Subject Headline Here 2016 Advertising Guide National Defense Industrial Association and National Defense Magazine w w w . NDI A . o r g • w w w . Na t i o n a l D e f e n s e M a g a z i n e . o r g Background The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is a non-partisan, non-profit, educational association, which traces its history to 1919. NDIA is America’s leading Defense Industry association promoting national security. NDIA is proud to provide a legal and ethical forum for the exchange of information between Industry and Government on National Security issues. Our members foster the development of the most innovative and superior equipment, training and support for our warfighters and first responders through our divisions, local chapters, affiliated associations and events. Mission of NDIA • ADVOCATE: Cutting-edge technology and superior weapons, equipment, training, and support for the War-Fighter and First Responder • PROMOTE: A vigorous, responsive, Government – Industry National Security Team • PROVIDE: A legal and ethical forum for exchange of information between Industry and Government on National Security issues NDIA provides its members and customers broad outreach and sector coverage through its chapters, technical, policy, and war-fighting divisions, and the complimentary missions of its affiliate subsidiaries of: • National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA) - provides the training, simulation, related support systems and training services industries a focused, formal organization to represent and promote their business interests in the marketplace. • Association for Enterprise Information (AFEI) - addresses with its Government stakeholders, immediate issues that we faced with regard to information – its generation, use and protection. • Precision Strike Association (PSA) Advancing the art and science of precision engagement concepts and technologies. • Women In Defense, A National Security Organization (WID) - Cultivating and supporting the advancement and recognition of women in national security. National Defense magazine provides authoritative, non-partisan coverage of business and technology trends in defense and homeland security. A highly regarded news source for defense professionals in government and industry, National Defense offers insight and analysis on defense programs, policy, business, science and technology. Special reports by expert journalists focus on defense budgets, military tactics, doctrine and strategy. From the broad industry perspective down to your niche market, National Defense positions your business for success. Our 79,179 BPA audited (June 2015 statement) subscribers find National Defense such a useful source of news and information that they share their copy with an average of 2.8 of their colleagues (publisher’s own data) — expanding the reach of National Defense to over 300,800 readers each month. National Defense is committed to bringing quality information to its readers and providing advertisers an audience of decision-makers with purchasing power. 2 016 A d v e r t i S i n g g u i d e • w w w. n d i A . o r g • w w w. n At i o n A l d e f e n S e M A g A z i n e . o r g Who Will You Reach? Print & digital advertisements will reach: • Professional consulting and service firms • And more... • Members and key staff of the House and Senate • General/Flag officers in military services Reader/MEMBER Profile • Government & military acquisition/ procurement workforce • Is a decision-maker or decision-influencer • Department of Defense personnel • Corporate executives • Involved in purchasing, contracting decisions (86%) • Has taken an action as a result of seeing an ad in National Defense (56%) • Industry prime contractors & subcontractors • Engineers & Scientists • Has a post-graduate degree (56%) or studied at the post-graduate level (13%) • Military, government and industry project managers • Travels extensively — 9.5 business trips within a year (77%) • Personnel in the research and development community • Reports a six-figure household income (77%) (Source: publisher’s own data) 2 0 1 6 A d v e r t i s i n g G u i d e • w w w . n d i a . o r g • w w w . n a t i o n a l d e f e n s e ma g a z i n e . o r g Website Sponsorship NDIA has two websites which we place banner ads. One is and the other is These two sites receive about 122,000 visitors a month (83,900 unique) from the niche market of high technology and security, which includes decision-makers from the military services, DoD, DHS and the defense industry prime and subcontractors. • Decision-makers from the military services, DoD, DHS and the Defense Industry • Defense professionals from over 80 countries • 73% Business Users (.com) and Internet Services (i.e., Verizon and Gmail) Banner Sizes & Pricing Run of Sites 120 x 120 Pixel Square Banner (file 25K max size – animation is allowed) Animated GIF, Flash, HTML5 or JPG 1 Month - $500.00 2 Months - $900.00 3 Months - $1,150.00 6 Months - $1,800.00 12 Months - $2,700.00 • 19% Defense Department and Armed Services • 4% Educational Institutions • 2% Federal Government, Non-DoD • 2% Nonprofit Organizations Currently on these websites we have three sizes of banners available a 120 x120 pixel, a 120 x 240 pixel and a 728 x 90 pixel. The 120 x 120 and the 120 x 240 banners are ROS and advertisers would receive at least 20,000 impressions each month as the two sites receive approx 205,000 page views a month and there is a max allowed of 10 banners per size each month. On average there are 5 banners per size per month, so they have been receiving about 40,000 impressions per month. The 728 x 90 is a ROS and only appears on the magazine website and would receive approximately 100,000 impressions a month as a 100% SOV or 50,000 as a 50% SOV. Run of Sites 120 x 240 Pixel Tower Banner (file 35K max size – animation is allowed) Animated GIF, Flash, HTML5 or JPG 1 Month - $800.00 2 Months - $1,450.00 3 Months - $1,800.00 6 Months - $2,900.00 12 Months - $4,300.00 50 -100% SOV 728 x 90 Leaderboard on only (file 45K max size – animation is allowed) Flash, animated GIF, HTML5 or JPG. Only two banners max at any given time. 1 Month - $2,500.00 3 Months - $6,750.00 6 Months - $12,000.00 12 Months - $21,000.00 All above prices are NET rates. 2 0 1 6 A d v e r t i s i n g G u i d e • w w w . n d i a . o r g • w w w . n a t i o n a l d e f e n s e ma g a z i n e . o r g E-Newsletter Sponsorship NDIA and National Defense currently have three e-Newsletters which can be utilized to reach its members and customers. NDIA & National Defense’s Weekly Insider • Reach approximately 60,000. A weekly e-Newsletter that highlights the latest news coverage from National Defense’s blog. News you need to know about defense and security community. Exclusive opportunity – 1 advertiser per issue. 300 x 250 1 Week - $2,500.00 1 Month - $9,000.00 3 Months - $24,000.00 6 Months - $42,000.00 12 Months - $72,000.00 Banner is a static JPG or GIF no larger than 40K. One month = 4 weeks. Banner prices are NET rates. NDIA’s Defense Watch • Reach approximately 64,000. Monthly e-Newsletter that contains links to recent news on National Defense’s blog and magazine editorial features, highlights upcoming events, policy news, affiliate updates and other association happenings. 728 x 90 (Leaderboard – 1 per issue) 1 Month - $3,000.00 3 Months - $8,100.00 6 Months - $14,400.00 12 Months - $25,200.00 300 x 250 1 Month - $2,500.00 3 Months - $6,750.00 6 Months - $12,000.00 12 Months - $21,000.00 300 x 125 1 Month - $1,750.00 3 Months - $4,725.00 6 Months - $8,400.00 12 Months - $14,700.00 Banners are a static JPG or GIF no larger than 40K. Banner prices are NET rates. 2 0 1 6 A d v e r t i s i n g G u i d e • w w w . n d i a . o r g • w w w . n a t i o n a l d e f e n s e ma g a z i n e . o r g E-Newsletter Sponsorship NDIA’s Policy Weekly Digest • Reach approximately 35,000. Weekly e-Newsletter resource of government acquisition policy, business intelligence, and defense related reports and information. 728 x 90 (Leaderboard – 1 per issue) 1 Week - $1,900.00 1 Month – $6,840.00 3 Months - $18,240.00 6 Months - $31,920.00 12 Months - $54,720.00 300 x 250 (1 per issue) 1 Week - $1,900.00 1 Month – $6,840.00 3 Months - $18,240.00 6 Months - $31,920.00 12 Months - $54,720.00 728 x 90 (In the body 1 per issue) 1 Week - $1,750.00 1 Month – $6,300.00 3 Months - $16,800.00 6 Months - $29,400.00 12 Months - $50,400.00 Banners are a static JPG or GIF no larger than 40K. One month = 4 weeks. Banner prices are NET rates. Podcast Sponsorship National Defense Magazine Monthly Issue Podcast A 15 second sponsor slot is available at the beginning of each podcast. It is a this podcast is brought to you by… sponsorship. Podcast is available on itunes, the magazine’s website and is linked each month in the enewsletter blast to the NDIA members/readers. Pricing 1 Issue - $250.00 3 Issues - $675.00 6 Issues - $1,200.00 12 issues - $2,100.00 All above prices are NET rates. 2 0 1 6 A d v e r t i s i n g G u i d e • w w w . n d i a . o r g • w w w . n a t i o n a l d e f e n s e ma g a z i n e . o r g Print Advertising Rate Information Frequency Covers Cover 4 Cover 2 Cover 3 1X These include full-page, four-color, and premium position charges B&W 2 Color 4 Color $9,785 $9,065 $8,525 $9,160 $8,440 $7,910 $11,635 $12,590 $13,565 $11,030 $11,970 $13,020 $10,255 $11,160 $12,210 $9,305 $10,195 $11,220 FULL-PAGE $5,605 $6,425 $7,455 $4,995 $5,820 $6,830 $4,750 $5,560 $6,665 B&W 2 Color 4 Color $4,125 $5,025 $6,040 $3,785 $4,675 $5,670 $3,465 $4,330 $5,305 $3,140 $4,000 $4,975 $3,090 $3,880 $4,840 $2,695 $3,605 $4,620 $2,500 $3,385 $4,390 $2,270 $3,135 $4,120 $2,035 $2,885 $3,855 1/4 PAGE B&W 2 Color 4 Color $2,100 $3,390 $3,970 Information E $8,925 $9,745 $10,695 $6,150 $6,970 $8,030 B&W 2 Color 4 Color 3X $8,725 $7,970 $7,700 $6,665 $7,510 $8,580 1/3 PAGE 1X 12X B&W 2 Color 4 Color 1/2 PAGE E SPREAD 5 0 5 $10,290 $9,585 $9,000 9X TWO-PAGE SPREAD 5 0 5 0 5 5 6X $10,715 $10,000 $9,400 $1,945 $2,805 $3,795 $1,725 $2,580 $3,540 $1,540 $2,380 $3,320 6X B&W 2 Color 4 Color 9X $1,910 $2,785 $3,745 $1,350 $2,350 $3,260 Advertising Layouts 1/6 PAGE 12X $1,345 $1,255 $2,100 $3,050 $2,205 $3,185 Advertising Layouts e full-page, four-color, m position charges $9,635 TWO-PAGE $9,250 $8,800FULL$8,240 $7,845 PAGE$7,590 $8,995 SPREAD $8,620 $8,150Allow $7,170 for 1/2 PAGE Allow for Live Area Live $8,450 $8,095 $7,665 Area$7,115 Horizontal $6,925 5 0 0 3X 1/2 PAGE 1/2 PAGE Vert. $1,150 TWO-PAGE $1,995 SPREAD Allow for Live Area $2,930 1/3 PAGE $1,050 FULL $1,865 PAGE Allow for $2,785 Live Area $945 $1,750 1/2 PAGE $2,660 Horizontal Island 1/3 PAGE 1/4 PAGE 1/4 PAGE Square Horizontal 1/2 PAGE Vertical 1/2 PAGE Vert. 1/6 PAGE Vertical Vertical Island 1/3 1/3 PAGE 1/4 PAGE 1/4 PAGE 1/6Size PAGE Specifications 2016 Closing Dates Advertising Layouts Square Vertical Vertical Horizontal PAGE $10,460 $9,920 $9,220 $8,370 $8,025 Vertical Issuein Inches Ad Closing Bleed Materials AD LAYOUTS Size in Inches $11,320 $10,760 $10,035 $9,170 $8,760 Size Specifications Due Two-page spread* 16.50 x 10.875 16.75 x 11.125 $12,195 $11,705 $10,980 $10,090 $9,620 January 12/08/15 12/11/15 AD layouts Size in Inches Bleed in Inches Full page* 8.25 x 10.875 8.5 x 01/15/16 11.125 February 01/12/16 Two-page spread* 16.50 x 10.875 16.75 x 11.125 Size Specifications 1/2 page horizontal 7.75 x 4.875 N/A March 02/12/16 02/17/16 Full page* 8.25 x 10.875 8.5 x 11.125 1/2 page island 4.877 N/A April x 6.87503/15/16 03/18/16 $5,995 $5,530 $5,0407.75 $4,495 $4,270 1/2LAYOUTS page horizontal x 4.875 N/A AD Size in Inches Bleed in Inches 1/2 page vertical 3.468 N/A May x 10.304/12/16 04/15/16 1/2 page island $5,7804.877 x 6.875 $5,025 N/A $6,750 $6,265 $5,235 Two-page spread* 16.50 x 10.875 16.75 x 11.125 June 05/13/16 05/18/16 1/3 page vertical 2.171 x 10.3 N/A 1/2 page vertical 3.468 x 10.3 N/A $7,715 $7,220 $6,705 8.25 $6,140 $5,995 Full page* x 10.875 8.5 x 11.125 July 06/10/16 06/15/16 1/3 page square 4.877 x 4.875 N/A 1/3 page vertical 2.171 x 10.3 N/A 1/2 page horizontal 7.75 x 4.875 N/A August 07/08/16 07/13/16 1/4 page horizontal 7.75 x 2.429 N/A 1/3 page square 4.877 x 4.875 N/A September 08/16/16 08/19/16 1/2 4.877 x 6.875 N/A N/A 1/4 page vertical 1/4page pageisland horizontal 7.75 x 2.429 3.60 x 4.875 N/A $3,710 $3,405 $2,825 $2,805 October 09/13/16 09/16/16 1/2 vertical x 10.3 N/A 1/6 page vertical 1/4page page vertical$3,1203.603.468 x 4.875 N/A 2.339 x 4.875 N/A November 10/11/16 10/14/16 $4,520 $4,205 $3,600 $3,490 1/6page page vertical$3,8952.339 x 4.875 N/A 1/3 vertical 2.171 x 10.3 N/A December 11/04/16 11/09/16 *Full Page Live Area 7.75 x 10.375 *Full Page Live Area 7.75 x 10.375 4.877 $5,435 $5,100 $4,770 $4,475 $4,355 1/3 page square x 4.875 N/A 1/4 page horizontal 7.75 x 2.429 N/A 1/4 page vertical 3.60 x 4.875 N/A 2 0 1 6 A d v e r t i s i n g G u i d e • w w w . n d i a . 2010 o r g • Closing w w w . n a t Dates i o n a l d e f e n s e ma g a z i n e . o r g 1/6 page vertical 2.339 x 4.875 N/A $2,425 $2,250 $2,045 $1,830 $1,720 Issue Ad Closing Electronic Materials Due $3,245 $3,045 $2,820 $2,595 $2,505 *Full Page Live Area 7.75 x 10.375 January 12/8/09 12/10/09 $4,155 $3,945 $3,705 $3,470 $3,370 February 1/7/10 1/12/10 Tradeshow Bonus Distribution List National Defense magazine is distributed at most of NDIA and its affiliate associations’ events. The magazine is also distributed at other industry events that NDIA attends as an exhibitor. Please visit for more details about many of the events listed on this page. JANUARY APRIL AUGUST •27th Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict (SO/LIC) Symposium & Exhibition •SHOT Show •Marine West •Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) Advanced Planning Briefing for Industry •AFEI’s FITARA Implementation Symposium (Series III) •Defense Systems Acquisition Management Course (DSAM) •Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Conference •SPIE Defense, Security, & Sensing •AAAA – Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit •Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Spring Conference •32nd Annual National Logistics Forum •Medical Research, Development and Acquisition in Support of the Warfighter •Armaments Systems Forum •MODSIM World 2016 •NDIA’s Michigan Chapter’s Defense EXPO/MDEX •2016 Warheads & Ballistics Classified Symposium FEBRUARY •AFCEA & U.S. Naval Institute West •Pacific Operational Science & Technology Conference •NTSA’s 2016 M&S Leadership Summit •Trusted Microelectronics Workshop •Human Systems Conference •TRIAD •How Washington Works Navigating the DoD •NDIA’s Mastering Business Development Workshop MARCH •Ground Robotics Capabilities Conference & Exhibition •31st Annual National Test and Evaluation Conference •Live Fire Test & Evaluation •Munitions Executive Summit •PSA’s Precision Strike Annual Review (PSAR-16) •Women In Defense National Conference •Defense Systems Acquisition Management Course (DSAM) •NDIA’s Michigan Chapter’s Cybersecurity Defense Sector Summit •NDIA’s Greater Los Angeles Chapter’s 66th Annual West Coast Dinner & Acquisition Forum SEPTEMBER •Modern Day Marine •National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) •Air Force Association Annual Air & Space Conference and Technical Exposition •Joint Undersea Warfare Technology Fall Conference •Insensitive Munitions & Energetic Materials Technology Symposium MAY •Special Operations Forces Industry Conference & Exhibition (SOFIC) •Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International’s (AUVSI) Xponential •Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space •ITEC 2016 •59th Annual FUZE Conference •29th International Symposium on Ballistics •NTSA’s Simulation & Training Community Forum (STCF) •How Washington Works •NDIA’s Iowa Illinois Chapter – Midwest Small Business Government Contracting Symposium OCTOBER •Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Annual Meeting NOVEMBER •TBD DECEMBER •Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation & Education Conference (I/ITSEC) Bonus distributions subject to change. JUNE •Eurosatory •NTSA’s TSIS (Training and Simulation Industry Symposium) 2016 •AFEI’s DI2E Plugfest JULY •7th Annual Integrated Air and Missile Defense Symposium •How Washington Works 2 0 1 6 A d v e r t i s i n g G u i d e • w w w . n d i a . o r g • w w w . n a t i o n a l d e f e n s e ma g a z i n e . o r g 2016 Editorial Calendar JANUARY • ISR Technology • Expeditionary Warfare FEBRUARY • Tactical Communications • Homeland Defense MARCH • Robotics Technology • Smart Weapons APRIL • Tactical Wheeled Vehicles • Defense Logistics MAY • Special Operations Forces • Unmanned Systems JUNE • Information Technology • International Defense Market JULY • Naval Warfare • Rotary Wing Modernization AUGUST 2016 MEGA DIRECTORY • Directory of Defense Corporations • Directory of Military Acquisition Programs SEPTEMBER • Air Power • Marine Corps Programs OCTOBER • Combat Vehicles • Soldier Systems NOVEMBER • Special Science and Technology Issue DECEMBER • Special Issue: Modeling, Training & Simulation The topics listed in this calendar only comprise about one-third of the editorial content each month. Editorial calendar subject to change. Visit for the latest updates. 2 0 1 6 A d v e r t i s i n g G u i d e • w w w . n d i a . o r g • w w w . n a t i o n a l d e f e n s e ma g a z i n e . o r g Print Materials, rules and Contact information national defense Print sPecifications additional sPecifications National Defense Magazine and the NTSA’s Annual Training & Simulation Trends and Technology Review (I/ITSEC Exhibits Guide) are published through a fully digital, direct-to-plate workflow. In order for us to ensure correct, high quality output from your files, please follow these specifications. • Magazine Trim Size: 8.25 x 10.875 • Line screen: 133 lpi (lines per inch) • National Defense and the NTSA Yearbook are printed on a web-offset press • Files are output at 133 line screen for text pages and covers • Two-color ads must be saved as CMYK files • Please make sure all colors are CMYK – NO RGB COLORS • Black and white ads should be saved as grayscale files • Total density factors of all colors should not exceed 280% P R E F E R R E D F O R M AT • PDF: High resolution PDFs with: 1. All fonts embedded (no True Type fonts accepted) 2. Correct color mode (CMYK or Grayscale) 3. 300 dpi resolution. 4. No OPI settings (Uncheck “Preserve OPI comments” in Advanced preferences) A C C E P T E D F O R M AT S • INDESIGN: All fonts and linked images must be supplied with the files. Avoid reducing large files placed in Indesign. • ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR: All type set in Adobe Illustrator must be converted to paths. Files should be saved in .EPS format. Embedded Photoshop files must be CMYK or grayscale. • ADOBE PHOTOSHOP: Files should be flattened and saved in .PSD format. CMYK or grayscale mode only. advertising coPy and contract rules For information regarding production requirements, special positions, supplements, bound or tipped inserts, rates, and other information, please contact the Vice President of Advertising. materials Original advertising materials are discarded 12 months after publication unless agency/client requests, in writing, the return of such materials. freQuency rates Credits earned by increasing frequency rate are applied to future billing. invoices All invoices are due 30 days after date of billing. Past due invoices are subject to 1% service charge per month. Delinquent accounts are reported and advertising suspended. All costs of collection, including attorney fees, are charged for accounts referred for collection. A hard-copy proof (laser print or fax proof) must be supplied so we can verify output. Color ads require a color proof. how to suBmit advertising materials • Email to and • Upload to our FTP site (email us for FTP user/password) • Mail or FedEx/UPS to: Attn: Advertising National Defense 2111 Wilson Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22201-3061 dual resPonsiBility Billing directed to advertising agency at the net rate approved upon condition that the client accepts “dual responsibility” for payment if the agency does not remit within 30 days. commissions Commissions of 15% of gross print rate are applicable to recognized agencies on space, color, positions, and inserts. All published digital ad rates are net payable. additional Provisions Please visit CopyandContractRules.aspx to view the additional provisions that apply. MeMBer of For information concerning National Defense’s BPA statement, advertising sales, rates, or related matters, contact the v.P., Advertising. National Defense is BPA certified. to discuss advertising oPtions or any Questions Please contact: dino Pignotti Vice President, Advertising Tel: (703) 247-2541 Fax: (703) 522-4602 Email: 2 016 A d v e r t i S i n g g u i d e • w w w. n d i A . o r g • w w w. n At i o n A l d e f e n S e M A g A z i n e . o r g