Volume 54, Number 3-4, 2013 243 Hardware-software Application for Monitoring and Diagnosis of Circuit Breakers Mihai ANDRUŞCĂ, Maricel ADAM, Razvan PANTELIMON, Adrian BARABOI, Cătălin PANCU Abstract: A method to diagnose circuit breakers is presented, which allowed accurate diagnosis of the monitored equipment, based on the comparison of collected data with a similarly recording for detect possible anomalies, respective information on the kind of fault. This paper presents a monitoring and diagnosis system for circuit breakers. Advanced processing and data analysis was performed by using a software application developed in LabVIEW programming environment. A wavelet algorithm was applied to acquired signals during circuit breaker operations for denoising and detrend the signals. The method can predict the early failure, for maintenance of faulty components in order to reduce costs and improve quality in the electric service. Keywords: monitoring, diagnosis, software application, wavelet transform, circuit breaker. 1. INTRODUCTION During operation, electrical equipment (circuit breakers) is subjected to mechanical, thermal and electrical stresses. To avoid some faults in their incipient phase, it is important to monitor the relevant parameters which characterize the technical condition of the equipment. This field of research is in continuous expansion having as a final objective to implement some monitoring system for reduce the required time for testing the circuit breaker, to achieve direct results of the measurements, to compare these results with previous records, to provide a large quantity of information, to have the possibility to test circuit breaker on-line. Introduction of a large number of circuit breaker parameters for monitoring and finding the best method for establish the diagnosis are important research directions in this area. In this paper is presented a fault diagnosis method by means of detects specific changes in acquired parameters from a fingerprint recording, based on differences between values and curves of those parameters. If it is exceeded a predetermined limit value it indicates that one of the characteristics of the circuit breaker is in an unacceptable range. In the paper is described a hardware-software structure and parameters for monitoring and diagnosis of the circuit breaker condition (operative voltage, currents through solenoid coils, travel of contact mobile etc.), and also a software application which is used for advanced processing and analyzing the obtained data. Finally, the experimental tests were performed on a circuit breaker having different abnormal situations that could have place on exploitation: faults in solenoids, low, respective high operative voltage etc. The analyzed circuit breaker was of medium voltage with oil which has the operating mechanism with springs accumulated energy. Abnormal situations encountered in the operation of this circuit breaker type that use accumulated energy in springs can be generalized to any type of medium, respectively high voltage circuit breakers, with this kind of operating mechanism (SF6, vacuum). 2. FAULTS, PARAMETERS AND TECHNIQUES FOR CIRCUIT BREAKERS MONITORING AND DIAGNOSIS Researches performed by experts in the field of circuit breakers monitoring, indicate that over three quarters of major (FM), respectively minor faults (Fm) are of mechanical nature due to operating mechanism and of electrical nature due to auxiliary control circuits, as in Table 1, [1], [2] and [3]. These statistics represent a starting point for design and development of embedded systems for monitoring and diagnosis of circuit breakers. No. crt. 1 2 3 4 5 Table 1. Faults distribution of circuit breakers Faults type FM Nature and manifestation place (%) Mechanical in operating mechanism 40 Mechanical in other parts of circuit breaker 11 Electrical in main circuit 12 Electrical in control and auxiliary circuits 28 Other faults 9 © 2013 – Mediamira Science Publisher. All rights reserved. Fm (%) 40 11 1 11 37 244 ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA Monitoring is the continuous process of gathering relevant information about the monitored equipment while diagnosis is a process that uses information obtained during monitoring in order to verify if the measured values are in accordance with those specified by the manufacturer or with some records determined previously according to which alerts, alarms, recommendations are emitted. Thus, diagnosis is the next step representing the interpretation of on-line and off-line data measured. Monitoring is the basis of diagnosis, but without a diagnosis, the measured data would not have the same value. Monitoring and diagnosis of circuit breakers is orientated on function or/and subassembly (operating mechanism, auxiliary and control circuits, switching function, insulating). In Table 2 are presented the parameters and techniques used in monitoring and diagnosis of operating mechanism, respective auxiliary and control circuits of circuit breakers. Table 2. Parameters and techniques for monitoring and diagnosis Function/ Parameter Techniques and Subassembly device Acting number Counters Operation time Accumulated energy Operating mechanism Auxiliary and control circuits Recording opening / closing time in the primary circuit. Special sensors. Oil pressure, nitrogen pressure, micro-switches position Kinematics Magneto-resistive position sensor, characteristics potentiometer, bar codes technique etc. (travel, velocity) Motor condition Current, voltage and temperature of motor, the number of pump starts, pump recharging time, pump operating total time Vibratory Fourier transform, the frequency fingerprint spectrum and peak frequency. Accelerometers. Operative Voltage sensor voltage Current through Current duration and evolution. coil Shunts, current transformer etc. Circuits continuity Continuity verification by passing a small current or in impulse Auxiliary contacts status Verify the integrity by sequence of the operation, position etc. Those components are responsible for the largest number of faults. Embedding a large number of these parameters, it will allow a more accurate report of the real technical condition of equipment, [3], [4] and [5]. New tendency in circuit breakers maintenance is to pass from the maintenance based on predetermined criteria through maintenance based on condition, which involves introduction of embedded systems for monitoring and diagnosis of their technical condition, [3] and [6]. 3. HARDWARE-SOFTWARE SYSTEM FOR MONITORING AND DIAGNOSTIC The intelligent system of monitoring and diagnostic (SIMDE) of electrical equipment it uses for monitoring and diagnostic of circuit breakers from high and medium voltage electrical installations with onephase and three-phase operation, [6], [7]. The system can be installed on new circuit breakers as well as on existing circuit breakers and allows to obtain information necessary to establish their technical state. The monitoring and diagnostic system can be mounted in the enclosure of operating mechanism or attached on it introducing the system into an exterior enclosure, and it connects in parallel with operating circuits of circuit breaker. On duration of a trip or closing operation of circuit breaker, the system allows to acquisition of the following information about it: - main currents on each phase; - currents through the trip and closing coils; - the displacement of mobile contact; - operating voltage; - status of circuit breaker; - sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) pressure; - motor starting of operating mechanism; - the behaviour of motor protection; - contacts electroerosion; - other 3 analog signals having the range 0-10 V DC, established by the user. The same information can be acquired also in the case of some multiple operations like as rated operating sequence: O-0,3 s-CO-3 min.-CO. The records realised by SIMDE after a trip/closing operation of circuit breaker are sent to PC (through direct connection, GSM modem or SD card) where are analysed, with the help of an adequate software, through comparison with the results of some similar records, and also with the limits anterior programmed. If a limit is exceeded then an alarm signal is released which indicates the fact that one of the circuit breaker’s features is into an unacceptable range. The main technical features of hardware-software system are: - 3 AC channels, galvanic insulated, dedicated to measure the main currents through the current transformers (the load is maximum 0,01 VA); - 13 DC channels, galvanic insulated, dedicated to measure the currents through the trip and closing coils, the operating voltage and the displacement of the mobile contacts (shunts resistance: 0,2 Ω (5 A), 0,1 Ω (10 A), 0,05 Ω (20A)); - 12 digital inputs galvanic insulated, having: 6 channels with one of the following ranges 3-7 V, or 20-60 V, 80-150 V with exterior resistor, the voltages being in DC or AC; 6 channels with ranges 170-250 V DC or AC; - 9 outputs of relay type having contacts NO/NC with features 5 A at 30 V DC, or 5 A at 250 V AC; - serial interfaces: Volume 54, Number 3-4, 2013 -two asynchronous interfaces on RS232 transceiver; -one serial interfaces having TTL logic signals; -one module UART 16C550 for GSM communication; - SD card with storage memory of 2 GB; - alphanumeric display LCD 4x20 characters or graphic display LM24014H; - keyboard with 4 keys; - recording: sampling rate 2 kHz; - external SRAM memory of 1Mb; - EEPROM memory of 512Ko; - triggering of data acquisition: the state changing of any digital inputs; - heating resistance (optional); - voltage supply: 85-265 V AC; 110-330 V DC; - operating temperature: -20 °C ... +40 °C. The Figure 1 shows the block diagram of monitoring and diagnostics system, structure realised with the help of the microcontroller ATMEL ATmega2560 AVR. 4. 245 EXPERIMENTAL INSTALLATION In Figure 2 is presented the electrical diagram used for monitoring and diagnosis of medium voltage circuit breakers from medium voltage installation. This includes: a circuit breaker, respectively a monitoring and diagnosis system consists of sensors/transducers and dedicated hardware-software structure. Circuit breaker, on which data were acquired for diagnosis is with springs operating mechanism. During of closing/closing operations of circuit breaker, the system allows to acquire of following information about it: - main currents on each phase; - currents through the trip and closing coils; - travel of mobile contacts; - operating voltage. To determine the travel is used a resistive sensor (potentiometer) which is reliable and easy to use, ensuring accurate precision. Resistive sensor was attached to a mobile part of the movement transmission system from the operating mechanism to mobile contacts of circuit breaker. Fig.1. Block diagram of system 246 ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA Fig. 2. Electrical diagram of monitoring and diagnosis system for circuit breaker 5. SOFTWARE APPLICATION For an easy interface with the users, a software application was developed in LabVIEW programming environment, [8]. In Figure 3 is represented the architecture for monitoring and diagnosis system of circuit breakers and also the software application structure. After acquire some parameters of circuit breakers with monitoring and diagnosis system, the acquired data are transmitted to a PC, where are subject to a process for processing, analyzing data, visualization in graphical form of signals etc. The software application algorithm developed offers the following features, [7]: - initialization of the application; - uploading data for analysis; Phase currents Circuit breakers Monitoring of current through coils of closing, respectively opening solenoid is performed with shunts. Acquisition of the 3-phase currents is achieved with current transformers, and also for operative voltage is used a voltage sensor. Recordings performed with hardware-software structure for monitoring at the connection/disconnection of the circuit breaker are transmitted to a computer (through direct connection, GSM modem or SD card) where are analyzed using an adequate software, by comparing with the results of similar records, as well as previous limits by programming. In the case when data are transmitted on the memory card of SD type, the monitoring system performs their automatic save after acquisition. The signal acquisition was performed at a sampling rate of 2 kHz, with a resolution to 12 bits, while the recorded signal duration was 260 ms. Operative voltage Currents through solenoids coil Travel of mobile contacts Acquired Upload data data Intelligent System for monitoring and diagnosis of electrical equipment Data Reading LabVIEW software application Calculate monitored parameters Data processing Values and curves visualization Data analysis Alarms, Warnings Reports Fig. 3. Monitoring and diagnosis system of circuit breakers and software application structure - calculate and display the monitored parameters in different graphs or in the same graphs for an easy interpretation; - extracting the characteristic values of the parameters (minimum, maximum etc.); - processing and analyzing data; - generate the alarms and reports. In Figure 4 is presented the front panel of software application that allows uploading the files, both from normal situation and abnormal situation, visualizations the values and curves of obtained data for analyzing them, [9]. Volume 54, Number 3-4, 2013 By compare obtained curves and values of the parameters on the circuit breaker operation in abnormal situations, with the parameters considered normal it can observe the difference between those signals. In Figure 5 is presented a part of block-diagram of the software application, namely the diagram of the subprogram for determination the travel, respective the velocity of mobile contacts. This part of diagram performs: - reading data from the corresponding column for travel of mobile contacts from both saved files current and that considered normal; - removing the offset; - transforming the rotary motion of the displacement transducer into the linear motion of mobile contacts; - performing the signal denoising and detrending; - extracting the minimum and maximum value of the travel of mobile contacts; Fig. 4. Front panel of monitoring and diagnosis system for circuit breaker 247 monitored parameters (maximum, minimum, average etc.), graphical visualization etc. An advanced software component developed by wavelet algorithms for signal processing was designed and implemented in order to extract information from the acquired parameters. The data analysis, in accordance to variable scales in the time and frequency domain, constitutes the basic idea to use the Wavelet theory. The Wavelet Transform (WT) is a mathematical tool for signal analysis. Wavelets are functions that are used to decompose signals. The WT presents local representations in the time and frequency domain of a given signal, [10] and [11]. One of the most effective application of wavelets in signal processing is denoising, or reducing noise in a signal. The wavelet transform-based method can produce much higher denoising quality than conventional methods. Furthermore, the wavelet transform-based method retains the details of a signal after denoising, [12]. For applications that require signal reconstruction, the LabVIEW Wavelet Analysis Tools provide the following wavelet transforms tools: - Discrete wavelet transforms (DWT); - Undecimated wavelet transforms (UWT). Also, the Wavelet Analysis Tools provide the following commonly used discrete wavelets: - Orthogonal wavelets - Haar, Daubechies (dbxx), Coiflets (coifx), and Symmlets (symx); - Biorthogonal wavelets - FBI, and Biorthogonal (biorx_x); where x indicates the order of the wavelet, the higher, the order, the smoother of wavelet. Orthogonal wavelets are suitable for applications such as signal denoising. Fig. 5. Part of block diagram of monitoring and diagnosis system for circuit breaker - derivation the signal of the travel of mobile contacts to obtain the velocity of mobile contacts; - extracting the maximum velocity; - graphical visualization of the acquired parameters. Regarding the other parameters acquired by the monitoring system (operative voltage, phase currents, currents through opening and closing coils) are subject to the same process of signal processing, namely: reading data from files, performing the signal denoising, extracting the characteristic values of Fig. 6. Phase R current with noise and the denoised signal using the wavelet transform-based method. 248 ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA In Figure 6 is presented the denoising case of phase R current signals. It can see the original signal obtained with monitoring system with noise, respective the denoised signal with UWT, respective DWT. The denoising result of the UWT has a better balance between smoothness and accuracy than the DWT. For better denoising, in developed software application it was used the UWT. The wavelet type used for denoising was Symmlets (sym8). The functions WA Detrend, WA denoise and Wavelet Denoise Express from LabVIEW Advanced Signal Processing toolkit was used, [12]. The Wavelet Denoise Express enables to specify parameters and settings for an analysis, to select the wavelet type, specify a threshold and visualization the results immediately. 6. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In Table 4 are presented the circuit breaker condition, possible causes of abnormal situation, respective the nature and manifestation place. Table 4. Circuit breaker conditions No crt. Circuit breaker condition 1 2 Normal condition Abnormal condition, circuit low voltage in interruption, the auxiliary circuit occurrence of short circuits on the solenoid coils or relay Abnormal condition, circuit interruption high voltage in auxiliary circuit Abnormal condition, incorrect settings, low or high respectively changes in accumulated energy in springs physical properties of springs Abnormal condition, inadequate low or high free adjustment of solenoids travel of solenoid air gap Abnormal condition, lack of lubrication, low or high current operative voltage of solenoids out of range 3 4 6 7 On a circuit breaker have been simulated various types of faults that could occur in exploitation and with the help of the software application for monitoring and diagnosis of circuit breakers described above, it can observe the variations of acquired parameters. In Table 3 are presented some parameters considered for diagnosis and their variation range in order to establish circuit breakers technical condition. Table 3. Parameters considered for monitoring and diagnosis of circuit breakers Range No. Considered parameters Unit crt. Minim Maxim 1 Current through opening A 0.7 0.8 solenoid coil 2 Current through closing A 0.7 0.8 solenoid coil 3 Opening coil current A·s 0.55 0.63 profile area 4 Closing coil current profile A·s 0.55 0.63 area 5 Mean operative voltage V 210 220 6 Travel of contact mobile mm 211 218 7 Opening velocity of m/s 4.5 6 contact mobile 8 Closing velocity of contact m/s 3.7 5.2 mobile 9 Opening time ms 44 70 10 Closing time ms 93 123 Possible causes of abnormal situation 8 Other abnormal condition transducers incorrect mounting Nature and manifestation place electrical faults in the control and auxiliary circuit electrical faults in the control and auxiliary circuit mechanical faults in operating mechanism electrical faults in the control and auxiliary circuit (fault in solenoid) mechanical or electrical faults in the control and auxiliary circuit fault in transducers Further, the cases which were selected for presenting are: - electrical faults in the control and auxiliary circuit: faults in solenoid. - faults on travel transducer. 6.1. Solenoid faults Monitoring the current through solenoid coil provides information on start time and end time of mobile armature movement and also on start time of open the auxiliary contacts. From changes of coil current timings can be deduced the occurrence of some problems (lack of lubrication, inadequate adjustment of solenoids) in control system of the operating mechanism, [4]. Ib (A) 0.9 A C 0.7 0.5 B The proper analyses of these parameters may identify some abnormal situations in circuit breaker operation; respective may detect a fault of the circuit breaker. If the value of one or more of the presented parameters in Table 3 exceeds the allowable limits it indicates that one of the circuit breaker characteristics is into an unacceptable domain. 0.3 0.1 0 20 40 60 80 Time (ms) Fig. 7. Evolution of current through opening coil 249 Volume 54, Number 3-4, 2013 In Figure 7 is given the current evolution from opening coil recorded for a 24 kV circuit breaker with spring-operated mechanism. It can be seeing the three timings as follows: A- armature starts, B-armature stops, C-auxiliary contact opens). In Figure 8 are presented the records of current through opening coil, operative voltage and travel, respectively velocity of mobile contact for values adjusted of the air gap armature of opening solenoid of 3 mm, 7 mm, 9 mm and 12 mm. The reference value is considered of 9 mm. Uop X (mm) v ·0.06(m/s) X Uop·0.83(V) Ib·0.005(A) v Ib δ=12 mm δ=9 mm δ=7 mm δ=3 mm Fig. 8. Evolution of opening travel (X), respectively velocity (v) of mobile contact, operative voltage (Uop), current through solenoid coil (Ib) at different values of solenoid air gap In Table 5 are presented the parameter values that are influenced by the changes of free travel of air gap of opening solenoid. - mean operative voltage values decreases with higher free travel of air gap, respectively increases with lower free travel of air gap. 6.2. Fault in sensors/transducers During the experiments, due to many manoeuvres and high vibration produced on them duration, it was observed a fault to the displacement transducer. In case of such anomalies, after analysis the monitored parameters it can conclude following, Table 6 and Figure 9: - important changes are observed between the abnormal travel evolution of the mobile contact and the record considered normal; - a significant decrease of maximum velocity is noticed which is less than 60% from than reference value, being on below of the limit specified by the equipment manufacturer; - the other values of the monitored parameters were found in specified ranges by the manufacturer. Table 6. Monitored parameters of circuit breaker on displacement transducer faults Current Profile area Mean Travel, Velocity, through of solenoid No. operative solenoid coil, coil current, X v voltage, U opm crt. Ib PA (V) (%) (mm) (m/s) (%) (A) (%) (A·s) (%) 1 216.4 100 214 5.58 100 0.76 100 0.62 100 2 216.6 100 214 3.24 0.76 100 0.60 97.8 58 Table 5. Monitored parameters of circuit breaker at different values of solenoid air gap Free travel of Mean Profile area of Travel, Velocity, Current through operative solenoid coil No. solenoid air gap, X v solenoid coil, Ib δ voltage, Uopm current, PA crt. (mm) (%) (V) (%) (mm) (m/s) (%) (A) (%) (A·s) (%) 1 9 100 216.7 100 216.8 5.23 100 0.77 100 0.579 100 2 12 133.3 215.7 99.45 216.2 5.39 103 0.77 100 0.7058 121.9 3 7 77.7 218.4 100.69 212 5.79 110 0.75 97.2 0.5329 92 4 3 42.8 221 101.9 218 4.98 95.2 0.77 100 0.463 80 Experimental results obtained provides following information: - delays in the appearance of specified timing for 12 mm air gap, which leads to a movement to the right of the travel of mobile contact, respectively its velocity; - for the lower values than the reference value of air gap is observed that specified timings occur more quickly, resulting in a movement to the left of the travel of mobile contact, respectively their velocity; - profile area of coil current increase with higher free travel of solenoid, respectively decreases with lower free travel; - maximum values of the current through solenoid coil in the analyzed cases have close values; - maximum values of velocity and travel of mobile contact are in the specified range by the manufacturer; Uop v ·0.06(m/s) X Uop·0.83(V) Ib·0.005(A) X (mm) v Ib normal abnormal due transducer Fig. 9. Evolution of opening travel (X), respectively velocity (v) of mobile contact, operative voltage (Uop), current through solenoid coil (Ib) with faults on displacement transducer 250 7. ACTA ELECTROTEHNICA CONCLUSIONS The paper presents an online monitoring and diagnosis system for circuit breakers which have the role to acquire, to transfer and to process information about the monitored equipment. The main objective of such systems is to detect any change in the monitored parameters based on differences between values and curves of those parameters. The monitoring an diagnostic system, on duration of a trip or closing operation of circuit breaker, allows to acquisition of analog measurements (main currents on each phase; currents through the trip and closing coils; the displacement of mobile contact; operating voltage), respectively event information (opened/closed position of circuit breaker; sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) pressure; motor starting of operating mechanism; the behaviour of motor protection), quantities necessary to establish the technical state of monitored equipment. It was developed a LabVIEW software application used for processing and analyzing the data acquired by the monitoring system which enable advanced data processing and visualization of the monitored parameter waveforms, both for normal, respective abnormal condition for an easy interpretation of data. Calculation of monitored parameters and display the waveforms was performed after wavelets-based adaptive filtering of the acquired signals, filters that are used to perform denoising and detrending of the original signal. After the analysis of acquired parameters, in the case of fault in solenoids, respective faults in transducers, it can conclude following: - at a fault in solenoid is observed that all monitored parameters are changed by the reference record. - on displacement transducer fault is observed a significant difference on travel evolution of mobile contact, respectively of its velocity values from the reference. The obtained results can be used to analyze other circuit breakers with similar characteristics. Acknowledgment. This paper was realised with the support of POSDRU CUANTUMDOC “DOCTORAL STUDIES FOR EUROPEAN PERFORMANCES IN RESEARCH AND INOVATION” ID79407 project funded by the European Social Found and Romanian Government. REFERENCES M. Andruşcă, M. Adam, R. 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