FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK Teknisk chef Ledning TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT Marktele 2012-12-03 RA 7340 GRUND RA 7341 GRX RA 7344 FHFCIRC L11 RA 7345 FHFCIRC RA 7346 FHFCIRC GRX RA 7347 FHFCIRC GRX2 RA 7348 FHF GRUND RA 7349 FHF GRX DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Sida 1 (247) M3955-734010 M3955-734110 M3955-734410 M3955-734510 M3955-734610 M3955-734710 M3955-734810 M3955-734910 Operatörsinstruktion RA 734X Tekniskt ansvarig: Publikationsansvarig: FMV:AK Led Hans Jonsson FMV:AK Led Rickard Berg TO-grupp: SAMBAND 100 Upphäver: , ref: PF Förrådsbeteckning: M7780-102207 Distribution: MS 520 R&S® M3SR Series 4400 Software Defined Radios Fixed Frequency Transceivers Operating Manual FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Operating Manual Radiocommunications Systems 6172.4399.02 - 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 The documentation describes e.g. the following software defined radios: R&S® XD4410A— 6122.1109.xx, 6122.7107.xx, 6122.8132.xx — SW Rel. 22.00 R&S® XD4460A — 6122.3601.xx, 6122.7120.xx, 6122.8255.xx — SW Rel. 22.00 R&S® XT4410A — 6102.0307.xx, 6122.6200.xx, 6122.7059.xx, 6122.8010.xx, 6122.8055.xx — SW Rel. 22.00 R&S® XT4460A — 6102.1103.xx, 6122.7007.xx, 6122.7020.xx, 6122.8078.xx — SW Rel. 22.00 R&S® XU4410A — 6122.3801.xx, 6122.7471.xx, 6122.8090.xx — SW Rel. 22.00 R&S® XU4460A — 6122.7459.xx, 6122.8110.xx — SW Rel. 22.00 © 10/2012 Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG 81671 Munich, Germany Printed in Germany — Subject to change — Data without tolerances: order of magnitude only The R&S logo, Rohde & Schwarz and R&S are registered trademarks of Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG and its subsidiaries. Trade names are trademarks of the owners. FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Abbreviations Abbreviations A ampere AC alternating current ACK acknowledge AF audio frequency AFI audio frequency interface AGC automatic gain control ALC automatic level control AM amplitude modulation AMBE advanced multiband excitation async asynchronous ATC air traffic control ATEC active time error correction ATM air traffic management AUDIO R&S designator for audio connector AUX auxiliary BAT battery BI break-in BIT built-in test C control unit CARR carrier CBIT continuous built-in test CFT conferencing tone (detection) Ch channel CLR clear cm centimetre Codec coder/decoder COMSEC communication security Com Mode communication mode CP control panel CRD crypto receive detect CTRL control Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 i FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers ii Abbreviations CU control unit CVSD continuously variable slope delta modulation dB decibel DB data base dBm decibel, absolute level, relative to 1 mW DC direct current DEV device DIN Deutsche Industrienorm DOM domain DPP data preprocessor DTE data terminal equipment EMC electromagnetic compatibility EMCL emergency clear Emgcy emergency ENT enter EOM end of message EPM electronic protection measures ESC escape F frequency FEC forward error correction FILL fill gun FM frequency modulation FTM frequency management training FS frequency set FSK frequency shift keying FW firmware G guard receiver GB2PP GB2 platform protocol GND ground GPS global positioning system GRP group GUI graphical user interface Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Abbreviations HAIL hailing HDR high data rate HPP hardware protection processor HQ Have Quick HW hardware HWM hardware module Hz Hertz IBIT initiated built-in test IC integrated circuit ID identification IETF Internet engineering task force IF intermediate frequency IMP impedance IN input I/O input/output IP Internet protocol kB kilobit kHz kiloHertz LAN local area network LED light-emitting diode LEV level LO local oscillator m metre M3SR multiband, multimode and multirole surface radio MAINT maintenance MGMT management MHz megahertz MIB management information base min minimum mm millimetre MMI man-machine interface Mod model Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 iii FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers iv Abbreviations MOD modulation ms millisecond MTBF mean time between failures MTTR mean time to repair mW milliwatt N Newton NB narrowband NMS network management system O operational OCXO oven-controlled crystal oscillator PA power amplifier PARAMS parameter PBIT power-on built-in test PC personal computer PIN personal identification number PLL phase-locked loop PP protection processor PTEC passive time error correction PTT push to talk POR plain override PWR power QoS quality of service R radio R2S R2 signaling R&S® Rohde & Schwarz RAL Reichs-Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen RCB radio control bus RDB radio data bus REF reference RF radio frequency RFC request for comments Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Abbreviations RMB radio module bus RS 232 serial interface standard RSSI received signal strength indicator RTP real-time transport protocol RX, Rx receive, receiver S/N signal-to-noise ratio SATURN Second Generation Anti-Jam Tactical UHF Radio for NATO SDP session description protocol sec second SECOS secure EPM communication system SER serial SIP session initiation protocol SNMP simple network management protocol SPC signal processing controller SQL squelch SQLG squelch, guard receiver SQLM squelch, main receiver SRC source STANAG standardization agreement SUP supply SW software SWM software module sync synchronous T training TCP transmission control protocol TCXO temperature-compensated crystal oscillator TDMA time division multiple access TFOM time figure of merit TOD time of day TRANSEC transmission security TRU time reference unit TSP transponder TX, Tx transmit, transmitter Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 v FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers vi Abbreviations UDP user datagram protocol UHF ultra high frequency URI uniform resource indicator USM user security model UTC univeral time coordinated VAC volts alternating current VCS voice communication system VCXO voltage-controlled oscillator VDC volts direct current VDE Verband Deutscher Elektroingenieure VHF very high frequency Vocoder voice decoder VoD voice over data VoIP voice over IP VSWR voltage-standing wave ratio W watts WB wideband WOD word of day X R&S designator for connectors, e.g. X1 XD UHF transceiver XT UHF/VHF transceiver Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS Check In appropriate measurements by means of the specified test equipment, proper functioning of a unit or module is established. Discolouration Components such as connectors and printed circuit boards are examined if they have changed colour due to temperature effects and thus differ widely from their normal condition. Disconnect Pull off connector. Examine In case of trouble the unit / module or components such as e.g. connectors, are to be thoroughly checked for obvious mechanical damage. Functional check This means that components / modules / units are checked for proper functioning while installed. Hazardous voltages Voltages > 30 Vrms or 50 Vpp (AC) or 50 V (DC) Make sure Ascertain whether all mentioned requirements are met or all measures are taken to establish the required condition. Open Access is to be gained to the unit / module by observing the given instructions and safety precautions. Perfect condition This means that a component / module / unit has to be in a state which does not give cause to complaints. Replacement In case of trouble the replacement of modules is carried out in order to localize and eliminate the fault. Replace Components / modules / units which - due to damage and / or other defects no longer meet the respective requirements or components / modules / units which during troubleshooting were identified as the cause of fault, are to be replaced. Visual examination This is a visual inspection of the outer appearance and completeness of a component / module / unit without manual interference by the examiner. This does not include the necessary preparations and finishing work such as opening and closing of covers or similar. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 vii FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers NOTICES NOTICES The three different notices used in this documentation have the following meaning: This heading is used to indicate that inaccurate observance or nonobservance of instructions or methods can cause injury or even fatal accidents or during an operation described hazardous material can be set free in the unit or system. This heading is used to indicate that inaccurate observance or nonobservance of instructions or methods can cause damage to the unit. This heading is used to draw the reader’s attention to a particular fact. viii Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 USER INFORMATION USER INFORMATION Purpose of the Manual This Manual provides all information the operators and service staff need to maintain level 1 of repairs. lt contains all necessary information and instructions concerning the installation, putting into operation and control of the unit, plus troubleshooting instructions down to unit level. In case of trouble this allows straightforward error localization as well as easy replacement of the unit. Measuring Units In this Manual the basic SI measuring units and units coherently derived from them are used by preference. In exceptional cases units legally derived from the SI units acc. to DIN1301 may also be used. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 ix FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers x TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 USER INFORMATION Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Chapter 1 User Information General Features, Explanation of Models, Required Personnel, Required Power Supply, Design, Functioning, General Data 2 Getting Started Storage Procedures and Data, Installation, Basic Connection, Connection of Peripheral Equipment, Power Up, Power Down 3 Operation Overview, Basic Operating Concepts, Operation, Scenarios (Guard Signal Reception, Fill Gun), Waveforms (Fixed Frequency, Emergency Operation, Special Modes, Maintenance) 4 Malfunctions Visual Inspection 5 Maintenance Scheduled Maintenance, Taking Care, Cleaning, Paintwork 6 Technical Information Technical Data, External Interfaces, Remote Control 7 Drawings Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 xi FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers xii Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Table of Contents 1 User Information .................................................................................... 1.1 1.1 General Features ........................................................................................................... 1.2 1.2 Explanation of Models .................................................................................................. 1.4 1.3 Required Personnel....................................................................................................... 1.4 1.4 Required Power Supply ................................................................................................ 1.5 1.5 Design, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 ........................................................................... 1.6 1.6 Functioning, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22................................................................... 1.8 1.7 General Data ................................................................................................................ 1.11 1.8 Recommended Accessories....................................................................................... 1.11 2 Getting Started....................................................................................... 2.1 2.1 Unpacking, Checking, Packing, Transport and Storage............................................ 2.1 2.1.1 Unpacking and Checking................................................................................................. 2.1 2.1.2 Packing............................................................................................................................ 2.1 2.1.3 Transport ......................................................................................................................... 2.2 2.1.4 Storage ............................................................................................................................ 2.2 2.2 Installation...................................................................................................................... 2.3 2.3 Basic Connection .......................................................................................................... 2.5 2.4 Connection of Peripheral Equipment .......................................................................... 2.8 2.4.1 Filters............................................................................................................................... 2.9 2.4.2 Power Amplifiers............................................................................................................ 2.13 2.5 Power Up ...................................................................................................................... 2.19 2.6 Power Down ................................................................................................................. 2.21 3 Operation................................................................................................ 3.1 3.1 Overview......................................................................................................................... 3.1 3.2 Basic Operating Concepts............................................................................................ 3.4 3.2.1 Radio Settings/Displays via Front Panel ......................................................................... 3.4 3.2.2 Operation via Control Unit ............................................................................................... 3.8 Graphical User Interface Design ..................................................................................... 3.9 Softkeys......................................................................................................................... 3.11 Control Unit LEDs.......................................................................................................... 3.12 Menu Page Design ........................................................................................................ 3.12 Control Elements ........................................................................................................... 3.18 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 2 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Table of Contents Screen Saver................................................................................................................. 3.23 Suspend Mode .............................................................................................................. 3.23 3.3 Operation...................................................................................................................... 3.24 3.3.1 Operating / Maintenance Mode ..................................................................................... 3.24 Operating Mode............................................................................................................. 3.24 Maintenance Mode ........................................................................................................ 3.30 3.3.2 Manual Mode / Preset Mode ......................................................................................... 3.34 Manual Mode................................................................................................................. 3.34 3.3.3 Preset Mode .................................................................................................................. 3.36 3.3.4 Local / Remote Mode .................................................................................................... 3.41 Local Mode .................................................................................................................... 3.42 Remote Mode ................................................................................................................ 3.44 Local Mode Restore ...................................................................................................... 3.45 Control Unit / Radio Connection .................................................................................... 3.47 3.4 Scenarios ..................................................................................................................... 3.50 3.4.1 Guard Signal Reception ................................................................................................ 3.50 3.4.2 Fill Gun (Fixed Frequency) ............................................................................................ 3.53 3.4.3 Indications during Main Signal Reception ..................................................................... 3.55 3.5 Waveforms ................................................................................................................... 3.56 3.5.1 Fixed Frequency............................................................................................................ 3.56 Functions ....................................................................................................................... 3.56 Manual Mode................................................................................................................. 3.61 Preset Mode .................................................................................................................. 3.63 3.5.2 Special Modes ............................................................................................................... 3.64 Link11 / LinkY (Option) .................................................................................................. 3.67 Multitone (Option) .......................................................................................................... 3.70 High Data Rate (Option) ................................................................................................ 3.73 Maritime Mode............................................................................................................... 3.76 3.5.3 Emergency Operation.................................................................................................... 3.82 3.5.4 Preset Scan Mode ......................................................................................................... 3.84 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3.84 Activating Preset Scan .................................................................................................. 3.85 Limitations of Preset Scan............................................................................................. 3.90 3.5.5 Voice over IP (Option) ................................................................................................... 3.91 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3.91 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Table of Contents 3.6 Maintenance................................................................................................................. 3.93 3.6.1 Control Unit and Radio .................................................................................................. 3.93 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................. 3.93 Error List ........................................................................................................................ 3.96 3.6.2 Configuration and Status ............................................................................................... 3.98 Inventory........................................................................................................................ 3.98 Address Configuration ................................................................................................. 3.100 RTP Port Configuration ............................................................................................... 3.104 URI Configuration ........................................................................................................ 3.105 3.6.3 Radio ........................................................................................................................... 3.106 Radio Time and Date................................................................................................... 3.106 Default Settings ........................................................................................................... 3.107 Radio Modules............................................................................................................. 3.114 Option Management .................................................................................................... 3.127 Resource Management ............................................................................................... 3.127 Audio Monitoring.......................................................................................................... 3.137 I/O Mapping ................................................................................................................. 3.138 Protocol Configuration ................................................................................................. 3.142 SNMP Configuration.................................................................................................... 3.143 PTT Timeout Configuration ......................................................................................... 3.147 Frequency Exclusion ................................................................................................... 3.149 VoIP Configuration ...................................................................................................... 3.151 Preset Configuration.................................................................................................... 3.154 3.6.4 Control Unit.................................................................................................................. 3.161 MMI Parameters .......................................................................................................... 3.161 Default Settings ........................................................................................................... 3.164 Test of Key Functions.................................................................................................. 3.165 4 Malfunctions........................................................................................... 4.1 4.1 Visual Inspection ........................................................................................................... 4.1 5 Maintenance ........................................................................................... 5.1 5.1 Scheduled Maintenance................................................................................................ 5.1 5.1.1 Calibration ....................................................................................................................... 5.4 5.2 Care, Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 5.7 5.2.1 Care................................................................................................................................. 5.7 5.2.2 Cleaning .......................................................................................................................... 5.7 5.3 Retouching the Paint Work........................................................................................... 5.8 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Table of Contents 6 Technical Information ........................................................................... 6.1 6.1 Technical Data ............................................................................................................... 6.1 6.2 External Interfaces ........................................................................................................ 6.2 6.3 Remote Control.............................................................................................................. 6.3 7 Drawings................................................................................................. 7.1 4 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers List of Figures Figure 1.1 R&S M3SR Transceiver, Front View ......................................................................................... 1.2 Figure 1.2 Power Supply R&S IN 4000A .................................................................................................... 1.5 Figure 1.3 Top View of e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 (without Cover) ....................................................... 1.7 Figure 1.4 Block Diagram of e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 ...................................................................... 1.10 Figure 2.1 Installation into a 19" Rack ........................................................................................................ 2.4 Figure 2.2 Rear Cabling.............................................................................................................................. 2.6 Figure 2.3 Front Cabling, e.g. R&S XT 4410A (Ruggedized) ..................................................................... 2.7 Figure 2.4 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - e.g. R&S FD 221 .................................................. 2.11 Figure 2.5 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - e.g. R&S FD 213A ................................................ 2.12 Figure 2.6 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - R&S VD 480L ....................................................... 2.15 Figure 2.7 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - R&S VU 220L ....................................................... 2.16 Figure 2.8 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - e.g. R&S FD 430 .................................................. 2.18 Figure 2.9 Switching the Transceiver On.................................................................................................. 2.19 Figure 2.10 Switching the Transceiver Off.................................................................................................. 2.21 Figure 3.1 R&S M3SR Radios .................................................................................................................... 3.2 Figure 3.2 Example of a Network Topology................................................................................................ 3.3 Figure 3.3 Radio Front Panel...................................................................................................................... 3.4 Figure 3.4 Control Unit Front Panel ............................................................................................................ 3.8 Figure 3.5 Extract of Menu Structure, Example ........................................................................................ 3.10 Figure 3.6 Location of Softkeys ................................................................................................................ 3.11 Figure 3.7 Menu Page Design with Indicators .......................................................................................... 3.12 Figure 3.8 Header Design......................................................................................................................... 3.13 Figure 3.9 Example: Fixed Frequency Central Area................................................................................. 3.16 Figure 3.10 Example: Fixed Frequency Central Area - CBIT Error Message............................................. 3.17 Figure 3.11 Example - Folder View of Radio Modules................................................................................ 3.18 Figure 3.12 Context Menu .......................................................................................................................... 3.21 Figure 3.13 Context Menu - Fixed Frequency Preset Mode ....................................................................... 3.22 Figure 3.14 Example of Remote Access with Fixed Frequency ................................................................. 3.24 Figure 3.15 Access Rights - All Control Units in Monitoring Mode ............................................................. 3.26 Figure 3.16 Access Rights - Concurrent Access Rights ............................................................................. 3.27 Figure 3.17 Access Rights - Fixed Access Rights ...................................................................................... 3.28 Figure 3.18 Access Rights - Rejected Access Requests............................................................................ 3.29 Figure 3.19 Maintenance - Overview .......................................................................................................... 3.30 Figure 3.20 Radio Maintenance Menu........................................................................................................ 3.32 Figure 3.21 Maintenance - Supervisor Access ........................................................................................... 3.33 Figure 3.22 Main Menu - Example of Manual Mode ................................................................................... 3.34 Figure 3.23 Preset Organisation ................................................................................................................. 3.37 Figure 3.24 Main Menu - Loading a Preset Page ....................................................................................... 3.38 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 5 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 List of Figures Figure 3.25 Example of an 'Invalid Preset' Message .................................................................................. 3.39 Figure 3.26 Main Menu - Preset Mode ....................................................................................................... 3.40 Figure 3.27 Overview - Local and Remote Mode ....................................................................................... 3.41 Figure 3.28 Access Rights in Local Mode .................................................................................................. 3.42 Figure 3.29 Remote Control Unit - Lost Connection because of Local Mode............................................. 3.43 Figure 3.30 Example of a Remote Access ................................................................................................. 3.44 Figure 3.31 Selecting a Radio to be Connected ......................................................................................... 3.47 Figure 3.32 Successful Connection to a Radio........................................................................................... 3.49 Figure 3.33 Example of Emergency Mode ................................................................................................. 3.52 Figure 3.34 Radio - Front View ................................................................................................................... 3.53 Figure 3.35 Example of Radio in Load Mode ............................................................................................. 3.54 Figure 3.36 Example - Selecting a Communication Mode in Fixed Frequency .......................................... 3.57 Figure 3.37 Example - Status Indication in Fixed Frequency ..................................................................... 3.58 Figure 3.38 Fixed Frequency, Main Menu, page 1 ..................................................................................... 3.61 Figure 3.39 Fixed Frequency, Main Menu, page 2 ..................................................................................... 3.62 Figure 3.40 Example - Fixed Frequency in Preset Mode............................................................................ 3.63 Figure 3.41 Selection of Special Modes Menu from the Main Menu (Manual Mode) ................................. 3.64 Figure 3.42 Special Mode Menu (Manual Mode)........................................................................................ 3.65 Figure 3.43 Special Mode Menu (Manual Mode with Option Multitone) ..................................................... 3.65 Figure 3.44 Selection of a Special Mode from the Main Menu (Preset Mode) ........................................... 3.66 Figure 3.45 Connection of Link11 / LinkY Terminal to R&S M3SR Radio .................................................. 3.68 Figure 3.46 Link11 / LinkY Menu ................................................................................................................ 3.69 Figure 3.47 Connection of Multitone Terminal to R&S M3SR Radio .......................................................... 3.71 Figure 3.48 Multitone Menu ........................................................................................................................ 3.72 Figure 3.49 Connection of an External HDR Modem ................................................................................. 3.74 Figure 3.50 High Data Rate Menu .............................................................................................................. 3.75 Figure 3.51 Maritime Menu ......................................................................................................................... 3.78 Figure 3.52 Maritime Configuration ............................................................................................................ 3.81 Figure 3.53 Example - Emergency Mode in Preset Mode .......................................................................... 3.82 Figure 3.54 Example - Emergency Mode in Manual Mode......................................................................... 3.83 Figure 3.55 Main Menu - Example of Manual Mode ................................................................................... 3.86 Figure 3.56 Context Menu .......................................................................................................................... 3.87 Figure 3.57 Preset Scan Menu ................................................................................................................... 3.88 Figure 3.58 Running Scan .......................................................................................................................... 3.89 Figure 3.59 Stopped Scan .......................................................................................................................... 3.89 Figure 3.60 Examples of CBIT Error List .................................................................................................... 3.94 Figure 3.61 Examples of IBIT Test ............................................................................................................. 3.95 Figure 3.62 Example of Radio Error List..................................................................................................... 3.96 Figure 3.63 Example of Radio Error Details ............................................................................................... 3.97 Figure 3.64 Example of Radio Inventory .................................................................................................... 3.98 Figure 3.65 Example of Radio Inventory Details ........................................................................................ 3.99 6 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 List of Figures Figure 3.66 Example of IP Network Configuration for a Control Unit........................................................ 3.101 Figure 3.67 Example of IP Address List of a Control Unit ........................................................................ 3.102 Figure 3.68 Example of 2 Connected Networks ....................................................................................... 3.103 Figure 3.69 RTP Port Configuration Menu ............................................................................................... 3.104 Figure 3.70 URI Configuration Menu ........................................................................................................ 3.105 Figure 3.71 Setting the Radio Time and Date .......................................................................................... 3.106 Figure 3.72 Restoring the Factory Settings .............................................................................................. 3.107 Figure 3.73 Example of Module Synthesizer (with Option Link11) ........................................................... 3.114 Figure 3.74 Example of Module Synthesizer (with Option Multitone) ....................................................... 3.115 Figure 3.75 Example of Module Receiver................................................................................................. 3.116 Figure 3.76 Example of Module Guard Receiver...................................................................................... 3.117 Figure 3.77 Example of Module Protection Processor ............................................................................. 3.118 Figure 3.78 Example of Module Power Amplifier...................................................................................... 3.119 Figure 3.79 Example of Module Power Amplifier Configuration ............................................................... 3.120 Figure 3.80 Example of Module Platform ................................................................................................. 3.123 Figure 3.81 Example of Module Audio Interface....................................................................................... 3.124 Figure 3.82 Example of Radio Modules CODEC Calibration.................................................................... 3.125 Figure 3.83 Example of Radio Modules ALC Configuration ..................................................................... 3.125 Figure 3.84 Example of Up/Down Converter R&S UX 4401..................................................................... 3.126 Figure 3.85 Example of Installed Options ................................................................................................. 3.127 Figure 3.86 Example of Resource Management for Wideband Analog.................................................... 3.129 Figure 3.87 Resource Management - Switching Maritime Mode On ........................................................ 3.131 Figure 3.88 Resource Management - Configuring the Serial Interface..................................................... 3.132 Figure 3.89 Resource Management - Selecting the Interface Standard for GB2PP................................. 3.133 Figure 3.90 Resource Management - Audio Configuration in Voice Mode............................................... 3.134 Figure 3.91 Resource Management - Audio Configuration in WB Digital Mode ....................................... 3.135 Figure 3.92 Audio Monitoring.................................................................................................................... 3.137 Figure 3.93 I/O Mapping Menu ................................................................................................................. 3.138 Figure 3.94 Selecting Signals to Be Assigned .......................................................................................... 3.139 Figure 3.95 Protocol Configuration Menu ................................................................................................. 3.142 Figure 3.96 Activating SNMP.................................................................................................................... 3.145 Figure 3.97 Rebooting .............................................................................................................................. 3.145 Figure 3.98 PTT Timeout Configuration Menu ......................................................................................... 3.147 Figure 3.99 Frequency Exclusion Menu ................................................................................................... 3.149 Figure 3.100 Editing Frequencies for Exclusion ......................................................................................... 3.150 Figure 3.101 VoIP Configuration Menu ...................................................................................................... 3.151 Figure 3.102 SIP Session Details ............................................................................................................... 3.153 Figure 3.103 Example of Preset Configuration ........................................................................................... 3.154 Figure 3.104 Preset Page - General Parameters ....................................................................................... 3.155 Figure 3.105 Preset Page - Fixed Frequency Parameters ......................................................................... 3.156 Figure 3.106 Preset Page - Maritime Parameters ...................................................................................... 3.157 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 7 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 List of Figures Figure 3.107 Preset Page - Link11/LinkY Parameters ............................................................................... 3.158 Figure 3.108 Preset Page - Multitone Parameters ..................................................................................... 3.159 Figure 3.109 Preset Page - High Data Rate Parameters ........................................................................... 3.160 Figure 3.110 Setting the Date Format ........................................................................................................ 3.161 Figure 3.111 Setting the MMI Parameters .................................................................................................. 3.163 Figure 3.112 Test of Key Functions ............................................................................................................ 3.165 Figure 5.1 Label: Date of Battery Installation.............................................................................................. 5.1 Figure 5.2 Removing the Cover of the Front Panel .................................................................................... 5.2 Figure 5.3 Removing the Cover of the Front Panel, Ruggedized Version .................................................. 5.3 Figure 5.4 Test Setup for Calibration .......................................................................................................... 5.6 8 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers List of Tables Table 2.1 Overview: Filter.......................................................................................................................... 2.9 Table 2.2 Valid Radio Operation and Communication Modes for Filters................................................... 2.9 Table 2.3 Overview: Power Amplifiers..................................................................................................... 2.13 Table 2.4 Valid Radio Operation and Communication Modes for Power Amplifiers................................ 2.13 Table 3.1 Dependency between LEDs (1 to 4) and the Audible AF Signal ............................................... 3.5 Table 3.2 Settings Restored when Changing from Local to Remote Mode............................................. 3.45 Table 3.3 Guard Signal Reception Depending on Monitoring Output and Mode..................................... 3.50 Table 3.4 Indication of Main Signal Reception Depending on Waveform and Communication Mode..... 3.55 Table 3.5 Fixed Frequency Manual Mode — Settings ............................................................................ 3.62 Table 3.6 Fixed Frequency Preset Mode — Settings .............................................................................. 3.63 Table 3.7 Dependency between Channel Type and Rx / Tx Frequencies for Ship and Shore Stations . 3.77 Table 3.8 Default Settings ..................................................................................................................... 3.107 Table 3.9 Assignments in Resource Management ................................................................................ 3.128 Table 3.10 Functions Related to the Application (Rx, RxTx, Tx) ............................................................. 3.130 Table 3.11 Default Signal-to-Pin Assignment .......................................................................................... 3.139 Table 3.12 Additional Signals Available for All Pins ................................................................................ 3.140 Table 3.13 Additional Signals Available for Bidirectional Pins Only ........................................................ 3.140 Table 3.14 Fixed Frequency Mode — Preset Settings ............................................................................ 3.156 Table 3.15 Maritime Mode — Preset Settings ......................................................................................... 3.157 Table 3.16 Examples: Representation of Frequency in ICAO Format..................................................... 3.162 Table 3.17 Default Settings ..................................................................................................................... 3.164 Table 5.1 List of Test Equipment ............................................................................................................... 5.4 Table 5.2 Values for TCXO/OCXO Adjustment ......................................................................................... 5.5 Table 5.3 List of Materials ......................................................................................................................... 5.7 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 9 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 10 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 List of Tables Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Index A D Access Rights ...................................................................3.30 Access Rights in Operating Mode .....................................3.24 Activate Button ..................................................................3.20 Activating Preset Scan ......................................................3.85 Add Preset ......................................................................3.155 Additional Options and Modules .........................................3.1 Address Configuration ....................................................3.100 Advanced Access .............................................................3.25 Assignments in the Resource Management ...................3.127 Audio Interface ................................................................3.124 Audio Monitoring .............................................................3.137 Automatic Gain Control .....................................................3.59 Data Sheet ..........................................................................7.1 Default Setting ................................................................3.107 AFI ...............................................................................3.112 Emergency ..................................................................3.108 Fixed Frequency ..........................................................3.107 Frequency Exclusion ...................................................3.108 Guard Receiver ...........................................................3.112 High Data Rate ............................................................3.108 HPP .............................................................................3.113 I/O Mapping .................................................................3.112 Link11/Y ......................................................................3.108 Maritime ....................................................................... 3.108 Multitone ......................................................................3.108 Protocol Configuration .................................................3.113 Radio Modes ...............................................................3.107 Radio Platform .............................................................3.112 Receiver ......................................................................3.110 Resource Management ...............................................3.109 RTP Configuration .......................................................3.113 Transmitter ..................................................................3.110 UP/Down Converter .....................................................3.113 VoIP Configuration ......................................................3.113 Default Settings of Control Unit ......................................3.164 Delete Preset or Deletes All Presets ..............................3.155 Dependency between LEDs (1 to 4) and the Audible AF Signal ............................................................................3.5 Design ................................................................................1.6 Disconnected ....................................................................3.48 Display and Control Elements ............................................7.1 Domain Selector .............................................................3.154 DS 4400A ...........................................................................1.8 Dust Protection Filter Mats .................................................5.1 B Backup Battery ....................................................................5.1 Basic Connection - Front Side ............................................2.7 Basic Connection - Rear Side .............................................2.6 Basic Operation Concepts ..................................................3.4 Block Diagram ...................................................................1.10 C Care ....................................................................................5.7 CBIT ..................................................................................3.93 CBIT Message for PTT Timeout .....................................3.148 Central Area ......................................................................3.16 Change of Parameters ........................................................3.7 Channel Spacing ...............................................................3.59 Check ..................................................................................4.1 Cleaning ..............................................................................5.7 Clipper ...............................................................................3.59 Communication Modes .....................................................3.56 Compatibility ...................................................................3.142 Configuration (Filters) .......................................................2.10 Configuration (Power Amplifiers) ......................................2.14 Configuration and Status ..................................................3.98 Configuration Menus .........................................................3.18 Connected .........................................................................3.48 Connecting ........................................................................3.48 Connection of Filters ...........................................................2.9 Connection of Peripheral Equipment ..................................2.9 Connection of Power Amplifiers ........................................2.13 Connection Procedures ......................................................2.5 Connection Status .............................................................3.14 Context Menu ....................................................................3.21 Control Elements ..............................................................3.18 Control Unit .........................................................................1.6 Control Unit / Radio Connection .......................................3.47 Control Unit LEDs .............................................................3.12 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 E Edit Preset Parameters .................................................. 3.155 Editor ................................................................................3.19 Elapsed Time ..................................................................3.106 Emergency Operation .......................................................3.82 Error List ................................................................... 3.96, 7.1 ET 4400 ..............................................................................1.6 Explanation of Models ........................................................ 1.4 External Interfaces ..............................................................7.1 11 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Index F L FD 4430 ..............................................................................1.6 Fill Gun ..............................................................................3.53 Filter ................................................................................3.121 Fixed Access .....................................................................3.25 Fixed Frequency ...............................................................3.56 Fixed Frequency in Preset Mode ......................................3.63 Fixed Frequency Main Menu, page 1 ...............................3.61 Fixed Frequency Main Menu, page 2 ...............................3.62 Fixed Frequency Manual Mode - Settings ........................3.62 Fixed Frequency Preset Mode - Settings ..........................3.63 Fixed Frequency Preset Parameters ..............................3.156 Frequency .........................................................................3.58 Frequency Exclusion .......................................................3.149 Frequency Ranges of Basic Units .......................................3.1 Front Cabling ......................................................................2.7 Front View ...........................................................................1.2 Functioning .........................................................................1.8 Limitations of Preset Scan ................................................3.90 Link11 / LinkY ...................................................................3.67 List of Materials ..................................................................5.7 Listbox Softkey .................................................................3.19 Local / Remote Application .................................................3.1 local / remote mode ..........................................................3.41 Local mode restore ...........................................................3.45 Local or Remote Mode .....................................................3.14 Logical Address ..............................................................3.100 G Gateway Address ............................................................3.100 GB 4000C ...........................................................................1.6 General Benefits .................................................................1.3 General Features ................................................................1.2 GF 4400T ............................................................................1.6 GH 4450 ..............................................................................1.6 Graphical User Interface Design .........................................3.9 Greyed-out Softkey Labels ...............................................3.20 Guard Receiver ...............................................................3.117 Guard Signal Reception ....................................................3.50 H Half Duplex Mode .............................................................3.59 Hardware status indicators ...............................................3.55 Header ..............................................................................3.13 High Data Rate .................................................................3.73 I I/O Mapping ....................................................................3.138 IBIT ...................................................................................3.94 ICAO format ....................................................................3.161 Indication of Different Menu Icons ....................................3.15 Indication of Manual or Preset Mode ................................3.15 Indications during Main Signal Reception .........................3.55 Installation ...........................................................................2.3 Installation into 19" Rack ....................................................2.3 Installation into a 19" Rack .................................................2.4 Interface Description ...........................................................7.1 Interface Module .................................................................1.6 Inventory ...........................................................................3.98 J Jitter Buffer ......................................................................3.152 K KR 4000 ..............................................................................1.6 12 M Maintenance .....................................................................3.93 Maintenance Mode ...........................................................3.30 Manual ..............................................................................3.64 Manual Mode .......................................................... 3.34, 3.61 Manual Mode / Preset Mode ............................................3.34 Maritime Manual Mode .....................................................3.78 Maritime Mode ..................................................................3.76 Marker Tone .....................................................................3.60 Menu ...................................................................................7.1 Menu 0000 Main Menu - Fixed Frequency in Preset Mode .....................................................................3.63 Menu 0500 Preset Scan ...................................................3.88 Menu 1110 Radio IBIT Results .........................................3.95 Menu 1115 Radio CBIT Results .......................................3.94 Menu 1120 Radio Error List ..............................................3.96 Menu 1121 Radio Error Details ........................................3.97 Menu 1125 Radio Inventory .............................................3.98 Menu 1126 Radio Inventory Details ..................................3.99 Menu 1130 IO Mapping .................................................. 3.138 Menu 1140 Audio Monitoring ..........................................3.137 Menu 1145 Resource Management - Wideband Analog 3.128 Menu 1145 Resource Mgmt Serial GB2PP ....................3.132 Menu 1146 Resource Management Serial IF .................3.131 Menu 1146 Resource Mgmt Audio Config ......................3.133 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Audio Interface .................3.124 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Guard Receiver ................3.117 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Platform ............................3.123 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Power Amplifier ................3.119 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Protection Processor ........3.118 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Receiver ...........................3.116 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Synthesizer .......................3.114 Menu 1150 Radio Modules - Up/Down Converter .......... 3.126 Menu 1151 Radio Modules PA Config ............................3.120 Menu 1152 Radio Modules Codec Calibration ...............3.124 Menu 1153 Radio Modules ALC Config .........................3.124 Menu 1160 Maritime Configuration ................................... 3.80 Menu 1170 Radio Time .................................................. 3.106 Menu 1175 Radio Options ..............................................3.127 Menu 1190 PTT Configuration .......................................3.147 Menu 1195 Protocol Configuration .................................3.142 Menu 1196 VoIP Configuration ......................................3.151 Menu 1200 Preset Configuration ....................................3.154 Menu 1210 Preset Edit - Fixed Frequency .....................3.156 Menu 1210 Preset Edit - General ...................................3.155 Menu 1210 Preset Edit - High Data Rate .......................3.160 Menu 1210 Preset Edit - Link11/Y ..................................3.158 Menu 1210 Preset Edit - Maritime ..................................3.157 Menu 1210 Preset Edit - Multitone .................................3.159 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers Menu 1300 Control Unit Maintenance ............................3.161 Menu 1310 Control Unit IBIT Results .............................3.165 Menu 1312 Control Unit Keyboard Test ..........................3.165 Menu 1330 Control Unit Address List - IP Network Config .................................................................. 3.101, 3.102 Menu 1340 Control Unit MMI Parameters ......................3.163 Menu 1700 Frequency Exclusion List .............................3.149 Menu 1710 Frequency Exclusion List .............................3.149 Menu 3000 Emergency Mode ...........................................3.83 Menu 4000 Fixed Frequency - Page 1 ..............................3.61 Menu 4000 Fixed Frequency - Page 2 ..............................3.61 Menu 7000 Special Modes ...............................................3.65 Menu 7100 Link11/Y .........................................................3.69 Menu 7100 Multitone ................................ 3.72, 3.151, 3.153 Menu 7300 High Data Rate ..............................................3.75 Menu 7500 Maritime .........................................................3.78 Menu 9000 Context Menu .................................................3.21 Menu 9000 Context Menu - Fixed Frequency Preset Mode .................................................................................3.22 Menu keys .........................................................................3.20 Menu Page Design ...........................................................3.12 MMI Parameters .............................................................3.161 MMI status indicators ........................................................3.55 Modularity ...........................................................................3.1 Modulation ........................................................................3.58 Monitoring Access .............................................................3.24 Multitone ...........................................................................3.70 N Navigation .........................................................................3.18 Network Topology ...............................................................3.2 O Offline or Online Status of the Radio ................................3.14 Operating Mode ................................................................3.24 Operation via Control Unit ...................................................3.8 Operational Menus ............................................................3.16 Option Management .......................................................3.127 Overview .............................................................................3.1 Overview (Filters) ................................................................2.9 Own IP Address ..............................................................3.100 P Packing ...............................................................................2.1 Parts Lists ...........................................................................7.1 PBIT ..................................................................................3.93 Platform ...........................................................................3.123 Power Amplifier ...............................................................3.119 Power Amplifiers (Overview) .............................................2.13 Power Down ......................................................................2.21 Power Up ..........................................................................2.19 Preset Configuration .......................................................3.154 Preset Mode ............................................................ 3.36, 3.63 Preset Scan Mode ............................................................3.84 Preset Settings ................................................................3.154 Protection Processor .......................................................3.118 Protocol Configuration ........................................3.142, 3.147 PTT Mapping Order ........................................................3.142 PTT Timeout Off .............................................................3.147 PTT Timeout On .............................................................3.148 Pushbutton ........................................................................3.20 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Index R Radio Basis ........................................................................1.6 Radio Modules ................................................................3.114 Radio Settings ....................................................................3.5 Radio Settings / Displays via Front Panel ...........................3.4 Radio Time .....................................................................3.106 Readjust the Oscillators ...................................................... 5.1 Rear Cabling .......................................................................2.6 Receive Mode .....................................................................1.8 Receiver ................................................................. 1.6, 3.116 Reconfiguration while PTT is active ................................3.148 Required Personnel ............................................................1.4 Required Power Supply ......................................................1.5 Resource Management .................................................. 3.127 Retouching the Paint Work .................................................5.8 RTP Port Configuration .................................................. 3.104 S Scenarios ..........................................................................3.50 Scheduled Maintenance .....................................................5.1 Screen Saver ....................................................................3.23 Setting the Signals on the Loudspeaker .............................3.5 Settings ............................................................................. 3.19 Simple Network Management Protocol .............. 3.100, 3.143 SNMP .............................................................................3.143 SNMP Configuration .......................................................3.143 Softkey "Keyboard Test" .................................................3.165 Softkey ADD ADDRESS .................................................3.102 Softkey Add Preset .........................................................3.155 Softkey Add Range .........................................................3.149 Softkey ALC Config ........................................................3.124 Softkey AM Mod Lev ......................................................3.120 Softkey Attack .................................................................3.116 Softkey Auto Cont .............................................................3.80 Softkey CH Spacing .........................................................3.62 Softkey Ch. Table .............................................................3.79 Softkey Ch. Type ..............................................................3.78 Softkey Channel ...............................................................3.78 Softkey Clipper .................................................................3.62 Softkey Clipper Lev ........................................................3.116 Softkey Clock Src ...........................................................3.123 Softkey Codec Calibration ..............................................3.124 Softkey Com Mode ...........................................................3.62 Softkey Comp. Accept .................................................... 3.142 Softkey Date Format .......................................................3.161 Softkey Decay ................................................................3.116 Softkey Default Op Access .............................................3.162 Softkey Default Settings .................................................3.107 Softkey DELETE ADDRESS ..........................................3.102 Softkey Delete Preset .....................................................3.155 Softkey Deletes all Presets .............................................3.155 Softkey Display Brightness .............................................3.163 Softkey Display Contrast ................................................3.163 Softkey Domain ..............................................................3.154 Softkey Edit Preset .........................................................3.155 Softkey Edit Range .........................................................3.149 Softkey Emergency Clear .................................................3.22 Softkey Emgcy Clr Bat Timeout ......................................3.118 Softkey End RTP Port .................................................... 3.104 Softkey Ext In Ref ...........................................................3.123 13 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers Softkey Filter ...................................................................3.121 Softkey Frequency ............................................................3.62 Softkey Frequency Exclusion ..........................................3.149 Softkey Frequency Format ..............................................3.161 Softkey Guard .................................................................3.137 Softkey Guard Volume ....................................................3.124 Softkey Half Duplex ..........................................................3.62 Softkey I/O Mapping .......................................................3.138 Softkey ICAO ..................................................................3.161 Softkey Indicator Brightness ...........................................3.163 Softkey Inhibit .................................................................3.149 Softkey Input ...................................................................3.116 Softkey Invalid Preset... ..................................................3.155 Softkey Keyboard Brightness ..........................................3.163 Softkey Local Audio ........................................................3.137 Softkey Maritime ...............................................................3.78 Softkey Marker Ack ...........................................................3.62 Softkey Marker Volume ...................................................3.124 Softkey MMI Parameters ................................................3.162 Softkey MMI Scrn ............................................................3.163 Softkey Modulation ...........................................................3.62 Softkey OCXO ................................................................3.123 Softkey Offline .................................................................3.128 Softkey Operational Access ..............................................3.22 Softkey Options ...............................................................3.127 Softkey OVERLOAD .......................................................3.116 Softkey Overload ............................................................3.117 Softkey PA Config ...........................................................3.120 Softkey PA/Filter .............................................................3.120 Softkey Polarity ...............................................................3.141 Softkey Preset Clear .........................................................3.22 Softkey Preset Config .....................................................3.154 Softkey Preset Scan .........................................................3.22 Softkey Prio Ch. 13 ...........................................................3.80 Softkey Prio Ch. 16 ...........................................................3.80 Softkey Protocol Config ..................................................3.142 Softkey PTT Config .........................................................3.147 Softkey PTT Map ............................................................3.142 Softkey Pwr Sup Main .....................................................3.123 Softkey Radio Date .........................................................3.106 Softkey Radio Time .........................................................3.106 Softkey Ref In Imp ..........................................................3.123 Softkey Ref Out ...............................................................3.123 Softkey Release all Resources .......................................3.129 Softkey Resource Mgmt ..................................................3.128 Softkey RX AF AGC ..........................................................3.62 Softkey RX Gain .............................................................3.126 Softkey RX Out Ctrl .........................................................3.126 Softkey RX Out Lev ........................................................3.126 Softkey Scan Mode ...........................................................3.80 Softkey Scrn Saver .........................................................3.163 Softkey Search ..................................................................3.80 Softkey SELECT QOS ....................................................3.102 Softkey Sensitivity ...........................................................3.116 Softkey Sidetone Volume ................................................3.124 Softkey SNMP .................................................................3.144 14 DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Index Softkey SORT ADDRESS ..............................................3.102 Softkey Squelch .......................................... 3.62, 3.79, 3.126 Softkey Squelch Level S/N .............................................3.116 Softkey Squelch Level UHF ............................................3.117 Softkey Squelch Level VHF ............................................3.117 Softkey Start RTP Port ...................................................3.104 Softkey TCXO .................................................................3.123 Softkey Tone .......................................................... 3.62, 3.79 Softkey TX ALC ..............................................................3.126 Softkey TX ALC Level .................................................... 3.126 Softkey TX Dev FM LK11 ...............................................3.115 Softkey TX Dev FM MTone ............................................3.115 Softkey TX Dev FM NB ...................................................3.115 Softkey TX Dev FM WB .................................................. 3.115 Softkey TX Dev Trim .......................................................3.115 Softkey TX Offset .............................................................3.62 Softkey VCXO ................................................................3.123 Softkeys ............................................................................3.11 Software Package ..............................................................1.8 Special Key Combinations ..................................................3.6 Squelch ............................................................................. 3.58 Status Indication ...............................................................3.57 Status of Optional Access Rights .....................................3.14 Storage ............................................................................... 2.2 Subnet Mask ...................................................................3.100 Supervisor Pin ..................................................................3.32 Suspend Mode .................................................................3.23 Switching the Transceiver Off ...........................................2.21 Switching the Transceiver On ...........................................2.19 Synthesizer ............................................................. 1.6, 3.114 T Tab FIXED FREQUENCY ..............................................3.156 Tab GENERAL ...............................................................3.155 Tab HIGH DATA RATE .................................................. 3.160 Tab LINK11/Y .................................................................3.158 Tab Maritime ...................................................................3.157 Tab Multitone ..................................................................3.159 Test Tone ......................................................................... 3.60 Toggle Softkey ..................................................................3.19 Top View without Cover ......................................................1.7 Transmit Mode ....................................................................1.8 Transmitter Unit ..................................................................1.6 Transport ............................................................................2.2 Troubleshooting ................................................................3.93 TX Offset ..........................................................................3.58 U UHF Filter ...........................................................................1.6 Unpacking ...........................................................................2.1 Up/Down Converter ........................................................3.126 URI Configuration ...........................................................3.105 User Information .................................................................1.1 UX 4401 ..........................................................................3.126 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Index V W Valid Radio Operation and Communication Modes for Power Amplifiers ...............................................................2.13 Voice Communication Mode .............................................3.56 Voice over IP ......................................................... 3.91, 3.151 VoIP ...................................................................... 3.91, 3.151 VoIP Codec .....................................................................3.152 VoIP Configuration ..........................................................3.151 VoIP Guard .....................................................................3.151 VoIP Main .......................................................................3.151 VoIP PTT ........................................................................3.152 VT 4403 ..............................................................................1.6 Waveforms .......................................................................3.56 Wideband Analog Communication Mode .........................3.56 Wideband Digital Baseband Communication Mode .........3.57 Wideband Digital Diphase Communication Mode ............ 3.57 Wiring Diagram - e.g. FD 221 ...........................................2.11 Wiring Diagram - e.g. FD 430 ...........................................2.18 Wiring Diagram - e.g. VD 480L .........................................2.15 Wiring Diagram - e.g. VU 220L .........................................2.16 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 15 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 16 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Index Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers User Information 1 User Information This documentation describes the following transceivers: • VHF Transceivers R&S XU 4410A and R&S XU 4460A • UHF Transceivers R&S XD 4410A and R&S XD 4460A • VHF/UHF Transceivers R&S XT 4410A and R&S XT 4460A • Ruggedized Version The only difference between the transceivers is the frequency range (XU = VHF, XD = UHF, XT = VHF/UHF), the mechanical design and that the R&S XU 4410A, R&S XD 4410A or R&S XT 4410A has a Control Unit R&S GB 4000C installed at the front instead of the dummy panel of R&S XU 4460A, R&S XD 4460A or R&S XT 4460A. Therefore, reference is mostly made to the "transceiver" or "radio" in general. The differences are only described where it is necessary. Identification of radio types: X T 4 4 1 0 A Waveform A: Fixed Frequency J: EPM application L: EPM application M: EPM application E: EPM multiapplication F: EPM multiapplication K: EPM application Control Interface 1: Local 6: Remote Series Designator Frequency Range D: UHF U: VHF T: VHF/UHF Type Designator E: Receiver S: Transmitter X: Transceiver Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 1.1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers General Features 1.1 General Features R&S M3SR (= multiband, multimode and multirole surface radio, see Figure 1.1) is an economic, highly flexible and future-oriented radio generation for military or non-military applications. It is designed as an advanced, reliable and dynamic communications platform to meet the joint tactical radio objectives and the requirements for stationary and mobile communications scenarios. The high-performance digital R&S M3SR transceiver can be used for transmission and reception in the VHF and/or UHF band (depends on installed option codes). The radios are capable of transmitting and/or receiving analog voice, digital voice and data in all commonly used modes, i.e. AM and FM in either narrowband or wideband configurations. R&S M3SR transceivers operate in the fixed frequency mode. Figure 1.1 R&S M3SR Transceiver, Front View 1 2 ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00002-A-02-1 1 R&S XU4 460A, R&S XD 4460A or R&S XT 4460A 2 R&S XU 4410A, R&S XD 4410A or R&S XT 4410A 1.2 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 General Features General benefits of the transceiver are: • Open-system architecture to customize for individual, initial or future needs. • Digital software programming of multiband, multifunction and multimode technology platform for advanced data waveforms, allowing flexible use and fast upgrading. • High modularity ("sliced radio") with a variety of internal modules and rear interfaces to meet the customer's operational and system requirements. • Flexible man-machine interface due to various local control panels and remote control units. • Simple data handling in networks compatible with standard interfaces (RS 232, LANNetwork). • High reliability (MTBF), short MTTR and efficient testability together with optimum maintainability. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 1.3 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Explanation of Models 1.2 Explanation of Models Refer to (sect. 7 Drawings). HW Model Link11 OCXO Circulator R&S GI 4403 R&S ET 4400G R&S FD 4430 02 --- --- --- --- --- --- 03 --- x --- --- --- --- 05 --- x --- mod. 02 --- --- 06 --- x --- --- --- --- 13 x x --- --- --- --- 15 x x --- mod. 02 --- --- 22 --- x --- --- --- x 31 --- x --- --- x --- 37 --- x --- mod. 03 x --- 41 x x --- --- x --- 42 --- x --- --- x x 48 x x --- mod. 04 x --- 60 --- x upgradeable --- --- --- 61 x x upgradeable --- x --- 63 x x x --- --- --- Note special frequency range 1.3 Required Personnel Configuration of the transceiver must be done by qualified personnel. Skilled personnel is needed for the installation and the operation of the transceiver. The personnel must be familiar with the relevant documentation. 1.4 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Required Power Supply 1.4 Required Power Supply The transceiver operates on a DC voltage of 28 VDC (28 V DC to 29 V DC). This voltage is provided as an option by the external AC Power Supply R&S IN 4000A (19" rackmount of 1 height unit, see Figure 1.2) or R&S IN 2100 (not shown) available for the purpose. The connecting cable between transceiver and power supply is available on demand. The transceiver may also be powered by an external battery (19 V DC to 31 V DC, nominal). An automatic switch-over facility integrated in the transceiver provides for automatic battery switchover in case primary power fails. Figure 1.2 Power Supply R&S IN 4000A 1 2 3 ICN-4F-I-231000-R-D0894-02003-A-01-1 1 R&S IN 4000A - standard 2 R&S IN 4000A - ruggedized 3 R&S IN 4000A - ruggedized, design as of 2011 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 1.5 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Design, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 1.5 Design, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 The transceiver (see Figure 1.3) is accommodated in a 19" case (3 HU) with a removable cover. The following modules are integrated: • Radio Basis R&S KR 4400 It consists of several parts, mainly mechanical parts of the chassis and housing parts for the internal transceiver modules. The radio platform is located in the left-hand part of the chassis. It contains a number of interface connectors which are either connected to internal subassemblies or for general purpose to external ones. The radio module bus, consisting of the radio control bus and radio data bus, transfers internal data. The front panel unit, located directly on the right side of the front, has various control and display elements such as LEDs and buttons, external connectors as well as a loudspeaker. • VHF/UHF Receiver R&S ET 4400 (Main Receiver) The receiver is a plug-in module located in one of the slots in the left-hand centre part of the chassis. It is of compact design, both sides being EMC-protected by appropriate shielding covers. The receiver is held in place by quick-release fasteners. • VHF/UHF Synthesizer R&S GF 4400T The synthesizer is a plug-in module located in one of the slots in the left-hand centre part of the chassis. It is of compact design, both sides being EMC-protected by appropriate shielding covers. The synthesizer is held in place by quick-release fasteners. • UHF Filter R&S FD 4430 The UHF filter is a plug-in module located in the centre left-hand part of the chassis, next to the control unit. Once plugged into the radio platform in its assigned slot, the UHF filter is held in place by quick-release fasteners. • Interface Module R&S GH 4450 The interface module is a plug-in module in the left rear part of the chassis. At its top it carries several connectors for ribbon-cable connections towards the transmitter unit. In addition, the plug-in module contains three interfaces for the rear modules. • Transmitter Unit R&S VT 4403 The transmitter unit is a power module located in the right-hand part of the chassis and extending over its full depth. It consists of the transmitter board at the top and the DC power supply located underneath. Both subassemblies are shielded by EMC covers. Additionally, a heat sink with two fans is installed. • Control Unit R&S GB 4000C The control unit is located on the left side of the front. It contains a display, control and display elements such as LEDs, fixed-function keys and softkeys, a keypad and a connector. 1.6 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Design, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 Figure 1.3 Top View of e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 (without Cover) 10 1 2 3 4 5 9 6 7 8 ICN-4F-F-231090-R-D0894-00004-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Interface Module R&S GH 4450 Radio Platform (part of Radio Basis R&S KR 4400) VHF/UHF Synthesizer R&S GF 4400T VHF/UHF Receiver R&S ET 4400 UHF Filter R&S FD 4430 Frame (part of Radio Basis R&S KR 4400) Control Unit R&S GB 4000C Front Panel Unit (part of Radio Basis R&S KR 4400) VHF/UHF Transmitter Board with DC Power Supply underneath (both are part of Transmitter Unit R&S VT 4403) 10 Heatsink with two fans (part of Transmitter Unit R&S VT 4403) Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 1.7 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Functioning, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 Radio platform connectors are shown without protective caps. 1.6 Functioning, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 The radio platform contains the central processor (= server) of the transceiver. Via LAN/ethernet, the server is connected to its clients. Clients may be an integrated Control Unit R&S GB 4000C and/or further Control Units R&S GB 4000C connected via the LAN connector X20 and a LAN hub or customer-specific devices. The clients plus the software package R&S DS 4400A form the MMI (= man-machine interface) of the transceiver. Clients are controlled by using the GB2PP protocol. The MMI guides the operator through menu-based operating procedures and selectively visualizes all status types on the display. Commands are entered by making use of the control elements and the keypad. Operation and indication of the transceiver's operating status are both menu-oriented, operator interaction is performed via the display and keyboard. The modules are controlled by the central processor via the radio module bus (RMB). The radio platform stores all parameters relating to the individual modules. A system monitor monitors the temperatures and operating voltages. In a clock section all clock signals needed by the radio platform are generated. The RMB connects the modules of R&S XT 4410A to one another and also to the central processor and the I/O interfaces. The serial interface is used for data transmission and remote control purposes. Parallel interfaces are used as discrete inputs and outputs channels and control for instance an externally connected filter and/or amplifier. An audio frequency interface (AFI) processes the analog signals in digital form so that they can be transmitted digitally on the radio data bus (RDB). At the front panel of the radio platform there are control and display elements. An ethernet port is available for sending and receiving data for service purposes (configuration and software download). When the transceiver operates in receive mode, the RF signal is taken from antenna connector X30 to the VHF/UHF transmitter board. From here it is routed via a Tx/Rx switch to the UHF Filter R&S FD 4430. The input stages of the filter are directly protected against electrostatic discharge. The filter is working for the VHF/UHF Receiver R&S ET 4400 (main receiver) as a preselector to reduce the interfering levels from other radios of the platform. In the main receiver, the RF signal passes along a VHF path (100 MHz to 224.975 MHz) or a UHF path (225 MHz to 512 MHz) to the mixer stages. The mixer stages get the LO signal (365 to 652 MHz) from VHF/UHF Synthesizer R&S GF 4400T. The AGC-controlled 2nd IF signal with a frequency of 455 kHz is demodulated in the digital section of the receiver. The demodulated baseband signal is taken to the RDB for further processing. In transmit operation, VHF/UHF Synthesizer R&S GF 4400T generates a carrier frequency in the range from 100 MHz to 512 MHz. For amplitude modulation, this carrier frequency is modulated by the VHF/UHF transmitter board. FM signals (both analog FM and digital FSK 1.8 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Functioning, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 signals) are generated by the synthesizer to be merely amplified by the VHF/UHF transmitter board (signal RF_Drive). After amplification and filtering, the resulting signal is made available at antenna connector X30. The UHF Filter R&S FD 4430 is working as postselector. The filter chain is located within the transmit path of the radio. The selectivity of the filter chain reduces the transmitted noise energy of the radio which may degrade the sensitivity of other receiving radios on the platform. Interface Module R&S GH 4450 connects the RMB and discrete signals between the radio platform, the VHF/UHF transmitter board and up to three further rear modules. The RMB switches from transmission to reception status. The integrated DC power supply uses the +28 V DC input voltage to generate all voltages required in R&S XT 4410A. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 1.9 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Functioning, e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 Figure 1.4 Block Diagram of e.g. R&S XT 4410A, Mod. 22 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00005-A-01-1 1.10 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 General Data 1.7 General Data Refer to sect. 7 Drawings 1.8 Recommended Accessories Refer to sect. 7 Drawings. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 1.11 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 1.12 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 General Data Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Getting Started 2 Getting Started 2.1 Unpacking, Checking, Packing, Transport and Storage 2.1.1 Unpacking and Checking After delivery carry out the following steps: 1. Check the packaging for damage. 2. Unpack the delivered goods. 3. Check the delivered goods (including accessories) against the delivery note. 4. Check the delivered goods for signs of transport damage. 5. Contact the shipping agent immediately, if damage is found. 6. Keep the packaging (box etc.) for later use, e.g. if the radio is to be sent to Rohde & Schwarz for service. You can find the current address of your representative on our homepage www.rohde-schwarz.com. Navigate to Service & Support / Service Locations. 2.1.2 Packing Prior to any transport carry out the following steps: 1. Use the original package (box etc.) and packaging material, if possible, to prevent mechanical and electrical damage. Make sure that the stability of the packaging is adequate to the contents. 2. Put the unit in the plastic bag (protection against moisture and dust). 3. Put the unit in the package by using the packaging material. Avoid direct lateral contact between unit and packaging. 4. Seal the package. 5. Affix a HANDLE WITH CARE label on the package. 6. Remove the old address and shipment labels from the package and affix the new ones. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Unpacking, Checking, Packing, Transport and Storage 2.1.3 Transport For data such as permissible altitude for air transport see the data sheet. During transport provide sufficient mechanical and antistatic protection of the unit (see ”Packing” on p. 2.1)! 2.1.4 Storage For data such as permissible storage temperature see the data sheet. Store the unit in a dry dust-free place. Otherwise pack the unit (e.g. seal it in antistatic foil). Unless otherwise specified, we recommend to put the unit into operation once a year for at least three hours. This helps to extend the unit's service life, in particular the durability of the electrolytic capacitors contained therein (by preventing disintegration of dielectric). The unit contains a lithium battery which should be replaced once every three years. For further information see the Service Manual (to be ordered separately). 2.2 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Installation 2.2 Installation See interface description (sect. 7 Drawings). For installation (see Figure 2.1) into a 19" rack with telescopic slides proceed as follows: 1. Take the right-hand telescopic slide and extend it as far as possible. 2. Press the automatic unlocking device and pull the innermost slide completely out. 3. Attach the innermost slide to the right-hand side panel of the transceiver with four Phillips screws and the associated washers. 4. Take the left-hand telescopic slide and extend it as far as possible. 5. Press the automatic unlocking device and pull the innermost slide completely out. 6. Attach the innermost slide to the left-hand side panel of the transceiver with four Phillips screws and the associated washers. 7. Take the outer telescopic slides and mount them to the rack. 8. Insert the transceiver, with its slides fitted, into the extended slides of the rack and slide it in until the stop is reached. 9. Fasten the transceiver to the rack using four screws. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.3 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Installation Figure 2.1 Installation into a 19" Rack 2 1 3 4 5 6 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00006-A-01-1 1 Fixing at rack at the front side 2 The maximum screw-in depth is 3.5 mm 3 8 x Phillips screws M4 x 6 (Ident. no.: 0396.8181.00) 8 x washer (Ident. no.: 0005.0315.00) 4 Telescopic slide (Ident. no.: 0657.5807.00 (6105.9263.00)) 5 Extension of the telescopic slide: 377.7 mm (530.1 mm) 6 Side length: 457.2 mm (508 mm) The telescopic slides are available on demand (Ident. no. 0657.5807.00, only for racks provided for a fixed depth of 600 mm and accessible from the rear, or 6105.9263.00 for trailing cable installation). The load capacity for the telescopic slides is 380 N. 2.4 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Connection 2.3 Basic Connection The input voltage range of the mains connection at connector X31 is +28 V DC to +29 V DC. The input voltage range of the battery connection at connector X32 is +19 V DC to +31 V DC. Connect the mains cable / battery cable only after all other wiring has been made. In case of battery supply be absolutely sure to protect the input with a fuse (max. 4 A). Keep off the antenna while transmission is in progress. During transmission dangerous high voltages and electromagnetic fields are produced. Respect the instructions of DIN VDE 0848-2 and the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) Guidelines for non-ionizing emission (see www.icnirp.org). For detailed information on connectors and contact assignment see the interface description (sect. 7 Drawings). Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.5 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Connection Rear Side Necessary cabling at the rear side: Figure 2.2 Rear Cabling 2 1 5 4 3 ICN-4F-C-231000-R-D0894-00007-A-02-1 1 2 3 4 5 Connector X30 to antenna Connector Ground LAN connector X20 to remote control unit (required for radios without built-in control unit) Connector X31 to external power supply (e.g. R&S IN 4000A or R&S IN 2100) Connector X32 to external battery The cable between connector X31 DC IN (part of radio) and the relevant connector of the power supply is available on demand. • R&S IN 4000A: 6105.5639.xx (xx = 05: 0.5 m, 10: 1.0 m, 25: 2.5 m) • R&S IN 2100: 6120.3956.02 The connector X32 is an optional battery connection (+19 V DC to +31 V DC, 25 A). In case of a power supply failure the system switches automatically to this battery supply. 2.6 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Connection Front Side Necessary cabling at the front side: Figure 2.3 Front Cabling, e.g. R&S XT 4410A (Ruggedized) 3 2 1 ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00008-A-01-1 1 Headset connector for e.g. R&S GA 015 2 Service connector 3 Fill Gun connector Fill Gun Connector Refer to sect. 3.4 Scenarios Service Connector The Service connector is used for • • • remote control of the system software download monitoring the system Connector for Headset R&S GA 015 The connector is used for LOCAL mode operation (voice). In normal operation the service connector is not used. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.7 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment 2.4 Connection of Peripheral Equipment Use double-shielded cables to connect external equipment. This is the only way to guarantee that the specified radiation values are met. To be fully CE compliant over the entire VHF range, it is necessary to use an external filter, e.g. R&S FT 213A. Use LAN cables of type CAT7 S/FTP with a ferrite (Rohde & Schwarz part no. 3026.6186.00) to minimize power radiation by the cable. Place the ferrite on the cable 6 cm from the connector plugged into the radio. 2.8 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment 2.4.1 Filters When connecting a filter, make sure the cable is not longer than 3 m. Overview Table 2.1 Overview: Filter Type Description Control Lines Band Max. Input Power R&S FD 221 Electrically tunable filter Frequency, Tx-Inhibit UHF > 100 W R&S FU 221 Electrically tunable filter Frequency, Tx-Inhibit VHF > 100 W R&S FD 220 Manually operated filter No UHF > 100 W R&S FU 220 Manually operated filter No VHF > 100 W R&S FD 225 Manually operated filter No UHF > 100 W R&S FU 214A Motor tuned filter Frequency, Tx-Inhibit VHF > 100 W R&S FD 213A Motor tuned filter Frequency, Tx-Inhibit UHF > 100 W R&S FD 213A2 Motor tuned filter Frequency, Tx-Inhibit UHF > 100 W R&S FT 213A Motor tuned filter Frequency, Tx-Inhibit VHF and UHF > 100 W Table 2.2 Valid Radio Operation and Communication Modes for Filters Motor tuned R&S FU 214A R&S FD 213A R&S FD 213A2 R&S FT 213A Manual R&S FD 220 R&S FU 220 R&S FD 225 Electrical R&S FD 221 R&S FU 221 Mode Band FF voice/data plain VHF yes yes yes FF WB analog UHF yes yes yes FF voice/data ciphered VHF yes yes yes UHF yes yes yes VHF yes yes yes UHF yes yes yes Link11/Multitone UHF yes yes yes HDR UHF yes yes yes EPM application UHF no no no FF WB digital Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.9 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment Configuration No configuration of the R&S M3SR transceiver is necessary because frequency control is done automatically. No protection is built in against wrong frequency commands to the filter. A filter has 20 seconds to perform a commanded frequency change. Otherwise, the R&S M3SR software generates an error message. For further system aspects with frequency hopping applications, please use the R&S M3SR control pin 'Relay_1' = '~ECCM' = default on X21.1 (and e.g. R&S ZS 402 for external RF bypass), if necessary. The transceiver controls the output 'Relay_1' like this: 2.10 • In FF = High • In Link11/Multitone = High • In HDR = High • In EPM mode = Low Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment Wiring Diagrams Figure 2.4 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - e.g. R&S FD 221 1 2 3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00020-A-01-1 1 R&S M3SR Transceiver 2. R&S FD 221 3. To Antenna Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.11 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment Figure 2.5 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - e.g. R&S FD 213A 1 2 3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00021-A-01-1 1 R&S M3SR Transceiver 2 R&S FD 213A 3 To Antenna 2.12 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment 2.4.2 Power Amplifiers Table 2.3 Overview: Power Amplifiers Type Description Control Lines Band Max. Input Power R&S VD 480L Power Amplifier Frequency, PTT, TxRx, FM, UHF, Blank, Tx-Inhibit UHF 35 W AM Frequency, PTT, TxRx, FM, VHF, Blank, Tx-Inhibit VHF Frequency, PTT, TxInhibit UHF R&S VU 220L R&S FD 430 Power Amplifier / Filter 50 W FM 25 W AM 35 W FM 10 W AM 15 W FM R&S FD 4420 R&S FD 4420 is no longer supported. Table 2.4 Valid Radio Operation and Communication Modes for Power Amplifiers R&S VU 220 L R&S VD 480 L R&S FD 430 R&S FD 4420 Mode Band FF voice/data plain VHF yes no no no FF WB analog UHF no yes yes yes FF voice/data ciphered VHF yes no no no UHF no yes yes yes VHF yes no no no UHF no yes yes yes Link11/Multitone UHF no Tx only yes yes EPM application UHF no Tx only yes yes FF WB digital Additional information for R&S VD 480L: In Link11/Multitone mode the amplifier is permanently set to transmission (= Tx only), so no reception is possible. If, however, the amplifier needs to be operated in Link11/Multitone mode, connect a separate Rx antenna to the transceiver. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.13 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment Configuration The R&S M3SR transceiver cannot automatically detect a connected amplifier. Therefore the transceiver must be configured before putting it into operation. Proceed with extreme care when configuring the transceiver. Wrong transceiver configuration may damage the used peripheral amplifier! 1. Press softkey MAINT (part of menu 0000 Main Menu). 2. Press softkey RADIO MAINT (part of menu 1000 Maintenance). 3. Press softkey RADIO MODULES (part of menu 1100 Radio Maintenance). 4. Select the tab POWER AMPLIFIER (part of menu 1150 Radio Modules). 5. Press softkey PA/FILTER. 6. Enter the Maint PIN via the numerical keypad. 7. Press ENT key. 8. Select the desired power amplifier. Here the amplifier to be operated with the transceiver is selected. Only one amplifier can be connected at a time. If no amplifier is connected, select INTERNAL. 9. Press ENT key. 10. Press softkey PA CONFIG. 11. Select the tab of the amplifier selected in step 8. Here the driving power for the power levels Low, Med, High for AM and FM is defined. The driving power indirectly determines the output power of the amplifier (for gain refer to data sheet of relevant amplifier) and thus the transmission coverage with this amplifier type. Only R&S VD 480L/R&S VU 220L By means of the On/Off switch the user determines at which power level the external amplifier is to be connected into line or whether it is bypassed. 2.14 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment Wiring Diagrams Figure 2.6 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - R&S VD 480L 2 1 3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00022-A-01-1 1 R&S M3SR Transceiver 2 R&S VD 480L 3 To Antenna When frequencies outside the frequency range of 225 to 400 MHz are used, R&S VD 480L will be bypassed. The following CBIT messages relating to R&S VD 480L may occur: • 0600 IF CBIT OF EXT AMP • 0601 IF CBIT OF EXT AMP • 0602 IF VSWR OF EXT AMP W VSWR • 0603 EXT PA TUNING X27 • 0604 EXT PA TUNING X27 • 0605 EXT PA TUNING X28 • 0606 EXT PA TUNING X28 • 0607 EXT PA LOW CARRIER W Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.15 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment CBIT messages 0602 and 0607 will only be evaluated by the radio, if the following requirements are fulfilled: • Under PA/Filter "VD 480" is selected. • Under PA Config the relevant power levels are enabled. • A UHF frequency is set. Figure 2.7 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - R&S VU 220L 2 1 3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00023-A-01-1 1 R&S M3SR Transceiver 2 R&S VU 220L 3 To Antenna When frequencies outside the band of 118 to 144 MHz are used, a protection circuit prevents the transmitter from being activated. That is, when an amplifier is connected, transmission outside this frequency band is impossible. When the protection is active, the central area shows the symbol 2.16 in the 'Power' line. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment To transmit outside this frequency band the following measure must be taken: • Disconnect transceiver from power amplifier. • In menu 1150 Radio Modules press softkey PA/FILTER and select INTERNAL. The following CBIT messages relating to R&S VU 220L may occur: • 600 IF CBIT OF EXT AMP • 601 IF CBIT OF EXT AMP • 602 IF VSWR OF EXT AMP • 603 EXT PA TUNING X27 • 604 EXT PA TUNING X27 • 605 EXT PA TUNING X28 • 606 EXT PA TUNING X28 • 607 EXT PA LOW CARRIER Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.17 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Connection of Peripheral Equipment Figure 2.8 Wiring Diagram R&S M3SR Transceiver - e.g. R&S FD 430 2 1 3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00024-A-01-1 1 R&S M3SR Transceiver 2 R&S FD 430 3 To Antenna The wiring diagram for R&S FD 4420 is the same as that for R&S FD 430. When frequencies outside the band of 225 to 400 MHz are used, a protection circuit prevents the transmitter from being activated. That is, when an amplifier/filter is connected, transmission outside this frequency band is impossible. When the protection is active, the central area shows the symbol in the 'Power' line. To transmit outside this frequency band the following measures must be taken: • Disconnect transceiver from amplifier/filter. • In menu 1150 Radio Modules press softkey PA/FILTER and select INTERNAL. No CBIT message is related to R&S FD 430 or R&S FD 4420. 2.18 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Power Up 2.5 Power Up Minimum Requirements Before putting the transceiver into operation make sure that the following minimum requirements are met: • Power Supply R&S IN 4000A or R&S IN 2100 (or a battery complying with the technical specifications) is available. • Antenna is connected. • Handset or headset is connected. • See also sect. 2.3 Basic Connection. Figure 2.9 Switching the Transceiver On 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00011-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LED AC / DC Key ON / OFF LED 1 to 4 LED GO LED GO (only local-controlled transceiver) LED ON (only local-controlled transceiver) LED CU (only local-controlled transceiver) Key ON / OFF (only local-controlled transceiver) By pressing the button (2, Figure 2.9) at the tranceiver the latter is switched on. A built- in control unit, if installed, will be switched on automatically, too. On the built-in control unit you can also press the button (8, Figure 2.9) to switch on both units. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.19 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Power Up By pressing the button (8, Figure 2.9), only the display is switched off (see Suspend Mode is Active). The following LEDs are illuminated to indicate readiness for operation: • CU (7, Figure 2.9): control unit ok • ON (6, Figure 2.9): control unit ready for operation • GO (4 and 5, Figure 2.9): transceiver ok • 1 (3, Figure 2.9): indicates which signal is being output via the loudspeaker • AC/DC (1, Figure 2.9): power available The last displayed menu is shown again (only local-controlled transceiver). If the PBIT (automatic power-on built-in test) during the startup of the system dectects an error, perform an IBIT to get more information. If the LED 1 remains dark, press the SELECT button. 2.20 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Power Down 2.6 Power Down Figure 2.10 Switching the Transceiver Off 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00011-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LED AC / DC Key ON / OFF LED 1 to 4 LED GO LED GO (only local-controlled transceiver) LED ON (only local-controlled transceiver) LED CU (only local-controlled transceiver) Key ON / OFF (only local-controlled transceiver) By pressing the button (2, Figure 2.10) the transceiver is switched off. A built-in control unit, if installed, will be switched off automatically, too. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 2.21 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 2.22 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Power Down Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Operation 3 Operation 3.1 Overview R&S M3SR (multiband, multimode, multirole surface radio) is a new software radio generation. The parameters of the radio are set via the man-machine interface (MMI). This means that the radios can be reprogrammed regarding waveforms and external interfaces. Modules like a guard receiver as well as a protection processor module can be integrated. Each module has an integrated firmware. Therefore the radio has an open system architecture that allows future updates. Additional Options and Modules The possibility of this radio generation to enhance functionality by loading new application software is an outstanding new feature. This requires a certain expansion stage regarding the hardware. If it is necessary, new hardware modules can be integrated. Device settings can be made locally via the menus of the local control panel (CP) or via a remote control unit (CU) or via remote control commands (GB2PP protocol) via LAN. Software and hardware options are available to provide the radio units with additional EPM waveforms. Frequency Ranges of Basic Units The frequency ranges depend on installed option codes. Modularity All R&S M3SR units are based on the uniform Radio Basis R&S KR 4400, which consists of a mechanical frame, the radio platform and the audio front panel. The radio platform itself processes the AF signals, independently of the transmitter and the receiver modules. Depending on the desired radio equipment configuration, radio modules such as main receiver, synthesizer or guard receiver are inserted. A transmitter module with an integrated DC/DC power supply is built in. Six free slots for user-specific plug-in cards are integrated in the rear part of the unit. Local / Remote Application The radio is delivered by default without an integrated control unit. The local Control Unit R&S GB 4000C is available as an option. The radio can be completely remote-configured and controlled for example with the R&S GB 4000C. There is no limitation for remote control. In local mode the radio can be used as a tabletop unit as a voice radio. Then it is controlled by the integrated control unit. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Overview Figure 3.1 R&S M3SR Radios 1 2 ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00002-A-02-1 1 Radio without integrated control unit 2 Radio with integrated control unit Network Topology The following figure shows one possible arrangement of several radios and control units in a LAN. 3.2 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Overview Figure 3.2 Example of a Network Topology 1 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 4 3 1 5 5 ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-30006-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 Local-controlled transceiver Control unit Hub Router with gateways e.g. further radios Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.3 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts 3.2 Basic Operating Concepts This part of the documentation gives an overview of how to operate the radio via the front panel and/or a control unit. For operation via control unit, details are provided relating to the menu page structure and the possibilities to navigate within the menu tree or to change settings. 3.2.1 Radio Settings/Displays via Front Panel The front panel contains several keys, volume controls and a RESET button, which are used to make a limited number of radio settings. LEDs are available to indicate the status of the radio. Figure 3.3 Radio Front Panel 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 10 9 8 6 7 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00173-A-02-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3.4 Indicators for selected AF signal source Indicator for local mode Indicators for connected and available power supply (battery, AC/DC) ON/OFF button Button for local mode/special function mode SELECT button for setting the AF signal for the loudspeaker/special function selector Volume control for the headset Connector for the headset Volume control for the loudspeaker Radio status indicators and RESET button LAN Service connector Connector for Fill Gun Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Radio Settings The following settings can be made at the front panel: • Adjusting the volume with the volume controls for the loudspeaker and headset • Switching the radio on or off with the ON/OFF button • Setting the radio in LOCAL or REMOTE mode with the LOCAL button • Selecting the AF source for the loudspeaker or the headset with the SELECT button • Restarting the software with the RESET button The indicators at the front panel show the following radio status: • KEY LED shows that the radio is ready to load data from a connected Fill Gun. • GO LED shows that the radio is fully operative. • CARR LED shows that the radio is transmitting in broadcast mode. • SQL M shows that the main receiver has a signal above its configured squelch level. • SQL G shows that the guard receiver has a signal above its configured squelch level. • LEDs 1 to 4 indicate the source for the loudspeaker or headset. Table 3.1 Dependency between LEDs (1 to 4) and the Audible AF Signal LED 1 2 AF Signal 3 4 no AF signal lighted AF signal of main receiver and in addition of guard receiver, if switched on via softkey GUARD in '1140 Audio Monitoring' menu. flashing AF signal of guard receiver (VHF band) flashing flashing AF signal of guard receiver (UHF band) flashing AF signal of guard receiver (VHF and UHF band) • LOCAL shows that the radio is in local mode. • BATT shows that power is supplied by a battery. • AC/DC shows that power is supplied by the mains. Setting the Signals on the Loudspeaker By pressing the SELECT button repeatedly the settings can be changed according to Table 3.1. In LOCAL mode, the sidetone is always available at the front panel audio output, irrespective of the SELECT button. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.5 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts Special Key Combinations The radio has special key combinations to set the default address management and the default configuration. Please note that the default configuration is different from restoring the default settings. The differences are that default configuration • changes the IP network configuration - • changes the serial GB2PP - • input switched over from RX to RXTX changes the protocol configuration - • TX Dev NB TX Dev WB TX Dev L11 or TX Dev Multitone changes receiver input - • GB2PP interface set to OFF interface bitrate set to 38400 number of interface stop bits set to 1 interface parity set to none does not the restore the default setting of synthesizer module - • SNMP set to OFF Gateway set to OFF Default subnet mask set to compatibility set to Accept GB2PP only commands changes the active domain - active domain set to 1 • deletes all presets • sets the elapsed time to 0 h Combinations of the LOCAL and SELECT button allow the following actions: • Reset the parameters of the address management to IP address = subnet mask = • 3.6 Reset the radio to the default configuration Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts For setting the default address management proceed as follows: 1. Press the LOCAL button until the LOCAL LED starts flashing (approximately 5 sec.). 2. Press the SELECT button once so that LED 1 flashes, too. 3. Press the LOCAL button again until the LOCAL LED flashes faster (approximately 5 sec.). If the default address management has been set, the LOCAL LED stops flashing and the radio restarts. For setting the radio to the default configuration proceed as follows: 1. Press the LOCAL button until the LOCAL LED starts flashing (approximately 5 sec.). 2. Press the SELECT button twice so that LED 2 flashes, too. 3. Press the LOCAL button again until the LOCAL LED flashes faster (approximately 5 sec.) If the default configuration has been set, the LOCAL LED stops flashing and the radio restarts. Before using the special key combination LOCAL + SELECT 2 the MMI should be disconnected. The special key combinations of LOCAL + SELECT 3 and LOCAL + SELECT 4 are reserved for future use. Change of Parameters Changed parameters may be lost if the radio is switched off immediately after entering the new setting. Therefore allow at least 5 seconds for the radio to store the changed parameters correctly before switching it off. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.7 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts 3.2.2 Operation via Control Unit The control unit is the main user interface to control and use the radio. Figure 3.4 Control Unit Front Panel 1 2 3 6 4 5 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00174-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 3.8 15 softkeys Display Numeric keypad (12 keys) Knob 4 buttons (ON/OFF, MENU HOME, ESC CLR, ENT) 4 LEDs (ON, CU, G, GO) Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Graphical User Interface Design The graphical user interface (GUI) consists of many menu pages organised in a menu tree with hierarchical structure. A unique menu number is assigned to each menu page . This menu number identifies the level currently activated: Top level = 0000 (Main Menu) 1st level = x000, e.g. 1000 Maintenance 2nd level = xx00, e.g. 1100 Radio Maintenance 3rd level = xxx0, e.g. 1120 Radio Error List, or xxx5, e.g. 1125 Radio Inventory Bottom level = xxxy or xxxz (if 3rd level = xxx0, the last digit is 0 < y < 5, e.g. 1121 Radio Error Details; if 3rd level = xxx5, the last digit is 5 < z 9, e.g. 1126 Radio Inventory Details) Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.9 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Figure 3.5 Extract of Menu Structure, Example ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00186-A-01-1 3.10 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Softkeys 15 softkeys around the screen are used for operation via the graphical user interface. The softkey functions are software-assigned depending on the selected menu. Figure 3.6 Location of Softkeys 1 2 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00175-A-01-1 1 Softkey 2 Softkey label There are three possibilities for a softkey to be greyed out: The function is currently not available because the parameter cannot be used in this device status (e.g. Tx Offset in modulation mode FM). The Manual softkey is greyed out to indicate that Manual mode has already been selected. Access rights are missing. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.11 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts Control Unit LEDs The control unit has the following LEDs to indicate the status: • LED ON The LED is on if the control unit is on. The LED flashes if the control unit is off. • LED CU The LED is on if the control unit is fully operative. • LED GO The LED is on if the connected radio is fully operative. • LED G The LED is on if a guard signal above the configured level is received. Menu Page Design Each menu page consists of a header and a central area. Figure 3.7 Menu Page Design with Indicators 1 3 22 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00176-A-01-1 1. Header 2. Status indicators 3. Central area 3.12 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts Header The header design is identical for all menu pages. The design is shown in the figure below. Figure 3.8 Header Design 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00177-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Menu number Menu name Connection status Status local/remote mode Offline or online status of radio Status of access rights Indication of manual or preset mode Logical addresses of the radio (R) and the control unit (C) Menu icon Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.13 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts Connection Status Several symbols indicate the radio/control unit connection status (for details refer to sect. Control Unit / Radio Connection): Symbol shows that the control unit is not connected to the radio. Symbol shows that the control unit is being connected to the radio. Symbol shows that the control unit is connected to the radio. Local or Remote Mode The following symbols indicate local or remote mode (for details refer to sect. 3.3.4 Local / Remote Mode): Symbol shows that the radio is in local mode. Symbol shows that the radio is in remote mode. Offline or Online Status of the Radio The following symbols indicate if the radio is offline or online (for details refer to sect. Maintenance Mode): Symbol shows that the radio is online. Symbol shows that the radio is offline. Status of Operational Access Rights The following symbols show the access rights of the control unit (for details refer to sect. Operating Mode): 3.14 Symbol shows that the control unit has monitoring rights. Symbol shows that the control unit has advanced rights. Symbol shows that the control unit has fixed rights. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Indication of Manual or Preset Mode The following symbols indicate if the radio is used in manual mode or preset mode: Symbol shows that the radio is in manual mode. Symbol 100 shows that the radio is in preset mode on preset 100. Symbol 8 shows that the radio is in preset scan mode on preset 8. Indication of Different Menu Icons The different menus are indicated by the following symbols (in manual mode): Symbol indicates the Main Menu. Symbol indicates the Maintenance Menu. Symbol indicates the Radio Modules Menu. Symbol indicates the Resource Management Menu. Symbol indicates the EPM Time Menu. Symbol indicates the Emergency Menu. Symbol indicates the waveform, e.g. Fixed Frequency. Symbol indicates the Special Modes Menu. Symbol indicates the Preset Scan Menu. Symbol indicates the Context Menu. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.15 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Central Area Operational Menus In operation mode the current data (e.g. waveform, frequency) and status indicators (e.g. SQL-M, cipher) are displayed in the central area. For displaying variable data (e.g. power, VSWR) bargraphs are used. The bargraphs show rough figures and cannot substitute accurate measurements, especially at low RF levels. Figure 3.9 Example: Fixed Frequency Central Area 1 2 5 4 3 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00178-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 3.16 Current settings Bargraphs Tx inhibit indicator Rx inhibit indicator Status indicators Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts The following bargraphs are displayed: • Power shows the current transmitting power. • RSSI shows the current received signal strength indicator value. • VSWR shows the current voltage standing wave ratio. Figure 3.10 Example: Fixed Frequency Central Area - CBIT Error Message 1 ICN-4F-F-E10000-R-D0894-00190-A-01-1 1 Radio CBIT error message Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.17 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts Configuration Menus Figure 3.11 Example - Folder View of Radio Modules 1 2 ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00179-A-01-1 1 Folder 2 Availability of the radio module Each radio module is displayed in a separate folder. With the softkeys and the folders can be selected. Control Elements There are control elements to navigate and control elements to make settings. Navigation There are four possibilities to navigate within the menu tree: 3.18 With the softkey move one level up in the menu tree (three dots: navigation in upward direction. With the softkey move to the next page in a menu with several pages. With a softkey like move one level down in the menu tree (three dots: navigation in downward direction. With the button return from anywhere in the menu tree to the Main Menu. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts Settings There are several possibilities to change settings: • Toggle softkey Pressing a softkey like toggles between two values. Both values are listed in the toggle softkey. The selected value is shown in blue. The selected value is used immediately (it is not necessary to press ENT button). The colour may be green instead of blue (e.g. in softkey Halfduplex) if this function is not possible due to the device configuration as transmitter/receiver or due to a missing option. • Listbox softkey Listbox softkeys have a list symbol (black rectangle with shadow) in the right upper corner. Pressing a softkey like or (with value or short text) opens a listbox. Use the knob to select a value from the list. Press the ESC CLR button or the softkey again to discard the selected value and close the listbox. The selected value is listed in the central area or in the header. The selected value is shown in blue. Press the ENT button to accept the selected value. The value or short text in the listbox softkey is blue where the list contains several items and green where there is only one item in the list. • Editor softkey Editor softkeys have a list symbol (black rectangle with shadow) in the right upper corner. Pressing a softkey like opens an editor. Use the knob or the keypad to enter a value in the editor box. Briefly press the ESC CLR button to clear an entered value. Press the ESC CLR button a bit longer or the softkey again to discard the entered value and close the editor. A green rectangle around the edit field indicates that the value will be accepted when ENT is pressed. A black rectangle around the edit field indicates that the value is incomplete or invalid and will not be accepted when ENT is pressed. Press the ENT button to accept the entered value. In some editors, e.g. IP address editor, the button can be used to jump to the next editor field. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.19 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers • Basic Operating Concepts Menu keys A softkey like is a menu key, identified by three dots in the upper right corner. Pressing such a key opens a menu or navigates to the next lower level in the menu tree. • Pushbutton A softkey like in Preset mode is a pushbutton. Pressing a pushbutton activates its function and the button remains pressed. Pressing another pushbutton deactivates the pushbutton again. Example: In Preset mode the Emergency Mode pushbutton has been pressed. Pressing the Fixed Frequency pushbutton then changes the mode. • Activate buttons If a trigger-like activate button (i.e. ately. No further action is required. If a static-like activate button (i.e. the button is pressed. ) is pressed, the function is executed immedi) is pressed, the function is executed as long as Greyed-out Softkey Labels There are two reasons for a softkey label to be greyed out (deactivated function): • No access rights • Parameter not usable in current setting • Exception: greyed out softkey Manual indicates that Manual mode is selected Example 1: If operational access monitoring is activated, the operator cannot change any settings, i.e. all softkeys used for this purpose are greyed out. To change a setting, operational access advanced or fixed is required. Example 2: If modulation mode FM is activated, setting the TX offset does not make any sense, so the softkey label is greyed out. To change the TX offset modulation mode, AM has to be activated. Inactive Data Elements Values which have no meaning in the current operating mode are represented as follows: • Toggle softkey grey and no value selected • Editor grey and '---' in softkey label or central area 3.20 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Context Menu The context menu contains special functions which have to be accessible easily. To call up the context menu press the ENT button for at least 0.3 sec. This works only when no editor/ listbox is open. When leaving the context menu, the previous menu is displayed. The context menu is directly linked to the menu tree, i.e. you always return to the former position in the menu tree after leaving the context menu. Figure 3.12 Context Menu 1 2 5 4 3 ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00180-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 Softkey BACK Softkey PRESET SCAN Softkey PRESET CLEAR Softkey EMERGENCY CLEAR Softkey OPERATIONAL ACCESS Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.21 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Basic Operating Concepts Figure 3.13 Context Menu - Fixed Frequency Preset Mode 1 2 7 3 6 5 4 ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00180-B-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Softkey BACK Softkey PRESET SCAN Softkey RX AF AGC Softkey CLIPPER Softkey PRESET CLEAR Softkey EMERGENCY CLEAR Softkey OPERATIONAL ACCESS With the BACK softkey (1, Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13 ) you can return to the previous menu. With the PRESET SCAN softkey (2, Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13) you can activate the Preset Scan menu. With the OPERATIONAL ACCESS softkey (5, Figure 3.12 and 7, Figure 3.12) you can change the access rights. The access rights can only be upgraded in this menu, but not reduced. With the EMERGENCY CLEAR softkey (4, Figure 3.12 and 6, Figure 3.13) you can easily delete the stored data which was loaded with the Fill Gun. With the PRESET CLEAR softkey (3, Figure 3.12 and 5, Figure 3.13) you can easily delete all Preset Pages in both domains. 3.22 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Basic Operating Concepts For Preset Clear no PIN is required. All Preset Pages will be deleted without prompt for confirmation. With the RX AF AGC softkey (3, Figure 3.13) you can switch this function on or off. With the CLIPPER softkey (4, Figure 3.13) you can switch this function on or off. Screen Saver The screen saver is automatically switched on through a non-activity timeout. The timer can be configured or switched off in '1340 Control Unit MMI Parameters' menu (see sect. 3.6.4 Control Unit). The timer is reset by pressing any key or turning the knob. Screen Saver is Active • LEDs CU, G and GO show the current status. • LED ON is on. • Display is switched off. • Key illumination is not changed. • Data traffic with the radio is still possible. Suspend Mode The suspend mode is activated by pressing the is switched on. button on the control unit, if the radio Suspend Mode is Active • LEDs CU, G and GO are off. • LED ON flashes. • Display and key illumination are switched off. • An existing link to the radio is terminated. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.23 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation 3.3 Operation 3.3.1 Operating / Maintenance Mode Operating Mode This mode is used for normal operation after the radio has been configured for use. The operator performs the settings of the radio to establish radio communications, e.g. selecting a waveform, setting of waveform specific parameters or keying/unkeying the radio. Figure 3.14 Example of Remote Access with Fixed Frequency ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00100-A-01-1 Access Rights in Operating Mode Several control units can be connected to one radio, but only one can have operational access to the radio at the same time. To handle the operational access, each connection between a control unit and a radio gets an operational access right, which can be changed with the OPERATIONAL ACCESS softkey. Access without operational setting rights • Monitoring access The user has no right to change radio parameters, but he is able to monitor the settings. The symbol 3.24 indicates the monitoring mode. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation The radio can handle several connections with monitoring access rights. Access with operational setting rights • Advanced access The user has the right to manipulate and monitor all operational parameters. The symbol indicates the advanced mode. If another control unit requests setting rights for operational parameters, the access right of the own control unit turns into monitoring access. • Fixed access The user has the right to manipulate and monitor all parameters. The symbol indicates the fixed mode. If another control unit requests setting rights for operational parameters, the radio denies this request and the access right of the own control unit remains in fixed access. The radio can only handle one connection with advanced or fixed access rights. The radio manages one connection for each control unit. This connection has a remote and a local part. The respective active part is used. The control unit CU3 is the integrated control unit of the radio. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.25 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation Figure 3.15 Access Rights - All Control Units in Monitoring Mode Radio Access Manager Step 1 Control Unit CU1 Request Advanced Rights Step 2 Connection CU1 Current status: Advanced Rights remote Receive Advanced Rights Control Unit CU2 local Connection CU2 Current status: Monitoring Rights remote local Connection CU3 Not Connected remote local Control Unit CU3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00101-A-02-1 Current status: Both control units have monitoring rights. The radio is in remote mode. Step 1: Control unit 1 requests advanced rights from the radio. Step 2: The radio server gives advanced rights to control unit 1 because no other control unit has fixed rights. New status: Control unit 1 has access with advanced rights. Control unit 2 still has monitoring rights. 3.26 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation Figure 3.16 Access Rights - Concurrent Access Rights Radio Access Manager Connection CU1 Control Unit CU1 Step 3 Current status: Monitoring Rights Receive Monitoring Rights remote local Step 1 Control Unit CU2 Request Advanced Rights Step 2 Connection CU2 Current status: Advanced Rights remote local Receive Advanced Rights Connection CU3 Not Connected remote local Control Unit CU3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00102-A-02-1 Current status: Control unit 1 has advanced rights, control unit 2 has monitoring rights. The radio is in remote mode. Step 1: Control unit 2 requests advanced rights from the radio. Step 2: The radio server gives advanced rights to the control unit 2 because no other control unit has fixed rights. Step 3: The access rights of control unit 1 are set back from advanced rights to monitoring rights. New status: Control unit 1 has access with monitoring rights. Control unit 2 has access with advanced rights. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.27 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation Figure 3.17 Access Rights - Fixed Access Rights Radio Access Manager Step 1 Control Unit CU1 Request Fixed Rights Step 2 Connection CU1 Current status: Fixed Rights remote Receive Fixed Rights Control Unit CU2 local Connection CU2 Step 3 Current status: Monitoring Rights remote local Receive Monitoring Rights Connection CU3 Not Connected remote local Control Unit CU3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00103-A-02-1 Current status: Control unit 1 has access with monitoring rights, control unit 2 has access with advanced rights. The radio is in remote mode. Step 1: Control unit 1 requests fixed rights from the radio. Step 2: The radio server gives fixed rights to control unit 1 because no other control unit has fixed rights. Step 3: The access rights of control unit 2 are set back from advanced rights to monitoring rights. New status: Control unit 1 has exclusive access with fixed rights, control unit 2 has access with monitoring rights. 3.28 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation Figure 3.18 Access Rights - Rejected Access Requests Radio Access Manager Connection CU1 Control Unit CU1 Current status: Fixed Rights remote local Step 1 Control Unit CU2 Request Advanced Rights Step2 Connection CU2 Current status: Monitoring Rights Receive Monitoring Rights remote local Connection CU3 Not Connected remote local Control Unit CU3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00104-A-02-1 Current status: Control unit 1 has access with fixed rights, control unit 2 has access with monitoring rights. The radio is in remote mode. Step 1: Control unit 2 requests advanced rights from the radio. Step 2: The radio rejects the request of control unit 2 for advanced rights because control unit 1 has fixed rights. New status: Control unit 1 has exclusive access with fixed rights, control unit 2 has access with monitoring rights. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.29 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation Maintenance Mode The radio is configured in the maintenance mode in a way that meets specific requests of the customer (i.e. selection of applications or configuration of presets). Figure 3.19 Maintenance - Overview Maintenance (Setup PIN) Preset Configuration Online Mode (Maint. PIN) Control Unit Maintenance Radio Maintenance Offline Mode (Maint. PIN) Online Mode Online Mode ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00106-A-01 Access Rights The maintenance mode has 3 parts • Radio maintenance • Preset configuration • Control unit maintenance The control unit is used as a setting device for radio maintenance. In offline mode the radio is deactivated. In online mode the radio is in operation mode. The preset pages can be managed and modified in the preset configuration. In the control unit maintenance, internal configuration parameters can be set and built-in tests can be performed. The access to the maintenance parameters is protected via PINs. In order to get access to the preset configuration parameters, the respective Setup-PIN is required. For access to the radio maintenance parameters and the control unit maintenance parameters the relevant Maintenance-PIN is required. As long as the user remains in the maintenance area, he has 3.30 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Operation access to all parameters. The PIN must be entered only once. Only if the user leaves the maintenance menu and afterwards wants access to these parameters again, wil he be asked for the PIN again. The maintenance mode is not exclusively locked for changing the parameters. The last parameter that is saved is the active one if several control units change the parameters simultaneously. For normal maintenance tasks, the system can be used as usual in the online mode. The communication functions are not restricted. For exclusive maintenance tasks such as a basic configuration, the radio must be set to offline mode. As a result the communication functions are not available. By pressing the OFFLINE softkey in the radio maintenance menu the radio can be set offline. Fixed access rights are required. Symbol shows that the radio is offline. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.31 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation Figure 3.20 Radio Maintenance Menu ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00107-A-01-1 System PIN The default setting for all PINs (setup, maintenance) is 00000. If a user modifies the default values and cannot remember these modified PINs, he nevertheless has access with the System PINs. The System PINs cannot be modified and depend on the hardware. The User PINs can be changed with the System PINs. By pressing the SUPERVISOR ACCESS softkey in the maintenance menu, a menu to enter the respective System PINs is displayed. Rohde & Schwarz provides a System PIN for the Radio and a System PIN for the control unit. For security reasons, these System PINs will be delivered only on request. 3.32 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Operation Figure 3.21 Maintenance - Supervisor Access ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00108-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.33 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Manual Mode / Preset Mode 3.3.2 Manual Mode / Preset Mode Many parameters must be set for voice communication or data transfer. In manual mode the user has the possibility to select a waveform and to manipulate all waveform specific parameters. In preset mode the user can also select a waveform, but the waveform specific parameters are loaded (predefined parameters from a so-called preset page). Manual Mode The manual mode is an expert mode that allows all parameters to be changed. To establish a connection, a lot of parameters for the receiving and transmitting radio must be identical. For example if radio 1 is transmitting in AM modulation, radio 2 cannot demodulate the signal if it is configured for FM modulation. The manual setting of the required parameters is therefore a source of error and time-consuming. So setting all necessary communication parameters quickly and comprehensively is not possible in manual mode. Figure 3.22 Main Menu - Example of Manual Mode ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00100-A-01-1 By pressing the MANUAL softkey in the main menu the manual mode is started. 3.34 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Manual Mode / Preset Mode The manual mode is displayed • by the symbol in the headline of the central area, • by the PRESET softkey set to None, • by the MANUAL softkey being greyed out. The central area displays the parameters of the currently selected waveform. The waveforms and all parameters can be set with the softkeys. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.35 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Preset Mode 3.3.3 Preset Mode The preset mode is a non expert mode that allows only a few parameters to be changed. There are preset parameters that can be loaded easily. The user must only load a preset, which already has all parameters that were defined by an expert before. These preset parameters are organised in 2 domains (1, 2), each with 200 presets (0 to 199). The organisation of the presets is shown below. For each waveform the parameters can be set on the preset pages. 3.36 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Mode Figure 3.23 Preset Organisation Domain 1 Domain 2 Preset 0 Preset 0 Preset 77 Preset 77 Preset 199 Preset 199 General Page Power Default Mode Fixed Frequency Page Com Mode Modulation HDR Page Frequency Link11/LinkY/ Multitone Page Frequency ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00181-A-01-1 The preset mode is therefore a mode which is easy to handle, having only a few sources of error because the data set is already defined. It allows a fast setting of the necessary parameters. The Preset parameters must be defined beforehand. For more information refer to sect. Preset Configuration. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.37 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Mode Figure 3.24 Main Menu - Loading a Preset Page ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00113-A-01-1 After pressing the PRESET softkey in the main menu an editor box opens where the number of the last selected preset page is offered. This is so even if the last preset page was invalid and could therefore not be opened. You can now change the preset number. The radio then checks if the entered preset page is already programmed and can be set. If this is not the case, the procedure is stopped with the error message Preset invalid. If the error message is 'Preset does not exist', check if the preset is defined and the correct active domain in the '1000 Maintenance' menu is selected. In the following cases the radio software prevents that the selected preset page is set, displaying an error message to indicate the reason why it was rejected: 3.38 • Communication mode of preset page is not available, because radio is in local mode. • Fixed frequency dependencies (functions related to the application) as described in sect. Resource Managementare not observed. • Selected radio mode is not available, because e.g. options or modules are missing. • Resources in Resource Management (see sect. Resource Management) have not been activated. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Mode For functions related to application: If TX Offset is selected and the communication mode is not Voice Plain AM with channel spacing 25 kHz, the radio will ignore the TX offset and the preset page will therefore not be rejected. Figure 3.25 Example of an 'Invalid Preset' Message ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00230-A-01-1 For the same reasons the non-default pages of a preset (see sect. Preset Configuration) may be greyed out. These pages cannot be activated. In this case no warning is displayed. Successful preset settings are displayed • by the symbol in the headline of the central area • by the number of the selected preset page on the active PRESET softkey, • by an active MANUAL softkey that allows switching to manual mode, • by pushbuttons for selecting the waveform. The selected softkey PRESET is pressed. Only the softkeys of the available waveforms are set to active. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.39 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Mode In the central area the currently set waveform parameters are displayed. The type of waveform can only be set with the pushbuttons. The parameters of the waveform cannot be changed. Figure 3.26 Main Menu - Preset Mode ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00114-A-01-1 3.40 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Local / Remote Mode 3.3.4 Local / Remote Mode A radio can be controlled remotely or locally. The LOCAL button at the front panel allows to switch from remote to local mode and vice versa. Figure 3.27 Overview - Local and Remote Mode Radio Access Manager Connection CU1 remote Control Unit CU1 local Deactivated Connection Connection CU2 remote Control Unit CU2 local Deactivated Connection Connection CU3 remote Connected local Local Connection Control Unit CU3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00109-A-01-1 The connections to control units 1 and 2 are deactivated. Control panel 3 controls the radio. Control panel 3 requires a connection to the radio for this. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.41 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Local / Remote Mode Figure 3.28 Access Rights in Local Mode Radio Access Manager Control Unit CU1 Connection CU1 remote Step 2 Deactivated Control Unit CU2 Current status: Not Connected local Connection CU2 remote Step 3 Deactivated Current status: Not Connected local Step 1 Connection CU3 Set Local Mode remote Current status: Local Connected local Control Unit CU3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00105-A-01-1 Current status: Control unit 1 has access with fixed rights, Control unit 2 has access with monitoring rights. The radio is in remote mode. Step 1: By pressing the LOCAL button the radio is set to local mode. Step 2: Connection to control unit 1 is deactivated. Step 3: Connection to control unit 2 is deactivated. New status: The integrated control unit 3 controls the radio in local mode until local mode is finished. The connection from control unit 1 and 2 to the radio is deactivated. Local Mode The local control panel controls the radio in local mode. A connection to the radio is necessary for this. The symbol at the control unit and the LED at the front panel show that the connected radio is in local mode. 3.42 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Local / Remote Mode If the integrated control unit controls the radio in local mode, the external control unit that controlled the radio before loses control of the radio. No monitoring of the parameters at the remote control unit is possible. Radio in local mode is displayed in the status line. Figure 3.29 Remote Control Unit - Lost Connection because of Local Mode ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00110-A-01-1 If the local mode is finished by pushing the LOCAL button again, the status before having entered the local mode of the radio (frequency, modulation, power..) is restored again (for details see below). The remote control unit that controlled the radio before gets back the control of the radio with the respective rights from beforehand. In local mode the only possible communication mode is voice. Therefore a headset must be connected to the plug at the front panel. All remote PTTs and remote codecs (NB1, NB2, WB1, WB2) are deactivated. In Resource Management the guard audio signal can be connected separately to an audio interface towards the periphery (NB1, NB2). This audio interface remains active when changing to local mode. The "LOCAL" has no function if one of the following settings is selected on the radio: • IBIT mode • EPM TOD functions active (only for EPM applications) • Load mode • Offline mode • Idle mode Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.43 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Local / Remote Mode Remote Mode Each remote control unit and the integrated control unit can control the radio as a client with fixed, advanced or monitoring access rights. The transfer of voice and data is both possible. The headset is deactivated if the radio is controlled in remote mode. PTTs and codecs are all in use. The inactive LOCAL LED at the radio shows that the radio is in remote mode. The inactive symbol mode. at the control unit shows that the connected radio is in remote Figure 3.30 Example of a Remote Access ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00100-A-01-1 3.44 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Local Mode Restore Local Mode Restore When local mode is finished by pushing the LOCAL button again, the status before having entered local mode of the radio is restored. As a matter of principle all operational parameters are restored. However, there are some exceptions: Table 3.2 Settings Restored when Changing from Local to Remote Mode Function Status when changing from local to remote mode Operational Type: Manual Restored Preset Restored Waveform: Emergency Restored Fixed Frequency Restored Power Restored HDR Restored Link11 Restored Multitone Restored Maritime Restored Fixed Frequency: Frequency Restored Modulation Restored Squelch Restored H-Duplex Restored H-Duplex RX Frequency Restored H-Duplex TX Frequency Restored Clipper Restored Comm Mode Restored Chan SP Restored Tx Offs Restored AF AGC Restored Emergency: Band Not restored Squelch Restored Special Modes: Frequency Link11 frequency Not affected Frequency Multitone frequency Not affected Frequency HDR frequency Not affected Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.45 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Local Mode Restore Function Status when changing from local to remote mode Begin Scan (saved with START) Not restored End Scan (saved with START) Not restored Search (saved with START) Not restored Auto Continue (saved with START) Not restored Maritime Channel Restored Maritime Channel Type Restored Maritime Table Restored Maritime Scan Mode Restored Maritime Squelch Restored Maritime Search Restored Maritime Auto Cont Restored Maritime Prio Channel 13 Channel restored Maritime Prio Channel 16 Channel restored Radio Maintenance: Radio Modules Not restored Resource Management Not affected Audio Monitoring Not restored I/O Mapping Not restored Radio Address List Not restored Radio Time Not restored Protocol Config Not restored Maritime Config Not restored Maintenance: 3.46 Active Domain Not restored Preset Configuration Not restored Frequency Exclusion Not restored VoIP Configuration Not restored Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Control Unit / Radio Connection Control Unit / Radio Connection A control unit can try to establish a connection to any of the radios that are configured in the IP address list. In a pulldown menu all configured radios are listed and can be selected. In the following example the radio with the logical address 046 is available. Figure 3.31 Selecting a Radio to be Connected ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00115-A-01-1 Control units and radios are connected with a TCP/IP network. A control unit must therefore know the IP address of the radio to establish a connection. These addresses are organised as follows: Each participant in the network has a logical address that is associated with the physical (IP) address. Both the logical and the physical address must be unique within the network. Each control unit has an address list (logical addresses with associated IP addresses). A connection can only be established to radios that are on this list. For more information refer to sect. 3.6.2 Configuration and Status. By pressing the CONNECT TO RADIO softkey in the main menu, a radio from the list can be selected to establish a connection. Only the logical addresses of the radios are listed. Press ENT to confirm. For establishing a connection only the logical address is used. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.47 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Control Unit / Radio Connection A connection can have 3 status types: • Disconnected There is no connection to the radio. The Symbol in the headline shows that the control unit is not connected. The message Not connected to radio is displayed in the status line. Radio specific softkeys are not active. By pressing the CONNECT TO RADIO softkey a list of logical addresses of radios which are configured in the control unit is displayed. If the list is empty or the desired Radio is not listed, the address list must first be modified. Each control unit has an address list (logical addresses with associated IP addresses). A connection can only be established to radios that are listed on this list. For more information refer to sect. 3.6.2 Configuration and Status. If a logical address is selected, the control unit tries to establish a connection. This corresponds to the connecting status. In order to disconnect press the Disconnect button at least half a second. This delay has been implemented to prevent inadvertent disconnection. • Connecting The control unit tries to establish a connection to the selected radio with the respective logical address. This is done as long as the connection is being established or the user interrupts the procedure. Symbol nection at the control unit shows that the control unit is trying to establish a con- to the selected Radio. Connecting to radio is displayed in the status line. Radio specific softkeys are not active. The connecting status can be very short if the radio is powered on, so that the user does not notice this status. • Connected In this status the control unit can communicate with the radio. The symbol nection at the control unit shows that the control unit has established a con- to the selected radio. If the connection is broken, the control unit changes to the connecting status. 3.48 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Control Unit / Radio Connection Figure 3.32 Successful Connection to a Radio ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00116-A-01-1 When the radio or the control unit is powered off, the control unit stores the following information: • Logical address of the connected radio • Operational access rights • Last menu displayed When the radio or the control unit is powered on again, the last status is restored with this information. If the control unit does not get advanced or fixed rights again, a connection with monitoring rights is established. If no connection can be established, the control unit remains in the connecting status. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.49 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Scenarios 3.4 Scenarios 3.4.1 Guard Signal Reception There are two emergency frequencies in the supported frequency range of the R&S M3SR Radio: 1: 121.5 MHz in the VHF band 2: 243.0 MHz in the UHF band Both frequencies are reserved for emergency calls. An optional guard receiver always checks these two frequencies irrespective of the used waveform or mode of the radio. If the radio has one common antenna for Tx and Rx, it can either receive or transmit at a time. It is not possible to hear an emergency call while transmitting. With separate antennas for Tx and Rx, the radio is able to receive an emergency call on 121.5 MHz or 243.0 MHz while transmitting on a different frequency at the same time. Receiving Emergency Calls (Guard Monitoring) The radio offers three applications to observe emergency calls. They may be enabled or disabled independently and can be used simultaneously. 1. Guard monitoring on main voice output. Received audio from main receiver and guard receiver will be mixed and appear together at the main voice audio output of the radio. For more information refer to sect. Audio Monitoring. 2. Guard monitoring on separate voice output. A received guard signal will be forwarded to a separate voice output, which is exclusively reserved for the guard receiver. For details refer to sect. Resource Management. 3. Guard monitoring at front panel loudspeaker and headset. For details refer to sect. 3.2 Basic Operating Concepts. Use SELECT key to choose between: - Main audio output acc. to 1. Guard signal 121.5 MHz Guard signal 243.0 MHz Guard signal 121.5 MHz and 243.0 MHz Table 3.3 Guard Signal Reception Depending on Monitoring Output and Mode Communication mode / special mode Monitoring via Voice Plain WB Analog Link11 / Multitone HDR Main voice output x x 1) x x Separate voice output x x x 2) x Loudspeaker and headset x x x x x = Guard signal reception enabled, 1) Guard signal on main voice output disabled 2) Refer to "Link11 / Multitone Special Handling" below 3.50 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Scenarios All dependencies also apply for guard receiver VCS operation in VoIP mode. Link11 / Multitone Special Handling In Link11 / Multitone it is not possible to configure an exclusive separate voice output for guard monitoring, because this resource is already occupied by Link11 / Multitone itself. Only the free main voice output can be used. Refer to sect. Audio Monitoring. Indications If the radio receives an emergency call, the SQLG indication in the central area of the control unit, the G LED on the control unit and the SQL G LED on the front panel (part of the radio) are switched on. Answering Emergency Calls If an emergency call shall be answered, the EMERGENCY MODE softkey has to be pressed. The frequency in which the emergency call was received is automatically preselected. Press PTT to answer. The PTT and codec that are allocated for voice application are used. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.51 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Scenarios Figure 3.33 Example of Emergency Mode ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00118-A-01-1 The EMERGENCY MODE does not use the Guard Receiver for voice reception. The radio automatically switches to the Main Receiver, because better sensitivity is available. Note that the squelch levels of Main and Guard receiver may be configured differently and the behaviour of the squelch indications could change when entering or leaving EMERGENCY MODE. While transmitting on one of the two guard frequencies, the guard receiver is muted to prevent backcoupling of the transmitted signal. 3.52 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Scenarios 3.4.2 Fill Gun (Fixed Frequency) The Fill Gun is an external device used to load the following data into the system: • Presets for the communication Connect the Fill Gun to the FILL connector at the front side of the radio used to load data. Figure 3.34 Radio - Front View 1 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00120-A-03-1 1 FILL connector If the Fill Gun is connected to the FILL connector, the radio automatically changes to load mode. In load mode no reception or transmission is possible. The KEY LED is on. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.53 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Scenarios Figure 3.35 Example of Radio in Load Mode ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00121-A-01-1 3.54 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Indications during Main Signal Reception 3.4.3 Indications during Main Signal Reception Two types of status indicators for main signal reception are available: • Hardware status indicators (LED SQLM on front panel, connector contacts X26.13 SQ_MAIN_1 and X25.13 SQ_MAIN_2 at the rear) • Status indicators on the MMI During main signal reception these indicators react at different conditions depending on the waveform and communication mode used. An overview of how the invididual indicators react (sensitivity setting Low Noise) is given in Table 3.4. The three hardware indicators react in equal manner. Table 3.4 Indication of Main Signal Reception Depending on Waveform and Communication Mode Waveform / communication mode Fixed Frequency / Voice Plain Hardware status indicators: MMI status indicators: X26.13 SQ_MAIN_1, X25.13 SQ_MAIN_2, LED SQLM SQLM, RX Indication is active, if Indication SQLM is active, if • • • wanted signal is > approx. -93 dBm (RSSI squelch functionality) or signal-to-noise ratio is greater than MMI setting (S/N squelch functionality) • wanted signal is > approx. -93 dBm (RSSI squelch functionality) or signal-to-noise ratio is greater than MMI setting (S/N squelch functionality) Fixed Frequency / Wideband and Voice Ciphered Indication is active, if Indication SQLM is active, if • • High Data Rate (HDR) Indication depends on MMI radio setting (HDR squelch) Indication SQLM is active, if Indication is active, if Indication SQLM is active, if • • Link11 / Multitone wanted signal is > approx. -95 dBm - 4 dB hysteresis wanted signal is > approx. -95 dBm - 4 dB hysteresis Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 • Remarks Two squelch criteria are implemented. wanted signal is > approx. -95 dBm - 4 dB hysteresis signal-to-noise ratio is greater than MMI setting (S/N squelch functionality) Range: OFF 90 dBm 85 dBm 80 dBm 95 dBm wanted signal is > approx. -95 dBm - 4 dB hysteresis 3.55 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Waveforms 3.5 Waveforms 3.5.1 Fixed Frequency Different waveforms can be integrated in the system. Fixed frequency is the only waveform that is always available. In fixed frequency, only a fix frequency is used for voice and data transfer. Functions Communication Modes Make sure that for all other communication modes other than voice plain the radio is in remote mode! The following communication modes are available: • Voice Plain • Voice Ciphered (external cipher unit required, option) • Wideband Analog • Wideband Digital Baseband • Wideband Digital Diphase Voice Communication Mode The Voice Plain communication mode is always available without configuration. The Voice Ciphered communication mode is available after it has been configured in '1145 Resource Management' menu (see Resource Management) and when an external cipher unit is connected. Wideband Analog Communication Mode The wideband analog communication mode must first be configured in the resource management. This mode is used for wideband AM and FM communication with analog data terminals. Wideband audio lines (WB1, WB2) are configurable. 3.56 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Waveforms Wideband Digital Baseband and Wideband Digital Diphase Communication Modes The wideband digital baseband and wideband digital diphase communication modes must first be configured in the resource management. These modes are used for data communication with digital data terminals (baseband and diphase). Figure 3.36 Example - Selecting a Communication Mode in Fixed Frequency ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00182-A-01-1 Symbol indicates the fixed frequency menu. Status Indication The status line at the bottom of the display’s central area indicates the status in Fixed Frequency, communication mode Voice Ciphered: • Text: Plain, background: red, if connector contact X26.26 (signal CGC) at the rear is on high level or open • Text: Cipher, background: grey, if connector contact X26.26 (signal CGC) at the rear is on low level In communication modes Voice Plain, Wideband Analog and Wideband Digital, the Plain/Cipher field disappears. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.57 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Waveforms Figure 3.37 Example - Status Indication in Fixed Frequency ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00213-A-01-1 Frequency The frequency range depends on the installed option codes. Modulation The modulation type can be set as follows: • Amplitude modulation (AM) • Frequency modulation (FM) Squelch The squelch function allows suppression of low level audio signals. The squelch level can be configured and the function can be switched on or off. TX Offset If amplitude modulation is set, it is possible to adjust the selected frequency with the offset. This function enables a radio to suppress interference. In frequency modulation this function is not available. 3.58 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Waveforms Channel Spacing The channel spacing can be set to the following values: • 8.33 kHz • 12.50 kHz • 25.00 kHz 25.00 kHz is standard in the UHF band. When entering a frequency via the numerical keypad, the entered frequency will be automatically completed from the channel spacing digits onwards. The selected channel spacing will be taken into account. Entering a frequency outside the channel grid is not possible. Example: entering a frequency with 8.33 kHz channel spacing selected 120.11 MHz -> automatic adjustment to 120 116 666 Hz When changing from narrow to wide channel spacing the next higher frequency which is possible in this grid will be set. Example: changing from 8.33 kHz to 12.5 kHz channel spacing 120 166 666 Hz -> automatic change to 120 125 000 Hz Half Duplex Mode With the half duplex function different frequencies for receiving and transmitting data can be set. This function can be switched on and off. Clipper The clipper function enables noise reduction during reception in AM mode. This function can be switched on and off. Automatic Gain Control The automatic gain control (AGC) function controls the volume of the loudspeaker and headphone. With this function the volume is set to a constant value. This function can be switched on and off. Only available in AM. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.59 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Waveforms Marker Tone With the MARKER ACK softkey a generated marker tone can be confirmed. After pressing this softkey the marker tone is suppressed. Test Tone With the TONE softkey a test tone (1 kHz) is produced for keying test and monitoring purposes. A tone is generated as long as the softkey is being pressed. 3.60 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Manual Mode Manual Mode In manual mode all parameters for fixed frequency can be modified. The central area shows the current settings of fixed frequency with the respective indicators. By pressing the MANUAL softkey and then the FIXED FREQUENCY softkey in the main menu, the fixed frequency menu (Figure 3.38) is displayed in manual mode. Figure 3.38 Fixed Frequency, Main Menu, page 1 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00183-A-01-1 By pressing the NEXT PAGE softkey the second page of the fixed frequency menu (Figure 3.39) is displayed. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.61 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Manual Mode Figure 3.39 Fixed Frequency, Main Menu, page 2 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00184-A-01-1 The following table gives an overview of the possible parameters and references to more detailed information. Table 3.5 Fixed Frequency Manual Mode — Settings Softkey Type Submenu Refer to Frequency Editor /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 ”Frequency” on p. 3.58 Com Mode Listbox /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 ”Communication Modes” on p. 3.56 Marker Ack Active Button /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 and 2 ”Marker Tone” on p. 3.60 Squelch Toggle /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 and 2 ”Squelch” on p. 3.58 Tone Active Button /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 and 2 ”Test Tone” on p. 3.60 Modulation Toggle /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 ”Modulation” on p. 3.58 TX Offset Listbox /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 2 ”TX Offset” on p. 3.58 Ch Spacing Listbox /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 2 ”Channel Spacing” on p. 3.59 Half Duplex Toggle /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 2 ”Half Duplex Mode” on p. 3.59 RX AF AGC Toggle /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 2 ”Automatic Gain Control” on p. 3.59 Clipper Toggle /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 2 ”Clipper” on p. 3.59 3.62 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Mode Preset Mode In preset mode only a few parameters for fixed frequency can be modified. The central area shows the current settings of fixed frequency with the respective indicators. Figure 3.40 Example - Fixed Frequency in Preset Mode ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00185-A-01-1 The following table gives an overview of the possible parameters and references to more detailed information. Table 3.6 Fixed Frequency Preset Mode — Settings Softkey Type Submenu Refer to Marker Ack Active Button /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 and 2 ”Marker Tone” on p. 3.60 Squelch Toggle /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 and 2 ”Squelch” on p. 3.58 Tone Active Button /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 and 2 ”Test Tone” on p. 3.60 RX AF AGC Toggle /Context Menu ”Automatic Gain Control” on p. 3.59 Clipper Toggle /Context Menu ”Clipper” on p. 3.59 Power Listbox /Main/Fixed Frequency/Page 1 and 2 ”Power Amplifier” on p. 3.119 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.63 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Special Modes 3.5.2 Special Modes Manual Mode In manual mode the special modes can be selected from the main menu. Figure 3.41 Selection of Special Modes Menu from the Main Menu (Manual Mode) ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00195-A-01-1 In the special modes menu, all special modes are listed and can be selected, provided the special mode is currently available. If a special mode is not available, the corresponding softkey will be grey and cannot be pressed. 3.64 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Special Modes Figure 3.42 Special Mode Menu (Manual Mode) ICN-4F-I-231000-R-D0894-00196-A-01-1 Figure 3.43 Special Mode Menu (Manual Mode with Option Multitone) ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00238-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.65 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Special Modes Preset Mode In preset mode, a special mode can only be activated if it is the default mode in the preset. If the default mode of the activated preset is not a special mode, then no SPECIAL MODE softkey is displayed in the main menu. In this case the only possibility to activate a special mode is to change to manual mode or to select a preset that has a special mode as its default mode. Figure 3.44 Selection of a Special Mode from the Main Menu (Preset Mode) ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00197-A-01-1 3.66 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Link11 / LinkY (Option) Link11 / LinkY (Option) Make sure that the radio is in remote mode! Introduction Modern transceivers must be able to play a variety of roles in a communication scenario (multirole radio). Therefore a variety of operating modes can be selected and activated depending on the task at hand. Mode Link11/ LinkY is designed for operation on high-frequency (HF) ground wave and can also operate in the UHF band. The UHF range (225 MHz to 399.975 MHz) is used for LOS (line of sight) connections between stations on the ground, ships and aircrafts. The Link11 / LinkY data terminal set (DTS) interfaces a tactical data system (TDS) via an optional encryption device. Formatted data for the DTS is generated in the TDS computer to transfer data in Link11 / LinkY data format to a UHF transceiver. The transceiver receives the data signal via the narrow band interface, processes the signal and radiates it in the UHF band. The DTS, TDS and the encryption device are third-party equipment. The Link11 / LinkY waveform is a non-hopping waveform. R&S M3SR radios with activated Link11 / LinkY mode comply with the applicable standard STANAG 5511. The following preconditions must be fulfilled for Link11 / LinkY operation of R&S M3SR radios: • The radio employed must be a transceiver capable of the UHF or full frequency range. • The Link11 / LinkY option must be installed. • To configure the transceiver accordingly, Link11 / LinkY must be enabled in the resource management (menu 1145, Link11 tab). • The radio must be connected to the DTS according to Figure 3.45. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.67 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Link11 / LinkY (Option) Figure 3.45 Connection of Link11 / LinkY Terminal to R&S M3SR Radio 2 1 8 X25.1 AF_TX2_NB_A 7 X25.2 AF_TX2_NB_B 6 X25.3 AF_RX2_NB_A 5 X25.4 AF_RX2_NB_B 4 X25.18 PTT_2 3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00193-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Link11 Terminal R&S M3SR Radio Active High PTT Keyline Audio Rx Narrowband Audio Rx Narrowband Audio Tx Narrowband Audio Tx Narrowband Other waveforms such as SECOS, HAVE QUICK I/II, SATURN may be available in addition. The radio may be extended with modules like guard receiver, circulator, integrated filter, up/ down converter or separated antenna interface. Selecting the special mode item Link11 / LinkY in the menu 7000 activates this mode. All parameters (e.g. modulation, AF interface, FM deviation, etc) are automatically set to the values required for the Link11 / LinkY mode. The transceiver now supports an external Link11 / LinkY DTS. In this mode NB2 is always used as the AF interface and PTT_2 for start of transmission. NB1, WB1 and WB2 are therefore free for further external units and can be configured as required. 3.68 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Link11 / LinkY (Option) Manual Mode Figure 3.46 Link11 / LinkY Menu ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00194-A-01-1 The FREQUENCY softkey can be used to enter the Link11 / LinkY frequency. Only the UHF band from 225 MHz to 399.975 MHz (in steps of 25 kHz) is available for selection. The selected Link11 / LinkY frequency is displayed. Preset Mode Presets can be created with the default mode Link11 / LinkY. The preset page for Link11 / LinkY contains just the Link11 / LinkY frequency (UHF only). The Link11 / LinkY preset is selected from the main menu. If the conditions for Link11 / LinkY are fulfilled and the frequency is in the UHF band, the preset is used. In preset mode, the Link11 / LinkY frequency cannot be changed. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.69 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Multitone (Option) Multitone (Option) Make sure that the radio is in remote mode! Introduction Modern transceivers must be able to play a variety of roles in a communication scenario (multirole radio). Therefore a variety of operating modes can be selected and activated depending on the task at hand. Multitone mode is designed for operation on high-frequency (HF) ground wave and can also operate in the UHF band. The UHF range (225 MHz to 399.975 MHz) is used for LOS (line of sight) connections between stations on the ground, ships and aircrafts. The Multitone data terminal set (DTS) interfaces a tactical data system (TDS) via an optional encryption device. Formatted data for the DTS is generated in the TDS computer to transfer data in Multitone data format to a UHF transceiver. The transceiver receives the data signal via the narrow band interface, processes the signal and radiates it in the UHF band. The DTS, TDS and the encryption device are third-party equipment. The Multitone waveform is a non-hopping waveform. R&S M3SR radios with activated Multitone mode comply with the applicable standard STANAG 5511. The following preconditions must be fulfilled for Multitone operation of R&S M3SR radios: 3.70 • The radio employed must be a transceiver capable of the UHF or full frequency range. • The Multitone option must be installed. • To configure the transceiver accordingly, Multitone must be enabled in the resource management (menu 1145, Multitone tab). • The radio must be connected to the DTS according to Figure 3.47. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Multitone (Option) Figure 3.47 Connection of Multitone Terminal to R&S M3SR Radio 2 1 8 X25.1 AF_TX2_NB_A 7 X25.2 AF_TX2_NB_B 6 X25.3 AF_RX2_NB_A 5 X25.4 AF_RX2_NB_B 4 X25.18 PTT_2 3 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00193-A-01-1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Multitone Terminal R&S M3SR Radio Active High PTT Keyline Audio Rx Narrowband Audio Rx Narrowband Audio Tx Narrowband Audio Tx Narrowband Other waveforms such as SECOS, HAVE QUICK I/II, SATURN may be available in addition. The radio may be extended with modules like guard receiver, circulator, integrated filter, up/ down converter or separated antenna interface. Selecting the special mode Multitone in the menu 7000 activates this mode. All parameters (e.g. modulation, AF interface, FM deviation, etc) are automatically set to the values required for the Multitone mode. The transceiver now supports an external Multitone DTS. In this mode NB2 is always used as the AF interface and PTT_2 for start of transmission. NB1, WB1 and WB2 are therefore free for further external units and can be configured as required. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.71 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Multitone (Option) Manual Mode Figure 3.48 Multitone Menu ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00239-A-01-1 The FREQUENCY softkey can be used to enter the Multitone frequency. Only the UHF band from 225 MHz to 399.975 MHz (in steps of 25 kHz) is available for selection. The selected Multitone frequency is displayed. Preset Mode Presets can be created with the default mode Multitone. The preset page for Multitone contains just the Multitone frequency (UHF only). The Multitone preset is selected from the main menu. If the conditions for Multitone are fulfilled and the frequency is in the UHF band, the preset is used. In preset mode, the Multitone frequency cannot be changed. 3.72 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 High Data Rate (Option) High Data Rate (Option) Make sure that the radio is in remote mode! Introduction With the special mode high data rate (= HDR) the R&S M3SR radio can be used for high speed data communication of several hundred kbit/s over the UHF band. The functions of modulation, channel coding, FEC and transmit control (Tx/Rx) are performed within suitable external modems, which provide an IF signal interface of 70 MHz. The occupied bandwidth may be up to 300 kHz, depending on the hardware model. The functions of up/down conversion of the IF signal to the UHF band (225 MHz to 399.975 MHz) with control of transmitter power and receiver gain are performed within the R&S M3SR radio, which has to be equipped with the module Up/Down Converter R&S UX 4401. This special mode is provided only in simplex, fixed frequency (FF) operation. The converter is designed for stationary or maritime applications and burst transmissions (TDMA channel access), enabling interoperability with several proprietary external modems. The R&S UX 4401 may be integrated in the factory or added by installing the HDR Upgrade Kit R&S UX 4401-U. The converter can be combined with other radio modules such as Guard Receiver R&S ET 4400G, separate Antenna Interface R&S GI 4403, circulator, integrated filter R&S FD 4430 or hopping processor. Therefore it can be added to all R&S M3SR transceiver versions with or without Link11/LinkY/Multitone option. In contrast to the special mode Link11/LinkY/Multitone, the HDR mode does not require an option code. HDR cannot be used in VHF only radios (VHF option installed) or receiver/transmitter only configurations (ET.. / ST..). When the radio is operated in the HDR mode, then the HDR power levels high/medium/low as configured for the internal power amplifier and the external power amplifiers supporting HDR operation are used. External filters like R&S FT 213A or R&S FD 430 are supported as in fixed frequency mode. In the case that the radio is operated in modes other than HDR, the Converter R&S UX 4401 is switched to bypass and the other modules are processing the waveform. Requirements for using HDR: • The radio is a transceiver (XT.. / XD..). • The UHF frequency band can be used (option UHF or full frequency). • The Up/Down Converter R&S UX 4401 is installed. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.73 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers High Data Rate (Option) The following preparations have to be made to use HDR: • The external modem has to be connected according to Figure 3.49. • R&S UX 4401 has to be configured according to the modem/waveform requirements. • PTT resource has to be selected and HDR has to be activated. • Radio has to be set to remote mode. Figure 3.49 Connection of an External HDR Modem 2 1 4 3 5 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00191-A-02-1 1 2 3 4 5 R&S M3SR Radio with option R&S UX 4401 Up/Down Converter To antenna PTT signal 70 MHz IF signal HDR modem For configuration of the converter module and the resource management of HDR please refer to sect. Resource Management. 3.74 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 High Data Rate (Option) Manual Mode Figure 3.50 High Data Rate Menu ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00192-A-01-1 The FREQUENCY softkey can be used to enter the HDR frequency. Only the UHF band from 225 to 399.975 MHz (in steps of 25 kHz) is available for selection. The selected HDR frequency is displayed. Squelch and RSSI indication is only available if RX Gain Control is set to ON. Preset Mode Presets can be created with the default mode high data rate. The preset page for high data rate contains just the HDR frequency (UHF only). The HDR preset is selected from the main menu. If the conditions for HDR are fulfilled and the frequency is in the UHF band, the preset is used. In preset mode, the HDR frequency cannot be changed. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.75 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Maritime Mode Maritime Mode Introduction Maritime mode is a mode for distress alerting as well as search and rescue operations at sea, providing ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship communications. R&S M3SR Series 4400 supports maritime mode for voice communications based on standards EN-300162-1 and ITU-R M.489-2. The frequency range for operation in maritime mode is 156.000 MHz to 162.125 MHz. Maritime mode works with channels where frequencies for transmit and receive are stored. Depending on where the transceiver is operated, different channel tables and thus frequencies are applicable. The R&S M3SR Series 4400 transceiver is able to automatically adjust to all USA, Canada and International sites that are currently defined. Example: Ch1 with configuration Ship • Table International Channel type: duplex Transmit frequency = 156.050 MHz Receive frequency = 160.650 MHz • Table US Transmit frequency = 156.050 MHz Receive frequency = 156.050 MHz • Table Canada Transmit frequency = 156.050 MHz Receive frequency = 160.650 MHz The VHF maritime mobile service uses both single-frequency and two-frequency channels. For two-frequency channels there is a separation of 4.6 MHz between the transmit frequency and the receive frequency. The transceiver is able to operate on two-frequency channels with manual control (channel type Simplex) and with automatic control (channel type Duplex). With manual control, the two frequencies are selectable with Simplex A and Simplex B. The selected channel and the extension A or B (for simplex) is displayed in the central area of the MMI. Rx-only channels are indicated by a red cross preceding the power bargraph. By definition there are ship and shore stations to which different channels are assigned. The parameter "Ship" or "Shore" can be set in the maintenance menu, depending on whether the transceiver is installed on a ship or in a shore station. When the operator selects a channel, the transceiver will automatically use the correct offset and adjust the frequency in accordance with the applicable frequency list. 3.76 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maritime Mode Table 3.7 Dependency between Channel Type and Rx / Tx Frequencies for Ship and Shore Stations Duplex Simplex A Simplex B Ship Shore Rx: higher frequency Rx: lower frequency Tx: lower frequency Tx: higher frequency Rx: lower frequency Rx: lower frequency Tx: lower frequency Tx: lower frequency Rx: higher frequency Rx: higher frequency Tx: higher frequency Tx: higher frequency Further the standard provides high-priority channels: • Channel 13 - for intership navigation safety communications • Channel 16 - for distress alerting / safety communications In order to ensure that no distress call is missed, scan mode can be activated on the R&S M3SR transceiver. Channels 13 and 16 will then be monitored alternately for receive signals. Please note that the function Frequency Exclusion is also effective in maritime mode. If frequency exclusion is used, a red Rx inhibit cross preceding the RSSI bargraph indicates that reception on this channel is not possible, a red Tx inhibit cross preceding the power bargraph indicates that the channel is blocked for transmission. In scan mode no signals can be detected on the channels blocked for reception. To ensure that the high-priority channels are still ready to receive and to send although frequency exclusion is activated, these channels must be removed from the frequency exclusion list. Requirements for using maritime mode: • The radio is a transceiver capable of VHF or full frequency range. • Maritime mode is switched on in menu 1145 Resource Management (Voice tab). Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.77 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maritime Mode Manual Mode By pressing the MARITIME softkey in menu 7000 SPECIAL MODES the Maritime menu is displayed. Figure 3.51 Maritime Menu ICN-4F-I-231000-R-D0894-00235-A-01-1 Here the settings for manual operation in maritime mode can be changed. Channel The maritime channel can be selected either via numerical keypad or by turning the rotary knob. The range of selectable maritime channels is from 1 to 28 and from 60 to 88. To confirm the selection press the ENT key. When an invalid channel has been selected, a warning message will appear (Channel Invalid, Channel does not exist). Channel Type Generally you can select between the channel types Duplex, Simplex A, Simplex B. If for a particular channel there is no choice to pick from, the softkey shows "---". 3.78 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Maritime Mode Depending on the selected region (USA, International, Canada), some channels may not be available in simplex or duplex mode. Also, some channel numbers do not exist at all or are Rx-only. Channel Table The CHANNEL TABLE softkey is used to activate the following channel lists: • USA Channel List [USA-LIST] • International Channel List [INT-LIST] • Canadian Channel List [CAN-LIST] After changing the active channel list the transceiver automatically selects channel 16. For definitions of the INT, US and CAN channel tables refer to the following documents: INT: Table of frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band according to International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Appendix 18 (Rev. WRC-07) to the Radio Regulations. USA: Table of frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band according to U.S. Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard CAN: Table of frequencies in the VHF maritime mobile band according to Industry Canada, Spectrum Management and Telecom, RBR-2 - Technical Requirements for the Operation of Mobile Stations in the Maritime Service, Issue 1, September 2007 Squelch The squelch function allows the suppression of low level audio signals. The squelch level can be configured and the function can be switched on or off. The squelch setting ON/OFF is independent of other radio modes. The squelch on channels 13 and 16 is displayed by an indicator in the central area. Tone With the TONE softkey a test tone (1 kHz) is produced for keying test and monitoring purposes. A tone is generated as long as the softkey is being pressed. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.79 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maritime Mode Scan Mode The transceiver provides a scan functionality for the safety priority channels 13 and 16. Here the following settings are possible: • Scan off (reception on maritime channel only) • Scan 16 (reception on maritime channel + priority channel 16) • Scan 13+16 (reception on maritime channel + priority channel 13 + priority channel 16) When a signal is being received, scanning stops at this channel (condition: auto continue) and the operator can answer on this channel. The status indicator SQL13 in the central area turns green when a signal is being received on channel 13. The status indicator SQL16 turns green when a signal is being received on channel 16. As soon as the PTT key is released scanning automatically resumes. When the PTT key is pressed while a scan is running but no receive signal is available, the transceiver automatically transmits on the selected maritime channel. Search This parameter defines how long the transceiver shall remain on the selected channel (maritime channel, priority channel 13 or priority channel 16) and wait for a signal until scanning continues when no signal is detected. Range: 1 s, 2 s Auto Cont (Auto continue) The parameter Auto Continue (softkey AUTO CONT) determines how long after reception has stopped the transceiver shall remain on the channel (maritime channel, priority channel 13 or priority channel 16) before continuing the scan. Range: 0 s to 10 s Prio Channel 13 When pressing the softkey Prio Ch. 13 the maritime channel is switched to channel 13 and scan mode is switched off. Prio Channel 16 When pressing the softkey Prio Ch. 16 the maritime channel is switched to channel 16 and scan mode is switched off. In maintenance menu 1160 Maritime Configuration the channel selection can be set to Ship or Shore. 3.80 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maritime Mode Figure 3.52 Maritime Configuration ICN-4F-I-231000-R-D0894-00237-A-01-1 Preset Mode Presets can be created with Maritime as default mode. The preset page for Maritime contains the following: • Channel number • Channel type • Channel table • Scan mode • Search • Auto continue For details see ”Manual Mode” on p. 3.78 above and sect. Preset Configuration. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.81 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Emergency Operation 3.5.3 Emergency Operation In emergency mode, emergency calls can be transmitted and received. This function is available and ready to be used at any time. The following frequencies are reserved for emergency calls: 1: 121.5 MHz in the VHF band 2: 243.0 MHz in the UHF band If only one of the frequency bands (VHF or UHF) is available, emergency operation is restricted to this frequency band. The emergency mode can be used both in the manual mode and in the preset mode. Figure 3.53 Example - Emergency Mode in Preset Mode ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00137-A-01-1 3.82 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Emergency Operation Figure 3.54 Example - Emergency Mode in Manual Mode ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00118-A-01-1 By pressing the EMERGENCY MODE softkey the emergency mode menu is displayed. Symbol indicates the emergency mode menu. In emergency mode only the band can be selected, the power can be modified and the squelch can be toggled from On to Off and vice versa. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.83 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Scan Mode 3.5.4 Preset Scan Mode Introduction Preset Scan is used to check if traffic is going on in selected radio channels (including EPM channels). As a result only a limited number of radios is necessary to monitor several channels. The user can enter a start and an end preset number (softkeys BEGIN SCAN and END SCAN) to define a range of preset numbers between 0 and 199, which are successively and cyclically activated when preset scan is started. The Search Time parameter (softkey SEARCH) defines how long the radio shall remain on the selected preset and wait for a signal until the next preset in the list is activated if no signal is detected. Any search time in the range between 1 s and 60 s can be set. The preset scan stops and the radio remains on the currently active preset when a signal above the squelch threshold (or synchronisation sequence in EPM modes) is detected or when the user deliberately deactivates the preset scan by pressing STOP SCAN or leaving the menu. As for manual preset activation, preset scan uses the currently selected preset domain. Selecting the domain for preset scanning is not possible in the PRESET SCAN menu, for this enter the MAINTENANCE menu (softkey ACTIVE DOM). When preset scan has stopped because a busy channel was detected, the parameter Auto Continue (softkey AUTO CONT) determines if and after what time the radio shall automatically continue scanning after the squelch (or synchronisation) has become inactive. The Auto Continue function can be switched off or adjusted between 10 and 60 seconds in 10-s increments. When Auto Continue is off, the radio always remains on the busy preset channel, even if the signal is no longer present. In addition, the preset scan menu shows the last found busy preset channel. This preset can be activated by softkey. If this is done while scanning is in progress, scanning automatically stops and the preset where the squelch (or synchronisation) was detected is activated. For scanning only those presets are considered which are contained in the list of active presets. The radio attempts to activate the preset with its default page. If this fails, it moves on to the next preset. Only the default pages of the presets are activated, switching to another page is not possible. Error messages to indicate that there are no presets in the defined range (gaps) or that a preset could not be activated (e.g. due to invalid parameters in the preset) are not produced in preset scan mode. The radio simply tries to activate the next preset. When preset scan is stopped the currently selected preset remains active. To resume scanning there are two possibilities: Continue Scan or Start Scan. After power-up only Start Scan is possible. If preset scan has already been active since the radio was last powered up, scanning may be resumed with CONTINUE SCAN. For Start Scan and Continue Scan the set parameters are used. If due to a parameter change the next preset to be activated is out of the range defined with BEGIN SCAN and END SCAN, scanning resumes with the preset that was set with BEGIN SCAN, so this is equivalent to Start Scan. When PTT is set while scan is running, the scan process is stopped. 3.84 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Scan Mode Reception of a guard receiver signal during preset scan is indicated by the SQL G LED on the front panel of the radio, by the G LED on the control unit and by the SQLG indicator in the preset scan menu. When a guard receiver signal is detected, key Menu/Home can be used to change to the main menu and from there to emergency mode to answer the emergency call. Conditions where an ongoing preset scan is stopped: • Detection of a busy channel (squelch or sync) • Use of softkey STOP SCAN or GP2PP command • Leaving the menu • Loss of connection to control unit or remote client which started the scan process • Loss of operational access rights of control unit or remote client which started the scan process • Change of local/remote status of the radio • Change of presets (adding, removing, editing, manually activating a preset or selecting manual operation, changing the preset page, changing the domain) • Use of signal LAST SIGNAL or GB2PP command • Activation of PTT All preset scan parameters are stored, so when the radio is powered down and up again, scanning can be started with the stored parameters. Initial values of scan parameters when the radio is started up the very first time or when the memory is reset: • Begin Scan: first preset in the list, 0 and deactivated if list is empty • End Scan: last preset in the list, 199 and deactivated if list is empty • Search Time: 1 s • Auto Continue: Off Activating Preset Scan In order to activate the preset scan, operational access, i.e. advanced or fixed, or a local session is required. The menu 0500 PRESET SCAN can be entered from the main menu (0000 MAIN MENU, see Figure 3.55) by pressing the PRESET softkey a bit longer (500 ms), provided that a connection to the radio has been established and the control unit has operational access or a local session is running. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.85 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Scan Mode Figure 3.55 Main Menu - Example of Manual Mode ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00112-A-01-1 Alternatively, the preset scan menu can be entered by pressing softkey PRESET SCAN in menu 9000 CONTEXT MENU (see Figure 3.56), which is opened by pressing ENT for some time. 3.86 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Scan Mode Figure 3.56 Context Menu 1 2 5 4 3 ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00180-A-01-1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Softkey BACK Softkey PRESET SCAN Softkey PRESET CLEAR Softkey EMERGENCY CLEAR Softkey OPERATIONAL ACCESS Menu 0500 PRESET SCAN (see Figure 3.57) allows to set parameters or activate functions as follows: • Begin Scan (preset number x where scanning shall start) • End Scan (preset number y which shall be the last to be activated before restarting with x; it is ensured that 0 x 199 and y x) • Search (search time in seconds, from 1 to 60) • Auto Cont (off, or time in seconds, from 10 to 60 in increments of 10) • Start Scan (starts preset scan with preset number x) • Stop Scan (stops scanning) • Continue Scan (continues scanning when due to squelch or sync a busy channel was detected and scanning was consequently stopped, or after scanning was stopped manually) • Last Signal (terminates the scanning process and activates that preset where a signal above the squelch threshold or a synchronisation sequence was last detected) Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.87 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Scan Mode • Display Presets (shows the list of currently defined presets after scanning was stopped; this facilitates the selection of parameters Begin Scan and End Scan) • Invalid Presets (shows the reason why an invalid (red) preset is invalid). If all presets are valid, this softkey is disabled, otherwise it is enabled and can be used to open an editor where the number of an invalid preset can be entered. After confirmation with ENT the reason for invalidity is displayed. Figure 3.57 Preset Scan Menu ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00205-A-01-1 An entry in red means that the default mode is not possible with the current software and hardware. This preset cannot be activated. 3.88 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Scan Mode Running preset scan Figure 3.58 Running Scan ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00206-A-01-1 Preset scan can be stopped by the presence of a signal. Figure 3.59 Stopped Scan ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00207-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.89 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Scan Mode Limitations of Preset Scan When the radio is set to local mode, only those presets are included in the scan process which have a voice mode as communication mode, since local mode only supports voice communication. So it may occur that less presets are scanned than in remote mode. No warnings are produced. When a fill device is connected and load mode becomes active as a result, a running preset scan is stopped. While load mode is active preset scan cannot be started. Scanning is performed with the parameters defined in the preset. Preset parameters which can be temporarily overwritten cannot be changed while scanning is in progress. One possibility, however, is to go to the main menu, thus terminating the preset scan, and to change the modifiable parameters here. Under certain circumstances preset pages will be excluded from scanning due to • missing resources in resource management, e.g. WB Digital • invalid settings in the preset page, e.g. fixed frequency communication mode Voice Ciphered and channel spacing 8.33 kHz • invalid preset pages (displayed in red) In such a case you will get no error message or hint whatsoever. The function Frequency Exclusion also acts upon preset pages with fixed frequency and maritime mode. For such pages 3.90 • scanning will be performed as usual • a red Rx inhibit cross precedes the RSSI bargraph, meaning that the receive signal cannot be detected. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Voice over IP (Option) 3.5.5 Voice over IP (Option) Voice over IP (VoIP, or voice over Internet Protocol) refers to the communication protocols, technologies, methodologies and transmission techniques involved in the delivery of voice communications over Internet Protocol (IP) networks. VoIP systems employ session control protocols to control the setup and termination of calls as well as audio codecs that encode speech allowing transmission over an IP network as digital audio via an audio stream. The R&S M3SR radio offers the possibility of digital audio transmission via VoIP for air traffic management (ATM). VoIP for ATM represents an IP communication standard that is adapted for ATM requirements. It is implemented according to EUROCAE ED-137B, volume 1. With R&S M3SR radios VoIP is used for communication with a voice communication system (VCS) (or the R&S GB4000V Audio Unit) over an IP network. The VoIP for ATM standard uses the following protocols: • SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) Application layer protocol for establishing, modifying and terminating multimedia sessions based on RFC 3261 • SDP (Session Description Protocol) Application layer protocol used for defining and negotiation of session parameters that are used for a two-way RTP communication based on RFC 4566 • RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol) • Application layer protocol used for transporting audio data via network based on RFC 3550 • R2S Protocol (R2 Signaling Protocol) Protocol which offers a mechanism for “Keep Alive” signaling to control the connection between the VCS and the radio The following preconditions must be fulfilled for VoIP operation of R&S M3SR radios: • Software release 22 • Software: VoIP option loaded • Hardware: platform model 06 Once VoIP communication has been configured (see sect. VoIP Configuration), all voice functions can be operated like in analog mode. This has no effect on the audio output at the front panel and connectors X25/X26 at the rear, i.e. the signals are always provided in analog form. For details on configuration also see sect. RTP Port Configuration and sect. URI Configuration. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.91 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Voice over IP (Option) In VoIP mode, the VoIP Main Audio function is used for communication with a VCS. This requires that the RX SIP session has been configured correctly. The VoIP Main Audio is equivalent to the Analog Main Audio function. Thus it is available in Voice Plain mode and Maritime mode but not in other special modes. Note that it is not possible to modulate a Guard Audio on the Main Audio signal. If a Guard Receiver R&S ET4400G is integrated in the radio, the VoIP Guard Audio function is additionally available in VoIP mode. This requires that the GRX SIP session has been configured correctly. The VoIP Guard Audio is equivalent to the Analog Guard Audio function as configured in resource management (menu 1145, tab Guard Monitoring). In analog mode, if a separate GRX antenna is used, the Guard Audio can also be received while transmission is in progress. This also applies in VoIP mode. In order to be able to activate a GRX SIP session, the Audio Monitoring Guard function must be set to OFF. For PTT handling (analog PTT, VoIP PTT, analog + VoIP PTT) also see sect. VoIP Configuration. In the following modes the SIP sessions are terminated or rejected: IBIT, local, offline and load mode, that is, whenever the radio is not operational. A GRX SIP session is NOT terminated in local mode! If the radio is reconfigured and then becomes operational again, the SIP sessions are automatically set up as configured. 3.92 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Maintenance 3.6 Maintenance This chapter describes the maintenance tasks for the radio and for the control unit. Built-in tests allow a comfortable error search in case of malfunction. The radio and the control unit can be adapted to customer-specific requirements concerning the waveforms and preset values as well as user-specific adaptations for daily use. The option management for additional features is also explained. 3.6.1 Control Unit and Radio All described built-in tests and all configuration procedures can be executed with an internal as well as an external control unit if the radio does not have an integrated control unit. The following description of maintenance tasks does not distinguish between an internal and an external control unit. Troubleshooting In order to detect device and system errors, built-in tests are implemented in the system. These built-in test functions allow an exact analysis of the system. The results support the service team to make a decision of how to proceed in order to solve the problem. All tests are implemented for both radio and control unit, therefore the information given below generally applies to both units. PBIT The power-on built-in test is performed automatically after the system has been switched on. CBIT Specific parameters of the system are tested continuously. Any errors that have occurred are listed in the error list. The CBIT is started by pressing softkey "CBIT" in menu "1110 Radio Maintenance" (radio) or "1300 Control Unit Maintenance" (control unit). Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.93 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maintenance Figure 3.60 Examples of CBIT Error List ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00139-A-02-1 Only current errors are displayed in the CBIT error list. Corrected errors are removed from the list. The continuous built-in test has the following features: • The functions of the radio are not restricted during the tests. • The current errors/warnings are shown. • Error messages are displayed in a message box. • Error messages must be acknowledged. • Warning messages are displayed for not more than 5 sec. Then the message box disappears. But this message box can also be closed at once. IBIT The initiated built-in test is used for equipment diagnostics (LEDs, modules, wiring..). This test helps to localize failures and supports maintenance. The IBIT is started by pressing softkey "IBIT" in menu "1110 Radio Maintenance" (radio) or "1300 Control Unit Maintenance" (control unit). Both the control unit and the radio can be tested separately. 3.94 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maintenance The Initiated built-in test has the following features: • The function of the radio is deactivated during this test. • The test procedures are very extensive. • The test is started by a user, but finished independently by the radio. • Faulty tests are displayed. • The current status is displayed as long as the tests are performed. • While IBIT is running, the selection bar moves downward in the list, allowing always the last error selected to be viewed by pressing softkey Details. • The IBIT cannot be started if X23.6 (~INHIBIT_TX) or X23.7 (~INHIBIT_RX) is set. The status line shows the message "Cannot start: Tx/Rx Inhibit". • If input X23.6 (~INHIBIT_TX) or X23.7 (~INHIBIT_RX) is activated while IBIT is running, the status line shows the message "IBIT successfully finished" and IBIT is aborted. Fixed access rights are needed to perform an IBIT test of the radio. However, testing the control unit is always possible. IBIT can be stopped any time (press CANCEL IBIT or UP softkey or MENU HOME button). Figure 3.61 Examples of IBIT Test ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00140-A-02-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.95 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maintenance Error List Errors of the radio are displayed in menu "1120 Radio Error List", errors of the control unit are listed in menu "1320 Control Unit Error List". The error list is called up by pressing softkey "Errors" in menu "1100 Radio Maintenance" or "1300 Control Unit Maintenance" (no screenshot for control unit available). Figure 3.62 Example of Radio Error List ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00141-A-02-1 With the adjusting knob you can select an error. By pressing the DETAILS softkey more information about this error is displayed. 3.96 • The radio error list or control unit error list shows a history of the errors. • The errors are displayed until they are cleared. • By pressing the CLEAR ERROR LIST softkey all errors apart from the current ones are deleted from the list. • The error list is not refreshed automatically. • By pressing the REFRESH ERROR LIST softkey the error list is updated. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maintenance Figure 3.63 Example of Radio Error Details ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00142-A-02-1 In the GENERAL tab, the error code and the type of error are displayed. In the ERROR DESCRIPTION tab, a description of the error and its relevance are displayed. In the CONTEXT tab, the settings of the radio at the time when the error occurred are displayed. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.97 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Configuration and Status 3.6.2 Configuration and Status This chapter describes how to get information about the integrated hardware and software as well as how to configure a radio in a network with a logical name and an IP address. Inventory This menu gives an overview of all installed hardware, software and firmware components. By pressing the INVENTORY softkey in the radio maintenance menu, the integrated hardware and software is displayed. After loading a new software application, the updated inventory is shown only after the relevant application has been started. Figure 3.64 Example of Radio Inventory ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00143-A-02-1 The module type, the module name and the number of the slot where the module is installed are listed. 3.98 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Configuration and Status The following items are listed: DEV — device identifier SWM — software module identifier SW — software identifier FW — firmware identifier HWM — hardware module identifier HW — hardware identifier For inventory items displayed in grey, there is no detailed information. For a module, more information can be obtained by pressing the DETAILS softkey. If this softkey is grey, no further information is available. Figure 3.65 Example of Radio Inventory Details ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00144-A-02-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.99 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Configuration and Status Address Configuration The addressing of each radio and each control unit is done via Internet Protocol (IP). We recommend to change the setting for each device in the following order: • Own IP address IP address of the device, i.e. This address must be unique within a net. • Logical address A freely selectable address from 000 to 999 for a device This address must be unique within a net. • Simple Network Management Protocol (only radio) With the SNMP softkey you can specify if the central network management protocol is to be used. After changing this setting the radio automatically restarts. For details see sect. SNMP Configuration. • Subnet mask A subnet mask, i.e., must be defined for a device. This subnet mask must be the same for all devices within a net. • Gateway address With the GATEWAY softkey you can specify if a gateway shall be used. If it is switched to 'on' it is possible to enter a gateway address by pressing the GATEWAY ADDRESS softkey. For the configuration of a complex network, detailed knowledge concerning IP networks is required. Such knowledge is not imparted by this documentation. Please refer to appropriate technical literature, if necessary. By pressing the ADDRESS LIST softkey in the radio maintenance menu (second page) or the control unit maintenance menu, the corresponding address configuration menu is displayed. 3.100 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Configuration and Status Figure 3.66 Example of IP Network Configuration for a Control Unit ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00145-A-01-1 The available radios can be entered in a list at the control unit. Only radios that are entered in this list can be connected. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.101 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Configuration and Status Figure 3.67 Example of IP Address List of a Control Unit ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00146-A-02-1 With the ADD ADDRESS softkey you can add an IP address of a radio. With the DELETE ADDRESS softkey you can delete an IP address of a radio which is no longer available. With the SORT ADDRESSES softkey the address list is ordered by the logical address. With the SELECT QOS softkey the quality of the connection between the control unit and the corresponding radio can be selected. This parameter adjusts the time until a broken connection (i.e. unplugged network cable) is detected. If a control unit is connected to a radio via a fast LAN network, the value A should be selected. For connection with small bandwidth and/ or a long round trip time (also for two LAN networks connected with a slow serial link) the value D should be selected. After changing the quality disconnect and reconnect to the radio for the change to take effect. For saving the changes in the address list use the SAVE TO CTRL UNIT softkey. The schematics of two networks that are connected via a router are shown in the following figure. There is no connection to the third network. 3.102 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Configuration and Status Figure 3.68 Example of 2 Connected Networks Net 1 CU1 R1 CU3 R: C: CU2 C: CU4 R2 R: C: C: Gateway Subnetmask Net 3 Gateway off Router CU7 Net 2 R5 Gateway CU8 CU5 R3 R6 R: C: CU6 C: R4 R: Subnetmask ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00147-A-02-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.103 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Configuration and Status The addresses for each system are defined in the schematics. Some possible connections are: • The control unit CU1 (net 1) is connected to radio R2 (net 1) within net 1. • The control unit CU4 (net 1) is connected to radio R1 (net 1) within net 1. • The control unit CU2 (net 1) is connected to radio R4 (net 2) via a router. • The control unit CU6 (net 2) is connected to radio R1 (net 1) via a router. A connection to net 3 is not possible because the gateway is not set in this net. RTP Port Configuration The real-time transport protocol (RTP) port used in VoIP mode can be configured in menu 1165 Radio Address List (2nd page of the radio maintenance menu), tab RTP Port Config. By pressing the Start RTP Port and End RTP Port softkeys the port number range can be defined. Figure 3.69 RTP Port Configuration Menu ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00168-A-01-1 The following conditions apply: 3.104 • Range Start RTP Port: 5000 to 65520 • Range End RTP Port: 5014 to 65534 • At least 14 free RTP ports are required. • Only even numbers are available. • Input via keypad or knob is possible. The editor only accepts numbers meeting the above-mentioned requirements. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Configuration and Status After saving the new configuration the radio performs a restart. Ports 8000, 8010, 8020, 8040, 8080 and 49152 are reserved. Even so they can be set as limits. URI Configuration The SIP URI of the TX, RX and GRX sections of the radio can be configured in menu 1165 Radio Address List (2nd page of the radio maintenance menu), tab URI Config. This is used in VoIP mode. By pressing the relevant softkeys they can be defined individually. Figure 3.70 URI Configuration Menu ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00169-A-01-1 The address is defined as follows: • Format: (example) • Maximum number of characters:40, minimum: 1 • Not case-sensitive • Allowed characters: alphanumerical characters, special characters: -_.!~*'();:&=+$, Characters can be entered using the keypad or the rotary knob. To jump to a particular character for editing use the "dot" key. The "ESC CLR" button only deletes the last character. Press "ENT" to confirm the entry. After pressing "Save to Radio" a restart of the radio will be performed, if necessary. Only the user part of a SIP URI (RX, TX, GRX) can be edited. The user part for each role (RX, TX, GRX) has to be unique. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.105 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio 3.6.3 Radio This documentation describes how to set the time and how to restore the factory settings of the radio. Radio Time and Date The time and date which are entered here are only used for the time stamp in the error list. Figure 3.71 Setting the Radio Time and Date ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00149-A-01-1 By pressing the RADIO TIME softkey on the second page of the radio maintenance menu the radio time menu is displayed. With the RADIO TIME and RADIO DATE softkeys you can enter the time and date manually. The elapsed time shows the total operational hours of the radio. 3.106 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Default Settings Default Settings The user has the possibility to restore the factory settings (see Table 3.8). These settings match the settings with which the radio was delivered. Figure 3.72 Restoring the Factory Settings ICN-4F-E-231000-R-D0894-00148-A-01-1 By pressing the DEFAULT SETTINGS softkey on the first page of the radio maintenance menu you can restore the factory settings of the radio. Pressing DEFAULT SETTINGS opens a dialog where you have to confirm with ENT or cancel with ESC/CLR. Table 3.8 Default Settings Radio Modes Audio Monitoring - Local Audio Front Audio Monitoring - Guard Off Manual Mode Activated Active Waveform Fixed Frequency Power Level High Audio Monitoring - Marker Disabled Fixed Frequency Squelch On AGC Off Clipper Off Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.107 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers TRx Simplex Frequency Default Settings 310 000 000 Hz (UHF and VHF/UHF) 118 000 000 Hz (VHF) Rx Duplex Frequency 310 000 000 Hz (UHF and VHF/UHF) 118 000 000 Hz (VHF) Tx Duplex Frequency 311 000 000 Hz (UHF and VHF/UHF) 118 000 000 Hz (VHF) Channel Spacing 25 kHz Tx Offset Off Modulation AM Communication Mode Voice Plain Half Duplex Off Emergency Band UHF Frequency Exclusion Inhibit Tx Frequency Exclusion List empty Link 11/Y Frequency 225 000 000 Hz Multitone Frequency 225 000 000 Hz High Data Rate Frequency 225 000 000 Hz Maritime Channel 16 Channel Type --- Channel Table Off Squelch INT Auto Cont 5s Search 1s Scan Mode On Maritime Configuration Location Ship 3.108 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Default Settings Resource Management Voice WB Digital Link11 WB Analog Async Data Sync Data Guard Monitoring High Data Rate KY58 Off Maritime On Audio Conf NB RX Level 0 dB Audio Conf NB TX Level 0 dB PTT PTT_1 Line Narrow Band NB1 WB Digital Off Audio Config WB RX Level 0 dB PTT PTT_1 Low Wideband WB1 Link11 Off Audio Conf NB RX Level 0 dB Audio Conf NB TX Level 0 dB PTT PTT_2 High Narrow Band NB2 WB Analog Off Audio Conf WB RX Level 0 dB Audio Conf WB TX Level 0 dB PTT PTT_1 Low Wideband WB1 Async Data Off Ser Interface Serial 1 Ser Interface Config Bitrate 38 400 Ser Interface Config Stop Bit 1 Ser Interf Parity None Sync Data Off Ser Interface Serial 1 Guard Off Audio Conf NB RX Level 0 dB Narrow Band NB2 High Data Rate Off PTT PTT_1 Low Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.109 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers GB2PP see Notice below Default Settings GB2PP Off Ser Interface Serial 2 Ser Interface Config Bitrate 38 400 Ser Interface Config Stop Bit 1 Ser Interf Parity None Receiver Clipper Level 90 % Attack Time 10 ms Decay Time 100 ms Sensitivity Low Noise Overload On Squelch Level 10 dB Transmitter AM Modulation Level 90 % PA/Filter Internal Filter Off Internal Power Amplifier AM / FM Power Level AM Low 3W Power Level AM Medium 10 W Power Level AM High 30 W Power Level FM Low 5W Power Level FM Medium 10 W Power Level FM High 100 W Internal Power Amplifier HDR Power Level HDR Low 5W Power Level HDR Medium 10 W Power Level HDR High 100 W R&S VD 480L AM / FM 3.110 Power Level AM Low 6W Power Level AM Medium 12 W Power Level AM High 20 W Power Level FM Low 6W Power Level FM Medium 15 W Power Level FM High 29 W PA UHF LOW Off PA UHF MED Off Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers PA UHF HIGH Default Settings Off R&S VD 480L HDR Power Level HDR Low 2W Power Level HDR Medium 4W Power Level HDR High 8W PA UHF LOW Off PA UHF MED Off PA UHF HIGH Off R&S FD 430 AM / FM Power Level AM Low 2W Power Level AM Medium 5W Power Level AM High 10 W Power Level FM Low 5W Power Level FM Medium 10 W Power Level FM High 15 W R&S FD 430 HDR Power Level HDR Low 2W Power Level HDR Medium 4W Power Level HDR High 6W R&S FD 4420 AM / FM Power Level AM Low 2W Power Level AM Medium 5W Power Level AM High 10 W Power Level FM Low 5W Power Level FM Medium 10 W Power Level FM High 15 W R&S FD 4420 HDR Power Level HDR Low 2W Power Level HDR Medium 4W Power Level HDR High 6W R&S VU 220L Power Level AM Low 15 W Power Level AM Medium 20 W Power Level AM High 25 W Power Level FM Low 15 W Power Level FM Medium 25 W Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.111 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Default Settings Power Level FM High 35 W PA VHF Low Off PA VHF Med Off PA VHF High Off Synthesizer TX Deviation NB 3.5 kHz TX Deviation WB 6.3 kHz TX Deviation Link11 20 kHz Radio Platform Reference Out Frequency 10 MHz Clock Source OCXO Reference In Imp Off Power Supply Main External Reference In Off AFI Marker Volume -1.5 dB Guard Volume 0.0 dB Sidetone Volume -6.0 dB ALC Configuration Tx ALC Attack Time 30 ms Tx ALC Decay Time 300 ms Tx ALC On Tx ALC Level 0.0 dB I/O Mapping All pins are reset to be low active. In addition, the sources of all pins are set to NONE except for: X23.4 NOGO X25.13 Squelch Main X25.19 Squelch Guard X25.20 Carrier X26.13 Squelch Main X26.19 Squelch Guard X26.24 Zeroize (High polarity) Guard Receiver Squelch Level UHF 10 dB Squelch Level VHF 10 dB Overload On 3.112 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Default Settings HPP Emgcy Clear Battery Timeout Never Up/Down Converter Squelch No squelch Rx Out Ctrl On Rx Out Level -20 dBm Tx In Level -10 dBm Rx Gain 10 dB Protocol Configuration PTT Map V-WBA PTT Configuration Timeout Off Timeout Time 30 s VoIP Configuration VoIP Main Off VoIP Guard Off VoIP Codec A-law VoIP PTT Off - Analog PTT only Jitter Buffer 40 ms RTP Configuration Start RTP Port 5000 End RTP Port 65534 URI Configuration URI TX TX URI RX RX URI GRX GRX The settings for GB2PP will not be restored when pressing the DEFAULT SETTINGS softkey. This prevents that the connection to the radio is lost, as there is no means to re-establish it via remote control. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.113 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Radio Modules Each module has configuration data that are displayed in this area. These configuration data are stored in a non-volatile memory. Synthesizer In the first tab the current configuration data for the synthesizer module are displayed. Figure 3.73 Example of Module Synthesizer (with Option Link11) ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00150-A-02-1 3.114 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Figure 3.74 Example of Module Synthesizer (with Option Multitone) ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00240-A-01-1 By pressing the TX DEV FM NB softkey you can set the value for the FM deviation narrowband in the range from 1 kHz to 20 kHz. Deviation in FM narrowband works also for maritime mode. By pressing the TX DEV FM WB softkey you can set the value for the FM deviation wideband in the range from 1 kHz to 20 kHz. By pressing the TX DEV FM LK11 softkey you can set the value for the FM deviation TX Link 11 in the range from 1 kHz to 20 kHz (with option Link11). By pressing the TX DEV FM MTone softkey you can set the value for the FM deviation TX Multitone in the range from 1 kHz to 20 kHz (with option Multitone). By pressing the TX DEV TRIM softkey you can set the value for the fine tuning of the FM deviation in the range from -30 % to +30 %. This also works for maritime mode where the FM deviation is likewise adjusted by max. ±30 %. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.115 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Receiver In the next tab the configuration of the receiver is displayed. Figure 3.75 Example of Module Receiver ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00151-A-01-1 By pressing the SQUELCH LEVEL S/N softkey you can set the response threshold of the S/ N squelch in the range from 6 to 20 dB. This also works for maritime mode. By pressing the INPUT softkey you can select the antenna input. By pressing the CLIPPER LEV softkey you can set the clipper level. The clipper level is used for noise clipping after AM voice demodulation. By pressing the SENSITIVITY softkey you set the sensitivity (low noise, low distortion) of the receiver. By pressing the ATTACK softkey you can set the AF AGC attack time. This is the time the receiver needs for controlling the AF output signal to its nominal output level, when the modulation depth has changed from 10 % to 90 %. By pressing the DECAY softkey you can set the AF AGC decay time. This is the time the receiver needs for controlling the AF output signal to its nominal output level, when the modulation depth has changed from 90 % to 10 %. By pressing the OVERLOAD softkey you can toggle the overload CBIT warnings for the receiver on/off. 3.116 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Guard Receiver In the next tab the configuration of the guard receiver is displayed. Figure 3.76 Example of Module Guard Receiver ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00152-A-02-1 By pressing the SQUELCH LEVEL VHF softkey you set the squelch level for the VHF band in the range of 6 dB to 20 dB. By pressing the SQUELCH LEVEL UHF softkey you set the squelch level for the UHF band in the range of 6 dB to 20 dB. By pressing the OVERLOAD softkey you can toggle the overload CBIT warnings for the receiver on/off. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.117 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Protection Processor (if installed) In the next tab the configuration of the protection processor is displayed. Figure 3.77 Example of Module Protection Processor ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00153-A-02-1 By pressing the EMGCY CLR BAT TIMEOUT softkey you set the time after power off when the emergency clear for the security data is performed. 1. Press softkey EMGCY CLR BAT TIMEOUT. 2. Select the desired time. 3. Press key ENT. 4. Switch the radio off. 5. Switch the radio on (boot process must be terminated). 6. The function is performed after the selected time when the radio is powered off again. Now the setting is effective. 3.118 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Power Amplifier Configuration of Power Amplifier If the following instructions are disregarded or a power amplifier / filter different from the selected one is connected, the power amplifier / filter can be seriously damaged. 1. If required, switch the radio off. 2. If required, disconnect the external power amplifier / filter. 3. If required, the switch radio on. 4. Press the PA/FILTER softkey (see Figure 3.78) to select the desired power amplifier / filter. 5. Press the PA CONFIG softkey (see Figure 3.79) to configure the power levels for the selected power amplifier / filter. 6. If required, switch the radio off. 7. If required, connect the selected power amplifier / filter. In the next tab the configuration of the power amplifier is displayed. Figure 3.78 Example of Module Power Amplifier ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00154-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.119 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules By pressing the AM MOD LEV softkey you can set the AM modulation depth. By pressing the PA/FILTER softkey you can define whether an external power amplifier is connected, and you can select the type. By pressing the PA CONFIG softkey you can define and switch on/off the power levels (low, medium, high). Figure 3.79 Example of Module Power Amplifier Configuration ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00200-A-01-1 FM power settings also apply for maritime and Link11/Multitone mode. For the internal power amplifier and the external power amplifier/filters supporting HDR (R&S VD 480L, R&S FD 430, R&S FD 4420) separate tabs for HDR power are available. The selected power levels take effect when HDR radio mode has been selected. The minimum output power is 1 W. Although values below 1 W can be entered and are then indicated as such, they will remain ineffective. That is, if you enter a value between 0.1 W and 0.9 W, the effective setting will always be 1 W. If for the internal power amplifier in mode HDR a HDR power > 20 W is selected, you will be warned that this power is out of the nominal range. If for a power amplifier/filter supporting HDR (R&S VD 480L, R&S FD 430, R&S FD 4420) a HDR power > 9 W is selected, you will be warned that this power may damage the external power amplifier. 3.120 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules For the external amplifiers R&S VU 220L and R&S VD 480L the power levels low, medium and high can be enabled separately. This function is identical in tabs VU220L, VD480L AM/ FM and VD480L HDR. If the individual power levels for the external amplifiers are not enabled, the power settings of the internal PA will be used. There is a risk of overload at the input stages! Configuration of Filter When connecting an external filter make sure that the correct external filter has been selected using the PA/FILTER softkey in menu 1150 Radio Modules, tab Power Amplifier. This activates the selected power settings in the tabs under PA CONFIG. If required, switch filter protection on using the FILTER softkey. Otherwise the connected filter may be destroyed when activating an EPM procedure with frequency hopping, or when powering the radio up in a status where such a procedure is already active. Configure the filter in the radio menu before connecting it. Afterwards the filter should only be connected to the radio when the latter is powered down. Likewise disconnect the filter only when the radio is powered down, and only after powering it up again switch the protection off. If you fail to adhere to this sequence, the filter can be destroyed if an EPM procedure with frequency hopping has already been active on the radio when starting the configuration. To the radio external filters and amplifiers can be connected. Via pins of connector X27 these devices are permanently kept informed of the current frequency of the radio. When an EPM procedure with frequency hopping is used, the current hopping frequency is output at the pins. This information is required by the external amplifiers, whereas some external motortuned filters may be damaged when receiving new frequency commands in a quick succession, as is the case with hopping EPM procedures. To avoid this, the radio must be informed which filter is connected, so if necessary it can deactivate the frequency pins to protect the filter. By pressing the FILTER softkey you can switch filter protection on or off. Reaction of the radio depending on the filter setting: Protection Reaction of the radio Off The frequency pins of connector X27 are always activated. On The frequency pins of X27 are deactivated in EMP procedures with frequency hopping. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.121 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Radio Modules If for the filter an invalid frequency is selected on the radio, the filter will not start tuning, but will stay tuned to the previous frequency. There will be no Tx Inhibit signal from the filter. The radio then transmits on the selected frequency, indicating a VSWR error, if applicable, and reducing the transmit power. Transmitting outside the specified frequency range is no problem for the filter, since the power will be absorbed or reflected. In this way the radio can keep transmitting also outside the filter range. This opens up the possibility to operate further filters/amplifiers for other frequency ranges which have been wired accordingly (via RF relays). 3.122 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Platform In the next tab the configuration of the platform is displayed. Figure 3.80 Example of Module Platform ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00155-A-01-1 By pressing the REF OUT softkey you can select the clock frequency for the reference output. By pressing the CLOCK SRC softkey you can select the active oscillator which provides the radio with the internal clock. By pressing the PWR SUP MAIN softkey you can select the monitoring of the battery or the mains in the CBIT test. By pressing the VCXO softkey you can set the tuning value for the VCXO frequency. In normal operation mode this setting is not relevant. By pressing the TCXO softkey you can set the calibration value for the TCXO oscillator. By pressing the OCXO softkey you can set the calibration value for the OCXO oscillator. By pressing the REF IN IMP softkey you can set an input impedance on the clock reference input. By pressing the EXT IN REF softkey you can connect the radio to the clock refernce input. Possible values: - ON: The radio synchronizes all internal clocks to the clock reference input. OFF: The radio uses the calibration values for the internal clocks. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.123 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Audio Interface In the next tab the configuration of the audio interface is displayed. Figure 3.81 Example of Module Audio Interface ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00156-A-02-1 By pressing the MARKER VOLUME softkey you can set the volume of the marker signal. By pressing the GUARD VOLUME softkey you can set the volume of the guard signal. By pressing the SIDETONE VOLUME softkey you can set the volume of the narrowband sidetone. By pressing the ALC CONFIG softkey you can set the values for the automatic level control. By pressing the CODEC CALIBRATION softkey you can set the values for the audio lines (NB1, NB2, WB1, WB2). Codec calibration values are radio-specific. Do not change these values! Exception: After changing the battery on the platform the codecs need to be calibrated. For instructions see service documentation. 3.124 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules Figure 3.82 Example of Radio Modules CODEC Calibration ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00201-A-01-1 Figure 3.83 Example of Radio Modules ALC Configuration ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00202-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.125 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Radio Modules By pressing the TX ALC softkey you can switch off manual control of the NB TX level and switch on automatic level control instead. The reference level is the nominal TX level (for nominal input level refer to R&S M3SR data sheet). By pressing the TX ALC Level softkey you can increase or decrease the level in the range of ±6.5 dB. For waveforms with vocoder operation the audio level may vary considerably. Up/Down Converter R&S UX 4401 In the next tab the configuration of the Up/Down Converter R&S UX 4401 is displayed. Figure 3.84 Example of Up/Down Converter R&S UX 4401 ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00187-A-01-1 By pressing the RX OUT CTRL softkey you can toggle the Rx output level control on/off. When the Rx output level control is on, the Rx output level (to the external high data rate modem) is set according to the RX OUT LEV setting, i.e. automatic level control is used to maintain a constant output level. In this case the RX GAIN softkey is grey. When the Rx output level control is off, a constant Rx gain is used, according to the RX GAIN setting, i.e. no level control is used. In this case the RX OUT LEV softkey is grey. By pressing the SQUELCH softkey you can switch the up/down converter squelch on and off. The up/down converter sensitivity (low noise or low distortion) is set according to the same parameters in the receiver (see Receiver (”Receiver” on p. 3.116)). 3.126 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Option Management Option Management By pressing the OPTIONS softkey on the second page of the radio maintenance menu the installed options as well as the serial number are listed. Figure 3.85 Example of Installed Options ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00157-A-01-1 Only functionality for which an option has been installed can be used. Resource Management To use the applications of a radio, resources must be assigned to an application. For example WB analog can reserve wideband 2 (WB2) with the keyline PTT_2. If an application is assigned to a resource, a second application cannot use this resource. The figure below shows the possible assignments. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.127 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Resource Management Table 3.9 Assignments in Resource Management Application Keylines PTT_ 1L PTT_ 1 PTT_ 2L Audio Lines PTT_ 2 NB1 x Voice Plain* NB2 WB1 WB2 Serial Interface If a cipher unit is connected and the radio is configured accordingly for Voice Ciphered, only PTT-1L can be used in Voice Plain and in Maritime mode x *settings are also valid for Maritime mode Voice Ciphered x x Wideband Analog x WB Digital Baseband x x WB Digital Diphase x x x Serial GB2PP x External Modem x Guard High Data Rate KY58 Baseband or Diphase x x Link11/LinkY/Multitone Notes x External Modem 2 Access to the resource management is only possible if the radio is in offline mode. Set the radio to an offline mode by pressing the OFFLINE softkey on the first page of the radio maintenance menu. A fixed session is necessary to do so. By pressing the RESOURCE MGMT softkey on the first page of the radio maintenance menu, the resource management menu is displayed. For Voice Plain NB1 or NB2 is used as a matter of principle. Therefore no separate Guard Audio Line is available when Link11/Multitone is active (although GRx Audio is still available at the headset connector). 3.128 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Resource Management Figure 3.86 Example of Resource Management for Wideband Analog ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00159-A-02-1 In this example the fixed frequency waveform supports wideband analog with the PTT_2 line. An application can be activated or deactivated with the relevant OFF/ON toggle softkey. Only hardware resources that are used for an application can be selected. The other resources are set to grey and cannot be selected. Resources which are already in use cannot be assigned to other applications. This is indicated at the relevant application. When performing a new configuration, first release all resources with the RELEASE ALL RESOURCES softkey. Then configure the Radio from the left side to the right side (starting with voice and finishing with guard monitoring). Thus the critical applications are configured first. Release All Resources has no effect on the Serial GB2PP resource. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.129 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Resource Management The Resource Management has the following features: • The structure is the same for all applications. Only allowed hardware resources are set active for an application. • If an application is selected with the OFF/ON toggle softkey, the relevant resources are reserved. • Only free hardware resources are provided for an application. • If hardware resources are no longer available for an application, the application cannot be switched on. The missing resource is displayed in the status line. Table 3.10 Functions Related to the Application (Rx, RxTx, Tx) Voice Plain Voice Ciphered Wideband Analog Wideband Digital Diphase Wideband Digital Baseband Link11/LinkY/Multitone Maritime Application Squelch x --- --- --- --- --- x Muting x --- --- --- --- x x X26.13 x x x x x x x Rx Guard x x x x x --- x Rx AF AGC x1 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 --- --- --- --- --- --- XD = XT XU: 108 to 174 Function Rx Rx Clipper x Rx/Tx Frequency in MHz Rx/Tx Modulation (AM/FM) Rx/Tx Channel Spacing in kHz XD: 225 f < 400 XT: 100 f < 512 225 f < 400 x x x x x FM 8.33 1 25.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 XT: 100 to 512 12.5 25.0 Tx Power x x x x x x x Tx Tone x --- --- --- --- --- x Tx Tx Offset x 1, 2 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 2 3.130 only AM only with 25.kHz channel spacing Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Resource Management Figure 3.87 Resource Management - Switching Maritime Mode On ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00216-A-01-1 On the Voice tab, Maritime mode can be switched on and off. The serial interface for Async Data (serial interface 1) can be configured (bitrate, number of stop bits and parity). Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.131 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Resource Management Figure 3.88 Resource Management - Configuring the Serial Interface ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00172-A-03-1 Bits per character is always eight. These settings refer to the serial interface X22 at the rear. For details see the electrical interface description under "Drawings". The radio can also be remotely controlled using the GB2PP protocol via LAN or serial interface 2. Before using GB2PP via the serial interface, resources have to be allocated (i.e. serial interface 2 parameters) in Resource Management. Here the interface standard (RS232, RS422) can be selected. 3.132 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Resource Management Figure 3.89 Resource Management - Selecting the Interface Standard for GB2PP ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00214-A-01-1 The serial interface itself can be configured (bitrate, number of stop bits and parity) (see Figure 3.88). These settings refer to the serial interface X24 at the rear. For details see the electrical interface description under "Drawings". Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.133 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Resource Management Figure 3.90 Resource Management - Audio Configuration in Voice Mode ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00203-A-01-1 The softkey NB RX Level is used to adjust the audio signal volume on the receiving side. This setting will then be effective for audio interface 1 or 2. The RX audio level can be increased or decreased with reference to the nominal output level (for values refer to R&S M3SR data sheet). The softkey NB TX Level is used to adjust the modulation depth of the RF signal on the transmitting side. The TX audio level can be increased or decreased with reference to the nominal input level (for values refer to R&S M3SR data sheet). For waveforms with vocoder operation the audio level may vary considerably. 3.134 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Resource Management Figure 3.91 Resource Management - Audio Configuration in WB Digital Mode ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00215-A-01-1 In WB Digital configuration, the softkey WB RX level (under Audio Config) is used to set the wideband receive level. This setting determines the output voltage at connector X26 AF_RX1_WB in Vpp into 600 . It takes effect in Fixed Frequency WB Digital Baseband and WB Digital Diphase and also influences the cipher modes in Fixed Frequency, HAVE QUICK and SATURN. For an ASK or FSK RF signal at antenna terminal X30 the level settings roughly correspond to the voltages listed below. WB RX Level [dB] Voltage [Vpp] into 600 -3 0.99 -2 1.11 -1 1.25 0 1.40 1 1.57 2 1.76 3 1.98 4 2.22 5 2.49 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.135 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers 3.136 Resource Management WB RX Level [dB] Voltage [Vpp] into 600 6 2.79 7 3.13 8 3.52 9 3.95 10 4.43 11 4.97 12 5.57 13 6.25 14 7.02 15 7.87 15.5 8.34 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Audio Monitoring Audio Monitoring This documentation describes how an audio signal can be added to a voice signal. The following signals can be added to a voice signal: • Guard signal (refer to sect. 3.4 Scenarios) • Plain marker (no function in this application) By pressing the Guard softkey you can enable or disable the addition of a received guard signal to the voice signal. This is configurable for UHF or VHF band or for both. The current setting is displayed on the softkey. By pressing the Local Audio softkey you can select where the audio signal is to be output in local mode: • Front: audio signal is output only on front panel • Front+Rear: audio signal is output on front panel and addtionally at AF interface X25/X26 The audio output at the rear panel is linked to the Select button on the front panel. If Local Audio = Front+Rear is set, the same audio signal is rendered at the front panel loudspeaker and at the audio output at the rear. Figure 3.92 Audio Monitoring ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00160-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.137 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers I/O Mapping I/O Mapping Some radio status information must be accessible from outside via hardware signals so that these signals can be used by external devices. Some lines at the connectors X21, X23, X25 and X26 at the rear of the unit are reserved for this purpose. Some signals can be assigned to these lines. By pressing the I/O MAPPING softkey on the first page of the radio maintenance menu the I/O mapping menu is displayed. Figure 3.93 I/O Mapping Menu ICN-4F-I-231000-R-D0894-00162-A-01-1 For I/O mapping the pins listed below are available. When configuring the inputs and outputs, the electrical characteristics of the individual pins will have to be considered (refer to interface description). The pin direction is indicated by the letter O (output) or B (birectional). All bidirectional pins may also be configured as inputs. The level applied at the selected input pin will then be indicated as "high" or "low" in the "Input Level" column. By pressing the SELECT SIGNAL softkey the required signals can be assigned. 3.138 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers I/O Mapping Figure 3.94 Selecting Signals to Be Assigned ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00167-A-01-1 Table 3.11 Default Signal-to-Pin Assignment Signal Pin Direction Polarity NONE X21.2 O --- NONE X21.3 O --- NONE X21.4 O --- NONE X21.5 B --- NONE X21.6 B --- NONE X21.7 B --- NONE X21.9 B --- NONE X21.10 B --- NONE X21.11 B --- NOGO X23.4 O low Radio NoGo SQLM X25.13 O low Squelch main receiver indication NONE X25.16 B --- NONE X25.17 B --- SQLG X25.19 O low Squelch guard receiver indication CARR X25.20 O low RF output Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 Function 3.139 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers I/O Mapping Signal Pin Direction Polarity Function NONE X25.25 B --- NONE X25.26 B --- SQLM X26.13 O low Squelch main receiver indication SQLG X26.19 O low Squelch guard receiver indication ZEROIZE X26.24 O high Delete keys Table 3.12 Additional Signals Available for All Pins Signal Pin Direction Polarity Function STATIC State static high/low SQLHDR Squelch UX4401 module SQLM_SYNC Squelch main receiver or SECOS sync indication SQLM_HDR Squelch main receiver or squelch UX4401 module SQLG_VHF Squelch guard receiver VHF SQLG_UHF Squelch guard receiver UHF SYNC SECOS sync indication DPP_CONFIG Bytestream (async mode) DPP configuration indication MODE_HDR HDR mode indication COMSEC COMSEC mode indication TRANSEC TRANSEC mode indication COM_TRAN COMSEC or TRANSEC mode indication Table 3.13 Additional Signals Available for Bidirectional Pins Only Signal Pin Direction Polarity Function INPUT Input without message INPUT_W Input with warning message INPUT_E Input with error message INPUT_FRQ_E Input with frequency error message 3.140 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers I/O Mapping The input signals have the following characteristics: INPUT indicates that if this input is set to low • the central area in menu 1130 IO Mapping shows "high" or "low" • the status can be read via GB2PP INPUT_E indicates that if this input is set to low • an error message with the text "Error at Xyy.z" is generated (this window remains open until the ENT key is pressed or when the error no longer persists) • an entry in the error log is generated with date and time • this input does not contribute to the radio Go status • the central area in menu 1130 IO Mapping shows "high" or "low" • the status can be read via GB2PP INPUT_FRQ_E indicates that if this input is set to low • an error message with the text "Frequency Conflict Error at Xyy.z" is generated (this window remains open until the ENT key is pressed or when the error no longer persists) • an entry in the error log is generated with date and time • this input does not contribute to the radio Go status • the central area in menu 1130 IO Mapping shows "high" or "low" • the status can be read via GB2PP INPUT_W indicates that if this input is set to low • an error message with the text "Warning at Xyy.z" is generated • an entry in the error log is generated with date and time • this input does not contribute to the radio Go status • the central area in menu 1130 IO Mapping shows "high" or "low" • the status can be read via GB2PP The CBIT repeat counter for user I/O input signals has a run time of 24 h, i.e. the pinrelated entries in the error log are updated once a day. After a signal has been assigned to a connector line, the polarity can be changed with the POLARITY softkey. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.141 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Protocol Configuration Protocol Configuration By pressing the PROTOCOL CONFIG softkey on the second page of the radio maintenance menu the protocol configuration menu is displayed. Figure 3.95 Protocol Configuration Menu ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00204-A-01-1 Compatibility This parameter is not changed by Default Setting functionality, see sect. Default Settings. Parameter values specified in a GB2PP software version smaller than 02.99, which cannot be handled by the radio software using a GB2PP version greater than 02.99, can be handled in two different ways: • Accept GB2PP only commands The radio provides no transaction unit (TU) error status, if a parameter value is set which cannot be handled. If the parameter is requested, the last valid value is provided. • Refuse GB2PP only commands The radio provides a previous specified TU error status, if a parameter value is set which cannot be handled. If the parameter is requested, the last valid value is provided. PTT Mapping Order By pressing the PTT MAP softkey you can define if the first active PTT no. is assigned to the application ’Voice Plain’ or ’Wideband Analog’. 3.142 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers SNMP Configuration SNMP Configuration Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a network protocol from the Internet protocol family of the IETF. It is used to control and monitor network elements (managed devices) from a central station (manager). The manager contains a so-called Network Management System (NMS) software communicating with an SNMP agent software which is installed on the managed devices. The type of data exchanged between NMS and SNMP agent is defined in a Management Information Base (MIB). Some MIBs have been defined in Requests for Comments (RFCs), a series of Internet-related documents. Beside these standard MIBs, there are many proprietary MIBs. In the course of time SNMP has developped substantially in many aspects, in particular architecture and security. The current level of development of SNMP is version 3. Features R&S M3SR Series 4400 radios support SNMPv3 as follows: • Transport Mappings - • Message Processing Models - • noAuthPriv, i.e. no authentication, no encryption authNoPriv (HMAC-MD5-96), i.e. authentication, but no encryption AES encryption not supported CBS-DES symmetrical encryption not supported HMAC-SHA-96 authentication protocol not supported Standard MIBs - • SNMPv1 SNMPv2 User-Based Security Model (USM) according to RFC 3414 Security Levels - • v1MP v2MP v3MP Security Models - • SNMP over UDP over IPv4 MIB-II, SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB, SNMP-TARGET-MIB, SNMP-NOTIFICATIONMIB, SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB, SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB according to RFC 3415, SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB Proprietary MIBs - S4400-MIB, RS-COMMON-MIB Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.143 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 SNMP Configuration Functions Upon delivery the SNMP is deactivated. The user name and authentication password is InitialUser (for both). This parameter is not changed by Default Setting functionality, see sect. Default Settings. Operation via the Simple Network Management Protocol is switched on or off by pressing the ADDRESS LIST softkey on the second page of the radio maintenance menu and then the SNMP softkey. Here also the Maintenance PIN is required (unless already entered for Resource Management). Press the SAVE TO RADIO softkey to complete. The following screenshots show a configuration with option VoIP being enabled (tabs RTP Port Config and URI Config). 3.144 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 SNMP Configuration Figure 3.96 Activating SNMP ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00233-A-01-1 After approx. 5 seconds the radio automatically reboots. SNMP will then be activated or deactivated, as selected. Figure 3.97 Rebooting ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00234-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.145 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 SNMP Configuration Configuration The SNMPv3 agent is configured via the SNMP itself. Generally professional network management systems offer appropriate user-friendly tools. Please refer to the documentation of your network management system. Technical details are provided by the following RFCs: • RFC 3413 - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications - • RFC 3414 - User-based Security Model (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv3) - • SNMP-VIEW-BASED-ACM-MIB RFC 3584 - Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3 of the Internetstandard Network Management Framework - 3.146 SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB RFC 3415 - View-based Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) - • SNMP-TARGET-MIB SNMP-NOTIFICATION-MIB SNMP-COMMUNITY-MIB Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 PTT Timeout Configuration PTT Timeout Configuration By pressing the PTT CONFIG softkey on the second page of the radio maintenance menu the PTT timeout configuration menu is displayed. Here the PTT timeout function can be switched on or off and the timeout duration can be set in the range from 0 to 300 s. To change this value the maintenance PIN must be entered first. Both settings are kept in the permanent store and maintained after reset. • PTT timeout refers to the available PTT hardware resources selected in resource management (PTT_1 Line, PTT_1, PTT_2 Line, PTT_2) (see sect. Resource Management) as well as to the front panel PTT at the headset connector (X7). • The selected configuration is effective for all five hardware PTT lines at interface connectors X25, X26 and X27. • The defined dependencies of the PTT functionality, such as e.g. X7 PTT effective only in local mode and X25/X26 PTT effective only in remote mode, are not affected by the PTT timeout functionality. The configuration of Low/High activation for PTT_1 and PTT_2 also remains unaffected by PTT timeout. • In radio modes Link11/Multitone and HDR the PTT timeout mechanism is inactive. Figure 3.98 PTT Timeout Configuration Menu ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00209-A-01-1 • PTT Timeout Off The five PTT hardware lines are treated as before. Continuous transmission via PTT is possible. PTT-related functions such as TX Inhibit are still possible. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.147 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers • DF SAMBAND 100 023030 PTT Timeout Configuration PTT Timeout On When the PTT hardware line for the currently active radio mode is activated, a timer is started which ensures that the radio stops transmitting once the configured timeout has elapsed. When this PTT hardware line is retriggered, the radio returns to transmit mode and the timer is reset. Activating another PTT hardware line, which is not configured for the currently active radio mode, has no effect on the PTT timeout functionality. Changing the mode while PTT is set has the same effect as retriggering PTT, where the timer is started anew. • CBIT Message for PTT Timeout The moment the timer monitoring the PTT hardware lines runs into the configured timeout, a CBIT message is created. It is displayed in the MMI, signalled via GB2PP and recorded in the error log. • Reconfiguration while PTT is active If the radio is reconfigured while PTT is active, the currently used PTT hardware line is handled as if retriggered, i.e. the timer is started anew with the new values. 3.148 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Frequency Exclusion Frequency Exclusion Frequency exclusion only works in Fixed Frequency and Maritime mode, not in HDR, Link11/ Multitone or EPM modes. Emergency mode is excepted as well, although the emergency frequencies 121.5 MHz (VHF) and 243 MHz (UHF) can be selected for exclusion. These settings will be ignored when an emergency call is received. By pressing the Frequency Exclusion softkey in menu 1000 Maintenance the frequency exclusion menu is displayed. The frequency exclusion function is used to inhibit certain frequencies or frequency ranges for transmission, reception or both. Figure 3.99 Frequency Exclusion Menu ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00231-A-01-1 Up to 10 (0 to 9) ranges may be defined within the overall frequency range from 100 000 kHz to 511 999 kHz. To inhibit a single frequency, it has to be defined as start and stop frequency at the same time. To create a new range, press the Add Range softkey and enter any range number between 0 and 9, gaps are allowed. The new entry will have the default frequency setting 100 000 kHz inhibited for transmission. Press the Edit Range softkey to edit these settings as required. With the Inhibit softkey you can define whether you want to inhibit this range for transmission, reception or both. Inhibit Rx and Inhibit Rx+Tx under frequency exclusion has nothing to do with the inhibit input X23.7 (~INHIBIT_RX). Frequency exclusion does not provide protection against strong third-party transmitters! Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.149 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Frequency Exclusion Any combination of frequencies and inhibit selection is possible. An overlap of frequencies is allowed, in this case the corresponding ranges will be added up to form one continuous range. Figure 3.100 Editing Frequencies for Exclusion ICN-4F-H-231000-R-D0894-00232-A-01-1 Save the new settings before returning to the previous menu. To navigate in the list use the up- or down-arrow softkey. You may edit or delete the selected range, or your may delete all ranges at a time. These settings may be protected by a separate setup PIN. Frequency exclusion only works in Fixed Frequency mode, not in HDR, Link11/Multitone or EPM modes. Emergency mode is excepted as well, although the emergency frequencies 121.5 MHz (VHF) and 243 MHz (UHF) can be selected for exclusion. These settings will be ignored when an emergency call is received. In EPM modes, where frequency hopping is used, frequency exclusion will be ignored. This also applies to TOD Send / Receive which, although done in Fixed Frequency, is part of an EPM mode and is excluded as such. Tx offset settings in AM 25 kHz channel spacing have no effect on the selected frequency range. 3.150 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers VoIP Configuration VoIP Configuration By pressing the VoIP CONFIG softkey on the second page of the radio maintenance menu the voice over IP configuration menu is displayed. Figure 3.101 VoIP Configuration Menu ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00243-A-01-1 Here the following functions can be configured: • VoIP Main If set to On, a main SIP session connection between GRS (Ground Radio Station TX/RX = R&S M3SR radio) and VCS (Voice Communication System) is possible. • VoIP Guard If set to On, a guard SIP session connection between GRS (Ground Radio Station TX/ RX = R&S M3SR radio) and VCS (Voice Communication System) is possible. On/Off selection is only available if the following requirements are fulfilled: - In resource management (menu 1145), the setting for guard monitoring is "UHF", "VHF", or "UHF+VHF". - In menu 1140, audio monitoring is set to off. If one of these requirements is not fulfilled, the guard SIP session is terminated or rejected. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.151 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers • VoIP Configuration VoIP Codec Select either A-law or U-law for G.711 PCM-A law codec (Europe) or G.711 PCM-u law codec (North America). Use A-law for operation with the R&S GB4000V, because this device does not support U-law. • VoIP PTT - Off - Analog PTT only Only the standard analog PTT lines of X25/X26 as defined in resource management and the Tone softkey are active. - On - VoIP PTT only PTT can be activated via the VoIP data stream. The analog PTT lines and the Tone softkey have no effect. - On - Analog + VoIP PTT The PTT/Tone/VoIP transmission coming first is the first to be started. The corresponding audio source will be routed accordingly. The tone function is also available, if supported by the waveform. • Jitter Buffer For the jitter buffer intervals between 10 ms and 250 ms in even numbers can be defined. To enter the number use the keypad and/or the rotary knob. The editor accepts only numbers according to the afore-mentioned rule. Useful settings: 20 ms, 40 ms, 60 ms, ... 240 ms The radio allows two sessions for each of the TX, RX and GRX types. The Active SIP Sessions list shows the name of the VoIP remote station (R&S GB4000V or a VCS). If the name is too long to be displayed in one line, a Details softkey appears on the right to view the full content. 3.152 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers VoIP Configuration Figure 3.102 SIP Session Details ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00244-A-01-1 In the following modes the SIP sessions are terminated or rejected: IBIT, local, offline and load mode, that is, whenever the radio is not operational. A GRX SIP session is NOT terminated in local mode! Hardware limitations: • No TX SIP session possible with radios having receive functionality only (ET44x0x) • No RX SIP session possible with radios having transmit functionality only (ST44x0x) • No GRX SIP session possible with radios having no integrated Guard Receiver R&S ET4400G Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.153 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Preset Configuration Preset Configuration In preset configuration, presets can be defined by an expert with the relevant parameters for all waveforms. This is the base for a preset operation. The user in normal operation mode just loads the defined preset. So he easily loads all parameters and can use all waveforms (refer to sect. 3.5 Waveforms). This documentation describes how to create or edit a preset with the relevant settings. Preset Settings By pressing the PRESET CONFIG softkey in the maintenance menu the preset configuration menu is displayed. Here the user can add, delete or edit a preset. The parameters are protected with the Setup PIN. Figure 3.103 Example of Preset Configuration ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00164-A-01-1 An entry in red means that default mode is not possible with the current software and hardware. This preset cannot be edited. It is only possible to delete such a preset. Domain Selector The presets are divided into two domains (1, 2). For each domain 200 presets in the range of 0 to 199 can be defined. This allows two different communication scenarios for two operational areas to be defined. With the DOMAIN toggle softkey one of the domains can be selected. For more information refer to sect. 3.3.3 Preset Mode. 3.154 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Preset Configuration Add Preset With the ADD PRESET softkey a new preset is created with default values. With the EDIT PRESET softkey the required parameters can be set. Delete Preset or Deletes All Presets With the DELETE PRESET or DELETES ALL PRESETS softkey the selected or all presets is (are) deleted. Invalid Preset If an invalid preset (red) is selected, the softkey label EDIT PRESET is greyed out and the softkey INVALID PRESET is enabled. After pressing the INVALID PRESET softkey the reason why it is invalid is given. Edit Preset Parameters The preset is divided up into a tab with general parameters and in specific tabs for each waveform. The settings described below are the same either for editing a preset or for adding a new one. In the GENERAL tab the following parameters are predefined: • • Default mode of the preset Power Figure 3.104 Preset Page - General Parameters ICN-4F-I-231000-R-D0894-00165-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.155 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Configuration Fixed Frequency Preset Parameters In the FIXED FREQUENCY tab the following parameters are predefined for this waveform: Figure 3.105 Preset Page - Fixed Frequency Parameters ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00166-A-03-1 The following table gives an overview of the possible parameters and references to more detailed information. Table 3.14 Fixed Frequency Mode — Preset Settings Softkey Type Submenu Refer to Frequency Editor /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Frequency” on p. 3.58 Com Mode Listbox /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Communication Modes” on p. 3.56 Modulation Toggle /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Modulation” on p. 3.58 TX Offset Listbox /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”TX Offset” on p. 3.58 Ch Spacing Listbox /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Channel Spacing” on p. 3.59 Half Duplex Toggle /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Half Duplex Mode” on p. 3.59 3.156 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Preset Configuration Maritime Preset Parameters (Option) In the Maritime parameter tab the following parameters are predefined: Figure 3.106 Preset Page - Maritime Parameters ICN-4F-I-231000-R-D0894-00236-A-01-1 The following table gives an overview of the possible parameters and references to more detailed information. Table 3.15 Maritime Mode — Preset Settings Softkey Type Submenu Refer to Channel number Editor /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Channel” on p. 3.78 Channel type Listbox /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Channel Type” on p. 3.78 Channel table Listbox /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Channel Table” on p. 3.79 Scan mode Listbox /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Scan Mode” on p. 3.80 Search Editor /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Search” on p. 3.80 Auto Cont Editor /Main/Maintenance/Preset Configuration/Preset Edit ”Auto continue” on p. 3.81 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.157 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Preset Configuration With channel type Duplex (default) all channels can be selected which are not Simplex A or Simplex B. Link11/LinkY Preset Parameters (Option) In the Link 11/Y parameter tab the following parameters are predefined: Figure 3.107 Preset Page - Link11/LinkY Parameters ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00189-A-01-1 By pressing the FREQUENCY softkey you can enter the Link11/Y frequency. 3.158 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Preset Configuration Multitone Preset Parameters (Option) In the Multitone parameter tab the following parameters are predefined: Figure 3.108 Preset Page - Multitone Parameters ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00241-A-01-1 By pressing the FREQUENCY softkey you can enter the Link11/Y frequency. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.159 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Preset Configuration High Data Rate Preset Parameters (Option) In the High Data Rate parameter tab the following parameters are predefined: Figure 3.109 Preset Page - High Data Rate Parameters ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00190-A-01-1 By pressing the FREQUENCY softkey you can enter the HDR frequency. 3.160 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Control Unit 3.6.4 Control Unit The following maintenance functions of control unit and radio are largely identical: • IBIT and CIT, see sect. Troubleshooting • Inventory, see sect. Inventory • Address setting, see sect. Address Configuration MMI Parameters This documentation shows how to adapt the system to personal requirements. It is described, among other things, how to modify the brightness of the keyboard and the display and how to change the date and frequency format. By pressing the DATE FORMAT softkey (see Figure 3.110) in the control unit maintenance menu, different date formats can be selected. Figure 3.110 Setting the Date Format ICN-4F-J-231000-R-D0894-00171-A-01-1 By pressing the Frequency Format softkey (listbox not shown) in the control unit maintenance menu you can choose a preferred frequency format that is used for displaying frequencies in the central area and in editors. By pressing the ICAO softkey the ICAO format for manual fixed frequency entry can be enabled. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.161 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Control Unit Radio modes other than fixed frequency are not affected by this function, and in fixed frequency the radio does not behave differently because of ICAO format. For entry use the keypad and knob as usual. When calling up a preset page with fixed frequency mode, the frequency will also be set in ICAO format. For editing of preset pages and for frequency exclusion, however, the normal frequency format is used. Table 3.16 Examples: Representation of Frequency in ICAO Format Frequency (MHz) Channel spacing (kHz) Channel xxx.000 000 25 xxx.000 xxx.000 000 8.33 xxx.005 xxx.008 333 8.33 xxx.010 xxx.016 666 8.33 xxx.015 xxx.025 000 25 xxx.025 xxx.025 000 8.33 xxx.030 xxx.033 333 8.33 xxx.035 xxx.041 666 8.33 xxx.040 xxx.050 000 25 xxx.050 xxx.050 000 8.33 xxx.055 By pressing the Default Op Access softkey the access rights for a particular radio can be preset, which will be effective when a new connection to this radio is being set up. This does not work when reconnecting. By pressing the MMI Parameters softkey in the control unit maintenance menu, the control unit MMI parameters menu is displayed. 3.162 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Control Unit Figure 3.111 Setting the MMI Parameters ICN-4F-K-231000-R-D0894-00170-A-01-1 The following settings are possible: • The contrast of the display can be adjusted with the Display Contrast softkey (not with R&S GB 4000C, models 32 to 36). • The brightness of the display can be adjusted with the Display Brightness softkey. • The brightness of the unit indicators can be adjusted with the Indicator Brightness softkey. • The brightness of the keyboard can be adjusted with the Keyboard Brightness softkey. • The time for the screen saver can be set with the Scrn Saver softkey or can be switched off. Recommendation: When at low temperatures (below 10 °C) the display background illumination is frequently switched on and off, the durability of the illumination decreases considerably. For operation at low temperatures we therefore recommend 15 minutes as the shortest time for screen saver activation. At temperatures around or below the freezing point the screen saver should not be used at all (setting OFF), so that the control unit is constantly kept warm by the background illumination. • The display can be toggled between day and night mode with the MMI Scrn softkey. The parameters for day and night can be changed and saved by pressing Save. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.163 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Control Unit For control units, models 02, 03, 05, 06, 50, 85 and 90: Be aware that if you reduce the display brightness to values below 30 %, the display will be completely black, making any further operation impossible. Should you have saved such a setting inadvertently, you can still restore the previous state by using the softkeys as described above, but without seeing your entry. Default Settings When the control unit is powered on for the first time the following default settings are active: Table 3.17 Default Settings 3.164 Own logical address 47 Own IP address Subnet mask Gateway Off Gateway address IP address list Empty, except own IP address Quality of service (A) very good Display contrast day 65 % Display brightness day 100 % Indicator brightness day 10 % Keyboard brightness day 100 % Display contrast night 35 % Display brightness night 65 % Indicator brightness night 3% Keyboard brightness night 20 % Screen saver Off Default operational access Monitoring Date format YYYY-MM-DD PIN CU maintenance 00000 Frequency format 100 000 000 Hz ICAO Off Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Control Unit Test of Key Functions The control unit IBIT also includes a test of the key functions. The maintenance menu 1310 Control Unit IBIT Results in addition offers the possibility to test the key functions separately. First press softkey KEYBOARD TEST. Then in menu 1312 Control Unit Keyboard Test successively press all keys and softkeys. When keys of the numeric keypad are pressed, the number of the relevant key is briefly displayed. Errors which may have been detected are displayed in menu 1310. By pressing keys MENU HOME and ENT simultaneously the test can be stopped any time. If no further key is pressed within 10 seconds, the programme automatically returns to menu 1310. Figure 3.112 Test of Key Functions ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00199-A-01-1 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 3.165 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 3.166 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Control Unit Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Malfunctions 4 Malfunctions 4.1 Visual Inspection If a connector shows any discoloration caused by heat, its mating connector is also defective and must also be replaced. Check the following: 1. Check the external wiring between the radio with or without the control unit and the external equipment. 2. Check if all connectors are plugged in firmly. 3. Check the power supply cable and the RF coaxial cables at the rear for mechanical damage. If necessary, replace cables by new ones one by one until the defective connection has been found. Obvious damage of minor importance can be corrected at once, assuming that the appropriate equipment is available. In case of severe damage, the transceiver must be sent to the nearest repair facility. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 4.1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 4.2 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Malfunctions Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Maintenance 5 Maintenance Only qualified personal may carry out any maintenance work. 5.1 Scheduled Maintenance • It is mandatory to readjust the oscillators (temperature-compensated crystal oscillators and oven-controlled crystal oscillator, part of radio platform) one year after the R&S M3SR radio was first put into operation. Only this can guarantee that the specification is met. How to do this is described in sect. 5.1.1 Calibration • The backup battery (part of radio platform) needs to be replaced once every three years after installation. How to do this is described in the relevant service documentation. The date of battery replacement must be noted on the labels (1, Figure 5.1) provided for this purpose (use e.g. waterproof pen). Figure 5.1 Label: Date of Battery Installation 1 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00016-A-01-1 1 Label • The dust protection filter mats must be cleaned or replaced (Ident. no.: 6119.0805.00) in certain intervals. The time interval depends on the environmental conditions in which the transceiver is used. To remove the filter mat proceed as follows: a. Undo the two screws (1, Figure 5.2) fixing the cover to the front panel. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 5.1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Scheduled Maintenance Figure 5.2 Removing the Cover of the Front Panel 1 1 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00017-A-01-1 1 Screw (2 x) b. c. d. e. f. 5.2 Carefully remove the cover. Remove the filter mat from the ventilating duct. Clean the filter mat by using compressed air or water. Re-insert the cleaned and dried filter mat into the ventilating duct. Perform steps 1 and 2 in the reverse order. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers • Scheduled Maintenance Ruggedized Version: The dust protection filter mats must be cleaned or replaced (Ident. no.: 6119.0811.00) in certain intervals. The time interval depends on the environmental conditions in which the transceiver is used. To remove the filter mat proceed as follows: a. Undo the two screws (1, Figure 5.3) fixing the cover to the front panel. Figure 5.3 Removing the Cover of the Front Panel, Ruggedized Version 1 2 3 1 ICN-4F-A-231000-R-D0894-00017-B-01-1 1 Screw (2 x) 2 Protective cap 3 Protective cap b. c. d. e. f. g. Remove the protective caps of the connectors (2 and 3). Carefully remove the cover. Remove the filter mat from the ventilating duct. Clean the filter mat by using compressed air or water. Re-insert the cleaned and dried filter mat into the ventilating duct. Perform steps a and b in the reverse order. Otherwise the transceiver is free from scheduled maintenance. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 5.3 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Calibration 5.1.1 Calibration We recommend to readjust the oscillators (TCXO and OCXO, part of radio platform) one year after the transceiver was first put into operation. Only this can guarantee that the specification is met. To calibrate the oscillators the test equipment in the test equipment list is required. Equivalent test equipment may be used. Special tools are not required. Table 5.1 List of Test Equipment Item Test equipment, required data 1 Control Unit R&S GB 4000C (only remote-controlled transceivers) 2 Signal analyzer 3 10-MHz frequency standard f 4 Transceiver Operating Manual Equipment recommended by Rohde & Schwarz 6105.6006.xy R&S FSIQ3 0.01 ppm Ordering code 1119.5005.13 conventional workshop model To calibrate the oscillator proceed as follows: 1. Establish the test setup according to Figure 5.4: - Connect the external Control Unit R&S GB 4000C to LAN connector X20 of transceiver (only remote-controlled transceivers). Connect signal analyzer input to connector X11 REF_OUT of transceiver. At reference input of signal analyzer connect a 10-MHz frequency standard (accuracy f 0.01 ppm). 2. Switch on all test equipment. 3. To prevent any measuring errors, operate the transceiver at least 15 minutes (TCXO) / 60 minutes (OCXO) before starting the measurements. This start-up time also applies when switching over the clock source from TCXO to OCXO or vice versa. 4. Via the control unit activate the transceiver’s default settings by pressing the relevant softkey. All parameters are reset to default. 5. Via the control unit select the platform parameters REF OUT and CLOCK SRC via menu 1150 Radio Modules. - 5.4 Press softkey REF OUT and select 10 MHz. The reference frequency set at connector X11 now is 10 MHz. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers - Calibration Press softkey CLOCK SRC and select the required clock source. The selected clock source is displayed, either OCXO or TCXO. When selecting a different clock source, allow at least 15 minutes (TCXO) / 60 minutes (OCXO) for the transceiver to adapt. 6. By using the signal analyzer at connector X11 REF_OUT check the deviation of the 10MHz frequency from the reference frequency of the frequency standard. Table 5.2 Values for TCXO/OCXO Adjustment Transceiver with REF OUT CLOCK SRC Nominal value 10 MHz TCXO 10 MHz TCXO ±1.5 ppm OCXO 10 MHz OCXO ±0.1 ppm 7. To make corrections in the platform parameters proceed as follows: - - Press softkey TCXO. The editing box is accessed. Edit the tuning value for the TCXO by using the numerical keypad of the control unit. Range of values: 0 to 4 095 Default value: 2 047 Press softkey OCXO. The editing box is accessed. Edit the tuning value for the OCXO by using the numerical keypad of the control unit. Range of values: 0 to 65 535 Default value: 32 767 8. After correcting the values for the TCXO/OCXO repeat the measurement acc. to step 5. 9. Switch off the transceiver and test equipment. Disassemble the test setup. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 5.5 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Calibration Figure 5.4 Test Setup for Calibration 1 X20 LAN X11 REF_OUT 3 2 ICN-4F-F-231000-R-D0894-00210-A-01-1 1 Remote control unit (only with remote-controlled radios) 2 10 MHz frequency standard f 0.01 ppm 3 Signal analyzer The 10-MHz frequency at connector X11 may also be measured by means of a frequency counter (accuracy 10-8). 5.6 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 R&S M3SR Transceivers Care, Cleaning 5.2 Care, Cleaning 5.2.1 Care Such measures involve cleaning and touching up slight blemishes to the varnish of the system. The materials indicated on the list of materials (see Table 5.3) are required: Table 5.3 List of Materials Item Description 1 Soft brush 2 Duster 3 Cleaning compounds, e.g. household detergent 4 Varnish front panel: RAL 7947 Telegray chassis: KB90 gray (RAL 7001) 5.2.2 Cleaning Wear protective goggles to protect your eyes if you are working with compressed air. Ensure that the compressed air is free of condensed water by first blowing the compressed air towards the ground. Keep a minimum distance of 20 cm between compressed air and the system. Do for cleaning not use solvents (thinners etc.), petroleum ether or alcohol. Such substances will irreversibly damage the varnish coat. 1. First clean the surface of the system with compressed air. 2. Continue cleaning with a soft brush or a duster. 3. Clean heavily contaminated surfaces, especially grease stains, with a soft, lint-free cloth moistened with detergent. Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 5.7 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Retouching the Paint Work 5.3 Retouching the Paint Work Touch up the paint work of the unit as follows: 1. Remove any loose paint particles from the area of repair. 2. Clean the areas which have to be retouched with a soft, lint-free cloth and a cleaning detergent. 3. Wait until the unit is dry again. 4. Retouch the unit carefully and afterwards ensure that the paint has dried completely. 5.8 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Technical Information 6 Technical Information 6.1 Technical Data See Data Sheet (sect. 7 Drawings) Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 6.1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 External Interfaces 6.2 External Interfaces See 6.2 • Interface Description (sect. 7 Drawings) • External Interfaces (sect. 7 Drawings) Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Remote Control 6.3 Remote Control Detailed information is provided by the document GB2 Platform Protocol - M3SR Specific Part - Basic Radio, available on demand from Rohde & Schwarz (order no.: 6102.4760.01SB). Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 6.3 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 6.4 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Remote Control Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT R&S M3SR Transceivers DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Drawings 7 Drawings Interface Description • 6102.4002.01 SB • 6102.4019.01 SB, sh. 33, 35 Parts Lists (Examples) • 6102.0307.01 SA (R&S XT 4410A) • 6122.8010.01 SA (R&S XT 4410A) • 6102.1103.01 SA (R&S XT 4460A) • 6122.1109.01 SA (R&S XD 4410A • 6122.3601.01 SA (R&S XD 4460A) • 6122.3801.01 SA (R&S XU 4410A) • 6122.6200.01 SA (R&S XT 4410A) Data Sheet • PD 0758.1093.22 Error List • 6124.8652.82 Recommended Accessories • 6125.1651.12 - R.1 / R.2 Display and Control Elements • 6125.1651.12 - D.1 to D.4 External Interfaces • 6125.1651.12 - E.1 to E.4 Menu Structure • 6172.4399.02 - M.1 to M.6 Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01 7.1 FÖRSVARETS MATERIELVERK R&S M3SR Transceivers 7.2 TEKNISK ORDER DRIFT DF SAMBAND 100 023030 Drawings Operating Manual 6172.4399.02 – 01