S-selection (semantic selection) Syntax 3 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 !The oppinion kissed Kim !The oppinion skidded 1 S-selection – a predicate that assigns an agent and a theme θ-roles to its arguments has a different meaning from the one that only assigns a theme θ-role. – Each θ-role in the predicate’s meaning entails (requires) that the verb’s argument possess certain general properties (e.g., be animate, have volition, be movable, etc.) – Each predicate also imposes specific requirements on its arguments – due to its own specific meaning ( e.g., be liquid, be edible, etc.) – If a predicate combines with arguments that do not satisfy these expectations the result is semantic anomaly Brown University -- CG41 3 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 C-selection (categorial selection) 2 !My toothbrush is pregnant !The pizza is too hot to drink. pregnant < property > | [+female] drink < agent, theme > | [+fluid] !The witch used her dream to fly out to the forest Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 4 C-selection kiss, V [NP, NP] *Sandy told to Tom that she is hungry Sandy told Tom that she is hungry tell, V [NP, NP, CP] Sandy said to Tom that she is hungry *Sandy said Tom that she is hungry say, V [NP, PP, CP] Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 S-selection • A part of predicate’s meaning is the type of θ roles it assigns (its θ - grid): Sandy talked to Tom about the movie *Sandy talked Tom about the movie skid < theme > *Sandy kissed *Sandy skidded Kim c-selection, s-selection, Textbook pg. 226-233 X-bar theory – not in textbook *Sandy kissed to Tom Sandy kissed Tom kiss < agent, theme > Sandy kissed Kim Sandy skidded • A part of predicate’s syntax is: – Information about syntactic category of its arguments – This information must be in the lexical entry of the predicate because it is not predictable from the meaning of the predicate talk, V [NP, PP, PP] 5 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 6 1 Neurolinguistic evidence for semantic and categorial selection • Violations of s- e s lection and c- selection can be detected in electrical activities of the brain X-bar theory of syntactic structure • ERP (brain event related potentials) Munte et al (1998) have found that there are two different types of electrical brain activity that correspond to the two types of selection: N400 effect associated with semantic violations P600 effect associated with syntactic violations Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 7 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 The structure of NP I want the book I want the book on the shelf DP DP D' D' DP D' D NP D NP D NP this N' the N' the N' N N' PP book N P' book I want the book on the shelf with a blue cover 8 N' PP P' P DP N on D' book I want the one I want the one with the blue cover and the one with the red cover PP N' P' P DP on D' P NP with N' D NP the N' D NP Adj' N N the N' Adj cover N red shelf AdjP N' shelf Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 9 the big red balls DP D' D' DP D' D NP the N' N' Adj' N Adj balls red D NP D the N' the AdjP AdjP the three big red balls DP N' Mary will eat five apples in the garden NP NumP N' Num' AdjP Mary will eat five apples in the garden every day N' AdjP N' Num Adj' AdjP N' Adj Adj' N three Adj Adj' N big Adj balls big Adj balls red Mary will eat five apples I will do so too Adj' Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 10 The structure of VP The structure of NP the red balls Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 I will do so too I will do so on the veranda I will do so on the veranda every week red 11 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 12 2 VP VP VP V' V' V' V DP eat D' V' V' PP V DP eat D' The structure of AdjP DP V' P' PP P DP V DP in D' eat D' D' P' D NP five N' D NP N five N' D NP D NP N the N' five N' D NP N N the N' garden apples apples apples P DP in I saw an excellent film D NP every N' D' I saw a really excellent film John is fond of Mary N day John is very fond of Mary John isn’t that fond of Mary N garden Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 13 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 14 Structure of PP DP DP D' D' D an NP He is so out of touch in some ways PP D NP PP → P PP AdjP N' an Adj' N AdvP Adj' N Adj film Adv' Adj film excellent AdjP Adv N' AdjP AdjP AdvP Adj' Adj excellent PP fond really Adv' P' P Adv DP Adj PP fond P' very of Mary PP → Deg P’ P’ → P’ PP Adj' P PP PP | | P' P' DEGP PP PP P DP DEG' P DP DEGP out P' in D' DEG out D' DEG' P DP P DEG out D' in P DP D NP of D' some N' so D NP of N' N NP ways N' so P' P' DP D' D NP D NP of N' some N' N touch N N N of Mary PP P' P D DP PP touch ways touch PP → PP PP Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 15 XP X-bar theory of syntactic structure XP ZP adjunct All syntactic categories follow the same schema. We can eliminate category specific rules UP John is a student from Italy ¾ John is a student ¾ John is from Italy X' X' WP a student from Italy is a constituent that expresses two separate properties of John adjunct X YP complement Ö the PP from Italy is an adjunct of the noun student head Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 16 Adjuncts adjunct specifier Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 17 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 18 3 Complement vs. Adjunct Complements Rough approximation: • Complement John is a student of physics. – completes the meaning of a predicate – Can not be reiterated ¾ John is a student ¾ *John is of physics • *buy a book a magazine • *a student of physics of math • Adjunct a student of physics is a constituent that expresses only one property of John – adds more information to the already complete predicate – Can be reiterated Ö the PP of physics is a complement of the noun student Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 • buy a book a day on the street • a big red fluffy cover • A student of physics from Italy in my class 19 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 N V Original motivation for X-bar theory XP XP ACTIVE • The Romans destroyed the city • the Roman’s destruction of the city DP X' D' PASSIVE • The city was destroyed by the Romans • the city’s destruction by the Romans 20 DP X DP destroyed D' X' D' D NP the N' D NP N the N' N Romans' Romans X PP destruction P' D NP the N' P N of city DP D' D NP the N' N city Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 21 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 Grammar (revised) Ambiguities • Lexicon – Morphemes augmented with • syntactic category information (A, N, V, P, C, …) • Subcategorization frames (c-selection) • Theta grid (s-selection plus specific semantic constraints) Lexical Syntactic He gave her a slip. At a Santa Fe gas station: We will sell gasoline to anyone in a glass container She saw a bat. – Morphological rules Dry cleaners ad: “38 years on the same spot” • X-bar schema To be augmented further Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 22 23 A Maine shop: Our motto is to give our customers the lowest possible prices and workmanship Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 24 4 T nsP T ns P D P DP T ns ' D ' T ns V P D w ill V ' w e V D P s e ll D ' D T ns' D' T ns VP D w ill V' we N P DP s e ll D' D DP D' D NP N' P ' P D P to PP N' PP N P' P' N P N ' D' NP D P NP in N' N' P P N P ' g a s o lin e P N P in N ' P DP to D' D A d jP N ' A d j' N A d j c o n ta i n e r A d jP A d j' N N' Adj c o n ta i n e r N g la s s NP the N' AdjP N' N' Adj' N prices Adj' N' Conj Adj N Conj N' N lowest prices and workmanship N workmanship lowest N' NP NP D N' AdjP Adj N ' a ny o ne the N' D ' D DP and P P N DP D' V N ' N ' g a s o lin e DP a nyo ne g la s s Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 25 Brown University -- CG41 Svetlana Godjevac -- Syntax 3 26 5