Stable Limit Cycles, Multiple Steady States and Complex Attractors in Logit Dynamics Marius-Ionut Ocheay University of Amsterdam 15th January 2008 Abstract We investigate, via standard Rock-Scissors-Paper and Coordination games, the occurrence of periodic and complex behaviour in a smoothed version of the Best Response Dynamics, the Logit Dynamics. The …ndings are that, …rst, in contrast with the Replicator Dynamics, generic Hopf bifurcation and thus, stable limit cycles, do occur under the Logit, even for three strategy games. Second, the Logit displays another phenomenon which does not occur under the Replicator: multiple, interior steady states created via a sequence of fold bifurcations. The basins of attraction of these interior point-attractors vary non-monotonically both with the payo¤ and the behavioural parameters; they allow the computations of the long-run aggregate welfare which is maximized when agents are only moderately ’rational’. Last, we …nd, in a four strategy game, a period-doubling route to chaotic dynamics under a ’weighted’version of the Logit dynamics. I am particularly grateful to my supervisor, Prof. Cars Hommes, for his valuable comments and kind support during writing this paper. y PhD student, Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance(CeNDEF), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands; e-mail:; phone: + 31 20 525 7356 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation A large part of the research on evolutionary game dynamics focused on identifying conditions, both in the class of dynamics (Samuelson and Zhang (1992), Hofbauer and Weibull (1996), Hofbauer (2000), Cressman (1997), Sandholm (2005)) and underlying games (Milgrom and Roberts (1990), Nachbar (1990), Hofbauer and Sandholm (2002)), for uniqueness of and convergence towards point-attractors such as Nash Equilibrium and Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS). Nevertheless, there are some examples of periodic and chaotic behaviour in the literature, mostly under a particular kind of evolutionary dynamic, the Replicator Dynamics. Motivated by the idea of adding an explicit dynamical process to the static concept of Evolutionary Stable Strategy, Taylor and Jonker (1978) introduced the Replicator Dynamics; it found soon applications in biological, genetic or chemical systems, those domains where organisms, genes or molecules evolve over time via replication. The common features of these systems are that they can be well approximated by an in…nite population game with random pairwise matching, giving rise to a replicator-like evolutionary dynamics given by a low-dimensional dynamical system. In the realm of non-convergence literature two issues are particularly important: the existence of stable periodic and complicated solutions and their robustness(to slight perturbations in the payo¤s matrix). Hofbauer et al. (1980) and Zeeman (1980) investigate the phase portraits resulting from three-strategy games under the replicator dynamics and conclude that only ’simple’ behaviour - sinks, sources, centers, saddles - can occur. In general, an evolutionary dynamics together with a n strategy game de…ne a proper 1 dynamical system on the n n 1 simplex. An important result is Zeeman (1980) conjecture that there are no generic Hopf bifurcations on the 2-simplex: "When n = 3 all Hopf bifurcations are degenerate"1 . Bomze (1983,1995) provides a thorough classi1 Zeeman(1980), pg. 493 2 …cation of the planar phase portraits for all 3-strategy games according to the number, location(interior or boundary of the simplex) and stability properties of the Replicator Dynamics …xed points and identi…es 49 such di¤erent phase portraits; again, only non-robust cycles are created usually via a degenerate Hopf bifurcation. Hofbauer (1981) proves that in a 4-strategy game stable limit cycles are possible under Replicator Dynamics; the proof consists in …nding a suitable Lyapunov function whose time derivative vanishes on the ! limit set of a periodic orbit. Stable limit cycles are also reported in Akin (1982) in a genetic model where gene ’replicates’ via the two allele-two locus selection; this is not surprising as the dynamical system modeling gametic frequencies is three-dimensional, the dynamics is of Replicator type and the Hofbauer (1981) proof applies here as well. Furthermore, Maynard Smith and Hofbauer (1987) prove the existence of a stable limit cycle for an asymmetric, Battle of Sexes-type genetic model where the allelic frequencies evolution de…nes again a 3-D system. Their proof hinges on normal form reduction together with averaging and elliptic integrals techniques for computing the phase and angular velocity of the periodic orbit. Stadler and Schuster (1990) perform an impressive systematic search for both generic(…xed points exchanging stability) and degenerate(stable and unstable …xed points colliding into a one or two-dimensional manifold at the critical parameter value) transitions between phase portraits of the replicator equation on 3 x 3 normal form game. Chaotic behaviour is found by Schuster et al. (1991) in Replicator Dynamics for a 4-strategy game derived via Hofbauer transform from an autocatalytic reaction network. They report the standard Feigenbaum route to chaos: a cascade of period-doubling bifurcations intermingles with several interior crisis and collapses to a chaotic attractor. Numerical evidence for strange attractors is provided by Skyrms (1992, 1999) for a Replicator Dynamics ‡ow on two examples of a four-strategy game. Although periodic and chaotic behaviour is substantially documented in the literature for the Replicator Dynamics, there is much less evidence for such complicated behaviour in classes of evolutionary dynamics that are more appropriate for humans inter- 3 action(…ctitious play, best response dynamics, adaptive dynamics, etc.). While Shapley (1964) constructs an example of a non-zero sum game with a limit cycle under …ctitious play (as reported by Skyrms (1993) ) and Berger and Hofbauer (2005) …nd stable periodic behaviour - two limit cycles bounding an asymptotically stable annulus - for a di¤erent dynamic - the Brown-von Newmann Nash (BNN) - a systematic characterization of (non) generic bifurcations of phase portraits is still missing for the Best Response dynamics. In this paper we take a …rst step in this direction and use a smoothed version of the Best Response dynamics - the Logit Dynamics - to study evolutionary dynamics in simple three and four strategies games from the existing literature. The qualitative behaviour of the resulting ’evolutionary’games is investigated with respect to changes in the payo¤ and behavioural parameters, using analytical and numerical tools from non-linear dynamical system theory. 1.2 ’Replicative’vs. ’rationalistic’dynamics Most of the earlier discussed evolutionary examples came from the biological (animal contests (Zeeman (1980), Bomze (1983,1995)), genetics (Maynard Smith and Hofbauer (1987))) or chemical (catalytic networks (Schuster et al. (1990), Stadler and Schuster (1990)) approach and not from economics. From the perspective of strategic interaction the main criticism of the ’biological’ game-theoretic models is targeted at the intensive use of preprogrammed, simple imitative play with no role for optimization and innovation. Speci…cally, in the transition from animal contests and biology to humans interactions and economics the Replicator Dynamics seems no longer adequate to model the rationalistic and ’competent’forms of behaviour (Sandholm (2006)). Best Response Dynamics would be more applicable to human interaction as it assumes that agents are able to optimally compute and play a (myopic) ’best response’to the current state of the population. But, while the Replicator Dynamics appeared to impose an unnecessarily loose rationality assumption the Best Response dynamics moves to the other extreme: it is too stringent in 4 terms of rationality. Another drawback is that, technically, the best reply is not necessarily unique and this leads to a di¤erential inclusions instead of an ordinary di¤erential equation. One way of solving these problems was to stochastically perturb the matrix payo¤s and derive, via the discrete choice theory, a "noisy" Best Response Dynamics, called the Logit Dynamics. Mathematically it is a ’smoothed’, well-behaved dynamics while from the strategic interaction point of view it models a boundedly rational player/agent. Third, from nonlinear dynamical systems perspective the Replicator Dynamic is non-generic in dimension two and only degenerate Hopf bifurcations can arise on the 2-simplex. In sum, apart from its conjectured generic properties, the Logit is recommended by the need for modelling players with di¤erent degrees of rationality and for smoothing the Best Response correspondence. Thus, the main part of this paper investigates the qualitative behaviour of simple evolutionary games under the Logit dynamics when the level of noise and/or underlying normal form game payo¤s matrix is varied with the goal of …nding attractors(periodic or perhaps more complicated) which are not …xed points or Nash Equilibria. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 overviews the Logit Dynamics while Section 3 gives a brief introduction into the Hopf bifurcation theory. In Sections 4 the Logit Dynamics is implemented on various versions of Rock-Scissors-Paper and Coordination games while Section 5 discusses an example of chaotic dynamics under a modi…ed version of the Logit Dynamics. Section 6 contains concluding remarks. 2 The Logit Dynamics 2.1 Evolutionary dynamics Evolutionary game theory deals with games played within a (large) population over long time horizon(evolution scale). Its main ingredients are the underlying normal form game with payo¤ matrix A[n n] - and the evolutionary dynamic class which de…nes a dynamical 5 system on the state of the population. In a symmetric framework, the strategic interaction takes the form of random matching with each of the two players choosing from a …nite set of available strategies E = fE1 ; E2; :::En g: For every time t; x(t) denotes the n-dimensional vector of frequencies for each strategy/type Ei and belongs to the n 1 dimensional simplex n P n 1 = fx 2 Rn : xi = 1g: The assumption of random interactions proves crucial for i=1 the linearity of strategy Ei payo¤: this would be simply determined by averaging the payo¤s from each strategic interaction with weights given by the state of the population x . Denoting with f (x) the payo¤ vector, its components - individual payo¤ or …tness of strategy i in biological terms - are: (1) fi (x) = (Ax)i Sandholm (2006) rigorously de…nes an evolutionary dynamics as a map assigning to each population game a di¤erential equation x_ = V(x) on the simplex n 1 : In order to derive such an ’aggregate’ level vector …eld from individual choices he introduces a revision protocol ij (f (x); x) indicating, for each pair (i; j) , the rate of switching( ij ) from the currently played strategy i to strategy j: The mean vector …eld is obtained as: x_ i = Vi (x) = in‡ow into strategy i - out‡ow from strategy i n n X X = xj ji (f (x); x) xi ij (f (x); x) j=1 (2) j=1 Based on the computational requirements/quality of the revision protocol the set of evolutionary dynamics splits into two large classes: imitative dynamics and pairwise comparison (’competent’ play). The …rst class is represented by the most famous dynamics, the Replicator Dynamic (Taylor and Jonker (1978) ) which can be easily derived by substituting into (2) the pairwise proportional revision protocol: ij (f (x); x) = xj [fj (x) fi (x)]+ (player i switches to strategy j at a rate proportional with the probability of meeting an 6 j-strategist(xj ) and with the excess payo¤ of opponent j-[fj (x) fi (x)]- i¤ positive): x_ i = xi [fi (x) f (x)] = xi [(Ax)i xAx] (3) where f (x) = xAx is the average population payo¤. Although widely applicable to biological/chemical models, the Replicator Dynamics lacks the proper individual choice, microfoundations which would make it attractive for modelling humans interactions. The alternative - Best Response dynamic - already introduced by Gilboa and Matsui (1991) requires extra computational abilities from agents, beyond merely sampling randomly a player and observing the di¤erence in payo¤: speci…cally being able to compute a best reply strategy to the current population state: x_ i = BR(x) xi where, BR(x) = arg max yf (x) y 2.2 Discrete choice models-the Logit choice rule Apart from the highly unrealistic assumptions regarding agents capacity to compute a perfect best reply to a given population state there is also the drawback that (??) de…nes a di¤erential inclusion, i.e. a set-valued function. The best responses may not be unique and multiple trajectory paths can emerge from the same initial conditions. A ’smoothed’ approximation of the Best Reply dynamics - the Logit dynamics - was introduced by Fudenberg and Levine (1998); it was obtained by stochastically perturbing the payo¤ vector f (x) and deriving the Logit revision protocol: exp[ 1 Ax)i ] exp[ 1 fj (x)] P P (f (x); x) = = ij 1 f (x)] 1 Ax) ] k k exp[ k exp[ k 7 (4) where > 0 is the noise level. Here ij represents the probability of player i switching to strategy j when provided with a revision opportunity. For high levels of noise the choice is fully random(no optimization) while for close to zero the switching probability is almost one. This revision protocol can be explicitly derived from random utility model or discrete choice theory (Mc Fadden (1981), Anderson, de Palma, and Thisse (1992)) by adding to the payo¤ vector f (x) a noise vector " with a particular distribution, i.e. "i are i.i.d 1 following the extreme value distribution G("i ) = exp( exp( "i )); = 0:5772(Euler constant). The density of this Weibull type distribution is g("i ) = G0 ("i ) = 1 1 exp( "i ) exp( exp( 1 "i )) With noisy payo¤s, the probability that strategy Ei is a best response can be computed as follows: i h P (i = arg max (Ax)j + "j ) = P [(Ax)i + "i > (Ax)j + "j ]; 8j 6= i j = P ["j < (Ax)i + "i = Z1 (Ax)j ]j6=i = Z1 g("i ) exp( 1 "i ) exp( exp( G((Ax)i + "i (Ax)j )d"i j6=i 1 1 Y 1 "i )) Y exp( exp( 1 [(Ax)i + "i j6=i 1 which simpli…es to our logit probability of revision: ij exp[ 1 Ax)i ] P = 1 Ax) ] k exp[ k An alternative way to obtain (4) is to deterministically perturb the set-valued best reply correspondence (??) with a strictly concave function V (y) (Hofbauer (2000)): BR (x) = arg max [y (Ax) + V (y)] n 1 y2 8 (Ax)j ] ) For a particular choice of the perturbation function V (y) = P i=1;n yi log yi ; y 2 n 1 the resulting objective function is single-valued and smooth; the …rst order condition yields the unique logit choice rule: exp[ 1 Ax)i ] BR (x)i = P 1 Ax) ] k exp[ k Plugging the Logit revision protocol (4) back into the general form of the mean …eld dynamic (2) and making the substitution = 1 we obtain a well-behaved system of o.d.e.’s, the Logit dynamics as a function of the intensity of choice (Brock and Hommes (1997) ) parameter : When exp[ Ax)i ] x_ i = P k exp[ Ax)k ] xi (5) ! 1 the probability of switching to the discrete ’best response’ j is close to one while for a very low intensity of choice ( ! 0) the switching rate is independent of the actual performance of the alternative strategies (equal probability mass is put on each of them). The Logit displays some properties characteristic to the logistic growth function, namely high growth rates(x_ i ) for small values of xi and growth ’levelling o¤’ when close to the upper bound. This means that a speci…c frequency xi grows faster when it is already large in Replicator Dynamics relative to the Logit dynamics. 3 Hopf and degenerate Hopf bifurcations As the main focus of the thesis is the detection of stable cyclic behaviour this section will shortly review the main bifurcation route towards periodicity, the Hopf bifurcation. In a one-parameter family of continuous-time systems, the only generic bifurcation through which a limit cycle is created or disappears is the non-degenerate Hopf bifurcation. The planar case will be discussed …rst and then, brie‡y, the methods to reduce higher-dimensional systems to the two-dimensional one. The main mathematical result 9 (see, for example, Kuznetsov (1995)) is: Assume we are given a parameter-dependent, two dimensional system: x = f (x; ); x 2 R2 ; 2 R; f smooth and analytic (6) with the Jacobian matrix evaluated at the …xed point x = 0 having a pair of purely imaginary, complex conjugates eigenvalues: 1;2 and ( ) > 0; = ( ) i!( ); ( ) < 0; < 0; (0) = 0 > 0: If , in addition the following genericity2 conditions are satis…ed: h i (i) @ @( ) 6= 0 - transversality condition =0 (ii) l1 (0) 6= 0, where l1 (0) is the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient3 - nondegeneracy condition then the system (6) undergoes an Andronov- Hopf bifurcation at = 0: Basically, as is varied from negative to positive the Hopf bifurcation describes two ways in which the stable focus equilibrium (single pair of complex eigenvalues with negative real part, ( ) < 0 for < 0) x is losing stability, depending on the sign of the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient l1 (0) : (a) l1 (0) < 0 then the stable focus x becomes unstable for > 0 and is surrounded by an isolated, stable closed orbit(limit cycle). (b) l1 (0) > 0 then, for < 0 the basin of attraction of the stable focus x is surrounded by an unstable cycle which gets smaller and disappears as crosses the critical value o =0 while the system diverges quickly from the neighbourhood of x . 2 Kuznetsov(1995): certain nonzero functions of partial derivatives of f (x; ) with respect to x give the nondegeneracy condition(i.e. the singularity x is typical/nondegenerate for a class of singularities satisfying certain bifurcation conditions) while the nonzero functions of partial derivatives wrt the parameter are called the transversality conditions(the parameter unfolds the singularity in a generic way); 3 This is the coe¢ cient of the third order term in the normal form of the Hopf bifurcation 10 In the …rst case the (stable) cycle is created immediately after reaches the critical value and thus the Hopf bifurcation is called supercritical, while in the latter the (unstable) cycle already exists before the critical value, i.e. subcritical Hopf bifurcation (Kuznetsov (1995)). The supercritical Hopf is also known as a soft or non-catastrophic bifurcation because , even when the system becomes unstable it still lingers within a small neighbourhood of the equilibrium bounded by the limit cycle, while the subcritical case is a sharp/catastrophic one as the system now moves quickly away of the unstable equilibrium. If l1 (0) = 0 then there is a degeneracy in the third order terms of normal form and , if other, higher order nondegeneracy conditions hold(i.e. non-vanishing second Lyapunov coe¢ cient) then the bifurcation is called Bautin or generalized Hopf bifurcation. This happens when the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient vanishes at the given equilibrium x but the following higher-order genericity4 conditions hold: (i) l2 (0) 6= 0, where l2 (0) is the second Lyapunov coe¢ cient - nondegeneracy condition (ii) the map value ! ( ( ); l1 ( )) is regular(Jacobian matrix is nonsingular) at the critical = 0 - transversality condition. At a Bautin point, depending on the sign of l2 (0) the system may display a limit cycle bifurcating into two or more cycles , coexistence of stable and unstable cycles which collide and disappear, together with cycle blow-up. Computation of the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient For the planar case, l1 (0) can be computed without explicitly deriving the normal form, from the Taylor coe¢ cients of a transformed version of the original vector …eld. The computation hinges on the Center Manifold Theorem by which the orbit structure of our original system near (x ; 0) is fully determined by its restriction to the center manifold(the manifold spanned by the eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalues with 4 technically, the genericity conditions ensure that there are smooth invertible coordinate transformations depending smoothly on parameters together with parameter changes and (possible) time reparametrizations such that (6) can be reduced to a ’simplest’form, the normal form. 11 zero real part). On the center manifold (6) takes the form (Wiggins (2003)): 0 1 0 B x_ C B Re ( ) @ A=@ y_ Im ( ) where 10 1 0 1 1 Im ( ) C B x C B f (x; y; ) C A@ A + @ A Re ( ) y f 2 (x; y; ) (7) ( ) is an eigenvalue of the linearized vector …eld around the steady state and f1 (x; y; ); f2 (x; y; ) are nonlinear functions of order O(jxj2 ) to be obtained from the original vector …eld. Wiggins (2003) also provides a procedure for transforming (6) into (7). Speci…cally, for any vector …eld x_ = F (x); x 2 R2 let DF (x ) denote the Jacobian evaluated at the …xed point x .Then x_ = F (x) is equivalent to: x_ = Jx + T 1 (8) F (T x) with J stands for the real Jordan canonical form of DF (x ); T is the matrix transforming DF (x ) into the Jordan form, and F (x) = F (x) 0; 1;2 = l1 ( ) = DF (x )x: At the Hopf bifurcation point i! and the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient is (Wiggins (2003)): 1 1 1 [f xxx +f 1xyy +f 2xxy +f 2yyy ]+ [f 1xy (f 1xx +f 1yy ) 16 16! f 2xy (f 2xx +f 2yy ) 2 2 f 1xx fxx +f 1yy fyy ] (9) 4 Three strategy games In this section we …rst perform a local bifurcation analysis for a classical example of threestrategy games, the Rock-Scissors-Paper. Two types of evolutionary dynamics - Replicator and Logit Dynamics - is considered while the qualitative change in their orbital structure is studied with respect to the behavioural ( ) and payo¤ ("; ) parameters. Second, we provide numerical evidence for a fold bifurcation in the Coordination game under the Logit Dynamics and depict the fold curves in the parameter space. 12 4.1 Rock-Scissors-Paper The …rst 3-strategy example we look at is a generalization of the classical game of cyclical competition, Rock-Scissor-Paper as discussed in Hofbauer and Sigmund(2003) with ; " > 0 . In general, any game can be transformed into a ’simplest ’form -the normal form - by substracting a constant from each column such that all the elements of the main diagonal are zeros (Zeeman (1980)): 0 B 0 B A=B B " @ 0 " 1 " C C C C A 0 (10) Letting x(t) = (x(t); y(t); z(t)) denote the population state at time instance t de…ne a point from the 2-dimensional simplex, the payo¤ vector [Ax] is obtained via (1): 0 z" B y B [Ax] = B B x" + z @ x y" 1 C C C C A Next, the average …tness of the population is: xAx = x (y z") + y ( x" + z ) + z (x y") With these preliminary computations two types of (evolutionary dynamics) are discussed focusing on the existence of stable cycling within the unit simplex. 4.1.1 Replicator Dynamics While Hofbauer and Sigmund (2003) employ the Poincare-Bendixson theorem together with the Dulac criterion to prove that limit cycles cannot occur in games with 3 strategies under the replicator we will derive this negative result using tools from dynamical systems, 13 in particular the Hopf bifurcation and ’normal form’theory. This toolkit is applied next to the logit dynamic and a positive result - stable limit cycles do occur - is derived. The replicator equation (3) with the game matrix (10) induce on the 2-simplex the following vector …eld: 2 z" 6 x_ = x[y 6 6 y_ = y[ x" + z 6 4 z_ = z[x y" (x (y z") + y ( x" + z ) + z (x (x (y (x (y z") + y ( x" + z ) + z (x z") + y ( x" + z ) + z (x 3 y"))] 7 7 y"))] 7 7 5 y"))] (11) As we are interested in limit cycles within the simplex we consider only interior …xed points of this system(any replicator dynamic has the simplex vertices as steady states, too). For the parameter range "; > 0 the barycentrum x = [x = 1=3; y = 1=3; z = 1=3] is always an interior …xed point of (11). In order to analyze its stability properties we obtain …rst, by substituting z = 1 x y into (11), a proper 2 dimensional dynamical system of the form: 2 3 2 2 2 6 x_ 7 6 x" + 2xy" x + 2x " + x 4 5=4 y 2xy 2y 2 + y 2 " + y 3 y_ 3 3 x " + xy 2 2 +x y y 3 " + xy 2 + x2 y 2 xy " xy 2 " 2 3 x y" 7 5 (12) 2 x y" We can detect the Hopf bifurcation threshold at the point where the trace of the Jacobian matrix 2 of (12) is equal3to zero. The Jacobian evaluated at the barycentrical steady state p p " +" 7 6 3 1 x is 4 , with eigenvalues: ("; ) = (" + )2 and trace (" ) i 5 1;2 2 2 " " : For < "; x is an unstable focus, at = " a pair of imaginary eigenvalues crosses p the imaginary axis( 1;2 = i 3 ), while for > " x becomes a stable focus(see Figure 1 below). This is consistent with Theorem 6 in Zeeman (1980) which states that the determinant of the matrix A determines the stability properties of the interior …xed point. In example (10) DetA = "3 3 = 0 (i.e." = ) and, by the same theorem, the vector …eld (11) has a center in the 2-simplex and a continuum of cycles. Our local bifurcation analysis 14 suggests that a Hopf bifurcation occurs when " = and in order to ascertain its features - sub/supercritical or degenerate - we have to further investigate the nonlinear vector …eld near the (x ; " = ) point. At the Hopf bifurcation necessary condition Re 1;2 ("; ) = 0; vector …eld (12) takes a simpler form: 2 3 2 6 x_ 7 6 x + 2xy + x 4 5=4 y_ y 2xy y2 2 3 7 5 Using formula (7) we can back out the nonlinear functions f 1 ; f 2 needed for the computation of the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient: 2 3 p x + 2xy + x2 7 6 f1 (x; y) = y 3 4 5 p 2xy y2 f2 (x; y) = x 3 + y Lemma 1 All Hopf bifurcations are degenerate in the cyclical Rock-Scissor-Paper game under Replicator Dynamics. Proof. From the nonlinear functions f1 (x; y); f2 (x; y) derived above we can compute the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient (9) as l1 ("Hopf = Hopf ) = 0 which means that there is a …rst degeneracy in the third order terms from the Taylor expansion of the normal form. The detected bifurcation is a Bautin or degenerate Hopf bifurcation( assuming away other higher order degeneracies: technically, the second Lyapunov coe¢ cient should not vanish). Although, in general, the orbital structure at a degenerate Hopf bifurcation may be extremely complicated (see Section 3.1), for our particular vector …eld induced by the Replicator it can be shown by Lyapunov function techniques (Zeeman (1980), Hofbauer and Sigmund(2003)) that a continuum of cycles is born exactly at the critical parameter value5 . 5 The absence of a generic Hopf bifurcation does not su¢ ce to conclude that the vector …eld admits no 15 1 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 y y y 1 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 (a ) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 = 0:6, u n sta b le fo c u s 1 0.1 0 0 0 (b ) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 = 1, D e g e n e ra te H o p f 0 0.1 (d ) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 = 2, sta b le fo c u s Figure 1. Replicator Dynamics and RSP game for …xed " = 1 and di¤erent (a) unstable focus, (b) degenerate Hopf bifurcation for = 1, (d) stable focus It would be worth pointing out the connection between our local (in)stability results and the static concept of Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS). As already noted in the literature (Zeeman (1980), Hofbauer (2000)) ESS implies (global) asymptotic stability under a wide class of evolutionary dynamics - Replicator Dynamics, Best Response and Smooth Best Response Dynamics, BNN, etc. The reverse implication does not hold in general, i.e. the local stability analysis does not su¢ ce to qualify an attractor as an ESS. However, for < " we have shown that x is an unstable focus and we can conclude that, for this class of RSP games, the barycentrum is not an ESS. Indeed, the case so called bad RSP game which is known not to have an ESS. For < " is the > " we are in the good RSP game and it does have an interior ESS which coincides with the asymptotically stable rest point x of the Replicator Dynamics. Last, if = " (i.e. standard RSP) then x is a neutrally stable strategy/state and we proved that in this zero-sum game the Replicator undergoes a degenerate Hopf bifurcation. isolated periodic orbits and ’global’results are required(the Bendixson-Dulac method, positive divergence of the vector …eld on the simplex) 16 4.1.2 Logit Dynamics [ = 1 ] The logit evolutionary dynamics (5) applied to our normal form game (10) leads to the following vector …eld: 2 6 x_ = 6 6 y_ = 6 4 z_ = By substituting z = 1 x exp( (y exp( (y z")) z"))+exp( ( x"+z ))+exp( (x y")) exp( (y exp( ( x"+z )) z"))+exp( ( x"+z ))+exp( (x y")) exp( (y exp( (x y")) z"))+exp( ( x"+z ))+exp( (x y")) 3 x 7 7 y 7 7 5 z (13) y into (13) we can reduce initial system to a 2-dimensional system of equations and solve for its …xed points in the interior of the simplex, numerically, for di¤erent parameters values ( ; "; ): 2 6 4 The 2 exp( (x exp( (y "( x y+1))) y"))+exp( ( x"+ ( x y+1)))+exp( (y "( x y+1))) exp( (x exp( ( x"+ ( x y+1))) y"))+exp( ( x"+ ( x y+1)))+exp( (y "( x y+1))) 3 x=0 7 5 y=0 (14) dim simplex barycentrum [x = 1=3; y = 1=3; z = 1=3] remains a …xed point irrespective of the value of 3 . The Jacobian of (14) evaluated at this steady state is: 2 1 1 q + 13 " 7 6 3 " 1 3 1 1 1 1 i 2 13 ( + "):The 4 5 ; with eigenvalues: 1;2 = 6 " 6 1 1 1 " 1 3 3 3 Hopf bifurcation (necessary) condition Re( Hopf 1;2 ) = = 0 leads to: 6 " (15) Lemma 2 The Logit Dynamics (13) on the cyclic Rock-Scissors-Paper game exhibits a generic Hopf bifurcation and, therefore, has limit cycles. Moreover, all such Hopf bifurcations are supercritical, i.e. the limit cycles are born stable. Proof. Condition (15) gives the necessary for Hopf bifurcation to occur ; in order to show that it is non-degenerate we have to compute, according to (9) the …rst Lyapunov 17 coe¢ cient l1 ( Hopf ; "; ) and check whether it is non-zero. The analytical form of this coe¢ cient takes a complicated expression of exponential terms(see Appendix 1) which, after some tedious computations, boils down to: l1 ( Hopf ; "; ) = 864( " + 2 + "2 ) < 0; (8) " > 3(3" 3 )2 > 0: Computer simulations of this route to cycling are shown in Figure 2 below. We notice that as moves up from 10 to 35 (i.e. the noise level is decreasing) the interior stable steady state looses stability via a supercritical Hopf bifurcation and a small, stable limit cycle emerges around the now unstable steady state. Unlike Replicator Dynamics, stable cyclic behavior does occur under the Logit dynamics even for three-strategy games. 1 1 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.45 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 y 0.6 0.5 y y 0.4 0.6 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 (a ) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 0.6 0.7 0.8 = 1 0 , sta b le fo c u s 0.9 1 0 0 0.1 (c ) 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 x 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0.2 0.2 = 3 0 , g e n e ric H o p f Figure 2. Logit Dynamics and RSP. …xed " = 1; 0.25 (c ) 0.3 0.35 x 0.4 0.45 0.5 = 3 5 , lim it c y c le = 0:8, free (a) stable focus, (b) generic Hopf bifurcation, (c)-stable limit cycle Similar periodic behaviour can be detected in the payo¤ parameter space as in Figure 18 3 below where the noise level is kept constant. (a) =1 (b) = 0:3999 Figure 3. Logit Dynamics and RSP. …xed " = 1; (c) = 0:1 = 10; free : (a), stable focus, (b) supercritical Hopf bifurcation, (c)-stable limit cycle Figure 4 depicts depicts curves of Hopf bifurcations in the ( ; ") and ( ; ) parameter space(…xing the third parameter to a speci…c level). As we cross these Hopf curves from below the stable interior …xed point loses stability and a stable periodic attractor surrounds it. 30 25 stable limit cycle beta 20 stable limit cycle 15 10 stable focus 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 delta 2 4 6 8 10 eps F ig u re 4 . L o g it D y n a m ic s a n d R S P : S u p e rc ritic a l H o p f c u rve s in ( 19 ; , ; ") sp a c e 4.2 Coordination game Using topological arguments, Zeeman (1980) shows that games have at most one interior isolated …xed point under Replicator Dynamics(Theorem 3 in Zeeman(1980)). In particular, fold catastrophe (two isolated …xed points which collide and disappear when some parameter is varied) cannot occur within the simplex. In this section we provide - by means of the classical coordination game - numerical evidence for the occurrence of multiple, isolated interior steady-states under the Logit Dynamics and show that fold catastrophe is possible when we alter the intensity of choice . The coordination game we consider is given by the following payo¤ matrix: 0 0 B 1 " 0 B A=B 1 0 B 0 @ 0 0 1+" 4.2.1 1 C C C ; " 2 (0; 1) C A Replicator Dynamics Vector …eld: x_ = x[Ax xAx] 2 2 2 2 6 x_ = x[x ( " + 1) (y + z (" + 1) + x ( " + 1))] 6 6 y_ = y[y (y 2 + z 2 (" + 1) + x2 ( " + 1))] 6 4 z_ = z[z (" + 1) (y 2 + z 2 (" + 1) + x2 ( " + 1))] This systems has the following …xed points in simplex coordinates: (a) simplex vertices(stable nodes): (1; 0; 0); (0; 1; 0); (0; 0; 1) (b) interior(source): O[x = "+1 ;y 3 "2 = 1 "2 ;z 3 "2 (b) on the boundary(saddles): M ( 2 1 " ; 12 "" ; 0); N ( 2 1 " ; 0; 21 "" ); P (0; 2 1 " ; 12 "" ) 20 = 1 " ] 3 "2 3 7 7 7 7 5 (16) Local stability analysis: A [x = 0; y = 1; z = 0] : eigenvalues: 1 B[x = 1; y = 0; z = 0] : eigenvalues: " C [x = 0; y = 0; z = 1]: eigenvalues: O[x = "+1 ;y 3 "2 = 1 "2 ;z 3 "2 = 1 " ] 3 "2 M ( 2 1 " ; 12 "" ; 0): eigenvalues: 1 " 1 : eigenvalues: "2 1 "2 3 > 0; for " 2 (0; 1) 1 " " 2 N ( 2 1 " ; 0; 12 "" ): eigenvalues: 1 4"+"2 +4 (2" + "2 P (0; 2 1 " ; 12 "" ): eigenvalues: 1 4"+"2 +4 (" + "2 "3 "3 2) 2) This …xed points structure is consistent with Zeeman(1980) result that no fold catastrophes(multiple isolated interior steady states) can occur under the Replicator Dynamics. The three saddles together with the interior source de…ne the basins of attractions for the simplex vertices. The boundaries of the simplex are invariant under Replicator Dynamics(proof in Hofbauer and Sigmund(2003)) and it su¢ ces to show that the segment lines [OM ]; [ON ], and [OP ](Figure 5) are also invariant under this dynamics. A A (1,0,0) B (0,1,0) C (0,0,1) N M O B P F ig u re 5 . R e p lic a to r: inva ria nt m a n ifo ld s 21 C Lemma 3 The segment lines [OM ]; [ON ], and [OP ] are invariant under Replicator Dynamics and they form, along with the simplex edges, the basins of attraction boundaries for the three stable steady states. Proof. Using the standard substitution z=1-x-y system (16) becomes: 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 x xy x " + x " x ( x y + 1) x" ( x y + 1) 7 6 x_ = x 4 5 y_ = y 2 y 3 x2 y + x2 y" y ( x y + 1)2 y" ( x y + 1)2 Segment [M O] is de…ned, in simplex coordinates, by y = x(1 "). (17) Along this line we have: y_ x_ = x ( " + 1) x ( " + 1) [M O]:y=x(1 ") = 1 x2 ( " + 1) x x ( " + 1) "; x2 ( " + 1)2 x2 ( " + 1) x2 ( " + 1)2 (" + 1) ( x (" + 1) ( x y + 1)2 which is exactly the slope of [M O]. Similarly, invariance results are obtained for segments [ON ] and [OP ] de…ned by x(1 ") = z(1 + ") and y = z(1 + "): Analytically, the basins of attraction are determined by the areas of the polygons delineated by the invariant manifolds [OM ]; [ON ], and [OP ] and the 2-dim simplex boundaries, as follows: 2 6 6 A(1; 0; 0) = A[AM ON ] = 6 6 + 4 B(0; 1; 0) = A[BM OP ] = C(0; 0; 1) = A[CN OP ] = 1 4 1 4 p p p p p p 3 63 2""2 14 2 3" 63 2""2 p p p "+1 3 1 3 2" 1 1 3 (" + 1) (4 2")(3 + 3 3 "2 4 "2 ) 4 4 2" 8 p p p 1 3 3 " "+1 + 14 3 63 2""2 + 14 3 (4 2")(3 2 " ) 4 2 " 6 2"2 p 1 3 82 " 3 (4 1 4 3 34 2" 2" "+1 2")(3 "2 ) 3("+1)(1 ") (1+") (2 ")(3 "2 ) 22 1 8 3 3"+1 "2 p 1 3 3 " 4 2 " 6 2"2 1 4 p + 14 p 1 3 82 " + + 3 3"+1 "2 1 4 p 1 4 3 (" + 1) (2 p 3 (" + 1) (4 1 " ")(3 "2 ) 3 2" 2")(3 "2 ) y + 1)2 3 7 7 7 7 5 The basins’sizes vary with the payo¤ perturbation parameter " : A(1; 0; 0) B(0; 1; 0) C(0; 0; 1) Long-Run Average Fitness/Welfare "nA 0 33:33% 33:33% 33:33% 1 0:1 29:9% 33:2% 36:7% 1: 0048 0:5 12:92% 33:76% 53:32% 1: 1986 0:9 0:7% 34:21% 65:03% 1: 6427 1 0% 33:33% 66:66% 1:666 When the payo¤ asymmetries are small, the simplex of initial conditions is divided equally among the three …xed points/equilibria(Figure 8, panel (a)). As the payo¤ discrepancies increase most of the initial conditions are attracted by the welfare-maximizing equilibrium (0; 0; 1).(Figure 6, panel (b).) Coordination Game, Replicator Dynamics [eps=0.1] Coordination Game, Replicator Dynamics [eps=0.8] 0.9 0.9 (1,0,0)--29% (0,1,0)--33.31% (0,0,1)--37.69% 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 (1,0,0)--3% (0,1,0)--34.4% (0,0,1)--62.6% 0.8 0 1 0 (a) A" [" = 0:1] 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (b) A" [" = 0:8] Figure 6. Coordination Game and Replicator Dynamics-basins of attraction 4.2.2 Logit Dynamics For a particular payo¤ perturbation [" = 0:1] the Logit Dynamics together this payo¤ matrix de…ne the following vector …eld on the simplex of frequencies [x; y; z]: 23 2 6 x_ = 6 6 y_ = 6 4 z_ = exp(0:9 x) exp(0:9 x)+exp( y)+exp(1:1 z) exp( y) exp(0:9 x)+exp( y)+exp(1:1 z) exp(1:1 z) exp(0:9 x)+exp( y)+exp(1:1 z) 3 x 7 7 y 7 7 5 z In order to ascertain the number of (asymptotically) stable …xed points on the twodimensional simplex we run simulations for increasing values of and for di¤erent initial conditions within the simplex: Case I. 0: One interior steady state (initial conditions, time series and attracting point in Figure 7, panel (a)). The barycentrum is globally attracting, i.e. irrespective of the initial proportions, the population will settle down to a state with equalized fractions. Case II. of the simplex as 10: Three stable steady states asymptotically approaching the vertices increases (Figure 7, panels (b)-(d)) plus other unstable steady states. The size of their basins of attraction is determined both by the strategy relative payo¤ advantage and by the value of the intensity of choice: This is to say that, whichever of the three strategy types - E1 ; E2 ; E3 happens to outnumber the other two, it will eventually 24 win the evolutionary competition. (a) (c) =0, any (x,y,z)–>(1/3,1/3,1/3) =10, (0.25,0.4,0.35)–> (0,1,0) (b) (d) =10, (0.4,0.3,0.3) –> (1,0,0) =10, (0.33,0.33,0.34)–> (0,0,1) Figure 7. Coordination game with extreme levels of noise— Time series: x/blue, y/red, z/green (a) -unique interior stable steady state, (b)-(d)-three stable steady states 25 (a) (b) =3, (0.2,0.6,0.2)–> (0.1,0.8,0.1) (c) =2.6, (0.8,0.1,0.1)–> =3, (0.5,0.3,0.2)–> (0.06,0.06,0.88) (d) (0.11,0.11,0.78) =2.6, (0.4,0.5,0.1)–> (0.11,0.11,0.78) Figure 8. Coordination game with moderate levels of noise— x/blue, y/red, z/green (a)-(b)- two interior, isolated stable steady states; (c)-(d)-one stable steady state The most interesting situations occur in transition from high to low values of the behavioral parameter : we conjecture that the Logit Dynamics undertakes a sequence of fold bifurcations by which each of the three stable …xed points collide with other unstable steady states from within the simplex and disappear. First, for = 3 the previously stable (1; 0; 0) steady state disappears as all orbits are attracted by two stable …xed points close 26 to the other vertices: if we start in a region where type E2 is relatively more frequent then we converge to the …xed point close to the (0; 1; 0) vertex ( Figure 8, panel (b)). All other orbits (including the ones originating in a region with relatively higher frequency of type E1 !)end up in a steady state close to (0; 0; 1) ( Figure 8, panel (a)).Next, if we further decrease a second fold catastrophe occurs and we are left with only one stable …xed point. Panels (c), (d) in Figure 8 above show trajectories starting from initial conditions where type E2 and E1 largely outnumber E3 strategists but, they are nonetheless driven out by the evolutionary dynamics as the unique, interior point attractor lies in the neighbourhood of the (0; 0; 1) vertex. Interestingly, with moderate levels of rationality the population ends up coordinating close to the Pareto-optimal equilibrium, irrespective of the initial distribution of frequencies. Proposition 4 Unlike Replicator, the Logit Dynamics displays multiple, interior isolated steady states created via a fold bifurcation. In the particular case of a 3-strategy Coordination game, three interior stable stady states emerge through a sequence of two saddle-node bifurcations. Figure 9 depicts the fold bifurcations scenario by which the multiple, interior …xed points appear when the intensity of choice(Panel (a)) or the payo¤ parameter(Panel (b)) changes. For small values of the unique, interior stable steady state is the barycentrum (1=3; 1=3; 1=3). A …rst fold bifurcation occurs at appear, one stable and one unstable. If we increase = 2:77 and two new …xed points even further ( 3:26) a second fold bifurcation takes place and two additional equilibria emerge. Last, two new …xed points arise at = 4:31 via a saddle-source bifurcation. A similar pattern is visible in the payo¤ parameter space (Panel (b)) where a family of fold bifurcations is obtained for 27 di¤erent values of the switching intensity. 1 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 LP 0.7 LP 0.7 H 0.6 H H H H 0.5 x x 0.6 LP H 0.4 H 0.4 0.3 2.7 3.2 4.3 LP H LP H 2 0.2 H H 0.1 0 0 0.3 H LP 0.2 beta 6 LP 0.5 8 10 (a) (x, ) "=0.1 0.1 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 eps (b) (x,") 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 =5 Figure 9. Equilibria curves as function of model parameters The continuation of the fold curves in the ( ; ") parameter space allows the detection of codimension II bifurcations(cusp points-CP). The cusp points in Figure 10 below organize the entire bifurcating scenario which consists in the emergence of multiple, interior pointattractors in Coordination Game. For low vales of the intensity of choice there is only one (logit) equilibrium and, as we cross each of the successive fold curves from below, two 28 additional equilibria arise. 9 7 8 3.6 7 7 3.4 6 ZH 5 5 beta beta ZH 5 3.2 4 3 3 1 2.8 CP CP 2 1 0 -0.4 ZH ZH 3 3 CP 2.6 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 eps 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 (a) three curves of fold bifurcations -0.05 -0.03 -0.01 CP eps 0.01 1 0.03 0.05 (b) cusp points and multiple equilibria Figure 10. Continuation of the three fold points in the parameter space ( ,") The numerical computation of the basins of attraction for di¤erent equilibria reveals interesting properties of the Logit dynamics from an social welfare perspective. While for extreme values of the switching parameters the basins of attraction are similar in size with the Replicator Dynamics (Panels (a), (c), (d) in Figures 11, 12), for moderate levels of rationality the population manages to coordinate close to the Pareto optimal Nash 29 equilibria (Panel (b) in Figures 11, 12 ). (1,0,0) (1,0,0) (1/3,1/3,1/3)--100% (0,1,0) (0,0,1) (a ) (0.13,0.14,0.73)--100% (0,1,0) =1 (1,0,0) (0,0,1) (b ) = 10=4 (0.05,0.89,0.06)--76.9% (0.03,0.03,0.94)--23.1% (1,0,0) (1,0,0) - 29% (0,0,1) - 37.5% (0,1,0) - 33.5% (0,0,1) (0,1,0) (c ) (0,1,0) = 10=3 (0,0,1) (d ) = 15 Figure 11. Basins of Attraction: Coordination Game["=0.1] and Logit Dynamics 30 (1,0,0) (1,0,0) ( 1 /3 , 1 /3 , 1 /3 ) - - 1 0 0 % (0,1,0) (0,0,1) (0.06,0.06,0.88)--100% (0,1,0) = 0:5 (a ) (1,0,0) (0,0,1) (b ) =2 (1,0,0) (0.04,0.91,0.05)-25% (1,0,0)-5% (0,0,1) - 60% (0,1,0) - 35% (0.001,0,0.999)-75% (0,1,0) (0,0,1) (c ) 0,1,0) =4 (0,0,1) (d ) = 15 Figure 12. Basins of Attraction: Coordination Game["=0.6] and Logit Dynamics We construct an long-run aggregate welfare index W as an weighted average of steady states welfare with weights given by the set of initial conditions converging to the respective steady state(i.e. its basin of attraction). W evolves non-monotonically with respect to the behavioural parameter (Figure 13, (a), (b)): …rst increases as the fully mixed equilibrium slides slowly towards the (0; 0; 1) vertex, attains a maximum before the fold bifurcation occurs LP1 welfare in LP1 = 2:77 and then decreases approaching the Replicator Dynamics average ! 1 limit. Intuitively, there are two e¤ects driving the welfare peak before value is hit: on the one side the welfare at the steady state which is higher the closer the steady state is to the Pareto optimal equilibrium (0; 0; 1) and, on the other side, the relative size of the basins of attractions of each stable steady state (for 31 < LP1 the entire simplex of initial conditions is attracted by the unique steady state lying close to the aforementioned optimal equilibrium). However, when is large enough, rational agents are locked into rational (given initial mixtures of the population), albeit payo¤ sub-optimal choices. In the limiting case ! 1; the …xed points of the Logit Dynamics (i.e. the logit equilibria) coincide with the Nash equilibria of the underlying game which, for this Coordination Game, are exactly the …xed points of the Replicator Dynamics. Thus the analysis - stable …xed points, basins’of attraction sizes - for the ’unbounded’rationality case is identical to the one pertaining to the Replicator Dynamics in Coordination game(see subsection 4.2.1). Coordination Game-Welfare 1.9 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.8 1.7 1.5 2 1.4 welfare welfare 1.6 1.3 0.1 1.5 0.3 1.2 1 15 1.1 1 0 2.77 5 (a ) We lfa re - beta 10 p lo t fo r d i¤e re nt 0.5 0.6 0.7 10 4.31 2.77 15 beta " (b ) su rfa c e p lo t [ 0.9 eps 0 W, ; "] Figure 13. Coordination Game-Long-Run Welfare 5 Weighted Logit Dynamics(iLogit) In this last section we run computer simulations for the three-strategy Rock-Scissor-Paper game and Schuster et al. (1991) example- from the perspective of a di¤erent type of evolutionary dynamic closely related to the Logit dynamic: Weighted Logit[ = xi exp[ 1 Ax)i ] x_ i = P 1 Ax) ] k xi exp[ k 32 xi 1 ] (18) This evolutionary dynamic has the property that when approaches 0 it converges to the Replicator Dynamics (with adjustment speed scaled down by a factor ) and when the intensity of choice is very large it approaches the Best Response dynamic (Hofbauer and Weibull (1996)). A) Rock-Scissors-Paper and iLogit Dynamics. 2 6 x_ = 6 6 y_ = 6 4 z_ = x exp[z " y x exp[z " y ]+y exp[x " z ] ]+z exp[y " x ] x exp[z " y y exp[x " z ]+y exp[x " z ] ]+z exp[y " x ] x exp[z " y z exp[y " x ]+y exp[x " z ] ]+z exp[y " x ] E&F Chaos simulations:(x x 7 7 y 7 7 5 z y subspace, Runtime 1500-2500): 33 3 (a) (c) = 0:1; " = 1 = 30; " = 1 (b) = 2; " = 1 (d) = 50; " = 1 Figure 14. RSP and Weighted Logit for …xed " and free (a)-(b) stable limit cycles, (c) stable steady state, (d) Best response triangle B) Schuster et al.(1991) and iLogit Dynamics. Payo¤ matrix: 0 B B B B A=B B B @ 0 0:5 1:1 0 0:5 1:7 + 1 1 34 1 0:1 0:1 C C 0:6 0 C C C 0 0 C C A 0:2 0 (19) The weighted logit with the underlying game (19) generate the following vector …eld on the 4-simplex: 2 6 x_ = 6 6 y_ = 6 6 6 z_ = 6 4 t_ = x exp[ (0:1t+0:5y 0:1z)] x exp[ (0:1t+0:5y 0:1z)]+y exp[ (1: 1x 0:6z)]+z exp[ ( 0:5x+y)]+t exp[ ( 0:2z+y( 1)+x( +1: 7))] y exp[ (1: 1x 0:6z)] x exp[ (0:1t+0:5y 0:1z)]+y exp[ (1: 1x 0:6z)]+z exp[ ( 0:5x+y)]+t exp[ ( 0:2z+y( 1)+x( +1: 7))] z exp[ ( 0:5x+y)] x exp[ (0:1t+0:5y 0:1z)]+y exp[ (1: 1x 0:6z)]+z exp[ ( 0:5x+y)]+t exp[ ( 0:2z+y( 1)+x( +1: 7))] t exp[ ( 0:2z+y( 1)+x( +1: 7))] x exp[ (0:1t+0:5y 0:1z)]+y exp[ (1: 1x 0:6z)]+z exp[ ( 0:5x+y)]+t exp[ ( 0:2z+y( 1)+x( +1: 7))] Schuster et al.(1991) show that, within a speci…c payo¤ parameter region [ < 3 x 7 7 y 7 7 7 z 7 7 5 t 0:2 < 0:105]; a Feigenbaum sequence of period doubling bifurcations unfolds under the Replicator Dynamics and, eventually, chaos sets in. Here we consider the question whether the weighted version of the Logit Dynamics displays similar patterns, for a given payo¤ perturbation ; when the intensity of choice is varied. First we …x to 0:2(the parameter value for which the Replicator generates ’only’ periodic behaviour) and run computer simulations for di¤erent :Cycles of increasing period multiplicity are reported in Figure 15 below. 35 (a) (c) = 0:085 period 1 cycle (b) = 1 period 2 cycle = 2:1 period 4 cycle (d) = 2:2 period 8 cycle Figure 15. Road to chaos. Cascade of period-doubling bifurcations, projections onto the x-y state subspace For = 2:5 the iLogit Dynamics already enters the chaotic regime on a strange at- tractor(Figure 16). 36 (a) x-y (b) x-z (c) x-t (d) y-z Figure 16. Schuster et al.(1991) and Weighted Logit dynamics[ = 0:2; = 2:5] (a)-(d)-projections of the strange attractor onto two-dimensional state subspaces 6 Conclusions The main goal of this paper was to show that, even for ’simple’ three-strategy games, periodic attractors do occur under a rationalistic way of modelling evolution in games, the Logit dynamics. The resulting dynamical systems were investigated with respect to changes in both the payo¤ and behavioral parameters. Then, identifying stable cyclic 37 behaviour in such a system translates into proving that the Hopf bifurcations are nondegenerate. Consequently, by means of normal form computations, we showed …rst that this is not the case for Replicator Dynamics, when the number of strategies is three for games like Rock-Scissors-Paper. In these games, under the Replicator Dynamics, only a degenerate Hopf bifurcation can occur. 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Appendix 1 - Rock-Scissor-Paper game with Logit Dynamics: Non-linear functions for the computation of the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient exp p "+ f1 (x; y) = y 3 " f2 (x; y) = x+ exp p "+ x 3 " 6(x y") +" exp 6(x y") +" "( x y+1)) +" 6( x"+ ( x y+1)) +" + exp exp y+ 6(y + exp + exp 6(y "( x y+1)) +" 6( x"+ ( x y+1)) +" 6( x"+ ( x y+1)) +" + exp 6(y "( x y+1)) +" Next, applying formula (9) for the computation of the …rst Lyapunov coe¢ cient, we obtain after some further simpli…cations: l1 ("; ) = 1728 " 4320 2 4320"2 4320 " + 1728 2 + 1728"2 19 2 38 " + 19"2 16 " + 8 2 + 8"2 2592 " 2592 2 2592"2 = 27 2 54 " + 27"2 " + 2 + "2 = 2592 3(3" 3 )2 41