EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY COURSE OUTLINE COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE CREDIT VALUE PREREQUISITES DURATION OF COURSE EENG225 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (3,0) 3 One semester COURSE LEVEL Second year COURSE TYPE ECTS* VALUE COREQUISITES Semester and year TO BE DETERMINED Spring 2009 *ECTS STANDS FOR EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM THAT WILL BE ADOPTED BY EU COUNTRIES IN 2010 WHICH IS KNOWN AS BOLOGNA PROCESS WEB LINK http://faraday.ee.emu.edu.tr/suysal Name (group) PROF. DR. SENER UYSAL e-mail SENER.UYSAL@EMU.EDU.TR Office EE 219 Telephone 2772 Instructors Assistant(s) (labs/ tutorials) CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION Resistive circuits; circuit analysis methods; energy storage elements; analysis of ac circuits; machines. AIMS & OBJECTIVES At the completion of the course students should be able to: i. Analyse resistive circuits ii. Analyse inductive and capacitive circuits iii. Apply transient and steady state analysis iv. Learn ac dc machines GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES (COMPETENCES) On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed knowledge and understanding of: ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ RESISTIVE CIRCUITS KVL & KCL CURRENT & VOLTAGE DIVISION POWER & ENERGY EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS INDEPENDENT & DEPENDENT SOURCES NODE VOLTAGE ANALYSIS MESH CURRENT ANALYSIS THEVENIN & NORTON EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS SUPERPOSITION PRINCIPLE CAPACITANCE & INDUCTANCE TRANSIENT ANALYSIS STEADY STATE ANALYSIS DC & AC MACHINES On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed their skills in: ¾ ENGINEERING CIRCUIT TECHNIQUES ¾ ENGINEERING CIRCUIT ANALYSIS On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed their appreciation of, and respect for values and attitudes to: ¾ ENGINEERING DEFINITIONS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ¾ DIVERSITY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CIRCUIT ANALYSIS GRADING CRITERIA A An excellent demonstration of KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND SKILLS in the subject (excellent) B (good) C (average) D (barely sufficient) D(narrowly fail) F (fail) NG nil grade Demonstration of good ANALYTICAL SKILLS in solving electrical circuits Demonstration of an acceptable level of acquired UNDERSTANDING of the subject Demonstration of an acceptable level of acquired KNOWLEDGE of the subject Will not be awarded Lacks the basic skills of circuit analysis and still does not know the definition of electrical engineering (circuits) For poor attendance RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER COURSES Please see the Undergraduate Catalogue for Academic Year 2008-2009 LEARNING TEACHING METHODS Lecture slides, tutorials, details explained using Whiteboard, ANALOGIES ASSIGNMENTS Not yet decided METHOD OF ASSESSMENT QUIZZES 20% MIDTERM EXAM 40% FINAL EXAM 40% ATTENDANCE POOR ATTENDANCE WILL BE AN NG TEXTBOOK/S A. R. Hambley, Electrical Engineering Principles & applications, Third Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., 2005. COURSE CONTENTAND PLANNED SCHEDULE- The lecture topics within the semester are as in the following schedule Week Date Topics 1 BASICS 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 KVL & KCL CIRCUIT ELEMENTS AND CIRCUITS SERIES AND PARALLEL RESISTIVE CIRCUITS AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS VOLTAGE AND CURRENT DIVISION QUIZ 1 NODE VOLTAGE ANALYSIS MESH CURRENT ANALYSIS THEVENIN AND NORTON EQUIVALENTS MIDTERM SUPERPOSITION PRINCIPLE CAPACITANCE AND INDUCTANCE QUIZ 2 TRANSIENT ANALYSIS STEADY STATE ANALYSIS AC AND DC MACHINES REVISION ACADEMIC HONESTY - PLAGIARISM Cheating is copying from others or providing information, written or oral, to others. Plagiarism is copying without acknowledgement from other people’s work. According to university by laws cheating and plagiarism are serious offences punishable with disciplinary action ranging from simple failure from the exam or project, to more serious action (letter of official warning suspension from the university for up to one semester). Disciplinary action is written in student records and may appear in student transcripts. PLEASE KEEP THIS COURSE SYLLABUS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE AS IT CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION