Buildings & Grounds Committee , Committee Meeting ~ Agenda ~ Tuesday, November 4, 2014 9:00 AM Room 304 CALL TO ORDER Attendee Name Legislative District 3 Thomas P. Hartnett Legislative District 4 Richard Bushnell Chair Gordon Wheelock Legislative District 8 Donnell Boyden Legislative District 17 Charles Sudbrink Present Absent Late Arrived MINUTES Buildings & Grounds Committee - Committee Meeting - Aug 12, 2014 9:00 AM RESOLUTIONS Building & Grounds Information Technology Safety Office DISCUSSION/REPORTS 1. Parking Lots 2. SmartWatt - Energy Performance Contract 3. Departmental Activity Report 4. Auditorium Lighting 1 CORTLAND COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT COUNTY PARKING LOTS - COST ESTIMATE - PRELIMINARY RJB 10/22/14 NOTES: - LABOR & EQUIP COSTS ESTIMATED USING COUNTY HIGHWAY FORCES --- MATERIALS AND CONTRACTORS USING EXISTING COUNTY CONTRACTS - EST DOES NOT INCLUDE COSTS FOR ANY RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE ITEMS - EST. DOES NOT INCLUDE COST OF PAVMENT STRIPING FOR PARKING SPACES PROPOSED WORK - ALL LOTS Initial Work: 1) Selected Pavement Repairs - milling selected areas @ 2-inch depth & paving with Type 3 Binder 2) Tunnel "Courtyard" area will be milled and paved @ 3-inch depth with Type 3 Binder 3) Sally Port Pavement area will be reconstructed for improved drainage 4) Single-course Oil & Stone Surface Treatment Reccommended Maintenance: 1) Crack Sealing - Annual basis 2) Oil & Stone Surface Treatment - Reccommended on 5 year cycle - Based on inspection PROJECTED PROJECT SERVICE LIFE W/ RECCOMMENDED MAINTENANCE = 15 YEARS LOCATION MATERIAL OR WORK ITEM UNIT QUANTITY C.O.B. LOTS MEASURED AREA HOT MIX ASPH TYPE 3 BINDER MILLING EXIST PAVT. UP TO 3 IN. DEPTH HFRS-2 - SURF TR. 1A STONE - SURF TR. ENGINEERING 20% CONTINGENCIES S.F. TON S.Y. GAL TON L.S. L.S. 97,000 242 2,156 4,149 119 1 1 LOCATION MATERIAL OR WORK ITEM UNIT QUANTITY COURT HOUSE / PSB LOT MEASURED AREA HOT MIX ASPH TYPE 3 BINDER MILLING EXIST PAVT. UP TO 3 IN. DEPTH EXCAV & REGRADE SUBBASE NEAR SALLY PORT HFRS-2 - SURF TR. 1A STONE - SURF TR. ENGINEERING 20% CONTINGENCIES S.F. TON S.Y. S.Y. GAL TON L.S. L.S. 67,000 335 2,978 250 2,606 74 1 1 LABOR $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----11,232.00 8,424.00 2,808.00 3,120.00 4,492.80 30,076.80 EQUIPMENT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LABOR $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----15,516.37 11,637.28 14,040.00 2,808.00 4,680.00 6,633.06 55,314.71 ----15,680.00 11,640.00 4,480.00 2,000.00 6,360.00 40,160.00 MATERIALS $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EQUIPMENT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----21,661.03 16,080.00 19,400.00 4,480.00 3,000.00 8,592.00 73,213.03 ----18,180.23 1,541.22 3,944.29 23,665.74 CONTRACTOR $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MATERIALS $ ----25,114.95 $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,026.67 967.78 798.89 29,908.28 ----2,600.00 4,268.00 9,336.25 3,240.85 19,445.10 TOTAL COST $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----47,692.23 24,332.00 16,624.25 1,541.22 5,120.00 18,037.94 113,347.64 C.O.B. LOTS $ 120,000 CONTRACTOR ----67,492.35 33,613.28 36,466.67 13,150.50 967.78 7,680.00 18,375.64 177,746.22 COURT HOUSE / PSB LOT $ 180,000 1.a Packet Pg. 2 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----5,200.00 5,896.00 5,862.50 2,351.70 19,310.20 TOTAL COST Attachment: COUNTY PARKING LOT PAVEMENT PROJECT - HWY DEPT COST ESTIMATE 102114 (2260 : Parking Lots) LOCATION MATERIAL OR WORK ITEM UNIT QUANTITY 37 CHURCH ST. LOT MEASURED AREA HOT MIX ASPH TYPE 3 BINDER MILLING EXIST PAVT. UP TO 3 IN. DEPTH HFRS-2 - SURF TR. 1A STONE - SURF TR. ENGINEERING 20% CONTINGENCIES S.F. TON S.Y. GAL TON L.S. L.S. 12,000 30 267 467 13 1 1 LOCATION MATERIAL OR WORK ITEM UNIT QUANTITY DSS LOT MEASURED AREA HOT MIX ASPH TYPE 3 BINDER MILLING EXIST PAVT. UP TO 3 IN. DEPTH HFRS-2 - SURF TR. 1A STONE - SURF TR. ENGINEERING 20% CONTINGENCIES S.F. TON S.Y. GAL TON L.S. L.S. 6,000 15 133 233 7 1 1 LABOR $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----1,404.00 1,404.00 1,404.00 624.00 967.20 5,803.20 EQUIPMENT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LABOR $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----1,404.00 1,404.00 1,404.00 624.00 967.20 5,803.20 ----1,360.00 1,340.00 1,040.00 400.00 828.00 4,968.00 MATERIALS $ ----2,249.10 $ 173.33 $ $ 484.49 2,906.92 EQUIPMENT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----1,360.00 1,340.00 1,040.00 400.00 828.00 4,968.00 CONTRACTOR ----$ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----5,013.10 3,272.00 3,494.00 173.33 1,024.00 2,595.29 15,571.72 37 CHURCH ST. LOT $ 16,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ MATERIALS $ ----1,124.55 $ 86.67 $ $ 242.24 1,453.46 TOTAL COST 528.00 1,050.00 315.60 1,893.60 CONTRACTOR TOTAL COST ----$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ----3,888.55 3,008.00 2,969.00 86.67 1,024.00 2,195.24 13,171.46 DSS LOT SAY $ 14,000 264.00 525.00 157.80 946.80 TOTAL ALL LOTS = $ 330,000 1.a Packet Pg. 3 Attachment: COUNTY PARKING LOT PAVEMENT PROJECT - HWY DEPT COST ESTIMATE 102114 (2260 : Parking Lots) Attachment: DOC102814-10282014084239 (2262 : SmartWatt - Energy Performance Contract) 2.a Packet Pg. 4 Attachment: DOC102814-10282014084239 (2262 : SmartWatt - Energy Performance Contract) 2.a Packet Pg. 5 Attachment: DOC102814-10282014084239 (2262 : SmartWatt - Energy Performance Contract) 2.a Packet Pg. 6 Attachment: DOC102814-10282014084239 (2262 : SmartWatt - Energy Performance Contract) 2.a Packet Pg. 7 3.a October 2014 - BUILDINGS & GROUNDS September – 0- Days at full staff due to vacations, illness, etc. CUSTODIAL STAFF Attachment: Departmental activities reportI (2263 : Departmental Activity Report) **** Note – 1 - Custodian Application received 10/16, Review and interview process commenced Daily cleaning of Court House, County Office Building, 37 Church St., PSB Mental Health 3 times per week Horizon House has been scaled back to “as needed “ Highway 2 times per week, Cortlandville Training Center – once per week Contingency plan as most days needed to back up for absenteeism Performed custodial duties at the Landfill one time per week Prepared Grand Jury for court Continued Health Dept. renovations – painting & carpet Hard floor maintenance in the COB HVAC STAFF Daily HVAC maintenance Addressed complaints regarding heat and cooling– mechanical, pneumatic & electronic Perform annual maintenance on roof top units @ COB Commenced roof top A/C installation for Telephone room Assisted with dryer repair, motor replacement – Jail MAINTENANCE STAFF Completed work orders – Outdoor Maintenance – trash, ash containers, Recycling including cardboard Set up & Tear down for Senior Bazaar Completed trimming of trees Installing sound deadening wall extensions – Health Dept. Completed Jail dryer repair – replaced motor Continued Health Dept. renovations on an expedited schedule Assisted with Pumpkin Fest activities Completed Veteran’s Memorial Park upgrade Set up and tear down for Bloodmobile & Employee Wellness Expo Foreperson- Returned 9/2/14 Assisted with contract vendors to facilitate their tasks as written in their agreements. Supervise the daily activities of the maintenance and cleaning staff. Continued putting in place monthly meetings dealing with safety measures that we deal with on a daily basis, such as heights, confined space, lifting, fall protection, safety equipment, and many more issues important to keeping our accident record clean, Attended B&G Committee meeting, attended B&G Budget review, assisted with Health Department renovations, Packet Pg. 8 3.a Completed masonry repairs to Veteran’s Memorial Park, Attended Enterprise lease review SUPERINTENDENT Attachment: Departmental activities reportI (2263 : Departmental Activity Report) Daily tasks related to the operations of the Department to include: mail, phone calls, processing bills, personnel scheduling, personnel record keeping, etc. Meetings with Annette Barber, Building Maintenance Mechanics, Senior Cleaner, Gordon Wheelock, Keith Dayton, Kristen Monroe Catherine Feuerherm, Smart Watt – Energy conservation measures, Hummel Office Supply reps – Space design, Garland reps – Building envelope repair, Highway Dept.- Parking Lots Attended B&G Committee meeting Recorded Regular Legislative session, Special Budget meeting, Budget Public Hearing Continued bi-weekly accrual maintenance Coordinated next phase of Health Dept. renovation Completed 2015 Budget Review Conducted space review tour for Legislators PENDING PROJECTS in no particular order Legislative Chambers Renovations – Completed Carpet installation (585 sq. yds.), renovations, and employee relocation – Health Dept. – Completed painting in (4) offices, Conference Room, Cathy Feuerherm’s suite Wall enclosures – DSS – Completed Drainage inlet repair – CH parking lot Drainage problem Veteran’s Memorial park Installation of circulating pump – COB Boilers completed Assist IT with PSB security – Completed Fire Alarm replacement – HB4 – Completed Exterior lighting project Highway – Completed Replace 6” sprinkler valve Recycling - Completed Packet Pg. 9 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 4.a DesignOverview CortlandCountyOfficeBuilding AuditoriumLighting ProjectContacts: BrianDonald,PE,GeneralManager,RochesterOffice 585.598.3900 TomCariola,LCProjectEngineer 585.598.3900 A. OverallDesignandProjectSummary SmartWattEnergy,Inc.hasworkedwithCortlandCountytodesignthisprojecttoaccomplish thefollowingobjectivesintheAuditorium: 1. Achievesignificantenergysavings. 2. Regaintheabilitytouseanddimthelightingintheauditorium. 3. Reducelong‐termmaintenancecosts. B. KeyAssumptions: 1. Thecostforelectricityis$.0735/KWhand$17/KW 2. Auditoriumhoursofoperationare20hours/week. SmartWatt Energy, Inc. • 888-348-0080 Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 10 1 of 19 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 4.a C. DescriptionofScopeofWork ExistingConditions: Thereare(12)1500wattincandescentfixturessuspendedfromtheceilingof theAuditorium Thefixturesarecontrolledbyanantiquateddimmingsystemthatdoesnot functionproperly.Thispanelisoutdatedandpartsrequiredtorestoreitsfull functionalityarenolongermanufactured. Thereare(3)existingdimmerwallcontrolstationswithintheAuditoriumthat weredesignedtoturnthelightsonat10%‐40%‐70%and100%,noneofwhich arecurrentlyworking.Therearemultiplecircuitsinthedimmingpanelthatdo notfunction.Lessthanhalfthelightswilleventurnon. Thereare(18)95WPar38HalogenTrack‐MountedLights ScopeofWork: Weareproposingtoreplacetheexistingfixtureswithnew82wattCooper LightingLEDcylinderfixtures.Thenewfixtureswillbehungatthesameheight astheexistingfixturestomaintainthecurrentlookandfeel. Thetracklightswillbereplacedwith17WPar38LEDLamps Thenewfixtureswillbe3000Kcolortemperature. Theexistingdimmingpanelwillberemoved.AnewLutronGrafix‐eyedimmer controllerwillbeinstalled.Existingwiringtoswitchlocationswillberemoved, andnewLutroncontrolwirewillberuntoexistingswitchlocations. New0‐10vdimmingwirewillberunthroughtheatticspaceabovethe Auditoriumtoeachfixturelocation. Existingswitchlocationswillremain,andnewdimmingcontrollerswillbe installed. Thenewdimmingcontrolswillbeprogrammedtocontrolthelightswitha10%‐ 40%‐70%‐100%dimmingscheme. D. Rebate This project is eligible for a Custom Rebate from National Grid at $.0131/ KWH saved which totals $2,685. A preapproval is required. E. Warranty Allproductsandworkmanshipwillbeunderwarrantyasfollows: 1. Workmanship–1year 2. Fixtures–5years 3. DimmingSystem–1year SmartWatt Energy, Inc. • 888-348-0080 Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 11 2 of 19 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 4.a 10/13/2014 Executive Summary‐Auditorium Lighting and Control System Overall System Investment: $15,974.33 $11,012.27 $0.00 $26,986.59 ‐$2,864.63 $24,121.97 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Lighting Investment: Installation, Disposal and Labor Costs: *Sales Tax: Total Investment: Utility Incentives: **Total Out of Pocket Investment: Value Analysis: Annual Energy Savings: Monthly Energy Savings: Simple Payback Period (months): $5,171.03 $430.92 55.98 Maintenance Summary Annual Maintenance Savings (recurring): Payback After Maintenance Savings (Months): $93.86 54.98 * If project is filed as a capital improvement, sales tax will not be charged. **Incentive and pricing is guaranteed within 90 days of proposal date. Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 12 3 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 Savings Projections Existing Conditions Number of Baseline Fixtures Baseline KW Baseline Demand Charge Baseline Annual kWh Baseline Annual kWh Cost Total Annual Baseline Cost 30 19.71 $4,023.21 20,555 $1,509.96 $5,533.17 Number of Proposed Fixtures Proposed KW Proposed Demand Charge Proposed Annual kWh Proposed kWh Cost Total Annual Proposed Cost 30 1.29 $263.31 1,345 $98.83 $362.14 Proposed Lighting Energy Savings Summary KW Demand Savings 18.42 Annual kWh Savings 19,209 Cost Savings Monthly Cost Savings Annual Cost Savings $430.92 $5,171.03 93.46% Reduction in total lighting cost 4.a Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc 4 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 4.a Lighting Systems Comparison The bar chart below shows the annual electrical cost comparison between the two lighting systems. Lighting Cost Comparison $6,000.00 $5,000.00 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 Baseline Annual Lighting Cost Proposed Annual Lighting Cost The bar chart below shows the annual energy consumption comparison between the two lighting systems. Energy (Kwh) Comparison 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Baseline Kwh Proposed Kwh The bar chart below shows the Peak KW Demand comparison between the two lighting systems. Peak Demand (KW) Comparison 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Baseline KW Proposed KW Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 14 5 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 Pre‐Install (Baseline) Action Map Location # # Location Description # of Baseline Fixtures Pre‐Install Fixture Code Pre Watts Pre Per Fixture KW Demand Post‐Install (Proposed) Pre Hours of Annual Operation Pre Kwh Proposed # of Fixtures Proposed Fixture Code Proposed Sensor System Energy Savings Proposed Proposed Watts KW per Demand Fixture Proposed Annual Hours of Proposed Annual Kwh Operation KW Demand Saved Kwh Saved 1 1 Auditorium 12 I/1500 1,500 18.00 1,043 18,771 12 New Cooper 82 watt Portfolio LED pendant mount cylinder fixture Low Voltage Dimming Panel 82 0.98 1,043 1,026 17.02 17,745 2 1 Auditorium‐Track Lighting 18 I/95 95 1.71 1,043 1,783 18 Re‐lamp with 17W LED Par38 Lamp ‐ 17 0.31 1,043 319 1.40 1,464 20,555 30 1,345 18 19,209 30 19.71 1.29 4.a Packet Pg. 15 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc 6 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 4.a How can lighting damage the environment? Although it appears innocuous, lighting causes air pollution. Each day, your local power plant will commonly burn coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity for your lighting system as well as for your other electrical needs. While burning these fossil fuels produces a readily available and instantaneous supply of electricity, it also generates air pollutants: carbon dioxide ( CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Air pollution causes global warming, acid rain, and smog. Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Each of these pollutants causes environmental damage. Carbon dioxide (CO2) causes global warming, sulfur dioxide (SO2) causes acid rain, and nitrogen oxides (NOx) cause both acid rain and smog. Your lighting project will help to decrease air pollution and environmental damage by the following amounts each year: 28,814 pounds of Carbon Dioxide 48,024 grams of Sulfur Dioxide 111,415 grams of Nitrogen Oxides By removing these quantities of pollutants from the air, your lighting project will have the same affect on the environment as: Planting 4 acres of trees Removing 3 cars from the road each year or Saving 1,746 gallons of gasoline each year Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 16 7 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 4.a PORTFOLIO TM DES C R IPTION Round cylinder fixture in choice of white, matte black, bronze or silver finish can be used to blend with or accent varying architectural styles. Two-stage reflector system produces smooth distribution with excellent light control and low aperture brightness. Available in 80 or 90 CRI. 4000, 5000, 6000 or 6500 lumens with color temperatures of 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K. Suitable for commercial construction and exceeds high efficacy requirements (with designated trims) for IECC-2009. Pendant kits allow unit to be stem hung on ceilings with up to 45° slope. Suitable for commercial construction and exceeds high efficacy requirements (with designated trims) for T24. Energy Star qualified. Type Catalog # Project Date Comments Prepared by SPE C IFIC A TION FEA T U R E S Lo w e r S h i e l d i n g Re fl e c tor Mounti ng Self-flanged, spun 0.062" thick aluminum lower reflector in combination with a lensed upper optical chamber provides superior lumen output with minimal source brightness. Available in all Portfolio Alzak® finishes. Mounting canopy installs to ceiling mounted junction box. Lower reflector is retained with two torsion springs holding the flange tightly to the cylinder. H ou s i n g Round seamless .060 spun aluminum housing available in white, bronze, silver or matte black. L ED LED system contains a plurality of high brightness white LED’s combined with a high reflectance upper reflector and transitional lens producing even distribution with no pixilation. Designed for 50,000 hours at 70% lumen maintenance. Auto resetting, thermally protected. Color variation within 3-step MacAdam ellipses. Available in 80 or 90 CRI. Co d e Co mplian ce Thermally protected and cULus listed for protected wet locations. EMI/RFI emissions per FCC 47CFR Part 18 Class B consumer limits. RoHS Compliant. Photometric testing completed in accordance with IES LM 79 standards. LED life testing completed in accordance with LM 80 standards. LCR8A ER8 8L Warran ty 5 year warranty. D ri v e r Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Trim Retention 120V trailing edge phase cut driver provides flicker free dimming from 100% to 10%. Optional 1% 0-10V, Fifth Light or Lutron® Ecosystem. Combination 120-277V 0-10V or 4000 Lumen LED 5000 Lumen LED 6000 Lumen LED 6500 Lumen LED STEPREPEAT> 8-Inch Ceiling Mount Cylinder Downlight 15-7/8" [403mm] Qualified and Compliant. Refer to the ENERGY STAR® Qualified Product List and CEC (T24) Appliance Database for listings. ENERGY DATA Sound Rating: Class A standards (Values at non-dimming line voltage) Minimum Starting Temperature: -20°C (-4°F) EMI/RFI: FCC Title 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B (Consumer) Power Factor: >0.90 4000 Lumen D010TE Input Power: 56W THD: <17% 120V Input Current: .46A 277V Input Current: .20A Maximum Non-IC Ambient Continuous Input Frequency: 50-60Hz 5000 Lumen D010TE Input Power: 60W THD: <17% 120V Input Current: .50A 277V Input Current: .22A Maximum Non-IC Ambient Continuous Input Frequency: 50-60Hz 6000 Lumen D010TE 8-3/8" [213mm] 9-1/2" [235mm] Input Power: 70W THD: <17% 120V Input Current: .58A 277V Input Current: .25A Maximum Non-IC Ambient Continuous Input Frequency: 50-60Hz 6500 Lumen D010 Input Power: 82W THD: <17% 120V Input Current: .70A 277V Input Current: .30A Maximum Non-IC Ambient Continuous Input Frequency: 50-60Hz Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Consult your representative for additional options and finishes. Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc ADP130415 2014-04-04 09:21:21 Packet Pg. 17 8 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 LCR8A ER8 8L 4.a OR D ER ING INFOR M A TION EXAMPLE: LC R 8 A 40 D E 010 P ER8A40835 8LW 0LI=8” LED Wide Beam Reflector Lens, 40 0 0 Lu m en , 3,50 0 K Co lo r w it h Un i ver sal 120 - 277V, 0 - 10 D r i ver Lumens LCR8A=8" Aperture, Cylinder D ri ve r Finish Pow e r M o d u l e 4000, 5000, 6000 Lumen P=White D010TE=120-277V 0-10V 10% MB=Matte Black Dimming or trailing edge 120V SL=Painted Silver DE010=120-277V 0-10V 1% BZ=Bronze Dimming1 D5LT=120-277 Fifth light (DALI) Dimming1 D010TR=0-10V 120-277V Dimming or 120V Leading Edge DL3=120-277V, 1 to 100% Lutron® Dimming 6500 Lumen D010=10 to 100% dimming, 120-277V, 50/60Hz, 0-10V DE010=0-10V 120-277V 1% Dimming 40=4000 Lumens 50=5000 Lumens 60=6000 Lumens 65=6500 Lumens R e fl e c to r ER8A=8" Module Lumens 40=4000 Lumens 50=5000 Lumens 60=6000 Lumens 65=6500 Lumens Finish 8LN0=8" Narrow Reflector, White Polymer Trim Ring 8LM0=8" Medium Reflector, White Polymer Trim Ring 8LW0=8" Wide Reflector, White Polymer Trim Ring LI=Specular Clear H=Semi-Specular Clear WMH= Warm Haze G=Specular Gold WH=Wheat WHH=Wheat Haze GP=Graphite GPH=Graphite Haze B=Specular Black W=Gloss White CRI Color 8=80 CRI 9=90 CRI 27=2700° K 30=3000° K 35=3500° K 40=4000° K A c c e s s o ri e s 8LM0 Only BB=Black Baffle WB=White Baffle 1. 30ºC maximum ambient temperature Pendant Kit L836P=Pendant Kit, White, 36" L836BZ=Pendant Kit, Bronze, 36" L836MB=Pendant Kit, Matte Black, 36" L836SL=Pendant Kit, Painted Silver, 36" Pendant Kit Aircraft Cable LAC120P=120" Aircraft Cable- White LAC48P=48" Aircraft Cable- White LAC120MB=120" Aircraft Cable- Black LAC48MB=48" Aircraft Cable- Black Type 120 = 3 conductor for use with 120V or 277V 2-wire Dimming Blank = 5 conductor for use with 0-10V Dimming drivers DL3 = 6 conductor for use with DL3 3-wire Dimming drivers D5LT = 5 conductor for use with D5LT drivers Example: LAC 48P 48"cable with white cord for use with 0-10V driver PHOTOM ETR IC S CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION CANDELA TABLE Downlight 90º 75º Test Number Element Lumens Efficacy CCT SC P112279 LCR8A50D010TE ER8A50835 8LM0LI 4806 Lm 85.8 Lm/W 3500K 0.8 2500 60º 5000 45º 7500 15º 30º CONE OF LIGHT Distance Fixture to Lighted Plane 12.5' 15' 20' 24' 28' Initial Footcandles at Nadir 40 28 16 11 8 Beam Diameter 10 12 16 19 22 CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION 90º 75º Test Number Element Lumens Efficacy CCT SC P112407 LCR8A50D010TE ER8A50835 8LN0LI 4457 Lm 79.5 Lm/W 3500K 0.6 1600 60º 3200 45º 15º Candela 6241 6365 5155 3378 1532 306 26 65 0 75 1 85 0 90 0 CANDELA TABLE Downlight 4800 Degrees Vertical 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 30º CONE OF LIGHT Distance Fixture to Lighted Plane 12.5' 15' 20' 24' 28' Initial Footcandles at Nadir 62 43 24 17 12 Beam Diameter 6 8 11 13 15 Degrees Vertical 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 Candela 9752 9431 5465 2847 1012 115 9 65 11 75 0 85 12 90 0 ZONAL LUMEN SUMMARY Zone 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-90 90-180 0-180 Lumens 3485 4495 4796 4806 0 4806 LUMINANCE Average Candella Degrees 45 55 65 75 85 Average 0° Luminance 13339 1376 0 161 0 ZONAL LUMEN SUMMARY Zone 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-90 90-180 0-180 Lumens 3666 4301 4423 4457 0 4457 %Fixture 82 96 99 100 0 100 LUMINANCE Average Candella Degrees 45 55 65 75 85 Average 0° Luminance 4995 507 787 0 4291 Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770 468.4801 Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc %Fixture 72 93 100 100 0 100 ADP130415 2014-04-04 09:21:21 Packet Pg. 18 9 of 19 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Housing Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 LCR8A ER8 8L 4.a PH OTOM ETR IC S CANDELA TABLE Downlight 90º 75º Test Number Element Lumens Efficacy CCT SC P110103 LCR8A50D010TE ER8A50835 8LW0LI 4923 Lm 87.9 Lm/W 3500K 1.2 1150 60º 2300 45º 3450 15º 30º CONE OF LIGHT Distance Fixture to Lighted Plane 12.5' 15' 20' 24' 28' Initial Footcandles at Nadir 21 14 8 5 4 Beam Diameter 15 18 24 29 34 CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION 90º 75º Test Number Element Lumens Efficacy CCT SC P112535 LCR8A50D010TE ER8A50835 8LM0H 4320 Lm 77.1 Lm/W 3500K 0.93 1550 60º 3100 45º 15º 30º CONE OF LIGHT Distance Fixture to Lighted Plane 12.5' 15' 20' 24' 28' Initial Footcandles at Nadir 29 20 11 8 6 Beam Diameter 11 13 18 22 25 CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION 90º 75º Test Number Element Lumens Efficacy CCT SC P113175 LCR8A50D010TE ER8A50835 8LN0H 3982 Lm 71.1 Lm/W 3500K 0.81 1850 60º 3700 45º 15º 30º CONE OF LIGHT Distance Fixture to Lighted Plane 12.5' 15' 20' 24' 28' Initial Footcandles at Nadir 35 24 13 9 7 Beam Diameter 9 11 15 18 21 CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION 90º 75º Test Number Element Lumens Efficacy CCT SC P109975 LCR8A50D010TE ER8A50835 8LW0H 4639 Lm 82.8 Lm/W 3500K 1.2 1050 60º CONE OF LIGHT 45º Distance Fixture to Lighted Plane 12.5' 15' 20' 24' 28' 2100 15º 65 18 75 1 85 0 90 0 Degrees Vertical 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 Candela 4522 4439 3687 2977 1641 446 106 65 26 75 4 85 0 90 0 Degrees Vertical 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 Candela 5461 5374 4196 2823 1203 244 47 65 15 75 4 85 1 90 0 CANDELA TABLE Downlight 3150 3200 3288 3542 3291 2196 936 197 CANDELA TABLE Downlight 5550 Candela CANDELA TABLE Downlight 4650 Degrees Vertical 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 30º Initial Footcandles at Nadir 21 14 8 5 4 Beam Diameter 15 18 24 29 34 Degrees Vertical 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 Candela 3200 3288 3542 3291 2196 936 197 65 18 75 1 85 0 90 0 ZONAL LUMEN SUMMARY Zone 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-90 90-180 0-180 Lumens 2654 4016 4893 4923 0 4923 %Fixture 54 81 99 100 0 100 LUMINANCE Average Candella Degrees 45 55 65 75 85 Average 0° Luminance 40840 10577 1278 161 0 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) CANDLEPOWER DISTRIBUTION ZONAL LUMEN SUMMARY Zone 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-90 90-180 0-180 Lumens 2796 3812 4288 4320 0 4320 %Fixture 64 88 99 100 0 100 LUMINANCE Average Candella Degrees 45 55 65 75 85 Average 0° Luminance 19450 5723 1868 482 0 ZONAL LUMEN SUMMARY Zone 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-90 90-180 0-180 Lumens 2945 3705 3961 3982 0 3982 %Fixture 74 93 99 100 0 100 LUMINANCE Average Candella Degrees 45 55 65 75 85 Average 0° Luminance 10636 2535 1082 482 477 ZONAL LUMEN SUMMARY Zone 0-30 0-40 0-60 0-90 90-180 0-180 Lumens 2654 4016 4893 4923 0 4923 %Fixture 54 81 99 100 0 100 LUMINANCE Average Candella Degrees 45 55 65 75 85 Average 0° Luminance 40840 10577 1278 161 0 Note: Beam diameter is 50% of max foot candles rounded to the nearest half foot. Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 770.486.4800 FAX 770 468.4801 Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc ADP130415 2014-04-04 09:21:21 Packet Pg. 19 10 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 Wireless Control Unit 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 1 01.15.14 GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless Control Unit Open 1 Preset 2 Close 3 4 Off LUTRON Mechanical Dimensions Front View Side View 411⁄16 in (119 mm) 93⁄8 in (239 mm) 2 in (51 mm) 3/8 in (10 mm) Fits into a 4-gang U.S. backbox, 31⁄2 in (90.4 mm) deep (Lutron P/N 245254) or 3 in (76.2 mm) deep (Lutron P/N 241400) ® SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Page1 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 20 11 of 19 Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless is the premier energy-saving light and shade control. The GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit includes an astronomic timeclock, intuitive lighting presets, and direct shade control. Now with wireless technology, you can use the GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless control unit to seamlessly integrate with a variety of Lutron® wireless products and systems, including RadioRA® 2, Radio Powr SavrTM occupancy, vacancy, and daylight sensors, Sivoia® QS Wireless shades, Pico® wireless control, and other GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless control units. Additionally, the GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless is compatible with all Lutron® wired QS products and systems, including Quantum®. Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 Wireless Control Unit 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 2 01.15.14 System Topologies The GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless control unit can be specified in four different system topologies. Examples of each are shown below. LUTRON Example of Wired System Wired QS link GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit LUTRON LUTRON LUTRON QSE-CI-NWK-E seeTouch® QS wallstation LUTRON Quantum® processor GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit LUTRON LUTRON LUTRON seeTouch® QS wallstation Sivoia® QS shade QS sensor module LUTRON Wired occupancy sensor Energi Savr NodeTM unit Example of GRAFIK Eye®-centric Wireless System Example of Mixed GRAFIK Eye®-centric Wired/Wireless System LUTRON LUTRON LUTRON GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit Wireless Sivoia® QS shade Wired QS link LUTRON LUTRON Pico® wireless control 30 ft (10 m) wireless range; 60 ft (20 m) in open air GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit LUTRON LUTRON LUTRON LUTRON seeTouch® QS walstations LUTRON Wireless Sivoia® QS shade Wireless occupancy sensor LUTRON Wireless daylight sensor LUTRON Pico® wireless control Example of Wireless System with Main Repeater (RadioRA® 2) Wired occupancy sensor Wireless occupancy sensor Wireless daylight sensor GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit LUTRON LUTRON Wireless occupancy sensor Refer to RadioRA® 2 documentation ( for specification information. Note: Wired QS link is disabled when the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit is added to a RadioRA® 2 system. LUTRON ® Main repeater RadioRA® 2 dimmer LUTRON RadioRA® 2 keypad LUTRON SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) LUTRON Page2 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P LUTRON LUTRON Job Number: LUTRON Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 21 12 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 Wireless Control Unit 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 3 01.15.14 Features Open 1 Preset 2 Close 3 4 Off LUTRON Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) • Lutron® proprietary Clear Connect® RF technology. Operates in the 434 MHz band. • Pushbutton recall of four preset lighting scenes, plus Off. • Sixteen (16) total available scenes, plus Off scene. • Zones can control many light source types directly or through power modules. • Optional integrated shade control buttons, which can also be added to the unit after installation. • Master override buttons to raise and lower all lights. • Allows setup of lighting scenes and shade presets using buttons on the control unit. • Built-in infrared (IR) receiver. • External IR connection. • Built-in astronomic timeclock. • Info screen shows zone light level percentage, energy savings, zone labeling, and programming. • Lockout option prevents accidental changes. • Occupancy sensor input and 24 V- power for one occupancy sensor. • QS communication link for seamless integration of lights, motorized window treatments, occupancy sensors, wallstations, and integration interfaces. • Compatible with all Lutron® QS system components. • Wireless communication for seamless integration with a variety of Lutron® wireless products and systems, including RadioRA® 2, Radio Powr SavrTM occupancy, vacancy, and daylight sensors, Sivoia® QS wireless shades, Pico® wireless control, and other GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control units. • Backlit buttons with engraving make unit easy to locate and operate. Note: General Engraving (-EGN) shown. Zone control Optional shade control keypad 1 2 3 4 5 Info screen 6 Infrared receiver OK Open 1 Preset 2 Close 3 Lighting control keypad 4 Off USB receptacle (one only): Micro or Mini B • Available in a variety of colors and finishes. ® SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Page3 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 22 13 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL Wireless Control Unit 10/13/14 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 4 01.15.14 Specifications Listings (120 – 127 V~) • UL • CSA • NOM • CEC (Title 24) • FCC Part 15 Class B • IC RSS-210 • SCT Environment • 32 to 104 °F (0 to 40 °C) • Relative humidity less than 90% non-condensing Lighting Sources/Load Types • Zones on Energi Savr NodeTM products wired to the same QS link – Zones on Energi Savr NodeTM with Softswitch® – Zones on Energi Savr NodeTM for 0 – 10 V – Zones on Energi Savr NodeTM with EcoSystem® Please refer to “Remote Zone Mapping” for important information. • DMX channel(s) through DMX output interface (QSE-CI-DMX). Please refer to “Accessory Controls: DMX Output Interface” Zones can also control the following lighting sources with a smooth, continuous square law dimming curve or on a full conduction non-dim basis: • Incandescent • Halogen • Magnetic low-voltage transformer • Lutron® Tu-Wire® electronic fluorescent dimming ballast • Advance Mark X® electronic dimming ballast • Neon and cold cathode • Non-dim (incandescent, magnetic low-voltage, Tu-Wire®, or neon/cold cathode) • Cree LR4/6, 120 V~ fixtures (for loading capacities, please refer to the LED report card located at Please refer to “Capacities” for more information. ® Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Zones can also control the following lighting sources with a smooth, continuous square law dimming curve or on a full conduction non-dim basis through separate Lutron® power modules: • Electronic low-voltage transformers (use ELV or Phase‑Adaptive power module) • Lutron 3-wire controlled electronic fluorescent dimming ballasts (use fluorescent 3-wire power module) • Non-dim (use switching module) • 0 – 10 V- (use ten-volt interface) Note: A zone may be programmed to control only one load type at a time. Input Power • 120 – 127 V~ 50/60 Hz • 220 – 240 V~ 50/60 Hz Key Design Features • RF meets FCC Part 15 Class B. • Lightning strike protection meets ANSI/IEEE standard 62.41-1980. Can withstand voltage surges of up to 6000 V~ and current surges of up to 3000 A. • Tested to withstand 16 kV electrostatic discharge without damage or memory loss. • RTISSTM-equipped: Compensates in real time for incoming line voltage variations (no visible flicker with +/– 2% change in RMS voltage per cycle, and +/– 2% Hz change in frequency per second). • Power failure memory retains programming and light level settings for up to 10 years in the event of a power loss. • The GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit supplies 3 Power Draw Units (PDUs) on the QS link. For complete information, see “Power Draw Units on the QS Link,” Lutron P/N 369405. • Faceplate is hinged at the top and bottom, and stays open at 180° for ease of access. Scene and Shade Buttons • Large, rounded buttons are easy to use. • Backlit buttons with optional engraving make it easy to find and to operate the control unit in low light conditions (backlight can be disabled). • Optional button engraving is angled up to the eye for easy reading. • Predefined label stickers are included for field labeling. • 4 preset lighting scenes, plus Off, are accessible from the front of the control unit. • 12 additional scenes are stored in the control unit and are accessible from the integral timeclock, seeTouch® QS wallstations, and QS interfaces. • Light levels fade smoothly between scenes. Fade time can be set differently for each scene: 0 to 59 seconds, or 1 to 60 minutes. Maximum fade time from Scene Off is 3 seconds. SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Page4 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 23 14 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL Wireless Control Unit 10/13/14 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 5 01.15.14 Shade Control • The GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit can include up to 3 shade button columns. Each column has backlit open, preset, close, and raise/lower buttons. • Each shade button column can be programmed to operate one shade or a group of shades. (Shades may be assigned to more than one shade button column). • Faceplates are available with 1, 2, and 3 shade button columns. Wireless shade limitations: • Access to the Sivoia® QS Wireless electronic drive unit (EDU) is required to associate shades with the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit and set their raise/lower limits. Exception: Sivoia® QS Wireless cellular shades allow limit setting from the GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control unit. • Wired and wireless shades may not be programmed into the same shade button column; however, both may be used on the same GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit. • Scene commands that affect wireless shades across multiple shade button columns will have a 1-second delay from column to column. This does not occur in RadioRA® 2 systems. Zone Control • Each zone has a dedicated raise and lower button to adjust the zone. • Each zone has a dedicated 7-LED bar graph for level status. Percentage of light level and energy saved is displayed on the info screen. • All zone information has blue backlit LEDs. Backlight turns off when idle for 30 seconds. • High-end and low-end trim settings are adjustable per zone (high end from 99 to 55%; low end from 45 to 1%). Note: Trim for remote zones must be adjusted locally on the Energi Savr NodeTM unit. • Each zone is programmable to only one load type at a time. Info Screen • OLED (organic LED) screen is viewable from all angles. • Screen turns off when idle for 30 seconds. • Programmable zone labels. • Programmable scene labels. • Status of real-time zone percentage and energy savings. • Programmable timeclock schedules. • Programmable shade labels. • Selectable display languages: – English – Spanish – French – Italian – German – Portuguese ® Astronomic Timeclock • Integral to all units. • 7 daily schedules available. • One available holiday schedule is programmable by date up to one year in advance. • 25 events per day maximum. • Timeclock events are programmable to control scenes that affect any Energi Savr NodeTM unit connected on the QS link without changing the local scene on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit . • Astronomic times are programmable by integral city database or by entering latitude and longitude. Sunrise/Sunset times automatically adjust throughout the year based on location. • Automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving Time (DST); DST is programmable. • Local timeclock events can activate any of the following features: – Scenes 1 to 16 and Off – Any available shade presets – Start and End afterhours mode – Enable and Disable daylighting for all zones/groups – Enable and Disable occupancy for occupancy/vacancy sensors – Enable and Disable occupied events for all occupancy sensors System Communications and Capacities • Low-voltage type IEC PELV/NEC® Class 2 wiring connects control units, wallstations, motorized shades, and control interfaces. • A QS system can have up to 100 devices and 100 zones. • A QS system can have up to 30 wireless devices. Infrared • Infrared (IR) receiver allows infrared transmitters to select 8 scenes, raise/lower lighting zones, or raise/lower shades. • Transmitter buttons imitate buttons on faceplate. • 50 ft (15 m) line of sight range. • Terminal block infrared input for connection to a wired IR input from third-party equipment. • IR can be disabled via programming. • Works with Lutron® GRX-IT and GRX-8IT infrared remote controls. SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Specifications (continued) Page5 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 24 15 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL Wireless Control Unit 10/13/14 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 6 01.15.14 Specifications (continued) Wireless RF Compatibility • Features Lutron® proprietary Clear Connect® RF Technology • Operates in the 434 MHz band • Compatible with other Lutron® wireless products/systems, such as: – Pico® wireless control (P/N QSR4P or MRF2) – Radio Powr SavrTM occupancy/vacancy/daylight sensors (P/N LRF2-) – RadioRA® 2 wireless system – Sivoia® QS wireless products – Other GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control units (P/N QSGRJ-) Accessory Controls: Pico® Wireless Control (PJ models) • The Pico® Wireless Control is battery powered. It can control GRAFIK Eye® QS wireless control units within a 30 ft (10 m) range (60 ft [20 m] in open air). It provides the following features: – Control of one or more zones on the GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless control unit: turns zone(s) on or off, raises/lowers zone(s), allows programmable light levels for each button, and goes to user-programmable preset level – Control of one or more scenes on the GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless control unit: the Pico® wireless control can access any three sequential scenes (1 through 16), or any two sequential scenes and Off; and can raise and lower lighting levels. Note: “Unaffected” is not a valid level for Pico® zone programming. ® Accessory Controls: QS Sensor Module (QSM2) • The QS Sensor Module provides a means to link wired or wireless occupancy sensors or daylight sensors, Pico® controls, and wired infrared sensors to a GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit via the wired QS link. – Occupancy sensors wired (or wirelessly linked) to a QS Sensor Module can be used by one or more GRAFIK Eye® QS control units on the wired link. – Daylight sensors wired (or wirelessly linked) to a QS Sensor Module can be used by one or more GRAFIK Eye® QS control units on the wired link. – Pico® wireless controls can control either one or more zones or scenes on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit. – Pico® wired controls can be used, when connected to a QS Sensor Module, to control one or more zones or scenes on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit. – Infrared sensors can control either one or more zones or scenes on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit. Functionality varies; refer to the documentation for the QS Sensor Module for details. Accessory Controls: Contact Closure Input/Output Interface (QSE-IO) • Recalls preset light levels for the following set of scenes on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit: – Scenes 1– 4 and Off – Scenes 9 –12 and Off – Scenes 5 – 8 and Off – Scenes 13 –16 and Off • Sequence scenes 5 –16, Enable/Disable Zone Lockout, Enable/Disable Scene Lockout, Enable/Disable Panic Mode, Enable/Disable Timeclock. • Occupancy Sensors. An individual input counts as 1 occupancy sensor for the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit. Each input can be assigned to either Scene Control or Zone Control (please refer to the Occupancy Sensor(s) section of this guide). • Zone Toggle. Allows an input to toggle one or more zones between programmable preset level(s) and off. • Shade Output mode. A Shade Column on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit can be linked to control outputs 1– 3 and/or outputs 4 – 5 on the QSE-IO. Accessory Controls: DMX Output Interface (QSE-CI-DMX) • Any zone on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit can be mapped to any single DMX512 Channel. • Any zone on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit can be simultaneously mapped to any three DMX512 channels (providing RGB/CMY control). • DMX loads cannot be used with daylighting. SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Accessory Controls: seeTouch® QS Wallstations (QSWS2) • Wired seeTouch® QS wallstations provide the following features: – Access to one or more of the 16 scenes on the GRAFIK Eye® QS Wireless control unit – Zone toggle, partitioning, sequencing, fine tune, panic mode, and timeclock enable/disable – Contact closure inputs – Certain functions are only available on specific wallstation configurations. Refer to the seeTouch® QS specification submittal. Page6 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 25 16 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL Wireless Control Unit 10/13/14 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 7 01.15.14 Specifications (continued) Accessory Controls: QS Keyswitch Wallstations (QSWS2-KS) • Recalls preset light levels for any two scenes including Off • Allows fine-tuning (raise/lower level) of a zone or group of zones • Starts/Stops scene sequencing (Scenes 1 – 4 or Scenes 5 – 16) • Enables/Disables Timeclock • Enables/Disables occupancy sensors • Enables/Disabled daylight sensors • Allows toggle of Zone(s) to a preset level and off • Enables/Disables panic mode • Starts/Stops afterhours mode Other Accessory Controls and Devices • Energi Savr NodeTM QS (ESN). See the Specification Submittal for complete details. Occupancy Sensor(s) • The GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit works with occupancy sensors through either: – Scene Control: Up to four sensors activate user‑selectable occupancy and vacancy scenes. – Zone Control: Up to four sensors per zone activate user‑selected occupancy and vacancy zone levels. • Occupancy sensors may include: – Contact closure sensors wired to CCI input on back of the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit – Wireless Radio Powr SavrTM occupancy or vacancy sensors (model numbers starting with LRF2) – Wired or wireless sensors connected QS Sensor Module (QSM) • If any sensor in a group detects occupancy, then the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit will go to the designated occupancy scene or zone level. • If all sensors in a group detect vacancy, then the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit will go to the designated vacancy scene or zone level. • Low battery: the Diagnostics screen will display a low battery symbol when applicable. • If the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit does not receive a signal from an occupancy sensor on the link (usually due to a dead battery), the lights associated with that sensor will go to the occupied level. ® Daylight Sensor(s) • The GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit allows daylight sensors to control one or more lighting zones to adjust electric light levels based on measured daylight levels. • Daylight sensors may include: – Wireless Radio Powr SavrTM (model numbers starting with LRF2) – Wired or wireless sensors connected to a QS sensor module (QSM) • A daylight sensor can control one or more GRAFIK Eye® QS zones: – Each zone can be calibrated to target light levels – A zone can be controlled by no more than one daylight sensor • Daylight control can be enabled or disabled on a scene‑by-scene basis – By default, daylight control is enabled in all scenes Note: Daylight control through the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit only affects select lighting loads. Shade groups cannot be controlled by daylight sensors. Daylighting does not affect DMX or RGB/CMY DMX loads. Daylighting of Remote Zones linked to Energi Savr NodeTM zones must be configured at the Energi Savr NodeTM unit or through the iPod. Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Accessory Controls: Ethernet and RS232 Interface (QSE-CI-NWK-E) • Allows for monitoring and control of the outputs and local scenes of the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit. iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries. SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Page7 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 26 17 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL Wireless Control Unit 10/13/14 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 8 01.15.14 Specifications (continued) Remote Zone Mapping • Map a GRAFIK Eye® QS zone directly to an Energi Savr NodeTM output so that programmed scenes in the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit will directly control the output levels of the Energi Savr NodeTM. • Adjust high-end and low-end trim for remote zones through the Energi Savr NodeTM or Energi Savr app software. • Change load types of remote zones through the Energi Savr NodeTM or Energi Savr app software. • Configure daylighting for remote zones through the Energi Savr NodeTM or Energi Savr app software. • Required: – GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit with firmware version 7.000 or higher – Energi Savr NodeTM unit with firmware version 6.000 or higher – Energi Savr app version 6.0.0 or higher (required only if the Energi Savr NodeTM unit has been configured using the app) Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Contact Closure Input (CCI) with Power Supply Output • Each GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit has one contact closure input (Terminal A). – The attached device must provide a dry contact closure or solid-state output. – Input is miswire-protected up to 36 V-. • The contact closure is capable of accepting the following types of inputs: – Maintained (default): The GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit will act on both a contact closure and a contact open/release event. – Momentary: The GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit will act on only contact closure events. • Each GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit can supply 50 mA maximum at 24 V-. – Useful for powering occupancy sensors. – An auxiliary power supply must be used if the device requires more than 50 mA. • The CCI is capable of operating in the following modes – Occupancy: If an occupancy sensor is wired directly to the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit, choose this setting so that the occupancy sensor will work correctly. – Emergency: This setting allows the GRAFIK Eye® QS to work with a LUT-ELI. When an emergency situation is detected, all lights will go to full on, and no operations will be allowed until the emergency signal is cleared. – Afterhours: Allows the CCI to start and end the afterhours mode. – Timeclock: Allows the CCI to enable and disable the timeclock. – Scene Lockout: Prevents the user from making any changes to the control unit. The current scene will stay on until the CCI enables normal operation. – Never Save: Prevents any changes from being saved while the CCI is being used. – Disable CCI: The CCI will have no effect on the system and will not appear on the list of available sensors. Partitioning • When partition is open, creating one large space, automatically combines lighting preset functions for multiple GRAFIK Eye® QS control units. • When partition is closed, creating two or more smaller spaces, lighting preset functions become independent. • Requires one QSWS2-2B wallstation, a GRX-IRPS infrared transmitter/receiver pair, and a GRX-12VDC power supply for operation. • If occupancy sensors are required in a partitioned space, note that each room’s occupancy sensor(s) will operate independent of the partition status. Security Lockout Password • A 4-digit password (using characters A to Z and 0 to 9) can be enabled/disabled to lock out access to the Programming Menu. • By default there is no password enabled on the GRAFIK Eye® QS control unit. • If case the 4-digit password is forgotten, contact Lutron® Technical Support to regain access. ® SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Page8 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 27 18 of 19 Cortland County Office Building Auditorium Lighting Proposal CONFIDENTIAL 10/13/14 Wireless Control Unit 4.a Preset Dimming Controls 369313d 9 01.15.14 Capacities Unit Capacity (watts) MLV Zone Capacity (watts) MLV 220 – 240 V~ 50 / 60 Hz 3000 3000 VA / 2400 W 40 – 1200 40 – 1200 VA / 40 – 960 W 120 V~ 50 / 60 Hz 2000 2000 VA / 1600 W 25 – 800 25 – 800 VA / 25 – 600 W X J O Attachment: Cortland Auditorium Lighting 10132014 (2261 : Auditorium Lighting) Load Type Notes • All electronic low-voltage (ELV) lighting used with an interface must be rated for reverse phase control dimming. Before installing an ELV light source, verify with the manufacturer that their transformer can be dimmed. When dimming, an ELV interface (such as the PHPM-PA-DV-WH) must be used with the control unit. • Not all zones must be connected; however, connected zones must have a minimum load as specified above. • Maximum total lighting load for a magnetic low-voltage (MLV) varies by input voltage: – 120 – 127 V~: 800 VA / 600 W – 220 – 240 V~: 1200 VA / 960 W • Maximum total lighting load for Lutron® Tu-Wire® and Advance Mark X® electronic dimming ballasts (120 to 127 V~ only) must not exceed 6 A per zone or 16 A per unit. • No zone may be loaded with more than the capacity specified above. For higher wattage applications, or for 277 V~ applications, use Lutron power module PHPM-PA, PHPM-WBX, PHPM-PA-DV, PHPM-SW, or PHPM-WBX-DV. • For controlling low-wattage loads (CFL, LED) in a non-dim application, contact Lutron® Technical Support for the appropriate solution. System Limits • The QS wired communication link is limited to 100 devices or 100 zones. ® SPECIFICATION SUB MIT T AL Job Name: CORTLAND COUNTY AUDITORIUM Page9 Model Numbers: QSGRJ-3P Job Number: Prepared by: SmartWatt Energy, Inc Packet Pg. 28 19 of 19