Overview of TAE40110 RPL Requirements Summary of evidence

Overview of TAE40110 RPL Requirements
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Overview of TAE40110 RPL Requirements
Summary of evidence you’ll be asked to provide if you decide to proceed
with RPL assessment
To be successful in your application for RPL, you must be able to provide the evidence listed below. This list is not
exhaustive, but is intended to give you a general idea of the type and level of evidence we expect.
Evidence required for the TAE40110 CORE UNITS
1. TAEDES401A - Design and develop learning programs
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Design and
Deliver Training course.
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Introduction
to VET course.
You will need to provide evidence of at least two competency-based learning
programs that you have designed and developed which:
- Each have a total duration of at least half a day (or longer if appropriate)
- Consist of multiple sessions, sequenced appropriately
- Contain outlines and durations for each session
- Clearly shows the different activities and learning experiences to be used in
the training
- Incorporate some way of checking that the learning outcomes have been
- List the resources to be used
- Have been reviewed by others
At least one of your learning programs must address one or more nationally
recognised units of competency.
You will also need to answer questions showing that you understand adult
learning principles and how they apply to learning program design.
2. TAEDES402A – Use Training Packages and accredited courses to
meet client needs
You will need to provide evidence to show that you have done the following
within the past two years:
- Used the training.gov.au website to access information about Training
- Worked with at least two different Training Packages
- Accessed and interpreted the packaging rules for at least two qualifications,
or a qualification and an accredited course
- Accessed and interpreted the Assessment Guidelines from a Training
- Accessed, analysed and contextualised at least two units of competency
You will also need to answer questions showing that you understand the
components of the VET system in Australia.
Training Services Australia
Version 1.0.0, August 2012
Overview of TAE40110 RPL Requirements
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Evidence required for the TAE40110 CORE UNITS (continued)
3. TAEDEL401A – Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Design and
Deliver Training course.
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Plan,
organise and facilitate
workplace learning
Note: In most cases, we anticipate that the evidence provided for this unit would
relate to classroom-based delivery.
You will need to provide evidence to show that you have done the following:
- Delivered multiple training sessions to a group of students (at least four, but
preferably 8 – 12 students in the group). The training sessions must be at
least 40 minutes minimum duration and be consecutive sessions from a
learning program.
- Developed detailed session plans which clearly show how your training
incorporated a range of learning activities and experiences. The session
plans should contain enough detail so that they could be used by another
‘subject matter expert’ to deliver the sessions the way you would expect to
see them delivered.
- Completed training records relating to the above training.
- Obtained feedback forms from the above training and acted on / responded
to the feedback received (as appropriate)
- Identified and responded to diversity and individual needs
- Accessed and used documented resources and support personnel to guide
inclusive learning practices
You will also need to answer questions showing that you understand adult
learning principles and how they apply to group-based training delivery.
You will also need to deliver an excerpt of one of your training sessions to your
assessor, or provide a video showing you delivering training to a group.
4. TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace
You will need to provide documentary evidence to show that you have planned,
organised and facilitated at least two different workplace learning pathways for
at least two different individuals. These pathways must extend over a period of
time and involve the learner undertaking real workplace activities, on-the-job
(i.e., not just be a one-off training session or a series of training sessions).
Examples of evidence we would expect to see include:
- Documented learning plans
- Learning record
- Documented notes from meetings held with the learner
- Feedback from learners
You will also need to answer questions showing that you have the required
underpinning knowledge for thus unit.
Training Services Australia
Version 1.0.0, August 2012
Overview of TAE40110 RPL Requirements
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Evidence required for the TAE40110 CORE UNITS (continued)
5. TAEASS401B – Plan assessment activities and processes
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Workplace
Assessment course.
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Workplace
Assessment course.
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Workplace
Assessment course.
You will need to provide evidence to show that you have:
- Developed and documented typed assessment plans for units of
competency which include details of the of competencies addressed,
assessment methods to be used, evidence to be collected, etc
- Developed at least two assessment instruments, mapped them to the
relevant units of competency and had them reviewed and trialled
- Developed at least one assessment plan for a recognition of prior leaning
(RPL) assessment
You will also need to answer questions showing that you understand the rules
of evidence, principles of assessment, and other key concepts which underpin
this unit.
6. TAEASS402B – Assess competence
You will need to provide evidence to show that you have assessed at least two
different people against different units of competency. At least one of these
must be a recognition of prior learning (RPL) assessment. As a minimum, we
would expect to see:
- Units of competency on which the assessments are based
- Written plan for each assessment
- Evidence of pre-assessment briefing having occurred
- Completed assessment tools
- Completed assessment record
You will also need to provide information about how you prepared for and
conducted each assessment, the feedback you provided to the candidates, etc.
7. TAEASS403B – Participate in assessment validation
You will need to provide evidence to show that you have participated in two or
more assessment validation activities which, between them, cover validation of
assessment plans, tools / instruments, evidence and decisions.
As a minimum, we would expect to see:
- Unit(s) of competency on which the validation was based
- The validation criteria used
- Written comments about the validation findings, including recommendations
for improvement
- Evidence of your involvement in the validation
You will also need to provide information about the validation activity you were
involved in, including how you prepared for and participated in the validation,
and the outcomes of the process.
Training Services Australia
Version 1.0.0, August 2012
Overview of TAE40110 RPL Requirements
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Evidence required for the TAE40110 ELECTIVE UNITS
You will need to provide evidence for three elective units.
Two of these must be from the list of units provided in the packaging rules for TAE40110. The third unit
may be drawn from any currently endorsed Training Package, providing the unit is relevant to your work
and is at the Certificate III level or above.
The evidence that you will be asked to provide will depend on the units you select.
Units that you may wish to consider using include:
TAEDEL301A – Provide work skill instruction
TAEASS301B – Contribute to assessment
BSBCMM401A – Make a presentation
8. TAEDEL301A – Provide work skill instruction
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Design and
Deliver Training course
or Training Services
Australia’s Provide work
skill instruction course.
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Workplace
Assessment course or
Training Services
Australia’s Contribute to
assessment course.
You will need to provide evidence of having delivered at least three training
sessions involving demonstration and instruction of work skills, with each
- Addressing different topics / learning objectives
- Being delivered to a different individual / group
As a minimum, we would expect to see:
- Session plans for the training you have delivered
- Resources used to support the delivery
- Completed training records
If possible, we would also like to see:
- Training feedback forms / evaluation forms from the people you trained
- Observation forms completed by people who have observed you delivering
skills-based training
You will also need to deliver an excerpt of one of your training sessions to your
assessor, or provide a video showing you delivering skills-based training to an
individual or small group.
9. TAEASS301B – Contribute to assessment
You will need to provide evidence to show that you have:
- Participated in at least three different evidence gathering activities with
different candidates for each activity
- Clearly documented the evidence gathered
- Sought feedback from others involved in the assessment process
As a minimum, we would expect to see the completed assessment paperwork
for each evidence gathering activity.
Training Services Australia
Version 1.0.0, August 2012
Overview of TAE40110 RPL Requirements
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Evidence required for the TAE40110 ELECTIVE UNITS (continued)
10. BSBCMM401A – Make a presentation
You will need to provide evidence of having prepared, delivered and evaluated
the effectiveness of at least two presentations. These presentations may have
been made as part of group-based training sessions or they may have been
stand-alone presentations such as:
If you are unable to
provide this evidence,
you may wish to
consider attending
Training Services
Australia’s Design and
Deliver Training course.
- Technical presentations
- Sales presentations
- Safety presentations (e.g., toolbox talk)
- Speeches you have given
As a minimum, we would expect to see:
- An outline / notes for each presentation
- Presentation aids and materials (e.g., PowerPoint presentations, handouts,
posters, etc)
You will also need to deliver an excerpt (5 – 10 mins) of one of your
presentations to your assessor, or provide a video showing you making a
presentation to a group.
Third party verification
You will need to provide verification from a suitable referee that:
(a) The documentary evidence you have provided is your own work
(b) You have been training and assessing to the required standard in the workplace
For full details of the evidence requirements, please request a copy of the TAE40110 RPL kit from
Training Services Australia.
Training Services Australia
Version 1.0.0, August 2012