EAIL3 ; ttn Fren -- . r7 ' ,- . . - Jtw V T - f f. r rt-;- ' . Francises! 7 Manca, June" 13. For San Frnclo: ;7-'Nlpi'cn-MarnJntic 9. From Vancouver: 7 7 Makura, June It, For Vancouver: Niagara, Jcne 23. ;Cy7'! l '. r.y,v r - m 7 ri i i , b v Following are the closing prices of stocks on the New York market today, sent by the Associated Press over ' ii the Federal Wireless: ' Prin::!.:: r : I "r'zzzz ' -- ' ' V. n f '"Td" AtcV.iSon , ........ Lcco. in Driven r.::.n: Kit... ...'.,.$ ....... j rr-- i!.;-.r- an:: ! : ( ''; '::c;tr.:r.t r.rr.v ? Cf.ctaker Ur.!:T r::::ic U. C. C'.jel U. C. Ct;sl Uf the Slav ad to he iriade up mostly V."; c.o-ir- : v:.:.v.' " 1 V.'e;'.: ' f'4 f , ., f " r ZV 12V2 1C534 C'2 3 S3?a ' S5a 133 ....12C'2 43 12C'8 4234 137'i 33 8t'4 117U 81?i .117? 81U 3 S4?a 63U ' C3?i "'. tl.J Z:::r2 are Fl?.- -s c.-::i- He:, a Gays ':: : - U;7:r U.llv.lK .J " Fayir.3 f . ri n"' i.ll . . . III. J - l '1 ' r- "Cre-:r.ii.i- n's ; ' : 1 7 (' 'A .'. y. ;s " in ! t) i' ' t : T r C... : . ' v. 3! uiielcs.-e- d ' ; ( 7 .v L"- , ins .... - ' ' ::i 2 It 1. c :: t : : a t !a a : v'::.3 c ;.--; t.- ill i.i ; exr::'3l U r; t . :c:--::- v V v; t:'.'-- y.I: I.:. ? o r cf - t i : l'.:. ' it:;: raymo: :D nC2lf.2. fi 11 ! V :v.:Ha- - X Al- - 1 . ..o is i.i C..L a cn tho'IIawaii uclc- - a Vet: - - i3 ' ..itr this . 's .a . ccr.mittee rercrri- - a" a Hswaii two votes." - Hawaii formerly had six 'vcte3 Lr.t the. national committee cut Islini rerresntaticn to two dele-tc- s without vote3, placing tliis territory below Alaska and the .District cf Colnmbia in representation. The Hawaii delegation went .to Chicago prepared to r.ak& a hard tight for ' two votes-anthis and pother despatches indicate that the figiit is Two'men well known in Hawaii in today's are prominent developments at Chi- convention Chio Harcmg cf Senator C220. visited here last year ar rr.2t: a fi-ur- .; At St. Louis hi n"T nnrn liuuhiiULu. 'Tin . kUi k'ST SUCCEED (Aoclted Pre TOKIO, Japan, by Federal Wirele) June 7. A session , . rain. - 7 . . , - -.. . ;J. ; . ; ' v . Chicago Cincinnati Pittsburg St Lcuis 24.... 23 . 21 20 22 . 22 20 20 . i ..... . . '' 77 ...... . 1!) S4S IS 53S 500 478 468 23 ; '.;".- 2S ns ;.i.:7.'. .......... r - ' -- - itine Yaan Ll J.-- 614 59o 558 523 4S9 452 395 290 7 of jChina, made WOMAN SAID TO HAVE ; - ..Tr.CJHAU, Rrsia June appoint; 'Yuan 'to an Kai Tien, effort At..c-- g "the frironers bj tli6 a' son of Yuan Shlh-Kata- s .LIVED IN HONOLULU 7 president S00 are officers. Russians SUED FOR $100,000 of the republicbut was overruled by Yuan wno Li ap?omted premier, the . V . . ;. " Hung as. temporary president EEGIN LAYING VATER wife M. Irwin divorced Grace Jkfra. After the death of ; Yuan Shlh-KOIJ PUNCHBOWL John Benjamin Irwin, said to have was announced in Peking members of of Honolulu has recently been lived palace guard mutinied for one made In the in the Supreme Court defendant supervision of hour, and plundered many of the shops Under the general Yofk'ln suit for. U00;000, acNew G. of Infantry. N. F.iley, It. W. 1st Col. Hons:,- - vice-preside- nt i- - 7-MA- - INS al but were finally ; su)pressed by the '; , :';v:;' soldiery. .. An official ' announcement . has died reached here that Yuan Shih-Ka- i on June 6... The official at 10:44 announcement states that he was suffering from alver disease. ; H.-- anj with Frd Kirchhoff, engineer cf the city waterworks and member of the Coast Artillery Company,, overseeing It, work was commenced yestPunrhbowi In laying the erday-on system for the military camp water now building there.' ; : ; An adequate Bupply of water will be furnished as soon an the system has i .John August's wife declined assistIn tbq prosecution of her husband been installed, and will be ft big asset ingpolice' court .' yesterday on a in camp will as it toward the work of the .was has as up and the hill, accusation the water Five hanlfr? - V..p and wlll'provld If-- dismissed August 'pleaded guilty to another charie of not havinz a n.ctor thnt'Src'to-b-e i ry: to ret one. '? an! prom.-' .'-- .. non-supio- rt' " 1 - Off iCiiiL : mm Ortiz of Unicn; province has been ar rested and t charged with instigating an attempted robbery cf the provtn The treasury guara . cial treasury. were was murdered, but the robbers ' surprised and arrested before, they cculd make away with' any loot r 1 in i: rc r.r ci :. bands is- to 'ay the scene of the Kqv:!.l.::.:i ) the r; : - t 7' There was; however, a noticeable absence of the 7 moristrations' which have marked previous conventions :.: ed stampeded arid accompanied big fights. ' Every .seat was filled when Chairman I lilies of tl 1 :7:;7 : : -- cr-;- .. N.hl; th; mittee called the delegates to order, and the galleries v. : colors of. rich gowns, there being many women pre?:. Temporary Chairman Harding's speech was largely i r. ctcd tn an arty appeal to the.delegates to forget factional dirTerences. t rv H L'r.i'.e the at declared He also power. regain party unity and thus r.r.d th: ' States should. have a navy "which will fear no power cn canli" ' declaration was" heartily applauded. ' The speech was' long biit the convention remained orderly. ;" Leaders have had no opportunity during the la t f e w hou rs li carry forward the peace negotiations, with the Progressives, being occupied in the early organization of the convention. 7: : ; :' summer-vacatio.He the Hub said today that if he vls-tdown to City' he will Washinpton. ) - ? ; i ;7 '; ' At present Superintendent Forbes Is hard at work on the public utility hearings had:. recently cn Man'- and Hawaii, and as soon as the reports are complete will go to Hilo. fcr 10 days school to lay out flans ior a. new-higand a civic center. Ills vacation will begin soon after returning; from Boston for his n. s , fili? VACATIOiJ ALLEGE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY WAS SOLD 7 ; Charles R. Forbes, superiateadent.of . .TO BOY: SCOUTS HERE public works,-- is conslderinr a trip to ' n to eosTonM: . e Star-Dulleti- . 1 . . - 7 re by Teds ral t VTirele) ' MANiLA, Pre P. L, June 7. Governor ,-- ; "7 ( AssocUtVd property belonging to the U. S. government Charlie Ah Chin "is being held by the. local federal acthorities for Investigation: Complaint against Ah Chin was made to 17. S. Attorney S.C Huber by Capt of . Detectives McDuf-fi-e yesterday. It is alleged that- - the Chines bought 'and sold three service sMrt. and a set. of chevhata cording to --the. San Fiancisco Exam-- ' rons and'one the Rational Guard either from ' : . Iner.- '."'..' Some of the propinJ;Iiifantry. or th Alienation ' of affections 13 the erty fn' question federal officials alcharge made by the complainant Mrs. lege, was sold to-- Boyf Scouts. 7 7 Jennie .Whltelaw Blelock, wife of : Blalock, race-horsa James William BRcMrTf v trainer, who has been in charge of a FRED CARTER, string of horses for Mrs. Irwin for TO QUEEN'S HOSPITAL,; '7'-'''some time.'says Mrs. ;Irwln has 7 IS: NOW CONVALESCENT .. Mrs. .'Blalock .7-- . '.z ',; lavish J money on Blalock while she' ;;;, TJt..-:'Fred Carter, who has been serving Misi Elalock) has teen reduced to want h the lack of her hushand'a vnder the board of .harbor commis"' ' ;sioners as Inspected at Kailua, Ha:' sariort kpowji waii, 1? for' t ever. 1 month?, is now & at the ret It . . J ofneers. 426 j ....... e add!:- :- t . 4 - .. J. Chlca-o, tion's first V.ay The ccitvention' opened shortly before r. Senator Warre:t G. Harding of Ohio, tcir.porary ch. Ir.. tred his ''keyr.cte" address. lit wasWith enthusiasm that the G. O. P. clans ! ;,; : tion. .Cheers.. resounded from every side at every (v; organization- 'was frequently interrupted by applause. nominating'fpe'eches, the election results and the seatin ; cf . v 615 20 24 : . ( . SHANGHAtr 1 Pet AMERICAN LEAGUE. of the Japanese cabinet has been called to consider the situation resulting i 27 17 from the death? of President Yuan. Cleveland . 17 25 .. New York Wirelett) (Asfria(ed Tt&r j statement a Issued rice of Thefcreigu : ItUMU Italy, June 7. The Aus-tria- today that Japan has dlclded not to Washington .. v.. ;. 24 ;19 ' 2!t have been checked all 'along make' any new political moves re- Boston . .itV..;-..'- . 2i; 23 82 the frcnt, vhcre the flgtiting has re- garding China. 7 . Detroit ; 7.; 7'," : 7 Chicago . 23 19 cently been very heavy. ;. ... . 17 26 . . Louis St. V ( Special Marconlgram to Liberty v 25 ; . ......16 Philadelphia ' " OFFICEBS-SLAVS ) TAKE v. V ;.v j "s w., ''yVj 7 with the 'pie; the Coliseum. tla-ri.o- f r ir:- COLISEUM, d (it - 15 CHECKED v which-threatene- i .t. cr-aniz- ; Won. ''':7.'w',. .". ... .....7.. Philadelphia New York Boston, .,: national league: IXisL : V ;- o. Detroit and Cleveland, ". Brooklyn vicc-prc.;:i.7r- the Men and Relision Forward - He Movement some- years was one cf the strongest Roosevelt men of 1912. Harding called the Republican convention to. Order as temporary chairman, and Robins delivered the impass.ior.ed: address at. the Auditorium .to take the Progres; feet sive convention; off - It Charles D. Hiles is the Republk. Can national chairman, and Frank H. Hitchcock Is former- - Repubii- - I can chairman and now avowedly ) the head ;' cf the : Hushes. boem.; a-;- V7 7.-CHICAGO, '111., thouamb in CI:7r ;o to.iy, v.p.t- :. vcr.tlc::.- - which c; ened for t!:; r.. .7 and Peace r.cgc.:;.t!ons whicli wcr j j:i night between leaders 'of the Tic; 77c:. ' lost sigh.t of today and virtually a' :r. the cc::. : t' the btuincss.cf Xewr York 5, SL Loui3 : .:; At Chicago ' ' j of atuity. Ray mond Robins, the Chicago sccial worker,was here as a worker for. .7 AMERICAN LEAGUE. 3, I es ttrorg " 7,;. - ( :f"' - . I'antassin has but'without casua:;. cs. The f.'zhting on the western front cor.tinv.ul very heavy today. The French repulsed a powerful attack en the fortress positions at raux. The Germans hive lost heavily in their recent attacks (and afterthis o::e was beaten down they retreated in disorder. Pint their bombardment of Yaux continues. , s ccr. i -n t AUSTRIAf.S v, It: . The Frattcc. June 7. c7.!l.-!cn- t ' rrc rar.!-- fcr;::: - : i.i a I . destroyer :. v.';:' J-- -3 Rcr-vr:- 3 . -- deaths .PARIS. ::!., Cel. :ive ,.:caa v' t r to a c arly 7t Frc:: rrcr::r. - thf-- " 77 ; r.-- ,i ... to-rrac- j . a a r A't 5C 'x r.avy. f The local Chamber of Commerce ;'..t was Lcaten by reetivei a cablegram about 2 o'clock : BASECALL C : .Kaiser told h.is today saying that there will be anRESULTS in San Francisco toother conference Mowitl.-jfirst L:g :7 T0DAYv;-.;7v7:7ri!;'. t in an efTort to reach an agree :i: ' . ' - f .7:'.l's 77tt; 'v.7ose ir.eht that will settle the strike. The NATIONAL LEAGUE. seas cables V. which chamber, of'th.e :cy Trancisco the news, adi3 that a start will.be At lloston Boston 2, SL Ixiuis 2 ir.sde on unloading the Mexican's sug' Philadelphia Xe?( ; York i and cargo tomorrow, indications that ' ;noYEn su;::: ar ; Y ; Hawaii's sugars will not be greatly Uroolilyn, rain. v. ' '. delayed before getting to the refiner r:o : : : c sci while t2 ., i ilen unn::r:.:i ty f ti;.--3 tc"!:ht are that ths C. O. i'. e c r I.u'frs will try d : 1 H-v- rner.-- 3 c:-;:r- Lcr-shoreme- U the :'.ztz i.3 iwllov;.?: (A.0f iuifvl Trps Ir Fei3ral Wireless) Cal., June CnCC'CTT, , r.:'-'-r.'.zr.z;:r cf the. .California :;;sm Cf- :r- Hefinery here; has i: l:;t fcr a ccr.Urtnce vsith the district in an effort to get Ur.irn prc:l-:-- .t cf Pre::der.t J. J. Foley cf t' s .t t'-- s . - - ' uii-.::- .;. -: .- - I ; : i;;; fret L. fu - (' Ca!ifcrn;a-i:7v:;:"- n Jt.l'v t: lay d.'.ivcrcd an 7. 7' .r Interr.ati-na- l ' : .!7rs cf the f.ect t Ur.':n, fcr the ttrikinj stevedcres to 7: to return vcr'i at Crockett. in Wi::::!;"shaven. t now paying a higher scale! "V.'e are (' A t!;at tlie fight oG' 7; 7 than the unicn demands, Rolph said. in a signal victory i ;;' ! ts tl.3 toth cf feet t'..3 tin in a "7.--Cso- rs's : " ' Chicago, dimazi fcr .' f Jisiy,to is Hi-Aii- V:.U ' . . - T ;.; "7:r- - are wear:::'.: ff - - CHICAGO, III, J'Jr.s 7. L cc."-.::- t:s placed cn ci r: c: ' Ce!e;:ls Ki' ia cn of the two v.t:3 cf the ' i :?'t - II...11.1.1, . - - .. . .: ;i:.:::;- :.:re war.: - .. c- -' " ....... ' ac- -- i i f I. . ( i "S- i.. " if3 .:. p. -- m e : . ri V No c 7 7 . J ft y 9 m - y-- - . 3 v :-- - -- ft. T; t7:- - Jur.e 7. ci t!.: war c:..:e. : c! : J i f - . tc:r;vrnn:y 7: m u ' i ) George R. cording to Carter, who is in Oiicago as delegate to the Bull Moose convention. He sent two wireless messages today to Progressive National Committeeman. Atkinson, whose proxy-hholds on the national committee. ' The first said: 7 ' 7'Just arrived with mass delegation one hundred strong:" ' The secondan hour later, said: "Republican leaders so far ignore our offers to harmonize but Roose-w- li sentiment predominates and is increasing. Our leaders sanguine." Jim sanguine,. too," Atkinson commented and he was still more sanguine after reading the press despatch telling of the great demonstration to .Roosevelt made, in the Auditorium. ' I H Ex-Gover- i !.'.v;i;;.;;, r . 115! 4 :;v!feni. iUructed. ft'', ! . . Union : v: -n 121T, 1CS 3 ',4 Pfd......... . , 84 3314 170 Z$yt Tenrerrte Ccpper Pctrorad in 422 .. 842 . Pennsylvania r;y Ccnssi. ............ C:'.'".ern Pacific ,t, c 1762 3'2 42'2 Central...... New York '.( ! . . v . It. looks good for Roosevelt, 21'2' 21'4 Electric ,......170 C:-:r- :l f.!ct:rs .......t Creat Ncrthsrn Pfd.... 121U Inter. Harv N. J. .... . 118 Kennecctt Ccpper ...... 53a 27, Uhl:h R. rt... Russia, June Drivif'r ! :.:!; t!;c nrmy of more '..O tr.:.? cd c gainst their r ;. - i tl.? t!:e Russians ; vict : ry after victory r.rj i ! v t) r.o-.- have taken more -, : jf 3 : r: .r.crs, according to l'KTKOC'j-iAb- J - cr:;io : Leaders cre.Sanguins T(;:y Vi'I Have Something to Cay - 91-- 176?6 Cj,r:rl x Wirelfsi) l . yp 3 91J, ct. P. (Ct Paul) Iron :.f3 Cclo. Fuel Cr-:.- li Cteel .. Cris Czrr.T.on-........- . L..vii.vi . Ill (Anfii'fi'l C, r:. f.'vy, Frcm-.-Vcu- ft. , tV2 Tetrcleum su;:;; i:i collisickj C;!;.r. C;r::an Pscific ...... t .to" ' 3a 103 84 1C5'2 Ohio...... & e C:th'chent Steel FuE'.'CH DESTHOYEn Lc-- . rincE-nvi- ' ....... Ar.aconda Copper Czt::-nor- Fr.r.i:.:::.i ' 14 PAGES .' Yester. Today, day. Alaska Cold . ...... .V. 22'2 23'2 S8!4 WVx But Roosevelt Scntirr.cnt Fro- -' Kitch- - Americsn Smelter .... 110 HITs American Sujar Rfgl.. dominates, He Declr.:, Americsn Tel. & Tel.; 123T8 123?i ::nvl.'ciirn3 fcr ;;: Ur.:t:J .. " 'i ... MARKET TODAY h ' 1 -- in ivo Conventions in Chicao . '1 .. i NEW YORK STOCK C II - TERRITOR Y,OF HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, JUNK 7, 1910. PAGESt-HOXOLUL- U, J 4 -- 14 0 , 77777:; 7 Evening: Bulletin, Est. 1SS2, No. 6493 Hawaiian Star, Vol. XXIII. NoT526 . 1 7:: , also-journe- : . 77 ' 7 7'- .7 7 7 . ; 1 j; ; Robins Stirs Proreccive: to ! ! Ml GLl32K s -- - h tere. ;. . y. :.:.. i g of Roosevelt was the signal for it tremendous bursty ot cheers, hand clapping,' vaving of flags, stamping ot: feet and throwing ' . 7 of hats into the air. v ,7 7; '.7.;''-7- in the77.'; world." Ifecharacte'rixed the Colonel as .''the foremost citizen caught the fancy of the crowd arid stirred it to such ertth'u;i?m this and , ' 7 7 that the cheering lasted for 34 minutes. 7v; 777v17 7 TWe want Teddy 1" the cry of four years ago, jmn:diatfly .ta:.r 7 7 and swelled into a trv -t f x?. the de fv ?r first-mentio- attack'of rash said to have been caused from a fish dietv"Mr Carter Is now much better, but has been suffering tortures until recently.-.- AUDITORIUM, Chicago, June 7. Victor Mttrdock of Kansas Called the Progressive national convention to order at. 12:27 todiy and almost immediately a wild demonstration for Roosevelt began in th s picked in the cheers.7 !. ; hall, delegates and spectators-joininThe demonstration became so tremendous when Raymond hcblru of Chicagj 'atldressed the convention that he could not proceed. ; Hiy - Kai'.ua's meat suppljr fs limited, and because of this the inhabitants have come to live largely upon; fish, which, according to the! doctofs,lh5S ...caused Carter's inne5?: He was brought ta Honolu'n by Li? brotv - Tf"r v ' ; 1 bnttlc-clarion- "-"- .7 HONOLULU CTTO .EMS Mill CiliClGO CFG STAE-BULLETI- Snzdal Convention Sirvlcc From CMcaeo ' For Readers Sicr-LuUct- COL. RCQ 3EVELT WILD LY CHEERED Every feature of the big Chicago conventions, which .opened today, is n covered for readers with special arrangement to give this pa-p; "Today's News Today." Josepli IL Fariington, former Puna-ho- a correspondent of the- - Star-Bulltin, and now a student at the University of Wisconsin, has gone to Chicago from' Madison, as special correspondent for- - this paper. Through arrangements made with Republican committeemen some weeks ego the was assigned a seat in the press gallery, though many mainland papers were unable to get their representatives placed, so. great was the de mand. Farrington will cover Republican and. Progressive conventions for distinctly Hawaiian news and his despatches of yesterday and ' Monday, published in the late edition of the Hare-- already showed " Star-Bulleti- Calls forfTecidy" arc Feature of Progressive Gathering in Auditorium Republicans at Coliseum are Rather Quiet er v e ' ' ..' after lie had: promised, he continued his mc::t Ion Roosevelt; airain and f llut there lnight be such ati insistent demand for the lmme- nnrriinntmn Vf ?wpvplt 'that thf'v 'cmild not be halted, and that r Kepnrts tli.it ' ' pat one) (Centlnned ttoi v'V' such lemands would be used as notice to the Republicans that the Bull .Moose, would not be. ignored,, brought lrom ueorgc v, rerkms, cnair maii'of the Progressive executive committee, the statement, "No chance ' X This convention will not take snap judgment," : Star-Bulleti- n - Star-Bulleti- n, OYSTER BAY, New York, June 7. It is declared today that inti mates of Colonel Roosevelt know, that he is opposed to Hughes and be lieve that if .Hughes should be nominated the colonel would bec&me a CHRISTIAN A FID METHODIST CHURCHES HOLD SERVICES Services will be held in the Christ tlaa'and MetiYodist churches cn Sun day evenin?, June 11. - On that .vcn- i.ng the Ad Club will held a service at the Ccatr-.- l t'nicrr, and it was planned to invito tho three churches to unite in one service.' . , Although DaviJ Cary Peters and Rev. L. I Locfbourow are in favor of ccnr.enoratin?: tie Cay by having the Ad Club ur0e Honolulu ciiizens to attend cpccLll services, the boardu of trustees feel that they should conduct their services as usual. s. Rev. George Lauhton of Jtilo, who will deliver a special pernion on the evening of June 11 at th Ad iTlab service, arrived in Honolulu thi3 morning and epche at the Ad Club luncli-cc- a to J ay.; nans have been made to have the army," navy, Doy Scouts and national guard attend the services on June 11, and a special musical prof-ran will be arranged by George J. !,Tcricn Riggs,' the chairman cn arrangements,-fcsannounced that mcruhers cf all dencrnations will be asked to attend the Ad Club service. i la J, it 1: f tcI evers cr ccmllnatioa of pov-- j ' Hctcl toi'.ay. ::al C: .r.! is doir.j a Vc::r -- 'I : rr. .t .v:!: cr.i the:;! -- "1 :- If f.T :j rive : '. -- v f ! r"-- : d - LeGirJ country - thi3 for cvory pnerg-- : An-drr.- s. in d.:r..rcr we is" cur heart's c.:. : cur to the tauha that i .' .. : v f l; j.:crt, are men with a "Lire i:i Ihicii c.T it..t ihty, v, ho have tcc:i train- t;. r. I i tv.ccp (lawn any . .c .r .; I :.n cf i Nct.cncl i.ic;;.ri - I : I? eaccrrr; lc:::ve thct "i ; I cr, a h. I rc l.i 1! t I j;;.. J the ; c 1U-- s V'. ; r v. Gecrre Latishtcn of fr.ii of the Ad Ufcre the r.:cr.L--rv.i the wcikly luncheon held at ," i::: t! ; fc-:- I r r.i : . ; 7U'.rd was ; ttl :r !n : as Eire: rt c' the Unite J states as nation need in iia Aaa, ::. "If r., ! ..-.h- 1 . :.r. - c:- I Gr.r.ra he.? thans-rr, c: the l"ih; ir.es I'..:- ."..t h:::.s ( ! U I.IEUT.-CO- U 1 l 1 Sales amounting to 2200 shares of listed securities were reported by the Stock Exchange after its morning session. Such report shows few changes cf importance In c quotations except that Hawaiian Commercial Sugar In 5 transaction involving 10 shares sold at ?53, the last previous sale having been at $34. Principal activity was in Oahu, San c Carlos, ; Olaa, McBryde, Waialua and Ewa. Agaia today there was more taken in Mineral Products than in the cugar stock3. The price continued at $1.2714 and the demand reported as continuing strong. Much interest was expressed as to what might de velop from the directors meeting to be held in the afternoon and there were numerous rumors aiioat as to I ,;' profcaUe action. "tngels Copper vias quoted at $2.95 asked and Mountain King at 95 cents bid,- 93 cents asked. Tipperary i3 re ported to have teen active during the past two days. A newspaper from Oatman, dated May 27, tell3 cf the completion of a road to the property - ; :; and purchase, cf equipment - : ca - POLICE nOTES : 1.- B. A. .Watson"," charged with assault, tomor heard in police-cour- t reported will be ' -3 V- !..-.- l.-- '' ' ' - : '!. 1 1' : - i " -- - , ! ,:stDM 4 i ! ' - I : 1 : ; ; : vessels to?.::d h;o:.: the islands . " (,: - ." . :.. fi 1 1 g - - m. :tto v::r:EA, havaii Star-Bullet- : u 3 -- " FIREPROOF .cc" 1 J t WE STORE EVERYTHIN3 JXMES H. LOVE Ji 'CITY TRANSFER COMPANY PHONE 1231 - in - - m plarS.: 1 ;,.;;--.- .. ,,;;;,-;.;.- '; ; h..- ;, ". AVADZf was hefl thi3 school morning - when over 10,00 children of Portland marched by In a kaleldcrcope of color. The main fea ture of thU "human rosebud" parade was a historical pageant .representing the. big events of American history. Other children in the line executed dances and intricate drills, one cf the most striking of which was the rose dance. '1''! V program this afternoon was The given over to the dedication of the Columbia river highway at Multnomah falls. Immense. crow'ds went to the scene in automobiles and special trains. 7 The open space in front of the famous falls was packed with ma chines and cyowds climbed the mountains, and spread to the nearby trails for aview of the nniqwe ceremonies. The city, today was a riot of color, Practically every building in the bus iness section was decorated with banners and streamers. Ropes of evergreen and blossoms in endless lines swung overhead across the main thor oughfares. Everywhere the rose wa3 predominant in the decorations. h Tomorrow brings the'floral parade, one of the chief attractions of the fes tival. Friday night the festival will end with the Ualtee street. carnival. VLe first parade . U ,j . AT C. 1 i ' I im k 1 LIOTH LS w . 2 1 1 w I V- -li pas-irenger- s: Coaf C?.nrtot Be : Taken From Australia When Ships Can Carry 'Wheat h'-:h- - ' ! c.r':'i ' v t An article cf interest ' to . Pacific shipping.men.on the coarembargo in Australia, written by Commercial Attache Philip B. Kennedy In the United States consular "report tell3 how the - - embargo i3 affecting American ship-pinKennedy says: ... "The embargo on the export of coal from Australia, established some time ego by the commonwealth government has, It now appears, a certain bearing upon American shipping In the Pacific. The reason for the coal embargo, it may reasonably: be assumed, is to facilitate the .export of wheat there being at present .something like 135,000,-00- 0 bushehnn the hand3 "of the" wheat board, which 13 held tip on account of shortage cf'fcr.r.hgs, , ,c J'Thfl interpretation., of; the .coal embargo, according to reliable lnforma-tlon- j is that a permit for th export of coal will net ta given to any ves sel that can carry w the Ayrian secured a permit-- ji.load. coal ht ti a:.i3 time that the Ltar of rc--J. Holland wc 3 dszi 2!te!;' These Vessels are . Tiean capable .ZZU , tens ,? dead of carry h: 7; jtj weight "cf cc TLy hs.i come down cc-- -t from the; Pa of ; V'f lumber; States with they desired to p.ee. J .v a c cal tor Chile and there ylaa J hltr ? fcr San Fran- Cisco.- It wa3 i.'.iicciihh.' for the wheat board to secure insurance cA the Ayri-abecause it. was not tight .The Star of. Holland," however, being' suitable for" carrying wheat had to proceed to Chil3 in ballast Thi3.woald seem to indicate that caiy leaky "American sailers can expect to I ;ad cord and secure a prolitatla- round vovaje. ;: It would be a case cf tho r oorest being the best. .. "For the first time in 20 years It is possible to refer to 'American shipping' In these valers; Old sailing vessels, marry of small size, have emerged from creeks on the racific coast and are running down io. Australia-witcargoes of timber, At' present there are five such sailers in the port of Melbourne and 12- - more on the way. As a rule they return to the United States empty, cndeavcilng; to lose no time' in picking up another timber cargo at high freight rate3.i . . . g. .; r . . f" A benefit concert will be given at the Pearl City, school house next Saturday evening under the auspices of the Fearl'City Christian Endeavor So, : ciety. rh. ; r gambling stakes. B. Reyes, charged with conducting .the place in which the games were played, was dis' charged. " -- ' UJ : . t ? r-r- f c,c modem, ccnir.D !n:cr.:3 Tc:'!:-r-- ; tlis theory of the mc:t harr.;d c::.z cJjci'.:::. he the-Unite- - n ' Castilla centals no Liredicnts cf a crilty n tralizes all acids of the mouth. Removes tartar, breath, and fjiyes a beautiful po!;;h to the teedi. r The Man Who Works Overtime ' Use Castilla : is not always the best friend of his eyesight v The eyes suffer mere than any other physical faculty from overwork under artificial Illumination. Even .daylight contains a large percentage of rays harmful to eyesight All that danger can be done away with if you view your wrk through lenses made to your prescription from the wonderful new glass discovered by Sir William Crookes, that actually filters out all tho harmful colors. Don't neglect your : sight whether A. Arce and Pr Manlapit were each fined $5 in Judge Monsarrat's court you work overtime or not ; . he yesterday for playing pool for money. Manlapit is an interpreter; for Attorney William.' J. Sheldon and? was defended by him. J v He declared that - OPTICIAN ;;, he;. ;) money which witnesses for tlie prose; ; ; Fort Street cution testified to seeing on the iool Boston BuUding ; . pay was & May table Over Co.. for the games"and not - Tcdayfhc j;; f; It sV. ; r. :L;.: Ttibo 25 cento - - V Tin: T'rrt h " '1 TT'AI OPHIT UITIIL 11:15 P. I aT " . , A. N. SANFORD ; ; ' '.'' ' - ; 'rif '. j -- V " ! 4 ', " 'A ! f uel Santos. Another charge against Mitchell of conducting the game was ... . w--- ' dismissed. t CoM water wasMe yes-terda- I t More TSorax in. - -- At aH ''! t A . " .... .cVi 5- ' (ot 1 yW& iJlfferent degrees for every known pur-pose." Also two copying. . . 0er eai 'A . Babbitt's - Best since Grandma's time The trade marks are good foraluable and useful presents. -- ' : . The i WWW therebr. .;',;ic Velvet, pencil is supreme its class in f Amricaa UU tmA U. K.T. Prepared Paint : - dealers 1 is better than any paint that YOUR painter can mix. It is prepared at the factory by assured experts and good results V Distributers At an c . In order to le good, Paint "must not vary in color nor consistency from time to time. : : That is why :;' ' . & Co., Ltd4 ' W. P. Fuller Cz Co.'o Purs ; Henry Hay . PAINT pjinis pre fed, Curs do belli - in any other "household Soap to sell at so low a price. 10;-ERIIE- - - Eeci Soap than v- 17 OF &77 -- dealer A TALE U7 Sentence was suspended by 'Judge Monsarrat yesterday on F. , Villa-mor- e and S. Fernandez, formally accused of vagrancy, but suspected .of picking pockets- at the fish market The Judge warned them to stay away1 - c ; from the market. - u was- formally opened today with a gorgeous display of rosea and numerous events to attract the crowds that thronged the streeets. . . Early today the city was awakened by the music cf brass bands,- - musicians with stringed instruments and vocalists singing In the street- and :.,3--- : 3 . v ''.::.'. Quickens Your Appitito Buy them in ths ICo picliacj tut PORTLAND, jdr'e.," June Portland's Tenth Annual Rose Festival 1 r D. TiMMOXS, 4th Infar.tr:'. Xaticrul Gi: :;ut;cni t: ng i . f .. ' to h. , artc-- s that he will.te in row..7 Hcnoluhi to. witness the polo matches Ah Chun and Pipi were fined $25 c. !.tcn surr.h.od vr the situ a- - and military tonrnament in connection ; r::d cited the with the celebration of Kamehameha each and costs today for possessing hi U: h v i; t; :tv the ultra-- : Day." Col. Tiramons is- - editor ' of the chefa tickets. i:. I; t that 1 urged Garden Island. He . jinpecs. the :? f.n ' N. Stecher was assessed $3 j who have the love of their street GOVERNOR PINKHAM has Just re-- terday for driving ahead of i r.trv at lvr-r- to vcrk tcr th Lo?t ;h : ; ! an King on Fort. ccived at Guurd. Javitaiian f.om the National car street' (ft:- :h , U K. Cvana was tall-- i ..j. n. Defense League to accept a position r-- - the t , .' and as director of. the organization. This. .Chun Hoon paid $15 in police court U in line with a gcn.ral invitation be--I yesterday for selling Ice cream below t.:t -h tu' cf the juv that- ing .crsent out to governors of the states required percentage cf butterfat piven ;? i lie was whtn rt to Iluvaii. "That day land territories. , .The letter is signed Ida Costa swore out a complaint sent t:. ef t' h": r t cf my life.' I jy Vv'iafield JonesJ secretary, -and ' against her husband, allegyesterday Washington. from and f f rc i the i'xiv 'n IcrJrr ' .... " . ing assault The case was called in porc with the memhers J i. L : lice court and set for; Friday. ;.. .' I Ch.h." 1. ? rr." ', i.r..l Uh? club LI by :c . .'cd to elect him acclamation appeared in police Y. Yoshioka r. :c - Ur cf th crraniraticu. 1 i running an auto on today court for r I'. i al o m? :!e a he morning. .16 Because thi3 Pier rt t.;,- ar d ciur'cg hi3 remarks sentence any his, know better didn't ! t: ct I ? vc:; the. i.rmy that ; ;. ... '; .. Cxchsn-s- .) was suspended I .'.1 A prc.cram for , ...a i I; - h tl Karchamcha DavAd Club meet-i-- ' cn IIILO Sailed, June 5. S. S. Texan for' ct the Central Union ch The case of Arita, charged with an Francisco. ': statutory offence, against , two youhg J ::"- 11 at 7:C) p.' m. was tnr.c. ;.ccd. ' j Radio-ra; girla .who. were hi3. wards, , wa3 called . i report: sail-- ; in police court yesterday and ; post Cable S. Ventura, S. G, KZ'.TiY S'.'ART ing fromc Sydney' May. .2 CF 2l: . ss ; first, poned one month awaiting the grand (i2 second class , and 11 steerage -jury. ; IbVO tons' frei ht. Due June H. J. Iopa, a Hawaiian boy, - was Ca t hiir way to their last resting M3.at 6:50 a. m., sailing at 5 p. m, ' h. found not guilty yesterday by Police 0 i t the little graveyard at Mana, same day. a, Hawaii, the r.sho3 cf the late S. S. Nippon ManngaUs at 9 a.;m Judge Monsarrat of ; kicking a little 1! TV (h::.: lard Smart, husband of the tomorrow, for San Chinese boy. The defendant claimed Francisco. ) .tc ' "licking" from the father.' caifsed :.a T. K. Parker Smart, were to the Big Island in the ernooa were taken - to h the . Parker bruises' on . the complainant. f' Kca this Tucrning. The um ihome at Waikiki. Many beautiful flo,mg the allies arrived in the ral tributes were seat by friends of z. Three poker players who engaged WW Oil :ina . and in the aft- - Jthe family. n a friendly game' were fined $15 each in police court yesterday. They were C Mitchell, C. M. King and Man ..'V Gorgeous: Decorations,; Parade and Pageant Mark Opening of Tenth Celebration tJ II Ah Quang was assessed $20 in po lice court today for carrying opium. r eh cor; duties in-a- - news-gatheri- ro?. -- ; .J FMOill'JEll . ; ' : t candidate on nomination of the Progressive party: A long thVtatice telephone' from Sagamore Hill, site of the Col rncTs home, to the Progressive headquarters here hps been installed and Roosevelt is kept in touch with the developments. ' The, telephone is closely guarded here, at Chicago and along the line en route to prevent s f messages will be supplemented by mail correspondence, which will tell of the convention In detail. Beginning Monday the Associated Pres'a has been sending this paper a special service, with --flasues" or. bulletins on the big events and enlarged daily despatches. Both conventions will be "covered" extensively by this international organi-zatic- n and the developments will be rushed here by wireless or cableJThis service also will be supplemented by : mail reports. Ccc Readers, of the who ordinarily secure the first edition are advised that owing to the rapid and late developments bound to occur much convention hews fs' likely: to appear in the second or in lafe extra edi: tions. ' r ' ASH J Ail Xj it ilSES P0S1IL1D that the "Hawaiian end" will be important and Interesting. These daily sunn TO B2 ROSE FESTIVAL in I CliffiES FEW , WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916. Nr ;' Call for color card. ' 'r .: c ' " '' Leyess & Cco!se,M, -- i Lumber and BuildingCVTateriab 1G9-1T- 7 So King St ' - v A J J HONOLULU RQAQ EXPER3E-FO- PAST CKSECUSI R Mil WO IS mum is STAR-BULLETI- PEANUT PiilCES ROAD GUILDIKG PEitE cess OF in:,! II! lOFYUi 31 TOLD TO "., - . f31,660.99, Honolulu. ' ' $:k,437.74, Jl.r'2,r7S.43. $14,592.03, Waianae, i:wa and ' '' special cablegram was received by the Chinese consulate here at 5:3d yesterday afternoon from Dr. Wellington V. K. Koo, Chinese minister at Washington, D. C, as follows:; I am in receipt of & cable from Wal Chiao ru (Chinese foreign office) statins that ' President Yuan died from illness on the 6th instant st about; 10 o'clock p. m. "'Posthumous mandate states that in accordance with . the twenty-nint- h article of the constitution of the Republic of China it is hereby declared Li Yuen Hung that shall assume the. presidency ad in4 Vice-Preside- nt terim., -- ",- ' His Excellency LI Yuen Hung has to assume the presidency on decided : 7th instant at 10 a. m.' Half-mathe Total proposed 19 days begining from J ') ' $i2.7aic. today, further, decision regarding the KooIauTc.i. $2.324.93,. $MC8.53.: $24 number of days will be cabled later on, 1 r' ' 4 1 $16,-4SG.2- 5S08.S3, t:i,S77.23. ' Wahiawa, J1,:CG.S3. Wfiialua. $3,! 03.79, $6,743.37. ; st fr - . ' C 1 'l - T 2 2. a u ; Z !;o7 i'2 f 2?.f4:.12 9,SS2.80, 03.79. y. W. , $S,- - K. KOO." . Governor is Notified.. ; V o Yuan death the Official word of fund. 51.717.73. Hhih-Kaf' rnl$i:s,:c3.4C President of China, was re$39, ceived4 this morning, by Governor Chinese consul, Pinkham from'-thTsz-anWochuan, together with no. L l . . tification that the presidency had been w w accepted by . Li Yuen ' Hung, former Fu:Ti::n V.'; , ' : ' ' -- 7.i:,. l, . e g 1 4 J. ! 1 . discuss' will cELEcr.Jio: . crc a'ug c . re-- - c? ra-- i I iy i:.ul.-:..- a re r.c!i tcrr.crrow o'chek. T1.4 closing clelr-t!:- :. .:urr.v .i i.t :S3 cf th? rc'.::l t rt cf the city during the cl'. ,l::.V.:. v.." he d'.::i: :sed. ' : . -- cott;..: v::ll :e ( - Ti e r v ... .i - , - : ' 1 ; ' wi:i t i ? :s i r. I . e li ! . - Governor upon receipt of the letter, ordered the during Caritcl flag to be the office hours today, his letter, j the consul being as follows: regret of deeply death I the "Sir: the President of China, His Excellency Yuan Shih-Kaand have ordered the American flag placed at half mast during the office hours of June .7. also acknowledge your notification that Ilia Excellency Li Yuen Hung has assumed the presidency ad interim cf the' Chinese Republic. Consul Wochuan states- in his" letter that the Chinese flag will be jrlnced at half-mas-t at the consulate t;;innizg today and until further no-haii-maste- d t-- - i, S Lo U j , ,terdr, rrcjv t cs a tirtli- - Ilembers cf the United Chines Societies cf Honolulu raised the flag ever their building cn King street to the tcp this riorning. "When they were asked why the flag, was not one of the'mem-tcrs'ftated- v placed at half-mas"Flags are placed at half-mas- t in memory, 'when people mourn for someone who is gone. We ere net mourning, because Yuan Shih-Ka-i trcke Lis cath. There is no necessity of being hypocrites. "Yuan was only a great man gone wrong. We believe that his death will benefit China. That i3 fcby the Tag is not to r fc;; .ly ll. :.i 4 rcilrs c:.:.::.-::::- i ti- cf utiii-- s h'3 ar.r.cunced'.that rrc;:artica tocn- ill w -- UTILITY Fin L', 3 r rules cf ;rcccdure for - t? ! i . ,i t' r u:--- ser- r---i- c cf tho tcrr:::ry, the c a ur.if :r::i ct of ; 11. .13 will in- r.3 to what all com-c- f ' cl-Eh.all ecI S ::n cr.d siziilar d3- - -- ti , half-mast.- " - If! j tendencies. . 1 . t .J f . x:- d ' o.v,. , 1 - 1, - - ! "This community is very slow' in waking up to the fact that it cannot hare these things (improvements) unless it paysfer them. Supervisor F. M, Hatch is strongly in favor of submitting the question bf a bond issue to a plebiscite, he said last night, but he believes the people must be educated to the fact first that there is no other way to get the. work i . j ; iT . 1 4 1 A etoytc:: . yl everJy-dls-tribut- - ST L For test result! Use Honolulu Star Cil 'the steady, heat, undir -- 1 i Ho coal, wood cr cches to lu2 no waitir.r: for the f;re to burn up. Better ccciir.2 because cf r V v 1 C - rvfM vhilo i ha nthpr was rftv'a' defending iimself strenuously against charges of dishonesty in order that he might retain his place. " H K WescotL" nurchasinc acent. Is done."- .; i man accused. J. IL- Hakuole, dis- -' yl the He asked that. Georgp M. Collins, charged - assistant, brought orders be-- ; city engineer, read a. report he had the finance committee meeting ! partially completed showing a rough J fore night 'Showing he had paid j last estimate of the cost of Improvements Irt centt a. nnnnfl foithat rvAnnnta for use il ' around the Island. stand, public baths Collins submitted the following .ten- at the he had been refreshment ' buying them when' tative figures to the board: Pall wall, vicusiy Tor cents. .... i.vUiU-lVii.Al- , $42,000; Pali road, $45,500; Pali to Wes-- i charges against made Other Kualoa point, $257,000; coral road, cott ,were disproved 5y the records of Kualoa point to .South Kahana, .$36,-00except the one charging ; retaining xrall along the beach' at his off ice,, of use obscene language over the Kaaawa, $30,000; two culverts, one at the telephone. So' far this is a question Kaneohe and cue , at Kahuku, on of veracity between Hakuole and Wes-- j which the estimates are not ready; a and Hakuole has brought forth no 1 coral road from Walmea bridge to cott evidence? to substantiate his state- - j' Haleiwa, $38,000. From Haleiwa In v ';...;-to bring your broken no road bed : work is necessary, but ments.' - cemmittee- - will probably hojd Thebridges there are cut9 to be widened, session, to give Hakuole an and culverts to be built, and turns to another lenses to us especially if eppcrtunity to" introduce- - telephone be straightened'that wM Cost $90.00U. " ' - '. The road' from the Pali to Kuaroa girl witnesses. you are in a hurry to get point .Collins recommends be . constructed with six inches of concrete, tli em back and want the oiled. His estimate of $237,000 contains provisions tor adequate drainage, work to bo done way and all widening cuts along-thr1 or (She bouth), of Weeks' The FeasV " the details.-- ' : obisbeing Pentacost, Jevishthe - At the next meeting of the board Collins' report will be-- considered an1 served in Honolulu today. . the proposal for a bond issue whipped According to' the. Monterey Cypress into definite "shape, if present pians May-20- , Manuel Santos, of are- carried ouL. ' ' formerly in the" employ of the ; r-- o . . . Hustaca-Pec- k Company, was drowned in the bay of Monterey, California, on the night of May 19. Santos was a brother of Joaquim Silva of 1363 Lusl-tan- a vaLi:.r::cz:TY' Decree :v ed ; perfect cor.trcL All heat concentrate-- 1 cn the d 1 cn & IO 1 around the rocrr.. Ths i CCC Ik 11 '.. rT f J" C. lon, blue chirr.neys . dl sincls prevent . - - t V ! cr.d - --. I.w...w - 1 . 0; , " - ; burnrsi2f W J , .h nodtliCcz'.'-1 Fircl.-5- Ovens. J , ri rl tTm 0 -- i i ov.-n- Alsocabint w h 2 AY. c:l co:.:?a:;v IT - - TO ar.J 4-- 1, 2. 3 cr without STAIDAr.D '' " - YCU3 HCALr AS - ; In Bakes, boHs, roast3, toasts. Mora efficient than your wood or coal s:ovo ar.i costs les3 ta operats. f. -n . w - ' ' uliiiUiltt.u.iLiiN street.. TO . ; ; v - Optical Department With Mrs. Margaret Cowes. mother of the bridegroom, and James Baker, a chauffeur, as vritnesses, Dr. John F. Nat Goodwin of HaCowan, waii, yesterday"" remarried his first wife, Mrs. Carrie A. Varain. Father Valentin of the. Catholic Mission per. formed the- ceremony. , ' ILliUiiLu .ibJl.il , t, ; . . j r self-style- d M. S , - i J t L . J " MEDICINE AfiD MUSIC7 STUDIES, ADOPTED ;BY : C te. - A - ... AlA. - - w.vw. .. J v .. vi::t next v.";:': fcr th3 ; And. Vegetables ; on stand, and. " Another HcTaoInlu bey, musically InT?ofaU anil Whnlocala , ' Ls w orked' only one day in several- clined,. Is makingi, good on' the mainweeka.. . Territorial Marketin.3 Division land. He JiMei ion Green Emnoan3, Detective John AVbo Korean Inter, son Phone 1310 nr. Queen. Maunakea Mrs." "1. Kalakaua L. Emmnnsof of, rreter, testified that he had, upon re avenui, of Floyd brother Walkiki.'and quest of the. Korean' National Assoeia-- H. Emmans, business manager or the tion, warned Kucn to 'stop giving Ko- local Y; M. C. A. : rean boys opium, v' , ! : Shortly after young Emmons ar. The police have adopted ; a ne on the mainland several months .'A methol in an tffort'to stamp out the rived . ago, began Ihestudy of music and, he opium evil. Instead of charging de fendants with having opium in pos- ks a're3ult, he now has eeyeral large San session, which usually results in a classes of pupils in and about ukur Is clever Francisco.-a', Emnians small line, they book them as .vagrants. As much as a year may be lele player, having been pupil of Erngiven on this latter charge. We' Pack Two est KahJ, and is also a fair master of and' niandolin.y Steamer Chinese recently. were given eight and the gJitar Sirica hisjirrival on tbe coast he has Baskets nine months, respectively, under this bean taking lessons on the jnandolin v To Order. method. : . and gmtar.. Accurdin to his mother, testiny Ob.wX J Island II eat g v;4vTHIS.H0iJ0LULUBdY at. Maunakea and , Hotel, streets, .. . UA ' Teaching-- young Koreans the opium habit got Nam Chung : Kuen a six months' sentence in jail from Judge Monsarrat thi3 morning.- . r Kuea has conducted an opium den to J.. . ' ti 3. :t Hs'r; Fl?i to Top. l "cf b the average quantir)' L a healthy cdult, but it is thquoliy cf the blood I thzt dctennines oux strenrrJi to resist yjr Vrtess, una treak Li cod we tnd cold tinds and chilly feet; in children to study, and in adult3 ; chanrinir seasons ret abendint ' ; afresh air and take a spoonful cf Scott's : .: meals, because Scott's Cmw Is a common Emulsion after . Peanut poiitics blood-foors.a Emulsion rich that wul enough expression.' bur its use is not very often literally used, as it was increase both quantity and quality of last nlghtv For 13 or 20 minutes three The blcod v.iile it Tfanns the body and supervisors, .in. commiuee meeung a- - fips carry eft the impurities. iv, " r " vnen numtuoes ot people are toV discuss a difference In price of two , . Scotts Emnlaoi' to avert cents a pound on peanuts ordered by and are giving it to Sickness, youhd 23 lots. And it was.lctsr the city in pontics 'the two men Vere playing, ; their children, it is careless to neglect cne fighting to regain Ma place In the ,' its TocneEts Look out for substitutes. ' - " -- U l.;e ::.r$ c' ' : a- - Va" 7 will ' n t .3. 1 . . L ca an'c'I r? t i ire ..." t' : . ., r t: v : today . i , :i ; :::,' i .::. -- ::wl::. ; i ,l cc.,:;EnsTo::E ' t. Pinkham, - immediately :::v ii.e' 1 ; Vice-Presiden- Tc:.:onuOV the bosrd of the r.Vrr''.: cf C rr.r Tbo tnil tr: " 191G. EKCASK ' "A m PLAY Excluding Amounts Spent for Local Chinese Representative Supervisors Are Given Tentative Figures in Report Pre- -. notifies Governor, Who Puts Sidewalks Curbings ana Flag at Half-Sta- ff spared By City Engineer; ; Bridges,,Tot$297,639 The exact amount of money spent last year on the road t of the city and county, and of each district, has been, ascertained at the repeat of Super-"'laor. aLrsen.' He wanted to know where the monev went Below are the figures. The first Is that snent from each district from the road tax fund; the second from the general fund: the third from the permanent Improvement fund and the Inst the total from all funds. The figures do not include the amount spent for sidewalks., curbing, bridges and other such accounts. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, N, '': - .. 3 . ? . L 3 cf tl wm .WW IT. WW Phcr.3 1C13 - rr-- i . U Adv. L.:l:r " ' c:r::t fher, i::;c'.-:-'.v- ;n, r: --, lie;.::: .'i ? ( - .... C-- ' :?. 1 n ft - tl ? cvvi'y f ' r, a i C.ll r.- ; r he' has made application for entrance LOCAL FUNDS RAISED to a large medical school in San Fran-'r.n- , " ; ahd may' complete the course FOR BELGIANS GIVEN Dividend disbursements amounting before returning to .Honolulu. thculd be a fixed tq $12'),CG0 will be made by the Keka-hthere ACKNOWLEDGMENT wemaa who wants to Sugar Company July 1. It has made Thcne 2141. L".v:i i.... ca tl.3 i;lar.d in auto, fl.CO. r.cv.-- 1 T U-I- Aiv. Cco3-t- . a -s . ' announcement of it3 directors' action ...v. !.:: csl: cn dividends, taken Monday, when it i fir Tzztzri czr, It 3 3. was determined to pay an extra divifcr-drle- r.rr.:'"'; - t- - : : v- : Countess vaii den Steen, director of Hospital Elisabeth at Poperinghe, Belgium, under the patronage of the queen of the Belgians, has: acknowledged he receipt of 1590 franks sent through 'Mrs. Alma de Brettcville Spreckels; " The money was the proceeds of a teadansant held at the Alexander Young botel under the direc-' tion of Mrs. Jenrie Rawafc: '. -- Adv. i:.t:I Av.:.o Ct-de::! cf JG per rhare In addition to the Ycu r.'.turnlly nntthe best for ycur re:.lar dividend of $2, making a total :. , te.hlc. 71.cn cell S 143, the Iletro dividend of $S. Market, and you'll r:t it. 1 clilan Last year Kekaha paid $1 monthly V.'rnt Ads fcr fl..d-in- dividends the first six months and Use $2 the last six months and made two "lost" articles. Th.cy ur;-!l- y " ccrne tack" by this rc;le. I'Lcne special payment? er.ch of $3. Its esti' ' mated crop this year was 16,000 tons. 4211. very It has a capita'.izatioa cf $1,500,000. shoe tnrn!ns attractive Seme ' MISSING fcr KancLarneha Day C'...o fhown, by the JIanuf. STROKE AP0FLECTIC ; Co:r.;-anyLtd. Don't v v:';:-- tl.:". Ycv.-- ai. " ::ct g etar-Lillrti- a c' r- -z FaOVES FATAL TO POPULAR EMPLOYE known as "Cap" around the n offices, died this morning at the Queen's Hospital from a stroke of apoplexy, which took place Monday afternoon at the quarters reon cently vacated by the ; Alakea street. , "Cap" was 61 years7 old and had n for been employed by the some years as metal man in the linotype room. He was born in Honolulu and is survived only by his daughter Mr. and Mrs. 'Ell and Akana, with whom Ho lived at Smith lane and Fort street, f The funeral will be from Williams undertaking parlors tomorrow afternoon and burial in the Kalaepohaku Hawaiian cemetery on School street Star-Bulleti- Star-Bulleti- n e Star-Bulleti- A Gcldcn "Luxury' son-in-la- I - ' mm m ' .' Indian Corn, cooked, rolled thin as a wafer, then toasted a golden-brow- ' n. Truly a healthful, delic- ious food. Serve direct from 1he packet with cream or milk. Sold by Grocers and Stores f-- 'JJ w "- -- J ' fl ) V. O. m i . 1 w.A. wi . fc w " AWAAw i V . - mt 1 fc - - -- - 4 ''. "v-'.- , f-- l7 " - -' X 'A m n li'.: z z .' r. Z1127 1.12 it n bather a clinvo 0 ; " :: of the pas- ! sengers,1 Miss E. .Boone, now visiting - THE IIOST ARTISTIC DISPLAY OF in Honolulu, on the 'last . trip over. Meyers is said to- have bean seen w ith the watch but a wireless from the Matsonia says It has ben found on another employe and the trial was '.set for the time the" Matsonia will' dock here again, about June 23. 'N" ' PI - -- ALWAYS AT On the ground of failure to provide, Mabel 'tJ'4 Bower has been granted a divorce from George 'A. ("Bert")' Bowinmate" of Oahu er. Bower-is'riow'aprison, serving sentence on a charge In federal of which he was convicted ' : ' ' 1 ' ': conrU'' This members of the' Catholic Ladies' Aid Society will meet in the Library of Hawaii at 3 o'clock tomorrow after' noon. : . :.''. i . . mi ..'-.- ibrt"Stret , . Jhzluonlh of Brides! '..) and Cut Glass ;, ;. If No. doubt among the prospec tive brides of June are some cf your young friends. Fernaps the question of suitable gifts Is'.' giving you serious moment3. 1 , We can help you over, the dif-ficulty with suggestions by the score. We are primed fcr contingencies. Every department, is teeming with gift Our, Wares Protect Your Reputation for Good Taste. . i 1 V j:.: susi-stions- such . K, . V ... 1 1 V " rtT - t--V 'is '- ."f H Star-Bulleti- urettCr3.C::fxndLh:J w last Eye Comfort. At four Drcnfrt's 50c pr Cottle, llzfc. Zjt 'MhTuhMtSc Fort nit! tvtrr'.?tV "THE HOUSE OF HOUSEWARES KING STREET. HONOLULU . . riicL'TrtlirreibfllrrL : 53-6- 5 - r I '. . j ' . .,.-. . ' Matsumoto, low 'bidder, was awarded the contract for the Buddhist TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY temple to be' built in upper Fort street FOR ' SALE.- ji Hong-wan: at a meeting of the Hcappa Mission Association yesterday. t '' FURNISHED-HOUSES- . s He has not yet signed the contract. ; right cottage, nicely furnished Matsumoto bid $29,330, a figure Small,town; rates'" reasonable. ; Address in $15,000 highest below about the next 6 i$o I f "Cottage," : bidder.,-. : ' ' ''-'- CONTRACT FOR BUDDHIST ' TEMPLE GIVEN LOW BIDDER Pearly AVhite LECTURE SUBJECT OPENS ' VERY INTERESTING FIELD Dr. . WUIiani T. Brigham of Bishop Museum is. planning an interesting 4 talk to be given at .the Y. M. C. A. - i tomorrow, evening."; .Dr.; Brigham- w ill MUTUAL tTCLEPHCNE CO., LTD. discus ; the possibilities of exhausting the supply of: nitrogen from the Deserters from the Italian army are and numer- crossing into Switzerland almost daily. air. ;OwIng to the recant ous experiments with-- : nitrogen since ; The destruction: of birds costs', this FOUND, WATCH the outbreak: of the war, thi3 subject country $LOOO,000 a year, it Is estimategreat Jntarest.' The lecture will d- ' CASE POSTPONED is ofgiven ., ';' ;.''.'.., V in Cooke' hall at the associabe In is Nova acre land Scotia An of open memto building and will be Henry Meyers, a dining room tion 500 produced of to bushels have said men association and their. of the bers steward on the Matsonia, was charged friends. potatoes. this morning in police court with steal- ing' a $45 watch from one W. M. Malnae, a Hawaiian v Phone "V. r- - , , ..... .. For Ready Reference . ": ':. V PHONE 2235 EEA0HE3 Hisbtace-PecZ- i - ' Co.; Zj"ifl. ALL KIND3 OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WOTtX. FIREWOOD AND COAU , .... P. O..COX 212 :, .;. t3 QUEEN 8TREET ,; LETTERS I II W HIT !; !i II I .WEDNESDAY . . . . - JUNE - - - - .. - , EDITOR 7, 191 G. vincerising against him, xinablc to trust hisrOwn generals, his own cabinet officers his own household at- FUXAHOLTS YEAR AND PUNAHOU'S NEED. taches, the "wiliest man of the East' 'was bound haind and foot in meshes he himself. Had helped to weave. s .. j Every move he made in the sp latter; months but enPunahou's 75th annirersary, soon to w ith a program' ivhlch khall be ivorthy of;the'75 meshed him the deeper. - 'It would not be strange if hi to end a life whose power was years rich in history and achievement to which this sought " V' ' ' i v; I i U, -' ?: ir.iti union may look back is not merely iVevievv of being crushed out. PreChina in than person now is 'There no greater tl'.z past but a milestone, toward the. future. Yuan, M." llanihara, newly appointed Japasident Of Punahou's deeds, recorded in the lives and activconsul-generat San Francisco, said to the Starr i: :cs ot many nunc reus ot men ana women wnowere nese Bulletin' through Honolulu on May 26. passing while schooled there, much will be said. Of Punahou's needs J.- . self-destructi- on " ; ' ; - , ' - : ' , al "The. republic will become more and more disorderly if he is expclled'Mr. Hanihara added. "He is the only one who can govern now . v i Now that he is dead this, prophecy will be tested. Yuan gave evidence in 1914 that his ambition was to transform his presidency cf China into an imperial status. His acts and expressions caused much violence of sentiment throughout the country all througli ; '!'.i' last year. As Emperor Hung Hin, the former president entered the ancient throne room of the Manchus and took his scat on tlie throne: at the Xey Year, reception to foreign diplomats and 'government 'officials in January this year. Since then the news China has been all of uprisings and insurrections against. the usurper of the throne, and as his enemies' have it. traitor to the . 7,..; v":; .7 cause of republicanism. , ' d In April there were reports at different times, with denials attributed like the assertions to himself, that Yuan Shih-Kintended to res:gn and allow Cliina to elect a president. Late in .May a report that he had. sustained a stroke of paralysis, was; 'followed, w ithin a lav or two, by the allegation that he had been poisoned.;',', ":' Addressing a taxation reform league in San Fran cisco last January. Sun Fe, s'on of the first president of China, Sun Yat Sen, delivered a historical indict ment of Yuan. He said that during the revolution of 1912 uan Shih-kagreed with the republicans to persuade the Manchu house to abdicate and to unify the republic. "He was. made the second provisional president, and soon began to betray liis trust with un' :., constitutional acts."" Among the specific counts given by young Sun, fnen-tio- n is made of his defying parliament by signing the f crs Joan of $125fOCO.OOO without its sanction. Then, after the revolution of 1913, Yuan accused parliament of 'trying to overthrow him, 'and, issued an illegal order expelling 310 Kbomintang members. "On January 1 1 , 1914," Sun went on to say with much more, "Yuan formally abolished the parliament elect-cby the people, but not uutil-h- e had forced its members to elect him as th& regular president." "'V. it is ti:::cly to say something. : The school is facing a real and pressing need for r. li'.UQ:iz funds. Concerning Punahou's finances l:t-- r is usjnlly brought out, but if any impression prevails that the school is beyond financial cares, it is an, i .ircly n:: taken impression. The facts are that even v.v.h the most scrupulous care and economy there has .:i nn a::::ual ccficit every year but one since 1901. T!.: fects. are that during this period the number f sttulcr.ts has increased 125 per cent the number of r.cl.crs 116 per cent. The facts are that a wide cf subjects has beeu'! !sd to the. school courses uljccts which sound pedagogy demanded should be ,j vc:i i:i modern schools of. Punahou" kind. " i r.e fects are. also that neither in buildings nor in ; to teachers lias the school been able to keep it!i t!:c of attendance '"and "the demand. t:'. ::io:i which shall keep 'Punah'ou abreast of - The increase in endow- - I :c:i svb:r)rma!ly small. The disparity .me end expenditure has been a problem ' k tlie President rtvl the Trustees have had '.z The school is now faced with - . : 1 .h'.-?:.-- - is l.r.ir course the '';Anniversary ' .. Seventy-fift- h :::.:r stu Icr.ts ::'. close friends of Punahou rr.c:t of f.:::nccs. The response to this, s n far as it has gone, has' not by .any 1 :.-- .! . i :ricu; financial problem. Jt is r-iitio- " ai ; Cc::::"r;:cc U r.'nr addressing' itself. About r o a pr.rf ::ict was sent out to some the .. ,';' . .:. either of carrying out retrenchments ill reduce the t.Ticiencv and scope of instrtio :r;.":ct!:; strength of the faculty, or of rais- -' ' ' . . ai : funds.' : . inter-lude- be-i.:- cc ' .- -- ..i.-.Lr.- v. ;'- -- - ro-.vtl- ::--'- T I . Our New Number '.-A.NaWERtNC COUNTRY ' CLUB DI. BORN vr.-v.BlTRGOYNE RECTORS ON ROAD CON-- In Honolulu. June 4. .i 1916. to Mr. and Mrs. Frank ClJur-goyn- e .: TROVERSY. : ns ir.ust be made to the ve-'po- worthy .list cry drawing i:i r.ccd of the crcn.erous r' to give; that Hawaii, lor y. regress, for education. :! rive to the s.ch ol which : w . d thv.i a ;:ift to Punahou upon the : Wi. .t n. re pcrrr.mctit and Cwi-- r The case of an army medical officer whose auto ran i lew: ii than aid to t!ie school whose into a steam-rollunlighted and on the road at night ( f :rve to the t:rritorv? emphasizes the frequency with which dangerous'spots i:. i .,...;r.t funds ari permanent and are left without warning signals in the dark. Cm-plaithe working capital, the income only was made some days ago about the torn-u- p .:.-ex; :ncs. piy ru cr any ether funds will be roads in Puunui and the;r menace to the safety of traffic. Any motorist or. any pedestrian 'who is abroad i'.ar cr one hundred thou- - -- er nt - ot 932 Birch street, a 'son, ' ' ';.' ; Ftankv;: Editor: Honolulu ;': l '. Sir: Will 70a kindly grant me space USUI In Honolulu, May 29 191 5. to for the following remarks: '. Mr. and Mrs. Tomojl Usui of 34 hen I got tiff the Puunui ImproT-men- t lane, off Beretania street, a Club committee I had hoped to son. YoJL get out of the Country Club contro- NAiCAYAMA In Honolulu. May 2S. versy and leare the work' for'the new 1916. lo Mr. and Mra. Kotaro Xaka-- committee. Howerer, the Country yama-o- f St Mary's Mission. South Club directors' letter to their memKing street, Molliill. a son. George. bers was such & series of misstate- FURBER In HcnoJulu. May 2S, 1916, ments that, I am compelled to correct to Mr. and Mrs. William Frederick a few of them. .;:. - Furber a son, Arthur At the beginning 'of, the letter, for . rMerlrn. of . Kaimuki, . . v.. . a reason I cannot fathom, the direcMay 191u, Hpnclulu, SO. KEPAXOIn tors represented Circle drive as Lalml .: to- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kepano of road extecslcn. Ihls portion wa3 9.0 Alapai street,' a daughter emitted frcm the Honolulu ' Kaupe. of Monday, but the members will find it. It looks to me like a SANTOS In Honolulu. May' 27. 191fi, to . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Santos )f kind of trick, which ' I would never 297 South Vineyard "street,' a daugh v have suspected such gentlemen of ter. playing, even on Puunui, much less'; rn their own members. Also, the ma? SAU la Honolulu, June 5, 1916, to which went with the . letter, ignore! '.Mr, and Mrs. Hung Sau of King. street, Pawaa Junction, a daugh-Circle drive, This, road would run ' ter. :r-- along Mr. Sherman's boundary an J Join Nuuanu avenue at the land some ERSKINE In Honolulu. June 3, 1915. to Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Erskine hundred feet or so below Lalmi road. Circle drive has been, as freely dis of 44 Koa Avenue, a daughter., cussed as the many ether routes.; Mr. V i MARRIED Sutton knew of it," as-- discussed it GALE-WONIn Hcnolulu, June 6, with, him and gave him a blue print. 1 1 6, John T. Gale and" Miss Ellen It was on the maps handed to the directors at the meetlns with the su- ; Wcng, Rev. Samuel K. Kamaloplll, pervisors" road committee. The blu? ".assistant paster of the Kaumakapill church, officiating. Witnesses, Miss print had been shown to; Mr.. Walker Sadie C. Sterritt and MIss ,Agne3 E. and Mr. Angus. The Outdoor Circle ; Maynard. a sent print. to the, directors over a year ago. On this misrepresentation COWES-VARAIIn . Honolulu, June 6. 1916, Dr. John F. Cowes and Mrs. at the beginning of the letter hung a lot of the directors' arguments that Carrie A. Varain, Rev. Father H. Valentin of the Catholic ..cathedral followed and would ; invalidate then. Thel directors stated that we Icfi :.;' officiating. Witnesses, Lira. Margaret Cowes and James Baker. , a rortlcn of cur district out becauae the people there objected to paying Tn Honolulu, the assessment ,. for the .new roid. 5. 1916, Manuel Antonio do June This is net so A r section called ' Canto and Mis3 Mary Ferrelra. Rev. Cherry Vale Tract is iiot in the PuuFather Rodriguo JYans of the Cath- nui Tract, and was excluded ;becau3- olic cathedral, efficiating. 'Witness-- . we expected they we u Id "object to cs, Manuel da Silva and Mary da SiL-frontage tax." We included part of ': va. the Country Club because we had a XilYAKE-SEKIYIn Honolulu, 'June moral right to run a road there; they - 2. 1916, Kiichiro Miyake and Miss had previously taken our roads away. Hatsu Sekiya, Rev. Samuel K. Ka-- , But when in perfect candor we told maiopill, assistant pastor of - the the directors these things, we did not officiating. Kaumakapill church, expect them to garble the facts, and Witnesses, Denichi Masakl and Mrs. try and make capital out of the re- ,' S. K. KamaiopUI. Star-Balleti- lULEY H. ALLEN VITAL STATISTICS I I 'CALL n: - Mat-sumo- to I'M . ;' .' -S-- r. JL-JL: ; FUlt ' -- V':.,vV - Star-Bullet- in 123 Mercliaut"St -- :. For Ready Reference - Star-Bulleti- n -- I I -- . . 1 G : : ., CO-fo- N , ; CANTO-FERREIR- A . - A J : sult ' . , t The matters of trails are facts which some of 1 the directors themselves know of, and there i3 evidence to support the same. Because a few malihinis get into the directorate End do not understand old conditions, it is strarg&Ufcat the. older members permit their; knowledge to ; be overborne. r the club '"acquire a remote 'an i largely. .Waste tract of land? and "develop; it to its present beautiful condition at heavy expense and financial risk" and thereby do "a useful public Fervice. by 'greatly enhancing ' valuta of neighboring lands (and settling up the same" for tLe'bfcheilt.of the public, ;: for Its members! And if the club Lad not developed' taaWwaste' (the finest building land ia Honolulu 1 residents have deteloted it lens ago. ,Puunui people wculdi have beeti free to go mauka or makai, and our' property would not have depreciated,' as- the tax assessments show it has. The Country Ciub's presence has - been a detriment to, us, not jv benefit under, the conditions It baa imposed on us. -' It is absurd for thei directors to say they are not attempting to put obstacles In cur way. No laborers have ever worked harder, on an ."ukupau" than have these officers in Inventing obstacles. And they claim they are trying to help Puunui their actions id - -- : -- ; ' DIED .,'.- the-ol- SAPETA - - In the. Kauikeolanl Trcm D. v- : Marques committee. ' ' for appihiticns Thlrty'-thre-e ' roJ (Jcpartnrr.t will iiave JIO.. Te tp run on this rr.o.ith.' Tl.e c'J fl u:o f J10,0''.i1 It last IliHi. ir.c.-.t-h ft l.3 wa? rcr'.-r- CJ". t;) I for the last two' mor.t:3. - p ft k. . I.. , r j 1 - - ...ill a.) w O f ri the-R.iii- rjkt - Hospital, Honolulu, June 6, Joseph, son cf Joseph Sapeta of .Waialua, this' Is- ' Ian J, a native of Waialua, three years, six months and five days old. TvAPA In the Queen's Hospital. Ho- Kapa, no'ulu. June: 4, 1916, Robert Hawaiian, 49 years old. ' ' TVRTROS in Hilo. Hawaii. May 24, 1916, Francisco Moniz ' " veiros of Villa Franca, married, farmer, a native pf the island of St. Michael, Azores, Portugal, 91 years old." Rental of bathing suit3 at t"ie public bath3 will be reiu-.efrcm to 15 cents, fcr aiult3 and 10 cc: 1S1G, children, shortly.. ' . , . An ordinance regulat!:; tk ter and. sale tf cattle, sina : : try back to tk committee fcr correcticr.3. A request from John Fc deputy sheriff fr.r C'.va, f;r rr nr.!. was-referre- . to employ ar:':;:r.? cfflcT In Monterey, Cal.. May 19, 1916,.. Manuel Santo3 of West Oak- - SAXTOS of Honolulu; married, fisherman, a native of "Funchal, Portugal, 43 years old. CLARK Inllonolulu; June 6. 1916, at Leahl Home, Joseph M. Clark. 53 years, 7 months. 14 v single, aged days. Buried today in the Makiki 4 cemetery. M A INAE In Honolulu June 7, 1916, ; at the Queen's Hospital, William M. Mainae," widower, aged 61.' Body ' will be buried in the Kalaepokaku cemetery, Kalihi. ' j.land,-formerl- y lla.-deir- a, . ; . I - Ovrner'of a cozy bungalow bciiio, moving, to t!:J to get away, is .vailing to K:cri-lic$300 of the real value of the property in order to effect an immediate sale. .coast,-anxiou- e lltli Home on Avenue, Kaimuki, clo:e to t!:e 'carline and in one of the best neighborhoods of the city. Lot 75x200; shrubbery, tree-- , ci:-.5 rooms, conveniently arranged and r.ud' rn, large, broad lanai; laundry in ba.cmerit; ter-- . " . vanis' quarters detached. :'. ";( ;:.i, -:, e1 ; ' " ' " e-l- ul .. ' .' - . ' For Sab t!CiCC3.C0 Term : ' ! --.' Phono 3i77--irOV- 7 , ' ir ; " .." : ;.' - - - . .''- . . ; e ;;v - ";,'; t Henry Vaterhouse Trust Co.; Ltd. ' ar-rire- d g Furnished ; baby-carriag- e Mc-DufS- ; S. the ' .: ; ment cf public works, left for Hllo school. ; tkia r.crniiis on work connected with , ike office. FRANCJS F. WALBRIDGE, a toula federal court rist made appllc-ttioMRS. J. R. MACAULETNeft yester-ca- y today for passports for himself, wife on the Lurline to- visit for two and daughter to travel . in - Canada. nibs with her daughters, Vlrs. A. B. They will leave Honolulu In the Wills and Mrs. Jack nevin of) Oakland. steamer Niagara on June 23. '". - but kamaainas will remember the perambulator ; incident . with ' chortling ' ' ' ; glee. v : 1 , , " - ": CARLOS A. LONG. secretaVy of the liquor commission, is In theNcountry "8trWs. rri fa not expected back In toH until thp riist of next week, to word in his office, j MISS EDNA HARTE, sponsor, ot "Hartles Good Eats," was one of the MISTAKEN IDENTITY OF PRISONER IS ALLEGED Prosecutor Chillingworth surprised the court this morning by declaring that the Filipino,4 Pedro Puentas. who has been on ; trial for some time for the assault and. robbery of a Japanese, is not Puentas at alt but Louis and that the true Pedro Puentas is a hard laboring man on the Waipahu plantation. - The case was postponed to Saturday, when Chilling-wortproposes to prove the identity ' of the true Puentas. Lurllne passengers yesterday. She will spend three months on the mainland visiting chiefly with her mother near Sioux City, Iowa, and at her old home MRS. L. G.rMMANS of Kalakaua In Toronto, Canada. u svenue, Waikik! has returned to JUDGE W. W MORROW of the after, an extended tour; of the court of appeals of the ninth circuit mainland. Her son. Verion, will on the coan indefinitely. will leave for Hilo next Thursday afternoon accompanied by Mrs. Morrow h shells MRS. H; ALEXANDER 1SEXBERG and bis seer eta; y, Lynr.e Kelly.- - The Russ orders for 10,000 end her sons. Rudolph and Alexaa party expects to fettiru to 'iionolulu are bemg filled at the Norkolk Navy Yard for a preparedness test Suiiiay. C:t il?nbergf are I?jns TkWdajC I iftfi ac-torui- " ........ V.. I ........... 25.00 50.00 ; Unfurnished Fvr . at a Reduced Rate . " ' ."VValalae m ........I ........ , Six fine building lots of. overJ 7500 square feet, each situated on King and Young Streets, near Pawaa. ............ : Re-ban- us Ho-rclul- Bedrooms Anapunl st. , . .3 Bed room 3 1 road IBeL 7th and 8th avex) 167-"- ; .,. . .2 Kalakaua ave. ; 774 KInau st. .4 Cor. Alexander and Dole sis.; .U.,T, 2C2 ). 12th! ave., Kaimuki .. ..... ir'lii .2410 Kalakaua ave. (Royal Grove). ...3 2 Dayton lane ';' 11th. Palolo and . aves...........2 ; . Pahoa and 6th aves....... ..... .3 ' j (Partly furnished.) . ; n - ... . . .2 ............ .2 1714 ' . . ; . . Palolo road (5th avc.) . . . . lllLunalilu st. ....1. 1550 e. . " Prices, $1125 to $1216 .or asv pament terms. jer lot. ; A discount for cash 45,00 100.00 25.00. ; 370 . 35.00 '15.00 45.00 16.00 22.50 ,30.00 h ire-ma- in , six-inc- teilS Guardian Trust Telephone-368- 8 Co., Ltd. Henry Vaterhouse Trust Co., Ltd. Stangenwald Bldg. ; 2 . " C3tl - Child-rsn'-s -r or ranufatluro roi c;j cf granted. They were all renewals ' ; ',' . . old permits. mifa tn llrJ-linne- r, $30,-CO- - of T. F. Farm, owner cf the Farm Cornn Dairy on Wilder avenue, was read and referred to the heaith While the beard was discusisng ibi proposed bond iisue Supervisor chairmen of tiie p.irk committee, arc.se and asked that before the was authorized ho be piven a chance to put in a provision fcr for Li3 e'eiartent Ha fiar.3 a pier 200 feet long at the public taf..5r a building with r"Ov!.an fcr.d.ir.c:r.; and for lociers. a si a number of ctn- cr improvements in the parks. Central parkmr in Ka'akaiu ave-- . r.ue, near the turn. cut cf Transit tracks, will be 'torn out week. The surcrvliors voted for the work last The work 3 to be done at c:.ce in crclvr to- clear tka read for the traffic cn June 11. I set-vice- T Kalakaua avenue Is a little nearer improvement At last night's meeting cf the beard a letter was read from the trustees of the Bishop Estate withdrawing their objection to the improvement scheme, filed in .aJnuary, and approving the present scheme of the supervisors fcr paving with .concrete and placing the Rapid Transit tracks In the middle of the road, providing the width of the street was cut 'from the. proposed CO feet to feef giving a wider sidewalk.. As the plan called for either a C6 or roadway the 36 foot width Avas adopted at ence. Date for a hearing oa the rrcpesed improvement scheme will be eet at tho nevt meeting. ,' ' letter A . . - to the sheriff. CITY AFFAIRS AND SUPERVISOR NOTES much after dusk can testify to the number of danger-- J that should be marked by a 'red lan:t rif'o may be sent either to ous places MARRIAGE LICENSES Perhaps tern. remedial action is out of the scope of rcr cf.thc Trustees, or to F. C. the' public utilities commission, but it is not put. of the Man"el Gouveia, Jr., Portuguese. t!.c Anniversary Finance Com-- . ' .18 ; Costa, Portuguese Virginia, scope regulation. of municipal '"'; belled wo7ds. mZ ha their ar is a particularly opporUas ") me aireciors very mceiy to mainumnar Bonllla. .23 will l;:'p Punahou cn- American 200 a belt' of guava around the ; Emily S. AHmeida, .21 Portuguese. Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollwe- g says that there's mauka feet r cars greater with permanent boundary It' has no more use of talking peace.; As a matter of:fact, suited them to allow a short road connecting streets, which was of KAMEHAMEHA DAY CROWDS how much real peact talk has. there' been ? ' benefit to Puunui, to be ' closed. It ARE HARD TO ESTIMATE SHIH-KAI, has suited them to see Puunui taxes OF YUAX Henry Ford's Chicago headquarters are miming kept down for fear their own taxes Rev. George Laughton, .who is to might be raised. "This 'public wheels on around honk, four behind honk! a deliver the' special sermon, for the ... :n Peking that President Yuan Shih-Ka- i utility brags about doing us Sunday services of Kamehameha public service" and "enhancing the; Ad Club Day i v.ciJc give all the more color to the vague at the Central Union However, it won't be much of a step for the justice values of neighboring lands," mean- church next Sunday, has arrived from :.t he died of poison. ing Nuuanu avenue, as long as the Hilo. He .informed .Raymond C. values of their own lands in the back rown, secretary of the chamber of :t an ending tliat would be to this'specta-- ! from the bench to the platform. are not raised. It puts up a big how, cemmerce, that there I Ic had played a great game and up to the were a number toweverwhen through our efforts the of Hilo people who came over on the ambition overleaped true patriotism and "Semctimes.it s hard to distinguish between a fav- enhancement : v. promises to affect the ship with him who would remain over, '":' back lands also. ;;ti .1, he had played a winning game. His fatal orite' son and hot-a- merchant. the celebration and from what he had wiping The out of the seventeenth beard before, leaving he thought- at c wes tl.at of yielding to the itch for imperial ' - them, tee should not inconvenienceleast 23 or 30 more would come. " The question seems to be, J low heroic is that bunch as .'. cr. it is cn another person's land. ; I Secretary Brown' says that it has have never heard Ht' fhey offered 'to been impossible to determine with Qiincsc resentment, sIoa to express itself in violent at the Coliseunii 7 (. y ; f $ ; f any pay" the other 'person any rent , degree of accuracy how many will ;tion, was implacable when once aroused. The lib- -' ; One funny argument Is: "A bird's-eycome from the other islands, but that circus in the. world is on at The biggest two-rin- g rals branded Yuan as a traitor, and as a traitor. they view of the, Puun,ui section taken he is confident that the attendance - ;'. from '"V Pacific Heights convincingly win be equal or in excess of early es- jjgl.t to end his power. 'With province after pro- - Oiicago today.. : shows that some point near 'Hawaii timates. street Is the proper mauka outlet." cf next week fcr Hanalel, Kual. They ?i Why not" instruct o3r city engineer map should represent the "logical are now at tho Pleasanton hoteL to lay out the grades of the Honolulu route" has just dawned upon me. Tho reads from the top of Konahuanul? red lines are placed Just over 200 VINCENT FERNANDES, JR, Of course. . Hawaii street looks feas- feet (the improvement tax limit) from yesterday In the Wiibelmlna, He , FREDDIE FITZGIBBONS: D. Lor-In- ible from the top, off. Pacific Heights the club grounds. " was a delegate from Court Camoes No. Mackaye, In small talks, says he as from that elevation the valley botBut Mr. Editor, can you tell me 8110, A. O. F.t of Honolulu, to the on bis hands. tom looks very flat An examination why the directors' map shows a black has an old push-car- t convention last month in Oakland. Thought he might have been .mis- of: Hawaii street f. grade "on the circle on my home' and on six cthci ground" would have prevented even places in Puunui ? t That was the only quoted and Intended to say ITvAMv WOODS, former territorial ' MISS CARRIE THOMPSON, formArthur which of one these directors from making ' such a problem I have been, unable to solve. That fr.ptnr. i v'p'Une In Honolulu from erly a teacher at the Spreckelsvllle knowledge must be recommendation. . : eome - ,;- - ) Thanking you for your courtesy, has school. Maul, will return to Honolulu getting In the old class by now. This ; Why the .'red lines M3 home la Kohala, Hawaii. JOHN F. G. STOKES. Jon the directors from the mainland in a few .weeks malihinis, cryptic to may be ' V. depart- to become principal ot the Kaneohe remark CAI.N. engineer in i 7r -- Corner Fort and Merchant Streets r 1 nONOLUI.U STAU BUIXKTIN, TUESDAY. JUNK ers and riayers famished the lullaby.: : music cf the islands. The other guefts were the T. Smith,. J. FranKlIn BelL Francis Pope, Louis Chappelear, John 1L Gardner. Lee Holcombe, F. O; Johnson, Frederick "Perkins, George Perkinf. Thomas H. Rees, James 1L Frier. M. P. Donnellan, Jarius A. JlooreJ William H. Br"jks, John D. Ik'.rrette, LeonCchen. Charles Ryland. Richard Cravens, Oliver Harzard and Miss Addea Hunter. San Francisco Examiner. ; . cf the class of 1917 to guard and keep during the coming year J Of . Mrs. Henry Sloane Coffin, who 'Immediately open the conclusion of .quintet armed yesterday, the San Francisco the. program the Hawaiian and burst forth Into a lively one-steChronicle of May 23 says: dancing was enjoyed during the rei,The smart set cf Marin county Is mainder of the evening. t'lay these days planning many de Amcng Dab-ocf- c those present were." PresiConrod Mra. affairs for Ihtful and Mr. Henry Sloan ,Coffro, dent and Mrs. Arthur L. Dean, Mr. ho are visiting btrel 'They are sis- f Wallace ;R. Frrlngton. Mr. and Mrs. ters of Mrs. John. Lwson, whor as Jack London, Mr. and Mrs. Ja red .G. Prof; and Mrs. Arnold Rom: reiras her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. berg Prof and Mrs.' W. ; A. Bryan, ' k Charles Panne lee Eells, have been Prof, Mrs. J. M. Young, Mr. and and past entertaining for them during, the' ClTk, Dr. and Mrs. J. 11. C. " ; V V MrsI fortnight HV . Hemen-way- . Mr.' ' and Kuhns. '! Is the first time In several years F, Jcseph Reck, H. E. Mr. 3lr. that the three sisters have been here Walker, Miss Heuer, Miss Florence at the iame time. They are all social P. Barnes,' Mr. J.-- T favorites of this city and Ross, when" Lee. Dr.-Prof, and Mra. J. Douaghho, they lived during their- girlhotyl. and Mrs.- A. J. Waidron, F. W. Mrs. their friends are making the most of Mclean, Mrs. Mr. James and the opportunity of having them here Mr. and Mrs. HelM. A. Newell. Miss together, again. . Sharp, -en Miss McLean. Miss Janet Mrs. Coffin, who wa Miss Dorothy Kathryn Blake, Miss Grace Morgan, Eells.. has lived In New York, since Miss Irene Aiken. Miss Shirley Fosher marriageto Rev. Henry Sloane ter, Miss Margaret Thurston. Miss DoCoffin, although she has made occaNoble, Miss ris Rebecca Johnson, Harsional visits here, the last time about old Hicks, Stafford Leslie Starratt three years ago. Mrs. Babcock, who ; Austin. Miss Austin; Miss Mygaret was kiss Marion Eells, Is the wife of Morgan, Miss Ramona Charlotte Capt Dabcock, United States array, iake. Miss Alice Rice, Joseph Mein-eckbeen and her visits to California have William Barnhart Richard Goo, more or lees dependent on the orders Eaton Magoon,- - Huron Aah ford, Gusct Uncle an. For tie past two years tavo Ballentyne, Mr. Parker,' William they have teen ttaticned at Fort Hua-chuc- Meihecke. Paul Lemke, Richard Ariz. ,. Capt. and Mrs. BabYe6 Iu. Lionel Brash.' Luck cock arrived in San Francisco Bome weeks tra following Capt Babcock's MR. JAMES F. MORGAN1 ' O WED illness, r- -- r?.ve f'.nce been visiting MISS L.IURA ATHERTONV Mr. and :irs. Cells at their home wedding of Miss Laura Athcr-to- n The r. r re. T! ey will leave June 1 for their and !Ir. James F, "Tlorgan ' will r.ew I c. fat Honolulu." t take place tomorrow evening at 8:30 toe home of the bride's parents. colli;:;:: of Hawaii, banquet. at to be a small home wedding and is It Lest r t'jrday evenlr.;; mere than a only relatives and Intimate friends are s I !re.! cf the stuicnts, to le present"' " ' a Ccllc-of the cf friends t ''.V;--',--ii't " r :. ( Ievrate1 the fifth, anneal ' MONI MUSIC CUTIV r-'-t "f the lrt:fut!on at the O.t. -' Moanl The Music Club held its anC UV,i3 oo The Cub. :r Ions on Saturday at the concert nual the Ewa ravillcn, banked Margaret Thurston in Miss home cf r. :. fi preens r. r r3 and set la i ;.': f ' were r:: ; t in vl tins. An Nuuanu Valley.. The attendance was large as each member had the privir f ;: 3 cr.l gc!. fellowship, i ti ? !:: re stately affairs lege of inviting two guests.' The rooms were decorated in green t! f.r.J laughter and i white, with large palms and baskand ..: i t!. i roar of tha ets of maidenhair fern. It was a most ; ' myc r.t fl:pplns of enjoyable program, those taking part , apaco. . (' ' rrcrrcscd Miss Julia Campbell, Miss I I" :rr r. ; tt.ES tc. :t aster, beins: DoIIa Miss Gertrude Turner, Fennell,' :.:I' J3 t; r"';crs vita Mrs. Cyril Hooss, Miss Helen McLean, ' Campbell, Miss Myrtle Pey Miss '.2 i .::cnt and Miss Schuman, .Olive Villiers, Miss : ; . pica:::-i itetc- cf Doris Noble (dance solo), Miss MarAustin, Miss Clemence Giffard t Art'.. ,L. Dca.n rpche garetMrs, u Geoffrey Podmore. The and , -. Ct. ..... w as corjpleted by the serving of .;. .. : , give cf cne's - ";' ' ' ' t y cc'!c.T3 c'tcr- - delirious refreshments. iany .l cf the talented girl3 of the t 'pre s:te-- l ' t .," who help- - you.'.ser set belong to this club, and the leaderships cf Miss Myrtle . ..lis' "f. r hthe::r.colic.-- 2 inG. under fchuman " as president "': and Mrs. ' ' Podmore as chairman of the . a rt':arL3 sni Mr. Gtifrey rocrram committee, l this,has been : : rt a clcvtr nr""t ' ' '3 j.-' r"r?' a Gr 'FA- THREE SISTERS WHO ARE VORITES IS SOCIETY. -- p, , Nick-erscn.- . w'"-- . 1 . ,- - ' T l;r. v:. . :: 11 v ; a ::r. At. .: r' ' . : . r . : ; ; th'i y i I Fresh, Wholzzomz end 7" Coding Sunliicf Food " TAINED..- - The last of the informal reception1 giving since .her .arrival in San Francisco was held Tuesday' afternoon.. A similar series will be given next winter. These affairs have added much to the gaiety at Fort Mason. Tuesday's affair brought together a large number of Mrs. Bell's friends, who dropped in informally for an hour's chat and tea. Gen. and Mrs. Bell will leave today for Monterey, making the trip by motor. They will be extensively entertained while there by their army friends at the Presidio, who are plau-nir.- s many delightful affairs to. add to the pleasure of their visit San Francisco Chronicle. : . ' ''.:'; ". ? - HAWAIIAN LUNCHEON. The meiody and charm of Hawaii was suggested In many rretty ways at the luncheon whfch Mrs. A. E. Gil-l- r Fve yesterday in honor of Mrs. AV'rcd Hunter, wife of Col. Hunter, wro es to Honolulu soon to reel-! e, r. frr'Mrs. George T. Perkins, wife cf Capt Perkins of the Coast Artillery, who also leaves for the Islands. ; In place' of the usual way of arranging flowers Mrs. Gillespie, had - 1542 -- " Phone 4676 'nTTT'Y,, Kjr 'W ta ASSOCIATION ' f John Scott "' ; house-gues- 'i: - I' Hotel near Tcrl ',-- " 4 1. :. "v -; '. li U ' Ui ''''-,.'If you don't buy your t J ' ' Mr. and Mrs: Sherwood M. Lowrey, who have spent the past; two months in' a visit to California cities, v turned on Tuesday's steatnent : - Mrs.: Harvey V, Murray, after re- j v. and n iiiU-i.- i a six 0'.t.ffi:;5r.t:v BO'.--' Mc-Clou- -- : v - ,:''; :;. st . 1 :rT " A Th'a San Francirco Jcvrcl:r l62 ' UuiIdinS ' are ; "". A FEV7 DAYS , enjoyahfe eoast Mr: and Mrs. Claus August 'Spreck-el- s s luesflay cumeThey re back of have abandoned all idea trip. 'on ' ' turning to Paris and have given up Wiihelmina,.J' O- -v T TM T':'.'; their handsome apartment on the Avenue da Bois de Boulogne which they Mr. and Mrs. D Gbirardelli of San on one of their pleas have occupied for the past six years. Prnrisprt-ar- e' At the outbreak of the warthe Spreck-els- , ure trips to Honolulu. They are ac - i. .jl like many Americans, decided companied by their : two daughtera. . IM XX. , , :V .i ,'. that there was no place like- - home. ' and they returned to the United States Mrs Marion Worthlnston of Hono recCrd for .'Milan, Italy, by '.Victor JLUvet, wto contract-- 1 for ,. :: cry A new world's altitude bring they did not in such haste that vacation in the ' ' lulu is spending-he- r ' Callfornii pci.-.t-3 will was ascended 23,46) feet passenger ' as much as a handbag wlth them. Yosemite Valley and registered at Aeroplane' carrying a on aeroaome, uareiy t,vvj xreigat oi icn3 t.aa ine the "Mirailori' made at Upon 'their' arrival. In New York they KsCL Ui 7 u a www leased an apartment . on Riverside Drive,, where they expected to reside temporarily untl the war was' over. This being, however, still very indefinite. Mr. - and Mrs. Spreckels have again .decided to takd up their Tesl- ueuwe ill una ltj uii ti j , uiu imixcci purchased a, beautiful place on Long Island, which was formerly the' property pf Mr. Sherry, the celebrated New York caterer; The house, which is; a real French chateau of the sixteenth century, was brought from France by Mr. Sherry and erected 'on nis Long Island tstate, which comprises apark of some 230 acres, ! This Is for the U ' most part natural country and contains a beautlfr.l lake. Mr. and Mrs. Spreckels expect tp be settled In their new home by June 1, and they will tertain extensively during the sum- - '...'; Harrji Baldwin Mr. and Mrs.'; horde after yyJ - ' rT TriT'TT I . ... -- i- : -- I Hayai in n TIVuc t 1:201 ;iijlro.H'-?nt- ? ;; : i .' - . . f- I' I. -: k r - UlCi. kWU iVAAlUIUCI." IlttiiV-IOU- It : Mr. and Mrs. ; O. v all are exemplified in the fashion master- - s : ' .. .. t .. .... .. - i.-- ( - . pieces you may now have made to your measure by our Men's Tailoring Depart-meri- t. In cut, in workmanship, 'they Metrothe very latest ideas in - real " v politan clothes production. . ; ; - White Silks, Satins, Crepes, Nets, Laces, Hibbcss, Etc SAG I of Hilo hast been of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lowrey for the past ten days. Mrs. the Matheson, with Roderick and Walker, their sons, left on the Lurline for a mainland visit to be. gone three Mr. Mathescn-planmontlis, while Mrs. Matheson; and tne quantities of fresh flowers niade into boys will be gone the greitr nt of leis that were artistically arranged a year. They plan to visit in the over the tabic. Pink and yellow, a Northwest and in Canada. r ..:-- : combination much admired in Hawaii, Miss Bernice Halstead, who has was the color, scheme and it : vvas ' blended charmingly. Hawaiian sing been a student at Mills College for zzzmizm alexandse, photographer- . Brlg.-gen- . and Mrs.' Robert' Evans were returning passengers on the Mauna Kea'on Tuesday frbnf HawaiJ. and Mrs. Samuel L as w as Brig.-gen- . ' ' ' ' . :t ; Johnson.'. - . " that Mrs: J. Franklin Bell has been ' Admiral' and Mrs. Clifford Boush and their daughter, Miss' Geraldlne Bcush, were returning 'passengers from the volcano on Tuesday morning. . . e fir.al r:tc- th ? l.i.tcrual lamp i ly Richard Goo. one cf r's fraf jatcs. to Leslie Hicks V . Eab-Cvck- 'o .. -- ir.i 1 - . ,,:;:.',;'. tr 1 . a u' v- - Wash.v. Gazette! 3 , - tri'-1;- - Then ..." R. , ! ax, TO SAIL FOR HONOLULU. . cs a there Capt and Mrs. Conrad Babcock will :f Ilav:.::. mi the Cc'.lcs? cf on v, v : tail Jene 5 for Honolulu. They c J c':ta.i..'v r'.' i thrre ' lh.3 girrfts' cf "Mrs. .: ; t?cn ::. . , . .. rcuts, !lr. and'Mxs. Charles j a:; i 'Eaten Ma-.- Parmelee Eells, for several weeks. a j: ; . Jw.' " !i !:f:r. crch. .con-as:'- '. aa Francisco Examiner. T ::. C rl; rca.! the ! T.r: ..r.g." ARMY. AND NAVY FOLK ENTER:f t! ri 1 r-r- 7: r! "v.'all.Vce point of her life. if ! .r vot-cdthc'- mm n. j I.-.- 1 creation wihich marks the big turni n g . i . ul " -- . ' - . - 1 '" - pro-gra- - from which to make her Bridal Dress that won-derf- months' visit to the ' mainland, returned this week. She-- was. accompanied by- - her nunt' Mrsvi George halL ! ; V "who will ba the house-gue- A table of fancy articles will be on - .: ; of Mr. and Mrs."E. S, Ctmha.sale for the;benefit of. St Elizabeth's Chinese Girls' guid. ,v V Mr. and Mrs. Bertram von' Damm. who have been on a trip to the coast, ' FROM HONOLULU. :" . returned on the W'llhelmina onTues- Viclcs, Mrs,' who have dayl. J, C. Mr. and : :v v.-..: .:tbeen spending several, months in Ho. ''.-'.'- ' nolulu, write that they had intended Mrs.iJohn. .Mr: and Watt who.have to sail for Victoria Ai'l s28, but. the been on a visit to Saa Francisco and ooat was crowded vand, they have de- vicinity, came in XxithD Tuesday's layed ;theic ;iepar.tttrL. until Jday Ji6r-Colf- VVilhelmina. - 1 : . : : 4'. , ! . : , ? : Mrs. Charles Athertoh was a returning passenger on Tuesday's steamer. Mr. and Mrs: Atberton's daughter. Miss Laura, will be married tomorrow evening.. ',; ' at V t - DELICATESSEN SALE." be will morning On Saturday there a delicatessen sale held under the auspices cf the ladies of St Andrew's HawaJian Congregation for the bene fit of the endowment und, in the store on the corner of Fort and Beretanla. Those in charge are as follows: . Foreign delicatessen Mrs. L. KroII, Mrs. A. Fuller, Mrs, A. 'Wall, Mr3. W. Moore, Mrs. C, Chili'ngworth, Mrs.. J. Lane, Miss. Gill ett, Mrs, J. A. Dominis. Hawaiian la ulau Mrs. Dow and ' ; ; Mrs.- - Kawaihoa. r Plahts Mrs. -- Norrie, ; Mrs. Cplburn : and Mrs. lona., . Mrs. Kukui, red salt and limu Evans. Candy Mrs. B'ack. Lauliala Mrs. Meek and Mrs. Shaw: A chop suey lunch will be served, under the dircct'on ;cf Miss Emily Ladd, assisted by - Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Trevennan Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Evans, at noon' in the K. of P. re-.i- -- -- ' . bride-to-b- e ! a. . 'ft will The find numerous materials : -- 1 . home-comin- ; - .'. ! :; -- nt a, :tr. . . Ath-ertc- e, 1 'Bridal Dress ::Materials 7 . x. , Ke-ko- er , - Gig-ccu- - - TTVTj 1916., WWff' Mm in the past year, was "a home-comTuesday's steamer. While at Mill .Miss Halstead was elected secretary cf the student body.' Honolulu always feels proud of theachtevemeatj always of iu boys and girls, .who rr.niif m. mard wherever ' their eo. Miss Halstead is an Oahu College: ; graauate. ;: t ' Capt and Mrs. John R. Macauley Misa. Mae.Carden of tionolulu has been a guest of Miss" MarJorie Jert for a three months visit on Tuesthe NIckerson home, on the day's Lurline. They jtan to visit their are In Oakfor a past week end has daughters, whPse nomes road Tucnel ' T" ' y. ' been entertained Informally by her land, ' Yeshestess at a number of aiTalrs. .' terday Miss NIckerson and Miss Car-de- n MlsCleo Case, who ' has been on and one or two others had lunch- the mainland with Mrs. Charles pas3enger on eon at the Sequoyah : Country Club, was a returning :. ' Clare-mothe affairs at with several other 1 uesday's steamer. Country Club during the week. her mother are ; Mrs. H. P. Faye of Llliuc, Kauat . iUss Carden and s Islander ott Tues en route East to attend the gradua- was a tion of the former's brother, Jack, J day's steamer. She was acrmpanied from Johns Hopkins, and wllr leave by the seven Faye chHdren: r; ' -: Berkeley tomorrow. Miss Carden an & r Miss Nickerson were classmates at Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Campbell and Vassar and both will resume their stu- Miss Helen Kimball returned ' from dies at the Eastern college in the fall. the volcano or Tuesday morning after Miss Nickerson has ".been attending a delightful two weeks there. the University of ; California for the past year, but will return East for her Mrs. L. A.' Thurston was; a home Beryear's Vassar. passenger on Tuesday's Mau- work at coming senior: ' ' . v1 . h ., keley, CaL, Gazette, -- ; ' na Kea. Mc-Tagga- - v-;- VISITOR FROM ISLANDS. Mrs.-C'.-R- S. :' ; '.--: G, t rep-rese- - . ' ' - 5 nt V - . The individual English suitings we are nojr showing-assurvou absolute uniqueness in your attired See these e 1 fcplendid materials today Portraits My;sncces8 in .picturing is evidenced in my moderately-priceas well as in the larger, . soft-tone- d "v , r d - ; ' ffri" cabinets mezzographs. Sittings by appointment ;:'Phone'4682'i:.:;;-'- : 424 Beretania - v boy character ; . Street ' , im - McIN . Fort at Merchant Street. 'Bill r CIS HONOLULU STAlBUIXETINrrrDDAY, TVITi M i l r Honolulu Stock Exchange sWtdaesday, June Alexander & "Baldwin, Ltd. C. Drewer rCo.;....... for i If You ArePlan ning a Trip whether a brief vacation or an extended tour, a fe7 cents a day will enable you to travel with a care-frc- .t. SUGAR 7v Ewa Flantatlott; Co.V.liV. 'h 3334 NFJ t YORK F 01D MARINE' GOSSIP" . AT OTHER PORTS "7 .7. Bid. Asked. MERCANTILB- -- passports ; : till. JUNK 7, 1910. o mind. :. 31 Haiku Sugar Co. ... .7. 7 .. . ... Hawaiian Agr. .Co....l. ..., ... Hawaiian C A S. Co...: 53 I Charters cf the American-HawaiiaHawaiian Sugar Co.i... .... 50 s. U N G CO, THE von HAM Steamship Company's bis freighter lonokaa S.ugar Co... ... 114 ' LTD Honolulu, 7 i Hdnotru Siigar .7 7.V. . Florida a and the Norwegian bark - Agents Hutchinson Plant. &: Ca. Clenshee were announced recently at 1 23 Kabuku Plantation Co... San Francisco. The? Floridan. a VesKekaha Sugar Co...... . 210 OS sel of 4311 ton and the newestbf the Koloa Sugar. Co.... .... . 204 ; McDrydtf ."" Ltd. 144American-HawaiiaSugar Co.. n H '.: "!. 7 fleet, was charter, ' ; . Oahu. Sugar Co. 7 7 . . . . 43' ed by the. Union Steamship Company 23 Vi American Se?mcn arp .Causing and ; win be. operated as an - extra . WASHINGTON! War trade bad Olaa Sugar Co., ltd..... f CO made New.; Yot within the last year Onomea Sugar Co..... . . TrouNe in Foreign Ports carrying by" company mer- tho world's bu .iest port. ; The Ameri Paahhau" S. Plant Co.;.. . steamer the Love Bldg, 1144-114-1 Fort BL 'Witho'jt Identification chandise from this port to Aus trail j, can city, has exceeded by $200,000,000 Pacific Sugar Mih7, .... X . import and export Paia Plantation .Co: .. . supplementing the prewtct freight ser London s annual ;business.. ,. Pepeekeo Sugar Co. . iVl 200 7 A loiter hzi been received !jy Col-vice which new Jounces one vessel , New York's .combined 1913 export Pioneer Mill Co.. Spring and Summer Styles' lectern-Custo54 4 Malcolm .A. Fra b k- 7 trr-5...... way.' Tho and import figuresprepared at the de- -' two weeks each :. , 16 Cb, I6V2 San .Carlos MHt Ltd. ia via uie siaie aepartmeni, re- - oicnsheo: kI tons, which lft Hnnolu f. or today, commerce show lartment 36 Agricultural Co. Waialua '37 COLLEGIA out .jrasHjr CLOTHE oi laivins ju ast mcth, was chartered by Heat- .j total of $2,125,000,000.: Kxrom are put Wafluku Sugar; Co;.. f . 200 ' - ..:;V;; 7. yt carry I Co.. will be and to used J",7,5U ;Af' ? 7 cna ai':i,i9,vv,vv;j :niports at - . ' Jetr.eay8-that".MiMISCELLANEOUS JThc Juiabpr frcm Hastings Mills. IJ. C to 000,00', Lond-'PS8. s Imports were lars . F. & P. Co Pfd7 . THE CLARION.' Charter rates Jn t both j! er,, Et S J, 23S.0ttftf.00, but her exports Haiku . oy & . Com . . . Co., . . . P; Haiku t F. vile JaQ lUtiv j, .vwuic w.viiMu.-Hawahan Electric Co,7; iQ c,rCIes rt?iS 'n, LurclOan,coulrie1?",01ut1lcn their ' 4a Hawaiian Pineapple Co.. 7 44 pay the neighbor- imporunre ar Sterling Silver Toilet ft.-?tZ7-.t?519 20 E. Hon. Co; of citlienship, bcod- of f 2m a dav f th hit 4Iocuiscn ry Ltd... 7 V.V. ?' frhte f " fiaviVT Eti'c3,im ..., inese dnjcultles .arlslne cia.lnlv in er. iiMivF'r Hon. Gas Co.i Ltd, .'.'..120 Articles at Half Price 7 mm m . . cf bcll'perent nations and their Hon. ft, T." & L. Co7r.7. iorls ' clonic3 rjid for this reason pafisjwrts Inter-IslanS.: Navl Cq7 v.... 201; J. P. Dcwllng, manager of Dodwell DEPARTMENT. RENDERS" H.;CULMAN cb.viTD.: ,hoi:l(i be taken out. by lheni.7 . :. ' 20VH Mutual Telephone Co..,. & Co.; 'Frsco agents for Nppon Yusen ;77 DECISION DEFINING 12. T. Chamberlain, by whom the Kaisha, 'announced May 29 .... '7 Oahu 11.--' & L. Co...;.... 137 ilotel at Fort . . : San ON PASSENGERS BOATS is signed, goes cn to say tliat. Francisco would be made athat 24 , , . . . . .. Pahang .Rubber, Co. letter 7 port.of ; "The passport is the most ''cbmpleto ca!l cf a new line to be operated Selma Pindings'Plahta-- : 77: via 7-- - - ' of American, clt!zcash!p. the canal to 'New York. I. Tlie new r. Collector of Customs .Malcolm A. -. X42f;;Pd.J.; lionrXtd. ' s;nd I wish-yotwould call to tha at- - fine, according. to Dowling.v will give Franklin yesterday .received from the Selma - Dindjngs Planta-- 7 ; v7 We Watch 7 . . i tent Ion of the orncrs andjnasters ot direct" transpacific department ; : G a of commerce definition . . Pd.) (42ft Ltd. tion, com?i service and ; y Whfle You Sleep rr.crhant veReis cf the United States munication with the east and west as to the word . "passenger! used in Tanjonk;01ok. Rubber Co.. 4C "in. trade with- foreign ports .the, de- - coasts inspection the steamboat -; re laws C BONDS . BOWERS' MERCHANT and Centra Ameri- gardfng .7 Co.7 7 7 R:rcMl;iy cf 'j.rovldbg with passports ca -- and New:York via persons oh the carrying of Himahua-Ditc69.V. the canal.; PATROL ns far a3 practicable masters and ott- steamers not certified as passenger Hawaiian Irr .Co.. 6s. . 7 7: Further, confirmation of , the 2515 1079 Alakea ' tr rr:rf:n end members of the ' crew Haw. Ter; .4 Rf &, 1905 i by the local agents of 'the earners. ' enisled to tLcn " company,- w hich operates, a total- of The department has ruled that "anv I law Ter. 4C. Pub.- - Imps. ' "The passport may ' be obtained 100 ships, to. various parts person carried .who is not connected Haw Ter. ' Pub. ;Imps. 4 ' of the f from federal courts or state courts world, came in a cable with ..... HONOLULU PHOTO (serfes .1912-191the vessel, her navigation, own comthe from clothed with the necessary authority pany to the Western Fuel .Company ers uip or ousiness is a passenger Haw, Ter. AVtfc , .7.'. 7 and where for any satisfactory rea- providing for coal for the ships to be within the meaning, of the steamboat Haw.. Ter.' :7UFFLY;C0. v sons passports cannot Issue, two forms operated via this port. y ., . . V& inspection laws." .... , . . . Haw. Ter. 3 KODAK H EADQUARTEr.i of paper fc? identification of seamen This ruling, however. Is so constru- Honoka; Sugar Co. 6Cc.... " as American citizens are being pre7: 1CS3 Fort Street 7 AVork on the monstei drydock of ed that the wires; and children of the Hon. Gas Co Ltd.; 5s. . . 104: pared, ere to be Issued Co-r 6 Union Iron WorksTit" Hunter's officers of the vessel and officials of Hon. R. T, &;U consuls in foreign ports; the other the company may. be carried. Stock Kauai Ry. Co. 6s. .... the I'oJnt, Francisco, San began May 27 by shipping commissioners and col- Co.- 5s 1 7 .. . . i ne ' contract for the big structure, holders, however, and their families McBryiJe leciors or customs acting as such in which will accommodate are W. W. AHAITA CO. not as considered with connected 106 106 Telephone Mutual ; &87V. ' ' .; the largest the vessel 'v tils country.' ,' ownnavigation, ' either in .,7 106 Oahu R. &. L--' Ca vessel which can pas's ahrouch the ;';''. 'v Tailpfs.. 7-- 'I ' 'r. '; (redeem- iocks or the Panama; canat and meet ershlp jcrSbusIness gnd. Cannot be car- Oahu S. Gov King- - Ct0 . bstvreea Fort SHASTA BRI.VGS FIRST able at 103 at maturity) 108 the future needs of commerce is held oled. "Owners, corporate owners and fcbafd members 6f,directors.and of r the by the San Francisco Bridge Company. . . .103 7:.iid-Bethe- l Olaa Sugar Co. 6 . ... "7 LUMBER FROM GRAY'S Upon completion, according to Gen- their families are not passengers and Pacifie Guano C6; . FerC 77 passage. may take ; Co. 6s 100l7 7777' Pacifie Sugar-Mil- l HARBOR TO ISLANDS eral .Manager J. J. Tynan of the Union , iron Aorks. the big structure wjll cost San Carlo r?Xo..' " In excess of 12,000,000. The federal MUT BE CAREFUL IN Get the best for YOUR Office -When the steam schooner Shasta government has agreed to pay Between Boards: Sales; SO, 50, 50, ' ahnu Carbon ' arrived yeterday with 927,943 feet of ally.foA.five years for the right to. use ;,. KUHI0 VHARF 50 Olaa, , 234; v 100, ' 100 McBryde, USE0F , h:n;Lcr fcr the City. Mill Company she tne dock for the large Office Supplies - and- - KEELOX 7- ;A ":.,. ' . , 70, 15 Oihu Sugar Co., 14;7320,-5battleships of hTOv.-.. Y:s:-:- : 7v';-;At;-;tte first load cf lumber ever u:e navy, ,. Y:y.-):' Permfesfon td use the Kuhio wharf, 43 ; ,;so;; 20; 100. 108,' 100,; 35, ,250 Oahu leaded, at Grays Harbor, for the "Ha- The doclr. will be'lOOO feet long and Hilo, for the Hflo'Counly Fair on Sep Sugar TCo;f 434'; 713, ;50Ohoniea, .60; vaiisii Inlands. A R L It I G H ' 0 ; ; . San Carlos, 16; 50,' 50, . id'j ieet wiae. 7tember 22 and 23 of this year has been 130, 130,-15According to the Aberdeen, VTash., given to those in charge,; providing 3 Walalua,' 367 J7 'fjr ) -- 7 i 7 "; AVorld, the placing of the Shasta on Session Sales:: lb :H.'lCr &zt: Co.. CJiarles Kurz, president bf the Phil- - they will take certain precautions for the (irr.ys Harbor-liawai- i 23," 23 01aai2teiSiPioneer, run is d;ue to adelphia Shipping Company, was in the safety of the wharf. S3; , 7 FURNISH YOUR HOME RIGHT high charter rates now prevailing to 5, 10 Oahu Sugar C- o- 43; 20 Hon. U. roruana. . recently . making. . arrange- .One of these precautions is .to The Islands.- The rate ca lumber 'ffo:n ments, for Ewa, 34. 7 of a steam guard gainst ; moklng and see that it & IL .Dy .flttlrj It threushout .with, our 7 Crajs Harbor to the Hawaiian Islands ship serviceestablishment prohibited. i tp . be taken Care'Is.lo between the Pacific and dependable elcctrio. fixtures. ' cow is 517, due to a $1 advance May 7. . NOTICE.. uie Atlantic coasts by way of the Pa prevent injury to the wharf, and the . 7 ; ELECTRIC SHOP - ' : February 2S the rate to the Islands naina canal. 7jr..'Kurz ;said i Honoluhi. T.ilU 'June 5; 1916. ; Is to be returned to the harbor wharf the line Phorts 4344 1135 Fort SL f:o:,i Grsys Harbor was ?0..7 thus would begin operating qoajcu in . a condition as good as oe-- . The. JCekaha Sugar Company, Ltd., in. Ioveraber. ;.alv:ng an increase of $S per thousand Vessels will call at pay! fore accepted by the fair commission will ah extr' dividend of ?6 per fect on lumber ir.s:de of seven weeks. rcuranq, Seattle and. California ports; ers. o. charge is to b mada. by the share on July 1, making a total diviTacoma. -'- . ; ' m territory for, th use of the .wharf dur-- dend due, on, this dateof per share. ... With 10 cabin arid' 12 deck'.passen-pcr- s J -- ' .' " " 1 HONOLULU IIUSIC CO. armv tne auvices irom .ncit'B8 the Inter-Islansteamer Jlau'i transport Latest sugar quotation: ; 9$ decrees bnerman, received jester arrived here this morning from Kauai, uar Bl . me . Everything " Ilusical r t : -quartermaster cts, or.t23.50. ptf- tonr ; y s office, 7 i fche brought 1G0 baps of Lihue.ccgar state, that 'i . : ; the big boat left San Fran .itand 2S30 Grove Farm eup;ar,: two cisco yesterday at noon and to Clarion next Fort, she that UiiLU the .horses, IS barrels cfioney, ..21i.bags is now steaming Honolulu- at n co: :r,uts, one automobile, nine crated a good rate. Shatoward n nm i aU win s ct j'cr.-- r.nd 27 psrkr.res cf sundries. tens cf coal at this port ; .Wlth oil for-thUnion Oil Company PURE ISLA1TD rilLK the steamer Xahsihgv arrived jester Henry Waferf&use Trust Co. da y from Port San Lius via Lahaina, A1ID ;CREA1I .7 7 where .she discharged part of her ' r-'-'f :'7--::cargo.' 7; Y'yv.-AJT:-?.-.MemSeW Hfinefui 6tfifcJcr sailors! n BUSIEST PORT iSESli: ' - M-Y- O " - -' ( & Cooke, Ltd. Castle General. Insurance Agents ! L BAILEY -- 7- Let us explain to you in full the advautats of an AETNA Tourists' Bajrajre policy and its slight cost; It indemnifies you against loss, from fire, theft, etc, in custody; of Kailrtiiad, Express Comi?any, .Steamship, ' Hotel or Clubhouse, anywhere in the world, 0.7. I WORLD 7 , .', , Fiirniture Co. . - - at'-- copied as cash by banks, hotels, railroads, etc., everywhere.' Yon cannot over estimate their couveu-i'ene- e nor. their safety. ; 7;-'. - "' 7 ',v r v . these A. B. A. Cheques for the afity WEandissueconvenience of travelers.. They, arc ; : : : , ni' ' Bank of Hawaii; Limited 7. FotpJrt.i2 Sf o'of h,f 7 -- ...:..., . ; Fcrt and Ilcrchant Cor. d - f rrn'ir or;', 1 i t ,. ; 7'u nU . - V 1 h . - : ; 6r . 5. ; .' - ;. . zt . '' : 7 54; Coli;M - . 1.-O- . v ; , , ' r- -:- d if li rr - . . , - rr T - test,-B.125- oiiLucted iizcavstdn to tho ' .' -- oTl Sup:&I75cts .ft ... J i t, irta ; iC - V. i V li Lewers' & Cooke bark Robert I Levers,! now discharging.' lumber here, will start loading pines Friday lor the coast. From the coast she will return with lumber. 7 . Telephone .1203 ; York, - ' ' 7 l r 77 Patterns TYEE CHAN. A CO., ; -- Provided twelve persons are booked, the excursion vrill be personally conducted by Mr. Geo. H. Vicars of T. 7-- , Limited. NAMCOw 200 ' -- hi n, Cald-well.'Mr- If to, l)e ure your Baggage is safely and promptly 'delivered 71 Union -- Pacific Transfer Company, Ltd. 7- ;; r ; V - 174.IuxBty':-ccrt;to.Touc5'nct'd-- hi. I HllIlliIili!!lIIIIH!lillll!lH!lll!llO!l S42. MEAT MARKET & CHOCERY s. E.-La- mini 'i,i a .- i ;;i -- t' .: -.- . tzi Z ::M:j Tr - w f- C. II. COOi:i:..........L.r;;t:r J. R. CALT. E.r.ctrr Eirictcr R. A. COOKU... A. G ART LEY T. G. MAY. ........ YEE HOP & CO. Xi.-c-trr .r Au -- . C. F. DILLINGHAM CO., LTD. 7;7 ;7 Best In the City. ' Picture" Framlni JL 8upply Co.; ;. ' Honolulu -- -; 7 . -- WOIffiirSAPPAEEL , . i :'. V" 'fA.. 022 if-..- .; Fori ttZCZ!. INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII, LTD. 98 KING STREET, CORNER FORT HpM :. .. ';;-- . CH0P 8UI . ': J t5 North King Street-- 7 '2400-Mode(Between Mauhakea 'and SmHh.) cottage, Kalihl ; Call and see our brand new CHOP. ; ; road, close King; v1 8UI House Everything. Neat house, ; Kalihl road, J1S00 ; v - And'Clean. ) close King; garage. ' . niay Table b reserved by phofi,4 J1800 &8S6 sq. ft. in Perry Tract, nr. - No. 1713 . .l School and Emma; sewer, water. : FOR SALE rn ' . IF YOU WISH TO; ADVERTISE Y.:-- '7' Anywhere "';' ; IN NEWSPAPERS.t- - ; Any Time; . Call ' Writ THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY Sahsome Street, San Francisco Lehua Butter:- - : &7-;2- Waity ; 7 ? Parker Ranch Beef 7 Delicatessen of Quality .Metropolitan Meat Market Phone 3446 ,7 -- 74 ldf rf lid : '. .7.- - . nes stands. A soft wood suitable for 'making uatches"Snd their boxes has been dls- Vcrered la t fiO ' Dominican ' 'and a factory established. ;7 r ' CO. v ' Pay 4 yearly cn Savings Deposits, compour.did twice ; Annually. THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. . - . . Yea. Capital subscribed.. . .4S,0OO.OCO t Capital paid up....... 20,000,000 Reserve fund ..... ...20,400,000 VAWOKI. Local Manager. S. f' HAWAIIAN TRU3T , CO, LTD. Carries en a Trust " Business In all ft branches. 7 V FOR GOOD L1EALS The Palace ofiSweets : S. King St. Dancing Gourds (Pohue); also Wood Cases (44 oz.) for Mailing Ukuleles. HAWAII & SOUTH SEAS Young BuildCURIO ing, and at all hotel C C: DAN Kir. 3 ' ;' P.E. R. STRAUCH cn;or 14 cij htm-dreds'- of - -'- pno:n: DISKO? , 7.N -.- . R. . j. h. schiiac:; 3S33 Kaahumanu St.. Teiepehone ...rr:.J:;t .1TRS E. A. R. R073 house; $14 . house: fine location; $- -. house; fine location; ?33. house; $33 Larga izl D::::.rs: R03i:r.:-3TO- Vlcs.-Presi-'i-rt in Nea't II. G. ." yonr order prompt attention whether large or smalL We have built houses in this city with per fect satisfaction. If you want to build " consult us. a-fe- fdnly Expert Furniture Movers in this City,..777 FOR RENT all houses. niectricity, gas, screens . List cf Officers' E. T. E;3IIOI ' CITY. MILL COM PAN Y, LTD, Importer3of best lumber And buildiag materials. .Prices low, and we give E.-M- c- . HAIL CAKEIEES - ii DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING -- yes-'terd- ay U. 3. ; y : h. SURETY COTJC3 'Nuuanu 8tv near KInfl 8L ' ; -- at the right place by the " Pr.ms 1572., - ' ; ' " i:i;:;;;;:::;:::::::::;::;ii;;;i;;;:::;::;ni::-i::;;;:iii- a ronr ct, il olulu, t. Fire, Life, Accidsr., Compsntatlonr ' packed In CRABS, rt ; LIOHGAN CO., LTD., ;;7;7 STOCK EflOKERS.t. , i Irformatlon Furnished and Loana Made. Culldlns: Star Street l!:rchant ' . 8anltary Cans, wood lined. ; - r'.r.SHANTS J. F. , THE IIAVAII PUCLICITV CO'.If-- I I ! : ( (Office with Promotion Committee) 7- - 7 From whom all information niay be obtained! :f FACTC ANSI ACZNT3 It CO; TAKAKUWA . ' j chipping at.d i;isur- CUCAH COMMISSION . (fornef King and Bethel Street At, Prices to Net 3.50 to 6,007 o7--'-7f;- (L.'.r. !1; J) . ;,; s ' The T.. K K . , steamer Shlnyo Maru was scorehed recently by a fire- which swept Pier 42, at which she lying, ac cording to a report from San Fran board 28 cabifi, 61 second and lt;'steer cisco. The damage is approximately age passengers and ; 1850.' fqns. Of ry. : y 7 . freight. - The radio does not' mention nooo. ; Low many passengers or. th$ ainbunt -- 7 ;v7'-77- ' 77. freight for Honolulu.' According of The T-- K: K- - steamer Nippon Maru H: Gllmore, local passenger to;D. leaves tomorrow morning for San agent for, the Oceanic llnei 'Second-clas- s Francisco with 'mailA After tomorrow passage on the Ventura is now the next mail for San Francisco will completely booked,, but he - has still go in i he Oceanic steamer Ventura, steerage torx space 1 and for due here from Sydney June ;13. ?7 7 ;,- ' '. . tlntr first The Mat son jsteamer- - Hyades with . PASSENGERS BOOKED n cargo from Seattle arrived ; here last I, night- and at Pier IK She brought 2417 tons ' for' Honolulu,, 300 ; Per Mafidh , steamer Maii?6';trpm ftii i for.-PoAllen, 665 for Kahului, 113 San Francisco,, June : ;TOlIiams. . Miss ? Aticft Holt.- - W; roriKaanapali and: 150 or; Hilo. ; Sirs. W- - M. VVlliiaiJs. Edward :S.;Bar Edwin Heintt C. W. bdrpiter, ? schooner The7rive-maste- d W. H. hardv CV? Mrs. W; Csrpenter, C. A.' Jtajston, Marstoh7from Newcastle to Port AlFj, A. Rose, George Cunhd ,JIrs. Carl len with ; coal, pissed by this port Mrs. Frances Reed,; S.f Orden-Steiafternoon. - From her appear- Dejrter,vMrsi'Tj: Ordenstein, i CtAaJ H. ance she ; had - evidently encountered Lober,lMrsfchas. H. Lober; m rough - weather as she had a fished H.; Caldwell and Child, lllss bowsprit' and housed; main topsail. Marjorie' Edwards, : Mrs. W, , rjl7Ed- wards, Mrs. M. Mathews, Miss Vsteamer When the ' Inter-Islan- d Een, rMrs.oM M. Johnson, EL Bar Mauna.Kea leaves here July' 1 on her nard, Mrs. E., W. Barnard,; Chi.! B. regular, run jto Hawaii she will remain Johnson, J Leonard Hoffman f ' Ait i S. ohe dayWger at Hilo, leaving there Sheary; ; Alfred Taylor, Jos All Swift.'' at1; o'clock' Julyf 4. This; will be done C. F. Eckart; Miss E. E. Spears, Mrs. til accommodate the crowd which, .will Walter Salomon, Miss Ruby Johnson,-Mrsgo .to Hilo to take In the celebration. P. G. Dwyer and two tens,. Mrs. She will .arrive here- - Wednesday E. M; Gideon, infant and niirte. --Miss morning.- - July'5, and" leave again tor L. Amaoa, Miss D. Harris, Mss Clara hours , later. The Intefr McKeiL ' Mrs. ; A.r. v Cooke. MIsa 'Ruth H;Io Island will run a round trip, excursion Ayer.'Miss Anna Cooke, C.'H7 Cooke, to Hilo at . that, time for, $13. r Mrs. C. H. Cooke MissL'E. Perkins, Miss ri. E, Fritiich. Sirs.- - Lr Cables, J. Oceanic; steamtr M. XroWsett, Miss-A- . riwsett, V0lllrig-to- h 7 A- r$diO"front the " to E.;Lake.Mrs. IVellington Ventura honhd from Pago-Tag- o "Honolulu and due to arrive here Jnn?j Miss Arnold. Mrs. T li Fish. Miss An- eciiffeJ io,ly fc' C.. BiHi'l "fcieJjniiTtafielv Mrs. L. E. AtnoU, Z. Co. and reports - that : she -- has on G.lunn and .Mrs. Z. O. Dunn. : -' - - . INVESTf.lEfJT BOaDS H A. BRUCE 7 r Bank of, Hawaii Bdg,;ft : Telephone 1819 Honolulu Representative 715: . Ccz"-"ay- SPECIAL 8 ALE . Grass Linen and Pongee 'Waist - COVERS ALL EXPENSES Haiku Sugar Company,"; 7 : Paia. PlantaUon. Maul Agricultural Company. . Hawaiian Sugar Company. Kahuku Flantatioa-Company- . --;Mc2ryda Su?ar , Kahului Railrccii Kauai Railway Company. v.Kaual Fruit &. Land Co., Ltd. ; ..?Hcsolua Ranch. 7 7 'C. ; , "- T '. chica37 .K: We Own, Offer and Recommend K. .'Letter 7 Company. 4676Phones-154- 2 7 San FraHcIicq, . . K. Hawaiian Commercial' & Susar . U.C cf Credit and travifera' C:7 :, the v.:r,i. available throu;'-.:u- t l:suei Honolulu Dairymen's Assn. . . N.W. HALSEY 6.C0, ' New The; Lewers & Opoke, schooner Repeat left today . in ballast for the Sound, where she will load lumber for this porky Capt C. Jt. McKensie is taking, his . family to the coast with him. ,77 . r v d d' Bond - According to word sent to the har Steam bor "board by he Inter-IslanNavigation Company work on the repair of the derrick at Pelekunu, Molo- kal, is to be started at once. 1 The journey is "made over the Smooth Water Route by the fast and comfortable Inter-IslanCo 's. steamers, ;' noted for their unsurpascsd cuisine.' v7 ' LIMITED 7, - Agsntt for ?; e C .The- ; ; -.- ... ' Hi J Merchants and Insurance Agents - . ) wJ in - m Commission r-'- ' " A i ' Sun'nr Factors . rv 4V.777.. .-- l 1 - . u vcc::zdy, 1 Ltmlted. 3) h- 1 'STEINWAY HALL Thayer Piano Co.,' Ltd. 14S-15- 0 Hotel St. - Phone 2313 ; . I I'"' '7 s lKM:!Hr - HONOLULU II1IICE HIST: SHE!! A II . - I ? --- i ' ' Backa&he, ' For Sufferefg ' From s 5 r"r r j&PTOHjlivi hum, ri Tl rTs,n ' CE- CELEGtiATED .f- - Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. - I 4 WEBXISTAT,njyE 7.1916. N. 1'IL DEATH ! FLAG DAY ' . - , f STAR-BULLETI- Hefore an Insurance Company will take a rIfikon your life the eiamin- '. ing physician will test the urine and report whether yoii. are a good risk. When your kidneys get sluggish and cleg, you Buffer, from backache, dizzy fpella, of the twinges and pa'ns of lumbajro," rheumatism and gont. The urine is often" cloudy, i. full of sediment; channels often get tore' and fcltep ' thre- a ugtx. ThU la ' the liati time yott fchould consult some pliysl- x cian of wide experience such as Dr. Pierce or the' Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, , N. Y. Send 10c for large trial package of .""An uric." Write ycur symptoms and send a simple of urine for test. "V Experience has taught Dr. Pierca that -rial asr-n-t In Acuric" is. a most j sick-headach- e, An-uric- 50-cen- SATTTEDAY MM " ., ;) .. '.. ,L it-t- oe ; ' ' . , One of the plans ihat has been proposed Is to hive one of the young actresses portray Betsy Ross, who made the first American flag. The coram composed Of Rolla K. Thomas, R. E. Lambert and L. R- - Killam is now working4 on rr complete 'program for ; the bis celebration.t ';; ;:;::v-The , Scout oath,, law, motto and habit will be repeated In unison and the first and last verses of America" JO DAY 2:1 5 Jesse L. Lasky Co. ; Presents t The World's Greatest Prima Donna;' ' ; Will be' sung. js -- y'l " One of the chief features of the gram announced today is that Rev. George LaUghton of Hilo will deliver the ftddress " of the evening., John (Juild, president of the local council; ' will, preside. J ,.,-0- 1 -- ,". pro- s . r: III ::' :. ' i .' :, A powerful drama cf ctae and Bohemian life in, Neyr York. PEDUO DE CORDOBA, the famous torreador of pr.iCFo lo, co; 30 - - . "LYDIA GILM0RE" Bonrs50:ci:uTS -- ' f. -- ; : ,i ; 'i; ; A' upend "n'eftint $ ' AA . . r- ... V -x- mrm mi .DLUii I ' - rwf, rf J W i . nf. ttmper th$ day." '' The housewife, busy, "ost 'of ihe day about the home, both needs and ouU appreciate the same cool com (oxtto be found " " ' . and sbeps here ; ' ;S waft gentle brteik.throughoutltK& . working hours. . Discomfort ar.d "odors' of cooking Tire banished 'from. the kitchen by the whirling blades' of these tireless fans. Other rooms, too, are reudered much more ' habitable during. sum-- 1 mer' heat .by the same means. v Les than a cent an hotir will pay ill you W i this great comfort deny yourself this economical luxuryj ; . a . - ELECTRIC SHOP Judge Monsarrat announced this morning that he was not yet prepared to hand down a decision In the Niau-ho- e case, which involves the authority of special policemen appointed by the sheriff, but not, on the eligibility list prepared by the civil service commis) ;v.:--'- ; sion. ... i ' . I Attorney Lorrin Andrews last week raised the question of all special police officers' authority when he; declared in v defending Niauhoe t Jon a charge of assaulting a police officer, Ben- - Jacofcson;' that the latter at not according ; the' sta- to a police officer -- ; V-tutes. r, AV that time the judge stated that from what he had: hearrj he ,favored Mr. Andrews' coTitention but from his statement from the' bench today that it was'a vital Issue affecting over 100 special officers and his request for mere time to look up authorities led the police to belleve 'that he would rule that Jacobson and others holding similar' commissions are acting under proper authority r ' . : CONTROL OF HUSTACE- FECK CO MPAfiY PASSES ; : Fort, near Hotel St. Cotftrol of the Hustace-Pect- o Company, has been 6oT3 by.FranTc Hustace and W. IL Smith to Charley H. A. F.- Clark will assume the manVgement It la stated that the Ath-erton- ." - " " IIok Selling Tickets -- ' '.'--'- It telh a bij vital stcry full problem. cf h: : ential society, people. AioncEiis 1 ch:;ts. ar social throbbing love interest. A powerful melodrama without crooks, bnt ens dcalinj with the lives cf well linswn and " Featuring Grac3 Cnnard and Francis Fcrd "THE LAW pF;TEE LAND" is a big play, woven around - "Carmen," in the Hale Lead ' COIILUG THURSDAY PAULINE FREDERICK A irev Ccrial Production "THE" BROKEN COIN"? ? . M AT! f J EE ' j : . TONIGHT ' C0IIPA1IY III THH ? s, dress.; ' J w r, " LYTELL-VAUGIIA1- r rn flag-raisto- Joseph P. Hard, a druggist, 65 years of age,, and .Joseph K. Lord, aged 80, I 1 : . I - -- - , I FRIDAY THTJESDAY iBY COY scours LAST pre-Ten- ts , r dissolving uric acid, and is endowed with other properties, for it preserve the kidneys in a healthy condition by thoronghly cleansing them. Being go many times more active than lithia, "Aonric" clears the blood and filters out those deposits of lime-salt- s which cauae so much pain," and Plans Ann6unced Which Will dropsical conditions such as Give True Ring of Patriot- swollen hands or feet and the bag I ko appearance under the eyes. ism to' June T4 lsr a regular insurance and life saver for all tig meat testers and flag Day, June H, will be fittinr-l-y lime-salts those- who deposit In their celebrated by. the. Boy. Scouts ol joints. Ask the druggist for "Anurlc" Jlonolulu. On that evening all the Boy pack-egeput up by Dr. Pierce, in Srat3 !n .Honolulu will te present at or send 51.00 to Dr. Pierce for the Mission Memorial, on King: etreet, full treatment by mail. where a big program "will be held, inr g ceremony. doding the Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for Scouts and their parents .wil be inthe liver and bowels have been favor- vited . to. attend the program, and a ably known for nearly 50 yearsAd?. number of special features are being promoted for the Flag Day exercises, were asphyxiated la Lord's . home , at included in the program may be muBerwick, Me. A gas Jet had been open. sic, by the Hawaiian band, troop, reports, a tableau and a patriotic ad- jj ' transaction, involves between $40,000 and $30,000. . : "nfin'AVQ'Tn'nt : POSTPONED TO AFTERNOON luLlUlIiJIUUL '.''.. . u t- Owinsr to important engagements of members of the directorate of .Mineral Products Company, the meeting of the board, which was to have been held at 10 o'clock, was postponed un-ii- l N .. -n . Henry, MayrA:: Co., ; Ltd., Quality Grocers, wflt!c1ose next Saturday at noon, remaining cldsed until the following .TUesday- morning, in) observance of iihe . Kamehameha- - Day celebration. ' Put your, orders ia now. ., i 4' Phone .1271. Adv.- . -- - - I BUILDING PERMITS ; i ; ; Curtain 8:15 Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 ) . : . afternoon and. is .in session goes ;to press. A ' report of . John ' Watt on the conditions he found on , visiting the property and possible determina tion of future policy are, it' was stated, likely to take up the attention, of the : ' meeting. ... ls as: the Star-Bulleti- n 4i AND .'' .;. I FUn.IICU PAGEANT John 'lC' KamanoBki owner. I6ca-tiocorner 'Liliuokalani'. and'fiamo-ham- o roads, Kekio tract, Waikikt K. Nakatani, contractor. Estimated cost, ; $1600.' : i W. A. Iove, owner. Location, uiaa-k- a sideof Judd street, 800 feet Cwa from Liliha street.- Servant's quarters and garage. Ripley & Davis,- - architects. G. Kanada, hullder. Estimate! . T yl. J v, cost. $4S0. , :v;-.r- , 8 Seno, owner. 'Lwaiion, Moillili, makai side of Waiahte "road, 400 feet from road t HCv D. C.'s quarry. Dwelling. K. Nekomot," builder. - Estimated cost, $350. ; ;., T. Naura, owner. Location, Waikiki side of Nuuanu street, 150 feet mauka from' Vineyard street. Dwelling. - U. Kanemitra, builder'fistimated cost, ' n, .'..i i . " s - 1 .: ) - TICKETS '.,..111 r o:5 PUNAHOU"' SALE Wednesday, June 7, 2:30 o'clock; Thura- day, Friday; Cooke Library, Oahu College. Two tickets to Saturday and PDBLIC SALE thereafter, "King St. ' Tickets, , Cunha Music - i . " " - -- the; universal v7z2iily aitd tvo ?.z2l3 exczllz::? COIIEDY ' each person. also .. : Co.,: ol1 Matinee at 2:15 Evening Conmcncc3 7:20 Fcatu .. HO cents.-.- . t NOTICE. As a" part of the program of Punahou Day an exhibition of; Punahou memorabilia will be held in Cooke Ubrary; The com-- f f mittee it f 4- - ': An cxhMt of unliable, inc::p2nsivz GrcJuafron : Framed pictures, r American Beauty Heads hand colored prers : f- ; ' i : N r . TVerity subjects 'appropriate to decorate the rooms of graduata girls and boys. ; Oval or square art frame& Picture and frame practically at price of -r:- Everything Photographs r r ; ':::-v-'"r""-1, X 4, ;' Brewing r-- , 1950., V -- " -- i . . Teakwood Furniture, Chinese Silk Embroideries and Mandarin Coats The most beautiful ancient Chinese works of art in Honolulu. A visit to our show rocb ' will prove mutually advantageous. ; . 1 -- E' . 1152 Nuuanu Street FONG INN CO. v : s ' . . Above.Pauahi Street - mmm Honolulu's Home of Happiness V- - 'ED JUST Aflll-' V & Honolulu Malting Company,, owner. ; Location, desires to secure exhibits of photograirtis, old diplomas, f makai side Of Queen' street," 250 feet programs, school essays, draw- - f Waikiki from Pimchhowl street. En gine room. T. Q'BrJen, builder.: ; Es lngs and other things in any way timated cost, connected with Punahou. Any-,-- f one having anything ' which Vwill William. Cooper,: owner. ' Location, add to the completeness or inter- Ewa side of Cedar lan e'ibo feet maest of this exhibition will please kai from4 King street r Dwelling. H. communicate at once with the Nishihara, builder and architect. Eschairman of the committee. All f timated cost, $450; I exhibits wiU be carefully taken Wing Sai, owner;": Location,., makai care of; the most, valuable ones - side of Eeretania street, 100 feet Ewa will be put in the vault until the f from Smith street '. Store. K, Oka-zakday of the exhibition. bailder. Estimated cost, $2C0. . NORA SWANZYr Asa Hara, owner. Location, Kalihij ; Chairman Committee on Puna- 80 leet Ewa makai side of King street,, ' hou Memorabilia. from GuUck avenue. Store and dwelling. V Sugihara, archltect:, S. Moto, builder. Estimated cost, $1350. V f " . Fort Street v ft- $295; i .C-? ' A. E. Lloyd, ' ? . 'frame alone, m f t; : 1 O f -- TODAY AT J." ."; Cliarlle ... . .2:30 plln CIi Honolulu'$ Home of Happinc33 rONIGHT AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X .7:45 THE "BIG 4" YITAGHAPH FEATURE "" v :""? nr 5 "v -- '. reels - "THE TUnn OF THE HOAD" the mistakes in life are avaoidable. Half of our faults could be eliminated if we j . stopped to think. Joha King did not think. . He plunged ' headlong into the yawning abyss of discontent via subterMost-o- f - IN THE SHRIEK fuge - irust roai : - ' . He deceived his wife. He tried to abandon her. His child lay at the point of death yet he did not stop. He took the step that would lead to destru. . ctiondespair defeat. John King knew he was wrens his cor.'cif nrc told him so. . The cntreati g of his sick ch!IJ Lai-T him stay, but he did not. .He. was in the clutches of a vampire. Dut rightecusnes3 finally, by a trick ol fat?, comes wrocgi:!ng. " STOCKS AND BONDS " CEAL rSTATE SAFE DEPOSIT B0XE3 Authorized ta act as Executor, Trustee, Administratoi or Guardian. Transacts a General Trust Business. . His JTrysting Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents Phone 2873 r - .4 - i '" x.:v- EIGHT HONOLULU STAR-BULLETI- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, N, 101G. 1: '.Cud WM.uhln Manufacturers Shoe Store 51IV 'NAVAL MILITIA BAY CITY PIER fered a disappointment yesterday, cutttrg due here when the two from the Brooklyn navy yard for the sole use of the territorial organiza tion failed to arrive on the Wilhel- mina.. "; It is hoped that they will be brought 'on the Manoa which is scheduled to leave next Friday, though with strike conditions still existing on the coast this may be doubtful, and it is said she will only carry Ice house freight The cutters were on the wharf at San Francisco when the Wilhelmina left They should be White. - - there last week. DRILL beautiful White Loce.'Uoot Wash Kid High-Tocover-ere- d with white soles and ' LXV heel. V 1004 Honolulu fcf whom : & DRAYING CO.. LTD. J. J. J. Belser. Manager ,v --y r-:- : - " TO ARRANGE TRIBUTE TO LORD KITCHENER A - world-famou- 3 - : Star-Bull-ti- p. s. r '' v Gordon. . -- : n Phone 1522 ; :: V Nuuana, near Hotsl d, . - AND ORIENTAL NOVELTIES & : Jr' SU1AY . ELECTRICIANS' .Ml'nor j J3 '!: Oioeined Japanese Silk Snslibs in many new patterns. "v. EXAMINATIONS. Orders were .' Issued ? from depart ment headquarters yesterday, afternoon' for examinations, of electrician sergeants, second class, in the.Oahu coast defenses, on July 1 or as soon ' thereafter as practicable. 'Sgts. 2nd Class Joseph J. Pire and Fort Street Opp. Catholic Church i p 2-I- - The white leather welt and top piece give an added distinction, to this boot p "... ;. ; Pries $10.00 With finals in the military tournament of the 1st Infantry, N. G. IL, only a few daya away, officers and men here are bending all efforts, to get In tip-toshape for the big event. The finals are to be next r . Sunday ' morning at 9:30 o'clock. . Though no admission Is .to; be charged to the grounds, a section, of the grandstand is to be reserved for invited guests, which will Include offi cers of the army and their tvlve. guardsmen from other, Islands and Oovernor Pinkham and territorial offi' , cials. be issued, It was Invitations .will said today at guard headquarters, an-it Is the intention to make the tournament one of the biggest eventsj of the year. ii 1 ii II ii : j . f TMr U JL II Ji ( :: ' i x : A White Errtian No. HcfriiEkin Lace Boot This ia the new cloth for white shoes; v czra well and looks well. The white tcp piece. . Pric3 ; mm. d scheme to get Pvt A Joe Rich out of the United States army was upset Monday when the police failed to do what the. plotters expected of them. Rich Is now, in charge of military authorities awaiting courtmartial at Fort De Russy. Upon information furnished by two Hawallans late Monday afternoon Liquor Inspector W. P. Fennell arrested Rich on a charge of .selling liquor without a license. Rich passed the bottle to Detective Ben Jacobsbn in return for two marked coins. But the fact that Rich took, the whole matter so nicely made the police suspicious. Investigating, they, learned that the Hawallans had been encouraged by Rich to betray him, which the Hawai-- l lans were glad to ao la hopes of pay .as Informers. Rich thought he would .be sentenced to a few months In Jail iand get an Immediate .dishonorable discharge, frota the army. ; ; j According to the police he now stands a good chat.ee of getting six months in federal servitude, maybe t without, pay, and no discharge. C3.50 C 13 White ; Wash. Kid Sport Oxford, $7.00. ' -- ; '".- heels. - Westinghouse Electric Fdn ; There are few, better knowii or more thrilling novels In our JUura-tur- e than Miss Braddon's masterpiece, ."Lady Audley's Secrfcf and there is probably no artiste Qf . the picture world more capable for th s title 'role" than the "Vampire Woman." 'Miss Theda Bara. Tonight the Shatter people have It in their aerodorae and a ' large audience is looked for. On Thursday evening they have a bumper nigbt, for. In addition" to the usual five reels of pictures, they are to havethe entire vaudeville program i from the National theater., The following program has for tonight and looks to be well varied and good. Sgt. Francis Leigh being once more ba ck at work again after his spell In the hospital; ' . ; . MarchFaithful and Trite.. . Ch ristensen .Hollander TrotThe J T Rag Maple Leaf, i ... ...... .'Joplin. ; Overture The Fairy Glen . . : . . . .v. Schleppegrel Pensee Love and Passion. ; . Mesgina Two-Ste- p The Cane Rush. .....Grey Waltz Les Patineurs.. .Waldteufel Seng There's a Lady Bug - . been-Is-sue- wo-Keya- Price $7.50 . from beginning to end of summer , d The t. infor Rag-rlntoxica- tion Me . Manufacturers Shoe Fort St. . .................. You need a pair of these for the Celebration. 1031 i sizes $10.00 up Me.....,..'-.-..-..Chapi- n p . Store f size for household and offices costs Home and office Frog Legs.... Scott One-SteFantan Man. . . . , . ... . .Rose Selection The Chocolate Soldier,. mi Straus Morceau You Alone . ... .... Eilenberg . ... . . . . Whidden Waltx Roses from the South . . . Strauss . . . . Mascagnl Intermezzo Farewell Finale Honey, you were Made for Don't wait till the last minute as we close Saturday at L o'clock and open again Tuesdcjr morning, the 12th." ch g Rag ; . 8-in- less than a single electric lamp to run. ..................... All WTilte Kid Sport Lace white soles, and low ; . j white heelsf1 ' No. 769 or an This year enjoy the coolness of a . ;THE "VAMPIRE WOMAN? WILL ''SHOW AT SH AFTER TONIGHT All white soles and low white i : " No. Vy Jl JJL cooler days, your wife weary and on a nervous edge at the end of every losing time try day; your children discontented; y ing to keep cool. I : $ i TDUT.you jusc put off coming down ;to find out about them didn't knovy how little they cost and so you sp ent the whole long summer sweltering and worrying an d waiting for . : . -- I three-cornere- toot has the White Ivory soles end covered LXV .heel, with the .' rarid':Mi3l":y oil' wisfaed-- FAiLS 10 GAifJ L ' v ry v kill) t 1 ... ...... .. ....... The Hawaiian Electric Go., Ltd. . Glogau Kins: Street - COMPANY K DRILLING HARD. 4 Capt J. K. McCandless, Company K, X. G. H.. Las ordered the officers and men of tis organization to turn out every nieM th s week for driIL.be-- ' glnnins last night. . .. 1 v. i ? 65 to 7I South Quien St. ' -- Ohn-stea- c3a H 0 Ralph E. McGhee are to report at Fort Kamehameha for examinations, th former to be examined as master electrician and engipeer and the latter for vVengineer, only, v-- NO LOCAL PLANS YET transportation bad been secured on As far as E. U, S. Gordon. local the transport Sherman, which is now British consul, has ben'eadvised, plans ANNETTE KELLERMANN TO cn route to Honolula from San Fran- have not yet been made for any aer-.i cisco, were as follows on May 20, ac- vice or ouier ceremony as a inouie ; BE LEADING LADY HERE ' cording to the list if the office of the to Lord Kitchener. ;i quartermaster At Sin Francisco: Annette Kellermann, Consul Gordon stated yesterday Hunter, C. A. C; morning Col. Alfred was some douht motion picture actress, will be one of that there Lieut-col- . James H. McRae, A. G.; in his mind as to the authenticity of , many "stars" coming to Honolulu Lieut-co- l R. C Croxton. 1st Infantry; the report of Kitchener's death, but next month to produce a Hawaiian Chaplain George W. Prioleau, 10th remarked today that tChe report now movie drama, as told In the Cavalry;' Capt t). B. Rosenbaum, 2nd is "evidently true," He has not reyesterday.' She needs no IntroducInfantry; Capt H. S. Hawkins, 4th ceived any official communication of tion to local film fans. I Cavalry; Capt C S. Cabcock, 4th Cav- the Hampshire disaster, stating that I alry; Capt. R.' M.. Brambila. Q. M. C; the transmission of such information Capt 15. T. Perkins; C A. C; Capt VS. by. the home government to its agents E." Hunt Q. M.-- ' C; Capt. J. C. and representatives fs not customary. Q. A. C.; Capt B- - G. Ruttencut-ter,- ; England, through the death of Lord 1st Infantry; 1st Lieut John L. Kitchener, suffers a loss equal to that i Holcomte, C. A. C.; 1st Lieut George suffered In the passing of the late Ruhlen,; Jr., C. A. C; 1st Lieut P. J. opinion of Consul R. KiehL th Cavalry; A. K. C. Palmer, Lord Roberts, in the 1st F. A.; For Manila are the following: Capt Roy P. Stoneborn, P. S.; Capt C. W. Weeks, 28th Infantry;: Capt Edward Bennett P. S.; Capt Harris Pendle13th Infantry; 1st Lieuts. J. ton, A. Simpson, . Medical Corps; Frank Thorp, Fi A.;. J. Lindenstruth, P. S.; 2nd Lieuts.iL.II. Brereton, C. A. C; John F. Daye, P. 8.; C. M. Tuteur, fJJTARV FOR - Officers for ; GETlSHAPpi No. 1 Service First . Members of, the naval militia suf30-fo- ot . PHONE 489 TO FORTS HERE! CUTTERS ON V Shoes for Kamehameha Celebration . OFFICERS ; i i 1 HONOLULU CONSTRUCTION and Phone 3431 The four cornerstones of succc arc reasonably fjool education, industry and ' ambition.- - Theodore II. Price. clf-cou-fro- l.a SPOKTS, CLuVSSlED AND SHIPPING SECTION : HONOLULU HUNDREDS TENT LIFE IN TRAINING CAMPS TO MAKE MORE CAPABLE WOMEN REHEARSE TODA Y FOR - PUKAHOU ANNIVERSARY PAGEANT 4 .. ' v-- . . Rapidly Taking Form; Costumes to Be Elaborate inson, Kdward Woo4v.ard, Lydia EJvarJ Morino. Kamaka-kauJan- In preparation for the blgvpageant In celebration of the 75th annlvcrfary of the founding of Punabou, the following persona were to rehearse on Alexander field this afternoon, beginning at 3:30 o'clock; Episode E: Philip Weaver, Joseph Emerson. 'Philip Hall. Henry Judd, Percy Deverill, W. W. Chamberlain. Theodore Awana. Antcne Correa. Ro land Gay, Charles Hughes. Noble Kau-- , bane, Wmv Malukca, Wm. Napihaa, Wm. Palkule, Joseph Fekelo, Nelson Roblnacn, Edward Woodward, Wm. Kanakanui. Episode 6: Mrs. Frear, Wrz. Rice, Lorrin Andrew, Montgomery Clark, Olfter Emerson, Dick Gartley, Donald Larnich Howard Lyman, Eldredge Pcnd, Curtis Turner, Jack Water-housMartha Cooke, Ruth Farring- ton, Helen Hitchcock, Elizabeth Hob-dCatnerine Lyman, Kealoha Water-housHermann Alexander, Bryant Cooper, Dudley Pratt, Herbert Richards, Frederick Waterbouse, W. W. Chamberlain. Warren ' Chamberlain, Frederick Forbes, Carol Jones, Shad-- f orcb Waterhouse, Andrew-WesterveEpisode 7: Alice Ccoke. Percy Dev. erill, Arthur Rice, Dorothy RowelL Emma Lyons Dole, Lornn Andrews, Margaret' Austin, Jessie Baldwin, Arthur Brown, Charles Cisiidy,' Virginia Trear, Gladys Halstead, Charles Herbert, Bernice Jaeger, Pauline KIuegeL George Lindley, Dora Lydgate, Mortimer Lydsate, Edward Meyer, Hclene Morgan, Marguerite Paris, Fred Peterson, Muriel Peterson, Henry Pogue, Laura Pratt, Tom Slnglehurst, Catherine Weight, Mary Weaver, Burr Wilder, Ida Weaver, , Cyril Damon, Julie Giffard, Mrs. Westervelt, George Castle, W. W, Chamberlain and Mrs. Forbes, Ernest and Bert Clark, Violet Atherton end Theodore Cooke, Mr, Orramel Gulick and John Gullck, Lawrence Judd and Catherine Pratt, Catherine Lyman ana Fred Lyman. Hartld Dillingham and Mrs. Erdman. Mabel Wilcox and sister, Heathtr Damon, J. Aimoku Dbminis, Bernice D.wight, Bernard Damon. .'- Episode 8: Mary Alexander, Alfred Castle, Jr., Beatrice Castle, Gwendolyn, Preston Chupin, Caroline Cooke, Kacolliani. Elizabeth r Lilikala-ni- , Ivahalelehua Xotley Juliana W'alanl-ko- . E. Lahilahi. Keoahu Crowll. Mary Crowell. Ahia Daviscn, Kahull lioapilf, Kahull HoJpilf, Kaleoraaiki HoapilS, Leuisa McCarthy, Anna Maer. tens, James. Woolsey. Bernice Ahl. An- geline Hassenritten, Rebecca Hassen- ntter. Kalei tywAU Lydia Jlncpii Eli, zabeth Joseph, Mn He Stone, Huihui, F. W. Beckley, Edward Lillkalani, AVm. Keola Nul. , Camp - fT 'JikPX ' - ' 1 . UJLA.LTH W. L. Whitney, Pear! ' Sutherland, W. V.. Chamberlain, Harriet Forbes, L. A. Thurston, Margaret Thurston, W. L. Pogae, Emma Whitney Goodale. y, e, Uttscn Akajo Karaetameha girls. Akan?, Henry Bishaw, John Naholelca, Agnes Euchanan, Jeanette Akea, itearietta Bertelmann, Harriet Mario. Burgess, Davison, Bernice Dwiftht, Kathryr; Elston, Elizabeth Fuller. Elaie Gay, Gertrude Holt, Jlel-en- e Holt, Irene Holt,. NilaloLelani Hutchinson, Mercedes - Hittchinson, Pearl Makinney, Henrietta Smith. Charles Herbert, .William Kanakanui, Archibald Mahanlu, David Hoa-piiJr, the Pohakuloa groii ). . - . lt tehT'$ffll si n . i, ' F! - vm Reports Several Skirmishes With Enemy; No f American Casualties, Rear-Admir- al - D. C June 7. j Caperton. commaadiag the American marines and bluejackets . ashore In Haitian ports, report the navy- - department last night thitj several minor skirmishes have talea place between the Haitian rebels auii the Haitian constajjulary, the later aid by the American forces. cd " In one of the combats at Monts, Crlsto seven of the rebel were klUed . in an attack on the marine camp. The ' fight lasted for some time an 1 tha rebels were driven off wlthoufcifflr culty and without a single American casualty. In company with Haitian gendarrvs a body of marines aad sailors attacked an armed force of rebels last Saturday, killing Marcellus and Codio, rebel . leaders.- - and nine of their men. Ths' report does not mention any Amrri-- i can casualties. , .' WASHINGTON. - Rear-Admir- a conference yesterday afternoon with Premier Asquith, King George issued the following order to the armies of Great Britain cn the death of Field Marshal Earl Kitchener of Khartum ' and Broome: i,: 'The Kmg has learned with the most profound regret of The disaster whereby the secretary of state for wRr. Field Marshal Lord Kitchener of Khartum and' Broome, has lost his life while proceeding on a special mission to the Emperor of Russia. -- Field Marshal Earl Kitchener gave 43 years of distinguished service to the state, and there can be no doubt that it was largely through his genius and tremendous energy that Great Britain has been able to create and place In the field armies which are even now upholding the traditional " .''. glories of this Empire. Earl Kitchener will be mourned ij the army and the nation as a great soldier, who rendered supreme service to his country and who gave that ser vice under conditions of unexampled V difficulty. "His Majesty, therefore, commands that all officers of Ills Majesty's for-ce- s wear mourning "with their; unl forms for one week." s j Wirl) Following (Aco-itPrew y Fdtr LONDON. Eng, June 7. Ahia, HIIo Boyd, Malcolm Coney, William Coaey, T. P. Cummins, Clarence Cunha, James Dwlght Joseph Dwigut, Ernest Kaai, D.in'el K&Iaukoa, Keawe-haku- , Kamca Kcaloha, George Nanaa-koa- , - e, HAITIAN Commands Officers of Forces to Wear Mourning For One Week lia? MakahL Mamahana, Namaba, ; INCONFLICIVili OFITCHiER i, IS CAPERWS DEPLORES DEATH JVft:rTy7t P. Thornton. J, Vkrra, P. Wright. Theodore Awana. Antone Correa. Roland Gay, Noble Kauhane, Robert Kula, William Mahikoa. Wm. Napihaa. Wm. Paikuli, Joseph Pekelo, Nelson Rob- 1G BRITAIN S J r .... Plans for Brilliant; Spectacle NINE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916. STAR-BTJLLfiTI- N, al - . 1 Tcz:ih Llczonic " m .... fK .The woman's training camp idn iromi"nt' 'omen invited tc talk to f the many as above the pood of th V ; one, means to build character. It rapidly training" popularity i the the ?.ci?t!et. rookies..: "I believe ? tvamfnir camp- for means' a broader self and it means United States, received nw impetus women," she said, "not because I f the making of men and women. this week. At the woman's training these will be put to-- tbe - iTo live in tents means to appre- that MONDAY ramp just opened in Washington, actual test of .war I hope that t.?s ciate the value of fresh air. The Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. sphere are gathered women from all wrr in Europe will teach us a les.ion t physical training means . the sur- , 7:30 p. m. Stated. mounting nhd will ailments; ever have another. ; of minor over the i country, Mrs. George that we it -. conevery I j But recognition means of , a because physical Jel:?ve . mother's Tewey. Mrs. Georg' Barnett Mrs. TUESDAY quests over the physical self; ifc wili aa ; better Gibson Fahnestock, Mrs,; F. ; F". son andi 'V.aujrhter . f 0 i Honolulu Lodge No. 409.' Spewn-ai strength health, and means a better srn nciier ir iney wiu Fletcher and Mrs. Hugh L. Scott, Jinan cial, Second Degree. 7:3). give th?ir.tire ?ric! thoutht and! vitality, and the powe.- of resist p. m. rife of General Scott now conferring i' energ- - for a, certs n snoi of thi r iance. Air or tnese worK ior cne year, to greater good to the indfdual and ' .with the Mexicans, were'prominwit lives, be. it six jfryth .... WEDNESDAY. ' something outsid? of their, personal j.o the nation. : participants. .' "'''' porI should like a to see Hawaiian Lodgs No. 21. Spev. certain The President of the United Staies. ' interest. :v' V ? ' " a present on the opening day and f ; "We of . A m smug self- - I tion of every life given to ' active"'; a clal, First Degree. 7:S3 p. a. nr c. Taking as their motto, "Not Who, d (work, not idleness, in camp life nn- addressed : the: canp. On this oc- complacency, have !eome tc But Wat." the class of 191S of St. casion Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Barnett and .MirbJd in , othr th?n der direct and definite training. THURSDAY Andrew's priory, consisting of five Mrs.. ... Fletcher, the representing Th't. consecratic-r- ' ' of i "Such training, such consecration, ,; Revolutionary Leader in Hew Honolulu Chapter No, 7. It. students, will be graduated at exerarmyy: marine corps and navy." re- -l devoting , ;a definite pan Jof nut jwoa!d' "make us realize broader is- M. Stated. 7:CD p. m. ( i cises to be held In the Davies Memor"actively, "manned", the lanyards thnnght arid !if rot' e?rgy t the ztz:y would awaken us to 'our own L - .York Now.Sccs Hope for .' ' ji ; ial stripes-tpossibilities 8 s s d Emma atreet, IJfe, o hall. wouV our on clock nation hauled the .stars and at nation renlt.'w; ihat nati?iV aha "Clarence Cooka,. Dora Cocke, Mrs. H. FftlDAY Real Reforms, , v , v ' ' the, evening through 13. al au we came from these canvas, would f-good, o.' of good flagstaff. the to the June the fnp ' the Si)e. , Giffard, Waltei Giffard... Gordon Oceanic Lodggr No. S71. ' - The physical side ot the training The members of the 'graduating citixtn. V ' ttake or. a different aspecV greater p. a.l ! (AnnociateA Pr Halstead, Maricn Lewl3, Frederick W"rrflf t:23 FeJertt br .cia.Vnrst.Dcree. Th.r.eifrJf-.cTi- T jfrwUiTii and greater, enjoyment canir :dea,U strorjjy, emphasized in IxDw.rey, Herbert Richards,, Elizabeth doss are Harriet Kawaiula Haae, ANEW YORK, N;t:. June 7. In ' ' the tK""5thal capital camp.; ; Susanna ing . of h:rdsh:ns. i"learning talk much of self 'evelop- Munro, , lexandria Janet Emma Kala upon the death of President Wateriiouse, Patty Wutei house, Wil. 8ATURDAY (Vctp.fi ;he noted health cxpertV of subdue: !Jf. will' br nuUirr or ;r.ert through unselfish- mi but. we ' Yuan . Shih-KPeking yesterday, No. 3, O.' at fred Grtenwelt, Ruta' Richards, Wm.. Rodenhurst Gez trnde Ayin K. Seong Chapter Aloha Lei of oc net put our ideas into actual prac- - ' ; S. K. Pond, the local representative of n.kar "an,.'enihusiasti supporter under, drscinline ui:d The ' Forbes, Mary C. Alexander, Hermann and Victoria Shui Jin Woo. p. m. 7:2J Stated. S. E. v..;of the: amp idea, vas One of the others, tbi ability to see ihe good of I tice." ":'.':- Alexander, Watson Rallentyne, Lorrin following events are to vbe held during the revolutionary party, declared that . 1 burster., Willis m Ncble, Beit Clark, commencement week: It would prove a boom for China. 8CH0 FIELD LCCi3 Class Day At Queen Emma hall. Jos.. Eic'Kntll, Percy Nottage, Mon Yuan was, one of the big and While 8ATURDAV tague Cooke. George Cooke, Cyril St Andrew'8 Priory, Friday, June 9, af strong men of China," said Mr. Pond, The maic of our adver- Work in Third Dejrea. J:Si lloogs, Mr. Woodward, Clifton Tracy;! 3 in the afternoon. in"he was a . reactionary in all his f in" n p. Exhibition m. seving sew-i, the Episode 9: Mrs. Pierre Jones, J. T. J tising columns will change stincts and never had at heart the deroom, i 3 Andrew's Priory, St from Brown. A, F. Cooke, Adelaide Crozier. velopment of a real reform governthe goods on your shelves E. C. Damon, Ada - Gibson, Harriet to 5 in the afternoon, Friday, Jane 9. ment for his country. For this reason AUTO Recital at Queen Emma hall, St. - Try Hempstead, Flora Jones, Ernest Parkdollars. golden I say that his taking off will prove to into Priory, Friday, June 9, at er, E. Wills Plcrson, George Robert-Eon- , Andrew's be one of the greatest possible boons 1 James Robertson, Henrietta Ross, 7 : 30 in the e venLng. the country could have had. Commencement I.':.". At Davies' Memor.lianney Scctt, Chas. Judd, . "His death gives China an oppor7 That the career of the motion pic: hall, Tuesday, June 13, at S in the . Geraldine Farrar leaves Honolulu AD" Characters In dances of Interlude D: ial MAN. THE tunity to make real progress along the ture actor does not always lie in pleastonight Her latest vehicle, "TemptaClouds Helen . Center.' Dorothea evening. by the reformers, under lines desired miracuopera, places, some fact, in ant that still deals tion, vblle not an Cooke, Florence Davis. Florence Deni- - j leadership . actually beescapes the of Li Yuan Hung and great occur and of lous work with4 life this the son, Margaret Hawk, Margaret Kepp6- come a part of the fiction is profren in Sun Yat Sen." ' a story being of prima donna, the ler, Doris Marks, Maricn Parte, Ruth the six-- f art feature. !Theurn.of the. young girl who would face an' opera Siebolt, Dorothy Walker. Dorothy WinRoad." on the National's program for CHINESE LEGATIONS WEEKLY CALE::DAn temptations relating the audience and v . ter, Rachel Woods. beginning half week, the the of latter path the In are thrown of the that Rain: Jessie Baldwin, Gladys Ben- .. OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED v . . tcnieht. unsophisticated girl who endeavors MONDAY nett, Dora Broadlent, Madeline Chap-in-, JohnfJKIng where' scene is a There CO, to reach the cpera house through the Harmony Lodge No. 3. 7:21 OF YUAN'S DEMISE May Gay, Margaret Hooqa, Myra and Marcia Wilbur, his. .sweetheart,. stage entrance. j p. m. Election of ofilcers. . Neal, Muriel Peterson, Clara Ray' a an dash off in cliff automobile and gifted Dupree 7.Des-patcheis (Farrar) Renee s WASHINGTON. D. C. June mond, Bon Towse, Dorothy Van Way, go hurtling through the air.'' several with an exceptionally good voice, sha TUESDAY to the Chinese legation, re--' Elizabeth Wall, the! film it hundred feet In taking stud'es long and. hard and is ready Excelsior Lodga .No. 1. 7:3J officially night, Lilies; Mary Alexander, Jean late ceived last here Kilgour Josephwas not intended that debut, make p. learns that to m. Election of officers. but' her Alice Denlson, Louise Erdman, the death of President, and Virginia. Pearson, .the .pertorpiers. announced a requisites Degree. are than other Second there Peking ijlgnoux, yesterday Alexa 'in Eleanor Griffiths, should be in the machine when itF took Yuan ShIh':Kaf good voice that ae ' demanded was 10 morning Horner, Kathryn Kilbourne, also o'clock. at It the leap, but thev had to ride up to '" Betty Lindsay, Miriam Mackall, Beth '."With' LI Yuan capital stock of J1C0.CCO. by the I impresario.. The girl refuses WEDNESDAY brink. "The vlan was. to stop the stated that the of comply Otto the demands with to I3 correct three-fourth- s Nowell, Noelatie Schwallie. ' the The art cf dramatics of which has ; already replace he living actors with Hung would assume the duties of Olive Branch RebekaU Lods Tiny Children: Rey A wold, Alice been subscribed, the Hawaii Motor Muller (Theodore Roberts); manager balancmg of laughs and. sobs; the ar- cimera, 10 o'clock. morning this' at President on car rro.,2. - 7::w p. nu Drill for dummies, and send then the' Bell, Nelson Bockua, Vittorlo Bodreio, Supply Company, Limited, has filed and producer, and her operatic career rangement of the, pyposing emotions over. Vt;;' - v .' ';vv,;;v'.. ';.-.;; members of the team. Bertha Cannon, Eleaaor Claybourne, i corporation papers at the territorial tcps. Finally she decides that she so that tlie sol is.aihiost instantane- ' actually happened that' when Harrison Cooke, Paul Cooke, James ; treasury. The papers were filed last must pay the price and is about to ously checked by the laugh' which fol- theButcaritdrew ' THURSDAY up at the edge the earth promEdgar Selwyn, author and Crockett, Helen Currie, Ruth Curry, week...".: lows. i:''.-'":.v do sc when Julien,.a young and No: 1. Lodse Rebekah Pacific macprecipitated crumbled and the . Warren David, Janice Edger, Richard Officers of the new firm arc as fol- ising writer, put3 In an appearance playwright, of note, haj mastered this hine-and offip. cf Nomination nv 7:30 living down occupants' its Margaret Gere. Winifred lows : J. F. C. Hagens, president; Al- and intervenes. Frazier, art and show it in "The: Countryn the steep declivity. The car'slld half rep. whist, 8;30 m.. cers; Boy," the offering of the. Guild, Janet Harghs, Deane Howland, bert Hcrner, Wil' ' FIERCE-TURKprizes.; ATTACKS and way a freshments down th embankment, struck' Juddy Judd, Dudley Lewis, Josephine liam Williamson, - auditor;; 1. J. players at the Bijou theater, ON SLAV DEFENSE ; Marques, Mary which closes with the rerformance of stump, turned a complete somersault BREAK Marvin. Howard Warren, secretary; Robert C. WalEng., June 7. From Asia LONDON, rav-inup FRIDAY r'glit In and side landed the ' Moore, Ruth Peck Helen Pentland, tonight. .,"7 , ker. The corporation states its object reports tell of desperMiner Russian cor players auto the Neither the Ronald Ramsey, Helene von Damm, as general manufacturing, merchanBert Lytell proves received a cratch, but K both Miss ate but vain efforts on the part cf the In the title Richard Waterhcuse, Yuriko Yamaimy dise and commission business in the himself a master of the "emotions and j Pearson and Kib&cur had the scare of Turkish leaders to launch a successto. Shay Pin Zen. HONOLULU LODGE NO. 1. Is largely responsible for the heavier their li?es. ' . r - - -- ; r ful offensive in the vicinity of Errin-ga- n MODERN Episode'lO: Wm. Hyde Rice, Mrs. territory. ORDER OF PHOENIX.; ucau vi ha3 1000 lliUUi,euio, lieu luc tuaiumtu a total of shares which were The and Baiburt attacks two-ree- l Chaf:lin Nakuina, Harvey Hitchcock, Judge S. areIt valued VHia The farce. goes out to the- unfortthe audience par conducted with fury, and repulsed B. Dole. Judge Perry. W. R. Castle. been paid In. at $100 and 750 have Will meet at their home, corner cf unate 5011th who wo'ild wrest honor, Trystinvf Place, which has proven one with tremendous loss .to the assail , f Frank Earwick, Frank Atherton. C. H. big city of of the great little film comedian's fun- ants, the Slavs continuing their steady j Beretania snd Fort streets, every the fame and glory from L. J. Warren, secretary, told the ' " Cooke, W. Dillingham, L. A. Thurston, niest vehicles, will be shown again Denmr.rk s famous dramatic artist. New York. Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. n ': ; , yesterday that advance, f . ' . the King, tonight and at tomorrow's matinee. Claude W. O. Smith. W. L. Whit- company has not to Betty score Nan sen. continues CHARLES HUSTACE, JR, Leader cne- of the most popular D. Hales, agency E. decided what ney, F. "W. Watcrhouse, Dixon Hitchleading heavily a Fos as of the star n FRANK MURRAY,' Secretary. organ-! members cf the. it will accept or what place it will GREECE PROTESTS FRENCH ? j cock, Mrs. Hitchcock, Hester Hitch- choose gift Corporation and her latest IOWA SUFFRAGETTES Film masIi new is laurels lzaticn, adds for location of its shop. There in Mf KTIAL LAW ORDER cock, Minnie Gilman, Blanche Walker, HONOLULU LODGE 618, P. B. O. E. thea- to the screen, ShouliL a Mother Tell." terful rre3entation of the role of a Greece, ATHENS. June 7.The Mary Atherton Richards, Carrie is a rumor that the old National MARGIN BY SMALL LOSE meets la their ball' .is a photoplay with an angle entirely- newspaperman "down on hU .luck." ; v j Greek government has filed a formal I different, Green, Rhoda Thayer, Irene Hollo-wa- ter site may be chosen for it to anything she has previo'is- Georgie Knowltcn as the landlady of on Kins St. near pretest Tf against the declaration of marAda Gartley, Agnes Judd, Char promotion' by FedTtl Wirelcsa) (Ansociated rre ly appeared in tnd in tact to the usu-- ' a cheap New York 1. carding house ! t:al law in Salonlkl, and environs, re Fort every Friday : ' .; "... lotte Ewing. committee V al run of picture dramas. Betty Nan-se- i rovidis a major portion of the come , DK3 MOINK3, la.;. June 7. Pact cently announced by the French gen4 0 nlnf. Visiting complete returns of the state Members In the procession of the 75 - TO HAVE BULLETIN'BOARD appears A3 the mother who is dy. In' this she is aided. and abetted cor brothers ; ara classes and guest group of Episode 10 compelled to choose between her t by Henry f hun'er, her star boarder; election to decide the woman suffrage eral in command of the allied forces. dlaHy Uvited to atwill be announced later. Those who : Shou'd j Phillips Tead, a Yiddish m,ember of amendment to the state constitution tend. Plans havebeen made by Albert P. daughter and an innocent man. know they are la either one of these Taylor, or loved child should j her "round taDle;" Jessie Schouler, shows that the amendment has lost by ART SMITH DECIDES she sacrifice her secretary BUCKLEY, E. R. ProB. the Hawaii P. of two groups are wanted for re- motion last wm we. baio uiiivv rm, CUC OVV ku of the ' ragglug' fami- a bare minority. a member analso PROLONG STAY HIS TO to a Committee H. new DUNSIIEU Sec install hearsal tomorrow. ' taken? That is the question which ly; a showgirl without a job, and Wilnouncement board of the entrance at -7:30 o. itu confronts this mother and with which as Sam, the colore .1 URUGUAY TO SEND Honolulu Branch of th . National (S ocial Cable to NIppu .TIi ) Episode 1: Characters of Kcne and the office of the committee on Bishop she is comrelleJ to wrestle until a de- liam Amsdell, around who is waiter A German American Alliance of tb large street board be 7. will Japan, erected Smith, June Art r; r . Kanalou.. .t v, TO SHACKLETON theTOKIO. cision is reached. RELIEF v ; iliop. boarding U. S. A. the carry which will all announcements postwned has. aviator, American' Episode 2: Keabhapauole absorbing. most It'is is The drama Land," one the Law the of cf The Meetings of sporting events, pageants la K. of P. Hall on Satand other filled with heart-intereshis departure for the United States Parker Widemann, Willi-aa- i news of interest to (Atsotiated Pri It teems strongcf,t cf the bills in the repertoire Federal Wirelen) r urdays: public. general the and has accepted' an invitation to Paikuli. H. Ah Yee. E. Aku.' M. MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay, June 7. So many calls have been received'Vwith tense situations and demands all of this company, will be the next ofFebruary 12, March 11. April tt May a number of flights at Hokkaimake degovernment C.IL Bertelmann, H. Clark. regarding abiliUruguay emotional has of and dramatic of the The even-inrcommencing Thursday fering, , bedo, In the northern part of Japan. 6, June 3, July 1. W. Clark, W. Do la Nux. J. Fieldgrove, ing staged certain events that are ty of this wonderful star. cided to despatch the steamer Instl-tuti- o iUpon - .. dethe that has committee comlttion of his contract PAUL R. 13ENBi:RG, President J. Kaawalanole, A. Kanuha,- W. Kapi-l.- cided that the announcement board A universal Weekly and two big Pesca to the relief of the: Ant- he willthereturn C. BOLTE. Secretary., to San Fancsco. N Peck, IX Tunihtiole, J. Rogers, comedy features complete the program have been complete J arctic exploration expedition under the piraticns Pre long a 18 to July 1 Inc. will 6374 leaving on felt want Jan. Toklo American, Included Before the D.C. Simecna, Thornton, the list of . A. Sinmcna, ' the National City bank of New command of Sir Ernest Shackleton. Hawaii heaters the at by general was by to information the Jijf decorated aviator the HERMANN3 SOEHNE. York to cneu its first Eluropean branch The rescue ship will sail from this port Shinpo, one of tha most powerful poblir will be the steamsfipl arrivals ARREST Forty-cu- e of state ' have the states tomorrow. Italy. Genoa, at departure of all vessels. geologists or sim'Jiar dairies in Toklo. He was given a r.f disease and return to health fol- and time cf officials. mt i.;". ... Verrammlucsen Montagt: It is exacted that the board will medal of honor! ior his daring flights low CHrcprsctic. U mine-laye- r definitely have S und 19, Jul! 3 und 17. Ang. 7 societies been Francisco, Secret San Junl The by use for part In of the the Its!. latter on?3e ci' Consultation free. colban the 21. at Pept 4 und 18. Ceneral placed n damaged Barnard was under und while the week. which ashore pYCURIIiEEYEREUEDy .;;. ; ,.' F. C. M1CHTON, D. JnnI 1 vnT Pept IS. by an election held by the stu-- l Nnuckt Rhrls. arrived at Perls-moutI Xor Bed, Weak. Watery Xjtn end The Czar of Russia rides a licyc'-- , mi m ;' Chiropractor. Almost every known variety or iron EMIL KLEMME. Prasldent N, H. to go Into drydock for playa turn's and bowls ninepins. He GRANULATJL CYELIHS ff dents, the result of which has beeu!' repairs. '7 .;. C. BOLTE. Sekretar. ; i04 Boston Eldg. Over Henry May's ere is found in Newfoundland. made public. j i3 al3o an excellent swimmer. - VILL GRADUATE Yeehly Calendar " DECLARES : YUAI'S ,'. FIVE GIRLS OF : tEATIIl'ILLPROI m n - PRIORY JUNE 13 . r-- MITOCIli;.';! v ; ; T-jr v : self-centeiT- seif-intere- , v H " - -- ; indi-vidi'- ,,,' the-surmo- un:- i ! g com-rnentin- - ai , 1 , CAMERA CATCHES FAMglj - FALL WILD it!;, 1 Odd Fellov;: . HAWAII MOTOR EVERY PART IK v ' ; SUPPLY An-gjt- s, Eli-zabet- h IS BIJOU OFFERING INCORPORATED - IS WELL TAKEN . - Vice-Preside- nt - N . : i-- AR ARENA Lytell-Vaugha- vice-presiden- t; " BETTY NANSEN . c. . IN TRYING PART j- . :;- . . ; ' . Star-Bulleti- ; : Lytell-Vaugha- y, 1 VV' n t : . - 4. . . . . inan-or-?lI-wo- : Kawe-laulaokala'n- i, t. w 1 -' - o, f-:- il ' re-i.d-y . Ver-samml- ' ' h. , : - .. 1 i? At. AEOLIAN HALL 4 already sold f ill fl ireat . i Midyear SALE Iff of used and. Straight ID Immediate inspection insures your choice of the remaining big' Upnght An unparalled 2 weeks OPPORTUNITY- - will be in progress every business day until Saturday, June 1 7th. . Two SiiceessM Oh the average of twice each year we hold these sales to clear our Pianos which We have taken in part payment for our regular lines., of the used s wire-room- i out-pf-tow- ware-room- " .. ' folks an n Bargains are as follows: find at such prices Herbert Player Piano Mahogany case. '..In uso not more than six months. - ., best-know- n . Honolulu families and Sale Price i : Stroud Pianola Piano in 'Fumed Oak case, Mission finish. .; months: Cost new, $000.00 .. (fcOCflflfY POJU.UU - ;. - , Auto Piano in Oak case. In use bv one of the has had the hest of care. Co'st new, $G00.00. 8 Sale Price ' i C ( f V)O 7 U.UU GjOC Oft Price v'xiO-vl- In use not more than Sale Emerson j Piano Ebony. case, fine , repair. Sale price ... . . . . .... .... . . . . 125.00 gain. Sale price Oftft ftft Uy.UU Davis & m a h oga n y ca se. Boudoir Aeolian Player Piano new, $G30.00' Fumed Oak case. In use onlv" four months. ; (tCQCl'ftft Cost when Sale Price WO&iJ.XJKJ Sons Piano tone. A small first payment will hold any instrument you choose, and secure delivery to your home, , railroad or steamship station. To come and look does not obligate you to buy. To remain away is to miss a great musical op portunity if you are interested in pianos. - AVe Easy terms on any instrument you choose. positively guarantee every instrument in this sale to be as represented. Eejrgs'SrcDinni Fort Street, HONOLULU Sale p ri ce ' . . ..... . . Piano Maliogany case, Sale price We invite you to come to AEOLIAN HALL , Large size upright, Ltd. '9 Clark Medium size upright, in 100.00 'good condition. Sale price. Story & ........ , . Medium. size, mahogany 195.00 case. Sale prie .125.00 . Royal Piano Walnut case, medium size. Cost when new, $30.00. Sale price. . . 175.00 Singer Piano Singer Piano Large upright o;ik case. Cost when new. $'00.()0. A rare bar- U Steinway Llignon PlayerIn mahogany case, large size upright; in private home less than three 'months. A wonderful instrument that repi pduccs the work of contempor- - 1 1 .Sale Price P ary masters perfectly. Cost; new, $1800.00. ..... .... J - . almost like new fedium size, walnut case, excellent tone. Sale Price-.$ 60.00 Cost i STRAIGHT, UPRIGHT PIANOS Kiteger Piano i when new, $350.00 " -jr . 10 PLAYER PIANOS very hard to - every way cases where necessary, 'the Pianos tuned and voiced so as to and v be equal. almost to brand new instruments. s within the --Mvcelc Our prices are calculated to accomplish the clearance of our ' r,-period, THE PERIOD OF YOUR OPPORTUNITY . We mtist make room for the new Pianos which are already en route. '.This Kale is being annonnced at this particular time "in order to give .equal opportunity with local people to get the advantage of these very special values. . : re-polish- ed , 1 ' Every instrument included in this important sale has been put in the very best cond ition in ' v.- Crown Piano Large size upright, oak ease; mandolin attachment. Big tone. 210.00 Sale price . . ........ 175.00 Largo upright, mahogany case. In excellent condition. Cost . 225.00 when new, $000.00. Sale price-....- Vose & Sons fine 175.00 , i J! HONOLULU 0, Sport of lings Will 1PENTATHL0N Thousands Expected to Be in Attendance When the First Race COLLEliE FIEL! is Called on Saturday Afternoon Interest in Racing This Year Pleasing to Members of Hawaiian Polo- - and Racing Hiio Regatta Will Attract Many The boys' aquatic pentathlon for "the Local Boy Ranks Second in Club Young and Old, Rich and Poor Will Be There Thurston medal was completed in the Players m Members of . Boat Clubs; lunahcu tank yesterday, when in List of They're sounding the eymbals in know when the bangtails come in. won Turner and novice first Curli the 1 Special Excursion July v East; Second in Hitting ; Hawaii cnce mere. Our old. friend, Old Ike Dugan's saving; his wife's Herman Alexander won second place, All-Colle- the Jockey, Is right down to weight. The raL)irds are busy, the trainers are dizzy and there's thousands aw.ut-ln- g a crack at the gate. The races are coming, excitement is humming and all the old guys are atelling. the tale when the black mare called Lily 'beat Baldwin's young filly, anJ tho boys from the ring came acrcss with tie kale. , ' teen' raving, 'cause Ike won't contribute: toward buying a cow. But Ike isn't fretting, he isn't forgetting that cows will be here when the races are pau. . 1 All Will Be There. There's a lot of them going, who'll make a gocd showing in Bradstreet'3 and Dun and in "Who Who and Where." And still there are others whose 6isters and "brothers have known not of shoes since the St. Louis fair. They all like this racing with trotting and pacing and jumps o'er tho hardies. They's all in a whirl. One will go with his brother, there may be another who shows up at the track with, ; , another man's girl. "So it's on with the laughter, and death to the grafter," said Mac as he soaked mo three bucks for a. tie.. Well all be In clover when the race meet-Is "On to Hilo." This is the cry that and in the open meet Lorrln Thurs first and Harold Harvey won is heard now at the boat clubs since ton wen place. second the announcement was made that the The medals are handsome silver trip to Hiio on July 4 is on, and inpendants in the open con and asmuch as the Inter-Islanhas made test bronze pendants in the nov and bronze a reduced rate for the round trip of ice, proierl7 all inscribed. of . - d h. h, -r 60-ya- rd 50-yar- -- i?' i H i'r . " Why net and the idea cane. radium? That was the answer. YoU could sea a radium bull a mile away by the glare, and In ths dusk thos late foursomes could more easily decide their contests. Even night golf would be possible w.th the radium ball. It looked like a wonder and everybody thought it was cne of the great Ideas of the age. Everything was lovely ana Harold Giffard was buying presents and C. G. Bockus was In much glee when 6omo one remarked that the present market price of radium warn't much moro than about 10,000 an ounce. Tho production cct Sv?a the only drawplan was back. Outside of that-th- e a winner. 'They are now planning for another ball which will not take a mint to produce. -- . Gen. E. A: Lever, editor of Latin America and well known in South and Central America, died at New , Orleans. Germany has expressed its regret to Switzerland for the less of tho lives of two Swiss in the Sussex torpedoing. She will pay Indemnity to the familtej-cthe men. KENNETH ALEXANDER Portrait by appointment 424 Beretanla Slttlnss : . - I; I 100-yar- d M..-- - i . - They're cut every moraim; when day ia aborning, with glasses all fixed : for a shot at the spin. . That mure is a hummer. She looks like a comer, says old Johnny Dobbs as he started i grin. Watch Harvester going, my " boy, he's ashowing some stuff that wi'r , land him a winner, 1 know. And then Miss Officicus, the owner's enewisn-la- ; that she wiU'ccme home at the head; , of the show. This morning a fellow all dolled up in yellow was riding a horse for a fast quarter mile. As an A-- l beginner ho looked like a winner, but the poor nag fell down in the stretch Harold Giffard and C. G. Bock us have joined the racks of the Edisona, WestinF.hcuses, Marccnls and Maxims. A short time ago they returned from the cost and both talked golf and th-- i wonderful promise that Jas in. stor? for the grand old Scottlsn game. They were bet h enthusiastic over the royal and .ancient pastime. Friends were wo:rled regarding the optimism displayed by the. ardent gclfers until the story leaked out, which promised to place their names Hall . of Fame. in the Inventors Brother golfers, here is the tala. Both golfers have experienced a heap of trouble in the early gamboling (not gambling) on the green and. in the brush by losing their Baby Dimples, Dots and Circles. . . Lest 42l!s Often. , . Harold Giffard says that occasionally one of the while e:iets goes far off the general direction and hides itself where neither fce or his caddy can joins in with find It. C. G. Lockus the same, story. ' Both had turned in ixx)r cards as a result of the failure to locate the elusive pellet Great inventors, at times muse. These two golfers ywere doin; a fair bunch of musing one day on the coast when it came to them that a ball might be secured w hich could not be lost They were located at the. nineteenth hole, and after diseussiag the Mexican jumping bean to be placed in the golf ball, a "bell cn it for night play and various ether things, they - decided that the problem was too difficult. ; : 100-yar- d - i b in History of Scottish Game Radium Golf Ball Would Be Ideal for Niqht Play in Future No Balls Would Be Lost--Give Uo Plan When Price of Radium is Announced This 'Thurston contest has brought large number of swimmers and it has encourage faithful training for B Jong period. The girls as well as the boys had a meet, though the girls' contest is not yet completed. The first four places were won by the following men: the eastern colleges: ; Open. :'..:'" 'V' Better pitching began to make itselt swim: Thurston, Harvey, felt on the batting r averages of the v ' Pratt, Mott-Smit; college baseball teams last week and ; 50 yard , stroke: back Thurston, there was an almost general slump Many Will Go. ; J ; In addition to the .members of the Pratt, Harvey, J3rom ley. in team and individualhitting. . Plunge: D. Pratt, Thurston, HarLafayette, Princeton, Holy Cross, boat clubs, their friends and many r w ho will take the opportunity to make vey, Mott-SmitFprdham and Cornell were among the swim: Harvey, Thurston, few teams that made any strides In the trip at reduced rates are expected ' w to join in the big excursion. Many Pratt. JJromley, increasing their offensive strength ' Har- Thurston,'-Bromley- , Diving:.crews, accompany planned had to' and Cornell was the only one qf this the ;' group that made any substantial progbut when the announcement was made vey, D. Pratt. - ' ress, bosting Its average from .174 to that there was a possibility of not ; Novice. ' swim: Turner, Hayselden, an even .200. Lehigh slumped. Colum being able to charter the steamer, the ' ' : 1 r members decided not to make the trip. Alexander. Watt bia and Wesleyan just held their own d Alex- - and Dartmouth had a 10 point drop. back Turner, ttroke: Now that the excursion Is n the Mvr ties, Healants and Honolulus are an j ander, Johnson. Yap Is Second. Plunge: J. Pratt; Coorer.VTurner. working to ' secure a banner attendIn individual batting, BIyth of Penn Alexander. ance from their respective clubs. Yap of Lehigh, Reese of DartState. swim: -- Cooper, Watt. mouth 'and Buenagure of Coluiabia The Mauna Kea will leave Honolulu j at S o'clock on Saturday, July 1, ar- - Turner, Johnson, Cooler, maintained their relative 'positions. Reeso slumped a bit and Buenagure pulled up his average a trifle. . Beck. turning the Inter-Islan- d steamer will CAUGHT FROM THE FENCE. leave Hilo some time Tuesday night the Columbia right fielder and pitcharriving in Honolulu on Wednesday er, who has been signed by Detroit A Rcdium Ball. Johnny Carroll worked Myrtle a half fell off a few points, but his average mcrnfng, July 5, giving the members Then they glanced at a newspaper an opportunitj' to return ir. time for in 50 this morning. Carroll will per- for j 2 games la 81. where a med cal story was displayed ' work. Since this; new schedule has haps be up on Gaiety, Young Lady and The averages of the various colleges been announced more will of course Myrtle in the race meet Young Lady to date are as rollows: T take the opportunity to watch the big will be wcrked tomorrow morning. Team Batting. regatta 1n Hilo harbor. Team Pet Denervo was cut early this morning ; Lehigh .283 was and Harold D worked along at a Wesleyan . 87 " fast; clip. "... Columbia . . . .279 Dartmouth . .. .250 Arthur Rice and Walter Macfarlane Penn' State . . .2.15 were but at the track this morning Sj'racuse . .243 . practising their polo ponies. Harvard . Army,. 223 Among the horsemen seen along the . ....... jiayeue .. .221 fence this morning Were George P, vFordham . .... .... . . .220 Cooke, Angus McPhee, John O'Rourke, Brown . . .213 Charles Lucas, Charles Hopkins and Princeton 203 ; William Lucas. Holy Cross . . .202 Cornell ; . . .200 Among those who have already se. Georgetown , . . . . . , . .189 boxes and auto space for the N'avy . With hundreds cf students, of each cured;meet .. .198 are: Lorrin Andrews, J, Yale .. school lined around the playing field race. . . .189 K. Clarke, W. H. Smith, Charles Still Amherst ; ........ the Royal School won the champion- man. .183 Judge Frank Andrade, C. N fTTTTTTTTTTTT . Williams ship of the school league from the Marquez, f: .169 Dr. George Herbert John Pennsylvania . Normals yesterday afternoon on the O'Dowda, IJonel Hart, Y W. .173 Macfar Fort street grounds. The final score lane, 11. li. Booth, W. A. Dickson and was 15 to 5. '.. ' ' , L. Waldron. t. Leo de Roo was on the mound for BASEBALL RESULTS the Normals, and was touched up for judges' The stand and press stand V TODAY 15 hits, while KelanI, pitching for, the Royals, held the Normals to five hits have been completed, both giving a American League. The feature of the gamewas a hard clear view of the track. r At Detroit Detroit 3, Boston 0. ' drive to the outfield by Ah Wun, the Among the members of the club National League. nit going for a triple. who secured boxeal for the race Philadelphia Chicago S: Phila At Nush'da and Ah Wun starred at bat meet have R. W. Atkinson, E. F. delphia 2."for tile Royals, while John K. played Bishop,are: George Becklej--, George P. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 7. Cincln, good ball for the Normals. The game Cooke. C. W. C. Deering, H. G. Dilling- nati 4. - - ':'.. yesterday was the second straight win ham, W. F. Dillingham, J. M. Dowsett NVw At York Pittsburg for the Royals, giving them a clear J. L. Fleming, Harold Giffard, New 1 title to the championship. The next C. Hagens, Dr. F. F. Hedemann,J. Al-F. York 2. At Boston St. Louisas, Boston 1. athletic work among the schools will bert Horner, R. I vers, Albert Judd, A. be the swimming meet between Kaa- - Lewis. J r., Wilnelm Lanr. . Mac NATIONAL LEAGUET humanu and Normals, which will be farlane, J. D. Mclnerny, W.H. ILR. Mclnstaged in the near future. erny, A. H. Rice, Charles Rice; Harold Won. IOSt Pet . ..'I; nlr rN Shingle, E. D. Tenney and Brooklyn F. M. Sw?nzy, TRIPLE A TRIP TO Philadelphia .'. -.- ' n New VICTORY OVER FAST When really well trained and given BostonYork . of some kind to take in Chicago . ATHLETIC TOSSERS inducements terest in the proper upkeep of their ' ii! f:; ...... 22 23 468, ears f ilipmcs rr.ake very good chauf- Cincinnati f Pittsburg Standing of Teams. feurs. They, are quick to learn to ' .: St Loui3 Won. Lost Pet uso machSnery. although apt. "to be Washington . ; . . . . . ... 3 0 1000 rough in handling it and they - should Triple A AMERICAN LEAGUE. 1 Gf.6 hot 2 be expected, to with- unnec Athletics . ... ..... 1 2 333 essary complications.deal They :;Y-- : Won. lxst - almost A. C ... 0. 3 000 lniari.-iblG1427 .... 17 possess the essential o.ual Cleveland . 1 Results of yesterday's game: Triple ificatlon of sobriety. New York ..... II 17 2i A, 22; Athletics," 17: Washington out-- a 50,-yar- air -- ge Alfred Yap of Honolulu Is the second best batter la the eastern college baseball world. The local boy. whew was a member cf the Chinese Travelers, entered Lehigh University last year, and in the first year has made a great record at that school, having been declared the best baseball player in college.- - The fact that he Is second on the list ahead of such stars a3 Buenagure and Beck, gives an idea of how he 13 landing on the ball. The following story from the New York World gives an idea of the batting in d the members air three clubs are" planning to be tSere in; large numbers. Representatives will be appointed by each of the clubs to call on all members who wish to make the trip, in this way it is expected- that added irterest will be created, and when the Mauna Kea sails on Saturday, July 1, there is expected to be at least 150 members from : the three boat clubs cn board. nmilif i Local 7 GOOD RECORD IN rURNER FIRST EXPECTED TO KT.EVEN- ALFRED YAP HAS THURSTONANl LARGECROWD Draw Crowd to Track WKDXKSDAY, JITXE 7. 191G. STAH-lJUlXKTi- 4832. St J . -- I M ROYAL SCHOOL after while. ."He loohed good for a minute, but then wasn't in it," said old Johnny Dobbs, as be 'walked to the fence. i swear tuat young filly -- , ? St. : cause to visitors here are in vited to buy. Here s a tip . that s a dandy it all comes in handy: Watch Copra,go out in the lead of the rest. She's a hummer a leading and good at the feeding, and the Cop in her name is the part I like best l4it year uo In Reno, the home of eld keno, the horses went off from the post like a dart. I looked at Star sure was a scooter, and feliooter. be led the bunch to the post from the start Elastic was starting, Petition was parting; they made a good race till Elastic, the wretch, started things I knew he was there ahumming ccming; Elastic was always a star in the stretchy I don't care for Myrtle, Oneonta or Turtle or any eld speed boy that's out at the track. But I do like the burn- - lover; U t ft.I - w-h- V o ' could knock them all silly if he could get hold of some good common sense. ' Scats Going. s There's a few wise old foxes wiio'ra bujing their boxes, 'cause that great big stand will be Jammed to the too; 1 . broker and joy for the stoker. I They both can yell out as they speed 'long the track. ; "So here's how" to the members who brought back the embers of the Sport of the Kings' and' the' Sport of the Jack :. ;V;..;:.:,,'-;i;':-- OLD BOYS WILL CLASH UAPJAti U tJnU I Mr nN IN WITH PEDAGOGUES STAR IN SWIMMING GAME AT KAMEHAMEHA MEET AT KAIMUKI ! 1 Next Saturday afternoon there will I Sergeant Canario of Hilo was the be two exciting baseball games play- - star in the swimming meet for the Hood cn the campus of the Kamehamehaj nolulu Schocl for Boys yesterday, when the first graduating j ning five first places. Private Cana-clas- s of 1891 will attempt to show that f.rio, his brotherwon one first place, they still have-- , their baseball form by the other win going to Sersit g a team composed of faculty sea. U Ycucg Correthers, of the manual department cip3l of the pchool, was in charge of The battery fcr the faculty nine will the .meet The results were as fol-bMcngal.ana Hop wood, these two I having worked together before, and one lensrth- s v inoi j cat o ocuivi v.tacs fatc tenant Searle, Canario hard fight The 91 class will use i Two lengths:Private Sergeant Canario. Kauhane, chlirman of the Hawaii- U ' at...the receiving; , board of ..supervisors, Captain Y idemann. .... d Plunje: Private Ccnario, Sergeant In the second game of the afternoon, Hansen, Sergeant Canario which is scheduled to begin at 0:30, Underwater distance: Sergoant Can- ar.o. Private Canario, Sergeant Hanmembers will, stack up against the sen. regular school team. '."Much interest Underwatertimc : Sergeant Canario, is being taken in this game among the student body, The alumni team pesed of the foUowinsr players: IXi-iwill have William White on the Hesha. William Napihaa. Joseph mound, with George I 'an behind the i'okele. Antone Ccrrea. Harold God-l.;it. Tl.o nMitainder of the team : ev, Kbc n Cus Jn -- hair. Dm Kai.Vk win-School- s, Han-playin- rs j t 1 ir; e. rt fn - 1,,. a;n , i ... . ,. d - il,' f : I .. a ........... ........ : ; P rpHAR,S'three kinds of Tobacco good Tobacc- obetter Tobacco and VELVET. s 'fr ! ing and always the yearning; that comes to them all when the racing comes back. So there's fun for 'the " i ' 0 ' C , r-- MjUMI I ..-- .,J, Vms ' ma-zum- a, M : Rice.-R.-W- and each baker and broker, the king and the joker, will all be awaiting Tor their horse to cop. The guy with who owns Petalama, will jo'a with the shine boys in yellin?, "They are off!". Each pretty maiden and VA siy to the those that are fadin other. 'Tis better than golf.? There's no use ,ccnfe3shi it kers them all guessin', the wise boy .w.a books and the" maid with a g:m. The maid may be. lacking in real race lorse backing, but then she may i CHAMPIONSHIP .......... ........ ........ .ManohU; v w - y , an se Merchandise Boston . j ;.,;!; ( ls iM ft T;;:!-- ).; !; I t ; . Triple A tripped on the Athletics Detroit . .. . 489 e Chicago . .. last evening at the Y. M. C. A. in a 19. 21 4o2 Curios, Etc. 17l ."'.' fast indoor baseball game, and thereSt Louis 25 405 by finished the series in second place. Philadelphia T. UEHARA 2.S 16 300 The final, score wa3 22 to 17. Kapiolani Bldg., Alakea St Ping, who was behina the bat for Agent for N. B. S., Jtpanese exporters COAST LEAGUE STANDING. the Athletics, caught a geed game. Decker and Hoopii were the stars Won. Lost Pet ; fcr the Triple A at the bat and in the Verncn . ........I. 27 21 638 RAWLEY'S field.Brash performed in excellent Los Angeles 32 27 542 fashion with the bludgeon securing San Francisco 28 31 541 PURE CREAM ICE four hits in four times up. The line, IZ Portland . i 27 460 at up and score follorws: 23 Salt Lake 2 442 Wikander, Meinecke, Athletics" Oakland . 41 23 359 QUALITY INN Brash, Ping, Keefe, Yap, Serrao, Meth-ven- , Yesterday's scores: McTaggart Ios Angeles 2, Salt Ike 1. : Triple A McGuire, Hoopii, Lane, S.m Francisco 8. Vernon 1. Decker, Kahn, Tinker, Bent, Kruger. Portland 9, Oakland 6. ' The Oriental Properties of Sensapersa Renew the Nerve Forces of the System i . ; v - .......... Melim. Athletics Triple A . .... .2 3 1 4 0 3 0 2 C 0 4 3 1 1 6 4 17 22 The Carbon Steel company is reported to have received an order for 32,0)) tons of steel bars from the Italian government . Sergeant Sutherland. Private Canario. Plate dive: Sergeant Hansen, Lieu tenant Scarle. Sergeant Sutherland. Helay: A Barracks vs. B Barracks B Barracks d inner. . Juvenile FW'i.piiiMng moot, final posi-ti- t n: 'Private Robert s.on Mi. Privdl? Reynolds, Private Harbold Mi. ' ; '.'''' m . ......2 . BADGERS BEAT WAS EDA. (.ooiaf?ii Prp. Lv Fleral Wirele?.) MADISON, W is ," June T. Wiscon sin won from Waseda University of ; Japan yesterday afternocn in a tea J inning game, the score being 5 to 4. Wisconsin played tight ball in the! pinches and Kono'3 men failed to score In the tenth inning. ';r- ;. ; The Aero club of America has pledg ed itself to raise $5,C'0' for the pur chase of an aeronlane for the Nfv Mtik-isdai'-lli- l National Cu:ud i vilj raie it-'tli- ?2,500. Do not continue to suffer when you can get Just the help you need today now if tn your nuerasthenic condition you have Insomnia, nervous Indigestion, a feeling of despondency or fear, ,wealt memory, brain fag, palpitation of the heart, hot end cold flashrs, exhausted vitality or any other form of i.:ental or nervous exhaustion. (Formerly called Persiaa Nerve Essence.) will rejuvenate you and you will become a new man with all the stamina and vigor you formerly had. Every n2rve, ejery' tissue will receive its due share of life's sustaining energy, and health, force and vigor follow with all the- - certainty cf cause and effect One box of Sensapersa Is often sufficient but in obstinate cases, the full treatment of six boxes Is guaranteed to give at3oIut satisfaction or mquey will be refunded. Sold by Chambers V.ng Co., Hollis-te- r Drug Co., Honolulu Drug Co.. and your Druggit or sect postpaid for J 1.00 per box or six boxes for $5.00. Try Sensapersa today. , 74 THi Cortfandt St. v , DROWN EXPOP.T, COMPANY, New York City, N. Y. . f TWELVE SOKOLULU STABBULLETIN, 'WEDNESDAY JTNE 7, IMG. By Bud Fisher C MUTT AND JEFF There's many a slip twixt the cup and the esophagus. Trade .Mark Reg. U; S Pat Off. Poor, Lmnur jet. kwDc Ofl LtTTLC PAL - HP S o .rt AT UrAVrCiYG 191C. Fisher. by IL I i-c- i Copyright - r . .. ) ' .: .. - - ' - ir--- . - I r: ; v - T. I v "l A li li i' : '; t t i : ;, ' i too setK.GUx FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE REAL 'ESTATE 9 lots in ""Lunalllo" Tract, Beretania LIVESTOCK BUSINESS GUIDE AUTO PAINTING. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Large black wool bng. containing rev-erarticles. FinOfT 'please leaTe Fuji & Co. AH furniture sold at office and receiv-$- 5 at St moderate prices. ; BeTetftnia and reward. 6407-SKing sts.; phone' 1S79. Fujikawa, cor. King & South sts, tel. BUSINESS GUIDE 1623; rugs, mirrors, etc, reasonable. C316-t- f PASSAGE -hund New and furniture bought K, Hashimoto, massage and electro-neerin- g. and sold. Phone 3998. 1281 Fort st. Nuuanu st, opp. Williams 453-6undertaking office, phone J7S5. BERKSHIRE City Painting 5hop,;King st, nr. South Geo. M. YamaOa; concrete, wood and expert auto and carriage iarnter; stone construction. Estimates fur rooming of the best locations for 6213 tf nished. Road building, grading, etc Excellent herds of these popular all work guaranteed. apartments. Room 208 McCandless Bldg. Phone breeds are maintained at Kameha T. Tanaka, exp. auto jjainter. "828 King 12 lots In Waterhouse- - Tract, 6468-- ti C460-3bull A 2157. few Farm. Schools sieha mauka of Thomas 'Pineapple Can calves and young pigs are for sale. nery; 91 lots in the same tract were IUng up J. Xugsan, phone 1S74. 174 S AGENTS. Visitors always welcome. sold to Intending builders; over. 2 Q King, for concrete work. 448-t- f ':.'' bouses are already built. For all information, Japanese General 6435 lm For prices apply to Agency, eggs, 20 Business S. Beretania. B. Minorca And Buff Orpington W. C. ACHI, CiTY CONSTKuCTiON CO, general 392 m v. ' .$1 for 13. 1503 Houghtailing road. .301 Kaulkeolani Building. contractors. 1320 Fort, nr. KckuL ' ' 6427 3ra ; BLACASMrTHS. Phone .5497. 6C2 6m FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE. Residence vacant Jots, ready for raewai . gratXig. iron aoors, ma Sanko CoMNuuuau and Vineyard, Tel building; good roads; prominent Second-hanchinery repairing and general black cameras and .lenses 5151 ; contracts, building, paperresidential section;, within walking boughL sold or exchanged. Koda-,snr.ithing.- Neill's Work Shop, 135 hanging, cement work, cleans lots. distance trom town. Phone 1884. graph Shop, "Hotel and Union sts Merchant st. 6424 6m ; 6227 tf C307-t- f Jose C. Sousa, No. 4, Brewer Bldg. C487-t- f Koshimiza, shoeing, repairing, 659 King Building, cement work, painting, AUTOMOBILES. 436-3plumbing, etc Aloha Bldg. Cc 1464 Nuuanu Valley Adjacent to Country ting at, phone 1575. U K. Goto, run 3 Club, 7 acres, grand view; Torrens' 1915 King; BAKERIES. ' manager. 056 tf 350, Box $550. title; a bargain. See Pratt, the months; 6477 tf Ashal Bakery, test cakes and ice M. Fujlta, Man. 23 Fort, telephone 1602. contractor and builder. cream. Beretania and Alakea sts. 6437 paper painter, hanger. Phone 5002 1915 Buiek, Kine end Olds; all tour'.'.;.:".. 389 6m 300 lyr v' v' ing cars; in Al condition; cheap. House and lot on 12th ave Kaimuki; 487 Bakery, tf 349, Pacific King. & Box eaiies, Liliha must be sold to close estate. Apply Fujii Contracting & Building Co., 6436 3m '' to J. f. MeChesney. 16 Merchant at, Palama; estimates furnished. ; Saxon Roadstei, excellent condition; ; 6493 : tf 184-t- f 'v';:-- -,' $175. Frank Coombs. Bishop and I washiya, rice cracxers, Kukul & River , -- 439 3m 6491 6t Queen sts. ror Sale bouse with lot, S. Miyamato. coatractor and builder. 100x150: Ukelike ave Wilhelmina Desna lane, phone 1885. 6399 3m GUILDER. Rise." For further information tele Ford Roadster, running order; 1909 K." Tiara, gen. contractor; fPalama. model; $95 cash. Phone 2182. phone 2450. '"'-v.-: 6451tf 6439 3m T. Suzuki, builder. Kukui & Vineyard. HOfJOLULU STAR-BULLET- DAILY AND IN SEMI-WEEKL- Termg of Subscription: ' Vo cent per month per copy. 5 cents jer jeer, $2 per year. : Advertiftina Rates: Classified and Business Announce ments 1 cent per word per eacn luser tion, up to one week. Estimate six words per line. .30 cents Per line, one week Per line, two weeks ....... AO cents Per line, one month ........70 cents Per line, eix months. .60 ;ents ex mo fJtker rates upon application. 'No Advertisements of liquors orer U in proprietary .medicines will toe c- cpted. ' In replying to advertisements ad !: ess your replies exactly as stated In tte advertisement. ' If you .are a telephone subscriber. phone your advertisements; we will : ".- ' V- ." charge it. ' ' OUR PHONE 'IS 4911. Star-Bulleti- n y Star-Bulleti- n, ........ ' ; - -- -- - " - d ; f U Star-Bulie-ti- n. nd i, m n t 6491 . . 6436 6t 3m Buick for sale, ezcellent condition; P. O. Box 1223. 64916t .' FOR RENT -- -- -- -- :' , i - 6446-3- fihigemnra, ': ; A two-bedroo- 671 m : . v 489-t- f .'V :. tf per month. New Orleans Care. Substantial meals, cottage, $28 Toung st, near Kapioianu tf .6495 ' : ; n CLEANING , 6444 tf 2m MIDWIVES Hotel. Kiyo Oki, trained midwife, phone 4301. Morishige, Tee cream, King 3m . 6439 2m Eda Udo, trained midwife, phone 1C2L JAPA. TEA. ; 6441 ... 3m Toyo Shokai, best Japan tea. teL 4709 Chiza Yamada. midwife, phone 2S35. . 640O-3r- a j AD ly 6443 2m JEWELRY. 2. tf 6076 CABINET : MAKER T. Hattori, Turnrture, 624 King ; 6453-3- brooches, scarf phis, necklaces, bracelets, etc Finest quality and Masa Harano, midwife, phone 3063. 6461 best of workmanship. 3m . -- st J'JNK. Kanai, cabinet tiaker, Fort& Vineyard. 6396-l- yr CUT MERCHANT, TAILOR ' m FLOWiiS AND PLANTS Coconut plants for sale, Samoan vari ety. Apply ' A. D. Hills. Lihue, " ,.,' 6277-t- f KauaL Phone 4366. Honolulu Renorating Co, phones 13TS and 1356; men's sails, shirts mads ' an cicthes cleaned, dyed . to order; JELL AND JAMS. repaired; for nary . rackers and Office, 1C9 Hotel st crews for rent Urata, jelly and jama, Kukui & River 447 Cm Junk bought sold. &nd 407-6- " m 1L Y. MONUMENTS. . . ' 6444-3- Sang, tailor. 1121 Union. C434-6- m ;.' . m ; -- m : 6121 tf m Renovatory; clothes. cleaned, Nobort.maicenhair. C4H-Sdyed and repaired. Phone 4148. Akima lane. A. B. C. 6104 tf Steam cleaning. Alakea 6234 tf st, . 6444 435-6- Pay for your cxuiing as convenient-o- pen a charge account nith The Tiasho, clothes cleanec. School & Lliiha 6447 3m Sunrise Ceaiiing Shop. 741 6460 3m st m CLOTHING 3m CLOTHES CLEANED. - m CRACKER W.ANUFACTURER3 Co. .Gas nr Nkhi Shodo. baxana crackers. King Diamond. Cicthes cleaned, 249 Vineyard ModI Oothiers, Fort st 04-t- f CARPENTERS King st rtigashimura, Beretanu & Emma sts. V FOR HIRE AUTOS AND LIVERY. 6442 3m. Cabinet Works, 1267 River. YamanT'Oto . 6444 3m GARDENER. Smith Street Auto Stand, tel. 1000 or K. Sakamoto. Japanese artificial gar5008; open day and night. dener; garden lanterns and bridges. 6349 tf Phone 1330. Vineyard and Nuuanu Star-Bulleti- n 15, 1811'. 3m Ushijima, trained maaneur. Phone 4511 6437 ; . , V; DYEING. : ' : CND '.'-- 303 2m Muruta. expert bone setter. Tel. ICE CKtAM PARLOR. 6445 2m The Bee, clothes cleaning, Beretania, T. Kunikiyo, 1111 Fort; Phone 1635. W. II. Zimmerman, 1337 Nuuanu St, MONEY LOANED. bet. Kukui and Vineyard; TeL 5126; opp Garden lane- - All clothes clean629S-t- f " Gravestones, Marble,' Granite, etc. Money loaned on diamonds, watches ed, dyed and pressed.: Phone "3i80. 421-3.' 3029. flowers; cut Harada. fresh '.:; tel. .' 6419 6m and jewelry at legal rates. Federal i2l-t- f ';;.';: Loan Office, 95 N, King st MOSQwITO. STICKS Royal Clothes Cleaning Shop. TeL 3143 3C5-t-f Kimura, flowers, rort st Phone 5147. 6213 tf ;,; Use Boar Trade ; Mark Mosquito 0S4-t- f NURSES. Sticks; most superior grade of its The Pioneer, clothes cleaned and rekind; especially manufactured for Sury SsnonrbL trained nnrsa, teL 43SI akita, cut flovers; Aloha lane. paired. TeL 3125, Beretania-Emma- . 6ioc-tsick room and family use. Ask the f 6444 3a 6081 tf ' Motoshige" Drug Store, King st, Toyostiba, King st, opp. Vkla Villa. 420-C(Continued on Next Pa e.) .. phone 1554. box 785. Harada, clothes cieaning. Tel. 5029. 64ii-3- . Star-Bulleti- n tf 5589 436 iiydmulic engineer. CT5-- Louis CoL Tanabe. 1034 Desha bine, bone setter. ' m St Sono Matsuura. midwife, phone 3936. 6429 3m A. Fujii. generai contractor; and build Cong on Co, 24 Hotel st, bet Smith er. Aala lane. Phone 102L 6390 6m And Nuuanu; special attention paid Al Kudo, trained midwife,' phone 4044. to stylish European jewelry, rings, K. Segawa, contractor; 604 Beretania. 6434 3m 338 --v. moderate. Alakea St.. cor. Merchant. X . cjtk consulting -- K. JCekomoto & Co, teL 4438; general contractor, building, painting and papering. 430-6- HYTJRAwLlC ENGINEER. GENERAL tf C354 ' :. tf Tachiyama, OidEng.Cns.Bidg, Talaria Phone 5564. . house painting and papering. HOTELS 6419m THE PIERPOINT. BUSINESS PERSONALS "On the Beach at Waikiki." Furnished bungalows and rooms; KiUSIC. excellent meals; splendid bathing promenade Miss Ballantine, teacher of piano and boating: 1000-foo- t pier; beautiful marine and mounand voice. The Pierpoint tel. 2879. tain view; terms reasonable. Mrs, 461 tf 6302-t- f John Cassfay, teL 2879. : Sale on- - Wilder a ve; Wednesday, Warehouse, Ciock Tower Building; June 14, at 10 c cUxk, Mr. Mannfe possession June 1. Apply Honolulu Phillips' Fine Furniture at 164?) Planing Alill, Ltd., Fort st; phone ROSELAWN HOTEL 6472-t- f et. 1510. P. O. Box 676. Rooms sleeping porches;: dining with Jas. r. Morgan fo., Ltd Aucroom open to the public; excellent BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEStioneers. Honolulu Auction Rooms, enisine, home cookhig; dinneSOc; J. S. Bailer. Mgr, Machine and blacksmith shop, well Sundays and holidays, dinner 75c; singl meals by th day or equipped and doing a good buci-iit.STAR BULLETIN GlVftS YOU Inquire at NeJU's WVrksii , special raiof by ihf tuonth. Appiv TOOAY'S NEVVB TODAY. 6450 tf 6416-t- f 135 Merchant st 1366 S. King St., tel. 2699. lie-wal- o Adelina Patti CIGARS FITZPATRICK BROS. - s. w-e- ki " Zm L Oyama, Kukui. Jiear 643C 3m 6436 SILVER PLATING. GOLD AviH N. Tamamoto, 83 &. Kukui Bt; phone 4816; general contractor; building, ; : lr : Desirable houses in various parts of Boston Cafe, coolest place in town. After the show drop in. Open day the city, furnished and unfurnished, and nigtL Bijou theater. Hotel st. $35, $40 $25, $30. $20, $18. and $15. at ' .'"' ': 6539 tf up to $125 a nvonth. See list in our -office. Trent Trust Co., Ltd.. Fort Columbia Lunc Rooms; quick service :t.. between King and Merchant and cleanliness our motto; open day and' night. Hotel st., opp. BetheL By week or month Three furnished cottages at Aaialua Bay. Fhone 5518 tf ' : 6490-lWhite 898. The Eagle, Bedel, bet Hotel and King. A nice place to eat; fine Furnished cottage, Alewa Heights; home cooking. Open night and day J vacant on June t. Teiepnone im;. one-quart- er ture at Rooms; Thursday. June tf 314 FURNISHED HOUSES. n. j CONTRACTORS ; 8 m : The Manhattan Cafe; meals at. all hours ; know for quality and service; you should eat there. : nter-Islan- 3m CAFES ArD RESTAURANTS. self-starte- r. m Star-Bileti- . 6451 . MISCELLANEOUS cottage, $25. Cot Furnished five-rooStenographer joid typewriter; inust be 1087. phone tage Grove, speeches. report to Cbamber able . FOR SUMMER COMFORT .. 491-6- t t Use our curled coconut fiber of Commerce of .Honolulu. . 491 ' v MATTRESSES Well furnished bungalow, three bed First-iiiBtuaciilnist; give experi ; 'ool ry. Comfortable Sanita rooms. Bates st; $30 month. Phone ence,' reference and age. Box 5i4, Durable as the best hair mattresses, 493 6t 4157. 493 Ct at about the price. Exclusively manufactured and sold by UNFURNISHED HOUSES. WANTED AT ONCE Siga painters. Z. A. ROTHCHILD. Apply Tom harp,". 133 "Merchant st. ' Factory and office, 1382 LlUha st, Two cottages on School st, bet Fort ClUi tf ' : 494-l2- t telephone 3691. and Emma. Phone 7503. 461 tf SITUATIONS WANTED. The Transo envelope, time-s- a vingn- - Modern bungalow; reasonable rent; 1326 Kapiolani st Inquire 1332. vention. Ao addressing necessary llellable Japanese lady, 30 years old, 6494 tf In sendlngijut bills or receipts. Howants bouse work In' respectable A: nolulu Co.,. Ltdw sol home. Address Shige, Fuji Co, FURNISHED ROOMS. agents for pateptee. : tf Berctaula and King, phone 1S7J. 649461 Black tailor-mad- e lull dress suit. Nicely lurnished rjvnr, suitable for couple, with private iamuy; ciose lined; satin style. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 493-t- f in. Ihone 4095. Hawaiian Bargain Store, cor. Fort N'akajQishi, Y. Zi Beretania tt,- near and Beretania sts. 6494 3t Furnished rooms and light housekeep Nuuanu. Phone 4511, 6:30 a. m. tj ing rooms; 5 minutes' walk from d and Oahu Railroad snipp. m. Residence phone, 7096. 6488-t- f ' Telephone 1998. town. ping books at office, tf C246 tf Orchids at Jeffs. Phone 3827. Large mosquito-proo- f front room for : : C436-6Alolia Employment Office. Tel 4889; gentlemen; board if de.one two or Alapai st., opp Rapid Transit office. 6492-- t 816 Young st sired. All kinds of help furnished. AUCTION BULLETIN 101 tf ... Light housekeeping and single rooms. your especial attention to We call Ganzel Place, 112 Vineyard, cr. Fort Pacific Employment Bureau. Phone 6434-t- f Friday's 6ale cf NEW FURNITURE 4136 or call 1166 Union st. as an opportunity to get really fine 6106 if , goods at your own figure. Real 'Ma- Large rooms $2 week, by month $7.f0; 2 beds $10. 546 South King. hogany, Quartered Oak, Plain Oak, Japanese help of all kinds, male and 6474-6Maple. Circassian Walnut Ash and female. . G. Hlraoka, 1210 Emma st, dressers, Cheval Dressers and Chif6054 tf rhone 1420. foniers. Chairs and Rockers; in Suite of rooms. 1126 King st. stone 6495 t house, phone 3023. some cases only one of a pattern, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. in other lots 10 of one kind. In FOR RENT OR LEASE. every case the article will be found National Employment Agency. Frank of excellent make and finest condi- Premises occupied by Nichols and Wm. NoU. 30 Cami-bel- l tion. And In Steel two-inc- h Block, phone 3574. 6494 23t Beds we office. Kerr Building, Alakea st; have Si) to 90 Beds. Springs and 2 floors and basement, over 10,000 MISCELLANEOUS. Cotton Mattresses; also a job lot in square feet of floor space; adapted Single Reversible Combination Matmerchandizing manufacturing, to Dealers to Increase ijieir business by tresses of about SO pieces. display commission merchant or selling soda from' the Hon. Soda Future Sale Tuesday. Furnirooms. Water Wks, phone 322. 6442 3C30 Watanabe."liias cleaned, Hotel&.IUver, . . riJ ' 3m 6439 - ; - 090 Takata, Panama hats cleaned, tel. ! Harley-Davidsor- iSlar-Bulleti- 64GG Star-Bulleti- - 453 ephone 2471, Beretaniaiilaunakea-- m -- n. H. Takabayasht trained masseur; tel- - -- -- 3m Nosan Shokal, watermelons, Aala lane S. Oyama, expert massare. Vineyard 6099-t- f and Nuuanu. Phone 1330. C394 6m K. Oshima, massage. Phone 1827.' HAT CLEANER. - ' , : r ; Star-Bulleti- Mechanic.- - 607S-t- f - - 1-a- 6400 5C3 Dereta-ni- a .FRUITS AnD PRODUCE. ; SUr-Bulletl- lStar-Bulleti- st ..- m ; Saikl Bamboo furniture; ' unfurnished jbunsalow ROOMING HOUSE. wanted by July i; aianoa or runa hou preferred. Address Box S4S, Good rooming and boarding business; n 6490 tf office. close to town: 2 car lines; completely and well furnished. Box 314, M'anted Some back ' copies of the 480tf "Fra" Jklagaxlne. Cive telephone cumber and, address f "Fra," Star MOTORCYCLES, ETC. " , 467 tf Bulletin. fine running condi ?4 will give you lull membership privi tion, $35 xash. Apply Naval Radio May, leges in the Y. II. C. A. during Station, cor. Richards and Water June, July and August: " 6432 tf '. ; Y.; 6493 tf sts.' To buy furniture: cash. Tel. 1611. M. Yoshiaaga. Emma. nr. Beretania WANTE0. st. 20 off on all ticycles and bi r cycle supplies. 6210-t- f Foreman and uicchanic of automobile i fthop, capable of taking charge of H. Takafuji, 1314 Beretania; baby car nage tires; also gasoline and olL ehop on one cf die Islands; mast be ' 299-Sgood future fiober and industrious; applicaman; right leave 'for the & King. tions, with recommendations and Komeyj. Bicycles. PunchbowJ - 6076-tf '. .t tUe statement of salary expected, than Old & not office later ' nea' bicycles. Morlhata; Palama, (Sunday, June 11th, marked "Auto-tnobU- e Two-bedroc- m . . -- in -nd- : ... a! Star-Bullet- - ;;: m Y Daily ?$ fieml-Weekl- CATTLE HOGS. LOST FwNrruRE -- sU near the Queen's Hospital; one HOLSTEIK V ttir-- s BUSINESS GUIDE BUSINESS GUIDE AND POULTRY. Iu WANRELL on-'in- i : Italian School of Singing Fort St., near Hotel St. Sirew tfowrr for all tj ;orth ro .South. we know, ie Each haiis as frirl his bitter foe; ? Tlri? lias Jnrl. t h' frc-rs "tra r yrTT-.gb:- . kindli--- r A r.'l clearer - . ATl-hc- iir '' i.-i-on Find another old .iiiiirr. f AWL'n Lett side down iu skirt. TO ZME r.:A'S PIZZLE. ' 'tic ; HONOLULU r3. A SITUATION. BY AUTHORITY. NOTICE. SEALED TENDERS. STAR-BULLETI- WEDSDAT, JFKK X, 7. TirmTnnn 101T. IN THE REALM OF THE FEMININE HEARING, JUNE 27, 1918. BEACH WALK IMPROVEMENT DIS TRICT NUMBER TWO. I SI PRO VKM KXT PIIOPOSKI) OF BUSINESS GUIDE k iNf ; .s n 1: j; received up kxte.vsion, Seald Tenders will Mt 12 opened noon-"on CULLY FROM and o'clock to, TO STRiiET at. PRINTING AM) INCLUDING TUB STREET June 23rd.' 191 'I,- being the twentiem I N T K R S i: We do not boast of low prices hicb T I O N OF KING day alter the first publication hereof, usually coincide with poor quality; STREET AND R E R E T A X I A at the Office of the Clerk of the City Mebut s know how to put life, STREET, AT MOILIILI ROAD. IN and County of Honolulu. Room HONOLULU, T. If. hustle and go Into printed matter, Intyre building. Honolulu, T. H., for; and that is what talks loudest and constructing, and the furnishing and longest. Honolulu Job TO Till: OWNERS. LESSEES AND paying for all materials, tools, equip Printing Department.. Alakea street; OCCUPANTS OF LANDS A KIT ment and labor to construct, tho Branch office, Merchant street. TING ON SAID PORTION OF street improvements in "Beach Walk KING, STREET, PROPOSED TO I mprovement District Number' T o." Business and visiting cards, engraved RE ASSESSED FOR THE IM at Waikiki, District of Honolulu, ("it? or printed, in attractive Kuesta PROVEMENT OF SAID STREET. and County of Honolulu, T. II., includ leather., ca&es, patent! detachable TO ALL PERSONS INTER-- - ing atnons oilier improvements t'a AND f.540-Lf office. cards. grading of streets, paving "with rein EST ED GENERALLY: concrete, new curbing, moving forced V PAINT AND PAPER HANGING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that rPKCtting of old curbs and con and of-'Supervisors of .the Cityi the Toard 8. Fblraki, 1202 Nuuanu: Tel. 4127. and County of Honolulu, in accord struction of a storm sewer system in 'ri'-'-v1 Painting and paptrbauguisv All ance with Resolutions Nos. '.349, 332, said district, all to be under and by 11 L of vork guaranteed. EWs submitted :iS 4, motion of February 3, 1916, and virtue of Sections k532S-l- f by 1915, free, Act ICt as amended Hawaii. No. ira524. nrouoe to Resolution 1915, and of Hawaii. Session Laws. of irnv fhnf nnrflnn tif ktnc Ktroat PICTURE FRAMING. Proceedings thereunder, and all ta from McCuily Street to and including fne according to detailed constructed be Copyrighted January, 19 1G. by Eeatrl2 Micbelena.) Ihe street intersection of King Street Aliyafibtta, Rlvt-- r St.. near Kukui. specifica ' CI42--2iand Beretania Street at Moiliili Road, plans and ' .y19. . in the District of Honolulu aforesaid. tions (includrog general conditions' ' condetails). I commented somewhat uViCn Proposal, specific LAST IN and MY "TALK" u e features tvi upon a frontage basis. tio PLUMBER.. ' i?0-tana oona... to relating photfwrapn tract difficulty eaiaaispictures expert motion and the that .'."--often :' I. trict, incorDoraiea nerein oy reier- - encea m correctly, est imatmg values m tins restwet. Sometimes the cirl K. OkL plumber, IJeretania Jb Aala. FRONTAGE TO RE ASSESSED. 64C3 3m . The frontage to be assessed con ence, the same being on file in the J that misht be expected to show to great advantage on the screen, proves an and County Clerk, hitter im possibility as a photograph i 0 subject.. Thar it should le. so seems sists of the mauka or northeasterly Office of the City may which of PHOTOGRAPHERS. be had upon appli - (out of all reason and inexplicable, but must be accepted as one of the va property line and the makai or south form at said office and leaving a de-- garies of the picture camera. cation ' Koyokau, Kukui lane, developing anJ westerly property line abutting upon (faO.00). Neither can any definite judgment as to a jiervou's motion picture posit Dollars Fiftv of printing on short notice. 6438 3m f aid King Street Extension and upon proon of iossibimie3 he 'based on the kind of portrait he r she can secure from forms Tenders must be the street Intersection of King and "stm" jiliotographer. A "still" photograph is spwially jjosed with lights. the must and as aforesaid posal furnished Heretania Streets within the end SHOEMAKER. If thla alone Is not enough . accompanied by a certified check ana position careluily arranged for the occasion. be limits aioresaia, as more particularly . . mk.f- if. ...- -. fh i hnt.uimAn- - M rttm,h-Lee Tuns Hun, shoemaker, 735 King. pet forth in the Engineer's report, one bring out su stronsly nie- feature bordmate and reserves Supervisors motion The another. Hoard The of 64G0 3m dated June 1, relating to said im uowever, must accept things pretty much as it finds them. There is ture, any to tenders reject right or all the provements and hereinafter referred put limited opportunity for special arrangements and poses, and none at SHIRTMAKERS. and to waive all defects. to and incorporated by reference. . an ror retouciinu KATJVTTOJCALANT n .:''; ' II. It is consequently with considerable hesitancy that I attempt any analy YAMATOYA Shirts and pajamas County Honolulu. City of and Clerk. ' CONTRI sis of facial lines or features in connection with motion picture reauisites. made to order. 1305 Fort at., opp. MAIN THOROUGHFARE: 6492 June 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10, 13, 14, BUTION TO COST BY CITY 442-- m I say must be tentatively an d with reservations. Anything Kukui sL, phone 233L 15, 17, 20, 22 AND COUNTY. V ith this understood, I will ventu re the ouiuion that the eyes are the Since by Resolution No. 349, as most Important of picture actress's features. In fjrama, where the voice OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ' i'ra.'B. Maakl. BereL & Maunakea; amended by 283, said portion of King Is denied one. the eyes are the most nearly audible part of ihe face. I HEALTH. ' ; dressea axd ahlrtwaista to order. btreet was declared a main or gen think that you will find them always the most eloiuent I have often .. 634-- tf. v. . heard itsaid tht.dumb animals the horse or dog for instance talk with eral thoroughfare, the City and Coun 1916. 5, Honolulu, Hawaii, June eyes, and I have certainly found it true with ray own pets. The only ty of Honolulu propose to assume their H. AJcagL 1218 Nuuanu ahlrtmker and pay out of General Revenue we have not taken, this more i nto consideration in e'spect to ieople reason TENDERS FOR BEEF CATTLE. 6307 tf v qecaase 33 iraprovementT iney nave a tongue ana consequently mere is small need to pay is cost of of the . j the eyes to attention IH. "Tender indorsed Tenders, Sealed G. Yamatoya shirts, 1146 Nuuanu at 1 believe way a In it took ; motion pictures to make us realize just how CHARACTER OF IMPROVEMENT for Beef Cattle," will be received at j C4.il Sm one may xpres3 with the eyes. The? screen emphasized the old ; AND MATERIAL. Ihe office of the Board of Health un much 3 hat. "The eye adage ; - are the lamp of the mouI." : 19th, Monday 12 noon, DRINKS. June SOFT o'clock (a) The grading, surfacing and til I say eyes attempt will d not to shape in of what kin and size and color paving with bitulithic on a, crushed 1916, for supplying the Leper Settle- are the most desirable. A3 general thin,? a directors believe that dark . Our aodaa will make yflbr business of King Street Extension. rnent. MoIokai, with beef caUle for the ones photograph the best. Hazel lase eyes, too, prove evcellent in this respect, row. n,v ThPMirhin? with lava rnolr period of six months from July 1st, as iob. oo ,uter any do where others a is contrast between the iris and theu. decided there 1916, to December 31st, 1016. eyes always white. Such seem the to niost decisive and to enunciate be All tenders must be submitted in the most plainly in " leseuiug ui jjicscui. cui uiug 5Qnj WATER nny event, it is tho expressive language." In "screen accordance with, , and subject to the rather: than the merely pretty eye where necessary. pictures re:j.:ire. They must be (c) The installation of storm provisions and requirements of Chap- readily, resjionsne to every moodthat The best comes from the Hon. Soda the of role. They must inactress' ter 100, Revised Laws, 1915. Water Wka. That's the kind you drains of concrete where necessary. terpret her part; in short they must talk. PUBLIC t t OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: Ventura - " Sonoma Sierra . Ventura .'. - Star-Bulleti- DAYS TO SAN FRANCISCO. VZ FOR SYDNEY: ....June 13 ....July' 4 Sierra ................ June It Sonoma ..Aus. Sierra ............. . . .Aug. 21 July 25 15 - - - - General Agents C. BREWER & CO., LTD. n ...July 10 July 31 Ventura ; 4 Matson Navigation Company . : , Rtar-Rulietl- n Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu ' . cross-section- gWiichelena ..June 13 ..June Lurline ... . . . . . ...June 20 ' S. S. Mattonia S. S. Wilhtlminj.......June 14 S. S. Manoa June 20 Sv S. Mattonia.......;., June 23 S. S. Lurline.... July 4 S. S. 27 S. S. VVilhclmiha. ; . ... .July 4 s, u . Manoa..... S. S. ' FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROM SAN FRANCISCO --V:' 1793-1S1- . S. S. Hilonian, Seattle direct for Honolulu, June 17. -- CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu TOYO KISEN KAISHA o.i.t Steameri of the. above company will call at and leave Honolulu on or about the dates mentioned below: ' FOR SAN FOR THE ORIENT: FRANCISCO! ' --- ; Mam..... .June Maru.....July 8. S. Tenyo ; 8. S. Shinyo Maru.,....Jun 8. S. Persia Maru.......July S. S. Tenyo Maru... ...Aug. S. S. Nippon Maru, . . . .Aug. 18 1 S. S. Nippon S. S. Shinyo Maru.i....JuIy "4 S. S. Persia Maru. . ... Aug. 19 i . 29 25 8 23' ' it; CASTLE & COOKE, LIMITED, Agents, Honolulu l-- 3r . . ; ! wanL Telephone 3022. ly 6442 IV. ASSESSMENTS PROPOSED. SAMPLE ROOMS. (1) The cost of the entire Im provement, Ies3 the proportion to be If you want good qartert to dlspUy ll0rne by thB City and county, and less the vTir" Ulso shall be paid store. 5940-t- f Tbe best and cheapest In town. kateu Trunk Store, 1081 River cost of. new curbing, by general assessment at the maximum rates of $3.32063 per TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. Na- - st ; ircnt foot against all land abutting upon said portion of said street, as Tenders must be accompanied by a certified check equal in amount to 5 of the tender on the basis of 60 head per month weighing net, when dress- ed, 350 pounds each or runner inrormation appiy at tne I office of the Board of Health. The Board does not bind itself to ac cept the lowest or any bid. THE BOARD OF HEALTH, By its President, S. B. PRATT, M. D. J. ' J ROYAL MAIL UNE N Subject to change without notice. i". For Victoria and Vancouver: 'For Suva, Auckland and Sydnt Niagara 23 ...June Makura ........June U Makura .July 21 Niagara July 12 THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., LTD., GENERAL AGENTS ........ i o-i- I CANADIAN-AUSTRALIA; I MOVEMENTS OF H. HACKFELD MAIL STEAMERS TESSEIS TO AEEITE i Thursday, June 8. CD. Limited Commiision Ilerchizlj HONOLULU h Japan Nippon Maru, T. K. K.'st. Maui Claudine, str. I.--L described, both sides included. Tho total frontage (including 292.0 feet V:.'.:,';-- . Q"::iCy Drink Orange Juice 6493 lot frontage opposite cross streets and Sakoda, 1079 River St., suit cases, new City and County property) is 6140 OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF ?eP?3C7T?', rums, aa well as tb whoi clothing,' cheap. feet Oxe oFTrra best ways to start off a body' and second-hanwm fihrtnk with 0,d ae: but.,t l in ennl HEALTH. shower U In and oay 6345 tf your poww. t stave that oft s long a iaKe.a (2) The cost of new curbing shall drink a glass of orange, juice. One possible. I know one old dame of Mventy- be paid by assessment at the maxi TEA HOUSES. surted to 5, 1916. Honolulu, Hawaii, June tones the body outside, the other seven, whose gums bave not mum rate of $0.43 per front foot V ' v many women' The inside." habit Ike an, beet Japanese dinners. T. W. Egainst the abutting lands in front TENDERS FOR PURCHASE feeling wide awake or have, not of 6183 tf of which the same shall be laid, there Oda, prop. TeL 3212. HIDES. able to get up unless they have had being approximately 5S90.0 feet. a cup of strong coffee in bed, is the TAILOR. V. ' Sealed tenders, indorsed "Tenders of either,; laziness or extreme result ESTIMATE OF COST. nervousness, purand, the resulting lack Hides," for of for Purchase the 6. Kuragako, tailor, 425 King St (1) The maximum estimate T proper sleep, ., If you are one of of of hides belonging to the Board 6434 3m chase of the entire cost of the the large number of women who cf Health, for the period of six Improvement, including j TINSMITHS. feel half dead until they have been 1916, to Decem-bt- r July 1st, months, from Inci- Engineering and braced by. a cup of coffee, try this 31st, 1916, will be received at the. dentals, is maximum..... $33,233.50 office of the Board of Health until 12 BaikL plumber and tinsmith. teL 4766 shower bath and orange juice plan (2) Total estimate of cost i 6437 3m" for two weeks, and see if you won't o'clock noon. Monday, June 19th, 1316. 2,650.50 of new curbing as live as ever and far less .feel per Tenders' mist be for the price UMBRELLA MAKERS. (3) 331-of cost or Con- nervous than before. on pound delivered wharJ for hides the (: .i V.:... tribution of City and Cbun- Cut an orange in half, running Honolulu, on Weights approved by R, Mlzuta. Umbrellas made and reat to Main Thoroughfare 10,194.30 an agent of the Board of Health. V igainst the grain of the fruit, and. paired. 12S4 Fort, nr. Kukui; phono (4)ty Maximum of estimate rolling and bruising the orange first 6553-tU. required f Gold Payments S. in 3745. . cost of the general im- up the cells inside. The break jto immediately after delivery. ''' provement to bo assessed fruit, the juicier the infresher the UNDERTAKERS. The Board will not bind itself, to on a frontage. basis after Squeeze all the juice be. will side M;3. any accept highest or the into, glass, using a deducting items ' specifi- Undertaker, 1034 Liliha, phone 22S7 the regulation THE BOARD OF HEALTH, 444 Sra squeezer keep to cally borne is. ... . .. . . ... 20,388.70 lemon the seeds By its President, separate. ; (5) Total frontage subject to J. S. B. PRATTVM. D. WATCHMAKERS Take your shower first at otter assessment for the gen6493 lOt times,-- . I have explained how easily 6,140 ft, improvement eral Diamonds watches and jewelry bought (fi) Maximum rate to be as- a shower can be attached to an orNOTICE. old and exchanged. J. Carlo, Fort dinary tub. If you have not the per sessed front foot for , tf V.."V ..;'-convenience of running water, a .' the general improvement, Dr. M. E. Grossman's office will be large basin and a sponge will anexclusive of cost of new f N. Ogata, watchep. River st, nr. Hotel. closed from June 14th to August 14th, swer aimost as well. Rub briskly 3.32053 curbs '6457 2m during his absence from the territory. with a rough towel, twisting and, (7) Total frontage subject ;: 64S9 6t bending as much as possible, to & Smith, con-P- t Sato Watch Store, Beretania to assessment the for help ";' the blood circulate. Then 3in40l met ion of new curbing 5.S90 ft. ; your glass of orange juice drink ($J Maximum rate to be as-- ; ' ; I P0ST0FFICE TIME you are dressing. This takes while WOOD AND COAL sessed per front foot for ' only a few moments' extra time, .'. I TABLE FOR MONTHS the cost or new curbing Tanaba Co I'auahi, nr. River sL, teL you makes and feel fresh and fit $ 0.45 when necessary ' 2657; firewood and charcoal, whole . you leave your . . moment the from il In a more which All of Following Is the . postoffice timeOrange juice sweetens stonach and pilars C297 tf nale and retail. Try bedroom. see. and it. in the Engineer's Report, herein- table for May and the first half of mouth, making yon ready - for. BY AUTHORITY. after referred to and herein Incor- June. It is subject to: change if sudbreakfast Questions and Answers porated by reference. den arrangements are made, for unTo Mr. T. A. W. ! shall be plad to RESOLUTION NO. 513. shrink, and sbe etirtcd out tn life wltS expected mail service. VI .; .:" f' send you tlio d;rm.iocs for reducing tbe poor, or not strong tth, at that. Sho FURTHER DETAILS. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS bu:t.' v.Ufr.cVfr I get your addressed, .made ViKits to a dentist stamped vuvelope. -Be It, Resolved by the Board of SuSteamers to arrive from The map and general plans, and always, and in the last ten years: went pervisors of the City and County of other data so prepared by the Engi- June. every tbree montbs. Your dentist will tell n Please srrul vi s rrmerlt for tccfdin t you Honolulu, Territory- - of Hawaii,', that neer, m bis modified report dated 7 Nippon Mar j tliat it U a disease, t do cot recall . . .. Hongkong puuit. My tt; th ere rery tjood and. th the niKne; but it coes by tbe name of the (..',' t,vt cbovt five phxer-the. sum-o- f Three Hundred Dollars June 1,1916, and adopted by the 13 Ventura Sydney iitthi str.' vrhrre Iff ftfti' rVint. heck from, the man who discovered a cire for ft It Is: ($300.00) be and the same is hereby Board, with respect to the proposed 14 Makura . . . ... ....... Vancouver rot'tx cf 'fri- tenth. I henr it i niiural quickly cured, but if allc.we-to go on. .appropriated out of all moneys in the improvement (incorporated herein by 14U. S. A T. Sherman-Sa- n Francisco o( '..;...'. ff no, tan I the teeth will loosen and dn-tin dil out. while ; :. i'.', the thing attacks tocth after faotb. ntoid General Fund of the Treasury of the reference), may be seen and examin- 15 Tenyo Maru . ..San Francisco City and County of Honolulu for an ed by any person interested, at tho 16 Wanoa ...... . San Francisco I rrjttctcU Ly Ulu Adams Service account known a3 Kxtradition and office of the City and County Engi- 19 Sierra ...... San Francisco j . . . . . .Hongkong Criminal investigation Fund ' attor- neer and of the City and County Clerk 20 Shinyo Maru neys Office. . .San Francisco MISS JUDD REELECTED at any time . during, business hours, 20 Matsonia Kill 23 .. . . Sydney Niagara Intrwluced by 1916. 27, including prior, to and June WOMAN'S BOARD OFFICER .San Francisco V; damf.l locan. Resolutions Nos. 349. SS3, 3S4 and 521 r27 Lurline ..... Supervisor. ...........Moji ; At th nnmvl mrrMiiig of t!;e (incorporated herein by reference) 23 Seattle Maru Worst and Most Expensive House ; Honolulu, T, II , May 23. 191rt. are one file in the. office of the City hold Nuisance. lvoard .iiss Agnes Steamers to depart for Clerk.; and . County ' Approved this 5th day of June, JiuM va:s torfjjm June. VII. Millions of dollars ot property are s"-an office she has r'jiaiy. Nippon Maru San Francisco A. I). 1?1C. ; HEARING. tififstroyed yearly by rats simply befor sucrt'ssfuliy conducted 1 'sewrai ..... .San Francisco years. i!y Ventura JOHN C. LANKC A PUBLIC HEARING respecting cause, people do not appreciate the atof w'ts r e this fir rrr San Francisco Mayor, City and County of Honolulu the proposed improvement will be power of ruts and do not . .Sydney tributed in 1a?t night's v.i)er to 5!rs. 14 Makura ., T, II. held before the Board of Supervisors 15 U. S. A. T. Sherman. . . . i Manila Xorn.an Solienck. easy it i.s to kill them. how knev C494 June 6. 7. 8 . at their Assembly Hall in the City 16 Tenyo Maru . Mrr.ply pet a tvo ounce box of ...... .Hongkong nd County of Honolulu on Tuesday,: 19 Sierra Ti' A'rfrkoii viro ooTisrj :i! 0.!- - Ftearrs IClcctric I'nte from you? . . . Sydney '.'. NOTICE. Junp 27, 1916, at the hour of 7:3.u, 20 Snir.yo Maru Mrx ei, bas trr.ns!!.it! !. iin- druggist for 2" cents and use it at San FrnnrArca ftAi ''itriit in accordant e with the simple , a ( o ter From and after date. that portion o'clock p. in., or as soon thereafter 20 Manoa of ?.'.!r' r. I. ' d:io San Francisco may as heard, be interested at those a ui ire now n: io. o" in i , and in the morning there of Iisitania Street, between Auwajo-lim. . . . Vancouver 23 Niagara Street and Pauoa Bridge, will which time and place a full opportun- 23 Matsonia .... lira' should not be a rat in the house. San Francisco ity will bo given to all persons inter- 29 Seattle Maru Not bin? else is as effective a3 aif'Ohoiic bev-rbe closed to traffic until further .San Francisco tore r sale obpresent suggestions ested, or to a!) As trtearns a t'.U' Electric Paste in exterminat 'result v.'.':.-( jections to the proposed improvement ing rats, rr.Tce, cockroaches and other By order of the but bvor; i: still London has 7:i.';0 i miles of overhead have been cics-'or any part or detail thereof. vermin. The governinentv uses it in CITY AND Cor.VTV F.XGINKKR. u iocraijli and teiepliouf W.res ami rr.it tcl to ! MV.ll, 'Dated, Honolulu, T. H.. June 5. 1910. f'21.100 miles rndergrounti. of class mnlde'l ts fight against rats 4?3 r,t i'hf- -.r Directions in D. KALAL'OK ALANI. 1" langiiKagPS in every package. over z Tit .ivy Ad. Clerk, City and County of Honolulu. W&cii Youf Eyea Need Fotash is being made by a West Tht Uwopr. in a ivrare: Care Virginia company from the waste C493 June 5. t;. 7, S. 9, 10, 13, 14, 13, bn.lu. ii! either r t i.or ru t.- ami Canada now has in training 14',Jm ElBrioe Cemedy Eye plants. Try 27 tobacco 16, 19, 22, stems cf are impregnable to insect. recruits. " Friday, June 9. vessels arrive.) Saturday, June 10. XNo. --f' Ililo - I d Mauna Kea, I.-- I. JAMES NOTT, JR. str. u Plumber . and Sheet Metal; ' Worker ' I TESSEIS TO DEPAKT Phone 2558 74 S. Beretania Thursday, June 8. Kauai Maui, str. Friday, June 9. Maui Claudine, I.-str. Saturday, June 10, Hilo Mauna Kea, str. I.-- I. - ; ' Agents in Hawaii tor V L ; I.-- I. ALUS-CHALUEE- . CO. S , '1 . -- . i 3 1 K ; ; C-oi- . ' ! -- ....... : . . ; : . : -- : : ' ; 1 MAILS I ' ! ; Honolulu Iron Works., Ltd." Mails are due from the following points as follows: San Francisco Manoa, June 16. Sydney Ventura, June 13. Vancouver Makura, June 14. Hongkong and Japan Nippon Maru, F R E ! Q H T June 7. . Mail will depart for the following points as follows: x San Francisco Nippon Maru, June J. China and Japan Tenyo Maru, June I TRANSPORT - : de-ta- OUTWARD SEEYICE For Walanae, Vraiaa,- - Kabnkn asd Thomas, left May 16 for Manila- Sherman, due from San Francisco " "'. June 13.. Sheridan left June 4 for San Fran For Pearl City, Ewa Mill and Way Stations f7:30 a. '.9:15 a. xn 11:30 a. m 2:15 p. m.," 3:20 p za 5:15 p. m., t9:30 p. m., fll:15 p. xn. "' For Wahiawa and Leilehua U:eJ a. ra., z ii) p. xn 'a:uo p. t m. 11:30 p. tn. For Leilebua 16:00 AUDIT COMPANY -i, 524 P. O. Box 446. Telephone 2035 - Suggestions given for simplifying or systematizing office work. All business confidential. .v Sure Way to - - Rats Conducts all classes of Audits and investigations and furnishes Reports on a'll kinds of financial work. -i - Wo-ii'an- 's nallr I - High r: Date !'.- TI.Ii Larjp ; ! . '' no-tic- e. : j;n-otioi;- :.-- ' i p-r- P. M. June 5 ......... " " 7 S ......... -- " f) 5 9:0S a. m. .........11:11 '."; " U ' 7:01 '-1- . - nnv 4l-'ri- C. P. DENIJCN. SuperinterCifit. tQnnil- - F. C. SMITH, G. P. A TIDES, SUN AND MOON. ' u 7:13 p. m. only. reo-iort'e- : m, traia (only - News-pape- 7:28 p. m. Tbe Ilalelwa Limited, a two-boo- r first-clas- s tickets honored), leaves Honolulu every Sunday at S:38 a. m. for Halelwa Hotel; returning arrives in Honolulu at 10:10 p. m. Tbe Limited stops only at Pearl City, Ewa. Mi'J and Waianad. . ft ; - 3:53 p. p . Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa and 1:53- p. B Leilehua 3:15 a. .. .: .; . Arrive Honolulu from Ewa MCI an 4 Pearl City r7:45 a, m, 8:3 a.lxn- fi:38 p, m.t 4:24 p. CL. 111:02 a. 5:30 p. m.. ' , 5:30 p. m. BETHEL STREET : m Arrive Honolulu from Kannia, 4:35 a. &u Walalua and Walanae ' al &. INWAHD OF HAWAII - ................ 3:20 p.'ra. 9:15 a, Way Stations cisco. , Logan, at San Francisco. Dix. left Mav 22 for Manila. : semi-anno- any point on tha mainland. See WELLS-FAGO & CO, 72 0. King St Tel. 1515 0AHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE . . I 0OC413HA2tl) , R. Manila U. S. AT. Sherman. Junt 13. Vancouver Niagara, June 23. Australia Makura, June 14. 4- I and : TICKETS Also reservations ' . . HIjfh Low TIde Tide Small Tide Large Ft A. M. 1.7 7:04 '' 2:13 K?22 S.:41 2:52 3:2fi 10:41 pi m. 10:01 3:57 l. 1.4 1.2 ! ; 1.2 p. ni. 12:27 1:03 11 lit. of ".; .; Low Tide Small A.M. o un 1 tUp. 11:02 ..... ; 11:25 5:17 p.m. . '" 5:17 5:17 ' .': 3:18 ':.. .'.-- ; '' ; 6:41. 10:43 . 5:1" 12:17 1:31 5:19 : Rlse Seta P. M. Wt 11:0S 11:51 :42 6:42 ...... ", 5:17 6:42 0:24 .''. ' 4:58 f.;54v 5:17 StO 5:32 5:17 O ' Flrt quarter of tbe moon June 8tnv ' 1.5 and ft .'.'-- 4:27 Rises! sua 6:43: 6:42 ' -. . 0:5H 1:33 . fOURTEEN HOTEL More ButJ'ou 5 AHttrt,FRANCISCO uar Union lust CannoiBuyMore' ff Ecrco aa Raa BrMkUkt iOe Mt fwu $ U0 i dai w CmiUf f I CO Umc 60c Mii ia th Uwte4 State -- r Copyright, vakta Island ciVtdnir. ' Cbl "TrwV it 8 0 Cod. J. H. Lot, Honiiln KfrtsnUtir. tddrvaa Let us sho.v you the ROYAL ; an J give farther' details. : Hawaiian News Co. LUXURIOUS AND COMFORTABLE STRICTLY FIRST-CLAS- S 100 ROOMS 50 BATHS " ' Young Building . Hotel M'INERNY SHOE STORE Fort above King St,, Nearly 1000 feet elevation; near grand scenery; fine bass flshiiie. For particulars address ML L KRUSS, Wahlawa. Phone 03S3. tf LORD-YOUN- ; Engineers and Contractors Pantheon Btock. Honolulu, T, H Telephones 2510 and 5487 - : 'r' ".' -- - ; Raymond Mil UH -- become a habit. I might have married, it is true, and moft likely I should have married had it not been for the dearth of females in the horde. This dearth, it is fair to assume, was caused by the exorbitance of Red Eye, and it illustrates he was to the existence cf the horde. Then there was the Swift One, v.horn I had not forgotten. Am any rate, during the period of Lop Ear's marriage I knocked about from pillar to post, in danger eyery nignt that I sleptnd never comfortable. 'One of the folk died, and his widow was taken into the cave of one of the folk. I took possession cf the abandoned cave, but it was wide mouthed, and after Red Eye nearly trapped me in it one day 1 returned to sleeping in the passage of the double cave. During the summer, however,- I used to stay away from the cavf s fcr; weeks, sleeping In a tree shelter I made near the mouth of the the-menac- . ., I Marketed By the Territorial W CO : up-to-da- cold-storag- l4Makena.M C. Q. Yee r re-trea- FilISS POWER, Wostc,n Bids. muSGRAPH ::';. Up-t- Limited THE STORE FOR GOOD . CLOTHES Building. King Street Elks' the-minu- o service to the Mainland te The Federal Company has been awarded U. S. Government contract to equip all battleships and three of the largest radio stasis in the world (including Tcarl Har- bor) with .Pouls. paratus. L THERE'S A REASP2T. i Manufacturers Shoe Co. Ltd. Dealers in Shoes of Quality Fort St. 1051 Phonrl 78 2 ir - '; OAHU ICE CO. . Hotel, Ewa of FortL PAINTS and VARNISHES " for every purpose. " W. P. Fuller & Co.'s line -At : N ' LEWERS & COOKE, Ltd. " NOTHING COUNTS LIKE SERVICE WE GIVE IT. ' KEflSHNER VULCANIZING CO.. LTD. 1177 Alakea St. Phone 2434 Fisk and Miller Tires Mclnerny Park " Elegant Lot3 CHAS. DESK Y, Agent Merchant, near Fort H. IiHYAKE ire-cream- , Fort, above Beretania Learn I Half Time in Shop Full Payf This is the way you will study the ' Printing i Y. M: CA. ';' in the ' '" 'yv Cooperative Trade Schools AT ALL : ''i i ,;-';'- - ; ' ; . Honolulu Star Bulletin, Ltd. Paradise of the Pacific. Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd. Mercantile Printing Co., Ltd. SCHOOL OPENS AUG 7 Apply Y. M. C. A. Educational Department Today 10,000 s pace;:'::" Adapted to manufacturing, merchandising or commission merchant display rooms. p. ; mm J ' Includes two floors and basement. Premises now occupied by Kerr Building, on Alakea Street, Star-Bulleti- ' : Con-structi- Cooperating Printers: - J STAGES OF LIFE micl-iea- . ; l d v - mmm CANTON DRY GOODS COMPANY mom , st Oriental Art Goods i 76-7- d " Telephone 4025 ; Half Time in School 1 , v inrri aammnlie . , ; BOYS i -- Have Plenty of Pure ICE these 7 hot days. ;'"; '. prompt delivery. Call 1123 for ! Fort Street 628 , You Need Us! MRS. E.. L TAYLOR, Florist, Opp. Young Cafe . CO . If you want Flowers 1 "3 and steamers Sierra, Sonoma and Ventura qf sea. , COYNE t -- Wl 4 - SILVA'S TOGGERY : : : ' d Direct fi cm New York Hop;-;- mmmk er . IN MILLINERY-- y;.yy' V;:' .:V::'- - . e Raymond Ranch B:sf can also be obtained from the following firms in the City Market: . STYLES te pre-ccole- d " INDIVIDUAL DIVISION CattIe are slaughtered by methods in the pastures on Maui; on the ranch, and shipped to Honolulu on the ranch boat sir " LAUNDRY MARKETING Maunakea Street near Queen (Phone 1843) e an-oili- slour.h. 1L5CCI Retail and Whoksolo '.. ' have. said that Lop Ear was not happy. My sister was the daughter of COFFEE ROASTERS the Chatterer, and she made Lop Ear's life miserable for him. In no ether .Dealers in Old Kona Ceffej cave was mere so inucii. squaui'iius Merchant St. and bickering. If Jld Eye was a Blue Honoln'u beard Lop Ear was; henpecked, and I imagine that Red Eye was too shrewd ever to covet Lop Ear's wife. Fortunately for Lop Ear, she died. FOR ICE COLD DRINKS AND was f.pace only fcr two, and that thing happened thit. sumAn 14 PER CENT ICE CREAM ipace was already occupied. Also, mer.;unusual Late, almost at 'the rend cf it, a TRY THE they had me at a disadvantage, find, crcp of the stringy rooted car- H Jerked and Lunged With Hit Weight second what with the scratching and hair ; to Drag Ma From th Wall. HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. up. sprang rots These unexpected sec-enI received. I was glad to pulling Marrow Bone did not die that way, young juicy crop Hotel and Bethel Streets and roots vjere I slept that night, and for many and for some time the and he was the only one in my generanights, in the connecting passage of and tender, was patch the favorite fecdin;; tion who. had the chance. A bad cripthe double cave. From my experience carrot One morning early pling, any serious accidental or tempo' horde. p'ase the of ft seemed reatotiably safe. As the two mak- rary impairment , of the faculties, us were score of re vera! .SEE, folk had dodged old Saber Tooth,- and ing cur breakfast On one there side of ms meant swift death; As a rule these wa3". the Hairless One. Beyond hii i deaths were net, witnessed.'' Members were his father and son. old ' Marrow of the horde simply dropped out of FOR FURNlf NHE Bone and Long Lip. On the other sid ? sfght They left the caves in the Young Building cf me were my sister and Iop Ear, morning, and they never came back. They disappeared Into tho ravenous she.' being next to me. ; There was no warning; On the sud- maws cf the hunting creatures. This inroad of the Fire People on den- both the Hairless One and my CURIOS, JEWELRY ANO sprang and screamed. At th3 ' the carrot patch was the beginning ol sister ; NOVELTIES. same instant I heard the thud of th2 "the end, though we did not know it. anows that transfixed them. The nex't The liunteis cf the. Fire People began HAWAIIAN JEWELRY instant they were down on the ground, to appear more frequently as the time :' NOVELTY CO.- floundering and gasping, and the rest went b'. They came in ' twos and King and Bethel Streets of us were stampeding' for the. trees. threes, creeping silently through the forest, with their flying arrows able to An arrow drove past me and entere-the .ground, its feathered shaft vibrat- annihilate distance and bring down ing and oscillating. from the impact of prey from thii top of the loftiest tree ; While seeing the Volcano stod its arrested flight I remember clear- without themselves climbing into it ly how I swerved as I ran. to go past The bew andarrcw w?3 like an enor- - ; it and that I gave it a needlessly wid? luous extension of their leaping and j THE VOLCANO HOUSE. I must have shkd at It as a striking muscles, so that, virtually, berth. Hawaiian Tours Co. ,.. j they ccnld leap and kill at. a hundred horse shies at an object it fears. I 8 Merchant SL Phone 1923 ; Lop Ear took a smashing fall as h? feet and more. This made them far I terrible than Saber Tooth him-ran besjde me..; An arrow had driven "more ,y: :': AeXC through the calf cf his leg and trippe-- l I VrO him. He tried to run, but was tripped (To be Cont'riued Tomorrow.) ', The Watcrhouse Co., Ltd. and thrown by it a sebnd time. II 3 sat up, Crouching, trembling with feai Underwood Typewriters. Try cur "Wifhelmina" Special a and called to me pleadingly. I dasheI Cainty and delicious combination of back. He showed me the arrow. I fresh crushed pineapple out, pull caught hold of it but to the it YOUNG BUILDING shipped cream. Served only at ani" Consequent hurt made him seize my of Benson, Smith & Co. the Fountain hand and stop me. A flying arrow us. a struck, passed between Another liner Cap Pcllina, a twin ship reck, splintered and fell to the ground. cf The the has been comThis was too pinch. I pulled suddenly pleted Cap Trafalgar, WATCH REPAIRING Hamburg the for South AmeriLop Ear screamed with all my might. ; as the arrow came out and struck at can Liner. , me angrily.. But the next moment Tva A wage increase of 5 per cent to were in full flight again. WALL & DOUGHERTY every employe drawing less than 5124 I looked back. Old Marrow Bone, a and not working under the month, deserted and far behindwas tottering union scale, Red Eye Roared VitH Rage. wa3 announced by the as I had dodged Red Eye, so it'seem-e- silently along .'in his handicapped race Burlington railroad.-- : ;': "';;-- .'x.' to me that I could dedge the hunt- with death. Sometimes he almost fell, D. J. CASH MAN once he did fall; but no more ar ing animals by going back and forth and TENTS AND AWNINGS rows were coining. I i e scrambled between the. two caves, Luau Tents & Canopies for Rent weakly to his i'eet. Age burdened him I had forgotten the. wild dogs: They Thirty Yesrs "Experience heavily, but he did not want to die. ; sin-il(iin::'?h anv tfi thri'iiihFort St.r near Atin, upstairs. fire men, who were now rur. three The passage, that I could squeeze thrcuglu Phone One night thoy no- -d me cuL-'- - Had i ?in? forward ..'from thc.r forest am they Vhtt red both caves at the same bush, could easily have got him, but not try. Perhaps he was to time they v. nild have got me. As it they did tcugh. But they did want th3 eld end Von Had Your 5'eet was, followed Ly some ot them through Ha my sister, tor as I i The Woman's Medicine. Good One and Hairless 1 the passage; dashed out the mouth 4"4Footographed" Yet? '.back locked the from. l.cculd seo for All Ages. Mrs. Harold were of t'af: ether cave'. Outside thi the fire men beating trees in' their heads Smith's Experience. ;! sprang They dogs. fo. wild of BOOT SKOF the rtst REGAL me as 1 sprang .for the cliff w all, and with rocks. One cf the fire men was Fort an Hotel Streett began"to climb; One of them, a lean the; wizened old hunter who limped. Garksburg, W. Va, "I ara trriticg hungry brute, caught me in to tell you the good your medicine haa CHAPTER Xil. His teeth sank into my thigh always done me and iuirscles and lie nearly dragged me ' We went on through the trees tc lIltMililHIi!! I hope my letter back. lie held on, but I made no effort ward the caves, an excited and. disor-t- o 00 I f E L ECT R I C A L L t he the means may diskdgc him. devoting my whGie. derly mob, that drove before it to helpizfg of some 1 for-rteffort to climbing out of reach of the their holes all the small life of the sufTerin screamother set jays ;.'a'nd blue the jest that of the trutes. Hawaiian Electric Co. woman. When I Not until 1 was safe from them did ing impudently. Novy that there wa3 fir vyas 1G years old I I turn my attention to that live agony no immediate danger, Lop Ear waited caught cold and had Marrow Bone, on my thigh. And the-n- , a dci'en feet for his grandfather, . bt-generation' suppression for two a With cf thegap Hapou "and k' x.love the snapping. pat that old and fellow. the them I got so months. against and itweon thi and the scrambled ENGINEERING Wall' PACIFIC brought up our rear, I get the dog by the throat scarcecould Weak fcil bach. I Jcuth COMPANY, LIMITED and sicwly thicttled him. 1 was a long And so it was that Lop Ear became ly drag myself up Consulting, Designing and time doing it. He clawed ana ripped f a bachelor once more. That night I the stairs. I went Enjineers. my hair and hide with his hind paws. slept with him in the old cave, and i to two doctors, then my mother got a Bridges. "IrtHldinga, Cone rote. Struc- and ever he jerked arvl lugged with our old life of chumming began again, of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ture!, Steel Ctrurturts, Sanitary Sys- his weight to drag me from ' The less of his mat seemed to 'cause bottle Compound and I took it I never had tems, Reports and .Estimate on Pruj At last his tteth opened and releas- - him no grlet At least he. suowed no any . more and got strong fast trouble J ects. I'iion? ed my torn flesh.' I carried dils body signs of it nor of need :or her. it ..was Then I took again before my little I it 'leg w t in perched wound his that seemed out the un the cliff ith me ?nd -girl was helped me a good-dea- l bom and it wee-the night in the entrgnce of my old botner,nim, zmd it was r it or and I.giye Compound the credit the cave, wherein w'jre L'cp Eivr and my before he got back again to his old for Then All kinds of Vrapp'.n:i Papers and sister. this spring felt very sprynsss. I I it had to er.dure a Brt first T wines, vrinting and Writing Paperf j. storm of abv.ee from the aroiised horde t Marrow Bone wr.s the enly old me:u-fo- r badiy again, tut I took tha Com poind look-ancAMERiCAN-- AvVAIIAN PAPR and have been well all summer I canbeitig the cauee c f the disturb-- : ber in the horde. Scmetimes-& SUPPLY CO., LTD. upon I had my re verge. him. when the vision of not be'grateful enough for your mediFrcm time ing back Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu to time, as tha noise cf the pack below him is most clear, I note a striking re- cine." Mrs. Harold M. Smith, 470 Phone 1410. Geo. G. Guild, Gc-- Mgr. cast. 1 down. I dreppd a re ck and semblance? between him 'and the father Water Street, Clarksburg. W. Va. started it' tin cguin Where upon from .of my father's gardener. The garden-- ' For forty years it has been making very wrinkled women strong and well, and curing backafcu.".? ol the exasperatvery cM. i was all the aroi!i-er's father "7? ed felh Lei:?n afresh.'- -. In the morn-- I and withered, hrA for nil t!:7 worM ache, nervousness, uterine and ovarian )n? tu-thf dog v;.':rh Lop Ear and when- h- p erei ihr.-:u'- ; inflammation, weakness, displacements, i . .'tiVrfry eyes- ;r il r:u,i I d w!h his I'.r s.-f.'.I- ' irregularity and periodic pains. three' f us. Were- - ncl.ticr vegetarians. i'iir:'s ho. i: r.kttl rad acted If you want special advice write lLI;e .. ';- -' Min-i.'cne. This resem-:- : ' Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. :a iCir'-.-v child, used to frighten t...st C" tu.t a h.lpf.y c::c, aud .the- Cuus.oitlja iiLout It i; mo. I always ran when I saw the old (confidential), Lynn, Mass. MXHESNEY COFFEE CO. MESSENGER things we fearod were the real things, the- concrete dar.jrf-rs- , the flesh ami blocd aainxal that preyed. It was they that. made U3 afraid cf the dark, fcr darkness wis the time of the hunting animals. It was then that vthey came cut cf their lairs and' pounced upon one fro :n the dark wherein they '. '. :V'.:';- v' lurked invisible y Potsibly it ;was out of this fear of the real denizens cf the dark that the fear of the unreal denizens wa3 later to'develcp. and culminate in a' whole and mighty unscn world. At imagi-atio- n grew it ii likely that the fear of death." increased until the folk' that were to come projected th!3 fear into the dark and peopled it with spirits. J thmir the Fire People had already be sun to e afraid of the dai k in this fashion,, but he reasons v;e folk had fcr breaking up our hee-hecouncils and fieeing to our holes were old Sable r Tooth, the lions and the jackals, the wild dogs and the wolves, and all the hunjrry, meat eating breeds. Lop Ear ot married. ; It was the second winter after our advenlura journey, and ii was most unexpected. He gave me no warning. The first I knew was one twiiSght when I climbed the cliff to our cave. I squeezsd Into the" entrance and there I stopped, 'i here was i.o roorn tor me. Ixip Ear and hi3 mate were in poEsasfion. and II r,thfr tlian mf Rfet-'- ' wis i-the daughter of my stepfather, the Chatterer. ; I. tried to force my way in. There e G Engineering Co., Ltd. - HEINIE'S TAVERN .. Most Popular Beach Resort In the City. Rates that are Right-Ame- rican and European Plan. "On the Ceach at Walkikr - ' HAN AN 'S BEST SHOES wahiana e . r . CHOICE ? tmpy. 907, by We were afraid only of the dark. J We had no germs of religion, no con- reptioes of fin unseen world. knew fnly th- real world, aad the - up-to-da- PLEASANTON HOTEL LONDON fcr the reason that it combines all of the best features of the writing machine- ar.l is yet sold at a very low prices Kramers. man tcturing along on his two canes. Old Marrow Bone even had a bit ol sparse and f traesly white beard that seeiif i irifntical with the whiskers of. the t'.d van. As I !;sn e.ild. ? Sir row Bone was the only cid member cf Uiehorde. He wss srt exi'epu'ori.' The folk never lived to oiJ age.: M.ddle was fairly rare. Death by violence was 'the com-iiioway of death. Thev died as lay father" had died. as oroLen Tooth had died, as "my?, sister., and the Hairless t One had just died and bru- tally, in the tuil po5sebLon of their I faculties, in the full swing and rush oi Iifs Natural death? To die violently was the natural w ay of dying In those McMil!n ;. j days.'among the ; Na cne died of old are that It'dU! nn. last very lon.ar. Neither folk. I nevir knew of a case. Even he nor I was happy during that period. I was lonely. I suffered the lucon E ; venience of being cast out of my safe l I riot did little care, and somehow upr y of the other with ai make it younR males, I suppose; my long continued chumming with Lop Ear had ti Royal Typewriter ne ETrN, TVKOXESDAY; JUNE 7.1010. L ae This las lens hf;ea the s!oan " ;..; cf the , New steel and concrete structure. 250 rooms, 25ft connecting bathrooms. Homelike comfort rather tan unnecessarily ey pensive luxury- - ' In center of theatre, cafe ana retail districts.. On car lines r tnnerrlag all over city, fkke municipal, car-lidirect r in. r Motor Bus meets tralpv STAR-BUL- BSFOSEAMM 'You Can Pay 117111 Gry HONOLULU ! . Inquire Star-Bulleti- . n, Office n ng : . Hotel SU near Bethel Si. the'-wall- : li-'."- Just Arrive df New VICTOR RECORDS yy.; ' for May BERGSTORM. MUSIC CO, Ltd. s H ; e. See the submarine wonders of the bay, from the new n The lie me of Summer Clothing .' - h-s- - .a'-v- glass-bottome- boat, "Aquarium." Boat landing on the d hotel grounds. .Bow boats and fishing tackle to rent. '. ! ftatM. Vsrs or Pf,-f- : - IOTAS BULLETIN -- 75 GENTS PER MONTH j