.5ºC (±1ºF) Outside Air ±1.0ºC (±2ºF) Dew Point ±1.5ºC (±3ºF) Water Temperature ±0.5ºC (±1ºF) Delta-T ±0.15ºC (±0.25ºF) Relative Humidity ±5% RH Water Flow ±2% of full scale Airflow (terminal) ±10% of full scale (accuracy applies to 10% - 100% of scale) Airflow (measuring stations) ±5% of full scale Airflow (pressurized spaces) ±3% of full scale Air Pressure (ducts) ±25 Pa (±0.1 in. w.g.) Air Pressure (space) ±3 Pa (±0.01 in. w.g.) Water Pressure ±2% of full scale (for both absolute and differential pressure) Electrical (A, V, W, Power Factor) ±1% of reading (not including utility-supplied meters) Carbon Monoxide (CO) ±5% of reading Carbon Dioxide (CO2) ±50 ppm Table 4.1 - Reporting Accuracy Controlled Variable Control Accuracy Air Pressure ±50 Pa (±0.2 in. w.g.) ±3 Pa (±0.01 in. w.g.) Airflow ±10% of full scale Space Temperature ±1.0ºC (±2.0ºF) Duct Temperature ±1.5ºC (±3ºF) Humidity ±5% RH Fluid Pressure ±10 kPa (±1.5 psi) ±250 Pa (±1.0 in. w.g.) Range of Medium 0-1.5 kPa (0-6 in. w.g.) -25 to 25 Pa (-0.1 to 0.1 in. w.g.) MPa (1-150 psi) 0-12.5 kPa (0-50 in. w.g.) differential Table 4.2 - Control Stability and Accuracy Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 102 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 4.3.1 Products Communication • Control products, communication media, connectors, repeaters, hubs, and routers shall comprise a BACnet internetwork. Controller and operator interface communication shall conform to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 135-2004, BACnet. • Install wiring and network devices to provide a complete and workable control network. Where applicable, use existing Ethernet backbone for network segments. In each remote location a field device connection shall allow communication with each controller. • Each controller shall have a communication port for temporary connection to a laptop computer or other operator interface. Connection shall support memory downloads and other commissioning and troubleshooting operations. • Internetwork operator interface and value passing shall be transparent to internetwork architecture. 1. An operator interface connected to a controller shall allow the operator to interface with each internetwork controller as if directly connected. Controller information such as data, status, and control algorithms shall be viewable and editable from each internetwork controller. 2. Inputs, outputs, and control variables used to integrate control strategies across multiple controllers shall be readable by each controller on the internetwork. Program and test all cross-controller links required to execute control strategies specified for each Cost Effective Technology. An authorized operator shall be able to edit cross-controller links by typing a standard object address or by using a point-and-click interface. • Controllers with real-time clocks shall use the BACnet Time Synchronization service. System shall automatically synchronize system clocks daily from an operator-designated controller via the internetwork. If applicable, system shall automatically adjust for daylight saving and standard time. • System shall be expandable to at least twice the required input and output objects with additional controllers, associated devices, and wiring. • System shall support Web services data exchange with any other system that complies with XML (extensible markup language) and SOAP (simple object access protocol) standards specified by the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Basic Profile 1.0 or higher. Web services support shall as a minimum be provided at the workstation or web server level and shall enable data to be read from or written to the system. 1. System shall support Web services read data requests by retrieving requested trend data or point values (I/O hardware points, analog value software points, or binary value software points) from any system controller or from the trend history database. 2. System shall support Web services write data request to each analog and binary object that can be edited through the system operator interface by downloading a numeric value to the specified object. 3. For read or write requests, the system shall require user name and password authentication and shall support SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or equivalent data encryption. 4. System shall support discovery through a Web services connection or shall provide a tool available through the Operator Interface that will reveal the path/identifier needed to allow a third party Web services device to read data from or write data to any object in the system which supports this service. Operator Interface • Operator Interface. Web server shall reside on high-speed network with building controllers. Each standard browser connected to server shall be able to access all system information. • Communication. Web server or workstation and controllers shall communicate using BACnet (or open standard) protocol. • Operator Functions. Operator interface shall allow each authorized operator to execute the following functions as a minimum: 1. Log In and Log Out. System shall require user name and password to log in to operator interface. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 103 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 2. Point-and-click Navigation. Operator interface shall be graphically based and shall allow operators to access graphics for equipment and geographic areas using point-and-click navigation. 3. View and Adjust Equipment Properties. Operators shall be able to view controlled equipment status and to adjust operating parameters such as set-points, PID gains, on and off controls, and sensor calibration. 4. View and Adjust Operating Schedules. Operators shall be able to view scheduled operating hours of each schedulable piece of equipment on a weekly or monthly calendar-based graphical schedule display, to select and adjust each schedule and time period, and to simultaneously schedule related equipment. System shall clearly show exception schedules and holidays on the schedule display. 5. View and Respond to Alarms. Operators shall be able to view a list of currently active system alarms, to acknowledge each alarm, and to clear (delete) unneeded alarms. 6. View and Configure Trends. Operators shall be able to view a trend graph of each trended point and to edit graph configuration to display a specific time period or data range. Operator shall be able to create custom trend graphs to display on the same page data from multiple trended points. 7. View and Configure Reports. Operators shall be able to run preconfigured reports, to view report results, and to customize report configuration to show data of interest. 8. Manage Control System Hardware. Operators shall be able to view controller status, to restart (reboot) each controller, and to download new control software to each controller. 9. Manage Operator Access. Typically, only a few operators are authorized to manage operator access. Authorized operators shall be able to view a list of operators with system access and of functions they can perform while logged in. Operators shall be able to add operators, to delete operators, and to edit operator function authorization. Operator shall be able to authorize each operator function separately. System Software. 1. Operating System. Web server shall have an industry-standard professional-grade operating system. 2. System Graphics. Operator interface shall be graphically based and shall include at least one graphic per piece of equipment or occupied zone, graphics for each chilled water and hot water system, and graphics that summarize conditions on each floor of each building included in this contract. Indicate thermal comfort on floor plan summary graphics using dynamic colors to represent zone temperature relative to zone set-point. − Functionality. Graphics shall allow operator to monitor system status, to view a summary of the most important data for each controlled zone or piece of equipment, to use pointand-click navigation between zones or equipment, and to edit setpoints and other specified parameters. − Animation. Graphics shall be able to animate by displaying different image files for changed object status. − Alarm Indication. Indicate areas or equipment in an alarm condition using color or other visual indicator. − Format. Graphics shall be saved in an industry-standard format such as BMP, JPEG, PNG, or GIF. Web-based system graphics shall be viewable on browsers compatible with World Wide Web Consortium browser standards. Web graphic format shall require no plug-in (such as HTML and JavaScript) or shall only require widely available no-cost plugins (such as Active-X and Macromedia Flash). System Tools. System shall provide the following functionality to authorized operators as an integral part of the operator interface or as stand-alone software programs. If furnished as part of the interface, the tool shall be available from each workstation or web browser interface. If furnished as a stand-alone program, software shall be installable on standard IBM-compatible PCs with no limit on the number of copies that can be installed under the system license. 1. Automatic System Database Configuration. Each workstation or web server shall store on its hard disk a copy of the current system database, including controller firmware and software. Stored database shall be automatically updated with each system configuration or controller firmware or software change. 2. Controller Memory Download. Operators shall be able to download memory from the system database to each controller. 3. System Configuration. Operators shall be able to configure the system. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 104 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 4. Online Help. Context-sensitive online help for each tool shall assist operators in operating and editing the system. 5. Security. System shall require a user name and password to view, edit, add, or delete data. − Operator Access. Each user name and password combination shall define accessible viewing, editing, adding, and deleting functions in each system application, editor, and object. − Automatic Log Out. Automatically log out each operator if no keyboard or mouse activity is detected. Operators shall be able to adjust automatic log out delay. − Encrypted Security Data. Store system security data including operator passwords in an encrypted format. System shall not display operator passwords. 6. System Diagnostics. System shall automatically monitor controller and I/O point operation. System shall annunciate controller failure and I/O point locking (manual overriding to a fixed value). 7. Alarm Processing. System input and status objects shall be configurable to alarm on departing from and on returning to normal state. Operator shall be able to enable or disable each alarm and to configure alarm limits, alarm limit differentials, alarm states, and alarm reactions for each system object. Alarms shall be BACnet alarm objects and shall use BACnet alarm services. 8. Alarm Messages. Alarm messages shall use an English language descriptor without acronyms or mnemonics to describe alarm source, location, and nature. 9. Alarm Reactions. Operator shall be able to configure (by object) actions workstation or web server shall initiate on receipt of each alarm. As a minimum, workstation or web server shall be able to log, print, start programs, display messages, send e-mail, send page, and audibly annunciate. 10. Alarm Maintenance. Operators shall be able to view system alarms and changes of state chronologically, to acknowledge and delete alarms, and to archive closed alarms to the workstation or web server hard disk from each workstation or web browser interface. 11. Trend Configuration. Operator shall be able to configure trend sample or change of value (COV) interval, start time, and stop time for each system data object and shall be able to retrieve data for use in spreadsheets and standard database programs. Controller shall sample and store trend data and shall be able to archive data to the hard disk. Trends shall be BACnet trend objects. 12. Object and Property Status and Control. Operator shall be able to view, and to edit if applicable, the status of each system object and property by menu, on graphics, or through custom programs. 13. Reports and Logs. Operator shall be able to select, to modify, to create, and to print reports and logs. Operator shall be able to store report data in a format accessible by standard spreadsheet and word processing programs. 14. Standard Reports. Furnish the following standard system reports: a. Objects. System objects and current values filtered by object type, by status (in alarm, locked, normal), by equipment, by geographic location, or by combination of filter criteria. b. Alarm Summary. Current alarms and closed alarms. System shall retain closed alarms for an adjustable period. c. Logs. System shall log the following to a database or text file and shall retain data for an adjustable period: I. Alarm History. II. Trend Data. Operator shall be able to select trends to be logged. III. Operator Activity. At a minimum, system shall log operator log in and log out, control parameter changes, schedule changes, and alarm acknowledgment and deletion. System shall date and time stamp logged activity. 15. Custom Reports. Operator shall be able to create custom reports that retrieve data, including archived trend data, from the system, that analyze data using common algebraic calculations, and that present results in tabular or graphical format. Reports shall be launched from the operator interface. 16. Graphics Generation. Graphically based tools and documentation shall allow Operator to edit system graphics, to create graphics, and to integrate graphics into the system. Operator shall be able to add analog and binary values, dynamic text, static text, and animation files to a background graphic using a mouse. 17. Graphics Library. Complete library of standard HVAC equipment graphics shall include equipment such as chillers, boilers, air handlers, terminals, fan coils, and unit ventilators. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 105 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Library shall include standard symbols for other equipment including fans, pumps, coils, valves, piping, dampers, and ductwork. Library graphic file format shall be compatible with graphics generation tools. 18. Custom Application Programming. Operator shall be able to create, edit, debug, and download custom programs. System shall be fully operable while custom programs are edited, compiled, and downloaded. Programming language shall have the following features: a. Language. Language shall be graphically based and shall use function blocks arranged in a logic diagram that clearly shows control logic flow. Function blocks shall directly provide functions listed below, and operators shall be able to create custom or compound function blocks. b. Programming Environment. Tool shall provide a full-screen, cursor-andmouse-driven programming environment that incorporates word processing features such as cut and paste. Operators shall be able to insert, add, modify, and delete custom programming code, and to copy blocks of code to a file library for reuse in other control programs. c. Independent Program Modules. Operator shall be able to develop independently executing program modules that can disable, enable and exchange data with other program modules. d. Debugging and Simulation. Operator shall be able to step through the program observing intermediate values and results. Operator shall be able to adjust input variables to simulate actual operating conditions. Operator shall be able to adjust each step's time increment to observe operation of delays, integrators, and other time-sensitive control logic. Debugger shall provide error messages for syntax and for execution errors. e. Conditional Statements. Operator shall be able to program conditional logic using compound Boolean (AND, OR, and NOT) and relational (EQUAL, LESS THAN, GREATER THAN, NOT EQUAL) comparisons. f. Mathematical Functions. Language shall support floating-point addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root operations, as well as absolute value calculation and programmatic selection of minimum and maximum values from a list of values. g. Variables: Operator shall be able to use variable values in program conditional statements and mathematical functions. i. Time Variables. Operator shall be able to use predefined variables to represent time of day, day of the week, month of the year, and date. Other predefined variables or simple control logic shall provide elapsed time in seconds, minutes, hours, and days. Operator shall be able to start, stop, and reset elapsed time variables using the program language. ii. System Variables. Operator shall be able to use predefined variables to represent status and results of Controller Software and shall be able to enable, disable, and change setpoints of Controller Software as described in Controller Software section. Portable Operator's Terminal. Provide all necessary software to configure an IBM-compatible laptop computer for use as a Portable Operator's Terminal. Operator shall be able to connect configured Terminal to the system network or directly to each controller for programming, setting up, and troubleshooting. BACnet. Web server or workstation shall have demonstrated interoperability during at least one BMA Interoperability Workshop and shall substantially conform to BACnet Operator Workstation (B-OWS) device profile as specified in ASHRAE/ANSI 135-2001, BACnet Annex L. Controller Software • Building and energy management application software shall reside and operate in system controllers. Applications shall be editable through operator workstation, web browser interface, or engineering workstation. • Scheduling. System shall provide the following schedule options as a minimum: 1. Weekly. Provide separate schedules for each day of the week. Each schedule shall be able to include up to 5 occupied periods (5 start-stop pairs or 10 events). 2. Exception. Operator shall be able to designate an exception schedule for each of the next 365 days. After an exception schedule has executed, system shall discard and replace exception schedule with standard schedule for that day of the week. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 106 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • • • • • • • • • • • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 3. Holiday. Operator shall be able to define 24 special or holiday schedules of varying length on a scheduling calendar that repeats each year. System Coordination. Operator shall be able to group related equipment based on function and location and to use these groups for scheduling and other applications. Remote Communication. System shall automatically contact operator workstation or server on receipt of critical alarms. If no network connection is available, system shall use a modem connection. Demand Limiting. a. System shall monitor building power consumption from building power meter pulse generator signals or from building feeder line watt transducer or current transformer. b. When power consumption exceeds adjustable levels, system shall automatically adjust setpoints, de-energize low-priority equipment, and take other programmatic actions to reduce demand as specified in Section 15900 Appendix A (Sequences of Operation). When demand drops below adjustable levels, system shall restore loads as specified. Maintenance Management. System shall generate maintenance alarms when equipment exceeds adjustable runtime, equipment starts, or performance limits. Sequencing. Application software shall sequence chillers, boilers, and pumps as specified in Sequences of Operation. PID Control. System shall provide direct- and reverse-acting PID (proportional-integral-derivative) algorithms. Each algorithm shall have anti-windup and selectable controlled variable, set-point, and PID gains. Each algorithm shall calculate a time-varying analog value that can be used to position an output or to stage a series of outputs. Staggered Start. System shall stagger controlled equipment restart after power outage. Operator shall be able to adjust equipment restart order and time delay between equipment restarts. Energy Calculations. 1. System shall accumulate and convert instantaneous power (kW) or flow rates (m3/s) to energy usage data. 2. System shall calculate a sliding-window average (rolling average). Operator shall be able to adjust window interval to 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 60 minutes. Anti-Short Cycling. Binary output objects shall be protected from short cycling by means of adjustable minimum on-time and off-time settings. On and Off Control with Differential. System shall provide direct- and reverse-acting on and off algorithms with adjustable differential to cycle a binary output based on a controlled variable and set-point. Runtime Totalization. System shall provide an algorithm that can totalize runtime for each binary input and output. Operator shall be able to enable runtime alarm based on exceeded adjustable runtime limit. Controllers • General. Provide Building Controllers (BC), Advanced Application Controllers (AAC), Application Specific Controllers (ASC), Smart Actuators (SA), and Smart Sensors (SS) as required to achieve performance specified in Section System Performance. Every device in the system which executes control logic and directly controls HVAC or Lighting equipment must conform to a standard BACnet Device profile as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004, BACnet Annex L. Unless otherwise specified, hardwired actuators and sensors may be used in lieu of BACnet Smart Actuators and Smart Sensors. • BACnet. 1. Building Controllers (BCs). Each BC shall conform to BACnet Building Controller (B-BC) device profile as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004, BACnet Annex L and shall be listed as a certified B-BC in the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) Product Listing. 2. Advanced Application Controllers (AACs). Each AAC shall conform to BACnet Advanced Application Controller (B-AAC) device profile as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004, BACnet Annex L and shall be listed as a certified B-AAC in the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) Product Listing. 3. Application Specific Controllers (ASCs). Each ASC shall conform to BACnet Application Specific Controller (B-ASC) device profile as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004, BACnet Annex L and shall be listed as a certified B-ASC in the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) Product Listing. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 107 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • • • • • • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 4. Smart Actuators (SAs). Each SA shall conform to BACnet Smart Actuator (B-SA) device profile as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004, BACnet Annex L and shall be listed as a certified B-SA in the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) Product Listing. 5. Smart Sensors (SSs). Each SS shall conform to BACnet Smart Sensor (B-SS) device profile as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 135-2004, BACnet Annex L and shall be listed as a certified BSS in the BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) Product Listing. 6. BACnet Communication. a. Each BC shall reside on or be connected to a BACnet network using ISO 8802-3 (Ethernet) Data Link/Physical layer protocol and BACnet/IP addressing. b. BACnet routing shall be performed by BCs or other BACnet device routers as necessary to connect BCs to networks of AACs and ASCs. c. Each AAC shall reside on a BACnet network using ISO 8802-3 (Ethernet) Data Link/Physical layer protocol with BACnet/IP addressing, or it shall reside on a BACnet network using the ARCNET or MS/TP Data Link/Physical layer protocol. d. Each ASC shall reside on a BACnet network using the ARCNET or MS/TP Data Link/Physical layer protocol. e. Each SA shall reside on a BACnet network using the ARCNET or MS/TP Data Link/Physical layer protocol. f. Each SS shall reside on a BACnet network using ISO 8802-3 (Ethernet) Data Link/Physical layer protocol with BACnet/IP addressing, or it shall reside on a BACnet network using ARCNET or MS/TP Data Link/Physical layer protocol. Communication. 1. Service Port. Each controller shall provide a service communication port for connection to a Portable Operator's Terminal. Connection shall be extended to space temperature sensor ports where shown on drawings. 2. Signal Management. BC and ASC operating systems shall manage input and output communication signals to allow distributed controllers to share real and virtual object information and to allow for central monitoring and alarms. 3. Data Sharing. Each BC and AAC shall share data as required with each networked BC and AAC. 4. Stand-Alone Operation. Each piece of equipment specified in Section 15900 Appendix A shall be controlled by a single controller to provide stand-alone control in the event of communication failure. All I/O points specified for a piece of equipment shall be integral to its controller. Provide stable and reliable stand-alone control using default values or other method for values normally read over the network. Environment. Controller hardware shall be suitable for anticipated ambient conditions. 1. Controllers used outdoors or in wet ambient conditions shall be mounted in waterproof enclosures and shall be rated for operation at -29°C to 60°C (-20°F to 140°F). 2. Controllers used in conditioned space shall be mounted in dust-protective enclosures and shall be rated for operation at 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 120°F). Keypad. Provide a local keypad and display for each BC and AAC. Operator shall be able to use keypad to view and edit data. Keypad and display shall require password to prevent unauthorized use. If the manufacturer does not normally provide a keypad and display for each BC and AAC, provide the software and any interface cabling needed to use a laptop computer as a Portable Operator's Terminal for the system. Real-Time Clock. Controllers that perform scheduling shall have a real-time clock. Serviceability. 1. Controllers shall have diagnostic LEDs for power, communication, and processor. 2. Wires shall be connected to a field-removable modular terminal strip or to a termination card connected by a ribbon cable. 3. Each BC and AAC shall continually check its processor and memory circuit status and shall generate an alarm on abnormal operation. System shall continuously check controller network and generate alarm for each controller that fails to respond. Memory. a. Controller memory shall support operating system, database, and programming requirements. b. Each BC and AAC shall retain BIOS and application programming for at least 72 hours in the event of power loss. c. Each ASC and SA shall use nonvolatile memory and shall retain BIOS and application programming in the event of power loss. System shall automatically download dynamic control parameters following power loss. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 108 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Immunity to Power and Noise. Controllers shall be able to operate at 90% to 110% of nominal voltage rating and shall perform an orderly shutdown below 80% nominal voltage. Operation shall be protected against electrical noise of 5 to 120 Hz and from keyed radios up to 5 W at 1 m (3 ft). Transformer. ASC power supply shall be fused or current limiting and shall be rated at a minimum of 125% of ASC power consumption. Input and Output Interface • General. Hard-wire input and output points to BCs, AACs, ASCs, or SAs. • Protection. Shorting an input or output point to itself, to another point, or to ground shall cause no controller damage. Input or output point contact with up to 24 V for any duration shall cause no controller damage. • Binary Inputs. Binary inputs shall monitor the on and off signal from a remote device. Binary inputs shall provide a wetting current of at least 12 mA and shall be protected against contact bounce and noise. Binary inputs shall sense dry contact closure without application of power external to the controller. • Pulse Accumulation Inputs. Pulse accumulation inputs shall conform to binary input requirements and shall accumulate up to 10 pulses per second. • Analog Inputs. Analog inputs shall monitor low-voltage (0-10 Vdc), current (4-20 mA), or resistance (thermistor or RTD) signals. Analog inputs shall be compatible with and field configurable to commonly available sensing devices. • Binary Outputs. Binary outputs shall send an on-or-off signal for on and off control. Building Controller binary outputs shall have three-position (on-off-auto) override switches and status lights. Outputs shall be selectable for normally open or normally closed operation. • Analog Outputs. Analog outputs shall send a modulating 0-10 Vdc or 4-20 mA signal as required to properly control output devices. Each Building Controller analog output shall have a twoposition (auto-manual) switch, a manually adjustable potentiometer, and status lights. Analog outputs shall not drift more than 0.4% of range annually. • Tri-State Outputs. Control three-point floating electronic actuators without feedback with tri-state outputs (two coordinated binary outputs). Tri-State outputs may be used to provide analog output control in zone control and terminal unit control applications such as VAV terminal units, ductmounted heating coils, and zone dampers. • Universal Inputs and Outputs. Inputs and outputs that can be designated as either binary or analog in software shall conform to the provisions of this section that are appropriate for their designated use. Power Supplies And Line Filtering • Control transformers shall be UL listed. Furnish Class 2 current-limiting type or furnish overcurrent protection in primary and secondary circuits for Class 2 service in accordance with NEC requirements. Limit connected loads to 80% of rated capacity. DC power supply output shall match output current and voltage requirements. Unit shall be full-wave rectifier type with output ripple of 5.0 mV maximum peak-to-peak. Regulation shall be 1.0% line and load combined, with 100-microsecond response time for 50% load changes. Unit shall have built-in over-voltage and over-current protection and shall be able to withstand 150% current overload for at least three seconds without trip-out or failure. a. Unit shall operate between 0°C and 50°C (32°F and 120°F). EM/RF shall meet FCC Class B and VDE 0871 for Class B and MILSTD 810C for shock and vibration. b. Line voltage units shall be UL recognized and CSA listed. • Power Line Filtering. a. Provide internal or external transient voltage and surge suppression for workstations and controllers. Surge protection shall have: b. Dielectric strength of 1000 V minimum c. Response time of 10 nanoseconds or less d. Transverse mode noise attenuation of 65 dB or greater e. Common mode noise attenuation of 150 dB or greater at 40-100 Hz Auxiliary Control Devices • Motorized Control Dampers. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 109 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 1. Type. Control dampers shall have linear flow characteristics and shall be parallel- or opposedblade type as specified below or as scheduled on drawings. a. Outdoor and return air mixing dampers and face-and-bypass dampers shall be parallelblade and shall direct airstreams toward each other. b. Other modulating dampers shall be opposed-blade. c. Two-position shutoff dampers shall be parallel- or opposed-blade with blade and side seals. 2. Frame. Damper frames shall be 2.38 mm (13 gauge) galvanized steel channel or 3.175 mm (1/8 in.) extruded aluminum with reinforced corner bracing. 3. Blades. Damper blades shall not exceed 20 cm (8 in.) in width or 125 cm (48 in.) in length. Blades shall be suitable for medium velocity (10 m/s [2000 fpm]) performance. Blades shall be not less than 1.5875 mm (16 gauge). 4. Shaft Bearings. Damper shaft bearings shall be as recommended by manufacturer for application, oil impregnated sintered bronze, or better. 5. Seals. Blade edges and frame top and bottom shall have replaceable seals of butyl rubber or neoprene. Side seals shall be spring-loaded stainless steel. Blade seals shall leak no more than 50 L/s·m2 (10 cfm per ft2) at 1000 Pa (4 in. w.g.) differential pressure. Blades shall be airfoil type suitable for wide-open face velocity of 7.5 m/s (1500 fpm). 6. Sections. Damper sections shall not exceed 125 cm - 150 cm (48 in. - 60 in.). Each section shall have at least one damper actuator. 7. Linkages. Dampers shall have exposed linkages. Electric Damper and Valve Actuators. a. Stall Protection. Mechanical or electronic stall protection shall prevent actuator damage throughout the actuator's rotation. b. Spring-return Mechanism. Actuators used for power-failure and safety applications shall have an internal mechanical spring-return mechanism or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). c. Signal and Range. Proportional actuators shall accept a 0-10 Vdc or a 0-20 mA control signal and shall have a 2-10 Vdc or 4-20 mA operating range. (Floating motor actuators may be substituted for proportional actuators in terminal unit applications as described in paragraph 2.6H.) d. Wiring. 24 Vac and 24 Vdc actuators shall operate on Class 2 wiring. e. Manual Positioning. Operators shall be able to manually position each actuator when the actuator is not powered. Non-spring-return actuators shall have an external manual gear release. Spring-return actuators with more than 7 N·m (60 in.-lb) torque capacity shall have a manual crank. Control Valves. 1. General. Select body and trim materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations for design conditions and service shown. 2. Type. Provide two- or three-way control valves for two-position or modulating service as shown. 3. Water Valves. a. Valves providing two-position service shall be quick opening. Two-way valves shall have replaceable disc or ball. b. Close-off (Differential) Pressure Rating. Valve actuator and trim shall provide the following minimum close-off pressure ratings. i. Two-way: 150% of total system (pump) head. ii. Three-way: 300% of pressure differential between ports A and B at design flow or 100% of total system (pump) head. c. Ports. Valves providing modulating service shall have equal percentage ports. d. Sizing. i. Two-position service: line size. ii. Two-way modulating service: select pressure drop equal to the greatest of twice the pressure drop through heat exchanger (load), 50% of the pressure difference between supply and return mains, or 35 kPa (5 psi). iii. Three-way modulating service: select pressure drop equal to the smaller of twice the pressure drop through the coil exchanger (load) or 35 kPa (5 psi). e. Fail Position. Water valves shall fail normally open or closed as follows unless otherwise specified. i. Water zone valves: normally open. ii. Heating coils in air handlers: normally open. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 110 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • • • • • • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 iii. Chilled water control valves: normally closed. iv. Other applications: as scheduled or as required by sequences of operation. Steam Valves. a. Close-off (Differential) Pressure Rating. Valve actuator and trim shall provide minimum close-off pressure rating equal to 150% of operating (inlet) pressure. b. Ports. Valves providing modulating service shall have linear ports. c. Sizing. i. Two-position service: select pressure drop equal to 10%-20% of inlet psig. ii. Modulating service at 100 kPa (15 psig) or less: select pressure drop equal to 80% of inlet psig. iii. Modulating service at 101-350 kPa (16-50 psig): select pressure drop equal to 50% of inlet psig. iv. Modulating service at over 350 kPa (50 psig): select pressure drop as scheduled on drawings. Binary Temperature Devices. 1. Low-Voltage Space Thermostats. Low-voltage space thermostats shall be 24 V, bimetaloperated, mercury-switch type, with adjustable or fixed anticipation heater, concealed setpoint adjustment, 13°C-30°C (55°F-85°F) setpoint range, 1°C (2°F) maximum differential, and vented ABS plastic cover. 2. Line-Voltage Space Thermostats. Line-voltage space thermostats shall be bimetal-actuated, open-contact type or bellows-actuated, enclosed, snap-switch type or equivalent solid-state type, with heat anticipator, UL listing for electrical rating, concealed setpoint adjustment, 13°C-30°C (55°F-85°F) setpoint range, 1°C (2°F) maximum differential, and vented ABS plastic cover. 3. Low-Limit Thermostats. Low-limit airstream thermostats shall be UL listed, vapor pressure type. Element shall be at least 6 m (20 ft) long. Element shall sense temperature in each 30 cm (1 ft) section and shall respond to lowest sensed temperature. Low-limit thermostat shall be manual reset only. Temperature Sensors. 1. Type. Temperature sensors shall be Resistance Temperature Device (RTD) or thermistor. 2. Duct Sensors. Duct sensors shall be single point or averaging as shown. Averaging sensors shall be a minimum of 1.5 m (5 ft) in length per 1 m2(10 ft2) of duct cross-section. 3. Immersion Sensors. Provide immersion sensors with a separable stainless steel well. Well pressure rating shall be consistent with system pressure it will be immersed in. Well shall withstand pipe design flow velocities. 4. Space Sensors. Space sensors shall have setpoint adjustment, override switch, display, and communication port as shown. 5. Differential Sensors. Provide matched sensors for differential temperature measurement. Humidity Sensors. 1. Duct and room sensors shall have a sensing range of 20%-80%. 2. Duct sensors shall have a sampling chamber. 3. Outdoor air humidity sensors shall have a sensing range of 20%-95% RH and shall be suitable for ambient conditions of 40°C-75°C (40°F-170°F). 4. Humidity sensors shall not drift more than 1% of full scale annually. Flow Switches. Flow-proving switches shall be paddle (water service only) or differential pressure type (air or water service) as shown. Switches shall be UL listed, SPDT snap-acting, and pilot duty rated (125 VA minimum). 1. Paddle switches shall have adjustable sensitivity and NEMA 1 enclosure unless otherwise specified. 2. Differential pressure switches shall have scale range and differential suitable for intended application and NEMA 1 enclosure unless otherwise specified. Relays. 1. Control Relays. Control relays shall be plug-in type, UL listed, and shall have dust cover and LED "energized" indicator. Contact rating, configuration, and coil voltage shall be suitable for application. 2. Time Delay Relays. Time delay relays shall be solid-state plug-in type, UL listed, and shall have adjustable time delay. Delay shall be adjustable ±100% from setpoint shown. Contact rating, configuration, and coil voltage shall be suitable for application. Provide NEMA 1 enclosure for relays not installed in local control panel. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 111 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 • Override Timers. Unless implemented in control software, override timers shall be spring-wound line voltage, UL Listed, with contact rating and configuration required by application. Provide 0-6 hour calibrated dial unless otherwise specified. Flush mount timer on local control panel face or where shown. • Current Transmitters. 1. AC current transmitters shall be self-powered, combination split-core current transformer type with built-in rectifier and high-gain servo amplifier with 4-20 mA two-wire output. Full-scale unit ranges shall be 10 A, 20 A, 50 A, 100 A, 150 A, and 200 A, with internal zero and span adjustment. Unit accuracy shall be ±1% full-scale at 500 ohm maximum burden. 2. Transmitter shall meet or exceed ANSI/ISA S50.1 requirements and shall be UL/CSA recognized. 3. Unit shall be split-core type for clamp-on installation on existing wiring. • Current Transformers. 1. AC current transformers shall be UL/CSA recognized and shall be completely encased (except for terminals) in approved plastic material. 2. Transformers shall be available in various current ratios and shall be selected for ±1% accuracy at 5 A full-scale output. 3. Use fixed-core transformers for new wiring installation and split-core transformers for existing wiring installation. • Voltage Transmitters. 1. AC voltage transmitters shall be self-powered single-loop (two-wire) type, 4-20 mA output with zero and span adjustment. 2. Adjustable full-scale unit ranges shall be 100-130 Vac, 200-250 Vac, 250-330 Vac, and 400600 Vac. Unit accuracy shall be ±1% full-scale at 500 ohm maximum burden. 3. Transmitters shall meet or exceed ANSI/ISA S50.1 requirements and shall be UL/CSA recognized at 600 Vac rating. • Voltage Transformers. 1. AC voltage transformers shall be UL/CSA recognized, 600 Vac rated, and shall have built-in fuse protection. 2. Transformers shall be suitable for ambient temperatures of 4°C-55°C (40°F-130°F) and shall provide ±0.5% accuracy at 24 Vac and 5 VA load. 3. Windings (except for terminals) shall be completely enclosed with metal or plastic. • Power Monitors. 1. Power monitors shall be three-phase type and shall have three-phase disconnect and shorting switch assembly, UL listed voltage transformers, and UL listed split-core current transformers. 2. Power monitors shall provide selectable output: rate pulse for kWh reading or 4-20 mA for kW reading. Power monitors shall operate with 5 A current inputs and maximum error of ±2% at 1.0 power factor or ±2.5% at 0.5 power factor. • Current Switches. Current-operated switches shall be self-powered, solid-state with adjustable trip current. Select switches to match application current and DDC system output requirements. • Pressure Transducers. 1. Transducers shall have linear output signal and field-adjustable zero and span. 2. Continuous operating conditions of positive or negative pressure 50% greater than calibrated span shall not damage transducer sensing elements. 3. Water pressure transducer diaphragm shall be stainless steel with minimum proof pressure of 1000 kPa (150 psi). Transducer shall have 4-20 mA output, suitable mounting provisions, and block and bleed valves. 4. Water differential pressure transducer diaphragm shall be stainless steel with minimum proof pressure of 1000 kPa (150 psi). Over-range limit (differential pressure) and maximum static pressure shall be 2000 kPa (300 psi.) Transducer shall have 4-20 mA output, suitable mounting provisions, and 5-valve manifold. • Differential Pressure Switches. Differential pressure switches (air or water service) shall be UL listed, SPDT snap-acting, pilot duty rated (125 VA minimum) and shall have scale range and differential suitable for intended application and NEMA 1 enclosure unless otherwise specified. • Pressure-Electric (PE) Switches. PE switches shall be UL listed, pilot duty rated (125 VA minimum) or motor control rated, metal or neoprene diaphragm actuated, operating pressure rated for 0-175 kPa (0-25 psig), with calibrated scale minimum setpoint range of 14-125 kPa (2-18 psig). 1. Provide one- or two-stage switch action (SPDT, DPST, or DPDT) as required by application. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 112 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS • Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 2. Switches shall be open type (panel-mounted). Exception: Switches shall be enclosed type for remote installation. Enclosed type shall be NEMA 1 unless otherwise specified. 3. Each pneumatic signal line to PE switches shall have permanent indicating gauge. Local Control Panels. 1. Indoor control panels shall be fully enclosed NEMA 1 construction with hinged door key-lock latch and removable sub-panels. A common key shall open each control panel and sub-panel. 2. Prewire internal and face-mounted device connections with color-coded stranded conductors tie-wrapped or neatly installed in plastic troughs. Field connection terminals shall be UL listed for 600 V service, individually identified per control and interlock drawings, with adequate clearance for field wiring. 3. Each local panel shall have a control power source power switch (on-off) with overcurrent protection. Wiring And Raceways − − General. Provide copper wiring, plenum cable, and raceways as specified in applicable sections of Division 16. Insulated wire shall use copper conductors and shall be UL listed for 90°C (200°F) minimum service. Fiber Optic Cable System − − Optical Cable. Optical cables shall be duplex 900 mm tight-buffer construction designed for intrabuilding environments. Sheath shall be UL listed OFNP in accordance with NEC Article 770. Optical fiber shall meet the requirements of FDDI, ANSI X3T9.5 PMD for 62.5/125mm. Connectors. Field terminate optical fibers with ST type connectors. Connectors shall have ceramic ferrules and metal bayonet latching bodies. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 113 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 Conclusions This document provides an analysis of different possibilities of integration of components developed in the Cost Effective project in a Building Management System. The methodology necessary for the integration of the Cost-Effective technologies into building management systems has been identified and analysed. Innovative concepts have been developed aiming at energy conservation and guidelines on how to implement the new concepts and components in building managements systems (BMS) have been produced. The first part of the report provides a general description of Building Management Systems. The modular structure of BMS enables the inclusion of new technologies and additional physical components. Information and functional characteristics of each of the developed new building components has been gathered from components developers through a questionnaire and then compiled. A holistic strategy has been implemented for each component, facilitating the integration procedure. This strategy includes initially an analysis of the BMS concepts, introducing the main features and functionalities of BMS system including control level, management level, service level and backbone network. Independence and autonomy of management and optimization of the energy and maintenance processes are two important features of BMS design. Main commercial implementations in PLC platforms, bluetooth platforms, ZigBee platforms, PLC media and wireless media are stated. The methodology designed and implemented to interface with the technology developers is described and in parallel fundamental questions related to decision making, control and data reporting are answered through a questionnaire, highlighting the importance of the BMS integration of the components developed in the Cost-Effective project. Main topics are technology characteristics, building and BMS integrations considerations and hardware characteristics. The core contribution of the report is an in-depth analysis of the integration of the different components in a BMS. The analysis has been done as an independent process for every component as the characteristics and functionality provided is different for each one. The technologies in Cost Effective may be used in various combinations. It is certain they will always need to be adapted and sized to the physical characteristics, energy infrastructure, heating, and cooling demands of any particular building. The component’s functionality, as a whole and for each incorporated subsystem is described, giving details about the variables and parameters to be controlled, the critical aspects of control/management and the strategies for an integrated control. Details are also provided concerning the requirements for control, signal specifications, software variables and any parameter necessary to perform the optimal management. The operation of the component is in depth analyzed, providing flow charts or pseudo-codes for each monitoring/control item: main scheduling process alarm management, network, subnet and room level, and energy management. Solar control is also described as optional to take it into account where applicable. Ensuring the proper integration of Cost-Effective developments in BMS systems, measurable physical magnitudes relevant to the BMS subsystems are identified for each new building concept, and guidelines are given. Once the main features and functionality, the most common implementations and integration requirements for new developments are introduced, the deployment of the innovative components in Building Automation networks is presented. The methodology takes into account the view of component’s developers and the analysis of common Building Automation Networks. The technologies developed may be used in various combinations in a building. The individual components integration in BMS analysed are the following: Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 114 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 • Transparent solar thermal façade collector The transparent solar thermal façade collector is conceived as part of a more complex HVAC system. This interaction is mostly related to the generation side of the HVAC control. The integration in such control systems is envisaged, including safety issues such as expansion valves. Moveable collectors also act as partial shading devices, and the integration in the user comfort management of BMS is also developed. • Solar thermal vacuum tube collector This technology is promising heat supply for room heating, preparation of domestic hot water and for technological processes like solar cooling. This technology is active regarding the thermal performance of buildings (acts as shading system) but is controlled as a heat source producer at HVAC plant level. This document studies the control requirements to ensure the safe and efficient integration of this technology into more complex HVAC systems. • BIPV glazing with angle-selective solar shading The new BIPV angle-selective-façade system which combines in one-element four important tasks: solar protection (g-value less than 10%), glare protection, visual contact and integrated PV-system for electricity production. This technology is passive regarding the thermal conditioning of occupied spaces and is decoupled from HVAC equipment. So it does not require of control systems. • Natural ventilation with heat recovery The component concept is based on the use of natural ventilation due to forces such as wind and temperature differences. It is a system of units with functions of an individual office (e.g. unit AC) and it requires and active control both at the device level and at the system level (building). Although it does not consume energy, the control system is critical in this technology. This component is envisioned as controllable via remote or automatic settings. A definition of the control loops and the interface with BMS is studied. • Unglazed façade collectors The component concept is based on active solar façade elements coupled to a heat pump for the distributed supply of heat and air conditioning. The heat pump has two possible heat sources: outdoor air and direct sun. The system can also provide cooling by reversing the air source heat pump. The control system will be hosted by the component itself and the interface with the BMS is minimal. This will be used only for monitoring the performance metric of this component. The monitoring parameters to be considered for each technology, their integration into different protocols and the system requirements of a BMS to support these technologies and measurements are also described. The application of the concepts follows the principles of a BMS optimum design: independence and autonomy of management by means of reliable and low-cost integrated multi-functional control components with respect to building type, envelope components, technological plants, human presence and different use of indoor area and optimization of the energy and maintenance processes to guarantee a sustainable approach to energy and environmental issues, reduction of running costs an simplified and user friendly management process. Integration issues of C-E technologies into a BMS are related to decision making, control, and data reporting. These functions can happen at the device level, or at the building level. It is essential to interact with technology developers and technology adopters about how they view these issues as they relate to any particular scenario. For this reason a questionnaire was utilised in order to introduce and educate the reader to the topic of BMS, to obtain initial responses to how each technology was planned to be employed, to develop a “shopping list” of ICT hardware that would support each CE technology, to obtain the information required to begin to draft the initial control and communication architecture and to provide references for further investigation of the topic. A holistic study of the integration of new components in Building Management Systems is presented. It investigates aspects of implementation, requirements, and solutions to possible integration issues. This comprehensive work will help ensure that the operation and maintenance of all components is carried out appropriately, improving the overall building’s performance. It will however, need to be Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 115 of 116 Integrated Concepts. Integration in BMS Cost-Effective Deliverable D4.1.6 Version 1.0 adapted to each building, integration of the technologies applied to that building, and the control strategies selected by any particular client. Version 1.0 30/06/2011 Page 116 of 116