VISHAY SFERNICE Inductive Products Application Note Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT by Sebastien Marchio This document outlines a method to design switching mode power supplies with PLAC 100 SOFT. 1. START PLAC 100 SOFT 2. LANGUAGE CHOICE To start PLAC100 SOFT connect the USB flash drive on the computer. PLAC100 SOFT must open automatically. If nothing happen when you connect the USB flash drive, double-click on “.exe”. 2 languages are usable: French and English Choose your language: 3. GENERAL PRESENTATION OF LEAF Choice of supply structure Input data PCB layout of selected solutions Solutions summary Output data of selected solution Language 4. CHOICE OF SWITCHING MODE POWER SUPPLY STRUCTURE Click on leaf to select power supply structure: Revision: 16-Sep-13 Document Number: 59057 1 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT APPLICATION NOTE Primary winding current and voltage Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT 5. INPUT DATA 5.1 Flyback Converter 5.2 Forward Converter • Ve (V): Primary network minimum input voltage. 1 Ve 100 V • Ve (V): Primary network minimum input voltage. 1 Ve 100 V • Ve max. (V): Primary network maximum input voltage. Ve Ve max. 100 V • Ve max. (V): Primary network maximum input voltage. Ve Ve max. 100 V VP Ve NP + + VP IS NS Ve VS • VS (V): Voltage needed by the load. 1 VS 100 V NP + + + + L NS VS • VS (V): Voltage needed by the load. 1 VS 100 V VP Ve NP IS VP IS NS Ve VS + NP + IS L NS VS • F (kHz): Working frequency. 50 kHz F 400 kHz • F (kHz): Working frequency. 50 kHz F 400 kHz • Pmax. (W): Maximum power possible for the load. • Pmax. (W): Maximum power possible for the load. • VP (V): Loss voltage involved by the diode. 0.001 V VP 100 V • VP (V): Loss voltage involved by the diode and choke. 0.001 V VP 100 V VP Ve NP + + VP IS NS Ve VS • K definition: + NP + IS L NS VS 5.3 Push-Pull Converter Primary current APPLICATION NOTE • Ve (V): Primary network minimum input voltage. 1 Ve 100 V • Ve max. (V): Primary network maximum input voltage. Ve Ve max. 100 V Imag VP K x Imag NP T + + + + NS IS L VS Ve t (s) • Imag (A): Magnetisation current involved by primary transformer inductance Note • The PLAC 100 SOFT only confirm the viability of solution at maximum power. The designer have to adapt the surrounding electronic to avoid problems of energy accumulated with minimum output power conditions. Revision: 16-Sep-13 2 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT 5.5 Half Bridge Converter • VS (V): Voltage needed by the load. 1 VS 100 V • Ve (V): Primary network minimum input voltage. 1 Ve 100 V VP NP + + + + • Ve max. (V): Primary network maximum input voltage. Ve Ve max. 100 V IS L NS VS VP Ve + • F (kHz): Working frequency. 50 kHz F 400 kHz • Pmax. (W): Maximum power possible for the load. • VP (V): Loss voltage involved by the diode and choke. 0.001 V VP 100 V VP NP + + + + Ve NP L VS • VS (V): Voltage needed by the load. 1 VS 100 V VP IS + L NS IS + NS + Ve VS NP + NS + IS L VS Ve • F (kHz): Working frequency. 50 kHz F 400 kHz 5.4 Full Bridge Converter • Ve (V): Primary network minimum input voltage. 1 Ve 100 V • Ve max. (V): Primary network maximum input voltage. Ve Ve max. 100 V + IS + NS + NP • VP (V): Loss voltage involved by the diode and choke. 0.001 V VP 100 V VP VP Ve • Pmax. (W): Maximum power possible for the load. + Ve L VS NP + NS + IS L VS • VS (V): Voltage needed by the load. 1 VS 100 V VP + APPLICATION NOTE Ve NP + NS + IS L VS • F (kHz): Working frequency. 50 kHz F 400 kHz • Pmax. (W): Maximum power possible for the load. • VP (V): Loss voltage involved by the diode and choke. 0.001 V VP 100 V VP + Ve Revision: 16-Sep-13 NP + NS + IS L VS 3 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT 6. OUTPUT DATA • PCUp (W): Primary copper loss • PCUs (W): Secondary copper loss • Pf (W): Core loss • PTOT (W): Power loss PTOT = Pf + PCUp + PCUs • T °C: Increasing temperature involved by power loss • n: Transformer efficiency • Ve max. possible (V): Ve max. allow by the solution selected: Green color, Ve max. possible is upper than Ve max. input data 6.1 Flyback Converter Primary current • Amax.: Duty-cycle Amax. T T t (s) Red color, Ve max. possible is lower than Ve max. input data • T (s): Period T = 1/F • NP: Primary winding turn number • NS: Secondary winding turn number VP IS 6.2 Forward Converter Ve + + NS • Amax.: Duty-cycle VS Ns m = -------Np Primary current • m: Ratio NP • Al (nH): Inductance factor • L (µH): Primary inductance • Ic (A): Current I c P max = -------------------------------------------------0.98 x A max x V e • 0.98: Hypothetical power efficiency used for the current calculation Amax. T • Imag (A): Magnetisation current involved by primary transformer inductance T t (s) • T (s): Period T = 1/F • NP: Primary winding turn number • NS: Secondary winding turn number • Imax. (A): Maximum current in primary winding VP Primary current APPLICATION NOTE Imax. Imag Ve • m: Ratio NP + + IS L NS VS Ns m = -------Np • Al (nH): Inductance factor • L (µH): Primary inductance t (s) P max I c = -------------------------------------------------0.98 x A max x V e • Ip RMS (A): Primary winding root mean square current • Ic (A): Current • • • • • 0.98: Hypothetical power efficiency used for the current calculation • Imag (A): Magnetisation current involved by primary transformer inductance • Imax. (A): Maximum current in primary winding Is RMS (A): Secondary winding root mean square current Bmax. (T): Maximum magnetic flux density in the core Rp (): Primary winding resistance at 100 °C Rs (): Secondary winding resistance at 100 °C Revision: 16-Sep-13 4 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT • T (s): Period T = 1/F Primary current • NP: Primary winding turn number • NS: Secondary winding turn number Imax. Imag VP NP + + + + IS L NS VS Ve T t (s) • Ip RMS (A): Primary winding root mean square current • Is RMS (A): Secondary winding root mean square current • Bmax. (T): Maximum magnetic flux density in the core • Rp (): Primary winding resistance at 100 °C • Rs (): Secondary winding resistance at 100 °C • PCUp (W): Primary copper loss • PCUs (W): Secondary copper loss • Pf (W): Core loss • PTOT (W): Power loss PTOT = Pf + PCUp + PCUs • T °C: Increasing temperature involved by power loss • n: Transformer efficiency • Ve max. possible (V): Ve max. allow by the solution selected: Green color, Ve max. possible is upper than Ve max. input data • m: Ratio Ns m = -------N p • Al (nH): Inductance factor • L (µH): Primary inductance • Ic (A): Current P max I c = ------------------------------------------------------------0.98 x 2 x A max x V e • 0.98: Hypothetical power efficiency used for the current calculation • Imag (A): Magnetisation current involved by primary transformer inductance Primary current • Imax. (A): Maximum current in primary winding Imax. Imag Red color, Ve max. possible is lower than Ve max. input data Amax. T t (s) T • Ip RMS (A): Primary winding root mean square current 6.3 Push-Pull Converter • Is RMS (A): Secondary winding root mean square current • Amax.: Duty-cycle • Rp (): Primary winding resistance at 100 °C Primary current APPLICATION NOTE • Bmax. (T): Maximum magnetic flux density in the core • Rs (): Secondary winding resistance at 100 °C • PCUp (W): Primary copper loss (for 1 winding) • PCUs (W): Secondary copper loss (for 1 winding) • Pf (W): Core loss • PTOT (W): Power loss PTOT = Pf + 2PCUp + 2PCUs T Amax. T • T °C: Increasing temperature involved by power loss t (s) • n: Transformer efficiency • Ve max. possible (V): Ve max. allow by the solution selected: Revision: 16-Sep-13 5 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT Primary current Green color, Ve max. possible is upper than Ve max. input data Red color, Ve max. possible is lower than Ve max. input data Imax. Imag Amax. T T t (s) 6.4 Full Bridge Converter • Amax.: Duty-cycle • Ip RMS (A): Primary winding root mean square current Primary current • Is RMS (A): Secondary winding root mean square current • Bmax. (T): Maximum magnetic flux density in the core • Rp (): Primary winding resistance at 100 °C • Rs (): Secondary winding resistance at 100 °C • PCUp (W): Primary copper loss • PCUs (W): Secondary copper loss (for 1 winding) T • Pf (W): Core loss Amax. T t (s) • PTOT (W): Power loss PTOT = Pf + PCUp + 2PCUs • T °C: Increasing temperature involved by power loss • n: Transformer efficiency • Ve max. possible (V): Ve max. allow by the solution selected: Green color, Ve max. possible is upper than Ve max. input data • T (s): Period T = 1/F • NP: Primary winding turn number • NS: Secondary winding turn number VP + Ve APPLICATION NOTE • m: Ratio NP IS + NS + Red color, Ve max. possible is lower than Ve max. input data L VS N s m = -------N p • Al (nH): Inductance factor • L (µH): Primary inductance • Ic (A): Current P max I c = ------------------------------------------------------------0.98 x 2 x A max x V e • 0.98: Hypothetical power efficiency used for the current calculation • Imag (A): Magnetisation current involved by primary transformer inductance • Imax. (A): Maximum current in primary winding Revision: 16-Sep-13 6 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT • Ip RMS (A): Primary winding root mean square current 6.5 Half Bridge Converter • Amax.: Duty-cycle • Is RMS (A): Secondary winding root mean square current • Bmax. (T): Maximum magnetic flux density in the core Primary current • Rp (): Primary winding resistance at 100 °C • Rs (): Secondary winding resistance at 100 °C • PCUp (W): Primary copper loss • PCUs (W): Secondary copper loss (for 1 winding) • Pf (W): Core loss • PTOT (W): Power loss PTOT = Pf + PCUp + 2PCUs T Amax. T • T °C: Increasing temperature involved by power loss t (s) • n: Transformer efficiency • Ve max. possible (V): Ve max. allow by the solution selected: Green color, Ve max. possible is upper than Ve max. input data • T (s): Period T = 1/F • NP: Primary winding turn number • NS: Secondary winding turn number Red color, Ve max. possible is lower than Ve max. input data VP + Ve • m: Ratio + NS + NP IS L VS Ns m = -------N p • Al (nH): Inductance factor • L (µH): Primary inductance • Ic (A): Current P max I c = -------------------------------------------------0.98 x A max x V e • 0.98: Hypothetical power efficiency used for the current calculation • Imag (A): Magnetisation current involved by primary transformer inductance Primary current APPLICATION NOTE • Imax. (A): Maximum current in primary winding Imax. Imag Amax. T Revision: 16-Sep-13 T t (s) 7 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT 6.6 General Information • Layout color Output with parallel strap Output without parallel strap Blue Red/green Series strap Parallel strap Yellow Green and red color with parallel straps allow to identify in the same winding the points in phases. • Identification of direction of coupling APPLICATION NOTE For each elementary winding the direction of coupling is identify by a spot. For transformer, the direction of coupling is deduced with this spots: VP Ve Revision: 16-Sep-13 NP + + IS L NS 8 VS Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT 7. CHOKE INDUCTOR An output choke inductor is used as a filter with this switched mode power supplies structure: • Forward if you want forward converter • Push-pull if you want push-pull converter • Full Bridge if you want full bridge converter • Half Bridge if you want half bridge converter 7.1 Choice of Transformer Solution Click on solution which meet your needs. 7.2 Input Data Output current signal • Wave % Write the maximum wave % acceptable for your application: IS • All the other data needed for the inductor calculation are automatically taken from the selected transformer solution. Variation IS • Click on “Choke Inductance” to start choke inductance calculation. t (s) APPLICATION NOTE Wave % = Variation I S ---------------------------------- x 100 IS Revision: 16-Sep-13 9 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT Application Note Vishay Sfernice Versatile Planar Transformer - PLAC 100 SOFT 7.3 Output Data Report of supply input data Supply structure Chokes solutions Output choke data • N: Winding turn number 8. PRINT SOLUTION • L (µH): Inductance value To print or to save a selected solution: • Î (A): Maxiumum current • Click on “Preview”, a new window appear. Output current signal APPLICATION NOTE Report of transformer output data Î • Click on “Print”, a new window appear. Variation I Print • Choose “Landscape”. t (s) • B (T): Maximum magnetic flux density in the core • Choose your printer to print or “Pdf Creator” to save the selected solution. • PCU (W): Copper loss • Pf (W): Core loss • PTOT (W): Power loss PTOT = Pf + PCU • T °C: Increasing temperature involved by power loss • n: Choke efficiency Revision: 16-Sep-13 10 Document Number: 59057 For technical questions, contact: THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT